Zorro (1957) s02e02 Episode Script

Zorro Rides Alone

Somewhere in Monterey, a man is waIking around with a buIIet in his Ieft shouIder.
The man that Zorro shot in the cabin Iast night.
And if we can find him, we'II have a cIue as to the identity of the bandits who keep robbing the couriers.
What happened? He is a courier from San Luis Obispo, Senor de Ia Vega.
He had the money for the suppIies from Spain untiI he was met by bandits.
- Did they get the money? - Si, every peso.
Gomez, get the doctor.
Take him into my room.
Every puebIo in CaIifornia is sending Verdugo money for suppIies, and courier after courier is being shot and robbed.
Do you accuse Senor Verdugo? I name no names.
But if I had 1 7,000 pesos on the way from Los AngeIes, I wouId exercise a great deaI of caution.
Thank you for the advice.
I'II keep it in mind.
So even the innkeeper knows how much money Los AngeIes is sending Senor Verdugo.
You know, it seems that information has a way of escaping Senor Verdugo.
At any rate, we must ride out to the hacienda.
He shouId know about this.
--matter of Iife and death.
No room for faiIure.
I'd be wiIIing to pay you weII, and I'II pay you in advance.
And a bonus to be paid Iater if you are successfuI.
- But I warn you, senor - Look at Senor Verdugo.
if you accept my money and do not carry out my assignment Yes, I know, I know.
I wiII do it, Senor Verdugo.
You can depend on me.
I recognize the other man.
He was one of the bandits at the cabin Iast night.
Senor de Ia Vega.
Senorita Verdugo, this is a pIeasure.
- What can I do for you? - I came here to see your father.
That is impossibIe, senor.
He is not at home.
WeII, perhaps he couId have come in without your knowing it.
Or perhaps I was mistaken when I thought I just saw him.
It may have been, but he stiII cannot see you.
Oh? He is indisposed.
WeII, that's most unfortunate.
I do hope he's not iII.
It is an oId injury.
And now, if there's nothing eIse Perhaps I can offer my personaI sympathy to him.
I have toId you, you cannot see him.
Senorita, my business is of the greatest importance, regarding the money from Los AngeIes.
I know aII about your matters of importance.
You have come here to make more insuIting insinuations against my father.
WeII, you shaII not.
PIease Ieave, senor.
Senor, wiII you pIease Ieave.
My business with your father is extremeIy important.
I'II wait.
Oh Oh, if Romero were not out of town, I wouId have him throw you off the hacienda.
UnfortunateIy, senorita, Senor Serrano is not here, and I am, so why not make the best of it? Very weII.
I can be just as stubborn as you.
Don Diego, weIcome.
Why was I not toId? Father, you shouId be resting.
WeII, can a man rest aII his Iife? She wouId have me in bed - And she can be most persuasive.
- You have no idea.
Anna Maria, have PabIo bring refreshments for our guest.
Now, then, Don Diego, to what do I owe the pIeasure of this visit? First, senor, I wouId Iike to offer my condoIences on the injury to your arm.
An oId war wound.
It acts up occasionaIIy.
And at the most pecuIiar times, I imagine.
And by the way, had you heard that the courier from San Luis Obispo was wayIaid and robbed this morning on his way to Monterey? - Yes, so I was toId.
A terribIe thing.
- Yes.
I'm greatIy concerned that the same thing does not happen to the Los AngeIes couriers, but I don't think it wiII.
I wish I couId share your optimism.
Perhaps you can.
I'd anticipated the danger of robbery, senor.
Before Ieaving Los AngeIes, I gave speciaI directions to the soIdiers escorting the money.
You see, they had been coming up EI Camino ReaI.
But today, after Ieaving SoIedad, they wiII Ieave EI Camino ReaI and take the GuadaIupe VaIIey TraiI.
ExceIIent, Don Diego.
And when the bandits set up their ambush aIong EI Camino ReaI, they wiII have a Iong and fruitIess wait.
Yes, I thought you'd Iike to know this.
As a matter of fact, Sergeant Garcia and CorporaI Reyes shouId be safeIy at the GuadaIupe way station by mid-afternoon.
WeII, PabIo, you are just in time.
Before you go, Don Diego, a toast.
To the safe arrivaI of the money.
To justice, senor.
Don't worry, Garcia and Reyes wiII come up EI Camino ReaI as pIanned.
Yes, it's a trap.
Of course.
Come on, corporaI.
Hurry up.
It is hot today.
I am thirsty.
Ahh Oh Between here and Monterey on EI Camino ReaI, there is nothing.
But, uh, on the GuadaIupe VaIIey TraiI CorporaI, is not the GuadaIupe Winery that way? - I think so.
- I was just thinking too.
We are carrying a great deaI of money with us, corporaI.
Now, uh, what does everybody expect us to do? - SteaI it? - No.
No, stupid.
I mean, which traiI do they expect us to take? The one that goes past the winery.
They wouId expect us to traveI over EI Camino ReaI.
Why? Because that is the IogicaI way.
Besides, we toId Don Diego we were going to come that way.
It is just common sense.
WeII, if you say so, sergeant.
But, corporaI, have you not heard it said: ''Never Iet your right hand know what your Ieft hand is doing''? My Ieft hand isn't doing anything, sergeant.
Neither is your head, baboso.
WeII, it is hot and dry and dusty, but Iet us get started.
Sergeant? You know what I wish? No.
What do you wish? I wish we wouId go the other way, by the GuadaIupe Winery.
It wouId be good on a hot day, no? Why, corporaI, what a spIendid idea.
So the soIdiers think to get through to Monterey simpIy by taking another traiI.
I am impressed, PabIo.
AII things are possibIe with an organization.
Much more than you know.
Get the horses out of sight.
You, get up on the rocks and keep watch.
You see? AII you have to do to get a message to the bandits is to teII it to Senor Verdugo in secret.
Notice that man in the Iight shirt.
Verdugo's personaI servant, PabIo.
WhiIe they have a Iong wait, we wiII cut across the mountains to EI Camino ReaI and escort Sergeant Garcia into Monterey.
But they're supposed to be coming up the other road.
They're heading straight into the trap.
I wiII see you Iater in town.
- Sergeant.
Look! - Eh? Whoa - Zorro.
- No, that cannot be Zorro.
He aIways rides a bIack horse.
The money.
Wait, sergeant.
Sergeant Garcia, wait! Wait, sergeant.
Sergeant Garcia! Sergeant Garcia.
Wait, sergeant.
Sergeant Garcia! We wiII be safer inside.
Ahh Now we can reIax.
Drop your guns.
- What did you say? - I said, drop your guns.
You shot my corporaI.
- Why, you - Don't be fooIish, sergeant.
Drop your sword to the fIoor.
You are wise, sergeant.
Now you wiII Iive Ionger.
I have met many bandidos since I joined the army, but you are the most inconsiderate.
You taIk too much.
To remove a man is bad enough, but that he must do this first.
Dig the hoIe.
It is not bad enough that I must dig my own, but that a sergeant must do this for a corporaI is not dignified.
I wouId heIp you if I couId.
You, a Spanish soIdier.
I'm surprised at you.
Letting a simpIe fIesh wound keep you from doing a IittIe digging.
Think of the size of the hoIe I'm going to have to dig for me.
Less taIk, you.
I want to get this over with.
Somehow, I don't feeI much Iike hurrying.
But why must we kiII the soIdiers? We have the money.
These are not ordinary couriers.
If they knew we robbed Spanish soIdiers, we wouId swing Iike so many dried peppers.
But if the two soIdiers simpIy disappear, how can anyone be bIamed? I suppose so.
Pio wiII take care of it, neatIy and quietIy.
Who wiII ever find them buried here? Now what is the matter? I just want to be sure nothing goes wrong.
Hey, compadre, everything aII right, no? It's deep enough.
- Oh, no, senor, not yet.
- You're not digging a weII.
I know, but stiII it is far too smaII.
You wouId not want to cramp CorporaI Reyes.
It's deep enough.
Maybe if I took just a IittIe more out from down here, - so he couId stretch out if he wants to.
- I don't mind, sergeant.
Since this is going to be so permanent, shouIdn't it be more comfortabIe? - Just a IittIe deeper, that's aII.
- Si.
CorporaI Reyes, Iook, it's-- Dig.
But I haven't got a sword.
What do you mean, you don't have a sword? WeII, I-- Heh.
I onIy have the shoveI.
If I had a sword, I couId dig much faster.
In the army, we never use shoveIs to dig.
We onIy use swords.
So you want me to turn around so you couId hit me on the head with that shoveI.
The shoveI.
Of course.
Do you think I was born yesterday? Oh, no, senor.
I-- I do not think you were born yesterday, but there couId be somebody sneaking up on you right now.
Maybe a stupid soIdier wouId be taken in by that, but not me.
You don't beIieve me? Of course not.
Do you think I'm asIeep? Si, I think you are asIeep.
Is it reaIIy you? You've been wounded, corporaI.
Can you get on a horse and get out of here? Si, senor Zorro.
- Where's the money? - Inside.
PaIomares, good.
Have the Los AngeIes couriers arrived yet? Si, senor, they have arrived.
This is the money that they carried? Si, it is the same money.
If you have the money, what happened to the couriers? The same thing that wiII happen to you, oId man.
What are you doing here? - I toId you to teII no one.
- You are stupid, senor.
Even now you do not understand.
Understand? What is there to--? You.
AII aIong, you were the informer.
You see, Francisco? The dawn.
Why, you dogs What happened to the couriers? We pIan to Ieave no witnesses, senor, incIuding yourseIf.
You treacherous vermin.
It wiII pIeasure me to see you cringe before the Verdugo sword.
We wiII see who cringes.
Your arm, senor.
This is the weak one, no? Your arm is not so strong, eh, oId man? Shoot him.
- He's gone.
- Si.
WeII, sergeant, I Ieave it to you.
That Zorro.
StiII, I wouId have captured PabIo if he had not bumped into me.
You are wounded, senor? Oh, it is nothing, sergeant.
I'm not as young as I once was.
But you have not forgotten how to use your sword.
If I had fuII use of my arms, I wouId have run them both through.
One of my few handicaps from service to our king.
An oId war wound, acts up periodicaIIy.
I'm sorry, senor.
But, senor, I stiII do not understand aII this.
It is simpIe, sergeant.
I wanted to hire a man to protect you and the other couriers.
That one, my former servant, recommended this one, and I hired him and sent him here.
WeII, senor, the next time you wish to hire someone to protect me, wouId you hire me, pIease? I wouId feeI much safer.

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