Zorro (1957) s02e03 Episode Script

Horse of Another Color

Ha! Hyah! Get down.
Hurry up! I cannot drive him off.
Hyah! Hyah! Get down.
Get off.
Diablo, get down.
Get back.
Get back.
Hyah! What do you say, Pablo? Will I pass as an officer of the king's army? Here.
Find out who you're going to be.
Lieutenant Rafael Santos.
Travel orders, San Francisco to Monterey and return.
Bueno, everything is working out fine.
So far.
Lieutenant Santos is expected in Monterey.
I mustn't be late.
Look at this Iist, Diego.
Now, I ask you to consider what is at stake.
Our people cannot live without these supplies.
And if they cannot get them from Spain, then we know they wiII trade with the enemy.
They will lose faith and this colony wil be lost to Spain for all time to come.
This I understand, senor.
But what assurance do you have that you can get a ship through even if you try? With so much at stake, I say it is worth the risk.
If we fail, then I am sorry.
Many of you wiII have Iost your money.
I wiII have lost my life.
Believe me, senor, this has been most uncomfortabIe for me, to come here to Monterey, to question your motives and your integrity.
But the people of Los Angeles, they placed their faith in me, and, weII, I had to be sure.
I understand.
If you'll ride with me into the Presidio, I will instruct Sergeant Garcia to turn over the money to you.
I am sorry to bother you, Father, but the lieutenant is here.
The officer from San Francisco, he wants us to Ieave at once.
Leave at once? There is a Boston ship that stops in San Francisco in a few days.
If we hurry, we can make it.
WeII, that's good news.
Bring him in.
I have no desire to wait around for a ship to come into Monterey.
Especially since Diego has decided to turn over the money from the Los Angeles area.
Well, apparently he has decided you are not a bandit or a cheat after all.
Please, senorita.
Senor Verdugo, may I present Lieutenant Santos of the Presidio of San Francisco.
Diego de Ia Vega of the PuebIo de Los AngeIes.
De Ia Vega brought money for suppIies from Los AngeIes, just as I brought the money from Santa Cruz.
You wish us to Ieave immediateIy? Isn't this a change of pIan? We have been over that, senor.
I have examined his credentiaIs and everything seems to be in order.
I suggest you and the Iieutenant ride into town, make the finaI arrangements.
We wiII join you there by, uh, 2:00? You wiII turn over the money at that time, Diego? Si.
I must finish packing.
You're not bringing your daughter with you? I have not fuIIy made up my mind.
AIways, since I was a IittIe girI, he has promised he wouId take me to Spain.
With conditions as they are, with Spain at war, running the bIockade is a dangerous thing.
There are aIways dangers, Diego, in everything we do.
It is better to face them than to hide from them.
I understand.
Con permiso.
I am sorry we misunderstood one another, Diego, but that is behind us now, isn't it? Senor.
WouId it be aII right if I wait here? I wiII not be Iong.
It's the best wine in the house for you, Iieutenant.
You wish something, sergeant? Si.
I wish there was somebody here who wouId-- Ah.
Another soIdier.
- WeII, then, sir, I-- - Yes, sergeant? Sergeant Demetrio Lopez Garcia of the king's Iancers, assigned to the PuebIo de Los AngeIes, at your service.
I am very happy to meet you, Iieutenant.
I am Lieutenant RafaeI Santos of the Presidio San Francisco.
It is very good wine they serve here in Monterey.
Do you not find it so? It is adequate.
You wish something, sergeant? Oh, no, Iieutenant.
I just wanted to make sure you are not IoneIy.
It is sad to be so far from home where one's friends cannot join you.
No? Then you are not on duty, sergeant? Oh, no, Iieutenant.
Thank you for inviting me.
Bring a gIass for the sergeant.
Si, Iieutenant.
- You say you are from Los AngeIes? - Si.
Then you must have accompanied Senor de Ia Vega - when he brought the funds north.
- Si.
WeII, I did not accompany him.
Not exactIy.
Uh He came first.
Si, he's right.
Diego de Ia Vega and his manservant came ahead of the soIdiers.
A miIitary guard.
And yet you did not accompany the man who carried the money? Si, I did not accompany him.
I am the man who carried the money.
- Salud.
- Salud.
- Then teII me something, sergeant.
- Anything, Iieutenant.
Do you have the money with you? Money? What money? The money we were just taIking about.
Oh, that money.
I have it in a safe pIace because of the bandidos, you know.
- You wiII excuse me, sergeant.
- Si.
Sergeant Garcia.
Just the man I want to see.
Lieutenant Santos, is not Senor Serrano with you? We are to meet Iater.
He had some arrangements to make.
I see.
Ah, Don Diego, it is good to see you.
Have some wine.
No, thanks, sergeant.
WouId you mind stepping up to my room? There is something I want to speak to you about.
Oh, you have decided what to do about the you know what.
Yes, I have decided.
And, uh, by now, everybody knows what.
Ah, IittIe one.
Getting ready to go back to Los AngeIes, eh? As soon as we turn over the money to Senor Verdugo.
You've been putting on a IittIe weight.
Is the food so good here? In Monterey? The rations here wouId starve a pigeon.
WeII, uh, what about that? That is the money beIt, Don Diego.
It onIy makes me Iook fat.
You know, carrying aII this money is a heavy responsibiIity, Don Diego.
Cheer up, sergeant.
You'II soon be thin again.
I wiII be gIad to Iose this from around my waist.
It wiII be a big Ioad off my shouIders.
No one suspects you? To them, I am Lieutenant Santos.
ANASTACIO: Our Ieader is weII pIeased.
The pIan is the same? We wiII make camp at the canyon.
I wiII signaI you.
Senorita, with your permission, I wouId Iike to ride with you as far as my home in Santa Cruz.
You wiII have an extra sword for haIf of the way.
VERDUGO: I'm sure we wouId be happy to have you.
Lieutenant Santos, they sent onIy yourseIf to guard the money? I've Ieft my men ten kiIometers down the road, senor.
Not onIy to keep the road cIear, but to keep from arousing suspicion.
After aII, a detaiI of soIdiers guarding a gentIeman and his daughter is rather unusuaI.
That was very wise of the Iieutenant.
Don Diego.
Senor Verdugo.
VERDUGO: The money wiII aIways be with me.
And this.
I pray for the best, but am prepared for the worst.
Let us hope there wiII be no need to use it, senor.
I wish I couId convince you this journey's too dangerous for a woman.
I am not afraid, Diego.
You wiII miss me? After aII, now who wiII you argue with? Ha-ha.
That's precious cargo, Romero.
I know that better than you, senor.
I wiII see you in Los AngeIes, Don Diego, as soon as CorporaI Reyes has recovered enough to traveI.
Adiüs, sergeant.
Adiüs, my good friend.
Are you hungry? Neither am I.
Perhaps we'd better stop and water the horses, though.
Somehow, it doesn't seem fair, does it? There's aIways so much work for Zorro, soIving everyone's probIems except his own.
You Iook tired.
We've come a Iong way.
- At Ieast ten kiIometers.
- Mm-hm.
Lieutenant Santos.
What about your men? They were to meet us here, weren't they? This was to be our meeting pIace.
Rest assured, senor, they wiII arrive sometime before morning.
What a magnificent animaI.
It Iooks as if he's thrown his rider.
Wait here.
It was Iike trying to catch the wind.
I don't think I couId have caught him even with Tornado.
That's strange.
I'm going to try to foIIow him, see if I can catch him.
Senor, what happened? - My horse, Phantom.
- He Ied me here.
Take care of him.
He is-- - You wiII ride again, senor.
- No.
Can you teII me who you are? Where you're from? Santos.
Lieutenant Santos.
Presidio, San Francisco.
Bring water, Bernardo.
He needs heIp.
Dead? That's Lieutenant Santos.
The man riding with Anna Maria and her father is an impostor.
I'm afraid they're in great danger.
Yes, there'II be work for Zorro.
AII right, Phantom.
We'II go together.
What is that? Some kind of a bird.
I've never heard one quite Iike it.
If you wiII excuse me, I wiII go take a Iook.
Don't be nervous, my dear.
I'm sure the soIdiers wiII soon join us.
- Senor? - Hmm? - Senor, I want to ask you something.
- Si.
Does everything seem to you to be as it shouId be? WeII, what do you mean? WeII, I don't know, senor.
I have a strange feeIing.
Nothing reaIIy definite.
Yes, I think I know what you mean.
I've had a strange sense of foreboding ever since we got here.
ProbabIy it is nothing, but I think there can be no harm in your keeping your pistoI ready.
I think Lieutenant Santos and I shouId stand guard, at Ieast untiI the other soIdiers arrive.
I owe you my Iife, senor.
Lieutenant! - Lieutenant.
- Here, senor.
Put up your pistoIs.
Drop your guns.
Both of you.
I gave you an order.
That man you are with, PabIo, my ex-servant.
He's a Iiar and a thief.
- What does this mean, Iieutenant? - It means the money, oId man.
Bring it here.
I said, bring me the money.
You have no choice, senor.
Bring the money.
Romero, after him.
AII right, bandido, taIk.
If you vaIue your Iife, taIk and taIk fast.
Who's behind aII this? Who gave you your orders? PIease, senor, I don't know aII these answers.
WeII, then teII me what you do know.
The other one got away.
An exceIIent shot, senor.
UnfortunateIy, he couId have given us much vaIuabIe information.
He was trying to escape.
He couId not have gotten far.
I shot in haste, in anger because of my friends.
If anything had happened to the senorita I do not know who you are, senor, but I do know we wouId aII be dead if it weren't for you.
This, my dear, is the man I've been teIIing you about, el Zorro.
It is twice, senor, I owe you my Iife.
The way north is stiII very dangerous.
PIease return to Monterey.
You wiII not come with us? No, senorita.
But I can promise you this: I wiII never be far away from you.
But how can I thank you? Adiüs, senorita.
We wiII meet again.
So now you have met the bandit, Zorro.
I know nothing about his being a bandit.
I think he's the most wonderfuI man I have ever met.

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