Zorro (1957) s02e09 Episode Script


Don't shoot, it's Diego.
I did not think you had the nerve to show your face around here.
Joaquin, what is the meaning of this? If you have any weapons, drop them to the ground and step over here with your hands raised.
We have no weapons, Joaquin.
We come as friends.
You're a fine friend, Diego.
You gave me your word I wouId be safe if I rode into Monterey under a fIag of truce.
I wouId have been kiIIed had it not been for Zorro.
I'm sorry, Joaquin.
I was betrayed.
You mean the governor did not keep his promise to you? I am sure he acted in good faith.
But he, too, was betrayed.
Just the same, he is in charge.
He is responsibIe for what happens.
Oh, give him time, wiII you? He's onIy been back a few days.
SureIy you cannot hoId him responsibIe for everything Rico did.
Then why did he pIace a man Iike Rico in charge, to persecute my peopIe, to drive us from our homes, to hunt us down Iike wiId animaIs? Sß, he shouId know better.
You cannot hoId the governor responsibIe for this.
When you find a rattIesnake in your bed, you kiII it.
But do you not aIso bIame the man who put it there? ReaIIy, Joaquin, do you think I wouId actuaIIy take part in a pIot against you? Had it not been for Zorro, I wouId have been shot down in coId bIood carrying a white fIag of truce.
But you, Diego, I did not see you there to keep me from being ambushed.
Take him to camp.
That is enough.
You know, I came out here to teII you how happy I was that you escaped the ambush.
After a few more hours of this, I'm not so sure I'II be happy about it at aII.
Joaquin, it couId be true what he says about the governor.
Anyhow, why bIame Don Diego? If he did make a mistake, I'm sure he did not do it on purpose.
This you couId have said at my funeraI, had it not been for Zorro.
Where did you get these accursed things anyway? You do not recognize them, Don Diego? They beIong to your friend Adjutant Rico.
He uses them to confine my peopIe.
Why do you caII him my friend? You know I oppose him.
Pay no attention to him.
When he is angry, he is stupid.
And aII of the time IateIy, he is angry.
She's right, Joaquin.
You've Iet your anger bIind you.
Why, even your friends you treat as enemies.
I wiII decide who my friends are.
Joaquin, you couId be a man of reason, and so couId the governor.
If onIy the two of you wouId get together, taIk this out as reasonabIe men, there wouId be no more troubIe.
These are the same arguments you gave me before, Don Diego, and they nearIy cost me my Iife.
He meant no harm by it, Joaquin.
And besides, you managed to get away safeIy.
The saints protect the poor, with a IittIe heIp from el Zorro.
But Senor Rico, he wiII not be so Iucky.
What do you mean by that? Joaquin is very smart, even though he is just a vaquero.
He has worked out a pIan to ambush Adjutant Rico, give him a taste of his own medicine.
He wiII find out what it is Iike.
What do you think wiII happen when you ambush the adjutant? - You think this wiII be the end of it? - It wiII be for him.
Do you not reaIize that soIdiers wiII scour these hiIIs from one end to the other? You and a hundred other peons wiII be driven from your hiding pIaces, shot if you run, and hanged if you remain.
Is this what you want for your peopIe? If my peopIe must Iive Iike animaIs, hiding in the hiIIs, then perhaps it is just as weII.
You do not understand, Don Diego.
I know you are our friend, but untiI you have had to Iive Iike this, untiI you have been pursued Iike an animaI, you do not reaIIy know.
There are posters in the marketpIace right now offering a reward for my capture, dead or aIive.
Yes, I know.
Two thousand pesos.
ExactIy the same reward that is offered for Zorro, dead or aIive.
I've been aII over this with MarceIo, who has worked at the governor's house for many years.
Every year it is exactIy the same thing.
AIways on his patron saint's day, the governor goes first to earIy Mass, and then he goes to the shrine of San Jose, accompanied by Senor Rico.
It is too bad that it has to happen to the governor on his saint's day.
But this is the important part of it.
We wiII know where they wiII be and when they wiII be there.
What was that? Why do I have to wear this thing around my ankIe? - Supposing I gave you my word? - Your word? Ha.
Oh, why don't you Iet him out? Do you want something, Diego? Do you want something to eat? - Do you want some water? - No, nothing Iike that.
Uh Didn't I see a guitar? You want to see Joaquin's guitar? WeII, I get so tired sitting here.
I'd Iike to do something.
I'II get it for you.
Uh, reaIIy, who couId make music on a box Iike this? You find fauIt with my guitar, Don Diego? I don't think I've ever heard anything quite so sour in aII my Iife.
PossibIy the fauIt is not with the guitar, but the way you are pIaying it.
Eh Bring it here, Theresa.
How do you Iike it now, Diego? I hardIy beIieve it.
AII right, this is enough.
We Ieave now.
Go take up your positions.
Simeon, get the horses ready.
Strong Iocks, eh, Diego? Takes more than a rock to open them.
Then you were watching? WeII, why did you Iet me go on? Because I wanted you to see what it is to try and try and get nowhere.
You can go now.
Someone may have seen our campfire.
We have to keep on the move.
Besides, we have things to do.
Oh, what's the matter, IittIe doggy? But why are you mad at me? I'm not mad at you.
I'm never mad at anybody, especiaIIy IittIe doggies.
PIease, IittIe doggy, go away.
Go home.
Go anywhere.
But go away.
It's aII right, IittIe doggy.
I'm your friend.
I wouId not hurt you.
No, pIease, IittIe doggy.
I-- PIease.
Oh, pIease, IittIe doggy.
Sergeant, what are you doing up there? What am I doing up here? Why, I get a cIearer view from up here.
I can see in aII directions.
- What do you see, sergeant? - Nothing.
Nothing at aII.
But you couId see it better from up there? Yes, I can see it better from up here if there was anything to see.
I, uh-- Uh What are you doing? Don't move, either one of you.
Now put your hands over your head.
GARCIA: HoId him.
GARCIA: CorporaI, we'II get the reward.
REYES: HoId him.
- I am hoIding him.
REYES: HoId him.
GARCIA: I-- I am.
THERESA: Keep your hands off of him.
THERESA: Let go of me, you pig.
Why were you hiding down the weII? Speak up, you peon.
AII right, if you won't teII me, I'II teII you.
You knew the governor and I wouId waIk by there on our way to Mass in the morning, didn't you? You pIanned to jump out and attack us, to kiII us.
You'd Iike that, wouIdn't you? You'd Iike to see us dead.
Let me bring in two of my guards.
We wiII make him taIk.
He does not have to taIk.
AII he has to do is Iisten.
You wouId Iike to kiII the governor, eh, peon? - WeII, maybe you wiII get your chance.
- I wiII get my chance.
Or if I die, others wiII Iive.
- You cannot stop us.
- PossibIy I wouId not even try.
You know that tomorrow is the governor's patron saint's day, but did you know he wiII go aIone to the shrine of San Jose? But I thought you were going, and the honor guard.
For the first time in many years, I wiII be unabIe to accompany the governor.
I wiII be busy.
And we wiII need every soIdier we have combing the hiIIs to catch our escaped prisoner.
Our peon here is about to escape.
See that his knife is Ieft where he can find it.
And tomorrow, peon, you wiII get your chance to kiII the governor when he comes aIone to the shrine.
But you can't Iet a man Iike this Ioose with a knife.
How do you know he wiII not try to kiII you or me? Because we have his senorita out there in our jaiI.
And if he faiIs to kiII the governor or if he tries anything eIse, then a most unfortunate accident wiII befaII her.
And when we have unfortunate accidents in our jaiI, they can be most unfortunate.
- Uh.
- Make no sound.
Senor, you have the advantage.
- Give me a fighting chance.
- There's no time.
- Now teII me, why did the soIdiers Ieave? - They're Iooking for the prisoner.
- He escaped.
- This I do not beIieve.
It is true, senor, I swear it.
You wiII speak the truth to me, capitan, or you wiII never speak again, to anyone.
It was not my idea.
I am mereIy a soIdier, senor.
I mereIy foIIow orders.
And-- And when At Ieast you aIIowed him to finish praying.
- My apoIogies, Your ExceIIency.
I must ask you to make a sIight change in your pIans for the day.
And as for you, senor, you know, I grow a IittIe weary of saving your Iife since you seem so intent on throwing it away.
Drop the knife.
Now if Your ExceIIency wiII be so kind Right now you are both angry men, but you can be men of reason.
Oh, caII each other a few names, but then I want you to taIk over your troubIes.
I have nothing to say to an outIaw.
And I have nothing to say to a tyrant.
Ha, ha.
It's going to be a Iong siIence, then.
Here are your keys.
You can unIock your Ieg irons and Ieave whenever you wish.
In that case, I'II Ieave right now.
ZORRO: Oh, incidentaIIy, each of you has the key to the other one's Iock.
Stay out of sight, but keep an eye on them.
I'm going to see if Theresa's aII right.
AII right, young man, throw me my key.
Oh, no.
You toss me my key first.
And Iet you go free whiIe I'm stiII in irons? Oh, no, thank you.
You'II probabIy bash me over the head.
I have an idea.
I wiII count to tres, and we'II both toss our keys at the same time.
Uno Dos Tres.
I wiII give you my word, young man, to reIease you if you wiII toss me my key.
Like that time you gave me your word I wouId not be ambushed when I carried the white fIag into Monterey, huh? MAN: Open the gates.
Open the gates.
- Has the governor returned? - No, senor.
- Have any patroIs returned? - No.
Then something has gone wrong.
Come inside.
- MigueI, stand guard.
- Sß.
I can't understand what happened.
We went out and Iooked by the shrine.
Found the peon's knife, but no sign of a struggIe.
No sign of the governor's body.
But you don't know anything for sure? No.
AII I know is we better get out of here.
- What about the girI? - We'II take her with us.
And if the governor is stiII aIive tonight, then she wiII not be.
How does our IittIe tamaIe peddIer feeI now? StiII fuII of fight? You are a brave soIdier, no? You are not afraid of Theresa.
- So Iong as she is behind bars.
- Ha, ha, ha.
You be nice to me, I can be nice to you.
Do you not think I'm kind? Sß.
I think you are very kind.
- Kind of wet and kind of stupid.
Ha, ha.
- You IittIe wiIdcat.
I'II get you for that.
Water, eh? I'II show you.
I wouId not do that, senor, if I were you.
Good work, el Zorro.
Hit him once for me.
The keys, where are they? Captain Briones.
He had them with him when he went inside.
Get out of the way, capitan.
Let me get a shot at him.
You make a better shieId than you do a swordsman, capitan.
- He can't get away if we do this right.
- MigueI, get a musket.
I'II chase him around your way.
You try to get a shot at him.
THERESA: Zorro, Iook out.
They're going to shoot you.
Don't Iet them.
Open the gates for the governor! AII right, Rico, Capitan Briones, stand where you are.
Drop your weapon.
HaIt, Rico.
What was he doing here? Joaquin.
Theresa, where's the key? Briones has it.
- Where are the keys to the ceII? - None of your business, peon.
You unIock the ceII.
It wiII be interesting to see what happens when she gets her hands on you.
It is the onIy key, peon.
What are you going to do now? You threw it, now you go get it.
What are you doing down there? Get him out of there.
- What's going on? - I-- WiII somebody Iet me out of here? CorporaI, get her out of there.
- Where's the key? - That is the troubIe, Your ExceIIency.
Captain Briones threw the key down the weII.
He what? Where is the key, capitan? Have you got it? It's at the bottom of the weII.
GOVERNOR: WeII, go back down there and get it.
Get your tamaIes.
Tamales, hot, hot, hot, hot Tamales, hot, hot, hot, hot Fine as can be Try 'em and see Get your hotter than hot tamales For the hottest tamale in Monterey ''Come to Theresa'' The folks all say Your eyes will water And your tongue will burn But they're so delicious You will soon return - Tamales, hot, hot, hot, hot - Tamales - Tamales, hot, hot, hot, hot - Tamales - Fine as can be - Fine as can be - Try them and see - Try them and see - Get your hotter than hot - Get your hotter than hot -Tamales - Tamales Tamales Prepare to die.

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