10 To Midnight (1983) Movie Script

(police radio)
Nestor Crittenden. Thats with two Ts.
Tell you exactly how l did it.
Straight-edge razor.
When l catch em breaking the Lords
commandments, l rip em with the razor.
You gonna stick me in jail?
Not today, Nestor. Were full up today.
Come back next week.
Stupid flatfoot.
Never tell you nothing again.
No wonder you never catch nobody.
- Jerry, dont do that.
- Whats new, Leo? You onto something?
The captain issued a statement.
Didnt you get it?
l could fart a better statement than that.
Are we friends or not?
- l wont quote you directly.
- What?
You wont quote me?
You wont mention my name on the TV?
And you call yourself my friend.
- lts not nice, Leo.
- Jerry, lm not a nice person.
lm a mean, selfish son of a bitch.
You want a story, but l want a killer,
and what l want comes first.
Bye now. Dont wait up for me.
Have fun.
Where are we going?
Back to the lake, l hope.
(soft rock on stereo)
(switches music off
Hi, Fran. ls it as good as they say?
lf not, ask for your money back.
- Will we get our money back?
- No way.
- Dont by any chance know her name?
- Not by any chance, no.
- lts Tina. Why?
- Nothing chanced, nothing gained.
lts my fifth time lve seen this movie.
- l havent even seen it yet.
- Youre gonna die!
- Robert Redfords so gorgeous.
- l like Paul Newman.
Tina. Say hi to Warren Stacey.
Hi, Warren. How are you? Fine,
thank you, Tina. Hot buttered popcorn?
Would you mind
sitting somewhere else?
No, indeed. Wouldnt mind at all.
ld rather sit here.
Now look what youve done.
Shame on you.
Dont go away mad.
(woman moaning and sighing)
What the hell...?
(girl sobs)
Warren, dont hurt me.
Why me? Warren, lll do anything for you.
lts so sad when they die at the end.
Come on.
- Hes so cute.
- Dont even look at him.
- Hes cute, though.
- Yeah, thats his problem.
- No hard feelings, l hope.
- Wanna bet?
Come on, dont be like that.
Lets start over.
You dont like popcorn.
How about a drink?
Dont tell me youre not old enough.
Were just not that hard up for company.
Wait a minute.
Hes only trying to be friendly.
- So what dyou have in mind?
- Forget it.
l wouldnt wanna come between you and
your girlfriend. Good night, sweethearts.
Dont do anything l couldnt do better.
Charlie! Charlie, come over here!
Get the camera!
- Who discovered the body?
- No comment at this time.
- Can you give us their names?
- Not till the families have been notified.
Were they both naked?
How were they killed?
Anything l might say, without further
investigation, would be speculation.
Thats mine.
- What?
- The chewing gum. l dropped it there.
McAnn. Paul McAnn.
lts not a very propitious way
to meet, is it?
You might say that.
Dont throw things around
where were looking for evidence.
lm sorry. l wasnt thinking.
- l see youve already met.
- Yeah.
Lets get on with it. Come on.
Come on.
What do you notice about the MO, Leo?
That girl that was killed
last Christmas Eve, Lorraine Partridge.
Right. Same scene.
Captain Malone and l think
the boy was incidental.
lts obviously the girl the killer was after.
The boy just had the misfortune
to be with her.
ln the case of both victims,
death was caused by the severing
of the intestines and major arteries,
causing massive haemorrhaging.
This is all all right, but can you tell us
something that we can use?
The Johnson girls blood type
is the least common: AB negative.
ln addition, theres evidence
of a hepatitis infection, now dormant.
Was this girl raped, doc?
Theres no evidence of forcible entry.
- l could have told you that.
- On the basis of what?
lf anybody does something like this,
his knife has gotta be his penis.
Karen, wheres Betty?
lm sure shell be here soon.
l guess maybe she overslept.
You guess maybe?
Dont you live together?
Yes, but sometimes
she spends the night with a friend.
A friend. When she comes in,
l wanna see her.
- What is it, Warren?
- This is Karens typewriter.
Put it down.
Yes, maam.
Works fine now.
Just needed some cleaning.
- Thanks.
- Youre welcome.
lf l need you, lll call you.
l guess she should change
her sleeping habits.
Would you mind
your own damn business?
What do l care? She screws around
and loses her job, whats that to me?
Go away, Warren.
Who is this?
What are you saying?
Oh, no!
Oh, my God, no!
- Bettys dead.
- What happened?
No! No!
Does anyone know
what happened to her?
l spent five years as a patrol cop.
ln all that time l thought
ld learn to adjust to almost anything.
lts funny, this sort of thing,
the personal stuff,
- l suppose in time you become inured.
- Become what?
Able to face the parents
of a butchered girl.
You just dont let your feelings
become involved.
- Youre only there for the information.
- You smoke?
Not any more.
lf you were smart, youd quit too.
l know. lts a filthy habit.
Hazardous to your health,
offensive to everyone around you.
Have l left anything out?
Sometimes you talk like
you should have been a school teacher.
Thats not surprising. My father was
professor of social psychology, Berkeley.
Oh, yeah? And youre a cop?
Lieutenant, l dont think
you have a low regard for cops.
What l do think is you regard me
as a profound pain in the ass.
- Finally said something l agree with.
- lll try and raise my level of performance.
That shouldnt be too hard.
l used to live in this neighbourhood.
That building was once a drugstore.
The owner was hooked on morphine.
His wife tried to have him put away,
so he killed her.
The jury found him temporarily insane.
Six months in the nuthouse
and he was pronounced cured.
A week later he shot his parole officer.
You sure this is the right street?
lts the right address.
Mr and Mrs F L Johnson.
- Oh, jeez.
- Whats the matter? You know them?
God, yes.
Their daughter and my daughter,
they were friends. God.
- You wait here.
- Wouldnt it be better...
No, wait here.
l dont believe it. Leo.
lts good to see you.
Marge. Come here, Margie.
Excuse my appearance. l work
on the night shift now. l just got up.
Leo Kessler!
Good Lord, look at you.
You havent changed a bit.
- How long has it been?
- What is it, Leo?
- Can we talk inside?
- Come in.
Whats wrong? What is it?
Dont let your feelings become involved.
Jesus, cant you drive any faster?
Before... whatever his name is -
Dale Anders. Who else?
She dated a lot of fellas.
Never a night somebody didnt call up.
What are the names of the guys
she went to bed with?
l wish we didnt have to ask this,
but were looking for a motive.
All the names you can remember.
Before Dale, there was Larry Williams,
Lou Porter, George Latham.
There was a guy she didnt go to bed with
but who called up all the time.
Mexican or something. Every once
in a while hed say something in Spanish.
- Whats his name?
- Hed never say his name.
All he called up for was to,
you know, talk dirty.
- Did he talk dirty to both of you?
- Just to Betty.
Start checking out these names,
find out if any of them spoke Spanish.
All right, Lieutenant. Thank you, Karen.
Karen, l know this is hard on you, but ld
like you to show me Bettys possessions.
l hope you wont make her look cheap.
She wasnt, honestly.
- lf only youd known her.
- l knew her.
And though this body be destroyed,
yet shall l see God,
whom l shall see for myself and mine
eyes shall behold, and not as a stranger.
We brought nothing into this world,
and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
The Lord gave
and the Lord hath taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Unto almighty God we commend
the soul of our sister departed,
and we commit her body to the ground,
earth to earth, ashes to ashes,
dust to dust,
in sure and certain hope
of the resurrection unto eternal life
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Thank you very much.
- lm very sorry.
- Thank you.
- God bless.
- Hello, sweetheart.
- Hi, Daddy.
- How are you?
- How am l?
lm sick because it wasnt so long ago
that she was my best friend.
Have you found out anything,
or am l not supposed to ask that?
Me and McAnn here, were working on it.
- This is Paul McAnn. My daughter Laurie.
- Hi, how do you do?
Excuse me. See you in a minute.
- Are you a cop?
- So they tell me.
- You dont look like a cop.
- Your fathers of the same opinion.
You dont sound like a cop either.
ls that good or bad?
l didnt say if it was good or bad. l just
said you dont look or sound like a cop.
Do you live with your father?
When my mother died,
he and l went our separate ways.
- lm a student nurse.
- Really? You dont look like a nurse.
Whats a nurse supposed to look like?
You take after your father, dont you?
You think so?
l dont. Excuse me.
Nice talking to you, Miss Kessler.
Thanks for coming.
Anything at all to report?
Nothing. But well get him, l promise you.
l thought of something.
lt could be important.
Betty always kept a diary,
everything she ever did,
everybody she ever went out with.
Too many. Some of them the worst kind.
Excuse me. Dont l know you?
- Do you?
- Well...
lm Laurie Kessler.
Havent we met before?
Have we?
Maybe not.
(Bettys father) l thought of something.
lt could be important.
Betty always kept a diary,
everything she ever did,
everybody she ever went out with.
(front door opens)
(phone rings)
- Hello.
- Hi, Karen.
- Hi, Tim.
- How are you bearing up?
lm a wreck.
l cant sleep and l cant stop crying.
- lm coming over to take you out.
- Youre a darling.
l just dont feel like going anywhere.
l think lll just get a bite to eat here
and try to get some rest.
Why dont you come over
in a couple of hours?
- OK, thats great.
- Youre an angel. Bye.
(soft music on radio)
Mr Stacey.
Lieutenant Kessler, Detective McAnn.
Can we talk to you?
Come in, please.
- Didnt l see you at the funeral?
- Yeah, and we saw you.
- Been shopping, have you?
- Youre very observant.
(police radio)
Whats that?
Sorry. Miracle of modern science.
Sit down, please.
lll just put these things away.
This is a nice place.
How long have you lived here?
About a year.
lt appears youre something
of a movie buff.
l try to see everything worthwhile.
- Youre into karate, are you?
- Helps keep me in shape.
Nothing takes the place
of regular exercise, does it?
l see you keep yourself informed.
lts not often someone
you know personally gets murdered.
How well did you know her?
- Same as the other girls in the office.
- You ever take her out?
- Why only once?
- She wasnt my type.
We talked to everybody
that went out with her.
Maybe you can shed some light
on what we learned.
- Whats that?
- This is Bettys diary.
We got it from her roommate.
She kept what you might call
a graphic record of her experiences.
For instance, So conceited that when
he said did l wanna go to bed with him,
it was like he was doing me a favour.
- Thats Larry Williams. You know him?
- No.
Always talking about
his Corvette and cabin cruiser,
but never once bothered
to mention having a wife.
George Latham. You know him?
Good-looking but what a creep.
Makes my skin crawl.
l told him to get lost.
Creep called me up again.
Creep asked me to the office picnic.
l said l had a date. He said l was lying.
That made me mad.
l said l wouldnt go with him
if he was the last man alive.
You know who that is?
lll give you a hint: you.
They say one shouldnt
speak ill of the dead.
But the truth is,
she was not a nice person.
- No morals at all and terrible manners.
- l know what you mean.
A man can only take so much abuse
before he strikes back.
Thats not what l mean.
- Where were you on the night of the 6th?
- At the Aero Theatre.
- Betty Johnson was murdered on the 7th.
- l assumed you meant that night.
Anybody see you there?
The cashier. The manager.
A couple of girls l talked to.
- What was the movie?
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
The one with Newman and McQueen?
Newman and Redford.
Shall l tell you the rest of the cast,
what its about?
Thats not necessary.
These are games we play with
just about everybody. Nothing personal.
Can l use your bathroom?
Help yourself.
This is first-rate.
lts a beautiful colour.
lve never seen a bullfight, have you?
- A couple.
- Where, Mexico?
They really as gory as people say?
Not if you think of it as a spectacle.
l suppose thats a valid point of view.
Shouldnt be so quick to judge, right?
After all, footballs a fairly brutal sport.
Boxing. Nothing very elevating about
two gorillas beating each other to a pulp.
- This corrida de...
- Corrida de toros.
- What does that mean?
- Bullfight.
- You speak Spanish, huh?
- A little.
(police radio) 3L99. 3L99.
Phone the station.
- May l use your telephone?
- Of course.
Detective McAnn.
- Kessler.
- Karen Smalley.
Pretty girl.
The one Betty Johnson lived with.
- Where?
- The apartment.
lll meet you there.
Sorry to bother you.
Thanks for your help.
Thats OK.
lf theres anything l can do...
This is Detective McAnn. Hell take you
downtown and get your statement, Tim.
l didnt do it.
Christ almighty, she was my girl!
- l know you didnt do it, Tim.
- All right, Tim. Lets go.
- This where you found the diary?
- Yeah.
- Figure thats what he was looking for?
- Yeah.
And l got a pretty strong hunch
who it was.
After the funeral, you went
from the cemetery to the market.
l did.
But you didnt get home
until three hours after the funeral.
Thats a hell of a long time
to spend in a market.
Are you telling me or asking me?
You were informed of your right to remain
silent. You agreed to answer questions.
Hes making charges.
Only the DAs office can bring charges.
You havent been charged with anything.
lll ask the questions simpler.
- Where did you go after the funeral?
- l went for a walk.
You went for a walk. Why?
- l was upset. l felt bad.
- About what?
When someone you know is murdered,
maybe you feel good. l dont. l feel bad.
Even about a girl
who was such a bad person -
no morals, no manners?
Warren, you ever been arrested?
Were you ever taken to juvenile court?
For breaking your neighbours window
and throwing a dead animal inside. A cat.
l was 1 2 years old. Stupid thing to do,
but l was angry. ld been punished.
Sure, for hurting
the neighbours daughter.
- You cut her with a knife.
- lt was an accident.
- You like hurting girls?
- l wont answer that.
Look at him.
Thats the fella you saw and youre sure?
- Yes, of course.
- What was he wearing?
- A red jacket and jeans.
- Designer jeans. He looked very neat.
He was repulsive.
- When did you see him?
- Outside, before the movie.
- And then when he sat down by me.
- By us.
And afterward, on the way out.
You saw this guy before, during
and after the movie. You sure about that?
Yes, lm positive.
(Kessler) Did you ever
take her out, Warren?
l drove her to work a few times, thats all.
Just not your type, huh?
Her boytriend objected, so l stopped.
The girls in the movie theatre,
were they your type?
Thanks, kids.
You can go home now.
Whens the last time
you made it with a girl, Warren?
- Thats none of your...
- Last week, last month, last year?
- l refuse to answer.
- Never.
Never, because girls wont
have anything to do with you.
But you get back at them. Betty and Karen
and God knows how many more.
- l wont listen to your filth!
- Warren, do you recognise this?
- Leo, knock it off.
- Ever seen one of these? Whats it for?
Cat got your tongue?
lts for jacking off, isnt it?
And these pictures,
you recognise the girls, Warren?
Look at them.
Look at them, Warren! Look at em!
- Stop it!
- Hold it!
You can go home, kid.
Get him outta here.
You better quit while youre ahead.
Get him outta here.
- Leo, have you lost your mind?
- You can forget about this.
Have l gotta remind you about evidence
obtained under duress? lts inadmissible.
Right. The way the law protects
those maggots out there,
youd think they were
an endangered species.
Will you give me a break?
Lets not get into that.
The facts are weve got no evidence
and we cant hold this kid.
Hes got an ironclad alibi.
- Do you believe it?
- Everything he says checks out.
The theatre and the market. We
questioned him about the Partridge girl...
Yeah, at the time of the murder he was
in a downtown hotel in bed with a whore.
- Do you believe that?
- Every case is a poker hand.
A good hand you stay,
a bad hand you fold.
Youre telling me youre gonna fold.
lm gonna stay.
Hes our man, Captain.
lm gonna get him.
ld like to see Lieutenant Kessler, please.
lm his daughter.
- You say hes your father?
- Yeah. Hes my father, lm his daughter.
- lve got something for him.
- lve never heard him mention a daughter.
Thats because it seldom
crosses his mind that he has one.
l almost had him the other day.
l blew it.
Bring him in.
ld like to have another whack at him.
- (phone rings)
- Clem, bring him in.
Bring him in for what?
Any knifing, rape,
any obscene crime at all.
Just haul him in.
- Give me another chance at him.
- Malone.
- Leo, your daughters out here.
- Ask her if she can wait.
Tell her to wait.
What do you say?
l dont know.
- McAnn, what do you say?
- lm not sure if lm qualified, sir.
Then lm not sure you belong here.
What do you say?
lt wouldnt take long
for Warren Stacey to hire an attorney
to charge us with harassment
and get an injunction.
(phone rings)
- She cant wait, Leo.
- lll go see what she wants.
How about it?
You know that from a legal standpoint,
we cant lay a finger on this guy.
l remember when legal meant lawful.
Now it means some kind of a loophole.
Miss Kessler, your fathers busy.
ls there something l can do?
Yeah, l guess so.
There was this guy at the funeral.
l couldnt remember where ld seen him.
Till l found this.
lts from Betty Johnsons office picnic.
Thats me, Karen, Betty. Dale Anders,
her boytriend, the one that was killed.
And thats the guy from the funeral.
Do you know who he is?
- What about him?
- Betty was scared of him.
- Do you know who he is?
- ls this the only time you ever saw him?
Yes. Now quit trying to act like a cop.
l may not look like a cop to you,
but l am a cop, thats my job.
Will you please answer the question?
Why was she afraid of him?
He was always talking about
people who put him down
and how he was gonna
get even with them.
- May l keep this?
- Sure.
- ls there anything else?
- Yeah.
Tell my dad if hes too busy to see me,
he might try calling me sometime.
Oh, and l dont think
hell have any trouble getting through.
At the hospital they know l have a father.
Miss Kessler. Thanks for the help.
(phone rings)
All right, all right, lll get it.
l wanna borrow that sweater of yours.
Was it in here?
Would you shut up, please?
- Who?
- Wanna turn on the TV?
- Make some tea.
- l did it last night. Your turn.
- Hello?
- (Spanish accent) Hi, baby.
Hows it going? How are you?
lm fine. Whos this?
You dont know me but l know you.
Youre beautiful. l love you.
What good does it do to love me
if l dont know who you are?
Quiero mamarte la panocha.
- What does that mean?
- lt means l wanna eat your pussy.
You give me blow job,
l give it to you in the ass.
l love you, baby.
You have reached a disconnected
number. This is a recording.
Who was that?
Just some creep.
Thanks for bringing in the photograph.
- Did it mean anything?
- Possibly.
(McAnn) Were always looking
for new information.
Dad, is there something else
you wanna know?
- Just came to see how you were doing.
- lm fine.
- Working you hard, are they?
- Like slaves.
At least you get to wear a nice uniform.
Why else would l wanna be a nurse?
lf you hit a snag or anything, let me know.
l could pull a few strings.
l know the superintendent.
Dad, you didnt come all the way here
to tell me that. Now whats on your mind?
Cant l be interested in how youre doing?
- Just dont pull any strings, OK?
- OK.
- ls that all youre gonna eat?
- lts all l have time for.
l only have a few minutes.
lm paying for both.
- Paying for three.
- Thats some lunch, Dad.
Coleslaw and quiche.
- l hate quiche.
- Then why did you take it?
l thought it was pie.
And coleslaw makes me sick.
- Lets get organised about the party.
- l can swing some grain alcohol.
Youre kidding? Thatd be terrific.
Doreen, Bunny, Ola,
this is Detective McAnn.
- Hi.
- How do you do?
- You dont look like a detective.
- So lve been told.
Excuse me.
Are you and Lauries dad partners?
Actually, right now lm trying
to measure up to his standards.
- Nice meeting you.
- See you later, Laurie.
His standards of what?
What the hell kind of remark is that?
Your fathers been out
on the firing line for over 20 years.
Oh, God.
Do you have any idea how many
commendations hes received?
Hes an outstanding public servant.
Nobody says he isnt.
But when my mom needed him
or l wanted him, where was he?
Out on the firing line
earning commendations.
What is your problem?
Your fathers a cop.
- Youve gotta make allowances for that.
- lve been doing that for 20 years.
This place is an ulcer factory.
Whats wrong here?
Detective McAnn was just telling me
how much he admires you.
You might call this a testimonial lunch.
Laurie, wait a minute.
Dad, lve gotta go to the lab.
l wanted to tell you
lm sorry l missed you yesterday.
ld like to do better.
Lets have dinner sometime, OK?
Why not?
l gotta go.
lt was a pleasure
to see you again, Miss Kessler.
l am good company, arent l?
You wanna go to a party tonight?
- l beg your pardon?
- Were having a party. You wanna come?
- And youre inviting me?
- Dad, is he always this slow?
Yes or no? lm late.
Thank you very much but... lm busy.
OK, bye.
- Busy doing what?
- Frankly, l dont think wed get along.
Dad, l forgot. l got an obscene phone call
last night from some creep.
- What did he say?
- The usual garbage.
This one had a Spanish accent.
- About that party tonight, Miss Kessler...
- Yeah?
lve changed my mind.
What time shall l pick you up?
Attach the microphone to the receiver
and to record press these two buttons.
Keep him talking.
Get him to say as much as possible.
- Do you really think its the slasher?
- Better safe than sorry.
This police radio, nobody outside
the departments supposed to have this,
so just use it in case of emergencies only.
- Youre not trying to worry us?
- lm trying to scare the pants off you.
Thats a new approach.
Most fellas do it manually.
Another thing - l dont want you
going anywhere alone, especially at night.
- Was all this your idea?
- No, most of it was your fathers.
For reasons l dont quite comprehend,
he seems to be fond of you.
No accounting for taste.
(disco music )
- lts hot in here.
- What?
- l said its hot in here!
- Take your jacket off.
- What?
- Take your jacket off.
- l cant. l have a gun.
- Why do you have a gun?
Hes an officer of the peace.
lf you disturb the peace, hell kill you.
Hide your cocaine
and no shooting up in the toilet!
Youve just ruined my whole evening.
- Having a good time?
- A wonderful time.
And to think l almost turned you down.
When l was in college
l really used to love this sort of thing.
- l must be getting old.
- You could be.
Do you have any dizziness,
shortness of breath?
- Maybe we should check your prostate.
- Youve got to stop being so shy.
Are you... married?
You might have asked me that
before you invited me here.
Your moral standards are so high, lm
sure you would have told me if you were.
Besides, the only reason you came here
was cos you thought
l needed protection from Mr Obscene.
- That is not entirely true.
- (woman yells out)
Dont move.
Dont shoot. We werent doing anything.
lts all right. Dont be alarmed.
Just carry on. As you were.
lts OK.
ls that what you call keeping the peace?
- Where are we going?
- Anywhere but here.
(Laurie) Thanks for dinner. lt was terrific.
Thanks for inviting me to the party.
l had a nice time.
l had a date with an intern,
but he had to cancel.
lts OK. l thought he was a pain.
l thought you were too.
l thought you were
fairly obnoxious yourself.
- Changed your mind?
- lm thinking about it.
Dont strain your brain.
The last thing l wanna do
is get involved with a cop.
l dont blame you.
Good night, Miss Kessler.
What are you doing Saturday?
Saturdays my day off.
(phone rings)
The phone.
- Hello?
- Hi, baby.
Whats doing? How you been?
Oh, its you again.
How about we get together?
What you say?
l dont usually go out with strangers.
What did you say your name was?
Call me Pedro. That means Peter.
l got the biggest one youve ever seen.
Thats nice to know.
What dyou have in mind, Pedro?
l take you to a motel.
We do it every way there is.
How you like it - up, down, front, back?
Whatever suits you, amigo.
Where should l meet you?
- What you say?
- Tell me what hotel. lll meet you there.
Like hell you will.
Dont fool with me, bitch!
But l thought you loved me.
Kiss my ass, cunt!
l love to stick it to you, thats what l love.
Your fathers a pig,
your mothers a whore.
Who told you?
Thats supposed to be a secret.
l wouldnt piss on the best part of you
if you was on your knees begging for it.
- Dont fool with me, bitch!
- But l thought you loved me.
Kiss my ass, cunt!
l love to stick it to you, thats what l love.
Your fathers a pig,
your mothers a whore.
- Laurie must be really scared.
- lt shook her up pretty badly.
l gave her a police radio,
showed her how to use it.
You didnt tell her this is the guy
were after, did you?
Why have her thinking 24 hours a day
shes in mortal danger?
- She is, you know.
- Yeah, l know.
We gotta do something.
We cant just sit around.
l know, l know.
lm gonna have to think about this.
ln case no one ever told you,
your daughters something very special.
Yeah, l know.
- Good night.
- See you in the morning.
(loud pop music )
(music stops)
Smells like pretty good stuff.
Confiscated material?
You testing to make sure
its the real thing?
- l didnt expect anybody this late.
- l guess not.
Listen, l have a tape here
l want you to give to Milliken.
Have him make a voice print and compare
it with the one we have on Warren Stacey.
- Where do you keep that tape?
- ln the file.
Better make sure its still there.
- l will.
- You will? When?
- You want it now?
- No big rush.
As long as you do it
within the next five minutes.
- Was there anything else?
- No.
- Just see that Milliken gets right on it.
- Yes, sir.
l hope you dont feel
you have to say anything about...
lllegal possession of marijuana.
l dont see any evidence.
l cant bring any charges against you.
- Much obliged, sir.
- Me too.
(Stacey) l was 1 2 years old. Stupid thing
to do, but l was angry. ld been punished.
(Kessler) For hurting the neighbours
daughter, cutting her with a knife.
- lt was an accident.
- You like hurting girls?
l wont answer that.
Call me Pedro. That means Peter.
l got the biggest one youve ever seen.
l take you to a motel.
We do it every way there is.
Same voice print.
lts the same man, no doubt about it.
You want me to take him to court on this?
lts a lousy misdemeanour.
Youre gonna get 30 days at most.
Whats that gonna accomplish?
Gives us 30 days to find something
to hold him permanently.
What do you think, McAnn?
l think whatever Lieutenant Kessler
asks for is what he should get.
Then get a warrant and pick him up.
- Whats all that?
- You told me take his clothes to the lab.
Just the clothes
he was wearing on the 7th.
- Red jacket, striped shirt, blue jeans.
- And the suit he wore to the funeral?
OK. That too.
Perfect match. Blood type AB negative.
Also evidence of hepatitis, now dormant.
Then thats it.
How do you figure a guy like this? Sets up
a perfect alibi and then blows it with that.
Why didnt he have them
cleaned or burn them?
l think that might look fairly suspicious.
Suspicion leaves a reasonable doubt.
This makes him look awfully dumb.
- He doesnt strike me as dumb.
- Everybody makes mistakes.
l made one myself last night.
l forgot to have Kessler sign
for the tape he picked up.
Last night? l was with Kessler last night
till one in the morning at his house.
lt was about two.
Anyway, have him come in and sign.
Sign here. Standard bail bond agreement.
What itll cost you.
- All l want is out.
- Thats what were here for.
They put you in, l get you out,
Mr Dante keeps you out.
- Whats he looking at, Dave?
- Did they read you your rights?
- Did you?
- Of course.
Good boy.
We plead not guilty, demand a jury trial.
With their backlog,
nobodys gonna pay any attention.
Sexy phone call. l can practically
guarantee you a suspended sentence.
Excuse me.
lm talking to my client. Do you mind?
l have something more
for you to talk about.
We found some blood
on your clients clothing.
- Were gonna rebook him. Murder one.
- What?
See you at the arraignment.
You dirty shit! Hes lying. There was
no blood on my clothes and he knows it.
You dirty shit!
Hes lying! Hes lying! Hes lying!
Theyre coming out now!
Ask the DA.
Hold it. OK! Hold it!
Hold it!
Hes been charged with first-degree
homicide and held without bail.
Evidence will be presented at
the pre-trial hearing. No further comment.
You did it. Now tell me how you did it.
- Just lucky, l guess.
- Hell, luck? Youre terrific.
How does it look to you, Mr Dante?
l welcome the opportunity to prove
that all the evidence against my client
is not only flimsy, its fabricated.
- What do you mean?
- You got a dictionary? Look it up.
- How well did you know her, Warren?
- Did you do it?
- How well did you know her?
- Did you love her?
Dante says the evidence against
his client is fabricated. Care to comment?
- What evidence?
- Ask him.
- He wouldnt say.
- Makes it unanimous.
- Why would he say fabricated?
- They always say that.
Daddy, l gotta go.
lve already missed two classes.
lm real proud of my old man.
And you too. First time l saw you
l said Thats a good detective.
- l dont remember that.
- l said it to myself.
- l think lll go down with her.
- You never answered. Why fabricated?
- Whats he up to?
- Forget it.
McAnn. Can l have a minute of your time?
lm in a hurry.
Tomorrow lm gonna
call you as a witness.
lm gonna ask you about
the evidence against Stacey.
What about it?
You know there were no blood stains
till someone planted them.
Who says that? Warren Stacey?
McAnn, you can deny it now, but if you lie
in the witness stand, thats perjury.
Perjury is a serious offence.
Threatening a witness
is fairly serious too, Mr Dante.
Whos threatening?
All lm asking for is the truth.
You will know the truth
and the truth will make you free.
lf you dont know the truth,
youd better find out.
See you.
Hello, McAnn. This is Kessler.
lm not interrupting anything?
lf you have a girl there, lll hang up.
- Theres no girl. Just me.
- l havent seen much of you lately.
l thought you might have died of old age.
lve been meaning to call you, Laurie.
lt sounds like a lame excuse,
but lve been very busy.
Got a new partner, a new assignment.
lve got your radio here.
l was kind of expecting you
to come by and pick it up.
- Maybe say hello, if you felt like it.
- Sure, lll do that.
ls this Paul McAnn, the detective?
l feel like lm talking to a stranger.
lm sorry. l just had
a lot on my mind lately.
Look, lve got another call.
l really have been thinking about you.
l would like to see you.
l gotta go. lll call you.
- Yeah, sure.
- (hangs up)
Wanted to remind you, in case you forgot,
when you testify tomorrow, remember,
youre sworn to tell the truth,
the whole truth
and nothing but the truth,
so help you God.
See you in court, McAnn.
When Kessler came to get
the tape and the voice print,
did you discuss anything else with him?
Shit. He told you, huh?
Lets hear it.
The boys grabbed a load of... stuff.
They burned most of it.
- But this was such high quality...
- What are you talking about?
- What are you talking about?
- Were you with Kessler the entire time?
- Except when l went to get the tape.
- When you came back, he was here?
- Where else?
- No, l mean here, right here in this room.
No, he was in there.
- Whats kept in that refrigerator?
- Blood samples.
Nice, very nice. Just right.
Lets hear it again.
- Guilty or not guilty?
- Not guilty.
Good boy. We can always
plead insanity later.
- lm not insane.
- l know that.
But in case we have to go that route,
l want you to know were in good shape.
No matter what youve done,
the worse it is,
the more the jurys gonna think that
no normal person could have done it.
So we work out a routine, say
youre two people - one good, one bad.
You start hearing voices, the bad boy
telling the good boy what to do.
He doesnt wanna do it
but he cant help himself. You see?
- Youre saying lm a schizo.
- No, Warren.
lm saying that you walk
out of a crazy house alive.
Theyll carry you
out of a gas chamber dead.
Staceys lawyers putting me on the stand.
He says Stacey was framed.
Dave Dantes not a lawyer. Hes a shyster.
He says the evidence was planted.
Do you know that to him
this is one big game?
lf he gets Stacey off,
hes won the Super Bowl
and to all the scum out there hes a hero.
l went back to the lab
and talked to the technician. l asked...
What the hell did you do that for?
Why didnt you ask me?
l was afraid you might tell me
you planted those blood stains.
Yeah, well...
l did.
Jesus, Leo.
- Why?
- What kind of a question is that?
- Wed have nailed him soon.
- After counting how many more dead?
He had to be stopped. The only way
to do that is to put him away.
- You understand what lm saying?
- Yes, l understand what youre saying.
You want me to commit perjury.
What do you think hes gonna do?
Hell lie about everything.
Staceys not a cop.
He didnt take an oath.
An oath? Jesus Christ!
Would you take an oath
that hes not guilty?
You go in that courtroom and forget
whats legal and do whats right.
lf l thought it was right,
ld swear to anything you say.
We will then present evidence
that the crime was premeditated
and then we will call witnesses
to testify that the defendant
harboured malice towards the victim...
testimony confirmed
by the victims own diary.
We will produce evidence that there were
blood stains on the defendants clothing...
that he acknowledges wearing
on the night of the murder,
expert witnesses from
the police forensic laboratory
testifying that the blood type...
Excuse me, Your Honour.
Your Honour,
may we approach the bench?
You may.
Your Honour, l must ask for a dismissal of
charges against the defendant, based on...
ls that true, Lieutenant?
You planted the evidence?
Yes, sir.
- What have you got to say, Warren?
- How does it feel to be a free man?
How do you feel about what Kessler did?
- Hes the one that belongs in jail.
- He violated due process.
He thumbed his nose at the Bill of Rights.
Hes a disgrace to our system
of law enforcement.
- Stacey says you should be in jail.
- Why dont you go (BLEEP) yourself?.
Turn that damn thing off.
What we need is another drink.
Come on, Laurie. l think
youve had too many drinks already.
Were celebrating.
First time l ever got drunk with my father.
You know, Dad...
You oughta fire your housekeeper.
lve been fired once today already.
Thats enough.
Son of a bitch.
- l hope he gets whats coming to him.
- l hope its sooner than later.
You know, theyll probably
give him a medal.
lm talking about Stacey.
- lm talking about McAnn.
- Ah, well...
l broke the law.
He wouldnt buy it.
l would have felt the same way.
l dont care.
- l still hate him.
- Laurie, youve had enough.
- Thats enough.
- Dad, you dont understand.
Alcohol is the most effective
tranquilliser l know.
- Youve still had enough.
- When you get up in the morning...
Oh, my God, the morning.
lve got a test. lll call a cab.
- lll take you home.
- lll call a cab.
lll take you home.
You dont argue with your father.
lm not arguing, Dad.
You wanna take me home, OK.
Listen, Laurie,
if Stacey calls again, you call me.
And if you cant reach me by the phone,
use the police radio.
And tell your friends up there
to keep the doors locked.
They shouldnt open up
to anybody that they dont know.
You know, Dad,
l bet when you had your daughter,
you didnt expect
shed be so much trouble.
l dont mind if you dont.
You stay in touch, OK?
(phone rings)
Yeah, hello.
- Hello?
- How you doing, Mr Kessler?
Enjoying yourself?. l am.
l told you what a dirty shit you are.
Now the whole world knows, right?
Whats the matter, cat got your tongue?
To forgive is divine, they say.
But l dont aspire to being an angel.
Know what l mean?
You tried to kill me. l owe you for that.
And l always try and pay what l owe.
Be seeing you, Mr Kessler.
Likewise, Mr Stacey.
l used to like this job.
Now l hate coming to work.
lm gonna put in for a transfer.
Why cant they get rid of him?
- l cant sleep nights.
- Me neither.
Whats wrong, Mrs Byrd?
What are these doing here? Answer me.
- l didnt put em there.
- No?
- Who did?
- Not me. Why would l?
Take them down.
Get rid of them this minute.
- Will you listen to me?
- lm going straight to personnel.
l dont want you in this office.
- You trying to commit suicide?
- l was gonna ask you the same thing.
Youre making life very unpleasant
for Warren Stacey.
- Who told you that?
- We in the police have our sources.
You keep it up,
hes gonna come after you.
You think so?
lf you wake up one day
with your throat cut...
lll thank you for warning me.
(car starts)
Say hello to Laurie.
Sure. lll do that.
Tell her l drive by the dormitory
several times a night.
Me too. lm obliged.
(soft rock music starts)
(phone rings)
(Kessler) Are you enjoying yourself,
Mr Stacey?
- Come on, get in.
- First things first, hon.
OK. Come on.
- What can l do for you?
- The girl that was standing with you here.
- Where does she usually take her tricks?
- Who wants to know?
Usually the Regis. Sometimes
the Drexel or the Golden State.
You want drinks, just call the bar.
lve got my own.
Give me a wake-up call in three hours.
You got your work cut out for you.
Thats too much. My union
dont approve of me drinking on the job.
- ltll loosen you up.
- lm already a loose woman.
Bottoms up.
Thats the story of my life.
- lm gonna take a shower.
- What for?
Cos l like to be clean.
Buddy. A guy about this tall, young,
came in with a hooker. Which room?
- lt aint our policy...
- Which room? Here.
Give me the key.
Dont l know you?
Havent we met before?
- (door buzzer)
- Will you get that, Bun?
- Looking like this? You get it.
- l cant. My toastll burn.
Take it out, dummy.
Come on, buddy. Get me a line.
(door buzzer)
- (phone rings)
- Somebody get the phone.
- Bunny.
- OK, OK.
- Who is it?
- Hello.
- Flowers for Miss Kessler.
- lll take em.
- She has to sign for them.
- Laurie, somebody bought you flowers.
- Who are they from?
- Who else? Your good-looking cop?
- Dont open the door.
- What?
Oh, my God. Dont open that door!
No! No! Oh, my God! No! No!
Leave me alone!
- Where is she? Where is she?
- She isnt here! Shes not here!
Kessler. Laurie Kessler.
Where is she?
Laurie Kessler! Where is she?
- Where is she?
- Shes at the hospital!
- Youre lying!
- lm not!
- Youre lying!
- No, lm not!
- Shes not here, not here.
- Where is she?
- Hello, McAnn. Come in, McAnn.
- Kessler, this is McAnn.
- County hospital, dormitory three. Over.
- Ten-four. Were on our way.
County hospital. Hit it.
- Where? Tell me where she is.
- Shes at the hospital.
- Youre lying!
- No! Really, shes at the hospital.
l wont hurt you.
Shes... shes at the hospital.
l swear. l swear.
Shes on duty at the hospital.
Thats where she is.
Shes working.
Why didnt you tell me? Why did you
make me think she was in there?
(police radio)
- My fathers gonna kill you.
- No, hes not. l know where hes at.
That was him on the phone.
Hell be here any second.
Oh, yeah?
Then l guess ld better hurry up.
(car approaches)
Thats him. Hes here!
You can count on this. lll be back.
(car starts and drives off
Dont shoot. Get back! Get away!
l tried to keep you from running loose.
Now there are three more dead girls.
You drove me to it.
That blood on my clothes.
Those pictures on the wall.
Digging into my personal life. lts my life!
Those phone calls. On me every minute!
All those girls.
You sick son of a bitch.
l am sick.
l am sick.
l didnt know what l was doing.
lts like l couldnt control myself.
Why else would l kill girls
l dont even know?
lts like lm two different people.
l hear voices telling me what to do.
Once it begins, l cant stop!
So go ahead, arrest me.
Take me in.
You cant punish me.
lm sick.
They cant punish me for being sick.
All you can do is lock me up.
But not forever.
One day lll get out.
One day lll get out.
Thats the law. Thats the law.
Thats the law!
And lll be back. lll be back.
Youll hear from me.
You and the whole fucking world!
No, we wont.