11-11-11 (2011) Movie Script

I love you, Joseph. / i
Hey, I can wait out here all day.
Your last book sold 5 million copies.
Surely you could've done better than this.
Glad to see that you're writing again.
Yeah, well there have never been a problem
with that, I write every day.
- So, what is the problem?
- I'm done.
This doesn't look like you're done.
This looks like a bestseller.
That's not even a book. It's personal.
All your writing is personal.
That's why it sells.
I write dime store thrillers,
so spare me the pretense.
You have a legion of followers that would disagree with you.
What's this?
That's none of your concern.
- It's just a diary.
- An autobiography?
It's a diary!
I'm part of this support group,
and now we write about our pain.
You know, your writing is a lot more
important than you may think.
I can't begin to fathom what you must be going through.
I'm fine.
Stop punishing yourself Joe.
You've got to get out of this room.
I miss you.
The day that Sarah and David died,/ i
So did my faith in that there was
some sort of higher power./ i
There's no divine beings and a master architect./ i
Surely no deity could be responsible for so much pain, / i
so much fucking misery./ i
God is dead.
Or maybe he was never alive./ I
All my friends had these, careers,
and I just had a job.
It didn't matter. When I met Henry,
everything changed.
I quit my job ... and I was a wife.
Full time.
I was the most important thing in his life.
He needed me and he was the only family I ever had.
And I was good.
No, I was great.
When he died,
I died too.
I never realized the importance of family,
until the one I had was taken away.
But now, I wake up every morning ...
I write my journal ...
and I know that tomorrow is a new day.
Don't loose those.
High street value and all that.
- You know you're up?
- I don't think that's gonna happen.
- Why not?
- I just don't have very much to say.
You've been coming here for months
and you've not said a thing.
I'm pretty sure you have an encyclopedia
of things to say.
- At least I see you're following the steps.
- Oh yeah.
No it's just ... I don't wanna go in there
and just bore everybody.
My story ends the same as everybody else's,
in Tragedy.
You know for someone so good with words ...
I find it hard to believe you can't find the
right ones to share.
You shouldn't look so surprised.
I read quite a lot you know.
Yeah, sorry.
Hey, um ... seems a bit stupid now, but I read
somewhere that you don't like using computers.
And I saw your tattered notebooks in group, so ...
- I know it's lame.
- Wow, thanks! It's not lame, it's great.
Okay, bye!
Call 911!
Mr. Crone?
Mr. Crone, can you hear me?
- You're one very lucky man.
- Am I?
Yes you are. You are in St. Luke's hospital now.
Mr. Crone, do you remember what happened?
I do not know who your guardian angel is,
but you might consider giving him a raise.
- The other driver?
- He didn't have your luck.
Can I come in?
Sorry, I can leave.
I just didn't know who to call or ....
- There's no one to call.
- Looks like you're gonna need a new watch.
I get to bed every night praying I won't
wake up in the morning.
I pray I walk out of the house and get
struck by lightning.
I pray to a God I know doesn't exist to run me down by car,
and the day it finally happens I walk away
without a scratch.
- It wasn't your time.
- No it is my time, I have no purpose.
You're a famous author, with legions of fans.
Your books inspire millions of people.
- But you have no purpose?
- This is not group therapy. Okay?
Look. I know what it's like to feel sorry for
yourself, and it's dangerous.
I used to be alone and have no reason to ...
- Yeah, I know, you found God.
No. I met someone who showed me something
that changed my outlook on the world.
We all have our purpose.
Just because you feel alone,
it doesn't mean you've lost yours.
- How you're getting home?
- Taking a cab.
No you're not.
I'll get the car and meet you outside.
Do not answer the call, Joseph.
They are watching you.
But do not answer their call.
Will I see you at group tomorrow?
I can give you a lift if you like.
That's probably a good idea considering
my driving skills
See you.
Don't forget this.
Hey ...
I just wanted to say thank you for being there for me.
And thanks for this!
Joseph?/ i
How'd you get this number?
Dad's dying./ i
The hospital released him to spend his
last days at home./ i
I don't expect you to come,
I just thought you should know./ i
Barcelona, Spain/ i
That address is 45 minutes from Barcelona.
It's a very expensive trip.
- I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish.
- No, no. English.
Returning to Spain brings back so many memories./ i
Things I never wanted to revisit/ i
My old man ... his faith.
A God that abandoned me./ I
My brother, who ...
although we have the same blood,/ i
remains a stranger to me./ i
You must be Joseph.
- And you are?
- My name is Anna.
So, you are a famous writer?
I don't like your books.
I only believe in one book.
Well, I'm taking care of your father until he passes.
I will give you some time to be with him.
They're watching, Joseph.
They're coming for him.
You must save him.
Are you ready to save him, boy?
- I understand what you're talking about.
- He needs your help.
Dad, I don't know what you're trying to tell me.
He cannot do this by himself.
I'm gonna get Anna, for you.
It's good to see you son.
I can't believe it.
You made it.
- I'm not staying, I can't be here.
- What? Where are you going?
- Hotel.
- A hotel?
Joe, I read online you were in a car accident.
You didn't even call us.
- What could you have done?
- Been there for you.
We've never been there for each other.
Not when we were kids, and you're not
gonna be there for me now.
That could change. We've changed.
The lord has a plan for you brother.
The lords plan hasn't quite worked out for me has it?
Do you resent us that much?
I don't resent you Samuel.
I resent what you represent.
What he represents,
what this whole place represents.
They do not think he'll make it past the week.
I do not think he'll make it past the night.
So whatever hatred you have for the church,
don't take it out on us.
Stay the night.
- So what happened to your church?
- Congregation dwindled.
More and more lost their faith.
We hope to find a new place as soon as the
messages from our sermon spread.
Perhaps you can lend us some of your loyal readers to the cause.
Yeah ... What cause is that?
Transcending the world's perception of religion.
Yeah, I don't know if my readers would be
buying what you're selling.
You'd be surprised what your fans would believe in.
You know why mom bought this thing
when we moved to Spain?
To remind us that angels are all around us.
Ever since Sarah and David died,
this statue's been in my nightmares.
It won't bite you.
It just reminds me of things I'd like to forget.
I have something for you.
I wish I could say I've read them all.
Seems as soon as I'm reading one, two more come out.
Do you really have as little faith as the
characters in your books?
Maybe less.
An atheist and a pastor.
We're quite the pair aren't we?
- Do you still write every day?
- Yeah, it's actually the only thing I inherited from him.
Me too.
For the past few Christmases and birthdays we've missed.
Please, I want you to have this.
- For continued success with the writing.
- You didn't have to do this.
It's been too long, brother.
It's good to see you.
Last few months we've had ongoing issues with vandals.
We installed those around the compound,
more than anything just to act as a deterrent.
- Catch any bad guys?
- We caught something.
- Anna has a very vivid imagination.
- Come, Joseph, come.
- What is this?
- Each camera takes one picture per minute,
unless the motion sensor is triggered and it rolls video.
This is from last week.
A demon.
- That's fog.
- My brother he ... he lacks faith.
I don't lack faith. I have faith.
I have faith in what makes rational sense.
God, and demons, and the devil don't.
I am going to pray for you.
- George Washington.
- What about him?
Have you ever met him?
Have you ever met anyone who's ever met him?
No. No pictures, nothing. Only text.
Yet you still believe in George Washington.
God is a myth, Samuel. Neither you nor
Washington is gonna convince me otherwise.
David died at 11:11.
The time on his death certificate.
Not a number you easily forget.
I've been seeing that number a lot lately.
I got your number from the hospital,
I hope that's okay.
The hospital gave you my number?
Well, I didn't say they gave me the number.
I said that I got from the hospital.
You know, I waited outside your hotel
for 30 minutes./ i
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I ... I forgot.
- I had a little bit of an emergency.
- An emergency, on top of the accident?
- You're having quite the week.
- I'm having quite a year.
- I'm in Spain.
- What?
Yeah, I'm in Barcelona./ i
- You're serious?
- Yes, my brother and my father live here.
- My father moved here when I was a little kid.
- I'm so happy you're with your family, Joseph.
I wanna ask you a question.
You ever see a number reappearing in your life
over and over again?
- Such as?
- 11:11.
- Well. Did you make a wish?
- A wish?
Yeah. You know, when you look up and see
a clock that says 11:11 and you make a wish.
- No, why?
- An old wives tale, it's lucky I think.
Why are you asking me this?
Why am I back here? Why am I staying when
everything in my being is telling me to run?/ i
I remember the day we moved into this house
and how much I hated it./ i
How much I hated my father for moving us here./ i
How I resented him.
Not much has changed.
I still feel like an outsider.
Even amongst my own family./ i
Diary of Anne. / i
I'm afraid I am not at good at writing as you.
- I am very sorry. I was just curious.
- It's okay.
- So you're a writer.
- It's a gospel, according to me.
I don't read Spanish, but it looks like a diary.
A record of my faith.
You know, if I kept a record of my faith,
it would be a book with no pages.
I keep a diary.
I know. But this is mine.
Something your father encouraged of his congregation.
Sounds like my father.
Well, I'm sorry again.
I will leave you to your comfort.
The Spirit Guardians/ i
the messengers/ i
The next door/ i
The 11:11 activation is to open the doorway of the 11:11.
This doorway is a transition zone between
two very different spirals of evolution.
Those who have been activated by messengers can view
both worlds, sometimes seeing ... the "Midwayers".
Other times they manifest by hallucinations,
trying to deliver a message.
They are here.
Breathe. Breathe.
Come on. Let's get you up.
Come on.
What happened?
I don't know.
I was just ...
I was just praying.
Has this ever happened to you before?
I'm hallucinating, I don't know what's wrong
with me, but I'm seeing things.
You drink?
Jesus drink.
- What is this place?
- This is our chapel.
This isn't a chapel.
You don't need a cathedral to worship the lord.
The dedication of my flock is not measured
by the size of our church.
When our congregation grows, it will be
because of the message.
- Not the comfort of the pews.
- Let's get you back into the chair.
Come on. Give me your arms.
Here we go!
I'm gonna go try and get some rest.
Do you still blame me?
What happened to mom was not your fault.
Joseph, come to my service tomorrow.
You know, I really don't do cathedrals.
- Or basement chapels.
- Religion is flawed, I'll give you that.
But I'm doing my part, to bring
it back to the true message.
So was it worth it?
You know, following dad's footsteps,
devoting your life to a myth?
Just because you've lost your faith,
does not mean I've lost mine.
I'll see you in the morning.
You have one unheard message.
Message left at 11:11 p.m.
I think it's 11:11 where you are,
didn't wanna say anyting, just .../ i
Is this your new book?
I am not Kathy Bates ...
but I will go misery on you if you
are not up in two seconds.
- What are you doing in my room, Anna?
- I am your date to the service.
To church service?
I don't do church.
Your brother say you say that.
That's why I'm here, to restore your faith.
Yes. Well you can restore my faith on Sunday.
Today is Thursday.
Get dressed!
Something the bible talks a lot about.
Genesis 22.
God tells Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac,
as a testament to his faith.
Abraham loved God so much
he took his child to a mountain with the intent to slay him.
For three days he journeyed to Moriah,
knowing that when he arrived
he would have to kill his own flesh and blood.
God too, made the ultimate sacrifice.
He gave his only begotten son,
Jesus Christ, to die for our sins.
In life, we all must make sacrifices.
Not as extreme as Jesus or Abraham,
but still important.
Imagine if Christ had not died on the cross.
Then our sins would not be absolved.
We make sacrifices every day, right?
Today, the sacrifice is the warmth
and comfort of our chapel.
I am a sinner.
I wish I could say I were divine,
but the truth is, my life is riddled with shortcomings.
Today in religion, we spend so much time asking for
forgiveness, so much time obsessing on our faults,
that we forget to live.
We worshippers look down on sinners.
All the while, pushing newcomers away from the church,
not bringing them closer together.
Damning mistakes we ourselves make.
To sin is human. Jesus Christ sacrificed his
own life so that we may sin.
It was his final gift to man.
What will your sacrifice to God be?
Javier, what is it?
- Is everything okay?
- Yeah, it's fine.
Javier, you don't look well.
They are coming for you, brother.
The doorway's opening.
You will see.
- How do I dial 911.
- No, please don't do that.
Because we know him.
We've been trying to help him for some time.
Joseph, in the last year we've lost the church,
people have lost their faith ...
- We can't afford this type of attention.
- Who is he?
His name is Javier Cabello,
he's a member of the congregation.
- Why is a member of the congregation trying to kill you?
- He's trying to scare me.
- He's doing a good job. Why?
- He never liked what I had to say.
Tough crows.
What did you have to say?
My sermons, the messages of the church.
Javier had some radical beliefs,
he was into some ... dark things.
- Was he a satanist?
- No, he was just misguided.
He stuck a gun in your face,
he pointed the gun at me!
Joseph, I implore you not to worry.
Let's not destroy his life or this church any more.
- He was probably drunk. I'll call his wife.
- You do what you've gotta do.
All the forgiveness, it doesn't always work that way.
You be careful.
I wanna get out of here.
Let's go someplace for a bit
Good idea.
Come on.
That was an interesting sermon.
You endorse sin.
I mean, doesn't that go against everything the Bible teaches?
People are gonna do what they want,
regardless if you enable them or damn them.
Fear is no way to live your life.
That is the essence of what religion is, isn't it? Fear.
- Okay, so by that rationale ...
Why have faith in religion at all?
Why believe in God?
- Have you ever read the Bible, Joseph?
- You're gonna drop the Bible on me now.
I asked if you ever read the Bible,
not if you believe in it.
I haven't read the Bible since I was a young kid.
You of all people should know the importance
of power of a book.
The right words at the right time can change a life.
Give it purpose.
Restore faith.
I know the power a book.
I live with that power every day.
It doesn't always restore faith,
it destroys it.
A fanatic read my books,
set fire to my apartment,
and killed my wife and my son.
All because of words I wrote in a book.
- I'm glad you came back home.
- This was never my home.
- You never gave it a change.
- You were born here,
you never knew anything else.
You know, there isn't a day going by
I'm not reminded of what I took from her.
From you, from dad.
I promised myself I would make my life will important.
My work and the message I preach.
I will give her death meaning.
- It's your birthday tomorrow.
- I'm not big on birthdays.
Take a look at this.
Look at the time.
- 11:10?
- It's 11:11.
I was wearing that when I was in my car accident.
It's also the time your fog rolled in.
It's the time of death on David's death certificate.
Your attack happened at 11:11.
Mom ... November 11th.
- You're searching for parallels?
- And finding them.
Brother, be careful looking for meaning
when there is none.
No, there's something to this.
Or maybe you're just cognisant of the
number now, and looking for it.
No, no. It's too frequent to be random.
These people online call themselves "Eleveners."
They believe that there's celestial beings that
exist between our world and someplace else.
They believe they try to use the number
to contact us, to get our attention.
You think, because you're seeing some
number over and over again,
that someone, or something, is trying to contact you?
Brother, be careful looking for meaning
when there is none.
No, there's something to this.
Or maybe you're just cognisant of the
number now, and looking for it.
No, no. It's too frequent to be random.
These people online call themselves "Eleveners."
They believe that there's celestial beings that
exist between our world and someplace else.
They believe they try to use the number
to contact us, to get our attention.
You think, because you're seeing some
number over and over again,
that someone, or something, is trying to contact you?
You believe in praying to an old man
who lives in the clouds?
Those cameras in your church;
how long do you save that footage?
- Here's November 4th, that's as far back as we go.
- That was six nights ago.
Fast forward to 11 PM.
Keep going. Good, stop.
- What are we looking for?
- 11:11.
Last night, after your attack,
I came here and looked at this footage.
Javier said there were others, and well,
there were a bunch of people standing in your yard.
You still think that's random?
Something's trying to get our attention.
That was the fourth, right? Hold on one second,
I gotta take this. Pull up the fifth.
Excuse me.
What the hell happened to you?
- Are you okay?
- I'm great, Grant. I'm doing backflips right now.
I read that you were in a wreck, you get admitted
to a hospital, and you don't as much as call me?
- I'm fine.
- You bet you're fine.
You are about to find out just what a great agent I am.
I hope that you're still writing.
Because I have just come out of a meeting
with Ransom Publishing.
They are offering you a high seven figure,
blind deal, on your next book.
Now, Joe, don't you get mad at me,
but I pitched them your diary.
... When ... Joseph .../ i
Are you scared yet, son?
Pardon me ma'am. English ... English?
Sir, excuse me, do you know where ...
Thank you.
I have this camera.
I need to get the film developed in
this camera, do you do that?
I need to see ... to see,
the film in this camera.
I don't know if you have an express service,
or something, but ...
- Name, please.
- Joseph Crone.
Can I get the pictures in an hour or something?
- Tomorrow.
- No, no. Today.
Okay, I know, "Magnani."
Okay, I got it. Thanks.
Javier is a good husband and a good man.
Yeah I'm sure. When he's not brandishing a gun,
he's probably great to be around.
Mrs. Cabelo, he came to my brother's service
and he shoved a gun in my face.
So anything you can tell me would be really helpful.
He has been ... in a very bad place.
- Confused how?
- He thinks he was chosen.
- Says he has to end the church.
- My brother's church?
Javier has always been a religious man, but ...
Things became cloudy.
He became obsessed.
He spent all of his time at the library of
the occult, reading dark things.
He lost his grip on reality.
- How is your brother?
- My brother is fine.
He has the best sermons.
They make sense.
Some will make me feel comfortable.
I've been to the other churches, but ...
I always left feeling guilty, dirty.
But not there.
Not with him.
-- Spanish --
To sin is normal, that's what Samuel would say.
Let me bring you the address to the store.
Anybody home?
- You scare people in english too?
- Yes, sir.
Javier Cabello.
- Does the name ring a bell? Do you know him?
- I have many customers.
I didn't say he was a customer.
I'm not interested in many,
I'm interested in this one.
- We heard you were in town.
- Im sorry?
Your work precedes you.
What does an atheist want with the occult?
Research for a new book?
Yeah, I'm researching Javier Cabello.
His wife says he comes in here.
- All this, huh?
- Yes. Javier spends a lot of time here.
- Guess so.
- Books of rituals.
Sacrifice. Satanism.
And this one?
Tell me something about this number, 11:11.
- What does it mean?
- Something is trying to wake you up.
- Wake me up from what?
- That which you aren't seeing.
Why this number? Why 11:11?
Why not ... I don't know, 19 or 67, 45?
Why numbers at all? Why not just ... you've
got something to say, just come out and say it.
There are rules.
Even for mystical and fantastical.
It is how faith works.
- Okay. 161, "Midwayer". What are they?
- Exactly what it sounds like.
- Beings that exist midway.
- Great, but midway to what?
- Our world and theirs.
- Are they dangerous?
They have limited power in our world.
They are not truly a part of it.
According to this, they are here on missions.
If you have been activated,
they want you to play some part in it.
If you've seen the number, or them,
there is a reason for that.
Javier was seeing this number?
Come on. Tell me.
This is your knowledge, tell me.
And part your wisdom on me, because I don't know.
I've seen these things.
For the last two nights.
- Why?
- The closer we get to the 11:11,
the more power they have in our world.
It's insane. It's just ... It sounds insane.
Come on, follow me.
The Sumerians believed that 11-11
was an important date.
- Why?
- On the eleventh day of the eleventh moment
of the eleventh year,
a gateway will open
from it comes beings unlike mortal eyes have seen.
And on this day, innocent blood will spill.
And from this sacrifice, the serpent will rise.
Destroying faith and bringing with it, rapture.
A sacrifice for raising,
a sacrifice to bring, the end.
Javier said that 11:11 is a doorway.
What does that mean?
- That he is delusional.
- Let's say he's not delusional.
What if 11:11 actually means something?
This is a prank. There's gotta be a
logical explanation for this.
Here you go again, you believe in a man who walked
on water, you believe in a talking snake,
and you can't believe in this?
Just follow me for a minute.
What if 11:11 is the doorway.
What if 11:11 as in the time, is the
doorway that's letting these things in.
Joseph, do you hear youself?
You sound like one of your books.
I told you, don't look for meaning where there is none.
It's just a number.
Glad to see that you are still writing.
There are things I should have told you.
Your brother is special.
You must protect him.
Protect him?
I haven't seen him ... I haven't seen you, in years.
And now I have to protect him?
- Protect him from what?
- The God ... God brings into this world,
Satan tries to avert it.
I have never told Samuel what
I'm about to tell you now.
After you were born, there were complications.
The doctors told us that your mother
could no longer conceive.
That she could no longer give birth.
The birth of your brother was a miracle.
Immaculate conception?
That's insane even for you.
- Once you went away ...
- No, no, I was sent away.
I did what was best for you.
I do not regret my decision.
What was best for me?
You did what was easiest for you.
You have such a rage inside of you.
Rage against me. Rage against him.
I didn't know how to comfort you.
You're a goddamn priest.
Isn't comforting people what you do?
Look at me.
You did this.
You sent me away.
And you tore this family apart.
Your brother must survive.
His message must survive.
- You must have faith.
- I have faith.
I have faith and fully believe that you are insane.
You are more important than you think.
I'm seeing things. Am I crazy?
I'm loosing my mind.
Or are they visions?
Warning? Prophecies?
I've seen 11:11 again.
As crazy as this sounds, it's followed me to Spain.
You suddenly piqued my interest in 11:11.
I started reading about it and now I just can't stop.
- I'm a little bit obsessed.
- I'm a little bit more than obsessed.
- I keep seeing the number everywhere.
- So you've been activated.
- I've been something ... I don't know.
- Are you okay? / I
Uh ... no.
Actually I'm not okay.
I'm not okay at all.
Someone's trying to kill my brother.
And my father's dying.
And I keep seeing the number ... I'm seeing it ...
I just see it everywhere.
I don't know if I'm willing it or if it's real.
You know, Barcelona is only 6 hours away,
if you need someone.
You know I never believed in God,
or fate, or purpose, but ...
this is different.
- I never should have come back.
- Sounds like maybe your family needs you.
Maybe you need them too.
Yeah, you don't know my family.
Look, I'm gonna call you back, okay?
-- Spanish --
What is all this?
Protect him.
Last night, when I found you on the floor,
I saw this, standing in the room with us.
I printed this up.
I don't know what's going on but I take
comfort in the fact that if I'm going crazy,
I'm not doing it alone.
On the web, it talks about 11:11 being a doorway,
same thing Javier told us.
- A doorway to what?
- Us.
A doorway to communicate with us.
They say they're angels.
- Whatever they are, they want my attention.
- Angels?
These things are not angels, Joseph.
- 11:11 is just ...
- A number?
If you say just a number, and I swear
to your Christ, I'll loose it.
For a man who's based his entire existence around some
unseen force, cosmically guiding humanity.
- And you can't believe this?
- Joseph, what do you want me to say?
For the last week at least, these things have been showing
up in and around this house, at the exact same time.
David's death, mom's death,
my car accident, your attack last night.
I keep telling you this.
Tomorrow is 11/11/11.
And I'm terrified, that something horrible's gonna happen.
- Pack your things, we're leaving here tonight.
- Joseph, I'm not leaving this house, or dad.
Dad told me that I had to protect you, that you were
some kind of savior. What was he talking about?
- Answer me. What was he talking about?
- Dad sometimes had radical beliefs.
He said you were gonna be the one to
save me, save this church
He thought I was important to religion, to man's faith.
- Important how?
- That my outlook needed to be heard.
That the church, maybe even religion itself,
was headed for destruction.
- And you have the answers?
- No. He had delusions of grandeur.
Yeah, I thought he sounds like a prophet.
At first I thought I was loosing my mind,
I kept seeing things, things I can't explain.
It kept happening at the same time, at 11:11.
And now the day's getting closer.
These vision are getting clearer and I'm seeing them longer.
Something's trying to warn me.
Something major will transpire on 11/11/11.
"One thousand one hundred eleven loyal midwayers
are engaged in important missions on earth."
"These midwayers have definite power over time and space."
This is from the Urantia book.
I recommend all "Eleveners", read this!
I have a bad feeling something is about to happen.
I've been seeing the 11:11 too frequently.
Something terrible is coming.
I've asked Anna to pack your things.
We're leaving this house.
- What are you talking about?
- You're not safe here.
What do you know the Urantia book?
- How did you hear about that?
- Online.
It's a book radicals believe was
written by celestial beings.
- Angels.
- It's hogwash. Blasphemous.
Does your sudden interest in the subject
have to do with 11:11?
I myself had been become curious about your
repeated sightnings of the number.
- I thought you said you weren't a believer.
- Not believing and not understanding
are two different things.
The Bible warns about divination.
Leveticus 19, verses 18-20.
Looking for answers through numbers.
Interpreting random acts as messages from God.
Whatever is coming through that doorway is not good,
regardless of what these papers say.
- Be careful of wolves in sheep's clothing.
- Meaning?
A man of sin will come at the power of Satan.
He will use all kinds of power, including
miraculous and wonderful signs.
But they will be lies and trickery.
Thessalonians 2:9.
If something is trying to get your attention.
It's not holy or angelic.
These "Midwayers" as the papers call them,
they're demonic.
- So you do believe in demons.
- I believe in God.
And with that comes believing in the devil.
I'm loosing my mind.
- Move!
- Joseph!
The lord has sent you here to protect me, Joseph.
What is it?
I feel like I've been wrong my entire life.
What if God is real?
And my brother, a prophet?
11:11 is my activation to save the prophet,
his message, this church./ i
- There he is.
- Sadie.
- I promise you, I'm not not crazy.
- I wish you would've told me we were having company.
- Yeah. No, I ... I didn't know.
- I was worried about you.
My mom's a flight attendant, so I get free standby.
Okay, maybe I'm a little bit crazy, but just the good kind!
I was just telling Sadie about the falling chandelier
last night, and about our wayward childhood.
- I can't believe you're here. You're crazy.
- I prefer "spontaneous".
- You flew to Spain.
- You think a number's coming to get you.
Don't take this the wrong way but ...
You look terrible.
That's 'cus I haven't slept.
Seriously, I haven't slept.
For three days.
So you know what today is then?
Yes, I know. 11/11/11.
They were talking about it on the radio.
I don't know what you're going through,
but I know how important family is.
No matter how screwed up they are.
You being here, it's important.
I've never been to Barcelona.
Let's go explore.
You know what I did last night?
I stood in my little brother's front yard,
waiting for 11:11, to see if the demons
came out of the ground.
My brother may or may not be the savior of humanity.
Some sort of prophet.
And I may or may not be the one chosen to save him.
I can't believe the words that are coming out of
my mouth. I hear myself, I know I sound crazy.
Every time I research for a book, I find the answers.
The deeper I look into 11:11,
the more questions I have.
I'm seeing these things, I know they're not there.
It's an activation.
But from whom?
What does it say about me that I find it much
easier to believe in the devil than I do in God?
Before my husband died he became
increasingly more religious.
He spent every waking hour online, trying
to find something that would comfort him.
I basically watched him descend into madness.
He became addicted to trying to find
some answers, some kind of belief
that would make his departure easier to understand.
Instead, it just tore him apart.
And it made the end even more terrifying.
No, I don't think that you're crazy, but ...
I also don't think that obsessing about this
and researching is gonna help you either.
I truly believe there are some things we're
never supposed to understand.
What if being here is my purpose?
Protecting my brother is my purpose.
What if everything, this car accident ...
I walk away from this car accident, it defies logic.
I should have been sent to the morgue, not home.
What if every event in my life is tied together?
The fire, my mother's death, my car accident.
You said that we need to find synchronicity in
our lifes, you told me to seek a purpose.
What if being here is my purpose?
Protecting my brother is my purpose.
Maybe I'm just crazy.
-- Spanish --
Sadie, stay here.
Stay here!
-- Spanish --
- Joseph!
- Stay there!
I'm so sorry, Joseph.
You guys need some time.
On my cell if you need me, okay?
Your brother needs you.
Your father ...
-- Spanish --
Now dad on 11/11?
- Mrs. Cabello, I need to see Javier, right now.
- He's not here.
I'd like to wait until he gets here.
-- Spanish --
- I don't know what you're saying.
- Where is my camera?
I have a camera.
- How are you doing?
- Someone's gonna try and kill my brother tonight.
- Sacrifice him at 11:11.
- Wait. Joseph, stop. Where are you?
There's a camera shop.
Camera shop in Barcelona.
It's in the Gothic Quarter. I need you to
go there and pick up a roll of film.
I don't understand.
Just pull out a pen and a piece of paper
and write this down.
- Okay.
- It's "The Anamorfosis".
It's under my name.
- I need to see what's on those pictures.
- Okay, yeah-yeah-yeah, I'll get it.
He just came at me, I don't know what happened ...
He came at me, it was ...
Give me the gun.
I'm gonna take care of you,
I'll get you out of this house, right now.
- Wait, father's room.
- What?
- There are some notebooks.
- What are they?
- Important!
- I don't care, we're leaving this house.
That's my life's work, the entire church's work.
Javier came to stop me and take them.
I fear that there will be more after.
What are you talking about?
If they want to end me, all they have to
do is destroy our history.
- Those notebooks, we have to protect them.
- No, I need to protect you!
They're a part of me,
and I'm not leaving without them!
Wait, stop! All right, I'll get your books.
But we've got 12 minutes.
And this time, call the police.
And you tell them what went on in here.
The destroyer soon returns
- What time is it?
- It's 10:59. I'm not getting a signal.
someone or something
is going to try and kill you, on this day.
- What was that?
- They're here.
Always at 11:11. It's 11:02.
Why now?
The Urantia Book
Help! Joseph!
Please, sir.
Help! Joseph!
Sir, please wake up!
Come on. Please hurry!
Help me!
Thank you.
No signal
I'm dying.
No, this was preordained long before
either of us were beforn.
It wasn't a doorway that opened, it
was a window that was closing.
- Stop what?
- The end. Rapture.
Be careful of a wolf in sheep's clothing.
A man of sin will come at the power of Satan.
He will use all kinds of power, including
miraculous and wonderful signs.
But they will be lies and trickery.
- But we stopped it, I saved you.
- You found your purpose, brother.
- I have no purpose.
- Your purpose?
You're the one who said to
Maybe being here in Spain is my purpose.
Protecting my brother, maybe that's my purpose.
They have many different names, some call them
Midwayers, messengers, angels.
God brings into this world,
Satan tries to pervert it.
- What if they're angels?
- I told you, don't look for meaning where there is none.
If something is trying to get your attention, it's not holy.
These "Midwayers", they're demonic.
They were never warning us, Joseph.
They were warning you.
My brother, Joseph, sacrificed his life for mine.
He stood in the way of Javier's blade,
risking all he'd worked for, all he had built.
For me.
- What is this? This isn't a Bible.
- It soon will be.
Something you are very much a part of, brother.
A new Bible, a new religion.
You are the Apostle.
I'm just a carpenter.
No ... No!
- I see you can walk.
- Let's call it a miracle.
It's not real.
Neither was the talking snake, or the man
who parted water ... not anymore.
Your legend will live on to the end of time.
Thanks for this.
This will be the first scripture.
The genesis to the end.
Your death will give me the spotlight.
This book, will give me your legion of followers.
And these ... gospels ...
will make them believers.
The Book of Sadie
- Looks like a diary.
- It's a gospel, according to me.
You of all people should know the
importance of power of a book.
God is dead, or maybe he was never alive.
Your writing's a lot more important
than you may think.
- I read somewhere that you don't like using computers.
- For success with the writing.
I hope you're still writing I've just come out
of a meeting. I pitched them your diary.
- Is this your new book?
- This looks to me like a bestseller.
I write dime store thrillers.
You have a legion of followers that would disagree with you.
You're a famous author with legions of fans.
Perhaps you can lend us some of you loyal readers to the cause.
What if God is real,
and my brother a ... prophet.
We all must make sacrifices.
What will your sacrifice to God be?
Who are you?
What are you?
I am the end.
To those of you who don't know me, I'm Joseph Crone.
And to those of you who do, my loyal readers
around the world, millions of you,
made my books bestsellers.
I have something very important
to tell you all.
For years I criticized religion.
I rejected the existence of God.
But I was wrong.
I've been awakened
And I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt,
that not only does God exists,
but my brother, Samuel, is one of his chosen ones.
He's a savior, he's a saint, a messenger.
I wanted to post this video
because tomorrow is 11/11/11,
and something remarkable is going to happen.
I don't know what it is.
But if something were to happen to my brother or to me,
I wanted to make sure you knew the truth.
- We're not alone
- Welcome!