1992 (2022) Movie Script
Yeah, there you go.
Move out back.
Nah, you can't park there.
Mercer, all I can tell you is,
it's not about
what anybody else does,
it's about what you do.
How you react, how you behave,
and you know that's a decision
that you're gonna
have to make every day.
Conditional custody is
a good first step, all right?
Be happy.
I'll see you
at 8:00 a.m. Friday.
Ready to piss in that cup.
Thank you.
It's dramatic
and it's devastating
to the Los Angeles
police officers
involved in
the March 13 beating
of that Black motorist.
One of the two officers...
...partially cloudy
with 65 degrees the KFI radio.
In the beating of Rodney King,
the District Attorney has
indicted the four Los...
Wake up.
Twan, wake up, man,
it's time for school.
Come on, man, wake up.
School doesn't start
for another hour and a half.
I used to hate
waking up for school
in the mornings, too.
Made you some breakfast, man.
Better get up.
Come on.
Weren't you the one
that said never again?
There were reasons for that.
He doesn't leave witnesses.
I know you're not
defending that motherfucker.
You know I hate him.
Grew up with the fucker.
This job, it's just...
too big for us
to handle alone.
If you want out,
this is our shot.
Let me handle the old man.
All right.
All right, last one.
But for real this time.
Come on.
-Love you, bro.
-Love you, too.
Hit me up later.
It began as a high-speed chase
and ended early
Sunday morning with
the motorist, a Black male,
being thrown...
Breakfast of champions
right here.
...struck as many as 56 times
and suffered
several broken bones.
Fifty six times,
that's what
the American public
will be hearing of today.
The suspect, identified
as Rodney Glenn King.
King who is married and has
two stepchildren was on parole
after serving time
for armed robbery.
Doctors said
he suffered a concussion...
So you just gonna ignore me
every morning?
What do you want me to say?
...from the blows to his face
that would require
reconstructive surgery.
And for what I've seen,
none of the prison...
I feel like you got me
locked up in a cage.
At least at Ma and Grandma's
they let me hang and kick it
with my friends.
I don't have
no type of freedom here.
So, what do you want?
You wasn't there
for my childhood,
and you wasn't there
for their accident.
This is
something that never should
have happened.
These procedures...
Look, I know it's hard not
having them around anymore.
It's hard for me, too.
But you're with me now.
The difference
this time is that...
Look at me
when I'm talking to you.
It's not an isolated incident.
I know we've been
running around
up in this small space,
trying to feel each other out.
The Black
community is not buying that.
About 300...
But we got this.
...marched on
police headquarters today.
We in this.
This is an aberration...
We just gotta stay the course.
...never have happened.
The incident
early Sunday morning is not
an isolated incident.
The difference this time
is that we have the proof.
Right, right,
do you have any idea
how many guys...
What do you
remember about that?
Shit might get a little crazy
out there today.
So you need to come
straight home from school.
And I'm announcing today
that we have
obtained indictments...
against four Los Angeles
police officers.
LAPD Officer
Laurence Powell...
That's some bullshit.
What did you say?
You better watch your tone.
You a boy
that I'm trying to raise
to be a man.
In this house,
you're gonna respect me.
I'm going to tell you.
You're going to have
a police department
not going to be
the kind to deprive...
I gotta get to school, Pop.
If I or
other members of the...
Yeah. Yeah!
It's parked over there!
Mamma, let me in!
Still watching me, man.
Still watching me.
I love you, baby.
-You get the old man?
Car looks good, Dad.
Taking her up to the classic
this Friday night at Bob's.
-Nice. You ready?
-You look good.
-You look good.
Let's see what your brother's
got for us.
- How you doing, son?
- What's up, Dad?
Where's Copeland?
He couldn't make it.
Couldn't make it?
If he's doing the job with us
he should be casing it
with us.
I'll fill him in.
that's it right there.
Hey, what's up, man?
What up. What up.
Yo! Let me just see this
right quick.
Huh! Young man.
Get a pack of Phillies.
Phillies. Not Backwoods.
- Backwoods?
- Phillies!
Phillies! Are you deaf?
- No have.
- You speak English, bitch?
I said Phillies, nigga.
-I don't want this shit.
-Watch your mouth.
The fuck you say, nigga?
Said watch your mouth.
No, you watch
your fucking mouth, nigga.
What the fuck wrong with you?
How the fuck that feel, nigga?
What the fuck
you doing, nigga?
Hey, fall back.
I said, fall back.
Fall the fuck back!
When I tell you to move,
you fucking move.
You hear me?
Motherfucker was talking shit.
You know who the hell that is?
Fix your face.
Don't fucking look at him.
That's OG Merc.
You wouldn't have
a flag to fly
if it wasn't for that brother
right there.
That cold-hearted motherfucker
woulda dropped you dead
before you could even pull
the fucking trigger.
So you better
fucking recognize.
Don't do that shit again.
Yo, Merc.
It's been a minute, man.
When you get out?
Oh, six months ago.
Six months?
My phone ain't ringin'.
How come I ain't know?
Been laying low, bro.
You know what it is out here.
It's tucked away, man.
Stay up, D.
All right. Stay up, bruh.
Let's go.
Pluton Metals.
Tell me what they do again?
Catalytic converters.
Yeah, he explained it to me,
like, five times.
It's like something
about pollution.
But I don't really
understand it.
Catalytic converters,
they need platinum.
Right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
and platinum is like
more money than gold.
-How much they got in there?
Ten million in bullions.
Whoa. That's beach money.
Beach money.
All right, run it for me.
Brand-new vault.
Installed a few weeks ago.
Walls are composite
concrete mix
in a galvanized frame,
18 inches thick.
And door?
Mosler. Four live bolts.
Three inches in diameter.
They're checked by two key
change dual combinations.
Tool and torch?
Two hours.
But we're not going
through the door.
The safe's freestanding.
We're going through
the side wall.
Front gate is taken care of.
We got the code in, 1992.
Who told you all about this?
The machinist in there
got me the layout.
What, he drop his pants
and just
told you all this shit?
Been drinking with him
for over a year.
-You paying him?
Bleeding it out of him
a little at a time.
I roughed out a sketch
of what I think
it looks like in there.
We enter through
the loading dock,
that's the rear
of the building.
That'd drop us into
the security office.
Past that is the machine shop.
That's the main room.
That's where all
the mechanicals are.
And in the back,
that's where the vault is.
That's where they keep
the platinum locked up.
It should weigh
around 900 pounds.
There's a panic button
in the security office.
And if it gets pressed,
an alarm goes off
and a massive steel cap
comes down,
encases the safe entirely.
If that happens,
it's over, done.
The LAPD's got to come in,
punch in a release code.
Yeah, the government uses one
just like it, right?
It's the
National Archives Museum.
It's where they keep the
Declaration of Independence.
Security's just too tight.
There's cameras everywhere.
I mean...
I love the idea
of $10 million but,
this is just
out of our league.
It's just over our heads.
All right, so if it's not some
nickel-and-dime pawn shop,
you won't heist it.
It's Fort Knox
with a fucking vault.
You'd need a miracle
to pull this off.
Well, you keep doing
that small-time shit.
Because for me, this is it.
I'm out.
Let's get the fuck
out of here.
- It's stupid.
- Mmm-hmm.
Good news.
It was reported today
that a cure for the
common cold is very close.
How you doing, Mercer?
I'm all right.
I'm alive and on the outside.
All right, man.
Take care.
You're late.
Yeah, like
my birthday tickets?
Oh, here we go.
-Here we go.
Come on, man.
By the time
I get to a Laker game,
Magic Johnson already retired.
How many times
I got to tell you?
My man's working on it.
You been saying that
since I got out.
Come on.
I got Dodgers' tickets all day
if you want those.
Ain't nobody going
to those damn Dodgers.
Come on, man.
See, it's that shit
right there.
There's palpable tension
here at the scene
down the court house
as media outlets
from around the world
await a verdict
in the Rodney King...
They just betrayed
their damn oath.
You wore them colors.
Got plaques
all over your wall.
-Your people.
No, that ain't my folks.
Not at all.
I didn't do no...
shit like this
and abuse my power.
Crooked cops like that
is the reason
why I quit the force
in the first place.
I got this job
so I can give guys like you
who deserve it
a second chance.
Yeah, we all deserve
a second chance.
Hell, yeah.
You're damn right.
A small
group of demonstrators
has formed
outside the court house.
I'll tell you what, though.
If that jury
lets them off...
it's going to get hot
out there.
Real hot.
Yo. Hey, yo.
Save you a walking.
Crickets. All right.
Send my love
to the family, Joe.
-I will.
-Good to see you, man.
Holla at you later, Mercer.
You want them Dodgers tickets
let me know now.
Man, if you don't get
your ass up.
All right, all right.
Goddamn Dodgers.
Come on.
One policeman
involved in the beating said,
"I haven't beaten anyone
this bad in a long time."
Well, Pat, everyone is in
a state of nervous,
uh, a state of nervousness
just waiting for the decision
to come down.
We've been
told 3:15 p.m. for a verdict.
The District
Attorney has indicted
the former Los Angeles...
How do I stay so young?
I don't, but it sure helps
to look at.
Your skin deserves the best
and so do you.
Try our new
rejuvenating formula.
You'll look younger,
feel younger.
And you might even
act younger.
One thing is for sure...
You'll thank us.
Available everywhere...
Hey, you okay?
You angry at Dad?
For what?
You know,
for not doing the job
that we showed him today.
I feel like...
I feel like you, like,
worked really hard on that.
Yeah, I got so much other shit
to be angry with him about.
The job's pretty far down
the fucking list.
I mean, it's a tough lick.
-No doubt.
But, um, not as impossible
as he says.
That security, though,
it's a problem.
Yeah, security looked
like really tough.
Well, look, I mean, if there's
anything I can do...
You know,
we could go get drunk
or something, I don't know.
-Thanks, man.
A small group of demonstrators
has formed outside
the courthouse.
She's gone,
check back later.
A stunning verdict
from Southern California.
The jury in the Los Angeles
police brutality trial
has just reached its verdict.
The four police officers
who were videotaped
repeatedly beating
an unarmed man
where found not guilty
on all but one count.
The all-white jury
deadlocked on that one charge.
No verdict
for the one charge only.
Correspondent Ron Allen...
The jury
in the Rodney King trial,
not guilty verdicts
on all but one count.
- Do you see this shit?
- Oh, man!
And today,
this jury told the world that
what we all saw
with our own eyes...
wasn't a crime.
Today, that jury asked us
to accept
the senseless
and brutal beating
of a helpless man.
How long before we stand up
for ourselves?
How long are we gonna
allow them to do this to us?
How many more Rodney Kings
does it have to be?
How many more Latasha Harlins
does it have to be?
Enough is enough!
Yeah, Kim, you're
looking at a live picture.
There's been a mini-riot
at this location.
A Tom's Liquor store
has been looted at this point.
They've set up a command post,
and then officers
have been ordered
to stay out of this area.
Dad, you watching the news?
Yeah, no one
minding the store.
You'll be
operating the bell.
Gather around, everyone.
- Gather around, please.
- Shut it down, Jimmy.
Sorry to pull you
away from your work.
I'm sure a lot of you
have heard by now that
some people
have taken to the streets
to express their anger
about the verdict today.
It's starting to get
a little dicey out there.
So, in the interest
of everyone's safety
we're gonna let you all
go home now
and be with your families.
You know, keep safe and...
safe journey home.
All right, fellas,
I'll be in my office
if you have any questions.
-Be safe out there.
Hey, man, we're closing.
I can hardly contain myself.
Just where
do you think you're going?
Yo, Dennis, get your shit
and let's go.
-Where are we going?
-We're pulling that job.
What? I thought
we weren't gonna do the job.
Dad said it would take
a miracle, right?
Yeah. Well,
turns out all we needed
was 12 racist motherfuckers
out in Simi Valley.
Let's go. Come on.
Wait, so we're doing it, like,
right now? Like today?
This is our window. Come on.
Get your shit together.
Let's go.
Did you call Dad?
Yeah, I called him.
We're good.
I'll be in the car.
And they
will be held accountable.
Every one of those officers
from the chief down to
the newest rookie.
Are they
heading over to Stout's?
What's going on, hot mama?
Yeah, see I'm getting bigger.
-How are you, sweetie?
Uh, what month are you on?
-The sixth. Yeah.
-The sixth?
So, do you feel
the baby, like,
moving and kicking and stuff?
Yeah, it's kicking right now.
-Yeah, you wanna feel?
-Maybe he'll say hi.
Yeah, yeah, I feel that.
- Take your hand off my woman!
- Oh, my goodness.
I can't turn my head
for five seconds.
-I was...
-Can't turn my head
for five seconds.
What's up, man?
Bring it on.
So, when will you
be back, Cope?
Shouldn't be too long.
Yeah, not past ten.
Hey, we gotta go.
-Tiff, good to see you.
-So good seeing you.
-Bye. Bye, baby.
I'm gonna ride with you.
Please stay inside.
Things gonna
get crazy tonight.
I will.
-I love you.
-I love you.
I see him circling around.
Reported suspicious activity
in a call to 911...
This is bullshit,
we're not gonna even get paid
for the full day now.
You're complaining
to the wrong guy,
that call's
way above my pay grade.
Yeah, you're right, see you.
All right, brother.
personal security precautions
to avoid becoming...
Don't do it.
Avoid crowded public areas.
The hell are you
still doing here?
I was wondering, is this
place still gonna be open?
Nah, the boss said
"Everyone go home," Mercer.
Yeah, I was thinking maybe
I can bring my son
back up here.
So to be more safe.
Nah, I don't think
that's a good idea, man.
I really don't.
Joe, we live in the hood.
Like, for real.
In the belly of the beast.
It's just about
to get wild out here.
And you wanna bring him here?
I respect that.
If you and your son
wanna join me,
I'll be all right
with company.
I'll give the front gate
a heads up
that you're coming through.
Appreciate you, bro.
Mmm-hmm. All right.
Thank you.
Lowell, you want
both plasma cutters?
bring everything, Murphy.
Not videotaped,
don't worry about it.
Another brother officer
won't turn you in...
Get the light.
...an officer does turn you in,
don't worry about it.
We'll get white jurors
or whatever it takes
and you'll walk.
You got another
white jury saying
that it's okay for white cops
to beat up Black people.
And that's racism
in American style.
There they are!
The fruit of my loins!
Hey, Dad.
- How you doing, buddy?
- Yeah, good.
Well, look who
decided to show up.
Copeland, how are ya?
What's the word, Lowell?
The word is rich
because that's what
we're gonna become.
-Murphy, we almost loaded up?
-Just about, sir.
Dennis, give me a hand.
Send them home.
Four of us got this.
I'd rather not.
Titus and Murphy...
They are like
my security blanket.
They keep me warm
and cozy and safe.
And I like feeling warm
and cozy and safe.
They're your problem then.
Fuck you.
Watch out. Watch out, bro.
Bro, let's go.
Come on, hold up.
Go, go, go!
Guys, this is America. Please!
This is America. Stop!
Get back! Get back!
Get 'em! Get 'em!
They're a streak.
Telling you they all
getting down there together.
A whole mess of stuff to take.
Do you see it? Come on.
I'm telling you,
it's some bullshit.
What's going on?
Y'all, hurry up!
National Guardsmen
now being deployed
in neighborhoods
not yet under assault.
Most of the fires and violence
have been confined
to predominantly...
...the rivers of
South Central Los Angeles...
All the police headquarters
down south
as many as 300 altogether.
Sitting in there
talking about peace.
Every time somebody
talks about peace
we get a foot in our ass.
I'm not talking about...
Fuck y'all!
Do not come forward.
I repeat, do not come forward.
Go. Yeah!
Hit the brakes, bitch!
You better run.
You're just a nobody!
Calm down, just calm down.
Fuck you.
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
Get out of here!
Goddamn fucking animals.
Can you really blame 'em?
Doesn't give them
the right to do this.
It's not their property.
Right, Copeland?
Whatever you say, boss.
Yeah, just stay cool.
They've got bigger fish to fry.
And again,
the situation
is very volatile.
People keep on
taunting officers,
throwing things at them.
Now, I think it started out
as an organized demonstration.
Hey, Cope.
National Guardsmen
now being deployed
in neighborhoods
not yet under assault.
Most of the fires and violence
have been confined
to predominantly
Black neighborhoods
of South Central Los Angeles,
and a few near City Hall
and police headquarters
- Hey, man.
- Hey, can I help you?
Yeah, delivery.
I'm sorry I'm late, man.
It's the crazy riots.
There it is, yeah.
Uh, what delivery did you say
you're here for?
This one!
Close that door.
Go, go.
Keep going.
All right, let's see.
What do we want?
Rigg, we should use
the forklifts
- to unload everything.
- Got it.
Well... I'll be damned.
There's no reason
for anybody to get hurt.
You just do what we say,
we all go home.
You fellas picked
the wrong place to rob.
Why don't you try
the liquor store
up the street?
We're exactly where
we're supposed to be.
You, my friend,
you're at the wrong place
at the wrong time.
No! Goddamn it!
He reached
for his piece, Riggin.
What the fuck
you want me to do?
Fucking kidding me.
You saw him
go for the gun, right?
He did.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
He made a move.
What you gonna do, pretty boy?
Listen, when we walked
through the door,
we all put skin in this game.
Okay? This is your job.
But it's all of our asses.
Now what are you gonna do,
kill them?
People get hurt.
That's the cost
of doing business.
Put the gun down
and let's get paid.
Let's get paid.
Fuck you.
All right,
cut the phone lines.
Kill the surveillance.
Let's get the rest of
the stuff out of the van.
Yes, sir.
Let's go.
Keep it together, okay?
Let's go.
That fire
was one of three fires
that have recently broke out
in the Hollywood area.
The other
was just east of that.
And, frankly,
up in the air here,
we can see fires East beyond
Watts and Compton area.
the fires are spreading.
Convalescent hospital's
on fire over there.
There's a fire at
the convalescent hospital.
The fire department,
the police department...
Hey, hey, hey.
We're not gonna
fuck around, man.
Crackers coming here
to fuck our shit up.
All right?
These are our streets.
We're taking them back.
Hey, hold up, hold up.
Hey, what's up, man?
Hey, what it do, Merc?
You all right?
I'm looking
for my son, Antoine.
Oh, no. I ain't seen him.
I'll put the word out, though.
Hey, you might
need this, homie.
This way!
Let's go, over here!
No, I'm good.
No, nigga,
you don't understand.
You better take
this motherfucking gun.
Join us.
Let us look out for you.
we gotta be ready!
You all wanna look out for me?
Help me find my son.
You got a lighter?
Yeah, let's go.
Get 'em!
Get the fuck
out of here!
Come on!
They got a whole gang...
I'll bust 'em, let's go!
There she is, boys.
Honey, I'm home.
Come on. Unload this shit.
Come on.
Let's set up.
Come on, man,
get it all.
Grab everything you can!
Hey, man,
you got toilet paper?
Come on!
What are you all doing?
Stop! This is not right.
I got your car!
I got his car!
Get in! Get in!
Antoine, the fuck is you doing?
You lost your damn mind?
You're gonna party
into the night, motherfuckers.
you gotta be gentle.
You gotta be gentle.
You can't drill too deep.
You gotta kiss her
before you fuck her.
Got it, got it.
Easy, easy, easy, easy.
Good, good.
What the hell is going on?
Come on, come on.
Almost there, almost there.
Out of the way!
Out of the way!
Cope, move, move!
Oh, shit.
Fuck, man!
God damn! Rigg! Come on, Rigg!
Oh, fuck! Move that shit!
Goddamn it.
God. Fuck!
- Rigg!
- It's all right.
-It's okay.
-Wait, wait, wait.
Come on, Rigg.
Don't move.
Don't move.
Hold on, we gotta get him out.
We can pull him
out, yeah?
We can pull him,
we'll pull him.
You can't move the forklift.
Fucking kidding me.
We gotta get him out.
You ain't getting him out
from under the forklift.
Not with his leg
still attached.
Just hold on a second,
Calm the fuck down!
You can't fucking
talk to me like that.
- Fuck!
- It's okay.
Hey, I got you, man.
I got you.
His leg is gone
one way or another.
It's just fucking gone.
We move it back a little bit.
There's no way!
What the fuck are you doing?
Get the fuck out of my face.
Touch me one more time, girl,
I'm gonna break
your fucking face.
Fucking hell. What?
That shit
is beyond fucked, man.
Are you shitting me?
Cut his fucking leg.
You gotta make a decision.
Millions or a little leg?
What are you gonna do?
- It's your job.
- We're falling behind.
Just cut it.
We'll get him
the help he needs
when we're done.
Will someone turn off
that fucking alarm?
Charlie Mac one-niner.
We got an alarm call
at Pluton Metals in Vernon.
We'll do a flyby.
Go check it out.
Copy that. Over.
Yo, fuck this country!
Fuck America!
Yo, fuck the police!
Fuck them!
Fuck the police!
Get your ass back in this car
and sit still.
Why'd you stop me, Pop?
These cops get to run
through our hoods
doing whatever the fuck
they wanna do to us
but we can't express
Antoine, chill out.
Fuck that, Pop!
We angry, man!
We angry, too!
This ain't our first rodeo.
See, the white folks called it
the Watts Riots.
We called it the Uprise,
the Watts Rebellion.
I was around your same age,
so I feel you.
See, what we
didn't think about,
we burn all of our own shit
What we gonna
have left for us?
Pop, what we got now, man?
Man, I don't see your name
on none of these stores.
We don't own shit.
So who gives a fuck if...
So who cares that we burn down
the shit that they own?
Look around.
There's no cops, there's no
ambulance, no fire trucks.
They don't give
a fuck about us.
We're doing exactly
what these white folks
want us to do.
Gotta think, Twan!
...they really don't know
what to do right now.
There are TV cameras all over,
there are people all over.
I don't think anybody
really knows what to do
and how to get this
under control.
This is a super swap
meet location.
Someone actually...
A group of 100 people
went into this location
and looted it.
And every time they go in
and loot
and they're done looting,
they set fire
to the structure.
Come on, man,
get all of them,
everything you can.
You got toilet paper?
Get the shit.
Go, go, go.
- Come on.
- Fuck!
Holy shit!
- What the fuck?
- Get the fuck out the car now!
- Leave us alone.
- Come here!
Hey! Fuck off!
Get off me, man!
Fuck out of here, man!
Whoa, hey!
Whoa, man! What the...
Give me
the fucking keys!
Back up, back up!
- Get the fuck out!
- Hey!
Get the fuck back, man.
Don't touch her, man,
leave her alone.
Get the fuck back.
Give me the fucking keys.
- Whoa, whoa.
- Where the fuck the keys at?
Let's go!
Hey, hey!
Stay in the car,
lock the doors and don't move.
Y'all gonna
get fucked up tonight!
Please, don't shoot us.
Hey, back up!
Don't shoot, don't shoot.
- Back the fuck up!
- I'll do whatever you want.
-Give me the fucking keys!
-No, no, they're in the car.
Back up. Hey, back up.
Leave 'em alone.
Back the fuck up, man.
None of your business.
Leave 'em alone.
Come on, man.
Get in, get in!
Let's go.
Get the fuck out of here, now!
Shit. You okay?
Watch out!
Put your seatbelt on.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I think we're good.
Get the Tovex.
This fucking safe's
a punchline.
Dennis, detonators.
- Dennis!
- Yeah.
Lights, lights, lights.
Charlie Mac one-niner.
Dispatch, it looks pretty
quiet over in Vernon
at Pluton Metals.
We're gonna head over
to Crenshaw area, over.
Copy that.
Let's keep going.
- He's gone. Let's go.
- Let's keep going.
Yo, Pop, that was some real
shit back there, man.
You messed them fools up
and you wasn't even scared.
You know what scares me
about you?
I don't want you to grow up
to be like me.
My only reputation is
putting niggers on their back.
What's wrong with that, Pop?
What's wrong with that?
Stay calm,
we'll be in and out.
Where do you think
you two are going?
To work.
There's a curfew.
License and registration.
I'm on my way
to work, Officer.
It's okay, move along.
He just let them go,
that's some bullshit, man.
You got something to say, boy?
One ID six project...
No, sir, he doesn't.
Get out. Open the trunk.
I need to make sure
you're not transporting
stolen property, that's why.
But we're not.
I said get the fuck
out of the car
and open up the trunk.
Pop, you don't have to get out
of the car, man.
-Just chill. I'm chill.
-Get the fuck out!
-Get him out and check.
-Fuck this shit.
Let's go.
Hands on the hood.
Do you have any
weapons or contraband on you?
No, sir.
Do you have anything
that could stick, poke,
cut or harm me in any way?
No, sir.
Spread 'em.
Pop, they can't
search us, man.
They don't have no warrant.
Shut up.
Don't do that to my son.
I said shut the fuck up.
Are you listening to me?
Well, it looks like
you have a problem listening,
so I'm giving you
this hearing aid.
- Yo, these fucking cops...
- Shut up!
Keep your hands on the car,
don't fucking move.
This is all you need, man.
please, please...
All right, it's clean.
Where'd you say you work?
Pluton Metals, off of 18th.
I better not
see you two again.
You listening to me?
Now get the fuck out of here.
Let him go.
Let's go. Come on.
All right, let's fuck her up.
We're rich, boys. We're rich!
Let's get it in the van
and get the fuck out of here.
Copeland, you're gonna be
able to buy yourself
a brand-new foot
with all this money.
Better than the original.
I'm proud of you, son.
We're gonna be millionaires.
We're gonna be millionaires.
I gotta prep the van.
...right down
the middle of the street.
It is a multiracial crowd,
it's not predominantly
any color.
One stands
in the middle of the...
That one fellow is lighting
the trees, is he not?
Yeah, it looks like he's going
along block to block
and nobody's stopping him.
Great fuel for an arson.
One tree after another.
I talked to some
of the officers
a little while ago
and they really don't know
what to do right now.
I don't think anybody
really knows what to do
and how to get this
under control.
This is
a super swap meeting location.
Actually a group
of over 100...
Where did you say
the bathroom was?
...and looted it.
Left, down the hall.
After they're done looting,
they set fire
to the structure.
At least
one fireman has been shot.
We don't know
what his condition is.
It's pretty chaotic
out here...
I'm gonna go the other way.
Fucking kids.
Never here when you need them.
Who in the fuck
is this?
I was in the bathroom
and he came in.
Sit right there.
I, uh... Here.
I took the wallet off him.
Shut up!
Shut up, Copeland.
Shut your fucking mouth,
shut up.
Where's your brother?
We gotta get
-the fuck out of here.
-I don't know.
-Where's your brother?
-I don't know.
Shut the fuck up.
I'm telling you,
shut the fuck up.
Cope, Cope, Cope. Hey.
Hey, come on.
You're okay, Cope.
Antoine King.
2431 West 62nd Place.
And you're a sophomore
at Crenshaw High?
What the fuck are you doing
here, crashing our party?
What the fuck are you doing?
I came looking for my dad.
He works here.
What does your dad do?
-Maintenance. I...
I tried to go home,
but I couldn't.
The bus lines were down.
So, I came here
looking for him.
Wake the fuck up.
Where's my son?
Where's my son?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
You and your boys are robbing
this joint right now. Right?
Who are you?
You don't know
who you're fucking with.
Man, this is not gonna end
well for you.
It's not going well for me.
It's damn sure
not going well for you.
You came here
to look for your dad?
Huh? Huh?
Yes, yes, yes,
but he's not here.
You know what?
Today's your lucky day.
'Cause I'm feeling charitable.
So, I'm gonna let you go.
I'm gonna let you go home
to your daddy.
- No!
- I swear to...
- What the fuck?
- Oh, shit!
I know where you live.
If you talk to anyone about
who or what you saw here,
I'm gonna fucking kill you.
I'm gonna kill your father,
your mother, your dog,
every relative you ever had.
I'm gonna obliterate
your whole fucking family,
you little fuck!
Get the fuck outta here.
Someone fucked us up!
-Where's Riggin?
-They took him!
Hey, Crenshaw, stop!
Stop and get your ass
back here.
Get over here.
Easy, easy, easy.
We're gonna use him.
- Where's your father?
- I don't know.
You were
fucking lying to me
- before, weren't you?
- I don't know.
-You're fucking lying to me.
-I swear to God, I don't know.
What do you want to do
with him?
We're gonna use him.
- Fuck.
- We're gonna use him.
- Fuck.
- Check the van!
I see that.
We got a problem.
What the fuck is it?
The ignition rotor is missing.
The fuck is a rotor?
We can't start the van
without it.
Son of a bitch.
We can't find Riggin anywhere.
Yes, and we can't...
start the van either.
Why the fuck not?
Because the ignition rotor
is missing.
Your old man
is playing with your life.
He's playing
with your fucking life.
Maybe I should walk out
and try to find
another vehicle, huh?
No, no, that's a bad idea.
What about
the two cars out in front?
Their suspensions
won't support the weight.
Dad, we have to find Riggin.
I know, Dennis.
I'm well aware that
we don't have your brother.
Just load up
the rest of the bars.
We'll clean up.
Let's get that fucking rotor.
We'll get the fuck
out of here.
I got all the leverage
I need right there.
Give me the rotor to the van.
Fuck you.
Where? You fucking say!
-Fuck you.
Come on.
Come on, now.
Okay, okay.
Where is the rotor to the van?
Hmm? Huh?
Easy now.
Sounds like you're down a dad.
Son of a bitch.
Just fucking relax.
Don't be stupid.
I guess your crew...
don't believe in the whole
"honor among thieves"
system, huh?
The old man...
is a heartless motherfucker.
That Black man
was on the ground...
he shot him up.
Just fucking unloaded on him.
He did it in front of my son.
Bull. Shit.
Then he put the gun up
to my son's head.
Look, I need you
to be honest with me.
Do you know
where my brother is?
I just watched your dad
kill a man.
If I knew
where your brother was,
believe me, I would tell you.
That old man in there...
that's my dad.
And honestly, man,
it's a fucking miracle
that your son's still alive.
And now your kid,
he's just a witness.
He don't let witnesses live.
I gotta find him.
You understand that, right?
I promise I am not
going to let anything
happen to you.
You girls having a nice chat?
Yeah, I was...
Why you fucking talking
to him?
I'm getting information.
Did you know that his father
has your fucking brother?
Did you know that?
What information
are you getting?
-It was...
Shut up.
Get up. Get up.
You're gonna get us
out of this.
'Cause if you don't,
I'm gonna fucking kill you.
Smarten up.
I never wanted
to hurt anybody.
I sure as hell
don't want anything
to happen to your kid.
You sure the fuck don't.
The toilets
need scrubbing, Mercer.
The toilets need scrubbing.
I got somebody here
who wants to talk to you.
Don't trust him. Don't listen
to anything he says, man.
Press the button
and say "Dad."
They're gonna kill me.
Dad, they're gonna
kill me, Dad.
Dad, they're gonna kill me.
If you
don't do what they say.
How about a trade?
Your son for my son
and the rotor.
He's a liar.
They're just gonna kill you
and then your son.
Shut the fuck up.
Be at the loading docks
in five minutes.
If you do not show up,
your kid's gonna get a bullet
in the head.
If you bring any weapons,
that would not be good
for Antoine's health.
Got it?
You're gonna help me
get my son.
It's almost over, Crenshaw.
Hey, stop right there.
Get the rotor.
You good?
Dennis, I'm cool, I'm cool.
Got it.
Put it back in the van.
After all the bullshit
you put me through tonight,
you're lucky I don't just kill
this motherfucking kid
right now.
Give me my son.
You killed one of my guys.
You fucked up my night.
Let us go.
You can go right back
to whatever the fuck
you was doing.
And if I don't?
Then we got a problem, homie.
Well, then I guess we got
a fucking problem, homie.
Goodbye, Crenshaw.
-Twan! Get down
-Go, go!
Oh, shit, Dennis!
Get up! Get to the van!
-All right?
We gotta wire the car
out front!
Keep the pressure.
Look at me.
Hey. Look at me!
Hey, you're gonna be fine.
You're gonna be fine.
Come on.
-Oh, fuck!
Okay, okay, okay.
He's getting away
with my money.
You're gonna be okay.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Y'all all right?
He needs a hospital!
Come on, push.
Just keep pushing.
Hold the pressure. Come on.
Stay with me.
Hey, Rigg. Guess what?
We're rich.
-We're rich.
Shoot 'em.
Oh, shit!
He's losing
a lot of blood.
I don't wanna die, Rigg.
Hold on, hold on.
Hold on.
Oh, no.
No way. Baby bro.
Don't look back.
No. Fuck you!
Fuck me.
Dad, he got hit!
Oh, shit!
Fucking hell.
I did the best
that I could, son.
I'm sorry it wasn't enough.
You motherfucker.
Do you know
how much you cost...
It's okay.
It's okay, Twan.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Dear, Mama...
This is your baby boy.
Hoping that you can hear me.
I love you so much.
You sacrifice so much.
Raising four of us...
on your own.
You did the best you could.
You was just trying to
survive your pain.
You were like a flower.
A gentle flower.
A black rose that grew
through concrete.
Yeah, there you go.
Move out back.
Nah, you can't park there.
Mercer, all I can tell you is,
it's not about
what anybody else does,
it's about what you do.
How you react, how you behave,
and you know that's a decision
that you're gonna
have to make every day.
Conditional custody is
a good first step, all right?
Be happy.
I'll see you
at 8:00 a.m. Friday.
Ready to piss in that cup.
Thank you.
It's dramatic
and it's devastating
to the Los Angeles
police officers
involved in
the March 13 beating
of that Black motorist.
One of the two officers...
...partially cloudy
with 65 degrees the KFI radio.
In the beating of Rodney King,
the District Attorney has
indicted the four Los...
Wake up.
Twan, wake up, man,
it's time for school.
Come on, man, wake up.
School doesn't start
for another hour and a half.
I used to hate
waking up for school
in the mornings, too.
Made you some breakfast, man.
Better get up.
Come on.
Weren't you the one
that said never again?
There were reasons for that.
He doesn't leave witnesses.
I know you're not
defending that motherfucker.
You know I hate him.
Grew up with the fucker.
This job, it's just...
too big for us
to handle alone.
If you want out,
this is our shot.
Let me handle the old man.
All right.
All right, last one.
But for real this time.
Come on.
-Love you, bro.
-Love you, too.
Hit me up later.
It began as a high-speed chase
and ended early
Sunday morning with
the motorist, a Black male,
being thrown...
Breakfast of champions
right here.
...struck as many as 56 times
and suffered
several broken bones.
Fifty six times,
that's what
the American public
will be hearing of today.
The suspect, identified
as Rodney Glenn King.
King who is married and has
two stepchildren was on parole
after serving time
for armed robbery.
Doctors said
he suffered a concussion...
So you just gonna ignore me
every morning?
What do you want me to say?
...from the blows to his face
that would require
reconstructive surgery.
And for what I've seen,
none of the prison...
I feel like you got me
locked up in a cage.
At least at Ma and Grandma's
they let me hang and kick it
with my friends.
I don't have
no type of freedom here.
So, what do you want?
You wasn't there
for my childhood,
and you wasn't there
for their accident.
This is
something that never should
have happened.
These procedures...
Look, I know it's hard not
having them around anymore.
It's hard for me, too.
But you're with me now.
The difference
this time is that...
Look at me
when I'm talking to you.
It's not an isolated incident.
I know we've been
running around
up in this small space,
trying to feel each other out.
The Black
community is not buying that.
About 300...
But we got this.
...marched on
police headquarters today.
We in this.
This is an aberration...
We just gotta stay the course.
...never have happened.
The incident
early Sunday morning is not
an isolated incident.
The difference this time
is that we have the proof.
Right, right,
do you have any idea
how many guys...
What do you
remember about that?
Shit might get a little crazy
out there today.
So you need to come
straight home from school.
And I'm announcing today
that we have
obtained indictments...
against four Los Angeles
police officers.
LAPD Officer
Laurence Powell...
That's some bullshit.
What did you say?
You better watch your tone.
You a boy
that I'm trying to raise
to be a man.
In this house,
you're gonna respect me.
I'm going to tell you.
You're going to have
a police department
not going to be
the kind to deprive...
I gotta get to school, Pop.
If I or
other members of the...
Yeah. Yeah!
It's parked over there!
Mamma, let me in!
Still watching me, man.
Still watching me.
I love you, baby.
-You get the old man?
Car looks good, Dad.
Taking her up to the classic
this Friday night at Bob's.
-Nice. You ready?
-You look good.
-You look good.
Let's see what your brother's
got for us.
- How you doing, son?
- What's up, Dad?
Where's Copeland?
He couldn't make it.
Couldn't make it?
If he's doing the job with us
he should be casing it
with us.
I'll fill him in.
that's it right there.
Hey, what's up, man?
What up. What up.
Yo! Let me just see this
right quick.
Huh! Young man.
Get a pack of Phillies.
Phillies. Not Backwoods.
- Backwoods?
- Phillies!
Phillies! Are you deaf?
- No have.
- You speak English, bitch?
I said Phillies, nigga.
-I don't want this shit.
-Watch your mouth.
The fuck you say, nigga?
Said watch your mouth.
No, you watch
your fucking mouth, nigga.
What the fuck wrong with you?
How the fuck that feel, nigga?
What the fuck
you doing, nigga?
Hey, fall back.
I said, fall back.
Fall the fuck back!
When I tell you to move,
you fucking move.
You hear me?
Motherfucker was talking shit.
You know who the hell that is?
Fix your face.
Don't fucking look at him.
That's OG Merc.
You wouldn't have
a flag to fly
if it wasn't for that brother
right there.
That cold-hearted motherfucker
woulda dropped you dead
before you could even pull
the fucking trigger.
So you better
fucking recognize.
Don't do that shit again.
Yo, Merc.
It's been a minute, man.
When you get out?
Oh, six months ago.
Six months?
My phone ain't ringin'.
How come I ain't know?
Been laying low, bro.
You know what it is out here.
It's tucked away, man.
Stay up, D.
All right. Stay up, bruh.
Let's go.
Pluton Metals.
Tell me what they do again?
Catalytic converters.
Yeah, he explained it to me,
like, five times.
It's like something
about pollution.
But I don't really
understand it.
Catalytic converters,
they need platinum.
Right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
and platinum is like
more money than gold.
-How much they got in there?
Ten million in bullions.
Whoa. That's beach money.
Beach money.
All right, run it for me.
Brand-new vault.
Installed a few weeks ago.
Walls are composite
concrete mix
in a galvanized frame,
18 inches thick.
And door?
Mosler. Four live bolts.
Three inches in diameter.
They're checked by two key
change dual combinations.
Tool and torch?
Two hours.
But we're not going
through the door.
The safe's freestanding.
We're going through
the side wall.
Front gate is taken care of.
We got the code in, 1992.
Who told you all about this?
The machinist in there
got me the layout.
What, he drop his pants
and just
told you all this shit?
Been drinking with him
for over a year.
-You paying him?
Bleeding it out of him
a little at a time.
I roughed out a sketch
of what I think
it looks like in there.
We enter through
the loading dock,
that's the rear
of the building.
That'd drop us into
the security office.
Past that is the machine shop.
That's the main room.
That's where all
the mechanicals are.
And in the back,
that's where the vault is.
That's where they keep
the platinum locked up.
It should weigh
around 900 pounds.
There's a panic button
in the security office.
And if it gets pressed,
an alarm goes off
and a massive steel cap
comes down,
encases the safe entirely.
If that happens,
it's over, done.
The LAPD's got to come in,
punch in a release code.
Yeah, the government uses one
just like it, right?
It's the
National Archives Museum.
It's where they keep the
Declaration of Independence.
Security's just too tight.
There's cameras everywhere.
I mean...
I love the idea
of $10 million but,
this is just
out of our league.
It's just over our heads.
All right, so if it's not some
nickel-and-dime pawn shop,
you won't heist it.
It's Fort Knox
with a fucking vault.
You'd need a miracle
to pull this off.
Well, you keep doing
that small-time shit.
Because for me, this is it.
I'm out.
Let's get the fuck
out of here.
- It's stupid.
- Mmm-hmm.
Good news.
It was reported today
that a cure for the
common cold is very close.
How you doing, Mercer?
I'm all right.
I'm alive and on the outside.
All right, man.
Take care.
You're late.
Yeah, like
my birthday tickets?
Oh, here we go.
-Here we go.
Come on, man.
By the time
I get to a Laker game,
Magic Johnson already retired.
How many times
I got to tell you?
My man's working on it.
You been saying that
since I got out.
Come on.
I got Dodgers' tickets all day
if you want those.
Ain't nobody going
to those damn Dodgers.
Come on, man.
See, it's that shit
right there.
There's palpable tension
here at the scene
down the court house
as media outlets
from around the world
await a verdict
in the Rodney King...
They just betrayed
their damn oath.
You wore them colors.
Got plaques
all over your wall.
-Your people.
No, that ain't my folks.
Not at all.
I didn't do no...
shit like this
and abuse my power.
Crooked cops like that
is the reason
why I quit the force
in the first place.
I got this job
so I can give guys like you
who deserve it
a second chance.
Yeah, we all deserve
a second chance.
Hell, yeah.
You're damn right.
A small
group of demonstrators
has formed
outside the court house.
I'll tell you what, though.
If that jury
lets them off...
it's going to get hot
out there.
Real hot.
Yo. Hey, yo.
Save you a walking.
Crickets. All right.
Send my love
to the family, Joe.
-I will.
-Good to see you, man.
Holla at you later, Mercer.
You want them Dodgers tickets
let me know now.
Man, if you don't get
your ass up.
All right, all right.
Goddamn Dodgers.
Come on.
One policeman
involved in the beating said,
"I haven't beaten anyone
this bad in a long time."
Well, Pat, everyone is in
a state of nervous,
uh, a state of nervousness
just waiting for the decision
to come down.
We've been
told 3:15 p.m. for a verdict.
The District
Attorney has indicted
the former Los Angeles...
How do I stay so young?
I don't, but it sure helps
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Your skin deserves the best
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Try our new
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You'll look younger,
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And you might even
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One thing is for sure...
You'll thank us.
Available everywhere...
Hey, you okay?
You angry at Dad?
For what?
You know,
for not doing the job
that we showed him today.
I feel like...
I feel like you, like,
worked really hard on that.
Yeah, I got so much other shit
to be angry with him about.
The job's pretty far down
the fucking list.
I mean, it's a tough lick.
-No doubt.
But, um, not as impossible
as he says.
That security, though,
it's a problem.
Yeah, security looked
like really tough.
Well, look, I mean, if there's
anything I can do...
You know,
we could go get drunk
or something, I don't know.
-Thanks, man.
A small group of demonstrators
has formed outside
the courthouse.
She's gone,
check back later.
A stunning verdict
from Southern California.
The jury in the Los Angeles
police brutality trial
has just reached its verdict.
The four police officers
who were videotaped
repeatedly beating
an unarmed man
where found not guilty
on all but one count.
The all-white jury
deadlocked on that one charge.
No verdict
for the one charge only.
Correspondent Ron Allen...
The jury
in the Rodney King trial,
not guilty verdicts
on all but one count.
- Do you see this shit?
- Oh, man!
And today,
this jury told the world that
what we all saw
with our own eyes...
wasn't a crime.
Today, that jury asked us
to accept
the senseless
and brutal beating
of a helpless man.
How long before we stand up
for ourselves?
How long are we gonna
allow them to do this to us?
How many more Rodney Kings
does it have to be?
How many more Latasha Harlins
does it have to be?
Enough is enough!
Yeah, Kim, you're
looking at a live picture.
There's been a mini-riot
at this location.
A Tom's Liquor store
has been looted at this point.
They've set up a command post,
and then officers
have been ordered
to stay out of this area.
Dad, you watching the news?
Yeah, no one
minding the store.
You'll be
operating the bell.
Gather around, everyone.
- Gather around, please.
- Shut it down, Jimmy.
Sorry to pull you
away from your work.
I'm sure a lot of you
have heard by now that
some people
have taken to the streets
to express their anger
about the verdict today.
It's starting to get
a little dicey out there.
So, in the interest
of everyone's safety
we're gonna let you all
go home now
and be with your families.
You know, keep safe and...
safe journey home.
All right, fellas,
I'll be in my office
if you have any questions.
-Be safe out there.
Hey, man, we're closing.
I can hardly contain myself.
Just where
do you think you're going?
Yo, Dennis, get your shit
and let's go.
-Where are we going?
-We're pulling that job.
What? I thought
we weren't gonna do the job.
Dad said it would take
a miracle, right?
Yeah. Well,
turns out all we needed
was 12 racist motherfuckers
out in Simi Valley.
Let's go. Come on.
Wait, so we're doing it, like,
right now? Like today?
This is our window. Come on.
Get your shit together.
Let's go.
Did you call Dad?
Yeah, I called him.
We're good.
I'll be in the car.
And they
will be held accountable.
Every one of those officers
from the chief down to
the newest rookie.
Are they
heading over to Stout's?
What's going on, hot mama?
Yeah, see I'm getting bigger.
-How are you, sweetie?
Uh, what month are you on?
-The sixth. Yeah.
-The sixth?
So, do you feel
the baby, like,
moving and kicking and stuff?
Yeah, it's kicking right now.
-Yeah, you wanna feel?
-Maybe he'll say hi.
Yeah, yeah, I feel that.
- Take your hand off my woman!
- Oh, my goodness.
I can't turn my head
for five seconds.
-I was...
-Can't turn my head
for five seconds.
What's up, man?
Bring it on.
So, when will you
be back, Cope?
Shouldn't be too long.
Yeah, not past ten.
Hey, we gotta go.
-Tiff, good to see you.
-So good seeing you.
-Bye. Bye, baby.
I'm gonna ride with you.
Please stay inside.
Things gonna
get crazy tonight.
I will.
-I love you.
-I love you.
I see him circling around.
Reported suspicious activity
in a call to 911...
This is bullshit,
we're not gonna even get paid
for the full day now.
You're complaining
to the wrong guy,
that call's
way above my pay grade.
Yeah, you're right, see you.
All right, brother.
personal security precautions
to avoid becoming...
Don't do it.
Avoid crowded public areas.
The hell are you
still doing here?
I was wondering, is this
place still gonna be open?
Nah, the boss said
"Everyone go home," Mercer.
Yeah, I was thinking maybe
I can bring my son
back up here.
So to be more safe.
Nah, I don't think
that's a good idea, man.
I really don't.
Joe, we live in the hood.
Like, for real.
In the belly of the beast.
It's just about
to get wild out here.
And you wanna bring him here?
I respect that.
If you and your son
wanna join me,
I'll be all right
with company.
I'll give the front gate
a heads up
that you're coming through.
Appreciate you, bro.
Mmm-hmm. All right.
Thank you.
Lowell, you want
both plasma cutters?
bring everything, Murphy.
Not videotaped,
don't worry about it.
Another brother officer
won't turn you in...
Get the light.
...an officer does turn you in,
don't worry about it.
We'll get white jurors
or whatever it takes
and you'll walk.
You got another
white jury saying
that it's okay for white cops
to beat up Black people.
And that's racism
in American style.
There they are!
The fruit of my loins!
Hey, Dad.
- How you doing, buddy?
- Yeah, good.
Well, look who
decided to show up.
Copeland, how are ya?
What's the word, Lowell?
The word is rich
because that's what
we're gonna become.
-Murphy, we almost loaded up?
-Just about, sir.
Dennis, give me a hand.
Send them home.
Four of us got this.
I'd rather not.
Titus and Murphy...
They are like
my security blanket.
They keep me warm
and cozy and safe.
And I like feeling warm
and cozy and safe.
They're your problem then.
Fuck you.
Watch out. Watch out, bro.
Bro, let's go.
Come on, hold up.
Go, go, go!
Guys, this is America. Please!
This is America. Stop!
Get back! Get back!
Get 'em! Get 'em!
They're a streak.
Telling you they all
getting down there together.
A whole mess of stuff to take.
Do you see it? Come on.
I'm telling you,
it's some bullshit.
What's going on?
Y'all, hurry up!
National Guardsmen
now being deployed
in neighborhoods
not yet under assault.
Most of the fires and violence
have been confined
to predominantly...
...the rivers of
South Central Los Angeles...
All the police headquarters
down south
as many as 300 altogether.
Sitting in there
talking about peace.
Every time somebody
talks about peace
we get a foot in our ass.
I'm not talking about...
Fuck y'all!
Do not come forward.
I repeat, do not come forward.
Go. Yeah!
Hit the brakes, bitch!
You better run.
You're just a nobody!
Calm down, just calm down.
Fuck you.
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
Get out of here!
Goddamn fucking animals.
Can you really blame 'em?
Doesn't give them
the right to do this.
It's not their property.
Right, Copeland?
Whatever you say, boss.
Yeah, just stay cool.
They've got bigger fish to fry.
And again,
the situation
is very volatile.
People keep on
taunting officers,
throwing things at them.
Now, I think it started out
as an organized demonstration.
Hey, Cope.
National Guardsmen
now being deployed
in neighborhoods
not yet under assault.
Most of the fires and violence
have been confined
to predominantly
Black neighborhoods
of South Central Los Angeles,
and a few near City Hall
and police headquarters
- Hey, man.
- Hey, can I help you?
Yeah, delivery.
I'm sorry I'm late, man.
It's the crazy riots.
There it is, yeah.
Uh, what delivery did you say
you're here for?
This one!
Close that door.
Go, go.
Keep going.
All right, let's see.
What do we want?
Rigg, we should use
the forklifts
- to unload everything.
- Got it.
Well... I'll be damned.
There's no reason
for anybody to get hurt.
You just do what we say,
we all go home.
You fellas picked
the wrong place to rob.
Why don't you try
the liquor store
up the street?
We're exactly where
we're supposed to be.
You, my friend,
you're at the wrong place
at the wrong time.
No! Goddamn it!
He reached
for his piece, Riggin.
What the fuck
you want me to do?
Fucking kidding me.
You saw him
go for the gun, right?
He did.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
He made a move.
What you gonna do, pretty boy?
Listen, when we walked
through the door,
we all put skin in this game.
Okay? This is your job.
But it's all of our asses.
Now what are you gonna do,
kill them?
People get hurt.
That's the cost
of doing business.
Put the gun down
and let's get paid.
Let's get paid.
Fuck you.
All right,
cut the phone lines.
Kill the surveillance.
Let's get the rest of
the stuff out of the van.
Yes, sir.
Let's go.
Keep it together, okay?
Let's go.
That fire
was one of three fires
that have recently broke out
in the Hollywood area.
The other
was just east of that.
And, frankly,
up in the air here,
we can see fires East beyond
Watts and Compton area.
the fires are spreading.
Convalescent hospital's
on fire over there.
There's a fire at
the convalescent hospital.
The fire department,
the police department...
Hey, hey, hey.
We're not gonna
fuck around, man.
Crackers coming here
to fuck our shit up.
All right?
These are our streets.
We're taking them back.
Hey, hold up, hold up.
Hey, what's up, man?
Hey, what it do, Merc?
You all right?
I'm looking
for my son, Antoine.
Oh, no. I ain't seen him.
I'll put the word out, though.
Hey, you might
need this, homie.
This way!
Let's go, over here!
No, I'm good.
No, nigga,
you don't understand.
You better take
this motherfucking gun.
Join us.
Let us look out for you.
we gotta be ready!
You all wanna look out for me?
Help me find my son.
You got a lighter?
Yeah, let's go.
Get 'em!
Get the fuck
out of here!
Come on!
They got a whole gang...
I'll bust 'em, let's go!
There she is, boys.
Honey, I'm home.
Come on. Unload this shit.
Come on.
Let's set up.
Come on, man,
get it all.
Grab everything you can!
Hey, man,
you got toilet paper?
Come on!
What are you all doing?
Stop! This is not right.
I got your car!
I got his car!
Get in! Get in!
Antoine, the fuck is you doing?
You lost your damn mind?
You're gonna party
into the night, motherfuckers.
you gotta be gentle.
You gotta be gentle.
You can't drill too deep.
You gotta kiss her
before you fuck her.
Got it, got it.
Easy, easy, easy, easy.
Good, good.
What the hell is going on?
Come on, come on.
Almost there, almost there.
Out of the way!
Out of the way!
Cope, move, move!
Oh, shit.
Fuck, man!
God damn! Rigg! Come on, Rigg!
Oh, fuck! Move that shit!
Goddamn it.
God. Fuck!
- Rigg!
- It's all right.
-It's okay.
-Wait, wait, wait.
Come on, Rigg.
Don't move.
Don't move.
Hold on, we gotta get him out.
We can pull him
out, yeah?
We can pull him,
we'll pull him.
You can't move the forklift.
Fucking kidding me.
We gotta get him out.
You ain't getting him out
from under the forklift.
Not with his leg
still attached.
Just hold on a second,
Calm the fuck down!
You can't fucking
talk to me like that.
- Fuck!
- It's okay.
Hey, I got you, man.
I got you.
His leg is gone
one way or another.
It's just fucking gone.
We move it back a little bit.
There's no way!
What the fuck are you doing?
Get the fuck out of my face.
Touch me one more time, girl,
I'm gonna break
your fucking face.
Fucking hell. What?
That shit
is beyond fucked, man.
Are you shitting me?
Cut his fucking leg.
You gotta make a decision.
Millions or a little leg?
What are you gonna do?
- It's your job.
- We're falling behind.
Just cut it.
We'll get him
the help he needs
when we're done.
Will someone turn off
that fucking alarm?
Charlie Mac one-niner.
We got an alarm call
at Pluton Metals in Vernon.
We'll do a flyby.
Go check it out.
Copy that. Over.
Yo, fuck this country!
Fuck America!
Yo, fuck the police!
Fuck them!
Fuck the police!
Get your ass back in this car
and sit still.
Why'd you stop me, Pop?
These cops get to run
through our hoods
doing whatever the fuck
they wanna do to us
but we can't express
Antoine, chill out.
Fuck that, Pop!
We angry, man!
We angry, too!
This ain't our first rodeo.
See, the white folks called it
the Watts Riots.
We called it the Uprise,
the Watts Rebellion.
I was around your same age,
so I feel you.
See, what we
didn't think about,
we burn all of our own shit
What we gonna
have left for us?
Pop, what we got now, man?
Man, I don't see your name
on none of these stores.
We don't own shit.
So who gives a fuck if...
So who cares that we burn down
the shit that they own?
Look around.
There's no cops, there's no
ambulance, no fire trucks.
They don't give
a fuck about us.
We're doing exactly
what these white folks
want us to do.
Gotta think, Twan!
...they really don't know
what to do right now.
There are TV cameras all over,
there are people all over.
I don't think anybody
really knows what to do
and how to get this
under control.
This is a super swap
meet location.
Someone actually...
A group of 100 people
went into this location
and looted it.
And every time they go in
and loot
and they're done looting,
they set fire
to the structure.
Come on, man,
get all of them,
everything you can.
You got toilet paper?
Get the shit.
Go, go, go.
- Come on.
- Fuck!
Holy shit!
- What the fuck?
- Get the fuck out the car now!
- Leave us alone.
- Come here!
Hey! Fuck off!
Get off me, man!
Fuck out of here, man!
Whoa, hey!
Whoa, man! What the...
Give me
the fucking keys!
Back up, back up!
- Get the fuck out!
- Hey!
Get the fuck back, man.
Don't touch her, man,
leave her alone.
Get the fuck back.
Give me the fucking keys.
- Whoa, whoa.
- Where the fuck the keys at?
Let's go!
Hey, hey!
Stay in the car,
lock the doors and don't move.
Y'all gonna
get fucked up tonight!
Please, don't shoot us.
Hey, back up!
Don't shoot, don't shoot.
- Back the fuck up!
- I'll do whatever you want.
-Give me the fucking keys!
-No, no, they're in the car.
Back up. Hey, back up.
Leave 'em alone.
Back the fuck up, man.
None of your business.
Leave 'em alone.
Come on, man.
Get in, get in!
Let's go.
Get the fuck out of here, now!
Shit. You okay?
Watch out!
Put your seatbelt on.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I think we're good.
Get the Tovex.
This fucking safe's
a punchline.
Dennis, detonators.
- Dennis!
- Yeah.
Lights, lights, lights.
Charlie Mac one-niner.
Dispatch, it looks pretty
quiet over in Vernon
at Pluton Metals.
We're gonna head over
to Crenshaw area, over.
Copy that.
Let's keep going.
- He's gone. Let's go.
- Let's keep going.
Yo, Pop, that was some real
shit back there, man.
You messed them fools up
and you wasn't even scared.
You know what scares me
about you?
I don't want you to grow up
to be like me.
My only reputation is
putting niggers on their back.
What's wrong with that, Pop?
What's wrong with that?
Stay calm,
we'll be in and out.
Where do you think
you two are going?
To work.
There's a curfew.
License and registration.
I'm on my way
to work, Officer.
It's okay, move along.
He just let them go,
that's some bullshit, man.
You got something to say, boy?
One ID six project...
No, sir, he doesn't.
Get out. Open the trunk.
I need to make sure
you're not transporting
stolen property, that's why.
But we're not.
I said get the fuck
out of the car
and open up the trunk.
Pop, you don't have to get out
of the car, man.
-Just chill. I'm chill.
-Get the fuck out!
-Get him out and check.
-Fuck this shit.
Let's go.
Hands on the hood.
Do you have any
weapons or contraband on you?
No, sir.
Do you have anything
that could stick, poke,
cut or harm me in any way?
No, sir.
Spread 'em.
Pop, they can't
search us, man.
They don't have no warrant.
Shut up.
Don't do that to my son.
I said shut the fuck up.
Are you listening to me?
Well, it looks like
you have a problem listening,
so I'm giving you
this hearing aid.
- Yo, these fucking cops...
- Shut up!
Keep your hands on the car,
don't fucking move.
This is all you need, man.
please, please...
All right, it's clean.
Where'd you say you work?
Pluton Metals, off of 18th.
I better not
see you two again.
You listening to me?
Now get the fuck out of here.
Let him go.
Let's go. Come on.
All right, let's fuck her up.
We're rich, boys. We're rich!
Let's get it in the van
and get the fuck out of here.
Copeland, you're gonna be
able to buy yourself
a brand-new foot
with all this money.
Better than the original.
I'm proud of you, son.
We're gonna be millionaires.
We're gonna be millionaires.
I gotta prep the van.
...right down
the middle of the street.
It is a multiracial crowd,
it's not predominantly
any color.
One stands
in the middle of the...
That one fellow is lighting
the trees, is he not?
Yeah, it looks like he's going
along block to block
and nobody's stopping him.
Great fuel for an arson.
One tree after another.
I talked to some
of the officers
a little while ago
and they really don't know
what to do right now.
I don't think anybody
really knows what to do
and how to get this
under control.
This is
a super swap meeting location.
Actually a group
of over 100...
Where did you say
the bathroom was?
...and looted it.
Left, down the hall.
After they're done looting,
they set fire
to the structure.
At least
one fireman has been shot.
We don't know
what his condition is.
It's pretty chaotic
out here...
I'm gonna go the other way.
Fucking kids.
Never here when you need them.
Who in the fuck
is this?
I was in the bathroom
and he came in.
Sit right there.
I, uh... Here.
I took the wallet off him.
Shut up!
Shut up, Copeland.
Shut your fucking mouth,
shut up.
Where's your brother?
We gotta get
-the fuck out of here.
-I don't know.
-Where's your brother?
-I don't know.
Shut the fuck up.
I'm telling you,
shut the fuck up.
Cope, Cope, Cope. Hey.
Hey, come on.
You're okay, Cope.
Antoine King.
2431 West 62nd Place.
And you're a sophomore
at Crenshaw High?
What the fuck are you doing
here, crashing our party?
What the fuck are you doing?
I came looking for my dad.
He works here.
What does your dad do?
-Maintenance. I...
I tried to go home,
but I couldn't.
The bus lines were down.
So, I came here
looking for him.
Wake the fuck up.
Where's my son?
Where's my son?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
You and your boys are robbing
this joint right now. Right?
Who are you?
You don't know
who you're fucking with.
Man, this is not gonna end
well for you.
It's not going well for me.
It's damn sure
not going well for you.
You came here
to look for your dad?
Huh? Huh?
Yes, yes, yes,
but he's not here.
You know what?
Today's your lucky day.
'Cause I'm feeling charitable.
So, I'm gonna let you go.
I'm gonna let you go home
to your daddy.
- No!
- I swear to...
- What the fuck?
- Oh, shit!
I know where you live.
If you talk to anyone about
who or what you saw here,
I'm gonna fucking kill you.
I'm gonna kill your father,
your mother, your dog,
every relative you ever had.
I'm gonna obliterate
your whole fucking family,
you little fuck!
Get the fuck outta here.
Someone fucked us up!
-Where's Riggin?
-They took him!
Hey, Crenshaw, stop!
Stop and get your ass
back here.
Get over here.
Easy, easy, easy.
We're gonna use him.
- Where's your father?
- I don't know.
You were
fucking lying to me
- before, weren't you?
- I don't know.
-You're fucking lying to me.
-I swear to God, I don't know.
What do you want to do
with him?
We're gonna use him.
- Fuck.
- We're gonna use him.
- Fuck.
- Check the van!
I see that.
We got a problem.
What the fuck is it?
The ignition rotor is missing.
The fuck is a rotor?
We can't start the van
without it.
Son of a bitch.
We can't find Riggin anywhere.
Yes, and we can't...
start the van either.
Why the fuck not?
Because the ignition rotor
is missing.
Your old man
is playing with your life.
He's playing
with your fucking life.
Maybe I should walk out
and try to find
another vehicle, huh?
No, no, that's a bad idea.
What about
the two cars out in front?
Their suspensions
won't support the weight.
Dad, we have to find Riggin.
I know, Dennis.
I'm well aware that
we don't have your brother.
Just load up
the rest of the bars.
We'll clean up.
Let's get that fucking rotor.
We'll get the fuck
out of here.
I got all the leverage
I need right there.
Give me the rotor to the van.
Fuck you.
Where? You fucking say!
-Fuck you.
Come on.
Come on, now.
Okay, okay.
Where is the rotor to the van?
Hmm? Huh?
Easy now.
Sounds like you're down a dad.
Son of a bitch.
Just fucking relax.
Don't be stupid.
I guess your crew...
don't believe in the whole
"honor among thieves"
system, huh?
The old man...
is a heartless motherfucker.
That Black man
was on the ground...
he shot him up.
Just fucking unloaded on him.
He did it in front of my son.
Bull. Shit.
Then he put the gun up
to my son's head.
Look, I need you
to be honest with me.
Do you know
where my brother is?
I just watched your dad
kill a man.
If I knew
where your brother was,
believe me, I would tell you.
That old man in there...
that's my dad.
And honestly, man,
it's a fucking miracle
that your son's still alive.
And now your kid,
he's just a witness.
He don't let witnesses live.
I gotta find him.
You understand that, right?
I promise I am not
going to let anything
happen to you.
You girls having a nice chat?
Yeah, I was...
Why you fucking talking
to him?
I'm getting information.
Did you know that his father
has your fucking brother?
Did you know that?
What information
are you getting?
-It was...
Shut up.
Get up. Get up.
You're gonna get us
out of this.
'Cause if you don't,
I'm gonna fucking kill you.
Smarten up.
I never wanted
to hurt anybody.
I sure as hell
don't want anything
to happen to your kid.
You sure the fuck don't.
The toilets
need scrubbing, Mercer.
The toilets need scrubbing.
I got somebody here
who wants to talk to you.
Don't trust him. Don't listen
to anything he says, man.
Press the button
and say "Dad."
They're gonna kill me.
Dad, they're gonna
kill me, Dad.
Dad, they're gonna kill me.
If you
don't do what they say.
How about a trade?
Your son for my son
and the rotor.
He's a liar.
They're just gonna kill you
and then your son.
Shut the fuck up.
Be at the loading docks
in five minutes.
If you do not show up,
your kid's gonna get a bullet
in the head.
If you bring any weapons,
that would not be good
for Antoine's health.
Got it?
You're gonna help me
get my son.
It's almost over, Crenshaw.
Hey, stop right there.
Get the rotor.
You good?
Dennis, I'm cool, I'm cool.
Got it.
Put it back in the van.
After all the bullshit
you put me through tonight,
you're lucky I don't just kill
this motherfucking kid
right now.
Give me my son.
You killed one of my guys.
You fucked up my night.
Let us go.
You can go right back
to whatever the fuck
you was doing.
And if I don't?
Then we got a problem, homie.
Well, then I guess we got
a fucking problem, homie.
Goodbye, Crenshaw.
-Twan! Get down
-Go, go!
Oh, shit, Dennis!
Get up! Get to the van!
-All right?
We gotta wire the car
out front!
Keep the pressure.
Look at me.
Hey. Look at me!
Hey, you're gonna be fine.
You're gonna be fine.
Come on.
-Oh, fuck!
Okay, okay, okay.
He's getting away
with my money.
You're gonna be okay.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Y'all all right?
He needs a hospital!
Come on, push.
Just keep pushing.
Hold the pressure. Come on.
Stay with me.
Hey, Rigg. Guess what?
We're rich.
-We're rich.
Shoot 'em.
Oh, shit!
He's losing
a lot of blood.
I don't wanna die, Rigg.
Hold on, hold on.
Hold on.
Oh, no.
No way. Baby bro.
Don't look back.
No. Fuck you!
Fuck me.
Dad, he got hit!
Oh, shit!
Fucking hell.
I did the best
that I could, son.
I'm sorry it wasn't enough.
You motherfucker.
Do you know
how much you cost...
It's okay.
It's okay, Twan.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Dear, Mama...
This is your baby boy.
Hoping that you can hear me.
I love you so much.
You sacrifice so much.
Raising four of us...
on your own.
You did the best you could.
You was just trying to
survive your pain.
You were like a flower.
A gentle flower.
A black rose that grew
through concrete.