51 (2011) Movie Script

You're going to be on live. Okay.
Ready in three, two, one...
This is Sharon Solomon with a Channel 6
News exclusive story.
One that some might say
is out of this world.
I am here live at the perimeter of
the Air Force Flight Test Center.
And if that sounds unfamiliar to you,
then perhaps you know this base
by its more popular name, Area 51.
Rumored to be a classified holding area
for alien life forms,
Area 51 is widely known as the most
secretive place on Earth,
but we at Channel 6 have just learned today
that the government has given in
to public and political pressure
and is allowing visitors to Area 51
for the first time ever.
This is Sharon Solomon, reporting live.
Now back to you.
I want this to go quickly and cleanly.
Two hours, tops.
I will take them around Level 1,
but Level 2 is more important
to our tour here.
Our guests must feel they saw something
that no one has ever seen before.
If they go back and report
that there is no access,
no transparency at Area 51,
my superiors will make my life hell.
Which means I will have no choice
but to make all of your lives hell
so I'll have company.
All right.
You all know this man.
For 20 years, World Report Nightly.
"I'm Sam Whitaker and that is the news."
That is correct.
But he's not the one
we're concerned with here.
Claire Fallon. Author, creator
and sole contributor to The Fact Zone,
the world's most popular news blog.
Fallon was added to the tour, last minute,
over my objections.
She is smart, relentless,
and never satisfied with the official story.
Remember, shoot everything.
Always do.
Boys in Washington hope her street cred
will help dispel these stories
of us hiding extraterrestrials here.
I caught your appearance
on Talk Back last week.
Cool. Did you learn anything?
Both reporters will be bringing along
an assistant to document the tour.
Here on a skeleton crew shift,
our guests may take a look around
and think they can get away with something
simply because no one
seems to be watching.
That's why I want you all
to be extra vigilant.
If any of these four guests
get anywhere near the lower levels,
you are authorized to shoot them first
and make up the reasons why later.
You know the drill. Make me proud.
- Dismissed.
- Yes, sir.
Wow. I can't believe
that Claire Fallon's here.
You think the Chief will let me
get my picture taken with her?
Yeah, because the Chief loves it
when people leave their posts
to go hit on reporters.
Welcome to Area 51.
I am Colonel Ronald Martin.
I will be your tour guide today.
I want to thank you all for coming.
I assure you that my superiors
wish for today's event
to represent a new sense of honesty
and transparency
between the government and the public.
Isn't she the one that...
Now, our base here
is a six-by-10-mile installation
with a rich history of military progress
in the areas of aviation and weaponry,
backed by a strong sense of tradition,
honor, and pride.
I got a question.
We've been posted at this nest
for over a year...
That's not a question.
Well, the question is what's the point?
Shoes, are you an enlisted man
in the United States Air Force?
- Yeah.
- Do your superiors give you orders?
- Yeah.
- Do you follow those orders?
- Yeah.
- That's the point.
But since all of you
are only interested in one thing,
we will forgo a proper tour of the base
and focus on what you came here for.
Hangar 18.
Follow me, please.
I'd still like to meet her, though.
- Lieutenant Walters?
- Yes, sir.
I heard they were transferring you over
from the Malaka Pod pens.
This tour's got everyone moving around.
Boy, if those guests could only see
what's really down here.
Yes, sir.
I'm a civilian, Walters.
You don't have to call me sir.
- Understand?
- Yes, civilian.
Doc will be just fine.
Ground rules.
What you see here is proprietary technology
decommissioned specifically for this tour.
You may report on what I show you,
but if I ask you not to shoot
something or to write about it,
you will oblige. Are we clear?
Look but don't touch,
always stay with the group,
and if you should stray from the tour,
Lieutenant Kamecki, here,
will help you find your way back.
The subject you're about to encounter
crash-landed 25 years ago.
He's not like the others you've seen.
He's a morpher. You know what that means?
He changes shapes.
Anyone he touches, he can imitate.
Sorry, you wanted him to answer.
His DNA has a replicating element.
It simulates skin, clothes, hair.
If he touches you, he can look like you.
He can speak like you, too,
but only things he's heard you say.
In fact, at any time he can look or sound
like anyone he's ever imitated.
Are you ready to meet Patient Zero?
Right. I got it. Mindy, and here.
Mindy? Here.
So, Colonel, tell us
why is this called Area 51?
Old land survey maps were broken down
into geo-grids.
So where we are now is situated
on a square numbered 51.
- In fact...
- Colonel, if I may,
is it really just you and this kid
taking us on this tour?
I mean, no offense, sir.
It's just I would have thought
that for such a landmark event...
Miss Fallon,
you'll understand the U.S. Military
has important jobs to do.
Now, if we were really keeping
extraterrestrials here,
it might qualify as an important job.
But we're not, so it doesn't.
Now, don't get me wrong,
you'll see very many impressive things
on this tour,
but there are no aliens
to be found in Area 51.
What do we do if he tries something?
But if he does try something, shoot him.
Why isn't he in restraints?
The restraints make him depressed
and uncooperative.
We figured out a way to keep his mood up
with a regimen of gaseous drugs
absorbed through his skin.
We synthesize the sedative using
his own blood mixed with human blood.
His is blue.
That's why the gas comes out purple.
We try to keep him happy.
Two meals a day and his favorite band
on a loop.
What is it? Some kind of alien music?
Actually, the band is called Ice Spiders.
They're from Earth. Well, as far as we know.
Patient Zero spends most of his time here
and sometimes we do use him
on special jobs.
My dad has that same picture of Reagan.
It's not Reagan.
Lunch time.
And how is my favorite patient today?
Sorry about this.
It's okay.
There you go. It's good, isn't it?
J Rod, are you there?
J Rod, I'm detecting some unusual behavior
in Little Devil's pen.
It's probably nothing, but if you get
a second can you check his vitals?
All right. It's probably nothing,
but I will check.
Thanks, good buddy.
Welcome to the Warehouse.
This is the POW.
- The POW?
- Pulse Operated Weapon.
Creates an aimed impacted
equivalent to 10 grenades.
Has it been...
Has it been used yet in combat?
The first set doesn't come off-line
until next year.
We hope it won't have to be.
This weapon is so accurate.
It has a three-mile range.
We've got 3,000 of these things
ready for service.
Whoa! How are you doing, buddy?
Nice place.
Do you ever talk?
I know 62 ways to kill a man,
and you're barely a man.
If my men don't die, I'm a happy man.
I don't think he likes me.
What the hell is going on down there?
Oh, no.
No! No! No!
Doc! Hang on. It could be a trap.
That's why you're here. Let's go.
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Stay with me.
I've got you.
It's okay.
Shoot him! Shoot him!
Wait! Wait!
Wait! Wait!
Oh, no.
Hey, Gomez. I think we're okay down here.
Yeah. It looks like they've settled down.
I'm going to send down J Rod
for a check-up.
Well, all right.
Dr. Keane, it's Gomez.
Did you take care of Patient Zero?
Dr. Keane? Dr. Keane, are you reading me?
- J Rod, are you there?
- Yes, I am here.
- Can I get a read...
- It's okay. It's okay.
I was just... Where have you been?
I've been looking...
It's good, isn't it?
Apologies, Lieutenant Gomez.
I did not hear the end of your question.
Sorry. It's good. It's okay.
Very well.
So here's my theory.
I think everything we do here
is just window dressing.
Stop thinking. You're bad at it.
Well, if everything on display here
was state of the art,
it would be obvious
we're hiding something important.
It's a classic poker move.
If you're holding something strong,
you represent weakness.
Okay. Here's my theory.
We're assigned to an ancient weapon
'cause there's actually nothing here
worth defending.
We should be grateful,
'cause this provides us with a guarantee
that nobody will ever shoot at us.
And who are you
to talk about poker strategy
after I took 50 bucks off you last weekend?
Hey! You got lucky.
You cried like a baby.
Airmen don't cry.
- They bleed tears.
- They bleed tears. Yeah.
Thank God. Let's go grab some grub.
Hey, Gomez?
I ain't got a degree in aliens or nothing,
but I think there's something wrong
with one of these guys.
Are you gonna send J Rod
down here or what?
Lady Death hit her gate pretty hard.
We better make sure she...
Gomez, what the hell?
Did you open up Little Devil's gate?
That's amazing.
I mean, I can count the leaves
in my swimming pool.
What about you, Claire?
Want to see your backyard from space?
You can see my house on Google Earth.
Not with this clarity.
You really need to trim these hedges.
Detecting a life form.
My friend Astrid is cat sitting.
She's talking on the phone.
You want to hear what she's saying?
Two best sellers
and a big advance on the next one.
Trust me, her place is gorgeous.
It's just sad that she has no one to share
it with except for all these cats.
Colonel, forgive me, but you have
to assure me that the U.S. Government
is not using this technology
to spy on U.S. Citizens.
The government is not using this
technology to spy on our citizens yet.
Well, Claire, you have no pending
arrest warrants
and your facial structure
indicates only a two percent chance
of you ever carrying out a terrorist attack.
And you were in Afghanistan
sometime in the last month?
How the hell would it know that?
The software provides
"skin texturing analysis,
"reveals recent weathering
"due to environmental elements
unique to Kabul."
The bigger question is
why didn't I know about it?
That should have come out
when we vetted you.
Well, it was a secret trip.
Well, cherish your secrets, Claire.
The future brings us
fewer and fewer of them.
What about your secrets, Colonel?
I know you're not telling us everything.
Is that what you want?
You truly believe that civilians
need a window on the military?
Has it ever occurred to you
that if the American public knew
what we were up to, so would our enemies?
Actually, sir,
that's exactly what's occurred to me.
I don't think that you've let us in
because you caved to public pressure.
I think all this is your way of exploiting
journalists as de facto Psy-Ops agents.
You plant the stories you want us to write,
we distribute your propaganda
free of charge,
and hostile foreign governments
quietly take note of the U.S. Military's might.
I mean, maybe Libya and Syria will think
twice about how they deal with us
if their leaders believe that
we have a high-yield chemical laser
that can vaporize a human target
from space.
I don't know if you have aliens here, sir,
but I do know you have secrets.
And it's time the public knew the truth.
All due respect.
Well said. But you've got one thing wrong.
It's not about what I want.
I answer to superiors. I follow orders.
You, you write about whatever
you want on your blog.
You answer to no one.
You bear the full responsibility
of everything you do that is right,
and everything you do that is wrong.
We all do, Colonel. Every last one of us.
Excuse me.
This is Colonel Martin.
Yes, I did.
No. Of course not. I...
What? No, I didn't agree to...
Yes, sir, understood.
I've been ordered
to let you explore beyond Level 1.
How many levels are there?
Somebody is watching us, aren't they?
You're not coming with us?
I've been ordered not to.
Who the hell was on that call?
I think they bought it.
I'm telling you, they're here.
And not just on this Earth.
They're right here on this base.
Here he goes again with his little green men.
Gray. Well, at least the ones
at Roswell were.
And Rendlesham.
Not really sure about the ones
at Kecksburg, though, but I do suspect.
Dude, you read too many comic books.
Yeah? Well, you ever learn to read,
I'll share them with you.
Cork it, boys. You know how the chief
feels about wild speculation.
He's against it.
Well, I can tell you this much,
if the aliens ever do come to get us,
I ain't trusting you to fight them off for us.
What's that supposed to mean?
That's enough, Travis.
Well, I'm just saying when it's go time,
you shoot the enemy.
Not your own damn foot.
You want to go? You want to go with me?
I don't hit cowards.
- I said that's enough.
- He started it.
You're looking at a higher rank, Airman.
You don't shut up,
you're going to have to deal with me.
I don't hit fake heroes, either.
Hey! Hey! Don't...
You got something we need
to talk about, Travis?
Negative, Chief.
- What about you, Schumacher?
- Yeah. He's...
Negative, Chief.
You're a leader. Try and act like it.
Yes, Chief.
At ease, Airmen.
You think we shouldn't have let
them go down there unescorted?
Sir, what I think doesn't matter, sir.
No, no. Speak freely, Kamecki.
I don't think they should be here at all.
I don't want them
within 100 miles of this base.
Public poking they noses into our business!
- They should be thanking God that we...
- Stop.
Stop speaking freely, Kamecki.
Yeah, Dr. Haven?
I need you in the lab right now.
Yes, sir. Right away.
Bring along the Angel Eyes
camera system with you
and pretend you're working on it.
Make like it's a big secret.
Yes, sir.
Wear a white lab coat.
It completes the image.
Yes, of course, sir. I'm already on it.
Dr. Keane. I was just heading...
Hi. Hi. We weren't really prepared for this,
but Colonel Martin
mentioned something that...
Wow. You're Sam Whitaker.
Yeah. It's nice to meet you
and don't mind us.
We're just here to observe.
Okay. Great. Sure.
Just give me a moment and
I'll show you something really cool.
You buying this?
No. Just browsing.
Looking for the shot?
What shot?
The shot. The one that everyone will see.
The raising of the flag at Iwo Jima?
The naked Vietnamese napalm girl?
See, that's the shot that I want.
The one that millions will see
long after I'm dead.
That's not what I'm looking for.
What are you looking for?
When I was a little girl,
my brother woke me up one night
and told me that aliens
were landing outside.
And he rushed me out and showed me
dozens of bright streaks all across the sky.
- He was just messing with you.
- Well, yeah. It was a meteor shower.
But I don't know.
I still look up in the sky and I think,
"We can't be alone. No, they're coming."
If they haven't already.
That's why I'm here. Why are you here?
Looking for the shot.
- You're all set with that?
- Yeah, ready.
Shoot away. Fire at will.
So, why did you go on national television
and call me a corporate puddle?
I didn't. I called you a tabloid traitor.
Well. That's much better.
But you cannot raise standards
from the outside.
I'm in it every day doing everything I can
to make a difference.
You work for a network whose slogan
is "We go beyond the headlines."
It's your job to go beyond the headlines.
It's like Betty Crocker saying,
"We make food you can eat."
You don't think that I fight with my bosses
every day so that I can report on stories
that damn well matter?
No. I just think
you're not fighting hard enough.
Okay. So, you mind if I give you
a piece of advice?
Please. I can't wait.
- You keep challenging the Colonel.
- And?
And you don't get the real story
by attacking your subject.
You befriend him.
You make him feel comfortable.
You earn his trust and then you coax
out of him what you really need.
So why do you think
he let us loose down here?
I think it's a chess game
and I think the Colonel knew
that we were not playing his game,
and so he made a move
that we didn't expect.
He gave us something we wanted
in hopes to gain something even bigger.
Haven should have been there by now.
So either there's nothing down here
to discover,
or he knows we won't discover it.
Well, but maybe there's a third option.
Maybe there is something to discover.
And the colonel wants us to discover it.
So you mean he wants us to find something.
He just can't give it to us.
I mean, yeah.
Okay. We're ready.
Three, two, one...
I don't get it.
Look closer.
It's an invisibility shield.
It's wrapping light around my arm
so that you only perceive the light
from behind the arm,
making it appear to disappear.
Oh, my God!
I knew they'd have this technology,
but I had no idea that it was...
No, no, no, I had no...
I mean, this is much more advanced...
But see, what the really neat thing is...
All right. Listen up.
Everyone needs to evacuate the area
- and return to ground level.
- Why? Colonel, what's going on?
I'll explain later upstairs.
- You turn that off. Now.
- Hang on. Why can't we...
- Now listen, Miss Fallon...
- What?
My priority is to get
my valued scientists to safety.
Now, if you and the rest of the tour group
make it, that's fine with me.
Let go of me.
No! No! No!
Everybody out! Go on. Go!
Get out of here! Go! Go!
You still upset about what Travis said?
What's there to be upset about?
He was right. I'm a fake hero.
You know the story.
I know what I read.
What you didn't read
was how they sold it to me.
Drugged up,
lying in a hospital bed in Germany.
Some military journalist hovering over me,
pitching me a story.
"Female airman shot down in war zone.
"Sole survivor empties her gun fighting off
enemy troops with a broken arm.
"Escapes on foot.
Rescues wounded orphan on the way."
Well, you did get shot down.
And you are female.
At least they got that right.
My shoulder was sprained.
I never broke my arm. I never fired my gun.
I just ran, fast as I could.
Kid was on the same chopper as me.
I was holding him when we disembarked.
Yeah. I remember the photo.
And the 60 Minutes interview.
You were like Superwoman for a month.
Every time I tried to speak up, say,
"This is wrong,"
military publicists kept saying,
"Just go along with it.
Your country needs you.
"You're an inspiration."
How can you inspire people with lies?
Honestly, I was relieved
when Claire Fallon exposed it all.
I could never live up to
what they wanted from me.
Wasn't even strong enough to tell the truth.
Yeah, well...
At least you served in combat.
I hope we don't find anything crazy up there.
- No.
- Colonel, we're trying to get...
Come on, come on, come on. Let's go.
- Let's go. Let's go! In.
- Come on! Let's go!
Let's go! Let's go!
Sam, grab those lights.
Colonel, what's going on?
What was in the vent?
All right, come on.
Kevin! Come on!
Come on.
This is it.
That's the shot.
Damn it.
What the hell was that thing?
The least of our problems.
What did you mean earlier when
you said that thing about combat?
I don't know what you're talking about.
You said, "At least you served
in combat," like you hadn't.
Is that what I said?
Just because you accidentally
shot your foot doesn't...
It wasn't an accident.
I never even went to battle.
I was so scared.
I heard these voices saying,
"Don't do it. Don't do it."
So I stepped off the carrier,
pointed the gun at my foot,
and boom, back on the carrier,
back to safety.
Nice work, huh?
At least you set foot on the battlefield.
Some don't even make it that far.
Did it ever hurt?
Not there.
- Attention!
- Yes, sir. Right away, sir.
Shoes, drop everything.
You're coming with me.
- Yes, Chief.
- Hannah?
- Coming, Chief.
- No, you're not.
You're staying up here in the hangar.
- All due respect...
- I need a staff sergeant up top.
Until I return, you're the ranking officer.
Yes, Chief.
Yes, sir. Affirmative.
Back up through. Yes, sir.
Yes, sir. Shoes, break the glass.
Yes, sir.
Looks like you're all about to jump six levels
of security clearance, Airmen.
Stay sharp.
If anything comes up here
that isn't human, kill it.
Yes, Chief.
Did he just say anything that comes up here
that isn't human?
I knew it. I told you. I told you!
All right, Airmen.
You've all been in combat, right?
- Yes, Chief.
- Affirmative, Chief.
What's this?
Last resort.
Damn it. Someone's calling the elevator
from down below.
What do you mean down below?
You said there were only two levels.
Oh, my God.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
She's out. She's out.
All right. Come on. Come on, buddy.
You're going to make it.
Go on. Get out of here. Come on.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
She's gone.
No aliens in Area 51, Colonel?
Yes, there are.
J Rod.
These must be our honored guests.
What the hell could have done this?
Nothing from this planet.
Hold your fire.
- We're clear.
- Clear.
Blue dot, that's us.
Red dots, those are our targets.
Targets? There's more than one?
That way.
Look alive.
Listen up.
We have to be prepared to send
another team down if they don't come back.
And what? Just keep cranking up
the body count until no one's left?
Is that your plan?
If it is my plan,
you'll implement it without question.
Is that a problem for you, Airman?
No ma'am.
- Here it comes.
- Here what comes? What is it?
Hell if I know. Just shoot it!
Did something just get on the elevator?
Hannah, look alive.
Something's coming up the elevator.
Go! Go! In formation. Cover the elevator.
Go! Go! Go!
- Why did it come up again?
- I don't know.
- Are you sure it's clear?
- Yes.
Well, why won't the door close?
- James, that's enough.
- Something's wrong here, man.
Elevators just don't come up.
I'm closing the door.
James! Back in formation!
Why isn't it working?
Hannah, are you okay?
You okay? Smith, are you okay?
What's up?
I'm going to get that son of a bitch!
We got it, guys!
Yes! We got it! We got it!
This is Staff Sergeant Hannah speaking.
This is Colonel Ronald Martin.
I'm down on Level 3.
I didn't know there was a Level 3.
Sergeant Hannah, at the end of the day,
you're gonna know a lot of things
that you didn't know before.
Yes, sir. We killed that thing.
We lost two men.
Another took friendly fire and I'm injured,
so we're about half-strength.
You're injured?
Yeah. The thing took a little bite out
of me, but nothing serious.
All right. Listen to me, Sergeant.
You've been bitten by a Malaka Pod.
The wound isn't fatal,
but Lady Death has also escaped.
She's bigger, smarter and faster.
If you encounter her, she's going to know
by the smell of your wound
that you tangled with her baby.
That thing was a baby?
And we're trying to get back up top,
but we can't go the same way we came.
The chief and his boys
are hunting for her down here,
but if that all goes south,
you are the last line of defense.
You cannot let her escape this base.
Is that clear?
Yes, sir.
All right. Good luck.
We killed it. Yeah!
- I can't believe it.
- Yeah, we did.
On me.
We need a plan.
This is global.
So, J Rod, tell us...
Tell us how you ended up here.
My craft was accidentally struck
by a missile 60 years ago.
My friends here at the base
are still trying to find me a way home.
God, it's uncanny. He looks exactly
like those fake alien photos from the '50s.
Those photos aren't fake.
We haven't found out who leaked them yet.
J Rod, have you seen
Patient Zero's vital screens?
After waiting years for the right day
to escape,
I find it unlikely that Patient Zero
would allow himself to be killed so easily.
Well, if he is dead, we'll need confirmation.
How does this thing work?
Patient Zero has a chip under
his skin to monitor vitals and location.
All the alien life forms on
the premises are chipped.
Except me.
Yes, that's right.
The moving red dot is Lady Death.
One of the motionless red dots
is Little Devil.
- The others...
- This is Colonel Martin.
We have a new primary target.
It looks like he's in the food storage room,
possibly terminated.
Don't take any chances.
Copy that, sir.
It's in here somewhere, Chief.
Watch your asses.
He's the most dangerous, isn't he?
This Patient Zero.
You're more worried about him
than you are about the monster
that destroyed the elevator. Now, why?
What can he do?
J Rod, lock the door.
In the interest of security, you will all
have to be tested before we move on.
Lieutenant Kamecki, hand me your rifle.
I'll cover you.
What? Hang on. What's going on?
Patient Zero can replicate other humanoids.
There are ways of identifying him
and since I don't want to have to cut
all of you to see if your blood is blue,
I'll have Lieutenant Kamecki shine
a light in your eyes.
If your pupils react, you are human.
If not, I will blow you to hell.
We're right on top of it.
Wait a minute.
This is ridiculous. I'm not an alien.
You can't be serious.
Deadly serious.
What about you, Colonel?
Shouldn't you and Lieutenant Kamecki
be tested?
Yes. Of course.
I don't shoot guns.
I do.
Why are you doing this?
Why have you turned against our hosts?
Have they not taken good care of you?
He ditched the chip.
Kamecki's dead.
Yeah, I know.
On me, men. Keep an eye on that thing.
Let me know where the other one is.
Chief, it's here.
Chief, it's here.
It's on the ceiling! Fire!
Oh, my God.
I see it.
Oh, my God! They're really here.
What's here? Huh?
What the hell was that thing...
Travis! Travis!
Chief! Chief, behind you!
All of the explosives.
If it goes boom, it goes in the Jeep.
Aye, Sergeant.
It's okay, Smith. We got them.
I swear we'll get you to a hospital
as soon as all this is over.
Shouldn't we hold back a few grenades
in case it doesn't work?
That little one almost took us apart.
This one's bigger.
The way I see it, we got one shot.
If this doesn't work, well, then
it doesn't matter what we do.
Hang in there, Airman.
Yes, ma'am.
Chief, do you read me?
Look, if we go up top,
we've got Lady Death on the loose.
If we go down below...
I do not understand why Patient Zero
infiltrated your group
instead of leaving the base.
Is there's something here
that he still wants?
I don't know. I don't know.
All I do know is that he's more powerful.
I mean, how did he do that
with those boxes?
If he has learned to simulate abilities
as well as appearance,
he very well could have absorbed
this power from me.
No way he can do that.
We cannot be sure what he knows.
He has had as much time to study us
as we have had to study him.
We cannot let Patient Zero escape.
But never mind him.
How are we going to escape?
We have far more important things
to be concerned about right now.
- Lf he escapes...
- Then what?
If he gets out into the general population,
he disappears.
Not long after that,
he'll have contacted his mother ship.
- How do you know that?
- And then it'll only be a matter of time
before there's a full-scale attack.
How do you know that?
Because we have had him for over 25 years.
I know every damn thing about it.
Yeah, except for when he planned
to break out.
- There is another issue to address, Colonel.
- What?
The countdown self-destruct sequence
has been initiated.
- What?
- What?
Who would do that?
Who would do that?
It's my superior, General Hammer.
He's got the final word
on everything out here.
Damn it! They're cutting us loose.
Are you sure about this?
I mean, why isn't the system
sending out evacuation alarms?
Maybe your superior didn't want it to.
We have just over 35 minutes
to escape detonation.
- Thirty-five minutes?
- We've got to find Patient Zero first.
Now, just let me think
and get out of my way.
All right. The self-destruct sequence
was issued outside the base.
That way I can't abort it.
They'll have blocked all my access, but...
Maybe... Maybe if you use my office
computer you could...
You could circumvent the block
I believe that could work.
Now, listen to me.
You try to access the system.
Whether it works or not, you find
your way to the personnel elevator
in 15 minutes and you join us, okay?
- All right?
- I will, Colonel.
- Let's go.
- Come on, people. This could work.
Where are we going?
Room 4118.
Let's go.
Keep it moving.
What the hell are you doing up?
The detonator's not remote. It's wired.
So that means that somebody's
going to have to...
- You can't.
- Yes, I can.
And you and I both know
I'm not going to make it anyway.
You were right, Claire.
We're all responsible for our own actions.
Orders or not, it's up to me.
Four decades of military service,
and if I've learned one thing,
it's when all is said and done,
you're only accountable for one person.
They brought this from the armory.
It's called a popper.
It fires a small explosive,
like a mini-crossbow bolt.
You hit an arm or leg, you blow it off.
It's not big enough for the Jeep,
but it may come in handy.
Thank you.
You better get going.
When did that elevator door close?
Get to the Jeep. Go, everyone!
Now! On the Jeep!
I've had enough of the secrets.
Secrets that are killing my men
up there right now.
It's time people knew the truth. You up to it?
Maybe not alone, but if we join forces
with Sam's level of influence...
And Claire's reputation for integrity...
Well, nobody would be able to cover
this story up.
All right. You shoot everything.
Hurry. She's in there all alone.
Sixty seconds.
Take this.
I'm not going to be needing that.
Yeah, that's right. I'm the one you want.
Go! Take cover!
Now! Now! Smith, now!
Yeah! Come get me, you big ugly alien!
Open fire!
That's right. You better run!
You okay?
You would figure they'd have some sort
of high-tech weapons
that pop out of the ground
and take care of these damn things.
They probably do.
Then why aren't they using them?
I guess someone values
these aliens' lives more than ours.
We're going to have to do this ourselves.
Got a back-up plan.
We have to time this thing out perfectly.
What are you thinking?
I don't know how long the signal's going
to last, so we better hurry.
It's me she wants.
So that's what we're going to give her.
He's here.
Come on. Let's go.
Wait. Wait.
It's now or never.
Go! Now!
Now! Now!
I don't want to hurt you.
There's been enough bloodshed already.
Listen to me.
If we stay, we all die. So please...
You lied to me, Colonel.
J Rod, please.
You told me I was helping you
to understand your alien guests
so you could send them all home.
Instead you made me a tool of your cruelty.
We had to study your friend.
So that we could better understand you.
He died in the crash.
Was the missile strike accidental?
I'm sorry. It's over.
Look, whatever happened, I'm sorry.
We're going to expose the truth
about this whole place.
I do not believe you.
It's true! It's true!
He told us. He wants to show
the world what's happening here.
He's going to help us expose this place.
This man is not to be trusted.
My camera is destroyed.
We need the Colonel.
Without his protection,
you will be captured and silenced.
Don't you see? You have to trust us.
We have to tell them what's happening here!
Please! Please!
Are you okay?
Sam, you okay?
Yeah. I think so.
Something's wrong.
Cover me.
Damn it.
He got away.
Oh, God, Sam.
Can you walk?
Hannah! Hannah!
- Did you get it?
- Yeah.
Come on.
Are you okay?
Can you walk? Come on.
I think I broke my arm for real this time.
Airmen don't cry.
They bleed tears.
Patient Zero's still somewhere
in the compound.
I failed to abort the self-destruct sequence.
- We are still in danger.
- Oh, my God.
All right.
Personnel elevator should still work.
Let's just hope he doesn't know about it yet.
Come on, follow me.
Come on, Sam.
Hang in there.
We're going to get you out of here.
Can we make it in time, Colonel?
If absolutely nothing else
goes wrong, maybe.
Nothing else...
Lady Death could be up there,
the vehicles could be destroyed,
Patient Zero could be waiting to ambush us.
Did you kill her?
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Good work.
Come on. We've got less than 10 minutes
before this whole place goes up.
Our most dangerous resident
is still at large.
If he gets off the grounds,
we'll have to set up check points,
road blocks.
We cannot let him escape, people!
Colonel, who are you calling?
General Hammer.
She'll know what to do.
Sam, what did you do?
He's an alien! Shoot him!
I'm out!
It ends here, Patient Zero.
Thank you.
You okay? You okay?
We now have seven minutes.
Come on! Everybody in. Let's go! Come on!
Go, go, go! Just go!
I'm driving as fast as I can.
I recommend a higher rate of speed
to avoid the fallout.
- Never mind.
- Just go! Get out of here. Go!
The Air Force and the Pentagon would not
comment on the footage that you just saw.
Nor will they comment on the whereabouts
or even confirm
that Miss Fallon and Mr. Whitaker
and their crews were there.
I was there, though.
And I witnessed the most incredible
and unbelievable explosion
that I've ever seen.
Not to mention covering the biggest story
I've ever covered.
Actually, you're about to top it.
Claire Fallon, you made it out!
Yeah, and I brought some friends with me.
I imagine you have questions for me.
People need to know the truth.
Don't go away.
We'll be right back with
this exclusive interview.