60 Miles North (2024) Movie Script

- Oooohh
No hot water again?
- No.
- Your landlord blows.
- Listen, it's a rat
and roach infested shithole
but it's rent control.
- I got up last night to take a piss
and a roach tried to pick
a fist fight with me.
- It's good enough every time
Melissa kicks you outta the apartment.
- You should move to Miami.
- Yeah, that's what I want to do.
Trade in New York City for a cruise ship
where I sing under the sea
in the middle of nowhere.
I'll see you in tourist hell.
- Wait up.
We always go together.
- I gotta stop at the costume shop.
- Oh
- Photo? Five bucks. Photo with Dracula?
- Photo? Photo?
I can't believe you went with Jesus again.
- I saved on hair and a beard.
What do you want from me?
- Yeah. Well I think
I'm gonna go with Satan tomorrow.
- And you'll save on a costume.
- Funny.
- Wings?
No, I'm not getting wings with you
- What? Why?
- Why? Because every time we go
to the joint, you tell him
to keep him in for 15
minutes because I'm with you
he keeps mine in for 15 minutes
and they always come out burnt.
- How long do you want yours in for?
- Normal. Normal minutes
- So tell them that.
Come on, let's get some wings.
Dude, we didn't make any money today.
You know where we gotta go.
- Fuck - What happened? They
turn your phone off again?
- Yeah. Bastards.
- That's what happens when you
don't pay your phone bill
you idiot.
So how you gonna hear about this
game show host gig now?
- I have no idea.
- Taking forever to cast this thing.
- Nine auditions.
Okay. Two in front of network.
- I don't know how you do it. I'd be
going nuts if I was you.
- I am. - You want to use
my phone to call your agent?
- No, they hate that shit.
Anyway, how did your Blue bud audition go?
- Pitiful. How do you think?
They make me do it three times
with the blank stare and then they gimme
- No, the Cardinal Rule is if they
ask you to do it once
and say thank you, you didn't get it.
If they ask you to do it three or four
times, they're interested.
- I don't know man. I've been
wearing this starving artist
label like a badge of honor for so long,
but now I feel like a loser.
- Don't start. Okay. Alright.
You know who you signed up for? Yeah.
- But I thought by now we'd have something
to show for it.
- We live in New York City.
The entertainment Mecca
of the world. Okay.
If it was easy, everybody
would be doing it.
- Yeah. But that's just
it. We're not doing it.
We've been at this for 20 years.
And what do we got to show for it?
Couple of short films, some bit parts.
Maybe a one-liner here and there
and a play at the Producers Club.
But what we really are
is a bunch of scrubs
who stand in the middle of
Times Square begging for dimes.
- Clarence, cannot reach you on the phone
Come to... Holy shit man, look.
- Dude. Go. Go.
- Gimme your bag. Go. Go.
- And don't forget to pick up hot dogs
for the barbecue later.
- Alright.
I just got your message. They
turned my phone off again.
- Yeah. Perfect timing. Throw it away.
- What is this?
- That's your new phone from the network.
- Tim, don't fuck with me.
I know we only have a
working relationship, man.
I had to jump the turnstyle
to get here. I'm desperate.
- Oh. So Jesus really
did hop the A train, huh?
You know you gotta get rid of
that Jesus outfit.
Every day you're in it
just to pay your bills.
You don't need it anymore
because you are now the
host of your own game show.
You booked it. You beat out
every actor in the city.
Hard work is paid off.
Here's your contract.
I looked it over. All you gotta
do now is wait for the ink
to dry after you sign it.
You know, even though
I've only been your agent
for a short time, you
are now single handedly
my hardest working client and
I'm proud to represent you.
Here we go.
You and me buddy.
Straight to the top.
You happy or what?
- Fuckin' A, I'm happy.
- Good. You deserve this.
- You know how many auditions
that I've been on over the years,
how many stupid screenplays
that I've written?
I've broken in man. As a game
show host, but I've broken in.
Well, this is just the beginning.
You can continue to do all
that other stuff if you like.
But right now I need you
to give 100% attention
to this hosting gig. You got it?
- Absolutely. Yeah.
- So here's a list for you.
You gotta do these things.
Number one, get a haircut.
It's time to grow up. Make
yourself presentable. Okay?
You gotta go in for a
- By the way, what show are you doing?
I'm actually hosting my own game show.
I pick these guys up in a
cab, ask them questions.
They get the questions
right? They when money,
if they get 'em wrong, I kick 'em out.
- Great concept, man. I
- Like that.
You're gonna have to
do a background check.
You okay with that? You better be.
Now you're gonna have to take
a test for your TLC license.
You're gonna have to study for that.
You can't drive in the city
without that license. Okay.
I got a meeting with the
girlfriend so I can't stay.
And you know what? Here, take a cab home.
I can't have you running
around looking like that.
My best client. No way.
- Thanks man.
Hey, Tim. Aren't you married?
- Yeah. Thanks
- On me.
Congrats. Sorry I
overheard. I'm an actor too.
- To never giving up
- And to getting off at eight.
- To getting off at eight.
- Yo, there he is.
- Yo yo, everybody.
I wanna make a toast.
Not very good at this. Drunk,
but I feel it's appropriate.
I want to toast to
Clarence, my best friend.
One of my best friends
on this entire planet.
Me and this guy have been
beating the bushes for 20 years,
pounding the pavement in this crazy place
we call show business.
To his first starring role.
Steady gig as an actor.
And nobody, Clarence,
nobody on this planet
deserves this more than you, man.
You beat me to it. You bastard.
But I'm still laughing
for you. Congratulations.
Thank you, man. You're next.
I hope. Hope so. You're next.
And listen to me now
that you're gonna be living
in a doorman building.
Next time she throws me
out. Can I still stay?
To Clarence. - To Clarence
- To dreams.
- Yes. Yes. Dreams. It can happen. Yes.
- Yes.
- What happens?
What happens? It's the most
unbelievable thing. You're next.
You made it in the city that never sleeps.
That's right. New York City. Woo.
Tonight you're staying up for me. Woooo.
What are you doing up so early.
- Got my TLC test today. Oh,
I made coffee by the way.
- You're not hungover.
- Ain't nothing stopping
this natural high, bro.
I got my own show,
- Man.
Last night was fun.
- Yeah, it was. Thank you
for putting that together.
- No problem bro.
- What are you doing today?
- Working. I
- Got rent this month.
- You serious?
- I'm dead. Serious.
- Fucking excellent. You are the man, bro.
Fucking working actor.
- Clarence. You good?
- I'm great.
- I bet you are.
Congrats again. So how
do you like your office?
- I've never had one before,
so if you gave me a cubicle in
the basement, I'd be happy.
- I like to hear that. A grateful man.
And we're grateful to have you
on board. Here are your keys.
We start shooting on Monday.
Just waiting for your background check.
Make sure you're not a serial
killer. Network protocol.
We got great faith in you. So get ready.
- I'm ready.
- Awesome.
Clarence. Mets or Yankees?
- Mets!
- Let's catch a game this summer.
- You got it.
- So are you gonna take
me to meet your parents?
- I'd like that.
- Oh, what did they say about
you getting the show?
- I didn't tell 'em yet.
- What? Why?
- I haven't even been up to
visit them in over a year.
And it's less than an hour away. Why?
Because every time I go up
there, whether it be a holiday
or whatever, all they do
is bitch about, you know,
giving up the dream and getting
a real job and you know.
- Yeah, but you made it. It's
different. You gotta tell 'em.
- I think I'm gonna tonight.
- You have to.
They'll be ecstatic.
- I think you're right.
Thank you for coming tonight.
- Of course we have fun.
- Yes we do.
This is Clar. Hey, I don't know.
You gotta tell me what you're,
what what? What do you mean?
Okay. I'm in the park jogging.
I can come there right now.
Alright, I'll be right there.
- I'm gonna get right to the point.
The network is rescinding its offer
for you to host the game show.
- What?
- Your background check came back.
You were convicted of drunk driving
and you failed to report it.
- Oh, ability impaired. Not drunk.
And it was more than 12 years ago.
- This is a driving show.
We can't have a driver with a
record. I'm sorry, Clarence.
You're a very talented young man
and I wish you the world of luck.
Good luck in your future endeavors.
- Any reason why you were quiet
as a church mouse right now?
- You want me to be
honest? I was mortified.
Why didn't you tell me about this?
- 'cause it was 12 years
ago, a minor misdemeanor.
I had one too many beers one night.
Literally, I didn't even
blow the state minimum.
- This is a driving show.
It's not about how many
beers you had or didn't have.
So stop. I gotta go.
Good luck to you, Clarence.
- Wait, you're dumping me.
Are you fucking serious?
Are you serious?
You're the worst agent ever. You suck.
- Yo. Yo, what's up? Yo,
what's up Chloe? Wanna beer?
Sure. Alright, here you go, darling.
You know Henry's floating around
here looking for the rent.
- I ain't got it.
- What do you mean? Didn't they pay you?
- Something like that.
- Oh, come on. What the fuck?
- Oh boy.
You lived here 10 years.
I tell you all the time.
No glass bottles on the roof.
We're just unwinding
with a couple of beers.
Chill out.
- So what'd you do
to the apartment downstairs?
- What do you even doing downstairs in the
apartment? We're up here. Henry.
- If you don't come to pay me,
I have to come collect the rent.
We worked all day, Henry.
I don't care what you
gotta do to make the rent.
This is unbelievable. You put a loft in
the kitchen, Clarence.
My girlfriend threw me out
so I don't give a damn.
Listen, this is not working out.
- Fuck you, Henry. You
call yourself a landlord.
We haven't had hot water in over a year.
And we have roaches the size of ice cubes.
- You're a real wiseass. You know what?
Keep this month's rent
as a going away present.
If you're not outta here
by the end of the week,
you're gonna meet my attorney. Understood?
- I look forward.
- Great. Now I got no place to live.
- What do you want me to do?
- What do you mean?
- What do you want me to do?
- Pay the rent.
Why don't you find your
own fucking place to live?
- What the fuck is your problem, Clarence?
You wanna know what happened?
They rescinded their offer and
they fired him. Okay.
- What? Why?
You taking this lamp and this mirror?
- No. My parents got enough shit.
- What about these fucking pictures?
- Leave 'em.
- Leave 'em.
- You want this bag?
- Nah, I'm good. I don't
want nothing from you.
- What the fuck?
- Who keeps calling you?
- My old agent, Tim.
- What the fuck does he want?
- The network needs their
phone back. I'll be right back.
- Yeah.
- You're the shittiest agent in New York.
You want your phone? You come get it?
Mister, can I have coffee? Would
you buy me an egg sandwich?
Hold on, Tim, what's your
name? - My name is Barry.
- Yeah. Tim, you want your phone?
Come get it from Barry on 10th Avenue.
This is better than an egg
sandwich, Barry.
- Oh my God, thank you Mister.
- Attention MTA customers.
Tickets are deactivated
prior to boarding the train.
Thank you for riding MTA
Metro North Rail Road.
- Hey you. Lemme see the
pass you showed the conductor.
I got a call that was a stolen pass.
- It's not stolen. It's my father.
- Your father rides for free, not you.
- He said I could use it in an emergency.
- Got any ID on you?
- I just moved outta the city.
I threw everything in a
bag. I don't know where it is.
- Yeah. Open container,
no ID, a stolen pass.
I'm taking you in.
- Oh my God. Are you fucking kidding me?
- You're coming with me. Let's go.
Hands behind your back.
- Oh my God. Are you serious?
- Yeah, I'm serious.
- How long is this gonna
take? I got shit to do.
- Not anymore. Holiday weekend
judge isn't in until Tuesday.
You're gonna spend it with us.
- Gimme the pass.
- They're mailing it to you.
I told you to only use
that pass in an emergency.
- It was an emergency.
- 40 years old. You're
still acting like a punk.
- I'm 39.
- Oh, is this what we're doing now?
You're gonna crack wise with me.
- I'm, I'm sorry dad.
They're mailing you the pass.
They said it would be
there in two to three days.
- Look, I realize this is
shitty timing, but your mother
and I finally sold the house
and we're moving to Florida.
We're out at the end of the month.
- Congrats.
- Yeah. Not really.
I don't know where you're gonna
go or what you're gonna do,
but you can't stay with your sister.
She's got two kids of her
own to raise right now.
And don't even get me started on your mom.
She's been on my ass about getting you
the job on the railroad.
And I don't even know if
I can do that anymore.
I've never seen her this
hurt or this embarrassed.
- I don't want that railroad
job. Okay. I am good.
- Oh, okay. Good. Problem solved.
- Welcome home, brother.
I heard what happened.
It's a tough break.
- Yeah.
- Where are your things?
- These are my things.
- That's it?
That's everything you own?
- What do you want me to
say? I've mastered poverty.
- I wouldn't be proud
of that if I were you.
He's a minimalist.
- I'm starving. Do we have
anything to eat in this house?
- I went and got cold cuts.
There's provolone and
salami in the refrigerator.
- Oh, I cannot believe
that you guys actually sold
this house.
I mean, who in their right mind
would wanna live in this shithole town?
Excuse me. Some of us still
live in this shithole of a town.
- Sorry.
- In exactly 21 days we'll be leaving
for the sunshine state of Florida.
- I thought that was Georgia.
- That's the peach state, you dope.
- What do you think, dad? You do a lot
of fishing in Florida.
Hey, I'm happy fishing right
on the Hudson River, thank you.
But down south you can
fish all year round.
- Well you stop with the resistance.
What is it with you and
your refusal to change?
- I just think that Florida
is overrated, is all.
- Yeah, but dad, have
you ever even been to
- Florida?
Yes. In the Army. And I
didn't care for it at all.
It is no place for a pale faced Irishman.
- You know your father,
who's always had problems
with change, it took him
two years to get used
to this town when we first
moved up from the city.
- So what are you gonna do for work?
- I don't know. What's
all the questions, sis?
- Just wondering if you're
gonna get a real job
- And be miserable like you?
- Don't start with me.
- I forgot to tell you
that we rented your
room for the last year.
- What? Why would you rent my room out?
- Your father and I needed the money.
She's a nice girl, but she's been sick.
And I need you to take her to the doctor's
tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM
- What's wrong with her?
They're trying to figure that out.
But all she does is stay up in her room
and she can't even get
past the back fence.
Feel bad for her.
- Yeah. Doctors have diagnosed
her with agoraphobia.
- So why don't you help her?
- Seriously?
So where am I gonna sleep?
- Don't look at me.
- Yeah, I couldn't really ask you
- On the couch.
- It's only three weeks. And
let me tell you something, Mister.
You are going to have a
full-time job with the railroad
before we leave.
We have things to do. See you at dinner.
- Play nice, you two.
- Forgot to tell you Lwas asking about you.
- Really? I missed that guy.
You know I've known him longer
than anybody on the planet.
The exception of you.
Right? Where'd you see him?
- His son and your nephew
play on the same baseball
team that he coaches.
- So he's still coaching.
That's good to hear.
- He also opened up a
bar on Liberty Street.
- Liberty most violently dangerous
street in New York State.
- I will have you know
that Newburgh is one
of the fastest gentrifying
towns in New York.
- First of all, why are
you talking like that?
And second of all, what?
Every hipster from Williamsburg move up.
- LT's is actually a very popular
place for railroaders after work.
- Exciting.
- If you don't believe
me, you go check it out.
- Let's go grab a pint.
- I can't.
- Why?
- It's two o'clock in the afternoon and
I don't start drinking till three.
- It's open.
- So, you're the one living in
my childhood bedroom, huh?
- Wow. Such grace. You must be Clarence.
- Yeah, just wanted to take a
look around. It's been a while.
- One year.
- Yeah. How do you know
- That's how long I've been here for?
I found this while I was packing.
It's got something about a little league.
- Yeah, it's a scrapbook.
I'll see you around.
- Sure.
- Sometimes I wonder why the sun goes down
- You see I'm lost between space and time
- and all around...
- Who wants to go down memory lane.
- Well, would you look at this
- From minor league ball
player to bar owner?
- What can I say? My new
obsession is craft beer, brother.
- I like it.
- You ain't like it on Facebook?
- Yeah, I don't go on much.
- No worries, man. I heard
what happened. I'm sorry.
- What you gonna do?
- Your sister
told me you lost your gig
due to your DUI.
- For something that
happened 12 years ago.
- In all fairness, my brother
you did get behind the
wheel after drinking.
- I just got pulled over.
I didn't kill anyone.
- So what are we drinking?
- Anything that's gonna get
me through the next 30 days.
- Let's start with two shots.
- Let's make it three.
- That's Clarence Moran.
That's my first friend.
We took the same bus to
school since kindergarten.
We played little league together.
High school baseball too.
We both smaller and skinnier
than the other guys on the team.
So we practiced hard every day together.
Rain, snow, hell, sleet. It didn't matter.
Running sprints, hitting in the batting
cage to our hand blood.
Clarence had the sweetest glove I knew.
- Did he play minor league baseball too?
- No. But he was good
enough to play in college
where he took up an acting
class, got bitten by the bug.
Put all his energy into performing.
A year later he was at my
wedding and he moved to the city.
I started a family and here we are.
- I didn't wanna wake
you. You looked so peaceful.
Wanna grab breakfast?
- I thought you were okay to drive.
- Well, I can't drive a stick.
- Oh shit. What time is it?
- Hey, I'm supposed to
take you to a doctor's appointment.
- Come back tomorrow.
And if you can make it
on time, that would be great.
- I know the back roads.
I can get you there.
- I've already rescheduled
the appointment,
so let's try to get it right this time.
- Rush hour's over. It's not a problem.
- Listen Charlie,
- It's Clarence.
- What? Look, it's
already difficult for me
to leave the house to begin with.
So it's very important
that I have all the time
and preparation I need.
Okay. So I'll see you
tomorrow at 9:00 AM fine.
Try not to be hungover.
- Jesus, Clarence, you had one job.
- She rescheduled for tomorrow. It's fine.
- It's not fine. I needed
you to take care of her.
- It's not a big deal, ma.
- It is a big fucking deal.
- Wow, do you still go to
mass on Sunday with that mouth?
- Hey, don't talk to
your mother like that.
- Oh my God. I feel like I'm 16 again.
- Well, you're sure acting like it.
- You know what? I don't
wanna babysit this girl
for the next 30 days.
I need to worry about my own life.
- Be worried about getting a job.
- I'm going back to the city.
- To do what?
The same thing over and over again.
And how did that work out for you?
- It did work out okay. I got screwed.
- You were out carousing, weren't you?
You know I'm all for catching
up with your friends
but God forbid you get popped
for a DUI while you're
driving my car.
I don't need to hear this shit.
- I think he's learned
his lesson, alright?
Ease up on the kid. Would you?
- Kid?
He's almost 40 years old
and he is back to sleeping on our couch.
But don't you see he's lost
all sense of perspective?
What happens if he goes
to a potential employer
and they ask him what he's been
doing for the last 15 years?
- Yeah, I get it. I'll
make some calls tomorrow
- Please. We're leaving soon.
- Yeah. Don't remind me
- What?
- Nothing. Are you finished?
- You ready?
- Yeah.
Please pull the car over.
- What is your problem?
- Just, just pull the car over.
- What the f...
- Relax, dude
- Mind your business.
- Listen. You want me to call someone?
- Call, call someone. Who?
Who are you gonna call? Nobody cares.
- It's referring to an ambulance. Okay.
You seem like they'd be going
through a crisis right now.
- No shit, Captain Obvious.
- It's cool. Okay. I
wasn't gonna let you do it.
- Do what?
- Jump. 'cause I don't swim.
- Jump. What the fuck?
I was having a panic attack.
I have them all the
time. This is the first
time I left the house in a year.
- So what are you in for?
- What am I in for? This
is a doctor's office.
Your mom told me you just got outta jail.
- I didn't just get outta jail.
I was in a holding cell for
four days for doing nothing.
I just feel like having an
aversion to these places.
- Wow. I'm shocked.
- You're shocked that
doctor's offices depress me.
- No, that you used the
word aversion in a sentence.
- You're a real treat, aren't you?
- How old are you?
- 39.
- 39 and you're in a holding cell.
Wow, you're really
lighting the world on fire.
- I was in for four days.
Like I said, no big deal.
- Yeah. Well it is to most people.
- Why don't you worry about getting from
A to B without having to pop pills
before you worry about me. Okay?
- I'm still having the
night sweats, fevers,
muscle and joint pain.
My feet are numb almost 24 7.
I'm still getting rashes
every once in a while.
- Are you taking the
Xanax I prescribed you?
- Yeah. When? When the panic
attacks get really bad,
- Does it help at all?
- Not really. I, I'm
still shaky, honestly.
I don't really like taking it
'cause it makes me really tired.
- Have you been exercising all?
- Yeah. I do my steps around the yard.
But if I go beyond the fence,
I start shaking really badly
and then have a panic attack.
- Well, it sounds like to me you're
suffering from a agoraphobia.
- Yeah. A year ago when I
tested positive for Lyme,
you said I had two bands.
- Ms. Fall, you did not
test positive for Lyme.
- But it was, I was
only treated for a week
and I feel like maybe it could have
been a little bit longer.
- You don't have Lyme disease Ms. Fall.
How many times do I have
to stress that to you?
Listen to what I'm telling you.
All those symptoms add up to agoraphobia.
Allow me to do my job and
let me refer you to a psychiatrist.
I know one who specializes in agoraphobia,
obsessive compulsive disorders,
borderline personality
disorders, things of that nature.
- I don't need a psychiatrist.
- Ms. Fall, you've contacted
every doctor in the area asking
them to treat you for a
disease you do not have.
Sitting in a home locked in the house
a pretty girl like you?
Rather than surfing the internet trying
to diagnose yourself
maybe you should think
about getting a dog.
- Hmm.
- Excuse me, Ms. Fall. Your copay.
- My copay?
- Your copay for the doctor's visit today.
- You can tell the doctor
that I'm using my copay to buy a puppy.
- I don't know guys. What if
the railroad sees my record?
- Gonna have to go down to the courthouse
and have your record expunged
- For something I did 12
years ago. Unreal.
- It's a great job, Clarence.
If they hire you now you can retire at 65.
- Dad, I've called in every
favor possible at 347 Madison
just to get this guy hired.
- Fine. Here's my resume.
- This is an acting resume, Clarence.
What are you
gonna do when they ask you
what you've been doing
for the last 15 years?
- I'm gonna tell them the
truth that I busted my ass
for something I am passionate
about and succeeded
and it was ripped away from me.
- You are always playing
the victim, aren't you?
- What is your problem, Deb?
You know what you wouldn't understand.
You've never been passionate
about anything.
- You know what, Big Brother,
passion doesn't pay the bills.
Have I ever asked you for anything?
My dream doesn't affect you.
- No. Your dream is
driving everyone crazy.
- Yeah, okay. So what are
you gonna do if you don't get
the railroad job?
- I don't know. I haven't
figured it out yet.
- I'll get it.
- We are running out of time, Clarence.
- Okay. Good news.
The strings that Deb and I
pulled got you an interview
with the MTA this week.
- Terrific.
- You are so ungrateful.
You can read and go to
auditions all on your days off.
- Yeah. Maybe at 25, but not 40, 39.
- You should be happy Clar.
Not everybody gets to
work for the railroad.
- Yeah, I think on the bright side,
they probably don't even
want you with your DWAI.
- You know, I wasn't gonna go there,
but I know exactly why Tom's leaving you.
- Hey!
Enough. Jesus.
- How did it go today
at the doctor with Wild?
- Oh mom, it went amazing.
- You're not ready. The job fair is today.
Only you're gonna blow it.
- I can't.
- This is the second year in
a row that I've signed you up.
You promised you'd go with me.
- I'm sorry.
- I thought you wanted
to be a flight attendant.
American Airlines, United, JetBlue,
they're all at this job fair.
Just waiting to hire you.
I thought you wanted
to see the world.
- I do.
- Well, you can't do it
sitting in the house all day.
- I know. I tried. I got dressed.
I, I can't. I can't leave.
What do you want me to say, Ava?
Right? Just leave me alone please.
- You've got two weeks before
you have to move out of here.
You're my sister, Wild. I love
you. Please get some help.
- I'm trying.
- What are you gonna do
when we pack the TV up?
Lay on the couch and
stare at the wall all day.
- There's nothing else
to do around these parts.
- Let's go. Get dressed. Get up!
Go, go, go.
You're gonna love this.
Ouch, $200. I can't afford that.
- Mom, you don't have to buy me
a suit. Okay? I have a suit already.
You can't wear that
suit to a job interview.
You've gotta look presentable.
We need to get you all
polished and new.
- Dottie Ann?
- Hi, Laura!
- I heard you sold your house
and you're moving down south.
- The rumors are all true. We leave soon.
- Congratulations.
- Oh, this is my son Clarence.
- How you doing?
- Oh, I
remember when you were just a kid.
Ooh. He used
to come work in the mail
room when we were in
college, right?
Oh, are you the son? I just
read about in the local paper.
You just became a host of a big game show.
- Yeah, that's me.
- Oh, congratulations.
- Thanks.
- What are you doing in Newburgh?
- I'm, I'm getting a suit.
Game show's not happening.
- I'm sorry. What happened?
- Well, in a nutshell,
a few years ago I had one too many beers
and I tried to get in
my car and drive home
and I got pulled over by a state trooper.
I guess I was swerving.
Gave me a D-W-A-I Driving
While Ability Impaired.
So, because the game
show requires me to drive
after a background check, they fired me.
But on a good note, Metro
North, they'll have me.
They don't care how many beers I drink.
So in the near future,
if you're on the train,
I might be the guy that's
punching your ticket.
- You know you have some nerve.
I spent money I don't
have in there on a $200 suit.
- Mom, I'm gonna wear the suit.
- You know, your father and I are doing
everything we can to help you.
- I don't need help.
- Yes you do.
- Do I have something pinned to my back
that makes you think I need help?
Why don't you believe in me?
- Of course, I believe in
you. But first I want you
to be financially stable.
- What about happiness?
- Of course that too.
But first a job.
- Hi Ms. Fall.
Dr. Smith referred me to you
and it says that you are
experiencing symptoms
of agoraphobia for a year now.
- Right? - And now you went
see Dr. Smith a year ago.
You had no problem leaving the house then.
- Nope.
- Right.
So why don't you tell me about
a day in the life of Wild.
- What do you wanna know?
- Why don't we
start with when you wake up.
- Okay. I wake up after
a night of insomnia.
I pee. I brush my teeth.
I take all my health
supplements, but not my Xanax
because I'm gonna do it
without good old Xanax.
Today I look at my to-do list.
I hop in the shower, try to visualize
as the day ahead of me.
- This is great. You're doing a great job.
Continue with that.
- Get out of the shower.
Do my hair, makeup,
and then I go outside
and my hands start shaking uncontrollably
and my heart rate increases
and I feel like I'm gonna die
or go crazy.
And then I go back inside
and well, sometimes my sister
comes over and yells at me.
- Alright, well, my
two questions, Wild.
The first one is your to-Do list.
What? What does that consist of?
- Get a job, participate in society.
Maybe meet a boy. Normal stuff.
What's your second question?
- Oh, now, well, when you
walk back into your house,
does the, the sweating,
the racing heart that,
does that go away?
- Yeah, for the most part.
- So your house has become
a safe space?
- Yeah, I guess.
- Alright, well then why don't we do this?
How would you feel about me coming to you
for our next appointment?
- Yeah, I guess.
- Oh, fantastic.
That'd be, I think that'd be great.
- Clarence has some good news.
- Oh yeah.
- I got an interview
- And you're gonna be great.
Now remember, don't talk about acting.
Talk about how excited you are to work
for the MTA that it's in your blood.
- So, Wild, have you spoken
to your sister about when you move out?
- No, I haven't yet.
- Why don't you call the new homeowners
and see if they'd be willing
to rent the room back to you?
- Can you stay with Ava for a while?
- No. I don't really see
that happening, to be honest with you.
- Hmm.
- How did it go today
with the psychiatrist?
- Okay. I guess.
- Hey.
- What's little man?
- So I heard you may have got on the road.
- Yeah, I got an interview.
- How you feel about that?
- I gotta do something. Plus
I make the folks happy.
- So I guess I see you at the daily
railroad happy hour at the bar.
- That's the place to be if
you're a railroader. Right?
- Listen, me and little man here,
he had his last game a couple weeks ago
and it didn't fare well.
I mean, zero for four, three strike outs.
- Ouch.
- We had a couple on the base.
Anyway, I was wondering if any
way possible I could show him
the wall of the fort, for a little
inspiration. You know?
- Absolutely.
- See little man, me
and Clar came with this
years ago. What do that say?
- If you work hard enough,
you can achieve anything you want.
- That's right, my boy. Ain't
that's right, Clar?
- Yep.
- Little man, meet me at the car.
I'll be right out there.
- Okay.
- So what is your problem?
- What do you mean?
- Thanks for sounding so convincing.
- I was just being honest. - Wow.
- You want me to be really honest.
I think the two of us are
living proof that no matter
how hard you work, you can't
accomplish what you wanna be.
- You don't really believe that, do you?
- Concentration confidence, never give up.
But here I am, stopped dead
in my tracks. No pun intended.
- How many siblings do you have?
- Just the one. We have different dads.
- Well, why don't you tell me a little
bit about your parents.
- Well, my mom was a great woman.
She would believe me if she was here.
She used to teach prisoners
on death row how to read.
And that's where she met my dad.
I never met him, but they
fell in love and had me.
- Do you mind if I ask what your father
was on death row for?
- Does it matter? I mean,
what's anyone ever on death row for?
- Just trying to get a feel
for your family history. That's all.
- Yeah, I never asked.
Besides, what does that
have to do with anything
that's going on right now?
Why don't you get a feel for what happened
to me a year ago when all this
started happening?
- Why don't you just
let me try to do my job?
- Hey, I need you to
pick this up for Wild.
- What is it?
- It's called a Rife machine.
It's supposed to help her.
- Oh no, no. This is way
up in the mountains.
- So? You busy?
- She's not coming with
me. Nobody's jumping off a
bridge on my watch.
- You're a piece of work, you know that?
I love you, but sometimes
I just don't like you.
- Alright dad, gimme the keys.
- Get some gas.
- This is the Rife machine.
- That's nice. What does it do?
- Well, first you plug it in,
then you'll look at the
pamphlet I'm gonna give you
and you search for the
frequency that you need.
Let's say in your case, uuhhh... Lyme
Lyme... Lyme...
All the time. About to lose
my mind to make a dime.
Ah, yep. Frequency 4 0 8.
Then you set the frequency.
Flip the switch, and
you sit in front of it.
- That's it.
- Oh this.
This machine helped thousands
of people with Lyme disease,
psychosomatic illnesses,
chronic fatigue syndrome,
- Diseases that have no cure.
- Well, big pharma won't
bother with anything
that doesn't bring in money.
All you need is what God
provides for us here on Earth.
Let me ask you, do you know anyone
that this machine has actually helped?
- Yes.
- Okay.
- Well I just gave Dan $300
so I guess that's Ramen
for the rest of the month.
- Did you actually give
that guy money for this box?
- Rife technology's proven to work.
- Yeah. Maybe if Dr. Rife builds it.
Not some guy named Dan who
has his own barnyard lab.
- What do you know?
There's people in my online support group
that have used this and say that it helps.
- I highly doubt it.
- Why is that?
- I don't know. Maybe because
the FDA hasn't approved it.
- If you waited around for
the FDA to approve everything,
you'd be waiting forever.
- You could be doing yourself more
harm than good with this thing.
- You know what?
I don't have to listen to you. Go away.
- Hey, you got a frequency on there
for acting gigs? I sure could use one.
- You know what? Fuck
you. You're a grown man
that lives at home with his parents,
so you're really not one to judge.
- Yeah, you got that right?
- Yeah, I do.
You don't think I hear
your parents talking?
You got knocked down once and
you can't get up. So now what?
I'm just gonna give up
and get a nine to five.
- Good luck with your box.
- Today I thought we would try some
cognitive behavioral therapy
instead of just talk therapy.
- What's the difference?
- Well, CBT focuses on changing
cognitive distortions.
For instance, in your case now,
you can't leave your house
without having a panic attack.
Now, CBT will give you the tools to deal
with the symptoms instead
of self-medicating.
- And what if the reason
for my panic attacks is an
underlying physical
health issue? Not mental.
- Well, any underlying physical
health issue would have
to be resolved or you'd have a struggle
but that's not the case with you.
- Okay.
- Okay?
Alright, well let's begin.
Now come on, Wild,
you're not in any danger,
this is all psychosomatic.
These feelings you have aren't real.
- I don't feel any danger.
That's what I've been trying to tell you.
- Okay, well then what do you feel?
- It's hard to explain.
It's like, it's like my
central nervous system is shutting down.
- But that's nonsense.
Those are not real feelings.
- Yes, they are.
- Listen, Wild. I need
you to work with me.
- No. You listen to me. One year ago
I was in those woods. I
pulled a tick off of me.
And then that night I ran
a fever. I was sweating.
And I still have those
symptoms today amongst others.
- And you were treated for it.
Lyme is not the issue here.
- I was treated for a week.
It wasn't long enough.
- I'm here to help you
with your mental health.
We need to focus on your agoraphobia
so you can get back out in the world.
- Hey,
- What's up man?
- What are you doing?
- You know.
- My god. Good to see you.
- You too, man. So this
where you're spending all your time now?
- Yeah. I mean I'm, I'm
waiting to get on the railroad.
- I heard, man, that's great news.
- What are you doing up here?
- Well, not too much, man.
You know, checking up on you
since you got us thrown
outta the apartment.
I'm just kidding, man. It's
actually a blessing in disguise.
Made up with my girlfriend,
things have been going really good
and we're getting married.
- What?
- And I'd like you to be my best man.
- I'd love to be your best
man. Congratulations.
God, that's the greatest news I've heard.
- Thank you.
- Craig. Are you kidding?
Tara? Can I see this?
- Yo. What are you doing?
That's my favorite game show.
- Yeah, we don't watch that here.
- What, you got a fucking
problem, motherfucker?
- So you're still on this shit, huh?
You're still fucking on this.
- I don't wanna hear it, okay.
- No, you're going to hear
it, Clarence. - Not now.
- Now is the perfect time.
- Get the fuck away from me.
- Clarence, do you think
this isn't rough on me?
Do you think that I still
don't want to be in it?
- It's different. - How is it
different, Clarence?
- 'cause I just watched it on television.
Okay? And I saw the motherfucker up there,
and that's not me, but
it's supposed to be me.
And they took it away from
me for one little mistake.
- Clarence, you got a good job.
Now you're gonna be
working on the railroad.
It's steady work.
Let it go.
- Don't tell me how to live my life.
Two months ago we sat in the rooftop
and you were like, I'm a fucking dime
winner at Times Square.
And you were quitting.
- Clarence.
- What the fuck? You're different now.
- Clarence.
I fucking bought a lotto ticket and I won.
And they came and took
it away from me. Okay?
I fucking am that guy. I am that guy.
- What the fuck is wrong
with you, Clarence?
- You told me. Hey, don't
give up. Don't give up. Don't give up.
- It doesn't matter.
- It does matter, man.
- No it doesn't.
Look at your life Clarence. Look
what you're turning into.
You're 39 years old, man.
You're still fucking
getting into bar fights.
Look at you, man.
- Look at you. You going somewhere?
- I'm not going anywhere.
What happened to your eye?
- Nothing.
So what are you doing?
- I get dressed up. I tell
myself I'm going to go. I can go.
- Go Where?
- The movies.
They're playing my favorite
movie at this art house
theater in Jersey.
- What movie?
- Boeing Boeing.
- Never heard of it.
- With Jerry Lewis and Tony Curtis.
- What's it about?
- Flight attendants.
- Whoa. You okay?
- Yeah. Yeah.
My foot's been going numb. Okay.
And my, then my knee gives out.
- Yeah, I got you. Okay?
- Time to dust off the old crutches again.
Could you go grab that
package for me please?
- Yeah, sure. - Thanks.
- I have all these floaters in my eyes.
Would you mind reading it please? - Sure.
Colloidal silver.
In some recent studies,
colloidal silver has been more
effective than traditional
antibiotics. Suggested use
as a dietary supplement.
- Okay, does it say
anything about treating Lyme
or autoimmune diseases? Or
- You gotta be kidding me.
Still Lyme or have we moved
on to fibromyalgia?
- Do you have anything better to do than
to come over here and start trouble?
- No. What's next? Ivermectin.
Or, hey, I know a guy who
let a bunch of bees sting him
and it cured his gout.
- Maybe I'll try that next.
- Clarence, what do you
think about all this?
- I'm not sure if bees are the answer.
- You know what? I don't care
what either of you think.
- What are you taking now?
I saw this stuff on tv.
It turned the guy as blue as
a smurf. You can't take this.
What's wrong with you?
You're not dying of cancer.
- You're right. I'm not dying
of cancer.
I'm living with an illness.
- You've been to how many doctors now?
And if you don't like what one says,
you're off and on to the next one.
I mean, what are you waiting
to hear? You are her friend.
You should be telling her the truth.
- You're her sister. A little harsh.
- You know what? I'd like
you to leave this house.
- Yeah. Well
what little money our
mother has left you is
gonna run out soon.
- I don't think bus are the answer.
- I don't.
- I'm just so sick of people judging me
not being believed.
- I believe you.
- No you don't.
- Yes I do. I just don't believe in all
the treatments that you're trying.
But you're desperate. I get it.
- I was on my way to becoming
a flight attendant and bam.
Fever, rash, fatigue. Summertime.
Then I was diagnosed with Lyme disease.
And then the agoraphobia.
Do I believe the doctors when they say
that I have agoraphobia?
Yeah, I do. But I know my body
and I believe that it's a result
of unchecked Lyme disease.
I've been sick a year and
it feels like a lifetime.
I just, people can't see
what's happening inside of me.
And I know me and I'm breaking down.
I can feel it.
I've been coming out here
a lot over the past year.
- Oh, no wonder you got Lyme disease.
- You wanna push me?
- As nice as that felt. I
don't know if it's right.
- Well, I think it is.
And what I say goes, Mister.
- Can I ask you a question?
If you promise not to get mad?
- Well if I don't know
what it is, how can I tell?
- Your dad being on death row?
I mean, you didn't know
his health history.
- Yeah. I've thought about it.
Do I have mental illness?
- I don't think you do.
- Yeah, well, I'm
starting to doubt myself.
- I am sorry about the other night.
- Listen brother, forget
about the other night.
I need you to concentrate on you.
- That's pretty heated, man.
It's pretty embarrassing.
- Yeah. Ain't nothing a
couple shots can't fix.
- Well you better make 'em stiff.
- What other way is there?
- Do you remember West
Point baseball camp?
- Do I? Your parents dropped
us off. Mine scooped us up.
- You remember that pact we kept?
- We'll forget about girls and beer
practice harder than anyone we knew.
And us two skinny kids
we were gonna make that high school team.
You know, sometimes I
regret missing outta high
school and college parties.
It feels like I sacrificed
it all for nothing.
- You played minor league baseball.
- I played one spring.
Sometimes I wish I had another shot.
- Would you do it different?
- Quality of practice over quantity.
But I don't regret a day. Nah, I don't.
See in sports you have a very short
window to make it happen.
Acting you got more time.
- I gotta bounce.
- Always so damn impatient, huh?
- What's making me me
impatient is waiting here
for you to tell me why you
invited me crabbing here
today when you and mom
are leaving tomorrow.
- The water is therapeutic.
- Oh dad.
- You know, son, it kills me
to see you in this much pain.
- I don't wanna talk about it, dad.
- I know you don't. I
also know you don't want
to hire onto the railroad.
You've made that abundantly clear.
We just want to know that you are okay.
- You don't have to worry about me.
- Well, apparently we do.
Since you've been back.
It's nothing but anger
and bitterness and finger pointing.
And I'm trying to
understand, son. I really am.
But it comes time when
Clarence Moran's gotta face
his responsibility.
Neither I nor your mom,
nor anybody else in this town
made you get in that car.
You did. And until you own that,
nothing is gonna happen for you.
Career wise, relationship wise, dreams.
What do you know about dreams?
We were still living in the Bronx
when your mom was
pregnant with Debra.
She wanted out of the city.
She wanted the house in the suburbs,
backyard, the whole shit.
That was her dream. And so we did.
My dream was to become a
New York City firefighter.
- What happened?
- I was on the
railroad job for about a year.
When I finally got the call from the FDNY,
I was getting my shot.
So I went down for the interview.
But I realized that in that
moment I wasn't cut out for it.
- I thought you just said
that your dream was
to get on the FDNY.
- It was, but I had to
be honest with myself.
I didn't have the courage to
run into a burning building
to save anyone.
And I had to come to grips with
that. And I'm okay with it.
But take a look at your reflection, kid.
If you feel that you are
not cut out for the job,
I will respect that.
I mean, you've always had the
heart of an artist anyway.
Ever since you were a little kid.
I just hope you can get
back in touch with that.
You know, fish heads are
the better bait for that, right?
- Dad. The crabs in this river,
they'll feast on anything.
And why are you doing that?
We could have just got a bag
of ice at the gas station.
- Hey, I am not paying no
$4 for no bag of ice. Okay?
- So your John's son,
- Yes.
- Yeah, your dad, he did
a lot of time on the road.
You know he's very well respected here.
- 35 years.
- 35 years.
You know, we have a
nickname for him. Yeah.
We call him the Dick Clark of
the railroad. You know why?
'cause he's never aged. - Right?
- And we've always asked him his trick,
but he would never tell us
what kind of soap that he uses.
- You know, your voice sounds so familiar,
but I can't place your face. Well
- You grew up outside of the
city in the Hudson Valley.
- That's right.
- Yeah. Well I used to work
at a morning show at a Poughkeepsie
local radio station.
I was there for years.
- Ah, yes, I remember. You were fantastic.
- Thank you. You have a good memory.
- So you were working the radio while
you were working on the railroad?
- I worked the graveyard
shift for a spell.
- Yeah.
- You know, I worked at night
and I thought I could work here
and get up, take care of my kids.
But it just didn't work like that.
I was doing my dream a disservice.
And you know that when
something is worth going for,
you really have to give
it 100% of of one's time.
- Yeah. - Yeah. Listen,
I might sound like I'm
making excuses and maybe I am.
but playing it safe. It's
one hell of a drug.
- I get it.
- You know that. So are you ready?
You're here so I can interview.
You wanna get started?
- You know, I really appreciate everything
you just said about my father.
- Yeah. - And he loved
working for the railroad.
I mean, every night he would come home
and he would tell me all his stories about
what happened on his train.
But those were his stories. Right.
And I just realized that
I'm not done telling my own.
So if I took this position,
I would not only be doing
the railroad a disservice,
but I'd be doing myself a disservice.
So thank you for your time.
Hello Ms. Fall.
- What is all this?
- There is a six 30 reservation in your
name for screening of Boeing. Boeing.
- I... this is really nice, but
I have an an appointment
with Dr. Williams.
- Dr. Williams can wait. You
got popcorn coming? Some soda.
Here we go. You said you
wanted to come to the movies?
- Yeah, I just, I really
don't feel that great. It's a
- It's a panic attack. We got this.
- I don't usually have them at home.
You smell that?
What's that smell?
- Smell? I don't smell anything.
- Is my neck swollen?
I feel like my neck's swollen.
- Your neck looks fine. Are you okay?
- I feel like my face is all tingly.
- Hey, you okay? Wild. Wild.
Yo. Wild, stay with me.
Hey, is it okay if I ride down with her?
'cause she gets like
these panic attacks.
- Are you her husband?
- No I'm not.
- Then you're gonna have
to meet us at St. Luke's.
- Okay.
- Is everything all right?
I have an appointment with Wild.
- Well, you better do
it down at St. Luke's.
They think she had a seizure.
- Is that right?
- You act surprised.
- Excuse me?
- You know, I have a huge ego myself
and it's gotten me in a lot of trouble
but you'd think a professional
like yourself
a doctor nonetheless would've listened
to his patient just a little bit more.
- I have no idea what...?
- You have no idea what was wrong
with her and you kept
pushing the agoraphobia.
You're a doctor, not God.
Hi, I'm here to see Wild Fall.
- Can I get your name?
- Clarence Moran.
- I'm sorry. She's not
seeing any visitors today.
- Okay. Is there any chance
you can get these flowers to her?
- I can do that.
- I appreciate it.
- Have you heard how Wild is doing?
- Nothing. She won't even see me
- Sometimes when people are ill
they just wanna be left alone.
- Yeah. You know, like a cat.
- I get it, I just hope she's okay.
- I mean, she's at St.
Luke's, it's a good hospital.
- That's where you were born.
- So I guess you guys are
official snowbirds, huh?
- Yeah, soon will be. Come on Dot,
we got a long haul. Let's
get on the road.
- You're doing it all in one shot?
- No, we will not be. We
are staying at a hotel.
- Oh my god. We will be fine, Dot.
- Have you checked the mirrors?
How about the side view mirrors? Can you
see outta the side view mirrors?
- See what I'll have to go
through all the way down I-95?
The mirrors are fine. Goodness. Come on.
- Clar, come here.
Make sure you come
and see us for Christmas.
Remember, you have to be out of the house
by nine o'clock tomorrow
I am so proud of you.
- I know you are, Mom.
- I love you, baby.
- I love you.
Dad, have a safe trip.
- Kill me now.
Get in. - If you didn't
get such a tall damn truck.
Jesus Mary and Joseph
- Clarence.
- Hey Ava.
- How's she doing?
- I don't know. I dropped
some flowers off earlier,
but I'm pretty sure she refused to see me.
- Yeah, she does that.
She pushed me away too.
It's never gotten to this point though.
I'm thinking maybe I was wrong.
That maybe this is real.
- Yeah, I think so.
Hey, listen, if you get
a chance to see her,
would you give her my best?
- Will do.
- Thanks.
- I see your folks sold the house.
- Yeah, this is it. I'm out today.
- Good luck, Clarence. Thank you.
Thanks for being there
for believing in Wild.
- Come on brother.
It's time for the next phase of your life.
You can stay on my couch til
you get back on your feet.
- I'm an actor. I could be 10 years,
- Could be 20.
Come on, you'll be all right.
- Oh, Clarence, have a
seat. Nice suit.
- Thank you.
- So you're looking for
representation. That's
- Right.
- So what happened with the Cash Cab job?
- I was fired. It was my fault.
- That must have hurt.
- At first it did, but I put it behind me.
- I read your screenplay that you sent me.
- And?
- I couldn't put it down.
I read it all in one shot
even with my kids making a racket.
- That is great.
- So if I take you on what
are your expectations of me?
- I just need you to
get me out there again.
I'll do the rest.
- What are you working on now?
- Well, I'm gonna turn
that screenplay that you just
read One Wild Fall into an
independent film, and I'd like
to start auditioning again.
- I have one part I could send you out on
but it might be too small for your liking.
It's not too small. Send me out.
- We are gonna be
discharging you tomorrow.
How do you feel about that?
- Anxious but excited.
- You've responded remarkably
well to these treatments
the last two months. The
lesions on your brain have
completely disappeared.
- So no more seizures.
- Well, fingers crossed. But
yes, that should be the case.
And your hormones are balanced out.
You have a fully functioning thyroid.
So hopefully there will be
no more agoraphobia either.
- I was really starting to believe
that it was all in my head.
- Lyme untreated becomes neurological.
You know, it invades the
central nervous system.
So it sort of was.
- Well, I really am starting
to feel much better.
- I'm glad. Look, I'm
gonna promise you something
and I'll tell you what it is, but it's
based on one condition.
Okay? I've been a medical
doctor for over 31 years
and I've pretty much seen everything.
But the one thing I learned,
and I didn't learn this in med school
is that each case is utterly individual.
So I promise you that I
will leave no stone unturned
until we get to the bottom
of these health issues.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
I'm gonna continue to monitor
your blood levels while we
treat the symptoms of Lyme.
But here's what I need from you. Ready?
- Yeah. - I need you to
start living your life again.
You've been stagnant for over a year.
You can learn how to live
while we're still treating
this stubborn illness.
- I think I can do that.
- I'm gonna continue with the traditional
and the alternative therapies.
We'll be monitoring your
diet hopefully someday
with all this research we'll
have an FDA approved cure
for neurological Lyme.
But until then there's no magic bullet.
It took you a year to get sick.
Just give yourself time
to get better. Okay?
It's a marathon, not a sprint.
- Got it.
- Hey
- Clarence?
What the hell happened to you?
- I wanted to come by and apologize.
For just taking off out of the blue.
- Yeah, well, I texted you
to come over for dinner.
Some homeless guy named Barry turns up.
- I didn't know how to deal
with what I was going through.
- I'm sorry.
- Well, it's good to see you.
So are you back in the city?
- Yeah, I'm staying on Craig
and his fiance's couch.
And I'm gonna make this little
movie that I wrote.
- I'm happy for you.
- You still get off at eight?
Maybe grab a cup of coffee or something.
- I'd like that.
- Me too.
- Hey Clarence.
Don't be a stranger.
- You know you need the rights
to use my name like that.
- Wild.
- What are you doing in the city?
- Just on my way to the airport.
- You healthy?
- On my way.
I mean, I might take a few
souvenirs from all this,
but I'm stronger and capable
and I'm ready to live my life again.
Don't even need Xanax to leave the house.
- That's fantastic. Lyme disease?
- We know our bodies
better than anyone else.
- You got time for a coffee?
- I do.
- So here you are. All
the way to the airport.
- You really didn't have to do that
but before I know it I'll be in Dallas.
- Barbie Basic training.
- Correct.
- And you'll have your wings.
- Yeah. How do you know
so much about this flight attendant stuff?
- I asked your sister one
or two things, you know,
after you refused to see me.
- Sorry about that. Just didn't want you
to see me so scared.
- I understand. So is Dallas gonna be
where you're at full time or,
- Yeah, I'm gonna get an apartment
and that'll be my home base for now.
- That's great.
- If you're ever in
Texas, you should hit me up.
You look pretty good in a cowboy hat.
- Unbelievable. Just two months
ago you couldn't leave the
backyard and now you're
going all the way to Texas.
- Thank you, Clarence.
- Yeah.
- Hey Clarence, fuck the past.
- Hey ma.
- Clarence Edward Moran.
Now what're you gonna do?
The real world won't take you back.
I cannot believe you didn't take that job
after everything your father
and sister did for you.
You trying to kill me?
- Yo. Where you going?
- I got an audition.
- Don't forget, tomorrow
night's the wedding rehearsal.
- How could I forget? Still
can't believe you're gettin married.
- You've got to sometimes, eh?
Hey, listen, you could stay here on my
couch for as long as you need.
- I appreciate that, Craig. I'm gonna need
to save every single penny
trying to make this stupid movie.
- Telling your story, bro.
- One of 8 million in this city.
Hey, let me ask you, you ever
think about dusting off your
acting chops and getting back in the ring?
- No. I don't even know
who that guy is anymore.
- I'll see you at home.
- I'll see you later.
Hey Clarence
You got back up.
- Clarence.
Hey, how you doing buddy?
Hey, this is Tim, your old agent,
and I have a few things
are happening for you.
You're gonna need somebody
like me to help you out.
Give me a call. Let's make this work.
Let's get back on track. You
and me together like old times.
- Sometimes I wonder why the sun goes down
You see I'm lost between
space and time and all around
Now if you think you have enough of this
if you travel far away from
looking for everything you need
I always reached for the stars
now maybe they're not so far
I can't believe I got there
did you ever doubt me, I wonder
Did you think I'd be here
everybody told me I wouldn't
So many said it's so hard do
you really want this, I wonder
I've been living the dream
so long I wrote this song