A Christmas to Savour (2021) Movie Script

OK, my Christmas elves,
the fillet is up.
That risotto's almost done.
Check the consistency.
Make sure you don't
forget the basil.
We've got two minutes on the
sea bass for table five.
Make sure someone
follows you with the sauce.
How's your meal? Very good.
Great. Thank you.
So, we have a slight... problem.
The waitress accidentally sold
the flambe to table nine,
and so, now we're out.
No big deal, but now the wife
wants something... off-menu.
That menu is perfect.
Every course complements
each other perfectly.
We can't do substitutions.
Oh, I-I know the menu is perfect.
But he's City Council...
and the waitress promised
we could do something special.
Is there any way you could
whip something up?
I could do a tart with
a vanilla ganache, or...
Napoleon with a hazelnut drizzle.
She wanted something
a little bit salty.
It won't go with her entree at all.
I know - I'll do a pistachio crust
with some Himalayan sea salt
on chocolate-covered strawberries.
She'll love it. Mm! It'll just
take me a couple of minutes.
Thank you. Welcome. You got it.
You got it. YOU got it.
And remember,
great cooking isn't A to B.
You've got to find the M-A-G-I-C.
Each dish has to be extraordinary.
Risotto's up.
You really outdid yourself
on the duck tonight.
Just great reviews
from a bunch of tables.
What? Er...
Well, er, it's just...
the amount of duck.
That got me thinking, erm,
we've been friends forever.
Which was why I was so excited
to open our place together.
And then, when Scarlett's was on
all of the Best Of lists
right away...
I know, it was unreal.
Absolutely incredible.
the new buzz has died down.
And the lines aren't around
the block any more.
Well, yeah, I mean, I know,
but Christmas is a
couple of weeks away,
we'll get our numbers back up after.
We always have a slump
around the holidays.
It has to do with what we serve.
Which doesn't change.
People love my menu.
Yeah, but people want simple
around the holidays, you know?
Hearty and comforting.
Christmas roasts, candied yams,
Snickerdoodles? Yeah, meals with
spirit that make people wistful
and romantic about holidays.
We are losing clientele.
We have to cater to them.
OK, what do you suggest?
We need a holiday menu this year.
No! Holiday menus bring
down quality.
They're too cutesy,
they're too simple.
We're going to keep our quality high
and we'll bounce back, I promise.
Well... I'm worried about Stetson.
What? Why? Stetson loves us.
I mean, he lets us do what we want.
That's the best thing about him,
he trusts our judgment.
Well, he's coming by tomorrow night
to check on everything. OK, great.
Yeah, he can't resist
my stuffed dates.
I'll make them for him.
It'll smooth things over
and reminds him why
we're a no-brainer investment.
I'll pick up
the ingredients on my way in.
No! Those potatoes? Yeah.
It's quite the Christmas weather
we're having, eh? Oh! Erm, hi.
I-I think you have
the last potatoes...
Snow in New York City, nothing like
it. Any way we could split those?
You know, I-I could trade you
for something, or...
You know, I could buy them from you.
I'd even pay a little more.
Scarlett Bridges,
as I live and breathe.
James... Guidry.
It's, erm, been a while.
Yeah, years since Cordon Bleu.
Still as determined and persistent
as ever, I see.
First impression's a little strong.
And you're still taking
nothing seriously.
Pushing your buttons is very
serious business, Scarlett.
Are you still doing that saying?
What was it...
"The magic of cooking is
A plus B to the power three?"
It's actually, erm,
"Great cooking isn't A to B."
"Let's find the M-A-G... I-C."
It doesn't... matter. Right.
I like that one.
Listen, I'd really like to
help you out, but I need
these potatoes for a big dish.
It's fine.
How about you sing that song for me?
No. Come on, Professor Saunders
would be so proud.
Yeah, I-I hated that song.
And actually, I didn't need a song
to remind me the names of spices...
Just sing a little bit for me,
and I'll give you the potatoes.
Seriously? Mm-hm.
Here? Yeah.
Adobo, ahi, Aleppo
Anise, basil, and bay
Brown sugar is sweeter than...
You know what? I am done.
That's enough of that.
It was great,
and I was just kidding.
You can have the potatoes.
I'm just going to get
them somewhere else.
Scarlett, I was just messing around.
Please. Take the potatoes.
You don't even have to pay for them.
They're yours.
OK, well, erm...
lovely to see you, James.
What, no "thank you"?
You sounded great, by the way.
And I guess I'll pay for
the rest of your groceries.
Sorry about that.
Stetson. Hi. Claire.
Great to see you. You, too.
Well... I will have...
Absolutely delicious.
We'll get that right ready for you.
He's here.
Stetson... is here. Great.
And he ordered the
ribeye palm puree.
Perfect. And I'll throw that order
of dates in right away.
Girl, he doesn't look happy
about the seating.
Relax, OK? It's going to be
the best meal of his life.
Oh, my gosh! I mean, the kid broke,
like, four glasses, too.
Which is good luck on opening night!
And every dish was perfect,
and every diner left raving.
I knew my confidence
was well-placed.
Which is why it pains me
to give you this bit of news.
I'm seriously considering selling
my stake in the restaurant.
Wh-Why? No, no, Stetson!
Ladies, you know, I love working
with you and believing you both.
But the numbers...
haven't been great lately.
I-It's just a... slower time...
for eating out. It's the holidays.
The buzz at Scarlett's
has unfortunately faded,
and I'm worried that another down
holiday season would spell big
losses for the end of the year.
I'm sorry, but it might
not be feasible.
Y-You know, that's not
what we're forecasting.
Erm... No.
Because, erm, well...
Er, Scarlett is working on a...
new holiday menu
that's going to blow everyone
out of the water!
Hm. Interesting.
A new holiday menu?
Tell me more.
Erm... yes. Erm...
You know, I am still...
I'm still working out the details
a little bit, but I can tell you
that it's going to be really fresh,
seasonal dishes,
and the courses are just,
they're going to be very...
unique and, erm...
Uniquely traditional.
Yeah! It'll put everybody into
the holiday spirit. Traditional.
If that's the case, I'll reconsider.
I'm very excited to see
what you've come up with.
I will call Wyatt Bruce... Oh.
And convince him to come
get the menu reviewed.
See you both later.
Claire, are you crazy?
Wyatt ripped us apart
on the last review.
I know, but we have no choice.
If our angel investor leaves,
negative press follows and,
shortly thereafter,
our staff begins fleeing.
We will be shut down completely
before we can even blink, Scarlett.
Yeah, I know that.
But... you promised a
holiday menu that doesn't exist
and dishes that I don't have.
Keep it simple! I-It'll be fine.
Wyatt Bruce is one of
the top critics in the world,
and he will crush us unless
we have special items.
You're right.
It can't be ordinary.
And it has been a few months
since you put any new dishes
on the menu.
I just, I-I haven't been
feeling inspired.
OK? It's not something
that you can just force.
Especially in this short
amount of time.
Well, you have to.
For Stetson.
And for Scarlett's.
Which needs it badly.
Wait, don't you and Dad
have a plane to catch.
We do. But I wanted to drop off
your gift for the holidays.
Your dad's wrapping up
a few work things before we
hit the road for Italy.
Aw, thank you.
It's a, it's...
It's a new sharpener for
your knife set. Oh!
Well... thank you.
How's the restaurant?
It's OK.
Everything all right?
Have you and Dad...
ever had a restaurant fail?
No. Why?
Even one of the first ones?
You know, know before the
big hit with Tucson?
I still don't understand
why you sold that place.
Scarlett, what's going on?
We had some bad news tonight.
Stetson told us that he might...
pull out his investment.
I know, and Claire wants
this holiday menu, I mean,
she's always wanted a holiday menu.
And you don't?
Well, no, I've never
believed in them, but she...
You know, she pitched it to him,
and now he thinks it's amazing.
And... I have to come up
with this new holiday menu,
which I'm not even confident
is going to work.
Do you think that Claire is
passionate about your restaurant?
She wants it to succeed?
Yes. Absolutely.
I'd say you both have
that passion in common.
You're just disagreeing on the path.
Part of being a restaurant owner
and leader is trusting your manager.
I know how much you care
about Claire.
And having faith in your partner
is sometimes all there is.
Scarlett, you've always been
such a talented chef.
You always loved creating
new delicious dishes.
We couldn't keep you from inventing
new tastes and recipes as a kid.
We may not have had a restaurant
fail, but we've certainly had
to work on recipes,
ones that didn't work
and we just had to get right.
And we both have complete
confidence you'll figure that out.
Even if it's not
the plan you imagined.
Sometimes you have to take
the word of someone you trust
who shares the same passion as you
so you can hit the target deep down
you know you're both aiming for.
Right? Yeah, you're right.
Thanks, Mum.
I should get going.
OK. Have a good trip.
Oh, hey. Hey.
I-I'm sorry, Claire.
I know you want what's best
for Scarlett's, just like I do.
And, you know, if you feel
that strongly about it,
then I trust you.
I'm sorry, too.
And whatever you come up with
is going to be great.
And Wyatt will see the light.
Yeah, he will. Mm-hm.
Thank you, Claire, you're the best.
And so, erm, on that note,
I've been thinking,
and I've come up with an idea.
OK. And you need...
"The Season of Christmas"?
"For the holiday host
looking for a new spin on"
"traditional Christmas dinners."
A cooking class?
It's a little cheesy!
But it'll help, I promise.
I mean, this is for beginners.
It's not for trained chefs.
OK, come on, just go for
some inspiration.
What have we got to lose?
You need to take this seriously -
for the sake of our dream together.
And I am. I just don't think
the answer is peppermint
and figgy pudding.
It's going to be fine.
I'm just, I'll do a riff on
some of my old dishes.
You know, I've made food
that's cheery before.
I'll just tweak those and add
a little pixie dust.
And besides, I can't just leave.
The restaurant needs me.
But we need something new, Scarlett.
And I've already booked your ticket.
And you're going to love it!
Just go, find your
inspiration again.
Take some time off. We need it.
Fine. Fine.
Only because I trust you.
Well, then, it's good to be me.
Mm! I get the candy cane one.
It was definitely
the most delicious.
OK, candy cane it is.
So, are you excited to learn
some new recipes?
I mean, I can't wait
for this course.
Yeah, I'm curious to see
what they have.
Us, too. I'm all thumbs at
cooking, unfortunately.
I always joke that my husband, Ed,
had literally had all thumbs.
Most people found that
I'm Roseland. Oh.
Rosie for short. Scarlett.
And over there is Ed.
Ed, come here.
This is Ed.
Pleasure to meet you.
Scarlett. Nice to meet you, too.
He's a monkey.
So, where are you both from?
Er, just outside the city.
In the 'burbs. Ah, beautiful.
Yeah, we love it.
Just... we only arrived here,
what, a few hours ago?
How about you?
Oh, I just got in today.
And I actually got in yesterday.
I wanted to give myself
a chance to look around.
Jackie. Hi.
It's beautiful here. Mm-hm.
The trees, that crisp air when
you know that snow is coming.
Being up here in nature,
it revitalises you.
It's like a reminder that
you needed a break
when you didn't even know it.
You know? I really do.
Yeah, I was trying to put my finger
on it when I was driving up.
And that's...
yeah, that's exactly it.
And over there is Bryce and Gloria.
Hi, I'm Bryce. I'm Gloria. Hi.
Show 'em. Oh.
We're newly engaged.
Oh! That's beautiful.
Congratulations. I'm Scarlett.
Hi, Scarlett. Nice to meet you.
Excuse me, everyone.
If I can just have a moment, please.
I, er, just would like to welcome
you to the Season of Christmas!
A week-long getaway where we'll
be exploring your culinary voices,
learning essential skills,
and broadening cooking prowess
through the magic of
Christmas-time's beautiful food.
Your families will be
blown away this year.
Thank you all for coming.
I'm your host, James Guidry.
Class starts tomorrow.
But part of this course is about
having fun and getting
into the Christmas-time spirit.
So, now we're going into town
where I'll introduce you to
the local shops of the area
and deliver Christmas gifts!
Because it's a nice,
neighbourly thing to do,
and it'll buy us all some
wonderful Christmas charity with
the shops we'll be using.
I've got your gifts all bagged up
right here, and... again,
welcome to the
Season of Christmas.
I cannot believe you're
running this.
How about that?
Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.
When I saw the name Scarlett
Bridges on the class list,
never did I think it would be you.
Hm. It's me.
What are you doing here?
Oh, erm... Sorry.
Merry Christmas.
I, er, just hired some new chefs
for my restaurant,
and we have to teach them
some holiday menu items.
So, my partner and I thought it'd
be a good idea that I brush up.
Honestly, I'm just glad to
hear you're doing so well.
Your restaurant, too.
Oh. Erm, thank you.
You, too.
Yeah, I'm really glad you're here.
I'm happy you're taking the class.
Frankly, it's rare to have another
chef of your calibre here,
so, if you wouldn't mind,
I'd like to have you help me
teach a few of the classes.
Be a shame not to put all
that expertise to use.
Sure. Yeah, why not?
And this is the master kitchen
we'll be doing all of our baking in.
Used to feed guests in private
parties at the villa.
As you can see, the kitchen can
handle any meal, large or small.
And it's a place where pros work.
And now, you do, too.
I know we all got to know
each other at the meet-and-greet
the other night, but let's go around
and share something about ourselves
and why you're in this class.
Rosie, how about you go first?
Oh, OK.
As you all know, we've been married
for 28 years this June.
Very happily.
And this room, it's incredible.
It makes me think of the beautiful
places we went when we were dating.
Yeah. But we're here because we used
to have Christmas at our house,
but, because we only know
how to cook one thing,
the family asked us to stop hosting.
So, we need some new recipes,
some new tricks.
We can help with that.
Jackie, how about you?
Well, erm, I love Christmas.
The best time to spend
with my family.
Now that my babies are out of
the house, and it's the time
of my happiest memories.
Oh, and I know all
the holiday recipes,
but I keep on taking the class
so I can keep sharp!
Well, as we said last night,
we are getting married.
We haven't known each other
that long, only a few months.
But it's been a bit of
a whirlwind love story.
Yeah, to say the least.
Now, because it's been
such a whirlwind,
our parents haven't exactly met yet.
So, we're going to make them
a big dinner.
I've been cooking a while, so I
already know most of this stuff,
but Bryce is just starting out.
New guy.
And so, we just thought it
would be a fun chance
to learn something great.
Well, we can help with that, too.
And how about you, Scarlett?
Oh. Me. Erm...
I am a chef, and I graduated
top of my class, actually,
at Cordon Bleu, and now,
I own a restaurant.
You weren't always top of the class.
Yeah, the top.
Really, just right there
at the top, the whole time, huh?
I mean, there may have been
the odd occasion where someone else
might have finished ahead of me.
Super. So, you were amongst
the top two in your class?
That's great. I just wanted to
clear that up for everyone.
And... why are you here?
I am here because I am a big fan
of Christmas classics,
just those, you know,
simple recipes that are...
so, so good.
Scarlett's actually going to be
assisting me in today's session.
Which I'm very excited about.
But first, we're going to be diving
headfirst into core concepts.
Food prep and proper technique
are a chef's greatest assets
in the kitchen, especially when
jumping into the Christmas classics.
So, let's get started.
We have to walk before we can run.
The mise en place, or food
preparation, not only saves you time
and keeps you organised in the
long run, but it also helps you
acquaint yourself with the
ingredients that will become
part of your masterpiece.
So, we'll practise proper chopping
techniques on these yams,
and the ingredients in front
of us will later be used
to make our candied yams.
But remember to take your time.
The more time you put in, the more
proud of your dish you'll be.
Sliced Christmas quiche.
But with cranberries, honey,
crumpled cheese...
Ohh. Scarlett?
I just don't seem to get
the hang of this.
Would you mind helping?
Of course not.
Whoa, OK.
First, we're going to
use this knife.
OK. So, you're going to hold it
steady with this hand, this one,
you're going to go front to back,
just rocking it. You see?
The base will do most of the work.
Oh. It's a little advanced.
I think it's better to stick with
the top-to-bottom method, Rosie.
It's also more stable and safe.
Rosie can do it.
I mean, that's just such a
basic cooking technique.
It's like what I did with my
training knives when I was nine.
You can handle it right, Rosie?
Yeah! Just believe in yourself.
You had training knives
when you were nine?
You didn't? How old were you?
14. Doesn't matter.
Well, look at that!
Top... to bottom.
Ed, look! I'm getting it!
Remember, guys, it's not a race.
Take it slow and safe.
Scarlett's going to step in and
help demonstrate on this one.
Thanks, James.
This lesson is all about finding
your artistic flair and decoration.
Engaging that creativity is the
heart of Christmas and, frankly,
everywhere in the kitchen.
And there's no better Christmas
recipe to have up your sleeve
than a good meringue.
So, we're going to make
meringue cookie snowmen.
There's an art to shaping meringue.
Follow the recipe, then form
and add all the ingredients,
dab some colour,
add some chips as buttons.
Just have fun.
Now, begin. OK.
Are you taking notes?
This is all... very useful.
Wow, I didn't think you were
taking this seriously.
I mean, snowmen and meringue?
How do you do it?
Well, I mean, I can't really
take credit for it.
I remember this.
You're being sarcastic.
What? No.
Oh, really?
Erm... what do I do with
those little chips again?
It's more of a...
surrealism version.
Snowman. Voila.
It can be sticky stuff, Bryce.
You know, take a knife, and you can
shape the edges if you want.
Around the edges, right.
Good work.
This isn't the recipe, Scarlett,
what are you doing?
Well, the recipe's so simple.
I thought we're supposed
to be creative?
The point is it's simple.
The creativity's in the
shaping the merengue.
OK, well, I think I probably
made it better.
That's fine, but the lesson's
about the art of creativity.
These aren't even snowmen.
There. Buttons.
Beautiful snowmen.
Oh, he's THE James?
The one you always had
the rivalry with?
Yes. Can you believe it?
I had no idea.
Jeez! You two really used to fight.
Oh, he's driving me nuts.
He's still completely
immature and stubborn.
Oh, no. Yeah.
I mean, I thought for a minute,
maybe he'd grown up, but... no.
Oh, and you should see some of
the techniques he's teaching.
Anyway, I am trying to keep
an open mind.
And I want to make this work.
How are sales?
Oh, er, well, they're holding.
Not improving at all.
But you need to keep your
eyes on the prize.
Just blow Stetson and Wyatt away.
Yeah, I know.
Are the classes helping at all?
Not yet.
No sparks of inspiration.
OK. I will keep working on it.
We just need a couple entrees
and a dessert.
I will figure this out, I promise.
Scarlett, you are the
best chef I know.
Just... roll up your sleeves.
I know you'll figure it out.
Thanks, Claire.
You're the best. You are.
Great day, everyone.
You should be proud.
Now, we're just going to slide
your cinnamon rolls into the oven.
Have them for dessert after dinner.
My only assignment is to come up
with three new gingerbread concepts
other than men.
Other than that, have a great night.
Pretty beautiful around here,
isn't it?
Yeah, it is.
What, are you looking for
inspiration? Yeah.
Well, just remember, gingerbread
ideas sometimes do grow on trees.
That's not what I...
Remember, try to have fun
with it, Scarlett.
Mm... that's delicious.
Mm, Scarlett!
Do you want your cinnamon roll?
They left them for us.
Aw, I'm OK.
Thanks. They're delicious.
We did a great job,
if I do say so. Yeah.
So, tell me, what type of meals does
your restaurant normally serve?
It's like, erm,
upscale European cuisine.
That sounds ambitious.
But what I really love is
the food that we make here.
I've taken so many courses
of these now.
You just keep taking them?
Oh, yes, I love them.
It's the food. The season.
Now that my house is empty.
My husband passed a few years ago.
Oh, I'm sorry. Oh... it's OK.
It was a long time ago now.
And I'm in a great place.
But the holidays are when
I get to see my family.
It's not always easy to get in
the same place at the same time.
We were just about to start
talking about Bryce and Gloria.
And that special connection
they have.
Ooh. Oh.
Honestly, it's been unbelievable.
He's perfect.
I don't know.
Well, are you excited about
the big holiday dinner?
I am, yeah. Yeah.
I think Bryce was a little nervous,
just doing something
so big at Christmas.
But he's come around, and now,
we're just both excited
to bring our families together.
You know? That's amazing.
It seems you have a little
connection of your own.
Er, me?
Well, I've never seen James so...
lively teaching.
No, stop.
No, I mean...
Fine, he's got a little...
more handsome over the years.
He's still the same,
just... irritating,
competitive, frustrating chef
he was back in school, so...
It's not... no.
Hi, Mum.
Hey. Just checking in.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
So, how's it going?
Erm... good.
Fine, I guess.
Have you had any ideas
for the new menu?
Yeah, I've got some ideas.
Gourmet pumpkin pie with buttermilk,
sweet wafer crust,
banana bread stuffing with
sausage and sage.
I don't know.
Nothing that feels right.
You know, when I got stuck,
I used to think of the last dish
that I truly loved from anywhere,
and I let that inspire and guide me.
In fact, that's how I came up with
the holiday apple turnovers
that year, remember?
You asked me to make something that
had never been made on Christmas,
and I'd just had a great
apple pie the week before,
decorated with frosting and colours.
You loved that.
Yeah, I remember. I was, like, five?
That was really, really good.
Well, I just wanted to see
how you're doing.
Thanks, Mum.
'Night. Goodnight.
Well, listen, guys,
I've got something really special
planned for later, but first,
I'd like to see your
gingerbread designs.
Bryce, you're up.
It's a mouse, and not a rat.
It's a mouse. Oh, those are great.
Good job. Thank you.
And, er, a Christmas tree,
a pickle, and, erm...
Is that Santa's house?
Close. But actually,
it's his man cave.
I'm really proud, guys.
Very creative.
Scarlett, you're up.
Oh, erm, OK.
Er... Huh.
A little intricate for gingerbread.
What's that, a ship in a bottle?
Yeah, that's a ship in a bottle.
Is that an oven?
Oh, it's a confectionery oven
for baking Christmas treats.
And that's...
Oh, that is a hotel in
Switzerland I went to that had
literally the best gingerbread
I've ever had.
Right, right.
I don't think those will work.
What are you talking about?
I think they're... great.
Anyway, well, you guys all have
the recipes in front of you.
Just really brainstorm with herbs
and spices you want to use.
And then, when we're done,
we're going to go outside
and make maple taffy.
Ooh, that'll be fun.
Let's go.
Do you want to go outside
and help me prep?
Students always love these
maple syrup popsicles.
If the syrup's seated just right,
the snow should cool it perfectly.
Then we add Popsicle sticks -
and presto, instant taffy tree.
You know, those designs were way
too complex for gingerbread men.
I mean, who remembers a random
hotel in Switzerland, anyway?
Well, if you'd tasted
the gingerbread,
then you would've remembered.
Regardless, they're way too complex
to make cookies out of,
I think you have to rethink
your whole concept.
Well, I think you should rethink
your cookie-making skills.
Scarlett, great chefs know
how to take directions.
A good chef gives directions.
That's what it just did.
Thank you.
We're just on a lunch break.
So, apparently there's a shop
in town that sells rare ingredients,
so I'll check it out.
I'm going to try and sneak
into the kitchen later
and do some experimenting.
Mm, great idea!
Good work, Scarlett.
How's it going there?
Oh, it's OK.
You know, soldiering on
without you in the kitchen,
doing reasonable replicas
of your easy dishes.
You know, actually, some guy said
he liked the chicken better.
Don't want him back.
OK, tell me what you think
about these holiday ideas.
Chocolate eclair with gold
and coffee shavings,
or, like, erm, a riff on
French croqueenbouche?
Oh, I don't know.
OK, well, you don't sound
excited about any of those.
Yeah, I'm not really. Scarlett.
I know! I know. If I'm not excited,
then Wyatt definitely won't be.
I just need to find the M-A-G-I-C.
I need fresh and unique.
I happen to be in the most
Christmassy market I've ever seen,
so I'm on the hunt.
Well, I love it.
I'll talk to you later.
OK. Bye-bye.
Hello? Hello, Scarlett.
Erm, Mr Bruce. Hi.
It's very nice to speak with you.
Nice to speak with you, too.
I wanted to reach out
and Stetson gave me a call.
But I heard you were out of town.
I-I am.
Yes, I just love to go to new areas
and, sort of, er, immerse myself
as inspiration for new dishes.
Mm! Always in the laboratory.
I admire that.
And I admire your palate.
It's... very discerning.
So... what's going on?
Well, aside from my usual
critic duties,
I have actually been getting into
the business side of food recently.
I'll get a little taste
of your world.
OK, that sounds great.
You know, I've been following you
since your days at Cordon Bleu.
And I admit, you know,
I was a little harsh on you before.
But Stetson raves about you
and said that you have some
amazing dishes in store.
They're going to blow me away
and reinvent the Christmas menu.
Oh... yes, we do.
We are, erm, very excited
for you to try them.
Well, I'm looking forward to it.
Looking forward to it, too.
All right. Bye.
Thank you so much. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Good morning. May I help you?
I was wondering, do you have
any cookbooks, maybe...
outside-the-box recipes?
Mm, we have regular cookbooks
over there.
They're seasonal.
Erm... what about... self-help?
Like, thought-expansion?
That's called eggnog
this time of year, sweetie.
By the ornaments.
What are you actually looking for?
Oh, erm, I'm a chef.
I'm... looking for inspiration.
Oh, well, that's a tall order.
Our cookbooks do have plenty
of festive recipes, feel free.
But I don't think that self-help
or thought-expansion will help.
The great thing about Christmas
is that every year,
you get to see the entire world
from a new angle.
You open yourself to it,
it'll change your perspective.
No book works as good as that.
Thanks. I like that.
It's the moment we've all
been waiting for.
We're going to make real dishes.
We're going to get real practice,
making some wonderful
Christmas classics, beautiful,
wholesome recipes
your whole family will love,
all leading up to a big
surprise I have for you.
Without further ado,
let's get started.
Exciting stuff going on over here,
I, er, love the creativity, but...
I think this is going
a little too far.
I don't think so.
I love the dedication, too,
but tradition still has its place
in these meals and without embracing
that while being creative, you're
not going to capture what makes
a Christmas meal special.
Just saying.
Well, I disagree.
I think I'm going to blow
people away.
OK, if you think so.
Best of luck.
Thank you.
Well, looks like things
are going really well over here.
It is. I'm surprised no-one
thought of this sooner.
Yeah, they did.
They're called gingerbread men.
Not like this.
You know, I'd give you a taste, but
I don't want
to blow your mind just yet.
Pretty confident.
Why don't we let the class decide
when you're finished?
James and I are having a little
So, I was hoping that you would help
us settle something.
I present to you
gingerbread that you eat
with a spoon.
Gingerbread tiramisu.
It's a little bit unique,
but it's delicious.
And I know you're going to love it.
Congratulations. Thank you.
Shall we?
Scarlett has created something,
a new dish,
a new take on a classic.
Now be honest.
Which do you prefer - gingerbread
cookies or the tiramisu?
That's really great.
But you don't always have a spoon.
This is great.
The cookies just feel better
The fun part is making
all the little shapes, you know?
I like the cookies.
I surrender.
Want go for a walk?
Sorry about today.
Oh, it's fine.
Remember the old ancient saying
"a cookie should stay a cookie".
OK, OK, I get it.
Can I ask you a question?
Did you always know you wanted
to be a chef
even before Cordon Bleu?
I guess that makes sense.
Suits you.
I never had any doubts, either,
So, how come you're not...?
Running my own restaurant?
I was...
for two years, serving
high-end food farm-to-table,
and I poured every ounce
of my heart into it.
And when it failed, it destroyed me,
and that's how I got into teaching.
Sounds like you gave up
on your dream.
No, that's it...
I like this much more.
Maybe you just haven't found
the right situation yet.
I didn't think it was going
to be for me, but I had a student
tell me he wanted to become a chef
because he was inspired by my class.
And that's...
that's why I fell in love with it.
So, I'm not actually here to brush
up on dishes,
to train chefs.
My restaurant's in trouble, and if
I don't come up with an...
incredible holiday menu to impress
a critic, then...
I might lose it.
You know, my parents were
in the restaurant business
my entire life.
And because of that, I never
really had a real Christmas.
They were just always
in the kitchen during the holidays.
I mean, they would do stuff
to try and make it special,
like have my favourite pie
in the oven or decorate cookies
or these handmade figurines
we'd hang around,
but they were just always
at the restaurant.
I guess I kind of feel cheated
looking back, I...
wish it was different.
Good morning. Thank you all
for coming.
I had something else planned
for the last couple of days,
but I brought you here this morning
to announce that we're just going
to skip ahead to the final project,
where you're going to develop
your very own signature dish,
something special from the heart
that you can take and show off
as your very own using the skills
you've learned and putting
your lessons to work.
And at the end, there's
going to be a final taste test
where you'll be judged on what
you've done and how far you've come.
But first...
we're going to do something
a little different.
To make Christmas food really great,
you need to be in
the holiday spirit.
So, during your breaks, I encourage
you to get out and explore
the grounds, make snowmen,
ride sleighs.
Just make this place your own
winter wonderland.
go have fun.
Whoo! Let's go, Rosie!
I'm not sure what's below
first gear,
but I'm pretty sure you're
in it.
I haven't been on one of these
things in years!
Scarlett, sometimes
you just have to let go.
You can't control everything.
I'm scared I'm going to fall.
Well, you're certainly not setting
any speed records at that pace.
Oh, yeah?
See you at the bottom, James!
Oh... Ahh!
Hey! Whoo!
Hey! Hey!
Quit wrecking my snow angel!
You call that a snow angel!
So, what was it about teaching?
You mean, "What made me stop wanting
to be an executive chef?"
About a year
after the restaurant folded,
took a local job at a
community college.
Students were adrift,
trying to figure things out.
I was having a hard time
getting them to understand
the core concepts we learned
at the Bleu.
Some wanted to goof off.
Some thought they knew everything.
Sound like anyone you know?
I just decided to throw
out the curriculum.
Told them the grades didn't matter,
and we were going to make dishes
that they'd had at restaurants
they'd never made themselves.
And professional kitchens
are cut-throat.
I don't know.
I realised that I never had the same
joy giving dishes to customers
that I had when I saw pride
in my students' faces
after they made their own dish.
I'll admit...
that I haven't felt
this inspired and creative
in a long time,
so you're pretty great teacher.
I'm really glad you came.
And I hope you find whatever
you're looking for.
Yeah, me, too.
So, how's the course going?
I've really been enjoying the things
we've been doing lately.
Yeah, I can hear it in your voice.
You sound happier.
And how's it going with James?
actually kind of good.
And I don't know if you know this,
but he had his own restaurant,
this farm-to-table place,
and when it went under, he started
teaching and he worked with
this group of college kids,
sort of helped focus them
through cooking.
He seems super passionate
about helping people.
I never saw that side of him before.
And then he has these outdoor
activities that we've been doing,
and it's been really helping
to inspire...
Oh, my goodness!
You like him!
No, I don't.
What are you talking about?
Uh, yes, you do.
What, "passionate", "helping kids",
"growth" - sounds like all
the ingredients to an irresistible
little recipe to me.
Oh, stop, it's not like that.
Oh, more importantly, I have a new
menu idea for Wyatt.
I am thinking my take on a sweet
potato souffle
with a vanilla bean creme.
I think it's going to be perfect.
Oooh, he's going to love it.
That sounds great.
Yeah, he will.
We just have one more entree
and a dessert to go.
Keep rolling up your sleeves.
If anyone can do it, it's you.
Thanks, Claire.
Bye. Bye.
Hey, what's up?
Hey, with all the busyness going on,
I fell behind in decorating the rest
of the tree.
What are you talking about?
It's beautiful.
This one's fine, but that's
a little underdressed for a holiday
ball, and I keep telling everyone
that Christmas decorations
in the house create an ambience
that elevates the food.
It's all part of the chef's
It's true.
It's missing something that...
I don't know, something specific
to us, something from the heart.
I was going to head into town
to get some more decorations.
Do you want to come?
So, this is one of the perks
of teaching?
What, free time?
Yeah, it was my favourite
part about school.
I used to get in quite a bit
of trouble.
But Bryce and Gloria did far better
than they ever thought
they could and will always
remember their experience here.
And who knows?
Ed and Rosie might surprise
and start a cookie shop sparked
by something they learned in class.
You know, there's a joy in food
and learning how to make it
that I think we forget
about sometimes.
I mean, isn't that part of why
you wanted to be a chef?
but I also learned that I can make
a better funnel cake than this.
I don't know about that.
So, what are we looking for again?
Scarlett, we are looking
for an ornament that speaks to you,
something special that reminds
you of why you love
the holiday season.
You know, something that will put
a smile on your face.
You know, that's what our tree's
missing is something specific
and personal to the class.
You know?
I do.
Like something like this.
Hey, Scar-LETT.
It's Scarlett. Um, hi, Mr Bruce.
Now that that's done, you ready to
get back to class and...
You're taking a class?
No, she's, uh...
she's assisting me,
a VIP demonstrator.
I had to call in three favours just
to get her to pick up the phone.
Wow, very nice of you.
Um, yeah, just trying to give back.
Hey, Scarlett, do you have a second
to talk?
I do.
Listen, when I mentioned earlier
about the business side of things,
well, I'm opening my own restaurant,
high-end brasserie, harkening back
to the old world.
It's all very exciting.
Now, we only have a little
while before opening, and to put
it frankly, I am stressed.
I can't find the right head chef.
I have to admit you're on my
very short list.
And I understand
that you have Scarlett's.
I just think that your talents
would be better suited
for a different type of food.
Is there any chance
you'd be interested?
Wow, I'm...
I'm flattered. Thank you so much.
is my home.
It's my dream,
and I can't just abandon it.
Hey, you know what? I understand.
But I'm excited to impress
you next week.
All right, bye now.
Where'd that come from, anyway,
that M-A-G-I-C?
My mom has always had a tendency for
the straightforward
when designing her recipes.
Yeah, she starts out with something
She'll incorporate something easy.
She'll perfect that before she makes
it her own.
I mean, don't get me wrong,
she's a great chef, she's...
amazing actually. But...
you know, I wanted to do my own
thing, so I came up with the saying
to remind myself to always look for
the extraordinary,
push myself to be the most
creative, strain if I had to.
So you can beat your mum?
Yeah, I...
I mean, she casts a really big
It was really hard for me
to go out on my own.
She had expectations,
especially from her.
Now, our relationship's a little bit
I wish it was simpler,
to be honest.
It sounds like your mum just wants
what's best for you, and honestly,
you should be grateful she cares
so much.
Because, yeah, her love might
be tough...
but is that maybe because you're
tough on her, too?
Yeah, maybe.
Now that's what I call
a perfect tree.
Yeah, even better than before?
Those are so great.
Yeah, you like them?
I have a very particular method
for picking out my ornaments,
and you followed it.
So, you get to see your whole
family at Christmas?
Oh, goodness, yes.
It's my favourite time of the year.
And I know I get overexcited,
but I get to learn new tricks
in all of these courses.
That makes me happy sharing
them with my kids.
I can't even imagine you with
your recipes and your family.
Oh, I don't know.
Tell me, what is your strategy
for picking ornaments?
Oh, well, I just look for ones
that make me remember Christmas,
all of the good times
and all of the bad.
Really? The bad ones, too?
The first Christmas after my husband
passed, it was just me and the kids.
And Fred had all of these things
that he liked to do -
rituals, little customs...
like arranging the presents in
weird shapes
or hiding acorns.
Oh, but if you found it,
you got the first pancake.
So, we're just sitting there,
looking at presents just stacked
not knowing how...
how to feel.
So my youngest finds the acorn
that I hid...
looks at it
and bursts out laughing.
And then before you know it,
we all are.
You know, in memory of him and those
crazy tricks that he used to do.
That was good. It's the best.
And it is the most meaningful
Christmas that my family's ever had
even though it didn't start
out so good.
So, every time I see acorn
decorations, I buy them,
and I think of that.
Because, no matter what,
the really best memories,
they come from
the most unexpected places,
and they might mean more
than you know.
You know?
That's beautiful.
Thank you.
Oh, hey.
Mind if I come in?
Do you want to taste?
That's not some weird souffle
or, like,
mashed potatoes and a salt
shaker, is it?
Peanut butter shortbread cake.
My family and I used to make the
cookies every year
during the holidays.
It was, like, a tradition.
So, this is my take.
That is the best
thing you've ever made.
Yeah, I've tasted a lot of it.
Yet no matter how busy we were,
we always made sure
that we made them.
I mean, they were quick
and nothing fancy compared
to what they made their guests,
but I love them.
That's your mum's recipe?
Yep, and she always added nutmeg.
That was, like, a little touch that
only she would think of.
And I think I was the one that
thought of the peanut butter, so...
It was my grandmother's
cookie recipe,
my mum added the nutmeg
and I was the peanut butter.
Sounds like the whole family
had a hand in it.
So, it doesn't always have to be
something unique or something
special, it's about taking people
back to the things they love.
I was thinking, you know
what you said about your childhood
Christmases and feeling
like you were cheated
and didn't have a real Christmas.
I think you're looking
at it all wrong.
Those were unique Christmases,
and they sounded great.
I mean... They might not
have been traditional under a tree
in the family room, but...
Well, I mean, I was working.
Yeah, and look what you got
out of it.
That's real family history
in that cake.
Might not have been straining
or the M-A-G-I-C
you were looking for, but...
that's real magic.
And I know there's no other
place that you'd rather
be than in the family business.
The joy of the season
was in those rooms, Scarlett.
There was love in those rooms,
and at the end of the day,
that's what the holidays
are all about.
You know, you didn't always
play it safe.
Yeah, maybe.
It's getting late.
We've got a long day tomorrow.
We should probably get to bed.
I just want to congratulate you all.
You should be very proud.
In our time here together,
you've grown, you've learned,
you've developed amazing culinary
You came here to be true holiday
chefs, and I am happy to welcome
you into that league.
I'd let you cook my Christmas dinner
any day.
And I have no doubt that all of your
dishes will taste incredible,
so thank you all
and for your help, too.
Raise them up! Cheers!
To you guys!
That was delicious. Thank you.
This, uh...
reminds me of the old
days, being in class.
Yeah, almost.
So, how, pray tell, are your dishes
coming along?
For the restaurant,
I know you've been working on a few.
They're coming.
I've got both the entrees.
I just am still missing a dessert.
I wanted to thank you.
For what?
For giving me the time
to try and figure it out, and...
for everything.
Really, this whole experience
has been
way more than I ever thought
it was going to be.
Yeah, for me, too.
You know, I have to confess,
when we were at Cordon Bleu,
I was always looking over my
shoulder to see what you were doing.
I was definitely
paying attention, too.
Probably why I was a little more...
harsh with you than I should've been.
Oh! Harsh?
Yeah, OK,
that's what we'll call that.
I'm sorry, too.
And as far as Scarlett's,
there isn't anything you can't do.
I've always thought that.
And as far as dessert goes, you
seemed to be on the right track
the other night with your
holiday magic.
Those shortbread
cookies were to die for.
Thank you, I appreciate that.
You know, I've always thought
you were a great chef.
Maybe even almost as good as me.
But I'm serious, you're so talented,
you should get back out there
and show it off in the real world,
not just out here
in the mountains.
Hey, I have a surprise for you.
James, this is Wyatt Bruce...
and he's here to judge the final.
Oh, OK.
Isn't that great?
Yeah, sure.
I made a call,
and he very graciously agreed to
come up last minute.
Now, he knows he won't be trying
my dish
because that's for next
week at Scarlett's. Mm-hm.
But a critic of his stature will
only bring prestige
to your great class,
which I've told him a lot about.
Yeah, it's a pleasure.
Scarlett has been raving about
your course.
I'm excited to see
what you have here.
Thank you for coming. Welcome.
Not bad.
Spiced cranberry
because I've done some...
It's going so well.
Don't you think that went great?
Everything just went so perfectly.
The meals were awesome.
I think you really shined.
That could've gone terribly
for those students!
Luckily it didn't,
but it so easily could've.
What?! What are you talking about?
It was just a big dog and pony show
for you and Scarlett's.
What? No, I did that for you.
Look, I wanted him to see
you because you're a great chef
and you're great in the kitchen.
I appreciate that, but I told
you that I don't...
The only reason I invited Wyatt
here is because you deserve
to be back out there.
He's hiring a chef for his new
But I told you I don't want that,
and those students didn't need
the extra pressure.
You mean YOU don't want
the extra pressure?
I mean, you couldn't handle
criticism in school
and you still can't.
So you removed yourself from it.
You're playing it safe,
but you can't hide out
in the mountains teaching
beginner classes forever.
You don't get it.
No, you haven't changed one bit,
Hey, James...
are you OK?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Come on, let's talk.
No, I'm OK, Rosie, thanks.
I said come on. We're talking.
OK, coming. Yeah.
Got a ten-person party coming in
just before... Hey.
Oh, hey, you're back.
Give us a minute, OK?
You can handle things out front.
She doesn't hear people,
and she's always been like that.
I know that she was trying to help,
It's crazy.
I always liked being in the kitchen
with Scarlett.
Even though she drove me nuts,
I couldn't wait to go to school
every day.
It just...
made me feel...
And she's right.
I could take more risks.
And I love teaching, but...
I do want more.
You know, when Ed and I first met,
you might find this hard to believe,
but he was a lot to take in.
Everything he said either made me
laugh or got under my skin.
Made me angrier
than I'd ever been.
But after we started talking,
I mean really talking...
I started to ask myself
why that was.
Turns out the things he was saying
were truths I didn't want to hear,
best things for me.
And it was only years later, he told
me he figured out the same things.
Gloria and I had an argument.
I just think this Christmas dinner's
putting a lot of pressure on us.
Gloria thinks that it's
the solution, so I think
I'm just really nervous about doing
all of this.
No matter what happens
with that dinner,
you're marrying an incredible woman.
And that's what matters.
I guess all that matters, isn't it?
Yeah, he said it wasn't
what he wanted.
I tried to apologise, but...
yeah, that was it.
I still remember those calls
from cooking school, you know,
you venting about how crazy
James made you.
And I remember thinking that you two
were pushing each other,
you know, always looking over each
other's shoulders,
driving yourselves to be better.
Yeah. And isn't that what it's
all about?
You know, even if neither of
you could see it?
James was right about something.
What was that?
Your drive and competition makes
you great.
And you think Christmas menus
bring down restaurants.
And you need to be the best.
But that shuts people
out of your life.
It puts these blinders on to the
love they show you.
You've been a part of the family
business ever since
you put peanut butter
in those cookies.
And I'm sure that's not the last
time your mother thought
that she'd be cooking with you.
You know, the memories of
sprinkle fights
and baking pies in kitchens,
those are wonderful
Christmas stories.
You know, James is right
about that, too.
And I was wrong earlier.
Instead of searching for something
extraordinary, I wish you put
a different ingredient into
the recipes that you love...
and welcome the people in
who want to share Christmas
memories with you.
That's the only Christmas wish
that I have for you, Scarlett...
regardless of Scarlett's.
Thanks, Claire.
And if you don't believe me, I...
I brought some backup
along who might be able to
convince you.
She cut her trip short for you.
I didn't know you were coming back
so early.
Well, Italy's overrated anyway.
And there was only one seat left
on the flight, so I took it.
Were you going to ask me
to work alongside you at Tucson?
I had hoped you'd take it
over from us eventually.
Then when I just left and started
this, you sold it.
I'm sorry.
I can't believe I didn't see it.
I was just so stubborn
and determined to get out on my own,
I just didn't realise it.
No, it's all right. I didn't ask.
I meant to, and then you were off
and we were proud of you.
I was just a little sad
that maybe you didn't want to.
And then I didn't know what to say.
I'm sorry, too.
No, it's all right.
And you're a tough act to follow.
You are!
You are such a great chef,
and I think I may have been a little
competitive with you,
which is a problem.
You know, growing up,
I always thought that
whatever restaurant you guys
had at the time
was more important than me
during the holidays.
And I know
that's obviously not true,
and you just, you know,
you just wanted to share
what you loved with me.
Yes, that's right, sweetheart.
With a little help from some people
that I care about, I realised
that even though I haven't
been there lately, I've always
been a part
of the family business and...
that makes me happier
than they ever knew, so...
thank you.
We'd love to spend Christmas
after your big presentation here...
away from a kitchen.
Yes, please.
Anywhere you'd like.
I would love that.
Hey, it's make-or-break time.
They're going to be here in a few
hours, so we have until then
to figure out a dessert
to end this meal.
Well, I'm here to help, whatever
I can do,
as long as that's all right.
Hey, Mum, do you...
do you remember
those little gingerbread horses
that we made when I was a kid, the
ones with the interesting texture?
Of course.
Why don't we just make those today?
I mean, we already have dishes that
are really complex and interesting.
You know, maybe ending with
something simple will be sweet,
and we can use your gingerbread
recipe because it's the best.
I love that. You do?
but that's not just my recipe.
You're the one who made me add
the oatmeal and the glaze
when you were nine.
Don't you remember?
I don't...
but I'm happy I do now.
Scarlett and Joanne,
Stetson and Wyatt.
Good evening, everyone.
Hello again.
Merry Christmas.
Nice to see you both.
If you're ready, I brought
my appetite.
Shall we?
Why are they in the kitchen?
They insisted.
You got this. OK.
I must say I wasn't exactly sure
of the meal I'd have today,
but I'm happy to admit
it's all that I hoped for.
Wonderful, imaginative,
heartfelt Christmas magic
in all its sense.
I absolutely loved it.
Kudos to you, Scarlett.
Not only is it some of your best
work, but it's just what I wanted
for this time of year.
And I have a feeling that your
guests are going to crave it, too.
Way to go.
That's all I needed to hear.
I'm very happy to say that not only
will I stay on,
but I'd be thrilled
to extend as well.
What...? As long...
as we continue to have
Christmases like this.
Oh, thank you!
Thank you so much!
Oh, my...!
Raise a glass, ladies!
OK. Thank you.
It's James. He's...
he's outside.
Well, go!
Go! Go! Go!
Do I look OK?
Go! OK, OK.
I cannot believe you're here.
Couldn't miss your most
important day.
I bet it went great, you killed it
and your partner loved your
12-layer holiday souffle.
He did,
but I also made some dishes
I think you would've loved.
I bet.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean what I said, and I'm
sorry that I said you hadn't changed
because that's not true,
and I know you were just trying to
help me, but...
I just wasn't ready to hear it,
Actually, there's a lot of things
that I haven't been ready to hear
until now.
I'm sorry, too.
You know, I shouldn't have
overstepped and called Wyatt.
No, I'm glad you did.
I mean, I love teaching, but there's
a lot more that I want to do.
And you're right, I need to take
more chances.
You know, you've always pushed me
to be better.
You have! And...
I was wrong about the holidays...
about a lot of things, but...
especially about you.
This is the best holiday
season I've ever had.
And I'm tired of playing
it safe with my feelings, too.
I want to spend every Christmas
like this...
with you.
We are booked through to the end
of the month.
Yes! Nice work.
Is the class list up yet?
You'll be teaching three
classes next year
at the Seasoning of Christmas.
Here it is!
Wow! Aww!
That looks fantastic! Amazing!
Oh, thank you.
Now that is the Christmas M-A-G-I-C.