A Dash of Christmas (2023) Movie Script

I was there.
I waited at the train station
until they turned the lights off.
Yeah, I'm, uh... I'm downtown, by...
Hometown Bakery?
Yeah, that's great.
I'll keep a lookout for the car.
Thank you.
Yeah. Oh, come on.
- Hey.
- Oh.
- Hi.
- What are you doing?
I'm so sorry.
The door was open. I thought...
It needed closing?
Just, no one was here and
I-I was just trying to help.
It's okay. Uh...
Can I get a hand for the door?
Right. Yes.
I, uh... I might have locked it.
Yeah, I'll get the keys.
I can help with the box.
- Nah. It's okay, it's fine.
- Oh, no! No!
Oh! Oh!
I am...
I'm so... I'm so sorry.
What's so funny?
You don't think this is funny?
No, I've ruined your pastries and...
they look delicious.
They taste even better without
all the added sidewalk flavor.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. It's fine. I have more inside.
This isn't the first time I've
dropped the inventory, so...
I'm sure you didn't have all
this special help before.
Definitely not.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
- Here.
- Oh, thanks.
What are you doing out here so late?
Running away from home?
Uh, kind of, yeah.
You running to Maple Grove or from it?
I have family here. They're...
They're not expecting me.
Well, my mom taught me never
show up anywhere empty-handed.
I think... hold on.
Let me just double-check.
Fresh box.
No, I... really, I couldn't.
Sure, you can.
Thank you. You've...
You've been so gracious. Thank you.
It's Christmas.
Well, that must be my ride.
Let me help you with your bags.
That'd be great. Thank you.
Here, I can...
Thank you.
I hope you find what you're looking for.
I think you have to know
what you're looking for first.
Thank you.
Oh. Aaron.
Merry Christmas, Megan.
Merry Christmas.
None of these are for you,
so you can just relax.
All of yours are very well hidden.
For now.
Well, no turning back now.
Who is here this late?
Maybe it's Dad?
A surprise for Christmas?
Oh, honey, I don't think so.
He said he couldn't get
leave until New Year's,
and you know the Army,
they run on a schedule.
Oh, I got it.
Megan? What are you doing here?
Hey, Sis.
Any room at the inn
for a wandering stranger
offering gifts?
Come inside.
Oh, thanks.
Aunt Meg!
Oh, Erica!
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Look at you, you're so tall!
Yes. Okay, come in, come in!
So, um, you quit your job?
I retired.
At 33?
Well, we got bought out
by another advertising agency,
and there was going to be
a lot of redundancy, so...
What's that?
That's when a lot of different
people do the same job.
Oh, so, not good, huh?
No. They offered me a
generous severance package.
Well, I surprised them and I took it.
And you think that was a good idea?
I do. She's here for Christmas.
That's never happened before.
That's true. Thanks, sweetie.
I needed that.
It's just, weren't you,
like, their top person?
Yeah, but I think it's
a good way to go out.
You know, the new company
tried to talk me out of it,
but... I'm kind of ready for a change.
And this has nothing
to do with Bruce, does it?
No. If I was going to
leave because of Bruce,
I would have done it 18 months ago.
Just checking.
Well, you are welcome to stay
here as long as you like.
- Can she?
- Yes!
Okay, I will stay through the holidays,
but I can't waste any time
figuring out what I'm going to do next.
Oh, hold on.
You going to eat that?
Huh, California?
Oh, I bet it's Darci.
She's an executive recruiter
I contacted after I quit.
You know what?
She can leave a message.
I'm with family.
Okay, these are delicious.
Wait, Hometown Bakery?
How long have you been in town?
Um, that's a whole other story.
Those pastries were pretty amazing.
You know, I really like
that guy who owns the bakery.
He gave me a croissant
last time I went there.
- Oh.
- Yeah, he did.
Yeah, Aaron.
He opened it a couple years ago.
It's really good.
I'm so glad you're here.
Me, too. Oh...
Oh. It's also late.
I really need to get some sleep.
But I want to catch up tomorrow, okay?
You know where the guest room is.
Oh, I'll get your suitcase.
Oh, that's nice.
She's the best.
Yeah, but most of the time.
All right, you get some sleep
and we will catch up in the morning.
Sounds good. Thanks, Sis.
- Love you.
- Love you.
Okay, Darci, let's see what you want.
Hello. This is Megan.
Hey, morning.
Did you sleep okay?
- Not very much, actually.
- Wow.
California called again last night.
It's a job offer... maybe.
Really? That fast?
It's a start-up, actually.
A new food-based
social media company.
Head of marketing.
They want to fly me out for an interview.
You're leaving already?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
No, sweetie, it's okay.
I haven't given them an answer yet.
They can wait till after Christmas...
I hope.
But we do have an online meeting today.
Can I use the dining room?
- Yeah, anything you need.
- Thanks. Okay.
Hey. We're gonna have
a great Christmas,
I promise. Okay?
Okay, I swear I stocked these last night.
You did.
I had a slight accident
with the delivery to Milton's.
I thought I saw some cinnamon
bun glaze on the sidewalk.
- Still?
- Yeah.
- I should clean that up.
- Oh, no, no, I'll get it.
You have your vlog shoot today, right?
I do, but it's my mess.
Okay. Well, anything damaged,
besides my pastries?
You know, it was actually
one of the more...
enjoyable accidents I've ever had.
Oh, go on.
You can't leave me hanging like...
It's message boards
dedicated to every kind of cuisine.
It's video instruction. It's master classes.
There's nothing like it out there, is there?
You're into food and cooking, right?
Yes, I love good food.
I was in New York for years.
- Do you cook?
- Um...
You would be in charge
of marketing a food and
cooking-based company.
At one point, I did a lot of
cooking and baking, but...
I'm sold on you
based on your CV and work alone,
but they have a board.
You'd have to sell them, too.
And they want people
with some kind of
hands-on food experience.
I think you're a solid candidate.
They want to meet with you.
Wait. Well, it has to be after the holidays.
I'm here with family
that I haven't spent
Christmas with for years.
Um, I can't leave. I hope you understand.
They'll need something
sooner than the holidays.
Make a video preparing
some kind of food.
Cook it, bake it. Something impressive.
Then, we'll do an online conference
with our board members.
Uh, okay.
- We'll talk soon.
- Okay, thank you.
How'd it go?
Uh, it was... It was great, I think.
Uh, they want me to
send them - I kid you not -
proof I can cook.
Well, I've seen you cook.
You can do this.
Yeah, when we were kids.
I haven't cooked anything
without a microwave in years.
You used to cook with Grammy.
Her Christmas fruit tart, yeah.
We made that together every year.
So, you can do it.
It's just like riding a bicycle.
You just need to practice.
And I have tons of cookbooks.
I don't think it's going to be that simple.
I need to make a video.
It has to look professional.
Okay, you've made
commercials for years
with the advertising agency.
How is this a problem?
I also had a budget
and crew and hired directors.
- Right.
- Right.
You guys want to see
what I found online?
- Yeah.
- It's that guy from the bakery.
Wait, Aaron?
Yeah. He's really good.
I'm not saying these are the best
cinnamon rolls in the world,
but they might be.
Big, soft, fluffy,
and absolutely delicious. Mmm!
You'll never go back to any other recipe
once you've tried this one.
I'll show you how it's done.
See? He's good.
Mm-hmm. He is.
Wait. This could be your answer.
Plus, he could probably
teach you a few things.
He always has posters up
at the bakery about classes.
I don't know if I have time for classes.
Right. And is he even offering
classes during the holidays?
- Oh, there's that.
- Yeah.
I can check.
Here it is. Looks like we lucked out.
The last class is tomorrow,
and you can sign up online.
It's a gingerbread class.
Well, gingerbread it is.
- So, any big plans tonight?
- It's almost Christmas.
That it is.
You know, you're welcome to
spend Christmas Day with us,
Appreciate that. Thank you.
Last class of the year tomorrow.
- Anybody signed up?
- Oh, yeah.
Yeah, we even got
ourselves a new student.
Gingerbread cookies on standby.
Have a good night.
Yeah, you, too.
Uh, can you tell me... oh!
I'm so sorry. I...
Aaron. Hey.
I, uh... I hope your next delivery
is less adventurous.
Well, we're off to a good start.
Mm-hmm. Can you tell me
where the cooking class is?
Technically, it's baking class.
- Just over there.
- Okay.
Are you teaching, I hope?
I am. Just dropping this off.
I'll see you in a minute.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
You're right.
But the best part is you get to
take your cookies home when
you're done decorating.
Hello, bakers. How we doing?
Hi. I'm...
You're Megan. Hi, I'm Ronald.
We spoke earlier.
I work here at the bakery with Aaron
and I'm gonna be helping out here today.
- Great.
- Let me take that from you.
- Oh. Okay. Thanks.
- Yeah.
All right, everyone, ready to
get your gingerbread glaze on?
Students: Yeah.
Oh, and welcome to
our newest recruit Megan.
- We still on for tonight?
- Absolutely.
Great. Okay.
Let's decorate.
Well, you're going to need one of these.
Oh. Thank you.
Here, let me help you with that.
Oh, it's... it's okay. I think I can do it.
No, it's sometimes tricky to tie it yourself.
It's actually quite
a surprise seeing you here.
Uh, yeah. This is going to sound weird,
but could I... could...
Could we maybe get coffee and talk?
After... after class, of course.
Uh, seven o'clock tonight?
Yeah, I'll have time after class.
Great. Wait. I'm... I'm so sorry.
I don't mean to interrupt
your social life. I was just...
- Aaron: Oh, no. You're fine.
- Yeah. You're not.
- You're fine.
- Woman: It's fine.
- Okay.
- Aaron: Okay.
Before we start, I just want to make sure
you'll all be at this year's
Connecticut Christmas Charity Bake Off
at the community center on the 22nd.
It's a worthy charity, and this
year, it's here in Maple Grove.
So, you have no excuses.
Pretty special.
Hope to see you all there.
Last class before Christmas:
gingerbread glaze.
We start with a base of milk,
sugar, and honey.
Then, we mix, mix, mix, and
really put some energy into it.
And I will share with you
the secret ingredient that gives
our gingerbread glaze
its "je ne sais quoi".
Ginger zest.
Pass it around and put
a little pinch in there.
Sorry. Thanks.
Pinch. Wait. How much?
That's a good question.
So, cooking is all
feel and experimentation,
but baking is a science.
Oh. So, a pinch...
A pinch, which...
A pinch is the amount
you can comfortably fit
between your thumb and forefinger.
Got it, a pinch.
So, what do you do for a living?
- Me?
- Aaron: Yeah.
I'm in advertising. I was, actually.
Aaron: Was.
So, you make, like,
commercials, TV stuff?
Yes and no. I, um...
I designed ad campaigns
and marketing plans.
These days it's mostly just, like,
designing websites,
keeping things on a schedule,
that type of thing.
Wow. Sounds really interesting.
I'm looking forward to
talking to you after class.
Oh. Uh, great.
I can answer any questions,
if you have any.
Until then, gingerbread.
Let's measure our sugar.
Okay, I'm nervous.
Anyone want to taste mine?
No, no, no. You first.
There's nothing like the first
taste of your own creation.
Here goes...
What'd I tell ya?
I think I measured something wrong.
I don't think that's it.
Which sugar did you use?
Yeah. That is salt.
But it-it looks like sugar.
I once put copious amounts of salt
into an entire batch of peach pies.
Happens to the best of us.
Well, this doesn't make a very
good first cooking impression.
Baking impression.
Look, maybe...
Maybe this was a bad idea.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Raise your hand if you've ever
made a huge baking mistake.
Have a cookie.
Wow, that's delicious.
You can do this.
You were just one ingredient off.
Thanks for waiting.
I really enjoy my evening walks.
My pleasure.
So, what's on your mind?
I feel kind of foolish asking you this,
but I need someone
with your kind of skill
to help me make a video of me cooking.
The lady who makes commercials...
- Used to.
- Right.
It's complicated.
Anyway, I have an opportunity
with a startup media company.
I think your food blogs
might be a good match for it.
You watched them?
Yeah, it's why I came to your class.
But why do you need to bake?
I think they want all of their execs
to have some broad
food-based knowledge.
I'm so sorry. Am I keeping you?
I got time. I got time.
Why don't you just
tell me about this video
and what I can do to help?
Wait. You used salt instead of sugar?
I know, I know.
Maybe it's a sign.
Don't be silly.
No, no. Maybe I can't bake.
Oh, stop it.
This is totally in your wheelhouse.
In fact, I think it's a perfect fit.
Okay, he's very cute.
You know, you haven't really
dated a lot since Bruce, have you?
I have. Kinda.
Okay, not seriously, but dating is...
It's not easy these days,
and I've been working
all the time. You know.
I know, I know.
Yes, you're right, he's very cute.
- Very cute.
- Okay, bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Erica: Why do we always put
out chocolate chip cookies?
Like, specifically.
Maybe Santa likes -
I don't know - shortbread
or brownies.
Has anyone ever asked him?
You know, I think Santa's happy
with anything you leave him.
- It's the thought that counts.
- Megan: Yeah.
Okay, well, you should
ask a professional baker.
Good idea.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- I was just thinking about you.
- Oh, really?
Yeah, I was thinking about your video
and how we could best approach it.
Oh. I appreciate that.
What are you up to?
These are for the annual
Connecticut Christmas Charity bake-off
I talked about in class.
It's a statewide contest.
It's a big deal around here.
I mean, they raise thousands
for local charities,
like food banks and
kids' community programs.
And every year,
it goes from town to town.
So, this year, it's here.
And not to brag or anything...
but I did win it last year.
So, I recommend attending.
Well, is this looking for
participants or for an audience?
I'm thinking an audience?
Huh, they should say that on here.
Maybe that's why I was
thinking about you.
Maybe we can help each other.
I like that. Okay.
Um, hold on a sec.
Oh, it's them.
It's so great that you're helping her.
Yeah, it's my pleasure.
Good to know. Thanks.
I'm not the only candidate for this job.
I really need to make that video.
It'll be fine. We can do this.
Ugh. What am I doing?
Am I scamming them?
No. Stop overthinking it.
Well, then, why am I questioning?
Because it's not safe.
It's not a sure thing.
Everything's come pretty easily for you.
I have worked hard
for what I've accomplished.
I didn't mean it like that. It's just...
You know, you interned at the
agency right out of college.
It's the only place you've ever worked.
They never said no to you.
They wanted you to stay.
Well, I can't go back to the
company that bought them.
It's way too big, too impersonal.
Look, I know I needed to step away.
Okay, well, that's worth a
cooking video, isn't it?
Well, Aaron said he would produce it.
But I can't have him coaching me
and working me through it.
I have to cook by myself.
We'll go through
my recipes tonight, okay?
Are you going to fix
that flyer, like you said?
I would love to see how you do it.
And I... would love to show you.
Okay, the best ads are really
clear about what the goal is.
And in something like this,
an image or two can work really
well to capture their eyes.
So, what's your
favorite image of Christmas?
We could do Christmas cookies,
and cakes, and gingerbread up here.
Yes! Now, you're thinking!
What do you think...
I love it!
Good job, girl! Yay!
Aaron: This is really good.
- Thank you.
- I had some help.
You know what?
This would look really good as,
like, a Christmas-y sign at the event.
I agree. I can do that.
Um, speaking of Christmas-y,
what's up with that window over there?
It's looking particularly bare,
and... I don't know,
you could attract more customers
with an inviting display.
I'm open to suggestions.
Well, I have some ideas.
All right, where do we start?
Um... I think we should
start with the lights.
- Great idea.
- Okay.
Oh, this is...
kind of a mess.
Um... maybe we could hang a wreath.
I love that idea.
This was fun. Thank you.
Yeah, it was.
You're good at this.
You know, I have a pretty
big kitchen in there.
Why don't I cook us dinner
and we could find
a recipe for your video?
That would be great.
I'd really appreciate that.
Okay. I'll close up the bakery.
Let's say, seven o'clock?
Perfect. Works for me.
All right. Bring your good ideas,
we'll get you that job.
What? He's cooking me dinner.
No, of course.
Well, he has a girlfriend, I think.
He's just helping me, is all.
You know, this is a small town,
and I go in there all the time,
and I-I have not heard
about him seeing anyone.
Okay, well, I just think
he's a really genuine guy.
What you see is what you get.
It's refreshing, for a change.
Well, you look really nice.
Hey, right on time.
It looks beautiful in here.
I like to make an effort.
Oh, please...
Such a gentleman. Thank you.
You're welcome.
Ah, it smells wonderful. What is it?
In France, they call it an 'entrecte'.
Oh, sounds exotic.
It's a rib eye.
That is no normal rib eye.
I would hope not.
You really need to
buy the space next door
and open a regular restaurant.
Ah... someone I was once very
close to had that same idea.
It didn't end up so well.
I think I'll stick with baking.
Well, you should.
The bread was also incredible.
Uh, you, um, mentioned France.
Did you train there?
I did, yeah,
cooking and baking.
Just baking, obviously, but
didn't forget the cooking part.
Here, let me clear your plate.
Yes, I can help you.
No, no, no. You're my guest.
And now, for the dessert
portion of the evening.
Oh, I can't wait.
Well, you're going to have to
because we're making it together.
Why don't you get familiar
with the kitchen again
before attempting to
bake anything on camera?
Got it all set up for you here.
Megan: When did you
have time to do this?
- Okay.
- Okay. That's great.
We are making hometown
Christmas bread,
a favorite among locals
and tourists alike.
Okay. You're really selling it there.
It's... it's just me.
We're not doing a vlog right now.
It's a habit, I guess.
Okay. Well, it does sound wonderful,
but also terrifying.
I've never made
homemade dough before, so...
I did watch my Grammy
do it once or twice.
Then, you're experienced.
And there's no pressure.
The salt's clearly marked.
Okay. Wow.
Thank you for that.
Okay. We'll start... with the yeast.
Put it in the warm water, so it can bloom.
- Megan: Ooh.
- Aaron: Two pinches.
Two... okay, I know what a pinch is.
- You do.
- I learned that.
One... two.
Excellent. Next...
three cups of flour.
Megan: One...
two. Okay, because baking is a science.
Okay, this is fun.
Well, it's supposed to be. It's a release.
It's comfort. It's art.
I thought you just said it was a science.
Well, it tastes better if it's both.
All right, what's next?
We should film this,
even if just for my channel.
I think I would have been okay with that.
Feeling more at home in the kitchen?
Surprisingly... yes.
I can't wait.
You think it's done?
Looks done to me.
It looks delicious.
And now, for the finishing touch.
Mm-hmm, it's your bread.
Aaron: I cannot wait to taste this.
Megan: Me neither.
Gentlemen first this time.
Well, you don't have to tell me twice.
- Mine.
- What? No, no, no!
You are not running away
without me trying this first.
- It's good.
- It's heaven.
This is...
This is Christmas
masquerading as bread.
So, where's your Christmas tree?
Oh, yeah, we... decorate in here, but...
didn't get a tree, for some reason.
We need to fix that.
You know, I don't remember the last time
I've had this much fun with anyone.
Me neither, actually.
Want to come back tomorrow?
Bake another loaf of
the bread for the camera?
No coaching.
Least I can do for that
beautiful flyer you made.
Four o'clock?
And, uh, thanks again
for all your help today.
Thank me? You did everything.
Hey! You have fun?
Yep. He cooked, I baked.
It was great.
And I'm going to make a video tomorrow
that I'm confident will book me the job.
You did all that in one night?
We did.
I have to go make a script
and check my editing software.
And if you're nice, I will let you feast
on this glorious Christmas bread I made.
- I'm sorry. You made this?
- Yes!
It's beautiful and delicious,
but making it was even better.
I think that you might, um, like him.
Well, I'm going to go write down
what I remember from tonight
and finish my script.
Okay, well, if you need
any help, let me know.
You know, I might actually go
Christmas tree shopping tomorrow.
- You can help with that.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- This is really good.
- I know! Best bread ever!
Wow. Mmm.
Really good.
Megan: Okay.
- Wow.
- So, just a minute.
Yeah. Okay. Here.
I think I could get...
Wait. If I can hold it... with my foot...
- Okay. Stop.
- Keep going. Keep going.
I've got it. I've got it. Oh!
Are you sure this was a good idea?
Yeah. He needs a tree. It's not
Christmas without a tree.
Here we go.
- Hey, Megan.
- Hey.
This is... what is this?
You're missing three.
Wait, did Aaron put you up to this?
No, no, this was all Megan.
This is awesome. Okay, uh...
where are you thinking?
Uh... the corner looks
like the perfect spot.
Let's go.
- Oh.
- Oh. Wow.
He makes that look really light.
So easy.
Great. Slightly back.
Perfect. Perfect. Hold it.
Could you just rotate it
just a little? Love it.
You weren't kidding.
Okay. Get this.
I was thinking we could decorate
the tree with Christmas cookies.
It'll look amazing,
and it'll advertise your
product at the same time.
We do have some Christmas
wreath cookies in the back.
That's true, we do.
You do? It could be perfect.
Let's go. I want to see them.
- It's going to look good.
- Don't forget the star cookie.
- For the top?
- For the...
- Obviously. Obviously.
- Yeah.
Oh, this is going to be great.
So good.
Okay, this looks so cool.
I have to take a picture.
- Like, come on.
- Right?
I think we started a new
Christmas tradition around here.
In a million years, I never
would have thought of this.
Thank you.
Oh, it's Darci.
I can let her know I'll
have the video by tomorrow.
- Great.
- See you later.
Darci, hey. Your timing is perfect.
I'm a couple hours away
from filming my baking demo.
Hold off for now.
They have a new front runner.
Okay. Look, I can do this job.
I want this job.
In fact, I already have some ideas.
You're... you're sure you
want me to wait on the video?
Wait a beat, but keep thinking of ideas,
and I'll get back
to you as soon as I know.
Okay. Look, just in case,
I won't be looking for
any other jobs actively
during the holidays, but after that...
We're not out of it yet.
No need to make the video anymore.
What does that mean?
That means you're
making a huge mistake.
Aaron, thank you for being
so generous with your time.
We can still make the video.
I mean, it's not gonna hurt.
I'd be happy to do it.
No, I appreciate your willingness,
but maybe we should
just go back to the house.
Anything I can do?
No, it... it's good.
You're so busy. It's okay.
I'll take you home.
Hey. You okay?
Yeah. It was...
It was a long shot, anyway.
I didn't think so.
Smells good in here.
All you had today
was Christmas cookies.
That tree did look good.
So did Aaron.
We're strictly professional.
Okay, fine.
Would you get that?
- Yes.
- Probably a delivery.
Thank you!
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you
A merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy new year
Aaron: Thank you. Thank you very much.
Megan, right?
- Portia. Yes.
- Hi.
Hi. Hi. You guys sound great.
Megan, this is my fianc, Frank.
Frank, this is Megan.
She was in our baking class yesterday.
I am so pleased to meet you.
Hey, do you sing?
Because we could use an alto.
Maybe you could join us
next year, make it a quartet.
No, no, no. Mine is a voice
you wouldn't want.
You didn't tell me you sing, too.
Oh, that's because
I'm best heard in a group.
Wait, so this is what you've
been meeting Portia for?
You sing together?
Yeah. Kind of a tradition.
All right. We should be going.
Hey, um, do you want
to do lunch tomorrow?
You do get a lunch break.
Thought you'd never ask.
Well, I have something burning, so just...
See ya!
You could have asked.
I did. I cooked you dinner.
Was that a date?
Is lunch a date?
See you tomorrow.
Oh, and the, uh, bake-off people,
they loved your graphics,
and they'd love to use them,
and pay you.
Oh, no, no, no. It... it's for charity.
They don't have to pay me. I'll, um...
I'll whip something up.
I'll let them know.
- Hey.
- Hey.
This is that graphics file you
liked for the bake-off signs.
Great. Thank you.
You, uh... still have time for lunch?
Hey, Aaron, do you want to
come take a look at this?
Oh, hey, Megan,
you're actually the expert.
You want to look at this, too?
Sure thing.
Ronald thinks we need a website.
Yeah, I do.
Wait, you don't have one already?
Uh, this is just the address
and hours of operation.
That's all I need.
No buttons for online orders
or to socials or
to connect to delivery apps?
And that's what I've been telling him.
I don't need all that other stuff.
I like to keep it simple.
Word of mouth is enough.
You know, a good website could
really drive business your way.
- Exactly.
- Business is... good.
This is so easy to do.
You already have a video blog.
If you give me an hour, I could
spruce this thing up in no time.
Really? Because that would be amazing.
- Yeah.
- This works... as it is.
It's fine.
Do you think it would be all right
if we took a rain check on lunch?
It's busier than usual, so...
Excuse me.
Did I say something wrong?
No, it's just, um...
Just wants to keep
everything the way it is.
That's kind of a sore subject.
Huh. Apparently.
I'll give him some space.
See ya.
Thank you.
Sorry for barging in on you like this,
but I owe you an apology.
- No, it's...
- It's not okay.
I need to explain.
Ah, you're not a fan websites.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of...
feeling like I'm being
pushed to expand the business,
you know, rake in more money,
bigger is better, that sort of thing.
Isn't that kind of the point of a business?
My ex-girlfriend... well, actually ex-fianc,
we met in cooking school,
and she had these...
big plans, like this dream project,
which was a restaurant in the big city
that we could open together, and
eventually turn into a chain.
So far, so good?
Yeah, I wanted to start out small,
focus on my baking,
make an instructional vlog,
you know, connect with people.
That's actually ended up being
the best part of baking for me,
But that wasn't
compatible with her plans.
So, we decided to part ways
and split the money
we had saved for the restaurant.
That money was enough
to start my bakery,
so I moved back home.
Hometown Bakery
Small, profitable, fun.
But what?
That's not why I came here.
I came to offer you a job.
Wanna take a walk?
Come on.
Wait. That's the bake-off choice?
That's the rumor. Fruitcake.
Fruitcake is like
the clich Christmas cake
that everyone always makes fun of.
The thought of trying to
please those picky judges
with fruitcake, it's...
Oof. Hard to stomach?
I get to have a helper, though,
just to fetch stuff.
You want to be Santa's helper?
As long as I don't have
to wear an elf costume.
Wait, you really want me to help you?
Yeah, I enjoy your company... a lot.
Good to know.
Okay, okay, no.
You cannot know every ingredient
just from smell and one taste.
It's a fun Christmas party trick,
and it comes in handy with other
stuff, too, like bake-offs.
Okay, this I have to see.
Okay, wise guy, what's that smell?
Some kind of stew.
Oh, you think? Well, let's see.
Hi. You guys hungry?
Erica requested
my Christmas stew early, so...
Aaron wants to taste
some for his party trick.
Party trick?
Apparently, he can name
every ingredient in a dish
just from taste and smell.
It's true.
Do you have a scarf I can borrow?
I'll find one.
A scarf?
You'll see.
Oh. Okay.
Here you go.
Thank you.
I... am ready...
to try this stew.
Okay, this is Sarah's
famous Christmas stew.
Good luck.
Probably... brisket.
Yeah, brisket.
Okay, but was it a lucky guess?
We shall see.
Potatoes, carrots,
and dried prunes.
British Christmas tradition, by the way.
- What?
- That's my secret ingredient.
You're kidding.
All right, let's go for the spices.
ginger, and... cumin,
salt and pepper,
definitely coriander...
and a hint of Worcestershire sauce,
but just a hint, so I'd say a teaspoon.
And I bet you used white pepper.
Okay, you can tell the kind of pepper?
Oh, yeah.
And I'd say about
a quarter liter of red wine.
and a teaspoon of honey.
That is amazing.
That's it. I mean, that's the recipe.
Classic Christmas stew.
It's terrific. I'm going to finish the bowl.
Okay, if I get this job,
I'm going to make them offer you
your own reality show.
- Yes.
- What? Silly baker tricks.
No, I'm not kidding.
I've never seen anything like this.
So, you're impressed.
I am.
Me, too.
Enough to help me at the contest?
Okay, fine, I'll be your elf.
- It's very impressive.
- Thank you.
And that's my cue to bid you adieu.
Okay. I gotta try this.
They're going to call it Foodery.
I don't know. I think it's kind of catchy.
They already have
a 'coming soon' website.
I'll definitely check it out.
I never expected an opportunity like this
to happen so... soon,
especially not one this exciting.
I hope I'm not out of the running.
For what it's worth,
I think you're very talented.
Well, we'll see.
It seemed like the perfect
fit at first, but now...
I don't know, the pool's so much bigger.
They want someone that can really cook.
Think positively. It's not over yet.
I love this song.
You wanna dance?
Here? Now?
Miss, may I have the
pleasure of this dance?
I'm not much of a dancer.
Me neither.
- Megan: Oh...
- Sarah: Uh-oh.
That's the breaker.
You know, Bob told me to fix it,
this happens, but I just...
Where is it?
Oh, no, no. It's in the garage.
No, I can do it.
I'm not going to let this song stop.
Be right back.
Yeah, okay. Thank you.
Sorry, it's really messy.
Be careful.
I am so sorry.
- Are you...
- Aaron: I'm okay!
And the worst show-off award goes to...
Stop it.
Good news: no concussion.
Bad news: sprained wrist
and no Christmas
bake-off for me tomorrow.
No. Are you sure?
You're better one-armed than
any of those other people.
Can you imagine me baking
anything like this?
Uh, maybe?
One-handed chopping's
a bit of a safety concern.
Well, can't they have
somebody cook for you
and you can give instructions?
It's a baking race against the clock.
I need both hands
to function in top form.
But they said you can have an assistant.
Santa's baking elf, remember?
I mean, this is kind of
a special circumstance.
That's a big ask and
definitely special treatment.
This is a charity event.
Winning it's very meaningful
to a lot of people.
I can't ask that.
What if the elf becomes Santa?
Wait. Me?
Why not?
Okay, I did make bread
with you and that was amazing.
But I am... I am not ready
for a... a cooking contest.
- Baking contest.
- Whatever.
I have faith in you. You're so talented.
I'll be your assistant.
I just can't help you bake.
But this will be in public,
and it's a... a competition with a timer,
And for charity.
What do you say?
Yes? Is that a yes?
Okay, okay, okay.
I'm going to need a lot of help.
- What am I doing here?
- I have faith in you.
Mayor Sullivan, thank you for
letting us switch this up.
I know it's a lot to ask.
Oh, it's really not.
We're all raising money
for a good cause.
Well, I appreciate it.
- Good luck.
- Both: Thank you.
Welcome to the annual
Connecticut Christmas Charity bake-off.
Because we have some of the best
bakers in the area competing,
we thought we would come up
with a challenging goal...
Christmas fruitcake!
You were right.
What's fruitcake?
That is something you will
never have to worry about.
And remember,
originality counts.
Now, contestants, are you ready?
Then, let's begin baking...
in three, two, one, go!
I don't know if I can remember it all.
You've got this.
Uh, flour, butter, eggs,
brown sugar and... apples to dice.
- Okay.
- Aaron: On it.
So helpful.
Okay, um, did you get the butter?
- On it.
- Butter and milk. Thank you.
- Butter and milk.
- Got it.
You are so talented. Look at that.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Okay, flour first.
Three cups. Three cups, I remember.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Okay, that's science.
Three cups.
- Good job.
- One, two...
I need another bowl.
Could you get me another bowl?
- Yes.
- Find a bowl.
Thank you so much.
I've never seen her use a whisk before.
Nope, me neither.
Pretty good. Pretty good.
I'm lost. I'm lost.
It's not in my head.
Then, think outside the box.
He said, uh, originality counts.
Oh, I know. Grammy.
Wait, most people aren't
fans of fruitcake, right?
So, what if I made my grandmother's
Christmas fruitcake torte?
Technically, it still qualifies as fruitcake,
but it is so much more delicious.
You know how to do that?
Yeah. I'm going to bake
like my grandmother.
We made it together for years.
I can't believe I didn't think of this before.
Okay, get that butter out of the way.
Aaron: Okay.
Okay, here we go.
Um, I need molasses.
Can you drizzle molasses?
Where's the... Where's the molasses?
- I got the molasses. Where...
- Hey, hey, hey.
Take a breath, all right?
You don't need to have
a nervous 'bake-down'.
It's on the shelf with the sugar.
Okay. And vanilla beans?
I need real vanilla beans.
- Same shelf.
- Okay.
Ad heavy cream and an orange.
Okay, well, I can go and get that,
you know, following your instructions.
What would I do without you?
I forgot to tell you about this next part.
What part?
You're going to have to
explain to everyone here
and online watching
what it is you're baking.
She has to talk?
Oof. She's a pro.
Hi! Hello.
I am Megan Blake,
and I'm representing my dear friend
and last year's winner, Aaron McBay.
Hi, Mom.
Who, as you can see,
is unable to participate.
Mayor Sullivan:
We are happy to have you.
Now, what is this that you're making?
This doesn't look like a...
Like a standard fruitcake.
No, it's not.
This is what I like to call
a rolled fruitcake torte.
I've taken all of the
typical fruitcake ingredients
and added a pinch of 'je ne sais quoi'.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I got to get this in the oven.
Yes, of course, of course, yes.
Thank you, Megan.
- That was so good.
- Learn from the best.
All right.
Told ya. You know what?
She's always a natural
when she doesn't overthink.
Look at her go.
- Whoo.
- Hey.
Oh! Thank you.
Let's go.
Maraschino cherries,
candied pecans, and uh...
What's that called?
Um... Uh, fondant.
Fondant, that's what it needs.
Fondant? You been holding out on me?
Who are you?
Red food coloring and fondant.
It's the one thing my Grammy
had me do all by myself.
I can do that in my sleep.
Audience: Five, four, three, two, one...
Thank you.
Ooh, that one looks really good.
- Do we get to taste them?
- I hope so.
And last, but certainly not least,
this year's newcomer and her
assistant, last year's winner,
Megan Blake and Aaron McBay.
Here goes nothing.
What I've made today is
what my Grammy called
her Victorian Christmas fruitcake torte.
Are you ready to give us a taste?
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Megan.
We have reached a decision.
And this year's winner of the Connecticut
Christmas Charity bake-off,
on taste alone it would have won,
but it was also incredibly beautiful.
All right. Fingers crossed.
The Victorian Fruitcake Torte
from Megan Blake and Aaron McBay.
Thank you.
You made Grammy's cake.
Right? And it worked.
Do you get to take
the rest of that home or...?
It's her cake.
Okay. Well, how about you guys
come over to our place
for dinner tomorrow?
And maybe Christmas?
Works for me.
I mean, unless you have plans.
I couldn't think of anyone
I'd rather spend Christmas with than you.
I'll get the coats.
You like him, don't you?
I appreciate you pulling this off,
tomorrow being Christmas Eve and all.
My media guys are pretty great.
I owe you.
Well, how about a dozen of them
cookies and we'll call it even?
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Hey, do you want to borrow a dress?
It's okay, I brought clothes.
Yeah, you brought clothes,
but did you bring clothes to,
um... impress somebody?
Actually, do you still have that red one?
Hi. Come on in.
- Hey.
- Hi.
These are for you.
Oh, thank you.
And this is for under the tree.
I've got it.
I knew it was for Aunt Megs.
I thought so, too.
And where is Megan?
You look wonderful.
Thanks. So do you.
You have a terrific daughter.
You must be really proud.
Yeah, she's pretty special.
You know, she had to move around
a lot for Bob's postings,
but when she turned ten, we just
decided that roots were better.
Well, please thank him for his service.
I will.
Well, we should probably get in
with Erica for the movie, right?
You know, let's do gratitudes first.
When we were kids, our parents,
around Christmas, would set us down,
and we would go around and say
what we were grateful for.
It's a good tradition.
We haven't done it in years.
Well, you haven't been around
for Christmas in years.
Well, that's going to change
because I am grateful
to be here with my family...
and new friends.
And I am grateful for
leaving the truck door open.
Hmm. That's interesting.
- You had to be there.
- Ah.
Well, I'm grateful for Christmas.
You know, not just the season,
but the meaning of it all.
And for Megan being here.
Okay, now, we should get
into the family room
before Erica loses it.
- Yes.
- Okay.
Hey, can I ask you a quick favor?
Yeah, what's up?
I was wondering if I could use
your laptop to email Ronald.
Yes, of course. I'll get it.
- Yep.
- Do what you need to do.
I'll join the girls. We'll see you in a few.
Okay. You bet.
Okay. Foodery. Okay.
I had a really nice night tonight.
Me, too.
All of this, I mean...
being here with family,
the bake-off, all the charities,
meeting you...
I'll see you tomorrow?
I can't wait.
Good night.
How's the wrist?
It's better.
That's good.
You know she's going to leave, right?
I want her to be happy.
Yeah, but what about what you want?
She's special, Ronald.
I did the right thing.
Darci: I know tomorrow
is Christmas Eve,
but we were so excited here.
HR got the video file last night
and sent it to
the board members right away.
Wait, what file?
They loved you cooking
and winning that Christmas
bake-off competition.
You were impressive.
I didn't send a video file.
They sent me a copy from
someone, Aaron something?
Wait, Aaron McBay?
Yeah, Aaron McBay.
That man...
Their lawyers will be sending
you their offer later today.
Wait. I got the job?
They'd like you here by
the first of the year.
Merry Christmas, Megan.
Merry Christmas.
Is he here?
I, uh... I got the job.
I'm so happy for you.
I-I love what you did, but...
I don't understand. You...
You want me to leave?
Do you wanna take a walk?
You gonna take it?
How can you ask me that?
It's the logical question
given the circumstance.
No. Why?
Why did you do it?
Because you're a star.
You deserve this.
I saw how important it was to you.
I just... I thought...
I've been in this place before.
A woman with big plans and me
content with what I have.
I am not her.
You gotta take this job.
Ask me to stay.
Are you willing to give up
this incredible opportunity
to stay here?
You're not supposed to ask me like that.
I don't want you
second guessing your life.
It's... it's not fair on you.
Or you.
It just...
doesn't mean I'm happy about it.
I'll see you when you come back to visit.
It'll be great.
I should...
I should get back to the bakery.
Merry Christmas, Megan.
Merry Christmas.
I thought you could use some coffee.
You know, he was thinking
about you before himself
and that's... that's pretty special.
So, what are you going to do?
Look at the offer.
Go from there. What... what can I do?
Well, I think this is
as good a time as any.
He brought this
when he came for dinner.
Go ahead, open it.
It's a handwritten cookbook.
Look. It's your famous Christmas stew.
Okay, let me see that.
Oh, come... look at this.
Grammy's Christmas fruitcake torte.
Aaron "Thank you for being who you are:"
"Genuine, beautiful."
"I'll think of you
every time I drop a pastry box."
"Thank you for being in my life
for however long you were."
"Merry Christmas, Megan."
What does it say?
Hey, guys,
Aaron just posted a new video.
Can we see that?
We're going to make Grammy's
Christmas Fruitcake Torte,
an amazing recipe that just won
this year's Connecticut
Christmas Charity Bake Off.
Can you send me the link to
all of these video vlogs?
What are you doing right now?
I'm making a counteroffer.
She's making a counteroffer.
I don't know what that means.
Darci: They haven't officially hired you
and you're already on the job?
On Christmas Eve?
I'm hitting the ground running.
You certainly are. Everyone's excited.
We have a deal?
They wanted me to make sure
that you will secure the talent, correct?
I hope to today, yes.
Great. Then, merry Christmas to us all.
Merry Christmas, Darci.
What are you doing here?
The, uh...
door was open and no one was around,
so I... closed it.
- Ending where we started.
- Mm-hmm.
I assume you took the job?
I did, yeah.
Well, I'm happy for you.
What do you want me to say?
Well, that you're devastated
that I might go away.
I am.
Okay, good.
I might need you to stop
making nighttime deliveries
and hire someone else to do that.
Wait, who are you making
deliveries to on Christmas Eve?
Oh, those are some
leftover Christmas cookies
and pastries for the food bank.
Well, then, we'll make
this one last delivery
because the new face
of my social media site
is going to need all the rest he can get.
What are you talking about?
You're not the only one
that can send videos.
I sent them yours
and they love you.
They do?
I... love you.
You do?
I'm not going anywhere.
They're gonna let me work remotely
and produce your videos from here,
which they want to
premiere with the website...
if that's what you want.
You could still have the bakery,
it's up to you.
I would love to work with you.
Yeah, both of our lives
are going to change.
Yeah, but together.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
You still locked me
out of my truck, though.
That has to stop.
Okay, deal.
That's all?
There is... one more thing.