A Dream House (2023) Movie Script
(gentle music)
And that concludes the
commercial portion of
the Town of Lenkin real estate auction.
(crowd murmuring)
(peaceful music)
Settle down, people. Settle down.
If you looked at our website,
you are aware that there
are two single-family homes
up for auction in our small town.
Now, there are rules that you must agree to
if you win one of these homes.
All rules will be enforced.
I'm going to go over some of the rules
before we get to the bidding.
First, the buyer must be present.
You cannot be a representative
for someone else that
wants to buy the home.
(peaceful music)
Second, you can only win one house.
You cannot purchase both of them.
Both of the houses come as is.
They haven't been clean or emptied.
Whatever is in there,
whatever condition it is in,
it is yours, including any
problems you might find.
(peaceful music)
Third, you cannot use this
home as a rental property.
You agree to live in
this home and not rent it
or list it as a vacation
property on a website.
You must live in the home you win
for more than six months out of the year.
If you are gone longer than six months,
your home will be repossessed
by the Town of Lenkin
and offered up at auction again.
That's not fair.
How are you gonna even enforce it?
I'm the mayor of Lenkin, son.
It's in our bylaws,
and it is my duty as mayor
to enforce these rules
to the best of my abilities.
The police chief and the
town police department
have been enforcing these laws
since we started these auctions.
(peaceful music)
Fourth, these are cash-only
deals without any refunds.
You have 72 hours to bring
the payment to town hall.
Otherwise, the deal is null and void,
and the house will be offered
to the next highest bidder.
This means that you must
pay by Tuesday at 1:00 p.m.
(peaceful music)
Finally, you're expected to
keep this home for two years
before you sell it.
If you don't,
you will not only be hit
with the capital gains tax,
but you will also owe double
that to the Town of Lenkin.
Oh, come on, man.
Sorry, folks. Those are our rules.
(peaceful music)
I've emailed most of you
and explained these rules in the email.
If you didn't read through
the rules thoroughly,
I'm sorry that you've come out here today
and wasted your time.
Well, this works out just fine.
It looks like each of you
will be going home with a house today.
The first home we have up for
auction is 617 Abbey Lane.
That's the house on the corner lot.
Well, we wanted the
other one though, right?
But this one's nice too.
Maybe we should bid on it
just in case the other couple
goes for the one we want.
Yeah, good idea.
The starting bid for
this home is $20,000.
The bids will go up in increments of 5,000.
Do I have a bid?
20,000? Do I have 25?
25,000. Do I have 30?
Do I have 30?
617 Abbey Lane goes to
the couple in the aisle.
You can make your way out
to Lilith in the lobby,
and she will help you
finish your transaction.
The last home we have up for
auction is 8 Canterbury Court.
If the two of you can pay
the opening bid in cash,
it's yours.
(peaceful music)
The opening bid for 8
Canterbury Court is $20,000.
8 Canterbury Court,
sold to the pretty blonde,
and who I imagine is your husband.
Why don't the two of you
meet me out in the lobby?
You're the last bidder of the night,
and I will take care of you myself.
(peaceful music)
They sure cleaned this
place up quick, huh?
Well, I bet everyone pitched in.
It's such a cute little town.
Well, now it's our cute little town.
(Sam coughs)
Hey, don't let me interrupt.
Mayor Zagan, it's such
a pleasure to meet you.
I'm Liam Burkhard, and
this is my wife, Breanna.
Please, call me Sam.
No need for formalities around here.
Soon, you'll be part of
our little community.
We are so excited!
This is the house we wanted.
Yeah, we've been living
with Liam's parents
since we got married last year.
Well, everybody has to start somewhere.
This is so perfect.
We can't wait to get in.
Oh, how soon can we get in?
Once payment is made, the keys are yours.
Oh my gosh. Really?
Yes, of course,
but I'm sure you don't have
$20,000 in cash on you.
Well, is there a JM Bank in town?
No, but there's one
less than 10 minutes away.
I think they close at one on Saturdays.
Yeah, I'll put it in my
GPS and head right over.
Thank you.
Would you mind finishing this deal today?
We drove over six hours,
so we'd really like to get into the house
and figure out what we need
to bring when we move in.
You two remind me of my parents.
How's that?
They died when I was a child,
but they were so in love.
Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry.
Oh, no, I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to darken the mood.
They died a long time ago.
It was meant as a compliment.
Well, thank you so much.
So, about the house.
Yes, I'll be happy to help you with that.
When you're done at the bank,
meet me in my office, 13 Main Street.
We'll see you there in half an hour.
I'll have the paperwork ready.
(ominous music)
(traffic roars)
(peaceful folk music)
I love this place already.
I do too.
It's a perfect place to settle down.
And raise a family?
Soon enough.
The house is so big, Liam.
It's so much more than just a starter home.
I know. I didn't think
we were gonna get it.
Neither did I.
Oh, so, what, you thought
this was just gonna be
a little weekend away,
ending in disappointment?
No time away with you
could end in disappointment.
Aw, I love you.
I love you.
(peaceful folk music)
(car engine rumbles)
(ominous music)
(dramatic music)
You scared me!
I know.
That wasn't very nice.
Where are your parents?
That is not a nice thing to say.
It's true.
Where are you supposed to be then?
With them.
It isn't nice to scare people, you know?
Especially strangers.
She doesn't like you.
She doesn't like you.
The lady in the bathroom.
What bathroom?
You'll see.
Come on. Let's find your parents.
I know where they are.
Okay, well, where are they?
I'm calling the police. Stay right there.
I'll get you some help.
Look at you. You're not even wearing shoes.
(eerie music)
[911 Dispatcher] 9-1-1,
what's your emergency?
Hi, I'm calling from
the JM Bank in Highland.
There's a little girl here.
She's very disturbed.
I think she's homeless.
[911 Dispatcher]
Ma'am, what is your name?
Hello? Is anyone there?
Yeah, yes.
I'm sorry. I seem to be mistaken.
[911 Dispatcher] Are
you all right, ma'am?
Yeah, I'm so sorry.
Her parents must have found her.
Have a good day.
(traffic roars)
This is the last of the paperwork.
Just sign here, saying that you agree to
all the rules I explained to
you earlier at the auction.
Please initial by each one.
You must get a lot of people
trying to break the rules.
You have no idea.
I'm sure house-flippers
try to get away with
buying and selling it.
They try, but they never succeed.
I wouldn't have that problem
with you now, would I?
No, of course not. This
is a dream house for us.
We plan on staying here a really long time.
That's right.
My company is actually
transferring me about 20 miles away
to our office in Hamilton,
so that Bree can get her master's degree.
That's wonderful. Have
you started already?
No, I don't start until the spring
so we can get the house
exactly how we want it.
Well, what are you
getting your master's in?
Elementary Education.
I wanna teach kindergarten.
We have a wonderful
elementary school here in town.
When you're ready, I'll
put a good word in for you.
You mean it?
Sure, if you're still here.
Why wouldn't we be here?
I mean, we love Lenkin.
Hey, you never know, right?
Well, I know that
we just became owners
of our very first house.
That'll do it.
Oh, and don't forget this.
Thank you.
Aren't you gonna count it?
I trust you, Liam. Besides,
I know where you live.
(Sam chuckles)
(group laughs)
Congratulations, and welcome to Lenkin.
Thank you so much.
Really, thank you.
You'll find everything
you need in your folder.
Contact information, utilities,
movers, everything you need.
And, also, if you need anything else,
don't hesitate to reach out to me.
You know where I am.
I also put my business
card in there for you.
Perfect. Thank you.
Let me walk you out.
(pensive music)
(car rumbles) (exciting music)
[Liam] Home, sweet home.
[Bree] Take a picture with me!
(camera clicks)
Man, I can't believe this is all ours.
Ready to go in?
Yeah, come on, come on, come on.
Come on.
Oh, wait, wait, wait.
What's wrong?
It's our first house.
Well, I have to carry my
bride over the threshold.
Liam, we've been married
for over a year already!
I don't care. It's our first house!
(Liam chuckles)
(somber music)
(light switch clicking)
No electricity.
(light switch clicking)
Hm, yeah, I'll call the power company
first thing Monday morning.
Let's take a look around
before it gets dark.
(somber music)
This is so weird.
The last people who lived
here just left all their photos.
(piano notes playing)
Huh. Guess they were
in a hurry to get out.
So many people are just walking
away from their homes now.
It's so sad.
We have nothing to worry about, okay?
My contract in Hamilton is for two years.
We have no mortgage, no kids.
Just this big, beautiful house,
and nothing but potential in front of us.
(somber music)
Do you think we should return them?
Return what?
The photos. Should we look
up who used to live here?
I don't know, Bree.
I mean, maybe they left
everything behind on purpose.
Yeah, maybe.
Come on, Let's go look at the kitchen.
[Bree] Ew.
[Liam] Ugh.
Looks like they were
in a real hurry to leave.
Who knows what kind of
situation they were in?
Maybe something really bad happened here.
I don't know. It's scary.
Kind of sad, actually.
Well, first item on the list
is to completely clean the kitchen.
Yes, agreed.
I wish we could start now.
Well, once we get the power
back on, we'll be able to.
Yeah, yeah. Wanna check out upstairs?
Of course.
I can't believe this is all ours.
You better believe it. All
our dreams are coming true.
I never thought we'd have
a place like this ever.
Well, I knew we would, someday.
It's almost too good to be true.
Hey, don't go jinxing it now, all right?
We're gonna turn this place into a palace.
Our palace.
Our home.
I can really see us
living here forever, Liam.
Yeah, me too.
Come on. Let's check out the bedroom.
(somber music)
(Liam whistles)
(ominous music)
(ghostly whooshing)
(Liam whistles)
Did we know that this was furnished?
He said as-is, remember?
So, everything in here is ours?
Yeah, I guess.
I really don't wanna use
someone else's furniture, Liam.
No, no, of course not.
And definitely not their bedding.
Bree, I would never expect you to,
but, I mean, it is a bit convenient
that we have all this
furniture in the house already,
don't you think?
I don't know. It's more
that we have to move out.
We could always just sell it later.
Oh, I don't know.
Why not?
I mean, we really could use the money.
It's bad luck.
Let's start fresh.
I never thought we would
do anything different,
but, Bree, furniture is expensive,
and we spent almost every
penny we had on this house.
Can we just wait, please?
What's wrong?
I don't know.
It's just weird.
Breanna Burkhard, please tell me
you are not getting cold feet about this.
I just gave our savings to
the mayor for this place.
No, of course not. I'm just overwhelmed.
It's a lot to take in.
I know, but we're in
this together, right?
(gentle music)
Oh, I think that's the master bathroom.
Ooh, let me see.
(ominous music)
[Liam] I wonder how long this
water's been standing here.
I hope there isn't an
issue with the drain.
Let's see.
(ominous music)
(drain gurgles)
Seems to be okay.
This place is a disaster.
It looks like a hurricane blew through it.
Well, we'll have it
cleaned up in no time.
The master bathroom is
number two on the list.
As long as we get the bathroom,
kitchen, and bedroom done,
we can take our time with everything else.
And you're sure you still don't wanna
replace the bedroom furniture right away?
Liam, we are getting a new bed!
I am not sleeping on
someone else's mattress.
Okay, okay.
I'm just saying it might be nice to use
the furniture that we already have in place
so that it feels more like a home.
But not our home.
Of course it is!
Not if it's not our furniture.
We should pick it out together.
We will, eventually.
Pinky promise.
We get a new mattress on the first day.
Okay. I can live with that.
Come on. Let's go see the other rooms.
(somber music)
(peaceful music)
I can't believe this is all ours.
Oh, hey.
Post-tour picture.
(camera clicks) (peaceful music)
(Liam groans)
You're gonna hurt yourself!
I'm fine.
You can make more than one
trip back to the car, Liam.
Look, I know how badly
you wanna start cleaning.
I've waited three days.
One hour longer isn't gonna kill me.
I just want to do what you want, Bree.
What I want is a new
mattress to sleep on tonight.
And you'll get it. I promised.
I'm not sleeping on
someone else's mattress.
That's where I draw the line.
I know, babe, okay? I've got a plan.
A plan? I don't think
I like the sound of that.
It's a good plan, okay? Just trust me.
It's a surprise.
[Bree] Okay.
Look, just go start in the kitchen
and I'll bring the rest
of our things in, okay?
We should've got a moving truck.
I mean, this saved us a few
hundred dollars, and, I mean,
we really don't have that much stuff.
Just clothes and shoes, and...
Still, we aren't in college anymore.
You are.
Liam, you know what I mean!
I know what you mean.
Look, it saved us a little bit of money.
I mean, we spent our entire
nest egg on this house.
As we should have.
It's our nest, isn't it?
Oh, well, when you put it like that.
Okay, okay.
(Liam chuckles)
I'm gonna go start cleaning the kitchen.
Let me know if you need any help.
I will.
(somber music)
(light switch clicks)
Electricity works!
(ominous music)
[Ghostly Voice] Bree.
Babe, you need help?
(ominous music)
[Ghostly Voice] Bree.
[Ghostly Voice] Breanna.
Liam, knock it off.
I don't want you to scare me.
Can we at least get, Liam!
You'll give me a heart attack.
(somber music)
[Liam] Bree, can you help me out?
(Liam knocking)
Bree, open up!
Ha-ha, very funny.
What is?
Well, how did you do that?
Do what?
Get outside so fast.
What are you talking about?
I haven't even been inside yet.
The door was shut.
I left it open.
It must have swung shut or something.
Was the door to the kitchen unlocked?
How am I supposed to know?
I don't like you jumping
out and scaring me like that.
Like what? The wind
must have closed the door.
Okay, Liam. Whatever.
Do you need anything else?
Brie, calm down, okay?
It's our first day in the new house.
Let's try and enjoy it.
Then don't scare me.
Okay, I won't.
Thank you.
(somber music)
(Liam grumbles)
(suitcases clattering)
(somber music)
(eerie music)
(Liam sighs)
(drain gurgles)
(dramatic music)
Wow, you're making a lot of progress.
It's amazing how fast things go
when you just throw stuff out.
Well, you aren't even keeping the dishes?
Not the dirty ones.
Why not? We can just clean them.
Liam, we've got that china
from Aunt Margaret from our wedding.
Mom's shipping it with all
the other wedding gifts.
Oh, that's gonna be expensive!
Why can't we just drive
back and pick everything up?
It'll be the same amount of money in gas.
Why are you worrying so much about money?
I can't help it, okay?
There's not much money left in the bank,
so I feel like our safety net's gone.
Well, at least you start work next week,
but if it's too much for
me to go back to school,
I can put it off.
No, no, of course not.
I'm just being overly cautious, okay?
You sure?
Absolutely. Hey, come here.
No, I'm gross.
I don't care.
I'm sorry. I'll stop, okay?
I'm just really anxious and overwhelmed.
I'll stop stressing out about money.
Thank you. I appreciate that.
That's it? That's all I get?
You'll get more tonight,
as long as we get that new mattress.
On it.
Hey, I'll be back. I'm gonna
go pick up the mattress.
They can't deliver?
Sure, if you wanna wait
7 to 10 business days.
I'll get my purse.
No, no, no, it's okay.
I can do it myself.
They're just gonna tie it
to the roof of the car.
Are you sure?
Absolutely. I'll be
back in less than an hour.
Okay, well, I'm almost
done with the kitchen.
I just gotta clean out the fridge.
You need any help?
No, I'll be fine.
Pinky promise.
You go get that mattress.
Yes, ma'am.
(dramatic music)
Oh, Liam!
I didn't know you came home.
I thought you left.
(ominous music)
I'm leaving.
Well, can you take the trash out for me?
Do it yourself.
Liam, hey!
What is wrong with you?
(ominous music)
Honey, I'm home!
I've always wanted to say that.
You picked up lunch? You're the best.
Yeah, there's a pizzeria
about a mile away.
Hey, let's eat and then we
can bring the mattress in.
Sounds good.
[Liam] Wow!
You did an amazing job.
Thank you. It still smells kind of funny.
We can just get some candles.
I already ordered some.
They'll be here tomorrow.
Okay, great.
I also ordered some groceries.
We could have just gone
to the store, you know.
Check things out.
There's too much to do around here, Liam.
Don't you wanna be comfy
on our first night?
Hey, I'm comfy wherever you are.
That's a nice change.
From what?
[Bree] Your attitude from before.
What are you talking about?
I'm sorry I was nagging
you about the new mattress,
but you didn't have to be so mean.
Bree, I don't even.
You know what? Clean slate.
Let's eat and get the mattress,
and then we can start on the upstairs.
To our new home.
(peaceful music)
[Liam] What do you think?
I think it's perfect, just like you.
Thank you.
For what?
For cleaning the kitchen.
I know it was a lot of work for you
to do the entire thing on your own.
Believe me, I was happy to.
Yes, the kitchen was the worst.
I would've gone nuts
if it hadn't been done.
Now on to the bathroom.
I actually started the bathroom.
Look at you, Susie Homemaker.
(doorbell rings)
Ooh, groceries, finally.
Hey, I'll tell you what.
You go put away the groceries
and I'll finish up in the bathroom, okay?
Oh, that'd be great.
(doorbell rings)
Thank you.
(peaceful music)
(solemn music)
(ominous music)
(tense musical sting)
(eerie music)
Mm, I thought you were
putting away the groceries.
[Ghost Girl] Shh.
Oh, hey, now.
A little old for hickeys, right?
Bree, seriously, come on.
I can't go into work with marks on my neck.
(Liam groans) (tense music)
[Bree] Yeah?
You okay? Do you need anything?
[Bree] I'm fine!
Done with the bathroom yet?
Oh, right, the bathroom.
Oh, come on.
Hey, I thought you said you
started on the bathroom!
[Bree] What?
(foreboding music)
(drain gurgles)
(dramatic musical sting)
[Bree] Liam!
I have a surprise for you.
[Bree] Really? A surprise?
Yes. Keep your eyes closed, okay?
(tender music)
[Liam] In here.
(tender music)
(ominous music)
[Ghostly Voice] Breanna.
I'm not done yet, babe.
[Ghostly Voice] Bree.
Just 10 more minutes.
(ominous music)
(Liam knocks)
(Liam knocks)
Yeah, I said 10 more minutes.
[Liam] That long?
I'll make the wait worth your while.
(eerie music)
(ominous music)
(water splashing)
Bree, you okay in there?
(ominous music)
(Bree screaming)
(water splashing) (ominous music)
(Liam knocks)
I can understand why
you're upset, Burkhard,
but I don't know how I can help you though.
I agree.
Maybe she fell asleep and
had a nightmare in the bath.
It is a logical explanation.
If you want me to send
someone in the morning,
I'd be happy to.
Are you sure?
Well, if you change your
mind, I'll make a call.
You too.
Everything okay?
Perfect. Right on schedule.
Now, where were we?
(somber music)
Ooh, look at you.
[Liam] Do I look okay?
You look more than okay.
You look like a CEO.
Well, I'm not there.
(peaceful music)
You sure you're gonna be okay
here all by yourself today?
Of course.
You're not still hung up on
finding the former owners, are you?
I just wanna make sure
they don't want their pictures back.
Pictures are priceless.
You got such a big heart, Bree.
Thank you.
I just know I would want them
to send my pictures back, you know?
Yeah, yeah, I get it.
Have a great day at work, honey.
I love you so much.
I love you too.
(peaceful music)
(traffic roars)
(lively EDM music)
(robotic voices distorting)
(phone beeping)
(phone beeps)
[Operator] We're sorry.
You have reached a number
that has been disconnected
or is no longer in service.
If you feel you have
reached this recording...
(phone beeping)
(phone beeps)
We're sorry.
You have reached a number
that has been disconnected
or is no longer in service.
If you feel you...
(phone beeping)
(phone ringing)
[Doris Yannito's Sister] Hello?
Hi there. My name's Breanna Burkhard.
I'm trying to get in
touch with Doris Yannito.
[Doris Yannito's Sister] I'm sorry.
Who is this?
Breanna Burkhard.
I bought Doris's old
house on Canterbury Court.
[Doris Yannito's Sister]
How did you get this number?
(ominous music)
From an emergency contact form.
I was calling to see
if she wanted to pick
up all her belongings.
[Doris Yannito's Sister] No. I'm sorry.
You wasted your time.
I don't mind sending them to her.
[Doris Yannito's Sister]
Well, that would be
a little difficult, seeing
as she died six months ago.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Do you want me to send everything to you?
[Doris Yannito's Sister] No, thank you.
We're still grappling with her suicide.
You can just throw everything out.
Even the pictures?
[Doris Yannito's Sister]
Especially the pictures.
I'm so sorry. Did you say suicide?
[Doris Yannito's Sister] Sadly, yes.
It was less than a month
after she bought the house.
Did you do any research on the
house before you bought it?
Well, no. We won it at an auction.
[Doris Yannito's Sister] So did she.
Good luck with your home.
I hope you have better luck than she did.
Thank you. I'm so sorry for your loss.
(phone beeps)
(Bree sighs)
(traffic roaring) (pensive music)
Hey, babe.
How was your day?
Much better now that
I'm home with my wife.
Oh, no, that bad?
No, no, not at all.
I just enjoyed this past week
of spending time with you
and getting the house together.
I was just thinking about you all day.
Aw, that's sweet.
Go wash up. Dinner's almost ready.
(peaceful music)
Yeah, everyone's really nice.
I need some pictures for my office though.
It's really bare.
You can use the pictures I
didn't hang up in the hallway.
Oh, I meant to tell
you how good it looks.
Thank you.
What'd you do with the
rest of the pictures?
I threw 'em out.
[Liam] Really?
Yeah, why?
I thought you were gonna
try and look up the former owners.
I did.
Really? How?
Well, I went and got the mail
and I was able to figure out
the password to the computer.
Get out! That's fantastic!
I guess.
You guess? You have
a new desktop computer.
I'll just wipe it and get you
all set up for your classes,
unless she wanted everything back.
Actually, she's dead.
(Liam scoffs) (ominous music)
Yeah, I spoke with her sister.
She killed herself.
I don't know.
I searched online and I
couldn't find any info.
Isn't that something
they should have disclosed?
I think they should have,
but there's nothing they can do now.
No refunds, right?
Yeah, I guess you're right.
[Bree] She's not the only one
that committed suicide Here.
Here, look.
What is this?
[Bree] Something I found.
[Liam] Murder-suicide, 1980.
Yes. It took place in our house.
A woman came home and
found her husband cheating,
and killed him and his mistress.
Their 10-year-old son came home from school
and found their bodies.
[Liam] Wow, that's dark.
You have no idea.
The kid was adopted and went
straight back into the system.
I wonder what happened to him.
I don't know.
Apparently his mom stole
80 grand from her job
to start their life over with,
but killed herself instead.
You don't think we should move, do you?
And lose our life savings? No way.
Then we should talk to Sam.
What good would it do?
It makes sense to keep it
and at least make some money
off it while we live here,
but we can save enough
money before we list it.
You know, in case other
people do their homework
better than we did.
Yeah. Good idea.
You still want new furniture?
Liam, of course!
Okay, okay.
But I can keep the computer.
(ominous music)
(glass clatters) (Bree gasps)
Liam, what are you doing?
You ruin everything.
Are you okay?
You spend my money.
You leech off of me.
You don't deserve me.
Liam, stop it. What has gotten into you?
I hate you.
(glass clatters)
- Liam!
I wish you were dead!
(glass clatters) (Bree shrieks)
[Bree] Stop it!
Who are you talking to?
(eerie music)
What happened to all these glasses?
You threw them at me.
You were standing right
there, and you threw them at me!
Babe. I was upstairs
working on the computer in
the office, like I said.
You said you hated me. You
said you wished I was dead.
Bree, I would never say
anything like that to you.
Come here. I love you.
You were standing right there, Liam!
You said those things!
You threw those glasses!
Breanna, I would never
ever say or do anything
to hurt you like that, ever.
You're my wife.
My life.
I love you so much.
Listen, I don't know what happened, okay?
I was upstairs and then
I heard you talking,
and then crashing, and
then I came downstairs.
It wasn't me, okay?
Pinky promise.
Hey, maybe this house was so
cheap because it was haunted.
Don't you say that!
Okay, okay.
Help me clean up the kitchen, will you?
Of course.
(foreboding music)
(Liam whistles)
[Ghostly Voice] Liam.
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
[Ghostly Voice] Liam.
[Liam] Bree?
(eerie music)
[Ghostly Voice] Liam.
(junk clatters)
(somber music)
(somber music)
(intense music)
(Bree gasps)
(Bree coughs)
(ominous music)
(Bree gasping)
(peaceful music)
(foreboding music)
Did you see a cushion by the bed?
Good morning to you too.
The cushion, where is it?
Wow, I didn't know
you had a sentimental
attachment to a cushion.
Stop kidding around, okay?
Where is the cushion?
I threw it out. It was filthy.
[Bree] It's in the trash outside.
No, no, no!
(foreboding music)
Liam, what has gotten into you?
Why are you so angry?
Just don't touch my stuff, Brie, okay?
Your stuff?
It's an old dirty pillow
that I've never seen before.
I thought it was trash.
Next time, ask before
you throw something out.
You said we could get rid of everything.
Why do we have to get rid
of everything right away?
Why can't you just be happy with
everything that we have here?
I just don't understand
why we can't take advantage of
everything that we have here
until we have enough money in
the bank to replace it all.
I said we could!
But you're pestering me!
(somber music)
I am?
You drop hints, and you mention,
and you nag every single day
about at least one thing,
and I'm doing the best I can, okay?
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize I was putting
that much pressure on you.
Well, you are.
Okay, I'm sorry. I won't anymore.
Thank you.
(ominous music)
Hey, I'm going out.
I'll be back in an hour.
Where are you going?
To run an errand.
You want me to come with you?
I'm almost done baking your favorite cake.
Black forest?
Of course.
No, that's okay.
You stay here. I'll be quick.
Where are you going?
To town.
With your cushion?
Should I be jealous?
This cushion is gonna change our lives.
It's a cushion, Liam.
Is there something inside? Let me see.
I'll tell you everything
as soon as I get back, okay?
Well, why don't you pick
up a bottle of white wine
on your way home?
I'll make us a nice dinner.
Yeah, sure, okay.
I'm really sorry
that I didn't talk to you
before I threw it out.
I had a really bad dream last
night and I couldn't sleep,
so I just started cleaning.
You should have woken me up.
No, I was too embarrassed.
[Liam] Why?
(ominous music)
Because I was sleep-walking
and I woke up in the bathtub in my pajamas.
You can always wake me up, Bree,
especially if you're having a nightmare.
You're always safe with me.
I know, but...
No buts, okay?
I'm always here for you.
Can I get you a coffee?
No, it's too late for coffee.
Besides, I need to get to the
bank before it closes at one.
You better hurry then.
You shouldn't have let me sleep so late.
You were tired. You needed it.
I'll be back.
I love you.
(door slams)
(traffic roaring) (pensive music)
(Liam angrily grunts)
(ominous music)
Oh, Liam, that was fast.
Did you take care of everything?
Are you still mad at me?
I'm making chicken pot pie for dinner.
(heartbeat thumping) (ominous music)
What are you doing?
I never loved you.
What are you talking about?
I hate you.
Liam, put the knife down.
I'm better off without you!
Liam, stop!
[Liam] You deserve to die!
(intense music)
(Bree shrieks)
(Liam banging)
(Liam banging) (Bree screams)
(Liam banging) (Bree shrieks)
(Bree gasping) (tense music)
(Liam banging) Bree!
Go away!
(Liam knocks)
[Liam] Bree?
(Bree shrieks)
Bree, are you okay? Are you in there?
I'm calling the police!
[Liam] Breanna, open up. What happened?
Are you all right?
Leave me alone, Liam! You're scaring me!
[Liam] Hey, did someone break in?
[Bree] Stop it!
[Liam] Stop what? Bree, come on out!
Put the knife down!
What knife?
I'm holding a bottle of
wine, like you asked!
Come on.
(gentle music)
What happened? Are you hurt?
Are you hurt?
No, you didn't get me.
I didn't get you? What
are you talking about?
Who did this?
You did!
I literally just came home.
You did?
Bree, you're scaring me, okay?
Do you need to go to the hospital?
No, I don't think so.
Here, here, hey, hey, hey, hey.
What happened?
I was cooking.
[Liam] And?
And you came in and tried to stab me.
Bree, I would never do that.
But you did.
Bree, I went to the
bank and the liquor store
and then I came right home.
[Bree] You did?
Hey, come here, come here, come here.
Sit down. Sit down.
Hey, hey.
(gentle music)
I think I'm going crazy.
Hey, maybe you should see someone.
I'll see what's covered on our insurance.
Listen, why don't you go lie down
and I'll clean up down here?
Yeah, okay, okay.
I'm gonna lie down.
You want me to help you upstairs?
No, I'm okay. I'm gonna lay down.
I'll come up after I clean.
(gentle music)
(ominous music)
[Ghostly Voice] Bree.
(foreboding music)
(Bree screams)
Bree! Bree!
(ominous music)
Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I have to get out of here.
Where do you wanna go?
I don't care. Anywhere, away, far away.
Listen, Brie.
You've been locked up in
this house for two weeks.
Of course you're seeing things.
I'm not seeing things. She was there.
The woman.
What woman?
You didn't see her?
All right, Bree, you're scaring me.
Do I need to take you to the hospital?
Are they gonna lock me up?
What? Of course not.
Liam, they lock up crazy people.
You're not crazy.
Look, you're tired, you're
stressed, you're overworked,
and me being gone all day
and you being cooped up in this house
doesn't help, I'm sure.
I guess.
Here's what we're gonna do, all right?
Let's go out tonight, maybe shopping.
We can get a new bedroom set
or a living room set or both.
We can pick out whatever you want, okay?
Then we'll go to dinner and then come home.
Oh, no, the cake.
I got it out of the oven already.
This night is about making
you feel relaxed, okay?
Okay. Maybe you're right.
I love you so much, Breanna.
You're gonna be okay.
And if I'm not?
In sickness and in health, remember?
I'm not going anywhere, okay?
Thank you.
Come on.
(gentle music)
(foreboding music)
Oh, Bree.
I thought I told you to stay in there.
Are you feeling okay?
(ominous music)
What's gotten into you?
(Liam grunts)
(Liam groans)
(ominous music)
Liam, are you okay?
Have you been in there the whole time?
[Bree] Of course.
Almost done.
(ominous music)
You okay?
Yeah, I think so.
You ready to go up?
Yeah. Come on.
(foreboding music)
(tense music) (singers vocalizing)
(fire crackling)
(intense music)
Liam, stop!
Let go! You're hurting me!
Liam, let me go!
Bree, talk to me. Where are you?
(ominous music)
Come on. Let's talk.
I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!
Please, Bree!
(ominous music)
(Bree shrieks)
(ominous music)
[Liam] Bree? Where are you?
What's happening?
[Liam] Breanna?
Liam, let me out.
(ominous music)
[Liam] Bree!
Let me out! Let me out!
Help! What is happening?
We have to get out here.
[Ghost] Don't listen to him, Bree.
[Bree] Liam?
Bree, that is not me.
Bree, that's not me.
What is happening?
Bree, stop.
[Ghost] Come here.
That is not me.
It's me, Bree.
Breanna, we need to leave here now.
Where are we going?
We are home.
This is our home.
Home to Cincinnati.
But our house.
This is our nest, remember?
Our nest.
Bree, please.
But our things.
They're only things.
Our things, Bree.
Don't listen to him. That's not me.
My Liam would never
walk away from this house.
That's right, Bree. Come to me.
Don't do it, Bree.
You're not Liam.
Yes, I am.
I love you.
I love you, Bree.
That's right.
Come to me.
Bree, it's me!
I pinky promise.
(foreboding music)
(intense music)
(singers vocalizing)
[Bree] Let me go! Let me go!
What is happening?
Bree, wait, look at me.
We have to leave now, okay?
For good. Come on, come on.
(tense music) (singers vocalizing)
[Ghost] Liam.
(peaceful music)
(traffic roars)
Now, there are some rules
that you must agree to
if you win one of these homes.
All of the rules will be enforced.
I'm going to briefly go
over some of the rules
before we get started on the bidding.
First, the buyer must be present.
You cannot be representative
for someone else who wants to buy the home.
(peaceful music)
Second, you can only win one house.
You cannot purchase both of them.
Both of the houses come as is.
They haven't been cleaned or emptied.
Whatever is in there,
whatever condition it is in,
it is yours, including any
problems you might find.
(eerie music)
(somber music)
It's time for a new voice
It's time for a new moon
It's time to stop waiting
for the old men to make room
It's time to pass the flame
and use the candle offered
To burn down the gallows and the stocks
No, I don't believe
Without prisons, we will monsters be
And if you do, it says
more of you than of me
And you say you want
to see order restored
But I know it means that
You don't wanna have to hear it anymore
You say that it's about respect
As the cop kneels on his neck
And if we can't keep a civil
tone, we deserve what we get
We deserve what we get
We deserve what we get
We deserve what we get
You come with your half truths
And just like the half moon
The light and the shadows
make nightmares fill the room
It's time to turn the lights on
'Cause we can't see the truth
If we're too scared to move
I won't heed the cries
Of these privileged men so scandalized
There's no time to argue,
just call a lie a lie
And you say that you want
to see civility restored
But I know it means that
You don't wanna have to hear it anymore
The water still runs poisonous in Flint
And you change the subject
For you, it's academic
You just like to play devil's advocate
And we get what we get
And we get what we get
And we get what we get
And we get what we get
And we get what we get
The water still runs poisonous
The water still runs poisonous
And we get what we get
The water still runs poison
The water still runs poison
And we get what we get
(gentle music)
And that concludes the
commercial portion of
the Town of Lenkin real estate auction.
(crowd murmuring)
(peaceful music)
Settle down, people. Settle down.
If you looked at our website,
you are aware that there
are two single-family homes
up for auction in our small town.
Now, there are rules that you must agree to
if you win one of these homes.
All rules will be enforced.
I'm going to go over some of the rules
before we get to the bidding.
First, the buyer must be present.
You cannot be a representative
for someone else that
wants to buy the home.
(peaceful music)
Second, you can only win one house.
You cannot purchase both of them.
Both of the houses come as is.
They haven't been clean or emptied.
Whatever is in there,
whatever condition it is in,
it is yours, including any
problems you might find.
(peaceful music)
Third, you cannot use this
home as a rental property.
You agree to live in
this home and not rent it
or list it as a vacation
property on a website.
You must live in the home you win
for more than six months out of the year.
If you are gone longer than six months,
your home will be repossessed
by the Town of Lenkin
and offered up at auction again.
That's not fair.
How are you gonna even enforce it?
I'm the mayor of Lenkin, son.
It's in our bylaws,
and it is my duty as mayor
to enforce these rules
to the best of my abilities.
The police chief and the
town police department
have been enforcing these laws
since we started these auctions.
(peaceful music)
Fourth, these are cash-only
deals without any refunds.
You have 72 hours to bring
the payment to town hall.
Otherwise, the deal is null and void,
and the house will be offered
to the next highest bidder.
This means that you must
pay by Tuesday at 1:00 p.m.
(peaceful music)
Finally, you're expected to
keep this home for two years
before you sell it.
If you don't,
you will not only be hit
with the capital gains tax,
but you will also owe double
that to the Town of Lenkin.
Oh, come on, man.
Sorry, folks. Those are our rules.
(peaceful music)
I've emailed most of you
and explained these rules in the email.
If you didn't read through
the rules thoroughly,
I'm sorry that you've come out here today
and wasted your time.
Well, this works out just fine.
It looks like each of you
will be going home with a house today.
The first home we have up for
auction is 617 Abbey Lane.
That's the house on the corner lot.
Well, we wanted the
other one though, right?
But this one's nice too.
Maybe we should bid on it
just in case the other couple
goes for the one we want.
Yeah, good idea.
The starting bid for
this home is $20,000.
The bids will go up in increments of 5,000.
Do I have a bid?
20,000? Do I have 25?
25,000. Do I have 30?
Do I have 30?
617 Abbey Lane goes to
the couple in the aisle.
You can make your way out
to Lilith in the lobby,
and she will help you
finish your transaction.
The last home we have up for
auction is 8 Canterbury Court.
If the two of you can pay
the opening bid in cash,
it's yours.
(peaceful music)
The opening bid for 8
Canterbury Court is $20,000.
8 Canterbury Court,
sold to the pretty blonde,
and who I imagine is your husband.
Why don't the two of you
meet me out in the lobby?
You're the last bidder of the night,
and I will take care of you myself.
(peaceful music)
They sure cleaned this
place up quick, huh?
Well, I bet everyone pitched in.
It's such a cute little town.
Well, now it's our cute little town.
(Sam coughs)
Hey, don't let me interrupt.
Mayor Zagan, it's such
a pleasure to meet you.
I'm Liam Burkhard, and
this is my wife, Breanna.
Please, call me Sam.
No need for formalities around here.
Soon, you'll be part of
our little community.
We are so excited!
This is the house we wanted.
Yeah, we've been living
with Liam's parents
since we got married last year.
Well, everybody has to start somewhere.
This is so perfect.
We can't wait to get in.
Oh, how soon can we get in?
Once payment is made, the keys are yours.
Oh my gosh. Really?
Yes, of course,
but I'm sure you don't have
$20,000 in cash on you.
Well, is there a JM Bank in town?
No, but there's one
less than 10 minutes away.
I think they close at one on Saturdays.
Yeah, I'll put it in my
GPS and head right over.
Thank you.
Would you mind finishing this deal today?
We drove over six hours,
so we'd really like to get into the house
and figure out what we need
to bring when we move in.
You two remind me of my parents.
How's that?
They died when I was a child,
but they were so in love.
Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry.
Oh, no, I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to darken the mood.
They died a long time ago.
It was meant as a compliment.
Well, thank you so much.
So, about the house.
Yes, I'll be happy to help you with that.
When you're done at the bank,
meet me in my office, 13 Main Street.
We'll see you there in half an hour.
I'll have the paperwork ready.
(ominous music)
(traffic roars)
(peaceful folk music)
I love this place already.
I do too.
It's a perfect place to settle down.
And raise a family?
Soon enough.
The house is so big, Liam.
It's so much more than just a starter home.
I know. I didn't think
we were gonna get it.
Neither did I.
Oh, so, what, you thought
this was just gonna be
a little weekend away,
ending in disappointment?
No time away with you
could end in disappointment.
Aw, I love you.
I love you.
(peaceful folk music)
(car engine rumbles)
(ominous music)
(dramatic music)
You scared me!
I know.
That wasn't very nice.
Where are your parents?
That is not a nice thing to say.
It's true.
Where are you supposed to be then?
With them.
It isn't nice to scare people, you know?
Especially strangers.
She doesn't like you.
She doesn't like you.
The lady in the bathroom.
What bathroom?
You'll see.
Come on. Let's find your parents.
I know where they are.
Okay, well, where are they?
I'm calling the police. Stay right there.
I'll get you some help.
Look at you. You're not even wearing shoes.
(eerie music)
[911 Dispatcher] 9-1-1,
what's your emergency?
Hi, I'm calling from
the JM Bank in Highland.
There's a little girl here.
She's very disturbed.
I think she's homeless.
[911 Dispatcher]
Ma'am, what is your name?
Hello? Is anyone there?
Yeah, yes.
I'm sorry. I seem to be mistaken.
[911 Dispatcher] Are
you all right, ma'am?
Yeah, I'm so sorry.
Her parents must have found her.
Have a good day.
(traffic roars)
This is the last of the paperwork.
Just sign here, saying that you agree to
all the rules I explained to
you earlier at the auction.
Please initial by each one.
You must get a lot of people
trying to break the rules.
You have no idea.
I'm sure house-flippers
try to get away with
buying and selling it.
They try, but they never succeed.
I wouldn't have that problem
with you now, would I?
No, of course not. This
is a dream house for us.
We plan on staying here a really long time.
That's right.
My company is actually
transferring me about 20 miles away
to our office in Hamilton,
so that Bree can get her master's degree.
That's wonderful. Have
you started already?
No, I don't start until the spring
so we can get the house
exactly how we want it.
Well, what are you
getting your master's in?
Elementary Education.
I wanna teach kindergarten.
We have a wonderful
elementary school here in town.
When you're ready, I'll
put a good word in for you.
You mean it?
Sure, if you're still here.
Why wouldn't we be here?
I mean, we love Lenkin.
Hey, you never know, right?
Well, I know that
we just became owners
of our very first house.
That'll do it.
Oh, and don't forget this.
Thank you.
Aren't you gonna count it?
I trust you, Liam. Besides,
I know where you live.
(Sam chuckles)
(group laughs)
Congratulations, and welcome to Lenkin.
Thank you so much.
Really, thank you.
You'll find everything
you need in your folder.
Contact information, utilities,
movers, everything you need.
And, also, if you need anything else,
don't hesitate to reach out to me.
You know where I am.
I also put my business
card in there for you.
Perfect. Thank you.
Let me walk you out.
(pensive music)
(car rumbles) (exciting music)
[Liam] Home, sweet home.
[Bree] Take a picture with me!
(camera clicks)
Man, I can't believe this is all ours.
Ready to go in?
Yeah, come on, come on, come on.
Come on.
Oh, wait, wait, wait.
What's wrong?
It's our first house.
Well, I have to carry my
bride over the threshold.
Liam, we've been married
for over a year already!
I don't care. It's our first house!
(Liam chuckles)
(somber music)
(light switch clicking)
No electricity.
(light switch clicking)
Hm, yeah, I'll call the power company
first thing Monday morning.
Let's take a look around
before it gets dark.
(somber music)
This is so weird.
The last people who lived
here just left all their photos.
(piano notes playing)
Huh. Guess they were
in a hurry to get out.
So many people are just walking
away from their homes now.
It's so sad.
We have nothing to worry about, okay?
My contract in Hamilton is for two years.
We have no mortgage, no kids.
Just this big, beautiful house,
and nothing but potential in front of us.
(somber music)
Do you think we should return them?
Return what?
The photos. Should we look
up who used to live here?
I don't know, Bree.
I mean, maybe they left
everything behind on purpose.
Yeah, maybe.
Come on, Let's go look at the kitchen.
[Bree] Ew.
[Liam] Ugh.
Looks like they were
in a real hurry to leave.
Who knows what kind of
situation they were in?
Maybe something really bad happened here.
I don't know. It's scary.
Kind of sad, actually.
Well, first item on the list
is to completely clean the kitchen.
Yes, agreed.
I wish we could start now.
Well, once we get the power
back on, we'll be able to.
Yeah, yeah. Wanna check out upstairs?
Of course.
I can't believe this is all ours.
You better believe it. All
our dreams are coming true.
I never thought we'd have
a place like this ever.
Well, I knew we would, someday.
It's almost too good to be true.
Hey, don't go jinxing it now, all right?
We're gonna turn this place into a palace.
Our palace.
Our home.
I can really see us
living here forever, Liam.
Yeah, me too.
Come on. Let's check out the bedroom.
(somber music)
(Liam whistles)
(ominous music)
(ghostly whooshing)
(Liam whistles)
Did we know that this was furnished?
He said as-is, remember?
So, everything in here is ours?
Yeah, I guess.
I really don't wanna use
someone else's furniture, Liam.
No, no, of course not.
And definitely not their bedding.
Bree, I would never expect you to,
but, I mean, it is a bit convenient
that we have all this
furniture in the house already,
don't you think?
I don't know. It's more
that we have to move out.
We could always just sell it later.
Oh, I don't know.
Why not?
I mean, we really could use the money.
It's bad luck.
Let's start fresh.
I never thought we would
do anything different,
but, Bree, furniture is expensive,
and we spent almost every
penny we had on this house.
Can we just wait, please?
What's wrong?
I don't know.
It's just weird.
Breanna Burkhard, please tell me
you are not getting cold feet about this.
I just gave our savings to
the mayor for this place.
No, of course not. I'm just overwhelmed.
It's a lot to take in.
I know, but we're in
this together, right?
(gentle music)
Oh, I think that's the master bathroom.
Ooh, let me see.
(ominous music)
[Liam] I wonder how long this
water's been standing here.
I hope there isn't an
issue with the drain.
Let's see.
(ominous music)
(drain gurgles)
Seems to be okay.
This place is a disaster.
It looks like a hurricane blew through it.
Well, we'll have it
cleaned up in no time.
The master bathroom is
number two on the list.
As long as we get the bathroom,
kitchen, and bedroom done,
we can take our time with everything else.
And you're sure you still don't wanna
replace the bedroom furniture right away?
Liam, we are getting a new bed!
I am not sleeping on
someone else's mattress.
Okay, okay.
I'm just saying it might be nice to use
the furniture that we already have in place
so that it feels more like a home.
But not our home.
Of course it is!
Not if it's not our furniture.
We should pick it out together.
We will, eventually.
Pinky promise.
We get a new mattress on the first day.
Okay. I can live with that.
Come on. Let's go see the other rooms.
(somber music)
(peaceful music)
I can't believe this is all ours.
Oh, hey.
Post-tour picture.
(camera clicks) (peaceful music)
(Liam groans)
You're gonna hurt yourself!
I'm fine.
You can make more than one
trip back to the car, Liam.
Look, I know how badly
you wanna start cleaning.
I've waited three days.
One hour longer isn't gonna kill me.
I just want to do what you want, Bree.
What I want is a new
mattress to sleep on tonight.
And you'll get it. I promised.
I'm not sleeping on
someone else's mattress.
That's where I draw the line.
I know, babe, okay? I've got a plan.
A plan? I don't think
I like the sound of that.
It's a good plan, okay? Just trust me.
It's a surprise.
[Bree] Okay.
Look, just go start in the kitchen
and I'll bring the rest
of our things in, okay?
We should've got a moving truck.
I mean, this saved us a few
hundred dollars, and, I mean,
we really don't have that much stuff.
Just clothes and shoes, and...
Still, we aren't in college anymore.
You are.
Liam, you know what I mean!
I know what you mean.
Look, it saved us a little bit of money.
I mean, we spent our entire
nest egg on this house.
As we should have.
It's our nest, isn't it?
Oh, well, when you put it like that.
Okay, okay.
(Liam chuckles)
I'm gonna go start cleaning the kitchen.
Let me know if you need any help.
I will.
(somber music)
(light switch clicks)
Electricity works!
(ominous music)
[Ghostly Voice] Bree.
Babe, you need help?
(ominous music)
[Ghostly Voice] Bree.
[Ghostly Voice] Breanna.
Liam, knock it off.
I don't want you to scare me.
Can we at least get, Liam!
You'll give me a heart attack.
(somber music)
[Liam] Bree, can you help me out?
(Liam knocking)
Bree, open up!
Ha-ha, very funny.
What is?
Well, how did you do that?
Do what?
Get outside so fast.
What are you talking about?
I haven't even been inside yet.
The door was shut.
I left it open.
It must have swung shut or something.
Was the door to the kitchen unlocked?
How am I supposed to know?
I don't like you jumping
out and scaring me like that.
Like what? The wind
must have closed the door.
Okay, Liam. Whatever.
Do you need anything else?
Brie, calm down, okay?
It's our first day in the new house.
Let's try and enjoy it.
Then don't scare me.
Okay, I won't.
Thank you.
(somber music)
(Liam grumbles)
(suitcases clattering)
(somber music)
(eerie music)
(Liam sighs)
(drain gurgles)
(dramatic music)
Wow, you're making a lot of progress.
It's amazing how fast things go
when you just throw stuff out.
Well, you aren't even keeping the dishes?
Not the dirty ones.
Why not? We can just clean them.
Liam, we've got that china
from Aunt Margaret from our wedding.
Mom's shipping it with all
the other wedding gifts.
Oh, that's gonna be expensive!
Why can't we just drive
back and pick everything up?
It'll be the same amount of money in gas.
Why are you worrying so much about money?
I can't help it, okay?
There's not much money left in the bank,
so I feel like our safety net's gone.
Well, at least you start work next week,
but if it's too much for
me to go back to school,
I can put it off.
No, no, of course not.
I'm just being overly cautious, okay?
You sure?
Absolutely. Hey, come here.
No, I'm gross.
I don't care.
I'm sorry. I'll stop, okay?
I'm just really anxious and overwhelmed.
I'll stop stressing out about money.
Thank you. I appreciate that.
That's it? That's all I get?
You'll get more tonight,
as long as we get that new mattress.
On it.
Hey, I'll be back. I'm gonna
go pick up the mattress.
They can't deliver?
Sure, if you wanna wait
7 to 10 business days.
I'll get my purse.
No, no, no, it's okay.
I can do it myself.
They're just gonna tie it
to the roof of the car.
Are you sure?
Absolutely. I'll be
back in less than an hour.
Okay, well, I'm almost
done with the kitchen.
I just gotta clean out the fridge.
You need any help?
No, I'll be fine.
Pinky promise.
You go get that mattress.
Yes, ma'am.
(dramatic music)
Oh, Liam!
I didn't know you came home.
I thought you left.
(ominous music)
I'm leaving.
Well, can you take the trash out for me?
Do it yourself.
Liam, hey!
What is wrong with you?
(ominous music)
Honey, I'm home!
I've always wanted to say that.
You picked up lunch? You're the best.
Yeah, there's a pizzeria
about a mile away.
Hey, let's eat and then we
can bring the mattress in.
Sounds good.
[Liam] Wow!
You did an amazing job.
Thank you. It still smells kind of funny.
We can just get some candles.
I already ordered some.
They'll be here tomorrow.
Okay, great.
I also ordered some groceries.
We could have just gone
to the store, you know.
Check things out.
There's too much to do around here, Liam.
Don't you wanna be comfy
on our first night?
Hey, I'm comfy wherever you are.
That's a nice change.
From what?
[Bree] Your attitude from before.
What are you talking about?
I'm sorry I was nagging
you about the new mattress,
but you didn't have to be so mean.
Bree, I don't even.
You know what? Clean slate.
Let's eat and get the mattress,
and then we can start on the upstairs.
To our new home.
(peaceful music)
[Liam] What do you think?
I think it's perfect, just like you.
Thank you.
For what?
For cleaning the kitchen.
I know it was a lot of work for you
to do the entire thing on your own.
Believe me, I was happy to.
Yes, the kitchen was the worst.
I would've gone nuts
if it hadn't been done.
Now on to the bathroom.
I actually started the bathroom.
Look at you, Susie Homemaker.
(doorbell rings)
Ooh, groceries, finally.
Hey, I'll tell you what.
You go put away the groceries
and I'll finish up in the bathroom, okay?
Oh, that'd be great.
(doorbell rings)
Thank you.
(peaceful music)
(solemn music)
(ominous music)
(tense musical sting)
(eerie music)
Mm, I thought you were
putting away the groceries.
[Ghost Girl] Shh.
Oh, hey, now.
A little old for hickeys, right?
Bree, seriously, come on.
I can't go into work with marks on my neck.
(Liam groans) (tense music)
[Bree] Yeah?
You okay? Do you need anything?
[Bree] I'm fine!
Done with the bathroom yet?
Oh, right, the bathroom.
Oh, come on.
Hey, I thought you said you
started on the bathroom!
[Bree] What?
(foreboding music)
(drain gurgles)
(dramatic musical sting)
[Bree] Liam!
I have a surprise for you.
[Bree] Really? A surprise?
Yes. Keep your eyes closed, okay?
(tender music)
[Liam] In here.
(tender music)
(ominous music)
[Ghostly Voice] Breanna.
I'm not done yet, babe.
[Ghostly Voice] Bree.
Just 10 more minutes.
(ominous music)
(Liam knocks)
(Liam knocks)
Yeah, I said 10 more minutes.
[Liam] That long?
I'll make the wait worth your while.
(eerie music)
(ominous music)
(water splashing)
Bree, you okay in there?
(ominous music)
(Bree screaming)
(water splashing) (ominous music)
(Liam knocks)
I can understand why
you're upset, Burkhard,
but I don't know how I can help you though.
I agree.
Maybe she fell asleep and
had a nightmare in the bath.
It is a logical explanation.
If you want me to send
someone in the morning,
I'd be happy to.
Are you sure?
Well, if you change your
mind, I'll make a call.
You too.
Everything okay?
Perfect. Right on schedule.
Now, where were we?
(somber music)
Ooh, look at you.
[Liam] Do I look okay?
You look more than okay.
You look like a CEO.
Well, I'm not there.
(peaceful music)
You sure you're gonna be okay
here all by yourself today?
Of course.
You're not still hung up on
finding the former owners, are you?
I just wanna make sure
they don't want their pictures back.
Pictures are priceless.
You got such a big heart, Bree.
Thank you.
I just know I would want them
to send my pictures back, you know?
Yeah, yeah, I get it.
Have a great day at work, honey.
I love you so much.
I love you too.
(peaceful music)
(traffic roars)
(lively EDM music)
(robotic voices distorting)
(phone beeping)
(phone beeps)
[Operator] We're sorry.
You have reached a number
that has been disconnected
or is no longer in service.
If you feel you have
reached this recording...
(phone beeping)
(phone beeps)
We're sorry.
You have reached a number
that has been disconnected
or is no longer in service.
If you feel you...
(phone beeping)
(phone ringing)
[Doris Yannito's Sister] Hello?
Hi there. My name's Breanna Burkhard.
I'm trying to get in
touch with Doris Yannito.
[Doris Yannito's Sister] I'm sorry.
Who is this?
Breanna Burkhard.
I bought Doris's old
house on Canterbury Court.
[Doris Yannito's Sister]
How did you get this number?
(ominous music)
From an emergency contact form.
I was calling to see
if she wanted to pick
up all her belongings.
[Doris Yannito's Sister] No. I'm sorry.
You wasted your time.
I don't mind sending them to her.
[Doris Yannito's Sister]
Well, that would be
a little difficult, seeing
as she died six months ago.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Do you want me to send everything to you?
[Doris Yannito's Sister] No, thank you.
We're still grappling with her suicide.
You can just throw everything out.
Even the pictures?
[Doris Yannito's Sister]
Especially the pictures.
I'm so sorry. Did you say suicide?
[Doris Yannito's Sister] Sadly, yes.
It was less than a month
after she bought the house.
Did you do any research on the
house before you bought it?
Well, no. We won it at an auction.
[Doris Yannito's Sister] So did she.
Good luck with your home.
I hope you have better luck than she did.
Thank you. I'm so sorry for your loss.
(phone beeps)
(Bree sighs)
(traffic roaring) (pensive music)
Hey, babe.
How was your day?
Much better now that
I'm home with my wife.
Oh, no, that bad?
No, no, not at all.
I just enjoyed this past week
of spending time with you
and getting the house together.
I was just thinking about you all day.
Aw, that's sweet.
Go wash up. Dinner's almost ready.
(peaceful music)
Yeah, everyone's really nice.
I need some pictures for my office though.
It's really bare.
You can use the pictures I
didn't hang up in the hallway.
Oh, I meant to tell
you how good it looks.
Thank you.
What'd you do with the
rest of the pictures?
I threw 'em out.
[Liam] Really?
Yeah, why?
I thought you were gonna
try and look up the former owners.
I did.
Really? How?
Well, I went and got the mail
and I was able to figure out
the password to the computer.
Get out! That's fantastic!
I guess.
You guess? You have
a new desktop computer.
I'll just wipe it and get you
all set up for your classes,
unless she wanted everything back.
Actually, she's dead.
(Liam scoffs) (ominous music)
Yeah, I spoke with her sister.
She killed herself.
I don't know.
I searched online and I
couldn't find any info.
Isn't that something
they should have disclosed?
I think they should have,
but there's nothing they can do now.
No refunds, right?
Yeah, I guess you're right.
[Bree] She's not the only one
that committed suicide Here.
Here, look.
What is this?
[Bree] Something I found.
[Liam] Murder-suicide, 1980.
Yes. It took place in our house.
A woman came home and
found her husband cheating,
and killed him and his mistress.
Their 10-year-old son came home from school
and found their bodies.
[Liam] Wow, that's dark.
You have no idea.
The kid was adopted and went
straight back into the system.
I wonder what happened to him.
I don't know.
Apparently his mom stole
80 grand from her job
to start their life over with,
but killed herself instead.
You don't think we should move, do you?
And lose our life savings? No way.
Then we should talk to Sam.
What good would it do?
It makes sense to keep it
and at least make some money
off it while we live here,
but we can save enough
money before we list it.
You know, in case other
people do their homework
better than we did.
Yeah. Good idea.
You still want new furniture?
Liam, of course!
Okay, okay.
But I can keep the computer.
(ominous music)
(glass clatters) (Bree gasps)
Liam, what are you doing?
You ruin everything.
Are you okay?
You spend my money.
You leech off of me.
You don't deserve me.
Liam, stop it. What has gotten into you?
I hate you.
(glass clatters)
- Liam!
I wish you were dead!
(glass clatters) (Bree shrieks)
[Bree] Stop it!
Who are you talking to?
(eerie music)
What happened to all these glasses?
You threw them at me.
You were standing right
there, and you threw them at me!
Babe. I was upstairs
working on the computer in
the office, like I said.
You said you hated me. You
said you wished I was dead.
Bree, I would never say
anything like that to you.
Come here. I love you.
You were standing right there, Liam!
You said those things!
You threw those glasses!
Breanna, I would never
ever say or do anything
to hurt you like that, ever.
You're my wife.
My life.
I love you so much.
Listen, I don't know what happened, okay?
I was upstairs and then
I heard you talking,
and then crashing, and
then I came downstairs.
It wasn't me, okay?
Pinky promise.
Hey, maybe this house was so
cheap because it was haunted.
Don't you say that!
Okay, okay.
Help me clean up the kitchen, will you?
Of course.
(foreboding music)
(Liam whistles)
[Ghostly Voice] Liam.
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
[Ghostly Voice] Liam.
[Liam] Bree?
(eerie music)
[Ghostly Voice] Liam.
(junk clatters)
(somber music)
(somber music)
(intense music)
(Bree gasps)
(Bree coughs)
(ominous music)
(Bree gasping)
(peaceful music)
(foreboding music)
Did you see a cushion by the bed?
Good morning to you too.
The cushion, where is it?
Wow, I didn't know
you had a sentimental
attachment to a cushion.
Stop kidding around, okay?
Where is the cushion?
I threw it out. It was filthy.
[Bree] It's in the trash outside.
No, no, no!
(foreboding music)
Liam, what has gotten into you?
Why are you so angry?
Just don't touch my stuff, Brie, okay?
Your stuff?
It's an old dirty pillow
that I've never seen before.
I thought it was trash.
Next time, ask before
you throw something out.
You said we could get rid of everything.
Why do we have to get rid
of everything right away?
Why can't you just be happy with
everything that we have here?
I just don't understand
why we can't take advantage of
everything that we have here
until we have enough money in
the bank to replace it all.
I said we could!
But you're pestering me!
(somber music)
I am?
You drop hints, and you mention,
and you nag every single day
about at least one thing,
and I'm doing the best I can, okay?
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize I was putting
that much pressure on you.
Well, you are.
Okay, I'm sorry. I won't anymore.
Thank you.
(ominous music)
Hey, I'm going out.
I'll be back in an hour.
Where are you going?
To run an errand.
You want me to come with you?
I'm almost done baking your favorite cake.
Black forest?
Of course.
No, that's okay.
You stay here. I'll be quick.
Where are you going?
To town.
With your cushion?
Should I be jealous?
This cushion is gonna change our lives.
It's a cushion, Liam.
Is there something inside? Let me see.
I'll tell you everything
as soon as I get back, okay?
Well, why don't you pick
up a bottle of white wine
on your way home?
I'll make us a nice dinner.
Yeah, sure, okay.
I'm really sorry
that I didn't talk to you
before I threw it out.
I had a really bad dream last
night and I couldn't sleep,
so I just started cleaning.
You should have woken me up.
No, I was too embarrassed.
[Liam] Why?
(ominous music)
Because I was sleep-walking
and I woke up in the bathtub in my pajamas.
You can always wake me up, Bree,
especially if you're having a nightmare.
You're always safe with me.
I know, but...
No buts, okay?
I'm always here for you.
Can I get you a coffee?
No, it's too late for coffee.
Besides, I need to get to the
bank before it closes at one.
You better hurry then.
You shouldn't have let me sleep so late.
You were tired. You needed it.
I'll be back.
I love you.
(door slams)
(traffic roaring) (pensive music)
(Liam angrily grunts)
(ominous music)
Oh, Liam, that was fast.
Did you take care of everything?
Are you still mad at me?
I'm making chicken pot pie for dinner.
(heartbeat thumping) (ominous music)
What are you doing?
I never loved you.
What are you talking about?
I hate you.
Liam, put the knife down.
I'm better off without you!
Liam, stop!
[Liam] You deserve to die!
(intense music)
(Bree shrieks)
(Liam banging)
(Liam banging) (Bree screams)
(Liam banging) (Bree shrieks)
(Bree gasping) (tense music)
(Liam banging) Bree!
Go away!
(Liam knocks)
[Liam] Bree?
(Bree shrieks)
Bree, are you okay? Are you in there?
I'm calling the police!
[Liam] Breanna, open up. What happened?
Are you all right?
Leave me alone, Liam! You're scaring me!
[Liam] Hey, did someone break in?
[Bree] Stop it!
[Liam] Stop what? Bree, come on out!
Put the knife down!
What knife?
I'm holding a bottle of
wine, like you asked!
Come on.
(gentle music)
What happened? Are you hurt?
Are you hurt?
No, you didn't get me.
I didn't get you? What
are you talking about?
Who did this?
You did!
I literally just came home.
You did?
Bree, you're scaring me, okay?
Do you need to go to the hospital?
No, I don't think so.
Here, here, hey, hey, hey, hey.
What happened?
I was cooking.
[Liam] And?
And you came in and tried to stab me.
Bree, I would never do that.
But you did.
Bree, I went to the
bank and the liquor store
and then I came right home.
[Bree] You did?
Hey, come here, come here, come here.
Sit down. Sit down.
Hey, hey.
(gentle music)
I think I'm going crazy.
Hey, maybe you should see someone.
I'll see what's covered on our insurance.
Listen, why don't you go lie down
and I'll clean up down here?
Yeah, okay, okay.
I'm gonna lie down.
You want me to help you upstairs?
No, I'm okay. I'm gonna lay down.
I'll come up after I clean.
(gentle music)
(ominous music)
[Ghostly Voice] Bree.
(foreboding music)
(Bree screams)
Bree! Bree!
(ominous music)
Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I have to get out of here.
Where do you wanna go?
I don't care. Anywhere, away, far away.
Listen, Brie.
You've been locked up in
this house for two weeks.
Of course you're seeing things.
I'm not seeing things. She was there.
The woman.
What woman?
You didn't see her?
All right, Bree, you're scaring me.
Do I need to take you to the hospital?
Are they gonna lock me up?
What? Of course not.
Liam, they lock up crazy people.
You're not crazy.
Look, you're tired, you're
stressed, you're overworked,
and me being gone all day
and you being cooped up in this house
doesn't help, I'm sure.
I guess.
Here's what we're gonna do, all right?
Let's go out tonight, maybe shopping.
We can get a new bedroom set
or a living room set or both.
We can pick out whatever you want, okay?
Then we'll go to dinner and then come home.
Oh, no, the cake.
I got it out of the oven already.
This night is about making
you feel relaxed, okay?
Okay. Maybe you're right.
I love you so much, Breanna.
You're gonna be okay.
And if I'm not?
In sickness and in health, remember?
I'm not going anywhere, okay?
Thank you.
Come on.
(gentle music)
(foreboding music)
Oh, Bree.
I thought I told you to stay in there.
Are you feeling okay?
(ominous music)
What's gotten into you?
(Liam grunts)
(Liam groans)
(ominous music)
Liam, are you okay?
Have you been in there the whole time?
[Bree] Of course.
Almost done.
(ominous music)
You okay?
Yeah, I think so.
You ready to go up?
Yeah. Come on.
(foreboding music)
(tense music) (singers vocalizing)
(fire crackling)
(intense music)
Liam, stop!
Let go! You're hurting me!
Liam, let me go!
Bree, talk to me. Where are you?
(ominous music)
Come on. Let's talk.
I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!
Please, Bree!
(ominous music)
(Bree shrieks)
(ominous music)
[Liam] Bree? Where are you?
What's happening?
[Liam] Breanna?
Liam, let me out.
(ominous music)
[Liam] Bree!
Let me out! Let me out!
Help! What is happening?
We have to get out here.
[Ghost] Don't listen to him, Bree.
[Bree] Liam?
Bree, that is not me.
Bree, that's not me.
What is happening?
Bree, stop.
[Ghost] Come here.
That is not me.
It's me, Bree.
Breanna, we need to leave here now.
Where are we going?
We are home.
This is our home.
Home to Cincinnati.
But our house.
This is our nest, remember?
Our nest.
Bree, please.
But our things.
They're only things.
Our things, Bree.
Don't listen to him. That's not me.
My Liam would never
walk away from this house.
That's right, Bree. Come to me.
Don't do it, Bree.
You're not Liam.
Yes, I am.
I love you.
I love you, Bree.
That's right.
Come to me.
Bree, it's me!
I pinky promise.
(foreboding music)
(intense music)
(singers vocalizing)
[Bree] Let me go! Let me go!
What is happening?
Bree, wait, look at me.
We have to leave now, okay?
For good. Come on, come on.
(tense music) (singers vocalizing)
[Ghost] Liam.
(peaceful music)
(traffic roars)
Now, there are some rules
that you must agree to
if you win one of these homes.
All of the rules will be enforced.
I'm going to briefly go
over some of the rules
before we get started on the bidding.
First, the buyer must be present.
You cannot be representative
for someone else who wants to buy the home.
(peaceful music)
Second, you can only win one house.
You cannot purchase both of them.
Both of the houses come as is.
They haven't been cleaned or emptied.
Whatever is in there,
whatever condition it is in,
it is yours, including any
problems you might find.
(eerie music)
(somber music)
It's time for a new voice
It's time for a new moon
It's time to stop waiting
for the old men to make room
It's time to pass the flame
and use the candle offered
To burn down the gallows and the stocks
No, I don't believe
Without prisons, we will monsters be
And if you do, it says
more of you than of me
And you say you want
to see order restored
But I know it means that
You don't wanna have to hear it anymore
You say that it's about respect
As the cop kneels on his neck
And if we can't keep a civil
tone, we deserve what we get
We deserve what we get
We deserve what we get
We deserve what we get
You come with your half truths
And just like the half moon
The light and the shadows
make nightmares fill the room
It's time to turn the lights on
'Cause we can't see the truth
If we're too scared to move
I won't heed the cries
Of these privileged men so scandalized
There's no time to argue,
just call a lie a lie
And you say that you want
to see civility restored
But I know it means that
You don't wanna have to hear it anymore
The water still runs poisonous in Flint
And you change the subject
For you, it's academic
You just like to play devil's advocate
And we get what we get
And we get what we get
And we get what we get
And we get what we get
And we get what we get
The water still runs poisonous
The water still runs poisonous
And we get what we get
The water still runs poison
The water still runs poison
And we get what we get