A Girl Upstairs (2024) Movie Script

(electricity buzzing)
[Narrator] Once upon a
time, there was a little girl
and she was in the world, and
the world didn't hurt her.
She wasn't too far into it,
just out of her front door
when it happened.
From then on, the universe was two things.
The dark, loud, and it smelled.
And the world, which was worse.
And in the dark, I
thought that I was alone.
And at first I was okay,
but I never saw anyone else outside.
So I thought he was the whole world.
And I thought that it was just
me and him in the universe.
And that wouldn't be enough.
I used whatever I could to feel.
I couldn't see them, not really,
but I drew them with
whatever I could feel.
Then I wasn't alone.
It was weeks they said,
but they didn't know it was forever.
I heard later, I didn't know at the time.
All I know is I picked
the wrong thing to draw
with and it saved me.
And that was a long time ago. It was news.
I was news.
And I thought that was all of it.
For everyone else, that was all of it.
And for a long time,
I thought I was okay,
that I could be better.
I thought that I could be strong,
but everything out
there reminded me of it.
And every year I let my world
get a little bit smaller.
It wasn't giving up all at once.
It was one thing at a time
until there wasn't much left.
I think maybe it would
keep getting smaller
'til I was afraid of this room or that,
or some corner felt wrong or too big.
And I'd go into smaller and smaller spaces
until someday I'd crawl into
the bathtub or under my bed
and I'd never be able to come out.
And that's where they'd
find me or they wouldn't.
And the only thing to do
would be to find my friends.
(banging on the door)
(door unlatches and re-latches)
[Courier] Package.
Mail day.
(door latches)
(sirens blare)
(suspenseful music)
(floorboards creek)
(suspenseful music continues)
What is this?
This isn't canvas.
[Phone Voice] So I say
a donation of (indistinct)
and she disappoints us
both by not saying cash.
[So what is it?
[Phone Voice] Art
supplies. Didn't you open it?
To be honest, you could sell these
for more than I've been
getting 'em for your work.
No offense, they're just that fancy.
Yeah, I saw the paint
and all that other stuff,
but these sheets.
[Phone Voice] Vellum, darling.
It's vellum. The Magna
Carta is written on it.
- It, it looks like skin.
- [Phone Voice] Because it is.
Of what?
[Phone Voice] Something
expensive. Are you hearing me?
Okay, so what, what is
all this supposed to do?
[Phone Voice] I don't
know. To inspire you?
It's up to you, darling.
When can I expect your next?
Couple weeks?
[Phone Voice] Lovely. Kiss, kiss.
Yeah. Tado.
Let's see what we can make with you.
(dramatic music)
(staple gun fires)
(hammer bangs)
(dramatic music continues)
(Dulce exhales rapidly and intensely)
(Dulce strains and winces)
(fire crackles)
(gun fires)
(dramatic music)
It's in the past. Nothing lasts.
This too shall pass. (slurps drink)
(dramatic music)
Good morning, Harold.
(dramatic music)
(canvas scrapes wall)
(dramatic music continues)
(paper crumples)
(dramatic music continues)
(paintbrush brushes canvas)
(food mushes together)
(alarm blares)
Shut up, Mimi. No, you're a whore.
You know, why don't you just
shut the fuck up for once Mimi?
(wood scrapes wall)
Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet
He rocks in the tree tops all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin'
and a-singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin
go tweet, tweet, tweet
Rockin' robin, tweet, tweet, tweet
Rockin' robin, tweet, tweedle-lee-dee
Blow rockin' robin, 'cause
we're really gonna rock tonight
Tweet, tweet, tweedle-lee-dee
Every little swallow,
every chick-a-dee
Every little bird in the tall oak tree
The wise old owl, the big black crow
Flappin' their wings
singing go bird go
Rockin' robin tweet, tweet, tweet
Rockin' robin tweet, tweedle-lee-dee
Blow rockin' robin, 'cause
we're really gonna rock tonight
Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee
Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee-dee
Tweet, tweet, tweedle-lee-dee-dee
Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee-dee
Tweedle-lee-dee-Dee, tweet, tweet
(bird tweets)
(dramatic music)
(Dulce gasps)
(water spills)
(Dulce screams)
It's in the past, nothing lasts.
(indistinct) so, so fast.
(breathes anxiously)
(Dulce gasps for air)
(alarm blares)
(dramatic music)
(wood scrapes the wall)
Where'd he go?
Where'd he go?
(dramatic music)
(pots clang)
(paint squishes together)
(door latches)
(door latches)
(door latches)
(Dulce breathes anxiously)
(dramatic music continues)
(alarm blares)
(wood scrapes against wall)
(alarm continues to blare)
(dramatic music)
- [Phone Voice] Three weeks?
- [Painter] Forever.
[Phone Voice] Maybe he's missing.
I guess for you, he definitely is.
You know what I think?
[Painter] Yeah, you think
that it should inspire me.
You think that everything
should inspire me.
[Phone Voice] You've sent me
one painting in three weeks.
I've sold four.
I have an empty wall and
people are looking at it,
thinking it's art.
I'm trying, it's just that...
[Phone Voice] Have
you tried the new stuff,
the weird stuff?
No, not yet.
[Phone Voice] Well,
he's missing for you.
Maybe he needs a missing persons poster.
That's how you find him, maybe.
I hate you.
[Phone Voice] And I'm just using you
for the work and the money.
We know. Kiss, kiss.
Okay, bye.
(dramatic music)
Who are you when you're
out there in the world?
When I'm not watching?
Do people know you?
They think that they
know you, but they don't.
Who misses you when you're
gone? Besides me, of course.
Who are you when I can't see you?
That's what we're gonna find out.
Who are you, Benji?
(dramatic music)
(paintbrush brushes against the canvas)
(object bangs in distance)
(dramatic music)
(alarm blares)
(wood scrapes against the wall)
(orchestral music)
[Movie Character] He killed
a lot of people, didn't he?
[Movie Character] Ah,
but he had a better style.
Besides, he was out for a kingdom.
Half the size of France.
(window latches)
(dramatic music)
(staple gun fires)
(sponge scrapes against wall)
(dramatic music)
(alarm blares)
(phone rings)
[Phone Voice] It's up to you, darling.
When can I expect your next?
Are you hearing me?
Are you hearing me?
(voice becomes distorted)
Are you hearing me? Are you hearing me?
Are you hearing me? Are you hearing me?
Are you hearing me?
(dramatic music)
(dial tone plays)
(Dulce cries)
(dramatic music)
(match scrapes against box)
I don't know what I expect.
You were never from me.
(flame catches)
(dramatic music)
(Dulce cries)
(dramatic music)
(knife scrapes against canvas)
(Dulce cries)
(canvas slams against the ground)
(Dulce breathes anxiously)
(dramatic music)
(gun fires)
(dramatic music continues)
You like me, don't you, Harry?
I guess you can't leave, can you?
Would you leave if you could?
Yeah. Me neither.
(dramatic music)
(Dulce breathes anxiously)
(books crash to the ground)
(dramatic music continues)
Get outta my house.
Seriously, Benji, get out!
Get outta my home.
Benji, you need to leave!
I don't know why you're here.
Just take anything. I don't care.
Please, just get out.
Please. I don't want you here.
I don't want you, I don't
want you here. Get out!
(Dulce breathes anxiously)
(dramatic music continues)
(door rattles)
(traffic whizzes by)
(Dulce breathes anxiously)
(door rattles)
(floorboards creak)
Is this really happening?
What does it mean if it is?
What does it mean if it's not?
I'm sorry.
(dramatic music)
Oh God. You're bleeding.
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cut you.
I'm gonna get something
for your hand, okay?
Just stay here, okay?
I think that I might have made you.
I'm sorry, I don't even
know if this is real.
Just stay.
Just stay.
(alarm blares)
I'm gonna get you some clothes.
(wood scrapes against the wall)
Title, appellation, character, reputation.
To give an appellation to, to
mention by name, to dominate,
to style, to term, to call.
To designate. To nominate.
We should give you a name. Hmm.
How about Webster?
- Webster.
- Webster.
Oh, you got it.
Okay. What else can we teach you?
This is a canvas. I made
you out of a canvas.
You see?
Webster. Yeah.
Exactly. Exactly.
Okay, good. You are learning.
This is yellow. Yellow.
And we'll start with something simple.
Okay, what's yellow?
The sun. The sun is yellow.
The sun is yellow, right?
So if you were to go outside,
which is up in the sky, right?
So this is outside, out past here.
I don't go outside.
You don't go outside either.
But the sun is outside.
And that's why we're inside.
No outside.
Yeah. No outside.
Exactly. Exactly.
Okay. Here, why don't you
try painting something?
Let's, what color do you like?
Do you wanna pick a color?
You can, you can choose
a color. You choose.
Oh, oh, oh.
Normally we use
brushes, paint brushes.
But these are your fingers.
Sometimes we use things
besides our fingers to
do things like helpers,
like helper, finger.
So like painting, you
normally use a brush.
A brush, right?
Or eating, like eating. Oh God.
I don't even know how to
explain eating to you.
You know what? Why don't
we go try to eat something?
(food simmering on stove)
Oh, that?
No, that's Mimi.
Yeah, she's my friend.
Well, between me and you,
she's kind of a bitch.
But like you, you're my friend.
Mimi, Webster, Dulce.
Mimi Dulce, friend.
You see?
- Friends.
- Yeah.
Inside friends.
- Friends.
- Friends.
Tea hot. Hot.
Don't do that. Burn yourself like me.
You wanna try eating?
And then you just kind of like-
- Hot, hot!
Yeah, I know.
Well, I'm not going to eat it.
It's too hot. You're right.
But that's really good.
That's really good.
That's really good. (blows on food)
You chew it and then you swallow it.
Okay, now you try.
(Webster blows food)
No, no, no. (laughs)
Okay. Yeah, that's good.
That's good.
But good job.
You did the right thing.
Yeah, exactly.
Okay. Yeah, you can eat it now.
Chew. MmHmm.
Good job.
You missed a little, but
that's okay. We'll get there.
You like that painting, huh?
(suspenseful music)
(water runs)
(fire crackles)
(person screams)
Hey, you wanna come with me?
(mellow music)
Good night.
Good night.
Oh my God.
I haven't slept like that in years.
It was completely dreamless.
So, Harold Eats just like us.
(Webster blows food)
It's, you know, it's not hot,
but yeah, that's the idea.
So he can eat.
- Chew.
- Chew. (laughs)
Yeah, exactly.
That's Mimi.
You wanna make Mimi?
I don't really even know how this works.
I mean,
you're here, but
should we try to make her?
Okay, let's do it.
Let's see how we can do this.
Okay, so maybe we'll need
more vellum.
Can you hand me, um...
You know what, grab that vellum.
The brown one?
No, here. This one.
Just this. This is vellum.
Will you hold this?
Thank you.
I don't know if it'll work
for sure, just so you know.
But we'll try.
Friends, friends. We'll try.
Let's see if we can
get some water on this.
(bottle sprays water)
(dramatic music)
(Dulce laughs)
Holy fucking shit.
(tranquil music)
Thank you.
You don't smell like anything.
I normally don't like
the way people smell.
But you don't smell like anything.
You're the first person I've ever had here
in my house or my bed.
I don't really like people.
I don't think they like me much either.
Stay with me.
- Good night.
- Good night.
(tranquil music)
(suspenseful music)
(sirens blare)
(floor boards creak)
(dramatic music)
You're here.
It worked.
You. You worked.
Webster, come here.
It's okay.
It's okay.
- Mimi?
- Yeah.
Mimi. Mimi.
You're Mimi.
Your name is Mimi.
This is Webster. Webster.
I'm Dulce.
And you're Mimi
- Yeah.
- Mimi.
It's okay. It's okay.
- Mimi.
- Yeah.
That's exactly right.
You're smart.
Smart. Mimi smart.
Mimi is smart.
Mimi smart.
I'm gonna go get you some clothes, okay?
It's okay. Okay.
(tranquil music)
[Mimi] Me.
[Dulce] This is for you to wear.
- Clothes.
- Clothes.
Yeah. These are buttons.
Button. Yeah.
Button. Exactly.
No button. No button.
Yeah, no button.
Webster doesn't have
buttons. You're right.
Okay, well.
How about paint?
Let's try painting.
- Paint.
- Paint.
Yeah. Painting.
- [Webster] Yellow.
- [Dulce] Yellow.
This is yellow.
It's a color.
These are brushes, paint brushes.
You put it on the canvas.
Yeah, just like that.
But you have to put paint on it first.
So, here.
Yeah, you put the brush in the yellow.
- [Webster] Yellow.
- [Dulce] Yellow.
Yeah. That's yellow.
- Yellow.
- Yellow. Yeah.
Yellow, yellow, yellow.
That's really good.
[Dulce] Yellow, yellow.
[Mimi] Thank you.
Yeah, it's no problem.
What should we paint?
Whatever you want to paint.
How do you know how to talk?
You can talk now?
You can speak now?
Speak now.
I can do it on my own.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Webster, come on.
It's okay.
(distorted dramatic music)
What can we do?
So I guess it's
technically your birthday
'cause it's your first day here.
So, this is for you.
You can blow it out.
Oh, no. (blows candle)
Yeah, exactly.
Thank you.
(tranquil music)
(shower runs)
It's your turn. You can shower now.
I had an idea.
He's saying it hurts.
It's okay. It's okay.
It hurts.
I'll be softer, but I had an idea.
You see like mine?
I am going to take it out
so I can do it to you.
Tell me if it hurts, okay?
It's okay. I think maybe...
It's nice, it's just, it's
not really me, you know?
But you didn't even look at it.
Yeah, it's...
You can shower now.
(mellow music)
Do you have a family?
Do you have a family?
You and Webster are my family.
But what about before
me and Webster got here?
I had a family a long time ago, but...
Hey, I have an idea.
Forgot about this thing.
What is that?
It's a TV.
Okay. Let's see if we
can turn this thing on.
Okay. Here, look at this.
Here we go.
There it's here. Here,
let's change the channel.
(indistinct TV noise)
Yeah, that's kind of crazy, right?
So, you can watch this whenever you want.
[Mimi] It's like the book I read.
Oh yeah?
The leaves and flowers.
It's outside.
Will we go outside?
But this is a way to see it.
(siren blares)
It's really loud out there.
Cars and people.
I don't like it.
You don't like it?
You don't like outside.
But I want to see it. Maybe one day.
Yeah, maybe one day.
We'll work on it.
- I'm hungry.
- You hungry?
Okay, let's go make some food, then.
(tranquil music)
(distorted suspenseful music)
Don't eat off the table.
Eat from your bowl.
Don't eat on the table.
It's okay. It's okay.
Don't worry.
It's okay.
Okay, thanks Mimi.
Thanks, Mimi.
(distant television noise)
(dramatic music)
Mimi, what are you doing?
Mimi, you have to get away from that door.
I wanna go.
No, Mimi. It's not safe out there.
- I want to leave.
- No, Mimi.
Mimi, You don't know what's out there.
You have to get away
from the door. Please.
Please get away from the door.
(suspenseful music)
Mimi, you have to get away from that door.
[Mimi] You're just scared.
No, I'm not, please.
You don't know what's out there, okay?
It's dangerous. You won't survive.
Can't survive in here.
You just want to keep us in here?
I don't want to stay here.
Why do you never leave? Why
do you want to keep us here?
I wanna see the world. We can go together.
I'm not scared like you.
No, I'm not.
It's dangerous out there, Mimi.
You don't know what's out
there. You won't survive.
Why do you say this?
I'm sorry. Mimi, please.
We can find another way.
I promise. Just please
get away from the door.
People like us can't survive out there.
People like us?
What do you think I am?
You're my friend.
That you keep locked up.
I just wanna stay right here.
I like to listen to the sounds.
It's nice.
(door rattles)
I'm sorry. Mimi, please.
Let me out.
We can figure out another way,
but just please get away
from the door, okay?
Please, Mimi.
Just for tonight. I'm begging you.
I'm begging you.
Please just come back up.
Just for tonight, please.
Sit down.
What's wrong with you?
Why are you so afraid?
It's dangerous out there, Mimi.
You couldn't understand.
'Cause I'm not like you.
I'll tell you everything, okay?
I don't go out there
because I was so young when it happened.
I had only been in the world a few years.
I was right outside my front door,
drawing with chalk on the sidewalk.
And the next second I was being yanked
into a cold, dark place.
(trunk slams)
I couldn't see anything.
But, I remember the smell.
And from then on, I was either
inside the trunk
or I was outside.
At least inside I was alone.
Outside, everything hurt.
(siren blares)
I thought that I would
die in there. (cries)
I wished that I would when I didn't.
I didn't know how long I had been in there
when they found me,
or even what his face looked like, but
everything about the
world reminded me of him.
So, every year
I let my world get a little
bit smaller until finally they
would find me in a closet somewhere,
under the bed.
And so that's how I decided I would live,
alone and in the dark.
Until you
and you, Mimi.
And now I don't have to leave.
I have everything here.
Because you have Webster.
No, you too, Mimi.
I have both of you.
I'm not like you or
you and I can't be here.
Mimi, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to hurt
your feelings in there.
Really, it's for your own good.
Mimi, I'm just trying to
do what's best for you.
It's so dangerous out there.
This vellum looks really expensive.
Are you even hearing me?
I care about you guys and I just,
you don't understand the
things that are out there.
I'm just trying to do what's best for you.
I'm sorry.
Try to find another way.
It's just not safe.
(match strikes)
(fire crackles)
(dramatic music)
(Webster screams)
Mimi, what are you doing?
(Webster screams)
Come on, Webster. I'm so sorry.
Just wait, just wait.
Mimi, stop!
Stop! What are you doing?
You're gonna hurt him.
What is wrong with you?
(door slams)
Mimi, open the door!
(Dulce bangs on door)
Open the door, Mimi!
Open up this door!
What are you doing?
Hot. Hot.
(Dulce bangs on door)
(dramatic music)
(Dulce bangs on door)
Mimi, open the fucking door!
Don't you hurt him!
Don't fucking touch him, Mimi!
Open the door!
Mimi, open the door!
(Dulce bangs on the door and screams)
(suspenseful music)
(door unlatches)
(suspenseful music)
(Dulce gasps)
(blood drips to the floor)
Webster. (cries)
(Dulce screams)
No, no! (screams)
(indistinct speaking)
No, no, no, please. (screams)
(door slams)
(Dulce crying)
(Mimi laughing)
(door latches)
(footsteps on floorboards)
(door rattles)
(motorcycle engines rev)
(suspenseful music)
Hi, I'm Mimi.
(scary music)