A Hatful of Rain (1957) Movie Script

Hey, which way to apartment 3H?
- What?
- How do you get to 3H?
Three flights up.
That way.
As soon as he gets
through with his dinner,
he'll be down.
- Pardon me.
Oh, he'll get up there
before we do.
- Celia?
- Who are you?
I'm Johnny's dad.
- Mr. Pope?
- Yeah.
You scared me.
I'm sorry.
Well, come in, come in.
Oh, thanks. I just come
from the airport.
There was nobody there.
Where's Johnny?
He was supposed to meet you.
I don't know.
Here, let me take your coat.
Let's have a look at you.
Johnny's wife.
You know what?
I'm-- I'm all embarrassed.
Oh, that's silly.
Yeah, what's the matter
with those lazy bums of mine?
I waited an hour.
I missed the limousine.
Wouldn't you think
they'd have had me paged
and not have me
stand around like a dope?
I suppose they couldn't
get off work.
Yeah, maybe.
Hey, this is nice.
It's a real nice
place you got here.
Oh, thank you, Mr. Pope.
We like it.
Do you know Johnny
made all these cabinets
and all these bookcases
all by himself?
He was always
good with his hands.
He gets that from me.
Oh, would you mind coming
into the kitchen a minute?
I'm just in the middle
of a special dinner
for you, Mr. Pope.
Mr. Pope, can I call you Pop?
Well, you better had.
Celia, I'm awfully sorry I
couldn't get up to your wedding.
Oh, forget it.
That was a long time ago,
Mr. Pope--
I mean Pop.
Ohh. Darn it,
that happens all the time.
They just hang up on me.
Sit down, Pop.
What time does Polo
get home from work?
Half past 7.
I think I'll go over
and bring him back with me.
Well, he'll be here in an hour.
Sit down. Have a beer.
Aren't you tired?
No, I'm not tired.
Besides, I want to take a look
at this place
where he's working.
You tell Johnny to practice up
on his pinochle.
I'm going to beat
his brains in tonight.
Mr. Pope, don't you
stay away too long.
Don't you worry.
- Goodbye, Celia.
- Goodbye.
Hey, Johnny!
- Hi.
- Hey, Pop!
Hiya, boy.
It's good to see you.
I missed you at the apartment.
Pop, listen, I tried to get
out to the airport, but--
Ah, that's all right.
Come on.
Where are you going?
Over to pick up Polo.
Come on along.
No, no. He's taken off.
He'll be home
in a couple of minutes.
Well, I got something I want to
talk to him about. Come on.
I should be helping
Celia with the dinner.
Ah, she don't need you.
She's doing fine.
Hey, I like that wife
of yours, Johnny.
She's all right.
Hey, taxi!
Go ahead.
Marty's, 37th and Third.
Ah, you look great.
You look kind of tired, though.
What's the matter,
they working you too hard?
No, I'm all right.
What's this your wife writes me
about you quitting night school?
I'm going to start again
pretty soon.
I don't want you to think
I'm pushing you, son,
but you lost two years
in the Army,
another lousy year
in that hospital bed.
Look to the clock, Johnny.
Here I was down in Florida
feeling great about the
government picking up the tab
on that G.I. Rights thing.
- Yeah, I know.
Like I say--
You got a cold?
No, no. I'm okay.
You shouldn't go around in
weather like this without a hat.
Hey, what's it like,
this place where Polo works?
And if you think I'm happy
about it, you're crazy.
My son, a bouncer
in a cocktail lounge.
Geez, you're a bartender,
Pop. You're doing all right.
Hey. Wait till you hear
what I got to tell you.
Ah, no. Wait.
Wait till we see your brother.
What's going on around here?
Boy, I hate this town.
Come on now. Step back
there, would you, please?
Atta boy, Polo!
Come on, boy!
Get in there, Polo.
Get in there!
Atta boy! Atta boy!
All right there, Polo.
Step right up, kid.
Hey. Hey,
look at that hole, will you?
Will you look at that hole?
I'm looking, I'm looking.
So what do you want me to do?
You ought to buy me a new suit.
There's a reweaving place
on Sixth Avenue.
Reweaving? Look,
the only thing I can do
is save the hole and have
a suit weaved around it.
All right, folks,
let's quit shoving now.
Take it easy, you two.
Take it easy.
Chief, there's my son
standing right there.
He works here.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
No, I'm with him.
He's my brother.
The guy's my brother.
All right, folks,
break it up.
Oh, Pop. Hey,
when did you get in?
This is some dive you got here.
What are all these bimbos
doing hanging on the bar?
Well, it's cold outside, Pop.
Where do you want them to go?
Looking great, Pop.
You got a real Florida suntan.
That right, Johnny?
That's right.
He looks just like a kid.
Hey, Mike. Mike, I want you
to meet my old man, Mr. Pope.
- Hi.
- Glad to know you.
Three beers.
I don't like your job, Polo.
Well, what are you
going to do, Pop?
It's, uh, it's
a living, you know?
Uh, listen, Pop, I've got
off all day tomorrow.
We're gonna take in
that ballgame, huh?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, you see,
I figured I'd kill
three birds with one stone.
First see you guys,
then take in a ballgame--
No, make mine Scotch, will you?
Hey, can't we go some place
where we can talk?
Only the yard.
Let's get out of here.
Yeah, this way, Pop.
You better get
under this shed, Pop.
Well, what happened, Pop?
What's been going on, huh?
- Well, I finally did it.
- What?
You know that place I've been
telling you about in Palm Beach?
I took an option on it.
Oh, that's great.
Pop, congratulations.
Listen, I stayed up
nights plenty
before I put that
option money down.
Look, the bar
is practically on the water.
All good hardwood.
The dining room, it's got
oak beams 2 feet thick.
I'm going to put in glass walls
so's you can see the ocean.
That just sounds wonderful.
I started the
renovations already.
The carpenter's been working
down there a week.
Oh-ho, cost me an arm and a leg.
The bank loaned me 5,000,
but that won't be enough,
so now I'll need that 2,500
you promised me, Polo.
Uh, 2,500?
Yeah. That's what I
come up here for.
I mean, naturally, I wanted to
see you two at the same time.
Yeah, well, uh,
I haven't got it, Pop.
You haven't got it?
No, I haven't got it anymore.
It's gone.
What do you mean, gone?
Gone where?
Well, Pop, I--
I need that money, Polo.
- Listen, Pop--
- Now just--
just keep out of this.
I was counting on you.
I got men working down there.
You promised me, any time
I wanted the money, I could have it.
I-- I know I promised you, Pop.
I quit my job at the club!
How do you--
- Hello, Ralph.
- Hi, Polo.
A hundred times you wrote me.
"Pop, I got 2,500 stashed away.
Any time you want it,
it's yours."
What did you have
to quit your job for?
You could have made
a 2-buck phone call.
For what?
He promised me!
The bank didn't promise me.
My son promised me.
Now he says it's gone.
Gone where?
- You know?
- Now, look, Pop, listen.
No, no, no!
No, you listen.
I want to know.
Where did it go?
- Oh, what's the use?
- Oh, you can't tell me, huh?
I won't. I can't.
Take it any way you want.
Polo, you're a bum.
You always were,
and you always will be.
I'm a bum?
Now, listen, Pop.
Now, you stop calling me names.
I'll call you
all the names I can!
Pop, Pop, come on.
Let's forget about it.
I might as well be
talking to a mule.
Let me get out of here and get
a drink before I get sick.
I thought I did a good job bringing up
you kids without a mother.
I certainly missed
on that brother of yours.
Pop, I'm not going to stand
around here while you knock Polo.
I'll wait for you out front.
Don't knock my brother to me.
Come on, Polo, let's go home, huh?
Celia's waiting for us.
Get him out of here, Johnny.
Get him out of here.
If I didn't love him, I'd kill him.
Get him out of here.
- Polo, I'm sorry.
- Yeah.
Wait for me, son.
Hey, you got yourself
a good cook, Johnny.
Oh, how would you know?
You didn't eat anything.
I lost my appetite when I
saw your brother-in-law.
Anyway, I'm fat enough.
Oh, this coffee
is awful strong.
What is it, Turkish?
It is not Turkish.
It's plain ordinary coffee.
Oh, I don't understand.
Last night, I put
nine tablespoons in that pot,
and it tasted like tea.
Which pot?
You know you got five,
and they're all different sizes.
Well, I didn't ask
for all those pots.
She had a shower
when we got married,
and they gave her
four coffeepots.
And you went out, and you bought
one, too, so never mind.
How was I supposed to know
your girlfriends were coffeepot happy?
Six girls come to the party,
and four of them
show up with coffeepots.
It's a curse. As long
as I can remember,
I could never make coffee.
What are you going to call him?
Her, not him. Her.
No, I've been counting on a grandson.
Right, Johnny?
You'll just have to settle
for a granddaughter.
We'll see about that.
What's so interesting
out the window?
You don't have any pains
anymore, do you?
Mm-mm. No more.
Sometimes things
like that act up.
You know, guys with rheumatism,
their teeth start
to ache when it rains.
At this club
where I was working,
and they got a grand class
of people there, too--
lawyers, senators,
a couple of judges thrown in.
I used to tell them how you
laid in that cave in Korea
for 13 days without
any food or water,
how you kept your mouth shut
no matter what they did to you.
I showed them that picture
of you in the hospital
when you were down to 90 pounds.
Oh, I was-- I was
proud of you, Johnny.
Pop, let's forget
about that, huh?
You'd think there was
something to be ashamed of.
Honey, it's ancient history.
Well, I couldn't have held out,
and there ain't many who could.
And I am proud of you, kid.
Okay, Pop, you're proud of me.
Do you know he tore up all those
newspaper clippings and photographs?
There just wasn't
one of me smiling.
Well, I'd like to have my
picture taken with a general.
Honey, let's forget
about that, huh?
Uh, I'll get that.
- Well, hiya.
- Hi.
Who is it?
Just a couple
of friends of mine.
Well, don't have them
standing out in the hall.
Ask them to come in.
- Come on in, will you?
- Our feet are wet, Johnny.
We just want to see you
for a minute.
Uh, this is my wife,
and this here's my father.
- Well--
- Oh, stay where you are.
It's all right.
I'm sorry. I didn't
get the names.
I got your floor all dirty.
Maybe I'd better wait
out in the hall, huh?
Yeah, wait outside in the hall.
Could you step out
for a few minutes, Johnny?
- Yeah, sure.
- Nice meting you.
Yes, nice--
Who are they?
Just a couple of guys
I play poker with.
Probably want
to borrow a few bucks.
Well, I don't care anything
about the floor, Johnny.
Ask them to come in.
They're embarrassed. I'll only
be a couple of minutes.
Button up your coat.
It's cold out there.
You got the money?
Look, Mother,
everything went wrong.
I've been trying
to call you all day long.
I looked for you every place.
Every junkie in this city's been
looking for us, right, Mother?
The lid is all over
the city, Johnny.
They picked up Albie
this afternoon.
Yeah, we've been walking
in the shadows all day long.
We can't stay in one place
more than ten minutes.
I'm thin, Mother.
- You got any part of it?
- No.
Then what were you
looking for me for?
Look, my old man
came into town today.
Just give me enough
to hold me over
until tomorrow night
when he gets on his plane.
You'll get it by tomorrow
morning, Johnny,
every penny of it.
Mother, you must be crazy.
Where am I going
to get 500 bucks
by tomorrow morning?
Your wife must have
something put aside
for a rainy day, huh?
She never lost a day's work.
What do you expect me to do,
go in and tell my wife--
- Chuch!
- Listen to me, junkie.
I don't care how many
jokes you told me
or how long I'd know you.
I'd never press you
if they didn't press me.
You don't get anything
from me, nothing.
Your eyes can rattle
right out of your head.
Now, just good faith.
300 tomorrow morning,
and I'll carry you for the rest.
Let him go, Chuch.
What am I going to do
until my old man goes?
I'm no doctor.
I'm a businessman.
You got it for free in
the hospital, Johnny,
but Mother's no charity
ward, right, Mother?
You know what you got here?
One lousy spoonful,
and my life goes on the block
every time I put it
in my pocket.
How many times
did I bring it to you?
Hey, Mister.
Walk my brother
down the stairs, please.
Yeah, sure.
Come on, champ.
There you go.
There you go.
Off and running.
Thank you, Mister.
Thank you, Mister.
Thanks, Mother.
I'll pay you tomorrow.
How are you going to pay, $2.00
a week for the next five years?
Yeah, it's more expensive now.
In a week, the city's
going to be clean.
That costs you 20 bucks now.
You need it twice a day.
I don't care how you make it.
Push the stuff, steal.
Here, Johnny.
What, are you crazy?
Put that away. I don't want that.
- Keep it.
- No.
Leave it there.
He'll pick it up.
Give back the deck, Johnny.
Oh, no. Look, Mother, I need it.
I walked around all day long--
Ahh. Shh. My old man's here.
His old man's here, Mother.
His old man is here.
Give him a break, will you?
Can't you see he's going to curdle?
His old man is here,
and mine is dead.
All right, let's move it.
Come on, Chuch.
I'm coming.
He's not kidding, Johnny.
It's a shame what they did to
Willie de Carlo this afternoon.
He didn't even owe
as much as you do.
He's no good, Mother.
He'd do everything but kill you.
Be a good guy.
Pick it up.
Chuch, you got anything at all?
- No.
- Even half?
I haven't got enough for myself.
Remembered the time
when you tried to kick it?
You couldn't stand it,
so you called me,
and I gave you my last drop.
All right, come by
my place later.
Don't make any noise.
My old lady's sick.
All I'm saying is that I'd
certainly never notice it.
You take Johnny's mother.
When she had Johnny,
she blew up like a balloon.
This thing makes me really look
bigger than I am.
I think I'm lucky.
I think I'll be able to work
up until, oh,
about the eighth month.
- Hmm.
- Those men down at the office
keep looking at me.
Got room for a third?
I don't like those men.
Whoever heard of seeing
people in the hallways?
You got a room right here.
What's all the fuss about?
You don't even know them.
How much money did you lose?
Oh, a couple of bucks.
All right. I'm getting up.
I'm getting up there.
Boy, I hate to drink.
Y-You ne--you never get drunk
if you stand up and drink.
It's the sitting down
that gets you.
Whoa, you had enough.
You know what I mean?
- Come on.
- Come on, boy.
Let's get the overcoat on.
Come on.
All right. I'm going to
put the overcoat on,
and I'm going to go
out in the cold.
Out in the freezing cold.
Boy, I hate to drink.
Hey, Polo, do the smart thing.
- What?
- You know.
- Go right home, huh?
- I'm gonna go home.
I'm g-- I'm gonna go
straight home, Eddie.
- Atta boy.
- So long, Eddie.
Hey, hey--Hey, you want
a piece of sugar?
It's--it's warmer...
It's warmer.
Hey, hiya, Jack.
- Hey, hiya, Polo.
- H-Hey, wait a minute.
Wait a minute. I got s--
I got some sugar for the horse.
I'll give him two sugars.
Whoo. Whoo.
I hate to drink, Jack,
you know that?
Polo, you better go home and sit
down before you fall down.
I-- I'm gonna go home right now.
Come on, horse.
I'm gonna go home.
I'm gonna go home right now.
Ooh, Hey, Jack--
Hey, you silly horse.
I'm gonna cross the corner.
Uh, come on,
let's-- let's go, horse.
We're gonna cross the corner here.
Hey, hold your horses!
Hold your horses.
Come on.
I-- I'm gonna
go across the street.
Hold your horses.
Hold your horses, baby.
Look at my hands.
Mixing pink ladies
and Daiquiris.
- It's embarrassing.
- What's embarrassing?
I got to get them
manicured twice a week.
I'm going to talk to Polo
when he gets home.
I didn't know he had $2,500.
Ah, forget it. Forget it.
What's the difference?
Polo's just like everybody.
I don't know. Everybody seems
to be running nowadays.
Running, running.
Planes, boats, trains,
big cars. Where to?
Every now and then I get
a funny feeling in the air.
Everybody looks
like they're waiting,
just sitting there waiting to
find out what's going to happen.
I don't follow you, Pop.
It's like a fella said in the
club the other night-- a lawyer.
He says this is
the age of the vacuum.
- What does that mean?
- Ah, it's all talk.
When you come right down to it,
nothing's right,
nothing's wrong,
nobody's for, nobody's against.
We're just all waiting around,
waiting for the world
to blow up.
Oh, that makes me sick.
I've heard that before.
The age of the vacuum.
Everybody's waiting,
nobody believes.
It's been said enough for
the last couple of years.
- Look--
- What's the sense of having a child?
Another war may come.
Look out for the white light
when you hear the siren.
Oh. Every time I hear
that kind of talk,
it just makes my blood boil.
Honey, you're getting
red in the face.
Young lady, there'll
always be children.
- No, there will not.
- Ho.
Because people don't believe
in staying married anymore.
If you can't be happy,
why stay together?
All our friends have had 100%
turnover in the last two years.
They're all divorced
or separated,
and they've excused themselves
and just granted
each other's pardons.
All I was trying to say was--
No, there will not
always be children
if people keep talking
about the age of the vacuum.
Honey, you'd better calm down.
You're going to have
all the neighbors in here.
The neighbors should know that, too.
You're talking like a woman.
Darling, if you just
take a good look at me,
you'll confirm the fact
that I am a woman.
And you owe me 16 cents.
It's my pleasure, dear.
Here. Keep the change.
Thank you.
Well, I got to check in
at my hotel.
Oh, I-- I bought half a
dozen shirts down there.
I figured you and your
brother could use them.
Thanks, Pop.
You keep four.
Give Polo two.
Put three in Polo's drawer.
I said keep four for yourself.
Look at this guy, will you?
He's a killer.
You know, he dumped
the champ once.
- Isn't that right, Pop?
- Sure.
I swam the English Channel
both ways, too.
Don't forget, Pop, come
early tomorrow night for dinner.
I won't. See you
in the morning, kid.
- Good night, Pop.
- Don't forget the game.
No, I won't, Pop.
I want to
tell you something, young lady.
You're just as good a cook
as Johnny's mother ever was.
- Isn't that right, Johnny?
- That's right, Pop.
And you know something else?
You look a lot like her, too.
There's no more hot water.
Aren't we speaking
to one another?
The clock stopped again.
I guess we aren't
speaking to one another.
Johnny, I'm sorry
about this morning.
I don't even remember
what it was I said now.
You said I was useless,
something like that.
Why should you be afraid
to tell me you lost your job?
I felt like a fool
when I called there.
Three days out of work,
and I had to find out
by accident.
Fourth job I lost
in the last three months.
All right,
it's not the Depression.
So you lost four jobs.
Gee, I put 15 shafts
into the lathe that day,
and I undercut every one by
20 lousy thousandths of an inch.
Ruined a whole day's work.
I don't know how I did it.
Well, ruining a day's
work and losing a job
is no reason to go into hiding.
Where does this go?
Top shelf.
- Don't start shouting at me.
- I didn't even raise my voice.
I know when you're shouting,
even when you don't
raise your voice.
All right, it goes
on the top shelf.
Johnny, look, let's--
Let's not do the dishes
right now, hmm?
Can't we just go in the living
room and sit down?
Look, just let's for once
sit down and talk.
Can we try to talk?
What's there to talk about?
I thought it was all settled.
Do you go, or do I go?
I thought we had more
to talk about than that.
I can't talk.
I just can't seem
to talk to people anymore.
I'm not people.
I'm your wife.
I married you to live with you.
Well, what about her, Johnny?
Is she rich?
Is she pretty?
I told you a thousand times,
I haven't even so much
as shaken hands
with another girl
since we've been married.
That's four years now.
One year, Johnny. That's
all the marriage we had.
Look, I--
I never said this before.
I think I'm ashamed
of it, but...
there were many times while you
were in the Army that...
I just wanted to be near a man.
Sometimes I thought
I'd go crazy, but--
I didn't go anywhere.
I waited for you.
I didn't go anywhere, either.
They told me where to go.
And I can understand
how you might--
I mean, maybe I--
I haven't given you
what you, uh, need
or what you want.
But all right, who is she?
I mean, why do you
have to lie to me?
I'm not lying.
Johnny, you think I've been
stupid these three months?
I've been telling myself
"Just let him go.
Just don't say anything,
because he loves you.
He loves you and only you."
I love you and only you.
All right, Johnny,
here I am. Look at me.
Johnny, I see
more of your brother
than I see of you.
I spend more time with him.
Polo never mentions you
Neither do I.
We just-- We just pretend
that you don't exist.
Being lonely,
it's nothing new, but--
Last night, I--
I almost threw myself
into Polo's arms.
What was that you said?
We just-- We just can't
go on like this,
not the three of us
in one house.
Johnny, we used to talk
all night long.
We used to--
to wake up bleary-eyed.
I can remember a--
a weekend at the Point.
We didn't sleep from--
from Friday to Sunday.
That was the time
the house detective
didn't believe we were married.
That was your last weekend
before you went away.
All I wanted to do was--
was to hold you
and never let you go.
You cried
at the railroad station.
I know. I-- I didn't know
where you were going
or for how long you'd be gone.
You cried, too.
- I did not.
- You did.
I saw you through the window.
You were smiling,
but you were crying.
Ah, for Pete's sake,
what do you expect?
You looked like some little girl
that just lost a rag doll.
Please love me.
Baby... I love you.
Sometimes at night,
when you're asleep,
I go around walking the streets,
just like I was looking
for something,
when on in all--
all along I know
that everything I'm looking
for is sleeping right here.
I didn't mean to offend you.
Oh, honey, you didn't offend me.
Oh, all right, were you
with her today, Johnny?
Never mind where I was today.
I am going to mind, Johnny,
because it's not your day.
It's not my day.
It belongs to both of us.
All right, Johnny,
you're out of a job,
so you'll get another job,
but what did you do
all day, Johnny?
You weren't home.
I called here five times
if I called here once.
Ever since I heard
the old man was coming,
I can't stop remembering things.
Today I went out to the little
house where I was born in.
For 15 years, I hadn't been
anywhere near that house,
but today I had to go back.
It's like I was
looking for something.
There was something
there I had to find.
But-- But nobody
recognized me there.
So I-- It got late,
and, uh, I came here.
You came here--
not home, here.
No, I-- I mean home.
- You said "here."
- All right, here, not home.
I lived in a lot of places
since I left that house.
What do I know about a home?
Johnny, do you want
to run away from here?
- I want to live here.
- With me?
Baby, there's no other woman.
You don't know how much I need you,
how much I love you.
Sometimes I just want
to bury myself in you.
I love you.
That happened at least
three times this week.
They just hang up on me.
Every time I pick up
the phone, there--
I won't--
Hey, Johnny!
Hey-- Hey, Johnny.
- Hey--
- Johnny, come--
Kid, what are you doing?
Hey, where'd you
come from, John?
Hello, there.
Hey, Johnny,
the walls are crooked.
- Yeah. I know.
- Shh.
You ought to be
ashamed of yourself.
- Come in.
- Celia, I want to go dancing.
Come on, we'll all
go dancing, Polo.
We're all gonna go dancing?
The floor's crooked over here.
We'll fix it tomorrow.
- Tomorrow we're gonna--
- Yeah.
I'm so drunk, I couldn't
walk a chalk line, you know?
Honey, go get some
coffee, would you?
Ah, this floor is crooked, too.
Yeah, I know. Come on.
Let's see if we can make it
to that chair, boy.
- I'm all right, Johnny.
- Yeah, sure.
Leave me alone, will you?
I'm all right. Come on.
There. Let's get these
clothes off, huh?
Hey-- Hey, Johnny--
who are you going to
vote for Miss Rheingold 1957?
I haven't made up my mind yet.
Yeah, well, I-- I voted
for Miss Woods 27 times.
You think she cares?
She don't care, that dirty rat.
Here, Polo.
Drink this. Come on.
Uh... mm... oof.
No, honey. I don't want
any of that coffee.
I'm not that drunk. I--
Take it easy.
Come on, come on.
I'm not that drunk. Like--
Hey, Celia, come on.
Watch out for those shoes.
They're Florsheim shoes, honey.
Give me the shoes.
I'm s--
Hey, Celia, let's--
let's get some good music
on the radio, huh?
Listen, undress
and get to bed, Polo.
Aw, don't be
a party pooper, Celia.
Hey-- Hey, Johnny,
watch out for that shirt.
That's an Arrow shirt.
Okay, come on, come on, come on.
C-Celia, you know there's a lady
who lives up there by
the top of the fire escape?
Every day,
she hangs out her wash,
and she dreamt
she washed her windows
in her Maidenform bra.
Come on, Polo, let's go, huh?
Come on. Hey.
Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in her tub.
I know three men--
Okay, come on.
Let's get you undressed
and to bed, Polo.
No. No, Celia, no.
You're not undressing me.
I'm ashamed. I got
a big appendix scar.
You see, Celia,
you know we all got scars?
J-Johnny's got scars
all the way down his back.
- Okay. Now come on--
- He was 14 days in a cave.
- Come on, buddy.
- All the way down his back.
Celia, meet my brother.
You know, my guests
are his guests.
But his guests aren't my guests.
See, J-Johnny's got
a heart like a snake.
Okay, that's enough
of that, Polo.
If I catch those three lousy--
Shut up.
Shut up, will you?
I-- I-- I shut up?
I'm shut up.
I don't tell secrets
after school, Johnny.
I'm like you.
All you ever gave
was your name, your rank,
and your serial number.
I don't tell
the old man nothing.
Okay, come on.
Let's go to bed, huh?
- Let's forget about--
- Tell him what?
Tell him what?
Oh, yeah, let's
forget the old man.
Let's forget everybody.
We don't need anybody.
- Right?
- No.
We don't need anybody, Polo.
I got Florsheim shoes.
- I got a Paris belt.
- Come on, let's go.
Hey, where's my Paris belt?
Wh-- Oh.
Oh, thanks, Celia.
You're an angel in disguise.
Good night, Polo.
And don't worry about me, Celia.
No, no, she's not
going to worry.
I got everything I need,
except a box of sugar.
I'm going to dream I fell
asleep in my brown suit.
- Hey. Hey.
- Okay, honey.
- Hey, the sheets are cold.
- Never mind about the sheets.
Where's the--
Where's the super?
It's freezing.
No steam heat.
Oh, my, you could die
of cold in this place.
He doesn't care.
- Where are you going?
- I'm-- I'm going out.
I'm going to take a walk.
No, leave your coat where it is.
I don't want you coming with me.
Why not?
I-- I just want to think.
Johnny, I won't even talk.
I'll just hold onto your arm.
Y-You can't come with me.
I'll be back.
Just tell me when, Johnny.
Tomorrow at dawn?
Noon? When?
So I can wait.
- When?
- Look, honey,
all those things
you said today about--
Oh, go on, Johnny.
Just go on.
Tell her she's welcome to you.
this is the last time
you'll ever do this to me.
I'm sorry.
Well, go ahead.
Go on.
Don't stand like that
with your--
your hand on the doorknob.
You look like Mickey Rooney
leaving Boys Town forever.
Go on!
What's the matter, mister?
You look sick.
Why aren't you kids home in bed?
You know what time it is?
Mister, you got a dime?
- Hi. It's me, Chuch.
- Shh.
I, uh, haven't got it, John.
What are you talking about?
You promised me.
Mother wouldn't give me any.
I'm sorry, John. I--
I'd do what I could.
I like you, you know.
I never heard you
say a bad thing,
but I'm hung up myself.
Yeah. Okay, Chuch.
Oh, my.
Oh, boy.
- Ah.
- Polo, you shouldn't do that.
You'll give yourself
a stomach cramp.
I g-- I got no choice.
Stomach cramp, or
I die of thirst here.
Hey, where's my pants?
Where are my pants?
Hey, Johnny?
Johnny, where did you
put my pants?
Johnny went out.
So you're mad at me,
too, huh, Celia?
Well, I think you ought
to be ashamed of yourself.
Why didn't you come home
for dinner?
Your father's feelings
were hurt.
His feelings were hurt, huh?
His boy Johnny was here, so
he shouldn't have felt so bad.
Celia, no-nobody said
I was a bum, huh?
All right, I never
graduated high school.
What's that make me, a bum?
Why didn't you lend
your father the money?
Now, he said--
he said you promised.
Yeah, yeah. Yes! Yeah.
Yeah, I know what he said,
and I know what I said.
The money's gone.
It flew south with the birds.
I bet it on one
of Ali Khan's horses.
Gone is gone, Celia.
Any kid knows that.
Gone just doesn't
come back, that's all.
I just asked a simple
question, Polo.
Hmm, I'm glad you didn't
ask me a difficult one.
My father, he's a--
he's a-- he's a beaut.
He comes over to that
nightly circus I work in,
and he tells me it's a joint.
There's-- There's 13 heavy
cruisers leaning on the bar,
and he tells me it's a joint.
You know, I think
you ought to quit.
I think you're too light
to be a bouncer.
Quit? Celia, honey, where
can I make $125 a week?
Where? Huh?
Polo, what's the matter
with you?
I've never seen you
like this before.
I'm drunk, that-- that's all.
I can see that.
But why?
Why? Do you have to have
a reason to drink, Celia?
Can't you just drink
because you like to drink? Huh?
Why does Johnny have
a heart like a snake?
Boy, you're really
going tonight.
Tonight you're like-- you're
like a new washing machine:
p-t-poom, p-t-- Ohh.
I get the feeling
you hate your brother.
Celia, come on.
You're crazy.
I'll tell you one thing, though.
I used to hate him.
Do you know that when
we were in that--
that-- that orphan home,
Johnny kept getting adopted
and nobody ever adopted me?
And I wanted to get adopted.
They used to line us up,
and-- and he'd get picked.
Then he'd come back
to that-- that--
that lousy home
the old man put us in.
I used to think to myself,
just let me get adopted once.
I'll stay.
I used to hate him
every time he left,
and every time he came back,
he used to say the same thing:
"We got to stick together, Polo.
We're the only family we got."
Johnny-- Johnny
never told me that.
Yeah, well, Johnny never
told you a lot of things.
Tell me what the matter is.
Why don't you ask
your husband Johnny
what's the matter with him and
leave me alone, please, huh?
You sound just like Johnny.
If I closed my eyes,
I'd think you were Johnny.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, ask my old man who I am,
Celia, he'll tell you.
Uh, Polo, the no-good bum.
Oh, that Johnny.
He's my brother,
and he's a louse,
and that louse
is going to kill me.
Polo, I'm sorry, Polo. I--
Oh, that's, uh...
It's-- It's all right, Celia.
It's a sign of the times.
The sign of the times. It--
All the king's horses, you know,
and all the king's men, they--
What's the difference?
- Polo.
- That's all right.
What's the difference?
I slipped.
Polo, will you please
come out and talk with me?
I'm sorry about before, Polo.
Please come out.
I'm lonely.
There's some muffins
from dinner. Would you like one?
I'm going to have one.
Well, I'll have one, too.
How's the job?
Johnny got fired.
I knew Johnny got fired, Celia.
I was asking you about your job.
Polo, why didn't you
come and tell me?
Honey, I'm a boarder here.
I'm not a personnel manager.
I wish I didn't know
right from wrong.
- What?
- Uh, nothing, nothing.
- Polo.
- Yeah?
I've been wanting to talk
to you every night this week.
We've been here
every night this week,
and that's all
we've done is talked.
You're not listening
to me, Polo.
I'm afraid you're going to have
to find another place to live.
Maybe you could find a room
somewhere in the neighborhood
and still come here for dinner.
Why do I have to leave?
Because I know
how you feel about me,
and it's embarrassing.
Love shouldn't be
embarrassing, Celia.
It's not really embarrassing.
I don't want
to take any chances.
Let's not be children, Polo.
I want you to leave
tomorrow night
after your father
gets on the plane.
You have to go, Polo.
Honey, for Pete's sake,
even Simon Legree gave
Little Eva two weeks' notice.
I'm sorry.
I'm going to go to bed, Polo.
Yeah, yeah. Go to bed, Celia.
You're tired.
Lay your head down on
the pillow and close your eyes.
I'll go if you want me to go,
but to-tonight I'm going to be
in the room next to yours.
And I'll say I love you.
But you-- you won't hear it
because you'll be asleep.
I don't know. M-Maybe
I'll sing you a lullaby.
Why are you doing
this tonight, Polo?
I'm drunk.
That's the prize
excuse for anything:
I'm drunk, and I don't know
what I'm doing or saying.
I... I could never say
anything if I were sober.
- Celia.
- What?
Celia, you know
how I feel about you.
How do you feel about me?
I don't know.
Let's, uh, let's feel
and find out.
No, Polo.
Why didn't you slap me?
I-- I'll bet I could
try that again
and you wouldn't
raise your hand.
Why don't you?
Why don't you pick me up in your arms
and carry me away, Polo?
I'm going to have your brother's baby.
I might be a little heavy.
Celia, I'm sorry.
I love-- I love you, Celia.
I-- I didn't want to.
- I didn't ask to, but I do.
- Johnny, go to bed.
I'm Polo, Celia.
I'm Polo.
Please don't shoot.
You can take everything I've got.
- Shut up. Shut up.
- Please take everything.
I don't want anything.
Here's my watch and... and my wallet.
I have singles in it
and some change.
I got kids and a wife.
Please don't shoot.
Please don't hurt me.
I got a wife and kids.
Take it all.
Take everything.
- Polo.
- Yeah?
- Are you up?
- Yeah, yeah, Celia, I'm up, I'm up.
- Your coffee's poured.
- All right.
- Good morning.
- Good morning to you.
Oh, Polo,
where did you get those pajamas?
They're big enough
for two people.
A Christmas present.
My relatives.
They're hysterical.
Honey, what do you
put in this coffee?
Coffee and water,
and don't kid me about the coffee.
Don't you know it has
to boil? Hmm?
See that Johnny
gets these things
for dinner tonight, please.
And I'm expecting you
for dinner tonight.
I want you to make up
with your father.
If it's all the same to you,
I'll stop in at Walgreen's.
They're running
a special this week:
two skinless franks and all
the orange juice you can drink.
You'll come for dinner tonight.
- Who said so?
- I said so.
I'll come to dinner tonight.
What's so funny?
I'm just so tired, I'm silly.
You know, if you dropped dead
right now, I think I'd laugh.
That's sweet.
Hey, Celia, where's Johnny?
I don't know.
Well, where is he?
He's your husband, isn't he?
You're married to him.
He hasn't been home all night.
That happens two,
three times a week.
Honest, it's been like
living in a nut house.
All right, Polo, please.
Oh, I don't know.
I don't know.
I must be going out of my mind.
You know, last night, I could
have sworn you came to my door.
Would you ask Johnny
to pick up the laundry?
- I'll pick up the laundry.
- Just let Johnny do it.
All right, all right!
I'll let Johnny do it.
You don't have
to shout at me, Polo.
No, huh?
You don't think so?
You know, for six months,
I kept my piece.
You had your life to live,
and I let you live it.
I'm just so fed up watching
you being thrown away.
I'm so in love with you,
I don't know what to do.
Well, what will I do,
go to Alaska? Huh?
All right.
Boy, I don't know.
How do you stand it
day in and day out?
Celia, honey, you're
going to have a baby.
Don't you want to know
where it's going to live?
How do you live a life
turning your back
on what's been happening?
Now you tell me.
Because I don't love
Johnny anymore.
Celia, come on.
That--That's not true.
It is. I don't love him.
He hasn't so much as--
as held my hand
in all these months.
He comes home at night, and I
just pretend that I'm sleeping.
Do you think he'd touch my back?
Do you think he'd give
me a good-night kiss?
He wouldn't know the difference
if he found Santa Claus in bed.
Doesn't even mention the baby.
Doesn't say anything about it.
He used to be like you,
Polo, but he's not anymore.
Hey, come on, come on.
We're all nice people.
Come on, stop crying, Celia.
He's just a stranger.
I don't know who he is.
He was so full of love.
It just doesn't matter anymore.
Honey, maybe you just want
to get even with him.
that was me at your door
last night.
But you couldn't come
in that door, Celia,
and I couldn't open it.
Celia, do you think I could, uh,
just put my arms around you
just for a second?
Do you think
it'll be all right? Huh?
I think so.
Are you going to tell him?
- I got to go to work, Polo.
- Yeah.
Corn flakes.
Boy, this place used to be
empty in the morning,
and all of a sudden
everybody's eating here.
- You mind?
- Go ahead, mister.
You look like you're
ready to crumble, Johnny.
Boy, am I glad to see you.
Listen, if I don't get a fix
in a couple of hours,
I'm going to go crazy.
Don't talk, will you, Johnny?
And don't stand still
till you get 20 bucks.
- You got 20 bucks?
- I'll get it.
You sure you got
the stuff for me?
Yeah. Meet me
where the kids play.
I'll be there all morning.
Hey, your check!
Hello. Johnny?
It's, uh, Polo.
Let me speak to Johnny.
Uh, he's, uh, he's down
at the grocery store.
When he comes back,
tell him to get over here
and have breakfast with me.
I'm waiting for him. Goodbye.
And thanks, Pop.
I'll tell him, Pop.
Goodbye, Pop, old Pop.
Hiya, Polo.
Welcome home.
Celia go to work?
It's 10:00.
She starts at 9.
She's not here,
so figure it out.
I was out all night.
No kidding.
Your wife left a list of things
for you to get for supper.
Where are you going?
I'm going to get the car
and pick up the laundry.
The old man called.
He wants you to go over
and have breakfast with him.
Ohh, I can't!
I can't make it.
I'll see you later, Johnny.
Wait a minute, Polo.
Take me over there, will you?
You'd better get some sleep.
No, I-- I can't do that.
You know how he is.
I'd better go get cleaned up.
I'll go have breakfast with him,
but you better go to the
ballgame with him, huh?
Yeah, sure. Sure.
- Mrs. Pope. Mrs. Pope.
- Oh.
Mr. Wagner would
like to see you in his office
as soon as you're through
with that.
Thank you.
You've got your carbon
in backwards.
Mrs. Pope.
You've got your carbon
in backwards.
Where have you been all night?
All over.
- Where's all over?
- All over.
Harlem, Lower East Side,
Times Square.
You know what's happened?
Everybody's disappeared.
Yeah, I read the papers. It'll
all blow over in a few weeks.
No, no.
They dropped the net.
Every pusher's
in the city's disappeared.
Polo, listen, I was lucky.
I connected.
He's holding some for me.
I got to get to him
right away with the money.
I told you yesterday,
Johnny, the cupboard's bare.
- Yeah, I know, but listen--
- No, no. I'm out of the box,
and that's all there is to it.
If I inherited the Chrysler
Building right now,
I wouldn't give you
another dime.
Now try to understand that.
Don't start lecturing me now.
All I need is 20 bucks.
This guy don't give no credit.
Take the kitchen set down
and sell it
to the Salvation Army.
I never sold a thing out of the
house, and I never will.
Try to listen to me, Johnny.
Just try to hear me.
You know I felt great refusing
the old man that 2,500?
Because I knew the money
went to a good cause.
It's something he wanted
all his life.
I know, I know.
Johnny, do you know that you
are right in the middle
when he shouted
"Where? Where did it go?"
I know. I was
right in the middle.
I almost said,
"Here, here, it went here."
You went through that 2,500 like
grease through a tin horn.
- Are you happy, Mrs. Pope?
- Happy?
Yes, happy here at Union Metals.
Oh. Well, yes, I am, Mr. Wagner.
The invoices
you did this morning,
you left out the entire stock
on the Merrick account.
I'll do them over again.
I'm awfully sorry.
I hear you had
the carbon in backwards.
Yes, I know. I'm sorry.
Is there anything wrong?
I-- I mean, I wish you'd
keep your mind on your job.
Oh. No, there's nothing
wrong, Mr. Wagner.
I'm very happy.
That's all. Thank you.
- Polo.
- You're wasting your breath.
- Polo, please.
- No.
I-- I'm quitting tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'm quitting.
Oh, it's been tomorrow
for months, Johnny.
The calendar never
moves for you.
This is the last time
I'm going to ask you, Polo.
- I need 20 bucks.
- 20 bucks twice a day.
Where am I going to get it?
You get yourself a black felt
hat, cut holes in it for eyes,
and go down to the men's room
of the subway like Apples does
and clobber some poor
guy over the head.
I'm in to them for 500 bucks,
on top of your
2 and a half grand.
They want it today.
They'll be coming for me.
Five hundred?
What are you going to do?
I don't know. I'll get rid
of the old man first,
and then I'll think
of something.
Nothing. I don't know.
- Come on.
- No, no. Forget it.
Come on up, will you?
Come on, get me out of there
as soon as you can.
I'm fighting the clock.
Well, then what
are you going to do?
I don't know. You better go
to the ballgame with Pop.
Yeah, I'm coming.
Hiya, Pop.
Hi. Good morning,
Johnny. Come on in.
Good morning.
I said good morning, Pop.
Pop, I'm-- I'm awfully sorry
about not showing up
for dinner last night.
I got kind of looped.
Come on, let's--
let's shake hands on it.
Huh? What do you say?
You know what I'm doing, Johnny?
I'm renovating a building
I'll never be able to buy.
Why don't you get shaved, Pop?
Look, Pop, I said I was
sorry, and I mean it.
You said a lot
of other things, too.
Aw, come on, Pop.
Let's-- let's shake hands
on it. What do you say?
He's got his hand out
waiting for yours.
He made a jackass out of me.
They'll be laughing at me
down there.
I tell all my friends
about you kids.
I said I was sorry, Pop.
Polo, why don't you
go get the laundry?
Look, Pop, I don't
have the money.
I'm not holding out on you.
Get the laundry, Polo.
I don't
want to go get the laundry.
You go and get the laundry
and stop begging him
to shake your hand.
I heard everything
you said last night,
and you got nothing
to be sorry about.
No, come on, get out of here,
and pick me up later.
Now, why didn't you
shake his hand?
The kid said he was sorry.
Well, I wanted to,
Johnny. I couldn't.
How about taking Polo
to the ballgame, huh?
I'm not taking him anywhere.
Oh. O-Okay, Pop.
Lucky I got you to believe in.
You got a wife, a little house,
a kid on the way. You--
You're making a home
for your brother.
You had a tough life, but you--
you did a good job of
bringing yourself up.
What's your brother doing?
He got a dame stashed
away somewhere?
I don't know, Pop.
Twenty-five hundred.
How else could he blow it?
I don't know, Pop.
You talk in awful
short phrases, Johnny.
I'm just not used
to talking to you, Pop.
That's right.
Life plays funny
tricks on people.
Hello and goodbye,
nothing in between.
I like the letters
you write me, though.
I always wanted
to talk to you, Pop,
but it's like you never
wanted to talk to me.
Well, some people can talk.
They got all the words.
What I want to say is that
I care what happens to you.
Thanks, Pop.
And I love you.
See, that's the thing.
You what?
You heard me the first time.
Don't make me say it again.
I feel the same way
about you, Pop.
Okay. Let's forget
about it, huh?
Sure, Pop.
I always kind of thought that you and
your brother and me had a special thing.
I thought that we were just
kind of-- three men.
Pop, would you do
something for me?
When Polo comes back, tell him
it's all water under the bridge.
What's the matter?
Oh, it's just a headache.
Well, sure. You need
some breakfast in you.
Will you, huh, Pop?
Would you do it
when Polo comes back?
Well, he did a lot
of yelling just now.
You know, every time he gets
a letter from you,
he runs in his room
and reads it.
- Yeah?
- Yeah,
he's got a whole
box of them in there.
Well, how would I
know how he feels?
He's missed you an
awful long time, Pop.
You always shipped him
out to uncles and aunts.
What was I doing?
Gambling? Drinking?
Laying on my back in Bermuda?
You ask him about that time
in the orphanage
when he wet the bed.
They made him stand
all day long on a staircase
with a wet sheet over his head.
What else could I do
on that big 55 a week?
I shipped him? Ha.
Thank God he had
uncles and aunts.
All right, Pop.
- A man's only got two hands.
- All right, Pop.
Don't go around all-righting me.
You know, when I
came here yesterday,
I had a funny feeling.
Right now I got it again.
You ain't glad
to see me, are you?
Nobody's blaming you
for anything, Pop.
You call us son, we call
you Pop, but it never was.
Why, you're a pretty
cold-hearted cookie, Johnny.
No, I don't save
your letters, Pop,
and I never saved up any
money to help you out.
So don't go knocking Polo to me
because he's my brother.
As I listen to you, it sounds
like I don't even know you.
All right,
you don't even know me.
- I don't even know you.
- How could you know me?
When were you ever around?
Last time I saw you,
it was in the hospital.
You came in,
you said, "Gee, kid,
it must have been rough,
but it's all over now."
That's all you had to say,
so we shook hands like two
big men, and you ran out.
All the time, I remember
just lying there smiling,
thinking at last the old man's
come to take me home.
I live in a hotel, Johnny.
Your wife came to take you home
right after I left.
I'd known my wife for one year.
I knew you for 27.
Your Johnny boy.
My son!
Let me tell you
something, old--
What's the matter
with your brother?
Johnny, Johnny, come here.
Sit down.
- Take it easy.
- No, no, no.
Let me stand up, Polo.
Let me stand up.
I want to tell you right now
what's standing in front of you,
and it's not your Johnny boy.
- No, Johnny, don't.
- I told you
about that sergeant,
didn't I, Polo?
I told you all about
that lousy sergeant.
Well, he ran out, just like
the sergeant ran out.
Go on, tell him, Polo.
Tell him what they give you.
Go on, tell him what
they give you.
- Johnny--
- The nurse comes in,
and then the doctor, and
they roll up your sleeve--
- Let's take a walk.
- One, two, and then another.
Johnny, let's take a walk.
You know what I'm talking about?
I'm trying to tell you
What have you been doing,
hitting cheap gin?
- Tell you something, old man!
- Get him out of here!
Hold, on, Johnny.
Hold on.
It's all right.
It's all right.
Every man for himself.
I got your number.
Hey, Johnny, what's
the matter with you?
Going down?
Now, at AB&M, they're smart.
They're selling.
Lower prices and
a two-year guarantee.
Not just on one machine,
on the entire line.
- Take it easy, will you?
- Listen,
they're going to be
putting us out of business--
in six months if this keeps up.
W-Where are we going?
I'm going to turn you in,
- I got to, Johnny. I got to.
- No!
- Johnny!
- Let go!
Let go.
- Don't jump, Johnny.
- Let me go. I'll jump.
I'll do anything you want.
Don't jump, Johnny.
Go to the playground
on 14th Street.
What happened?
They're picking him up, Johnny.
We're gonna go in
the back way, Johnny.
Hey, Chuchie-duchie,
your friend Johnny
just hobbled in.
All right, Johnny,
try to get up.
- Try to walk around.
- No. Don't, Sarge, it's cold.
Johnny, what are you--
Johnny, I'm going
to turn you in.
Hey, Johnny.
Johnny, tell me to pick it up.
Nobody will hate you.
Please, Johnny, tell me to--
Come on!
Don't touch that, Sarge!
Don't touch it!
Don't worry.
We're going to get
out of here alive.
Johnny, this is Polo.
It's Polo, Johnny.
You don't know what it's like to
need something, Sarge,
all alone and not a crumb
in the whole cave.
Don't leave me, huh, please?
No. No, I--
I won't leave you, Johnny.
I won't leave you. Come on.
Get up and try to walk.
- Just walk, Johnny.
- Yeah, I'm all right, Sarge.
I'm all right. Sure.
You go to sleep, Sarge.
I'll watch for you.
$20. That's all I need, Sarge.
I'll be the night watchman.
$20. I'll go to the desk.
I'll turn myself in, huh?
Just $20. I'll turn
myself in, Sarge.
What are you doing that--
What are you taking
my shoes for?
Hey, operator.
Leave me something
to eat, do you hear?
What are you
taking my shoes for?!
Give me the phone!
Yeah, you go. Run out.
Go on, get out of here.
You run.
I can't move, but you run out
and leave me to die by myself.
Johnny, hey, listen--
Go ahead, hit me. Hit me!
I don't have to tell you anything!
Corporal John Pope, 122036617.
Name, rank, and serial number.
That's all I have to tell you.
- I don't know who was with me.
- Hey, Johnny.
I don't know who took my shoes!
- Johnny, it's Polo.
- Shh. Quiet.
Go ahead and run.
Run, Sarge.
Here they come, Sarge.
Run for it.
Oh, God, here they come.
Hit it! Hit it!
Hey, Mother--
Mother, do something for him.
I-I'll make good for him.
Please do something for him.
I'd like to laugh, but I can't.
The pocket's in trouble.
No, no! Name, rank,
and serial number.
That's all I know.
I don't know who took my shoes!
Mother, please.
Please, quiet him down.
I'll make good for him, please.
He must think you're the Chase
National Bank, Mother.
Nobody with me!
Mother, I'll make good for it.
On my word of honor,
I'll make good for it.
How much you carrying now?
Go ahead. Count it.
You're the Mother
of them all, huh?
Don't hit me anymore!
Don't hit me, please!
I didn't have a gun.
I don't know who took my shoes!
Take it easy, Corporal.
The general is here.
12 bucks?
Yeah, that's--
that's all I've got.
I tell you what I'm going to do.
I'll set him straight
for your 12 bucks.
Mother's got
a piggybank mentality.
Nickels and dimes,
right, Mother? Huh? Right?
Oh, you're going to get
yours some day, Mother.
I'm going to see that you
get paid in full some day.
Straighten out the corporal.
There's nobody here with me.
There's nobody here with me.
I don't have
to tell you anything.
Let's let the boys fix him up.
That's all I have to do.
I don't know who took my--
Ohh! Watch my back!
Watch my back!
You got a nice car down there.
But you don't need a car in the city.
There's no place to park.
What's taking them so long?
You got the pink slip?
Go sell that car.
I want $500.
We'll be back tonight.
We don't get that money,
we'll put your brother
in the hospital
with Willie de Carlo.
Heh heh heh.
I'm sorry, Polo.
Polo, I'm quitting.
No, I am.
I'm going to kick it,
Polo, tomorrow,
as soon as the old man goes.
You've tried it before, Johnny.
- You know it won't work.
- You got to help me.
Take me to a hotel room
and lock me up.
I'll kick it, I tell you.
I'm going to kick it.
No. No more.
I can't watch you
go through it again.
You've got to, Polo.
You're the only one.
This is my last chance.
I know it is.
Three days. That's all it
takes is three days.
- Where are you going?
- Out.
Polo, I got to tell Celia.
How am I going to tell her?
Tell her, Johnny.
Just-- Just tell her.
What will I say?
Just say "I'm a junkie."
That's what you are,
isn't it, Johnny?
All right.
All right, Johnny.
All right.
All right.
I don't want you to worry
too much about Johnny
- because I had--
- Aw, forget it.
I pushed him,
and he blew his top.
I know how to handle Johnny.
I know Johnny better than you.
Oh, no!
Oh, he's not gonna kick.
He kicks!
Two minutes to go,
and he kicks on second down.
- A bunch of Vassar graduates, huh?
- What is this?
Don't run with it! Pass it!
Pass it! Pass it!
Ohh! The butterfingers!
It's right in his hands,
and he misses.
What do you think you're
playing, water polo?
I've seen high school
kids do better.
The flowers are beautiful.
Did Johnny go to the game?
What smells so good?
What are you doing
in the kitchen?
What are you doing?
What's the surprise?
I thought you were at
the game with your father.
How was your day?
Like any other day. Why?
Boy, I thought you're the one
that said a day
wasn't just a day.
I guess I'd better
make the salad.
It's in the icebox.
You see, the dressing's
in there, too.
I mopped the floor.
W-Would you like to sit
in a tub of hot water?
I'll rub your back with alcohol.
What is all this?
Flowers and the floor mopped
and meat in the oven.
I mean, what's the occasion?
What's it all for?
Don't you like the flowers?
Of course I like the flowers.
I didn't expect
to find you home.
Flowers and the floor mopped.
- You just said that.
- I just said what?
"Flowers and the floor mopped."
- You said that twice.
- Suppose I did.
What difference does it make?
It doesn't make
any difference. I was--
Can't we just forget it, please?
What is it, Celia?
I was out again last night.
Is that it?
How many more guesses do I get?
- It's over.
- What's over?
Because I lost my job?
Because I don't love you.
So we just snap our fingers
and say that's that, huh?
Now, Johnny, I don't want
to get emotional about it.
I just refuse to.
But I've made up my mind,
and it's not easy.
It's just something
that has to be done.
I refuse to get
emotional about it.
I don't want to blame
you for anything,
and I don't want to be
blamed for anything.
But we have to concede the fact
that the marriage has failed--
not you, not I, but we have.
I refuse to get
emotional about it
because emotion
won't settle anything.
Celia, it's not just
you and I now.
If I understand you correctly,
you're talking about the baby.
You understand me correctly.
- That's amazing, honestly.
- What's amazing?
All these months, I've just been
waiting for you to say something,
one word,
one syllable about the baby.
Celia, today isn't yesterday.
Things can change, you know.
Johnny, I don't
want to talk about it
because I don't want
to get emotional.
Celia, honey, I'm home now.
Don't you understand?
I'm home now.
Wait a second. Here.
I bought something today.
- What is it?
- It's a dress.
You said it was going
to be a girl, didn't you?
Thank you, Johnny.
Thank you very much.
Honey, you reached
out your hand to me,
and I turned my back on you.
You looked at me,
and I closed my eyes.
Oh, honey, you're not
listening to me.
I am listening, Johnny.
Celia, there must
have been something
worthwhile in me
loving at one time.
You must have loved me
for some reason, Celia.
What was that reason?
Oh, please, Johnny,
stop, please, Johnny.
I know I've been
deaf, dumb, and blind,
but don't do to me
what I did to you.
Honey, listen,
something happened to me,
something that-- that--
that's very hard to understand,
but please don't go.
You don't have to love me,
not for a long time,
but please don't go.
Oh, J--
Johnny, your baby
just kicked me.
It doesn't move all day long,
every once in a while,
that's all.
Will you let me know
the next time
you think it's going to move?
Johnny, hold me.
Johnny, please hold me, Johnny.
You're not going
to leave me, are you?
Oh, Johnny, no, no, I promise.
I got to get a handkerchief.
Hiya, Polo.
The old man's down in Gerrity.
He wants to buy you
a drink before supper.
Who won the game?
Who played?
Polo, I want you to forget
about this morning.
All right.
What are you two talking about?
Nothing that concerns you.
Uh, it's-- it's forgotten.
Johnny, did you tell her?
- Tell me what?
- It's nothing.
It can wait, Polo.
I got to see the old man.
No. Now, the old--
the old man can wait, Johnny.
Not now.
I'll take care of it.
I'm keeping my word,
but not now.
Polo, listen, wait till
the old man gets on the plane,
and then I'll tell her.
What are you talking about?
Honey, uh, listen,
this is nothing
to get excited about.
Uh, look,
Sit down here a minute.
Now, Polo had the money
that the old man wanted,
but I took it all.
What do you mean?
Well, honey, I--
Th-The thing is I--
I'd better go downstairs.
The old man--
Look, Johnny, will you tell her?
Will you please tell her?
- What is it?
- Polo, get out of my way.
Come on, get out of my way.
Oh, I'm not in your way.
Go ahead and run.
Oh, honey, please,
the old man's ringing.
Will you get out of the door
and let me out?
Johnny, you can tell me.
You can tell me anything.
Now what have you done?
Johnny, nobody's going to hate you.
Honey, uh--
I'm hooked.
I'm a junkie. I--
I take dope.
You what?
I'm hooked.
- That's silly.
- No, it's not silly.
I need it two times every day,
and it costs a lot of money.
That's all right, Johnny.
Johnny, whatever it is,
it's all right.
Honey, don't tell the old man.
Johnny, we'll call a doctor.
No, no, not until
the old man goes.
It doesn't matter now. There's
nothing to be ashamed of,
and everything's going to be--
Hey, Johnny!
Everything's going to be
all right.
- Johnny--
- What do you say, Pop?
Where you been?
I've been downstairs
wearing out my thumb.
I was going to buy you a drink.
I didn't hear you, Pop.
"Didn't hear you, Pop."
What do you think
of these bums of mine?
They're not bums.
These bums. You know,
I used to spend more time
on the back porch
whistling for them.
I'd get all the dogs and cats
in the neighborhood,
but no-- no Johnny, no Polo.
That right, Johnny?
That's right, Pop.
Well, dinner's ready.
Hey, Celia, did Johnny ever
tell you about the time--
He was just a kid,
and I came home,
and I found him digging
in the backyard,
and it was pouring
cats and dogs.
I ask him what he's doing.
He says, "Working, Daddy.
Me working."
You see, I had told him
that the only way to get money
in your pocket is by working,
so he'd dig himself a hole,
then he'd look in his pockets,
and then he'd dig another hole
and look in his pockets,
and no money.
Then I told him,
"Come on in the house."
He bends over,
he picks up his hat,
and ga-whoosh, water goes
pouring all over him.
Poor Johnny,
he worked and he worked.
All he got was a hatful of rain.
It was just like a--
What's everybody so quiet about?
How was the game, Pop?
Oh, it was swell.
How about it, Polo, huh?
Hmm. Yeah, it was great.
- Would you pass the salt?
- Here.
- Thank you.
- How about you, Johnny?
You ever get to go
out to a ballgame?
You ought to get out
and get some fresh air.
Okay, I'll play straight man.
What's going on here?
Nothing, Pop.
I was just going to
tell you a funny story.
I'm afraid you'll all
break down and cry.
What's going on, Johnny?
Nothing, Pop.
Yes, Pop. No, Pop.
Nothing, Pop. Brr!
Feels like the last
day on Earth.
Come on, it's just
your imagination.
Can't we just eat--
Let me say what I was
going to say.
We're all together here.
Why don't we have some laughs?
I'm a junkie, Pop.
Johnny's sick.
I'm a junkie.
What are you talking about?
Uh, he knows what he's
talking about, Pop.
You mean you take dope?
That's a junkie.
That's right.
You've known about this, Polo?
Yeah, all the time, Pop.
Where do you get it?
I mean, how?
Come on, Pop, let's-- let's
not have an investigation.
I'm asking your brother
a question.
I'm not asking you for advice.
Well, I'm giving you
some, so shut up.
Don't you tell me to shut up.
All right.
Just keep your hat on.
What do you mean,
keep my hat on?!
I'm not hungry.
All the time I kept looking
for the lipstick on his shirt.
Johnny, why didn't you tell me?
How long has this been going on?
This time, three months.
This time?
There was another time?
Yeah. Yeah, when I got
out of the hospital.
But I told Polo, but he helped me,
and I kicked it.
- You kicked it?
- Yeah, I got off the habit.
Go to the library
and read up about it.
Johnny, please don't get sore.
I'm going to find out
whose fault this is
and who's to blame.
You knew about it.
You talk.
I don't know whose fault it is.
What difference
does it make who's to blame?
You're his wife.
What do you know about it?
You been sleeping
in the same bed with him.
You mean you don't even know
you've been sleeping
with a dope addict?
- Will you shut up?
- It's disgusting.
You sit down to dinner,
and your-- your kid
turns out to be a--
I can't understand
how a boy like you could--
- I ought to--
- Now, Pop, lay off.
Get out of my way, Polo.
He's sick, don't you understand?
I'm not sick!
I'm not sick!
- Get back here!
- Johnny, please!
Johnny, don't!
Johnny, please!
Stop! Polo--
Oh, don't leave!
- Let me sit--
- Go sit. Here.
Something's gone wrong.
You mean the baby?
Call the doctor, Polo.
Something's wrong.
Get her coat.
Get her coat.
- Shh.
- I'm afraid.
Johnny. Johnny.
Johnny, I'm afraid.
$3,000 worth of poison
in your brother's arm,
- and you paid for it.
- I paid for it.
That's a right thing to do,
help your brother kill himself.
What are you going to say to me?
Okay, Pop, get on your plane
and go back to Palm Beach
where everything
is nice and quiet.
Things don't have
to be quiet for me, boy.
I'm not coming apart
at the seams.
Oh, would you look at yourself?
You don't even know
what's happened,
and you're trying to put
the blame somewhere.
My son.
If you only knew
how ashamed I am
to admit that you're my son.
I got a good notion
to kick the--
Ah, go ahead.
You couldn't hurt me
any more if you killed me.
Now listen.
Now, you were 2,000 miles away,
but I was here.
You couldn't write
to me and tell me?
Write you and tell you what?
That-- That your favorite
son was a junkie?
- Don't--
- You going to swing?
Go ahead. Go ahead, swing.
Take your failures out on me.
You poor old man.
What are you hitting me
for, Pop?
What have I done?
Want to know something?
You don't know anything.
You walk around with
your head in the clouds.
Why don't you stand still
for a minute
and try to find something out?
Dope. He's a junkie,
and you paid for it.
She'll be all right.
Nothing to worry about the baby.
I want her to rest for a while,
and then you can take her home.
Thanks, doc.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to look for Johnny.
You take her home.
What-- Where's my wife?
Who knows? She's not here.
You got the money?
Heads I win, tails you lose.
You know that game, junkie?
Can you see your old
Mother over here, Johnny?
He's smiling.
Look what I got for you, Johnny.
Right hand, pure white,
a free ride
on the midnight carousel,
tax-free, and you'll
fly like a bird.
Left hand, and you go
to the hospital
and hold hands
with Willie de Carlo.
Don't start playing
those games again.
Give me the pipe.
I'll work him.
All work and no play makes dough
but no kicks, Chuchie.
Hey, I'm mixing them up.
Left, right, right, left.
Which hand? Pick it.
Come on, pick it.
I'm quitting, Mother.
I'm through.
I-- I'm through, Mother.
Through with your old Mother?
Every boy belongs to his Mother.
Come on, junkie.
The dreams or the hospital.
The dreams--
Here, take it. Take it
and get out of here.
And count it downstairs.
You'd better fix him. He's going
to crumble any minute.
Take it with you, Mother.
I'm through, Mother.
- You'll crawl, Johnny.
- Ooh!
Where's Celia?
She's with Pop.
They'll be here soon.
Oh, I don't want them
to see me like this.
Get me out of here, Polo.
Oh, Polo!
It's starting!
Oh, help me, Polo.
Hel me. I'm going to kick it.
I tell you I can kick it!
Got your keys?
Please help me.
Polo? Johnny?
Anybody there?
Polo, give me your handkerchief.
Back room, Johnny.
Hang on. Hang on, Johnny.
- Polo!
- Yeah. All right, Pop.
- Open the door.
- All right.
Where's Johnny?
He-- He's waiting for me.
He asked me to keep you and
the old man away from him.
I don't believe you.
Celia, honey, I tell you,
I know what I'm doing.
You don't know
what you're doing, Polo,
and you don't know
what you've done.
Don't turn your back, Polo.
I just talked to my doctor.
He said there's very little
any of us can do,
but there's a slight chance,
only a very slight chance--
I know what his
chances are, Celia.
You're not two little kids
huddled in a dark corner
anymore, Polo.
Where is Johnny?
He's waiting for me.
Don't you see, Celia?
As long as he gets it,
he's all right.
Y-You'd never know
he was any different.
I love your brother, Polo,
but I'm not afraid of him.
If you don't tell me where he is,
I'll have the police find him.
No. No police.
We'll call a doctor.
Look, I don't have to go
back to Palm Beach.
I'll get a job up here.
We'll all take care of him together.
Why call the police?
You don't understand.
We can't help him.
But there is a place in Kentucky
that takes care
of people like Johnny.
What people like Johnny?
People drink, don't they?
So he takes a little
something once in a while.
What do you want to go
running to the police for?
Get 'em out of here!
Get 'em out of here!
- Get them out of here!
- Johnny!
Get 'em out of here!
I don't want them to--
Pop. Pop, watch over me,
will you, Pop?
Don't let them come
near me again, Pop.
Don't let me go, huh?
Hold on, Johnny.
For the love of God, hold on.
We're all here.
He's freezing.
He'll die!
Polo, what will I do?
Rock him. Hold him
like a baby in your arms.
You rock him, Pop.
I rocked him long enough.
Now you watch over him.
Polo, Polo, get some blankets.
No, I didn't
want you to see this.
I didn't want anybody
to see this.
Well, we did see it, Johnny.
We-- We can't make believe
we didn't, can we?
There, there.
I'm going to ask you
both to go now.
- Well, what--
- Pop, please.
Come on, Pop. Come on.
Johnny. Shh.
Uh, Polo, you want to walk
me over to the hotel?
Yeah, sure, Pop.
I'm sorry, Celia.
You don't know how sorry I am.
I don't care how sorry
you are, Johnny.
Johnny, I'm-- I'm going
to call the police,
and you're going
to the hospital.
No, don't send me away.
We can't live like this.
You can live or die.
We can live or die, Johnny.
It's our only chance.
Make the phone call, Celia.
I want the police.
I want to report a drug addict.
Yes, he's here now.
Mrs. Celia Pope.
967 Rivingston Street,
apartment 3H.
It's my husband.
My husband!
Would you hurry, please?
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