A Haunting in Council House (2024) Movie Script

Do not stop!
Maybe we missed it!
I can not handle it anymore...
Leave me... Leave me...
Leave me... Leave me!
Leave me!
Yara... Yara, help me!
Still one of your nightmares?
I heard you screaming
from the other room.
Luckily, Gamba doesn't even
get woken up by the bombs
Did you take them?
Don't worry, we will
ask for another package.
Have you decided to
stay in bed all morning?
Maybe not all morning.
But we can stay here for another
10 minutes, what do you think?
Even the bombs don't wake
up Gamba anyway, right?
Christ, Roland!
Cover yourself!
I remind you there's
a lady in the room?
I know.
We'll be leaving
this place soon.
Hey you two!
They're waiting for
you in office 16, move.
Guys please
It's always me Nadia,
your guardian angel.
I see you are a little tired,
and I understand it.
I know it's hard to be here.
We have an overload of users,
and ever greater difficulties,
in being able to find
alternative accommodation.
But as you well know,
I took you very much to heart.
And I'm fighting the
higher ups for you.
I have great news.
Sure, being able to find you
a settlement is a very
complicated undertaking.
Especially for you, Yara.
All it takes is
one small misstep
and you risk being sent
back to your homeland.
But we did it.
to get the house,
in addition to the state
subsidies you already receive,
you need to work.
We made an appointment
to 6pm in this warehouse.
Please, show up at least
half an hour before.
These guys...
are for you.
Yara, it will be a little
more difficult for you.
The conditions are
very restrictive.
And if you violate,
you risk creating
problems not just for me.
But also to Lucas.
Extremely important condition
don't go too far from the house.
Well, it seems
clear enough to me.
In short, we still managed
to get your documents
and you're an illegal immigrant.
If you're discovered, you leave,
Lucas leaves and so do I.
Last condition,
this will be your home
and you absolutely cannot
find a different one.
At least until, well,
We won't be able to
fix Yara's situation.
Everything is clear?
Let's start well.
They told me that it had
been uninhabited for years.
And no cleaning has been
done, so you take care of it.
Well, as you can see, there
is all the essentials.
This is cute.
It appears to be your size too.
At least you'll
wear something nicer
beyond those horrible overalls.
For any problem or question,
I'm at your disposal
and my number is stored
on your cell phones.
I will try to give you the
maximum support whenever I can.
Lucas, I hear yesterday's
interview was a success.
Yara, you remember what
we said to each other.
I have a lot of faith in you
and I hope that this situation
last as little as possible.
Oh, I almost forgot.
Lucas told me you were
almost done with them.
Well, welcome to your new home.
Will it be a new beginning here?
It will be a
rebirth, believe me.
Are you sure you don't
want to keep anything?
Are you serious?
Are you sure, are you sure?
This is sexy.
You're an idiot.
Listen, love, what do you say if
I go get something for dinner?
I saw a little Chinese restaurant
down here, would you like it?
Oh my, I've always wanted
to try Chinese cuisine...
are you sure we can afford it?
Don't worry, if I proposed it
to you it's because we can.
And how?
It's a secret.
Come on, I'll be right there.
I love you.
you arrived?
Slowly love, otherwise
you'll choke...
You can't understand
how much I'm enjoying...
it's really good!
Good evening.
Sorry to bother you,
I live upstairs.
My grandmother said she heard strange
noises coming from your apartment.
She thought they were rats or the usual
neighborhood vandals, but instead...
I find out that the apartment
has been given to someone.
We'll have some company.
Forgive the rudeness.
My name is Christian.
And he lives here alone? Does he have
a wife, children or maybe a husband?
Don't worry, I'm not one of those bigots,
it's 2023 and the world has become fluid.
Love, who is it?
Yara, honey, come here.
He is our neighbor
Oh sorry.
And this is my partner, Yara.
My pleasure.
Christian? Are they
still those kids?
No, grandma!
They are the new neighbors.
So what are you waiting
for to come back?
Two minutes, I'll
be right there.
Excuse me, the screaming
woman is my grandmother.
She seems a little grumpy, but
she's actually a fantastic woman.
I've been taking care of her since
there's no one else to do it.
Her cuisine is
the best in Italy.
And I don't say this
to be flattering.
Maybe one of these evenings you
want to come to dinner, if you like?
Now, forgive me, I have to go.
I would never want him
to poison my dinner.
It was a pleasure, Trist...
It was a real pleasure.
We will see each other soon.
You can count on it.
My pleasure.
What a strange character.
That's not true, he's very nice.
Now this is something new.
You're jealous
Who? I?
Jealous of Mr. Muscle?
No come on.
Welcome back...
So what? Shall we celebrate the new
house? Or is it the Christian effect?
Come on Lucas, I was joking.
Ouch, love, you're hurting me.
Lucas, stop, you're hurting me.
Did you say something, love?
I'm a little tired.
I think I'll go to sleep.
Good morning.
Already operational?
Yep, wait a minute while
I attack this again.
I'm almost there...
I'm the best huh?
You were super.
You deserve an award.
I'm going to make you breakfast.
Ah love, see where you are
sitting there should be an agenda
If you want, write down what might
be needed on a piece of paper
so I go shopping
before going to work.
It should all be there.
All right
Please, if you need
anything else, call me.
It's me.
So, I think I got it all.
It's not like I'm an expert,
but I hope it goes well.
You've been good.
What did you say?
You are the best.
Too good.
Oh, by the way, you should find
some light bulbs in some bags.
I saw that the light
in the closet went out.
Maybe if you want to change it.
Or else I'll do it
when I get back.
I can do it. I'll
have to do something.
I certainly don't want to
become a desperate lunatic.
Cabbage! It got very late
I would like to avoid getting
fired on the first day.
I'll wait for you here.
Hey, I've got a few minutes of break
and I've been dying to hear from you
How is it going?
What are you doing?
I just finished taking a shower
after having revolutionized
the entire house
and I'm pretty tired, I think
I'll start reading a book now
although it is more likely
that it will be reading me
I imagine, babe
have you already had dinner?
No no...
I don't have the strength
to take any initiative
Why don't you order
yourself a pizza?
They told me that there is a very good pizzeria
that delivers home delivery there, near us
try looking in the diary. She
should be the only one there
Maybe I'll take your advice.
Maybe you can get one for me too
I'll eat it when I get back
tonight, what do you say?
Ok for pizza!
Yes? I'll be right there!
Break over. Hey, thanks so much
I love you.
Me too.
Good evening, pizzeria.
Hello, good evening.
Would it be possible to order two
pizzas to be delivered to our home?
Of course, miss.
How do we do them?
I don't know, you do it.
Okay, let's do it.
Where do we deliver?
I am in...
via Sportelli 22.
First name?
In what sense?
Yes, for delivery.
What name is on the intercom?
Ah, yes, I think it's
the nameless intercom.
I'm Yara, by the way.
Perfect, time to do them and
we'll arrive. Good evening.
Who is there?
Pizzeria, delivery for Yara.
You were really
quick, other than...
Yes? Ready?
Hi, I'm calling you
from the pizzeria for
what concerns the Yara order.
A little problem arose.
Such a problem?
We don't deliver to
cheating bitches!
How do you excuse me?
Why did you let me die?
You were my friend! I loved you.
I saved your life!
Who is?
Who is?
Who are you why don't
you leave me alone?
- You open! - Go away!
- Go away, enough! Enough!
- You open! You open!
Go away!
- But what happened?
- I don't know, I was knocking,
she opened the door,
yelled at me and fainted
Here, take these for pizzas.
- But it really would be...
- Keep the rest
But it would be-
How are you?
Come on
I'll help you, come.
Thank you.
You're welcome
And that's why now all you
do is relive the Nightmare.
I don't understand you,
but I'm close to you,
also because I don't
know how you resist,
I would have already gone crazy.
I actually have to thank
Nadia, my social worker,
she provided me with
I have too many bad memories.
I just want some peace.
Be calm.
You'll see, as soon as you've
sorted out your things,
and once you have found your balance,
a little serenity will also come.
And if not, prepare
to become like Agata,
high on pills,
who lives constantly
in her world,
and then wake up and
bust his nephew's balls.
Ah, Agata is my grandmother.
As for the Nightmare,
if he were to return.
Just knock on my door
I will come to save you.
Yara, I'm home.
Oh, and there's Christian here.
To what do I owe this honor?
I heard a bit of a commotion,
Yara screaming and
I went to check.
Well, yes, there is, you know.
It's something I often do too,
enter the house from
people screaming.
Christian was so dear.
I had a crisis and
a panic attack.
How are you now?
Well, since Lucas is home,
I can go home and sleep.
If you need anything, just
knock on my door, I'm upstairs.
Thank you.
Coffee with friends?
Take a seat.
I have some news.
Most likely, within
a couple of weeks,
something will finally unlock.
At least to be able to
access the registry office
and request your passport.
And then we will finally be able
to get the promised coveted stay.
Of course, I actually would
like to speed things up a bit.
You're pretty sure you don't
have anyone there anymore.
It would also be enough...
An ex-boyfriend, a
distant cousin...
But also just a friend.
Yara, help me!
This doesn't work
in our favor at all.
Well, that means I'll
have to get moving
and make a round of calls.
Still having trouble
with nightmares?
But are you taking the pills?
Every evening.
And how are you?
I sleep.
At least that's a
good thing, right?
The problem is when I'm awake.
I often feel observed.
I understand.
You've been through a lot.
Don't worry...
we'll sort everything
out together.
I promised you a new life.
And I'll do everything
to give it to you.
Meanwhile, if you
are still restless,
try taking another pill.
It's all natural stuff anyway.
St. John's wort and
some other herbs.
Of course they don't solve your
problem, but it's a help, right?
However, despite my bad
luck, I think I was lucky
I've got you...
Who is Christian?
He's a neighbor,
a very cute boy...
the other day he helped me
out during one of my meltdowns
Tell me more...
he's a good boy.
And that's enough for me.
And then he made himself available
in case I had another attack.
This is a very positive thing.
It makes me feel good to
know you're not alone.
Wow, when I'm with
you, time flies.
This is because
you are a treasure.
Hey, Christian!
I'm Yara!
Hey hey, calm down, calm down...
It's me...
It's me - Oh God
Sorry, I saw the door open and
wanted to come by and say hello
Sorry, I'm stupid!
I'm leaving now
No! Actually... sorry...
it's that my grandmother has this bad habit of falling
asleep with music at a volume that rivals a concert
On the contrary...
Grandma, this is Yara,
Yara, the neighbor.
And this is my lovely
grandma, Agata.
My pleasure.
Anyway, I came by to thank you for the
other evening and I wanted to ask if you...
if you would like to come to my house
for dinner this evening, what do you say?
At 7 at your place?
Gone, at 7
Perfect. Very good.
You're so right,
this is the cake
Best I've ever eaten
in my entire life.
Even if it doesn't seem
like it, grandma thanks you.
And maybe we'd better
remove this one, eh?
Otherwise we risk not leaving even
a little piece of it for Lucas.
You are right. Sweets are
kind of my kryptonite.
One last piece and
then that's it, please.
Please, please, please,
please, please, please.
Okay, but the last one, huh?
Thank you.
Hey, Yara. Calm down,
calm down, calm down!
It's down there! it's down
there! He's staring at me!
There is no one under the
table. There is nobody!
Open this damn door.
Soon you will join
your little friend.
You open!
Leave me alone!
Yara, Yara calm down!
Yara, it's me!
Calm down, calm down, it's me!
Calm, calm, calm!
I stole some of my grandmother's herbal tea,
it should help you relax and fall asleep.
I know, it smells terrible, but trust
me it will knock you out immediately!
Now relax...
I'll sit over there in the living
room until Lucas gets here, okay?
My goodness, what a night,
you were furious this night.
I don't remember anything.
I just know that I had
a very strange dream.
I don't know what you dreamed of,
but I hope the innovation happens.
Love, I know we've only known
each other for a short time.
Four months, 12 days and
eight hours, approximately.
But it's like you and I have known
each other our whole lives, right?
I'm honest, as soon as
I saw you in the center,
as soon as you entered, as soon as we looked
at each other, I understood it immediately.
I immediately understood that it was you, that
you're the woman I will want by my side forever.
As soon as I find a better job,
I will definitely get you
a better one than this.
Would you give me the honor of making
me the luckiest man in the world?
Yes, yes, of course yes.
A thousand times yes.
Are you sure huh?
I'm not imagining it?
I can't wait to tell everyone at work,
the whole world needs to know, everyone!
Yara and I are getting married!
We're getting married,
have you heard?
Ma'am, Iara and I
are getting married!
Thank you!
Love, I have to go, it's very late,
when I get back, let's celebrate, ok?
Yara, Honey, tell me everything.
Nadia I have to give you
some epic, sensational news.
How elated are we? What
happened? I'm all ears...
No, no, you can come and visit me, I have to show you
something and then you will understand for yourself.
Can you come today?
No, not today, Darling,
it's just impossible for me.
I have a case to follow,
I think I'll be late.
But tomorrow night at
7, what do you say?
At 7 it's perfect.
So see you tomorrow. I love
you, I like them. Then tomorrow.
Until tomorrow!
I love you!
I hug you too!
Who is?
I'm Nadia.
Nadia, what are you doing here
so early? It's 4 o 'clock.
Nadia, I have to tell
you a lot of things
I don't even know how to
begin - Yara, please sit down
Wait, let me tell you.
Now, please.
They called me a little while ago from
the warehouse and there was an accident.
It looks like a faulty machine
caused an explosion involving
a still imprecise
number of workers
and Lucas...
Lucas was...
identified among these.
I am very sorry.
Who is?
There's Yara, I'm
Christian, the neighbor
Christian, I really don't
think this is the right time...
Why Lucas? Why him?
Why him?
He was the nicest
person in the world.
He was always willing to help
anyone, he never hurt anyone.
Why him?
Why not...
Yara don't say these
things even as a joke.
I know for a fact that Lucas wouldn't
want to hear you talk like that.
I feel an emptiness inside.
It's like a chasm
It hurts...
Go to sleep. You need to rest.
Will you stay with me?
Of course I'm staying with you.
I'll stay with you all night.
Be calm.
I don't know what's
coming over me.
Darling, don't worry
I just called the office
and I got the morning off.
This is how I take care of you
and maybe I'll even
pop into the pharmacy.
Anything else missing?
For anything, call me, okay?
I'll come right away...
Do you think this could be it?
Hello, you called Nadia Rubja.
I can't answer at the moment.
Leave a message and I will
contact you as soon as possible.
Nadia, I need you to bring me
another one of these stupid tests.
I messed up with this one.
Let me know thanks.
So tell me, where did she go?
Did you run away or did she
abandon you and are you here alone?
She ran away leaving
me here to my sad fate.
If I died...
it's only your fault!
- Yara? - Don't worry, Nadia
he's recovering...
What happened?
Yara you freaked me out
when I entered the house you
were unconscious on the floor
Who is he?
He, this is Tony, a doctor
who is a dear friend of mine
As soon as I saw you on the
ground I called him immediately
Well recovered
miss, how are you?
Oh God Nadia, he was here
he was a man, he did this to me
it was in my house...
- My legs... - Darling...
I can't feel them, I can't
move - Don't get upset,
I'm here
Then you can't get to worked up
Tony, do you want to tell him?
Well... miss
while I was visiting you I heard
a second heartbeat beyond yours
What does it mean?
there is a life in you
You see, you're expecting
I'll have to do
further tests on you
but I'm sure you're pregnant
It's impossible
Honey, I was in disbelief too
but then the doctor made me
hear that little heartbeat
Think about it, Yara,
this is a blessing!
But now he has to pay
close attention to me
it is common practice to use maximum
caution. I want you to rest, in bed
For the entire
duration of pregnancy
You will not be able
to lift weights or cook
You will be able to go to the
bathroom every now and then
But otherwise you must
stay in bed to rest
Don't worry, I'm here
I'll take care of you
Of you both
No, it's impossible, I don't want
to believe it. It's impossible
I know it's not the best
But we don't want
a premature birth
If this happened, it would
put the child at risk
But now I'll have to give
you a small injection
It is a natural
based tranquilizer
It will help you relax
Although as you can see
It tends to cause numbness
in the lower limbs
A temporary side effect
I'll come check on you soon
Tony, you don't know
how grateful I am
Do I owe you something?
Imagine... You don't
owe me anything
Why don't we rather speed up
That dinner we
promised each other?
Take care of the girl
Concerning yourself, miss
Until we meet again
It was supposed to be a new life
But wherever he goes
There is only chaos
Don't say these
things even as a joke
Have faith
You will see that everything will fall
into place and you will be able to achieve
The new life you so deserve
But anyway, look at you
If this isn't a new life
Finding a mother like me again
I'm not a nice person
What are you talking
about, come on...
it will be all these drugs
My friend
She saved my life
And I?
Instead I-
Sorry, it's the office
Give me two minutes
No, how the hell
did this happen?
Ok, ok, give me five
minutes and I'll be there
The user of room 13 escaped
He stole a knife from
the kitchen and stabbed
Another user and a collaborator
I am sorry
I promise I'll be back
as soon as possible
You rest, please
Do not stop
Maybe we missed it
Yara, we have to run
We can not stop
I can't take it
anymore, I need a moment
Yara you don't understand,
he is already here
Who is he?
Yara you need to wake up now!
He is here...
what do you want from
me leave me alone
you are not real, you are not
real, you are the fruit of mine
imagination, you are my guilt,
you are not real, you are not real
Yell out! Yell out!
Nobody can help you anyway,
nobody wants to help you!
When I saw you leave
your friend to die
out of sheer selfishness, I thought
you were an intelligent woman.
You have disappointed me deeply.
The signs were all so obvious
how could you have been so blind.
But if I'm here to tell you this,
you're not really that stupid
Aren't you?
You were so busy being a
slut with the neighbor.
Like... fuck!
Think a little, take a guess.
Did your friend and I used
to coming to visit you?
You're not real, you're not real
You're not real, you're not real
My goodness, how
perceptive you are.
Brava! Brava!
I congratulate you.
We are not real...
but can we say the
same about him?
Nadia, Nadia you
have to help me!
Hi, you called Nadia Rubja,
I can't answer at the moment
Leave a message and I will
contact you as soon as possible.
Nadia please, run, come
here as soon as possible.
The man who attacked me is
Christian, and now he's here.
What do you want?
Don't worry, relax. As I told
you, I'm here to save you.
Just answer.
Yara what's happening? I
did not understand anything.
You have to come home now.
Yara be clearer, I
don't understand.
Please... run! he's
here... he's gonna hurt me
But who is he?
Christian! Agata! Help me!
Honey, please calm down.
I'm already at your house.
Everything will be fine,
just a few more moments.
And you will have the new
life you wanted so much
Enough of this, now
we need you clear
Henbane, jimsonweed,
nightshade and atonito.
Very useful in
making you fertile.
Just a shame...
that these poisons can lead
to terrible hallucinations
She's almost ready, just a few more
minutes, but she needs to relax.
Darling, don't worry, I'm here.
Fuck you!
Forget it, Nadia
She needs someone she
really wants by her side.
Stay away from me... disgusting!
You hurt me with this
Yet the other night it seemed
like you wanted me very close.
However, I wasn't
referring to myself.
is it really you?
Yes love, it's me.
You know, I would never
have abandoned you.
Please take me away, I'm scared.
No, you don't have to
be afraid, don't worry.
There's me, there's us.
They are my family.
Soon you too will
become part of it
and this makes me so
happy. Believe me!
But who are you?
What do you want?
Meet our coven
Adepts of the Vudu cult.
Children of our supreme.
Marie Catherine Leveau.
It was the nineteenth century.
And I, Marie Catherine Leveau
I had managed to achieve what
my sisters have always
searched and desired.
Eternal life.
No potions, no spells.
We needed a sacrifice.
I still remember
my first, Shania.
The village girl who cared
for a sick and dying me.
First we had to
look for a victim.
Someone no one would miss.
Someone no one
would ever look for.
Someone totally alone.
At first it was a
walk in the park.
Then came globalization,
Internet, social network.
Everyone can be
rejected by everyone.
And because of this we
almost lost the dear Lucas.
But then... enlightenment.
On the news we heard about
clandestine landings,
of uncontrolled immigration.
And too many people wandering the
streets without proper permission, and...
Let's help these fascists!
So it's simple we choose
the victim to sacrifice.
We make it fertile.
We fertilize it and then
wait for this moment.
Let go of all your
nightmares and guilt.
Take it easy.
Join our family.
One last effort!
Love, push!
I don't want you to suffer, otherwise
it will hurt a lot, believe me.
Keep it up.
You're doing great.
Hey, little girl?
Have you finished watching me?
What's up? Do you
want to suck it?
Oh, Ahmet is talking to you.
They didn't teach you
education, you reply.
At that time?
No, sir.
Girls, have you seen Samuel?
What are you doing?
Get away from him immediately.
We weren't doing
anything wrong, baby.
We were just having a little
fun, weren't we, little girl?
Go back to your
room immediately.
And we'll deal with you later.
Hey, are you okay?
Yes everything OK.
You're Samuel, right?
Perfect, they are waiting
for you in room 16.
How long can he last, Tony?
OK wait.
I have the solution at hand.
Samuel, dear boy.
How are you? Everything OK?
I have great news for you.
Are you ready for your new life?