A Miracle Before Christmas (2022) Movie Script

- Okay, smile.
- Look this way.
Good mornin', beautiful.
Good morning.
How about last night?
Wow, amazing.
Yes, it was.
What are you doing?
Turning last night
into a morning ritual.
Mm-mm. No. Mm-mm.
- No?
- No.
No, no, no, no.
Save some for later.
Early bird gets the worm.
Yeah, I know.
Heard it a million times.
I'ma just try to
go back to sleep.
Kiss the kids for me.
You know, you could stick
around yourself and do it.
Time waits for no one, honey.
Don't forget, Ashley has
her piano recital at 1:30.
It'll break her heart
if you're not there.
Okay, I'll be there.
Just make sure she wears
the red and white dress
I laid out for her
so at least this
time she's matching.
You do know she picked
that out herself, right?
Take a big breath in.
Leave our bodies.
And bring that foot
to the inner thigh.
Waiting for a moment
of awesome balance
the full expression
of this pose.
I want it!
Keith, you're my
financial advisor.
You know what I like.
Why not?
Okay, well, get it done.
Okay, bye.
Do you want me to stop
at your usual spot?
You know it!
- Are you nervous?
- Kind of.
Mom's coming, right?
I wont be nervous
if she's there.
Yeah, she wouldn't
miss it for the world, okay?
Jordan, you have one minute!
Do you think Mom
will finally let us
have a dog this Christmas?
I wouldn't count on it.
Daddy, he took my bacon again!
Well, look who
decided to join us.
Well, Dad, you know I have
to look fresh for the ladies.
Oh boy, sit down!
Shut up, bubblehead!
In your dreams, bacon head.
Well, if I'm a bacon
face whatever you say,
then what does that make you?
Y'all finish eating, okay?
In your dreams, troll.
Oh, I forgot to tell you.
And Anne and I are
getting back together.
Guys, hurry up!
The bus is waiting.
Come on!
Don't forget your sister!
Come on, let's go!
I'm coming, I'm coming.
We gotta go, the...
- The bus about to leave!
- Come on, come on!
Be careful and I
love you guys, okay?
Love you too, Dad!
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Come on!
Come on, let's go!
You got everything?
See ya at the recital.
- All right.
- Love you!
Me and Mom will be there.
Don't forget, she's picking
you up from school today!
Yeah, all right.
Pick you up later tonight?
Matt's picking me up.
Toss this, please?
Sure thing.
See you tomorrow!
It's about time.
Hey, Mercedes, I just...
I've been trying to reach you.
Your phone must
still be on silent.
No, I got all 12 calls.
I just was hoping
you got the message.
And what message is that?
Oh my god, you can't be serious.
I'm playing, but we
have a slight problem
you may be able to help me with.
If I need to fix your problems,
then what do I need with you?
Let me know when it's done.
Sandra and Terry...
Y'all ready to get started?
Okay, so... how's
that date life going?
We don't date.
We're married.
Is that what happens?
When you get married,
you stop dating?
No, no, no, it's
the complete opposite.
Your time together
is very important.
Yeah, we...
We definitely don't date.
With the kids, we can't
make time for that.
And they're growing up so fast.
Terry needs all the hours
he can get at the plant.
And for the past year,
they've been keeping him there
for weeks at a time.
And you know it's a very
remote place to cell phones?
They don't work so good.
Bad reception.
Very, very remote.
Uh, it's real busy.
Are you guys being
upfront with each other
about your relationship?
- Absolutely!
- Yes.
Sure about that?
Well, let's do a quick exercise.
Turn to each other.
And I want you to
repeat after me.
From this day forward...
"From this day forward..."
Say, I promise...
"I promise..."
To give you...
"To give you..."
Twenty minutes...
Two zero.
"Twenty minutes..."
Of my undivided...
Okay, see, now...
Ah, ah, ah.
I said undivided.
"Undivided attention..."
Each day.
"Each day."
Now, Mr. Terry, I'm gon' need
you to have a conversation
with your boss,
and tell them that you're
gonna need to spend
a lot more time at home.
Yeah, I think that'll
be quite all right.
Now, what I do want to
talk to you guys about
is your communication...
I think we've lost the romance.
I think that that's
what I'm looking at.
I think I'm looking at two
people who were once in love,
who, I mean, couldn't go a day
without calling each other,
coming to visit, and just
having wild and crazy sex.
And here we are,
where husband's off
having remote who knows what,
wife's feeling overwhelmed,
things aren't going right,
the kids are running you crazy.
I can feel it, I
can see it, sis.
Well, we gotta fix that!
We can do the thing?
Girl, I'ma feel you...
The thing?
Thank you so much.
Thank you, guys!
All right, have a
great rest of the day.
Yeah, you too.
Y'all keep going,
keep going, yes!
We gonna keep going.
Okay, all right!
Okay, now!
Mercedes, you are so good!
Too good.
Oh, sorry for interrupting.
Your 4:00 PM, the Fontaines,
wanted to thank you,
but instead have decided
to renew their vows
at some country club... tonight.
This is the second cancellation.
What are you telling
these people?
Only how to be
their best selves.
We can't keep them forever.
Oh, make sure to charge them
for their last 12 sessions.
That's good and all, but since
you've got me working so much,
I assume we can't afford
any extra help around here?
I mean, shouldn't we try to
keep as much business as we can,
at least until things pick up?
If we keep losing everyone
at the pace that we are,
we will be out of
business by New Year.
Oh my god, so dramatic!
How's Ronald?
You mean Calvin.
Whatever his name is.
I'm sure he's, uh,
pretty excited about
all that extra
money you're making.
He's happy I can finally
help pay for things, yes.
Exactly! See?
Our business is fine!
All right, we had a few
slow months, but alas,
Christmas is only days away,
and dysfunction saves the day.
How long have you been with me?
Seven years.
And have I ever let you down?
Well, there was that one New
Year's party a few years back.
Get out.
Girl, I'm playing.
Oh, I'm almost forgot!
Matthew called for
the fourth time today.
He has to make sure you're
on time for dinner tonight.
Why didn't he just call me?
Because you don't
answer your phone.
Oh, gosh, before I forget,
put these in the mail for me.
I'm adopting elderly this year.
Mm, look who's in
the Christmas spirit.
I surprise myself.
Girl, this plant is dead.
That's also a surprise.
Water it.
Oh, oh my god.
Your financial advisor wants
to do a 1:00 PM meeting
to discuss the portfolio
you've been asking about.
I can't.
I have a 1:30 thing
with my daughter.
He said that's his only opening
and he has a late flight.
Gosh, come on.
Well... Matthew
will be there.
She'll be fine.
As he always is.
Well. Oh, make sure
to call and tell him
that he has to pick up
the kids from school
because I'm sure this
is going to run over.
I will, uh, let him know.
And, uh, I have to leave early
on Christmas Eve.
We have a few friends dropping
by for a... holiday party.
I'll manage.
We wanna add that on to this...
We gotta make that happen.
Let's do it!
Jesus Lord at thy birth
Good luck, Ashley.
Okay, then.
Hey Ashley, it's time.
She's not coming, is she?
Honey, they're waiting.
We gotta go, but you got this.
I told you so.
You got this.
So, as you can see,
your account has
been doing very well.
Yeah, this is what you have
right now in your bank account
right here.
- Here?
- Yes.
So, that's a reason to be happy.
And it's gonna get even bigger.
It has to be bigger!
So what we're trying
to do right now,
because the stock market
is always fluctuating...
So please, do tell me
more about this new project.
You know what?
Okay, I'll have to say this...
I'm super excited about it,
but we haven't exactly
nailed down anything yet.
Her relationship to work,
that she's gotta stop
And do you know what
this girl told me?
I mean, woman told me?
She kept on cutting me off,
telling me that I was wrong.
And I'm like, see,
this is the problem.
Now you're trying
to boss me around.
You can't boss me around.
Babe, I thought we weren't
having business talk tonight.
Matthew, I kind of want to
hear the rest of this story.
By the end of the session,
sis was putty in my hands, okay?
We had a breakthrough,
and then by the time
they walked out of my office,
they were like two newlyweds
on the second night
of their honeymoon.
I told her that Mercedes Wright
is the baddest bitch
that she will ever
sit in front of!
- Period.
- Okay.
Matt, did you share
your great news?
Ah, not yet.
Ain't no secrets at this table.
It's not really
that big of a deal.
Plus I'm not trying to
talk about work right now.
I'll be damned!
Bruh, this man here just became
the head of the biggest project
- in the history of our company.
- What?
And you don't wanna
share that news at the table?
- Babe!
- All right.
It's kinda cool, okay?
Baby! What?
Just don't forget about us
little folks, all right?
Mm, no, Caleb, uh-uh, no.
Your time is gonna come.
And we have a
two-year-old, so, uh, no,
I need you home as
much as possible.
Thank you.
Let's cheers to my brother,
his big endeavor, proud of you.
If you ask me, it's overdue.
If I was him, I'd walk
right into that company
and, look, if you can't
make me partner, I'm out.
Partner? That's a bit of
a reach, don't you think?
She had too many drinks.
I don't think it's reaching.
I mean, why just continue
to make other people rich
instead of building
your own company?
There wouldn't be
a Mercedes Wright
had I just sat around
and waited.
My girl.
She's saying it right.
That right?
- Ha!
- Hello.
To that!
It wasn't that bad.
Wow, you serious?
You know, I just wish you
could see yourself sometimes.
We had guests over
for three hours.
Nobody was able to say anything.
That's ridiculous!
Everyone talked.
So what did Faith
and Caleb talk about?
It's not my fault no one had
anything interesting to say.
You know, I was
hoping that tonight
would help us reconnect,
especially after you
stood up your own daughter
on her biggest day.
I'm done defending you to them.
Well, excuse me!
Okay, look.
I think you're being a
little dramatic about this.
Look, I got tipsy.
I'm sorry.
But you're not
exactly Mr. Perfect.
What are you talking about?
This isn't about that.
When was the last
time you thought about
something more
important than yourself?
Okay, stop it.
You and the kids
are very important.
Oh, really?
So how about you explain to them
why you never show up
to anything?
Okay, wait a minute,
now, that's not fair.
I never ask you to choose.
All right, what's wrong with me
being a passionate career woman?
And what's wrong with me
encouraging my husband
to become partner in a company,
and which he
rightfully deserves?
First off, they don't
offer partnerships, okay?
Secondly, I love my job.
I love being an architect.
But I love our
family a lot more.
I have no interest
in chasing something
that's going to take
me away from that.
Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Okay, humor me.
Why do you have a driver when
you have a Mercedes out front?
Because I... Don't do that.
I miss the woman that I married.
Mercedes Johnson.
Did you know that Ashley
lost another tooth?
You didn't tell me that.
Yes, I did.
A week ago.
Even told your parents.
You don't talk to them anymore.
I just think we need some space,
some time so that you
can have some clarity
and figure out what's
important to you.
So you're really leaving?
You're your biggest fan.
You get you all to yourself.
I'll be at my mom's
with the kids.
I think there's a
major difference
in the way you
guys walked in here
and the way you guys are
about to walk out of here.
We made some
progress today, guys.
And I'm proud of us!
Go make some babies!
What are we doing?
We're wasting time here.
That's what I'm talking about!
Now we're all on the same page!
I'll see you guys next week.
Okay, see you next week.
All right! See you soon.
Ah, yes!
Ooh, baby, call me Mrs. Fix It!
You are so good, girl!
Yes, I know, I know,
you are so good.
Hi, Mercedes.
Well, he took the kids to do
and to see the Christmas
decorations downtown.
That's not like him to
just leave his phone.
To be honest with you,
Mercedes, he knew you'd call,
You can always come see the kids
whenever you want, Mercedes.
While you figure
out what you want.
I'll tell him you called.
Mm, well...
Okay, I'll figure it out myself.
I need a drink.
Cancel your Christmas Eve plans.
I need you to organize
my financial statements
for the past seven years.
But I told you
about my Christmas party.
Go late.
I need them done by Christmas.
"A woodsman, who
was chopping logs nearby,
"He grabbed that old wolf
and made him spit out
"that poor grandmother,
"who was a bit frazzled,
if I must say so,
"by the whole experience,
"but still in one piece.
"'Oh, Grandma, I was scared!'
sobbed Little Red Hiding Hood.
"'I'll never speak to strangers
or dawdle in the forest again.'
"That woodsman
knocked out that wolf
"and carried him
deep into the forest,
"where he wouldn't bother people
or Little Red Riding Hood
ever again. The end."
All right, kids, lights out.
Can we say our prayers?
Yeah, can we?
Of course.
Yes, Lord.
God, thank you
for today, my family,
and your love in our lives.
Thank you for Grandma
and the greatest
daddy in the world,
and Mommy, the greatest
mommy in the world.
She doesn't know
yet, but she is.
God, please have your angels
watch over her and change her,
and we can be a
happy family again.
All right, it's time for bed.
Light's out for real
this time, okay?
- Another shot?
- Mm-hmm.
Rough night, huh?
Thanks, Gary.
You have no idea.
If I had a dime for every person
I see like this
during the season...
On the house.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Ah, sorry.
I didn't see you there.
The same thing
brought us both here.
I'm sure your problems are
nothing compared to mine.
What I've learned in life is
there's no problem so original
that there's not
an answer to it.
Hm, no advice I
can take from you.
Imagine having an
ungrateful spouse.
I gave that man the world.
And one hiccup, and
that world is over.
Let them sleep, baby.
They'll be fine.
You'll all be fine.
God works in mysterious ways.
I'm sorry.
I'm probably talking
your ear off.
I didn't even get your name.
- Oh, I'm David.
- Mercedes.
- Nice to meet you.
- Likewise.
So, um...
You find you have no
fault in any of this?
Honestly? No.
Look, I'm ambitious.
And so is he!
And maybe I talk
too much sometimes,
but that's what I do.
I fix relationships.
I am Mercedes Wright.
The chick from the projects who
watched her parents struggle
to get me through college.
There is no way I'm letting
us go back to that nightmare.
Would he?
I knew you wouldn't get it.
Well, seems to me you
have it all figured out.
I do!
I just wish he could
see how lucky he is
and how many men would
die to be in his position.
Is that what you wish?
Excuse me?
Is that your wish?
For him to see how empty his
life would be without you?
I never thought
about it that way.
Huh, if only that was possible.
Is that your wish?
I could make it...
as if you two hadn't ever met.
I must be drunk out my mind.
I sit here two hours
talking to some nutcase
talkin' about how he
gonna grant me a wish?
Humor me.
I want him to see what life
is like without Mercedes Wright.
Your wish is granted.
Well, this party is lame, so,
I'm gonna go home.
I've had a little
too much to drink.
So have you.
You get home safe, David.
Miss Perfect is going home.
See you soon!
Mercedes Wright...
Ha, ha!
I thought you were at
your parents' house.
I think maybe you
got the wrong house?
Matthew, I've had
a long day, okay?
Move, I'm not in the mood.
- Miss, Miss, excuse me!
- Whoa!
- Excuse me, please!
- What?
Matt, who's at the door?
I think somebody's lost.
Hi, the Michaels
are a few doors down.
I know the GPS can be confusing.
Matthew, who is this chick
and why is she in the house
that I pay half for?
And stop saying I'm
at the wrong address
'cause I'm not.
What is she talking about?
What am I...
And how does she know your name?
Babe, I have no idea.
I'ma ask you to leave
or I'm calling the cops.
- Get the hell out of my house.
- I don't know her!
Are you serious?
Miss, please!
When I feel
a tap on my shoulder,
And he says,
"Do you have some time?"
So, we walk across the street,
and I think he's
taking me for lunch.
- And he says, "No, no."
- No, no?
Real stern like,
"My car."
- Wow!
- Girl!
He's gonna look at me and
ask, "How much do you want?"
I say, "You ain't
gotta pay me nothin'
because I ain't no h... "
He then slams his cuffs on me.
I'm screaming!
Help! Help!
He's gonna tell me to shut up.
I froze and looked him
straight in the eye
and kicked him in
the you know what.
That's right.
Mercedes Johnson?
You're free to go.
Feel better than me, girl.
Oh, thank god.
Me too? Please?
Uh, excuse me?
There are more
people in here too!
What about me?
I just want you to know that
you will be hearing
from my attorney, okay?
How dare you lock me up
in this disgusting place!
Do you know who I am?
Look, lady, take it up
with the judge.
Can I get my phone call?
Look, where's Matthew?
Matthew, my husband?
There's no Matthew.
And he didn't mention
that he was your husband.
Hello again!
I told you I'd be
seeing you soon.
Where's my husband?
After all you've
been through tonight,
haven't you figured it out yet?
Figured out what?
Your wish.
There is no husband, no family.
No one to be responsible
for or accountable to.
You're free!
Now you can both experience
what life would be like if...
you'd never met.
You are really insane.
Could you... okay, first of all,
please stop stalking me, okay?
This is what you get for
being nice to weirdos.
must've left my wallet
at the office, but... listen.
I will come to the bar tomorrow
and give you cash, okay?
To pay you back.
- Are we good?
- Oh, very good.
Are you sure we're
in the right place?
Let me check.
Just stay put.
We're sorry,
you have reached a number
We're sorry, you
have reached a number
What can I get ya?
Um, I was in here
a few hours ago.
Um, but it looks like
you've changed everything up.
I might've had a little
too much to drink, but
I was wondering if anyone
handed in a wallet and a ring?
Don't ask.
Gary, I was just
sitting right here.
Lady, I don't remember you.
It was only a few of us in here.
What do you want?
A beer.
Can I at least have a glass?
I'm the bad Santa Claus
With goodies in my sleigh
I'm the bad Santa Claus
Against the special scene
I'm the bad Santa Claus
I'll take you on a magic
ride in my sleigh tonight
You're gonna look for me
I'm the bad Santa Claus
With goodies in my sleigh
I'm the bad Santa Claus
Against the special scene
I'm the bad Santa Claus
Whoa, whoa, yeah
I guess they're trying
to mix it up a bit.
Never knew they had dancers.
And I come here often.
That's a drag.
I've never seen you before.
And I'm very good with faces.
I do remember you as that
stuck-up executive bitch
that was in the can earlier.
I'm sorry?
People talk, but I've
never seen you here before.
You know, I'm not a big fan
of what they did around here.
You could tell it
was a rush job.
What brings you here tonight?
This is obviously not
your type of hangout.
I'm looking for my
ring and my wallet.
I thought I might've left it
here when I was... here, earlier.
Hey, what's going on with Gary?
He's never this rude.
That prick is never nice.
The less talking
he does, the better.
It's obvious he hates his job.
If you ask me, he's in
the wrong line of business.
Well, good luck.
I'll let the gang know to keep a
lookout if they find something.
Yeah, bet you will.
Well, screw you!
I'm only offering to help.
Believe it or not, the people
in here are more trustworthy
than you upscale pricks.
Okay, I'm sorry. Sorry!
Look, I...
It's been a long day, all right?
I'm sorry.
What are you having?
I'm tapped out with this.
I spent my last on it.
It's Christmas, babe.
It's on the house.
Gary, another
round for the lady.
Look, I need you to
pay your tab tonight!
Oh, shut up, Gary.
Have a heart!
She lost her wallet.
I always pay my freakin' tab.
Such a jerk, I tell you.
Well, I need some
air and a cigarette.
- You comin'?
- When did he get like this?
Oh, just forget him.
He's always like this.
I need you to close
out your tab tonight.
It ain't free, you know.
Relax, Gary!
Ugh! Jerk!
What part of town you live?
Well, I thought I knew,
and then I ended up in jail.
Girl, your issue
is more serious than I thought!
You must be drinking that
new stuff they got here.
Got people blackin' out
for days at a time, ugh.
Well... I want you to be safe.
You're welcome to crash at
my place and stay the night.
I'm sure you'll be fine
Looks like your
world isn't ending after all.
Mercedes, where are you?
I've been waiting here
for the past hour for you.
Uh, yeah, yeah,
everything's fine.
Long day.
I miss you.
Very funny. It's Kenny.
East Hills, at your place?
Where are you?
Why are you at
that low-class place?
I'm sending a car
to come get you.
East Hills?
That's the richest part of town.
Why are you way over here?
Anyway... call me.
So I can know you got home safe.
Thank you.
Good morning, beautiful.
You should just stay.
I wish I could, but...
busy day today.
I am done with alcohol.
I had the worst
nightmare last night.
You weren't even you.
Even Marlon's wasn't
even the same.
Anyway, some woman claimed
to live here with you.
She better be lucky
it was a dream.
Just come back to bed.
Early bird gets the worm.
It's okay, you can
leave early for work.
I'm gonna stay
home with the kids.
That'll be the day!
You must be dreaming.
Oh my god!
It was real.
Who are you and how
did you get in here?
You let me in!
No, I didn't.
Where is Matthew?
- Who?
- My husband!
Where is Matthew?
Hey, if this is some type
of-of roleplaying game...
Where's Matt?
Where is he?
Look, I don't know
who Matthew is,
and I don't know what this is,
but I'm not turn...
I'm gonna call the cops.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
Call them and tell the
truth... we're screwing!
Yeah, and somehow, someway,
you caught a conscience
and now you feel guilty.
What are you doing?
You asked me to spend the night
like you did every
other night this week.
Hello? 911...
We're both workaholics.
It's perfect.
What are you doing?
Why are you trying
to mess this up?
Is there an emergency?
The wrong number.
I don't remember any of this.
I'ma tell you like this.
You need to lay off the alcohol.
When you got your
stuff together, call me.
Deshaun, I did not sleep well.
I could really use a coffee.
It's your girl, Faith.
Deshaun, you're passing it up.
Excuse me?
Miss Johnson, you
must have me confused.
You made it very clear that
once you're inside the car,
you want complete silence.
Where are we?
Your office, ma'am.
My office.
Anything else I can do
for you, Miss Johnson?
Um... one moment.
- Hello?
- Where are you?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm... I'm okay.
Um, I think I'm here.
Okay, I'm on the
way up right now.
Good morning, Miss Johnson.
Merry Christmas.
Good morning.
Can I help you with
anything, Miss Johnson?
Sorry, I, um...
My mind drew a blank.
Long night. Um...
I understand.
Would you like for me to
escort you to the ninth floor?
No, no, no, I got it.
Let me get that for you.
You have a great
rest of the day.
Thank you.
Nine o'clock, you
have Ms. Dogmeyers.
Ten o'clock, you
have the Wayans.
Eleven o'clock, you
have Eleanor Murphy.
Something's different.
Good morning, Miss Johnson.
She just lost her pet
rabbit last month,
and this month, her poodle's
at the vet with a broken leg,
so she's devastated...
Good morning,
Miss. Johnson.
And she feels like her
world's falling apart.
A bunny?
Whatever you do,
do not call it a bunny.
It's Puffy Murphy.
She looks at it as like
a family member or something.
Then, at 12:00, you have
a noon luncheon to go over
the Black Money social
payment app possible merger
with both CEOs.
If this goes through,
we're looking at going
public in a year!
Is that all?
As usual, go over the rest
of your schedule at lunch.
Have a great day!
I didn't go to Stanford.
I just don't feel
valued anymore.
This year, he thought
it was a good idea
to fly the G5 instead of
the Global to visit my parents.
Imagine that, the horror
of flying on a G5.
Better yet, he thought
we should fly commercial
during the holidays!
Ugh, god only knows what
he'll get me for Christmas.
Last year, I told him
exactly what I wanted,
and somehow I ended up with
the ugliest emerald necklace
you've ever seen.
Wish I would've known that
before I spent 400 grand.
Oh, it's always
money, money, money.
Let me tell you something.
I logged in to his computer.
He's secretly been trying
to buy a new Ferrari.
I sense a midlife crisis.
I need to reschedule.
Uh, I assume no
charge for today.
Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey...
Everything okay?
Yes, I just need
to get some air.
You can't.
You're booked solid.
And you have that luncheon
in an hour and a half.
I'm sorry, Mercedes, but
today is not a good idea.
It wasn't a question.
We can't just
cancel on everybody.
It makes us look unprofessional.
Look, I didn't
sign up for this...
I said reschedule.
- I gotta go up and see it.
- Must see!
Just like I said,
listen to the woman, okay?
Miss Johnson,
you must have me confused.
Mercedes, it's me.
Hey, girl, you should've told...
Uh, okay...
You got some nerve speaking
to me after what you did...
You slut!
First of all, why are
you talking to me like that?
I am not afraid of you
like everybody else.
Of course you're not!
You're my best friend!
No, save that! Save it!
You slept with my fianc.
So stay the hell out of my life.
Slept with... okay,
this is getting crazy.
I told you, Miss Lady,
I cannot get used to that.
At least you know the truth.
I... guess I need to find
you something to eat.
Okay, look this way.
Grace, can we get some light on?
Perfect, perfect.
Give us a smile... smile.
Okay, yeah.
Okay, she's a...
Okay, there you go, all right.
All right, smile, honey.
It's your big night.
Of course you do!
You look so beautiful!
No, you're not.
Lots of people go alone.
Waiting for him to ask her out.
Boys are so immature
at this age.
I didn't go around
hurting people's feelings.
And honey, you stay
who you are, okay?
Now, smile!
Hey, as the owner of this place,
is there anything
you want to say?
Uh, yeah, sure.
Um, wishing everyone love,
happiness, and success
during this holiday season.
- Cheers!
- Nice. Well said.
So, um, you enjoying yourself?
You know how I feel
about the holiday season.
It's what I like
about you, Mercedes.
You have no life.
So, how old are you now?
Twenty-seven? Twenty-eight?
Wow, I'm 56.
It's taken me 35 years
to get all that I have.
There's so much about you
that reminds me of myself.
You fierce, no-nonsense shark.
Knows what to do.
All work and no play.
That's why you're
gonna rule the world.
But look around.
See all these losers.
They'll always
just be employees.
But not you and me.
We show up.
We do good.
We pretend to care.
But these losers?
They choose families
and husbands and wives.
But you and I?
We choose success.
And that's why we
will never lose.
But Rachel, on the
other hand, hm...
she's got a choice to make.
So pretty.
Or we make it for her.
Amazing Christmas party.
Oh! Thank you so much
for the wedding gift.
Brian and I are so appreciative.
Uh, excuse me, ladies.
I'll, uh... I'll let you mingle.
Thank you so much
for bringing me over.
I won't let you down.
I know you won't.
We're all packed.
I'm so excited for our
honeymoon to Paris!
About that. I, um...
I need you to push that back.
It's not a good time.
I need you here.
I'll let Brian know.
Oh no.
I guess it's only
me and you now.
Thank you for letting
me barge in on you like this.
I know it was last minute.
Girl, it's no problem.
That's what friends are for.
Oh, one moment.
That's my son.
Hey, little man!
Hi, Mom.
I have a surprise for you.
Oh, you've got him
spoiled, you know that?
Please, nothing else
before Christmas.
Aw, Mom, it's still
Christmas season.
RJ, it's in three days.
I packed him some extra clothes.
Thank you.
And I was thinking, um...
Maybe I could start
bringing him to school.
You know, he was
so upset last week.
And maybe it would
be a little bit...
Gina, I'm his mom.
I know. I know.
It was just a suggestion.
Bye, Mom.
I love you.
Okay, babe.
See you later, okay?
Thank you.
Just... think about it.
I will.
Bye bye, sweetheart.
See you soon.
All right, you ready
for the surprise?
Let's go!
This is Mercedes.
Hi, nice to meet you.
How are you?
You're a handsome young man.
Are you hungry?
No, ma'am.
I already ate.
- Okay.
- Can I go play some Xbox?
Not for long.
You heard what Gina said.
And not until you're finished
with your reading assignment.
I hate reading.
Okay, okay, how about this?
Once I'm done here, I'll come
and we'll read it together.
Okay, I'll see you later.
He is something else.
He's adorable.
I put him through so
much, but thankfully,
he hardly remembers it.
He just knows he
has two mommies.
What happened?
I lost custody of him
when he was three.
I was in the streets...
Drugs, living the fast life.
And one day, I woke up and
left him alone for two days.
I tried to get clean after that,
but I couldn't forgive myself.
I missed him so much.
Then I got the job at Morgan's,
and I finally got clean.
He's my world.
I just wanna be there for him.
I'm so sorry.
Girl, I'm strong.
It's one thing to
throw insults my way.
But I hate it when
they do it to him.
He's too sensitive.
He'll be tough, though.
He's just like his momma.
But enough about me.
I know you didn't come
all this way for that.
Talk to me.
I'm worried about you.
Well, I know this might
sound... crazy, but...
I'm living in an
alternate reality.
Like... what do you mean?
Just two days ago, I was
married with two kids.
My parents were alive.
And... yesterday, I woke up next
to a man I had never met before.
I have no kids,
no family, no life.
And I run the largest
company in the country.
I have everything
anyone could ever want.
But at the same
time, I have nothing.
I know I sound crazy.
Kind of, but girl,
in my line of business,
I've heard stranger things.
Were you at any
parties recently?
Maybe you were drugged.
This is gonna sound
ridiculous, but...
I made a wish.
A wish?
I didn't think it would
come true, but it did.
And now I'm living
in her reality.
Whose reality?
Aren't you Mercedes?
Yeah, kind of, but it's just...
You know what, girl?
I'm here for you.
Whatever you need.
Thank you.
Oh my god...
The grieving process
is never easy.
It's one day at a time.
And don't let anyone put
a timetable on your grief.
Now, continue.
I wanna hear more
about this dream.
Well, I was back home,
in Fort Worth.
And, uh, Wolf and Francis
and I would pick berries
in our back pasture.
And while back
there, I saw Puffy,
just sitting there,
staring at me.
And I run up to him,
and I was saying,
"Puffy, it's me! It's Mommy!
Don't you recognize me?"
He was just keep backing up,
like he didn't even
know who I was!
And I was running after him,
and I was crying and
calling after him, and...
"Puffy, it's me! It's Mommy!"
Just... you know what?
Uh, can we take five?
Uh, let me...
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Girl, what's wrong with you?
What has gotten into you?
You can't be seen with her.
It's bad for the
Mercedes Johnson brand.
We have a huge network
TV interview in two days
all about this merger, okay?
- You chose Christmas Eve.
- I know.
You hired me for a reason.
Now, I'm telling you
this needs to stop now.
Sitting in your office is one
of our highest-paying clients.
I do not need to tell you that
she owns half of this town.
Your friend is embarrassing us.
Rachel, I know.
Just give me a
couple minutes, okay?
Girl, I was...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Listen, this is
my business, okay?
And everybody might
not understand.
Well, I'm sorry.
This is me.
You know what?
Never mind.
Okay, look, look, look.
I'm under a lot of
stress right now, okay?
I went to sleep somewhere
and I don't even remember
how I got there.
So just be patient with me.
That's why I stopped
by to check on you.
Because of my son, and me
being so overprotective,
I always keep my cameras going.
I saw this last night.
Oh my...
You didn't even say goodbye.
I was worried sick.
I don't even
remember doing that.
Are you sure in a position
to be counseling...
Mercedes, time's up.
I can't even deal
with this right now.
It's about time.
Miss Johnson, do you want
her banned from the building?
- Yes, please.
- Come on...
You better get your
damn hands off of me.
- I'm going!
- Let's go. Get up out of here.
Listen, you ain't nothin'
but a two-bit cop, okay?
I'm going...
Silent night
All is calm
Round yon virgin, yes
Holy infant
Tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly
Silent night
All, all is calm
All is bright
Mother and child
So tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Mm, can you hear it
Listen, make a wish and
This Christmas, hm
My honey walks beside me
Honey, you
I am ready to love
I want you here with me
One more Christmas Day
on its way
That's why I'm feeling
this way, I'm sorry
Dear Santa, I wish
How you feelin', Miss Johnson?
Don't worry, this is gonna
be a smooth interview.
We're on in three, two...
Hello, everyone, and
Merry Christmas Eve.
It's your girl, Valerie Jenkins,
and I'm coming live from the
office of Mercedes Johnson
Marriage and Family Enterprise.
Now, we're gonna be
discussing everything
from the empire that she
built to the new merger.
But first up, it's an
honor to finally meet you.
How are you?
Blessed, we're blessed.
That you are.
You are truly a woman
that wears so many hats,
and always working!
Now, I understand you're even
working tomorrow on Christmas,
Look, people always need help,
especially around the
holidays, for many reasons.
What are some of those reasons?
I would say our first
priority reason is loneliness,
which is why we make
ourselves available 24/7.
An angel too?
Now, in addition to being a
Fortune 500, you know, mogul
that you are, you're
doing a merger
with a social payment
application called
the Black Money App.
But this type of partnership
with a company like yours
is... new.
Yes, it is.
Um, our desires aligned in
wanting to give back and...
And provide healthier and
safer, uh, communities.
There's so much mental illness
in under-served communities.
And a simple conversation can
make a world of difference,
which is why I am super
excited about this merge.
Um, we're gonna create
an app that will allow us
to be available 24/7.
Sounds amazing.
And with every transaction,
um, a percentage will go back
to under-served communities
in building educational
outreach programs,
uh, hospitals,
community centers,
whatever it takes.
So there you have it.
And you heard it here first.
Black Money App,
Mercedes Johnson,
a powerhouse merger
changing the future
and setting the standard?
Now, when you're not
saving the world,
what do you do to
take care of you?
I mean, I'm sure everybody's
dying to have you over
for the holidays.
Actually, it's the opposite.
I don't buy that.
I have a brave and
courageous friend...
who has taught me...
what being a true friend
really is.
My selfishness...
kept revealing
how undeserving I am.
But her kindness made me see.
Candy, if you are watching...
I am so sorry.
Well, I hope she is watching.
She sounds like
an amazing friend.
She is.
Thank you again.
Mercedes Johnson.
And cut!
What was that?
Are you kidding me?
Can she stay on script?
- My job.
- Are you kidding me?
Can you stay on script?
Oh my god!
Where are you going?
Are you trying to
throw this all away?
I get it.
I get it that you suddenly care.
But let's not lose sight
of why we are here.
The person I know
doesn't care for anybody,
just the goal that's
in front of her.
That's what you taught me!
Now, I need you to
get back in there!
I taught you wrong.
You're supposed to care.
You're supposed to have a heart.
Look, I made some
terrible decisions.
And now look at me.
I'm alone.
We just closed one of the
biggest mergers in history!
Either you get it together,
get your head in the game,
or... or I go to James and
the rest of the board.
Let them know there's
no more room for you here.
Enough is enough, Rachel.
You're fired.
Are you kidding me?
You can't fire me!
I helped build this company!
I just did.
I was on my way to you.
Girl, after hearing you
blast me all over TV,
I said, forget the anger.
I forgive you.
No one has ever done
anything like that for me.
And I meant every word.
Thank you for opening my eyes.
And for being such
an amazing person.
And an amazing mom.
Stop it.
You're gonna make me cry.
You already crying.
Let's go get some drinks.
Oh yes, girl, please.
I need a nice cold one.
I need a keg.
Can't sleep at night
Please help me.
I just wanna go back.
I'll do anything to go back.
David, where are you?
I've been living in my mind
All along, been
trying to find
Feel like I can give a try
Feel like I just wanna cry
I'm gonna go to the restroom.
I'll enjoy the view.
Listen, Matthew.
I don't know what's
going on here, okay?
But you are my husband.
I've made a mistake, okay?
And I am so sorry.
I've learned, okay?
I-I-I just...
I just wanna stop pretending
and get back to the normal.
- Please...
- Woman, hold on a second,
'cause I don't know what
you're talking about.
I don't know what's
going on in your mind.
I'm trying to be polite,
but I think you need to leave.
This is harassment, okay?
And disrespectful to my
wife, so can you leave?
I am your wife!
That's what I'm trying
to tell you, okay?
Look, if you would just
give me one more opportunity,
I promise I will
do right by you.
I promise you.
I'm gonna ask you
one more time to leave.
Please, I'm trying
to be polite, here.
- I'm trying to be polite.
- Oh, no, no, no.
- It's okay, I'm handling things.
- What is she doing here?
- What are you doing here?
- Lady, who are you?
Stay away from my husband.
Stay away from my family.
Your husband?
What is she talking about?
- You need to leave.
- This woman's crazy!
- She is insane.
- You need to leave.
- Call the police, please.
- We are calling the police.
I already called the police!
We'll just go, okay?
We need to press charges.
Get her now!
It's okay, it's okay.
We'll find her.
Help me.
I was so wrong.
I was wrong.
But I need you to help me.
I can't lose my family.
I can't lose my husband.
Just tell me what I need to
do and I'll do it, please!
I've learned my lesson.
I will never be the same again.
Please, David!
I just wanna go home.
I just wanna go home.
I'll never be the same again.
Oh, what have I done?
I've learned my lesson, please.
What have I done?
What have I done?
What have I...
Excuse me?
Excuse me?
I'm sorry.
Gotta cut you off.
- Um... where's David?
- Who?
The man that was
sitting right here?
You've been the only one
here most of the night.
You've been pretty quiet.
And 'cause tomorrow
is Christmas Eve,
I'm gonna shut it off.
Um, I lost my wallet.
The stock market
has been the highest it's been
Hey hey, this must be
the magic of Christmas.
Today marks the
10-year anniversary
a renowned and beloved
hometown surgeon
until a fatal car
crash claimed his life,
I remember this guy.
I served him a couple of times.
Really nice man.
He did a hell of
a lot for the community.
Sir, you are
gone, but never forgotten.
Want me to call you a ride?
Yeah. Yeah, thank you.
You got it.
My name is back.
Everything's back.
Where is he?
Germaine? Germai...
Woo, child!
Oh my god, fix it.
Jesus, girl,
we have to do something
about this storage area.
I can't do spiders.
I saw one so big,
I thought it was a tarantula.
Oh, get over here.
I'm so excited to see you!
Oh, I can kiss you!
What's gotten into you?
We just saw each other.
It feels like an eternity.
- How are you?
- I'm okay, I guess.
- How's Calvin?
- Waiting for me.
We're gonna try to grab
a drink somewhere tonight,
whatever time that may be, since
Scrooge got me working tomorrow.
Okay, what if I change that?
For tonight and tomorrow?
What about your statements?
Well, who works on Christmas?
And besides, my
statements can wait.
Thank you. Thank you.
And since I can't give you
your Christmas gift tomorrow,
I wanna give it to you now.
I still have all six
of those blenders.
Please, not another one.
It's not a blender.
Look, I really appreciate you.
And on top of you being an
above-average employee...
You are a really great friend.
And, uh, in addition to
me giving you a raise,
I wanna give you a
two weeks' vacation,
with two airline tickets
for you and Calvin
on an all expenses-paid vacation
wherever you two wanna go.
Woo-hoo! No way!
- Way!
- No way!
I have to call Calvin right now.
- Hey, boo!
- Babe? Babe.
We are actually going to be
able to go away this year.
A getaway?
Are you talking
about to your sister's?
Merry Christmas, Germaine.
Mommy, Mommy, look
what Daddy got us!
- Oh!
- Her name is Luna.
Can we keep her, please, please?
You can absolutely keep her.
I probably
should've called you first,
but everything happened so fast.
A random guy came to work.
He said he was leaving town.
He asked if somebody
wanted to adopt a dog.
I couldn't say no.
He was so cute. I thought...
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I thought I lost you and
I never want to lose you.
I love you so much.
- Babe.
- I'm sorry.
Listen, slow down, okay?
You never lost me.
What did I tell you
on our wedding day?
We're on this ride
together, right?
Til the end, no matter what.
You're my wife.
- I love you.
- I love you.
To the end.
I love you so much.
These last few days
have taught me so much.
And I will never put anything
before our family again.
Mom, it's about
time you got here.
I was about to come
searching for you.
Hi. Look at you.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
Mommy, we missed you so much!
We were praying for you!
- You were?
- Yes.
Okay, look.
I love you guys so much.
You're my everything.
And I will never allow anything
to come between us again, okay?
- Okay.
- All right?
- Thank you, Mommy.
- I love you.
Mom, are you okay?
Something's different about you.
Yes, I'm perfect, baby.
I think our prayer worked.
Merry Christmas, baby.
Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas, Mommy.
- Merry Christmas, baby.
Yeah, I hear Dad
in the background.
I can't wait to see you guys.
I miss you so much.
Yes, the kids are
so excited, okay?
All right? Be careful!
All right, talk to you later.
Love you. Bye.
- How was she?
- Good, good.
Something I should've
done a long time ago.
Slow down.
Don't forget my pinecone!
It feels so good to be home.
You never left.
On his reindeers' sleigh
As carols sing
Kids, go away!
Not right now!
You got my pinecones?
Okay, we gotta
see these decorations.
All right, y'all go ahead.
Me and Mom are gonna catch you.
We'll be right behind you!
We are so pleased to
announce Rachel Corp's merger
We're so profoundly grateful
to be able to provide services
Be careful.
Excuse me?
Excuse me?
You dropped your bow.
Thank you.
I'ma go get the kids in the car.
Thank you so much
for everything.
Okay, well, Merry Christmas.
I have a strange feeling we
know each other from somewhere.
- We do.
- Hm.
- Well, I'm Candy.
- I'm Mercedes.
- Good to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
You too.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
All right, come on, let's go.
It's Christmastime
It's Christmastime
'Cause we've been
counting down the days
If he's already pulled in
the sleigh-eigh-eigh-eigh
With the things that
Left you some cookies,
and baby, look
It's Christmastime
You guys can open one gift!
Thank you.
This is why you read
the instructions.
Let me help you out a minute.
Everything nice, look in
that little girl's eyes
show me some light
So 'tis to the season,
everybody sing
It's Christmastime
Says that it's
Christmastime, time
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah,
nah, nah, nah
It's Christmastime
Who you waving at, baby?
An old friend who...
taught me what was
really important in life.
Sounds like a wise friend.
Definitely was.
And why the man was right.
It's perfect.
All right, let's go and
open these gifts, okay?
Come on, let's not
leave the kids waiting.
This dress, oh my goodness!
Hey, what are we gonna
name the next one?
To the greatest
mom in the world.
Oh, thank you!
- Oh, honey.
- I love you, Mom.
I love you so much.
Thank you so much.
And what about the
greatest dad in the world?
Come on! Um...
Thank you, David.
And baby, you'll
enjoy this Christmas
Santa's on his way
Guess we'll have a
hard time sleepin'
Candy-coated canes
All the memories
I'm leaving
Even when I'm feeling down
Merry Christmas
To the world,
Merry Christmas
May we all enjoy
this Christmas
Hey, it's silent night
In heaven
In heavenly peace, oh whoa
Sleep in heaven
It's silent night,
with the holy light
Of a little boy named Christ
under God's pure light
You wanna stunt with your boy
and drive off in a Porsche
And sitting there
right at the church
And make some noise, and
make the right choices
Hey, won't you sleep
in heavenly peace
Peace, yeah, yeah, yes