A Nanny to Die For (2024) Movie Script

[pensive music]
[birds chirping]
[dramatic music]
Jasmine, are you here?
[water gushing]
[ominous music]
[Jasmine] Tommy,
sorry to leave you like this.
Knowing you,
you probably want answers,
but please believe me,
it's for the best.
There are things
you just don't know.
I'll always remember you fondly.
[suspenseful music]
[ominous music]
[ominous music continues]
[Sarah] Ashley, let's go!
You're gonna be late.
For the millionth time,
not on the floor.
I'm gonna break my neck.
Thank you. You want pancakes?
Are they gluten-free?
They are not.
Mom, you know I'm not eating
gluten anymore.
- Since when?
- Since Cami started.
And she says
she's never felt better.
You feel fine.
I didn't even know
what gluten was
when I was your age.
Let alone how to avoid it.
[Mark] I need a consensus.
[Sarah] The red.
And why do you even need
a tie anyway?
You know the new development
down by the river?
I have to go through
all the LEED features
today with the board.
Will you be late?
But we were supposed to start
meeting nannies today.
Tomorrow, I promise.
- I hate that name.
- What name?
- Nanny.
- [Mark] What would you prefer?
[Ashley] I would prefer neither.
I don't need
anyone to take care of me.
- I'm going to be 14 soon.
- [Sarah] Okay.
And at 14, will you be
making your own meals,
cleaning your own room?
Driving yourself around
all your activities?
You can do all that.
Ashley, we talked about this.
Not after I go back to work.
You have no idea
how busy I'm gonna be.
[phone rings]
Speak of the devil.
Sarah Daniels.
Hey, we're gonna grab
something on the way.
I'm gonna drop you off to school
on my way to work.
No, no. No, that's fine.
Why don't you just email me
the files?
I appreciate that,
but I just really wanna be sure
I'm up to speed
before I come back.
[Mark] Hello?
Hi, baby.
- How was work?
- Hmm. It was good.
- Presentation went well?
- Very.
[Sarah] Good. Are they gonna
listen to you this time?
[laughs] Yeah. If they can
find it in the budget.
Feel like I've been
strangled all day.
- Where's our daughter?
- Doing homework.
Sweetheart, you don't start
until next week.
I know, but...
I just really wanna be ready.
You don't have to do this,
you know.
Things are going very well
at work
and personally, we've made
some very smart investments.
- What are you doing?
- I'm just saying
I want you to be happy.
No. What you're saying is that
you don't want me
to go back to work.
I want you to be happy.
We discussed this.
It's been almost 15 years.
I'm ready.
I mean, you don't know
how hard it is
for a woman to go back
after having children.
And especially
a woman of my age.
I know.
So what I really need right now
is your support.
And you have it.
Thank you.
[dramatic music]
Will there be a set schedule?
'Cause on Mondays
and Wednesdays, I have class.
Tuesdays and Thursdays,
I work at the coffee shop.
And Friday...
well, Friday is practically
the weekend.
And I like to keep
my weekends free.
I practically raised
the Nelson children myself.
The boy was eight
and the two girls were infants
when I started.
Then I worked
with the Boyle family.
Two sets of twins.
Well, it certainly seems
like you have plenty
of experience.
Along with glowing references,
is there anything else
we should know about you?
I do not tolerate noise
and clutter.
I detest clutter.
I have a master's
in child psychology
with a minor
in adolescent development.
I'm well-versed in helicopter,
tiger mom,
and free-range parenting styles.
Which philosophy
do you subscribe to?
You know, I've been giving it
a lot of thought.
I think we're free range
[both laughing]
[groans] How many more?
Uh, just one.
[doorbell dings]
[Sarah] So you graduated
from Harper State?
Yes, ma'am. With a degree
in child psychology.
And You've been
a nanny since then?
[Jasmine] Yes. Well,
technically as a babysitter.
I don't wanna
misrepresent myself.
But you looked
after children, yes?
Oh, goodness. Yes.
And cooked and cleaned.
I just mean...
well, technically,
I think a nanny is someone
who takes care of babies
and toddlers.
And I did for years.
I watched them grow up
until they're about
your daughter's age.
Well, luckily,
her days of dirty diapers
and naps are behind us.
[Mark] When Ashley was born,
Sarah left her job
to take care of her.
It's one of the best decisions
we've ever made.
Yeah. But now it's time for me
to go back to work,
which is why
we're looking for someone.
So where do you live, Jasmine?
Oh, I'm just renting
an apartment in the city
on a month to month basis.
This is for a live-in
nanny position.
That's not gonna be a problem,
is it?
No, no.
I've never done it before,
but I'm looking forward to it.
I mean, that's something
that I would
look forward to doing.
Oh, sorry.
No, no. It's okay, honey.
What's up?
I need help.
Okay. Well, Ashley,
meet Jasmine Walker.
Are you gonna be the new nanny?
That's what your parents and I
are discussing.
You don't look like
you scare easily.
- I haven't yet. [laughs]
- [Mark laughs]
What are you working on?
Algebra. It's impossible.
Doesn't have to be.
If you like, I'm happy to help.
Math is always
my favorite subject.
Go ahead.
Once I got past addition
and subtraction,
I was useless.
- Come on.
- [Jasmine chuckles]
Well, that answers that.
- I'll say.
- Whoo. [laughs]
This is it?
- I like to travel light.
- I'll say.
The truth is, most of my money
went to college.
I'm still
paying off student loans.
And to my car,
which I guess is pretty sad.
Don't you worry about things.
As long as you're here with us,
I'll take care of it.
Can I decorate your room?
[Jasmine] Let's see what
your mom has to say about that.
[suspenseful music]
And then Taylor told her
watch what she said,
because her father was
a police officer in the city.
And then I told Maggie
she can say whatever she wanted,
because my mother is a lawyer
and that's even higher.
Well, I wouldn't say higher,
The lawyers,
the police officers, the judges,
we all work together
for the justice system.
But Taylor was being
a bully to Maggie
- by trying to scare her.
- [Jasmine] Who wants rolls?
- Me.
- [laughs]
I thought
you were a gluten-free?
Rolls have gluten in them?
Have one to hold you over.
[Sarah laughs]
- Thank you.
- Dinner will be ready soon.
Jasmine, I told you,
you don't have to serve us.
I don't mind.
I've always loved
family dinners.
Do you come from a big family?
I'll wait in the kitchen
until the chicken is ready
so you guys can have
some family time.
Nonsense. You'll eat with us.
You're a part of the family now.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
Can I get you
a bottle of wine first?
I think I saw a one
in the kitchen.
- None for me.
- No. Thank you.
Whenever you want help
with dinner, Sarah, just ask.
I may not be the cook
that you are,
but I do know my way
around the kitchen.
I'm sure
you're better than I am.
And I will be taking you
up on that.
I'm afraid once I get up
and running at work,
we'll have some late nights.
What kind of lawyer are you,
if you don't mind me asking?
I am a custody attorney
for Child Protective Services.
Oh, that's amazing.
- You must really love it.
- Yes.
On its good days.
Well, I think
you're doing God's work.
Thank you.
But sometimes, it feels like
the world is against me.
What kind of person
would be against
an advocate for children?
You'd be surprised.
[Mark] You're right, Jasmine.
I've always said
they never appreciated her
as much as they should have.
You know, she could have
had her pick of jobs
in the private sector,
but she chose to work there
because of the kids.
Ashley, are you gonna be
a lawyer one day like your mom?
No way!
I'm gonna build green buildings,
like Dad.
Green as in
environmentally friendly.
We specialize
in sustainable designs.
You know, making sure buildings
are energy efficient
and LEED certified.
And where the tenants
can drink their own pee.
- Ashley!
- [laughter]
What? It's true!
I design systems
that recycle waste water.
So, it's a little
more complicated,
but, um, in essence.
I shudder to think what you must
think of this family.
[suspenseful music]
Ashley, you scared me.
What are you doing in here?
I'm just helping your mom
with something.
But this is Dad's computer.
Come on. Let's put you to bed.
[suspenseful music]
Mark, what are you doing?
What do you think I'm doing?
I can't. Not now.
- There's too much in my mind.
- Uh-hmm.
Well, a better way to clear it.
I'm serious.
So this is what I have
to look forward to?
It's one night.
The night before
I go back to work,
try to be
a little understanding.
I've been understanding, Sarah.
I've been understanding
for a long time.
[dramatic music]
Are you here to tuck me in?
I enjoy these small pleasures.
Are you gonna drive me
to school tomorrow?
- Do you want me to?
- [Ashley] I can walk,
but I can sleep later
if you drive me.
Then I will happily
play your chauffeur.
Ashley, what's wrong?
Come on. You can tell me.
That's what I'm here for,
I'm just... I'm just worried
about my mom.
Because she's going back
to work.
Ashley, millions of women work.
But not all of them
had a drinking problem.
You won't tell her
I said anything?
No. Ashley, listen to me,
whatever you tell me,
it stays between us, okay?
We've never talked about it.
I mean, as a family.
My parents
don't even think I know,
but I've heard them
argue about it.
About your mom's drinking?
She doesn't anymore.
But she did at one time.
Look, I wouldn't worry
about it, okay?
What's in the past
is in the past.
The only thing
you need to worry about
is getting some sleep, okay?
Sweet dreams, Ashley.
- Jasmine?
- Uh-hmm.
I'm glad you're here.
[chuckles] Me too, kiddo.
[Mark] Look, I'm glad
you're going back to work.
I have no problem with you
going back to work.
[Sarah] Mark, you can't have
it both ways.
You act like you're glad,
- but then you're not... you...
- [Mark] Oh, no, no, no.
No, you can't do that.
You can't do that, Sarah.
[Sarah] You can't do this to me.
No, you...
[dramatic music]
[birds chirping]
Hey. I thought you left
10 minutes ago.
What is it?
Do you really think
that Ashley is gonna be okay
with Jasmine
dropping her off at school?
Better than okay.
It's like she has a new friend.
Yeah. And what about Jasmine?
I only called that
one reference.
[Mark] And she only worked
for one family.
And you said it yourself,
they adored her.
And what if I get to the office
and everything has changed?
Fifteen years is a long time
to be away from any industry.
everything is gonna be great.
You just have one thing
to worry about.
Being late.
Sarah Daniels,
as I live and breathe.
Glenn. [laughs]
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hey, so nobody told me
the child rearing
made your age in reverse.
Oh, you know just
what to say to a girl.
Well, plenty of failed
relationships would disagree.
And you,
you don't look so bad yourself.
Uh, you know, a little less
on top, but grays on the side.
[Glenn] Why didn't you tell me
you were coming back?
I had to find out through Dani.
Oh, where's the fun in that?
I want to surprise you.
You're right.
I'm sorry, I should've told you.
Well, I'm certainly glad
you're back,
you know,
because we need a united front
against all this new blood
in the office.
You know, you've gotta come by
and see what we've done
to the house.
It's been way too long.
Mark would love to see you
and Ashley,
you haven't seen her
since she was a baby.
Yo, you do not
have to twist my arm.
You tell me the time
and the place,
and I'll be there.
Today, after work.
You serious?
Sure. We're grilling.
It'll be perfect.
And to be totally honest,
after my first day back,
I could use a little buffer
on the home front.
That... well, in that case,
then you have yourself a date.
[eerie music]
I've forgotten
how tenacious you are.
It's your first day back
and already you wanna initiate
a custodial transfer?
Yes, I do.
Remind me again, what happened?
Family's name is Cochran,
eight-year-old boy.
A teacher observed that
he was having trouble
putting on his backpack.
She took him to the nurse,
nurse then saw bruising
all up and down his back.
Asked him what happened,
he said his father hit him
with the belt.
Sarah, you've been gone
a long time.
I mean, more than a decade.
I am well aware of that, Dani.
Why is that relevant?
Well, in that time,
we've had a slight shift
in our philosophy.
I mean, in some cases,
it's been shown
it's best for everyone
for the child to remain
with their biological parents.
So we're now in the business
of protecting abusers?
I didn't know
it had changed that much.
Okay. I didn't say that.
I'm just saying that in a case
where a child
is hit with a belt,
it might not rise
to the level of removal.
With the buckle end of the belt.
Give me that file.
[eerie music]
[phone rings]
- Hi, Sarah.
- Hey, Jasmine.
- How are you?
- [Jasmine] I'm fine.
Just straightening up
around the house.
How's work?
Oh, actually,
that's why I'm calling.
I'm gonna be a little
later here than expected,
so I need you to pick up
Ashley at school.
Of course.
Is everything all right?
No. It's fine. It's just work.
Um, I'll email the school
so they'll let Ashley know
you'll be picking her up.
Oh, and there's a pickup line
that snakes around
in front of the school.
You can't miss it.
Do you want me
to have food ready for you?
No. Actually, we're grilling.
Uh, I'm bringing a friend by,
so just take care of Ashley.
Of course, Sarah.
Don't worry,
I have everything under control.
[birds chirping]
Okay. You promised if I got you
a decaf mocha, you'd talk.
Oh, I see what you did.
You made the same mistake
in multiple places.
It's actually a good thing.
It means it's easily fixed.
I told you, I hate math
and I hate Mr. Sandor more.
It's only one class, Ashley.
Yeah. But I have to have my mom
and dad sign the test.
They're gonna be
really mad at me.
You know what, don't show
your parents the test.
I'm gonna handle this for you.
But Mr. Sandor will ask for it.
Don't worry about Mr. Sandor,
I'll handle him too.
[dramatic music]
Hello, hello.
I know this guy.
- How you been, buddy?
- Oh, man, surviving.
And you?
And look, things look good.
Yeah. I can't complain.
- I appreciate the invite.
- Yeah.
You can thank
your esteemed colleague.
She texted me
demanding we have you over.
Well, like this guy needs
any excuse to fire up the grill.
Oh, and I bet
you remember this one.
- No.
- Yeah.
I remember you
when you were like this big.
Come here.
What are you looking at?
How did you get so big?
[Sarah] Glenn,
this is our new nanny, Jasmine.
- Jasmine, this is...
- Hi.
...Glenn, my colleague
and old friend.
Pleased to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
All right, you guys,
who's hungry?
- Oh, I am.
- Oh, I can eat.
- Come on.
- Oh, I can eat.
So the date is going good
and so she says to me,
"You must love children."
You know, because of my job
and everything,
so I told her, "Sure.
I love kids."
And then I see her
writing something down.
So finally,
I ask her what she's doing
and she tells me
she has a checklist.
What do you mean a checklist?
I mean, a checklist.
Like things that she is
looking for in a man.
- She told you this?
- Told me?
She showed me.
She wasn't even
embarrassed about it.
Like it was just the most
natural thing in the world.
- [laughs]
- Oh, my.
I mean, your generation,
y'all are out of your mind.
Like when I was in college,
we didn't have all these...
Oh, wait, wait, wait.
You went to Harper State, right?
- Yeah.
- That's where Jasmine went.
Oh, best four years of my life.
- Uh, four?
- Give or take.
Like there may have been
another semester or two
of some pesky requirements
that I may have forgot to take.
So tell me, where is the, um...
where is the "it" bar on campus?
When I was there,
we had Yardhouse.
I don't know.
I spent most of my time
working or studying.
Some of us didn't squander
our youth, Glenn.
Some of us went to school
for the right reasons.
- [chuckles]
- Yeah.
So the Rectory must still
be there though, yeah?
Like on weekends,
that line would be wrapped
around the block.
Oh, yeah. Sure.
But like I said, I never went.
Oh, this is great, Sarah.
- Thank you, really.
- Oh, yeah.
Gosh, I'm sorry,
it took me so long.
You know, time really does fly.
Yeah. Yeah.
Ashley is a lovely
young lady, too.
Oh, thank you.
But she does have her moments.
And Jasmine, how is she?
Well, it's only been
a couple few days,
but so far she's fantastic.
Ashley's really taken to her
and, yeah, she's smart,
mature, educated.
And a liar.
Look, um, the Rectory,
the bar I mentioned earlier.
What about it?
Doesn't exist.
Yeah. I made it up.
So unless a state school
known for its partying
has a sold-out mass on Sunday,
she lied about it.
Look, hey, she might be great.
I mean, there might be
a reason she made it up.
Just be careful.
- Okay. I will.
- [Glenn] Okay.
Thank you.
- All right. Oh.
- Thanks again.
[owl hooting]
[eerie music]
- [gasps]
- Hello.
You are staying
with the Daniels.
I am.
Jasmine Walker, the new nanny.
Edith Childress.
Nosy neighbor.
[chuckles] How do you do?
I see that Sarah
has gone back to work.
- Yes. Which is why I was hired.
- Oh, yes.
Things have been so tough
on them these last few years.
- It's been rough.
- Right.
Right. I don't mean to be rude,
but I am on my way
to pick up Ashley from school
and I don't wanna be late.
Well, it's a little early
to be picking her up.
I'm just dropping her off
something she left at home.
Well, don't let me keep you.
I'll certainly
be seeing you around.
Yes, you will.
[eerie music]
Thank you for seeing me,
Principal Sutherland.
I know you're a very busy man.
Indeed, Ms. Walker.
But we're always available
to address the concerns
of our students' guardians.
And I appreciate that.
[Principal Sutherland]
Well, I will say it is odd
that Mrs. Daniels
didn't contact me herself.
She's usually
a pretty involved parent.
Well, she just returned to work
after many years.
It's been an adjustment
for all of us,
which is what I wanted
to talk to you about today.
Ashley was very upset
over her recent test.
She's trying her hardest,
but algebra just isn't
her stronger subject.
I'm helping her now, though.
You have a background
in math, Ms. Walker?
I have a background
in many things.
Because of
the situation at home,
Ashley felt that having
her parents sign the test
would make them
needlessly upset,
especially when she's on
her way to improving.
Okay. Well, I'm sorry,
but we have our school policy.
So failing grades
means parents' signatures.
In that way,
we can be sure that the parents
are aware of their child's
academic progress.
I know.
I'm just asking for a favor.
I don't think
I understand what you mean.
A favor.
Do you know what a favor is?
Yes. And I would,
uh... wish I could help you,
but like I said,
we have our policies.
Well, thank you,
Principal Sutherland,
at least you tried.
Did you touch my ass?
What are you,
some kind of pervert?
Okay. Look, I was doing nothing
but looking at you
while we were speaking, okay?
Just... I think
you got the wrong idea.
I believe you.
I do.
But the question is
will the school board?
[scoffs] Wow.
They'll never believe you.
Some will, some won't.
But we both know that doesn't
really matter, does it?
The accusation, the insinuation
will already be out there.
It'll only be a matter of time
until your every word,
your every glance,
your every move
will be scrutinized.
You're crazy.
Far from it,
Principal Sutherland.
Far from it.
And all this, this whole charade
is for a junior high
school algebra test?
All of this
because I have a responsibility
to protect Ashley.
So now that you and I
understand one another,
I'm gonna go ahead
and tell her that a signature
is no longer necessary.
Oh, and feel free to stare,
because I do have
a really great ass.
You look great.
It's not too much,
uh, for a woman of my age?
Are you crazy?
No, sometimes I just feel like
the oldest mother on the block.
I had a hard time
getting pregnant.
We tried everything
and for a really long time.
It wasn't until
I finally stopped
doing the fertility injections
that I finally
got pregnant with Ashley.
Yeah, you hear stories
about that all the time now.
I do admit it's kinda fun
having someone to do this with,
someone who's not
a teenager anyway.
[sighs] I guess that's a perk
of having live-in help.
Like you don't have to scurry
and find a babysitter
at a moment's notice.
You know, we don't have
a lot of teenagers
that live on the block,
at least not ones
that are constantly available.
Yeah. Speaking of which,
I met your next-door
neighbor today.
- Edith?
- Uh-hmm.
Nosiest woman in the world.
I got the feeling she was...
- Yeah.
- ...a little different.
Her husband died a
few years ago,
and ever since then,
she spends all of her time
worrying about
what the neighborhood is up to
or tending her garden.
So just watch your back
around her.
Don't worry. I will.
Oh, you know,
I haven't been out in so long.
I mean, really gone out.
Well, you two deserve
a night on the town.
And if you have
too much to drink, don't worry,
Ashley and I can always jump
in the car and come get you.
Actually, I don't drink.
Yeah, now that you mention it,
I've never seen you have
any wine at dinner or anything.
Well, Mark does sometimes,
but I don't.
Yeah, I'm not much
of a drinker either.
In college, I just had
too many responsibilities.
Here, let me zip you up.
You look great.
Mark is a lucky man.
Jasmine, you did go
to Harper State, didn't you?
Of course.
You believe me, don't you?
Yeah, I... yes, I believe you.
I've showed you
my transcripts, haven't I?
Actually, I think you just
showed me your reference letter.
Oh. Well, I'll dig those up
for you while you're gone.
You know, don't worry about it.
I don't know
what I was thinking.
Just... you just have
a good time with Ashley.
Okay. We will. We always do.
Did you ever talk
to my teacher about the test?
I did you one better.
I spoke to your principal.
You spoke
to Principal Sutherland?
And what did he say?
That you don't have to get
that test signed any more.
I told you
I was gonna handle it.
You trust me, don't you?
My mom wouldn't have done that.
Well, your mother
is a very busy woman.
She's got all those kids
to take care of.
The ones she helps every day.
I just have you.
Now, come on.
Let me show you how to do this.
[tablet beeps]
So I was out
at the new development
down on LaSalle,
where the old prison used to be.
You should see it.
The walls are all made
of this reclaimed wood.
It's extraordinary.
And... well, all the shades,
they're solar-activated.
So depending
on where the sun is,
they all adjust... Sarah,
are you listening to me?
I said are you listening?
Of course, I am.
Uh, you...
you're talking about the wood.
I'm sorry.
I just have so much on my mind.
I thought you said
work was going well.
It is.
It's just a big adjustment.
the bad things in the world
don't stop just because
I took some time away.
Well, just make sure
you make some time
for yourself and for us.
[waiter] So would you folks
like some dessert?
Maybe some coffee?
Oh, no, thanks.
We need to head home.
Just the check please.
Okay. No problem.
I'll grab it for you.
[dramatic music]
[crickets chirping]
[birds chirping]
- Tommy.
- Hey.
What are you doing?
What do you think I'm doing?
I wanted to see you.
How did you find me?
I followed you.
Tommy, this is breaking
and entering.
Nothing has been broke.
The door was unlocked.
And besides,
you weren't returning my calls.
What else was I supposed to do?
I told you we just needed
some time apart.
What do you think that means?
[sighs] I just don't understand.
Everything was going so well.
We're just at different
places in our lives.
No, no, no, no.
Don't give me that line again.
It isn't a line.
It's the truth.
And besides,
what difference does it make
what I tell you if you're not
gonna respect my wishes anyways?
- Whose place is this?
- The family I'm working for.
Doing what?
I'm a nanny for their daughter.
[gasps] You?
- You don't even like kids.
- I never told you that.
No, no, no. Every time
I would bring up kids,
you would just
shut it down immediately.
There's a difference
between not wanting to have kids
and not wanting
to have kids with you.
You're lying.
It makes zero sense
that this family
would wanna hire you
as their nanny.
Someone's home now.
You need to get out of here.
I don't know what you're doing
but I'm gonna find out.
- Go.
- Okay. Fine.
That was delicious, Jasmine.
Thank you.
In fact, it's the best meal
I've had in a long time.
It really was great.
You sold yourself short
the other day.
You definitely know
your way around the kitchen.
Well, I grew up
cooking for my family.
Do you come from a large family?
No. Not really.
Are you close with them?
I guess as close as anyone
can be with their family.
I have homework.
Jasmine, help me?
- Of course.
- I can help you, sweetheart.
Mom, it's algebra.
And besides,
Jasmine does it better.
[crickets chirping]
Hey, I can tell
when something's wrong.
Don't you think it's strange
that she never talks
about her family?
When we ask her about them,
she changes the subject.
I never talk about my family.
You know why.
They're either nuts or boring.
[laughs] I'm serious, Mark.
[laughs] So am I.
Maybe she's not
particularly close to them.
Well, she certainly got close
to Ashley pretty quickly.
Is that what this is all about?
guilt. Going back to work.
You know,
it would be perfectly normal.
[scoffs] All right.
Enough with the pop
psychology, Doctor.
Hey, I'm just saying.
You should be happy
they bonded so quickly.
I am. I am happy.
It's just that
Glenn said something.
Oh, boy. Here we go.
Just when I was about to say
it was good to see him again.
He said that she never
went to Harper State.
And how does he know?
Well, apparently,
one of the bars
that he mentioned
is not really a bar at all
and she pretended like it was.
I know. I... yeah, I know.
I told him.
I told him that
there is a million
innocent reasons for it.
- But still now...
- So what do you wanna do now?
I don't know.
Look, everything
is gonna be okay, all right?
This is an adjustment
for all of us.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- All right.
[birds chirping]
[phone rings]
When I said I didn't
wanna hear from you,
that meant phone calls as well.
You'll wanna hear this.
I know who you're working for.
That's not exactly
a state secret.
And I know why.
So unless you want me
to tell her,
you'll come meet me.
I don't have time.
Make time.
[phone beeps]
You look terrible.
Just what I needed to hear.
What's the matter?
It's either a virus
or something I ate.
Not that it matters.
It's the same result.
You need to do me
a favor though.
Despite being a mom, I am not
good with stomach ailments.
It's O'Byrne.
We told him
we're removing Hunter.
[sighs] Okay.
You gotta take
this case over for me.
I need to go home and lie down
before I pass out.
O'Byrne is crazy.
You know this case
better than anyone else.
Besides, O'Byrne is in jail
and Kathy and Hunter
are in a shelter.
Like all you gotta do
is write up a report
and file the paperwork.
I was hoping to be home
at a reasonable hour today.
You know, I would not ask you
if I was in any position
to do this myself.
I know.
You owe me one.
Why'd you wanna see me?
I always wanna see you.
You're the one
who walked out on me.
I'm serious, Tommy.
What is it you think you know?
Sarah Daniels,
works for Child
Protective Services.
Just a coincidence?
I tell you something at a moment
of weakness, something private,
something about my past
and you use it against me?
I'm using it to help you.
Help me?
By letting you know
that it's a bad idea.
- It's not for you to decide.
- Okay.
I'll put it
another way, Jasmine.
[chuckles] I'm not gonna quit.
Okay. Tell her the truth.
Tell her the truth or I will.
You would do that to me?
To protect you, I would.
I need a drink.
You want one.
When have I ever said no?
Still like your martini.
Yup. Straight up, baby.
[Jasmine] I gotta hand it
to you, Tommy.
You're smarter than I thought.
Well, that's the story
of my life.
Everyone is always
underestimating me.
Well, I shouldn't have.
What kind of gin was that?
Whatever you had.
Aren't you gonna have one?
- I wanna make you one first.
- Hmm.
[Jasmine] I wish
I could talk you out of this.
I'm sorry.
Well, it's a little
too late now anyway.
Uh, I don't... um,
I don't feel so great.
[scoffs] Of course not.
But you won't be feeling
anything very soon.
Tommy, if you can hear me,
the police will think
it's an accidental overdose.
Given your history,
they won't look into it further.
I'm sorry I had to do this,
Tommy, but don't ever,
ever come between a girl
and her family.
[suspenseful music]
See, you had to carry that one.
- Jasmine?
- Uh-hmm?
How old were you when you had
your first boyfriend?
Define boyfriend.
You know.
Is there a reason
why you're asking me?
What's his name?
- Blake.
- [Jasmine] Blake?
Is he cute?
He will be,
once he gets his braces off.
But, more importantly,
I like talking to him.
He's interesting.
You are well
beyond your years, Ashley.
What do you mean?
I mean,
that is a very mature way
on how to look
at a relationship.
Sometimes when we're young,
we focus
on the less important things.
Do you think my parents
still love each other?
Of course, they do.
Why would you ask me that?
I don't know.
Because sometimes they fight.
They think
I don't hear them but I do.
What kind of things
do they fight about?
I don't know.
I can tell by their tone
they're fighting
but I can't
always hear the words.
Ashley, look at me.
Sometimes grownups fight.
It's normal.
But I want you to know
that I'm always
gonna be here for you, okay?
You can tell me anything.
- [Ashley] Pizza!
- [chuckles]
Your mom called me from work.
Unfortunately, she's gonna have
to be a little bit late today.
Mark, you should have called me.
I would have been happy
to make something.
Eh, I felt like pizza.
Figured it was just
as easy for me to pick up
a pie on the way home.
- Can we eat in front of the TV?
- We can eat right here.
But I'll tell you what,
you can have a soda
and I won't say anything.
Mark, sit down and relax.
I'll get everything ready.
I hope everything
is okay with Sarah.
Uh, it's just
the nature of her job.
Still, it must be
so stressful for her.
Yeah, it is, but she loves it.
It's one of those jobs
that really matter.
Oh, sure.
It's kind of ironic, I guess.
What's that?
I just mean
everyone talks about
keeping families together
but Sarah's job
is to break them apart.
I don't think
she'd put it that way.
Of course, she wouldn't.
Ashley, don't.
I'll serve you.
Sometimes, Jasmine,
staying together
isn't what's best for the child.
[dramatic music]
She doing her homework?
- She should be.
- Thank you, Jasmine.
I don't have to tell you
what a huge help you've been.
It's my job.
Yeah, but you've gone
above and beyond.
Well, I can tell it hasn't been
the easiest time
for everyone right now.
- Are we that transparent?
- No. It's just...
it wouldn't be easy
for anyone in your position.
- Oh. Of our age?
- I did not say that.
And, you know,
there's a lot of research
that shows that older parents
have better adjusted children.
Yeah. Well, it's not Ashley
that I'm worried about.
I supported Sarah
going back to work.
I really did.
- But sometimes...
- You wanted her to remember
that you have needs too?
Yeah. I guess so.
She's going through a lot, Mark.
It's only natural
she's a little distant.
Of course, I know
that's easier said than done.
- Your perfume...
- You like?
I think I need some wine.
Hi, honey.
- Did I interrupt a party?
- [Mark] No hardly.
- Jasmine just thought...
- I just thought
everyone could use
a break today.
I can see that.
Sarah, come join us.
I'll be upstairs.
I better go on up.
Go ahead. I'll clean up.
[Mark] I don't even understand
what we're fighting about.
We're not fighting.
Well, you're obviously
giving me the cold shoulder.
Mark, do you have any idea
the kind of day I had?
No, of course not.
Well, I will spare you
the details since you obviously
don't care 'cause you're busy
getting drunk with the nanny.
That's not fair
and that's not what happened.
Oh, no?
Look, I had a long day too.
We were having
a glass of wine, relaxing.
Must be nice.
- Oh, well, I'm not...
- What?
- Nothing.
- No. Go on. Say it, Mark.
You're not the one
with the problem.
I didn't mean it like that.
Look, you know
how proud I am of you.
Yeah. So you repay me
by getting drunk
with the babysitter?
[Mark] She is a grown woman.
[Sarah] She is our employee.
The one who is supposed to be
taking care of our daughter.
Ashley is fine.
- She's in her bedroom, asleep.
- [Sarah] Yeah.
And what if she came downstairs
and saw you sprawled out...
[Mark] That's not true.
That's not what happened.
[dramatic music]
Good morning, Sarah.
How'd you sleep?
Okay. Thanks.
Would you like me
to make some breakfast for you
before I take Ashley to school?
Actually, I think
I'm gonna drop her off today.
Don't you need
to be at the office?
Because of last night,
I'm gonna go in a little late.
Just as long as you're sure.
Off the floor, Ashley!
If you don't mind me saying so,
you seem tense.
I'm fine, Jasmine.
Because if you're worried
about Ashley, don't.
She knows you're a great mother.
Excuse me?
I just mean
after going back to work
after all of these years,
it's only natural
to feel guilty.
But kids, they understand.
Did your mother work, Jasmine?
My mother killed herself.
Oh, I am so sorry.
It was a long time ago.
to lose your mother at any age,
I can't even imagine.
Sure you can.
I mean, you see families
torn apart every day.
I guess that's why
I get so close to the families
I work for, 'cause I know
what it's like not to have one.
- Well, you look better.
- [Glenn] I feel better.
I've managed
to keep down some soup
and crackers last night.
But seriously though, I cannot
thank you enough for yesterday.
Like if you hadn't taken over,
O'Byrne might have gotten
out of jail.
There is one relieved mother
out there, let me tell you.
You're welcome.
So, Glenn, you said
that you owed me one, right?
- Uh-hmm. You know it.
- [Sarah] Okay.
Well, I'm gonna have
to call in that favor.
Wow. You don't waste no time,
do you?
It's about Jasmine.
Something happened with Ashley?
No. Ashley loves her.
Mark does too.
- But you don't?
- [Sarah] I don't know.
You know,
she's been very helpful.
I never have
to ask her to do anything.
But there's something about her.
Conniving. Strange.
Just this morning, she told me
that her mother killed herself.
That doesn't seem so sinister.
It was the way
in which she said it.
And the fact that she never
mentioned it before.
You know,
kind of like that feeling
that you got with Harper State?
Thought you were giving her
the benefit of the doubt
about that one?
You still have people
that work at Harper College?
Of course.
I wanna find out
if she actually went there
and if anything happened.
Okay. I will see what I can do,
but no promises.
- Okay.
- [Glenn] All right.
Only one.
[birds chirping]
[Mrs. Childress]
A little early to be drinking.
Ms. Childress,
can I help you with something?
You know, your employer
used to enjoy an adult beverage,
tried to keep it quiet,
but I could always hear
the rattle when the garbage men
came to pick up her trash.
That's very interesting.
But if you'll excuse me,
I have some work to do.
So you got a promotion?
Mark's computer
and his work bag?
- Recognize those anywhere.
- Right.
[Mrs. Childress]
Working for Mark's company.
Sure he'd be very impressed
to hear that you're putting in
the overtime.
I'm sure he would.
I wonder what he would say
if I let him know.
I don't think
there's any need for that.
Why not?
You have his permission,
don't you?
Ms. Childress, I'm hoping that
we can keep this between us.
Oh, of course.
I have no interest in minding
anybody's business but my own.
I really appreciate that.
Of course, a woman of my age,
sometimes she forgets.
Might need
a little help to remember.
- You're blackmailing me?
- Blackmail? No.
Oh, my gosh. What a dirty word.
No, no, no, no.
I'm thinking
of more of a donation.
[sighs] How much?
Well, I couldn't...
I couldn't say.
That would be impolite.
Stay here.
[suspenseful music]
Ms. Childress,
let's do this at your house.
I don't wanna do this here.
Of course, my dear.
- Okay.
- [chuckles]
[exhales] Come. Have a seat.
You know, Ms. Childress,
I had some time think
about your proposal
when I was getting my bag
and I have to say,
I think it's a little unfair.
After all, I'm just a nanny.
Unfair? [chuckles]
Well, my husband died
with a lapsed insurance policy.
So before you tell me
about being unfair...
- [grunting]
- What are you doing?
What are you doing?
[suspenseful music]
- [Mark] Hello?
- Mark. Is everything okay?
I just forgot my briefcase.
If I tell you something,
do you promise
to keep it a secret?
No, I can't promise you that
until I know what it is.
Then at least
where it came from?
[intense music]
I found this
when I was putting my groceries.
I don't want her
to get in trouble, Mark.
She's so immature for her age.
I just never would've guessed
that she's been drinking
with her friends.
You think this is Ashley's?
I wasn't a teenager
that long ago.
I remember what it was like.
I remember what I did.
I'm sure
this is nothing to worry about.
I just... I just want you to know.
You did the right thing.
I know you and Sarah
will handle it
however you see fit.
Just please,
keep my name out of it.
[dramatic music]
[Glenn] Yeah, last name Walker.
Like it sounds.
First name, Jasmine.
But just check
for any similar first names
in case
it's a nickname or somethin'.
Okay. Are you sure?
How far back did you look?
Yeah, no, that's good.
Um, she didn't go there
as a toddler.
All right. Well, uh,
thank you again, Natasha.
And, uh, we gotta catch up soon.
It's been way too long.
All right. All right.
[phone beeps]
[intense music]
[line rings]
[Sarah's voicemail]
You've reached Sarah Daniels.
I can't take
your call right now,
but if you leave your name,
and a brief message, I'll get...
[car horn honks]
[phone rings]
- Who is it?
- It's Glenn.
I'll call him back later.
All right. All right.
What was so important that you
couldn't tell me at home?
I didn't want Ashley
hearing this or Jasmine.
Hearing what?
What is it? You're scaring me.
It's not funny.
It's not supposed to be.
what are you doing with that?
I don't know. You tell me.
Jasmine found it
in the cupboard.
Well, it's not my...
Sarah, come on.
What do you mean,
come on, Sarah?
She's clearly
trying to set me up.
Set you up? How?
Sh-she's trying to make it look
like I'm drinking again.
She must have found out somehow.
Jasmine brought this to me
because she thought
it belonged to Ashley.
She has no idea
about your situation.
No. She is trying
to turn you against me.
- What are you talking about?
- What...
it would be too easy
to say that the bottle was mine.
So she made up that ridiculous
story about Ashley.
- Mark, can't you see that?
- No.
Can we please
not make this about her?
Jasmine has done
exactly what we hired her to do.
This is about you and a problem
that I thought we had overcome.
Mark, what can I say?
What can I say
to make you believe me?
That you'll get help.
[scoffs] This is unbelievable.
[birds chirping]
[doorbell dings-dongs]
Where's Sarah?
Look, you're good.
I'll give you that.
Where is Sarah?
I wanna talk to her right now.
She's out with Mark.
I don't really know
when they're gonna be back.
Is everything okay?
Where'd you go to school,
- Harper. You know...
- No, you didn't.
I'm still very involved
with the university.
I got friends
that work in Admissions.
They have no record
of a "Jasmine Walker"
ever attending.
Well, I'm sure
there's some kind of mistake.
Oh, a mistake.
And is it a mistake
that all your college friends
happen to be stock photos
that are all over the web?
Hey, Ashley.
- You remember me?
- Of course. From the barbecue?
I'm your mom's friend from work.
Oh, she's not here right now.
Ashley, why don't you go back
in your room
and finish your art project.
I'm gonna talk to your
mom's friend for a few minutes.
- Okay.
- [Jasmine] Uh-hmm.
All right, Ash.
[intense music]
- Are you gonna tell Sarah?
- Of course.
Okay. The truth is,
I didn't go to Harper.
I didn't go to college.
I barely finished high school.
So why lie?
What, are you kidding me?
Would you hire me knowing that?
I wouldn't concoct
some crazy story.
But the truth is,
is I do love kids,
and I'm good at it.
I'm good at taking care of them.
And if the Danielses agree,
then why does it matter?
Because they hired you
under false pretenses.
They hired me to take care
of their daughter,
to clean their house,
to make things easier for them.
Isn't that what I've done?
Look, I'm sorry, Jasmine.
I gotta tell them.
Let me do it, please.
I'll come clean,
but it should come from me.
To be honest,
I don't know if I trust you.
You don't have to.
I'll tell Sarah
and Mark tonight.
You'll see Sarah
first thing tomorrow morning.
If she doesn't tell you
everything you already know,
then you can tell her.
You have my word.
Thank you.
[dramatic music]
[crickets chirping]
I know you're not asleep.
When you're asleep,
you make that little noise.
Oh. You think you're funny?
I'm just trying
to lighten the mood.
You wanna lighten the mood?
Try believing me.
I only wanna help you, Sarah.
That's all I want.
I'm gonna tell you
one more time.
The alcohol was not mine.
I have no idea
where it came from.
Well, you can choose
to believe me or not believe me,
but I am not gonna lay here
and let you gaslight me.
I promise you that.
Welcome to the big league
Living in the eye
of the storm
[singer] Oh, oh, oh, oh
Living in the eye
of the storm
Welcome to the big league
Living in the eye
of the storm
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah
[car alarm wailing]
[car alarm beeps]
...come out of the blue
Bring it on, make it on,
make it on, me with you
[suspenseful music]
[siren wailing]
[Dani] Oh, I'll call you
if I hear anything.
Thank you.
Oh, Sarah, I am so sorry.
Dani, what's going on?
You haven't heard?
Sarah, have a seat.
I don't know
how to tell you this.
Glenn is dead.
No. I just spoke to him
It just happened
early this morning.
What... how?
They aren't quite sure.
A neighbor was jogging,
he saw his door open,
and... the wallet was missing,
the place was a mess,
so the police are treating it
like a robbery.
- O'Byrne!
- [Dani] No,
no. He's still in jail.
I'm really sorry, Sarah.
I know how close you two were.
We're all gonna miss him.
[knocks on door]
Excuse me?
I'm Jill. Jill McDonald,
Glenn's sister.
Yes, of course.
Please come and have a seat.
I am so sorry.
There are no words.
Thank you.
I don't know if you're aware,
but I spoke to my brother
every single day.
He was the best brother
and uncle.
I know that he adored
his nieces.
He thought so much of you.
He was so happy
when you came back.
I spoke to him
the day that he...
he said he was working
on something for you.
And I was just thinking
that maybe
that had something to do
with his death.
Actually, I was working
on a case for him
and it was a violent felon,
but my boss assured me
that he's been in jail
this whole time.
Well... if you hear anything,
can you please let
the police know?
I don't want my brother
to have died in vain.
I will of course.
Again, I am so sorry.
[intense music]
What's the matter, Sarah?
Glenn's been murdered.
In his house.
The police think
it was a robbery.
Do they know who killed him?
[Ashley] Killed who?
Glenn. Sweetheart,
there's been
a terrible accident.
But... he was just here.
You mean at the barbecue?
No, no. When he...
Ashley, let's give your parents
some time to themselves.
[Sarah] No, no.
Finish what you were saying,
When he came over yesterday.
Glenn was here?
He stopped by on his way
home from the office.
- He said he was gonna text you.
- Well, he didn't text me.
You didn't think to tell me?
It didn't seem important.
- Like he said, he was going to...
- I want you to leave.
Of course. I'll just take Ashley
and you guys can have
some time together. Come on.
No, no.
I want you gone, Jasmine.
Okay. We all need
to just calm down.
- I'm calm. I want her gone.
- Sarah, please.
I didn't mean to do
anything wrong.
I love working for you.
Jasmine, take Ashley
to her room, please.
Okay. Come on. Let's go.
So that's what this has come to?
You're gonna side with the nanny
rather than your own wife?
No, not at all.
I think we just need
some time to calm down.
No, I don't need to calm down.
I need her gone.
Sarah, listen to yourself.
Ashley loves her, okay?
We can't just do this.
[intense music]
I have something to tell you.
Whatever you and Mark
ultimately decide,
I want you to know
that I am sorry.
Although I haven't been here
very long,
you've made me feel so welcomed.
Are you honestly telling me
that you did not know
why Glenn came here yesterday?
I'm sorry.
I kept playing it over
in my head, if only
I would've done something
differently, then maybe.
Well, that's all
I wanted to say.
I'm a good person, Sarah.
You're a good person.
Sometimes we make mistakes.
[dramatic music playing]
Where's my mom?
I didn't see her this morning.
She's still asleep.
She had a really
exhausting day yesterday.
Is she okay?
She will be.
She just needs some rest.
- Jasmine?
- Uh-hmm.
What happened to your mother?
Some very bad people
took her away.
Did she ever come back?
Pick that up.
We gotta get going.
We're gonna be late.
Ready for school?
[Ashley] Yeah.
[Jasmine] Whenever you come
home, I'll be right here for ya.
[intense music]
[phone line trilling]
[phone ringing]
[phone ringing]
[intense music]
Sarah, I didn't expect
to see you here today.
I need to talk to you.
Is your brother still a cop?
- He's a lieutenant now.
- [Sarah] I need a favor.
I need him to run
some fingerprints
off the handle of this brush.
Right away.
Is this about Glenn?
Sarah, I understand
how you feel. I really do.
But you have to let
the police handle this.
Listen. There is no time
to explain.
I just need your help.
You're not gonna let this go,
are you?
If I do this for you,
you promise me
you'll take some time off?
I promise.
You owe me one.
[bird caws]
Sarah, Mark, what's the matter?
Go to your room, Ashley.
We'll be in in a minute.
It's okay.
Is everything okay?
Your key, Jasmine.
I... don't understand.
Your key. Now.
I called your references again.
The family you used to work for.
You'll never guess
where it rang.
We trusted you, Jasmine.
You betrayed us.
Sorry. I just...
I just knew you guys would never
hire me if you knew the truth
that I don't have
any experience.
Who did I speak to?
The woman who had such
wonderful things
to say about you?
They have these apps,
um, on your phone.
They could change your voice.
Pack your things and leave now.
You can tell us where
to mail your last check.
And Jasmine, we don't wanna
see or hear from you again.
Can I say goodbye
to Ashley first?
Are you out of your mind?
Please. She'll be devastated.
Well, you should have thought
of that before you lied to her.
Before you lied to all of us.
You're very lucky
we didn't call the police.
You won't hear from me again.
But I don't understand why
I couldn't at least say goodbye.
I know, sweetheart.
But like we explained,
Jasmine lied about some
very important things.
But she didn't do
anything wrong.
Ashley, when you're a grownup,
you have to tell the truth,
all the time.
She told me she'd always
be there for me.
I know it doesn't feel
like it right now but...
your dad and I
are doing this for you.
do you think
Jasmine lied to me too?
I think that Jasmine
cared about you very, very much.
I really do.
Will I ever see her again?
No, sweetheart.
I can promise you that.
You think she's gonna be okay?
She will be.
Kids are resilient.
Besides, what choice do we have?
You think I should've
called the police anyway?
I don't know. But then
they would've questioned Ashley.
I think it's best
if we just move past this
as quickly as possible.
I'm sorry.
I know.
- [Dani] Here it is.
- What's this?
I had Mitch run the fingerprints
like you asked.
The girl is one of ours.
- I don't understand.
- I assumed you knew.
Knew what?
The fingerprints belong
to a girl name Felicia Watson.
She was one of your cases.
- I don't remember.
- [Dani] Well, I'm not surprised.
It was over 20 years ago.
And the fingerprints are hers?
That's her file.
I hope you find
what you're looking for, Sarah.
[suspenseful music]
And you're sure
her real name is Felicia Watson?
Positive. I have her file.
But I have no idea how long
she's been going
by Jasmine Walker.
She didn't say
if she had any friends nearby
- or somewhere she could go?
- [Sarah] No.
She never mentioned
any living family
or friends the whole time
she was with us.
Can you put an APB out on her?
[Det. Rayburn] Mr. Daniels,
using a false name
is not a crime.
Unless you're pretending
to be someone else
for illegal purposes.
Like getting a job?
It's a gray area.
Detective, do you think
she's dangerous?
Well, she had ample
opportunities to harm you
and your family, but she didn't.
In fact, according to you,
she was a model nanny.
- I think that says something.
- But Glenn.
[Det. Rayburn] That's just
speculation, Mrs. Daniels.
Until we can question her,
we don't know
if she's responsible
or involved in any way.
[Sarah] I know.
- What do we do now?
- [Det. Rayburn] Get some rest.
If you can think of anything
else, give me a call.
But otherwise, I'm confident
that you'll hear from us
very soon, okay?
[intense music]
How much do you wanna tell her?
Just enough so she's careful.
I don't wanna scare her.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniels,
this seems to be
- some sort of mistake.
- What?
When you guys called,
I went to get Ashley
- right away and she's gone.
- What do you mean gone?
Her babysitter signed her out.
She said it was an emergency.
Her name was on the form
so we didn't question it.
[suspenseful music]
All right. Call the police.
[Mark] Yeah.
- Ashley!
- Mom!
Felicia, please. Don't hurt her.
So, you know.
I know who you are.
But what I don't understand
is why.
I tried to help you.
Help me? Help me?
Do you know what happened to me
when you took my parents away?
My mother killed herself.
That's right.
- You didn't know that, did you?
- No.
And you wanna know
what happens to a foster kid
- who gets lost in the system?
- So all these years...
I have been looking for you.
And it wasn't 'till
they digitized the records
and put it online
that I've able to find out
who you were, where you were.
Felicia... please.
Ashley has nothing to do
with this.
- She loves you.
- All I wanted, Sarah,
was to be a part of a family.
And I was on my way
of getting there.
You should have seen
the way Mark looked at me.
He always wanted me.
And Ashley, well,
let's just say,
in a matter of no time,
she became closer to me
than she ever was with you.
But then your nosey friend
had to start digging.
You killed Glenn.
[Jasmine] He gave me no choice.
Just like how you're
leaving me no choice right now.
Hah! Stay where you are!
[police siren wailing]
[intense music]
Oh, honey! Oh.
[police siren wailing]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[Det. Rayburn]
You're a very brave young lady.
How is she, Detective?
She's under arrest.
What's gonna happen to her now?
It's okay.
She's dealt with worse.
She'll be charged with
- among other crimes.
- Glenn?
[Det. Rayburn]
There's not enough evidence.
For right now, we wanna
talk to Edith Childress.
What about Edith?
[Det. Rayburn]
She hasn't been seen for days.
Right now,
our primary suspect is Jasmine.
She's not coming back, is she?
No, young lady.
She's not coming back
ever again.
I'll be in touch.
[car engine revving]
[suspenseful music]