A Nurse to Die For (2023) Movie Script

Go ahead, baby. Blow them out.
Make a good wish.
Corinne, baby. Are you...
hey, hey, hey. Are you okay?
- Liam!
- Honey.
- Oh, my God.
- Baby.
- Are you okay?
- Hey, baby. Honey? Honey?
Beverly, call 911.
- Is she breathing?
- Corinne.
Are you choking?
- Are you okay? Hey, hey. Hey.
- Take a
My friend's
daughter can't breathe.
There's my brave girl.
Did you bring my iPad?
Oh, even better.
A special visitor.
Professor Wiggles!
He has been worried sick
about you at home
and I told him no bears
in the hospital,
but I snuck him in.
You do know that I'm 11, right?
Oh, no. He's with me.
I'm gonna take him home.
It's okay. He can stay.
And how's our little
patient today?
I'd be better
if I could go home.
Well, in that case,
we should take a look, huh?
Breathe in through
your nose for me.
Hold it.
Hold it. Almost there.
And exhale.
Don't worry,
it's perfectly normal.
In fact,
I bet you and your friend there
are gonna be home in no time.
Knock, knock!
Hello, sweetheart.
How are you feeling?
Could I see you
both in the hallway?
Of course.
Two minutes.
Daddy and Grammy are gonna
go talk to the doctor, okay?
We'll be right back.
Keep an eye on this guy.
The lungs are full of tiny
branching airways
known as bronchi.
Oxygen travels
through these airways,
ending up in tiny sacs
called alveoli.
Oh, whoa. I am sorry.
I didn't get half of that.
Basically, the cystic fibrosis
is causing Corinne's mucus
to clog the passages that carry
air in and out of the lungs.
But the good news
is that she's showing
tremendous signs of improvement.
And assuming
there's no significant setbacks,
I don't find a reason
why we couldn't discharge
in the next day or so.
But the damage caused
by the infection
is irreversible.
- Irreversible?
- Uh, so
what are you saying?
That my granddaughter
will never live a normal life?
Not necessarily.
I suggest social interaction
should be kept at a minimum.
At least until her
immune system improves.
She's not gonna like that much.
I also recommend
in-home nursing care
for the next three months.
Do you really think
that's necessary?
I can send Corinne's
file to the nursing agency
and they will take care of all
the necessary arrangements.
Don't worry. I promise,
your daughter will be
in very good hands.
Okay. Thank you, Dr. Caldwell.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome. Excuse me.
I would like to chip in
to cover the costs.
No, that's not necessary,
Well, either way,
I still plan
on staying involved.
I'm sure you do.
Can we stop by the cemetery?
Um, sweetheart, I'm so sorry,
but the doctor said
we really need to limit
any activity
until your immune system
is better, okay?
But we will soon. Promise.
There, sweetie.
Let me get your oxygen.
All right,
there we go.
There you are.
Let me get that.
I got it.
You sure?
Pretty cool, huh?
And tonight,
I'm gonna order your favorite,
we'll have ham
and pineapple pizza.
Not exactly
the healthiest choice.
Yeah, I think we can
let this slide this time.
But first, you heard the doctor,
you need to get
all the rest you can get.
I know. I know.
Come on. Let's head up to bed.
But I just got out of bed.
Yeah, but now,
you get to be in your own bed
in your own home.
Come on.
You're not too old
for a piggyback ride, are you?
- No.
- All right. Come on.
- Hop on.
- Yay.
All right.
Let's get you under the covers.
- I'm not tired.
- I know.
Dr. Caldwell said you need
all the rest you can get.
Say goodbye to your grandmother.
Bye, Grandma.
Bye, sweetheart.
I'll see you downstairs.
Are you and grandma
gonna go argue downstairs
so I can't hear you?
Look, your grandma and I,
we both want
what's best for you, okay?
And sometimes, that means
that there's things that
we need to discuss.
There's gonna be a lot
of changes going on around here,
for all of us.
But it's gonna work best
if we all work together
as a team.
Think you're up for that?
I think so.
'Cause you're the toughest kid
I've ever met.
And I need somebody to show me
how it's done.
Let's get you some
rest for now, though.
Be nice to her.
No promises.
Some good candidates here.
Well, yeah.
There's a lot we need to
consider before we think about
just bringing a total stranger
into the house.
Would you please
think about Corinne?
It's exactly
what I am thinking about.
she now has needs that, frankly,
you and I are not equipped
to provide.
And I know how stressed
things have been at work.
Yeah, but that's all temporary.
I mean, it's gonna get better
once this deal goes through.
Oh, please.
And then, there'll just be
another and then another.
I get it.
Amy might not be here,
but I am.
Please don't shut me out.
I won't.
You'll see, once you get settled
and find a nurse,
everything will be
so much better.
I wish you could
come home, Mommy.
You could make breakfast
and we could watch movies,
and... I just miss you so much.
Hey, kiddo.
Honey, look out! Look out!
Do you think she'll be there
to greet me in heaven?
I know things got a little scary
there, okay?
But you're not gonna see her
in heaven for a long, long time
'cause you're gonna be stuck
here with me, okay?
You're gonna be just fine.
I promise.
Oh, hey, let's get this
back on you, okay?
I know it's uncomfortable but
it's what's gonna help you
right now.
So tell me
about your qualifications.
Well, I spent two years at
Hollywood Pres and before that,
I was at Northridge
for three years.
As you can understand,
it's a in-home
situation and, you know,
with my daughter's health
and everything,
we just wanna make sure we're
getting the care that she needs.
Actually, I have quite a bit of
experience with bronchiectasis.
Uh, it says here you got
your CNA from Harvard.
Harvard School.
Um, I'm sorry?
Oh, it's online. And it takes,
like, half the time.
I brought a, uh, a diagram
explaining my treatment regimen.
I'd love to see it.
I just, uh, need to find it.
I, uh, I think I left it
in my other bag.
Uh, you must be
Mr. Martin.
I'm Victoria Jones.
Uh, Well Spring sent me.
Oh. Wonderful.
Yeah. Here, come on in.
- Oh, thanks.
- Uh-hmm.
Hey, sweetie.
Do you actually wanna
come join us?
Come on.
Yeah, right this way.
He was sick
and then so, you know,
I kind of stepped into that role
at a young age, and I was like,
"I think that
this is something I'm
really good at." And I sensed...
you know, I could help him.
- That's amazing.
- Yeah.
Well, I just finished a posting
with a family over
on the Westside.
It was a long recovery,
but he's doing much better now.
Corinne, I'd like you to meet
Ms. Victoria.
Oh, hello.
It's so nice to meet you.
You, too.
Oh. Honey, are you all right?
Your breathing sounds
a little bit restricted.
Uh, do you mind?
- Not at all.
- Have a seat for me.
- Oh. Okay.
- I'm gonna ask you to take
a deep breath, okay?
All right. Deep breath in.
I, uh, find this helps
loosen the mucus in the lungs.
How is that? A little better?
Here. Have a seat.
Oh, you studied at Duke?
- Yeah. That's right.
- That's great.
I heard they have an amazing
nursing program.
I did my undergrad
at Chapel Hill.
Oh. Small world.
Uh, yeah, it was, uh, not easy,
but it... but it opened
a lot of opportunities for me.
So why the shift
to private nursing?
Um, honestly, I guess I found it
really challenging
to give my patients
the one-on-one care
I thought they deserved.
That's really altruistic of you.
What's altruist...
Basically means that
she likes to do nice things
for other people,
which is a good quality to have
if you're a nurse.
I'm so sorry to cut this short,
but it seems like
work is blowing up.
Hence the reason I need help.
No problem.
Um, thank you.
Um, thank you.
Um, do you... do you mind
if I use the restroom
before I go?
Uh, not at all.
It's just around the corner.
- All right. Thanks.
- Uh-hmm.
I really like her.
She's definitely
at the top of the list.
You should hire her.
I should, should I?
She's young, she's pretty,
and she's not scary
like the other ones.
- Uh-hmm.
- And she's altru...
She could help you.
Now you sound
like your grandmother.
She is right sometimes,
you know?
We lost Amy about a year ago.
It's hard to believe
it's been that long actually.
Yeah, that's why
all this with Corinne
has been a little bit...
well, anyway.
She's a strong little girl.
She's gonna be okay.
She got that from her mama.
Well, I see a lot of that spirit
in you, too.
Well, I've taken up
enough of time your time.
I'm sure you have other people
to meet with.
I'm really glad you came by.
Thank you.
And let me show you the door.
Thank you.
Well, whatever you two decide,
it was really nice meeting you.
You as well.
And if you need
any additional references
or background information,
you can just
contact me directly.
- Any time.
- Sounds good.
- Thank you so much.
- Yeah.
Well what?
When can she start?
Easy now.
One step at a time, sweetie.
- But I like her.
- I know. I know.
I just don't wanna rush
into anything.
Hi. Is this Eleanor?
My name is Liam Martin.
I was referred to you
by Victoria Jones?
Ah, yes. Victoria.
How can I help you?
Uh, yeah, well, as it turns out,
my daughter and I
are in need of a home nurse
and I was wondering
if I can maybe just...
Uh, of course,
well, Well Spring
certainly outdid themselves.
Victoria was fantastic.
- Really?
- A real godsend.
I couldn't have gotten through
without her.
Do you mind me asking what
the nature of your illness was?
Um, well, Eleanor,
thank you for taking the time
to speak with me.
Have a good evening.
Apparently she's, like,
total nightmare.
Yeah, super mean,
like hates kids too.
Anyone ever tell you,
you have a terrible poker face?
Wait, you're 11.
What do you know about poker?
I have an app on my iPad.
Of course you do.
Also, remind me to check that
parental controls on your iPad.
Who do you think installed them?
Good point.
Well, this is you.
This used to be
our guest bedroom
but we have not had
a lot of guests since Amy,
but anyway, it's yours,
so make it your own.
And you really don't have
to win me over.
- It's perfect.
- Oh, it's no trouble.
If you need anything though,
just let me know, okay?
- Yeah. Thanks.
- Okay.
Hey, Liam, hold on a sec.
I'm so sorry
I have to run so soon.
We're actually in the middle
of this important acquisition
at the office.
Oh, that's why I'm here,
isn't it, to help?
Oh, thank you.
Look, I know
this is a big change.
No one expects you to adjust
in just a day.
Well, thank you.
- Good?
- Yes.
You have my number, right?
- Yes, go.
- Okay.
Are you ever coming back?
Probably not for a while.
I have to take my classes
on the computer.
That doesn't sound so bad.
Easy for you to say,
you get to see your friends.
Kendall, time to go!
Maybe I can come visit?
You're not in, like,
a bubble, right?
The doctor said I have to stay
six feet away from people
until my lungs are better.
Gotta go. Talk to you soon! Bye!
You miss your friends.
You know,
when I was about your age,
I got really sick too.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I couldn't go to school.
I couldn't see my friends
or Bobby Hutchinson.
What did you do?
Well, I wrote them letters,
every day.
And, you know, after a while,
it's like they weren't even
gone at all.
And Bobby?
Fell in love
with a fifth grader.
Well, guess,
it wasn't meant to be.
But, you know,
that's when I decided
I wanted to be a nurse.
So I could help
other little girls like you.
Maybe I should be a nurse too!
Yeah, maybe.
But first,
we got to get you better.
You know what?
I have just the thing.
I don't like tea.
Well, this isn't just any tea.
This is special tea.
My mom used to make that for me
when I wasn't feeling well.
And now I'm making it for you.
What's in it?
Family secret.
But my mom did use to say
that it cures the heart
and the soul.
- Not bad.
- Uh-hmm. Told you.
That's my mom.
She was in an accident.
I lost people
who are close to me too.
Did you ever get over it?
Well, if you think about it,
would you ever really want to?
I mean, no matter what happens,
they're always gonna be
right here.
Okay, I know
you're gonna hate me
but we have to do
physical therapy.
- Okay.
- Aw.
- Thank you.
- Uh-hmm.
Don't hesitate to give me a call
anytime, Bernard,
if you have any trouble, okay?
- All right.
- Okay?
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
I know it wasn't easy
leaving Corinne so soon,
but once we close this deal...
If we close this deal.
You won't have to worry anymore.
Well, we won't have
to worry anymore.
Come here.
So, how are things going
with the new nurse, anyway?
Uh, well, apparently,
and I quote,
"Victoria has already built
the most amazing island
on Animal Crossing."
She's a tough one.
Like her mom.
Like her dad.
The representative
for the Keller account
is on the line.
Tell him Liam
will call him back.
- Tell him...
- Please?
Take a moment for yourself.
Tell him I'll be right there.
- Uh-hmm.
- Thanks, Phil.
You should come by sometime.
- Corinne would love to see you.
- Don't worry.
This little setback
won't stop me
from hanging with
my favorite crew.
I don't know why I'm so tired.
Hmm, maybe we overdid a little
on the physical therapy.
I almost forgot.
I brought you something.
I figured it
being our first day and all,
you deserved
a little something special.
I love him! Thank you!
He's been in the family
a long time.
I know you'll give him
a good home.
And a name.
How about Snowflake?
Hmm, perfect.
Now, how about you and Snowflake
take a little nap?
Sleep tight.
Hello? Anybody home?
What the hell
do you think you're doing?
Who are you?
How-how did you get in here?
I'm Miriam.
I'm Corinne's grandmother.
Oh, you must be the new nurse.
I'll ask you again.
What are you doing
with my daughter's clothes?
Liam said I was welcome
to look around
if I needed anything.
I am quite certain
this is not what he meant.
I apologize.
You know,
I don't suppose Liam mentioned
how hesitant he was
to bring in someone
to help with Corinne.
He didn't.
Hmm, well,
it took some convincing.
So please do not prove me wrong.
I promise you have nothing
to be concerned about.
Now, if you don't mind, I would
like to go see my granddaughter.
Of course.
There was a time
when this little girl
could spend all afternoon
running up and down
the soccer field
and still stay up late at night.
She took after her mama.
My Amy played varsity
all four years of high school.
She misses her terribly.
Did she say that?
She didn't have to.
I suppose
Amy's in a better place now,
smiling down on us all.
Liam, on the other hand,
if he knew that
I'd paid a visit...
What visit?
Well, perhaps bringing you on
isn't a mistake after all.
Miriam, you are always
welcome here.
Thank you.
What's going on?
What are you doing up?
Something smelled good
and I didn't wanna miss out.
Well, since you're here,
you might as well have a seat.
I can't remember the last time
we had a home-cooked breakfast.
Breakfast was always
mom's thing.
Well, I'm sure she would still
want you to eat it.
How about we have a picture
to commemorate
our first breakfast?
That's a great idea,
but you get in here too.
Oh, okay.
Here. Let me take it.
Oh, shoot.
Um, I lost track of time.
I'm late for work.
This looks amazing.
I'm so sorry.
Um, I love you.
Have a great day.
- Bye, babe.
- Okay. Bye, dad.
You know, I just figured
it was one less thing
for you to worry about.
For me?
Wow. Thank you.
Bye, guys.
I will join you.
Hmm, would you like
pancakes first?
How you feeling?
Can't we do this outside?
It's getting cold out.
Being sick sucks.
Tell you what,
when your dad gets home,
we'll do something fun.
He usually gets home too late.
Hmm, he works a lot, huh?
Ever since mom died.
Well, he can't work
all the time, right?
I mean,
he must have friends or...
The only person
he ever hangs out with
is Beverly from work.
Are they close?
I guess.
She knew my mom and dad
ever since they were in college.
I see.
Well, we'll just have to do
something then, hmm?
Just the two of us.
We're gonna make it
a girls night.
Sounds like somebody could use
a cup of my special tea.
- Yes, please.
- Uh-hmm. Say no more.
Oh, Liam,
I'm so happy you're home.
I... oh, I didn't realize
you had company.
Victoria, this is...
Corinne has told me
so much about you.
It's really nice to meet you.
And Liam has been raving about
the work you've been doing.
- Raving, huh?
- Yeah.
You know, you look familiar.
Have we met?
I don't think so.
I could swear
I've seen you before.
You know,
I'm really good with faces
and I definitely don't think
we've met.
I'm sorry.
I must have confused you
with someone else.
Yeah. Guess so.
So how is she?
She's sleeping.
- Already?
- Yeah.
We were watching a movie
and she just conked out.
- I promise I'll keep it quick.
- Yeah.
Oh, you're always welcome
to stop by and see our girl.
Hey, baby.
What are you doing up?
Corinne! Corinne!
Hey! Give me some room!
Give me some room!
Here. Here.
Breathe. Breathe.
Come on, Corinne.
Shh. You're okay.
Calm down. Calm down.
There you go.
Breathe. Come on, Corinne.
Breathe. Shh.
There you go.
Breathe. You're okay.
- Can I hold her?
- Yeah, of course.
Oh, come here, sweetie.
Okay. Okay.
Oh, baby.
Daddy's here.
I'm not going anywhere, okay?
Guess who came see you.
Hi, sweetie.
Deep breaths.
Daddy's here.
I'm not going anywhere.
I thought she was supposed
to be recovering, you know?
Well, the important thing
is that she's okay now.
Yeah, but what would happen
if Victoria hadn't been there?
Luckily, she was.
Ever since Amy's been gone,
I'm just doing the best I can,
but I feel like
sometimes I'm just drowning,
just barely trying
to stay afloat.
You don't have
to do this alone, Liam.
You have me.
You have Miriam.
How is she?
She requested some tea.
Well, let's get her some tea.
Since when does Corinne
drink tea?
Ever since Victoria
started making her this
special family recipe she's got.
Corinne can't get enough of it
Would you like a cup?
Maybe next time.
You're not leaving, right?
You've got enough going on.
I can come back
and see Corinne another time.
No, no, no.
Bev, you have to come upstairs.
She hasn't seen you in so long.
She's dying to see you.
I know she is.
- Oh.
- Victoria?
- I'm sorry.
- Oh, my gosh.
Oh, it's okay.
- We gotta get this cleaned up.
- No. I... I'm fine.
It's okay. I'll finish up here.
- No. Really, you don't have to.
- I insist.
Come on.
Right this way.
I've got hydrogen peroxide.
Just rinse it off.
- No, it's...
- Too much?
It's just a scratch. It's...
Good, 'cause I don't think
I can...
- Ow!
afford a nurse for my nurse.
Ow! Okay. You know what?
Let's just leave the medicine
to the professionals.
That's probably a good idea.
All right.
Hey, thank you for tonight.
Yeah. I was just doing my job.
No. It was...
you're a really good father...
and a really good man.
Thank you.
Maybe not a great doctor.
Fair enough.
Let's see how good this is.
The water was finished
so I poured it.
Do you wanna take it up with me?
You know what?
I really should get going.
Like I said,
I'll come back another time.
You sure?
Yeah. It's fine.
See you at work tomorrow.
It was nice meeting you,
Yeah. You too.
Well, better
not keep her waiting.
I'll bring this up.
Ooh, looks delicious.
Yeah. So great.
Oh, garlic.
There is nothing more delicious
to me than garlic.
Just simmering in butter.
Then one more.
We're setting it aside.
Can I have some cereal?
Yeah. Yeah.
I'll bring it right up.
Good morning.
How's the hand?
- Oh, it's a lot better.
- Can I see?
Oh, that's looking great.
Um, I had an idea.
I would like to do
something nice for you.
I was thinking dinner tonight.
Uh, sure. Yeah.
What do you want me to make?
I would like to make you dinner.
Oh. Oh, okay.
The whole family or...
Or just two of us.
Yeah. I'd like that.
Great. All right.
I'm gonna get dressed for work
but I'll see you tonight.
Okay. Cool.
- Have a good day.
- Thanks. You too.
Hey. You feeling okay?
I didn't sleep well last night.
Hmm. Hope you're not coming
down with anything.
Yeah. Me too.
I'd hate to see
what you do without me.
That makes two of us.
How's Corinne?
She's doing much better, thanks.
I went ahead and called
Dr. Caldwell just to be safe.
And Victoria?
Said she was fine.
Didn't wanna get it looked at.
- That's good.
- Yeah.
I actually,
uh, asked her to dinner tonight.
- Oh.
- That's okay, right?
Are you asking for permission?
I guess I just wanna make sure
it wasn't like
a totally crazy idea.
You know, just because
Amy and I were friends
doesn't mean
I don't wanna see you happy.
It means a lot.
Hey, Dr. Caldwell.
It's Liam Martin.
Hi. I got your message
about last night.
How is she doing today?
She's actually doing
much better.
Like nothing ever happened.
Well, I'd still feel much better
if you could bring her in.
How about Thursday morning
at 10:00?
Uh, that should be great.
Oh, and, uh, Doc,
you were right about Victoria.
She's been wonderful.
The nurse.
You know, the one
from the agency you recommended.
Right. I just...
I thought I knew
everyone over there.
Well, she did say
she was new, so...
Well, I look forward to hearing
about it all on Thursday.
Sounds good. See you then.
I used to dream
about it every day
Hoping that I feel
that way again
I still think about it
to this day
Hoping that I love
that way again
And you're still
on my mind right now
I love you till the sun
goes down
And, no
I wouldn't change a thing
That feeling goes all around
That feeling still
goes all around
Don't you think maybe
you've had enough
computer time for tonight?
I can't go outside.
I can't see my friends.
Computer time is all I've got.
Honey, you really need to rest,
especially after last night.
Kendall, I gotta go.
- Talk soon.
- Talk soon.
What do you think?
You look pretty.
Well, I figured since your dad
is going through all the trouble
of making dinner,
I should try and look nice.
He's not the best cook.
Well, that's probably
a good thing
'cause I can't eat very much
in this dress.
My mom used to wear dresses
like that.
I'm gonna go say hi to your dad.
How about I sent him up
with a cup of tea?
- Sure.
- Yeah.
I hope that
when you need someone
That they come when you call
I overdressed.
No. You look stunning.
Thank you.
- Something wrong?
- No. Sorry.
Uh, Amy used to wear
that same perfume.
Ah, she had good taste.
What's this?
Oh. I got you something.
You didn't have to do that.
I figured since you're
trying to manage your time.
Look at that.
Almost like a family.
That's really thoughtful.
- Thank you.
- Uh-hmm.
All right. Well, I should get
started on dinner.
Yes. Oh, I promised our girl
I would make her some tea.
Of course.
This is really nice.
Thank you.
You've been doing
so much for us,
I just wanted to do
something for you.
Well, I'm a nurse. It's my job.
But it's really nice
to get to know you.
I'm so awkward with this.
I'm so sorry. It's been...
I've just been managing
so much for so long,
I realized I've had like
no time for social life.
Is that what it's called?
Even with Beverly, you know,
all we have time
for is work, really.
Can I ask you something?
The other night
when I was in the shower...
Oh. I'm so sorry about that.
I should have...
Did you like what you saw?
It's been a minute
since I've done this.
Yeah, we're just...
We're just talking.
It's not that.
I really think you're amazing.
I just wanna be careful
we don't...
we don't rush anything.
And make this more complicated
than it already is.
We don't have to rush anything.
I mean, you're not gonna be
Corinne's nurse forever.
And you're afraid
of getting attached?
'Cause I have this uncanny way
of sticking around.
I mean, I didn't, you know,
make it through
all those semesters in Emory
without perseverance.
I thought you went to Duke?
Um, my undergrad was at Emory.
Miriam? Miriam!
- Really?
- What do you...
- I...
- My granddaughter texted me...
- Miriam!
to stop by.
Miriam, what do you...
- Wait, no. Go ahead.
- I'll
- Grandma?
- Oh, sweetie,
I'm sorry I woke you.
Miriam, let's talk about this.
Hardly think
this is the appropriate time
to have this conversation,
wouldn't you agree?
I'll be downstairs.
- Night, sweetie.
- Good night.
I'm sorry you and daddy
are fighting.
Oh, no, no, no, sweetheart,
we're not fighting.
We just had a little
That's all.
It'll be handled very,
very soon.
I love you, baby.
Sweet dreams, okay?
Hey, everything okay?
Sometimes I cannot
stand that woman.
Maybe you could use
another glass of wine.
No, I... actually, I think we
should just call it a night.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I wanted tonight to be special.
- Yeah? And now, it's...
- Yeah, I understand.
Sorry. Hey, look, I'll, uh,
go clean everything up.
- Don't worry about it, okay?
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Okay.
Hey. Um, look...
about last night, I just...
Don't even worry about it.
It's okay.
Um, there's something
you should see.
You found this with her things?
When her bag fell over.
This couldn't have come
from anywhere else.
I don't know where.
Are you okay? I...
I'm coming.
Hold on.
A custody lawyer?
Victoria found this
in your purse
when she was cleaning up
last night.
Don't even try
to play games with me, Miriam.
I have never seen that before.
What are you talking about?
So what are you saying,
she's lying?
No. I'm just saying
it isn't mine.
What possible reason
would Victoria have
to make this up?
Or it's you, on the other hand,
have been contentious with me
ever since Amy...
Ever since when, Liam?
Go on. Say it.
I just... I never thought
you would stoop this low.
How can you even
imply such a thing?
Because you imply it every time
you open your mouth with me,
I never add up for you, do I?
I get it. I'm not home enough.
I work too much.
How I take care of the house?
But ask yourself, what would
Amy have to say about that?
Don't you dare tell me
what my daughter would
or would not have said.
Especially not
when you were carrying on
in front of her child with her!
"Carrying on"?
What does that even
supposed to mean?
Oh, you might let her
wear her clothes
and you might let her
take care of her child,
and hell, you might even
let her sleep with her husband.
It was one dinner, Miriam!
Listen to me!
You will never, ever
replace my Amy.
Do you understand me?
I will not allow it.
So you'll just gonna try
and take my kid from me, huh?
I will not even respond
to that ridiculous accusation.
You're not welcome
in my home anymore.
What? Liam.
Liam, let's just calm down!
Uh-oh. I know that look.
How are you doing?
Now, you're just deflecting.
Sorry. It's, um...
it's been a morning.
I'll be fine, though.
You know, for a salesman,
you're a terrible liar.
It, um...
honestly feels like
everything is just...
unraveling right now.
Corinne's not only sick,
now she's, like,
despondent practically.
And then this whole thing
with Miriam
is like just...
it's just a lot.
Are you absolutely certain
it was hers?
Well, I mean,
you were the only other one
at the house.
So, unless there's something
you wanna tell me.
There is one other person
though, isn't there?
- Victoria?
- Yeah.
I don't know, Liam.
I just don't know. I just...
I don't see Miriam
going that far.
Can she be a handful?
Beyond belief.
But she has never
been underhanded.
Great news. Your blood pressure,
cholesterol, it's all normal.
Then why do I feel so rundown?
I'm not sure.
But I am curious
about one thing.
Why are you taking doxadone?
I'm not.
It's in your system.
How unlucky if I can't remember
to take my vitamins.
Um, doctor, out of curiosity,
what would happen
if you administered that drug
to a patient with
a respiratory condition?
I wouldn't recommend it.
It can cause massive flare ups,
illness, or worse.
- I'm home.
- Hey, there.
How was your day?
It's fine.
You must be starving.
Victoria made spaghetti
and meatballs!
Have a seat.
Tell us about your day.
It was interesting.
I went to see that, um, client
that we spoke about
this morning.
- Oh.
- We talked about that deal
she's negotiating.
She said she didn't know
anything about it.
It's probably just a tactic.
She seemed pretty sincere.
Oh, you're tensed.
I just remember that
I need to take care
of something before I eat.
Oh, it's gonna get cold.
It'll only take a second.
Well Springs Home
Nursing Care Agency,
how can I help you?
Hi. This is Liam Martin.
I have one of your nurses
employed in my home.
Yes. What can I do for you?
Uh, I was curious.
Do you do background checks
on your nurses?
We do.
I don't suppose it'd be possible
to get a copy of one of them,
would it?
Uh, sir,
if you're having any issues
with any of our staff,
you do know that
anything we discuss
is strictly confidential.
No. No, no, no.
Uh, Victoria is very committed.
I just, um, want to get
a complete picture.
I understand and I will submit
your request for approval.
Thank you.
And please,
don't hesitate to call
if you have any other questions.
I won't. Thank you.
Is everybody awake?
We gotta leave in like 15!
- You all right?
- Uh-hmm.
- Everything okay?
- Yeah.
We had a bit
of a coughing spell,
but everything's all right now,
right, sweetheart?
Huh. All right.
Well, we'll see what the doctor
has to say about that.
I'm gonna take a shower
and we gotta go.
Come on. Let's get you dressed.
I'm happy to go with you.
Just going to the doctor,
Uh, I really don't mind.
All right. You know,
just take Snowflake,
um, and buckle
your seatbelt, please.
Ready, sweetie?
I'm not gonna have to
get a shot, am I?
I don't know.
Come on.
I'm a little concerned
that she's been having
such a severe relapses.
Her lungs should be
further along.
Is she getting plenty of rest?
Yeah. That's, uh, practically
all she does these days.
- Hmm.
- And Victoria has been
doing some
physical therapy with her
and she's got her doing
other little activities
to keep her occupied.
But most days,
we can hardly get her
out of bed.
I know Miriam
has been concerned.
You spoke to Miriam?
Hmm, once or twice.
She just had a few questions
about your daughter's condition.
I think I'd like to run
some blood work.
See if we can't figure out
why you're not getting better.
Does that mean
I'm gonna need a shot?
What if I promise you
it won't hurt?
It always hurts.
What was that?
He said, "It'll all be over
with before you know it."
You do know
he's just a stuffed animal.
But he's a wise stuffed animal.
Oh, my God!
All right.
Why was Dr. Caldwell
talking about grandma?
Oh, just, you know,
boring grown-up stuff.
I feel like all anyone
does anymore is keep secrets.
Like what?
You and grandma.
I know you're fighting.
The thing is,
sweetie, grandma did
some really, really
not nice stuff.
That doesn't mean you have to do
not nice stuff in return,
you know?
Mom wouldn't like this.
She wouldn't want you
fighting over me.
When did you get to be so smart?
Someone has to be.
It's work, isn't it?
You always have to go.
You know what?
Why not we
go get some ice cream?
Rocky road?
Is there any other flavor?
This is Beverly.
Hi, sorry to bother you.
My name is Claire Johnson.
I'm calling from
Wellspring Home Nursing Care.
Can I help you?
We've been trying
to reach Liam Martin,
but he's not answering his phone
and you were listed
as an alternate contact.
Is there something wrong?
He requested to see
the background check
- of his home nurse.
- And?
I checked and we actually
never sent a home nurse
to Mr. Martin.
But Victoria.
We sent
over a number of candidates,
but it was our understanding
that he selected
an independent provider.
This Victoria
is not one of ours.
- Go, go, go!
- Stop!
Look out! Oh, my God!
Oh, no.
Pick up, pick up.
Hi, you've reached Liam.
I'm not here.
Please leave a message. Thanks.
Hi, Liam, it's me.
Please call me
as soon as you get this.
It's about Victoria.
She's not who you think she is.
Did you forget your house keys?
Oh, Beverly, I didn't know
we were expecting you.
Where is he? Liam?
They haven't returned yet.
Right. Liam?
I told you he's not here
but I'd be happy to tell him
you stopped by.
Oh, thank you, Victoria.
Should I say Catherine?
I knew you looked familiar,
- but I couldn't place it.
- Beverly, I...
After Amy died,
I had a responsibility
to look after the business
and our family.
What exactly do you think
you're doing here?
I'm getting my family back.
Your family is gone.
I know you've been dosing
her tea.
- What?
- Yeah. I took some
the other night.
I couldn't understand
why I wasn't feeling well,
but then the doctor found
doxadone in my system.
Highly dangerous
for pulmonary patients,
but any nurse would know that.
I just... I just need her
to be sick
a little while longer.
Here's what I need.
I need you to get in that car,
get out that door,
and I never wanna see you
near Liam or Corinne again.
I'm sorry, Beverly,
but I can't let you
take my family away from me.
I've lost them before and
I'm not gonna lose them again.
Just relax, okay,
you're not gonna die.
It's just gonna keep you
from talking.
And you know what?
Don't worry.
I will be happy
to tell Liam
that you stopped by.
Hi there,
my two favorite people.
- I'm gonna go upstairs.
- Okay. How about a tea?
- Sure.
- Yeah. I'll bring it right up.
Um, uh, everything okay?
Yeah. Everything's fine.
Um, are you gonna be
home tonight?
Yeah. I'm gonna be
in the home office for a bit.
Um, okay. Would you mind if
after I bring Corinne her tea,
maybe I run out for an errand?
- That's fine.
- Great.
Hi, Liam, it's me.
Please call me
as soon as you get this.
It's about Victoria.
She's not who you think she is.
Hi, you've reached Beverly.
- You know what to do.
- Come on.
Hi, Liam, this is Claire
over at Wellspring.
I wanted to get back to you
regarding your request
for a background check
on your nurse.
The thing is, we never placed
a nurse in your home.
So I'm unable to provide
any information at this time.
It's impossible.
Eleanor, hi.
This is Liam Martin.
We spoke a while ago
about my home nurse,
- Victoria Jones?
- Ah, of course.
Did it work out?
I'm curious you did employ
her through the agency, right?
- Uh, Wellspring?
- Uh, I did.
Why do you ask?
Well, I just asked them
for some more information.
They told me
that she doesn't work for them.
Are you still there?
I am.
You did tell me that she was,
and I quote, "A godsend."
Victoria Price was the best
nurse I've ever had.
- Price?
- No, Jones. I said Jones.
You know, I'm sorry,
but now isn't really
very good time, and I have
a terrible connection.
Good bye, Mr. Martin.
Hi, you've reached Beverly.
You know what to do.
Liam, hey.
Did Beverly get ahold of you?
No, no, no.
She left a message.
And I've been trying
to call her back
but she's not answering.
Well, she ran out of here
pretty fast, seemed urgent.
Did she say where she was going?
To you.
I'm home.
Are you here?
Tell me.
Which one is "sweetie"?
Where's Liam?
He had to pick something up
back in the office.
And you're watching Corinne?
Is that surprising?
No. I just didn't realize
you two were,
you know...
there aren't that many people
that he can trust.
I suppose not.
Come on, Beverly.
What is it?
I understand that Corinne
has become a big fan of tea.
- Of my tea.
- Hmm.
Well, I'm sure she can make
do just this once.
I'm sure she can.
Oh, my.
What, what...
Oh God, what...
Miriam, listen to me.
Victoria is not
who you think she is.
Hi, honey.
Why don't you come home?
And come alone
for Corinne's sake.
You know you should be resting.
You know what exercise
can do to you.
Don't worry.
Daddy will be home soon.
Come on, pick up.
Miriam, pick up your phone,
come on.
You've reached the voicemail
of Miriam Hoffman.
Please leave a message
and I'll get back to you
as soon as I can.
Miriam, this is Liam. I need
you to call me right away.
It's important.
Damn it.
- Corinne?
- Dad!
Hey, what's this?
Dad, look out!
Liam, wake up. Help.
What's going on?
What's it look like, sweetie?
We're having a family dinner.
I was waiting for you.
I missed you.
I hope you're hungry.
Oh, it was you.
What did you do to Beverly?
We are not talking about her.
Right now we are...
we are talking about us.
Oh, my God.
Okay. Just, look, honey,
you're making
our daughter upset.
It's all right, sweetheart.
Mommy's right here.
Don't you dare
act like her mother.
You know, a year ago,
I was happy.
I was a mother.
And I was a wife.
I had a good job.
I had a... I had a home.
No. It's Victoria.
- Victoria.
- No.
And then that woman
took all of it away from me.
That woman was my wife!
Yeah. Exactly. Was.
How is hurting us going
to bring your family back?
Oh, oh, no.
You don't understand.
No, I would never hurt you.
No. Not my Liam.
Not my Corinne.
Now, you see,
she took my family.
So, I am gonna take hers.
Do you realize that
it's been exactly a year?
Three hundred
and sixty-five days of what?
Of loneliness...
of misery...
of complete suffering,
and for what?
And then... and then when Corinne
got sick and she needed a nurse,
it was as if somebody said,
Here, this is the chance
for you to be happy,
that you've been alone
long enough."
And both of us,
we can... we can all be happy.
And Corinne,
we can... we can be a family.
Yes, baby, yeah.
I see it.
I see it now.
Thanks, sweetheart, come here.
Come here, baby.
Come here.
Come here.
Look at me.
It needed to be this way.
I didn't see it before.
I didn't see it, honey.
I didn't see it and you've
been alone for so long.
Yeah. I'm so sorry.
Hang with your family.
Okay, but right now,
our baby girl
she's hurting, okay?
And you're such a good mama,
I need you to go loosen her up.
You need to help her breath
right now because I can't.
- Okay, sweetheart?
- Okay.
And then, we'll be together.
I'm not going anywhere.
- I'm right here, okay?
- Yeah.
I promise you.
Okay. Okay.
Hey. Baby, baby.
Come here. Come here. Hey, hey.
Hey, deep breath. Deep breath,
okay. Deep breath. There you go.
Breathe another nice and slow.
You're okay.
You're okay.
You're okay, baby.
- Dad!
- Hey, sweetie.
We came to check on our girl.
And we brought company.
Now this is my kind of medicine.
- Hey, doc.
- Hi.
So, how are both of my patients?
I'm actually feeling
a lot better.
Well, you will continue to.
There's no reason why you can't
make a strong and full recovery.
It'll just take some time.
They tell me,
I got a bit of physical therapy
ahead of me,
but I have a feeling
that Corinne and I are
gonna manage this recovery
the way we managed everything
best together.
Glad everything worked out.
- Oh, my gosh, yes.
- Thank you for all your help.