A Paris Proposal (2023) Movie Script

you've reached Sebastian Laurent
with Dash Creative.
I'm off creating.
Leave a message.
Clearly, I haven't
reached Sebastian Laurent
with Dash Creative.
We were supposed to
meet here in the office
to go over our research
for the pitch meeting.
Where are you?
Leave a message.
Sebastian, where are you?
The client is already seated.
Am I supposed to do
this pitch alone?
Please just call me back.
Where have you been?
Are you kidding me?
I was literally at the office
doing all the markers...
I was doing market research,
too, from our market.
Several, actually.
I had to go to a few stores
to find all the flavors.
Here, try this.
No, they're literally waiting.
And the clients are
going to want to see
that we know their product.
Quick, drink.
OK, now try orange.
Not bad.
OK, let's go.
Don't forget your tote.
Don't forget your broomstick.
What do you got for us?
And why shouldn't we stick
with our current agency?
Well, first of all, have
you thought about changing
the name of your brand?
He's joking.
Please, they think
you're serious.
OK, we keep it.
Um, the beauty of
Fizzarup Soda is
that it's all natural,
non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan.
Parents can feel good
about it, and the kids
don't need to know that
it's good for them.
The 12 to 19-year-old age
range makes up the largest
consumption of soft
drinks in America.
We really don't feel like
you're tapping into that market.
We have algorithms
that analyze...
Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles.
Have you seen those
giant plastic balls
filled with air, the
ones that you can
jump inside and roll around in?
My daughter had them
at her pool party.
We open on a group
of teenagers at a lake.
They are bored out
of their minds.
They take a drink
of Fizzarup Soda,
and then suddenly a
helicopter swoops in,
drops the balls out of the sky.
They jump into the lake,
run into the water,
and jump inside.
At the end, they morph into
tiny, floating bubbles.
Find your fizz with Fizzarup.
I love it.
That's bold.
Also very expensive.
I mean, the insurance
alone on that would...
I'm sorry...
It does sound
expensive, Sebastian.
As you know, we're
a smaller startup.
You can't put a price
on a great concept.
Well, I mean, actually, you can.
We can come up with
a different idea.
Yeah, like what?
Well, like something with
a feasible budget, a campaign
that I can actually deliver.
We will find something.
We are never going
to set ourselves up
for success if you keep
overpromising to the clients.
You saw the way
their eyes lit up.
They'll find the money.
Sebastian, I'm
your account manager.
The client comes
to me if something
goes wrong or for over budget.
I need you to respect what I do.
I'll see you at the office.
He's not a team
player, Caroline.
I am concerned that you are not
embracing your creative side.
Remember when you
first started, you
were not afraid to speak
up, veer out of your lane
if it made an idea better.
No, I can do that again.
Have you heard
of Durand Diamonds?
Yeah, of course.
They're huge in Europe.
Now they want to
be huge in America.
We're in the running
for the account.
I'm sending you to Paris.
You heard me right.
I said Paris?
Yeah, I love everything French...
The toasts, the manicures.
They're great.
Oh, how do we hear about this?
I happen to know Louis and
Marianne Jerome from back home.
They reached out.
This is a top priority
for them and Dash Creative.
Pack your bags.
You leave tomorrow.
I'm sorry, what?
Well, I still think
you have the potential
to be a great team.
You know, I really feel like you
should send Margaret for this.
She'd be great.
Anna, you're reliable.
You're a problem solver.
You keep the trains running.
I want you for this.
Perhaps Anna could keep the
trains running in New York.
We have a lot of them here.
The way I see it,
you're going to teach Anna
to color using all the
crayons in the box again.
And Anna, you're going
to show Sebastian
how to color inside the lines.
Now don't let me down.
I'm sorry, what was that?
I said, I can't
wait to work together.
Lily, did I wake you up?
Oh, no, no, no.
No, no, no, I need to be up
in, like, three hours anyway.
What's going on?
Well, I'm coming to Paris.
Oh won't you I thought you
said you were never coming back
I mean, it's for work.
We're trying to land the
Durand Diamonds account.
When do you get here?
I'm like totally freaking out.
Yeah, no, babe.
I don't blame you, but
when you land the account
and you're the big hero at work,
you can finally put Paris back
on your map.
I miss you.
Can't wait to see you.
You, too.
Call me when you land.
Love you, buds.
So when was the last
time you were in Paris?
It's been about three years
since I started at the agency.
How do you know the Laurents?
My family's department
store carries their jewelry.
Which one?
Laurent like as in
your last name Laurent?
I did not know that.
Yeah, my brother
runs the business.
I used to be the
VP of marketing.
It was actually my favorite
store when I lived in Paris.
Well, my favorite window store.
I could never actually
afford anything in there.
Yeah, I noticed you
had a pretty good accent.
Thank you.
I studied at the Sorbonne.
You're full of surprises.
Have you had a chance to look
at the research packet yet?
Where's our car?
You know, it's crazy
to think that America
is responsible for half the
sales in the world's jewelry.
Research is the
enemy of creativity.
That's a little harsh.
I already know the Durand brand.
No, you know the
Durand brand in Paris.
We have to tailor
it for America.
Do you have any ideas?
For me, inspiration hits
when I least expect it.
Ah, there's our car.
The ros diamond.
17 carats.
It was designed
by Bernard Durand.
His nephew Louis
now runs a business.
He's known as the
"king of diamonds."
Well, here comes the queen.
The ros can be
yours for $23 million.
We already know the
color is perfect for you.
Oh, merci.
Does it come with a set
of matching bodyguards?
Anna Bowman, Dash
Creative account manager.
So nice to meet you, Anna.
And Sebastian.
Come, Louis will meet
us in the showroom.
We must apologize
for the short notice.
But we've been pitched by
three American agencies,
and [laughs] they
haven't worked out.
We are trying to beat our
biggest competitor to the US
Ah, yes, Tropez Diamonds.
Oui, Tropez Diamond.
And then it hit me.
I remember that you went away
to work in New York, Sebastian.
You always understood
our brand so well.
We think you could
be the perfect fit.
Your parents, are they well?
Um, they're fine.
I'm so sorry about what
happened at the store.
Let's remind your
father how brilliant
you are with a great
campaign for Durand.
He and your mother are
coming to the charity gala
next weekend.
You both should come.
Oh, unfortunately, we are
only here for a few days,
but thank you.
So you have a pitch already?
We do.
You're going to love it.
Well, great.
Do you know Paris, Anna?
Yes, yes, I love it here.
I actually... I haven't been
back, um, since our honeymoon.
No, you two are married?
Oh, I... I mean...
I always feel that a
couple who work together
bring something so special.
I am so happy.
Your parents never said anything
about a wedding, Sebastian.
Uh, they, um... they, um...
They don't know.
Say no more.
Maria and I have been
running the business together
for 30 years.
How long have you been together?
Uh, yeah, it's actually
our one-year anniversary.
Yes, it's been a whirlwind.
Where was the wedding?
Las Vegas.
The courthouse.
It was at the Las
Vegas courthouse.
Well, this trip cannot
just be about business.
You two need to relive the
magic of your Paris honeymoon.
We don't.
Where are you staying?
Um, the hotel at
the convention center.
No, [speaking french].
I am going to get my assistant
to find you a room at the Lux.
It is where we are
hosting the gala.
Please, we...
We would love to stay there.
Excuse me, Anna.
I notice you are wearing
your ring as a necklace?
And no wedding
band either of you.
Yes, well, it's embarrassing.
My fingers are swollen
from the airplane.
And I lost mine
right down the drain.
you've come to the right place.
What just happened?
What were you thinking?
You're the one who
said "our honeymoon."
You said "our
anniversary" and then
you told them they were going to
love a pitch that we don't even
have yet.
And then I saw...
Saw what?
I don't want to talk about it.
Well, I hope that
diamond around your neck
fits on your finger.
Else, we need to find a bubble
gum machine with a ring to fit.
This was my grandmother's ring.
She was French.
She's the reason I
love this city so much.
You know what?
No, I'm not doing this.
You're going to tell them the
truth because this is wrong.
Or else I'm going back
to New York today.
Look, this is what we'll do, OK?
We'll give them
an amazing pitch.
And after they fall
in love with it,
we'll tell them it was
a misunderstanding.
Everybody wins.
We literally have no ideas yet.
With diamonds, you
just need to think big.
Think models dripping in
diamonds, scaling the Eiffel
Sebastian, the greatest
ad campaign in history
was a diamond is forever.
It was simple.
Great, it's Caroline.
No, I can't do it.
I'm sorry.
Please just...
Caroline, bonjour.
Sa va?
Where's Anna?
She's, um... she's in the toilet.
How's it going?
Very well.
They're liking your ideas?
Very much.
That is a lot of very's.
Is it Anna?
She's stifling your creativity?
Anna's smart.
She's been great.
OK, good.
Keep me posted.
Au revoir.
Wow, stifling your creativity?
She doesn't think I can do this.
So show her you can.
So are you in?
Fine, yes, fine.
The next time Caroline calls,
I'm doing market research,
not on the toilet.
This is very bad karma.
You were great in
Legally Blonde, by the way.
Passports, please.
Durand's assistant called.
We have the honeymoon
suite all ready for you.
It's a honeymoon suite?
Is it possible to make that
into two rooms, please?
When you see the romantic
room we have for you,
all your troubles will melt
away, vanish in the wind.
Did you hear that, ??
That sounds wonderful.
My little cabbage?
It's a term of endearment.
Come on.
Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
Mm, delicious.
You don't snore, do you?
Quickest honeymoon ever.
No, you don't have to open that.
Oh, relax.
Live a little.
Stop and taste the bubbly.
Now that the client
thinks that we're married,
what's your big idea?
Well, we'll just have
to get to know each other.
Maybe not.
You can tell me about
your favorite color,
your favorite dessert.
You can tell me all about
your paperclip collection.
And then maybe we can
reminisce about our first date.
I suck at lying.
I get really hot, and
my face turns red.
And I don't know.
Maybe we could just tell them
that we broke up or something.
What, you mean like a fake-up?
No way.
You know, what's
up with you anyway?
What was that Paris honeymoon
you were talking about?
I used to be married, and then...
I don't know... today, I thought
I saw my ex-husband at Durand.
You were married?
Two years ago, but
it only lasted a year.
What happened?
You are just,
like, prying a lot.
Well, we're married now.
We have no secrets.
I thought I was in love.
So I got married very quickly.
It's just, it wasn't me.
Yes, being back
here just reminds
me of what an epic
failure that was.
Anna, divorce doesn't
mean you failed.
Look at you.
You're pitching on a
huge account, flown
across the world, trusted
with one of the biggest gets
Dash might have this year.
Believe me, I know
what it is to fail.
That's why we need to knock
this pitch out of the park.
What about Paris Rocks?
Sounds like a bad '80s band.
What about Paris Eternal?
Sounds like you're selling
tickets to the catacomb.
You know what?
I need to clear my head.
Let's, um... let's
get some rest, huh?
Yeah, my head is pounding.
Definitely jet lagged.
You know, my grandmother
used to say, [speaking french]...
Favorite color is blush pink.
I like black raspberry
ice cream from back home.
And my perfect date would be
a walk on the Alexandre III
So gross.
Peace offering.
I'm sorry.
All of this has just put me
out of my comfort zone, so.
I've hit a bit of a wall myself.
Anything come to
you in your dreams?
Oh, yeah, I was
fired in two languages.
But luckily, we get three hours
to figure all of this stuff
Shall we?
Sebastian, bonjour.
Bonjour, hi.
Long time.
Gabriel works for
France's top ad agency, Id.
He's a drones ad
exec here in Paris.
This is Anna Bowman.
Nice to meet you, Anna.
You, too.
Gabriel is going to consult
on the American campaign.
Yes, I told Marianne,
Louis, my agency can handle
the launch ourselves, but they
insisted on an American agency
taking the lead.
You know the American market?
We have a few
international clients, yes.
And rest assured, we have
many great ideas ready to go.
Well, the American agencies
get so wrapped up in proposals.
We want to promote more than
the classic engagement ring...
Anniversaries, birthdays,
Valentine's Day.
Durand Diamond makes
any event special.
And that approach has worked for
us like a charm here in Europe.
Well, you don't
want to underestimate
the power of the proposal.
We spend $30 billion a
year on engagement rings.
That's more than
any other country.
I would say saying yes is
all about the four c's...
Color, cut, clarity,
and, of course, carat.
Yes, and let us not
forget the fifth C...
See how fast she can
post it on social media.
Little bit gauche,
don't you think?
60% of American
women say that they've
posted their engagement ring
within the first 24 hours
and nearly 90% within
the first week.
That is a promotional gold mine.
You can only make a
first impression once.
I would say go with what works.
Let's hear your
pitch in the office.
We see an American couple at
a romantic picnic with champagne
in front of the Eiffel Tower.
He gives her a pink
box and reminds her
that it's been one year
since their first date.
Yes, and with anticipation,
she opens this box.
Inside, some macarons.
She's not overly impressed,
so he gives her another box.
A little beret.
Again, not impressed.
But this time, he
gets down on one knee
and presents a tiny box.
Her face lights up to reveal
a dazzling Durand Diamond
engagement ring.
Give your love a piece of Paris.
Durand Diamonds.
I'm not sure it really captured
the essence of the brand.
It's a little predictable.
Yes, it's a little...
How do you say...
And you're... how
do you say... an...
We can come up with
something better.
Yes, and if you don't, my agency
will be happy to take
over the campaign.
I'm sorry, but I have to run.
Marianne, I will see you
this evening at the gala.
Of course.
I'll walk you out.
So, Andre at the hotel,
he told my assistant
you had a little tiff.
Oh, no, no, no.
It was nothing.
She was, oh, as they say in
America, hangry, weren't you,
my love?
Yes, I was.
Well, sometimes
relationship can be difficult.
Oh, no, no, we are good.
We are burning.
We're burning up.
We are burning up.
Why don't you take some
time to explore the city
to breathe in the romance
and the essence of Durand?
I'm sure it will give
idea for the campaign.
She's right...
We'll stay as long
as you need, madame.
Then you can come to the
gala as my special guest.
It's perfect.
Oh, and I want to
hear all about your love
story, every detail.
Every detail...
Are you kidding me?
We're here for a few days.
Just relax, OK?
I never took you
for a photographer.
I mean, I guess I
kind of fell into it.
I used to help my mom and
dad with their old print shop
back in Ohio or take photographs
of local ad campaigns.
So that's how you
got into advertising?
Love is the one thing we all
have in common in this world.
Well, that and heartbreak.
It's a bit cynical, no?
I guess.
A beautiful new life.
Or the beginning of the end.
See, the thing is,
when we're little,
we're promised this fairy tale,
but what we're not promised
is a happy ending.
Well, we won't share
that with Durand.
I'm sorry it didn't
work out for you.
Thank you.
Honestly, I never
thought I'd be back
in Paris as a married woman.
Well, with
so charming and handsome
a husband, you may never
want to let him go.
All right, Prince
Charming, where to next?
This, I miss...
The streets of Paris, the way
the light shines and beams.
It sparkles.
It is magnifique.
OK, let's focus.
What is our pitch?
Anna, please,
this is how I work.
Let your imagination go free.
OK, I get that
you want to daydream
about a sparkly street, but
we really do have deadlines,
and I take those very seriously.
Anna, all right.
It's a process.
You're too uptight.
Well, you know, you're
too undisciplined.
Can't you let yourself
loosen up, even for a moment?
To be outrageous, to have
fun, to let yourself think?
I have fun.
You see him?
You're like that.
You're stuck in a box.
I'm not stuck in a box.
Yes, you are.
The deadlines, the
schedules... it's boring.
I enjoy my life.
I have fun.
Oh, really?
Prove it.
Prove what?
What are you doing?
I'm having fun.
Please, no, stop.
Please stop.
This is so embarrassing.
I'm leaving.
Set your inner child free.
No, I'm leaving.
Or have you forgotten
what she looks like?
I'm not leaving until
you get up here.
I'm not doing that?
Tres bien.
No, no, no.
No, no, no, no.
Stuck in a box.
Anna, take it seriously, OK?
Tres bien.
I'm sorry.
OK, we gotta go.
Ah, da-da-da.
Thank you.
Tres bien.
I told you I can have fun.
I'm an excellent mime.
OK, OK, now it's time to focus.
I'm always focused.
I'll have a chai tea latte,
three pumps, skim milk,
light water, no
foam, 120 degrees.
I will just have another tea.
Does anybody ever
get that order right?
OK, um, I know that we
could do a little butter...
I'm sorry, you just... you
know that there are already
27 layers of butter
on a croissant, right?
27 layers of heaven.
Oh, that's nice.
Yeah, she looks really sweet.
That's how you conduct research.
You observe.
You take it all in.
You have a real eye for this.
Did you know that
one in 500 proposals
happens right here in Paris?
And of course, a lot of them
at the most popular spot,
the Eiffel Tower.
Well, it's the best view.
These are my grandparents,
Harold and Claudette,
who were engaged here in Paris.
It was right after World War II.
And, well, he was
an American soldier.
She was a French seamstress.
You look just like her.
Any chance you'd like
to have dinner tonight?
I know this great spot in
the Latin Quarter, great wine
and great people watching.
Anna, hi!
Oh, it's good to see you.
This is Sebastian.
Lily, this is our
creative director.
Nice to meet you.
Here, sit down.
I got your rescue
text, but you seem great.
Rescue text?
Thanks for that.
Yes, it's... I just figured
with everything happening with
the hotel, it would just be
better if I stayed with Lily.
What if Marianne finds out?
She won't.
This is a bad idea.
I'm sorry.
What's going on?
Look, it's kind
of a crazy story,
and I will explain
everything later.
But basically, the Durands
think that we are married.
And now we have a week to
come up with a brilliant idea.
OK, well, let me know
if you need my help.
I run the social
media for chic we
make designer gear for all of
Europe's most pampered pooches.
Here, I'll show you.
Puppy couture,
encrusted collars.
Isn't that beautiful?
And then... oh, paw-fume.
Well, it's a dog's life.
That's funny.
He's funny.
Do you want something
to drink or eat?
Sure, yeah, what are you having?
Don't ask.
27 layers of heaven.
OK, I will see
you in the morning.
Monsieur, hello.
Oh, hello.
Marianne's here.
Marianne's here!
Anna, are you going somewhere?
Here you go.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you for my suitcase.
I'm Lily.
I'm Anna's friend from America.
Enchante, Lily.
She's checking in
today at the hotel.
Well, since you are in Paris,
you must come to our gala.
I would love to, Madame Durand.
Anyway, yeah, I should go.
I'm going to leave the
keys at the front desk, OK?
I believe the front
desk is that way.
Of course it is.
Thank you.
Thank you, guys.
Well, how are things going?
It's wonderful.
I mean, today, we
learned how to mime.
Yes, it was...
Oh, that's wonderful.
I am so happy you are
enjoying second honeymoon.
You are married, Sebastian?
They are celebrating
their first anniversary.
Well, we don't want to keep you.
No, we have a meeting.
But I am very excited
to hear your ideas.
Now will you listen to me?
I didn't know she was...
Hello, my favorite couple.
Oh, you look terrible.
Have you thought about
a couple's massage?
You know what?
I think my beautiful
bride could use one.
She needs to relax.
Actually, we have
a lot of work to do.
Right, honey?
And what about our
lover cake for lovers?
Chocolate fixes everything.
We're not...
Send one up.
Consider it delivered.
You're just really milking
this thing, aren't you?
I would.
Like I'm going to
turn down chocolate.
Come along, my love.
So what's the deal
with that Gabriel guy?
He seems so...
I don't know... prickly.
Oh, he's like a cactus.
He's always been
competitive with me.
His firm's had my family's
account for years.
And when I was VP
of marketing, we
used to butt heads
on everything.
What happened with
the department store?
I mean, Marianne said
something about your parents,
and it just...
Well, Laurent has
always been a French icon.
But it was struggling to
attract young customers.
Well, I wanted to take it
into an edgier direction,
show my father I could make
a difference with my ideas.
So what happened?
Well, it backfired literally.
There was a fire.
Sorry, I shouldn't laugh.
I just... what?
It's never to be
spoken of again,
but my brother and my father
blamed me, and rightly so.
Is that why you
moved to New York?
Not right away.
My father stepped
down a year later.
He asked Marcel to
run the company.
Said he was the responsible one.
So I went to New York,
far away from my family.
You probably already know this,
but you're really
good at what you do.
Thank you.
Call it a towel
rack for a reason.
They make it look
so easy, don't they?
Well, if it's right,
it should be easy, no?
Coming from the single man.
No, it's not as easy as
faking being married.
I'm not even sure I
want to get married.
You'd be tied
down, not to mention
the family can let you down.
Oh, that sounds familiar.
You're comparing me to your ex?
Yes, I am.
You both use towels as carpets
and toothpaste as finger paint.
I don't understand.
If it was so wrong, why did you
get married in the first place?
I don't know.
We just kind of fell
into the romance.
I mean, it wasn't love.
It was definitely just lust.
You said yes, huh?
Where was your research?
Oh, my research.
Uh, yeah.
I don't know.
He definitely didn't
fit my dating algorithm.
Well, it's an app.
Wow, do not judge.
If you were to propose,
how would you do it?
I'd have my Durand Diamond
engagement ring in my hand,
of course.
Of course.
Yeah, of course.
I would get down on one knee.
I would...
Oh, we're doing this.
I'd tell you how crazy
you make me, which you do.
And I'd tell you how I haven't
been happier in a long time.
And... and then I'd
quickly come to my senses.
I'd break out into a cold sweat.
I'm so sorry.
No, that's...
I'm so sorry.
That's fine, really.
It was...
Because it was just an accident.
You did not just do that.
I did.
Merci beaucoup, huh?
Merci beaucoup.
When in Paris.
I told you, being married sucks.
Thankfully it's not
actually Paris Fashion Week.
Marie Antoinette would
be rolling in her grave.
She would be.
I'm going to get this.
Another epic proposal.
Yes, Paris, home of
the cliches and berets.
Is Sebastian there?
I'm sorry, who's this?
Sebastian's mother.
Um, he's doing market research.
Oh, please, could you
tell my son I expect him
home in the morning tomorrow?
Yeah, of course.
Yes, I can.
Are you OK?
Yes, I'm fine.
I will let him know.
Well, I'm looking forward
to meet you, and
see you tomorrow.
Um, your mom just
called the hotel room,
and she wants to see
you and me tomorrow.
Do you think she knows
about our marriage?
He must have told my brother.
Him and Marcel are friends.
OK, OK, you know what?
This is good.
Tomorrow you'll go to
your family's house.
You'll work things out.
And I'll just get work done.
You're coming with me.
We're married.
Time to meet the parents.
Bonjour, Sebastian.
This is Anna.
Bonjour, Lucie.
Bonjour, Anna.
Anna, welcome.
So you met at the agency?
Well, Anna is my
account manager.
Yes, I am.
Merci, Lucie.
Your son is very talented.
I hope you have...
What is it called...
911 on speed dial.
So something you
want to tell us?
You are married.
Gabriel told your brother.
Of course he did.
It's a bit of a mix-up.
A mix-up?
Well, either you are
married or you're not.
We... we...
We are.
We are married, very married.
That's wonderful.
So how
did you propose, Sebastian?
Well, we got black raspberry
ice cream, her favorite.
It's delicious.
And we went to the top of
the Empire State Building.
She had been wildly in
love with me for months.
Well, something I
learned about Sebastian
was that he is
terrified of heights.
I mean, just freaking out.
I had to pull him
out of the elevator.
Children were laughing at him.
I didn't know you were
afraid of heights, Sebastian.
But he's very much
afraid of dolls.
You're afraid of dolls.
Well, I was just
nervous because I
was about to make the
ultimate commitment.
His other fear.
But you should have seen Anna.
She was totally...
inflated, but puffy.
She looked like...
a clown, no?
But then I told her
that coming to America
was the best decision I
ever made because, well, it
led me to her.
We are so happy for both of you.
Aren't we, Jacques?
It seems America has been
good for you, Sebastian.
Merci, papa.
I'm sorry.
I could just feel the tension.
No, you were just
trying to help.
I'm going back to
America anyway.
So it really doesn't
matter what they think.
I mean, it sounded like
you guys were getting along.
Based on a lie.
We really need to
get our story straight.
I don't even know
where you live.
Park Slope.
You're in Chelsea, right?
What's your shirt size?
July 8, 1987.
Looks like you've landed
yourself a younger man.
September 17, 1987.
How do you say it in America?
It's cougar?
Do you miss it?
I idolized my father growing up,
watching him run the
store, always in control.
Is Laurent why you decided
to become a creative director?
Everything about this
place inspired me.
What did your dad mean by 911?
That was Marianne.
She wants to see us right away.
Let's go.
Tropez Diamonds, they plan to
launch their American campaign
before us.
They want to...
Steal our thunder,
as you say in America.
Fortunately, Gabriel has
a friend in their company
who heard about it at
a party last night.
Sorry I'm late.
We want to launch the new
campaign ahead of schedule.
How ahead of schedule?
Next weekend at the gala.
That's in six days.
Yes I thought we could
invite the American press.
It was my idea.
Of course it was.
It won't be the
full campaign rollout.
We just want to give
America a taste of what's
to come, mark our territory.
Then we can decide if we'll
proceed with your agency.
But if it's too soon...
Consider it done.
I should have gone home.
Some of my best ideas
come to me under pressure.
It's like the diamond process...
Starts as ugly carbon
beneath the surface,
then after millions of years,
it turns into the most beautiful
substance in the world.
Well, sir, we do not
have a million years.
We have less than six days.
I didn't realize
you got a video, too.
It's spontaneous.
Would you look at her light
up at the sight of that ring?
How did you feel
when your ex proposed?
My whole world stopped.
It was real, even if it was
just for a blink of an eye.
What if we do a campaign
centered around real life
proposals that we capture?
Here in Paris?
Yes, with Americans.
It would be cost effective.
And special and unique.
I am going stir crazy
in that room, Lily.
Did something happen?
He's messy.
And he doesn't
believe in alarms.
Oh, and get this.
He thinks that American
women flaunt their wealth.
Yeah, well, it is sort of
a shameless new tradition.
The ring selfie.
But it sounds like he's
getting under your skin.
You know what that means.
Oh, no, no, do not say it.
You like him!
Admit it.
You like him.
Ah, hello.
Waiting for your better half?
Hey, you know what?
I'm going to call you later.
A little bit of
sightseeing today?
Yeah, kind of.
We're looking for real life
proposals for Durand's new ad
Oh, but you know,
you can't really
swing a baguette without
someone proposing in Paris, huh?
Have you been to
Alexandre III bridge yet?
You know, I have.
It's actually one of my
favorite spots in the world.
Oh, it's the same for me.
Sir, your croissant
with extra butter.
Merci beaucoup.
But you know croissant is
already made out of butter.
If I remember correctly,
this is your idea
of a perfect date, no?
I don't know.
Being here reminds
me of being in one
of those old black
and white French films
with Simone Signoret
and Yves Montand.
They were like the power
couple of French cinema.
That was Simon's
second marriage.
Montand was her true love.
No, I did not know that.
So my mother wants us
over for dinner tonight.
Sebastian I don't know
if I can keep doing this.
What's one more dinner?
You'll never have to see
them again after the gala.
OK, super.
Go, all right?
Up a piece
Don't drop me.
I won't drop you.
Don't worry.
See, I didn't drop you.
I'm so sorry to interrupt.
Are you guys American?
Uh, yeah.
Ohio born and raised.
I'm from Cincinnati.
Go Buckeyes.
We are doing an ad
campaign for Durand Diamonds.
Oh, mine's Durand.
Yeah, I bought
it here, and then I
proposed at the Eiffel Tower.
You guys, congratulations.
We want to feature real couples.
Would you mind if we ask you
a few questions on camera?
Of course.
Thank you.
It'll be quick.
OK, so you guys are from Ohio.
What brought you to
Paris for your proposal?
He knows I've
dreamed of coming here
since I was a little girl.
Paris is the most
romantic place on Earth.
I want her to always
remember that this
is where our commitment to
each other officially began.
That's perfect.
Thank you guys so much.
Thank you.
Well, it's nice.
You know, you're
really good with people.
Oh, it's easy when you're
in the middle of a real life
romance novel.
Hey, isn't this where your
grandparents got engaged?
I remember in the photo.
They had much better
sense than I did.
You know, for what it's worth,
I think your ex was a fool.
Thank you, Sebastian.
Do you guys want me to
take a picture of you?
Oh, no, it's OK.
Why not?
Will you use my phone?
Thank you.
I think it's good.
Now can she dip me?
No, we're good.
Thank you so much.
We're going to your
parents' house.
Here we go.
So, tell us, how is
the campaign going?
Well, it's been interesting.
Well, I just hope that
you are keeping it simple.
The Durands are
very traditional.
Oui, Papa, I just said.
Did he tell you about
what happened at the store
with the fire?
Please, Jacques.
No, we can love about it now.
Sebastian decided to recreate
by carnival at Laurent
complete with flamethrowers.
The Coat Department
caught on fire,
and the sprinklers went off.
The insurance company
were not pleased.
Millions of dollars in damage.
And they'll never
hear the end of it.
Our clients don't
need the fanfare.
Sebastian's our
top creative director
because of those big ideas.
And sometimes those big
ideas lead to big headaches.
Or sometimes they can
take your breath away.
Thank you for that tonight.
I love my father very
much, but our relationship
is complicated.
Oh, shooting for
the stars is great,
but sometimes it's OK to turn
down the heat a little, too.
Is that a reference
to my flamethrowers?
He's right.
You're right.
I do go too far sometimes.
No, thinking big, that's
what makes you, you.
But I do feel like you
should speak with your dad.
I really feel like tonight lit
a fire on your relationship.
I'm sorry.
I'll stop.
Thank you.
You're up early.
Yeah, I just... I couldn't sleep.
I just kept thinking
about the campaign.
When I used to help out
with them on the pop shops
back in Ohio, the most
important thing to them
was that their customers
knew they were selling
more than just a
product, like something
they believed in, that they
put their whole lives into.
What are you saying?
Well, I mean, right
now, it just kind of feels
like we're selling
a travel campaign.
Why you should get
proposed to in Paris,
not why you should
buy a Durand Diamond.
I want to know the history of
Durand, the lore of Durand,
the quality.
What makes them special?
I have an idea.
May we hear about
the Ros diamond?
The Ros diamond.
Of course.
The most rare piece
in our collection.
The stone was brought
to us from India.
Only .0001% of the world's
diamonds are this color.
It almost looks like
there's a rose in the center.
Would you like to try it on?
No, I couldn't.
But you must.
It matches your beauty, Anna.
It's amazing.
This ring never
leaves the store, right?
Uh, no.
It's under heavy guard.
We have bulletproof glass
and a laser alarm system.
Would it be totally
out of the question
to suggest displaying it?
Yes, for the gala.
We can introduce it to
America, generate some buzz.
Even better, you
could wear it, Anna.
But I don't even have a
dress to the gala, let alone
something to match this iceberg.
Fortunately, Sebastian knows
every designer in the city.
Is Sebastian on his way?
Yes, he just texted me.
Something to drink, madame?
Yes, a coffee, merci.
And for Sebastian?
Oh, he'll be fine.
Thank you.
But it's no trouble.
What does he drink?
We have everything here.
Chai latte, three
pumps, skim milk.
Oh, and light on water,
no foam, 120 degrees.
So let's see this video.
Paris is the
most romantic place on Earth.
I want her to always remember
that this is where our
commitment to each other
officially began.
So now you have it...
Real couples, real proposals.
I like it, but...
It's missing something.
It's like a home video.
It's provincial.
Not pedestrian?
Yes, that, too.
I mean, it smells like cheap
perfume hanging in the air.
Marianne, we have
the models ready.
We have the fireworks
ready to go for the gala.
But I like that
this is different.
It captures Paris and our style,
but it's lacking
something intimate.
You have two days, OK?
Otherwise, we have to
go with Gabriel's plan.
What are we going to do?
I don't know.
But I can just see my father's
face, another failure.
Oh, you didn't fail.
You put yourself out there,
trying to do something unique.
That's very sweet of you to say.
I hope you don't
mind, but I've planned
a little surprise for you.
Sebastian, what's happening?
Well, you need a dress, right?
Bonsoir, Julianne.
Welcome to Laurent.
For the next two
hours, consider us
all your personal shopper.
Whatever you need for the gala.
Thank you so much.
Thank Sebastian.
Ah, it was all
my mother, really.
No more window shopping for you.
Did you get everything you need?
I did.
Thank you very much.
I got a little
something else for you.
I'm sorry it's
only costume, but.
It's beautiful.
Can I try it on?
Of course.
Will you help me?
Of course.
Here, I'll let you take it.
Here we go.
Here is your tuxedo.
Thank you.
Ah, merci.
Thank you so much.
Good night.
Good morning.
Oh, perfect.
Thank you.
I was actually on my
way to get coffee, so.
You go.
About last night, I...
It was nice.
I mean, don't you think we
maybe got a little caught up?
Is that so bad?
Because we work together.
Yeah, you have
to start somewhere.
Look at Marianne and Louis.
Yeah, you know, I actually
think you're on to something.
Well, for the campaign.
Your love is what
everybody wants.
And that love is
woven into every piece
of jewelry you sell.
We want to make your love story
the center of the campaign.
And if you like
this campaign, we
can post it online
right after the gala.
We love it.
But can you get
it finished in time?
You have less than two days.
Are you decent?
If you mean James
Bond decent, then yes.
I don't know what that
means, but oh, you look nice.
You look like a million dollars.
Well, I'm about to
be $23 million, so.
Bonsoir, Sebastian.
Muah, muah.
Oh, Anna, you look so stunning.
Thank you.
Oh, wow.
Why do I feel like we're
about to be arrested?
Don't make jokes
around the bodyguards.
No sense of humor.
I have one more
thing for you, too...
A thank you gift.
Wedding bands.
Um, no, we can't.
We can't.
They are engraved
with your name.
I had to guess the size.
I hope they fit.
Let's see them on.
Now, you are officially
a married couple.
Love is beautiful, and
you two are glowing.
Thank you.
OK, now, let's go
and introduce America
to this diamond.
You know what?
I just need another minute
to finish getting ready,
so I will meet you downstairs.
Of course.
Thank you.
You two, stay by the door.
I'll see you out.
Merci, Marianne.
Merci beaucoup.
I know, I know.
But we agreed we would tell
them the truth when this is all
We can't ruin this for them.
So after the presentation.
I'm going to finish
getting ready.
Let's feature the
encrusted collar.
Yes, nice big smile.
Oh, wow.
That is big.
I can't believe it's real.
How does it feel
to be wearing it?
Incredibly fake, Lily.
No, you deserve this,
based on your ideas
and your hard
work, nothing else.
Love you, buds.
Love you.
And have fun.
Are you ready?
I'm ready.
Let's go.
Oh, my parents, 12
o'clock, and my brother.
You look wonderful, Anna.
Thank you so much for
this beautiful dress.
It's amazing.
It's my pleasure.
Bonjour, Anna.
Nice to meet you.
It's good to see you.
I'm excited to see what
you've come up with.
Yes, of course.
Oh, sorry.
Nice to see the Ros on display.
It's funny.
I kind of feel like I'm going to
turn into a pumpkin at midnight
wearing it.
Bonjour, Anna.
You're here in Paris.
I just couldn't help myself.
You two sounded like you
were having so much fun,
and there's just so
much on the line.
I thought I should come
and cheer on my best team.
Plus, who can resist Paris?
I mean, it's Paris.
It's great.
It's perfect.
I am Gabriel Blanchett from
the agency here in Paris.
Nice to meet you, too, Gabriel.
I'm Caroline, the boss.
Perhaps I can offer you a drink?
I'd love that.
I can't wait to be dazzled
by the presentation.
Oh, yes.
This is really bad.
We have a plan.
Everything's going to be OK.
Is it?
I promise.
Ladies and gentlemen, please.
Thank you.
Bonsoir, everyone.
We hope you're having
a wonderful evening.
Thank you for coming to the
20th annual Durand Diamonds
Thank you.
Tonight, we want to celebrate
a very special announcement.
But before we do that, we'd
like to call up our ad team.
Please welcome Anna Bowman
and Sebastian Laurent.
They're here from New York to
help us launch a new endeavor.
And Anna is wearing
the Ros diamond,
which is so special
to our family.
Doesn't it look
beautiful on her?
So without further ado,
after more than 100 years,
as the premiere diamond
destination in Europe,
Durand Diamond is
expanding into America.
And now we'll turn the mic
over to Anna and Sebastian
for a special presentation.
Merci, Marianne.
Merci, Louis.
Well, as they say
in America, there's
no better place to pop
the question than Paris.
And no better way to
do it than with Durand.
The brand is known for
their history, romance.
Their style, but not
everyone can come to Paris
for the perfect proposal.
But now everyone can
have a piece of Paris
with Durand opening across
major cities in America.
We have prepared something
for you to watch.
So if you could, please.
I remember proposing
like it was yesterday.
He took me to the famous
clock behind the Musee d'Orsay.
It was only natural
since she kept
saying the clock was ticking.
I was taking too long to ask.
I got down on one knee, and
I proposed with a Durand ring
I designed myself.
Of course, the ring was perfect,
but in fact, it was the look
in his eye which captured me.
He was usually so
sure of himself.
And yet, he was so
unsure in this moment.
Of course I was worried.
Would she really agree to
share her life with me?
Would you see into my heart?
I did.
I do, just as you have always
been able to see into my soul.
That is what
we put in every piece we make.
Durand Diamond is about
love, commitment, family.
We help people to
make timeless memory.
Heirlooms of our lives together.
You really captured
the message for Durand.
Well, it was all Anna's idea.
No, it was teamwork.
My instincts are always right.
So are mine.
So we're happy?
I'll draw up the contract.
I love these two and
everything they represent.
What exactly is that, Marianne?
Gabriel, sour grapes
never looked good on anyone.
Of course.
We need champagne to celebrate.
Gabriel, come help me.
Marianne, I really have to
talk to you about something.
What is it?
You look so serious.
Marianne, [speaking french].
Ah, oui.
We'll be back.
No, no...
Just five minutes.
So it's quite a big
night for your agency, huh?
Honestly, I did not think
that Sebastian and Anna
could pull it off.
I have to admit, there were
times I doubted my decision
to put them together.
I know, I know, but
for better or for worse,
it'll soon be over.
And they love the campaign
so much, they'll understand.
You should have seen them
before they came to Paris.
They were at each
other's throats.
They don't like each other?
I have never seen two coworkers
with such opposite styles.
Co-workers only?
Ladies and gentlemen, if I
may please have your attention.
There is one more
thing I would like
to add this evening
if that's OK with you.
Since this evening we are
here to celebrate love,
I would like us to all
please raise your glass
and make a toast for a
very special occasion.
We are here to celebrate also
the first year anniversary
of Sebastian and Anna.
Sebastian, Anna, please
come to the stage.
No, no, no.
Please come to
the stage, please.
We're OK.
Please, don't be shy.
Come on.
Thank you.
So let us please toast to a
life full of love, true love.
Chin, chin.
To true love.
It's incredible that two people
can work together and play
What is your secret?
What else?
Anna, please.
Let's just go.
This isn't me.
I'm sorry.
Um, we're not married.
Marianne, Louis, I'm so sorry.
You've been so good to us.
And Durand is amazing and
impeccable and respectable.
And we lied... I lied.
And that is not
me, so I'm sorry.
Anna, wait, please.
Anna, wait.
I'm sorry.
It's over.
Suffice to say, you no
longer have the contract.
Marianne, Louis...
Was it not enough for you
to burn down the store?
You have disgraced
our family tonight.
When are you going
to grow up, Sebastian?
I'm sorry, Marianne and Louis.
Sebastian, I could
have died on the spot.
Sorry, Marianne.
You're both fired.
We, um... we will
smooth things over.
You convinced me to go
along with this stupid lie.
And we just lost everything.
I lost everything.
Not everything.
How I feel about you, it's real.
This isn't real.
None of this was real!
Well, for me, it was.
I need to book a
flight to New York.
For tomorrow.
Thank you.
Well, you certainly
got people talking.
I am so mortified.
Have you talked to Sebastian?
Well, I said some things to
him that were pretty harsh.
And then I blamed
him for everything
when I was the one who
got us into this mess.
Do you like him?
My heart says yes.
But I can't make the
same mistake twice.
Well, I like to think of
mistakes as little blessings.
And if you're smart,
which you are,
you won't make the
same mistake twice.
And you already know in here
if Sebastian is the right one.
I've got to get to work.
My star dachshund
is such a diva.
Are you going to be OK?
Yes, yes.
Are you sure?
I'm good.
You need to go.
OK, but what time
do you fly out?
I'll text you when I land.
Oh, you again.
Let me guess.
Anna hired you to be her friend.
No, no.
You know what they say.
The best things in life
are free, like this water.
I'm such a clutz.
Have a nice day.
I have nothing to say to you.
I understand, but I am here
to apologize for everything
that happened last night.
It was my fault.
We find that hard to believe.
No, this is true.
Sebastian was just
trying to protect me.
He feels like you
guys only see him
for all the mistakes he's
made, not for any of the good
he's done.
Did he say that?
He loves you all so much.
He's sorry for what
happened last night
and for everything that
happened with your store.
He's a good man.
I really wish you
could see what I see.
No, Sebastian!
We said everything we
needed to say last night.
I know.
And I am truly sorry from
the bottom of my heart.
I am.
But, please, just
don't blame Anna.
She honeymooned
in Paris with her ex
and inadvertently
said it was me.
I convinced her to go
along with it because I
wanted the account so badly.
And because I wanted
redemption even more, it just...
It snowballed.
But Sebastian,
you both lied to us.
I know.
I messed up.
And it has cost me everything.
It caused me hell.
So you really care for her?
I do.
I think I love her.
Did you tell her?
I don't think she'll
ever see me again.
Sebastian, no man
ever won over a woman
by thinking too much.
You need to find her.
Merci, Marianne.
I am so sorry for what happened.
No, Andre, I'm so sorry.
Can I speak out of turn?
Of course.
For what it's worth,
you two gave off a vibe
that most married
couples don't even have.
What do you mean?
Your connection was
understated, but genuine.
It was special.
Thank you, Andre.
I would really love
to go for a walk.
Is there any way you
could watch my bags?
Of course, mademoiselle.
Whatever you want.
I'll be back.
Anna, wait!
Anna, hi.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I got us fired.
I'm sorry.
I spoke to my parents.
They told me what you said.
Did everything work out?
Things will be much better.
And Marianne just called.
She wants us back
on the account.
We were fired.
We'll talk to Caroline.
No, we should
start our own agency.
I'm serious, if you want to.
I want to.
Sebastian, it's beautiful.
To celebrate us landing
my family's account.
Well, because they fell
in love with your ideas.
No, my love.
It's because they
fell in love with you.
I have something for you.
A little provincial.
Maybe this box.
Thank you.
Anna Bowman, pretending
to be married to you
was the best
decision I ever made.
You make me want
to be a butter man.
That's because I know
how you like your croissants.
I'm sure I want to hang up
my towels with you every day
for the rest of my life,
no more pretending.
I'm sorry.
What was that?
I need help with my French.
Will you marry me?
That was perfect.
OK, when we first met, I really
did not understand him at all.
And I thought she
was predictable.
We had to go to Paris.
For work.
And pretend to like each other.
We told people we were married.
Oh, no, it was a horrible
fiasco, really a terrible lie.
Until it wasn't.
That's because he fell for me.
She couldn't resist
my charms forever.
No, you realized that
you needed my good sense.
It's true.
You are my better half.
And you are mine.
And then this happened.
It's so beautiful.
A perfect expression of my love.
Our love.