A Piece of Sky (2022) Movie Script

SKY flakes
Is your cow at the top of the mountain, Sepp?
Not yet, they will
be there on Tuesday.
- Then where are they?
- Bolgen.
Summer earlier this year.
- There's enough grass there?
- Yes, of course.
- And you? Want something?
- Iced tea.
I can't sleep.
Let us go to sleep.
We don't do this anymore.
Sleep soundly.
If you want me, then
bring my daughter too.
Now there's a quick
way to have a family!
Hopefully this time it lasts.
We will see later.
After all, Alois was happy with him.
Where is he from anyway?
From Willisau.
And how's Franz doing?
You can guess that.
He doesn't like to be lazy.
Especially when the weather is like this.
Marco cut hay for him today.
You could say he
was a hard worker.
Want another beer?
Yes, definitely not iced tea!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You can tie it here.
- Okay.
I'm looking for the other one.
So, the wedding
bells are ringing soon?
How long have you been here?
A year in July.
One winter.
Never saw you in church.
The position is not correct.
He got it!
He's done.
- Correct?
- Yes.
Come on down.
Come on!
Thank you very much.
If you get her pregnant,
you better stay with her.
What if this was all just a dream?
Sometimes I
think this isn't real.
Being with you is so beautiful.
Has the road been opened?
The ground is falling!
You're not detouring
just for me, are you?
I did.
One day the hill will collapse too.
It's been rumbling a lot.
Hope not.
Are you sure this time?
Everything is fine, otherwise?
You wanted to marry Mike right then and there.
- Shall we take the big one too?
- Yes.
I think it's full.
- Move the big one.
- Yes.
And this one.
Is it a bit wonky?
You look beautiful.
Almost as beautiful as
I was thirty years ago.
Too bad your father isn't here.
what am i wearing?
Let's find a hair ornament for you.
But I also want to marry you.
Come on, let's choose one.
See, there are many.
Which do you like the most?
Which do you want?
Let's try this one.
Show me.
You put these rings
on each other's fingers...
...and with this gesture
seals the promise with you.
This wedding ring is a
symbol of the pact you made...
...and thanks to God...
...which is promised to
all who believe in him.
Therefore, let us
bless these rings.
And may blessings be upon
those who wear this ring.
We ask you to bless this ring
and accompany this couple...
...on their journey
through life together.
The Lord our God, who determined
the two to one another, is faithful.
He will support them
and fulfill the good...
...which they had
promised each other.
But you are all
gathered here today...
...I ask you to witness
this sacred bond.
What did God put together...
...don't let humans be apart.
I need air.
No, you stay here.
Just a moment.
Too late.
You promise. forever.
Just one more dance?
The village is quiet,
only the stream flows...
...dreaming of ancient tales.
The night watchman sings his song...
...he sings of ancient times.
The church bells ring the clock...
...they shiver in the air...
...and golden stars shining in the sky.
What are you working on endlessly?
What are you trying so
anxiously for, my dear?
Does it hurt a lot?
This headache.
Sometimes it feels like I
can't see clearly with one eye.
Maybe you should go see a doctor.
It will heal itself.
It's not the teeth.
Not all.
So we will wait.
Alois, please bring a bucket of water.
What are you doing, pal?
At least we're lucky there's
no foreign object in there.
Already feeling better, right?
- This one here?
- Yes.
- How long has he been since now?
- Two months.
Definitely not working.
He's empty.
Is this a death sentence?
We've been trying long enough.
There is not enough
space to store everything...
...even if we like it.
You go?
See you.
I have to work.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Thank You.
Oh, you...
...you're a good girl.
Need help?
We have to go.
What is it?
Is it because of Olga?
I don't want to die.
What are you talking about?
What's with you?
Romantic, a bit dreamy, but
with both feet on the ground...
I'm not a super model...
...a little girl that I have...
...if you like what you see...
...take a chance and call me.
Go ahead, laugh!
Are you a poet now?
You already have a photo...
Add your zodiac sign here.
And kids...
His name?
Just write down the age.
How are you two?
You want one more?
We will see later.
Sometimes I think he
only has one thing in mind.
But good stuff, right?
I thought...
What's wrong, Marco?
There isn't anything.
- What happened?
- Do not bother me!
I found it while looking for hay.
He's lucky!
He's probably still in shock.
You're in luck.
No cracked skull...
...arms, legs, all intact.
The bike seems to be destroyed.
During the inspection
after the accident...
...there's something worrying
about a skull CT scan...
So we did an MRI.
And the MRI showed this.
This white dot...
...shouldn't be.
It is located above the right eye in the brain.
Approximately six by three centimeters.
Most likely a tumor.
And what does it mean?
We don't know yet.
We don't know what it
is, or what it means to you.
We have to take a sample
of that tissue and analyze it.
Is it serious?
It doesn't look good unfortunately.
Thank You.
Tumor growing in the right frontal lobe.
This part of the brain is
responsible for impulse control.
If the tumor continues to spread...
...then it will have a big
effect on your personality...
and for movement on
the left side of your body.
And now?
The operation is complicated and can be dangerous...
...but I advise you to
do it as soon as possible.
How are you?
Why are you wearing that cute headband?
See, I can move my toes.
I can move it.
Thank You.
I told you.
I have to go.
Such sadness.
Leaving my true love...
...as painful as death.
I have to go.
Skating shoes! Very cool.
So pretty, Dad. Thank You.
- You want to try it?
- Yes.
- Too big.
- No, Dad.
What do you think, Father?
They are too small.
You also need thick socks.
For me?
Try it, if it suits you.
I'm glad to be with you again.
Anna, come here.
Film production looking for rooms.
How many people?
About three five
to forty people.
There are only four rooms.
Excuse me.
Yes, what is up?
It's broken.
- You broke it?
- No.
Only the battery is missing.
Well, that's what I mean.
Anna, can you make up
the bed in Room Three?
Come on.
Come on.
Didn't you work today?
It's nine in the morning.
You put cereal in the fridge?
I'll take you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You sure you've found a replacement.
I need someone I can count on.
They find Nelke
on Herger's estate.
Can he at least
help you in the barn?
Cleaning, anything?
There must be
something he can do.
No. Sorry, no.
We have to go.
- You want a ride?
- No, thank you.
You're not mad that he fired you?
You don't care about anything.
Do you even care about me?
If so, at least get angry once in a while!
Scream and scream! Whatever that is!
Here comes another one.
The hook, yes. Just leave it there.
What is it?
I think he tripped over the bucket.
How would I know?
Maybe I pushed it.
After all, I didn't
ask him to come.
He just wanted to see
how Frieda was doing.
What if he gets sick!
Not that he should be slaughtered.
Nobody said that.
Yes they do.
That's what he said.
- Good morning.
- Morning.
What really happened?
I wasn't there.
Stefan said Marco's arm was broken?
It must have fallen into the wrong position.
I think it's getting worse.
Let me know if you need help.
You look tired.
There are places where people
like Marco can be cared for.
I know.
So why not?
Alone somewhere in town?
I can't.
You came to exercise class today?
We will see later.
Damn it!
I have a chain in the basement.
Come on, let's have coffee.
I just made it.
I brought you eggs from Sepp.
Do you have what you need?
Damn it.
Come on, Julia.
I left my gym bag.
No problem, come on in.
- What is it?
- There isn't any.
What's wrong, ma'am?
No sports today.
Stephanie is sick.
Ma'am, what's wrong?
We play and watch TV.
What are you watching?
Ski racing...
...and UFO movies...
...and weird movies where
people paint each other.
Do you only wear underwear?
She's hot.
You do not?
Dad is playing with his sausages.
It keeps getting
bigger and bigger.
Like that?
Is that the game
you played with Dad?
Yes, right when I came.
No. He touched it too.
I see it.
I will do it.
See you.
Is it true what you just said?
We need to do something!
You are okay?
Mother, are you all right?
Hearing sad news.
A landslide knocked him down.
The sky is getting dark...
...and the water came.
The storm took him by force...
...the flood took him away...
...dragging him off the bridge...
...into the water.
May God bless and keep him.
We will meet again in heaven.
Where shall we eat ice cream?
I'd rather go home and have lunch.
You promised!
You said we'd leave
when we're done here.
I know, but it's taking a long time.
A promise is a promise!
Why do you think it's boring?
I keep having to tell you everything.
Because it matters.
Because we want to make
sure what you say is true.
But I've told you
a thousand times!
Do you think I'm lying?
No, it's not like that.
But not everyone is convinced.
It's their own fault.
The report is clear.
Have you discussed it
with your daughter again?
And that matches the findings of psychologists?
The chance of getting
punished is very small.
We can still press
charges if you want.
do you want that?
No, I don't want to.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
It also means your husband can
no longer be held in the clinic...
...against his will.
All we can do is
separate him from you.
What does it mean?
That if he came back, he would
have to find his own apartment.
I don't think he can
find it in the village.
That's not our problem at the moment.
I hope not.
Why did you say that
on the phone that day?
Do you know what
else could happen?
You shouldn't have done that.
I get the feeling you're in
denial about what happened.
That is not true.
He is sick.
He's not a bad person.
And if something happened to Julia?
Then it doesn't matter
whether he is sick or not.
Then, how?
Tell me!
Then, how?
- Let's send one.
- Okay.
Should we send another one?
Good morning.
Wait a moment.
I have something for you.
You're an expert at this.
Trying to climb the fence again?
How are you?
Why ask me?
At least he has
someone to look after him.
Why don't you meet him yourself?
I have to go.
Nice to see you here again.
I thought you weren't coming!
Me too...
...but tonight's event was cancelled...
...so I drove over here.
- Right after work?
- Of course!
- By the way, this is Anna.
- Pierre.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Me too.
- I bet you're hungry.
- Yes.
I have beans and
Rindgeschnetzeltes in the fridge.
What's that?
Des haricots et... Rindgeschnetzeltes.
It looks delicious.
And what are you doing?
- We danced. Gym class...
- Bye.
See you.
You can eat with us.
No thanks.
- Is it right?
- Yes.
What is it?
What if he just dies?
You think about him a lot?
It's okay like that.
You must let him go.
Good night.
How are you?
Good. You?
How's Julia?
Glad you came.
Why don't you talk
about what happened?
Everything will be over soon.
Just that?
I'm sad.
I don't want to die.
You don't have to, not yet.
And dad?
Everyone must die.
What's heaven like?
I don't know.
What can be done there?
- In heaven?
- Yes.
What do you mean?
Can play there?
I don't know if I still want
to play when I'm in heaven.
But can we at least take something
with us when we go to heaven?
I think our experiences
can be carried, in our hearts.
But I want to bring
something real.
Like what?
My doll, my adorable toy...
...my scooter and my slide.
- We have to go to the hospital.
Let's take him out.
- He said something before?
- Only weak.
Come on, sweet death...
...come on, blessed rest!
Come lead me in peace...
...because I'm world-weary.
Oh come on, I'm waiting for you...
...soon come and lead me...
...and close my eyes.
Come on, blessed rest.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Thank You.
- You're welcome.
- Good. Bye
- Bye.
The doctor said another ten
minutes and you're not safe.
You can't leave us like this.
You understand?
Until tomorrow.
I tried to contact you yesterday.
When do you have time?
What for?
Prayer together helped your mother at that time.
Maybe it is.
You will find solace
there, I'm sure of it.
Don't worry, thank you.
How are you?
Good. You?
I will keep praying for him.
Thank You. Have a nice night.
Thank you, you too.
At the Sepp Arnold sawmill?
He always has a lot of work.
Have you finally
found a girl down there?
Not just one.
Beer again.
You're thirsty today.
One for me too.
I hear you're looking
after that crazy guy again?
So be it, Freddy.
Everything that happened
might not be enough for him.
You want to finish this?
Do you believe in God?
I think so.
Why didn't he heal you?
I believe in something else.
In what?
Under the sun...
...and in the snow.
Goodbye, Frieda.
Forgive me.
Which do you want to use?
Blue one.
Thank You...
...for all.
I want my Frieda...
...go to Alois.
my ashes...
...to scatter.
Anna knows where.
I love...
...Anna and Julia.
I'll open the window.