A Season for Family (2023) Movie Script

You ordered more poinsettias
for Mrs. Dobbins in suite 415, right?
Mm-hmm. On their way.
Not to be confused with Mrs. Dobkins
in suite 427, who's--
...Is allergic, yep.
Those have been removed and handled.
Now, don't you have a plane to catch?
I do, but first,
I should probably check on--
Maddy. Maddy?
There's really nothing
you need to worry about.
Okay? You've trained us so well,
and besides, did you know
that this is the first vacation
you've had since I've known you?
- Is it?
- Mm-hmm.
Well, this job doesn't allow
for much personal time.
Right. Well, wait till
they name you Assistant GM.
I appreciate your confidence,
but how about
I get the job first?
Come on! Stop being so humble.
You're a shoo-in.
I mean, the way you accommodated
the Senator's anniversary party
on two days' notice?
I don't know how you do it.
It's like Tetris.
You just shuffle the pieces a little bit.
I should go.
You can reach me--
any time.
I know, I know.
And, hey, Maddy?
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas.
Mittens or gloves?
Think I'll get everything
on my Christmas list?
We'll just have to wait and see.
I hope so.
How's the project coming along?
Good. My teacher gave us
until after the holidays to finish.
Well, we better get going.
We don't want to miss the flight, right?
Come help me pack.
- Hey-hey!
- You made it!
Ho, ho, ho!
Hi, bunny!
- Hey, Dad!
- Look at you!
You both look so good.
Whoa! Look at how much you've grown, huh?
Well, I bet you'd like some hot chocolate.
- That sounds perfect.
- Yeah?
Let's go get some.
Come on!
Well, you sure made great time.
Yeah! The flight was great.
We missed you and Wesley.
So what's on the agenda?
Decorating the tree,
uh, making my famous chili, of course.
Christmas market.
And the tree-lighting ceremony.
Oh! We've been looking forward
to this for so long.
Oh, and the hotel remodel.
They've done an amazing job.
Can't wait to see it.
Ready to get my ski gear!
Someone is eager to go!
Look how cute you are!
- You ready to go?
- Yep.
Okay. We'll be back in a few hours.
All right, honey.
See you.
Hey, so after we're done,
I thought we could do
a 30% markdown on all clothing.
Sounds good to me.
What time are you leaving
for the talent show?
Uh... I still have a little bit of time.
Sure you're gonna be able
to hold down the fort on your own?
Yeah, no,
I-I think I can manage.
You meeting Taylor there?
Yeah, that's the plan.
Wait. How did you know
that Taylor's coming?
I just assumed...
or maybe you had mentioned it.
What about Cody?
I bet he's nervous.
Yeah. I'd like to think
that I'm more nervous than him,
but I think that might be impossible.
I'm actually really proud of him
for participating.
Hope this brings him out of his shell.
Okay. See?
Now, this'll be the first thing
customers see when they enter.
Yep. You just need
some customers to enter.
Have some faith, okay?
We might not be the only game in town,
but we are the best,
and I sense a rush coming.
Ah! See?
- Welcome!
- I'm so sorry.
Let me help you with that.
Don't worry about it.
Uh... yeah.
We've got it.
How can I help you?
My son, Wesley, needs some gear.
Okay. Well, are you
a skier or a snowboarder?
Whoa, whoa, wait!
Let me guess.
Mm... no way.
No, this kid's a purist.
- Skier?
- Yeah.
Ah! Right?
I knew it.
All right, well, we just got
some new Rossignols in.
Yeah, here on the floor.
Can I get them, Mom?
We're only here until after Christmas.
We just need rentals
for a couple of weeks.
Okay, no problem.
We've got you covered.
Wesley, let's go this way.
So where are you from?
Oh. What brings you here for the holidays?
My folks live here.
Well, we've got
some really great snow for you.
All right.
I'll get you to lift up your foot...
...and step into these.
Now, this model
comes equipped with turbo jets,
so you can go zero to 60
in three seconds flat-- pyoo!
Although, something
tells me that he does not
need help going fast.
Speaking of which...
That one.
- Okay.
- Excellent choice.
Comes with built-in goggles,
like a fighter-jet pilot.
Right now, I can only go down the greens,
but one day,
I want to be a professional skier.
A professional skier
who always wears a helmet.
Well, baby steps.
First, you might have
to convince your parents
to move to Utah.
My "parents" is just my mom.
Oh! Great!
It's not great. It...
Why don't I just finish
buckling you in here?
Stand. How does that feel?
Good. Okay.
I'll get the other boot,
and I'll adjust the bindings,
and you'll be on your way.
Perfect. Thanks.
You are... good to go.
Now, if you want to change the skis,
just bring 'em on by
and we'll swap 'em out.
Thank you so much.
I didn't catch your name.
I'm sorry about before.
That was a disaster.
Don't worry about it.
That happens all the time.
Would you like some help to your car?
No, no. I think we're okay.
We got it, right, Wes?
Okay. Thanks.
"Happens all the time!"
I don't want to make her feel bad.
What's that look supposed to mean?
I noticed a little bit
of chemistry between you two.
She's got that--
that confident attitude
that's exactly your type.
You say that every time
I so much as look
at a single woman!
Nice try.
I was just being friendly.
Well, she's gonna be in town for a while,
so you could be friendly again.
She's cute!
So you call her!
You're gonna be late.
Oh. Shoot!
Yeah, I gotta go.
I got caught up at the shop.
Did I miss anything?
Not much.
Just the first performance.
- He's up next.
- Okay.
Don't... embarrass him.
Susan would have loved this.
You killed it!
I almost forgot the song.
Pfft. No one noticed.
For a moment, it felt like
I was watching a very young Elton John.
Do you think he got nervous, too?
Yeah! Yeah,
I'm sure that he did.
Hey. I'm proud of you, okay?
It takes a lot of courage
to go up there
in front of all those people.
And did you hear
all that applause at the end?
You did so great up there.
Hey, did you hear
some of the kids are going over
to Sarah's to make cookies?
They asked if you wanted to join.
What do you think, buddy?
I want to go home.
Yeah, we can go home.
Maybe we can finish
someone's special present.
Well, we definitely need
to celebrate your performance.
How about some of my homemade fudge?
Nothing quite like
Auntie Taylor's famous fudge.
Come on.
He went out like a light.
It was a big day.
He's got a full day of skiing tomorrow.
Yeah. I just wish
he had someone to ski with.
It's not like
the other kids don't like him.
Susan was just better
at bringing him out of his shell.
Just give him time.
I know.
I just wish
I could fix everything.
So how are you?
I'm okay.
You know, moments are tough--
birthdays, holidays...
Christmas talent shows.
Hey, thanks so much for cleaning up,
but I've got it from here.
I'm sure you have more exciting
things to do tonight
than clean your brother's kitchen.
Uh, some... friends were gonna get together.
There you go!
Go! Live your life.
All I have to do
is just get Cody's lunch
ready for tomorrow.
Let me guess--
peanut butter and banana?
As always.
Okay. I put what's left of the fudge
in the Tupperware.
Thank you.
are you ever gonna get a Christmas tree?
Uh, yes. Yes.
Now that he is on break,
it's at the top of my list.
I'll leave you to it.
Hi. How are you?
Uh, no, I-I don't think
that it's-it's such a good time.
I hope that she understands.
Yeah, you too.
Skis, poles, gloves?
Check, check, and check!
Here's your lunch.
Oh, and that's your ski instructor!
Have fun today, but be careful, please.
Think they'll let me
go down a blue run today?
Remember what the guy
at the ski shop said?
Baby steps!
Come here.
Is it on?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Great. Have fun!
- All right.
- Don't go too fast!
You got it?
You know, I know
it is around here somewhere.
Interesting filing system.
Susan handled all the accounting.
I can't believe
it's coming up on two years.
How's Cody?
Yeah, he's, uh...
you know.
It's hard.
I can't imagine.
Ah! Here it is.
This is--
I know. I'll have the rest
for you in a few weeks.
I don't want to play the bad guy here.
Things have just been a little slow,
and I had to invest in some new inventory,
compete with the bigger shops.
This is three months in a row.
Things are gonna pick up.
You can't rely on that.
Well, I am working on something else
that could really turn things around.
Well, I'd love to hear it.
Well, it would be a partnership
with one of the hotels at the resort,
and I've already had a meeting
scheduled with the GM...
but they keep pushing it.
Look, no one wants this
to succeed more than me,
but the lease is up
at the end of the year.
Maybe it's--
I'm not closing, Michael!
No. No.
We've had lean years before.
I'll figure something out.
I'm just asking for a few weeks.
Okay then.
You take care of yourself.
So sorry that I'm late.
How did he do?
You'll be very happy.
Cody made a friend.
Yeah. They're right over there,
playing together.
Wait. That kind of looks a bit like--
Oh, you two know each other?
Sort of.
I nearly destroyed his shop yesterday.
It was a very minor incident.
This is my sister, Taylor.
Small town!
Yeah. So my son, Cody, was in ski school
with Wesley today.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Look at that!
I'm not kidding--
they hit it off right away.
You'll appreciate this.
Guess what kind of sandwich
Wesley had for lunch today?
Peanut butter and--
It's all he eats!
- Same with Cody?
- Every single day.
Dad, you should have seen me.
I almost did a 360.
It was an accident, but still!
Hey, that's something!
And I did my first blue run!
You did?
That's great.
I'm so proud of you.
Cody helped me.
He's really good!
Can Cody come over to hang?
Please, Dad?
It would be so much fun.
I'm sure that they're busy.
We don't have any plans, right, Mom?
None that I can think of.
We could have Cody over.
Sure it's not an inconvenience?
No, it will be fun!
Boys, grab your skis.
I'm off work,
I can drive him,
but you might have to pick him up later.
I have plans.
Okay. Yeah, sure.
I'll have Taylor text you
my address and number.
Thank you so much for this.
This makes me so happy.
That makes two of you.
- I'll see you later.
- Yeah.
Thanks for coming in.
Guess who called the shop today,
looking for you?
Our old ski coach, Jim.
No way.
How's he doing?
He's great.
Yeah, one of his students
just broke a world skiing record.
Now he's heading to Colorado.
He's gonna start a fancy new ski school.
Oh, that's fantastic.
Well, let's hope some of
his luck makes it our way.
You can say that again.
Where's Cody?
Oh. He's having a "hang".
It's like a playdate,
but they don't call them
playdates anymore.
Oh. Who's he hanging with?
You'll never believe it.
You remember that woman,
Maddy, from yesterday?
The cute one who destroyed our ski shop?
Well, her son and Cody
are in ski school together,
and now...
they're hangin'.
That's great news.
Maybe he'll finally come out of his shell.
I hope so.
It makes me so happy.
Sorry if I've been a little...
No. You've been dealing with some things.
How'd it go with the landlord?
You want to talk about it?
You know what?
It's not just that.
I got a call from the social service agent
who helped Susan and me out
with Cody's adoption.
She's calling on behalf of
this woman named Rose Peterson,
said she wanted to get in touch with me.
What for?
She didn't say,
but I can imagine
she wants to meet up with Cody.
I just don't think it's a good idea
to just heap all this
extra emotional weight on him,
especially now--
he's starting to turn a corner.
You're right.
Well, whatever choice you make,
I know it's gonna be the right one.
So how was the hang?
They had an amazing time.
Do you want to come in?
I hope it wasn't too much trouble.
No, not at all.
It was so nice for Wes
to have someone to play with,
and it meant
I got some "me" time.
Believe it or not,
I even had time to read!
Yeah, I remember reading.
The last time I read a book
was nine years ago.
What was it?
Ren Barjavel.
He's this French--
...Sci-fi writer.
Yeah, I know him.
Ice People,
Ashes, Ashes--
I've read it all.
That's so funny.
I don't know anyone else who knows him.
Okay. Oh, these are good.
Can I send you home with some?
I've never been one to turn down a cookie.
Take your pick!
What's this one supposed to be?
That one is open to interpretation.
Okay! Well, in that case,
I will take the one that looks
like Frosty the Snowman
spent a little too much time in the sun.
I don't want to brag,
but I decorated that one there.
Oh! Very debonair.
Thank you.
So, where are the boys?
They abandoned me for a video game.
They're very good, despite appearances.
I thought
I smelled something.
Hi, Dad. This is Paul.
He's Cody's--
I know Paul.
The Warming Hut.
Mr. Peterson.
How are you, sir?
You two know each other?
In fact, you were supposed
to meet with our GM,
if I remember correctly.
Yes, that's right.
Okay, that's two small worlds in one day.
Well, it sounds like
the boys had a great time
up the mountain.
You know, Rosie used to be quite the skier
when she was younger.
It's my full name.
"Rose Madeline Peterson".
She hates it when I call her
by her first name.
I really do.
You're-- You're Rose Peterson?
Hi, Dad.
So, wait...
you're not the birth mother?
Okay, but still,
I told the person
at the social service agency
that I didn't want to meet with you.
And I didn't know that you were you,
or that Cody and Wesley were...
Uh, can you just start at the beginning?
A few weeks ago,
Wesley was assigned a big school project--
a family tree--
so we tracked down a second cousin
on his birth mother's side,
and through her,
we learned that he had a sibling
who'd been put up for adoption
here in Utah--
a brother.
It was all he could talk about for weeks,
so when I knew that we were
here for the holidays,
I thought maybe
I could surprise him,
and maybe I could make
his Christmas wish come true.
I figured it couldn't hurt to at least
have the agent try to set up a meeting
with the sibling's adoptive parent,
but again, they didn't give me a name
or any information,
so I didn't know that you...
were you.
When the agent phoned me back,
he said you didn't want to meet.
What did he say to you when he called?
Not much.
It was--
It was a quick phone call.
Just that there was a woman
named Rose Peterson
living in California
who wanted to meet with Cody.
I assumed that it was his birth mother,
so I ended the call.
I-I had no idea it was his brother.
My head's swimming here.
How long has Wes known that he's adopted?
About a year and a half.
What about Cody?
Before she passed,
his mother and I decided
we'd wait until he was 10.
I'm so sorry.
This has to go down in history
as one of the biggest
coincidences of all time.
Or... fate?
I hope you believe me, Paul.
I didn't know.
I swear.
I believe you.
I just don't know what to do.
I promised Susan that I would wait.
I have to think about all this, okay?
This is awesome.
Taylor is gonna love
her Christmas present.
I think it's time for bed.
Got a big day tomorrow.
You should see
Wesley's video game collection.
I want to get the new PlayStation,
but we already mailed my list to Santa.
So we'll send him a new one,
say it wasn't the full list.
I'm really glad you had
such a great time today.
Best day ever.
And it is pretty cool
that you got Wesley to go down
his first blue run.
He was nervous,
but I went down before him,
so he felt safe.
Maybe he thought he could run into me
if he couldn't stop.
You know, I remember
you used to moan and groan
when I would take you to ski school.
It's way more fun to do it with a friend.
Next time, I might show him
how to go off a jump.
"Next time"?
Yeah! He signed up for
a bunch of ski-school classes.
Uh, that's great.
You said "that's great,"
but it doesn't seem like
you meant "that's great."
No. No. I just thought maybe, tomorrow,
we could pick out our Christmas tree.
- That sound like fun?
- Do I get to pick it out?
Any one you want.
All right.
It's time for bed.
Go to sleep.
All right.
There you go.
Thanks for letting Cody come over.
Seemed like you guys had
a really good time together.
He's pretty cool,
especially for someone so young.
Oh, is that so...
wise one?
Can we hang out again?
Well, let's just see
how the day goes, okay?
Grandma and Grandpa
probably have plans for us, too.
So, do you like him?
Who? Cody?
No, his dad!
Um... yes.
I mean, sure.
Wait. What do you mean by "like"?
I don't know, he was making you laugh...
like, a lot.
Well, we were being friendly
because we're friends.
We're not even friends.
I just met him, so I don't know,
but it is bedtime.
Good night.
'Night, honey.
I'm stunned.
I'm literally stunned.
How do you think I feel?
No, I mean,
I'm seriously stunned.
Okay, can you please
find something else to say?
Okay, you know what?
Just give me a minute.
It's the only adjective my brain
can come up with at the moment.
It's a lot to unpack.
Yeah! Yeah.
Hey, Dad?
What about this one?
You think it'll fit?
So, what are you gonna do?
What can I do?
Well, you could tell him.
You know Susan and I wanted to wait.
Look, circumstances change, Paul.
What do you think she'd say right now?
I wish I knew, I could
really use her guidance on this.
Are you gonna see them again?
That's the thing!
They're in ski school together.
I mean, I could take him out, but...
This is awful.
I feel like I'm just
constantly lying to him.
I just gotta get through the holidays.
Dad, look!
It's Wesley!
- Hi!
- Hey, Wes!
Well, the coincidences keep on coming.
Or maybe it's fate.
Wesley made his grandparents
wait to get to get a tree
until after we arrived.
Can Cody help us decorate?
That sounds like a great idea.
Can I, Dad?
You know what?
Thank you so much.
I appreciate it,
but I think, tonight,
we have those... plans.
They have plans tonight.
We're totally in the clear.
Sure. Why not?
It's gonna be so fun.
Hi, Cody!
Wesley's already decorating
the tree. Come on in.
See you, Dad.
Have fun, buddy.
Paul, why don't you come in and join us?
Paul, let me know if you need a hand
untangling those lights.
I-I think I've got it.
remember this?
Oh, no, Mom.
We need to throw that out.
This has been the crown jewel
of every tree that we've ever had
since she was eight years old.
What is that?
It's a star.
Is this you?
Mom, really?
It's adorable!
I really like the haircut.
Well, we have my mom to thank for that.
Hey! It was the style back then.
No, it wasn't!
Puffy hair and crooked bangs
were never the style.
I had to wear a hat to school for a month.
Where did you go to school?
Salt Lake City.
How did you end up in California?
And then, after grad school,
I got a job at a hotel in San Francisco.
Been there ever since.
I didn't know that you were
in the family business.
Different hotel.
I wish we could live here.
Me too.
No arguments from me.
A mom always likes to have her kids close.
Where's your mom, Cody?
She died.
Two years ago,
so now it's just me and my dad.
I am so sorry to hear that, Cody.
But Taylor's kind of like a mom.
She seems pretty great.
He's also pretty great.
Well, who's hungry?
- I am!
- Me!
Let's go get some of
my world-famous chili.
Dad, I forget--
why is it famous?
Because it's the only thing
he knows how to make.
Anyway, I thought, maybe after dinner,
Maddy could lead us in some carols.
You should hear her on the piano.
She's amazing.
You play piano?
I do, but she's exaggerating.
No, I'm not.
Okay. Let's go get some chili.
You okay?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.
Still processing, but...
I know it wasn't what you planned,
but thanks for staying.
I've never seen Wesley happier.
Same with Cody.
I'm not trying
to keep them from each other.
I'm just trying to protect him.
Join the club.
Oh, there's a club?
Oh, good. I love clubs!
What's the membership?
Is it...
a crippling fear
that I'm failing in my duty as a parent?
Let's just try to enjoy this
as much as we can, okay?
I like the positive approach.
I try.
Any requests?
Beethoven's Ninth.
I was thinking something
a little more Christmassy.
I don't know.
Why don't you just play
your favorite Christmas song?
That was great.
I can't believe how different
this place looks, Dad.
The floors look incredible...
and that new fireplace?
It's so beautiful.
The designer did a great job.
What is it?
I just never understood why,
at such high-end hotels,
people still have to go through
an antiquated check-in process.
You have a better way?
I do!
Yeah. I'm hoping to implement it
in San Francisco.
My idea is an app
that allows guests to check in
whenever they want,
and then acts as their room key.
It would require an investment
to turn over the old locks,
but, in terms of customer service,
it would have huge benefits.
That's a great idea.
So how are things in San Francisco?
The hotel was at 75% capacity
last quarter.
Our chef is getting really great press,
and did I tell you
I'm up for Assistant GM?
Well, that all sounds great,
but I'm asking about you...
your life.
Well, Wesley's doing
really well in school,
and he's excelling in math.
I want to know about you.
How are you doing?
Are you happy?
Is there anyone special in your life,
other than Wesley?
There's no time.
There's always time.
Dad, I don't have big expectations
in terms of, you know,
romantic relationships.
When I decided to adopt, my whole life--
my energy, my focus--
everything shifted.
I don't depend on anyone,
and I'm okay with that.
Your mother and I worry about you
being alone out in California.
You can stop worrying, because I'm fine.
Worrying is part of being a parent.
By the way,
it's nice to see Wesley
making a new friend.
Those two seem like brothers.
Yeah. They're hitting it off.
Paul seems like a great guy.
He's nice.
Just "nice"?
I haven't heard you laugh
like that in a while.
I mean, he seems like a great guy.
I don't know.
I just met him.
Well, from what little
I know about him,
he's a hard worker,
he's an honest businessman,
and he's single.
What? It's true.
Dad, it's complicated.
There's a lot of moving parts.
Moving, flyin'...
coming-at-you-100-miles-an-hour parts.
Silver Summit Hotel.
Charles speaking.
Size 12, extra-wide,
for Mr. Larson in the Presidential Suite.
We'll take care of it.
Ski-gear request?
I happen to know
the perfect guy for the job.
Paul, from the Warming Hut?
Huh! Yeah.
I hear he's a great guy.
I have to run.
I'm taking the boys to ski school. Bye.
Is something wrong with your helmet?
It's kind of uncomfortable.
Maybe you're growing out of it.
You want to pick a different one?
I guess I'll take...
that one!
Good choice.
Wes, check out my new helmet!
Cool. Just like mine.
Thanks so much for picking him up.
Wes couldn't wait.
Thanks for letting Cody go skiing today.
Well, it was either ski school
or he spends the day at the shop with me,
which isn't too much fun for a kid.
Also, I wanted to thank you
for last night.
We had a great time.
So did we.
Okay, well, we're pretty much all set.
I just need to finish waxing his skis.
Okay, great.
Why are you using the yellow wax?
That is a very good question, Wes.
So the different-colored waxes
are for different snow conditions
and temperatures.
So, for instance, let's say...
it's a powder day and it's freezing out.
Then you'd want to use the red,
but if it was icy,
you would go with the blue,
and the yellow wax is for days
when it's just a little bit warmer outside
and the snow is soft.
My dad used to race.
Really? Wow.
You did?
When I was much younger.
Your dad's cool.
Did you hear that, Cody?
Okay, remember that
for when you're a teenager.
How's the brownie?
It's no Frosty the Snowman cookie,
but it does get the job done.
You must know all the great local spots.
It is one of the benefits
of living in a resort town.
Anyway, I'll let you enjoy your lunch.
Um, Paul?
Sorry for last night.
I didn't know Wesley
would ask Cody about Susan.
No, you couldn't have.
it was kind of nice
to see how he responded.
I think it's good
for him to talk about it.
Can't imagine how hard
that must've been for him,
and you.
The Warming Hut--
was it the two of you?
10 years since we opened.
Hopefully, it's not our last.
Why do you say it like that?
Do you want to sit?
S-- Sure, yeah.
It's nothing that complicated.
As the town grows,
more and more rental shops open,
and most of them are closer to the resort
and the ski hill.
If I've learned anything
working for a hotel,
it's that people love convenience.
You know, we might not have
the best location,
but we pride ourselves on our service--
knowing whatever anyone needs,
according to their ability.
I'm boring you, aren't I?
Not at all.
Listen, what are
you and Wesley up to tonight?
Christmas market.
My dad's doing the countdown
for the tree lighting.
The hotel sponsored the tree, so.
Well, Cody and I will be there, too, so...
maybe we'll see each other.
That'd be nice.
Great shot, Wesley!
You might have a ball player
on your hands.
Thank you. Your turn.
You got this.
Try again.
Stand more sideways.
Now just relax and throw.
I like to shut one eye when I'm aiming.
Come on, Cody!
You can do this.
That was really close, buddy.
- Nice try, Cody.
- Yeah.
You can have this one.
Yeah. I have one like it at home.
Now we both have one.
Wes, that was so nice of you.
You know what?
This calls for some eggnogs, on this guy.
That was so sweet, Wes.
- That was really sweet.
- So, Paul, how's business?
Doing okay.
Keeping the doors open.
Ha. Then you must be
doing something right.
I'm sorry your meeting
with our GM was canceled.
We're dealing
with some internal shuffling.
No, it's no problem.
I understand.
But I'm all ears right now,
if you want to pitch me.
Well, unless you'd rather not.
No, yeah! Of course.
Let's jump right in.
We'll take the boys.
Let me buy you a cider.
So it's a delivery service?
It's a butler service for skis.
Guests don't want to worry
about going down
to a rental shop to get fitted.
It's a time-suck,
and some shops don't even have
the right equipment for them.
I could see how that would be good
for people who have
a whole family to outfit.
Exactly! And I do everything
in the comfort of the hotel.
Less time at the rental shop
means more time on the slopes.
And when they're done?
I take care of everything.
I come pick it up.
It's a premium--
it's not for everyone,
but at least it's available
for those who want it.
Well, it's a great idea, Paul.
Let me talk to my concierge,
and she'll spread the word out
amongst the guests, so.
You know, I'd be willing to do a test run,
see how it goes.
It proves viable,
then we'll talk some more.
Thank you.
No, thank you.
So I guess I got
a lot of work ahead of me.
Jeremy and I are gonna have to start
cataloguing all the inventory.
You didn't have to do that, by the way,
so... thank you.
Do what?
Your dad, our little pitch session.
Oh, no. No, I promise you,
that was all him.
Okay. I'm curious.
Let me guess.
You noticed the glaring irony
that I went to work in the hotel business,
but not for my dad.
Now that you mention it.
Well, for starters, he never asked me to.
So it's not that you didn't want to.
Mm-mm. My dad wouldn't
want people thinking
he was showing favoritism.
He's very old-school.
"You gotta work your way up."
Okay, but I'm sure that you're qualified.
Maybe he was just waiting for you
to tell him what you wanted.
I guess we're at a stalemate.
But my job's really great,
and I've advanced pretty quickly,
quicker than I would've,
if my dad were my boss.
Well, he can be a little intimidating.
You should've seen him
with some of the boys I dated
when I was younger.
It's a wonder
they didn't all run off scared.
Well, I'm sure
he was just being protective
of his daughter.
Is he still that way
with guys that you date?
Let's just say it's been a while
since I brought anyone home
to meet the parents.
How about you?
Anyone like that recently?
No. Susan was the last person
that I brought home,
and I'm pretty sure that
they liked her more than me.
It's not like people
like Taylor and Jeremy
don't try to play matchmaker.
I just...
I don't have much faith.
But I guess you never know
when lightning will strike.
You never know.
Welcome, everyone,
to the annual Park City
Christmas Market!
The big moment has arrived,
so if I could please ask you all
to help me count it down...
in five--
...Four, three,
two, one...
Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas!
It's so pretty.
I love it.
Good morning.
Got you a coffee.
What's up?
Not much.
How long have you and Taylor been dating?
How'd you know?
Oh, so it's true?
I'm sorry.
I should have told you.
How long have you been dating my sister?
Eh, let's not get wrapped up in time.
- How long?
- A few weeks.
What's "a few"?
like, eight?
Let's think about
the positive aspects of this.
Who would you rather be
dating your sister--
a great guy
that you already know and love,
o-or some random guy
that you're probably not even
going to like?
Your family gatherings would be a bummer,
but with me...
you get...
That is true.
Still, there's the fact that
you didn't tell me about it.
Want me to get that?
No, I'll get it... Romeo.
Warming Hut.
Yeah. So, now?
Oh, like, now now?
No, that's great news.
Yeah, I...
I will see you soon.
I need you to help me
load all this equipment
into the truck.
Okay. No problem.
We're, uh--
We're good, right?
Yeah, we're good.
He's a tall guy.
For the kids. Here.
Open your arms!
There you go.
Hey. Thank you so much for helping me.
When he said
that he wanted to do a dry run,
I thought I would have
a little bit more time.
I would have hired an extra hand.
We got this.
So do you know how to take
ski-boot measurements?
Not really.
Okay. What about ski-pole height?
No, but
I'm a quick study, Paul.
We'll figure it out.
We're good.
Ready, Paul?
Anything you need?
No, we have everything we need here,
and more back in the truck.
Uh, just to let you know--
these are VIPs.
Paul's great with people, Dad.
Well, don't let me keep you.
The first group is a family
with three kids,
and I've set up a suite
right through those doors.
- Good luck.
- Thank you!
All right.
We need a size five.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Let's get your foot now.
Oh. Paul...
Looks like we have another
two fittings after this one.
Make that three.
Oh, okay.
Uh, size four.
Thank you.
And you're up next.
Okay, now, if I can get you to stand up...
We're gonna lean forward to test the flex.
You should feel
a little bit of resistance.
That should do it.
Is that comfortable?
That fits perfect.
That looks good.
Have a great time.
Talk about hitting the ground running.
You're not kidding!
But everyone seems satisfied.
Yeah. Hopefully your dad'll
see the value in it.
I don't see why he wouldn't.
There's no down side.
Well, except for the fact
that, if you didn't help me,
this would have been impossible.
Thank you very much.
So many surprises this week.
You know, Cody's like
a totally different kid
now that Wesley's in his life.
Does that shock you?
They're brothers.
Two peppermint mochas, please.
Listen, can I ask you something?
How did Wesley take it when
you told him he was adopted?
I was the mess
who couldn't hold it together.
That's my biggest fear,
is that he's gonna look at me differently.
Yeah, I was worried about that, too,
but it didn't change anything.
He's still my son.
I'm still his mom.
We still have good times,
and hard times,
and sometimes,
I worry I'm failing, but...
most of the time,
I am just overwhelmed
by the joy he brings me.
Except when he doesn't make his bed.
How about when
they bring the dishes to the dishwasher,
but they don't put them in?
I'm happy if he brings them
into the kitchen!
Also, how hard is it
to throw clothes in a hamper?
Yes, I know!
It's literally--
it's right there!
My mom always says
we'll miss these moments,
but she had my dad's help,
and I've never had someone else.
There was one person, a long time ago,
and we had plans to get married
and start a family, but...
Turns out he had commitment issues.
He kept stalling.
Finally, I thought,
"I'm not doing this anymore.
I'm done waiting."
I knew I wanted to start a family,
but not with someone
who wasn't absolutely sure
they wanted to do it with me,
so I broke it off.
A year later, I brought home
the love of my life.
Felt like the luckiest person
in the world.
I'm sure Wesley felt the exact same way.
Thank you.
- Cheers.
- We earned it.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Uh, so...
Jeremy told me you two talked.
We did.
I'm happy for you two.
Just, I swear, if you hurt my best friend...
So, Jeremy and I were
thinking of taking Cody
to the bowling alley.
Yeah, he'd love that.
Maybe he could invite Wesley...
and if Wesley comes,
maybe we could invite Maddy,
and if you come,
it'll be the perfect double date.
it wouldn't be a date.
Call it what you want,
but in addition to being
an amazing aunt and sister,
I'm also an expert at reading signals,
and there are serious signals
between you two.
Yeah, okay, fine.
I think she's great,
but it would never work.
In case you forgot,
she lives in San Francisco.
Well, if it's meant to be,
it'll sort itself out.
Well, I'm happy to hear it went so well.
I'm sure he appreciated
you setting it all up.
He did.
His shop has really been struggling.
I meant I'm sure your dad appreciated it.
Oh. Ha!
Okay, I admit it.
Your dad sometimes
has trouble with praise,
but that's just his personality.
I have spent my whole life
trying to prove
that I can blaze my own trail,
but I guess, at the end of the day,
I do want to impress him.
Honey, we're very proud of you,
but if there's something
you want from him,
you just need to be direct.
You know his GM quit.
I heard.
What happened?
He took another job
to be closer to his family.
I'm just saying...
it could be an opportunity.
I have a life
and a career in San Francisco,
thank you.
Well, I'm not saying
it wouldn't be a big change,
but it'd be really nice to have you here.
Mom, even if
I were to apply for it,
I don't think
Dad would consider me.
In his eyes,
I'm still just his little girl
and not a general manager.
Plus, if I'm being honest,
I like earning my jobs
based on my own merit,
not because
I'm the boss's daughter.
Well, he wouldn't want that either, Maddy.
But you've proven to everyone
that you're really good at what you do.
That's not even a question.
Oh. I like it.
If you would've told me a year ago
that I'd be on a date
with my best friend and his sister,
I would've said
that you were out of your mind.
It's just funny what life throws at you.
Oh, yeah.
It's real hilarious.
How did you two start?
I love a good origin story.
A few months ago,
my transmission drops,
so I don't have a ride to work.
I live near Taylor,
so Paul suggests
that I catch a ride with Taylor
on her way to work.
That's how this happened?
Yeah, so if you never mentioned it,
we might never have gotten together,
so, really, we have you to thank.
But you've known each other
since high school.
Yeah, but I had a-- I had
a huge crush on her back then,
so I was really--
Every morning, she'd pick me up,
we'd get to talking, and eventually--
He finally asked me to dinner.
That's so romantic!
Strange how it seems to happen
when you least expect it.
You can literally be sitting
right next to your soulmate
and not even realize it.
Ho, ho, ho!
I heard there were some kids
on my "nice" list over here.
- That's us!
- And what are your names?
- I'm Wesley.
- And I'm Cody.
Hello, Wesley and Cody.
what would you like for Christmas?
I want the new PlayStation, like Wesley's.
And some other stuff,
but it's on my Christmas list.
And what about you, Wesley?
My wish is to finish my family tree
and meet my brother.
I'll see what I can do.
Oh, and can I wish for one more thing?
Of course!
I'd really like to move here.
You should make sure he knows to go
to your grandparents' house,
and not your usual house.
Noted. Well, I have a lot of kids to see,
so I'm going to have to get going...
...but it was really nice
getting to meet both of you.
Have a Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas!
Bye, Santa.
Maddy, you're up.
- Yeah!
- Good job!
Mom, can we get some?
Yeah, Dad, can we?
All right.
No chestnuts for you?
I thought I would look
at the snowflakes for a moment.
Yeah. They are beautiful.
Which one's your favorite?
My favorite...
that one.
- That one?
- No.
That one.
Okay, yeah, no, now I got it.
Um, Paul.
I feel like I'm getting
in the way of you and Cody.
It doesn't feel right knowing what I know
and not saying anything to Wesley.
Does that make any sense?
Yes, absolutely.
Of course.
It's complicated.
You're leaving soon.
I wish it was different.
All of it.
Me too.
Mom, come get some!
Looks like we're being called.
Do you feel like you spend all day
waiting for your parents?
Yes! Whenever we go to leave the house
and my dad can't find his keys...
Right! Or when my mom is always
looking for her phone.
How hard is it to remember
where you put your stuff?
I know!
Or, when you sit down to watch TV,
they always ask you to put
your dishes in the dishwasher.
Every time!
Are Taylor and Jeremy
boyfriend and girlfriend now?
Uh, yeah,
I guess that they are.
So are they gonna get married
and have babies and everything?
I don't know.
Maybe. Why?
Maybe they could adopt a kid.
Like Wesley.
How did you know that Wesley's adopted?
He told me.
Oh. Okay.
what do you think about that?
I don't know.
It's kind of weird
Maddy isn't his real mom.
It's complicated.
I promise you
that Maddy loves him just as much
as any mother could love their child.
I guess you're right.
Will you read to me now?
Of course.
"The sun had set.
The stars were out and bright.
The squirrels were curled up sleeping..."
Courtney said the guests were very happy
with the ski-hand service.
Paul's a pro
and he's great with people.
Sounds like a good
selling point for the hotel.
Maybe, but my only concern
with the idea is scale.
This was a trial run with a few guests,
and if this idea is really gonna fly,
then he's gotta be capable of gearing up
dozens of guests per week.
I just don't know
if he's got the bandwidth.
That's a good point,
but it might just mean
that he needs to hire a team.
I don't know.
Maybe we implement this next year.
I'm sure it's something
that the new GM is gonna
want to have some input.
How is that search coming along?
I still have a few people to meet,
but so far,
got some really, really strong candidates.
What's the...
plan for Christmas Eve?
I am making a turkey,
and Wesley has requested his favorite--
eggnog crme brle.
Well, we've got plenty of room,
so if there is
anyone that you would like to invite...
Just... anyone?
Dad, you are not subtle!
Why are you holding back?
You have so much in common.
We have more in common than you think.
So I have something
I need to tell you guys,
and I should've told you sooner.
What is it?
Is everything all right?
No, everything's fine.
But you know that school project
that Wesley's been working on?
His family tree?
we found out that Wesley has a sibling...
...a brother, and...
as it turns out,
his brother lives
in town, and...
you've met him.
Wait. I don't believe--
I... Cody?
- Yeah.
- This is wonderful news!
No. It's...
- No.
- Oh, honey. Talk to us.
It's complicated.
Cody doesn't know he's adopted,
and Paul isn't ready to tell him.
You can't tell Wesley.
No! And I feel terrible
because the boys are gonna feel
like they were lied to.
Sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
I just-- I really wanted
to respect Paul's wishes.
That's okay.
I'm just sorry it's so complicated.
Oh, yeah.
I should've never let things get this far.
What were you supposed to do?
Just keep them apart
and never let them
speak to each other again...
which I'm already doing a horrible job at
because he's over there
right now, on another hang.
Well, that's definitely one solution.
It's not a great solution.
They're only here for a couple more days.
What good would that do?
I don't know. I don't know.
Maybe it would help soften the blow
for Cody, having to say goodbye.
That ship has sailed long ago.
Ohh! You know,
I'm a horrible father.
There is one way to end the whole thing.
I would love to hear it.
Tell him.
About everything.
Just rip it off, like a bandage.
You know what?
You of all people
should know that
that is easier said than done.
Why didn't you just tell me
the truth about dating Taylor?
Rip it off, like a Band-Aid?
Because we were worried how you would--
No, not exactly,
and don't you see the irony?
You're doing
the exact same thing with Cody
that I did to you.
Uh, stakes are a little higher
in this situation,
and it's not irony, by the way.
You're right.
It's hypocrisy.
Okay. So I'm a hypocrite?
Look, I get that you're just
trying to protect him,
but what are you protecting him from?
Knowing that he has a sibling?
That's something
that you should be celebrating.
Susan and I agreed that we would wait.
Is this about disrespecting her?
Have you ever tried
a long-distance relationship?
They don't work.
What? Are we talking
about you and Maddy now?
No. It's--
Cody and I have--
I don't know, okay?
Maybe it's about everything.
You need to straighten this mess out,
and we both know the only way
that you can do that
is with the truth.
Oh! Looks like a frosting blizzard
rolled through
Gingerbread Town.
I wish you guys didn't have to leave.
Me too.
We still have a few days left.
Yeah, but think how much fun it would be
if we could hang out all the time.
We can go skiing every day.
Maybe not on school days.
Thank you very much for coming in.
Charles Peterson.
Hi, Charles.
It's Paul.
Is this a good time?
Yes, it is, actually.
I've been meaning to talk to you
about the ski-hand service.
Oh. Well, that's great,
because that's the reason
why I'm calling, and I was--
We think it's a great program,
and I think it shows a lot of promise,
but I am still in the middle
of hiring a new GM,
and I wouldn't want to start
a program of this size
without giving them a chance to review it.
Okay. So that means--?
We're still interested,
but probably not until next year.
I'm sorry, Paul.
No, I understand.
I wish I had better news,
but we'll figure something out,
I promise.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas.
Hi, Dad.
You wanted to see me?
Yes. Please.
Have a seat.
I wanted to talk to you about a job.
Oh, about the new GM you're hiring?
I could try to recommend some people.
I want you to be the new GM.
Work here?
It's the position you wanted, isn't it?
I know you could do the job,
and the position is still open,
so why shouldn't I hire
someone who I know could do
an extraordinary job?
What do you say?
I don't know.
Wesley's happy here,
and it would be great for him
to be surrounded by family,
and I'm happy here,
and the job would be
an amazing opportunity.
You're exactly what we need.
It sounds perfect.
Cody and Paul.
Are they a factor?
A big one.
Well, I can give you
a little time to think it over,
but... not much.
I'm sorry, Michael.
I just don't have it right now.
That did not pan out
like I hoped it would.
I think I just need to cut my losses here.
Yeah, I'm not gonna be renewing the lease.
Thanks for understanding.
Why do you look so sad?
No. I just got a lot
on my mind, that's all.
Still working on
Taylor's Christmas present?
Yeah. I want it to be really good.
She is going to love it.
but I'm out of yellow,
for the sun.
You need the sun.
What time are you done
on the mountain today?
Fireworks are at 8:00.
I can't wait.
How's Paul?
He's been buried in paperwork all morning.
Does he ever talk to you about the shop?
No. Why?
I don't know.
Sometimes, I just think
it's become a burden for him.
Business has been way down.
Yeah, I sort of suspected.
Frankly, I don't know
how he keeps it going,
but he always seems to find a way.
As hard as it would be,
sometimes, I wonder if it would be easier
for him just to move on.
This was his and Susan's dream.
You know they put
everything into this place.
Maybe he feels like giving up
would be disrespecting her memory.
He makes a lot of choices based on her.
Like with the adoption.
You're right.
Considering everything that's transpired,
I just...
I just know
that she would want him
to tell Cody the truth,
but I-I guess that's his decision to make.
So wise.
Okay, guys.
I have some hot chocolate here.
One for you.
Sis? And of course, for you, buddy.
- Thanks, Dad.
- Yeah.
No way!
- There's Wesley!
- Where?
Right over there!
Let's go say hi.
You know what?
Why don't we just wait until
the fireworks are done, okay?
- See that one?
- Yeah!
That was so cool.
The fireworks were huge.
Cody, check it out!
Mom, can we?
Fine with me.
Yeah. Go on.
Actually, I should probably head.
I've got an early one tomorrow.
You work on Christmas Eve?
Yeah. It's one of our busiest days.
Come on.
I'll give you a ride.
Um, no, i-it's okay.
I can drop you off.
Thanks, but you should stay.
I'll see you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
I tried calling you earlier.
Yeah. I, uh...
I just-- I had this...
this work thing to take care of.
Okay. Well, I wanted
to tell you something.
I was offered the position
of General Manager
at the Silver Summit Hotel,
Park City.
Wait. W-What?
How did--
Your dad offered you the job?
I don't know what to say.
So are you gonna be moving here, then?
I don't know.
I haven't decided.
There's a lot to consider.
I wasn't expecting this.
I wouldn't have agreed to all of this
if I had known that you were staying.
I made a promise about telling Cody,
and you can't just--
with everything that's up in the air...
I like you, Maddy.
I really do.
It's too much, too fast.
I'm sorry.
I don't want an apology.
What do you want?
If you don't know...
I can't make you understand.
Now we are ready
for the big man in the red suit.
I need to get an urgent letter
to the North Pole.
I hope it's not too late.
Hmm. Tell you what.
Why don't you give me the letter?
I'll bring it down to the post office
and I can see if they can
mark it as a rush delivery.
Think that'll work?
Think it's worth a shot.
Hey, come on in.
I have to go finish Taylor's present.
Don't tell.
- Hi, Taylor.
- Hey!
Where are you off to?
Okay. Have fun!
How was work today?
We need to talk.
Why do I get the feeling
that I'm in trouble here?
I want to know what's going on with you,
and I want you to be honest.
What's going on with me?
You're gonna have to be
a little more specific
'cause there's a lot going on
with me at the moment.
Let's start with the shop.
I wonder who told you about that.
Why don't you share these things with me?
I'm ashamed that I couldn't
make it work without Susan...
and I'm exhausted.
Maybe a career change
is exactly what I need,
to start from scratch.
Well, what about that ski-hand thing
at the hotel you told me about?
I thought it was a hit.
It was,
but they're not ready
to implement it fully
until next year, if they do at all, and...
it's just too far away.
So what will you do?
You remember my old ski coach, Jim?
He is opening a ski school...
...in Colorado,
and he offered me a job
on his coaching staff.
In Colorado?
Moving is the last thing
that I want to think about,
especially taking Cody
out of school right now,
when he's finally
starting to make friends.
No. See? This.
This is why you need to share,
because it doesn't just affect you.
I can't imagine not having you
and Jeremy around all the time.
I'm not even sure
that I can do this alone,
but the money is good,
they pay for your housing.
I could finally provide...
you know, a nice, solid life for us.
I can't believe this, Paul.
There has to be
something else that you can do.
Remember you used to help me make this
when you were a kid?
Honey, are you all right?
I feel like this whole thing
was a big mistake.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Your heart was in the right place.
I wonder.
You done for the day?
We have officially finished interviewing
all the candidates.
Any more thoughts on the job, Rosie?
Yeah, I've thought a lot about it,
it's just not a good idea, Dad.
Thank you for the offer, but...
...I'm not going to take it.
Wesley and I are going back home.
I see.
Well, I mean, if you're sure.
Hey, you.
There's an extra apron
if you want to help.
No, thanks.
What's wrong?
Are you sure Cody
can't come over for dinner?
Oh. Sorry, honey.
They have family plans.
But tomorrow is Christmas,
and then we leave.
I won't get to say goodbye.
But we'll be back before you know it.
That will be forever.
You don't know that.
Look, tonight, we're gonna
have an amazing dinner,
and then, if you want,
you can open one present.
I'm actually surprised
that we stayed open this long.
It sure was a great ride.
Thanks for understanding.
I'm gonna miss you, man.
You and Taylor will visit all the time.
So will we.
Yeah... yeah.
Unfortunately, that's just
a thing that people say.
Come on.
You're my best friend.
I'll make a point of it.
Can I be honest?
You might not like it.
Yeah. Yeah.
Let me have it.
You know, I always thought
that we would work together forever.
We'd expand the shop and become partners.
That was my hope.
Me too.
Then Maddy and Wesley came around...
...and I thought, "This is it."
"Paul's finally found his match,"
and Cody and Wesley--
it feels like it's all meant to be.
It's like I told Maddy--
maybe if it was different circumstances.
I never told you this,
but before Susan died,
do you know what she told me?
Do you know what her biggest worry was?
That you wouldn't allow yourself
to move forward.
Losing her would be an excuse for you
to close yourself off to happiness.
So I'm only gonna say this once,
and I will never mention it again--
I just hope that your decision to leave
is really about running towards something...
...and not running away.
Yes, hello. Ahem.
Uh, Mr. Hollister, please?
Yes. Paul Harris calling about
a job offer he told me about.
Yeah, sure, I can hold.
Dear Santa.
Please forget about the PlayStation.
My wish is that Dad and Maddy
and me and Wesley can all be together.
Merry Christmas.
I need you to stop cooking.
Is everything okay?
Yeah, yeah!
Everything's great.
I just--
I need you to get ready,
because we're gonna be eating out.
Yeah. Where's Cody?
He's in his room.
Why are you all happy?
It's amazing, isn't it?
It's just--
it's all clear to me now.
It is time.
Jeremy was right.
You were right!
I really wish I knew
what you were talking about.
It's time for me to stop running
and to move forward.
I need to have the talk with Cody.
You know, not the talk...
but the other talk.
Wait. Now?
- Now.
- Okay!
Well, then...
you got this.
Hey, buddy.
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Check out Taylor's present.
It's really special.
So, listen,
I want to talk to you.
What about?
First off,
I want to say that...
I love you.
I love you more than anything
in the entire world--
the entire universe.
I know.
And I will always be your dad...
and you'll always be my son, always.
That's good.
Okay. How do I explain...
You know how, when you were born--
Not really.
No, of course.
Yeah. Okay.
...when parents have children--
When they-- when-when...
when people have children, sometimes,
they can't--
You trying to tell me
I'm adopted?
You okay?
How did you know?
Because I have ears,
and I hear people talk...
like you and Taylor and Jeremy.
Okay. That's--
Do you have any questions?
Not really.
When Wesley told me he was adopted,
he explained it pretty good.
How do you feel?
I feel lucky...
I think I have the best family
in the whole world.
I love you.
I love you, too, Dad.
Come here.
Is everything all right?
Yeah, we're okay.
Dad just told me I'm adopted.
Are you okay?
I'm great.
It means
I'm just like Wesley.
What time are we eating?
as soon as Jeremy gets here,
but there's been a slight change of plans.
Come on.
No way.
Mom, look who it is!
Did we miss dinner?
No, you're right on time.
- Come on in.
- Come on!
Thank you so much for having us.
Of course.
Hi, Jeremy.
Think I could talk to you for a minute?
I'll get my coat.
I need to apologize.
Okay? I was wrong...
for what I said.
The truth is, I was scared.
I was scared to change.
I spent so much time
clawing myself back to the surface,
trying to get my life
back on steady ground,
that I just resisted anything
that might disturb it.
I get it,
and I'm sorry
I was a disruption.
Maddy, you're the disruption
that I needed,
what Cody and I needed.
I'm tired of being afraid.
What I'm trying to say is...
I want to try to make things work with us.
With all of us.
I'm gonna figure out the store, and...
I think that, if you still want it,
you should--
you should take that GM job.
And what about the kids?
I told Cody today that he's adopted.
You did?
Well... sort of.
He kind of already knew.
He was so great.
Said that he felt lucky.
Being here with you, with everyone,
I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
Did you tell him about Wesley?
because I thought maybe that
should come from both of us,
and what better night
than Christmas Eve with family?
I mean, I told Wes
he could open one present tonight.
I'm pretty sure this would qualify.
You're sure?
It's like you said when we first met--
it's not a coincidence...
...it's fate.
I just want to make sure
that you're doing this
for the right reasons.
Maddy, I've never been more
sure of anything in my life.
I think
I'm in love with you.
we have something
that we would like to tell you.
What is it?
What's going on?
Is Christmas canceled?
- No, no, no.
- No. Hey.
Nothing like that.
You both know you're adopted.
Yeah. Dad just told me today.
Well, it turns out
we have a Christmas surprise...
...and there's something that we didn't know
when we adopted you.
Something that we just found out
from the adoption agency.
You're brothers.
- Really?
- Yeah!
- So we're--?
- Yeah!
This is the best Christmas ever.