A Shattered Diamond (2021) Movie Script

-You know, a bedroom is where you sleep.
Thats the major selling
point of a house.
-Look whos talking.
You slept on the couch.
-My beds in the shop.
-Im starving. Whatd you make?
-Just a little something.
You still going out with Harry today?
-Yes, are you coming with us?
-No, I got to do something today.
-What could you possibly need
to do for you not come with us?
-Something Im not letting
you talk me out of. Not today.
-We can all go and help you out.
-I rather you not interfere with this.
-I wont interfere with it. I swear.
-You promise?
-You can have my word.
-Well see how far that gets me.
Well got out if you guys
are here for a while?
-Hey, the service was good today. Wish
you couldve been there to see it.
-You want a coffee?
-I take it black with a ton of sugar.
The homily was so inspiring.
It was about remembering your past
and move forward with God.
I really wish you couldve been there.
-Ill go with you soon.
-Its getting really
hard to believe that.
-I mean it. Next Sunday, all right?
-Im holding you to that.
-We can get it done before we hit.
-No, I want to take my time.
-I wonder when Harrys getting here.
-No idea.
Maybe you should damn cripple
like the reason you cant even walk.
-I think its time for you to go.
-What are you reading about?
-The tax reform.
-Well, bye, guys.
Why did you tell me to leave?
-Its late.
-Listen, you already know what you said
and Im not going to repeat it.
I swear, if I ever hear
you say something like
that again, I have no
idea what Ill do to you.
You have three beers and you go around
thinking you can say things like that?
Disrespecting me?
I threw the party. I bought the beer.
I keep you around.
I do my best, so show some gratitude
instead of calling me things like that.
-I didnt disrespect
you. You disrespected me.
Im going to go cold on the ground.
You couldve told Rebecca to sit by me.
-Do you like her now? Do you?
Thats not my job.
If you want something, you go and get it.
You understand? Do you?
-All right, Ive heard enough. Go to bed.
-What are you? My dad?
-Im the closest thing you got.
-So you went there?
-You already went there.
-Are you mad at me?
-No, should I be?
-No, I was just wondering
why you were so quiet.
-Alan, Im reading this.
You better not be smoking in my house.
-I pay for this house too.
-You better not be smoking in our house.
-Is that custom?
- Yes, I got it from my Uncle Jim.
- It looks good on you.
Just remember us when you make
it into the big leagues, okay?
-Of course. Youre going to try
to make it with me, right?
-Of course.
-But you better go easy on that pizza.
-Oh, pizzas so good.
-If you guys found
a religion where you dont
need to wake up at dawn,
please let me know.
What are you guys even doing?
-Its blanket fort.
-Blanket fort.
-Come on in. We just want to play cards.
-Bianca, you too?
-Yes, its fun. Besides, Id
rather be here than at the field.
-But the field is much more mature
than some dumb, old blanket fort.
-Blanket fort.
-Who died and made Barclay 50?
-I heard that. You want
to go blanket fort, boy?
-Blanket fort.
-Come on, old man.
-Nice blanket fort. Thanks, Bianca.
-Hey, Leah.
-So when I came over here, I wasnt
expecting to see something like this.
Hi, Harry.
-Hi, Leah. How are you?
-Im great. Why are you two fighting?
-He insulted our blanket fort.
-Yes, it hurt my feelings.
-Did you cry?
-A little.
-You made Harry cry? How dare you?
He wants to go to the field.
-But its so cold out.
-That hasnt stopped us before.
-Im not going.
-Why not?
-Because I dont want to.
-Hey, are you guys okay?
-It gets rough sometimes,
but everything will be okay.
-Trust me, okay?
-Who else is coming?
-Harry should be coming.
-All right, lets go.
-Alan? Alan?
Hey, you ready? Cool.
-Barclays coming with us.
-Well, does he want
to or youre forcing him to?
-Im coming on my own
free will. Thank you.
Its too chilly not
to have a shirt on, Alan.
I take it you got home safe.
-Yes, Becca barely had
anything to drink last night.
She only came because
she wanted to see Alan.
-Yes? Huh.
-What does that mean, "Yes?"
-Do you like her or do you not?
-Shes okay.
-Thats a no.
-I didnt say that.
-Yes, yes.
-I didnt say that.
Shes just not my type.
-Shes breathing, aint she?
-You wanted her to sit by you last night.
-Yes, why didnt you tell her?
-I was going to, but...
-Oh wait, you find her unattractive.
Thats okay, buddy. We
can fix that, you know.
She can always shave
off that mustache she has.
You just got to let
her borrow one of your razors.
-Theres ways to fix that lazy eye.
-Yes, or the extra toe.
-All right, shes not that bad.
-What is your type anyway?
-Yes, I know.
Hey, I can get you guys
dinner. Would you like that?
-I can pay if you want.
-Dont worry about it. I insist.
-Ive got money.
-Hey, he offered to pay.
Let him waste his money
on us if he insists.
Here, youre up.
-I wonder what shes doing today.
-Who? Becca? Scheduled
on a Sunday. Bless her soul.
Isnt your girl driving her?
-Yes, Im not sure.
-What are we doing today?
Are we buying her flowers?
-No, Im buying a wedding ring.
-Youre marrying her? Did
you forget about Leah?
-Ive learned to accept
it. You should too.
-Where are you going to buy it from?
-Either one of these two places.
-The title "fianc"
doesnt mean anything.
There was a guy who
worked at the brewery.
He dumped his girl three weeks before
the wedding all for a Brazilian cashier.
-Are you saying Im going
to break up with Bianca
for some South American
girl scanning my milk?
-Dont count her out before you meet her.
Those Brazilians, theyre real knockouts.
-She doesnt live with us.
-Ill pay her half. Itll be like
it was when she wasnt with us.
-Leah paid thirds.
-Leah doesnt matter
anymore. Weve moved on.
-Shes watching over the field.
What do I have to do to make you wait?
-Wait till when?
-I find a new house or a new roommate.
-Ill give you one a bet.
If you can hit it to the guard end
of your field, I wont buy the ring.
-With Harrys ducks, no problem.
-No, my pitches. Im who
youre betting, arent I? Deal?
-All right, but you cant
pitch because of your legs.
-He wont hit a thing. Start up the car.
Look up the direction for that jeweler.
-Okay, do what you guys got to do.
-Ball one. Come on,
Rusty, this isnt golf.
At least it made it over
the plate. Strike-
two. One more pitch.
Id swing if I were you.
-Bring it on. This time,
make sure Im looking.
-Are you ready?
-Hey, you okay?
-You all right? Here, take that.
-Thanks. I struck out the slugger.
-All right, lets get your stupid ring.
-You crying, man?
-No, get the things, Harry.
-Nice job, man.
-You didnt think I could do it, did you?
I dont blame you, neither did he.
-All right, well be there
in no time. Just calm down.
-Im just excited, man.
All this time, today,
I finally get to buy the ring.
-Yes, what style are you going to buy?
-Well, my dad bought my mom
a ring with two diamonds.
That will represent
the past and the future.
Now, I want to get a ring
with three diamonds.
Two smaller ones will be
like the past, the present,
but then the bigger one
would be for the future.
I feel like thats the most
important one, right?
-Yes, it makes sense.
-Can you even afford three diamonds?
-Ive been saving for months and I even
called the dude like five times.
-Youre paying cash?
-She reads my credit card bills.
-You let her do that?
-I dont go to the strip club that often.
She likes to worry,
so let her worry, yes?
-Whos going to be the best man?
-I havent even thought that far yet.
-Why not?
-Look, a man doesnt need
to worry about his whole
life at a single moment
as long as he gets stuff done.
-Yes, I see.
Pick someone funny for your best
man, you know, give a good speech.
-So definitely not you. Fine.
Any likely candidates then?
-Yes, hes just far away at the moment.
-If you could go back in time
and change one thing, what would it be?
-I dont like delighting
in hypotheticals.
I mean, you need
to think about the future
and the present and things
you can actually change.
-I asked you, not Barclay.
-I only like thinking about the future.
Im sorry. Thats me talking.
-Okay, fine. Okay, so what
is your biggest regret?
Can I ask that?
You can.
Probably everything I did to Leah.
-Oh right, you never met Leah.
She passed away before we met.
Barclay dated her in high school
and I used to try to break them up.
It was a game I played
out of infatuation.
I mean, he came around after
she died, but he waited about a year.
-How long ago did she...
-Three? No, four years ago.
She was honestly one
of the kindest women Ive ever met.
She was perfect for Barclay.
The reason we call him
Barclay is because of her.
Sometimes I wonder if she hadnt
died, would they still be together?
Would I have found someone
or would I be alone?
Then I think of all the kind words
he said to me, "Youre my only one.
I love you with every bit of my body."
That makes me rest my head for a minute
until I think that he probably
said those words to her too.
Then I get up and I drink some
water and I look at the clock
and it says 4:30 and I have to be up
in two hours and my nights ruined.
Whats the thing youd want to change?
-I dont know. Probably just my job.
-You can change that, honey.
Thats a thing of today.
Whats the thing you want
to change in the past?
-I wish I wouldnt have
told Alan that I like him.
-When did you do that?
-A few months ago.
I told him that I liked him and he looked
at me with this scared and confused look.
He was a kid back then, a scared
kid trying to be an adult,
but you never really
become an adult, do you?
You just learn how to get
pissed at the small
things, taxes, insults, your job.
I mean, the whole glamour
of it all is the freedom.
Once you have to pay for rent
and food and pay to stay alive,
you lose all that freedom you got
when you got out of school.
He was still wishing
he could be like us, huh?
Thats why he was so scared.
A grown woman telling him
that she likes him and going
on loving him, it may have been
the realization that he needed
and Im just happy
I was the one to do it.
-Now, he tries to be like a kid.
-He still goes to the baseball diamond.
-Theres nothing wrong with that.
-No, but he needs to know that theres
a time and place for stargazing.
He, Harry, and Barclay go out
and come back and theyre yelling
and theyre throwing stuff like
theyre coming home from school.
-I mean, did you ever go with them?
-I did when I was younger,
but I just got tired of Harry yelling
at Barclay and Barclay yelling
at Alan and Alan yelling at me.
Three teenage boys do not play
well with one teenage girl.
There you go, forgetting Leah.
She was the one that set me free.
I remember watching her walk across
the field to me while I was at-bat.
-Go. Im not mad at you. Just go.
You dont want to be here. In
the game, it never mattered.
It doesnt matter if you had fun.
-I just walked away
and never looked back.
-How do you think
youre going to propose?
-During the beautiful sunset,
Im going to take
her to the gazebo by the field.
Itd be nice if you guys could be there.
-Why are you making it such a big deal?
-Its a big moment.
They say a proposal tells
you everything about a marriage.
-He has a point.
I knew this guy from work who proposed
to his girl in a McDonalds,
you know McDonalds.
She was so excited, man. She said yes.
They invited me to the wedding.
I went to the wedding.
Guess where was that?
McDonalds, it was at McDonalds.
They had french fries and shakes
and a playground and Ronald
McDonald was there.
It was crazy and it was classy.
It was as classy as a wedding can be
with a drive-through, but it was classy.
They were fine for a couple of years.
They ended up having five kids.
The first, he went over it with me.
The first was conceived
on their honeymoon.
Second was conceived on his birthday.
Third and fourth were twins,
conceived on her birthday.
The fifth was a total accident like
a broken condom or something like that.
They were fine for a little
bit and then he got laid off.
He got fat like John
Goodman in the 90s fat.
She got stressed out.
Shes getting wrinkles.
Shes getting gray hair.
Shes getting older.
It must be really hard
taking care of six kids.
He was basically one
of the kids. I count him.
One day, she snapped and shot him five
times in the chest while they were eating.
-At McDonalds?
-No, no, at Burger King,
but still, thats beside the point.
The point is to never let the corporate
entities interfere with
your romantic life.
They make garbage food
for garbage people. Thats it.
-I guess I should thank
you for that story, Harry.
-Thanks, Harry.
-How are you feeling?
-Super tired. I had a long day.
-How about Bianca?
-Im excited.
I dont think anyone else can
make me happier than she does.
Honestly, Ive never loved
anyone more than I loved her.
-Not even Leah?
-That was then. With this, this is now.
-Hey, I found you guys today.
Harry, are you okay to drive home?
-One drink doesnt hurt me.
-Cool, cool. You drive carefully.
-Are you good?
-Yes, Im good. You?
-Trust me. I will be fine.
You can go back inside, have fun.
You only live once.
-Youre drunk.
-Well be fine, okay? You dont
have to worry about us. Its okay.
-I dont trust him. I dont
trust him, not right now.
-Go, just go inside. Trust me, okay?
Okay? Itll be fine.
Ill see you back at the house, okay?
- All right.
- Okay.
-You could stay
for an hour or two, right?
-Yes. Yes, all right. Ill see you, man.
-Im dying with her.
-Everyone, calm down. No
one will have to die...
-Remember how shed look at him?
Like he was a king.
Shed fawn over him
just to make him smile.
-Yes, hed do the same for her.
-After she died, everything
she worked so hard for was
just being blown away like
the dust on a sculpture.
Instead of leaving a work of art,
shes leaving an unfinished masterpiece.
Everyone she worked so hard
to impress was forgetting her.
Theyre forgetting
her inspirational words,
her wonderful smile, her warm touch.
Is that the meaning of life?
To be forgotten? No,
its to leave a legacy.
-Whats your legacy?
Play baseball with a drunk and a cripple?
-It doesnt matter
what strangers know me.
I have you. I have Barclay.
-All right, but Barclay
forgot Leah, remember?
You say it all the time.
Youll go to the proposal then?
-Do I need to?
-He wants us there.
-I dont know if I can
go. Are you taking off?
-Yes, I have the PTO. Why wouldnt I?
-Then you can be the witness.
-Man, he wants us there. Its
important to him, all right?
I cant let him down, neither should you.
-I just have no intentions of going.
-You guys live together,
right? You see him every day.
Hes been friends
forever, so what... I dont
understand what more you want from him.
-Im not sure. You want one?
-I doubt you have any idea
you know what youre doing.
-Its a simple drink.
-Well, youre over-pouring
that simple drink.
You like being 21 or what?
-Yes, I have a feeling
this is going to be my year.
Its been only what? Five days?
-Two days. Only 363 more
until I get my big chance.
Dont pique here.
-Dont say that.
-Youre not done yet.
-No, dont say that. I know
when I piqued and you do too.
Just let me be happy for these two days.
-All right, fine. The proposal, huh?
-If he wants me there, he wants me there.
-Think of Biancas smile
when I ask her, guys.
Thatll be life-changing, boys.
Itll be like a solar eclipse
or a snowy night in December.
Anyways, good night.
-Just to answer your question,
go to work tomorrow?
Are you going to just stick around?
-No, I got to get going, man.
Ill be all right.
I wont die. Here.
This tastes like crap, by the way.
Youre terrible at it. You
dont know what youre doing.
Its bad. Its really bad.
-I might get as good as you.
I dont want that, but...
-We just need another Bernie
Kosar, someone who has a cannon
and control over the field, someone
who can take the wheel when all
the coaches have no
idea what theyre doing.
You know that happens way too often.
-Well, it really does. Thats
what the draft is all for.
Tim in Cuyahoga Falls.
Thats Tim in Cuyahoga Falls.
Thanks, Tim. Now the Browns
are in need of a guy like that.
The city of Cleveland is
in need of someone like that.
You know, Im tired of seeing
these scrubs out on the field.
They look like bums compared
to what we had back in the 80s.
We were good then, better than
anybody, but then we lost the team.
We lost the magic.
I wonder where it went.
Up next on The Experience...
-Hello. How can I help you today?
-Hi, where is Ms. Walker?
-Im here, Stefan. Oh,
thank you, Angelica.
Ill take it from here. Come on.
How was your weekend?
Fun, I hope.
-It was good.
We threw a party for Alan.
-Come on have a seat.
How old is he now?
-No kidding. Whatd you guys do?
-Just had some drinks
and hung out at the house.
-No bars?
-No bars. He said he only wants
a drink with people he knew.
-My husband sent you, right?
-Thats right.
-Hows he treating you?
-Okay, its just getting a little
tired and my knees start to sag up.
-When they told me you were
coming today, I got excited.
Its not every day I get to see you.
I dont know whats going
with you and Bianca anymore.
Neither of you call, so I worry.
Starting to make me
feel like Im forgotten.
Thats what happens when
young people fall in love.
They get forgetful.
Wait, what was I looking
for? The envelope.
I have a feeling youre afraid of me.
-Why do you say that?
-Just a blind assumption.
I can hear your heart beating.
Youre hiding something from me.
-I bought a ring yesterday.
-Youre marrying my daughter?
-Thats the plan.
-Do you have the ring?
-I do.
-Im going to have grandkids.
Are you going to live together?
-I hope so.
-With Alan?
-Yes, all three of us.
-Im not opposed to the three
of you living together, but Alan,
hes a good kid, but hes got
to get his head in the shoulders.
-His head is on his shoulders.
What are you even talking about?
He works, he cleans, he pays his rent.
-Hes not fit to be with my daughter.
He has to drive.
I cant have him hanging
around my grandchildren.
I cant have him sitting on the kitchen
table calling him Uncle Alan,
learning how to drive from Uncle Alan,
being taken to school by Uncle Alan,
being kissed a good night
by Uncle Alan just makes me sick.
What happens when youre tired
and you fall asleep and then Biancas
caring for the kids and Alan
offers to take them off her hands,
and then he smokes in front
of them or takes them to the track
or goes into one of those trances
where he mumbles under his breath
and the kids will just
be scared and alone?
I want to be part of their life too.
-I never said you couldnt.
Look, Alans not going to make
you not the grandmother.
-I just never imagined
them living like that.
-Well, Im sorry. Were
not going to be the family
that you imagine
and Alans staying with us.
-Whats your price?
-What is it? A car? A
house? Money? A job?
If you work for me, youll
have an office and a title
and Ill offer you more money
than hospice paying you.
I just cannot allow Uncle Alan.
-What do you want me to do?
Drive him to a bridge and drop him off?
-Thats not out of the picture.
-Youre insane. Hes a good kid.
-I know what he did to Leah.
-How did you know?
-Im not stupid. You
play it cool, but I know.
I dont want him in the same
house as my baby girl.
This is what Ill do. My
office, it has a scholarship.
-What does he have to do?
-Just about the paperwork.
-Okay, after the wedding, Ill drive
to the airport, drop him off at college.
Then after that, well go on a honeymoon.
-I dont want him at that wedding.
Hell start a fight or be a nuisance.
-He wont do that. I swear.
-I dont want him there.
-Hes supposed to be my best man.
-If thats the case,
forget about my offer.
The college, the job, everything.
-Give Hassan my regards.
-Nothings going to hurt you, baby girl.
-Going down to the plate
to throw the ceremonial
first pitch, Number 38, Alan Kluszewski.
-If he makes
it to the proposal, he can stay.
-Hey, I made it.
-Hey, Alan.
-I made it.
-I dont care.
-Why are you getting mad at me?
-Im not mad at you.
-Hey, quit talking about me.
Lets go, Bianca. Wait, wait, wait.
You shouldnt flatter yourself.
Were not always talking about you.
Every time you come around,
you think were talking about you.
"Alan will get better.
Alan will come around soon.
Hes at a rough point in his life."
Its all been said before.
Now, Im going to get a damn
sandwich. Are you coming, Rebecca?
-Im going to stay with Alan.
-I drove with Rebecca.
-Here, take my car.
-Take your car?
-Take my goddamn car.
-Dont you have to go back to work?
-Screw them.
-Okay, where do you want me to take you?
-Okay, lets get you home.
Do you need anything to eat?
-Lets get some tacos and a six-pack.
-Make it a 24-pack and Im down.
-Thats a lot.
-I like to drink.
-What are you? Harry?
-Thats why I just dont go
to the bronze games anymore.
I just dont. Im like, "No,
too violent. No, thank you."
-Oh, my God.
What are your dreams?
-My dreams?
-What did you want
to be when you grew up?
-I wanted to be third
baseman in the Majors.
How about you?
-I wanted to work in a city.
In one of those tall buildings
where you can see the whole world.
There, you didnt have
to be put on a pedestal.
You were already high enough.
If I was there, I dont think I would feel
so sad when people would look through me.
Hey, whats that tattoo?
Ive been meaning to ask you.
-Its for Leah. The L herself.
-Can I ask you a question?
-Yes, go ahead.
-That one night, were you mad
that I told you how I felt?
-Why would I be mad?
I dont judge you at all.
I kind of feel the same way about you.
-You do? Then why did
you treat me like you did?
-I was grieving. Well, I still am.
I just think Im past
the initial sting right now,
but then, every day, I look through
my phone, and then I see Leah.
I think if I just try to call her,
Ill hear her voice one more time.
I like to think
that everything that happened,
its just happier.
I was just happier then.
-You shouldnt live
in that over-sentimental past forever.
Youll never truly be happy.
-Everyone else does it.
The music, the movies,
the sports teams, they all do it,
but they just call it a franchise.
Who says that I cant live
in a personal nirvana?
Next, youll say is just forget it all.
-I never said forget.
Youre supposed to move
forward from the past.
Remember it. Dont live
in it. Live now, Alan.
-Youre now sounding like Barclay.
Living it now. Living it then.
If you look in the collection
of the pictures,
you wont see one picture of Leah.
Thats living in the now.
Hide it away.
Go ahead. Look, youll get enough time
to look at them when youre leaving.
-Ive had way too much
to drink. I cant drive.
-Then sleep on the couch.
-Why are you acting like this?
-Because you upset me.
-After everything Ive done for you?
-Guess it wasnt enough.
-Becca, are you going to be okay?
-Yes. Barclay and I just
got into a little fight.
Well be fine. Dont worry about us.
-Im going to get you a blanket.
-Do you even want me here? I can go.
I can go sleep in my bed. I dont care.
-The things I said,
I didnt mean them. I never meant them.
I just get like that when Im drunk
and then I start using my mouth,
and then I just dont know where
Im going anymore and Im tired.
What the hell do you want me to do?
-Trust me.
-Are you excited?
-Yes. No, Im nervous, you know?
Whats next, you know?
-I mean, its your choice,
but Id say stick with baseball.
Go to college. Have some fun.
Learn something new.
Its never too late to start that search.
Dont tell Barclay about this.
Its not the full
tuition, but itll help.
-Where did you get this kind of money?
-Just between some couch cushions,
under-car mats, and a little prostitution.
No, but Ive just been saving
it and hiding it from Barclay.
-Why are you giving this to me?
-Because I love you.
You deserve a little boost from
everything you did this past year.
Tomorrow youll graduate.
After the ceremony, well
go to a real college party.
The first of many for you. All right?
-All right. I love you too.
-I got to go. Ill take the box.
Please dont come straight home.
-Lets go to the lake.
-No. Not tonight.
Could you just get me some
milk and cigarettes, please?
-Whats wrong?
-Nothing. Heres the money.
-You let everyone watch
as you went behind my back.
Now I know why you get
out of bed every night.
-That is not the reason.
-Did you do it in my house?
-Do I not do enough for you two?
I pay the bills. I buy the food.
Im the only one thats
doing something around
here and you go around messing with him?
You two are just so happy
together, arent you?
I thought you loved me, not that bastard.
Fuck, youre forgetting about me.
I have needs too and when
things arise for him...
Forget about us.
Honestly, just go be with
that worthless orphan.
-Its okay, Alan. Do not
help us talk about it.
-I am not talking to him.
-Oh, what are you doing?
-Im going to Harrys.
-No. Harry cannot know about this.
Nobody can find out about this.
Not Harry, not Bianca, not my mother.
I dont want them
thinking any less of me.
-God forbid.
-Stefan, this is all I have left.
-All right. I wont tell at all.
-What do we do now?
-We go on.
Live like this never happened,
like this never existed.
-I love this. I cant live without this.
-You lived without it for 18 years.
Forget it.
Youve never seen
my chest, youve never felt
my legs, and youve never heard my heart.
Those feelings we have,
the past few months,
theyre all gone. I still love you.
I love you so much but find some
other girl to enjoy your life, okay?
I have a party tomorrow.
Dont hang around me
and Barclay, all right?
-Youre the only girl that I know.
-Barclay will kill you literally.
Hell take a knife
and stab you and throw.
-I dont care.
-Can you at least let
me say it one more time.
Let it sweep my tongue one last time.
I love you, Leah.
I love you too.
Im sorry about your shirt.
-Its okay my little L.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-You want some coffee?
-Yes, please.
Sorry, you had to find us like this.
-It happens. Cream or sugar?
-Yes. Has this happened before?
-Not exactly. Can I get
you something to eat?
-Theres not enough food
in the world to satisfy this hunger.
-Try me.
-Just a bagel with cream
cheese will do just fine.
Why are you doing this?
-I always feed my guests.
-Thank you.
-How did this happen?
-My memory is fleeing me.
All I remember is drinking
too much and Alans tattoo.
-Okay. Im going to need more, Rebecca.
-He was finally happy
with me. My body was okay.
Is that good enough for you?
-Why are you trying to dig?
-Im not trying to dig.
-Are you not sure if he likes
me or not? Could it be love?
I dont know but for the hour while
we were huddled under the covers
before we fell asleep, I didnt
care if it was love or not.
He whispered I love yous and stay with
mes until I fell asleep in his warm arms.
If thats not love, then
I dont know what is.
-I think hes deluded.
-He isnt. If he was,
would he look at me with
a spark in his eyes when
he kissed my lips? He needs me.
-He needs to go to church.
Every week I tell him to go
but instead he pulls stunts like this.
For all we know, he could be using you.
-Why would he do that?
-To stay here in this house
in Cleveland to ruin my life.
-He wouldnt do that.
-There are facts that say otherwise.
Hes always wanted my life.
-Dont say that. Itll
ruin everything we have.
-You have nothing. Last night
was an accident. Hes using you.
-Well, maybe Im okay with that.
-Look, last night was a lie.
Whatever he told you, it wasnt true.
Hes only loved one girl.
-It doesnt matter if I tell
you the name or not.
Itll just be a name to you.
-Are you trying to get rid of him?
Because I wont let you kick
him out like hes trash?
-I got the scholarship papers
from Biancas mothers office.
Hell get to chase his dreams, Rebecca.
-Biancas mom?
-Do you not get how big
of an opportunity this is for him?
Hed get to go play baseball
wherever he wants to and he doesnt
have to stay in this crappy
city where it snows
in the spring and heat
waves hit in the fall.
I would love to keep
him around but this is
an opportunity where
he just cant pass up.
-When were you planning on telling him?
-I wasnt. He would never
understand it coming from me.
-Why not?
-Because of the wedding.
I cant bear the fact that I have
to reject him like that.
-Ill tell him.
-You dont have to do that.
-I can do it way better
than you ever could.
-All right. I owe you.
Okay, I got to get my stuff.
-Didnt I tell you? Oh,
I guess I didnt tell anyone.
I got a job at Biancas mothers office.
It gets me off my feet so thats a plus.
-Its right by the stadium too.
I can literally see the fireworks.
-Thats good for you.
What will you be doing?
-Marketing stuff. Its a job.
-Let me get going.
-Are you hungry?
-What time is it?
-Its too early.
-You have to wake up at some point.
-I need my sleep.
-Barclay got a new job today.
I think its good. It
gets him off his feet.
He wont have to worry about
that leg anymore. Guess where?
By the Jake.
Now, he can go to the games in the morning
and then go to work at night, right?
Hey, how come you dont
go to church anymore?
Barclay seemed pretty
upset that you dont go.
Want to go to church
with us on Sunday? Hmm?
Alan wake up? Want to go
to church on Sunday?
-I dont know.
-You need to know God.
-I know him enough.
-Listen, Im not going to argue
with you, but you got to get up.
-Barclay told me about this offer
that Biancas mom is giving out.
Its a scholarship at her job.
I think you should go for it.
You can finally be a third
baseman like you said.
Doesnt that sound great?
-Yes, Ill look into it.
-Dont just say youll look into
it and then you never
think about it again.
Look, he left the papers here.
Dont you just want to fill them out?
-Want to get some breakfast?
-Im serious, Alan.
Look, lets just read it.
It says here all
you have to do is receive
straight As and succeed
in your extracurriculars.
That sounds simple. School is easy.
Doesnt that sound good?
-Want some cheese?
-Im serious.
-When would I have to leave?
-It says here by the set orientation
date or no later than August 31st.
No exceptions.
-Just say no.
-Why not?
-Barclays wedding is in September.
I got to go.
He eased up some of those things
between me and him.
-He was the one who told me
about this. Hes okay with it.
That was one of his biggest concerns
about you missing the wedding.
Its all going to work out. I know it.
-Heres 40 bucks.
Go to Dianas and get me
a turkey club, all right?
Get whatever you want.
-Im not hungry. You need
to sign these papers.
-Just leave me alone.
Hey, Ill tell you my decision
next time I see you, all right?
-You promise to think
about it while Im gone?
-Yes, go.
-Hey, youre still going to batting
practice with, Harry, right?
-Yes, I can.
-Hes going to work there for a year, then
go to college, then off to the minors.
He has to pay for school somehow.
-Yes, somehow.
-Time to go.
-Shouldnt I get more dressed up?
-Its too late for that now, lets go.
Did we decide whos
paying for this thing?
-The life insurance isnt paying for it?
-It expired last month.
-Can we just split it?
-I dont have that kind of money.
-Ill get it.
-Whats in the box?
-$8,000 that Leah gave me.
It was supposed to go to my college but
at least its going to go
to something way more important.
-Time to go.
-Biancas coming over and I want
the house to ourselves.
Oh, and can you help me put
away some of these pictures.
Its so full up here.
-These are all of Leah.
-Yes, I just dont like them
anymore and its not because of her.
Look at my face in this one.
-You said thats your favorite picture.
-That was a long time ago.
You got any plans for today?
-I get to see what Harrys
doing. Why cant I stay?
-Bianca gets all weird
when youre in the house.
-Does she get weird or do you get weird?
-Okay, shes here. All
right, Ill see you tomorrow.
-Oh, hey, Bianca. I was just leaving.
I know how much you guys
like your privacy.
All right. Ill see you guys.
-Hey, how are you.
-Its good to see you.
How was your drive?
-It wasnt too bad.
-Thats good.
-I forgot my jacket.
-Hes not here. Hes at his new job.
Another thing little Ms. Sunshine.
Your fiance is kicking me out.
-I know you hate me and I understand
why. I get in your way.
Well, lucky for you Im not
going to be in your way anymore.
Go ahead, spawn 50 kids, name them after
the apostles or the books of the Bible.
I dont care. I dont
give a damn anymore. Okay?
Just dont say that you missed me
because I know that that would be a lie.
Barclay told me enough times
that you dont want me around.
-He doesnt speak for me.
You dont bother me.
Im not bothered by having you around.
It doesnt bother me if you stay here.
This house is big enough for four people.
I dont hate you, Alan.
I mean youve never wronged me.
Even if you did, Ive forgiven you.
Alan, I think Barclay needs
to too. Ill talk to him.
-Im sorry.
-Dont worry about it.
-Are you almost done with this?
-Brian talked to you yet?
Hes pretty pissed
you ditched last night.
You shouldve just called off, man.
-Its whatever.
-How was your night?
-Oh it was okay. I slept with Rebecca.
-Huh? Wow, you guys must
have really liked that.
-It was okay. Nothing too special.
-You all right?
-I just feel like Im on the verge
of an existential crisis.
-Care to explain? What do you mean?
-Barclays kicking me out.
-Oh, you need a place to crash?
-No, hes giving me a scholarship.
Yes, thats it.
-Ill have to miss the wedding.
-Does Barclay know about this?
-Yes, I think thats
why he wants me to go.
He doesnt want me here.
-I think its a good deal.
You get to go to school,
meet a bunch of babes, get
to play baseball with some
real baseball players.
The downsides what?
You miss their wedding?
What are you going to do?
-What should I do?
-What should you do?
You should take it, honestly.
The wedding doesnt matter.
When you leave, they wont be married.
When you come back,
theyre married. Cool.
Theyre still going to be in love,
theyre still going to be your friend.
-I cant agree.
-Why are you so intent
on staying in here?
-I have a good-paying job.
I have a possible girlfriend
and I live in a house, an actual house.
What else could I want?
The American Dream.
-Yes, but you hate it here, the job
sucks, your girlfriends not
guaranteed and youre getting
kicked out of the actual house.
Dude, have you seen yourself hit?
Youre a monster out there.
Youre going to waste that?
What you dont know now is that youre
still young enough to try, dude.
If you try and you fail,
so what? You failed.
Youre a failure, congrats.
Rather be a failure than a loser.
You can take it from someone
who waited their life away.
I had something like you had.
6 years and 20 pounds go. 30 pounds.
Im being modest.
I waited.
I was too scared to chase after it.
Kept telling myself that life would
catch up when the time is right
and the time was never right.
If I had taken a risk, took
some classes, took time
out of my day every day
to practice a little bit,
quit this stupid job Id be
on bigger and better things.
Its why fate ha us here, man.
You have the opportunity
you have and Im still here.
Im always going to be here.
If you ask me Im going
to tell you to take it.
Im going to tell
you to take it this second.
Right now. Its your turn.
Go on, do bigger and better things.
I know you can do it.
-Im not like you.
-Not like me?
-Im not. -What does that mean?
-I dont drink like you.
I am working hard
at it. Im working hard.
-Youre stuck in here, arent you?
Youre not out there doing
anything. Youre afraid.
-Im doing enough. Okay?
-Theres more. I said what
I said. Its up to you now, man.
Look, some of the guys are
getting beers after work.
Youre going to come or youre
going to keep working hard?
-I really dont know.
-Just one drink, man. What
else are you going to do?
-Yes, I will do it.
-All right. Im going to go
check on this last order.
Im out. Think about what I said.
-What did you tell Alan?
-Then why does he think youre
kicking him out of the house?
-I dont know why.
-Yes, you do. Also, why
does he think I hate him?
-Hes probably just jealous.
-Or because you told him
I can fight my own battles.
-This isnt a battle you need
to fight. I got this.
-But you wrote me in when
you told him I hated him.
-I didnt tell him anything.
-What does that mean, Barclay?
-Rebecca told him all
about the scholarship.
-Rebecca? You would take in this kid
for nine years and you cant
even muster up the courage
to tell them bad news?
If something bad happens
are you going to tell
me or youre going to have
Rebecca do it for you?
-Its not bad news.
Your mothers given him
a chance to go to college.
-My mother? When did
you talk to my mother?
-A few weeks ago. She gave me this job.
-Youre working for my mother?
Theres a reason I havent
talked to her in ages.
-She didnt go to the funeral.
-Which one?
-You should know. Not many
people die in our lives.
She would have wanted her there.
A mother should have to go
to all of her kids funerals.
It doesnt matter how distant they were.
-She must have tried.
It couldnt have been easy,
he and her daughter died.
-You were there. What happened?
-I told you we were
at a party and we left.
We started arguing.
-About what?
-It doesnt matter.
I was driving, we started arguing,
I was swerving and then I crashed.
It took forever for help to arrive.
Leah had already passed away
by then and Alan was still
at the party when he found
out but when he came home
he wasnt crying or anything.
Just stone-faced.
Leah lost her life and I lost my knee.
I guess Im the lucky one and I have you.
-Was it your fault?
-It was a mistake.
-Dont tell me that.
-I was careless. It was just a mistake.
-Then why didnt Leah drive?
-Leah was drunk.
-Then why didnt Alan?
-We needed a moment to ourselves
without them listening in.
-Why? Why?
-There was a problem with Leah.
-He was a saint. She
treated you like a king.
-She did too much.
-She gave you everything
and then that night when we...
There wasnt a problem with Leah.
There was a problem with you.
With us.
-We werent the first ones.
-You keep talking in these
vague poetic terms.
What does that mean exactly, Barclay?
-Allen, Leah, they werent the pure
souls you thought they were.
-They? Is that why you want him out?
Revenge isnt the right thing to do.
-Hell be chasing his dream.
-On your schedule. He
could have had a plan.
-Alan, have a plan? Doubt it.
All he does is sit around
and wait for Leah or death.
-You know what? Youre going to discuss
this plan with him when you get home.
Ill be waiting for you.
Ill see you later, Barclay.
-Wait, wait.
You know youre going to be
a Barclay too once were married.
What are you going to call me then?
-When we get married?
Maybe were thinking too
far into this too fast.
-What? What are you talking about?
-I think you should get your life
together before we get married.
-Whoa, whoa, whoa. If he stays youll
marry me but if he leaves you wont?
-Dont start putting words in my mouth.
-Lets back this out. Youre
joking, right? Youre kidding.
-Hes an adult. He can
make his own decisions.
-Hey, I was just about
to make a pot of coffee.
Do you want some? I understand
its a little late for coffee.
-Its a little late for a lot of things.
-Anyways I need a drink.
Give me some do with my hands
but I see you already have one.
-Is there something that you want
to talk to me about?
-Looks like you already
heard what it was.
-I want to hear from your mouth.
-Harry called today.
He said that your boss is pissed
you never showed up yesterday.
-Thats not what Im talking about.
-I think its time to go to bed.
-That wont let you forget about this.
-Can I at least get my medicine?
-I wont let you put it back any longer.
-For one my leg hurts and youre not going
to talk to me like Im some little kid.
Youre going to treat
with dignity and respect.
What do you even want to talk about?
-The scholarship.
-What about it?
-I wont miss your wedding.
-Why are you so intent on this?
-Because what if I come back
and theres a four-year-old kid
there that I never even met
and I didnt even know existed?
What if I come back
and theres a new family?
What if theres a new house built
on the foundations of this one?
-Thats a risk you have
to take for your future.
-Well, its selfish.
-Look, everyone needs
to be selfish at times.
We all deserve that time to ourselves.
Youll get away from
us. Away from Cleveland.
You can come back at any time.
-Why cant I just study
here? Hey, Ill go to CSU.
Ill study and work here.
-No, you cant stay here
if you take that offer.
-Why not? Its more than...
-Alan, I dont want you here.
I dont want you here.
Im sorry, I dont.
-Youve finally accepted
it. You admit it.
-You smell like smoke.
You eat all my food.
You dont even go to church
when I asked you to.
-Can you quit it with that church thing?
Seriously, God doesnt give
a damn whether I go or not.
-Watch your mouth.
-How about all the times I didnt
say, "Oh, Im coming home late." Huh?
How about that time that I didnt
buy chocolate for you and Bianca
on Valentines Day because
you were like, "Oh, its too late."
How about Leah? Are we going
to talk about her ever?
-I dont want to get talking
about her every day like you.
-Youre forgetting about her.
If Im forgetting about her, then why
when I roll over, I expect to hold her?
Not Bianca. Her.
Or why when Im home alone and I hear
things, I call out for Leah?
Why do I think about
gifts that she would like?
I mean, yes, Im not going
into trances and thinking about
her every day like you do,
but Im not forgetting about her.
I keep it inside, and thats power.
I dont turn to cigarettes
and beer. Youre weak.
You have no idea what pain
feels like, so dont tell me.
I do. I loved her. Dont
tell me I didnt love her.
-You know what? Loving her doesnt
mean putting her in the linen cabinet.
I wouldnt hide it away
if I loved somebody.
-You know, Im not hiding.
Its just that, she lived here
once and shes gone now, Alan.
I moved on from those scars. You
should follow in my footsteps.
-Why would I sell out, Barclay?
-Oh. I get it. Its not the scholarship.
You dont want to go into the real world.
Youre afraid. You need to man up, Alan.
This is a great offer. The time is now.
-That was then. I heard that garbage
for the last few months.
Sometimes, youve got to keep things, both
of them, at your forefront of your mind.
You cant just say, "Oh,
this is my life now.
I mean, forget all that."
That was your life too.
-Look. You cant let someone thats not
here keep you from living your life,
and that means more to me than you know.
Alan, you not being able to let Leah
go, shes going to call off the wedding.
-Good. You have no right, no
right marrying her sister.
I was okay. I could put up
with this job, and thats fine.
I can work. I can live, and die.
Im fine with that. I loved her.
Dont go on saying, "Oh, I loved her.
She was the most beautiful person ever.
Her eyes were blue like the sky."
Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
You think youre a poet and all that.
When she died, you were supposed
to be there for everybody.
You just ran away and forgot.
How about you remember her once?
-You were right. Good for you.
-Yes. I just kind
of wish I didnt hit him.
-Its what he deserved.
-Yes, I guess.
-So, youre going to go back to work
and beg for forgiveness, right?
-I can. Its a little
demeaning, but its, whatever.
-Good. At least you can
go see the wedding.
Just make sure you get there early,
you dont want to get a crappy seat.
-Ill be on the altar.
What are you talking about?
-Not after all this, no.
I mean, you wont be the best
man, thats for sure.
Not after the scholarship.
My best bet is Harry.
Hes a good kid, at least.
So, are you going
to get with Rebecca now?
-Yes, I can.
-Thats good. Its not like
youre disrespecting me at all.
-Are you saying I shouldnt
be with anyone else?
-Unless you treat them the way
you did with Rebecca last night, no.
-How did I treat
her any different than you?
-You didnt make love
to her. You made love to me.
Now, youll think about
me every hour, every day.
Its like were getting
married like we always wanted.
-But youre not here. Its Rebecca.
-But youll only see me.
Isnt that wonderful?
-I can be doing everything
like I have been doing.
-Yes. Dont have
to worry about the money.
-Oh my God.
Im sorry for not using
the money from college before.
-Its fine. That was before I died.
Now I want to be with you.
I want to be close to you.
-And I can be miserable.
-We can be together.
-How far does that get me
when Im the only one living?
I dont want to be at this job forever.
What if theres a girl out
there, just waiting for me?
If I stay, Ill never know.
I defy you.
-What? What about what we had? Alan?
Where are you going?
Alan, dont do this, please.
-Everything we want is at our fingertips.
Alan Klasewski, on third,
playing in the majors.
This entire time, Ive been
worrying about what you had to say.
Youre just a ghost. A ghost
of someone that I never knew.
Leah wanted me to leave.
Yes, she loved me, but she cared about
me leaving more than anyone else.
You? Youre forcing me to stay.
Are you a curse that she casted,
or some nightmare that I had one night?
I dont belong here.
The job is hell, but youre
saying its heaven.
The house is small, but youre
saying its just enough.
Im in love with Leah,
but youre not her.
Leah would have told me
the truth months ago.
That the job is hell.
That house is too small.
Yes, there are two Leahs,
but there are also two Alans.
This one, who wants to be
safe at home, and work
at a brewery, that he has no passion in.
Eight hours a day, I sit
around and count things.
That is what I want to do.
That is what I want to do
with my life. Day in, day out.
I become old and decrepit and die.
Or, they fire me,
and I try to kill myself
because thats all that I know.
Then theres me.
The Alan that I dreamed
about ever since I was young.
The Alan that I dressed
up as when I was eight.
I dont belong here.
I belong where sport
and competition live.
Here, Im weak and unchallenged.
I play baseball with
a cripple and a drunk.
Im weak and unchallenged.
There, Ill be the best.
If I fail, I fail.
Thats how its supposed
to be. Thats the way it is.
Im sorry, Leah. Im sorry, Leah.
-So this is how its going to be?
Bye, Alan.
-Goodbye, Leah. I hope you had fun.
Are those the papers?
Im going to college.
-I dont think Im ready to say goodbye.
-Me either. Do you think
its because of me?
-No. No.
There are these white moths that fly
into the factory from time to time.
Hear me out.
Theyre lost but theyre
beautiful to look at.
One of the old Greek guys calls them souls
lost... souls trapped in the worst cage.
The girls will go around and theyll
take pieces of paper, put
the moths on them and take them
to the window, let them outside.
I think that Alan is like the moth
and Barclay is like the girls leading
him to the window, and the scholarship
is the paper carrying him.
He was never meant to be in the factory.
He ended up there.
I think its nice that hes being
let out by his friend.
-Its still so hard to say goodbye.
It is with moths too.
No seriously, there are so many
things out there that are
just dying to eat them,
but at least theyre free, right?
We can agree on that? Go say
goodbye. Ill meet you out there.
-All right.
-Bye, Alan.
-Ill see you.
-I hope Barclay wont mind-
-Not at all.
If I give this to you to take
on your journeys.
-Not at all. Youre all set?
-Yes I think so. Harry are you ready?
-Ive been ready since
you bought the ticket, baby.
-Okay, hey, maybe Ill
see you during Christmas.
-Maybe. Read that bible.
-Yes, I will.
-Bye, Alan.
-Ill see you, Bianca.
-Did you forget something?
-Yes theres something Ive got to do.
-Wow, thats a lot.
Couldnt leave the air running?