A Sister's Grudge (2021) Movie Script

It is way too early
for musicals.
Ah, but we've got breakfast
fit for a princess.
Smells so good.
So, have you had a chance
to talk to Gavin yet?
About having
the rehearsal dinner
- at the restaurant?
- Mm-hmm.
I did, and he said
it was a great idea.
So now, I can start
to work on the menu.
Yes, but can we please
keep it simple?
Nothing elaborate.
I want you and Mom
to be able to enjoy the dinner
and not spend the entire time
in the kitchen.
Of course, darling,
because there is no place
I would rather be than sitting
with Gavin's parents
and having them
tell me how difficult
this tax season is.
Okay, Dad, they might
be accountants,
but they're good people.
- Mm-hmm.
- Now, you and I
need to go over the projections
for this month
before you and Gavin
set the new menu.
Well, I thought the new deal
was you did more of the running
of the business,
and I did more of the running
of the semi-retired life.
Well, once you start
running that semi-retired life,
I will stop asking
for your input.
You need a hobby.
- Good morning, sexy.
- Mwah.
Have I told you how much
I love waking up
- to find you here?
- Yes, you have.
But don't get used to it.
It's only until the wedding.
You two are so old-fashioned.
Don't forget that you have
an interview this afternoon.
With Wine Country Magazine,
Uh-huh, only a profile
on the ten best restaurants
in the state, nothing big.
Let's make sure they get
my good side this time, hm?
I'll tell the photographer.
I won't miss it.
Oh, I'd better get going.
I wanted to stop by the market
on my way down
to the restaurant.
Wasn't Mom gonna go with you?
She should be back
from her run by now.
You're right.
I didn't even notice
that she hadn't got back yet.
But see, that's what happens.
You start talking to me
about the books,
and the morning just flies by.
I'll give her a call,
make sure everything's okay.
I bet Joann down the block
probably stopped her to chat
on her way back.
There's no answer.
Ah, that's probably her.
Yes, this is Jim Peterson.
Who is it?
It appears to have been
a hit-and-run.
We've got officers out now
searching the area
for witnesses.
I knew something was wrong
when she didn't
come home sooner.
Is this something she did
every morning?
She loves running.
She was training
for the marathon.
She did it every day.
Loved running.
Same time, same route?
I'm sorry, why?
It's just routine questions.
You don't think that...
We've already established
a tip line,
and I promise you,
I will chase down every lead
that I get.
When can I see her?
Oh, Lindsey.
Oh, I can't believe it.
- Are you okay?
- This just doesn't feel real.
What took you so long?
My car was stolen this morning.
I'm so sorry.
I'm Detective Gomez.
- And you are?
- I'm... I'm Gavin.
I'm Lindsey's fianc
and I work with Jim.
Oh, the head chef at Le Lapin.
Jim, is there anything
that I can do to help?
Thanks, Gav.
You know Annie always
thought of you like a son.
I think that's all
I need for now.
I'll call if I have
any more questions.
You mentioned that
your car was stolen?
Have you reported it?
Uh, no, not yet.
I can take down your information
if you'd like,
save you the trouble.
Um, I really don't think
right now is a good time.
Of course.
I'm sorry.
I'll let myself out.
Um, wait.
Please, do call us
if you learn of anything else.
I promise.
The life given us
by nature is short.
But memory of a life well spent
is eternal.
Our dear Annie
might have left us way too soon,
but her memory lives within
each and every one of us.
Her inescapable joy that touched
every person she met
was proof
of her well-lived life.
I'm so sorry.
Um, excuse me.
Sorry, excuse me.
I'm just gonna...
I'm sorry, I have to go.
- Hey.
- Sorry.
I'm sorry, I didn't...
I didn't mean to startle you.
No, I...
oh, I just needed a moment
away from all the whispers.
Do you want me to keep
playing interference,
give you some more time alone?
Thank you, that would be great.
I just need to...
Someone you know?
No, I don't.
It's probably just some local
come to gawk,
or one of my dad's fans.
On a day like this, really?
He's this town's equivalent
of a celebrity chef.
Well, then I can definitely
take care of this one.
No, I'll...
I'll take care of it.
Lindsey, I am so sorry
for your loss.
- Oh, thank you.
- Your mother
- was such a wonderful lady.
- Oh, sorry, I'm...
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
What's the matter?
Ask him.
Ask him.
It is not what
you think, Lindsey.
At her funeral?
- Listen to me.
- Oh, my God.
Were you having an affair?
I would never
cheat on her mother.
I cannot believe you!
Lindsey, calm down
and hear me out.
Who are you?!
I'm Sarah.
I think what Jim
has been trying to tell you
is I'm your sister.
Jim is my father.
It's been nearly 30 years.
But I knew the moment I saw her.
I... I didn't want you
to find out like this.
Not here, not now.
But I just met her myself
10 minutes ago.
But it's true.
Sarah is my daughter,
and your sister.
I hope you understand.
After waiting for so many years,
one more day felt like torture.
I only wanted to see you
in person,
and not just a photo. But, when
I saw you, I couldn't leave
without saying something.
You never tried
to reach out before.
Franny, my mother,
made me promise to wait.
I think she knew it would
wreck what you had here.
But you knew about her?
Franny and I, um...
had an arrangement.
I mean, I didn't love her.
I can't believe this.
I can't believe that you had
two families all of this time.
It wasn't like that.
I never saw Franny
after Sarah was born.
It... it was just
too painful for both of us.
So, we agreed to go
our separate ways
if I would, um...
If you would what?
If I would marry her.
Make an honest woman of her,
she'd let me go.
You were married to her mother?
What about Mom?
How could you...
How could you
marry Mom when you...
Annie and I
were never actually
technically married, Lindsey.
Oh my God.
- Lindsey.
- Let me go.
I better go after her.
So, you must be Gavin.
Your mother was saving these
for a special occasion.
Well, I think Mom
would consider me finding out
about my long lost sister
a special occasion.
- Honey...
- Don't.
Lindsey, I could sit here
and say I'm sorry
until the day I die.
And I truly am sorry for this
and a whole host
of other things.
How could you leave someone
who was carrying your baby?
Truth is, we had
had a handful of dates,
and then one night that
I regretted almost immediately.
Because right after that
is when I met your mother.
Annie was everything
I ever dreamed of in a woman.
And we both knew right away
that we were just meant
for each other.
Some months after that,
Franny showed up pregnant.
And when she said
she was determined
to have the baby, well, we...
We came up with a plan.
I would marry Fran
just to save her the shame
of having to face her parents,
and support them financially
for a time.
And in return,
I got to stay with Annie.
Franny knew I didn't love her.
And she could tell that
I... I died a little bit
each day that I...
I wasn't with Annie.
And Mom went along with it?
With you being married
to someone else this whole time?
We were young, we were in love.
It seemed like
a workable plan at the time.
And after a few years,
it just sort of became
a distant memory.
Your mom legally changed
her last name to Peterson,
and nobody ever
thought twice about it.
I mean, you say
you're husband and wife,
no one ever asks to see
a marriage license.
And then, you came along.
And our lives were so full
of laughter,
and joy, and happiness.
Your mom and I
had 35 wonderful years together.
And I wouldn't trade a day of it
for anything
in the entire world.
But what about Sarah?
She grew up without a father.
I know.
So... what are you
gonna do about it?
I don't know yet.
Come here.
Come here.
You know, she really did seem
broken up about the whole thing.
She crashed my mother's funeral.
I really think she got
the short end
of the stick here.
It's just that her mother
never even dated,
not even once after your father,
and that she was just so devoted
to maintaining
the entire charade.
Just, she sounded
like a really lonely woman.
She said she died recently.
She's going through
her mother's things,
that's how she found out
exactly who her dad was.
Why now?
Why at my mother's wake?
She needs a family.
She's all alone in the world.
You sound like
you feel bad for her.
Yeah, I kinda do.
She wants a family, Linds,
and technically,
you are her half-sister.
Listen, just...
with losing Annie
and everything that's going on,
do you... do you want
to postpone the wedding
by a few months?
No, no.
My mom would want us
to start our lives.
I know, but what do you want?
Well, we're in this together.
For better or for worse,
What are you doing?
Oh, no, I'm so sorry.
I was only trying to help.
It's okay.
I... I didn't mean
to startle you.
I can replace it.
I never cared
for those plates anyway.
They... they were
an anniversary gift
from Annie's mom.
But you shouldn't
be cleaning up.
I needed to do something
with my hands.
Well, I better get going.
I need to find a motel nearby.
It's too far of a drive home
this late at night.
Well, you're welcome
to stay, Sarah.
I couldn't possibly.
No, no, no, no, I insist.
I mean, you'll never find
a vacant hotel
this late at night.
Thank you.
Besides, it'll... it'll give us
a little time
to get to know each other.
Come on, let me show you
to the guest room.
People here from
all over the country.
Friends, relatives.
It was hilarious!
And so, there's this boom,
so everybody stops
and we all come running,
and there, it's bedlam.
I mean, it was everywhere!
We were picking little bits
of roast beef
out of the crown molding
for weeks after that.
What's so funny?
Oh, I was just telling Sarah
about your first encounter
with a pressure cooker.
- Since when do you bake?
- Not me.
These are all
Sarah's original recipe.
It would appear that
she inherited the baking gene
that skipped over you.
I just wanted to say thank you.
And of course, I'm sorry.
I feel so awful about the way
I handled the situation.
You have nothing
to feel sorry for.
Can I get you a plate?
I have to go get dressed
for work.
Oh, yeah,
Lindsey can't eat those.
She's deathly allergic
to cinnamon.
Oh, I wish I would have known.
I would have made
something else.
Well, there's no way
you could have known.
But, yeah, I better go upstairs
and check on her.
So, I'll be right back.
I need to get
to the restaurant, okay?
I need to...
be there for the baker
who's coming with cake samples,
and Gavin is testing out canaps
for the reception, so...
Lindsey, stop.
I need to make this right
with Sarah, and with you.
But I'm gonna need
your help to do that.
Honey, I just need things to
get back to some kind of normal.
There's nothing normal about any of this.
I mean, you don't even know her.
I know, and it's time that I try to make
up for that mistake, don't you think?
How long is she staying?
I don't know.
- Okay?
- Yes, she's your daughter,
and my sister, so... okay.
Thank you, honey.
Oh, if you have to go to work,
I can take off.
I should probably go home.
Yeah, you probably have a job
to get back to, or a dog?
Dad, you're being intrusive.
No, not at all, I just...
I'm not really working
right now.
Setbacks at the hospitals,
so I am in between jobs.
- Mm.
- And no dog.
Just me.
Well, I'd really like it
if you would stay for a while,
if it's okay.
Is that okay with you, Lindsey?
Oh yeah, she's fine with it.
Then I'd like that.
I'd really like to show you
the restaurant.
I'd really like that too.
- Come on.
- Yeah, you guys go ahead.
I still have to get dressed.
Okay, we'll see you there, hon.
Oh my gosh.
Oh my goodness!
Bailey, you have
outdone yourself this time.
- Mm-hmm.
- We should really get
the bride's input.
What's going on here?
We couldn't help ourselves.
Everything looked so delicious.
But Bailey brought
enough samples for everybody.
Okay, well, I better get Gavin
before you devour every slice.
No, no, no, no.
I'll get Gavin.
You sit down and start tasting.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Excuse me.
So, where should we start?
I suggest we skip
the boring vanilla
and basic chocolate,
and go right to the showstopper.
- Mm.
- It's carrot cake.
Mm, cinnamon.
That has cinnamon in it.
That one wasn't for you,
that was the groom's.
That's why I had it
off on the side.
- Oh, okay.
- Are you okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- Should we get your dad?
I didn't swallow it, it's okay.
I'm so sorry, I had no idea.
I should get some water.
Well, those look delicious.
Ah, thank you.
Thank you.
Hey, Jim, actually,
before we go out there...
I was hoping we could finish
the conversation
we started yesterday.
It's bad timing, to be honest.
Yeah, but I've put my heart
and soul into this company,
and I think I've proved
my loyalty.
Gavin, you were the best
sous chef I ever hired.
And look at you now,
you're head chef!
But an ownership stake
in the restaurant,
I mean, that's a really
big deal.
And... and I know I said that
I thought it was a good idea,
but Annie was never
really keen on it.
Things have changed?
Well, Annie...
she wanted to keep this
in the family...
In our family.
Le Lapin means more to me
than you can possibly imagine.
And now, it's Annie's legacy
I have to think about.
Plus, there's Sarah.
What does Sarah
have to do with this?
Well, I have to consider
if she wants
to be a part of things.
Jim, you've always
treated me like family.
And you know I'm... I'm getting
married to Lindsey soon.
I know.
I just need some time
to think this through
and work things out
a little bit.
But I promise,
I will always look after you.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You guys really built this place
from the ground up.
Yeah, Mom and Dad did.
I was in school
and away at college
for most of it, but...
a lot of my blood, sweat,
and tears went into it too.
My mom always wanted me here.
It's hard to talk about someone
you just lost.
For a moment, you forget
they're not there anymore.
Takes time to think about it
in the past tense.
I feel like I just lost
my best friend.
It'll get easier.
I promise.
You wake up, you tell yourself
to get out of bed,
wash your face, go to work.
And you do it again
the next day, and the next.
The hurt caused by their absence
will never leave your heart,
but it'll lessen over time.
Well, I hope you girls
are hungry.
Hello, again.
Hi there.
I hope you saved room.
He's testing out appetizers
for our reception.
These look too good to eat.
At least they won't kill you.
What does she mean?
I just accidentally
took a bite of the cake
with cinnamon in it.
- Honey.
- I'm fine, I'm fine.
Didn't swallow.
Uh, okay.
Dive in.
Mm! Mm!
Well, I guess that's going
on the menu.
Wow, good-looking,
and he can cook.
How did you get so lucky?
You guys started without me?
These are to die for.
Seriously, amazing.
I taught him
everything he knows.
This place is really special.
Yes, it is.
But you haven't seen
the kitchen yet.
If you like baking,
you will love
our pastry station.
Come on, let me show you.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Well, you two seem
to be getting along.
I'm trying.
I really am.
Are you okay?
Um... no.
I am, yeah.
Just something Jim said.
- What?
- Never mind.
- It can wait.
- Are you sure?
Yeah, don't worry about it.
It can wait.
Well, I should get
some of this cleaned up.
It was delicious.
You know, I honestly
didn't even know
what you did for a living
until she was in hospice.
You were always
"Your dad, Jim."
I didn't know honestly how bad
things had gotten or how sick
Franny had become.
Let's make a deal.
No more talking about the past.
It's not a place
I wanna go back to.
I'd much rather focus
on the here and now.
So, did Lindsey say
that you don't bake?
How is that possible?
I just never had the patience
for measuring out
all the little ingredients.
Okay, so how about you show me
how to make your...
What was it you won
the James Beard Award for?
Ah, egg yolk gnocchi
and the beef stock reduction.
Yes, show me how to make that,
and I will teach you
how to make
my world-class lemon bars.
Well, that sounds like a plan.
I was actually studying
to become a nurse
while working
at the hospital part-time.
- Mm.
- I've always enjoyed
- taking care of people.
- Mm.
But I had to drop out
my final year
to take care of my mom.
She needed
around-the-clock care.
That's a lot
for one person to handle.
When did she go into hospice?
Or, um, did you
keep her at home?
No, she went into hospice
at the very end.
And are you thinking
about going back
to finish your degree?
I'm kind of at a crossroads
right now, actually.
I've been thinking
about a different career track.
Oh, outside of nursing?
My true passion is baking.
I've always dreamed
of owning a little bakery
in a small, quaint town
Maybe I'll try my hand
at that for a while.
Chip off the old block.
And if you wanna test out
any of your new recipes,
our kitchen
is always open to you.
Thank you.
Um, we should actually start
making some decisions
'cause the wedding
is right around the corner.
Well, red velvet
was definitely my favorite.
Yeah, but chocolate
is a classic.
I'd say that the lemon
with vanilla buttercream
was probably my choice.
And I always do love
a good lemon cake.
I'm sorry, that's for me.
I have to be off.
It's my best man picking me up
for a night out.
Have fun.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
- Thank you for dinner.
- Of course.
And don't do anything
I wouldn't do.
Well, that was a good dinner,
if I do say so myself.
Yes, it was delicious,
thank you.
Of course, of course.
- Let me clean up.
- No, don't even think about it.
Lindsey and I have this.
Well, if that's the case,
then I think I might go
for a walk.
I feel like
all I've done today is eat.
It's getting dark out there.
It's all right.
I have my phone on me.
You know, I was thinking,
and I hope you won't be upset
with the idea, but...
Would you mind if I invited
Sarah to the wedding?
Sorry, bad idea.
I shouldn't have brought it up.
No, I... no, it's not.
I wasn't expecting it.
It's just that she doesn't have
any family of her own now,
and I... I kind of feel
an obligation
to at least invite her
to become a part of ours.
You're right.
I couldn't imagine finding out
I have a family
after losing everything.
But honey, I don't wanna
put you on the spot.
Just promise me
you'll think about it, okay?
I don't have to, Dad.
If you want her there, then...
Then she should be there.
You have your mother's kindness.
And for that,
I will always be grateful.
But you know...
I'm worried about her
being out there
this late all by herself.
I think I'm gonna go
look for her.
I'll go with you.
Oh, it's a little nippy.
Let me grab my jacket.
- Jim!
- What was that?
Are you all right?
Someone just tried
to hit me with a car.
What happened?
I was just walking on the road,
and before I noticed,
this car was right behind me.
It would have run me over
if I didn't jump out of the way.
Are you sure that they
were aiming for you?
Maybe they didn't see you.
There's no way.
It swerved toward me.
Did you see the car?
What kind, or what color,
It all happened so fast.
Come on, let's get you inside.
Oh, you are shaking like a leaf.
I can't believe this.
Uh... what?
Where are you going?
You've gotta be kidding me!
Come back here!
It was really minor,
so I was just gonna settle it
through insurance,
but then the guy ran away.
I mean...
I honestly thought
that he was following me.
Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
My car drives perfectly fine.
But with Sarah's incident
last night,
she said it didn't swerve,
didn't brake.
She didn't get a look
at the make or the model,
so we don't know if it
was the same car
that hit you this morning.
Listen, I'd like to have
my mechanic
from our vehicle pool come by
and take a look at your car,
give it the once over.
Oh, that's really unnecessary.
My car drives perfectly fine.
Just to be safe.
It's a lot, isn't it?
My mother, my sister's story,
my accident this morning.
I'll track this driver down
and see what turns up.
At the very least, he fled
the scene of an accident.
Do you think that someone's
targeting my family, Detective?
It might be suspicious.
We're still waiting
for a witness to come forward
in your mother's case,
but nothing's turned up as yet.
You guys are opening
back up tonight, huh?
It won't be the same
without my mom,
but we have to move on.
Or, that's what everyone
keeps saying.
Keep an extra eye open.
I'll have a patrol come by
throughout the week,
just to be safe.
Thank you.
Oh, Detective.
Did you hear anything
about Gavin's car?
He filed the report,
but it's unlikely
he'll ever see it again.
Chances are, it's already been
stripped for parts.
Well, it was kind of
a piece of junk anyway.
To be honest, he's needed
a new car for a while.
I'll have my mechanic
come by later on today
to take a look at your car.
Keep it coming.
Keep it coming, boys.
Yes, Chef.
We got a special, Wagyu,
salmon, and a coquelet.
All right, Table 51!
Two pork specials.
All right, we got the pork.
Let's go.
Knock, knock.
- It's busy out there.
- It sure is.
And I can't tell
if people are here
for the food or the gossip.
But quite honestly,
I don't care.
Sarah seems to be
fitting in nicely.
Actually, she's great
with the customers.
And you know, I was thinking
maybe you and her
could have a little one-on-one
girl time together, hm?
We're getting to know
each other, Dad.
It's gonna take some time.
I know, but it just seems
that you're kind of overwhelmed
with running the restaurant,
and planning the wedding
and everything.
What are you trying to say?
Well, I might have mentioned
that you had a wedding dress
fitting tomorrow to her,
and she might have said
that she would like to go.
And I might have implied
that I thought
that was a great idea.
Mom was supposed
to be there for that.
Yeah, she was.
Why not?
And I should really start
thinking about her
as my half-sister,
and not some interloper.
Thanks, sweetie.
I gotta get back out there.
- Sarah.
- Oh!
Oh, shoot.
It's not a party
till someone breaks a glass.
I am sorry, I'm such a klutz.
I will totally pay
for the bottles.
You can't.
What is it?
I'm so sorry, was this special?
I'm so sorry, Lindsey.
I shouldn't even be here,
I'm such a mess.
You cut yourself.
The first aid kit's in the back.
Why are you being so nice to me?
Because you're my sister.
And actually, I was wondering
if you wanna come
to my wedding dress fitting
I could use
another pair of eyes.
I would like that.
I'll go get the bandage.
Oh... you scared me.
I'm sorry.
Are you all right?
I thought I saw someone.
I don't see anybody.
It's nothing.
Um, what did you need?
My mechanic got back to me.
Oh, about my car?
Everything was fine, right?
He said your taillights
weren't working this morning.
- Oh.
- He said the wiring
was cut intentionally.
Do you think someone
did that to harm me?
Who would have had access
to your keys, to your car?
Um... only my family.
Look, if you notice
anything strange at all,
you call me immediately,
all right?
Of course, yeah.
Um, good night.
Good night.
You look stunning.
Fits you like a glove.
You like it?
I do.
I think Gavin will too.
Actually, I don't think
any guy would be able
to take his eyes off you
in that dress.
I... I appreciate
you coming.
Neither Gavin nor I have
a particularly large family.
And since I just moved
back here,
I haven't really had time
to make friends.
My mom and I were planning
everything ourselves.
I'm really glad you included me.
Thank you.
- Do we approve?
- We do, it's perfect.
- Follow me.
- I'll be right back.
She'll be out in a few minutes.
What are you doing?
I couldn't help myself.
What kind of person puts on
another woman's wedding dress?
What... what are you playing at?
I didn't mean anything by it.
I just, I saw it
hanging there, and...
And you thought it was
a good idea to put it on?
What were you thinking?
It reminded me of my own dress.
A year ago, I was engaged.
We were supposed to get married
in the summer.
I had a dress
just like this one.
Everything was set,
and then two days
before the wedding, he left me.
I was devastated.
Think it was one
of the last things
that pushed my mother
over the edge.
She always wanted to see
her daughter get married.
Look, I'm... I'm sorry
about your fianc,
but this is not cool.
I know.
When you're left at the altar,
you wonder if it'll ever happen
for you again.
It'll happen.
Thank you.
So, is it really bad luck
to try on somebody's dress?
I mean, it's gotta be, right?
What kind of person does that?
And then this whole story
about being left at the altar.
Why would she make up
a story about that?
I don't know.
It's convenient, isn't it?
She has an answer
for everything.
I mean, the wine bottles?
No, but that...
That was an accident, Lindsey.
- Was it?
- Yeah.
What was she doing
with that bottle
that had no reason
to be from behind the bar?
It's not on the menu.
We really don't know
anything about her.
Why would she lie?
She has nothing to gain
if she's found out.
No, but she's making herself
awfully comfortable
in my dad's house
and the restaurant.
Yeah, but he wants her
to be there.
There's not much
you can do about that.
Yeah, maybe.
Hey, wait.
Before you go, I need you
to talk to Jim for me.
- About what?
- The restaurant.
He's been dangling
a share of the business
in front of me for over a year,
and now he's acting
like he hasn't agreed
to anything.
Look, if it's about
a shareholder's stake,
I really need you
to talk to him about it.
I did, Lindsey.
I did.
And now, he's shutting me out.
I could have opened my own place
over a year ago,
and I chose to stay
because he said
he would take care of me.
Well, I for one am really happy
you stayed.
Otherwise, I never
would have met you.
I'm being serious.
Look, I don't know what was said
between you two,
but if he said
that he'll take care of you,
he will, okay?
I'll see you later.
What are you doing?
You scared me.
I was just... I didn't have
a clean white hostess shirt,
and Dad... Jim said that you
might have one I could borrow.
I didn't see it right away.
I should have called,
but I was in a rush.
- Thank you.
- Ask next time.
I should get ready.
That's three times
in one week, Detective.
Good morning.
Do you have a moment?
I might have a witness.
Somebody saw a car
speeding down your road
about the time Annie
would have been hit.
Why are they just
coming forward now?
They didn't.
My officers were doing
a door-to-door.
People don't always
put two and two together.
Did they get
a license plate number?
No, they didn't.
There are quite a few cars
that match the description
in the county.
But we're working
our way through them.
It's a lead.
That's all that matters.
Thank you
for keeping us informed.
Of course.
Anything on the driver
that hit me?
He's got a clean record,
but he said he drove off because
he didn't have insurance.
So, it was an accident.
Except for the fact
that he confirmed
your taillights weren't working.
Listen, if you can think
of anything else,
any previous stalkers
or disgruntled employees,
anybody that might wanna hurt
you or your family, you call me.
I will.
And, um, be careful.
Everything okay?
That was the detective
working my mom's case.
Yeah, they think
they found a lead
on the car that hit her.
That's good news, right?
It's something.
Well, I better get going.
I have some errands
to run before work.
Want company?
I, um...
I appreciate the offer,
but it's personal.
Hey, sexy.
- Oh.
- Hi, Gavin.
I'm sorry,
I thought you were Lindsey.
I guess we do look
a little alike.
We must take after our dad.
What are you...
What are you doing here?
I heard there was
a farmers' market today.
I had to come check it out.
I love shopping locally
and getting inspiration
for my baking.
Are you getting items
for the restaurant?
Uh, I am.
We focus on a seasonal menu.
It's locally sourced, organic.
I'm here every week.
Lindsey, though,
rarely has the patience
to walk around
these things with me
to find the little gems.
These are amazing.
So, I should have known
you weren't her.
Ooh, look.
Pink lemons.
I follow this chef on Instagram,
and he was talking about
how amazing pink lemons are,
but you can't find them
in stores.
- Ooh.
- Hey, Mike.
- Hey, how you doing?
- Good to see you again.
Good seeing you.
Well, I've never
actually used them before.
Oh, well, they're supposed
to be sweeter
and less tart
than regular lemons,
so perfect for dessert.
I've been dying to try them
in my lemon bar recipe.
Oh, no, no, no.
Mike, just put it on my tab.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Well, so why'd you become
a nurse
and not a pastry chef,
if you love it so much?
Oh, my mother,
she didn't approve.
She said that nursing
was a solid occupation.
Baking is a hobby, not a career.
Yeah, my... my parents
didn't approve either.
But food is my life.
You did it anyway.
I read an article about you
being a wonder kid
in the kitchen.
You started out as a dishwasher
when you were 15
and worked your way up
from there.
I'm so impressed with you.
I wish I had your confidence.
Well, you should...
You should really follow
your passion for baking.
You know, if your...
If your pink lemon bars
are as amazing as they sound,
then maybe they can find
their way
onto the dessert menu.
You can do that?
I may not be the owner yet...
um, well, so Jim and I,
we... we work out
the menu together,
and I'm sure Jim would love
to include your creations.
That would be amazing.
You guys really make me feel
like I'm part of the family.
It's Gavin, leave a message.
- Lindsey?
- Yeah.
Honey, are you all right?
You look terrible.
No, I'm...
I don't know.
I think I got it all
out of my system, I'm okay.
- I'm fine.
- You don't look fine.
Go home, take the rest
of the day off.
I'll have Sarah cover for you.
No, I can...
No, no, no, that's a brle.
It's not a flamb.
He just didn't know
the difference.
Are you okay?
No, I've been sick all morning,
and trying to call you.
Oh, well, I'm sorry,
I... I went to the market.
I didn't...
I didn't see anything.
Jim, I'm gonna take her home.
- Good, good.
- Is that all right?
No, I can take care of myself.
Gavin, what should I do
with your groceries?
You're still here.
Yeah, I like to be
the last one out.
Shows how much you care
about your staff.
I like that.
What about you?
Why are you still here?
I like it here.
The restaurant feels like the one place
in the world that I... I belong, you know?
I do.
This place used to feel
like a second home for me.
It can feel like that again.
And how's that?
I have big plans
for this place, Gavin.
And you're part of those plans.
Do you trust me?
Should I?
I would never betray you.
Are you all right?
Uh, yeah.
Just a bad dream.
- Good night.
- Good night.
You had me worried there
for a little bit.
How are you feeling?
Just vomiting for three hours,
and now it's like
it never happened.
What's wrong?
Had a lot of time
to think yesterday.
Haven't you noticed
anything different about Sarah?
What, her hair?
Yeah, it looks like she wants
to be more like you.
It's a pretty big compliment.
She's inserted herself
into every part of my life.
Because she wants to be part
of the family.
I found her
going through my room.
And I'm sure there's
a reasonable explanation.
Please don't say
that it sounds crazy,
but I feel like she's trying
to take over my life.
I mean, you and Dad and her
can talk about food
and baking, and...
And now, you're thinking
about including her
in the menu planning.
Yeah, 'cause I didn't think
it was something
you were interested in anyway.
You never even asked me.
Right, but we asked Sarah.
My gut is telling me
that she's hiding something.
Honey, I think
you're overreacting,
and you would just...
You would like her
if you just gave her a chance.
What do you think
that I've been doing?
I've been including her
in... in everything,
and somehow I feel
like the outsider.
You feel like an outsider?
I don't think you realize
how closed off
your family can be.
I still feel
like an outsider sometimes.
I'm starting to wonder
if she made up that story
about getting hit by the car.
Why would she keep
making up these stories?
I don't know, sympathy?
My dad fell all over her
after that.
I mean, don't you think
that it's strange
that she doesn't have
any interest in going back
to her own life?
Maybe because she doesn't
have anything worthwhile
to go back to.
Just try to be more supportive,
at least for Jim's sake.
I have to get back
to the restaurant.
I'll talk to you later.
You don't have any photos of me.
I thought you might like
something to hang up.
You're right.
I don't.
Thank you.
I'll find a spot for it today.
- Bye.
- Good night.
Drive safe.
We just made some changes,
if anything,
for the restaurant.
I know what I saw.
It wasn't a friendly gesture,
Dad, it was intimate.
I would never behave that way
with someone's fianc.
What did Gavin
have to say for himself?
Well, what do you think
he had to say?
That I misread the situation.
Could it be that you did
misread the situation?
I know what I saw!
Oh, and here comes Sarah now.
I can't deal with her tonight.
I'm going to bed.
Lindsey, we have to talk.
What is there
to talk about, Gavin?
It's not what it looked like.
I have eyes.
I know what I saw.
Nothing happened.
I just... I can't have
this conversation, okay?
- You need to go.
- Don't shut me out, please.
I love you.
We're getting married soon,
and this is...
Uh, you... you took off our ring?
I just think that maybe...
maybe we are moving too fast.
You know, maybe with everything
that's happened with...
With my mom, and Sarah...
maybe it's all
just a bit too much.
I'm sorry.
You have to know that
I don't wanna be with Sarah.
You're the only one that I want.
Or maybe you want
the restaurant,
and Sarah's your new way in.
Oh, no.
How could you say that...
I can't do this, okay?
Please leave.
Are you okay?
Like you care.
I do care.
You're family.
There's nothing more important
than family.
You have a funny way
of showing that.
There's nothing happening
between me and Gavin.
He was just showing me
some techniques.
Oh, is that what
they're calling it these days?
I would never hurt you, Lindsey.
I'm sorry you misinterpreted
what you saw...
Just leave me alone!
See you at work.
I'm worried about you, Lindsey.
Don't, I'm fine.
Have you had a chance
to work things out
with Gavin yet?
We've, uh, we've had
a rough few weeks here
to get through, hon.
But we'll do it together.
I'm here for you.
Gavin is here for you.
Sarah wants to be here for you
if you'd let her.
You're right.
It's been difficult.
I don't think I realized
how much time
I actually needed to grieve
and process all of this.
I know.
If it wasn't for you,
and the restaurant,
and Gavin and Sarah,
I don't think I could go on.
Yeah, it's been a lot.
Sarah has offered
to pitch in some more,
if you wanna take some time off.
Why don't you give her my job?
Because she couldn't do
your job, Lindsey.
Nobody is saying that.
But honey, you're making
yourself sick.
I don't like
seeing you that way.
Dad, don't you think
that it's odd
that she doesn't have
a life to go back to?
Well, I thought she just
sort of put her life on hold
to get to know us better.
I mean, the two of you
were starting to get close.
I... I'd hate to see that
just fall apart now.
Honey, take tomorrow off.
It's our slowest day.
Take some time to focus
on yourself, okay?
If that's what you want,
that's what I'll do.
I've only ever wanted
what's best for you.
Lindsey, you can't...
You can't keep ignoring me.
I'm not ignoring you.
I don't know what to say.
You have to hear me out.
If you wanna call off
the wedding, that's fine.
But I will... I will never stop fighting
for you. I knew from the moment I saw you
that you're the woman
that I want.
You're the only one that I want.
I just need more time,
Gavin, okay?
Yeah, and I need you.
Lindsey, I need you.
Come home with me tonight.
Not tonight.
Not tonight.
Get off me. Help!
Please! Help!
Get off of her!
Stay here, I'm going after him.
No, please stay with me.
Honey, are you okay?
- Is anything broken?
- No, I'm okay.
- I'm okay.
- Oh, honey.
Okay, well, here, come on.
Can you stand?
We gotta get you in the car,
we're taking you
- to the hospital.
- No, please, no hospitals.
- Honey, you could be...
- I'm okay, I'm okay.
No, you're bleeding.
You're bleeding, you need to...
I'm okay, it's just a scratch.
- Please, please.
- It's not a scratch.
Just take me home.
Please take me home.
To our home.
- Okay.
- Please.
Ouch. Ow.
Honey, we need
to call the police.
No, not tonight.
What about that detective,
the one that's on
your mother's case?
Yeah, I'll call him tomorrow.
Who would do this to you?
Maybe it's the same person
who went after Sarah.
Wait, do you... do you know
who attacked you?
I have my suspicions.
Well, tell me who it is.
Tell me, and I'll kill them.
Honey, you... you are the most
important person
in the world to me.
I'm never letting anything
like this happen again.
Everything's gone sideways
since Sarah showed up.
Yeah, I'm beginning
to agree with you there.
I've been wanting
to tell you something.
Yeah, of course.
Tell me.
You can tell me anything.
You know that... that day
that I got sick?
Uh, yeah.
You said you had a stomach bug
or something.
I think Sarah put something
in my coffee.
You think she poisoned you?
That coffee was the only thing
that I had all day
before throwing up.
And right after that,
she went to the salon
and got her hair done
exactly like mine.
Right, and then she found me
at the farmers' market.
And there's something else.
- The accident I was in?
- Yeah?
Gomez said that someone
messed with my taillights.
Wait, what?
Yeah, his mechanic said
that it looked
like someone went in
and did it intentionally.
Maybe she knew that I was
allergic to cinnamon.
I mean, she's the one
who served me that cake.
Oh my God, you think
I'm crazy, don't you?
What, no, no.
Hey, no, I don't.
So, you're saying
Sarah's behind all of this.
Just why would she want
to hurt you?
I haven't figured that out yet.
Hey, so what do you
wanna do about it?
I wanna check
something out tomorrow
before I definitively point
the finger at her.
It's... it's not safe
to confront her
if what you're saying is true.
I have her home address.
It's only an hour away.
I want to see
what she really left behind.
Just not by yourself.
Not by yourself.
'Cause you're not alone.
We're doing this together,
as a team.
Come on.
Come on.
Jim, I need your help.
All right.
No, no, I'm... I'm on my way.
Everything okay?
Uh, yeah, yeah.
No, no, everything's fine.
Um, I have to run out
for a minute,
but you'll be okay here, right?
Okay, um, I'll be back shortly.
You should have called me
last night, Gavin,
the minute she was safe.
Yeah, I know.
She was physically attacked.
You should have called
the police immediately.
I wanted to call you
and Detective Gomez,
but Lindsey insisted
on sleeping on it.
Why is she going
to Sarah's house?
What is she thinking
she's going to find there?
She's looking for answers.
Sarah's been so vague
about her past
and she's just inserted herself
here into our lives so easily.
And Jim, ever since
she's arrived,
bad stuff keeps happening
to Lindsey.
Really bad stuff.
Don't you think that's odd?
Gavin, I found your car.
It's at Sarah's.
What... what is your car
doing here?
You have to come here, I...
There's blood on the bumper.
I'm gonna call Gomez.
Jim, drive faster.
Hello, sister.
It was you.
That was the best part
of my plan.
Using your fianc's car
to kill your mother.
Stay away from me.
You're a tough cookie, Lindsey,
I'll give you that.
I've been trying very hard
to kill you.
You tampered with my car.
Think I might go for a walk.
I cut the taillights,
but I didn't have time
to cut the brake lines
before you and Jim
interrupted me.
Let me grab my jacket.
It's a bit nippy out.
Nobody tried to run you over.
Of course not.
But I had to think of something.
Anyway, I was hoping to make it
look like an accident.
And the coffee?
I nearly had you with that one,
but you didn't finish the cup.
Everything all right?
Although I almost got you
with the wedding cake.
You knew.
Jim told me about
the cinnamon allergy
- that first morning.
- Mm.
And the attack,
that was you too.
You're crazy!
You have no idea
how long I waited.
My mother would never let me
contact Jim
while your mother
was still alive.
You can say
what you will about my mother,
but she was a woman of her word.
I think she lived in hope
that one day
he would come back to her.
To us.
But he didn't.
Did you kill her too?
No, I would never!
But you could kill mine.
She was so healthy
and full of life.
I would have been an old woman
by the time she finally croaked.
Because you had the life
I deserved.
You had everything!
But we let you into our family.
We opened up our lives to you.
Don't you get it?
I don't want to share this
with you.
You got to live the life
that I should have had.
You'll never get away with this.
Yes, I will.
Because no one
will ever find you.
You can't be serious.
I will have your gilded life.
And once Gavin finally realizes
you up and left everyone,
he'll be mine too.
You're insane!
They're gonna come
looking for me.
They're not gonna believe
that I just left.
They will, once I tell them
you didn't want
this life anymore.
Lindsey, it's me.
It's me.
Sarah's in there,
she's trying to kill me.
Wait, no, I brought your dad.
Your dad's here.
I sent him around the back
- to look for you.
- Oh, no.
We have to go get him.
Sarah, put the bat down.
Put it down
and we can talk about this.
You had to ruin everything,
didn't you?
No! No!
It's okay.
It's all right.
I'll make sure you get
all the help you need.
It wasn't supposed
to end this way.
I know, I know.
It'll be all right, honey.
It'll be all right.
I'll make sure you get
everything you need.
I am so sorry, Lindsey.
I never should have doubted you.
You couldn't have known.
Can we go home now?