A Snow White Christmas (2018) Movie Script

Can't you feel the rush
A burst of cold
that sets your cheeks ablush?
No colored light so bright
you can't adjust
Make blinking harmony
There's a hope in the air
Among the people
walking through the square
That snow will fall
and all the world could share
An ancient memory
When silver bells
are ringing loud
This joyful tides
among the crowds
And miracles
will come our way...
- Blanca dear.
- Oh, hi! Mrs. Woods!
There she is! Ooh! What's this?
It's beautiful!
Oh, these are from
our new Christmas selection.
I've added candy apples
this year.
Ooh! Well, I hope you don't mind
if I sneak one.
Mrs. Woods,
they're all for you.
I was just on my way
to come see you.
Oh! Well, thank you.
Of course.
Your father would be so proud.
I remember
when I started working for him
more than 30 years ago,
he had the same energy for it
you do.
He just wanted
to make people happy,
especially around Christmas.
It was his favorite time
of the year.
Made more special after you were
born, his Christmas baby girl.
Well, can I help you
with anything?
Are you picking something up?
Oh, no, no, no,
don't bother yourself.
I can manage. I have Hunter.
Hunter, this is my goddaughter,
- Hi, Blanca.
- Hi.
Hunter is helping with retouches
around the house.
He's actually
a very gifted painter.
With a soft spot for old ladies.
Well, only the very sweet ones
who went to school
with my grandma.
Well, I'm glad you've got
some help.
Well, it was so good to see you.
- Oh...
- Hm...
- Nice to meet you.
- You, too.
Is anybody home?
Christmas again.
I must say, I never really
understood the appeal.
But what you're doing here,
Blanca, is lovely.
I mean, it's just lovely.
It's so Christmassy.
Your father's study sure
could use some sprucing up.
Oh! This is my favorite one.
Dad was always so thoughtful
with little things like this.
Yes, he was thoughtful.
Can you believe
it's been a year?
He loved you so dearly.
Oh! Oh, no!
Oh, I'm so sorry!
Oh, Blanca, I'm so clumsy!
I-I've destroyed
your special ornament.
No. It, it's-it's okay,
I-it's just an ornament.
I'll have the memories forever.
Please don't feel bad.
Okay. I'll try.
Mwah! Mwah! Ugh. Um...
Ugh, Blanca, I see you're
still cluttering up the place
with decorations, too.
Um, can you just keep this mess
confined to one room, please?
Why? What's going on?
Lucas Prince is what's going on.
Who's Lucas Prince?
Lucas Prince is only
the most-sought-after
architectural designer
and bachelor this side
of the Mississippi.
And he has graciously agreed
to oversee the renovation
of this beast of a house.
Renovate? What do you mean?
Blanca, take a look around.
I mean, we're living
in a relic from the Dark Ages.
It's time to freshen things up
a bit.
But I grew up in this house.
And my father renovated it
a few years ago.
Correct, but now I want to make
this house a centerpiece
for the architectural design
I want opulence
pouring out of every room.
- I want it to be...
- Fit for a queen.
Yes. Precisely.
Blanca, darling,
as you yourself said,
I mean, it's just a thing.
A house is just a thing.
And, of course, you'll always
have your memories.
The estate won't be finalized
until my 25th birthday.
That's Christmas Day.
Can't we celebrate
and wait until after that
to discuss this?
Discuss it?
Honey, it's done.
Blanca, there is no reason
to think
that the estate will be held up.
Half the money will go to you,
the other half will come to me.
And the candy company
will be officially in your name.
That was your father's
final birthday gift.
- Still, I'd rather wait...
- Blanca.
Darling, opportunities
are like sunsets.
If you wait too long,
you miss them.
Oh, my God. That is beautiful!
- Right off the top of my head.
- Oh!
And speaking of gifts,
I have one for you.
- For me?
- Mm-hmm.
Happy birthday/ Christmas.
But it's three weeks away.
I know,
but this is the kind of gift
that requires
a little advanced giving.
I don't understand.
I thought it would be fantastic
if you and I spent
your 25th birthday together,
someplace tropical and exotic.
- You and I together?
- Mm-hmm.
Wow! I don't know. I've, I've
never been away for Christmas.
- Yawn.
- I know.
And I thought this Christmas
might be particularly difficult
to be here.
And I think
your father would want you and I
to make some memories together,
don't you, as a family?
That's really thoughtful,
- So you'll go? I mean, we'll go?
- Yes, of course.
- We'll spend Christmas together.
- Yay!
And I'm pretty sure
that's all that matters.
What about the estate meeting
with my dad's lawyer?
Oh, lawyers. Oh, honey, blah.
We'll work something out.
Thank you.
This was so sweet of you.
You are the most wicked of all.
Thank you.
I'm assuming
everything is on track?
is progressing perfectly.
She's not gonna see a penny
of that money.
A trip to far-off Fiji
is just the thing
to get her out of town
this Christmas
before the deadline.
And, of course,
her poor little bleeding heart
just couldn't say no.
He's here.
Honey, you are...
Your prince awaits, my lady.
Victoria Snow.
You are just as beautiful
as I imagined.
I mean, your beauty
is simply unmatched,
uh, and a style icon
for the ages.
Mr. Prince, you're too kind.
Lucas... May I call you Lucas?
Well, of course,
I can call you Lucas.
And, of course,
you have met my assistant, Zane.
He's my helper
with all things fabulous.
Fantastic to meet you.
Let's start with the tour,
shall we?
I can't wait
to get my hands dirty.
- Yeah.
- Figuratively, of course.
Stop. Okay, this is the kitchen,
of course, and-and it's open.
But I'd like to open it up
a little bit more.
I'd like to do something,
perhaps, a little Italian or...
When, when what to my wondering
eyes should appear...
- Oh, no.
- But, uh...
This is my, uh, my stepdaughter,
Uh, moving on, moving on...
I don't normally say things
like this,
but you are
the most beautiful woman
I have ever seen.
I'm sure that's not true,
but thank you for saying that.
Lucas Prince.
It is absolutely true.
You are one of a kind.
Yes, like a thrift-store find.
- It's nice to meet you.
- Egh!
Sorry, I'm late.
Okay, not egh.
- Hi!
- Hi!
- It's great to see you again.
- It's good to see you, too.
I'm Zane.
Everyone, this is Hunter.
He's an extraordinary painter.
I've contracted him to do the
murals you asked for Victoria.
Only the best for my clients.
You two know each other?
Sort of. We...
I-I had
one of your candy apples,
and it was so good
that I had to go by your store
and get a couple more.
Wow. Thank you, really.
Yeah. You really have a gift.
Lucas, we still have so much
more of the house to see.
- Shall we?
- Yes, of course.
Bye, Hunter.
Blanca, I know this is gonna
seem a bit forward,
but, um, can I take you out
tomorrow night?
Somewhere special.
- Um, I...
- I know.
We've only just met,
but it's Christmas
and the city is beautiful
and sparkling...
just like you.
Say yes.
At least give me a shot
at sweeping you off your feet.
Sure. I'd-I'd love to.
You have just made me
the luckiest man in the city.
Lucas, we are waiting.
I'll pick you up tomorrow night
at 7:00. Wear your best dress.
I'll see you then.
Sorry about that.
What? Oh, that? Ah...
I'm sure
he's full of grand gestures.
Well, um, don't worry about it.
I'm just here to do the mural.
But it is really great
to see you again, Blanca.
You, too.
Maybe I could, uh, paint
something just for you.
- Mm! I'd like that.
- Yeah?
So, um, what do you think
for the mural?
Uh, Victoria's face or Zane's?
You could just
mix them together.
I mean, they're together
all the time, so both.
- Perfect.
- Yeah.
- Victoria?
- I'm in here.
- A present arrived for you.
- Oh! Oh!
Oh, my!
Hiring Lucas Prince
to renovate your house
is just the beginning
of your fairy-tale romance.
I knew he was into you.
Go ahead, read the card.
Thrill me.
"White roses for you,
the most beautiful of all,
more magical and enchanting
than a Christmas snowfall.
I'm honored that you'll be
my date tonight...
Oh, no, sweet... Oh, no, no.
No, God, no...
Sweetheart, please don't...
Come on, breathe.
Breathe. Breathe.
- Open...
- Blanca?
I know, I know,
but, sweetheart, you,
you need to keep your eye
on the prize, okay?
You need to focus on what is
really important right now,
and that is getting
what you want at any cost.
I hate her so much!
I know, I know you do.
- But you're right.
- I know, I know...
- You're right.
- Shh, shh.
I cannot afford to let myself
become distracted now.
I know.
I mean, and besides, this can't
exactly be a surprise.
She is, like, you know, the most
beautiful thing that ever lived.
What I wouldn't give
for her cheekbones. And...
Get out, get out, get out,
get out, get out!
You like them?
They're just like the flowers
that I sent you before.
I will never understand
what he sees in her.
Tell me a story.
Once upon a time
there was a dim-witted lawyer
who received a heartfelt letter
from Blanca,
the sweet daughter of a man
who had recently passed away.
I love this story.
In this letter,
Blanca signed away
her half of his fortune
to her beloved stepmother,
the widow.
Aw... Was the letter notarized?
And by the way, notary school
is an absolute bore.
You're welcome.
But you see,
that's all it takes.
She has until 8 p. m.,
December 25th,
her 25th birthday,
to change her mind.
And then everything is mine,
including Lucas.
You know, it isn't something
I would normally do,
but I really enjoyed the ballet.
It was beautiful. Thank you.
You're welcome.
I, uh, I actually go
all the time.
My family's had that private box
for over 40 years.
So we've made it
one of our Christmas traditions.
- That's so nice.
- Yeah.
My family and I have
a few traditions, too.
My dad and I used to decorate
and make all different kinds
of hot chocolate
and he would tell me stories
about my mom.
She died when I was born,
but his stories of her
were such a big part
of every Christmas time.
I didn't realize.
Oh. No, I-it's okay.
Those memories actually inspired
my idea for the new candy shop.
A hot-chocolate bar.
- Hm.
- You don't like it?
Oh, I just, I wonder
if people will really go for it.
I think they will.
I think sometimes the simplest
things in life are the best,
especially around Christmas.
It's the magic of the season.
you are simply magic.
In your eyes
lead me love
Tell me fast there's
something about the...
You know,
between you and the snow,
this is a beautiful night.
You know,
I was actually named Blanca
because it snowed
the day I was born.
Well, then I'm glad it snowed.
Lucas, tonight was just...
I know. It's just what happens
when we're together.
I've never met
such a beautiful match for me.
We look good together,
we make sense.
Can we make it two in a row
again tomorrow night?
You certainly are fearless.
I just know what I want.
I promise something simpler.
I just have so much to do
at the store before I leave.
I wish I was staying in town
for Christmas.
What? Where are you
I, I thought we could spend
the holiday season together,
really celebrate in style.
I'm not done romancing you.
We've only just begun,
dear Blanca.
I know. I-I wish I could spend
Christmas at home and with you.
I... It was just
such a sweet gift from Victoria.
I try to hang on to any gesture
that I can get from her.
Let me see if I can work some
magic on Victoria.
I'll assure her that I'll keep
the house renovations on track
and, and you'll be
taken care of.
You would do that for me?
Of course.
I would do anything
to see you again.
Well, in that case,
I would love to stay.
falling in the air...
Where are we going?
Almost there. And, here.
What's going on?
I took the liberty
of asking two of your employees
to help me surprise you,
create or recreate
any hot chocolate
your heart desires.
...around this world
But nothing would compare
To growing old with you
In this winter wonderland
In this winter wonderland
I can fall in love again
He keeps courting
her, and it has to stop today!
She cannot be here
for Christmas!
It's time to bring in
the big guns.
Finally. What are the big guns?
Don't laugh.
A friend of mine
employed a new-age hypnotist
to keep her husband from running
after his very attractive
and it worked!
Uh, so this woman, for a price,
can be very effective,
very permanent.
For even more money,
she can be very discreet.
Have I ever told you
that you are my hero?
Many, many times.
We're going to make her forget
everything and everyone,
except her dear departed daddy.
The money, the company, you, me.
- Everything important.
- Gone.
And where do I want her to go?
Um, away?
You know, I've always had my eye
on her room.
Lucas can make it perfect
for me.
Consider it done.
Oh, wow! What is all of this?
Well, since you're now going
to be here
for your Christmas birthday,
I thought
why not throw you a party.
Ms. Raven is the party planner
She is the best of the best. Hm.
You didn't have to go through
the trouble, Victoria.
- Snooze.
- Nonsense.
it's your special day.
Zane, could you please
go check on anything?
Of course. Uh, Blanca, have fun.
Please, have a seat.
This is so sweet of you,
Anything for you.
When I plan parties,
I believe
you should be surrounded
by things you love
and make you happy.
What makes you happy?
Well, people make me happy.
Perfect. What else?
I like simple things, really.
Simple makes you happy?
Think of one of your favorite
Christmas birthdays.
Well, my dad and I
got out of the city.
Good. What else?
We stayed
in a cute, little hotel.
A simple motel. Three.
Hi, I need to cancel
two plane tickets to Fiji.
We always made hot chocolate.
Because your father
couldn't afford anything else.
Nothing fancy.
You don't like fancy.
And one.
You will wake up in a motel.
The only things you will
remember are the simple things
you loved to do
with your father.
You'll want to live in this town
you wake up in.
You will not remember
your inheritance.
You will be content
in your new world.
You will run away
and never come home again.
Oh. Oh, I know. Yeah.
No, they were supposed
to cheer someone up.
You will forget everyone
but your late father.
You will forget his money
and business,
remembering only
the simple memories of him.
Counting back,
when I get to one,
the spell will begin. Three...
Turns out she doesn't need
cheering up anymore, no.
You will have no memories
of this session. Two...
Oh, yeah, well, she met, like,
the man of the century. Mm-hmm.
Yeah, seems he just snapped her
right out of her funk.
None of this
ever to be remembered again.
Well, true love
breaks all spells.
What just happened?
Well, it can't be that bad.
Well, the spell's been cast, but
now there's a stipulation.
True love will bring back
all her memories,
returning her to exactly
who she was ten minutes ago.
Oh, no, no, no, no! No! No, no!
She can't come back here,
at least until after Christmas.
She has to stay away that long.
And she certainly
can't fall in love.
Remind me again
why I keep you around?
Bad time to tell you
that the tickets to Fiji
are non-refundable.
Raven, this is where
you earn your keep.
If you want your big payday,
you need to tell us
how to salvage this situation.
There is nothing to salvage.
The spell has been cast.
Bring her to the Spessart Motor
Ring the chime three times
and make yourself scarce.
When she wakes up, she'll
believe she belongs there,
remembering nothing
but her father
and her Christmas memories.
As long as true love
does not cross her path,
the deal is done.
here goes nothing.
Hi. I was just...
There was nobody at the front.
I'm sorry. I'm Hap.
Hi, I'm Blanca.
This is my family's place,
and my cousin
who normally runs it
goes on vacation
every year I come here.
- So you're staying here?
- Yes, indeed.
I'm with a traveling band.
We come here every Christmas.
We're called The Holly Jollies.
We specialize
in Christmas cheer.
We have a residency at
the Diamond Grill here in town.
It's all Christmas music
all night long.
- What a fun job.
- Yes, indeed.
Now, your room has been paid
for in full for the next month
by your friend
that dropped you off.
You must be tired
from your ride, I can imagine.
Why don't you get some rest?
I'll be by in the morning
with my favorite coffee
and I'll answer any questions
you have about town.
That actually sounds perfect.
I'll see you in the morning.
Hap, you were right.
This coffee is delicious.
I've never tried
a Christmas brew,
but you're right, it's amazing.
Well, I'm glad you showed up
or I would have had to finish it
all myself.
I'm also glad
I gave it a green light
to bring your Christmas magic
to this place. Yeah.
Blanca, um, what's your story?
It's all kind of a blur, really.
- I think I just needed the rest.
- Hm.
I mean, the holidays are
my favorite time of the year,
but it's my first Christmas
without my dad.
- Hm.
- I guess...
You could say I'm a bit lost.
But why Spessart?
I don't really know.
But my father always said,
"Follow your heart's direction.
It's the best driver
you've got."
That's a perfect perspective
and great advice.
Yeah, come on in.
It's time for rehearsal.
Yeah. Yeah, Jeez.
- Oh, hello there.
- I lost track of time.
But, Blanca, this is Doc,
our manager extraordinaire.
It's short for Dakota.
It's nice to meet you, Blanca,
and welcome.
Thank you.
It's nice to meet you, too, Doc.
- I'm really happy to be here.
- Well...
This place has seen better days,
but we feel like
it's our home away from home
this time of year.
And by the looks of it,
you're gonna make this place
sing Christmas for us.
- Mm, mm.
- That's the plan.
But speaking of singing
Christmas, we've gotta run.
We've got a new set to run
through and the band is waiting.
I got you, Doc.
She's the boss.
Blanca, I hope you can come
see our show tomorrow night.
Oh, I wouldn't miss it.
Great. We will see you then.
Hey, we needed someone
to come around here
and make this place
feel like home.
I think I needed a place
to call home.
Thirty eight.
Thirty nine.
Oh. O-M-G.
I put an alert on Blanca
and she just came up.
She's hash-tagging herself.
- Blanca's crafting.
- Gag.
- Who's that?
- Lucas.
Looks like he won't be able
to make it tomorrow.
He's not tracking her, is he?
No. No. Definitely not.
Probably not. No?
You better hope not.
Hold my feet.
Not with your scrawny arms.
Sit on them.
Seventy five.
Blanca? Sweetheart?
Are you here?
- Can I help you?
- I knew I would find you.
Why did you leave?
Were you taken?
- Excuse me?
- Who's there?
- Come out wherever you are!
- Who are you talking to?
Is the monster who took you
Oh, my God.
- This place looks like prison.
- Who are you?
You can't just barge in here.
You just left
in the middle of the night.
But then I saw your post
and I knew,
I knew it was your signal to me.
Okay, you need to leave.
But I, I came to rescue you.
I have no idea who you are
and I certainly
don't need rescuing.
Maybe you've hit your head.
Don't call me that.
I didn't hit my head.
Well, something has happened
to you.
- Do you remember Victoria?
- Who?
- Zane?
- W-what's that?
Your father?
Of course, I remember my father.
Most importantly,
do you remember the name
Lucas Prince?
No. I don't know that name.
I am Lucas Prince.
You and I are in love.
Does most eligible bachelor
in Architectural Digest
ring any bells?
Maybe the stress of the season?
Something has caused you
to lose your memory.
Okay, if you know me, tell me
something you know about me.
That's what I thought.
Wait, um, no.
The stories your father told
about your mother
every Christmas.
It was a white Christmas
the day you were born
and that's why
you're called Blanca.
How do you know that?
Because you,
beautiful Blanca, you told me.
Wait, what you're saying
doesn't make sense.
- Why don't I remember you?
- I don't know.
But we can find out together.
Let's go home.
No! I am home
and I don't know you!
What do you remember
about yesterday
before you arrived here?
I, I don't, I don't know.
See? Something is wrong.
Please let me help you.
Just talk to me.
Okay. Um, I'll meet you
for coffee tomorrow.
At least let me put you up
in some more suitable lodging.
I like it here.
Okay. This is worse
than I thought.
Okay. Okay.
I'll go, but I won't go far.
I'll book a space that I saw
on my way in.
More five-star,
if you know what I mean.
Do you know, my love?
Please, just call me Blanca.
Okay. Um, until tomorrow,
my... Blanca.
- Oh, no!
- Oh, yes.
- But she won't remember him.
- Well, of course, she won't.
But you've witnessed his charm.
He's irresistible.
It's only a matter of time
before he woos her
all over again.
Oh, his wooing.
We've got to send someone else
up to keep an eye on her,
to distract her, to prevent her
from falling in love with Lucas
all over again.
It would be good if there was
somebody already on the payroll.
Darling, it seems
our dear Blanca's gotten herself
into a bit of trouble.
- What kind of trouble?
- Well, apparently...
She's got a sort of
stress-induced amnesia.
Now, Lucas has gone
to bring her home,
but it was his insisting that
she stay home for Christmas,
in the first place,
that brought this amnesia on.
- Amnesia?
- I know.
Well, we're simply worried that
any attempt to bring her home
might make it permanent.
Now, Lucas is a dear
and he means well,
but he really
has to be reigned in.
Yes. What do you need me to do?
Love this so much.
Hey, everyone.
Thanks for coming out tonight.
That one was dedicated
to our new friend, Blanca.
We'll be back for round two
of your Christmas favorites.
We are The Holly Jollies.
Stick around.
- You guys are so good!
- You made it!
I'm so glad you're here!
Let me introduce you
to the group.
Hey, everybody, this is Blanca.
these are The Holly Jollies.
- Hello.
- That's Zee.
Once I saw her fall asleep
in the middle of a song
and wake up on beat. Amazing.
Bless you.
Uh, yeah. Uh, that's true.
He's not contagious,
he's just allergic to, uh,
pine trees and poinsettias.
I don't know.
And this is Natalie.
- Also known as Nat.
- Hello.
She's our resident
tambourine player.
And this is Oscar.
Pay him no mind.
That's Tim,
our sound guy and bass player.
- And this is the crew.
- Well...
It's so good to meet all of you.
You guys are seriously so good.
The crowd loves you.
They've been good to us
throughout the years.
But we need to go with Doc
and look over our playlist.
And I don't think
you'll be alone too long.
- Wait, don't go.
- You'll be fine.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Do we, uh, know each other?
Not that I know of.
- Is anyone sitting here?
- It's all yours.
One Christmas Irish coffee,
Yes. Thank you.
I'm Hunter.
Hi, I'm Blanca.
Nice to meet you, Blanca.
So do you, uh, come here often
to watch The Holly Jollies?
- They're really good.
- Yeah, they are.
Um, no, this is actually
my first time.
I just moved here, like,
and that's when I met Hap,
the lead singer.
And you remember that
from yesterday?
Yes, all the way from yesterday.
Huh. Right.
That's cool.
So where did you move from?
Um, from out of town.
- Hm.
- How long have you lived here?
Actually, I'm just here
for the holiday.
- Oh, do you have family here?
- Nope.
No family to spend it with
at home?
No, not really.
So I thought I'd do something
a little different this year.
What about you?
Tsk. No family
to spend it with anymore.
Oh, they're going back on.
- This has been really fun.
- Yeah, it has.
It's getting late.
I should probably get going.
Okay. Hey, can I see you again?
- Yeah. For sure.
- Okay.
How about, uh, coffee tomorrow?
Um, I'm busy during the day.
But how is tomorrow evening?
- Did you just ask me to dinner?
- Maybe.
Wow. My answer is yes.
- I could pick you up at 7:00?
- Perfect.
- Okay.
- Okay. I'll see you then.
Your signature white rose.
What, what do you mean?
White roses are so us.
I-I'm sorry. What?
That's okay. Really, it's fine.
Um, we can start over.
It'll be our own
classic Love Story Part Two.
So, uh, tell me how I know you?
Uh, Victoria hired me to...
I'm sorry, I-I don't know
who Victoria is.
Could you, could you tell me
something about you?
Well, let's see.
Uh, I'm a very successful
I've been featured in a number
of national magazines.
I'm also quite well known for,
being a very eligible bachelor
until I met
my perfect, beautiful match...
Okay, you know, I'm, I'm gonna
go with this
because you seem to know things
about me that I can't remember.
Um, so far I hear that you're a,
a big deal, and a ladies' man,
and... apparently, dating me?
If-if I'm gonna believe all of
this, I need you
to at least tell me something
about you, as a person.
As a person?
I mean, I-I would like to think
I was attracted
to more than
what you just described.
Well, uh, we enjoyed the good
life together.
I love the ballet and I took you
and you thought
it was beautiful.
- The ballet?
- Yes.
For fun? I mean...
I mean, that-that doesn't really
sound like something
I would be into.
You know, I'm gonna go, I...
No! Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Uh, our favorite time together
was when I rented out a cafe
and you made all different kinds
of hot chocolate,
just like you and your father
would do.
You, you did that for me?
As I've always said,
nothing is too grand for you.
So w-what
was your favorite kind?
- My favorite?
- Mm-hmm.
Uh... it was very clever.
White-chocolate Christmas.
That was my dad's favorite.
Yes, it was.
You see, we're connected.
Please, let me take you
to dinner,
the finest
this town has to offer.
And we can figure it out.
I can help you.
I-I can't do dinner tonight,
but, um, but I'll meet you here
again tomorrow.
I just... I need time to really
make sense of all of this.
- Of course, of course.
- And I'm, I'm gonna just...
I will meet you anywhere,
I have to make
some work calls tonight.
But I'm at the Diamond Cliffs
Resort if you need anything.
Thank you. Thank you.
Victoria, I have found her.
What do you mean, you found her?
Well, it sounds like
she doesn't wanna have
anything to do with you.
No. No, it's genuine.
It's the strangest thing.
She doesn't even remember
anything about me.
It sounds like
she's playing a game with you.
Do hurry back, won't you,
Have I mentioned how flawless
your injections look today?
- Don't.
- You're gonna look 16.
Well, well, 25.
Yes, yes.
Well, 25 sounds better.
- I like it.
- Real 25.
Oh, shut up.
- Oh, my gosh. You look frozen.
- Hey.
Yeah. Ooh.
- Partially, yeah.
- Wow!
Oh, it's getting really bad out
I, I hate to say it, but we-we
should probably cancel.
The roads look really terrible,
and, okay,
something smells crazy good
in here.
You know what?
I baked some cookies.
Do you wanna help me
decorate them?
Yeah. You're sure?
I am. Unless you're worried
about being stranded.
Not unless you're worried about
me eating all your cookies.
- No, I'm just staying next door.
- Perfect.
I'll show you
what smells so good.
All right.
- Nice job.
- Thank you.
Hey, those aren't for you.
I didn't think
that I could love anything
more than your candy apples,
but these cookies are so good.
You haven't tried
my candy apples.
Right. Yeah. No, I meant, uh,
the idea of your candy apples.
- Oh. Thanks.
- Yeah.
You know, the coffee shop wants
a dozen of them.
And if they sell tomorrow,
they'll want more.
Oh. Wow.
You are pretty impressive.
So how does somebody like you
not have a boyfriend?
I guess, I just,
I haven't met the right person.
So what's the real reason
you're here?
- What do you mean?
- Well...
There has to be some reason
you're not home,
just the dart-on-a-map story.
Well, recently I lost somebody I
cared for.
So I thought that maybe if I
came here,
it would make them seem closer
and make some new memories.
I'm so sorry.
That's tough, especially
around this time of year.
I actually lost my dad last
so I know how it feels.
I never knew my mom, but my dad
and I loved Christmas.
Are you ready for this?
Well, I don't know if I'm ready,
but hit me with it.
Okay. I love Christmas
because I was born on Christmas.
- No way.
- Mm-hmm.
All right, you win. Being born
on Christmas is pretty amazing.
My dad thought so, too.
He used to dedicate
the entire season to me.
I really miss him, but I guess
it's time
I make some of my own memories.
Yeah. That makes us
two of a kind.
Good morning, beautiful.
These are for you.
Thank you. Um, they're pretty.
- Um, I have some good news.
- You're starting to remember?
Sorry, no. I, I made
a dozen candy apples last night.
And they just this minute
sold out.
That's great, really.
Um, but you were building
on a candy empire at home, so...
Well, I don't know
about a candy empire there,
but I'm proud
of what I've done here.
Of course, and you should be.
You're amazing at everything
you do.
And you're
the most incredible woman
I've ever been matched with,
the only woman I ever felt
was up to my standards.
Oh. Thank you, I guess.
Lucas, you make me sound like
a checklist for your standards.
Could I take you to a doctor,
please? This could be serious.
Can you stop saying that?
I'm perfectly fine.
I'm sorry. I'm just, I'm trying
to make sense of it all.
I've spoken with Victoria.
She's worried sick.
Who is Victoria?
You keep mentioning her.
- She's your stepmother.
- What?
No, m-my father never remarried.
But he did.
And that's how you and I met.
And these are the things
we need to talk about,
but over dinner, not here.
Okay. Okay.
- How is 7:00?
- 7:00 is perfect.
Anything you want is perfect.
All right. I'll see you then.
Okay. Maybe we can find answers
And, please, keep an open mind.
The people you can't remember
are the only family
you've got now.
- Fancy meeting you here.
- Hey!
Are you all right?
Yeah, I think so.
What are,
what are you doing here?
Well, I came for a coffee
and a candy apple.
Well, they still have coffee,
but they just sold out
of my candy apples.
That's great!
How many do they want now?
Three dozen for tomorrow.
I'm so impressed.
You sure you're all right?
Yeah. I just...
I'm having a hard time
remembering my life
before I came here.
I mean, I-I remember my dad
and-and big-picture stuff
about myself,
but there's somebody here
who's telling me
I'm missing big chunks
of my life.
It's really freaking me out.
Well, that is super weird.
You know, I've heard
of a certain kind of amnesia
caused by stress.
Maybe you should be careful
with this someone.
He could be
a part of the problem.
I just don't know.
I'm genuinely worried about you.
And you're really special.
I don't want you to get hurt.
- Maybe you should see someone.
- You know...
I would appreciate if everybody
would stop saying that to me.
I'm sorry.
Let's forget I even said it.
Hey, I have an idea
I would love to run by you.
Um, can you come to the lodge
tomorrow afternoon?
The lodge is becoming
my favorite place to be.
See you tomorrow.
Okay. I'll see you then.
- Oh, no!
- What?
- White roses.
- Oh.
Ugh. Ugh. Well,
at least she is happy there.
Just because Blanca does not
want to come home
does not mean
that Lucas is going to give up.
He's enamored with the girl
for some strange reason.
- Beautiful eyes, perfect skin...
- Stop.
I just have to make sure
that he comes back.
After all, it's only
a few more days until Christmas.
I can't lose everything now.
Uh, I can't reach. Thank you.
So Lucas says
I know him from before.
And you don't remember him?
I mean, not only
do I not remember him,
but he says I have a stepmother
I don't remember.
What's wrong with me?
Well, that's certainly strange.
I mean, you lost your dad
this time last year.
So could it be stress-related?
How about that nice young man
that paid for your month here?
I found this on the floor
of the lobby.
Um, no one's claimed it.
Uh, maybe he dropped it.
Does it ring a bell?
I don't know.
- Let's pick this up later.
- All right.
More flowers! Thanks, Lucas.
Come on in.
Um, Hap, Lucas. Lucas, Hap.
- Hap. Hap is it?
- Yeah, yeah, Hap.
How do you know Blanca?
Oh, we met the first day
I moved here.
Yeah, we just hit it off.
We a surrogate family
along with the gang.
- I'm in a band.
- Oh.
You all should come to the show
Oh, you could stay for dinner
when it's quiet
and then you could hang out
for the music.
Oh! Thank you.
That sounds very nice.
But, no, uh,
we have reservations
at the only decent restaurant
in town, so...
I think it sounds
like a great plan, Hap.
I love The Holly Jollies.
Excuse me. Just one second.
I have to take this.
Darling Victoria, how are you?
Lucas, my darling.
When might we expect you
to grace us
with your presence again?
Well, I'm a little bit tied up
trying to get our girl
to come home to us.
I've already told you, Lucas,
she's staying put.
I simply can't give up.
She's far too important
to all of us.
Yes, darling.
She means the world.
But I have paid you
to give this house
your best efforts.
I made some calls
and Architecture Today
wants to do a cover story
on you.
I've chased a cover story
for years.
Well, that's just one of
the benefits of working with me.
But it's contingent on
this house being done quickly.
Are you understanding me, Lucas?
You make a very good argument.
Um, how about this?
If I can't convince Blanca
to come home with me
tomorrow morning,
then I'll leave without her.
Darling, let's not force her
to return if she's happy there.
Victoria, calm down, please.
You call the magazine
to put them on notice.
If you return alone
as soon as possible,
you can consider it done.
Wait till you see... Oh! Hm.
Well, darling,
The Jolly Hollies it is.
- You mean it?
- Yes. Your wish is my command.
- All right.
- Awesome.
Deck the halls
with boughs of holly
I just, I need to think
about everything you told me.
That's an entire chunk of
my life that I don't remember.
Do you think that somebody
did something to me?
Well, certainly
you're not accusing me?
No. No, I just...
I don't know what to believe.
Fa-la la-la-la la-la la-la
Thank you, thank you
for coming out tonight,
ladies and gentlemen.
We are The Holly Jollies.
And we wanna dedicate this
to our biggest fan,
our friend Blanca,
and her friend Lucas.
Hit it, babe.
- Oh.
- Aren't they so good?
So good. Uh...
It's kind of embarrassing.
Everyone is staring.
Well, you need to loosen up
a little.
It is the season...
I'm sorry, Blanca, I just don't
understand the appeal of this,
of The Jolly Hollies...
- Holly Jollies.
- Whatever.
The point is, you left so much
somewhere else.
We were living the best
of the best of everything,
and looking damn good doing it,
if I do say so myself.
Lucas, I'm sorry,
but we're just different.
No. Blanca, you're different.
I am so tired of being here.
I have tried all that I could
think of to prove to you
that I am the perfect man
for you, again.
We were like two
beautiful puzzle pieces
that finally found each other.
The magic of
the magic of Christmas...
I'll give you the night
to think about it.
I have to leave in the morning.
Um, um...
I'd really like it
if you came with me.
Lucas, I know this must be
really hard for you.
And I, I really don't even know
what to say.
In my heart, I feel like
I could never spend Christmas
away from here.
But I promise to think about it.
Warm by the fireside
That's all I can ask.
Perfect holiday...
I really love this town.
I don't know how to describe it,
but it feels like home to me.
The magic of Christmas
Lights on the tree
You're next to me
The magic of
the magic of
The magic of Christmas
Magic of...
- Oh, hi.
- Hi.
Of Christmas
Everything okay?
Yeah. What are you doing here?
Uh, honestly?
Looking for you.
I can't stop thinking about you.
Like, constantly.
I can't stop thinking about you,
Hey, what are you up to
right now?
Um, nothing.
- Wanna see a surprise?
- Yes.
Where are we?
You've no idea
what you're in for.
I know. Where are you taking me?
- Ready?
- Yes.
Oh, my gosh. It's beautiful.
It's not Christmas until
you pick out your own tree.
Okay. Are you gonna
pick one out?
- No, that's all you.
- Oh.
You know, I have had
such an insane and crazy week.
I really appreciate
how genuine you are.
It's nice not having to guess
what you're thinking.
- You know, I need to tell you...
- Oh, my gosh.
Look at this little tree.
It's so cute! It reminds me
of my candy apples.
I'm definitely gonna get it.
Oh, I'm sorry.
What were you saying?
It's perfect. I love it.
Really, it's, it's perfect.
Let's talk to them and have them
put it on the car for us, yeah?
- Okay.
- Okay.
So you want to get
hot chocolate?
Yeah. I guess yours is better.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
- Thank you very much.
- Of course.
Come in, Lucas.
Well, I can see
from the look on your face
that your decision is to stay.
It is.
Lucas, you're really great.
I just think that you and I
are too different.
And whatever I left behind,
maybe it was for the better.
What you left behind,
most people can only dream of.
I'll have to take your word
for that.
Well, I'll give Victoria
your best
and I'm sure
you'll call me crying
when you realize your mistake.
Take care, Lucas.
Hey, Zane.
We just heard from Lucas.
He is on the road coming back.
Oh, okay.
Uh, but why do you sound
excited to see him?
I thought
he was really bothering Blanca.
What does it matter?
She is not an issue anymore.
You mean,
he's not an issue anymore?
Nitpicky much? Okay, it's over.
- Life goes back to normal.
- Better than normal.
So what do we do
about getting Blanca home?
Get her back home?
No! We don't want her to come
back home.
Uh, push her now and it could
be dangerous, you see?
So we're just gonna
leave her there.
But you, you should get
right on home now
because, uh, your work is done.
I think I'm gonna stick around,
Uh, I like it here.
Whatever. Uh, live it up.
Lucas is on his way,
the party planners
are coming tomorrow.
is falling into place.
Just a few finishing touches
and you will be the belle
of the ball.
- Mm.
- Hm.
Late into the summer
When you're walking
in the night
All the retail stores
are open
With their windows
shining bright
You can try
and shake the glare
That makes halos
in your eyes
- Hi.
- Hi.
You're really beautiful.
I... Sorry.
You just light everything up.
- You're really sweet.
- What's going on here?
Welcome to my hot-chocolate bar.
I was thinking
it was a cool business idea,
maybe calling it
Snow's Hot-Chocolate Bar.
And people can come and pick
their flavor and topping.
It's like ice cream,
but wintery.
I absolutely love it.
- This is fantastic!
- Ah!
What a cute idea!
Welcome to my hot-chocolate bar.
- Wow! Mm...
- Look at this. Wow!
I think it's gonna be a big hit.
- I love it.
- Yeah?
Hey, it looks like
we're open for business.
- Yeah.
- Yes, you are.
- I'll make you one next.
- Thanks.
You've managed
to take something classic
and make it absolutely awesome.
- Now it's awesome.
- I agree.
- Delicious.
- Mm-hmm.
- Selfie.
- Selfie?
I can't believe tomorrow
is Christmas Eve
and you guys leave
until next year.
I don't think
everybody's leaving.
Nope. I'll be right here.
I'm so happy to have met
each and every one of you.
- The feeling is mutual, kiddo.
- Hear, hear!
- This time next year?
- Absolutely.
We're like a little family now.
And we have something for you.
You guys didn't have to get me
Well, we just wanted to say...
happy birthday, Merry Christmas.
And we now know
why your father said
you were the best present
he ever got.
It's Christmas
"Have a Holly Jollies
I love it.
Turn it over.
We've come home
"Follow your heart's directions.
It's the best driver
you've got."
You guys...
I can't tell you how much
this means to me. Thank you.
Seriously, thank you so much.
Merry Christmas, everybody.
Merry Christmas!
- I got something for you.
- It's not Christmas yet.
I know, but I want you
to have this one early.
Did you paint this?
Oh, my gosh. It's amazing.
You're amazing.
I mean, look at you.
You came here on your own,
you made a ton of friends
who love you,
you have great business ideas
that make people happy.
You're a Christmas miracle.
You... you make me feel like
I can do anything.
Is everything okay?
Uh, this-this was perfect,
beyond perfect.
I just...
I think I'm starting
to remember things
that happened before I left.
I'm really confused.
Is there anything I can do?
I don't, I don't think so. Um...
I think I just need to be alone.
Of course.
Are you sure
you'll be okay on your own?
Yeah. Thank you.
I'll see you in the morning.
Victoria Snow.
You're sure Blanca wants no part
of her father's estate?
He was very adamant
that she be taken care of.
He loved her so...
Excuse me.
She just wants to make
her own way.
It's all right here
in her own words.
Okay, well, just to reiterate,
if she changes her mind...
Well, she won't.
She has until 8 p. m.
Christmas night.
- To claim her share.
- Oh, believe me.
My one wish is that she shows
up. We're throwing a party.
Hopefully, she will change
her mind.
You'll be there, of course.
I will, and we can finalize
everything then.
Wonderful. Well, then,
we'll see you tomorrow night.
I have a meeting. Excuse me.
Thank you.
- Yuck.
- Ugh. Ooh.
check and mate.
Tomorrow night,
everything is mine.
Ugh. It's Hunter.
Hunter, I thought
I broke up with you.
Wait. What?
What, what, what?
Blanca wants to come
to the city.
Well, you have to keep her there
until the day after Christmas.
It doesn't matter why.
Give me the phone.
Yes, I know that I agreed
to keep an eye on her, but if...
I'm just trying to update you,
if you'd stop yelling.
Oh, so this is about money now?
Okay, so just how much money
is your stepdaughter
worth to you, Victoria?
I expected more than that
even from you.
Okay, clarify that for me.
So you want me to stall
and keep her here
until the day after Christmas?
Listen, Victoria.
I would say
that I mean no offense,
but you've insulted my integrity
and you've asked me to be
a part of your manipulations.
This whole set-up is a lie.
You lied to me
and you lied to Blanca.
I would never take a penny
of your money.
And quite frankly, I don't
think you deserve a penny
of the Snows' money, either.
Listen, you.
You keep her there
or I'll just tell Lucas
that you went up there
to keep her away from him.
That happens, you're
out of a job at best.
At worst,
we ruin your reputation
and you're out of a career.
I also don't think Blanca
would be too keen on the idea
that you've been sneaking around
for me.
Your threats don't scare me.
I can see that you're lying.
I don't care if Blanca hates me
as long as she knows the truth
because I actually care
about her unlike you.
This game you're playing
is over.
What happened?
We picked the one person
who couldn't be bought.
So what do we do now?
We move ahead as planned.
That little shrew
isn't going to stop me now.
Hap? Doc? Anybody?
- Blanca, need to talk to you.
- I don't wanna hear it!
- You lied to me!
- Wait, what?
I heard you on...
I-I know you from before!
I heard you on the phone
with Victoria.
She's paying you
to keep me here.
No! No.
I mean, you're right,
I-I do know you
and I was keeping an eye on you,
but it's not what you think.
- They said you were in trouble.
- Who did?
- Victoria and Zane.
- Of course!
- Of course, you're in with them.
- No, I...
- I-I'm not...
- You know...
I have a boyfriend named Lucas.
- So please just go.
- Blanca...
Just get out.
Please, please leave!
It gets so cold
this time of year
And I am frozen
Now that you're not here
'Cause something's missing
I can feel it in my bones
Why call it Christmas
if we're both alone?
I'm so lost in this weather
Only you make me better
It's Christmas time
And all I want is you
another treat
- Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
What are you guys doing here?
Come on, everybody.
Let's go in...
Heh-heh. Yeah, yeah.
No, no, t-take care.
- No, I don't wanna see him.
- Just hear him out.
He called us. He's the reason
why we're all back.
I knew you before.
Not well,
but we had a connection.
So when Victoria and Zane said
that you lost your memory,
I came here to try
to keep you safe.
They made it sound like
you were in danger.
Because they put me
under some kind of crazy spell.
Why didn't you
just tell me the truth?
Because I didn't know
the whole truth.
I tried to find the right time
to tell you,
but I just found out yesterday
that they just wanted me
to keep you here,
not protect you.
I told Victoria I wouldn't do it
then she tried to bribe me
and she tried to threaten me.
Because she wanted to keep me
away from the house.
Victoria has never been one
to share,
but this was over the line.
I'm going home to deal with it
once and for all.
I'm sorry
I wasn't upfront with you.
I really thought
I was keeping you safe
and then we got close
and I-I got afraid to lose you.
I thought
that'd be the worst thing.
But seeing you hurt
because of something I did,
that's the worst thing.
And I'm so sorry.
They lied to you.
Victoria has a way
of manipulating things
so you have no idea
what's going on.
I know that more than anyone.
She had me hypnotized
so I would forget everyone,
including her.
Well, if I learned anything
from them,
I'd guess
it has to do with money.
Wait. Today's my birthday.
That's right. Happy birthday,
and a Merry Christmas.
No, w-we're supposed
to split the estate tonight
and I inherit the candy
Tonight at 8:00,
according to the will.
Victoria's gonna steal all of
my dad's money and my company.
Well, we have to stop her.
If we leave just now,
we could still make it.
Sounds like y'all need backup.
- What are we waiting for?
- Hap, it's Christmas.
Christmas is all about
taking care
of the people that you love.
You are important to all of us.
And this is what
The Holly Jollies do,
especially on Christmas.
Doc's right. This is what people
do for the people they love.
Even if you can't forgive me,
at least let me help
make this right.
- Let's go teach them a lesson.
- Right.
Well, looks like
she's not going to show up.
Well, as I said before,
my beautiful stepdaughter
is forging her own path. Hm.
I guess we can finalize this.
Thank you.
Darling! You've come back to me.
No. Sorry, Lucas.
I got caught up in the fantasy
of things you had to offer me.
That's not the real me.
And it's good that the second
your true colors
became clear to me, you had
already run back to Victoria.
It's not happening between us,
not now, not ever!
Ooh. You should be ashamed
of yourself, Victoria.
You had me hypnotized
so I would forget everything
my father worked so hard
to accomplish.
Also, you could pull it out
from underneath me.
You know, it's interesting,
I never figured you
for the materialistic type,
You mean, like you, Victoria?
I'm not.
But I certainly won't sit by
while you destroy everything
my father worked so hard for,
all in the name
of your own selfish vanity.
- Oh, cry me a river...
- Sit down, Zane!
Fine. So you get your half
of the estate. Who cares?
Mrs. Snow,
you've committed fraud.
Not only is it illegal,
but there are clear stipulations
in the will
that in the case of fraud,
you forfeit
your portion of the estate.
Blanca, just sign right here
and it's all yours.
No! You can't get everything!
You always get everything!
My father loved you, Victoria.
He loved Christmas
and he wanted us
to make new memories together,
to be a family.
Lucky for you,
he was a very forgiving man,
so I'm-I'm not gonna
press charges.
I have bigger plans for you.
Oh? Like what? Hm.
It's Christmas, Victoria.
Let's let it be a surprise.
You know,
you're as beautiful as ever.
You really think so?
Have you ever seen
New Year's Eve
from the top
of the Eiffel Tower?
- With the entire Moscow Circus.
- Oui?
Well, I guess everything's
kinda calmed down now.
I-I should probably
get out of your way.
I know that after everything,
you probably don't want me
around, so...
Yeah, I was really hurt.
And I wish you would've just
been upfront with me
from the very beginning.
I mean, I-I understand the evil
web of Victoria and Zane.
I really do.
I just thought more of you.
I'm so sorry.
But then I remembered
the only thing
that could break
the hypnotist's spell.
And I remembered
how I felt about you.
And there was only one thing
that could make me remember
all of this.
True love.
- The kiss of true love.
- Really?
If it wasn't for you staying
and not telling me
why you were there,
I-I would have never remembered.
And Victoria would have won.
You gave us time
to fall in love.
- True love.
- Mm-hmm.
Like this?
Just like that.
You are the feeling
I've been missing at Christmas.
I'm so lucky I found you.
I think we're both pretty lucky.
The luckiest.
Well, what I thought was gonna
be the worst day ever
turned out to be
the best birthday ever.
Your birthday.
Uh, I have something for you.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Hunter, it's beautiful.
There's a saying,
"People are like snowflakes.
No two are alike."
You, then, are the most unique
and loving person
that I've ever met.
And I wanted you to have
something to remind you of that.
I love you, Blanca.
I love you, too, Hunter.
Best birthday ever.
Best Christmas ever.
I just wanna thank you
for an incredible Christmas.
You guys! How can I thank you?
Well, you can grab a drink
and celebrate with us.
Let's all raise a glass and
toast to the lady of the house,
the beautiful Blanca.
Happy birthday, baby.
I can't tell you how much
each of you mean to me.
Even you, Oscar.
- Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas!
- Now let's party!
- Hm.
Merry Christmas!
How many more of these dreaded
candy apples are left for today?
This is the last of them.
She's taking it easy on us
because it's Christmas Eve.
Still no word from Lucas?
Apparently, candy-store workers
aren't his thing.
Ah. Hey, hey.
You are still beautiful.
Oh, boy. Okay, come on.
Let's finish these up
and get you home.
I wanna thank you all
for joining us
on this very,
very special night.
To our newlyweds,
Blanca and Hunter.
Let's all raise our glass
and give it up
for our favorite couple.
This one is for you, darling.
I love you so much.
When it's cold
I've been told
You just need
Best Christmas ever.
The first
of a lifetime full of them.
- I'm holding you to that.
- You better.
- Let's dance.
- Yeah. Oh, one sec.
You and I
Now it feels like
Christmas time
Feels like Christmas time
I've got everything
I've ever wanted
This year Santa's
been so good
Spending this Christmas
in love
The gift of us is enough
All you and I need is love
at Christmas
My dear
I've been waitin' for you
For the snow to fall down
Coverin' the town
Maybe you might think
I'm crazy
But my decorations
Have been up all year round
Oh this time of year
The magic happens
when you are here
Hope the feeling's
gonna last
This Christmas meet me
by the tree
And we'll be together
It's Christmas made for
you and me
It's a date
don't be late
Keep it warm by the fire
Holiday that we'll remember
This Christmas
I can't wait to see
Wait to see you in December
When it's cold out
I'll stay in with a blanket
Eats enough chocolate
Making spirits bright
Oh the sleigh bells
While we all go
Carollin' in the snow
We winter...