A Snowy Day in Oakland (2023) Movie Script

sometimes things aren't
as complicated as we make them.
There's always home.
Dream for a reason.
- There's always home.
- Dream for a reason.
- There's always home.
- Dream for a reason.
Now that's what I need me
right there.
Something like that
She look like she doing
just fine with who she got
and don't need nothing like you.
I was talking about the car,
Whatever, both of them
too fast for your broke ass.
Now how do you know she fast?
'Cause them shoes and
that car ain't cheap.
- Which means she gotta be?
- You tell me.
You the expert on fast, cheap
Theona please. For all you
that girl could be a new
She ain't coming in
Where she gets her hair done,
they don't have customers,
they have clients.
Her hair got Snob Hill
hair weaved all over it.
Who's that lady, real fine
Like I said, she ain't coming
in here
to be nobody's customer, she's
already somebody's client,
so you can put your chest away
and stop
sucking in your gut, Davis
I was looking at the car,
- Mm-hm.
- Y'all two need to
stop fussing all the time, get
remarried, and make a baby.
It'll be a snowy day in the
middle of a Oakland summer
before that ever happens.
Oh, that's cold, Theona.
Who's that lady
And man falleth from
grace, not by wickedness,
but by weakness and the
power of temptation.
Who's that lady, who's that
Real fine lady, who's that
Hear me callin' out to you
'Cause it's all that I can do
Your eyes tell me to pursue
Who's that lady, who's that
Sexy lady
- Nice shoes.
- Oh, thank you.
You're not looking to
open up a shop, are you?
'Cause one fantastic
fashion boutique is already
too much for this block
to handle, you know.
I mean, folks around here
aren't spending the money
to be wearing the kind of
clothes you're wearing.
Well, if I should
decide to open up a shop,
rest assured, it won't
be a clothing store.
Thanks for the tip.
Let me know what you think,
I would love to continue
all the good work that
we've been doing, okay?
Thanks so much, bye bye.
I know it's a little less
convenient, but I believe that
the extra 30 minute
drive would be worth it,
considering all the
progress that we've made.
Hi Shelby, it's Dr. Monroe.
You can just put them in there,
and that can go in the front.
I wonder what kind of place
she's opening up down there.
Whatever it is, it's her
business, so stop spying on her.
Come on inside.
She been here
15 minutes and you already
defending her.
What you talking about,
All I said was her business
ain't none of your business.
Now how's that defending the
Oh, now she's a lady?
12 seconds ago she was a
woman, now she's a lady.
What you gonna make her next,
her majesty?
I swear to Jesus, Theona, you
turn something into nothing.
Ha, don't bring Jesus into
Jesus ain't got nothing
to do with this, Davis.
You the one standing here
turning water into wine,
all of a sudden talking about
I think you in the wrong
- Theona, I swear to Jesus.
- You need to be next door
giving sermons right now as much as
you know about Jesus all of a sudden.
Don't need no encyclopedia
when you around.
You know what I'm gonna,
you know what I'm a get you?
- 'Cause you know everything.
- I'm a get you a...
Yeah, you can just put it in
Yes, that's great, thank you.
- Ow, what'd you do that for?
- Por que?
You're more interested in
watching what's going on
next door than helping
me open up for business.
We don't have any business
I mean, that's because
we're not ready for any.
Let me have my cafecito,
- chica.
- Que no.
Oh, please, please, please be
with the corners, this
is kangaroo leather.
We're being careful,
Decided to move in after all,
Yes, I did, I just
decided to make a go of it.
- A go of what exactly?
- Uh, I'm a therapist.
So, you're gonna be giving
people massages in there.
No, I'm, I'm a psychologist, I
a PhD in psychology,
I'm Dr. LaTrice Monroe.
- Rodney.
- Rodney.
Rodney Smalls, professionally
I hope you're not overpaying
on the rent because,
you know, Marquis will hike
me and everybody else up
if you start giving him all this
Oh no, I don't think
so, I think the rent is
- pretty reasonable.
- Uh huh.
I have to watch these guys, but
we're neighbors, so I'm sure
- I'll see more of you.
- Yeah, anyways, all right.
Well, if I knew this
place was gonna have
that kind of view, I'd
have moved in myself.
Sorry, didn't mean to come
up on you like that, my bad.
- You are?
- Your landlord.
- Oh, hi.
- Hi.
- I'm...
- Dr. LaTrice Monroe,
your name's on the agreement.
Yeah, my property management
company, that's virtual,
but the paperwork, much
like myself, is real.
- You own the building.
- No, I own
- the block actually.
- Wow.
Well listen, call me,
day or night, you know,
if you need something
unplugged or screwed in.
- Yeah, that sounded crazy.
- No.
I'm sorry, listen, I just
like to keep my renters happy.
Oh, but I'm not a
renter, I signed a lease.
Yes you did, you paid for an
entire year
- up front.
- Yep.
Gotta say, I like your style.
- Thank you, Mr. King.
- Please, call me Marquis.
Price of gas done went up
three more
cents, seven in the past two
What you worried about seven
cents for?
You don't drive nowhere
but here and back home.
Theona, how you know where
I be in my car with my gas?
I don't and I don't care.
You the one that started the
I didn't start nothing, all I
said was
gas went up, I ain't say nothing
about me
- being somewhere.
- Mm-hm.
See how men do?
All the time starting so you
don't finish.
Mm-hm, you ain't lying about
- Theona.
- Morning.
How y'all doing this morning?
Hey girl, look at you
with your short pants on.
Woo yeah, it's hot out there
How you doing, Spoon, what
you doing, reading the paper?
Jeanette, you see me sitting
here reading this paper,
now why is you gonna ask
me if I'm doing something
- you already see me doing?
- Now why is he tripping?
I'm just trying to make a little
Saturday morning conversation,
that's all.
If he don't wanna talk, I can
drop off
what I'll drop off and
go on about my business.
Now, y'all ain't got nothing but
a water bill and a Essence
I left all your junk mail on the
because it is too hot to
be pushing all of that.
Now, if you want to read
that and study your paper,
I'll go on back to the truck and
get it.
Don't pay him no mind, he's
just upset
about gas going up three cents.
I am not upset that
gas went up three cents.
I was sitting here reading the
commented that gas done
went up seven more cents
in the past two months, that's
Well, what are you upset
is it the three cent or the
seven cent?
- I am not upset.
- He's sitting there
acting upset like he don't know
he upset.
Girl, that's borderline crazy.
You know maybe you need to go
that new head doctor just
moved in three doors down,
but would you let him, Theona,
woo, that is a pretty sister.
She mixed, probably got
some Cherokees in her, too.
- Have you seen her?
- Mm-hm,
Davis just about passed
out, sucking in his gut
and sticking out his chest
looking at her.
- Oh, is that right?
- I was looking at the car,
- Theona.
- Mm-hm.
Why would somebody smart
to be a doctor with all that
kind of money
wanna put a head shop
in this neighborhood?
What's wrong with this
It's full of Black people.
And what's wrong with Black
Black people don't
talk about they problems.
Not their real problems.
Mm-mm, we keep that deep down
it's between us and God.
Maybe Jeanette's right,
maybe you should go see your
lady doctor fantasy girlfriend,
get your head shrunk.
You want me to ask if she have
any openings to shrink your
- Morning, Rev.
- Well, good morning
Sister Ellis, how you doing
- Oh, hot and working.
- Now, Sister Ellis...
I know, I need to quit acting
a fool in my father's house.
Missed you at bible study last
Oh yeah, don't tell nobody,
I fixed dinner for my
son, he came up from under
just to spend a few minutes with
his mama.
Oh, isn't that sweet?
It sure is, Sister Ellis,
it sure is.
Well, just look at me
just carrying on about
my boy when I need to
be letting you handle your
I got a letter here for you
and it's from Florida State.
You know something, it might
be some good news in here.
Maybe they going put your name
on the side of a building,
honor you with your name on a
Wouldn't that be something?
It would, Sister Ellis, but...
- Woo.
- Lest we forget,
it is not good to eat much
honey, nor is it glorious
to seek one's own glory,
Proverbs 25:27.
You know, with all the
and fancy preaching you
do, I bet you'd have a
lot to talk about with
that new head doctor.
I hear that they say she is as
and rich as she is good looking.
But see, what I don't
what I can't figure, is
why would she set up here?
I mean, what's she gonna do
that we ain't getting done?
We got you and you got God.
Well, well, we all
have God, Sister Ellis,
and He has a plan for each and
- one of us.
- Yeah, maybe so.
Got the place looking pretty
Some new paint, new plastic
a crazy looking wallpaper.
- Yeah.
- How much that cost?
I'd raise your rent,
but since you're already
behind last month's, I'll
tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna give you to the
first of this coming month
for you to catch up in
full, how does that sound?
I'm doing the best I can,
I'll pay you what I owe
you as as soon as I'm able,
it's just, business has just
been slow.
You see, that's the problem
right there.
I said I'll pay you as soon as
I can.
Come here for a second.
It's not what you said,
it's what you didn't say.
You didn't say Mr. King, you
said Marquis.
Well guess what, Marquis ain't
Mr. King your landlord is here
and you're behind on your rent.
I can't pay you what I don't
And that being the
situation, you still felt
comfortable enough to
not pay me some respect.
And how can you expect someone
doesn't pay you any respect to
pay you
anything at all, you know what
I'm saying?
- Yeah.
- That's crazy.
So, I want all my money
on the first or else you
and all this stuff is
gonna be out on the street,
- as simple is that.
- Yeah.
Oh hey, Mother Keys.
Don't you hey me,
Jeanette Ellis, you've been
lightening your load and
leaving me without my coupons.
I need my coupons, you hear me?
Okay Mother Keys, you're
right, my bad.
I will make sure that I
deliver you all the coupons
on my truck with your name
on it and some, all right?
- I guess that'd be all right.
- I'll see you in a while.
Mm mm mm, child, you need to
put on
some long pants 'cause Lord
you too big boned to
have on them short pants.
I don't know what she talking
I make these short pants look
- How you doing today, girl?
- I'm fine, Jeanette.
- Where's Papa Jesus?
- Said he had to
take care of something this
Should have been here by now,
Well, I hope the feds
ain't snatched him up
and shipped him off to Mexico or
- Jeanette.
- Give me a pack of that gum.
- Crazy.
- Oh girl,
you know, you know me,
I'm just playing with you.
Shoot, I wish somebody
would come around here
talk about they'd wanna take
y'all out
and put you on the other
side of some damn wall.
Hoo, they gonna have to come
through me
and everybody else on this
block, you see what I'm saying?
We're legal, I was practically
born here and Dad came from
- Cuba when he was 33.
- 34, your mother was 33.
- Hey Jesus, how you doing?
- Fine, Jeanette.
You bring me anything worth
reading or just more bills?
Ugh, same old, same
old, just more bills.
That's okay, we're still living
the American dream, right?
Speaking of the American
give me one of those quick
pick tickets right quick.
Yeah, I don't wanna be a working
- walking these streets forever.
- Here you go, good luck.
Oh, I'm not gonna need luck.
I had a dream about this last
after eating catfish and
cornbread with my son.
Watch, you'll see, we dream for
a reason.
This is my ticket to
being rich and famous.
Oh, and speaking of rich and
have y'all seen your new
Dad's been staring at
her butt every chance
- he gets.
- Well, he's not alone.
I mean, either everybody
is either looking at it or
- talking about it, you know.
- Right.
Listen, I'm going over there
right now, but I am telling
you, I'm not opening my
mouth, I'm not saying a word.
I'd never ever say a
word to nobody about him.
So, how long has your son been
- an FBI agent?
- Special agent.
Going on seven years now,
but he's been undercover
- the last two.
- I bet you miss seeing him.
I miss him terribly,
but I know he's helping
to keep America safe and
if him seeing his mama
have to take a backseat,
then it's okay with me.
Oh, this couch is nice.
- Is that the trick?
- The trick?
To getting folks to tell they
secrets and they problems,
you put 'em on this comfortable
There's no trick, Jeanette.
People talk because they want
People need to express what's
going on
on the inside, which often
manifests to what's happening
- to them on the outside.
- Ugh, sounds complicated.
If people spend some time
why they're feeling the
way they're feeling,
it can lead to an
understanding of why they're
doing the things that
they're doing and vice versa,
and then all of that leads
to a knowledge of self,
which can then bring
about the desired change
in their behavior or the
So, why are you here, why
are you doing what you doing?
I know you didn't just wake up
one day
and leave the world you
belong to, to come down here
and kick it with your
people for no reason.
Have a nice weekend, Shelby.
Thank you so much.
Yes, yes, and listen,
we're much more than who we're
- Okay.
- Okay?
But what if I'm with,
like, George Clooney?
He was, in just a hypothetical
world, if he was single.
- No, mm-mm.
- Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.
Okay, well no, tomorrow's
- I bought Saturday.
- Okay.
All right.
See you.
Show me your diploma.
It's man trouble, ain't it?
What kind of trifling fool would
mess up so that he'd
lose a catch like you?
- Grant.
- I'm sorry, Dr. Monroe,
I didn't mean to interrupt your
- Uh...
- Oh well honey,
I ain't paying, so you ain't
interrupting nobody's session.
Girl, you go on handle your
He kinda fine for a white
boy, you see what I'm saying?
Oh, I'll be here on Monday
with your mail, darling.
Okay Jeanette, thank you.
What are you doing here?
I came here to see if you were
ready to be reasonable and
I figured I'd give you some
time to come to your senses
over that meaningless dalliance
and to see if we could
make up with a dinner.
- My treat.
- Oh.
Just to be clear, you
and your little ding dong
have a meaningless dalliance
practically right in my face,
which causes me to walk out of
your life,
and then you waltz your little
lying, cheating, trifling ass
into my new office and
practically demand
a reconciliation over dinner,
your treat?
Come on, LaTrice, you
know I'm no good at this.
And I have no idea what
trifling arse means,
but I'm here, darling, and I'm
What do you say?
I say get out, Grant.
- Are you serious?
- Yes.
You want to throw away
everything we had
just so that you can play
witch doctor to these people?
These people, you arrogant
ignoramus, are my people.
LaTrice, can we, can we just
a little reality check, okay?
These people are no more your
people than they are mine.
Yes, they're your color,
but they're not your kind
and the sooner that we
can come to grips with,
with that reality, we
can begin to reconcile.
So, dinner?
No, okay, no.
You wanna know what trifling
Trifling means trivial,
petty, and insignificant.
Look, you're obviously
not ready to talk right now,
- so I'll...
- Get outta here.
And you know what else?
These are my people.
They movin' in, we movin' out
Process of elimination,
They movin' in, we movin' out
Process of elimination,
They want in on the south, no
What's the hap, mandatory get
They buy low, sell it on enemy
If you say so, for
real, where did they go
Ain't no survival of the
fittest for the pesos
Spray though, cleanin' out the
That they know like they don't
Grew up on the politics and
lay low
Genocide, end of mine
Gentrified, that ain't no
To the culture, the
wings for the vultures
They jokin', left a
threat to our peace open
Hopin' we'd be the ones follow
Was hopin' there'd be
easy but token is a must
Trust they got us
involved, there's enough
No rush, I'm Simmons,
summoned by the touch
Of all the rich simulation,
call it gentrification
Why the hell y'all waitin'?
They movin' in, we movin' out
Process of elimination,
They movin' in, we movin' out
Process of elimination,
They movin' in, we movin' out
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
that's what I'm talking bout.
Gentrification They
movin' in, we movin' out
Here come that little thug.
You leave him alone,
Davis, he's just a boy.
That wannabe gangster
ain't nothing but trouble
waiting to happen.
He's a rap artist,
- not a gangster.
- Same damn thing.
- Yo, what's cracking, y'all?
- Yo ass is what's cracking.
Pull your pants up, boy.
And don't come out that bag with
'cause ain't nobody in here
Oh, you gonna come in
Glock-9 like that, Pops?
If I was your Pops,
your pants would be up.
Leave him alone, Davis.
Hi Dwayne, how you doing, baby?
I'm fine, Miss Theona, but
yo, can you call me Glock-9?
- I'm trying to build my brand.
- Aw, that's cute.
So, what you got today, new CDs?
Yeah look, so I spit
these last night, all right?
- They're dope.
- Theona,
don't waste your money on that
It's my money, I can spend
it whatever way I like.
How much today, Glock-9?
All right, $2.99 for one or
two for $5.
I think I will get two.
Get my Christmas shopping
for Davis done early.
- Huh.
- Hey, anybody else?
'Cause my bars are on a
whole new level right now.
Anything worth the listening
I got right there in
that jukebox over there.
That thing's been broke
since before we got here
and who knows how long before
Still don't mean
what's inside ain't good.
Man, that thing's so old,
it's not even old school.
That was before the old school.
- When music was music.
- I'll fix it if you want.
- Aww.
- I'm really good
at like, you know, hooking up
video games, whatever you need.
I'll do it for free if you let
sample some of the songs for my
No, you ain't gonna mix
up the good with the bad.
- It's gonna stay broke.
- All right, man.
Yo, let me know if you change
mind before my offer expires.
Before your offer expire, huh?
Boy, get your butt outta
here before I call the police
- on you.
- All right.
Glock-9 out, gotta bounce.
Bye Dwayne, I mean, Glock-9.
Bye, Celine Shot.
You should be nicer to the
Bad enough he has no family to
speak of.
All I know is that boy
better not touch my jukebox.
You got some lifesavers in
your mouth?
'Cause I can't understand
a thing you saying.
It's cheap, man, it ain't that
For real?
Yo, why you all the
time gotta trip, Rodney?
Ain't like I'm asking
you to be tracked in,
all I'm asking you for is to
- my beats in your shop, man.
- Do you see what I sell here?
I sell wraps, okay, not bad rap.
Whatever man, you'd probably
hella more cheddar off of my
than these weak ass rags
you trying to hustle.
You sure
you don't need any money?
I don't need any money, Dad.
- And I'm fine...
- We can helicopter over
- to the mainland...
- Yo.
- Uh.
- Excuse me.
Dad, lemme call you right
back, someone just walked in.
- Who, Grant?
- No, it's not Grant.
- Love you.
- Bye now.
Okay, that was rude.
Did you not see that I was on
the phone?
All right, well, I said excuse
What you said was, "Yo, excuse
All right, my bad.
But you off the phone now,
so can I holler at you for a
- What is your name?
- Glock-9.
- And how old are you?
- Old enough.
Okay, now you're
lying and you're rude.
I know your mother taught
you better than that.
- I ain't got no mother.
- Oh, I see.
So, how can I help you, Mr.
Actually, I'm here to help
- Really?
- Mm-hm.
- How's that?
- Well, you're new
on the block, right?
I suppose I am.
Yeah, you know, your situation
ain't exactly popping, right?
And this right here, Glock-9's
latest and greatest flame.
Look, you buy a dozen of
these for $2.99 a piece
and then you flip it and
sell it for $4.99 a piece
and you got people lining
up outside your shop
just to get in here to talk to
- You feel me?
- I do feel you,
but I don't sell anything in
What do you do here
then, what's your hustle?
My hustle is that I
help people find answers.
- Answers to what?
- To whatever
they may be questioning in their
Well, you ain't gonna
make no type of cheddar
around here with a lame hustle
like that.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Why not?
- Because nobody
gonna give you they money
to talk about they stuff
when they don't know
you or what you about.
I mean, look, you got some buzz,
but you ain't got no street
Only thing the block know
about you is that you rich.
- And pretty.
- Pretty?
Mm-hm, and rich.
So, how many of my CDs you want?
Let me see.
- Hm, gimme two.
- All right, for sure.
A honey, man.
A faithful man showed
up bound with blessings,
but he that maketh haste to
be rich shall not be innocent.
What are you up to, Marquis?
You shall not take
vengeance or bear grudge
against the sons of your
own people, but you shall
love your neighbor as
yourself, I am the Lord.
I'm sorry, I wasn't sure
what time service started.
Well, our times are in His
Have a seat right down
in front, Sister Monroe.
Thank you, excuse me, sorry.
- She got on the phone.
- She got some nerve
coming up in here late
and dressed in that dress.
She late, but that
dress is right on time.
Judge not, that you be not
And in that spirit, let us
our newest neighbor, Dr. LaTrice
I'd like to think that her
services, like herself, will be
a welcome addition to the
block and the neighborhood.
For we are members of one
- Somebody say amen.
- Amen.
I'd like to get to our feet
for a little
Sunday morning singing and
praise giving.
Mother Keys, if you please.
Now people, the Bible says do
others as you'd have them do
unto you.
And can't nobody do me like
Well can't nobody
Do me like Jesus
Can't nobody do me like the
Can't nobody do me like Jesus
He's my friend
He picked me up, he picked me
Turned me around, turned me
He picked me up, picked me up
Turned me around, turned me
He picked me up, picked me up
Turned me around, turned me
He's my friend
Nobody, nobody
Do me like Jesus, do me like
Can't nobody, nobody
Do me like the Lord
Can't nobody, can't nobody
Do me like Jesus
He's my friend
He healed my body, healed my
Told me to run on, told me to
run on
He healed my body, healed my
Told me to run on, told me to
run on
Healed my body
Told me run on
He's my friend
Can't nobody do me like Jesus
Can't nobody do me like Jesus
Can't nobody do me like Jesus
Can't nobody do me like Jesus
Ain't nobody nothin' like
Ain't nobody nothin' like
Ain't nobody rock me like
Ain't nobody rock me like
Nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody
Woo, thank you, Jesus.
The service was wonderful,
I really enjoyed it.
Do you feel saved?
I feel insufficient.
Well, at least you feel
something, that's a good start.
They really don't want me
here, do they?
They want what everybody else
- Yeah?
- Mm-hm.
I'm not here to compete
with you, you know.
God's a monopoly, He has no
And as far as me, well, hm,
my competing days are over.
Arrogance and ignorance saw to
- before I was shown the light.
- Do you miss it?
The cheering crowds and
the, "Carter, Carter."
- The fans, the money.
- Now, how do you...
- Oh, my boy, um, my...
- Uh huh.
- Business partner.
- Hm.
Was really into football and
used to watch your games
You were really good.
- Two Pro Bowls, Heisman Trophy.
- Oh, actually three
- Pro Bowls, but hey.
- Oh ho.
Okay, okay, I'm sorry, my bad.
That must have been hard
to end the way it did.
Yeah, I'd be lying
if I say it didn't hurt
and that I don't miss
it sometimes, but uh,
I don't miss who I was or
where I was at the time, do you?
I was born here in Oakland.
Yeah, I grew up right
around in Havenscourt.
- What, Havens...
- Yeah,
right next to Flints Barbecue.
- What?
- Yes.
I, I wouldn't have thought, I,
- well...
- Well.
Yeah, we left when I was 11.
My father got a big job in
with a manufacturing firm.
It paid well, so I grew up
well traveled, well educated.
We never even came back to
You know, my grandmother used
to say
sometimes you have to go to
them before they'll come to you.
Oh beautiful
For spacious skies
For amber waves of grain
For purple mountain's majesty
'Bove the fruited plains
It must be the money
Why you doing that with my
dollar bill?
'Cause all the years
that I been cut your hair,
you ain't never tipped me once.
Now all of a sudden you big
So, either something wrong
with you or something wrong
- with your money.
- That's rude.
Have nobody ever told you not to
look a gift horse in the mouth?
He don't know not to look
at a whole lot of things.
You ain't gave me no gift
You gave me a funky looking
dollar bill.
Go on, you're crazy.
- Bye, Theona.
- Bye, Brother Freeman.
I did everything I could
trying to make things work
- Uh, Dr. Monroe.
- Hi, hello.
What brings you to
this end of the block?
Well, I was just hoping
to get a shampoo and style
if you had an appointment
Oh, yeah, that's Theona's
- Theona...
- I heard her.
Girl must be the one
I have to look at my client
but I suppose I could fit you
My head is in your hands,
- Weave's are extra.
- Oh, it's,
it's not a weave, I just have
three tracks
- in the back.
- Mm.
Mali from Creations by Mali.
They said five weeks ago that
they were gonna call me back
and, uh, can you at least
tell me if my several pieces
have been seen by the
fashion buyer, please?
I don't need you to be
sorry, keep your sorry.
I need my several pieces back.
What you talking about policy?
I don't care about your
policy, I need my sev,
give me my several
pieces back, you hear me?
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
The boy fell out the tree?
At 12 feet straight.
That must've been some first
And don't tell me, you've been
and dating white boys ever
Well, let's just say
they've been falling for me.
And, and how does that make
you feel?
Oh, uh, to tell you the truth,
I'm still working that one out.
Well, maybe you should
talk to someone about it
and I know a good head doctor
- right down the street.
- Theona, she's crazy.
Don't need a degree in
psychology to diagnose that.
Hush Davis before I start in
on you.
How long you two been married?
Oh, married 11 years,
divorced 15, and together
in this place fussed and
fighting six days a week.
Theona, we don't need you
in here telling our business.
If you don't want me
telling our business,
you shoulda kept your
business in your pants.
There is something on your
By the way you look at me
There is something on your
mind honey
By the way you look at me
What up, Davis?
Hope you got some
cold ones in the cooler.
Under the milk.
Can what you're thinking
Bring happiness
Keep the change.
Or will it bring misery
I would like to drink a lot.
Oh no please don't
- What's the occasion?
- Who am I?
I may not understand
Now what does that mean?
Beautiful women and good
are always ruined by idiots.
Dr. Monroe?
Hello, um.
- Excuse me.
- May I help you?
Do you do where Dr. Monroe is?
She doesn't seem to be in her
and I need a session with
her before I lose my mind.
Well, I saw her earlier today,
I'm sure she's somewhere on the
Oh, that is so beyond
- Organic cotton?
- Bamboo.
- Shut up, bamboo?
- Hundred percent.
Beyond fabulous, who's the
- You're looking at him.
- Oh,
in that case I am looking at a
I'm Shelby, what's your name?
- Mali.
- Who wears you, Mali?
I would love to say
everybody to somebody,
but the truth is no one
famous or otherwise,
but I'm just trying to do my
thing and hoping for the best,
- you know?
- Oh.
In that case, I'll go pret a
porter today
and I'll take one of everything
- in each color.
- Okay.
Had to finish
cutting Willie's hair.
- How much I owe you?
- Besides an apology?
- Nothing.
- Why I gotta apologize?
You the one who started it.
Bringing up...
Bringing up what, Davis?
- The truth?
- Theona,
that was a long time ago, long
time ago.
I really appreciate you
letting me
pray here, Reverend Carter,
thank you.
We might be from different
but it's all the same God.
Do you believe God punishes us
for our mistakes, for our sins?
I believe God is a
loving and forgiving God
and that we, his children,
often without mercy
punish ourselves for things
we regret we've done.
If whatever it is, is troubling
He will help you see it through.
Everything was perfect
and then he had to go
and ruin the whole night
by popping the question.
- Well, and?
- And
He had the nerve to ask if
getting Botox injections hurt
'cause he was thinking
about surprising his mother
with a treatment for her 50th
I mean, can you imagine?
Shelby, how old was this man?
I don't know, 27, maybe 28.
Old enough to know better
than to bring up his mommy
when asking a lady about
her beauty secrets.
Shelby, you know that
dating a younger man
is not the way to build
up your self esteem.
I am not a cougar.
My friend Olivia, now she's a
- Olivia, who's Olivia?
- Well, she's just a couple
- years older than moi.
- Mm-hm.
She's had the little
tiniest bit of work done
to her face, breasts,
butt, hips and thighs.
Oh, she's had her lips done,
too, but I mean, who hasn't?
- Oh my god.
- Oh my god what?
I caught cougar-it is from
Shelby, you know, passing
judgment on yourself predicated
on comparing yourself to
others is always a bad choice.
No, I know, I know I'm not
I mean, I love her, but
I don't want to be her.
Not in any way, shape, or form.
Although she does have a nice
And she should, she
certainly paid enough for it.
Who do you wanna be, Shelby?
I want to be
And who is that?
Sue Ellen Beryl Dickstead,
that's who.
I can't believe how good I feel
right now.
It's a completely different
You're the best, LaTrice.
You do you, boo.
I'll see you when I need you.
- Drive safe, Shelby.
- Okay, mami.
You must be real good if
you can turn Barbie into
- Erykah Badu.
- Theona, hi, welcome.
I was in the neighborhood, so
I'd come by, take a look at your
You've seen mine, figured
I'd come see yours.
- Oh.
- Huh.
Sure is different than the
other shops in the neighborhood.
Well, it's a work in progress.
You look like somebody who needs
to talk.
- Oh no.
- What?
Just 'cause you sat in my
doesn't mean I'm a lay on your
I get on that thing, people call
me crazy.
So, you can forget about
that, ain't gonna happen.
I mean, even if I did want to
- which I don't...
- Mm-hm.
It would be over a cup of
coffee at my kitchen table,
not crying to you on your
couch 'cause I ain't crazy.
I mean, it hurt so bad, I can't
put into words how bad it hurt.
Davis and me, we were supposed
to be together forever.
I knew that from the very
first time I laid eyes on him.
He was playing basketball in the
And I was there with my
girlfriends watching the boys play.
Davis had on shorts, no shirt,
and was covered in sweat.
Girl, he was fine.
He was staring at me so hard he
hit in the face by a no look
Ball hit him so hard
gave him a bloody nose.
Everybody was laughing at him.
Davis didn't care.
He just kept
right on staring at me, smiling.
After the game,
he asked me out on a date and
that was it.
The first boyfriend I ever had
ended up becoming my husband.
So, you see,
not only did I lose my best
I lost the only man I've ever
and who meant everything to me
to another woman who didn't
mean anything to him.
How do you get right
with something like that?
You don't, you can't,
but you can forgive.
Could you forgive him?
That's a question that you're
have to answer for yourself,
But you get to decide.
- Dr. Monroe.
- You are
so wrong on so many levels.
LaTrice, LaTrice, LaTrice,
please, please, let me explain,
- let me explain.
- What?
That wasn't physical, that
was the purely psychosexual.
Wow, the Sigmund Freud
- Really, Grant...
- Now,
if we just talk about this
- though...
- Let go of me.
I love you, I love you.
Whoa, don't inch me up too
I don't need you bumping me up,
you know?
I been cutting your hair as
as long as you've been alive.
Have I ever bumped you up?
No, but I also don't want
to be the day that you
start bumping me up.
I don't tell you how to
sew, you don't tell me how to
- clean up no kitchen.
- I ain't got no kitchen.
- Okay, how's that?
- Oh Theona, it's beautiful.
Girl, Hollywood ain't got
nothing on you.
But I'm gonna have to sleep
standing up
- so I don't mess it up.
- Mm, well we'll have to
see what Mr. Keys has
to say about that now.
Child, I look so good that
Mr. Keys is gonna have to
handle his business standing
up or down on all fours.
Ooh, Mother Keys, you
know you need to stop now.
Well, as long as it's still
honey, I don't need to stop.
All right, here you go.
That's a little something for
Aw, thank you, thank you.
And I'll take care of you on
the first.
All right, see you at church.
Woo, this is where my people
Hey Spoon, hey Rodney.
Oh, and look at you, is this
Miss America
or Miss Keys looking this good
up in here?
Oh Jeanette, get outta my
way with your crazy self.
That old woman is strong.
Hey Rodney, I heard your
business is picking up.
White folk could start buying
your stuff.
I'm telling you, P. Diddy,
Kanye, Jay-Z and them,
they wasn't hitting it all that
until them white kids
start buying their music.
- Yeah baby, you on your way.
- Come on.
- Hey, Theona.
- Hmm.
I heard you hit the couch, how
was it?
- Felt good, right?
- Jeanette.
You been down to that head
- You ain't tell Spoon?
- It's supposed to be private.
Oh, I'm sorry, my bad.
Here's your mail, I'm out, okay,
my bad.
Theona, you been down
there talking to that shrink?
I thought you liked her.
What's that got to do with it?
And what was y'all talking
about, me?
If you must know, I
was talking 'bout me.
How's you gonna talk about
you without talking 'bout me?
Maybe you should go try
it and see for yourself, hm?
It'd be a snowy day in a
Oakland summer
before that ever happened,
I'll tell you that much.
- Davis, you working today?
- Yes, I am working today.
- Going in my business.
- I'm working right now.
Look at this, look at
all the work I'm doing.
- It seems personal.
- Look at all the
- work I'm doing.
- It seems personal.
I'm so full of guilt, couldn't
even look her in the eye.
And she ain't yell and she ain't
she just stood there, hurt.
Do you know why you did what
you did?
Ain't no good explanation and
cost me my wife, my best friend.
Theona didn't deserve none
of what I had done to her.
But the worst part is I can't
fix it,
I can't make her forget.
I swear to God I wish I could,
even if
it meant her ever, never not
knowing me.
Did you ever tell her how you
We can't get three
words into a conversation
without fussing and
fighting with one another.
Why I gotta apologize?
You the one who started it.
- Bringing up...
- Bringing up what, Davis?
- The truth?
- Theona,
that was a long time ago, long
time ago.
Now we are here doing what
we doing how we doing it.
I made you a plate, it's in
the back.
You know you shouldn't be
in the middle of the day
and on an empty stomach.
What you think would happen
if you started your next
with these three words: I love
You came into my world
I was a bright inquisitive
I have missed you so
much and I don't want there
to be any more misunderstandings
between us, so.
You said you loved me oh so
Marry me?
I sooner lost control
First my heart then my soul.
Some rock, huh?
But baby, baby
So, what do you think?
I wanna know, I've got to know
Baby baby baby baby
Where is that rainbow
Ooh baby baby baby
Where is that rainbow
Dear Mr.
we are pleased to inform you
that we would like you to
interview for an assistant
offensive coaching position.
Please call the athletic
department coordinator.
You know, there's been a whole
bunch of
robberies in this area as of
Anyway, it's probably just a
good thing
not to keep a whole
bunch of cash on hand.
No problem there.
We're not exactly Whole Foods.
Well, you look like you're
doing pretty good to me.
Have a nice day, okay?
- Take care, Mr. Salgado.
- You too, Officer Daniels.
Just because he has a uniform
and a gun
does not mean you let him
talk to you any way he wants.
He was only flirting with me.
He was disrespecting you
and in front of your father.
- I'm not a child.
- You're not a puta either,
so you shouldn't let
yourself be treated like one.
Bodega USA.
Just a minute, please.
The doctor's office.
Yes, this is Mr. Salgado.
What is it about death
that frightens you?
Being dead, that's what's
frightening about death.
I'm just not ready.
I want to be with my
beautiful Erlinda again, but
the thought of my not seeing my
married to a good man, my
grandchildren growing up.
You need to fight, Mr.
Fight for Angelica, fight for
grandchildren you wanna see grow
You need to fight for yourself.
I have a feeling that Erlinda,
she will be rooting for you.
- What is this?
- Something to
help you throw the first punch.
Me and the devil
Walkin' side by side
Me and the
Man, who the hell
do you think you are?
Walkin' side by side
Theona, you about done?
'Cause I can't concentrate on
this shave with you over there
making all that noise and
blowing hot air.
I can't hear you.
That's what I'm talking
about, camaraderie and commerce.
Shop is popping.
What's happening, my Black
Talk about making noise
and blowing hot air.
What you want, Marquis?
- It ain't the first.
- See,
that attitude and that mouth is
why you ain't a married woman no
Something I can do for you,
Actually, there is.
You can be out by the end of
next month.
What you talking 'bout,
out by the end of next month?
It's right there in black and
Notice to vacate the premises?
- That's right.
- Marquis,
you know damn well we have a
lease agreement
and we ain't been late paying,
- not once.
- It's true.
You've never been late with the
and I appreciate it, but
what you need to appreciate
is the fact that you don't
have a lease agreement.
What you have is a rental
The hell is you talking about,
What difference does it
make what you call it?
Makes all the difference in
the world.
Uh-uh, whatever the difference
you can't just throw us out in
the street.
I beg to differ.
The law and the fine
print says that I can.
Throw y'all out?
What's going on, what I miss?
Oh, shut the hell up, crazy
mail lady,
business is being talked.
- Why I...
- Mm.
Why Marquis, why is you doing
Lemme cut to the chase.
- I'm selling the block.
- Selling the block?
To who, who buying?
- We'll talk to them.
- You can talk to
whoever you want, they're still
tear down, pave over, and use
this land as a parking lot.
- Parking lot?
- That's right,
the parking lot business is a
$30 billion a year enterprise.
Ain't nobody giving a damn
about the parking lot business.
- We care about ours.
- Yeah,
and I care about me and mine.
I expect the rent check on
the first just like always.
Y'all have a nice day now.
Oh, I swear to God, that
man is the devil his self.
Davis, what we gonna do?
Don't know if there's
anything we can do.
Well, I know what I'm gonna
I'm gonna buy the whole block.
Jeanette, we in real trouble
and you
standing here talking crazier
than usual.
I ain't talking nobody's
Y'all ain't got a thing
to worry about, all right?
Everything is gonna be all
you'll see, because I gotcha.
I mean, don't have to worry
at all, I gotcha, all right?
I gotcha.
Where the hell did he go?
That's your friend, that's,
that's, that's your friend.
Walkin' side by side
Me and the devil
Papa, what are you doing?
- I'm okay.
- That's too heavy
for you.
No, no, no,
it's not too...
Give it to me.
It's too heavy for
you, get out of the way.
You look quite sick.
- You're sick.
- I'm not sick, I'm dying.
- Hey?
- Don't say that,
- you're not dying.
- You heard the doctor.
I don't care about that stupid
I got a cousin who's a stupid
Dumb as they come,
graduated last in his class.
I wouldn't go to that
knucklehead for a paper cut.
- Can I help you, Mr. King?
- Damn.
That is why I like you, Mr.
You understand business and
you have a concept of respect.
What can we do for you,
Just came by to bring you
By the way, saw a young
brother running outta here
with a handful of pull
pies while I was coming in.
I don't exactly think he
took the time to pay for it,
so you might wanna check and
see what else is missing.
Y'all take care.
When Mr. Salgado calls,
I need him to be seen
and I need him to be seen right
Whatever's not covered,
I will handle personally.
Yes, yes, thank you so much.
Yes, okay, bye bye.
I do like a woman who squeezes
hard and gets the job done.
- Mr. King.
- Marquis.
Marquis, to what do I owe this
I came to make you a little
Well, if this proposal
has anything to do
with lying on my couch,
I'm afraid I'm gonna
have to take a professional
That is blunt and
beautiful, I like that.
But no, this proposal is
actually of
a professional nature, not human
I have a black belt in mind
I have a business opportunity
requires me to sell all
of my real estate assets
for investment capital purposes.
And what about all
the block's businesses?
Buildings get torn down,
land gets redeveloped.
So, you want all the tenants
to agree
to allow you to break our
I've only got one lessee.
All the others are just
renters, month to month,
with one that's damn
near on a layaway plan.
But what about their
- Their livelihoods?
- Yes.
Well, they got they problems,
I gots mines that I am
going to do something about
when I sell out to that
construction consortium
that's building that shopping
center across the street.
They're gonna build these
upscale condos
on top of a 10 story parking
Honey, that's gonna be real
I mean, you know, except
for the parking lot,
that's probably gonna be pretty
Does this proposal have a
Yes and the point is
you don't belong here,
Dr. Monroe, we both know that.
You are wasting your time and
your talents
down here trying to fix these
that don't even know they're
Why don't you get on this
free money making situation?
You know something, Marquis?
There's no such thing as
a free money situation.
What you need is for me to agree
to be bought out so you can
sell, right?
Well, it is either all coming
or coming down all around you.
Let me tell you something,
I know exactly who you are,
what you are, and how you
So why do you do what you do?
I don't know why I do what I do,
I just know that I have to do
Did you ever think that maybe by
helping others, you're helping
That by helping others to be
best selves, you become your
best self?
Are you your best self, LaTrice?
I don't know.
You tell me,
am I?
That's a question only
you can answer, LaTrice.
None of this started happening
until she showed up on the
I know she ain't here, why ain't
she here?
Because she cut a deal, that's
- No no no no.
- Wait now,
brothers and sisters,
- please.
- Come on, that's not right.
Brothers and sisters, please.
I knew she wasn't nothing but
from the minute Davis laid eyes
on her.
Now wait a minute, now
Proverbs 23...
Reverend, please.
No disrespect, but this ain't
no time for proverbs and prayer.
We talking about losing our
neighborhoods, our livelihoods.
- We in a crisis.
- Which is no time
for us to turn against one
another and lose our way.
We have to tackle this
thing together as a team.
This ain't no game, this it
for real.
We ain't talking about playing
for no big signing bonuses
or no championship rings or
anything else
you used to in your past life...
Brother Davis, Brother Davis,
Talking about our lives here.
Stop it, stop it, all of you.
I did not come to this country
to fight
with our neighbors and our
- So please, stop it.
- Papito.
I mean, how can we stop him
from selling if he owns the
Isn't that his right?
Just 'cause he owns
the buildings don't mean
he got the right to ruin the
businesses that's in 'em.
Maybe for all we know, LaTrice
could be
the answer to our
problems, not the problem.
Look, she's rich, maybe
she loans us a little money
so we can hire a lawyer to sue
I'm not as well off as the
talk of
the block would have you
I'm far from whore, yes,
but I'm also far from
sitting on a family fortune.
Marquis did offer me a deal.
We trusted you.
I know.
Marquis had no choice but to
approach me
and try to strike a bargain,
- but I didn't accept his offer.
- Why,
because he low balled you?
Stay away from them if you
know what's good for you.
Because it wasn't right for us.
And you would've only been
sleeping with the devil.
I told you I gotcha, don't
I want you to meet my pride and
my baby boy, Special Agent
Edmund Ellis.
Well hello, nice to meet you.
I've heard a great deal about
all of you
and my mother has explained to
the basic facts pertaining
to your predicament.
Your landlord, Mr. King,
he's got a predicament
or two of his own, starting with
the fact
that he owes Uncle Sam
a substantial amount
of unpaid taxes from years of
- income.
- The income he got
- from all of us.
- No doubt.
Who'd have thought, with
all Jeanette's nonsense,
her son was actually working
undercover for the FBI?
- Jeanette boy is real?
- Real as you and me.
And you should see him,
girl, good looking.
I mean, Denzel-icious.
Ooh, he that good
- Mm-hm, smart too.
- Too young for y'all.
If I didn't know any better,
I'd say you a little jealous,
And you'd be lying to
What I want to know is what's
gonna happen to your shop.
I'm on a fixed income,
so somebody tell me,
where's a fastidious man on a
fixed income
supposed to get a quality $5
That's what I thought, crickets.
Jeanette's boy say he's
gonna pull a few strings
and see if he can't find
out what the numbers are
and a few other things to
give us the inside track,
but after that, we gotta
take it from there.
No matter how much it is, it's
be more than any of us can
Jeanette wasn't lying
'bout her son, maybe she's
not lying about her lottery
ticket, maybe it's a winner.
And maybe it'll snow tomorrow
and Theona and me get remarried,
No need to get hostile, Spoon.
I'm just saying what
I'm thinking while I'm
sitting here waiting
for you to cut my hair.
Well, while you sitting there
waiting on me to cut your hair,
why don't you think about
something useful, huh?
Like how we gonna keep our
'Cause I don't plan on losing
that me and Theona didn't
work so hard to build.
Put our hearts and soul
into everything we got.
Here you go, Olivia, you're
all set.
- Wear it, love it, enjoy it.
- Oh, I most certainly will.
It is beautiful, you're a
Now, you're sure Shelby
doesn't have this one?
Oh, it's all one of a kind.
Perfect, ah, she's gonna die.
Yo, what's cracking, Rodney?
What are you doing here, Dwayne?
- I'm not buying your CDs.
- Yo, it's Glock-9.
And why ain't you, man, for
reals, Rodney.
Look man, I'm just out
here every day, man,
just trying to hustle to
get my game off the ground,
just like you, all right?
Well look, I just saw you make
skrilla off the white lady, man.
Why can't you help a young
struggling black brother
who's just trying to make ends
You dig?
How much?
$2.99 for one or it's $5 for
- How about one?
- Thank you, yeah.
- It better be good.
- What?
It's gonna be better than good,
- You know G9 can spit, man.
- Yeah.
Hey, you want two,
one for your boyfriend?
My father wanted a son
that was gonna grow up
to be a running back in the NFL.
He used to call me sweet feet,
but his son wanted to grow up to
a famous fashion designer
on the runways of Paris.
From then on, he just called me
left me for my mom to raise me.
How did you feel at the time?
Actually, abandoned,
hated, responsible.
I felt like maybe there was
something wrong with me.
But there was nothing wrong
with you.
No, I was exactly what I was
supposed to be, what I was made
to be.
And look, if he didn't understand
that, then it's his fault,
- it's his loss, you know?
- I don't know.
Are you just saying the words,
Rodney, or do you really believe
Yeah, because I'm gonna make
- How can you be so sure?
- 'Cause I'm good.
- Yes.
- And my dad
is just gonna have to deal with
the fact
that I'm gonna buy my mom
this beautiful mansion
and he's not allowed in it, so.
What do you know about having
- a boyfriend?
- Nothing.
But, you know, I didn't
think you was liking
- females like that.
- And how you know that?
Well, I mean, whenever
men make things for women,
especially like this, a man's
not gonna be
- liking them like that.
- Oh my goodness, okay,
so, your, your, your small
mindedness is so awesome.
All right, well just know
this, man.
I'm never gonna forget that you
supported me, man, for real.
Even when I'm at the top.
- Oh, oh my goodness.
- I'm ghost.
Hey stop, where'd you get that
- It's mine.
- And I'm
asking you where you got it.
- Selling CDs.
- You got a receipt?
- No, but I ain't done...
- Stay there.
- What's in the bag?
- I ain't done nothing.
That's what all the bad guys
Stay there, don't move.
Hey, hey, hey. stop.
Hey, stop, hey, stop, stop.
Hey, you quit running right now
or I swear to God, I'll shoot.
What in the world?
Just drop the bag, get on
the ground now, face down.
No, wait, I'll show
you, Glock-9, Glock-9.
Oh my god, what did
you do, what did you do?
Shots fired, request
9850 Liberty Street, young
male, Black, suspect down.
I thought he had a gun, why'd he
Because he was afraid
of being shot by a cop.
Davis, go
get some clean towels.
Focus, go get some towels.
I heard a gunshot, what
- He shot Dwayne.
- Oh my god, oh my god, why?
- For no good reason.
- Why?
No, God, I thought he had a
He didn't have a gun.
The boy's the only
- thing that matters.
- He killed you, baby.
- Can you just hang on?
- I thought he had a gun.
Did you call an
Gonna be a mess all the way
if that boy don't pull through.
Papers say cop probably gonna
forced to resign, so at
least that's something.
Not gonna be enough if
that boy don't make it.
Theona still at the hospital?
Ain't left his side since last
She's a good woman, Theona.
Don't know what's gonna
happen on these streets
if that boy don't pull through.
Killed right there, walking
Black lives matter.
- How is he?
- Doctor says
he's gonna make it, but I don't
He's in a coma, still fighting.
He'll be alright.
I hope so, I sure hope so.
Why didn't you just go
home and get you some rest?
I canceled all your
customers and closed early.
I didn't feel like being
Mind if I join you?
- This is your church.
- Hm.
Wonder what God would say about
He put you here, didn't He?
That He did, Mr. Salgado, that
He did.
I hear that you make
a pretty good priest.
Well, I heard you make
a pretty good bartender.
- You busy?
- Hey, Angelica.
- Come on in, have a seat.
- It'll just take a minute.
I wanted to thank you for
what you did for my father.
Oh, no, I just made a phone
call for
- a friend and neighbor.
- You did more than that.
We were treated very well.
My father's feeling hopeful.
And, if for no other reason,
I thank you for that.
Whatever I can do to help.
No matter how things turn out,
I think it was a good thing you
came here.
- Thank you for saying that.
- Just wanted you to know.
What you think, should
we give this a try?
Wait, what, that's it?
That's it?
What, you're just gonna
leave as if we're nothing?
Grant, we were never really
What are you gonna
do without me, LaTrice?
Oh, everything.
I done that for you already.
Well, you missed a couple
You were always better
with the broom than a mop
and you're not that great with a
Guess I am better at making
a mess than cleaning up one.
I just wish that somehow I
that everything was gonna be all
I'll fix it if you
I'll fix it if you want,
I'll fix it if you want.
It's been such a long, long
Look like I kept you off of my
But I can't
Just a part of you, just a
part of you
I love you, Theona.
Misty blue
I love you. And I miss you,
Oh honey
I'm sorry I broke what we had,
I broke us.
Turns the flicker to a flame
But if you could, somehow.
Listen to me good baby
Find a place in your heart to
forgive me
just enough to give me one more
I swear I will spend the rest of
my life
loving you and working hard
to fix what I had done.
Baby I should forget you
Look at me Theona.
Heaven knows I've tried
Well I say that I'm glad we're
Deep in my heart, I know I've
I've lied, I've lied
I want you to be my wife
again, Theona.
I don't ever wanna spend another
without you lying next to me.
Take your wife home and hold
It's been such a long, long
Looks like I kept you off of
my mind
But I can't
Just a thought of you
Yes, Theo?
Turns misty blue
It's snowing.
Whatever you say,
babe, whatever you say.
Oh I can't forget you
My whole world turns misty
Oh my love
My whole world turns
misty blue, misty blue
Baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, I can't forget you
LaTrice, what's
I just don't wanna
who I am or where I came from.
LaTrice, it'll
be a snowy day in the middle
of an Oakland summer
before that ever happens.
As long as you remember,
it will always be home.
- LaTrice, LaTrice.
- There's always home.
- LaTrice?
- Why are you here?
- There's always home.
- Thank you, doctor.
Baby, I've missed you.
You can't just
throw us out in the streets.
- These are my people.
- We trusted you.
- You don't belong here.
- There's always home.
- Stay away from me.
- LaTrice could be
the answer to our
problems, not the problem.
I think it was
a good thing you came here.
We don't need you
in here telling our business.
The power of
I don't want to
- I thought he had a gun.
- But he didn't have a gun.
- There's always home.
- Help.
Hey, sleeping beauty.
- Sorry, my session went long.
- Mm.
You ready for lunch?
I'm starving.
I wasn't sleeping, Grant, I
just didn't have my eyes open.
And no,
I don't wanna go to
lunch, I just wanna go.
Go, go where?
Where I need to be.
Baby there's a chance I'll get
It sure would be nice
to be back at home
Where there's love and
And just maybe I can
convince time to slow up
Givin' me enough time
ooh in my life to grow up
Time be my friend
And let me start
Now, that's what I need me
right there.
- Something like that.
- Mm-hm.
She look like she doing just
with who she got and don't
need nothing like you.
I was talking 'bout the car,
Whatever, both of 'em too
fast for your broke ass.
Now how do you know she fast?
'Cause them shoes and
that car ain't cheap.
Which means she gotta be?
You tell me, you the expert on
- cheap women.
- Theona, please.
For all you know that girl
could be a new customer.
Please, she
ain't coming in here.
Where she gets her hair done,
they don't
have customers, they have
Her hair got Snob Hill
hair weaved all over it.
That we see
Tell us should we try and stay
Or should we run away
Or will it be
Better just to let
things, let them be oh
I don't have an appointment, I
was just
wondering if you could take a
walk in.
You sure you in the right
Oh yes, I'm sure.
But it's taught me to love, oh
All right, come on in, have a
Let's take a look at your head
and see what we got going on.
Thank you.
Like yours, like mine
Like ours
Davis Witherspoon,
you may kiss your bride.
Yo yo yo
Glock-9 right on time
to spin my rhymes
Allowed to make the stars
I'm often on the block getting
What you thought in a head
Ooh she gone blow your mind
I been sad this thing's not my
Always here with me, step by
Take a stroll with me, let's
No place I'd rather be, rather
On the block yeah
On the block mm-hm
On the block yeah
I couldn't have said
it better myself, Shelby.
The Creations by Mali collection
is not
a must have, it's a to die for.
You just heard it from
the man himself, girl,
so you call in and you get
it before they're gone, girl.
It changed my life, you changed
my life.
- And you look beautiful.
- Oh my god, really?
Thank you.
So beautiful.
I needed that, thank you.
I been sad this thing's not my
Always here with me, step by
Like these two, mira?
Uh, more like a mocha, right?
Yeah, but very little
mocha here, brother.
- Yeah.
- But it is,
- is it a lot of mocha?
- No, no, no, no, no.
We're talking a lot of
milk with a little mocha.
Does he know I'm an FBI agent?
Oh man.
Jeanette Ellis, you have
just won $127 million.
Tell us how you're feeling right
Hot and working it.
I told y'all I gotcha, I gotcha
She got ya.
I'm alive
I'm alive
Hey Spoon, how long it take
to get married a second time?
I got places to be.
I'm go in here and save $5.
Well, the taxes got
paid, so that kept me
from going to jail, but I was
I was Mr. King, man,
property owner, land lord.
And I was forced to sell my
empire to the block of nobodies,
including a multimillion
dollar lottery winning
crazy ass mail lady for one damn
And uh, how does that make you
You make me
laugh, I was like, "Aah."
Yeah yeah feelin' brand new
Got shots and I take
it in a space coup
Can I get her on this
she more than just cute
I been in a zone get my nigga
all blue
Tell that shorty bow
down on your sassy
Don't who you came with you
gone come on back to my place
She gone grab my
Tommy, that's Hilfiger
She gone push it down
for some real figures
Bonin' with the stars,
that's a big dipper
I know a place
Ain't nobody cryin'
Ain't nobody worried no
Ain't no smilin' faces
Mm-mm no no
Flyin' to the races
Help me
Come on come on
Somebody help me now,
I'll take you there
Help me y'all, I'll take you
Help me now, I'll take you
Oh help me, I'll take you
Oh oh mercy, I'll take you
Oh let me take you there,
I'll take you there
Oh ho let me take you
there, I'll take you there
Play it Larry
Play your play your
piano now all right
Oh yeah
Do it, do it, come on now
Play on it play on it
Meet Daddy now
Daddy Daddy Dad
Yo mm
Gotta get it
Ooh Lord, all right now
Baby, little lady
I need you now, help out
C'mon little lady
All right
Dom dom dom dom dom dom dom
Doin' sockin' soul
I oh I
I know a place y'all,
I'll take you there
Ain't nobody cryin',
I'll take you there
Ain't nobody worried,
I'll take you there
No one's smilin' faces,
I'll take you there
Fly to the races,
I'll take you there
Oh no
Oh, I'll take you there
Oh oh oh, I'll take you there
Mercy now, I'll take you there
I'm callin' callin' callin'
for mercy
I'll take you there
Mercy mercy
I'll take you there
Let me, I'll
take you there
Oh oh I'll take you
there, I'll take you there
Oh oh oh ho I wanna take you
Just take me by my by hand let
Let me let me let me let
me let me lead lead away
Oh, I'll take you there
Let me take you there,
I'll take you there
Let me take you there,
I'll take you there
Ain't no smilin' faces,
I'll take you there
Up in here flyin' to the
races, I'll take you there
You oughta, you got to,
got to, got to let me
Let me take you, take
you, take you over there
I'll take you there
Oh no, all right, I'll take
you there
Oh oh oh oh oh oh all
right, I'll take you there
Oh oh, I'll take you there
Oh yeah, I'll take you there
Whoa yeah, I'll take you there
Let me lead the way,
I'll take you there
I'll take you there
Oh hm
I'll take you there