A Splash of Love (2022) Movie Script

This program is rated G
and is suitable for
general audiences.
You have got me lifted
so high
Above it all
So bright
You have got me lifted
so high
Above it all
Summer dreams
Are they what they seem?
Like castles in the sand
Am I falling in love
with you?
Or will the feelings fade
into the waves?
You have got me
You have got me...
All right, Chloe Turner,
what's keeping you and me
here on a Saturday?
Dr. Andrea,
the Right whale samples
came in with the counts,
and I couldn't wait
until Monday to see.
Contaminants are down 40%
from last year's specimens.
That's good news.
And there's a healthy-looking
amount of blubber here, too.
What are our counts this year?
We're up
an additional six whales.
Six? Wow.
Which means
our food-conservation efforts
are working--
In the marine-protected area
that you established.
It would be so cool
to see it in person.
Conduct the count,
collect the samples.
Maybe next year.
Maybe next week.
There's an exciting opportunity
on the other side
of the country.
We have a research grant
that allows
one of our Ph.D. students
to study
the Orca whale migration
in the Pacific Northwest.
This is actually
really impressive.
It is.
You are my first choice
for the program.
Oh, I don't know
anything about them.
But you're wildly curious, Chloe,
It would give me insight
into a whole new species
of whales.
And the more we know
about the Orcas...
...the better
we can protect them.
And I think this trip
could give you
the field experience you need
to nail down your thesis
and maybe even present you
with a discovery
that would inspire you to apply
for the National
Doctoral Scholarship.
That's the most competitive
award in the country.
I'm more likely
to get drafted by NASA
than get that scholarship.
You will never know
if you don't apply.
The research study trip
is Monday to Sunday.
This Monday?
I was supposed to be moving in
with my boyfriend, Marcus,
this weekend.
Oh, I didn't know
you had a boyfriend,
you spend so much time
in the lab.
Yeah, that's the thing...
we're both Ph.D. students,
and we hardly ever
see each other.
Honestly, I thought
we were growing apart,
he said he wanted to talk to me,
and he seemed really excited,
and then I saw
a receipt in his car
for a key cutter
next to this little envelope
with my name on it.
That's very exciting, Chloe.
Well, if you change your mind,
let me know soon.
Thank you, Professor.
And keep up the good work.
[knocks on door]
Hey, you.
How are the fish today?
- It's mammals.
- Right. Sorry.
How are the big fish today?
We got impressive lab results
and this year's count
is showing big numbers.
Love big numbers.
The bigger the better.
In fact,
I got the biggest numbers
in our mock
Wall Street session today.
That's great!
Why, thank you.
Yeah, it looks like we're both
exceeding expectations.
Me in Economics
and you in...
Marine Mammar...
No. Mammalogy.
Ah, right.
Time for...
"Sandwich-split Saturdays."
- My favorite day.
- [Marcus laughs]
You know, I actually
wanted to talk to you
about Saturdays.
- They're great--
- Mm-hmm.
But we're both so busy
that, outside of that,
we don't get to see each other
nearly enough,
so, I was thinking...
...it's time
we start sharing some space.
What-- what is this?
Open it.
I really have no idea
what it could be.
To our new place!
- [Chloe squeals]
- Oh, I can't wait to show you.
Welcome home.
This is an office.
Yeah! Our office.
It's right between
my lecture hall
and your research lab.
I can honestly say
I wasn't expecting this.
Hey, look,
I know that this is
a big commitment, okay,
but I don't know,
I feel like we're ready
to take that next step.
I don't think
we're on the same page.
Exactly. Exactly!
Which is why
we can finally find ourselves
in the same place,
at the same time,
in between classes.
I don't know,
I think maybe
I need some time to--
Some time?
Well, how about
we reschedule for...
for Monday?
I'm gonna be
in the Pacific Coast
for a research trip on Monday.
Oh, you are?
Yeah. Yeah, the opportunity
just came up,
it's only a week,
and then I'll be back for...
For the big move-in?
Sure, yes.
We'll talk then.
Bye. See you later.
I'm glad you love it.
- Hi, Dr. Andrea.
- Oh, hi, Chloe.
Is the research trip
still available?
It is,
and it's all yours
if you want it.
Yes. More than anything.
Oh, no.
Maybe it's not too far to walk.
We are going old school.
Let's see here...
[shrieks] Oh!
You all right?
It should be illegal
to rent these things
to tourists around here.
Excuse me,
I'm not a tourist,
I am a scientist,
and I asked
for a smart car.
Not so smart after all.
Oh... you're funny.
I'm headed to Mary's B&B
in Cable Cove.
Do you have any idea
how far away that is?
I do.
If you call a tow truck,
it will be a couple of hours,
but I can get you there
in five minutes if you want.
Yeah, if you insist.
I insist.
Need a hand?
Thank you.
- Yes.
- Good?
- So--
- I'm Chloe.
Sorry, let's try that again.
I'm Ben Winters, and you are?
I'm Chloe Turner.
The scientist.
Uh, technically,
Chloe the Ph.D. student.
Well then, Dr. Chloe Turner.
No. Not yet.
I'm studying Marine Mammalogy
at Miami Central College.
Oh, so you're here
for the Orcas.
I spent the whole flight
reading about them.
I cannot imagine
what it would be like
to see one in real life.
You've never seen
an Orca in the wild before?
Just the 800 times
I watched "Free Willy".
As a kid.
Right. Of course.
You know, something tells me
you're gonna love Cable Cove.
Thank you for the lift.
No problem.
I'll call the tow-truck company,
see if I can't get you
a refund for the rental.
You sure I can't give you
a hand--
Oh, no, no, no--
What did you say
your name is again?
Ben Winters.
You let me go on about whales
that whole time
and didn't tell me you have
an entire business
dedicated to them?
I liked hearing you
talk about them.
If you need anything,
don't be afraid to knock.
Pretty sure I'll be fine.
Right, a scientist
not a tourist.
You got it.
- Bye.
- See ya.
Hello, friend!
Seal! Seal!
I'm gonna love it here!
Oh! Hi!
I'm Chloe Turner,
just checking in.
Oh, you're the student
from Miami!
I'm Mary.
I'm just so tickled
you've come all this way
to see our whales.
Not just see them,
I'm here to study them.
Well, what type of research
are you doing?
I'm examining
the Orcas' migratory behaviors,
hopefully determining
any patterns
that would help us
continue to protect them.
Well, that's what
we're all about
here in Cable Cove.
I am going to give you
my favorite cabin.
It's right on the ocean.
I'll meet you right out there.
Oh, okay.
I have to say,
I think this is
the nicest bed and breakfast
I have ever stayed in.
I'm so glad you like it!
Wait till you see
the rest of this place.
Oh, my goodness!
You are gonna love this cabin.
Mary, I already do.
Are you sure
I can't take your bag?
Yes. Thank you.
And don't worry
about your shoes.
It's very homey here.
Come on in.
[Chloe] It's so pretty in here.
Should be all warmed up
in here for you.
It's perfect.
[Mary] I never get tired
of that view.
Yeah, I wouldn't either.
So, breakfast is served
every morning at the big house
from 6 to 9.
and there's a fresh pot
of coffee on all day,
so you can come up anytime.
Oh, thank you, Mary.
I'm gonna get out of here
and let you settle in.
No, no, no.
Where's the camera?
Okay, let's go.
Sorry, sorry!
- Oh!
- Okay.
- Hey.
- Um--
- Well, please.
- No, I insist.
You know what,
that feels weird.
- You should--
- Yeah, I'm gonna go.
Hey, Sammy.
[shutter clicking]
[shutter clicking]
Is what you should've done
10 seconds ago.
That is so helpful.
Thank you for the tip.
Yeah, no problem.
I wouldn't worry about it.
Orcas are
notoriously camera-shy--
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Where are you going?
To my boat!
Gotta catch up to the pod!
Excuse me. Pardon me.
You've got a boat?
You've got a boat.
I sure do.
Here she is.
Wow, and you're going
to pilot it?
And you know what you're doing?
Yes. Just...
checking out the old bow here.
That's the stern.
Bow's up front.
I know that.
I was looking at it from here.
So you've done this before?
So you've got a full tank,
bail bucket...
Yeah. I'm sure all those things
are here somewhere.
And you've definitely checked
the nautical forecast,
wind speeds?
Well, if you need anything--
Okay. I know where to find you.
Thanks so much.
Actually, what is a bail--
You are lucky
you were still tied up.
I did not know
the ocean would be so cold.
You're not in Miami
anymore, Chloe.
I know,
and now I've lost a whole day.
Day's not over yet,
you just need a little guidance.
You know what, I'm gonna
give Ben Winters a call--
I don't think
that's a good idea.
Well, Ben knows
more about the Orcas
than anyone in Cable Cove.
Yes, I'm sure he does,
but he has offered to help me
a number of times,
and I've told him
that I don't need his help
the same number of times, so.
Well, I'll take a look
for some maps.
Thank you, Mary.
[Ben] Hope you got something
hot and strong for me, Mary?
[Mary] Sure do!
You're the best.
You're back already?
I didn't quite make it out.
I see.
Are you in a bit
over your head,
so to speak?
I'm fine.
Here you go, Ben.
Thank you.
Why don't you have a seat...
right here?
[Mary] This lovely lady
could use a Cable Cove
crash course,
and you are the guy
for the job.
Happy to help.
Okay, um,
here's a bit of history.
120 years ago,
they set up
a telegraph cable line
right here,
giving Cable Cove its name.
the Pacific Ocean,
which introduced itself
to you today--
Rather rudely--
-Is all around us
and it has a tendency
to be a little moody.
One minute,
it's blue skies and calm tides,
the next, it's white squalls
and raging winds.
Now the fun part.
Cable Cove
is known for its whales,
specifically the Orcas.
Southern Resident Orcas,
to be precise.
Wow. What else you got?
Well, even though
they are called Resident Orcas,
they like to travel,
sometimes as far north
as Alaska,
or all the way
down to California,
but this time of year,
they always come back here--
Because it's dinner-time.
The Chinook salmon run
brings them to the Salish Sound.
That's right.
To this river here.
The Chinooks then return
to the Coldstream River
to spawn,
and the whales
just sit back and relax
and wait to feast.
In fact,
it's the circle of life.
I'm impressed.
You did your homework.
Well, it was a long flight.
How's classes going?
- Goodness! Sorry.
- You okay?
Class is...
it's going great.
I'm not sure who the student
and who the teacher is.
Well, that's the best kind.
A symbiotic relationship.
Thank you.
Are these all for Saturday?
They sure are.
I just need to get them steamed
and cleaned by then.
What's Saturday?
Oh, it's my annual
Fine-dining Dock Dinner Party!
Kind of a big deal around here.
[Mary] I get the lobsters
flown in from the Atlantic,
triple-A fillets
from the Prairies,
and champagne.
The good stuff.
[Ben] Mary sells tickets
and all the proceeds
go to the Cable Cove
Conservation Fund.
What's that?
It's an organization
that helps make sure
all the Resident Orcas
keep coming back.
You know, it's our busiest time
for tourists.
Between the Orca migration
and the dock party,
everything is booked up.
I'm sure you must be
super busy
with the whale-watching
tours then.
Yeah, yeah.
The first few days
are a little light, but...
Ben, why don't you
take Chloe out on the boat
and show her around
while you still have a chance?
I don't think
Chloe needs my help.
It might actually be nice
to have a little local guidance,
if you have time.
Yeah, well,
showing people around Cable Cove
is kind of my thing.
I'd love to help.
Thank you.
Hey, guys.
Oh, hey, Ben.
You headed out?
Sure am.
Taking Dr. Chloe Turner here
to study some whales.
Just Chloe, not a doctor.
Not yet.
Well, you've got
the best guy to guide you.
I'm Adrian and this is Shawna.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I love your boat!
What a beautiful place to live.
Yeah, it is.
You just have to make sure
you stay moisturized.
No one wants to look like
a salty old fisherman.
Speak for yourself!
- Good haul today?
- Oh, yes.
These ones are real beauties.
Well, it's lovely
to meet you all.
We'll see you around the Cove.
Welcome to my second home.
The Marine Magic.
And definitely
more magical than mine.
On this boat, you only
get splashed if you want to.
Let's see...
Oh, cool.
Is that an underwater camera?
Yeah, it is.
With 4K digital imaging.
As long as we're close enough,
whatever happens down there...
we can see on here.
I just got to figure out
where to install it.
Oh, don't put that--
All right.
- You all right?
- Mm-hmm.
why don't you find
your sea legs,
and we'll install this later?
- That's a good idea.
- Okay.
I'm sure
they're in here somewhere.
In the back somewhere.
Let it out
Breathe it in
Feel it now
On your skin
Let the ocean
wash your fears away
Your heart is...
[Chloe] Did you see something?
Not yet, but I got a theory.
You know, people always say
we're "whale watching",
but I think
the whales are watching us.
When they're ready to be seen,
they make sure to put on a show.
So you believe the whales know
we watch them for entertainment?
Yeah, the whales I know
have big personalities.
[Chloe] There must be
food in the area!
The big one just breached
to let the others know!
[Ben] Yeah.
And from what I can tell
by its tail fluke,
that's B-16,
or Romeo, as I like to call him.
- Romeo?
- Yeah.
This is Bravo pod,
and he's a big reason
why they're the biggest pod,
with 33 whales.
There are 33 whales
around us right now?
- Mm-hmm.
- Wow.
Tidewater to Marine Magic.
We have Delta pod up here
at Bowen Bay
and it's a bit of a party. Over.
Copy that.
All right, Doc,
let's see
if we can get you closer.
Where's the party?
No fear of letting go
Let it go
Look at what you want
Look at what you want
What you want...
What you want...
Tell me, can you hear us...
[Chloe] Wow.
See what I mean
about putting on a show?
I have never been
this close to a whale before.
Ben, can I see the iPad?
I wanna look underwater.
Thank you.
This is like a dream come true.
[Ben] The 101
on how to tie up a boat.
Pull tight.
Wrap it around the cleat,
back again,
turn, twist, and pull.
Pull up.
I'm going to need
to see that again.
It's okay.
We've got all week.
Okay, so...
there are three major
transient Orca pods--
the B-, D- and E-pods.
Yup. Bravo, Delta and Echo.
Bravo is the biggest,
but Delta has Granny.
- Granny?
- Yeah.
She's the oldest Orca
we have around here.
105 years old,
but don't tell her
I told you her age.
Okay, okay.
And their societal structure
is matriarchal, right?
Meaning that sons and daughters
will stay with their mothers
even after they've had
offspring of their own.
They have really strong
family bonds.
That's crazy.
That must mean
Granny pretty much
runs everything around here.
She sure does.
I wouldn't want
to mess with her.
She's kind of like
"The Codmother".
So what about the Echo pod?
Well, Echo is
the smallest of the three,
which kind of makes it
my favorite.
There's nine of them,
and they're a really
tight-knit unit.
We saw Bravo and Delta today.
Where do you think Echo was?
That's a good question.
Come to think of it,
I haven't seen them for a while.
Is that normal?
For an entire pod to be M.I.A.
this time of year?
Not really.
But I wouldn't worry
too much about it.
Just a fluke.
- Was that a joke?
- A bad one.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
But they'll show up.
They have to.
We saw you first.
I'll find you, Echo.
Good morning, Professor.
Chloe, good morning!
How was it?
It was incredible.
I got up close with
two of the three Orca pods
that migrate
through these waters.
I've been watching
your underwater footage
on the link you sent me!
I could just sit at the computer
and watch it all day!
Aren't they just magnificent?
I'm happy to hear
you're starting to see
the whales
in their natural habitat.
Now, where is the third pod?
I'm not sure.
But I was thinking of conducting
some onshore tests today
to see if there might be
a reason
the Echo pod is missing.
That's a good idea.
Do everything you can
to locate them.
Without all three
of the local pods to research,
any study you carry out
would be inconclusive.
That's what I'm afraid of.
You know better than anyone
that where there are questions,
there are answers.
Go out and find them.
Thank you.
Oh! Thank you!
Still looking for the whales?
You know, those Orcas
have always been unpredictable.
You know,
off the Florida Coast,
we saw a major drop-off
of the Right whales,
and then when I investigated,
we saw that their food source
had been compromised.
Well, you think the Echo pod
might be migrating
somewhere else for feed?
Well, I think
it's a good place to start.
I know I'd migrate here
for your cupcakes.
So good!
Thank you.
Hi, Shawna!
Oh, hey, Chloe.
Looking to do
some crabbing today?
No, no. Thank you.
I was actually wondering,
have you seen
the Echo pod recently?
You know what?
I don't think I have.
- Hey, Adrian?
- Yes, Captain?
Have you seen
Echo pod recently?
That's the little one, right?
Not since last year.
I wonder why.
How's the salmon run
this season?
I'd say it's the healthiest
it's ever been.
Yeah. Every whale in the region
should be here.
[Adrian] If we see them,
we can let you know.
Yeah, please do.
I'm starting
to get a little worried.
- Good luck, Chloe.
- Thank you.
She waits
for the sun to go down
Comes up
when there's no one around
Keeps eyes locked
on the ground
Behind those eyes is a fire
She's taken on the world
She's taken on the world
What's up, Doc?
- Hey.
- How's it goin'?
It would be better
if I could figure out
where Echo pod is.
Oh, I put a call out
to some of the other
whale-watching boats...
Nothing yet.
It's weird.
I checked the water temperature,
it seems normal.
there's no parasites
in the local shellfish,
and there's plenty
of salmon running.
I've been doing this
a long time,
and every season,
the whales get me
chasing my tail.
I don't have all season.
I have a research study
that needs evidence
backed up
by all three of the pods.
What about a water sample?
That's a good idea.
I could take an extraction
of the volumes and mutations
of the phytoplankton.
Algae, Ben.
The base layer
of the marine food chain.
Healthy supplies of it mean...
- ...happy whales.
- Happy whales!
I was... right there.
Well, I know a great spot
to get a sample.
Are you gonna eat that?
Yeah. Of course I am.
Let's go!
- Okay.
- Hurry!
Come on in.
You're lucky you came
during the one week of the year
when the water is warm.
Ish. Yeah.
I forgot to say "ish".
I thought this was
supposed to be the Pacific,
not the Antarctic!
The water's not going
to sample itself.
Become one with the water.
That's it.
I'm about to become one
with hypothermia.
Yeah, I like to do
a few cold plunges a week,
follow it up
with a beach bonfire.
Very interesting story.
You know what people
usually like to avoid?
Ah. Right.
Hey, it does look like
there's a bit of algae in here.
Okay, gotta go.
I can't feel my feet.
Oh, slippery!
Yeah, definitely--
definitely algae!
Some weather rolling in.
Does that mean we can't go out
on the water tomorrow?
Rain we can handle,
but if it's bad winds,
we'll have to stay on shore.
do you wanna grab a bite
at Mary's?
Her sign says
"Bed and Breakfast",
but she really
serves something hot all day.
Maybe another time.
I... gotta go defrost.
Of course.
Warm up those feet.
- Mm-hmm.
- All right, well,
see you around.
- Bye.
- Bye.
[phone buzzing]
Hey, Chloe!
What are you doing at school?
I'm just moving into
my side of the office.
I did take up
a little bit more than half,
if I'm being honest,
but you keep your microscope
in the lab, right?
I know, I'm supposed to give
you your space this week, I do,
but, you know,
I just wanted
to check in on the Orcas.
We saw them jumping,
splashing, playing.
It was amazing.
Nice. I thought they only did
that stuff at the aquarium.
No, no.
They do it in the ocean, too.
Look, Chloe.
I know that sometimes
we're on different wavelengths,
but I really believe
that this shared office
is going to bring us
closer together.
I know you do.
And don't worry,
I'll keep your side
of the office warm.
See ya.
Where are you, Echo?
Mary! Hi!
Heavens to Betsy!
I didn't want you to get soaked
first thing
on your way to breakfast.
That is so nice, thank you.
Oh, it's just a little
tea and toast.
Boy, that rain is something.
It seems you might be
land-locked today.
Yeah, I think my study
is going to be put on pause.
You've just
got to get creative.
How can I be creative in this?
Well, being this close
to the ocean
might give you
some great ideas.
See you later.
I'm sorry.
Did I wake you?
No, no.
I was just enjoying
the pitter patter.
Well, they don't call it
"the wet coast" for nothing.
It's a bit of a howler
out there,
but in my experience,
no storm lasts forever.
Everything okay?
The water samples
came back clean.
I need some inspiration
to figure out why
the Echo pod is still missing.
You know what,
I know a place
that just might help.
Come on.
Let's go check it out.
[Chloe] Wow!
We call this guy "Biggie".
I can understand why.
We're lucky to have
such an extensive variety
of whales to study
right here in Cable Cove,
even after they've lived out
their best lives.
Whoa, whoa.
Have the Orcas really been
in the Salish Sea
for 5,000 years?
Yeah. That's our best estimate.
Come here,
I want to show you another room.
it's kind of my favorite place.
I call this "the playground".
[Chloe] Cool.
It's mostly family heirlooms
that have been passed down
over generations.
This is actually
a part of a whale bone
that's been converted to an ax.
No way.
- I can touch?
- Absolutely.
- It's cool, huh?
- Mm-hmm.
And this was actually
a mold of my teeth
when I was younger.
I'll use it to talk
when I'm old and toothless.
I know.
I know what this is.
Of course you do.
This here is an Orca fin.
[Ben] That's right.
I actually found this guy.
He was washed up
on one of our local beaches.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
I think it's exceptional
what you have here.
I just hope it inspires
the next generation.
The next whale watchers,
the next doctors.
Hey, do you think I can get
some of the footage
from your underwater camera?
Of course.
I've never seen our pods
from that perspective before.
I'd love to show
the people we work with.
Sure, I'll send you
the link tonight.
Hopefully, there'll be
more footage to add
if we get back on the water.
The weather's
clearing up a bit.
Might be a little late
to get out on the boat,
but there is a place
I could take you
where we could see the whales
out of the water.
It's a bit of a hike,
but the views are killer.
If you're up for it.
- Yeah, I wanna go.
- Come on.
- You good?
- Yes.
All right, we've got to hurry.
Hurry for what?
The sun is going down.
Oh, right. Okay.
All right, step up.
- Thank you.
- Almost there.
I thought it would be cool
for you to see
the whale migration
from a different viewpoint.
Oh, my goodness.
- See over there?
- Yeah.
Those are
The Broken Islands.
That's pretty much the start
of The Salish Sound.
So it's like a gateway, right?
If the Echo pod
isn't already in the Sound,
then they should be
arriving shortly
right through those islands.
[Ben] That's my best guess.
They'll come.
You just... have to be patient.
Yeah, I just wish I had time
to wait around and see them.
Can't you extend your study
by a few days?
Or a week?
I don't think so.
I'd miss an important
scholarship deadline,
I'm supposed to be moving in
with my boyfriend.
Well, those are
some good reasons
to get back to Florida.
Well, not like in-in--
it's complicated.
What's the research
application thing?
Well, my professor wants me
to apply for a scholarship.
That would mean
I could spend more time here.
Not here specifically, but...
I'd like that.
Just off the point.
You see it?
[Chloe] Wow.
It's a humpback!
Look closely.
[Chloe] It's breaching!
Look, there's another one!
Oh! Wow.
Pretty cool, huh?
Thank you for bringing me here.
Of course.
Oh! It's so cold today!
Yeah, the weather can change
quite a bit out here
this time of year.
One minute, it's rainy,
the next minute, it's sunny,
but the good news is
tomorrow's supposed to be clear,
so we can spend the whole day
on the water together.
Uh, together with the whales,
that is.
You want some coffee?
Oh, yes, please.
Thank you.
You know, that will actually
be great for me.
I want to take out
my hydrophone.
If we can get close enough
to a pod,
we can listen
to their communication.
Ah, I see.
And what do you think
they'll be saying?
Well, it really depends
on the sound.
They're super smart and social,
so they tend to talk a lot.
Well, they'd get along great
with my Aunt Doreen.
I wonder where Mary is.
Oh, hey.
Mary, what's wrong?
The storm last night
was brutal.
So many trees are down,
and the only road
into Cable Cove is underwater.
Our guests for the weekend
are stranded
in the next town over
with no way in!
[Chloe] Oh, Mary.
It's okay.
We'll figure it out.
Oh, thank you.
It looks like
all the reservations are
for tourists from out of town,
and they're all set
to get here tomorrow.
That means no whale watching,
no fishing boat,
no dock party.
I mean, this is
our biggest weekend of the year,
and Cable Cove
is going to be empty.
How far away is the next town?
It's Port Douglas.
About an hour by car,
but the only problem is
it's one road in
and one road out.
[Mary] And that road is closed.
How far is it by boat?
All right,
it's looking like
about four hours to Port Douglas
and back by boat.
That is if you time it right
going through Deception Pass.
That's right.
What's Deception Pass?
It's a narrow pass
in a shallow body of water.
The boats don't usually
go through there
unless they have to.
The depth can be deceiving.
Hence the name.
You have to time yourself
perfectly with the tides,
otherwise you'll bottom out.
Right now, this is
our only chance
of getting our guests
into Cable Cove.
I think it's worth the risk.
I mean, I can go through first,
radio back to the other boats
when it's safe for passage.
I'll get it done.
We'll get it done.
You are my hero, Ben!
Well, this is Deception Pass,
but I'm not loving
the look of that channel marker
up there.
Looking a little too deceptive?
Yes, exactly.
Yeah, timing might be off
by a couple of hours.
What do you say we drop anchor?
Ay-aye, Cap'n.
- It's back here.
- Oh!
- Right.
- Yeah.
Just tell the boats to hold off
until it's passable.
Okay. If you really want
to understand a whale,
you've got to listen.
I'm sorry.
What was that?
- This here is a hydrophone.
- Mm-hmm.
It picks up signals
from all over the ocean,
way further out than
a camera could ever capture.
We drop it in,
and the low-frequency calls
are collected onto an app,
but we can also listen
right here.
So, my Aunt Doreen,
she works with the museum,
she said
that you could use the space
as a research facility.
Yeah. Then we thought maybe
the history might inspire you.
That would be great.
Thank you so much.
[whale communication]
Do you hear that clicking sound?
That's the Orcas using
echolocation to find food.
[whale communication]
They make noises
through this space
in their forehead
called a "melon".
It's pretty cool, right?
- [whale communication]
- Do you hear that?
That high-pitched sound?
That's them
talking to each other.
They're close.
Look, they're here!
[Ben] Four, five,
It's definitely a smaller pod.
Eight, nine... yeah.
I think this might be--
Is it the Echo pod?
That's them.
Thank you.
Yeah, a lot of whale action
on the water recently.
There you go.
Glad we could help.
If you're staying at Mary's,
it's just a left
at the end of the rail.
There you are.
All right. Bye.
one successful
tourist-recovery mission.
And one successful
Echo pod location.
Oh, nice job.
Yeah, I had a good teacher.
Maybe I could take him
to dinner sometime?
I know just the place.
It's close by,
has a great view,
wonderful owner.
Are you talking about Mary's?
Look, I got him breaching!
I wish I could jump that high.
Wow, I can't believe
I captured that.
Hey, do you see that
right there?
[Ben] Yeah, yeah.
That's Betty.
She's one of the adult females.
It's know it's hard to tell
with the way
the water distorts the images,
doesn't something seem
different about her?
[Ben] Maybe.
I'd have to see it
blown up bigger.
Yeah. I'll upload it tonight
and get a closer look.
But, really,
I'd like to see
all of your photos
blown up bigger.
You're such
a talented photographer,
and your underwater footage
is incredible.
You got my link?
And I shared it with my sister,
who teaches kindergarten.
The kids went nuts.
I love imagining
that other people are watching
the whales with us.
There's something
about the way you see whales.
I just...
I wish more people
could see them the way you do,
Do you think
that would make them
want to protect them, too?
Oh! Hey, guys.
Look who it is.
I have never seen
Mary's like this
and I need to sit down
after our day!
We haven't had crab traps
that full in a long time.
That's not a bad problem
to have.
You're not wrong.
I can take your orders.
I can take them-- oh!
Right now.
I am in the weeds,
but I'm having fun!
Well, I'll take
the fish 'n' chips,
please, Mary.
- Okay. Two?
- [Ben] Fish 'n' chips?
Looks like fish 'n' chips
all around.
Four fish 'n' chips
coming right up.
Might be the last of my cod.
Food orders have been delayed
with this washed-out road.
But I'm not complaining.
Look at this place--
full of visitors--
thanks to the two of you.
Come on, it was nothing.
we had a lot of fun--
and we found the Echo pod
we've been looking for.
Good! Good!
I can't wait to hear
all about it--
after I drop the fryers!
Thanks, Mary.
Did Echo pod
come into the Sound?
No, they were in the Straight,
which Ben said is unusual
for this time of year.
Yeah, it's definitely not
their normal route.
But you know those Orcas--
they have the whole ocean
to play hide-and-seek.
Oh, Mary looks like
she could use a hand.
Hey, I got it.
I got it.
- Just in time.
- Thank you.
are you staying
in town long?
No. Unfortunately,
I have to leave
at the end of the week.
Oh, that's too bad.
It's been nice to see Ben
with someone who enjoys
being with the whales so much.
You both have a lot in common.
Don't tell him this,
but I would have been lost
without him.
Oh, well, he has been
a little lost out here himself.
I haven't seen him having
such a good time
in a long time.
It's been really fun.
It is so nice
to have another girl around.
It's been a lot of guy stuff
since Ben's ex left town.
Some drinks for you ladies.
Oh, thank you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
I don't understand why.
What are you doing up so late?
I could ask you the same thing.
I'm looking for answers.
Huh. Me too.
You know,
sometimes you find them
when the light hits
a little different.
I'm sorry, what?
Come on.
You've gotta see for yourself.
I have never seen
so many stars.
[Ben] You know what they say,
there's more stars in the sky
than grains of sand on earth.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
That's hard to believe.
Well, some things
you need to see to believe.
Like tonight.
I knew I couldn't tell you--
you needed to see it
for yourself.
- Hot chocolate?
- Oh, yes, please.
So what exactly
am I looking for?
You'll know when you see it.
Can I get a hint?
I spy with my little eye
something that is green.
I don't see anything green.
Look up.
How is...
Aurora Borealis.
[Ben] It's just magic.
[Chloe] I cannot believe
you get to live here.
[Ben] Yeah, well,
I wouldn't want
to live anywhere else.
Have you ever been
anywhere else?
- Yes. Thank you.
- All right.
I tried the city out
for a few months last year,
but sometimes, it's more than
just the geography
that's incompatible.
And sometimes,
you come to a place
that seems far away...
and it feels like home.
What about you?
Are you finding the answers
you were looking for out there?
Yeah. Yeah.
Some of them.
I think all my questions
are still on my desk.
You know, I was actually
thinking of listening
to the sonar recordings
until I am fluent in Orca.
But I don't know.
I feel like it's going
to take a miracle.
A night like tonight
kind of makes
miracles seem possible.
Doesn't it?
Yes, open the email
and the attachment.
Now compare that
to the aerial image
of the Echo pod
from last year.
Do you see it?
There does seem to be
a much more significant bulge
in her abdominal region.
Right? Right?
...she's pregnant!
I would be inclined
to agree with you.
Given the Southern Resident
Orca whale's small population,
this is
a phenomenal discovery, Chloe.
How will we know
when she's due?
Orca whales gestate
for 15-18 months.
She's showing,
but she could still have
a ways to go.
You know, I was wondering
if her pregnancy
has anything to do
with the Echo pod changing
their migration patterns.
Is this what you're exploring
for your Ph.D. thesis?
Yeah! Plus,
I was actually thinking
I could build a website
and live-stream
the underwater footage
I've been getting.
The more people feel like
they know the whales,
the more they'll want
to protect them.
That sounds like a great idea
and an excellent addition
to your research.
It's just that it would take
a lot more time and funding
to stay here long enough
to be able to do that.
That's what
scholarships are for.
Chloe, you have
an incredible opportunity
over there at Cable Cove
to really make a difference.
Now, the application deadline
for the National
Doctoral Scholarship
closes at midnight on Sunday.
That's the same night
you're flying out.
Do you think
you can get it done by then?
I've heard this is a place
where miracles are possible.
I'm looking for Ben Winters.
Is he around?
No. No.
I think he's gone
whale watching.
Of course,
always with his whales.
Some things never change.
If you see Ben,
do you mind telling him
I'm here waiting?
should I say is waiting?
I guess you could call me
an old friend.
[phone buzzing]
[Ben] Hey, doc.
I thought I'd find you here.
- Nice command center!
- Thanks.
And guess what--
- Betty...
- Uh-huh?
...is pregnant!
- What?
- Mm-hmm.
No way!
This is great news!
Not only is she expecting--
if you look at the images
from last year,
she was pregnant then, too,
which means...
she's due any day now.
We have to let everyone know.
This is--
this is great!
The passing boats
need to slow down.
I need to let
the whale watchers know
that they need to stay
an extra 10--
No, no, no, 20 feet away--
Take a breath.
I am pretty sure the pod's
already protecting her.
Yeah. Right.
I also made
one other discovery today.
Oh! Shannon.
Shannon's my ex-girlfriend.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
I hope she's not still
waiting at your office.
Oh, no. No.
She's just returning
my kayak paddles
that I was storing with her.
Yeah. Her and her boyfriend
are turning their shed
into a vlogging space
for their cats.
- Huh.
- Yeah.
But on the plus side,
I got my paddles back.
I was thinking...
there's this really cool,
super-awesome spot
I could take you.
I don't know.
That seems pretty...
It's not.
Totally professional.
Scout's honor.
Or whatever it is.
Mary, why are you
taking those down?
The steak and lobster
didn't make it past
the washed-out road in time.
- Oh, no.
- There's no surf and turf.
Well, isn't there
something we can do?
Well, I'm afraid
the only thing to do now
is figure out how to refund
all that ticket money.
No, don't do that.
We'll figure it out.
You know, the dock party's
our longest-standing tradition
in Cable Cove.
It's a chance for Mary
and the rest of the town
to show off a little.
There's gotta be a solution.
I just hope
I can figure it out in time.
- We've hit water.
- What?
- I said we've hit water!
- What?
I'm in the water!
Okay, we're going to set it down
on the count of three.
You ready?
One, two, three.
That's it.
- All right.
- All right. Come on.
[Chloe screams]
Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold!
You can't play in the ocean
if you're afraid of getting wet.
Deep breath, okay?
Happy thoughts.
- And have fun.
- Okay.
The greatest thing
I ever saw
Walking through my open door
Was you
If what I say is true
Every time you caught my eye
You'd be there
right on my mind
Just you...
And only you
In a crowded room
This world was built for two
Look into my eyes
Early in the morning...
...till the light
runs dry...
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
So, what do you think?
I mean, this is beautiful!
Yeah, this place is
a bit of a local secret.
It really is perfect.
I'm glad you like
our little corner of the world.
You'd be surprised
what we can find here.
You know what--
I've got an idea.
Stay here,
don't look,
and no peeking, okay?
[shutter clicking]
[Ben] Chloe!
What you got there?
Hope you're hungry.
- Oysters?
- Mm-hmm.
I thought you said this wasn't
going to be romantic.
It's not romance.
It's sustenance.
Thank you,
but I don't eat raw fish.
Well, it's not eating,
it's experiencing.
Besides, it's 100% protein.
It's good for you.
- Come on.
- Okay.
- Mm.
- So?
It's good, I like it.
Good. Another one?
- Okay.
- I'm going to join you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
To magic you have to see
to believe.
To magic
you have to see to believe.
- Mm!
- Mm!
- So good.
- Mm-hmm.
So, I was curious,
do you have any theories
about the Echo pod yet?
I have one,
and I'm basing my entire
scholarship application on it,
so I hope it's right.
Let's hear it.
I believe
that the Echo Orca pod
is changing
their migratory patterns
to suit the needs
of pregnant Betty.
They're staying
out in the Straight,
where there's less traffic,
less competition for food.
They're nesting, if you will.
My hypothesis
is that once
Betty's calf is born,
they'll move to the Sound
with the rest of the whales.
Sounds like
a pretty solid conclusion to me.
Oh, no.
I will not have a conclusion
until I have evidence,
which I'm hoping
comes in the form
of a happy, healthy baby whale.
So what you're really saying is
that your study
is just another thing
you have to see to believe.
You get it.
So, um,
did you plant those oysters,
or did you pick them up
off the beach?
- Right off the beach.
- Wow.
There's tons of food
to forage around here.
You're right--
there is plenty to forage here.
And Adrian said he had
more crab than he knew
what to do with.
What are you saying?
I'm saying Mary
doesn't need steak and lobster
to have a dock party
when she has a whole ocean
full of fine dining
right at her front door!
You're totally right.
What is it?
- Look! It's Betty!
- What?
Oh, my gosh.
Do you want your camera?
[Chloe] No.
This is too special.
This is just for us.
It's her.
[Chloe] It's her!
Which means the Echo pod
is moving closer to the Sound.
So the calf could be born
any day now.
[Chloe] Yes!
Mary! Great news!
We don't have to cancel
the fundraiser.
You're able to bring
lobsters back to life?
No. We were thinking
instead of flown-in food,
how about we build a menu
of all local ingredients?
I mean, Cable Cove has
all the fresh seafood we need.
The tourists would get
a great kick
out of having
the farm to table--
the ocean to table experience.
I don't know,
I just stored away
all the linens and fancy china.
In the South,
we do this thing called
a "seafood boil-up,"
where we just roll
some paper down a table
and then dump everything
in the middle.
- That's a great idea.
- That sounds messy.
Messy, yes.
Fun, also yes.
Sounds like
we've got it all figured out.
I'll get the posters,
let everyone know.
It's going to be amazing.
Party time! Whoo!
Well, quite the dynamic duo
you two are.
Chemistry is undeniable, Chloe.
Everyone can feel it,
even if you pretend not to.
Ben and I have something.
You're right.
But in two days,
I'm gonna be on a plane
to Miami,
and he is gonna be here
in Cable Cove, where he belongs.
Don't you feel like
you belong here, too?
Truthfully, this whole week
has made me wonder
what I'd be going back
to Miami for.
You know,
whatever you want to call it
between you and Ben--
it's there.
It's here.
And whatever
you choose to do with it
is up to you.
Take it from me,
something like this
only comes around
once in a lifetime.
If you're lucky.
I need some Southern expertise.
Wrapping paper
or brown packing paper?
Brown paper.
All right.
And no plates, you're sure?
Yeah. Everything just gets
throw out down the middle,
which means we need
lots of napkins.
Got it.
Some of the photos
you took this week,
do you mind if I use them
for my website?
Oh, yeah.
Of course.
That is the least I could do.
- There you go.
- Thanks.
What are you working on?
My thesis.
I'm using it to pitch
a live-stream web-link
for anyone that wants to watch
the whales underwater.
When you said
the kindergartners
like watching it,
you've inspired me.
I inspired you?
You've been inspiring me
all week.
I'd love to take you out
on your last day.
You don't have to do that.
I want to.
The Marine Magic's
much better used
for whale studying
than just whale watching.
Thank you.
Make no bones about it.
- Get it?
- Mm-hmm.
- Whale bones.
- Yes.
It's funny.
You're laughing.
See ya, Ben.
[line ringing]
Chloe. Chloe,
it's the middle of the night.
Marcus, we...
we need to talk.
Is everything okay?
It is better
than I ever could have imagined.
Chloe, you're breaking up.
- Are you there?
- Yeah, barely.
What is it
that you need to talk about?
I don't think this is working--
You're doing a lot of working?
That's great.
No, Marcus,
what I'm trying to say is--
Chloe, look,
I can barely hear you,
so why don't we just chat
when you get back, okay?
So, dinner starts at five,
which means we only have
a few hours
to turn this town
into the best party
that anyone's ever seen!
Well, let's do this.
We're gonna move
the round patio tables out
and replace them
with the long dinner tables.
Copy that.
Ben, Chloe,
you're going to add
those twinkly lights
to the dance floor, right?
And, Adrian,
I need you to bring your guitar.
You got it.
Well, let's do it!
And have some fun!
Let's go, team!
All right.
Team, go!
- Amazing,
- We did it.
We actually pulled it off.
I have a feeling
it's going to be
the best dock party yet.
And one that I need
to get cleaned up for.
All right.
We'll see you tonight.
Wow! Look at this!
Oh, my goodness.
A little bit of everything.
There you go.
- There you go.
- Thanks, Ben.
And there, and there.
Oh, look at you
in a white sweater!
Yes, it is white.
I don't want you
to get anything on it.
Oh! Wow.
There you go.
Thank you, Mary.
This is... special.
[Mary] Hey, everything good?
...you look... amazing...
Thank you.
And I am wearing a bib.
Yes, you are.
Ben, you turned my photos
into posters?
I did.
- I hope that's okay.
- Mm-hmm.
What I didn't expect
is for the tourists
to start making bids on them.
Your photos just made
a bunch of money for the fund!
I don't know what to say.
Don't say you want one,
because we're all sold out.
- May I?
- Yes.
Thank you.
This is so much fun, Chloe!
What a great idea!
I've never been a fan
of fine dining,
it's hard to make rubber boots
look classy.
Well, I think
you look gorgeous,
and this looks delicious.
Good job, everybody.
- Cheers!
- Cheers.
And just when we thought
we'd seen it all from Ben,
he goes to throw
the trap in the water--
and forgets to let go!
Boots on and everything--
and you should have seen
his face when he came back up!
You know, he did say
he loves his cold plunges!
Yeah, and, you know,
he's just happy
that it wasn't a time
when we all kept
our cell phones in our pockets!
You know, I'm laughing so hard,
I'm crying.
Excuse me.
I still don't have
a cell phone!
For the record.
Well, you might not be
much of a fisherman,
but you are one fine tour guide.
Thank you.
Shall we?
All right. Whoo.
[song ends, applause]
[slow song starts]
Is like a river
To me
One merciless motion
Bound for a treacherous sea
Is like...
[Mary] No napkins?
But we need to serve dessert.
Um, we should help.
Yeah, sure.
There's some napkins
in my office.
[music plays faintly]
Everything okay?
I don't want this
to end tomorrow.
I need more time for my study,
more time for...
I usually just keep to myself
around here.
Same schedule, same routines,
same people.
And you came here and you...
you changed all of that.
Chloe, you changed everything.
I never realized
how amazing it would be
to share all this
with someone...
...until you.
What I mean to say is
it's been fun.
More than fun.
It's been incredible.
I don't want it to end either.
But Cable Cove
isn't going anywhere.
I'm not going anywhere.
And anytime you want
to come back and visit...
...everything is going to be
exactly how you left it.
With at least one more Orca.
That's all for tonight, folks!
Make sure you have
a great night's sleep.
so your eyes will be wide awake
for whale watching tomorrow!
You know, I don't usually
take Adrian's advice,
but I think he might
have a point on this one.
Right, right.
I would like to be up
before the birds tomorrow.
I always thought you were
a bit of a night-owl.
Wow, Ben.
Nice one.
Give me a sign.
Pardon the interruption.
Do you know where I can find
the boat "Total Eclipse"?
Yeah. We keep her
down on slip 37,
but we're keeping the big boats
off the water today.
Not for what I paid for her.
See, my girlfriend,
she studies...
and I can't wait
to see Chloe's face
when she sees
the super yacht I've rented.
Uh, Chloe Turner?
Yeah. Yeah, you know her?
Yeah, I've seen her around
all week.
Small town.
You know what,
she'll be looking
for the Echo pod today,
so your best bet
is to take the boat slowly
around The Broken Islands.
Thanks, man.
[cup clatters]
Oh, sorry about that.
Don't worry about it.
Shouldn't have put it there
in the first place.
What are you doing here?
I came to win you back
with a big romantic gesture!
Yeah, by flying
all the way here...
to this place.
- Where am I?
- Cable Cove.
Cable Cove, right!
It's no Miami, but...
maybe it's better
from the water?
I've rented us
the biggest boat in the harbor--
six engines!
You can't. I can't--
What do you mean?
I can't do this anymore.
I don't think you understand me.
Honestly, I don't think
we understand each other.
There is something about us
that doesn't click,
and I know
that you feel it, too.
Yeah, I do.
I get it.
I just can't believe
we're breaking up
after I flew all the way here
in coach.
You are so brave.
You are such a special guy.
I would really like it
if we could still be friends.
Of course.
And, hey, I tried.
I know you did.
I'm so sorry.
Don't be.
You obviously love it here.
I can see it all over your face.
You're glowing.
I just want you to be happy.
Thank you.
Okay, well,
I'd better hurry
if I'm going to get
a plane out of here.
I wonder if I can still
get a refund on that boat.
Bye, you.
Bye, Marcus.
Mary, have you seen Ben?
Yeah, sure,
he jetted off on his boat.
That's strange,
we were supposed go together.
Well, Marcus told him
that he was taking you
on a super yacht instead?
He what?
Yeah, Ben even told
the other boats
to call out
to "Total Eclipse"
if anyone saw the Echo pod.
I was never
going to go with Marcus,
I was waiting for Ben.
I have to get to his boat!
All the guide boats
are out whale watching already.
No one else is going out.
All we gotta do is let go
Instead of holding on
so tight
Breathing in
and take the slow road
Instead of racing
through the night
We don't know
what's in the silence
Though we're always
trying to feel
We'll never feel
the earth move
If we're never
standing still
If we're never
standing still
With your heart, your voice
Your hopes, your dreams
Stay with me tonight
You're not leaving
already, are you?
Yeah. I booked
an earlier flight.
But what about
your scholarship application?
I don't have a boat.
Or Ben.
Mary, I just wanted
to say thank you.
Now, how much do I owe you?
You don't owe me a cent,
not after everything
that you've done for me.
I only wish there was
more that I could do for you
right now.
Are you sure you want to leave
without saying goodbye to Ben?
It's for the best.
Without the possibility
of a research scholarship,
there is no way
I can stay in Cable Cove.
Well, can I get you anything
before you leave?
Tea? Coffee?
My car's gonna be here
any minute.
You will always have
a cabin here, Chloe.
You have changed
this little town for the better
and made your mark
on all of us--
especially Ben.
[Ben, on radio] Mayday! Mayday!
This is Marine Magic.
I repeat--
Mayday! Mayday!
This is Marine Magic reporting
complete engine failure.
Flooded electrical.
May need to abandon ship.
This is shore
calling Marine Magic.
What is your location?
[Ben, breaking up]
I'm approximately four miles--
Marine Magic?
Come in, Marine Magic!
Ben! Please, Ben!
[Adrian] This is Crab Bucket
to Marine Magic.
We've just docked in harbor.
Turning around immediately!
Hold on, buddy!
That's Adrian.
He's at the marina!
Hurry! Go!
Go! Go!
[Chloe] Ben!
Shawna, it's choppy,
and the water is so cold,
how could anyone...
He's okay, it's Ben.
He's always okay.
[Adrian] Crab Bucket
to Marine Magic. Come in.
Crab Bucket to Marine Magic.
If his radio isn't working,
does that mean it's underwater?
I'm sure his electrical system
is just flooded,
that's all,
but he's definitely
not hearing us from here.
Maybe he's at the inlet.
How far is it?
- Four and a half nautical miles.
- All right.
Hold on, I'm putting her
into overdrive.
There he is!
He's okay!
Over here!
Are you okay?
I am.
Guys, I'm so sorry.
My engine flooded
and it took out my electrical.
I've just been floating around,
my whole no cell phone thing.
- We'll get her ready for a tow.
- Thank you.
Ben, I didn't know
that Marcus was going
to show up like that.
Hey, Chloe,
you don't have to explain.
No, I do.
Marcus and I broke up.
He's going back to Miami.
We were never a match,
and I tried so hard
to ignore that,
but when I met you...
something just clicked.
I feel the same way.
With you, all the pieces,
they just...
I don't know, they just fit.
Everything's new,
and fresh, and exciting,
and easy--
even when it's not.
With you,
I finally get
what people are talking about
when they say,
"When the right one comes along,
you'll know."
Well, Ben...
there are three things I know.
I know I belong in Cable Cove.
I know you are
who I belong with.
And I know I love you.
I love you, too, Chloe.
Hey, is that the Echo pod?
I think so.
[Chloe gasps]
Oh, my goodness! Wow!
Ben, is that--
is that a baby whale?
- Yes, it is.
- Oh, my goodness.
Hi, baby whale!
Welcome to the world.
I believe our littlest pod
just got a lot cuter.
Yeah, it did.
And they're in the Sound,
which means...
My research study was right.
- I'm so proud of you.
- Thank you.
All right. Let's get you back
to Cable Cove.
I think someone has
a research application
to complete.
There's plenty of time
for that tonight.
This is the kind of magic
you have to see to believe.
Good morning, Professors.
Good morning, Chloe Turner.
The board has reviewed
your application
and we do have good news.
It was easily one of
the best applications
we've ever received.
You're kidding?
We're also awarding you
three additional grants.
Combined, this should allow you
to stay at Cable Cove
and start up
your whale live-stream.
Thank you!
Thank you so much!
We're going to miss you
here in Miami,
but the world
will be better off for it.
Congratulations, Chloe.
- So?
- I got the scholarship!
I knew it!
Which means
I get to stay in Cable Cove!
Dr. Chloe Turner.
Welcome home.
I am still not a doctor.