A Tale of Two Christmases (2022) Movie Script

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoo! It's okay.
It's all good.
Oh, wait, wait!
Taxi! Taxi!
Oh! Sorry.
Good morning!
I made it!
It's done.
So this is why
you're seven hours late.
I stayed up all night
working on it
so it would be...
Wow, that's a lot of snow.
Yeah, well,
I thought it could use
a light Chicago snowfall
to put the clients
in the Christmas mood.
But the model is for
a golf clubhouse in Miami.
- It's a lot, isn't it?
- Yeah.
Shoot, it's not coming off.
It's too sticky.
Why did you make it sticky?
So it would stick!
You have five minutes
to get this to Mr. Heaton
in time for his pitch.
No, I have...
35 minutes.
I padded the time
in case there were any issues.
The washroom!
Excuse us!
- Hey.
- Hi!
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas!
When are you gonna talk to him?
You've said hi a million times.
Hey, focus, Holly.
Are you sure about this?
Maybe you should just re-do it?
What? No.
There's no time.
You know what Mr. Heaton's
like with deadlines!
Okay. Yeah. Here goes.
Oh, no.
- Oh, no, no, no, no.
- It's fine, it's fine.
It's fine, it's fine, it's fine.
You know
how many hours that took me
One bad decision
and my whole life
takes a nose dive.
I really thought
this was going to be the one.
There will be others.
Six years
I've been doing renovations.
Mr. Heaton!
It's three o'clock.
I didn't see
your model out there.
Yeah... about that...
We had just, like,
sort of a small situation,
and, um,
the model's not ready
to show the clients.
I hope this isn't the equivalent
of my dog ate my homework?
Um, I'm just gonna...
I gotta...
Holly, don't!
Don't go!
I just have to fix
a couple things.
Could I get it to you
first thing in the morning?
Oh, no. That's a no-go.
We're having dinner
with the clients to work on it.
Tomorrow's Christmas Eve.
Believe me, I know.
I mean, um...
I understand...
Mr. Heaton.
I really liked the concept.
It sounded promising.
Well, enjoy
your Christmas, Emma.
Hi, Dad.
Hey, Peanut.
Hey, how'd your design pitch go?
Uh, good.
Yeah, um...
Well, I followed our motto,
"Shoot for the moon."
Yeah, "so you don't aim too low
and lose a toe."
Yeah, that's right.
That's me.
Still got all my toes.
Hey, who is that?
Oh, yeah.
Guess who stopped by to help
with the Christmas lights?
- Drew.
- Hi, Emma.
Drew. Hey.
Here, take the phone.
Oh, Drew's also gonna help us
get ready for
the Christmas Eve party, too.
Yeah, well,
that's what neighbors are for.
Hey, how's the ski lodge?
It's great.
We are busy.
Fully booked for the holidays.
That's amazing. Wow.
Oh, hey, Mrs. Roberts
is finally renovating the place
and she's looking
for an architect,
so I threw your name in the hat.
Aw, well, thank you,
but you didn't have to do that.
I mean, Chicago isn't exactly
a quick trip to Vermont.
Oh, yeah!
Mom also convinced him
to make his Yule log
again this year.
Yes, although this year,
I'm trying something new.
Okay, well, Yule logs
are meant to be sweet.
Not savory.
Okay, listen,
Perfect Peterson,
there are no rules
when it comes to Yule logs.
Well, it's not a rule,
it's just common sense.
Since when?
Hey, come on, you've got
to help me with these lights.
We're gonna see you
tomorrow, Peanut.
Okay, bye, Dad.
How do I stop it?
Yule logs...
are meant to be sweet.
I am so sorry.
No worries.
I needed a pick-me-up.
That was better
than an espresso shot.
I'm Emma by the way.
- I work at...
- Griffith and Gomez.
You're an architect, right?
It's hard to miss
a golf clubhouse
going into a ladies' washroom.
Right. Yeah...
that didn't end so well.
That's too bad.
I thought the snow
was a nice touch.
Yeah, it makes sense.
It's Christmas.
My mom was actually
an architect.
She was analytical,
creative, logical.
I admire the profession.
And you are an attorney?
Yes. Max Bancroft.
I'm actually a partner
at Lewis and Locks.
A partner, wow.
Well, hopefully,
you're not the kind
that sues people
for crashing into them.
No. No, no, no.
Environmental law.
If you've got a short-eared owl
that needs protection,
I am your guy.
You should see the feathers
fly in court.
Well, it was really nice
officially meeting you.
Nice to meet you.
Happy Holidays.
Hey, Emma?
This might sound kind of crazy,
but I'm hosting a Christmas Eve
party tomorrow night.
Just some old law school friends
and neighbors
with no place to go.
If you're interested.
I'm actually flying home
tomorrow morning.
Right. Right.
Yule logs.
That's a shame.
Some other time, then.
Ho, ho, ho, ho!
Merry Christmas!
Ho, ho, ho, ho!
Merry Christmas!
Why, thank you.
Merry Christmas!
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
Merry Christmas!
Why, thank you, young lady.
And what would you like me
to bring you for Christmas
this year?
I don't know.
Maybe for something to work out
in my life for once.
Ooh, tall order.
Anything specific?
You know, I get so close
to what I want,
and then it just doesn't happen.
Maybe things happen
the way they're meant to...
you just gotta believe.
Yeah, maybe.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Ho, ho, ho!
Merry Christmas!
So, he really saves
short-eared owls?
He ticks literally every box
on my list.
He is...
smart, he's driven.
He's so cute!
he saves birds.
Was that really on your list?
Well, not the birds exactly,
it shows that he has
a kind heart,
and that is number one.
he asked me out!
Well, I mean...
It's not like I can go anyway.
It's tomorrow.
I won't be here.
Your parents wouldn't mind
if you missed
the Christmas Eve party.
All I wanted to do
was tell my Dad
that I landed the project,
I definitely cannot miss
the annual party.
What do you want to do?
I wish I could go away with you.
The sun and no stress...
It sounds amazing.
To you.
I'm going to be one big freckle,
the way I burn.
Oh, wait, that reminds me.
I got you something.
Okay. Hang on.
Here! Open it.
I didn't know we were
getting each other gifts!
It's to protect you from the sun
while you're sipping
out of a coconut.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Thank you.
I wish I didn't
have to go home tomorrow.
What time is it?
Oh, no!
No, no, no, no, no!
Oh! Taxi!
Please stop, please stop! Yes!
Can you go any faster?
I can't move.
I'm just gonna walk.
Thank you!
Sorry. Excuse me.
- Oh!
- Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
- I'll get it. I'll get it.
- I'm sorry.
Sorry. Sorry!
Thank you, my dear.
May all your Christmas wishes
come true!
I slept through my alarm!
I'm so glad I made it.
Yeah... sorry...
we just closed the doors
10 seconds ago.
But the plane's still here?
Sorry, once we close the doors,
we can't re-open them.
Are you serious?
Serious as Santa
on Christmas Eve.
Emma, it's Bob Heaton.
The clients weren't happy
with what they saw,
so you've got until noon
to get me this model.
And Merry Christmas!
I slept through my alarm!
I'm so glad I made it.
It's your lucky day.
We were just about
to close the doors.
Have a good flight.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
I love my job.
Dad! Hey!
Are you here?
I don't see you.
Uh, yeah, about that...
well, your mom had
a minor catastrophe
with the gingerbread,
and we're trying to figure out...
This isn't about the cookies.
We're making...
I'm suggesting sugar cookies!
No, no.
We're going to make
gingerbread houses.
Why can't we do sugar cookies?
I think we can take care of it.
Guy, guys,
I'll just call a car, okay?
No, no need, honey.
We have sent someone else
to pick you up.
It's a Christmas surprise.
It's a Christmas surprise.
Okay. Bye.
Perfect Peterson.
- Drew.
- Hey.
Looks like someone could use
a detangler in their stocking.
Maybe a dry cleaning
coupon, too?
You know, because you have...
You know what, never mind.
Let me get your bag.
Oh, thanks.
Nice flight?
Uh, yeah.
Really off to a great start.
Leather seats.
Oh, yeah.
They're heated, too.
Feel that?
What happened
to your old truck, anyway?
It is in my parents' garage.
This girl I dated, Heather,
thought an SUV
might be better for work.
Drew, you love that truck.
I do. I do.
But it's not
super professional, so.
So, you excited
to see your folks?
Yeah, for sure.
I mean, it's been a while.
Oh, yeah.
They felt bad
they couldn't pick you up,
but they were pretty frazzled,
so I offered.
Guess frazzled
runs in the family.
Hey, what's that
supposed to mean?
Just rethinking your nickname.
So, how are things at work?
Oh, my gosh, work!
Oh, I missed a call.
Emma, it's Bob Heaton.
The clients weren't happy
with what they saw,
so you've got until noon
to get me this model.
Well, that was my boss
calling to say
that I could redo
a project I was working on,
and I missed it,
and now I'm here!
Well, it's almost Christmas...
maybe it's a sign
to just enjoy the holidays?
You wouldn't understand.
Do you smell pizza?
I'm always smelling pizza.
I'm so sorry, Mom.
Something happened
to my alarm clock.
Well, who still uses
a regular alarm clock?
You've never missed
the family Christmas Eve party.
Yeah. Ever.
I know, I know.
I just...
Look, at least
I'm gonna make it home on time
for Christmas dinner, right?
I got my flight rebooked
for first thing in the morning.
Honey, don't stress, okay?
Yeah, all that matters
is that I'm gonna
see my daughter
over the holidays.
I come bearing
a savory Yule log.
Guess who's here.
Hi, Drew.
Hi, Emma.
You on your way?
She's missing the party.
What are we going to do
without our elf?
Yeah, ha-hah.
Very funny.
You know what,
why don't you and your parents
come over
for Christmas dinner tomorrow?
Oh, you're just trying
to save me
from my mom's dry turkey,
aren't you?
Well, that too.
Yeah, I'll call her right now.
We'll see you tomorrow, Peanut.
Okay, bye.
I love you.
Love you, too!
Hi there.
Didn't expect to see you here.
Me either.
I thought you were going home.
I missed my flight.
I mean, I'm usually very good
about preparing
for all eventualities,
but I should have
double-set my alarms.
Rookie mistake.
Christmas mocha?
What's in it?
Oh, it's just a regular mocha
with a festive name.
Oh. Nice.
So, I'm surprised
to see you working.
It's Christmas Eve.
I know I'm going to sound like
a Christmas curmudgeon,
but there's something peaceful
about being in the office
and looking down
at the street below,
where everyone
is fighting their way
through the holiday rush.
Christmas wouldn't be Christmas
if it wasn't
for last-minute shoppers.
why are you here?
Oh, getting another shot
at my model.
I have until noon.
Maybe don't take it
into the washroom this time?
well, thank you!
That's a good tip.
Hey, Emma?
I'm guessing you probably
don't have plans tonight, so...
the offer is still open
if you'd like to join me
at my party.
I would love to.
- There you are!
- Hi!
Oh, I'm so glad you're home.
It's so nice to see you!
Oh, you look beautiful.
Come on, let me take your coat.
Yeah, why don't you
take your hat off?
- Oh...
- Uh-oh.
Looks like we have
a hair crisis.
Mm-hmm, yeah.
A little girl made me into
her personal gingerbread house.
And that's not all.
Why didn't you say anything?
And ruin your chipper mood?
We'll get you cleaned up
and back in Christmas spirit
in no time.
What? No, no, no.
No, no. No, no.
It's taken me years
to get this hairstyle.
I've got a guy in Chicago...
He's very hard to...
It's fine.
Thank you
for picking her up, Drew.
Oh, my pleasure.
Rough trip?
Oh, don't look at me.
I found her that way.
Hey, I got a job for you.
Come on.
- Oh, another one.
- Of course.
- Ow, ow, ow!
- It's not coming out.
Okay, well, maybe use
some oil or something?
That's not going to do it.
How are things going with Drew?
Can you expand on that?
Mom, he used to tease me
all through school.
He called me "Perfect Peterson",
which is probably
going to change after this.
You know
what teasing means, right?
Yeah, well, we're not
at the school yard, Mom.
Tell that to your hair.
Look, I'm gonna
have to cut it out.
What? No, no, no, no, no.
Just close your eyes...
and breathe.
Are you talking to me or you?
There! I got it!
Is it bad?
Is it obvious?
It might need
to be evened out a little bit.
Max! Hi!
Hey. I hope you're okay
with me coming to your office.
There's no receptionist today.
Yeah, of course.
Come on in.
Getting things done. Nice.
Yup, almost finished.
You okay?
Yeah, yeah,
just a bit
of a Christmas crisis.
Oh, no, here, sit.
The caterer
for my party canceled.
Oh, that's not good.
They double booked,
thinking they could handle
both jobs.
Guess I got the short end
of the peppermint stick.
How many people are coming?
About a dozen.
What are you going to do?
Order a pizza?
Throw a couple
red and green peppers on there?
Maybe edible tinsel?
Is that a thing?
I could make it a thing.
No. I'm sorry.
Pizza is unacceptable
for Christmas.
No, you need party poppers,
you need a Yule log,
piggies in a blanket for sure.
Whoa, whoa...
I think I got
a little carried away.
I'm imagining
the menu I'm missing
at my parents'
Christmas Eve party.
That's a bummer.
Well, maybe
you could help me out?
Channel that frustration.
I mean, I could...
you know, I know
it wouldn't appear that way,
but I'm usually
pretty good under a crisis.
Well, knowing that,
do you maybe want to help me
shop for the party?
We could hit up
the Christmas Market?
Did you say Christmas Market?
Hey. Well, that is a look.
Yup. Go ahead.
With what?
Make fun of my hair.
I think it's cute.
Very festive.
Okay, this is the only clip
that we had, all right?
My cousin left it here.
Maybe you should 'a just left
that candy cane in there, then.
You know, I'm not teasing you.
I didn't say anything
about how you finally trimmed
that scraggly beard of yours.
Should I not have trimmed
that scraggly beard?
Well, you only grew it
because your ex-girlfriend,
loved guys with beards.
No, I did not do that for her.
It gave you that terrible rash.
I didn't change myself for her.
You know what, it's called
trying something new.
Because I'm very open-minded.
And sometimes, it works,
sometimes, it doesn't.
Example, please,
of when it works?
I wouldn't be manager
at the ski lodge
if I didn't join the ski team.
Okay, well, I convinced you
to join the ski team, so...
Yeah, you did.
Hey, Drew, do you think
the lodge can spare
some salt for our driveway?
Emma can go with you to help.
Mom, you need me
to help you in the kitchen.
Nope. Actually, we don't.
We've got
every last detail covered
right down to the party poppers.
But my coat is...
Your old one's
in the front closet.
Oh, and your grandma got you
a new Christmas sweater.
It's on the bed.
You should wear it.
Maybe it'll match your bow.
This one's for you, Grandma.
Everything smells so good!
Good thing I have
a very specific list,
so we stay on task.
I love a list.
You know, it's funny
how things work out.
I mean, we only just met,
and now we're planning
this party together,
even though it's sort of
our first...
No, I consider this a date.
I always wanted to ask you out,
I just never had the nerve.
What? Really?
Because I thought
the same thing...
"Why doesn't he ask me out?"
"Should I ask him out?"
- Look at us now.
- Yeah.
O, Christmas tree
O, Christmas tree
How lovely are thy branches
I love that song.
You know, the original lyrics
didn't actually refer
to a decorated tree...
instead, to the fir's
evergreen quality
as a symbol of constancy.
It wasn't until the 20th century
that Christmas was added.
You seem like quite
the Christmas-tree aficionado.
Not really.
I put up a small,
artificial one each year,
but I'm more of a history buff.
I mean, for me,
it just wouldn't
feel like Christmas
without a real tree.
All those needles to clean up,
ornaments to take down,
dragging the thing
out on the sidewalk
when you're done with it.
All right, all right.
I hear you.
I hear you on the needles,
but you should really try
getting a real tree sometime.
I mean, the smell alone...
It's scientifically proven
to create calm
around the holidays.
Oh, mine smells calm, all right.
Mine smells like lavender.
That's weird.
Okay, I have to admit,
the smell of a real tree
takes me back
to when I was a kid.
sorry, it's home.
Okay, so we need to get
party poppers,
dinner rolls, crackers,
Christmas cookies...
Oh, and the vendor over here
has charcuterie
with six different cheeses.
Ah. I see, I see.
Organized by refrigeration.
Yeah, I do the same thing
when I go to
the Farmer's Market on Sundays.
I appreciate that.
My friends always tease me
for being overly organized.
I don't know why.
But, yeah, I got to check out
that Farmer's Market sometime.
Maybe we could go together.
I could cook you dinner.
I love to cook.
I would love that.
Oh, look...
Spanish chorizo.
My favorite.
Want some?
Got it at a gas station.
How many of those do you eat?
As many as I want.
That's why I got
the family pack.
I like this look on you.
What's that supposed to mean?
Well, you know,
the fancy clothes,
the designer bag.
I like puffy-jacket Emma,
who dresses like an elf,
and, I don't know,
eats whipped cream
out of the can.
Well, people change, Drew...
Who put this here?
Was it you? Huh?
All right, I'll let it slide
just this once.
Hey, don't blame Santa.
You probably put it there.
This looks incredible.
I mean, look at the garlands.
Emma! Is that you?
Gordon, Merry Christmas!
Wow, you must be
so happy to be home.
This place looks beautiful!
Cool bow.
Is that your city look?
What? No.
No, no, no, I really like it.
You know, I think this could be
your whole new signature...
You know, for every season,
a new bow.
You could have an Easter bow.
A Harvest bow...
Ooh, oh!
A Valentine's bow.
Yeah, I think we're really
onto something here.
Oh, yeah, I agree.
I'm gonna let you two brainstorm
while I grab some salt.
I'm gonna go take out this bow!
So what made you
get into Environmental Law?
My parents had me
volunteering everywhere
when I was a kid.
From soup kitchens
to cleaning up beaches.
I guess it kind of stuck.
That's so great
that they did that.
Yeah, well, they knew
I'd need it
for my college applications.
I actually wanted to be a vet,
but my dad's a lawyer,
so I just ended up
following in his footsteps.
Hence the Short-eared Owl.
And the California Condor.
You know, I love the law,
so it's the best of both worlds.
We've done a lot of good work,
cleaning up toxic sites
in Alaska,
protecting endangered animals.
Wow. Good for you.
Oh, look, your speciality.
Yup. I'm all about
a strong foundation.
You know,
my mom could never figure out
why my walls didn't fall down
like all the other kids'.
Already a budding architect.
Yeah. My dad's a contractor,
so he taught me.
We used to make these elaborate,
multi-storey gingerbread houses,
with lattice and lights!
And then, as I got older,
the gingerbread
sort of turned into...
2x4s and bricks.
When I'd come home for college,
my dad would let me
work on his houses,
and I'd tweak the blueprints,
I'd even paint,
and hammer...
I loved it.
We have this saying...
"From blueprints
to boots on the ground."
Sounds like he was
a big influence on you.
I think it was a pretty big deal
when I got into
architecture school.
You know,
my dad didn't go to college,
so it was...
it was sort of his dream, too.
Does he put
a lot of pressure on you?
I don't know...
I just don't want
to disappoint him.
We should get one for the party.
Oh, I don't know,
it's just gonna get stale.
I'm not gonna be here
on Christmas anyways.
Come on.
It's not a party without one.
Okay, you've convinced me.
I think we have
everything we need.
Can I call you a car home?
I am actually gonna grab
one more gift for my family,
I'll see you at your place
in an hour to decorate?
What would I do without you?
I can't believe
you're saying that to me
after 24 hours.
Guess we're making up
for lost time.
Yeah, we already bought
a house together.
Okay, well, I'll...
I'll see you later.
- Okay.
- Okay.
I look like I did
in high school.
Since when did looking younger
become a bad thing?
I got you this.
Thank you!
Where did this come from?
The gift shop.
There's a lot of stuff
in the closet,
if you know where to look.
Now you look like Emma.
Thanks, Drew.
You know, I heard about
your accessible work program.
It sounds like you're doing
a pretty good thing here.
Oh, please, happy to do it.
You know I got the idea
when I was volunteering
for their ski team.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
See, that's funny,
'cause I wonder who suggested
that you would do that.
Yeah, I can't remember
who it was.
It sounds like you've really
found your calling.
Well, nothing better
than seeing people
have a good time.
Drew, I thought you were off?
I am.
I just can't stay away
from this place.
So, how are things?
The breakfast and lunch crowds
were very happy.
And I just finished
a fun introductory
frittata class with some guests.
Um, this is Sarah, by the way.
She is a new chef,
and she lives near our folks.
Oh, really? Wow.
Nice to meet you.
- I'm Emma.
- You, too.
Well, I'm going to head home.
I worked on the menu
with Pierre,
he'll be taking over.
Oh, yeah.
Looks delicious.
And we have a chickpea curry
as a vegan option,
which is my personal favorite.
So, what are you doing
for Christmas Eve?
Nothing, actually.
It'll be nice
to just relax for a change
and not cook.
Hey, since you live so close by,
my parents are having a party,
if you'd like to pop in.
That's really nice.
Thank you.
Oh, and hot-cocoa hour
is about to start.
We have all the toppings
you like, Drew.
Come back for some.
Oh, we will.
See ya.
Nice office!
Nice sweater.
Excuse me.
I am taking one for the team.
Okay, my grandma
deserves some respect...
even though she buys me
slightly questionable sweaters.
Do you still play?
I mean, not as often
as I'd like.
You know, I remember
you picked this up
in senior year
because Chantelle
on the soccer team
really loved musicians.
I don't think we lasted a month.
But I was hooked on playing
after that, so.
Sadly, girls are more into
cars than guitars these days.
Ah, yes, hence the SUV?
What are you doing?
I like to ditch
the bulky sweaters
while I'm at work, you know,
so people take me
more seriously.
Oh, I don't know anyone
who would take you
seriously right now.
Mind giving me a hand, then?
I think it's stuck on something.
Wait, don't pull it.
Don't pull it,
don't pull it, don't pull it.
Okay. All right.
It's on your button.
Hang on.
It's like I'm in a cocoon.
Okay. Go. Go, go, go, go, go.
There we go.
Phew! I was starting to sweat.
Yeah, it's...
hot in here.
Well, thank you for that.
Um, I'm going to get my tie.
Oh, a tie?
Let me guess.
Someone suggested
that you wear it?
Sarah might've mentioned it.
Oh... Sarah.
Are you two dating, or?
Oh, no. We're just friends.
But she is right.
I mean, having a tie
makes me seem more professional.
You didn't become
the manager of a ski lodge
because of a tie.
You got the job
because you're good at it.
Ha! Got it.
That's not a tie,
it's a clip-on.
A tie is a tie.
Let's see it.
Okay, um...
Can I? May I?
Just, please?
Oh, sure. Please.
Very important.
There. You look...
You look much more presentable.
Yeah? You think
I clean up okay?
Yeah, I think...
Yeah. Some girls
might like that.
Well, hey, it's not easy
dating around here.
Small towns are kind of like...
finding love in a snow globe.
Probably a lot more options
in Chicago, I bet.
Yeah, I mean,
you would think so,
but I have swiped left
so many times,
I'm gonna be
in Indiana pretty soon.
I mean,
there's this one lawyer
who works in my building,
we just keep passing each other
in the hallway
without really
saying hello, so...
Not easy in a big city either.
shall we?
Holly, hi!
What happened to you?
I took off your sunhat
while I was surfing
so I wouldn't get pummeled,
and instead, I got burnt.
Ow. I'm sorry.
Wait, are you in your apartment?
Yeah, I slept in
and missed my flight.
You? How?
Well, at least you look cute
on Christmas Eve.
Wait, why do you look so cute?
I'm going to Max's party.
What? Mr. Fancy Lawyer?
I saw him in the office today.
We were practically
the only ones there.
And we went
to the Christmas Market.
I helped him buy everything.
It was amazing.
I love this for you.
You know,
it sort of feels like
missing my flight
was meant to be.
Oh! And...
I'm wearing heels!
Heels? No, no, no, no.
Don't do that.
That's dangerous.
You grew up in ski boots.
Okay, but, seriously,
I have to go.
I will call you later.
Wear your hat!
Good luck.
Wow, great place.
Uh, I brought you a Yule log.
It's sweet...
like it's supposed to be.
Let me take your coat.
You look beautiful.
Thank you.
You look great, too.
Thank you.
Come on in.
This is cool.
It's a D-28 Harrington.
You know,
I have a friend back home
who would die for this.
How long have you played?
I've always wanted to,
but honestly,
my decorator
thought it would look cool.
Oh. Oh, yeah.
Hey, we should unwrap this.
Not bad.
So, are you gonna go home
for Christmas
and see your family?
I mean, I haven't even asked
where you're from?
And, no.
Actually, my mom passed away
when I was in law school,
so the holidays have been
a little different since then.
I'm so sorry.
For a while, I still went home
for Christmas to see my Dad,
but this one year,
I had this crazy work thing
I couldn't get out of,
so he booked a tropical vacation
with his old college buddies...
He had a great time,
so he kept doing it.
That must've been
really hard, though,
not seeing your dad
for the holidays?
Yes and no.
I started this party, and...
I usually go skiing for
a few days with some friends.
We rent out
a couple of cabins in Quebec.
It's like a tradition now.
I'm sure it's hard for you,
not being home.
It's my first time away.
Who knows,
maybe it's time
for a new tradition.
It's too early for guests.
One second.
Excuse me.
Yeah, I definitely
didn't order this.
Uh... Kris?
But it says right here
"Emma Peterson, Clark Street,
apartment 7B."
Yeah, but I...
I didn't order that one.
Oh, no.
Did I mix them up?
Consider it a free upgrade.
I told you I didn't want
a real Christmas tree.
I know, but you have to have
a real Christmas tree
on Christmas.
The messy needles?
The sidewalk?
Whaddya want me to do here?
All right.
Bring it in.
I think I might have
some of my family's
old Christmas tree decorations.
All right!
Hey! Merry Christmas,
Mrs. Roberts!
I was hoping I'd see you
out there on the slopes.
I will be.
First thing in the morning.
Well, what can we get you?
Emma will have a hot cocoa
with extra whipped cream,
marshmallows, sprinkles,
and a candy cane.
I'll have the same.
Actually, I'm good with plain.
Plain? What?
What about "the colossal cocoa",
our favorite?
Yeah, when we were 15.
Seriously, I've cut back
on my sugar intake since then.
You mean you've cut back
on your happiness intake?
Oh, come on...
I'm sweet enough.
I can't argue with that.
Oh! I don't know
if Drew told you yet,
I'm going to renovate the lodge.
I've heard.
George and I,
you know, we used to talk about
what we could do,
and then when he passed...
it all had to be put on hold.
But since then,
business has doubled.
You know what they say...
things happen
when they're meant to...
I want to accommodate
more guests...
and, yeah,
we've been having trouble
with electrical.
So what do you think?
Um... I...
I mean, I'm flattered,
but you haven't even
seen my work.
Actually, your Dad
shows us photos
of all your projects, so.
- He does?
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, he's so proud of you.
You know,
he put his hat in the ring
to be the contractor?
My husband, George,
he just loved people
who valued family,
and I want to work with someone
that I know and trust.
I mean, that is so nice,
but I'm really not sure
I'm the right person
for the job.
I'm trying to focus more
on original concepts.
You could certainly put
your stamp on this place.
Listen, you think on it.
We can talk more at the party.
Okay. Thank you.
You're missing out.
Oh, yeah.
Looks like your mouth is, too.
See you tonight.
Digging it.
Well, the place looks amazing.
Thank you so much for your help.
It was fun.
You're not mad
about the tree, are you?
No. Not at all.
I was gonna call you
for clean-up duty.
Oh. Okay.
- The mistletoe!
- The mistletoe.
Where do you want to hang it?
Oh, okay.
How about... you wait there.
Right here?
Got it.
- Whoo!
- Whoa.
You okay?
That better not be another tree.
Where's Drew?
Oh, he's salting the driveway.
Oh, he is such a great kid.
Isn't he, though?
It's amazing what a novelty
that is these days.
You know, the lodge
is sure lucky to have him.
Oh, speaking of the lodge,
I saw Mrs. Roberts
this afternoon...
Oh, she's coming to the party!
And did she mention
that I put my name in
to be the contractor
on the renovation?
She did.
She actually asked
if I was interested
in being the architect.
What did you tell her?
The truth... that I'm busy.
Oh! Did you get
the Miami project?
They haven't made
any decisions yet.
Well, I'm sure
you're gonna get it.
I know how much work
you put in on it.
Our first guests are here!
Merry Christmas!
Mom's here!
Oh, let me take your coat.
That looks delicious!
We just put out the food.
Come on.
Sarah, hi!
Thank you so much
for inviting me.
Yeah, I did do that, didn't I?
Wow! It's so beautiful!
This is gonna be fun.
Merry Christmas, my man!
You have outdone yourself.
Yeah. Your apartment
looks so festive.
Didn't expect this
from you, Max.
Thank you.
I owe it all...
to Emma.
Are you two...?
No, no, no.
We just met yesterday.
- Hi. I'm Sharice.
- Hi.
And I'm Will.
Nice to meet you both.
Why don't we get the two ladies
some champagne?
Thank you.
That's a beautiful dress.
Oh, thank you.
I've been waiting three months
for an excuse to wear it.
A designer friend in Paris
made it.
It's nice to have friends
who make gorgeous things.
The best.
So, how did you two meet?
We work at
the same office building.
Ah... makes sense.
Will's a lawyer at the firm
and Sharice
is a circuit court judge.
You are a judge?
That's incredible.
Youngest on the bench.
Why do you always
have to tell people that?
Because I'm proud of you.
And I like to take credit
for your accomplishments.
Uh-huh. There we go.
- Help yourself.
- Oh, thank you.
So, a judge, wow.
What is your secret?
How have you managed
to climb that ladder so quickly?
This is gonna sound corny,
but I started with
a vision board when I was young,
and I kept adding to it
over the years.
I kept my eye on
what I really wanted.
I've got one of those, too.
It's a great motivator.
Great minds think alike.
Yeah, it got me through
some hard years in college.
You know, I think it's important
to know that we all struggle.
Yeah, I don't think
we women share things enough.
Everything always
has to seem perfect.
You are so right.
So, did you...
did you always know
what you wanted to do?
Actually, no. No.
I double-majored
in neuroscience and French.
Ambition is both
a blessing and a curse.
I mean,
I hardly ever see my family,
and who knows
when I'll have time for kids...
But I'm achieving my goals,
and that's what's important
to me right now.
That is what's most important...
Achieving your goals.
What do you do, Emma?
Emma's an architect.
I'm a junior architect.
Anything I would've seen?
Mostly just interiors,
but if you saw my vision board,
you would know that I dream
of opening my own firm one day.
Good for you.
I'll hold you to it.
See you in a bit.
Well, they're
a little overdone, again,
but some icing, a few gumdrops,
no one will know the difference.
Are you even listening?
Yeah. Gumdrops.
Got it.
Well, the kids
can start decorating...
And you know what that means...
Are you ready to get dressed?
You know,
I'm so happy to help
with the gingerbread houses,
but I think I'm gonna skip
the outfit this year.
But you love this costume.
No, Mom.
You love this costume.
I have maybe outgrown it.
But the kids?
let's compromise.
All right, here we go.
you do still look really cute,
but for the record,
I'm gonna miss my little elf.
Okay! Who's ready
to make gingerbread houses?
I always forget how much I love
the look of gingerbread houses.
So cozy.
I love the snow icing.
Reminds me of where I grew up.
We spent so many Christmases
at the ski hill.
You should come with us.
I mean, this might be
a bit too soon, you know,
but we're going on
that ski trip tomorrow...
The one I was talking about.
That is very sweet of you,
but my flight home
leaves at 10 a.m., so...
Max, Emma!
It's time
for Christmas charades!
Gather round.
I've waited all year
for this re-match!
I've just got to grab this.
I will be right back.
How's it going over there?
Well, I could really use
an architect with pointy ears
right about now.
Yeah. I offered my assistance,
but, apparently,
they want "the real architect".
I'm sorry.
Hey, how are my mom and dad?
They're good.
They miss you, though.
We miss you!
We miss you, hon'.
Hey, say hi to Emma, everybody!
We miss you!
You know, I'm waiting
for your Aunt Martha to arrive.
That'll be my cue to exit.
Ah. That is a perk
of not being there.
Yeah, so you really
don't miss us at all?
I didn't say that.
You know, I guess
I didn't realize
how much I...
Merry Christmas!
Sorry we stole Emma
from you this year.
Well, here I was,
worried that you were crying
in your colossal cocoa,
but you... you look to be okay.
I better go,
but give everyone a hug for me,
thanks for calling.
Oh, what beautiful houses!
Oh, here you go.
- Oh, thank you!
- Welcome!
Merry Christmas!
Long time no see.
- Hey, you.
- Hey.
We're just teaching the kids
about building
strong foundations...
While keeping it fun.
Hoping Emma sees how fun
it would be
for all of us
to, you know, work together.
Yeah. It would be amazing
to get your expertise
on the renovation.
Okay, I see what's going on...
It's a tag team.
Listen, I appreciate
the opportunity,
I really do,
I've got a job in Chicago...
and a life there...
The logistics...
It would just be so complicated.
What if I hired your firm?
I mean, I'm sure they take on
outside cases.
I mean, they do...
Christmas lights
are out at the lodge again,
and Gordon's off
for Christmas Eve,
so I'm gonna go fix that.
I'll go.
No! You just got here.
- Stay and mingle.
- Yeah.
Come on in.
Have some food.
Aunt Martha just called.
She's not feeling
up to the party.
Would you mind bringing her
some of my Christmas pudding?
Right now?
She really loves
my Christmas pudding.
Unless someone else
wants to volunteer...
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Yeah, Mom, it's just...
I'm so busy
with the gingerbread houses.
They look finished.
Um... you know what,
I can...
I can swing by
on my way back from the lodge.
No. No. It's okay.
You don't have to do that.
I will go with you.
Strength in numbers.
Now, that's
the Christmas spirit!
Why are you so good
to my family?
Well, because
they're so good to me.
Do you miss living next door?
I miss how close we all were.
Yeah, we didn't
even have to knock.
Although I live, like,
five minutes away,
it's really cool.
I wish you were
a little bit closer, though.
Yeah, well,
you still got Sarah, right?
Uh, yeah. I guess.
I mean, yeah, she's really nice.
Oh, I took
one of her cooking classes
at the lodge,
and I learned how to make
vegan pesto and creamy polenta,
and, actually...
it wasn't that bad.
You hate cooking,
and your favorite food
is beef jerky.
That's true,
but, um,
you know, she doesn't really
know many people here, so...
You were just trying
to be welcoming.
You're a good guy.
Just being a friend.
I think she might think
you're more than friends, but...
Well, she's not really my type.
I much prefer...
the smart...
completely stubborn type...
you know, pointy ears.
Well, I would say maybe
confident rather than stubborn.
You know what they say...
believe in your "elf".
You're throwing out elf jokes?
I'll be here all night.
I hope so.
I'm-I'm-I'm blocked in.
Oh! Oh.
Well, why don't we just
take your truck?
It's in your parents' garage,
See, what did I say?
There she is...
the one and only.
My Dad and I spent
four years on the restoration.
I remember.
Didn't realize
how much I missed her.
Now, can you please
take off that tie?
You cannot drive
a truck like this in a tie.
Yes, ma'am.
All right, let's see it.
All right...
A wilted Christmas tree?
A Christmas contortionist!
Ten seconds.
- Candy cane!
- Yes!
Okay, okay.
A donkey!
Baby reindeer!
Santa Claus!
Um, uh... okay, okay.
Guys, come on.
I'm on a shelf.
No talking!
Snow globe?
An elf!
I'm an elf!
Our team wins!
All right...
I suck.
I can't believe we lost.
I'm usually so good at charades.
You know, statistically,
you only win charades
about 50% of the time.
So many variables
with the subject matter.
At least we're not in charge
of saving
Ivory-Billed Woodpeckers.
At least.
I'm going to go get
the hot cocoa.
- I'll be back.
- Okay.
- Hello?
- Emma.
It's Bob Heaton.
Listen, sorry to bother you
on Christmas Eve,
but I have good news.
Um, okay.
About what?
The Florida clients
loved your clubhouse model.
They're going to send over
the paperwork after the holiday.
When do I go to Miami?
sorry, no, we're not actually
sending you to Florida.
We need you in the office
working on it.
Oh... but I thought...
It's just more efficient...
and then you can start working
on the next project.
You're getting so good
at these models, Emma.
Keep it up.
Everything okay?
I guess I just thought
I'd be more involved.
It sounds like I'm gonna
be stuck in the office,
rather than on the ground.
Hopefully, it's a quiet office.
You know how I love
a quiet office.
Oh, me too.
I guess I just thought
I'd be there, you know,
to bring the project to life.
Here. Something
to make you feel better.
I figured you were a plain
hot chocolate kind of person.
Who needs
all those bells and whistles
when the cocoa
is sourced ethically?
Yeah, totally.
I'm going to get the cake.
- Oh.
- Do you want help?
No. I'm okay.
Who wants cake?
Is that a Yule log?
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no.
Oh, I am so, so sorry!
You know what.
That's not going to help.
I just... I feel terrible.
It's okay. Really.
I... never wear
the same dress twice.
I should just... go.
No, Emma.
Come on.
It's just...
it's just an accident.
It's just a dress.
But I think I'll go freshen up.
I'll grab some more paper towel,
- help clean up.
- Excuse me.
I wanted you to have
the perfect party
and I completely ruined it.
You didn't ruin it. Emma.
I should really go.
Are you sure?
It's for the best anyways.
I've gotta finish packing
for my flight in the morning.
I'll grab your coat.
Yeah, definitely
no Christmas lights.
There are so many memories
here, huh?
Oh, yeah.
All those years on the ski team.
The bonfires...
The starry nights.
There's something about
this little mountain town.
There's a reason why people say
there's no place like home.
You're happy
in the city, though?
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah!
It's busy, it's fun...
You never thought
about leaving, huh?
Oh, not really.
I mean, my family's here.
I've got a good job, you know?
Life is good.
Only thing I'm missing is...
You know, it doesn't matter.
you made it clear in school
that you weren't interested, so.
Pardon me? What are you...
What are you talking about?
Come on, you know
I had a crush on you.
Yeah, you did not.
- Come on!
- I did!
Yes, I did.
Why didn't you say anything?
Well, for a long time,
I was...
I was afraid of,
you know,
ruining our friendship...
and then...
then you hurt your knee...
and then you went to prom
with Basketball Bobby.
Well, his name is Brian, but...
I mean, I only went with him
because he asked.
I barely knew the guy.
I... I didn't know that.
Yeah, I guess we didn't really
talk about our feelings
much then, did we?
No, not really.
Anyway, and then you...
went to college,
and I didn't want
to hold you back.
You know, I knew you were
going to be somebody,
and, um...
I didn't know
if you felt the same way.
We should probably...
get to the lights.
I'm sure your guests
are getting restless.
Is it working?
Try jiggling the cord.
Yeah! Come look!
What? It worked?
Oh, yeah!
This place is so great.
You know, I mean,
it really doesn't even need
that much work.
you know, what kinds of things
are you thinking?
- well, if..
- If, yeah.
If I did the renovation,
I would open up the foyer
to create
a proper front-desk area,
definitely add some skylights
to allow that beautiful
southern light to flow in,
it's seriously lacking
some sort of
outdoor hot tub area...
Oh! Oh!
Like a stage for live music!
Did you just come up with that
off the top of your head?
See, this is what
I'm talking about!
Think of what you could do
if you took the job.
You know, I mean, like,
that is if you...
like, if you wanted to be here.
You really lit up the place!
Gordon. Hey.
You're here.
Thanks for coming in.
Yeah! You two...
You two, have fun.
I don't wanna...
I don't wanna spoil your...
Your evening.
I'm just gonna go...
make snow angels.
- Aunt Martha.
- Aunt Martha.
Maybe she's not home.
We can just leave this and go.
- Yeah, I think so.
- Okay.
Aunt Martha!
You look amazing!
Carolers! At last!
Oh, no, no, no.
No, no, no.
It's me.
It's your great niece, Emma.
Sing, Child!
I... no.
'Cause we're just here for...
I'm 85 years old.
How long do you plan
on keeping me waiting?
What do you wanna sing?
Uh, I don't want...
I don't want to sing.
- "Jingle Bells"?
- Drew, Drew...
"Silent Night"?
-Dashing through the snow...
-Silent night
-Dashing through the snow...
-Silent night
I'm sorry.
What do you want to sing?
You know I'm a terrible singer.
Why won't she just
take the pudding?
I am freezing my tootsies off!
What kind of carolers are you?
I've waited less time
at the DMV!
Oh, I'll be right back!
I'm gonna grab something.
Oh! Here he...
Oh! Oh!
Dashing through the snow
On a one-horse
open sleigh...
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way...
Ha, Ha, Ha!
Bells on bobtails ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is
to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Oh! Jingle bells
Is that's the best you can do?
Some carolers!
Merry Christmas!
I was horrible, you were great...
As usual.
I was inspired by somebody.
You know, Aunt Martha.
Thank you.
So I had
a really good time today.
Yeah, I did, too,
until a cake literally
fell into your friend's lap.
It was kind of funny.
But I will deny that under oath.
Think about tomorrow.
We meet at the airport
in the morning.
I'll text you the details.
I mean, it kind of
would be a waste, wouldn't it?
Remember that time
when you had to drive
the Zamboni
after hockey practice?
Oh, my gosh.
I had no idea
how to operate that thing.
I mean, you can drive a truck.
How did it go with Aunt Martha?
Um, better than expected.
Uh... don't make me
do that again, Mom.
Even though she doesn't say it,
I know she appreciates it.
But does she?
it sounds like Deena and John
might be in
for the next cooking class.
Oh, that's great.
Though you still seem to be
the only one who wants vegan.
well, you know
what I always say...
Tofurkey is underrated.
You never say that.
I'm gonna grab another drink.
Do you want a hot cider?
Um, sure.
Thank you. Yeah.
Tofurkey, huh?
I'm just making conversation.
Oh, and you don't like cider.
I thought you guys
were just friends?
We are.
Well, then why try
to change yourself?
I'm not trying to change myself.
I'm trying...
It's called
trying something new.
Sarah wants to do
a cooking school at the lodge,
and I'm trying to support her,
because, apparently,
vegan's a tough sell
around here,
so just doing some test classes.
What about Joanna?
She really liked mountain men,
so you grew
this big, scraggly beard?
So what?
I manscaped.
And then there was Heather.
She really wanted you
to get an SUV.
Yeah, but I...
Well, that's because
I like the heated seats
and the sport mode.
Then there was the guitar,
the tie...
And what, now you're vegan?
Okay, okay...
The way I see it,
relationships are about
give and take, right?
They're about
trying something new
that maybe you wouldn't
have tried otherwise.
Really? Because I think
you're just trying
to get somebody's attention.
Yeah, maybe I am.
I... you know what,
I joined the ski club
because I liked you.
It was still the best decision
I ever made,
because I got to know
the Roberts family,
and I found my purpose
in the lodge,
and I'm still mostly me.
Whereas, you, Emma,
you have changed so much.
It's like you're trying to be
this fancy version of yourself
that likes plain cocoa.
I know you don't like
plan cocoa!
I know you like colossal cocoa.
so what are you trying to prove?
Who are you doing that for?
Because I know it's not for you.
I don't get it.
I thought we had
a moment earlier.
I'm sorry, I'm tired
of waiting for you to see me.
Wait! Drew, come on...
Party's winding down.
I think I'm just
going to hang out up here.
I'll make less of a mess
that way.
Everything's falling apart, Dad.
Oh, come on,
the gingerbread houses
look great.
Dad, Drew was right.
I feel like I'm just...
I'm placing
these crazy expectations
on everything and everyone.
It's like if nothing fits
into my perfect blueprint,
if anything goes
outside the line,
nothing works out.
In a lot of ways,
life is a blueprint...
You've got to have plans,
know where you're going...
but one thing I've learned
being a contractor...
You've got to be ready
for anything
that comes your way.
Life is a series of adjustments.
What matters most...
is building
the best house you can
with what you've got.
But I just wanted to come home
and tell you that I did it.
You know, that...
that I was a success.
That I could do it on my own.
I didn't get
the Miami project, Dad.
I messed up the model.
I completely blew it.
I let you down.
I'm so sorry.
What are you talking about?
You could never
let me down, peanut.
I always knew
you would be a great architect
because you're smarter
than your old man...
and you've got the talent.
But don't do it for me.
The most important thing
is that you're happy.
Do you remember
when you lost
that downhill championship
when you were 14?
That's the day
I blew out my knee.
I was not happy.
But do you remember
what you did after?
Yeah, I did
those knee exercises.
Every. Day.
For a whole year.
And Drew was the one
pushing you.
Yeah, he was.
And then you came back
and won that championship
the very next year.
That was a good day.
- That was a good day.
- It was a good day.
But, you know...
the best part wasn't
seeing you up on that podium...
it was watching you race.
After all that hard work
you put in,
you were out there
just doing it for you.
And those are the moments
that make being a parent
so special.
Maybe it's time for you
to start following your heart.
With everything.
And do it for you.
'Cause you deserve it.
Thanks, Dad.
Hi, Santa.
Shouldn't you be out there
delivering presents?
The night is still young.
Did you find
what you were looking for?
I don't know yet.
It might be
right in front of you.
you better get to work.
Merry Christmas!
We missed you.
Mrs. Roberts really wants you
to do the renovation.
Aunt Martha...
my Dad...
It was all just a dream.
You again.
Hey, have you ever had a dream
that felt so real,
it was like
it actually happened?
I had a dream last night
that my first passenger
gave me a giant tip
'cause it's Christmas.
Okay. Here you go.
Thanks for the tip!
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
Emma. You came!
I'm so glad you made it.
I'm not actually going
on the ski trip.
I'm going home.
I'm sorry.
But thank you so much
for the generous offer.
Of course. Of course.
We should go out
in the new year, though.
Max, I don't think
I'm the girl for you.
If I'm being
totally honest with myself
about where my life is headed
and what I actually want...
it turns out I prefer
dysfunctional family gatherings
to perfect holiday parties.
I get it.
Well, I hope you have
a wonderful time
with your family.
I'm actually kind of envious.
Thank you.
Have a great time
with your friends,
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Emma.
I made it!
Please tell me I'm not too late.
10 minutes to spare.
Oh! Okay.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas, Mrs. Roberts.
It's Emma Peterson.
I'm just heading home,
but I was wondering if you had
a second to chat.
Merry Christmas, Dad!
Oh, peanut!
I cannot tell you
how happy I am to see you!
I'm so happy to be home.
How's Mom?
Oh, you know your mother.
She's busy cooking up a storm.
Come on, let's go!
I can't believe,
after all of that,
your flight ended up
being delayed.
So I got some news.
Shirley Roberts
officially offered me
the Ski Lodge renovation
this morning.
Funny you mention that,
because she offered me
the contractor position.
Yeah, I know.
Because I wanted
to work with you.
You're the best contractor
I know.
Wait... you took it?
What about the Miami project?
My firm actually chose
my golf clubhouse model.
That's amazing!
And then I resigned.
Why would you do that?
Because, Dad,
I want to work where I'm valued.
You know...
making a difference...
Creating something from scratch
and seeing it through.
Then I found out
I was going to be
stuck in the office
making models
while the senior architects
got all the opportunities
on the ground.
I get it.
From Blueprints...
to Boots on the Ground,
as we used to say.
Hey, you remember
when we also used to talk about
running our own
business together?
All your contracting...
and architectural needs.
how do you feel
about teaming up?
On the Ski Lodge?
No. I mean permanently.
Are you serious?
I can think
of nothing more satisfying
than you bringing me coffee
every morning in our new office.
Actually, I think it would be
the other way around.
Well, I don't know.
Peanut, I love this idea.
sometimes, things happen
the way they're supposed to.
Hey, does Drew know about
this plan of yours yet?
He doesn't even know I'm home.
I think you should tell him...
And probably in person.
I know where he is.
Yeah, they're apparently having
electrical issues
down at the lodge.
I could drop you off there?
Um, yeah. Okay.
If you don't mind?
Oh, no. Not at all.
You know,
I always thought you and Drew
would make a good match.
Nothing yet. Over.
Okay. Was that it? Over.
Nope. Keep trying. Over.
Hey! You're here!
Hey, tell Mom I'll be home soon!
All right.
Will do.
The Christmas lights are out.
It's a breaker issue, we think...
We hope.
Yeah. We can't have that
on Christmas.
My thoughts exactly.
I'm coordinating with Gordon.
Did you try jiggling the cord?
Not super technical,
but we can give it a shot.
Gordon, jiggle the cord.
Okay. Jiggling. Over.
It worked!
How did you know
that would work?
You're my good-luck charm.
Uh, what about me?
I'm turning this off.
This feels familiar...
Drew, you know how you always
call me "Perfect Peterson"?
Yeah. You know
I'm just teasing.
No. I know.
But you're right.
I'm a perfectionist.
I plan everything...
From my job,
to the way
a Yule log should taste,
what I think a perfect guy
should look like.
You know, in the last 48 hours,
I thought I met that guy.
And we spent
an almost perfect day together.
I'm so happy for you.
No, but I realized
that I want someone
who pushes me
outside of my comfort zone,
who... who makes life...
and fun.
What are you saying?
I have feelings for you, Drew.
I've always had
feelings for you.
You had a crush on me?
I mean...
then why didn't you
say anything?
I don't know...
Because I went away to college,
and the I had...
this thing inside of me
that thought I had to be
a certain way, and...
I don't know.
I didn't...
I didn't know
if you felt the same way.
Last night, I realized
how much I miss you,
and it's not just because
I desperately needed
your expertise
with the gingerbread...
or that they made me
bring pudding
to your Aunt Martha's alone,
which I don't think
I'll ever recover from.
Thinking back
on all those Christmases...
your parents, together...
I salted the driveway...
I put the lights up,
I got the firewood...
I did all that gladly
because it meant...
I got to be with you.
So you had a crush
on me, too, huh?
Isn't that obvious?
Drew, no matter where I go,
you always feel like home.
That was weird.
Yeah, weird.
Wait, when you said "weird",
did you mean, like,
bad-weird, or...
No, really good-weird.
Oh! Um...
I talked to Mrs. Roberts.
I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna take
the project in Vermont,
I'm gonna team up with my Dad.
That is amazing!
Yes! I'm so happy for me!
For you.
I'm happy for...
I'm happy for you,
Perfect Peterson.
You know I'm not perfect, right?
You are to me.
Um, let's go get your stuff
because we're going to be late
for Christmas dinner.
Oh, yeah.
That's right.
Ow! Who put that there?
I swear that
it came out of nowhere.
But it was funny!
Just a little bit.