A Timeless Christmas (2020) Movie Script

This program is rated G
and is suitable for
general audiences.
Going once, going twice.
Sold to Mr. Charles Whitley.
This beautiful antique
Christmas clock.
Our next item up for bid,
this magnificent chaise lounge.
Perfect for the home.
We'll start the bidding at $10.
Do I see $10?
Woman: $10.
$20. Yes, ma'am up front.
- $30?
- $30!
The gentleman in the hat.
Well done, Whitley.
That's a one-of-a-kind piece.
True love will find you soon.
Certainly you've already
found true love.
You have a beautiful fiance
in Miss Eliza Parker.
And it is to be
her Christmas gift.
Very romantic, Whitley.
I'm surprised you didn't try
to steal it
out from under me, Moran.
That is your preferred method
of operation, I believe.
Now, now, it's almost Christmas.
Can't we let bygones be bygones?
I hear through the grapevine
you're having trouble
with this new modern milling
system you're working on.
Why don't we team up?
I wouldn't work with you
if you were the last engineer
on the planet, Moran.
Charles, you and I are cut
from the same cloth.
Surely we can find
some common ground.
I've seen the way you look
at my fiance.
It appears you are
already trying.
But I can assure you,
you will fail on all counts.
Merry Christmas to you, sir.
Auctioneer: $40? Do I hear $40?
$40, yes, up in front.
You know, I don't believe
he means that.
Auctioneer: Do I hear $50?
Welcome home, sir.
How was the city?
It was... the city.
Two wreaths, Fredericks?
Isn't that a bit excessive?
Rosie's idea, sir.
You know how people are
during the holidays.
They do like to celebrate.
I assume you've already arranged
the annual Christmas Eve party
for the household staff?
It'll be in the kitchen,
as usual.
You're always welcome
to join us of course, sir.
Well, I appreciate the invitation
every year, Fredericks.
But I'm afraid merrymaking
is a luxury I can't afford
with so much work to do
and so little time to do it.
Now where have I heard
that excuse before?
Eliza, Fredericks didn't tell me
you were here.
Don't blame Fredericks.
I wanted to surprise you.
Well, the smiling face
of my fiance
is the perfect
welcome-home gift.
I'm afraid my visit
isn't entirely innocent.
Do I hear an ulterior motive
in your voice?
It's about my mother and
father's Christmas party.
You know it's the social event
of the season.
All of the most important people
are going to be there.
Won't you please
just reconsider?
Eliza, I'm sorry,
but I just can't.
I simply have too much to do
to go parading off to Manhattan
for a party.
Christmas or otherwise.
Is it the party, Charles?
Or is it me?
You know I've been busy
modernizing the mill.
I have an entirely new system
to put into place,
and I need it operational
by next year.
Hmm. Next year.
Next year.
You're always living
for the future, Charles.
And why not?
The future's an exciting place.
It's... it's full of
possibilities and new ideas,
and new inventions.
I've even heard a rumour of
two brothers in North Carolina
who are working on
a flying machine.
What about the present?
What about being here
with me now?
I am here with you now.
You're not with me here.
Rosie: Pardon me, Mr. Whitley.
I took the liberty of making
you both some hot cocoa.
It's terribly cold outside,
and I thought...
Thank you, Rosie.
But I'm afraid I'm not really
in a hot cocoa mood today.
If you need me, Charles,
I'll be at my parents' townhouse
in the city.
That is, if you have the time.
Rosie: Mr. Whitley?
Come in, Rosie.
Fredericks has retired
for the evening,
and I'm about to do
the same myself.
Will there be anything else?
No, that'll be all.
Thank you, Rosie.
Oh, that's lovely, sir.
- You think so?
- Mm-hmm.
It's for Eliza.
For Christmas.
Foolishly, I didn't check
to make sure it was working
at the auction house.
I was too distracted
by that imbecile, Moran.
It's broken?
That's what I thought at first,
but it appears that one of
the springs has been cut.
Like someone deliberately wanted
to stop the clock.
Oh. You've had it engraved.
"Wind once at Christmas moon,
true love will find you soon."
A very sweet sentiment,
Mr. Whitley.
You know me well enough to know
I didn't have it engraved
myself, Rosie.
It came that way.
I don't even know what
a Christmas moon is.
Well, one can always hope.
I hope that I can have it
fixed in time.
Eliza certainly deserves
something that works.
As do you, sir.
Is this about to become one of
your infamous lectures?
No, no sir. I wouldn't dare.
I'm just a maid.
Rosie, you have been in
my employ nearly 10 years.
You are anything
but just a maid.
You're my friend.
Well, forgive me, sir.
You're both such fine people,
but if I may say,
a more mismatched pair
I've never seen.
I think Eliza and I get along
very well.
But sir, there's more
to marriage
than just getting along.
And I would hate to see the both
of you make a mistake.
There's no mistake to make.
I have considered the situation
from all possible
vantage points,
and the truth of the matter is
that a man of my age
and position
is expected to be married
by now.
But sir, don't you think that
true love is worth waiting for?
Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't.
Either way, how is one to know
when it shows up?
Time will tell, Mr. Whitley.
Time will tell.
Goodnight, sir.
And this, of course, is
the owner of the mansion
and my employer,
Mr. Charles Whitley.
He was born in 1870.
When he was 14, his parents died
and he was sent to work
at a steel mill.
Fortunately, Mr. Whitley
was a very smart inventor.
So by the time he was 21,
he was a millionaire.
Then, 10 years later,
he just disappeared.
Where'd he go?
Nobody really knows.
A week before Christmas,
December 18th, 1903,
Mr. Whitley just
mysteriously vanished.
And nobody has been able
to figure out the mystery
of where he went, or why.
What was in that sherry?
What the deuce?
Would any of our guests care
for a homemade cookie,
freshly baked from our kitchen?
Fredericks, you are indeed the
finest butler in this county.
I don't know what Mr. Whitley
would do without you.
Well, let us hope he never
has cause to find out.
Hmm Fredricks?
Oh, Miss Eliza.
I do believe you're teasing me.
What is all this?
And who are all these
lovely people?
These are some very
special visitors
who have come to see the mansion
at Christmastime.
They're hoping to catch
a glimpse
of Mr. Whitley himself.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm afraid my fianc is unable
to be here today.
He was called away on business.
No he wasn't, he's standing
right there.
Excuse me.
What are you people doing
in my house?
I would appreciate an answer,
Well, hello Mr. Whitley.
We didn't expect you today.
You weren't expecting me
in my own home?
And who are you?
You're having fun with me, sir.
You know, I'm your maid, Rosie.
You most certainly are not.
Charles, you're such a tease.
You know this is Rosie.
Just as you know I'm your
fiance, Eliza Parker.
How forward, my goodness.
Control yourself.
Megan: Kenny never told me
about a new Charles.
He looks just like him.
He does.
Where did all these Christmas
decorations come from?
I did not authorize
this expenditure!
What, is it my cue already?
Who's this guy?
I mean, good morning
Mr. Whitley.
This is madness.
What have you done
with Fredericks?
Hey, can I get a selfie?
I beg your pardon?
Enough! I demand that you people
leave my home,
or I will inform
the authorities.
All right, everyone.
If you'd like to follow me,
we have some lovely Christmas
ornaments for sale
in the gift shop.
Go get Kenny.
When did this arrive?
Uh, that painting has been here
over 100 years.
It most certainly has not.
I just sat for it last week.
Okay, just between you and me,
you're coming on a little strong
with the visitors.
Why don't you just relax a bit?
I come downstairs to find
my home full of strangers,
and I am told to relax?
Kenny: You've already put
so much on my plate.
I haven't got time
for this today, Megan.
Yeah. The resemblance
is amazing.
Where did you find him?
I didn't find him.
The agency must have sent him
over here last minute.
Well, they could've given us
a heads up.
He completely ruined my timing.
What are you people
talking about?
Didn't they tell you?
Our last Charles Whitley quit.
Your last.
The actor who played him.
The one you're replacing.
I'm not replacing anyone.
We've all been there.
No shame in recasting.
Unless you're the one
being recast.
I've had enough of this madness.
Where are you going?
The tour is not over yet.
I'm going to find my driver,
and we are going to find
the sheriff.
What are... What are these?
What? What is this?
You mean the cars?
The what?
A flying machine.
I don't think he's
from the agency.
Of course I'm not
from the agency.
Then who are you?
I am Charles Whitley.
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Thank you so much for coming.
Don't forget about our
Christmas Eve party.
Thank you.
Well, he's definitely not
from the talent agency.
They just called me.
The guy that they had lined up
for us had to cancel.
Well, so who is he?
No idea.
You think I should call
the sheriff?
Oh, we can probably just ask him
to leave.
He seems harmless.
He also seems convinced that
he's the real Charles Whitley.
Dan, honey.
You were a little slow
on your entrance.
You need to pick up
the pace a bit.
Amber, it's not Shakespeare.
And these run on some form
of electricity.
And the bulbs,
they're not Edison.
They don't generate any heat.
I got to hand it to the guy,
he is committed to the part.
Well, that's because
I'm not playing a part.
Whatever you say, "Charles."
Well, that costume you're
wearing is absolutely perfect.
Look at all the detail work.
All hand sewn.
Well, I did have it made by the
finest tailor in New York City.
What is that sound?
My tea.
And it's hot.
This device, it heats things
with some form of radiation.
Yeah. Makes pretty good
popcorn, too.
Have I really travelled
through all this...
Uh, excuse me?
Excuse me.
It looks like there was some
sort of a misunderstanding here.
So, I think it'd be best
if you'd just leave.
Why would I leave my own house?
Um, well, maybe because it's not
your house.
Look, who exactly
are you people?
I'm Megan Turner.
I'm the museum director.
That's Amber and this is
her husband Dan.
Fredericks, at your service.
He's still here?
And this is my assistant
director, Kenny.
I'm also operations manager.
Call the sheriff?
I think I left
the front door open.
Excuse me.
And so all of this is some
sort of performance?
We do a re-enactment of
Christmas at the Whitley
just like it was back in 1903.
Megan is actually related
to the real Rosie.
In fact, she was my
She was?
She was.
May I ask what year is it,
What year do you think it is?
Well, it's... it's certainly
not 1903.
Where are you going?
To my study.
Your study?
Yes, my study.
If I retrace my steps,
I can figure out how I went
to sleep last night
and woke up 100 years later.
Wait, you actually think
you're from the past.
Oh, I don't think so.
I know so.
I hate to break it to you,
but you're not Charles Whitley.
He vanished December 18th,
1903 and was never seen again.
I'm very flattered that you
think you know so much about me.
I wrote my PhD dissertation
about you...
About him.
And you're really kin to Rosie?
Yes, we're kin.
On my mom's side.
Well then, you've very lucky
to come from such a family.
She's a very wonderful lady.
Was... a very wonderful lady.
Look, the thing is,
I have responsibilities waiting
for me back in 1903.
I have people counting on me,
and I have a business to run.
You know how this sounds, right?
Of course I know
how this sounds.
That doesn't stop it
from being the truth.
I was right here at my desk,
trying to repair a clock
that I bought for Eliza
for Christmas.
Rosie brought me some sherry,
and then she left.
And then I started to feel
very dizzy.
It was probably the sherry.
And then I fell, and that's
the last thing I remember
before waking up here.
You don't believe me.
Well, it just seems
kind of impossible.
Don't you think I know that?
I feel like I'm in that book,
"The Time Machine".
I love H. G. Wells.
Well, you wouldn't love him
if you met him.
He's a great writer, but he
has terrible table manners.
Wait, you met H. G. Wells?
Um... just uh... wait...
Hi, Megan.
Look who dropped by.
Sheriff Conway.
Merry Christmas, Megan.
Sheriff. Good, you're here.
I'm sure you were called
on my account?
A strange man shows up,
claiming to be Charles Whitley,
claims that this is his home?
I'm sure you have questions,
I may as well take care
of that now.
If there's one thing I hate,
it's wasting time.
Shall we?
Okay then.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Mr. Whitley.
We really appreciate you coming
down to the station.
Oh, wait.
It's cold out here.
Thank you.
You, you still don't believe me,
do you?
You said that most of the house
has been preserved.
I think so, why?
Under the rug beneath my desk,
there's a hidden compartment
in the floor.
Look inside.
Uh, Mr. Whitley?
You might find your proof.
Right this way.
So what's going to happen
to the new Charles Whitley?
I don't know.
He was pretty cute, huh?
I hadn't really noticed.
How long has it been since
you broke up with your ex?
Six months.
Don't you think it's time
you started noticing again?
Charles James Whitley.
June the 6th, 1870.
Look, Mr... Whitley.
I appreciate your
cooperation here,
but it's not going to do you
any good
to falsify an official
county document.
I'm not falsifying anything,
I'm telling you the truth.
So, you expect me to believe
that you're 150 years old?
Uh, excuse me, Sheriff.
I think I can help with that.
So, why didn't you people
just tell me
he was an actor
in the first place?
Well, uh, we didn't know
that he was from the talent
agency at first.
But then after that, later,
we found out he was
from the talent agency.
Why didn't you say anything?
Because it's an immersive
theatre experience.
Part of the program we offer
at the museum.
You see, he was hired to portray
Charles Whitley
and he has to remain in
character throughout the day,
no matter what happens.
His real name is Ch...
Is this true?
Every word of it.
Why did you make up
that ridiculous story?
Because if I tried
to tell him the truth,
they would've locked us both up.
I thought you didn't believe me.
I didn't at first, but then
I saw the scar on your hand.
Charles Whitley got
into an accident
when he was 18 years old
at a steel mill
and it left a horseshoe-shaped
scar on his hand,
but he didn't want anybody
to know about it,
so it didn't show up in any
pictures or paintings of him.
You really did study me,
didn't you?
And then, I found this.
What happened to my notebook?
I think it looks pretty good
for something that's been
under the floor for 100 years.
I realize it's crazy and I
cannot believe I'm saying this,
but it is very nice to meet you,
Charles Whitley.
What is the name of this
fantastic dish we've just eaten?
Oh. Pizza.
It's delicious.
You know, this establishment
used to be the blacksmith.
I took my horses here.
Um, maybe just keep that
between us for now.
Until we figure out
what happened,
the fewer people who know
the truth about you, the better.
I suppose you're right.
No one would believe me anyway.
Actually, I'm afraid they would.
Your disappearance is one
of the greatest mysteries
of Cutter Springs.
I mean, the last thing you want
is a bunch of reporters
chasing you around
or a scientist sticking you
in a lab
to find out what makes you tick.
Well, then I shall be the very
picture of discretion.
$23! This is highway robbery!
Uh, don't worry.
No, it's my treat.
No, no, no, no.
Please. Please, I insist.
A gentleman always pays.
It appears that I have come away
without my billfold.
Honestly, it's okay.
Times have changed.
They certainly have.
I should thank you,
you've been very kind to me,
a total stranger.
Oh, you're not a stranger to me.
I've read all of your journals
and your letters.
All of them?
I had to be thorough
for my dissertation.
Well, then you must certainly
have an affection for history.
Actually, I'm going to teach it
at the university.
I have my final interview
for the position next week.
You're not happy at the museum?
Oh no, I love my job
at The Whitley.
It's so rewarding and I'm making
history come to life for people.
May I?
Oh, yeah. Thank you.
So then why leave?
Well, I come from
an academic family.
Both my parents were teachers.
My grandfather was a professor
at the university.
So I guess it's just always been
part of the plan.
For them or for you?
Thank you.
All this electric lighting
must cost a fortune.
Actually, most of it
is solar powered.
You mean someone finally
figured out how to
harness the power of the sun?
That's amazing.
They decorated the streets
like this back in 1903,
didn't they?
I suppose.
To be honest, I never paid
much attention.
I always thought Christmas
was quite a bit of bother
for just a few weeks
of the year.
Eliza loves it, though.
What is it, Mr. Whitley?
I was just thinking of the...
of the last time I saw Eliza.
We had a bit of a row.
What about?
Inconsequential, really.
Her parents' Christmas party.
She wanted me to attend,
I said no, of course.
I hope she's all right.
I hope she was all right.
It feels strange to speak of her
in past tense.
You studied my life.
Do you know what happened
to her after I disappeared?
I don't know exactly.
I recognize this street.
Come on.
What is this?
This can't be.
My building, the Whitley
Steel Building, was right here!
What happened to it?
It's been gone for years.
When you disappeared,
there were no instructions
for your financial holdings.
I planned to leave it all
to Eliza, of course, as my wife.
But you weren't married,
and you had no heirs.
Your company went to
receivership and it closed.
The building, and all
your assets, were liquidated.
The city even took your mansion
and turned it into a museum.
So I have nothing?
You have your name.
Charles Whitley means something
here in Cutter Springs.
But you said I can't tell anyone
who I really am.
I can't let this happen.
I have to go back to 1903
and stop this.
Miss Turner, I need your help.
I have to find a way back.
Uh, what's happened
to my bedroom?
It was renovated
a few years ago.
We use a couple of the rooms
for weddings and overnight
visitors, so...
Excuse me.
What's wrong?
Well, I'm not sure that
it's entirely appropriate
for me to be alone in my bedroom
with a young lady unchaperoned.
It's okay.
Times have changed.
So you keep telling me.
How am I supposed to see myself
in this mirror?
That is not a mirror.
- That's a television.
- A what?
I'll explain it to you tomorrow.
Is there anything else
I can get for you?
No, thank you.
I found my toiletry case in
a display cabinet downstairs.
I... don't think you want
to use this,
um, 100-year-old toothpaste.
There's a fresh tube
and soap and towels
in the bathroom down the hall.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Welcome to the 21st century.
I just hope I can learn
to navigate it.
Don't worry, Mr. Whitley.
There... there's got to be a way
to get you back to your time.
All we have to do is find it.
Well, in the meantime,
I would ask a favour.
Please stop calling me
Mr. Whitley.
My friends call me Charles.
Only if you call me Megan.
Goodnight Charles.
Ho, ho, ho!
On Donner, on Blitzen...
Ho, ho, ho!
Merry Christmas!
The Christmas Eve party
is our most important fundraiser
of the year.
The day of, I'm going to need
fresh pine boughs
here, here, and here.
Two wreaths there
and two wreaths there.
I'm also going to need
a champagne pyramid.
Well, actually, let's make it
two champagne pyramids.
I want this to be the best
Christmas Eve party
the Whitley Mansion
has ever seen.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Uh, what are you doing here?
I was just going to get
a bit of breakfast.
The kitchen is still this way,
or has that been moved as well?
Good morning.
Megan? What's going on?
Uh, turns out you were right.
Mr. Garland is from the agency.
Mr. Garland?
Yes. It was all just
a misunderstanding.
These things happen.
He's from out of town,
so I told him he could stay
in the guest room.
How nice for Mr. Garland.
Well, people do seem to enjoy
your take on the role.
They really like it when you get
all worked up
over having strangers
in the house.
The first tour is at 11:00.
Be ready by 10:45.
In costume, please.
What did he mean by that?
I think you just became
the new Mr. Whitley.
You're telling me that I'm to be
a part of the show?
I can't do that, I don't have
time for that.
I have to figure out my...
my situation.
These cookies need just a little
more icing.
Well, what better place
to do that than here,
where nobody's going
to ask you any questions
about who you really are?
And besides, couldn't you use
the 21st century money?
Well, what would I have to do?
Just... be yourself.
Deck the halls
with boughs of holly
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Merry Christmas.
Welcome to Christmas
at The Whitley Mansion.
This wing has been kept exactly
as it was for 120 years.
Ever since the mysterious
disappearance of Mr. Whitley
in December 1903, a week
before Christmas.
No one has been able
to figure out the puzzle
of where he went, or why.
But... he's with us today,
so maybe we'll get
to ask him ourselves.
Mr. Whitley?
Come in.
We have some visitors
to see you, sir.
They've come a very long way
to meet you, Mr. Whitley.
That's very nice.
So, what are you working on?
Uh, a new milling system.
That sounds very interesting.
Would you like to tell us more
about that?
Well, it's um...
It's for the mill.
I can see you're very busy,
so we will be on our way,
and maybe next time
you'll have more to say.
Oh, and by the way.
Don't believe a word
that she says.
I beg your pardon, Mr. Whitley?
Oh, you heard me, Rosie.
She'll tell you all that
she deserves all the credit
for my success.
I've said no such thing.
You're always telling me how
helpless you think I am.
Well, I wouldn't say
completely helpless.
She thinks I can't even put
on my shoes in the morning.
Of course you can, sir.
Especially after I wrote on the
soles "left foot," "right foot."
Follow me, everyone.
Well, the Christmas Eve party
was originally Frederick's idea,
but over the years it's taken on
a life of its own.
All right, I think we have time
for one more question
for Mr. Whitley.
Hey, I've got a question.
Who's smarter,
you or Harold Moran?
Well, that's not even
a question.
Harold Moran is a thief.
He steals ideas, he's a
rapscallion and a rogue,
and he doesn't have an ethical
bone in his body.
So, how did you feel when
you found out he married...
I think we have bothered
Mr. Whitley enough for today.
What do you say we all go
to the gift shop?
Right this way.
Follow me.
Thank you for coming.
How did I do?
I have to say, you are the best
Charles Whitley I've ever met.
Awesome job.
Thank you.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Please, allow me.
Thank you.
I've got it.
I really am sorry.
Afraid where I come from,
actors are not held
in very high esteem.
Just above horse thief.
That might have been
a better choice.
You don't enjoy it?
Oh, I love acting,
but this isn't quite the career
I'd hoped for.
How so?
Oh, Dan and I met in a show
in Summerstock,
and after we got married,
the work kind of dried up.
We saw an ad for this museum
looking for performers
for the Christmas season,
and well, here we are.
Not exactly Broadway.
More like off, off,
Well, you're still an actor.
And they do say all
the world's a stage,
no matter where it is.
You really think so?
I'm not in the habit of lying
to complete strangers.
Besides, I think
you're both quite good.
What is this?
A computer.
Like a calculating device?
Kind of.
I'm checking on the RSVP list
for the e-vite we sent out
for the Christmas Eve party.
And what is an "e-vite?"
It's a digital invitation.
I sent it out in an email blast.
I'm not sure I understood
much of that,
but I'm guessing it doesn't mean
an engraved note
on the house stationery?
Afraid not.
That's unfortunate.
I always took a special pride
in our invitations
to Whitley House.
People kept them as
a valued souvenir.
Times have changed.
Yes, they have.
Unfortunately, not always
for the better.
We've been getting some
great reviews on the website.
"Beautiful mansion."
"Loved the by-play
between Charles and Rosie."
And this one, "The new
Charles Whitley, is a hunk."
A hunk of what, exactly?
Anyway, whatever you're doing,
keep it up.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
What is this?
Money from the tip jar.
The cast splits it at the end
of the day.
Well, in that case,
would you care to join me
for a meal of delicious pizza?
This time it will be my treat.
That would be my pleasure,
But first, you and I have
something very important to do.
You really didn't have
to do this, Megan.
But I will pay you back
when I can.
Consider it an early
Christmas gift.
Besides, we can't have you
walking around
like you're in the road company
of Hello Dolly.
I don't mean to
sound ungrateful,
but are you absolutely sure
that these dungarees
are appropriate attire?
They would be acceptable
in one of my steel mills,
but a public street?
If the fashion police stop us,
I will tell them it was my idea.
Wait, there's such a thing
as that now?
So how did you like playing
Charles Whitley today?
I must say, I enjoyed it.
Especially our banter.
I don't recall ever having
that kind of rapport
with a young lady before.
Not even Eliza?
Oh, no.
Eliza wasn't the sort to enjoy
even a well-intentioned ribbing.
Well, she must've had
many good qualities.
You two were engaged
to be married.
When one achieves a certain
financial status,
there are... expectations.
A grand house, a fine
and a young lady like Eliza
by your side.
You did love her, didn't you?
I was very fond of Eliza,
but our marriage was to be one
of a certain social purpose.
She deserved more than
I could give her,
and I'm afraid love is something
I never really had much
time for.
Why would you say that?
You know my history as well
as anyone.
When my parents died, I was
left pretty much entirely alone.
Since then, I've just
never really let myself
get too close to anyone.
Why not?
So it wouldn't hurt so much
if I lost them.
You can't let the past control
your life.
Exactly. Which is why I live
for the future.
Well, I've talked more than
enough about myself today.
Tell me about you.
Do you have a suitor?
A suitor?
Yes. Are you being courted?
Well, I don't know that
I would call it courtship.
We broke up about
six months ago.
You know what?
I always say that, but
that's not exactly true.
What actually happened was that
he left me for somebody else.
Well, that must have
been difficult.
Well, let's just say
I'm not in any rush
to start dating anytime soon.
Rosie always used to say
true love is worth waiting for.
But how do you know
when it shows up?
Time will tell, Miss Turner.
Time will tell.
All right, everyone. It's time.
Come on. They're about to light
the Christmas tree.
Come on!
Thank you.
Well, I still think
it's a lot of bother.
Aw, I think it's a really
special tradition.
You said you wanted to live
for the future.
Maybe your future
has Christmas in it.
And besides, thank you,
candy canes are good for
the Christmas spirit.
Merry Christmas Cutter Springs,
and welcome to the annual
Christmas tree lighting
I'm so glad to see
all of you here.
So without further ado.
Crowd: Five, four, three,
two, one!
All: Merry Christmas!
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you...
Sing along.
I don't know the words.
What? Everybody knows this song.
Not in 1903.
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Thank you again for these,
and for showing me the tree.
It wasn't a lot of bother?
I've just never been one
for tradition.
And it's like I said, I don't
hold onto the past.
I don't think it's about holding
onto the past at all.
I think it's about honouring
our history
and celebrating
the passage of time,
and then sharing
that celebration
with the people we love.
That's what Christmas traditions
mean to me.
All of them?
We better get going.
We've got a big day tomorrow.
We do?
Another tradition,
Christmas shopping.
And you're going to help.
I am?
Thank you.
How does one person have
so many nieces and nephews?
That's amazing.
So that's a portable
telephone device, and a camera?
It has internet access, too.
I keep hearing about this
internet, what exactly is it?
Oh, the internet is... um...
uh, the world wide web.
Um, it connects everything.
Like a roadway.
Oh, yeah, that was the idea.
We have access to all
the world's information,
but we mostly use it to argue
with strangers
and send each other pictures
of cats.
The future's a very
interesting place.
Prepare yourself. My parents.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Are we interrupting something,
I told you we shouldn't butt in.
Greg, for goodness sakes.
It's Christmastime.
'Tis the season to butt in.
Are you going to introduce us,
I, I've been trying.
I'm Sharon, I'm Megan's mom.
You must be the new Charles
Whitley we keep hearing about.
Mrs. Turner.
A pleasure to meet you.
Such manners.
Mr. Turner.
I hear the museum's
Christmas re-enactment this year
is terrific.
Oh, I must admit, that's
all thanks to Megan's talent.
Now meeting her parents,
I can see where
she gets it from.
Can we have him bottled?
So, you say you're
from Cutter Springs?
That's funny, because we know
almost everyone in town,
but we've never bumped
into you before.
Charles travels a lot.
Uh... yes.
I've actually travelled quite a
great distance to be here today.
So Megan, any word
from the university?
Not yet. My final interview's
this week.
Oh, well honey, I wouldn't
worry about it.
With your PhD, you're a shoe-in.
I'm just not so sure I'm ready
to leave the museum.
Well, you've done a wonderful
job there,
but don't you feel like it's
time to spread your wings?
Turners have always
been teachers.
Kind of a family tradition.
Hmm. So I've heard.
We'd better get going.
Still have a lot of planning
to do for the Christmas party.
Oh well, we'll be there.
And it's going to be even
more special this year
because of the Christmas moon.
I beg your pardon. Did you say
a Christmas moon?
You know when there are two
full moons in the same month,
they call it a blue moon?
Well, when it happens
in December,
it's a Christmas moon.
And it's happening
on Christmas Eve,
just in time for your party.
I'd better be going.
Merry Christmas to you both.
Okay. Love you.
Was it something I said?
Charles, what's wrong?
That telephone device of yours,
can it look up dates?
December 18th, 1903?
The day you went missing?
It was a full moon that night.
Was it the second one
in the same month?
A Christmas moon.
"Wind once at Christmas moon,
true love will find you soon."
It was engraved on the clock
I was fixing for Eliza.
Do you think the clock
had something to do
with how you got here?
I know it makes absolutely
no sense,
but none of this does.
I have a theory.
I think if I'm to make it back
to my own time,
I have to do exactly
the same thing again
on the night of
the Christmas moon.
That's Christmas Eve.
That's only four days away.
I know.
I need to find that clock.
I don't see it anywhere.
Are you sure it's in here?
It was right there on the mantle
the night of the Christmas moon.
Rosie must have moved it
for cleaning or something.
Well, that was over
100 years ago.
I know.
And I, and I also know how
ridiculous all this sounds,
with the magic moons and
time travel clocks and...
I have lived my whole life
according to logic and science
and things that you can actually
hold in your hand.
I'm sorry.
I would hate to lose you.
I got great news.
Tomorrow's tour is sold out.
Kenny, we were looking
for something.
Should I ask if I can help?
We were looking for this.
A clock?
It belonged to Charles Whitley.
It was in this room.
You mean it's missing?
Oh, this is terrible.
When did you last see it?
Okay, we've got alarm clocks,
shelf clocks,
weather clocks, grandfather
clocks and cuckoo clocks,
but I don't see anything
about a Christmas clock.
Are you sure, Kenny?
Maybe you're overlooking it.
Megan. I don't overlook.
My first job here
was cataloguing
the contents of the mansion.
I spent almost a whole year
in this basement.
But you're welcome to look
around if you want.
Why all the excitement
about this clock now, anyway?
Is it that valuable?
Um, it is...
part of the Whitley legacy,
and I thought it might be nice
to have it on display at
the Christmas Eve party.
Well, it's not here now.
And if it ever was here,
it probably got liquidated
in one of those auctions
years ago.
Trust me. If it's not in my
database, that clock is history.
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Come in.
You'd better get dressed.
The tour starts
in a few minutes,
and it's a full house.
You'll have to do it without me.
I've already wasted
too much time.
I should've been focused
on the task at hand,
which is getting myself back
to 1903.
You heard Kenny. The clock
is probably long gone.
Well then, there has to be
some other way.
"The Time Machine",
"A Christmas Carol",
"A Connecticut Yankee
in King Arthur's Court".
They're all books
on time travel.
Maybe they know something
that I don't.
Would it really be so bad
if you stayed?
Megan, I can't stay here.
I... I have a fiance,
I have a business.
I don't belong here.
And all the Christmas trees
and candy canes in the world
are not going to change that.
That's the silliest thing
I've ever heard.
I beg your pardon?
This isn't the Charles Whitley
I studied.
The Charles Whitley I studied,
he didn't care about
where he belonged,
because he made everywhere
belong to him.
He was fearless,
he was an adventurer.
He took on the world by the time
he was 14 years old.
Stories in a history book.
And every story
starts somewhere.
All of those started with you.
And, for the record, I think
you do belong here.
If for no other reason than I...
I like having you around.
So if you want to sit here
and worry about how to get back
to the past, you go ahead.
But I have to live
in the present,
and I have a museum
I'm pretty proud of so...
I'm going to go show it off.
Merry Christmas.
Visitor: Merry Christmas!
Welcome to Christmas
at the Whitley Mansion.
Unfortunately, Mr. Whitley
won't be able to join us today.
I know. I'm sorry.
It's just that he's feeling
a bit under the weather.
Now, Rosie.
You shouldn't be fibbing
to these nice people.
I'm fit as a fiddle
and ready to play.
Now I know you're
related to Rosie.
She's the only person
on the planet
that spoke to me like that.
Dan: The gingerbread line.
But maybe if you try doing
that line slower?
Amber, come on.
It's not Shakespeare.
Okay, so we have the game soup,
cranberry dressing...
And the plum pudding.
- Great, looks good.
- Thanks.
What is all this?
This is a test run for
the Christmas Eve party.
Here, tell me what you think
about this gravy.
Not too thick?
I've never tasted anything
like it.
Sure you have.
It's one of your chef's
original Christmas recipes.
He used to serve it every year
at your Christmas Eve party.
I... never went.
Fredericks always invited me,
but I always came up
with an excuse.
I'm not any good at parties.
I don't know what to do
or what to say.
So you don't even know your
own Christmas traditions?
May I share one of my favourites
with you?
Come here.
You're here!
Merry Christmas.
Hi, Mom.
Oh, hello.
Come in.
Hey everyone. Look who's here.
All: Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas.
I hope you enjoy the wine.
I still had one or two bottles
left that no one found.
Am I reading this right?
Do I smell gingerbread?
- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.
Crowd: Oh!
So they're really wagering
on a Christmas ornament?
It's a Christmas tradition.
Everybody pays
for a chance to go,
and whoever actually puts
the topper on the tree
gets to choose which charity
the money goes to.
Time's up.
All: Ohhhhh!
You, my sister's friend.
Gonna give it a go?
Uh, no. I really shouldn't.
Come on, it's Christmas.
Have some fun.
I insist.
All right.
Oh, there you go!
Oh, he's such a gentleman.
It's like he's from
a different time.
You could say that.
It's nice to see
that smile again.
So, are you and Charles a thing?
It's more complicated than that.
Well, do you like him?
I do.
Well, then it's not
that complicated.
I did it!
Nice try, dude!
New champion tree-topper! Whoo!
Did you see that?
Oh, I beg your pardon.
I didn't mean to be so forward.
No, it wasn't...
it wasn't that forward.
I did it.
"T'was the night
before Christmas,"
"and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring,"
"not even a mouse."
"The stockings were hung
by the chimney with care,"
Thank you.
"In hopes that Saint Nicholas
soon would be there."
"The children were nestled
all snug in their beds"
"while visions of sugarplums
danced in their heads."
"And Momma in her kerchief
and I in my cap..."
My parents read this to me
when I was a boy.
"For a long winters' nap."
Where do they live?
Oh. They passed on
a very long time ago.
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
Thank you for inviting me
into your home.
You're always welcome here, son.
"Now Prancer and Vixen...
"on Comet, on Cupid,
on Donner and Blitzen."
"To the top of the porch,
to the top of the wall,"
"now dash away, dash away,
dash away all."
Greg: And this was the Christmas
Nathan broke his leg
That tree came out of nowhere!
I'm sorry. This must be
so boring for you.
On the contrary.
It's like time travel without
having to leave the sofa.
Greg: Now here's a bit of
This is Megan's great-great-
Greg: This was at the wedding
of Harold Moran,
who you've all probably
heard of.
At one time, he owned
half the town.
Why was Rosie at Harold
Moran's wedding?
My mother said she became
very close to the bride.
She worked for her for years
after Charles Whitley
But who was the bride?
The young lady who had been
engaged to Whitley.
Her name was Eliza.
Charles, wait.
You knew this whole time
and you didn't tell me?
I just didn't think
you needed to know.
My fiance marries
my business rival,
my... my sworn enemy,
and you think I didn't need
to know?
You said yourself you don't
hold onto the past.
It was a figure of speech.
Of course I hold onto the past.
Everybody holds onto the past.
Then you should be happy
for Eliza.
That she forgot me and married
somebody else?
She didn't forget you, Charles.
When I studied you,
I studied her too.
She waited for you.
She spent a fortune
trying to find you.
But finally, she had to give up.
She had to move on
with her life.
She and Harold Moran were
happily married for 66 years.
They had four children
together and 11 grandchildren.
And by the time Harold retired,
they had travelled the world,
and they lived to a very
healthy old age together.
So yes, you should be happy
for her.
If you ever felt anything
for Eliza,
you should be happy
that she got to live
this full and wonderful life
filled with happiness and love.
I'm going to go for a walk.
I need to clear my head.
Thank you.
For what?
Telling the truth.
I'll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have snow
And mistletoe
And presents under the tree
Merry Christmas.
And to you.
Looks like you got your work
cut out for you.
But a beautiful Christmas tree
makes so many people happy.
Doesn't seem like work at all.
Can you hand me a bow?
So how long you been
at this sort of thing?
Since I retired.
Spent 40 years with Moran Steel.
You have my deepest sympathies.
Why's that?
Working for a cad like Harold
Moran couldn't have been easy.
Oh, he'd been long gone
by the time I got there.
Did you say "cad?"
That's not a word
you hear every day.
If the shoe fits.
I don't know about that.
I heard he was a decent,
generous guy.
Yeah. Apparently he made
a whole lot of money
from some milling technique
that he invented.
That he invented?!
Yeah, Mr. Moran was famous
for his charity work.
We have Moran Community Centre,
Moran University,
Moran Medical Centre.
He did a whole lot of good
for this town.
In fact, we're standing
on some of it now.
He and his wife donated the land
for this park.
So I don't know
what you've heard,
but I'm afraid you're wrong
about Harold Moran.
I'll be home for Christmas
if only in my dreams
I'll be home for Christmas
if only in my dreams
If only in my dreams
Hey Dan.
Hey Charles.
May I join you?
Can I ask you something?
Have you ever found
yourself somewhere
where you never thought
you would be?
More than you could imagine.
See, Amber and I, we took
this museum job for a season,
thinking it may lead somewhere.
And now, I'm thinking
maybe we just give it up.
Quit the museum?
Quit acting.
I mean I studied Strasbourg,
she went to Julliard.
We've been at it a long time.
We gave it our best shot,
but maybe it's just...
time to try something else.
All I know is we're not happy
where we are.
Well, I think that sometimes
where we end up
is out of our hands.
But who we end up with, well,
that's another matter.
I think that almost any journey
can have a happy ending
if you're with someone you love.
What about your journey?
It's been a very long trip.
And I have a feeling
that it isn't over yet.
It's pretty quiet around here.
Most of the students have gone
home for the holidays.
So you'll be joining
the faculty I hear?
I hope so.
I'll let them know you're here.
Thank you.
"Wind once at Christmas moon,
true love will find you soon."
He'll just be a couple
more minutes.
Excuse me, where did that clock
come from?
Oh, the Christmas clock?
That's been here
as long as I have.
I think it was donated
to the university years ago
by someone who worked
at the Whitley Mansion.
Apparently if you wind
that clock just right,
you'll find true love.
I've wound that clock every week
for years.
I wonder.
Can I ask you a favour?
Megan, I'd like to apologize.
Megan, please accept
my heartfelt apology.
Megan, I'm sorry.
Come in.
Tour starts in 10 minutes.
I'll be right there.
I hope that's the one.
Where did you find this?
Rosie gave it to the university.
Maybe she thought
we'd need it someday.
I should've told you
the truth all along.
I guess this is my way of saying
I'm sorry.
No, no, no.
I'm the one that needs
to apologize.
You were only trying
to protect me.
It's the Christmas moon tonight,
so if you're right,
this will take you back to 1903.
Maybe. It's only a theory.
I know you, Charles.
You'll never forgive yourself
if you don't try.
I'm not sure I'll ever
forgive myself if I do.
The tour's about to begin.
I'd like to stay...
For a little while tonight.
Come all this way,
I would hate to miss my first
Whitley Mansion Christmas party.
You're the guest of honour.
Kenny: Megan, tour!
Just one thing.
If you do leave tonight,
make sure to say goodbye
before you go.
Have you seen Charles yet?
He isn't down here?
No. And he's supposed to give
his speech in five minutes.
He'll throw off
my whole schedule.
Sorry I'm late.
Had a little trouble
with this tie.
Here, let me.
Thank you.
Feels like I haven't worn
this suit in over 100 years.
How's it look?
Like it was made for you.
Waiter: Champagne sir?
Shall we?
Waiter: Champagne ma'am?
Oh, thank you.
Megan Turner, rector
I'd like to bid you
welcome to the Whitley Museum's
Christmas Eve party.
I hope you're all having
a wonderful time tonight.
As you know, this is our
museum's biggest fundraiser
of the year.
And thanks to a successful
led by our director,
Megan Turner.
I'm happy to announce that we
have broken last year's record.
And with your generous help,
this is going to be the Whitley
Museum's best year ever.
And now, it gives me great
pleasure to introduce to you,
the host of tonight's party,
the owner of the Whitley
and the master of the house,
Mr. Charles Whitley.
Thank you very much.
And thank you all
for being here tonight,
and making this a very special
party at Whitley Mansion.
You know, for many years,
members of my household staff
held a Christmas Eve party
of their own,
and every year I was invited,
and every year I never went.
Frankly, I didn't know
what I was missing.
But now I do.
I even discovered a few things
this Christmas season.
For example, did you know
that people can actually change?
It's true.
Some of us, most of us...
Okay, me.
Hold onto things from their past
that keep us from moving on
with our life.
Old rivalries, jealousies,
And sometimes even things
that are just too painful
to remember at all.
But maybe Christmas
is about forgiving.
Forgiving each other,
forgiving ourselves,
and maybe the only thing
that's really, truly important,
is where we are now.
With friends and family,
old and new.
People we love.
Cherishing Christmas memories
we have,
and making new ones
to share together.
And so, my Christmas gift to you
is just this one thought.
Remember your past, because
it's what brought you here.
But don't be afraid to embrace
your present.
Because if you live in it
with hope and kindness and love,
it's a great place to be.
And now, as is the tradition
here at Whitley Mansion,
Mr. Whitley will dance
with his fiance,
Miss Eliza Parker.
May I have this dance?
Why, Mr. Whitley.
I'd be honoured.
You were great out there.
Aw, thanks.
This is such a wonderful party,
I thought Charles was with you.
Oh, um, I haven't seen him.
Excuse me.
She's right, you know.
You were great out there.
Well, it's not Shakespeare.
It is when you do it.
What are you talking about?
Look, I know that
this isn't exactly
what we set out to do
with our lives,
and I know that sometimes I make
fun of what we're doing.
But the truth is,
when I'm with you,
it always feels like
opening night.
Aw, Dan.
Just thought you should know.
You're my favourite
leading lady,
and I love you.
Hope none of the guests
saw that.
Hi, happy holidays.
Merry Christmas.
Oh, honey.
- Oh, hi!
- Hi.
Merry Christmas, Meg.
Merry Christmas.
Oh, what a wonderful party,
Thank you.
So, how did it go?
Did they offer you the job
at the university?
Yes, they did.
Oh, congratulations, honey.
I didn't accept.
It's not what I want to do
with my life, Dad.
I love this museum.
I love being part of the living
history of this place.
I know it's not your type
of education,
but I... I think I can really
make a difference.
I have so many ideas
for the future here.
Interactive exhibits,
holographic characters
from history...
Honey, are you sure about this?
I am.
And I know I'm disappointing
you, and I'm sorry.
But I...
Disappointing? Hardly.
This is the best gift
you could've given us.
Our daughter, happy?
Doing exactly what she wants?
No parent could ask for more.
Besides, we've got enough
teachers in the family as it is.
Oh, but we still get a discount
on tickets, right?
Always, mom.
Oh, guys.
Oh, um, excuse me.
Enjoy the party.
- She looks beautiful.
- I know.
I thought you were going
to say goodbye.
But I, I thought...
I finally figured out
why that clock was broken
in the first place.
Whoever had it before
must've found their true love
and decided to stay put.
Sounds like a good idea to me.
A kind of insurance policy.
Have to think of the future,
you know.
Oh, and before I forget.
Traditionally, you're not
supposed to open
Christmas presents
until midnight.
But I've never been much
for tradition.
Oh, Charles.
May I?
It sounds like Harold and Eliza
had a very good life together.
She must have found
a love with him
that if I'm being honest,
she never would have found
with me.
If I'd gone back, I might have
taken that from them,
and that's not fair.
They deserve their happiness.
And so do we.
You're not going
to believe this.
Our agent called, and we're
booked to play the leads
in the road company of "Taming
of the Shrew" this spring.
What do you know?
It is Shakespeare.
Shall we dance?
He's a pretty good
Charles Whitley, isn't he?
You know, I'm the one
that found him.
You know, now that
I'm going to stay,
I'll have to find some kind
of way to make a living.
What about... your
portable telephone.
Maybe I can invent a better one.
Or your computing device.
I could make it work faster.
You can't help yourself,
can you Charles?
What do you mean?
Always thinking
about your future.
Ah. But there's
a difference now.
It's not just my future anymore.
It's ours.
That is, if you'll share it
with me.
Mr. Whitley, that's very
forward of you.
You're right.
Let's just take it
one step at a time.
What are you doing
New Year's Eve?