A Wall Away (2022) Movie Script

I guess we gotta stay inside
Do the best with what we got
Do the best with what we got
My rhymes are off the chain
And there's no
way for it to stop
No way for it
to stop, no, no
I love when she
I love
I guess we gotta stay inside
And make the best
with what we got
Make the best, make the best
Happy belated Valentine's.
Good one Alex.
Have a good workout.
- Hey Theresa.
- Hey.
What's up with the mask?
Oh, I just got
back from Hong Kong.
Everyone's wearing them
'cause of the outbreak.
Oh yeah, I got a text.
I got a text alert about that.
I thought it was just in China.
We'll see.
Hmm, okay, well I
was gonna go work out,
but it was nice seeing you.
You too.
Yeah, have a good day.
Ideally, you draw up a play,
you get yourself a bucket,
then you come back defensively
and you lock down and
get yourself a steal.
But that has to be a theme
for this team, brother.
It's only the first quarter?
These guys better wake
up or this game is over.
There's a
nice bounce pass to Gardner,
drives and stolen as he goes up.
Fast down court, Sanders
slides right by Pearson,
and goes in for an easy layup.
Man, I don't know
what they did last night,
but they better get their
head in the game today.
The World Health Organization
has announced an official name
for the novel
coronavirus disease
that is causing illness and
even death in Wuhan, China.
It's called COVID 19.
There are many types
of human coronaviruses,
but COVID 19 is a new disease
not previously seen in humans.
risk throwing a split fever
here for the pass?
exactly what I was about to say.
You have to be careful with
the runner on the third.
I knew the air quality
in LA was bad, but.
It affects people with
respiratory problems.
Nice to see you too.
Gotta go! Bye!
See ya.
We still don't know
if those two games
tonight will be played,
but what we do know is that
NBA officials have said
an unidentified player
has tested positive
for the coronavirus disease,
and according to one report,
three teammates have also
tested positive for coronavirus,
and all that is what's
led Commissioner Silver
to make his announcement today
that the NBA season is
officially suspended.
League officials
did not say how long
that suspension will last.
Yes, COVID is greatly affecting
distributor confidence.
Orders are down in China,
Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
Even our Japanese
distributor is indicating
that he will be ordering less
because of the virus
potential impact on Japan.
These are products
for ischemic stroke,
which is an emergent procedure
and demand should not go down
no matter how this unfolds.
That was essentially
my response as well,
but our Japanese
distributor is concerned
that his other businesses
could be hard hit
if elective procedures aren't
canceled, but I'm sure that
when this dies down
in a couple of weeks,
they will resume
normal ordering.
Well then for the moment,
we'll just have to find a
way to cut down on expenses.
We are spending a fortune on
your apartment in Hong Kong,
you practically live there,
and they love you there,
but until business picks
up, I'm very sorry but
we will have to suspend
your employment.
As you said, I'm sure
things will return to normal
when this all dies down,
then we'll be able
to hire you back.
You gotta admit
I've been pretty quiet
the last couple of days, right?
Sorry to hear that all
your sports were canceled.
Are you?
But it is awfully
quiet around here.
Yeah, too quiet.
Now I know when your
boyfriend comes over.
What do you mean?
You should have
sex in your bedroom.
Not your living room.
See ya.
But good to know.
Do so by
socially distancing themselves
from others.
A state as large as
ours is many parts,
but at the end of the
day, we're one body.
There's a mutuality,
and there's a recognition
of our interdependence
that requires of this moment
that we direct a statewide order
for people to stay at home.
That directive goes into
force and effect this evening.
We are confident that the people
of the state of California
will abide by it.
They'll do the right thing.
They'll meet this moment.
They'll step up as they
have to protect themselves
and to protect broader community
and this great
state and the world.
You know the governor
issued to stay at home, right?
I got a three on three
game later, finals.
Groceries because that's
the only thing we're allowed.
You're telling me I
can't play basketball?
Times have changed, but
maybe our clocks just stopped.
Physical beliefs
dividing our lives
Broke down the walls
that we build up inside
It took the mask
to finally reveal
The hidden truths that
we always concealed
Unless the lesson
is that less is more
Sometimes the lock is
what opens the door
Left to explode,
the whirling inside
Took me and grabbed
me to let me fly high
To let me fly
Lockdown was a slow down
that sped up our hearts
Never were together
'til we were apart
Love's a funny thing,
really makes you wonder
You know what they say
he makes the heart go
I'm so glad you're
here, I'm starving.
I'm sorry, I thought
you were Grubhub.
Theresa, your neighbor.
The invisible woman.
Was my cello too loud?
You play the cello?
LA Philharmonic, second seat.
Seriously, I love strings.
Do you?
I love chains.
Love to open your locket
and see what's inside.
I'm from Fresno actually.
I meant the gold.
Oh, Canadian.
I went to the
Yukon, Dawson City.
You panned for gold
and got all this?
I, after four hours
of scooping rocks,
got it at the gift shop.
I was hoping to get your number.
Are you hitting on me?
For emergencies.
Oh is that what
we're calling it?
I'm sorry to
have bothered you.
Hand me your phone.
You know,
for emergencies.
I'm Kimiko.
Thank you, Kim.
Call me when
you're not invisible.
I think it's magic
When you call my name
I think it's
magic that you're
That's a classy
enough confession.
And I can't say enough
when you turn away
So I'll just wait here
for another day
Can't get enough
of this view, right?
You know the reason
that there's no traffic
is 'cause no one's
going to work.
If no one's going to work,
no one's buying cars.
And if no one's buying
cars then I'm not selling.
Here's what I owe you, okay?
Plus a little extra.
It's not as much as I'd like,
but considering I'm still
paying those on a closed lot,
it's the best I can do.
Yes, we are so broke,
we take any more losses,
we'll have to move
to Beverly Hills.
You know in French they
say like three minus half,
three plus half.
Also women, they don't
shave their arms or legs.
You heard of WD-40?
You have a good workout?
Sounds like you're making the
most of your new purchase.
Oh, just watch
the Blacklist will ya?
You know, I'm
not exactly thrilled
that you can hear my
every move either.
You know there's
quarantine last any longer,
you're gonna hear a
lot of my movements.
Do I need to go buy
some air freshener?
I'm talking about I'm probably
gonna gain some weight.
You hear that?
First it was like white noise,
endless stream of cars, day
and night, night and day.
Now I actually do notice
when I hear a car.
When did you get out?
Two weeks ago.
Inmates for good
behavior got on parole
'cause this virus thing.
What do you want Melvin?
What'd I tell you
about calling me Melvin?
I'm your dad.
Being blood does
not make you a father.
All I'm tryna do is
holler at you, shit.
I gotta go anyways,
I have a date.
You have a date?
I wasn't talking to you.
Why don't you just
watch the Blacklist?
I guess we gotta stay inside
And do the best
with what we got
Make the best
with what we got
My rhymes are off the chain
And there's no
way for it to stop
No way for it stop no, no
I guess we gotta stay inside
And do the best
with what we got
Make the best, make the best
Eenie meanie miney moe,
I'm non-essential,
so I'm broke
Come in.
Since you can't go outdoors,
I brought outdoors to you.
That's so sweet.
Where's your mask?
Oh, I just took it off.
You don't need me to wear
it around you, right?
You look amazing.
Thank you.
I've been thinking about
you a lot these last few days.
Me too.
I just wished we had a
couple more days together.
I do too.
Is that your neighbor's phone?
Yeah, unfortunately
I just found out
that these two apartments
used to be one,
and so the manager stuck
a wall in the middle
to make it two.
Come on.
Out of this situation
Like how you bro?
What you learn?
You come out better
than you went in
This business,
a late night takeaway will fail.
Woo, that was a better
workout than the gym.
Hear that neighbor?
Hey I'm headed to the
roof for a little fresh air.
You wanna join?
Just being neighborly
and phenomenally bored.
Think of it as non
date, non-friendly.
How about non-thanks.
All right, you're making
me resort to bribery.
I've splurged on a $20
bottle of wine, French wine.
Ignore me, drink the wine.
How's James?
You know his name?
He asks you to
say it all the time.
Are you practicing
for a radio shock gig?
And you can hear me all
the way from my bedroom?
Have you heard it lately?
It's kind of like Nebraska.
I can hear you snore.
Correction, I don't snore.
Can I ask you a
personal question?
I think you know everything.
Why don't you like me?
Why do you think?
Oh, sorry.
That was rude of me.
Thinking's not
your strong point.
You just look at me
like a piece of meat.
Porterhouse though.
Haha. You are so funny.
No, every time I
walk in the hallway,
I feel like I need
to take a shower.
Guilty as charged.
My punishment?
More truth.
Whenever you convince a victim,
I mean woman to come
over to your place.
I bet the first thing that you
do is check your Lakers app
to check their score.
And if they're winning,
which usually are,
at least I'm in a good mood.
Everything's a silly
little joke to you, isn't it?
But one day you're gonna wake up
and realize the joke's on you.
Seems like you've
given me some thought.
Kind of hard not to when
you're in my ear 24/7.
Binge on the Blacklist, why?
Hate to have a little
bit of silence?
this has been nice.
I'll go hang myself now.
Should do this again
in my next life.
These times we're in
Of hurt and loss
And so much has taken
leave from our lives
The days get harder
The pain gets sharper
It's a struggle to survive
Still we try
Hard to know why
But something in
the spirit keeps on
Even though we can't touch
We need each other so much
This is how we go on
'Cause love is what we need
Something to believe
We've got to have each other
even if it's through a screen
And we can make it
on the other side
No matter how rough the ride
While we still have
a beating heart
We're together
even if we're apart
Guess this is one of the
only places to work out, right?
No work today?
No work in the
foreseeable future?
Thanks for update,
Captain Obvious.
No auditions?
How'd you know
I was an actress?
I seen that movie on Netflix.
Really, which one?
Or was it the porn channel?
Seriously, it doesn't take
that much detective work
to know that every waitress
in LA is an actress.
Why can't you just
catch the coronavirus
and leave me alone?
I mean, what do you do?
Exotic cars, classics.
Sales fits you.
How so?
As I await the insult.
You put on some charm first
while smiling like a wolf,
then you apply pressure,
waiting for the perfect
moment to pounce.
Wow, I'm not quite the
stereotype you envision.
Enlighten me.
See, you love dishing it out,
but you hate having
it dished back to you.
If you're auditioning
for a bitch,
I'm sure you'll be authentic.
That's what my agent
keeps telling me.
Prison got me thinking
about a lot of things.
Oh, me and your
moms were so young.
Were you young three years ago
when you decided to barge into
my mother's apartment drunk?
You know what?
I don't have time for this.
I don't ever want
you to call me again.
I'm talking to you.
What, What?
Where is the fuck
is the toilet paper
I asked you to buy last week?
I forgot to get it.
We are completely out!
It is the one thing
I asked you to do.
Honey, what are
you trying to say?
I come home after
working 24 hours
nursing a people back to health
to find a dirty apartment,
the fridge has no food in it,
the dog hasn't been washed,
and the bills haven't been paid,
and now we have no
fucking toilet paper.
You know what?
I am done.
Get the fuck out.
Get the fuck out!
What the fuck
is wrong with you?
I think COVID has
gone to your head.
Do I have to do everything?
Get the fucking door.
Hey, I'm just your
neighbor down the hall.
Yeah, I still recognize
you with all that on.
I was just seeing
if you were okay.
That is so sweet
of you to notice.
I come in peace.
No, we are fine.
You know, we've just been
doing a little role
reversal since COVID.
My husband just
doesn't seem to get it.
He doesn't need to
know our business.
I can tell him anything
that I want to tell him.
Guys, toilet paper.
I have extra.
Oh, um,
I'm so sorry, I am so tired.
I know it's okay.
I know you're under
a lot of pressure
and I don't even know
how I'm gonna pay my
bills without working.
Me neither.
And I'm unessential.
I'm non-essential.
And look, if you'll excuse us,
I have some work to do.
Yeah, man.
Do your thing.
Have a good one.
Be safe.
Here's one I think
you'll like, TUI,
comes from the
Latin word tutelage.
Tutelage usually means specialized
in individual guidance.
Alexander the Great
was under the tutelage
of the philosopher Aristotle
between the ages of 13 and 16,
and his tutor inspired him
with the love of philosophy,
medicine, and science.
At 16, he commanded
his first army
and by his death 16 years later,
he had founded the
greatest empire ever seen,
but it's not so easy
to trace the effects
of the brilliant tutelage he
had received in his youth.
Alex the Great.
You trying to tell me something?
And Aristotle, didn't
he play for the Lakers?
Come on.
No, no, no, that
was Ron Artez.
But what's happening
with King James anyway?
Why don't you just watch
baseball reruns or something?
Well, ESPN is doing
fantasy baseball games,
but even I think
that's pathetic,
but come on, don't
change the subject.
Why doesn't he ever stay
over two nights in a row?
Believe it or not Alex,
that's none of your business.
Your business is located
at a one way street,
the dead ends.
And you know this how?
Because he's like every other
guy. He's a freaking wolf.
He's just better at
holding in his inner animal
for the first two
minutes on your couch.
Just the thought of
knowing that you can hear us
on my couch makes
me wanna fumigate.
Not everything
can be written off
with a silly little joke.
No, no joke.
Like I have to convince
you of anything
when you're just trying
to sabotage my shit.
Humor me for one second, okay?
And tell me the qualities
that are unique only to him.
He's genuine for starters,
ever heard of that?
And he's sincere,
honest, trustworthy.
Loyal and obedient?
Does he get a biscuit if he
brings you your slippers?
From what I hear,
you two don't talk about
anything of importance.
Nothing personal, real,
safe political opinions followed
by safe personal insights.
I mean, if one step lesson
you could be talking to
the freaking mailman.
Why not ask him
about something real?
Like if he's pro-life
or pro-choice
or try talking to him about
taking it to the next level
and then see how genuine
of a guy he becomes.
Okay, and let
me guess who you think
my perfect boyfriend is.
My backstabbing neighbor?
Let me flip the
question back on you.
Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
I believe that all
women should get to choose
what they do with their bodies.
Why a bunch of old
white men get to decide
is beyond me.
Careful now, that's awfully
close to a thoughtful answer.
Do you have a girlfriend?
No, let me guess, you don't.
I date, not the same
girl two nights in a row.
Sound familiar?
But I do let 'em sleep
over once in a while
even if I don't want them to.
I guess I'm not as honest
with my feelings as James.
How does someone break a
dish loading a dishwasher?
Our china is our most
expensive wedding gift,
and why are you putting
our china in the dishwasher
in the first place?
I broke a plate and
you're busting my balls.
Oh no, no, no.
Those are working just fine.
In fact, that is the only
thing you seem to do right.
Fuck you.
Yeah that's not
happening anytime soon.
Look I am tired of
always having to redo
everything that you do.
It's exhausting.
I'm trying, but all you
tell me is I'm doing it wrong.
Because you are.
Look, before
this COVID started,
I went to work every
day and I was respected
and now I'm non-essential
and I feel that way here
and it hurts.
Oh shit.
Let's not go
through that again.
This is a dust pan,
not a broom shield.
So do you want me to
take the glass outside
or can I just throw
it in this can?
The trash can is perfect.
Hey, isn't this book the one
you've always wanted to read?
For like the last three years.
Well, why don't you
go sit down and read it
and I'll finish
cleaning the kitchen.
I love you too.
Hey Randy.
You sure make those
crutches look sexy.
Hey, uh, Xavier?
Is that a broom or are
you just happy to see me?
Oh, way!
Watch out!
It's me.
We were just making sure
everybody here was alive.
We're just in the
middle of something.
Yeah, we're working
some things out still.
We've gotta be quieter.
I'm gonna go get the ball gag.
Ball gag?
Too much information.
Talk about getting
to know your neighbors.
How do you feel about
not doing anything tonight?
Yeah, that's fine.
But did I do something?
Like not give you enough sake?
I was just wondering if
we could talk for a bit.
All right, anything.
He fidgets, hoping this
doesn't take more than a minute
to get back to business.
How do you feel about me?
I like you.
I respect you.
I really enjoy our time
together, you know what I mean?
Then why don't you ever
wanna spend the night?
I do.
You don't.
You know I deal with a lot
of international companies,
so I'm on the phone
with Europe at 5:00 AM
and by 9:00 AM our time
they've already shut down,
so I can't sleep in.
That doesn't explain weekends.
I know, I'm sorry.
I was just listening to
dumb voices in my head.
And now it's time for
the wolf to eat his sheep.
He's gonna be real
gentle in the beginning
and real rough at
the end just because
he had to sort through
her female mine fields.
Hey you.
I'm sorry,
do you need another minute
to get dressed for dinner?
Heck no.
Stuck in my apartment.
I wanna be comfortable.
Unless this bothers you.
When did you know
that you liked women?
I've always known.
Isn't it weird that I haven't?
That's why you run so hard
and hide so much,
invisible woman.
Why do you keep
calling me that?
You could simply
live in Hong Kong,
but then you wouldn't
be able to run away
from everyone you meet.
Meet someone there,
you're off to the states,
meet someone here and
you're off to Hong Kong.
You're hiding, invisible
even to yourself.
Sorry, life's too
short for bullshit,
especially with COVID.
Okay, no bullshit.
You wanna know why
I keep this place?
'Cause of the way you
look at me in the hall.
That's because I like you.
You don't even know me.
You'd be surprised.
I got fired.
But that means I'm
gonna be spending
a little more time in
the states finding out
what it's like to be visible.
I can't wait to kiss you.
Lead me not into temptation.
But deliver us from evil.
This is not evil.
I'm so fucking scared.
What, what are you...
Want you here, want you near
Want you to hold me tighter,
make me feel lighter
Want you here, want you near
And I want every little piece
that you have to be singing
Now for me and all
of your, hang on,
We've found that missing
piece to be a tighter,
Better, more of me and you
Oh shit.
I don't suppose I could
get a cup of coffee from you.
Milk and sugar?
Just milk.
I got a question for you.
Yeah, what's that?
Order up.
What's your favorite
movie of all time?
Pride and Prejudice.
Let me guess, you love
all Jane Austen movies,
all types, all versions,
all Jane, all men.
Yeah, I admit that they
have some similarities,
similar characters,
similar storylines,
but I just love the
romance, the grandeur.
Let me guess. You love
ultra graphic films
with a couple of
bad jokes thrown in.
You still enjoy the movies
you liked as a child
because your taste hasn't
changed nor developed.
I think that your
favorite film is Diehard.
Then Gladiator and Bourne
Identity definitely make top 10.
Top five.
Not as sad as last night.
Too soon?
Still there?
How's the coffee?
I wonder why we drink coffee.
I mean, why is it so popular,
coffee and coffee houses.
To me, the expensive
kind and the cheap kind
all taste the same with a
little bit of milk in it.
Do you and James have
these personally revealing
conversations with
each other like this?
Yeah, but coffee, coffee.
Yeah, I heard it was
invented by a sheep herder,
found a sheep eating
coffee berries.
It was all jittery.
So we covered movies,
we covered coffee.
What else?
You into any?
Just basketball.
- Really?
- No!
This is nice.
The silence.
Yeah, I'm good.
Me too.
that didn't feel mean at all.
I'm slipping.
As long as you're not tripping
'cause we can't go anywhere.
Haha. You funny.
I keep having
this funny thought
that I'm turning into
Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie.
You're turning into a woman?
No, I'm becoming a better man.
In my case, talking to a wall.
So if this is the
better version of you,
then I'd be absolutely
terrified to meet the old you.
Do you wanna come
over for dinner tonight?
If you don't have any plans,
which I know you don't.
I mean, we gotta get
through this together
whether you like it or not.
I mean, I can take the hour
and try and prove
I'm not a cove idiot
and you can shoot
me down a bunch.
That sounds fun, right?
I mean, hey, you know,
it's nothing formal.
I mean, we just have
to wear the masks
and we can do the whole
six feet apart thing.
It's not even slightly
romantic, yeah?
Just two neighbors
passing the time
doing something a bit different.
And let me guess,
pizza or Chinese?
I guess I am a
bit of a stereotype.
You know, is it even
safe to deliver food?
I mean, we don't know
who's cooking it,
who's delivering it, if
they're washing their hands,
I have a novel idea.
Why don't I cook?
You know, you won't
have to work out as much
if you don't have
so much to work off.
And the bitch is back.
You're talking about
cooking veggies, right?
Like I think I know
what those are.
- You.
- I know, me funny.
I gotta go to the store anyway,
so I'll pick up some salad
stuff while I'm there,
and 10 pounds of dressing.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Best sleep of my life.
Oh, I'm glad somebody
got some sleep.
You must be doing it wrong.
Which should
tell you something.
Hang on.
I called my brother
this morning.
You came out to him?
I left a message to
call me, but I plan to.
I'm tired of being invisible.
Wow, I'm impressed.
Letting your freak flag fly.
He's going to be shocked.
Your family has known
for as long as you.
What are you talking about?
I just found out 12 hours ago.
You knew.
You admitted it to
yourself 12 hours ago.
You wanna know
something funny?
If it weren't
for the separation
and Skype.
I never could have done
what we did last night.
I see that.
I mean, this is
probably bad to say, but
this pandemic saved my life.
Thanks to you.
Girl, this is
probably bad to say,
but you should come
over here right now.
Oh, this is crazy.
I need to hold you, kiss you,
and make you feel as
special as you are.
I... I don't.
Kiss me.
On the screen?
Computer screens are
seven times more dirty
than your toilet.
Not yours, and especially
not yours during coronavirus.
I know you, you clean that
screen every 10 minutes.
Who am I, your mother?
Oh, you do not wanna
bring up my mother.
Do something sexy.
You are like a dirty old man.
Oh, damn, below the belt.
I like you.
Even though I take forever?
I like the sound of that.
I've never said that
to anyone before.
I've never heard that
word from anyone before.
We're so much better, it's
harder, better, for many
Come in.
I've been thinking a lot
about what you said last night.
You're making dinner?
Oh no, no, no.
This is just a care
package for a neighbor.
Um, yeah, I'm gonna go deliver
that and I'll be right back,
so just make
yourself comfortable.
I heard.
Don't worry about it.
At least you get free food.
I guess he sensed
you were jumping ship.
Now he's gonna get all
syrupy sweet on ya.
Whatever it takes to keep
his ship dock in bay, right?
Why did I ever agree
to have dinner with you?
I don't know, chalk it
up to being bored stiff
and taking pity on
your loser neighbor.
Hey, whatever's in
here smells nice.
I bought ear plugs.
I've been thinking a lot
about what you said last
night and you're right.
I have been neglectful and been
way too preoccupied with work,
but I don't work
tomorrow morning,
so if you want me to
stay the night I can,
unless you just wanna
sit here and talk.
Why what?
Seem like you're acting
different lately.
I just wanna make sure that
you're not paying me a visit
because you're worried
that I'm having doubts.
That was no.
I should go.
Nope, no, no, I'm
sorry, I'm sorry. I just...
I've just been locked in
this place for too long
and I've left to my thoughts
and just making up
problems that don't exist.
How can I make it up to you?
What about a lingerie show?
I'm losing sight between
the right and wrong
Gotta run away
and get around
Breaking out,
breaking rules now
You got it bad,
you got it good
You know my name
Yeah, yeah, you
better know my name
I am a bad man
Taking out the bad guy
Having fun with a bad guy
We're raisin' hell
I am a bad guy
Ain't no good, I'm a bad guy
I am no good, no good
Have a great night.
Loved the show.
Well, thank you.
Talk to you tomorrow.
You know, I was gonna tell you
that James and I
almost broke up,
but then I realized I
was sounding like you,
and then I knew I was wrong,
so I don't understand
how you have the nerve
to tell me anything.
Yeah, I'll let you finish.
It's more than I
can say for James.
Does he ever let you...
But you're nothing
like him at all, right?
With some, sure, the ones
that I don't care about.
But that's not me.
You truly care about me, right?
You know, it was good
by the way, your dish.
Thanks again.
Good, but not quite fair.
I get your pot, James
gets your honey pot.
Had to make up for that
sweet comment, right?
We can snipe at each
other later, I got shit to do.
Like what?
Quarantine shit.
Wash your pot for one.
Hey, I'm here on layaway
I'm doing laps
around the house
Ain't nothin' going today
I punt an 18 hole course from
the kitchen to the bedroom
But the ball
keeps disappearing
'Cause the cats
are in the way
Man, you should
see my wood pile
It's the eighth
wonder of the world
Remember tool in the toolbox
Well they shine like glam
And like now they'll
demonstrate every single one
Of the 127 uses for WD-40
Oh my layaway
I'm going a little cray
Free time's a favor but
I'll pay for it later
Well I'm on my layaway
Whatcha doin'?
Reading a script.
You're up for a role.
That's great considering
all of Hollywood shut down.
Well, quarantine isn't
gonna last forever,
but okay, you got me.
This script doesn't
necessarily have a role for me,
but I just like reading
it for fun and to learn.
If you could play any
role, what would you play?
Cleopatra, really?
She's your role model?
She was a con artist whore.
Sorry, actually, I
think I'm mixing her up with me.
You're sexy when you
shake your head like that,
not as sexy as Cleopatra though.
You might have to work on that.
I will work on it
just as soon as you work
on your John McClain.
I'm at home on layaway
I'm going a little cray
Free time's a favor but
I'll pay for it later
Well I'm on my layaway
I'm still here
Still here
Howdy sis?
What are you doing here?
I told you to call me.
Figures you'd show up
maskless and carefree.
I think you mean careless
and you'd probably be right.
I couldn't care less,
but your call was
quite a step up
from your usual text
message with smiley faces so
what's up?
Have to be something up?
Considering you've
never invited me over.
And I still haven't
invited you over.
And you have yet
to invite me in.
You know, I wanted
to invite you over
before all of this stuff,
but I've always been
on the road nonstop.
Besides you're busy
with your family and
you're so far away.
I drove over here
in less than an hour,
so I repeat, what's up?
wanted to touch base.
I mean, you have no
idea how lonely it is
when you're single
during a stay at home.
What's up?
I found someone,
I met somebody.
And I thought you
said you were lonely.
Well, tell me about him.
a she.
So what, you
just got so lonely
you figured any port in a storm?
I think I've always
been in this port.
Maybe you've never
been in a storm.
Well what do you want me to say?
That it's all fine and dandy?
No problem?
Don't give our entire
upbringing another thought?
This is rich.
Remember this?
The unrighteous shall not
inherit the kingdom of God.
Homosexuals will not
inherit the kingdom of God.
Nor adulterers, nor drunkards,
1 Corinthians 6:9 and 10.
Forget it.
Come on Paul, what
would Jesus say?
He would probably
say something like
above all, love
each other deeply
because love can cover
a multitude of sins.
Peter 4:8.
Not that I sinned.
Between the two of us,
you were always the saint.
I'm the last person
that should be throwing
stones from my glass house.
You look happy.
I'm happy for you.
Come on.
I love you.
I love you too.
Put a mask on.
Comes from the Greek
word for order.
Since the Greeks believe the
universe was an orderly place,
words in this group usually
relate to the universe,
so cosmonaut was the
word for space traveler
from the former Soviet Union,
the roots of our
own word, astronaut,
suggests star traveler instead.
Oddly enough, cosmetics
comes from the same roots
since putting things
in order is similar
to decorating something
such as your face.
I have to bite off that.
Gimme a book so I can read.
I just feel like our
vocabulary is so limited,
including mine.
Hence the book.
I mean, look at the
songs we listen to,
the rhymes and the lyrics
are so predictable.
I mean, how can someone
write meaningful songs
if they don't study the
meaning of the words?
Why listen to rap?
Not the dumb shit rap,
Drake, Jay-Z, and you
can't forget Tupac.
I mean, I don't always agree
with what they're saying,
but at least they're
saying something.
I don't know, I
like music about love.
I love your smile.
I love your hair.
I love the way you walk.
There's something about you,
but nobody ever explains
well that something is.
Like your James.
Here we go.
All he has to do
is say I love you,
and your heart melts
if he ever has.
He never has to say
why he actually cares,
what it is exactly he likes
besides your sugar pot.
Goin' to school?
Glad you changed the subject
because it was one
word from your last.
Yeah, but if you
really want to know,
Santa Monica Community College.
I mean, no one in my
family had a degree
and I'm not looking for sympathy
but I came from nothing,
less than nothing.
Unfortunately, my
father wasn't absent.
It would've been a
lot better if he was,
if he disappeared the
moment I was born.
I'm sorry.
I wasn't exactly born
on third base either,
but I had two parents,
do have two parents.
kind of feel you,
like ya even more knowing
you had to struggle.
Makes me feel like a loser
for not trying harder.
Time for me to not only improve my
fantastic body and buddy career...
But time to expand my mind,
my spirit, my cosmos.
Well, I'm gonna give you
time to expand on that.
I'm gonna go back
to my apartment.
Good morning.
Hey, good morning.
Just wake up?
Read all night.
Did it hurt?
Sort of knocked me out.
I was reading about black
holes in the universe
and how they're gonna devour
everything in their paths
and devour Earth.
It got me thinking,
if a black hole will eat
everything in their path,
then at some point they're
gonna explode, right?
Which means there's gonna
be a whole other Big Bang.
A new beginning.
Oh, yeah, yeah, I
was thinking that too.
I know that I baffled
you with my bullshit.
Do you want to try
for dinner again?
As long as it's not King
James time, you know?
Well, he actually left
town during quarantine.
His work insisted on it.
That's a major bummer. So,
same time, same place?
Hey stranger.
Not glad to see me?
No, no, no, I am,
I am just surprised.
You know, quarantine and all.
Since when do you give
one shit about quarantine
or what anyone says?
- Whatcha cooking?
- Umm...
I didn't know you knew how.
I've been learning a lot
of new things these days.
You turn into a Buddhist monk?
Thank God.
During quarantine?
Probably just the
neighbors sharing supplies.
Oh hey, hey.
Thank you so much.
- Yeah.
- Hey, I owe you too.
I'm so sorry, sorry.
Cool neighbor.
Kind of hot, kind of likes you,
but she'll have to wait in line.
Let's do it.
Happy day, happy day
I'm happy, I'm
angry the other day
I could trip on life
But I'd rather be
glad the pandemic hit
The whole word was sick
I got depressed and I got
the texts out to nowhere like
Invite to party,
but not in person
I was introduced to Zoom
What's that?
I'm glad you ain't dead,
I'm happy you alive
Guess we gotta stay inside
And do the best
with what we got
Make the best
with what we got
My rhymes are off the chain
And there's no
way for it to stop
No way for it
to stop, no, no
I'm starved.
You were a beast last night.
You weren't so bad yourself.
Can we turn down the music?
The only thing you ever made
for me was a phone call.
Your hot neighbor can cook.
Hunger is the best recipe.
Good sex is the best recipe.
Can't hear rap right now.
Oh, it's not technically rap.
I'll get dressed.
First thing you agreed to.
I need a new boy toy.
You don't get any more of this.
See ya.
Betty wait.
Be safe.
Take care.
So glad you liked my food.
Waited up all night?
You wish.
I was just giving
you time to read your book.
Build your vocabulary.
Appreciate it,
and coincidentally,
one of my new words of
the day was egomaniacal,
which in Latin
means selfish prick.
I wasn't very
selfish last night.
I was actually very giving.
I imagine when you're
giving, you're also taking.
As far as I remember
you and I are platonic,
which comes from
the Latin Pluto,
meaning we come from
different planets,
so since this doesn't
matter, what do you think?
Should we do dinner?
Try again tonight?
Tempting, but I'll pass.
Also you probably got the virus
from miss Mademoiselle Betty.
I get the feeling that you
weren't her first house call.
And I think you're
gonna get it from James
when he comes back
from his business trip.
Hello Zozo.
Nice place.
Doing good.
Yeah, it's not
rocket science, Melvin.
It's just a minimum wage job.
If I could have held a job,
maybe y'all could have
held onto my family.
It Held your alcohol
and held your rage.
What do you want?
To be a dad?
Because when I look at you,
all I see is what you took
from me and what you gave me.
You remember this?
You remember all the other ones?
I'm worthless piece of shit.
Only good I ever done is you.
I'll disappear.
Not gonna hold you down anymore.
Do some good in this world.
Proud of you Zozo, proud of you.
I wanna be able to call you dad.
I want to be able to hug you.
I want a dad.
All right.
I'm really trying at
it this time, okay?
All right.
I think I just figured out
how to obtain world peace.
Imagine two world
leaders sitting down,
eating ice cream,
and declaring war.
Can't fight while
you eat ice cream?
Simply not possible.
You really are a goofball.
I guess you just
bring it outta me.
That's awfully close
to kissing words,
but at least we have
six feet between us.
Business trip is over
and now he wants to
take care of business?
Why is this guy taking
business meetings anyway?
You sure it's safe to see him?
Alex, just stop trying
to get in my head.
Just trying to save your life.
It's clear to see
this is a child's game
I have to keep my distance
'Cause you only
want the chase
- Hey!
- Hey!
You love me more than
How were the meetings?
It's almost great, but it's
really hard to close the deal
without a face to face.
Vis a vis, word of the day.
Where'd you go?
So you flew.
Meaning that you
went to LAX twice.
You know that you could
be a carrier of the virus,
meaning that you could
infect me and everyone else.
I don't have any attempts
or any symptoms whatsoever.
You know that symptoms
may never appear
and you can even have the virus
and never show any
signs of illness.
You know that governor
issued a stay at home order,
so what gives you the
right to gallivant?
You really have gone stir crazy.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe I have been cooped
in here for far too long,
but you would have some empathy
if you were doing the same,
and besides it's giving
me time to think,
to rethink things,
to think about things
for the very first time.
Such as us.
Such as people who just
keep spreading this thing
with no qualms about
it, no responsibility.
I think I should go.
Okay, well then
you should probably take this.
So I'm not coming back.
I thought we were
stronger than that.
Can I ask you one random
question before you leave?
What do you think
about abortion?
Are you pro-choice or pro-life?
What is so funny?
I just think it's
a random question.
You've been attacking me
ever since I walked
through the door.
I'm pro-life.
So you're telling me
that if I was pregnant,
I should have no
choice in the matter?
That you would want
me to keep your baby?
You're pregnant?
No, no, I'm not,
but your concern is
really touching James.
It truly is.
We really know nothing
about each other
and that's not your fault, but...
I think it's time
to say goodbye.
When I'm far away is
when you take your aim
'Cause you and I
are a bow and arrow
Closer I pull you,
the further you fly
You okay?
You and I are
I'm good, really.
When you realize that
some things were thick,
then it becomes less real
so in a way less painful.
Bounce back at light speed.
I think you've been hanging
out with me too long.
Actually, it kind of
hurts, but whatcha gonna do?
Drives ya crazy
when I answer
Yeah, I got something for you.
Do you want to come on over?
Say goodbye, show
up at my doorstep
'Cause you and I
are a bow and arrow
The closer I pull,
- Hey.
- Hey.
The further you
Can I... get you
anything to drink?
Tequila, beer, French
wine, we've got that.
I'm not gonna fall for that.
Hey, this is for you.
Hope you like it.
One for you,
I figured you'd
finish your book soon,
and one for me.
Figured I could
learn a thing or two.
Once you're finished,
we can swap.
I think you should
start with this one first.
Can I be honest with you?
this is gonna sound
story book stupid but
I don't think I'd be the
man I am today without you.
You sound like a
Jane Austen novel.
I guess we should
thank COVID-19.
How long do you
think it'll last?
The virus or us?
The stay at home.
Hopefully as long as possible.
In the meantime we can
read books together.
I just really say that?
Now I think that you've
been hanging around
with me for too long.
We'll kiss at some point, right?
Movie time on the roof!
Roof in five!
Don't be late!
Come on,
let's go.
Melvin, it's awfully good
of you to pay Zoe's rent,
and I'm thankful
I don't have to hand out
another eviction notice.
I'm just trying to make
up a lost time, brother.
Saving Zoe, save myself.
Well, it seems like you're
off to a really good start.
She's right over here.
God speed at this time
Even though we can't touch,
we need each other so much
This is how we go on
'Cause love is what we need
Something to believe
We've got to have each other
even if it's through a screen
And we can make it
on the other side
No matter how rough the ride
While we still have
a beating heart
And we're together
even if we're apart
We're together
even if we're apart
And we're together
even if we're apart
Welcome everyone,
I think I'm far
enough away from you.
I'm gonna take this off.
Well, it seems that since
we've been sequestered
and told we
shouldn't see anyone,
we've actually somehow
gotten to know each other
a little bit better.
Some of us even speaking
for the first time
and I am just grateful
that when they closed
our country down,
it only managed to
open up our hearts,
so welcome to the buildings
first movie night!
Hopefully the first of many.
Since the pandemic
has got us all
rethinking our goals and our
values and our relationships,
I hope that you like
the movie I picked
and find it appropriate.
When I come through.
What is it you want, Mary?
What do you want?
You want the moon?
Just say the word and I'll
throw a lasso around it
and pull it down.
Hey, that's pretty good idea.
I'll give you the moon, Mary.
I'll take it.
The fool flew all the way
up here in a blizzard.
But in New York.
Oh I left right
in the middle of it
as soon as I got
Mary's telegram.
Good idea, Ernie. A toast
to my big brother, George,
the richest man in town.
Lockdown was a slow down
that sped up our hearts
Never were together
'til we were apart
Love's a funny thing,
really makes you wonder
But you know what they say,
Absence makes the
heart grow fonder
And yes the lesson
is less is more
Sometimes the lock is
what opens the door
Left to explore
the world inside
Took me and grounded
me to let me fly
Oh watch me fly
Although the
situation seems to be
I'm feeling good
I sure am
Yeah, everyday happy day
I'm happy, I'm
angry the other day
I can trip on life but I
rather be glad the pandemic hit
The whole world was sad
I got depressed
And I got to texting
out of nowhere like boom
My invite to party,
no not in person
I was introduced too Zoom
Want to listen
to all the tea
That's my wifey but for me
What's that?
Talking trash about
games that ain't happen
Almost glad to see me
on the street by myself
That's where I'm tipsy
'Cause I pour heavy,
I'm breaking a sweat
Keep me quarantined
I'm glad you ain't dead
I'm happy I'm alive
Guess we gotta stay inside
And make the best
with what we got
Make the best
with what we got
My rhymes are off the chain
And there's no
way for it to stop
No way for it
to stop, no, no
Oh, oh
I guess we gotta stay inside
And make the best
with what we got
Make the best,
make the best now
I like the fact I'm having
deeper conversations
I do
I like the forward progress
talking like they're hating
I like the walks, inhaling
fresher air when I get out
Waking up when I wake up
You know what
I'm talkin' bout
I guess we gotta stay inside
And make the best
with what we got
Make the best
with what we got
My rhymes are off the chain
And there's no
way for it to stop
No way for it
to stop, no, no
Light up
Oh, oh
I guess we gotta stay inside
And make the best
with what we got
Make the best,
make the best, now
Hey I'm here on layaway
I'm doing laps
around the house
Ain't nothing open today
I golfed an 18 whole course
from the kitchen to bedroom
But the ball
keeps disappearing
'Cause the cats
are in the way
Man you should
see my wood pile
It's the eighth
wonder of the world
Remember tool in the toolbox
Well they shine
like brand new
And I could now demonstrate
every single one
Of 127 uses for WD-40
On my layaway
I'm going a little cray
Free time's a favor, but
I'll pay for it later
Well I'm on my layaway
Hey I'm here on layaway
Now my dog is getting sick,
I'm incessantly to play
When he sees me
grab the leash,
He goes and hides
behind that wood pile
Walking circles
in the driveway
Now he wants to
spend the day
And I'm down to my
last 84 rolls of TP
Man, what will
become of my bum?
And my hangover's telling
me it was a bad idea
By 4:30 past 4
You know, just in case
I'm at home on layaway
I'm going a little cray
Free time's a favor, but
I'll pay for it later
While I'm on my layaway