Abducted (1986) Movie Script

(eerie music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(Renee panting)
(Renee panting continues)
(footsteps shuffling)
(eerie music continues)
(Renee panting continues)
(branch rustling)
(Renee breathing heavily)
(tense music)
(birds chirping)
(suspenseful music)
(branches rustling)
(footsteps shuffling)
(branches rustling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(branches rustling)
Badum, badum
(branches rustling)
Badum, ba...
(footsteps shuffling)
(man breathing heavily)
(branches rustling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(man breathing shakily)
(Renee gasping)
(bushes rustling)
(man grunting)
(tense music)
(Renee breathing uneasily)
(Renee panting)
(intense music)
(bushes rustling)
(man breathing heavily)
(Renee panting)
(tree cracks and slams)
(Renee gasping)
(footsteps thudding)
(bushes rustling)
(intense music continues)
(Renee panting)
(bushes rustling)
(Renee breathing heavily)
('dy thuds
Uh! )
(Renee breathing uneasily)
(crows cawing)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
(Vern grunting)
(Renee screaming)
Don't, don't touch me! Let me go!
- Shh!
- Stop it! Let go!
- Shh!
- Stop! (groans) Help!
Let go of me! Let go!
(river flowing)
(water splashing)
I'm not going any further till
you tell me where we're going.
(hand whacks)
(water splashing)
Don't hurt me.
(water splashing)
(crickets chirping)
(sighs) I can't go any further. Please.
I have to rest.
(button clicks)
(knife scraping)
(suspenseful music)
You have no right to do this.
No! (Renee gasping)
I... I'll just make my own way,
and I won't tell anybody.
I swear it. Please.
I won't say anything.
(Renee groaning)
(Vern sighiflg)
(Renee groaning)
(Renee breathing heavily)
(Vern exhales)
(hand patting)
(crickets chirping)
(Vern exhales)
(Renee breathing uneasily)
(gentle music)
(Renee crying)
(helicopter whirring)
Ah! Ah!
(Vern panting)
(Renee gaSPS)
(helicopter whirring continues)
They've come looking
for me already. I... (gasps)
Help! (groans)
Off! (groans)
You could save yourself
a lot of trouble
and just let me go now!
(breathes heavily)
Can't you see you're making it worse
the longer you keep me here?
(sighs) Just untie me please!
(Renee breathing heavily)
(Renee groaning)
(Renee exhales)
(rope rustling)
(birds chirping)
(rope rustling)
(Renee breathing heavily)
No, thank you.
(pants rustling)
(urine trickling)
- You'd never make it.
- Who are you?
Why are you doing this?
- Out here in the bush...
it's dangerous.
(tense music)
A lot of things can happen.
You gotta learn to do...
what I say...
when I say.
Come over here.
- I wanna go home.
(Renee gasping)
(Vern breathing angrily)
(rope whacking)
- Don't make me crazy!
- Stop it! (groans)
- If you would do what I say,
I wouldn't have to do this.
You just be a nice little girl. Okay?
(breathes uneasily) Come on.
(helicopter whirring)
- [Bob] I'm over Dog
Lake Trail, heading east.
Got nothing yet.
(static buzzing)
- Okay, Bob. We're heading out now.
(static buzzing)
(helicopter whirring)
(dog panting and sniffing)
(man spitting)
(helicopter whirring)
(Renee gasps)
- No, wait. That's for me.
Please. You... you're not
gonna get away with this.
(Vern grunts)
(helicopter whirring fades)
(footstep shuffling)
(birds chirping)
(dog tags jangling)
(footsteps shuffling)
- Come on, boy. Come on.
Pick up the scent, boy. Come on.
Come on.
Let's go. Come on, boy.
(bird shrieking)
(footsteps shuffling)
(birds chirping)
(crows cawing)
(footsteps shuffling)
(crows cawing)
(bird shrieking)
- Will you take this rope off please?
I promise I won't run.
- You city people are soft.
You some kind of runner with
that outfit you're wearing?
- I run long distance for my school.
I was out training.
- Hell, I could run you
and anybody else you know
right into the ground.
(rope rustling)
Now you keeP "Pm
or this goes back on.
(Vern sighiflg)
(dogs barking)
(static buzzing)
- We lost it.
Doesn't look good.
We're gonna double back.
See if we can pick something up. Over.
- [Bob] Yeah, we're losing the light.
I'll make a couple more
passes over Winlaw Valley
then I'm shutting her down. Over.
(static buzzing)
(helicopter whirring)
(birds chirping)
(crows cawing)
(footsteps shuffling)
(stream flowing)
(bag rustling)
(cap scraping)
(Vern gulping)
- Can I have some water?
- After we climb this.
- I can't climb this.
- You want a drink of water?
Then you'll climb this mountain.
I'll go up first...
and throw you down a line.
- I can't climb this.
(Vern clicking tongue)
- Weakling.
(tense music)
(footsteps shuffling)
(bushes rustling)
(Vern breathing heavily)
Run! Run for your fucking life!
(intense music)
(Renee panting)
(branches crackling)
(Renee breathing heavily)
(Renee panting)
(bushes rustling)
(suspenseful music)
(Renee panting)
(footsteps pattering)
(Renee breathing heavily)
(footsteps thudding)
(birds chirping)
(crickets chirping)
(Renee groaning)
(Renee breathing heavily)
(owl cooing)
(Renee breathing uneasily)
(gentle music)
(Renee sighing)
(Renee breathing uneasily)
(birds chirping)
(Renee groaning)
[Vern] Morning.
(tense music)
Hey, you wanna run around
in circles again today?
Geez, it was fun watching you.
You look so fucking dumb.
- Take me outta here.
- You know...
I should punish you for running
away like that. (laughs)
But it's so easy to find you
that I'm having so much fun.
You know...
I think we're going to have
a lot of good times together.
(Vern chuckles)
(footsteps shuffling)
(Vern laughing)
(Renee groaning)
(Vern laughing)
(Renee breathing heavily)
Better not fall.
You'll hang yourself. (chuckles)
(Renee groaning)
(Renee breathing heavily)
Ah, hell, girl.
There's hope for you yet. (chuckles)
(bird shrieking)
You know what that is?
- It's a long way from my home.
- That's my backyard.
(birds shrieking)
(birds chirping)
(insects chittering)
(bushes rustling)
(Renee breathing heavily)
- Could we rest? I'm so weak.
I haven't eaten at all.
(gun clacking)
(bullets pattering)
- Hang on to this.
(gun clattering)
Don't drop it...
'cause if you do...
I'll hurt you.
(bushes rustling)
(boots scraping)
(bushes rustling)
(knife scraping)
(egg cracking)
(Vern gulping)
(egg cracking)
(Renee gulping)
(Renee clearing throat)
(water rushing)
(hands thud and clap)
UP You go.
- No, I can't walk on that.
- Just watch.
(Vern exhales)
(footsteps tapping)
(Vern chuckling)
Now it's your turn.
(water rushing)
(Vern chuckling)
(Renee breathing uneasily)
(tense music)
(Renee whimpering)
(water rushing)
(Renee breathing uneasily)
Don't look down. Keep moving.
Just keep moving.
(Renee breathing heavily)
Don't look down.
(Renee gasps softly)
(tense music continues)
(Renee screaming)
(water splashing)
(suspenseful music)
(bushes rustling)
(water rushing)
(bushes rustling)
(water splashing)
(water cascading)
(suspenseful music continues)
(water splashing)
Grab it! Grab the fucking pole!
(body thuds)
(Renee groans and whimpers)
(Renee breathing uneasily)
(Renee coughing)
You'll be okay. We gotta keep moving.
(Renee breathing heavily)
- Thank you.
- You're no fun dead.
(water flowing)
Want some?
Ain't so bad, is it?
- Great.
- It's moose.
Smoked her myself.
- How long are you going
to keep me in here?
- Until you let me touch you.
- My parents have money.
(Vern chuckling)
- Who the fuck needs money out here?
- But this is wrong. You know it's wrong.
- All I know...
is what I see... (sniffing)
and smell.
You smell pretty good.
(birds chirping)
We're almost there.
(footsteps shuffling)
(crows cawing)
(Vern exhaling)
(Vern chuckling)
(hand rubbing)
This is it.
- [Renee] This is what?
- Hmm.
(door clattering)
This is your new home.
- I already have a home.
(Vern chuckling)
- This is your home.
- I have a home.
. Huh?
- I would like to go to my home.
- Turn around. You're right
in front of it. (chuckles)
- I don't wanna go in here.
(Vern breathing heavily)
I wanna go home.
(footsteps tapping)
There's no windows in here.
- Keeps the animals out.
But if you want a window,
I'll make you a window.
- You lived here very long?
(lid clattering)
- Awhile.
My old man and I found it.
(Vern sighiilg)
(Vern blowing)
We just happened to come along it.
You like it?
(lantern clattering)
It's yours and mine.
When we moved in, this
guy was living here.
(Vern chuckling)
Bis One, eh?
The old man asked him to leave,
but he figured it was his house.
Finally pumped three
shots into the fucker.
- Pretty good shot to bring
down a bear like that.
- Yeah.
- And my dad killed a bear once.
Yeah, a black bear.
He had it tanned and he, um,
he put it in front of
the fireplace for a rug.
- Lay down on it.
- Hmm. I was really scared of it.
My mom didn't like it either.
She thought it was disgusting.
- Lay down.
(tense music)
This is our bed.
- Ours got a... a burn mark in it
from being in front of the fireplace.
A spark flew out.
It was about... around here.
And my father was so mad, you know,
because, um, he thought
my mom let it happen
'cause she didn't like it.
- Get on your stomach.
- Do you have a family?
You mentioned your father.
(tense music continues)
- Turn around. Get on your stomach.
- You know, um...
do you ever have anyone visit you here?
I don't know your name.
- Vern.
- My name's Renee.
- That's a pretty name.
(tense music continues)
- I know you don't like me now,
but you... you'll learn, you'll see.
I'll take care of you.
I'm gonna provide for you.
You'll learn to like it.
(breathes uneasily)
I gotta go away right now,
but, ah, I'll be back.
- Where are you going?
- I just gotta go out.
I won't be long.
- You can't leave me here tied up.
How long are you going for?
- If you need this...
(bucket clacking)
you've got enough rope to get there.
I'll be back. I left the light on.
- Can you untie me please? Vern!
(door creaks and thuds)
(Renee breathing uneasily)
(bed creaking)
(blankets rustling)
(gun clattering)
(tense music)
(door clicking)
(birds chirping)
(footsteps tapping)
(tense music continues)
(rabbit thuds)
- I see you got into my stuff.
I don't like anybody
getting into my stuff.
- (gasps) I'm sorry. I was cold.
I didn't think you'd mind.
- I mind.
(rope rustling)
You ever cleaned rabbit?
- No.
- Well, you're gonna learn.
(knife scraping)
I'm just showing you once.
(knife slicing)
(fire crackling)
- You're a good cook.
It's delicious.
Little wine and music might be in order,
but it's pretty good.
- Wine and music... my ass.
- I only meant that --
- Shut up!
You think you're better
than me, don't you?
- No, of course not.
I was just making a joke.
- I don't like jokes.
- Sorry.
- Things are going to have to
start changing around here.
I said things are gonna have
to start changing around here.
- Don't touch me.
- I had enough of this bullshit.
You take off your clothes right now.
- No.
(knife scraping)
(clothes tearing)
(tense music)
No, wait, wait!
I'll let you, but inside the cabin.
Inside the cabin. You
can touch me on the bed.
(door thudding)
(belt jangling)
(clothes rustling)
(Vern breathing uneasily)
(clothes rustling)
No, no.
Vern, please.
Please, I'm shy. If... if you...
would you turn around,
and... and I'll undress by myself.
(Vern breathing heavily)
Turn around. Count to five.
(Vern breathing uneasily)
- One...
two... (exhales)
- You don't move!
I'll shoot.
- I'll be damned.
Look what you found.
- Get back. I'll shoot!
- You're not the type.
- (breathes uneasily) I want
you to let me outta here.
I'll shoot you.
(Vern breathing heavily)
Get outta my way!
(trigger clicks)
(Renee breathing heavily)
(clothes tearing)
(trigger clicking)
(Renee gasping)
(trigger clicking)
(trigger clicking)
- Think I'd leave you a loaded gun?
(gun clattering)
(Renee sobbing)
(Renee gasping)
(Vern breathing uneasily)
(Renee breathing heavily)
(Vern breathing heavily)
(Renee whimpering)
(Vern breathing heavily)
(Vern groaning)
(Vern breathing heavily)
(Vern whimpering)
(water sloshes)
(stone plopping)
(bird cooing)
Quit doing that.
(stone plopping)
Scares away the fish.
- Vern!
Vern, you've gotta let me go!
- Just because things didn't
work out the first time
doesn't mean they won't
work out next time.
- I don't want a next time.
- There's gonna be one.
(stones plopping)
Hey. Hey!
Where you going?
- Nowhere.
- Make sure you stay in sight.
(insects chittering)
(birds cooing)
(Renee breathing uneasily)
(gentle music)
(water trickling)
(Renee sighing)
(water trickling)
(Renee exhales)
(Renee sniffing)
- Who the hell are you?
- My name? I'm Renee Aldrich.
There's a man, um...
a crazy man over there.
He... he kidnapped me
and brought me here.
We've gotta get away
before he sees you.
- You're telling me he kidnapped you?
- [Renee] We have to get out of
here now. He'll come after you.
He's got a gun.
We've gotta get away
before he sees us.
- [Joe] He brought you
here against your will?
- Yes, we've gotta hurry.
- [Joe] I think we better
have a little talk with him.
- [Renee] No, you don't understand.
- [Joe] Come on.
(reel rattling)
- [Vern] Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo.
(water splashing)
Ah, got one!
(hand whacks)
(water splashing)
- What's this?
Dumb! I oughta kick your
goddamn ass down the river!
You know you just blew everything?
- It just happened! There she was!
What am I supposed to?
She's right there.
I got feelings.
- I didn't think
you'd snatch some girl
off the goddamn highway!
- Are... are you two
related or something?
Because this whole thing has
obviously been a big mistake.
- Dumb!
- I'm willing to forget about it.
I'll say I, I went for
a hike, and I got lost.
- [Vern] I just wanna keep
her a little bit longer.
- There's been no harm done.
- She's going back now!
- No!
(knife thuds)
(water sloshing)
I want her, Pa.
Just let me keep her for a few days.
Hell, what difference
does a few days make?
I'm already in trouble.
- I can't believe you two.
This is my life you're talking about.
You have no right to keep me here.
- (sighs) I know how you feel, boy.
She's gotta go back.
She's gotta go back now.
- Pa...
I want her.
- [Renee] Your son's a pervert, you know.
You know what it's like
to be touched by a pervert?
- You watch your mouth now, woman.
That's my boy you're talking about.
- Sorry. He has problems.
- What'd you say your name was again?
- Renee Aldrich.
- I'm Joe.
Vern, shake hands with her.
You heard what I said.
Shake hands with her now.
- I'm willing to be
friends if you are.
(Vern sighing)
- All right. I reckon we
can all get along now.
Here, son.
(Vern breathes deeply)
(fire crackling)
(birds chirping)
- How long have you two
been living like this?
- Living like what?
- Like animals.
- You're calling us animals?
- No, I just said you
live like animals.
- [Joe] We've been living out
here going on two winters now.
(stick snaps)
- Better not be calling me an animal.
You and your friends couldn't
last a week out here.
- Look, my boy and I,
we live in total peace
and harmony out here.
We feed ourselves, and
we don't hurt nobody.
- We're a team. Right, Pa?
- That's right.
- You don't hurt anybody?
What about me?
- Look, I gave you my word
we're taking you outta
here in the morning.
- Yeah. What's that worth?
(ax whacks)
- I gave you my word.
My word means everything.
(crickets chirping)
(wolf howling)
(fire crackling)
(door creaking)
(footsteps shuffling)
(Vern breathing uneasily)
(inhales) Well, I'm gonna
go stretch this leg of mine.
(footsteps shuffling)
- I want you to sleep
in my bed tonight.
- I'm sleeping out here.
- You wanna go home tomorrow?
- Yes, but I'm sleeping alone.
- I wanna touch you one more time.
- No.
Stop it. Joe!
(tense music)
Joe, help!
(door slams)
- Shut up.
There ain't no help coming.
- Leave me alone!
- Don't make me crazy!
(hand whacks) You've gotta learn
to do what I say. (hand whacks)
(tussling noise)
(door thuds)
(body slams)
(crickets chirping)
(footsteps tapping)
- I don't wanna ever see
you hit a woman again.
- She hit me first.
- I don't wanna hear that crap.
You don't hit women!
You wanna hit somebody, you hit me.
- Who'd wanna hit a cripple?
- Try it some time.
- Why are you always
taking everybody's side?
- Why are you always hurting people?
(door creaking)
Are you okaY?
- [Renee] (sighs) Your
son needs help, Joe.
Professional help.
- And there ain't none.
There are no more foster homes
for him, no more prisons,
no more so-called professional help.
Out here, he and I do just fine.
- He needs help.
- He's learned how to survive.
He's learned how to
hunt and how to trap.
My boy's learned how to be a man.
He needs to stay away
from people, that's all.
Just for a while. He's gonna be okay.
I'm gonna sleep outside tonight.
You won't have no more
trouble with him. I promise.
We'll get you outta here in the morning.
- Joe.
Vern's lucky to have
you for a father.
(door thuds)
(eerie music)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
Beautiful morning.
(wings flapping)
(bird chirping)
- These are called whiskey jacks.
Here, just hold your hand up.
They'll fly right to you.
They come up by the
cabin all the time.
(Renee chuckling)
(tense music)
(exhales) You coming with us, son?
(rifle clacking)
We're still a team, aren't we, son?
- Mm-hmm.
- You cover the rear.
(wind whistling)
(soft, dramatic music)
(footsteps shuffling)
(bird shrieking)
(Joe exhaling)
(tense music)
(horns bang and echo)
- Big horn.
- Sure enough.
(horns bang and echo)
- They're beautiful.
- Well, if you like those,
I'll take you up
and show you something really special.
- [Vern] Oh, you're not gonna go
trapping all the way up there.
- I figure she's only
gonna be by this way once.
- Well, Joe, if it's out of the way,
maybe we should see them another time.
- [Joe] You believe in God?
- Yes. What does that
have to do with it?
- Oh, I'm gonna take you up
and show you some of his kids.
(walking stick clattering)
(subdued music)
(Joe groans)
- What does he mean?
- Stone sheep.
(water rushing)
(hooves pattering)
' [JOe] Oh yeah.
We're in luck.
Look just to the
right of that cliff.
Right underneath that ridge.
- [Renee] They're beautiful, Joe.
- They are.
They're sure lucky, aren't they?
They're blessed.
Just living up here,
just them and the gods.
- (chuckles) You and your stupid gods.
There ain't nothing up here.
Just sheep and air.
- Don't you talk to
me like that, boy.
You better learn to
believe in something.
- I believe in something: meat.
- Yeah, well that just ain't enough.
(helicopter whirring)
(gun blasting)
You bastards!
- We shot them. We shot them.
- Who are they?
- Goddamn trophy hunters.
(helicopter whirring)
Those are my stone sheep!
(sighs) My stone sheep
are almost extinct.
(helicopter whirring)
- All right.
Hey, what a great shot.
You finally got your first lamb, huh?
- Yeah, yeah.
You know, I promised
my son I not go back
to Germany without the three heads.
(gun clacking)
- She's leaving!
- [Joe] Vern, let her go! Renee!
- Vern!
- Help! Help!
(man speaks in German)
- Get away from her!
- No, Vern!
(gun blasting)
- Oh! (gasps)
(helicopter whirring)
- Take it up! Take it up!
- Wait, wait, wait! Come back!
Help! Help!
Help, please!
Don't leave! Come back!
0h, help!
(gun blasting)
Help! Help me!
(gun blasting)
Oh! (moaning)
(gun blasting)
(helicopter whirring)
- Oh my God.
(tense music)
Jesus. (breathes uneasily)
(eerie music)
(crows cawing)
(tense music)
(footsteps shuffling)
(water splashing)
(Joe panting)
We'll spend the night here.
(Joe sighing)
- What's gonna happen now?
- [Vern] We can't take you back.
They're gonna be looking for us.
- You have to take me back. You promised.
- You just had to run, didn't ya?
You didn't trust me.
- [Renee] I didn't mean to run.
I panicked.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
(Joe sighing)
(tense music)
(crickets chirping)
(birds cooing)
' Shut up!
(Renee gmaning)
Shut up.
Don't make a sound.
I only wanna touch you a little bit.
I killed a man for you.
(Renee gasping)
You owe me.
(Renee groaning)
- Vern?
- Joe, help me!
- [Joe] What in the
hell are you doing, boy?
- Nothing. I heard a noise.
I just wanted to make
sure she was okay.
- Son, don't lie to me.
- I'm not lying.
- You were gonna hurt her,
weren't you, boy?
- Don't you go against me, Pa.
I killed for her. She's mine,
and I'm taking her.
- No, you're not, son.
You either use it or put it away.
- [Vern] You shouldn't
have gone against me, Pa.
(tense music continues)
(footsteps thudding)
(Joe sighing)
- He'll burn it off.
(eerie music)
(bird shrieking)
(birds chirping)
Good morning.
- Good morning.
I guess Vern hasn't come back yet.
- (inhales) He's just
working some things out.
- You gonna take me home?
(Joe exhaling)
- You gonna trust me this time?
- I promise, I won't let you down.
- You know, breaking the trust
is like committing a sin.
You can't take it back.
Person's word's everything.
There's... there's no point.
- You have my total trust.
- [Joe] I'll get you home.
(gentle music)
- [Renee] How long do you
think it'll take to walk out?
- [Joe] Three or four days.
- [Renee] Oh, good.
I can still register in time
(knife whacks)
for fall classes anyway.
- This will let Vern know
which way we're going.
God, I was finished with
school in the eighth grade.
Just after my old man
got himself killed.
I never was much good at it.
I guess I just didn't like
being cooped up like that.
(water splashing)
That was an osprey.
They're fishing hawks.
- [Renee] How'd your father die?
- [Joe] In a logging accident.
It's called a widow-maker.
He just didn't look up when
he was cutting a tree down.
- [Renee] How'd you injure your leg?
- That was a couple years back.
I was up in sheep country.
There was this old bald eagle.
He was chasing this little kid.
Had him cornered up in this cliff,
so I climbed up this ridge.
I shoot the bald eagle away.
Just as I got the kid,
this old eagle decided
he wasn't gonna give up
on his meal so easy.
He came swooping down and hit me
in the back of the
neck with his talons.
I lost my footing and fell
halfway down the mountain,
and when I woke up,
I had a busted leg
and a bunch of sheep
staring at me in the face.
- Did the eagle get the little sheep?
- No. In fact, he was one of the ones
that was staring down at me.
I go up and visit him now and again.
I reckon they adopted me.
You don't paint it any
prettier than that, do you?
- [Renee] How many more days?
- [Joe] "How many more days?
How many more days?"
ls that all you think about?
(Joe panting)
(bushes rustling)
- Joe? Isn't there an easier way?
- I think you were the one
that was anxious to get home.
- Well, where's that
compass taking us anyway?
- Southeast to the CN tracks,
then west from there
straight into Kaslo.
- Oh, Kaslo.
(Joe exhaling)
Never thought it
would sound so good.
- You know, I think I got a safety pin.
- You have a safety pin?
- I think so.
(Renee scoffs)
- Hold that.
I think I got one in my backpack.
- Why did you wait so long to tell me?
- We just keep heading southeast?
- [Joe] All the way to the tracks.
(tense music)
(crickets chirping)
(wolf howling)
- [Renee] Don't you ever miss people?
- [Joe] Sometimes I do. Mostly I don't.
Never was a place for me and my boy.
We just never seemed to fit anywhere.
- The police are gonna
be looking for you.
What are you gonna do?
- They'll never find us up here.
- You can't stay out here forever.
- These mountains ain't going anywhere.
- You can't protect Vern forever either.
You've got your own life.
- I owe my son.
(water flowing)
When he was growing up and he needed me,
I wasn't around for him.
His mama drank like crazy all the time.
She saw men. She saw lots of men.
You know, sometimes...
sometimes when I'm way up here
with the stone sheep all by myself,
I hear voices just calling out my name.
Friendly voices.
Other times I just hear
'em singing in the wind.
This is where I belong.
(rifle clacking)
(tense music)
ls that you, son?
Where you been?
I've been worried about you.
- Been thinking.
- Did you come up with anything?
- All kinds of things.
I want her. She's mine.
- I'm not anybody's. I'm not
some piece of meat you can --
- Shut up!
- You sit down.
I wanna talk to you.
- [Vern] I'm not stupid.
I can see what the fuck's going on!
(tense music continues)
I killed a man for you.
I'm taking what's mine, Pa.
- And I said we're taking her back.
- She's gonna live here with me.
She's gonna learn to like it. I did.
(suspenseful music)
- And I said we're taking her back.
- You broke our thing.
(gun whacks)
You went against me!
You can't have her!
- Stop it. Leave him alone!
- You went against me!
- He's your father! He loves you!
(breathes uneasily)
(intense music)
. Pa?
You shouldn't have gone against me.
(fire crackling)
(stream flowing)
ls he dead?
- He's breathing, but his pulse is weak.
We need to get him to a hospital.
- That's impossible.
(Vern breathing heavily)
Can you hear me, Pa?
I'm sorry...
for what I done to ya.
(Vern breathing uneasily)
We gotta leave you now.
- [Renee] I'm not leaving him.
- Ranger might have
spotted your campfire.
We gotta keep moving. You know that.
I'll leave your rifle and
knapsack, just in case.
- We can't just leave him here.
- [Vern] He's finished.
- No, he isn't. He's breathing better.
He's going to get stronger.
- Out here, the wounded die.
- We're not leaving him here.
(Renee breathing heavily)
(somber music)
we can't leave him.
(tense music)
We can't!
(subdued music)
(hooves tapping)
(stones pattering)
(stream flowing)
(water trickling)
(Joe breathing uneasily)
(Joe groaning)
(Joe breathing heavily)
(water splashing)
(Joe coughing)
(Joe breathes angrily)
(tense music)
(crows cawing)
(footsteps shuffling)
- (panting) Vern, we have to go back.
He's your father.
- Shut up.
- He loves you. You can't
just leave him to die!
- He's finished! So shut up!
- He sacrificed everything for you.
- You quit fucking with my head!
Get going!
(suspenseful music)
(wind whistling)
(footsteps shuffling)
(Joe sighing)
(footsteps thudding)
(birds chirp and shriek)
Well, looky there.
(rifle clacking)
(tense music)
(gun blasts)
(Joe exhales)
(crows cawing)
(tense music)
(birds chirping)
(Vern panting)
(carcass thuds)
How about you carry it for a while?
- I can't. It's too heavy.
- You'd be surprised what you can do
when you got no choice.
Pick it up! (echoes)
- You know I can't.
(Vern breathing uneasily)
- What's this?
What's this?
- It's loose. I just ripped
it off and threw it away.
- You're lying.
- No, but...
- You've been blazing a trail.
- No, I haven't.
- (breathes angrily) You're a liar.
- It's just kind of --
(hand whacks)
(Renee groaning)
(Vern breathing heavily)
- Doesn't matter anyhow.
Nobody out here, but you and me.
Now pick up the fucking sheep
before I fucking give you another one.
(carcass scraping)
You're gonna clean that too.
(walking stick tapping)
(footsteps shuffling)
(Joe breathing heavily)
(tense music)
(Joe panting)
- (cries) why?
(flies buzzing)
(Joe crying)
(birds chirping)
- (chews) Too bad the old man
weren't here to taste this.
(fire crackling)
Him and his goddamn stupid spirits.
Hey, I'm talking to you.
You think you're pretty
smart, don't you?
Marking our trail. (chuckles)
We better put an end to that.
Take off them rags and burn 'em.
- [Renee] (scoffs) You can't mean it.
I'll freeze to death.
- You heard me.
What do you think the
sheep hide's for?
Take off them rags.
I ain't asking again.
- All right.
This what you want?
This what you want?
(Vern laughing)
This what you want, creep?
(Vern laughing)
Need some more, huh?
Come on, creep. Come on.
(Vern laughing)
This what you want?
You're such a creep.
(Vern laughing)
Come and degrade me
some more, you creep!
Come and get it.
Come on, take it away.
Come on now!
(Vern laughing)
(rifle clacks)
Don't move, Vern.
This time it's loaded.
(Renee breathing heavily)
(compass clattering)
- What are you gonna do now?
You still can't find your way out.
- We'll see about that.
Now throw me my pants.
- Come and get 'em.
- (exhales) I mean it, Vern. I'll shoot.
- Over a pair of pants?
Go ahead.
- I should do society a favor.
Only then I'd be just like you.
I couldn't stand that.
You follow me, I will shoot you.
- Oh, I'll follow you, all right.
You gotta sleep some time.
I'll hang on to your
pants for ya. (laughs)
(suspenseful music)
(bushes rustling)
(sniffing) I smell women!
(compass clattering)
Renee, I'm coming after ya!
(Renee panting)
(bushes rustling)
(suspenseful music)
(Renee gasping and screaming)
(body scraping)
(bushes rustling)
(Renee screaming)
(water splashing)
(water rushing)
(Renee gasps and coughs)
(water splashing)
(Renee breathing heavily)
(suspenseful music)
(Renee whimpering)
(gun blasts)
Look what I found.
(suspenseful music)
(intense music)
(Renee gasping)
(water flowing)
(bushes rustling)
(water splashing)
(Renee panting)
(bushes rustling)
(water rushing)
(Renee gasping)
(train horn blaring)
(Renee panting)
(train rumbling)
(rocks pattering)
(Renee groaning)
(train horn blaring)
(train rumbling)
(Renee gasping)
(train clattering)
(dirt pattering)
(Renee groaning)
(train rumbling)
[Renee] No! Wait!
Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait!
Wait! Wait for me!
(Renee groaning)
(Renee whimpering)
(wind whistling)
(suspenseful music)
- Hey!
(Renee gasping)
I'll kill ya before I let you go!
(Renee breathing heavily)
Do what I say!
(Renee whimpering)
(rifle clacking)
(Vern breathing heavily)
Come back!
(Renee breathing uneasily)
Do what I say!
Ru kill ya!
(Renee breathing heavily)
(Renee whimpering)
(suspenseful music continues)
(gun blasts)
(Renee gasps)
(body slams)
(Renee gasps)
(wind whistling)
(dramatic music)
(Renee whimpering)
(Renee crying)
(Renee whimpering)
(dramatic music)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)