Abiding (2022) Movie Script
(apprehensive music)
(woman moaning)
Morning, baby.
Good morning, beautiful.
I swear I'm the luckiest man in the world.
How do you put up with me?
I don't know.
I guess I love your crazy self.
Oh, really?
I should hope so.
So, what are you in the mood for today?
Nothing, just another day at work.
(birds chirping)
Ross, just stay in bed a little longer
so we can have some fun.
Sweetie, it's my last
day, then I'm on vacation,
so you'll have me all to yourself.
Besides, I gotta keep
your jewelry box full.
I know, but we can make it a fast one.
No, no.
I see you're trying to
make me late for work.
So what's for dinner?
I don't know.
I'll try and surprise you.
Well, you know, I like surprises.
I gotta go check on pumpkin.
(man gasping)
You wanna come?
Oh, I know, I know.
I know, come on, yeah, okay.
Here you go.
There you go.
(baby fussing)
I know.
(baby crying)
But Daddy loves you.
Daddy loves you.
(pensive music)
Come on, sweetie. I'm
gonna be late for work.
- Go get 'em, babe.
- I'll see you after work.
What's up, man?
Pete, I'm surprised, you're
actually on time today.
Let me guess, you want something.
Man, fuck you, all right?
So where are we going?
I'll tell you on the way.
(solemn music)
We're talking about
short term loan returns.
(pensive music)
Back in October, we were down 20%.
But in January, we rose to 60%.
And now in March, we're
at a miraculous 75%.
That's very impressive there, Ross.
Do you have any other recommendations
in relation to these loan returns?
Actually, I believe we should keep it
as steady as she goes,
because in April and May,
we're predicted in the high 80%.
Hmm, very nice.
Well, Ross, I think you just put yourself
in line for that promotion.
(people clapping)
Hey, beautiful.
Man, dinner smells amazing.
(apprehensive music)
Ah, shit.
Are you surprised, Ross?
Take a seat, she has made
some delicious salmon.
What the hell is this?
I paid you.
Frankly, Matrone wants you dead.
But I think we can do this
without anyone getting hurt.
Don't touch my family, Arthur.
It's such an ugly business that we run,
it's best to keep it at the
view from the decent people.
Ross, what did you do?
Did you wanna tell her, or should I?
May as well.
Worst thing that happens is she walks out.
Or maybe that's the fourth worst thing.
It's gonna be okay, I promise.
I'll tell you everything.
I don't wanna keep you
from your domestic dispute,
so how about your hand over the money
and I'll leave you to it.
I paid you, with
interest, for Christ's sake.
(laughing) Yes, you did.
But you paid in marked
bills, making that money
completely worthless, which also means
that you went to police,
violating what I thought
was a very equitable arrangement.
Your apple-cheeked tot
gets her college fund
and we get the Harrisburg
contract, no muss, no fuss.
Look, I didn't...
- I had to.
- I get it.
You couldn't look your
darling wife in the eyes again
knowing that you've taken
some blood-stained money.
I've seen it before, guys like you
are only outstanding citizens
after they've been caught.
Now, Matrone ordered me to kill you,
your darling wife, and the
aforementioned apple-cheeked tot.
But me, I don't like to make
a mess if I don't have to.
I know Matrone will be perfectly
happy with a compromise,
so say half the money.
Half, that's $50,000.
I don't have that.
I considered that.
But from the looks of things, this house
should more than cover your debt.
Even that's gonna be a tough
sell without at least one body.
Come to think of it, you're lucky.
I'm not even charging you for the bribe
that I had to pay the detectives
that came snooping around
my office this morning.
For that alone you should be dead.
Okay, okay, fine.
Take the house and me, just please,
please don't touch my family.
(gun clicks)
I knew you could be reasonable.
(silenced gunshot bangs)
Oh god, god no.
Oh baby.
I wanted to give you
both an open casket,
but doesn't look like
it's gonna happen now.
(man gagging)
[Operator] 911 Emergency.
How can I help you?
Oh my god.
Please help us, he's got a knife!
(baby crying)
Took long enough.
Is it done or what?
Let's get the hell out of here.
I'm hungry.
Strip club?
Yeah, Pete, why not?
Fuck it.
(Pete chuckles)
(rock music)
Knock knock, little girl,
tell me what is wrong
Don't (indistinct)
You'll live on
Hold me tight
Don't (indistinct)
You're my little piece
Please don't cry
The fuck is this shit?
Where the fuck is Matrone?
Hey, Mr. Matrone has entrusted
this very important meeting to me.
If you got a problem with
that, I don't really care.
What if I decide to kill all of you?
It won't cost me anything.
It's your life you'd be throwing away.
Best case scenario, most of us die, right?
Then we have a war for
no good damn reason.
I'm sure you have superiors
who'd like to talk to you
more about that.
Assuming you don't bleed out on the floor.
Boss, let me smoke just a piece of shit.
I'm tired of talk...
You talk big.
I talk reality, Amir.
Look, the truth is, I hate
it when shit gets bloody.
That being said, my guys are
armed with brand new Mac 10s,
and yours have what I can only assume
are surplus Kalashnikovs?
Probably jam as much as they fire.
Am I right, guys?
So if we can quit waving our dicks around,
I'd really like to talk actual business.
I talk with Matrone, not some fucking
piece of shit like you.
We clear?
There you go being nasty again.
See, this is why I like the Yakuza.
Strict protocol, but they
know how to get business done.
Maybe I'll go see if they
wanna wanna be our supplier.
You know, I knew you could
be a reasonable man, Amir.
Don't fucking insult
me in my own warehouse.
I don't appreciate that shit, all right?
Hey, this is normal.
Our offer is 20 million, safe passage,
and a piece of the Harrisburg pie.
Now, if that's good with
you, we're all good.
25 million, safe passage, and
no stakes in the land deals.
We don't want to be
tied up to no paperwork,
unless you try to set us up for later.
Hey, that was a legitimate offer.
You should see the casino we're building.
It's right on the
waterfront, safe storage,
access to the docks.
Safe harbor we accept.
Any stakes in the casino, cash only.
We don't fuck with papers.
Like we do with paperwork.
Tell you what.
22 million, safe storage
and passage, no papers,
and a token of our
gratitude in a canvas bag
every time you roll into town.
Sound good?
It does.
But what about disaster with the DEA?
Disaster, come on.
They've been chasing
their own tail for months.
We throw 'em a bone,
make 'em feel important,
keeps 'em off the trail for weeks.
I got places to be, Amir.
Do we have a deal or not?
Tell your boys to pull around
to the Harrisburg warehouse
complex site B.
Site A is scheduled for demolition,
so I don't want them to be confused.
Whatever, motherfucker.
Gentlemen, this is how
you get business done.
Next time, let's lose the guns.
They just attract attention.
(speaking foreign language)
Hey Fisher, you sure you
don't need us to follow you?
Yeah, I'm all right, Rocky.
I just got a doctor's appointment.
Oh, you gonna be all right?
Just a knee injury from
kicking ass all the time.
All right, man, get on with you.
Where are you going so early?
Why do you even try?
Eat a dick, Viki.
Oh, good to see your
vocabulary's improving.
Dad's gonna be proud.
(phone buzzing)
Hey, Dad.
Hey, sweetheart.
Is Brandon home?
No, he just left for work, I assume.
He just hasn't been answering
his phone all morning.
I don't know, maybe he didn't charge it.
You coming home?
Okay, a little later, Vic.
You know what today is, right?
I know, Vic.
I know.
I won't be late.
You better not be.
I promise.
Mr. Fisher.
How's the knee?
Well, it's bad enough
that I'm not just here
to see you lovely ladies.
I actually want to have
it looked at today.
Well, I guess that feeds
two birds with one scone.
My thoughts exactly.
Sophia's ready for you.
The tech will take you back.
Thank you.
How are you, Mr. Fisher?
Come on back.
- Hi, Mr. Fisher.
- Well.
How is the world's prettiest
physical therapist,
and the only lady in my life?
The only lady.
You won't stop amusing me.
So your knee's been bothering
you more than usual?
Yeah, it's been aching
and kind of grinding.
It pops now and then to relieve the pain,
but some days it just
aches like the dickens.
Probably because I haven't
seen you in so long.
And do you exercise it regularly?
In moderation.
Have you done anything
overly strenuous lately?
Define strenuous.
Running, heavy lifting,
that sort of thing?
No, no, no, I pay other people
to do those sort of things.
I don't have the time for that.
Are you sure there's been no strenuous
physical activity of any sort?
No, no.
But my evening is wide open.
Good, well, we'll check
your range of motion
and we'll see where we're at.
Maybe some dinner with the world's
prettiest physical therapist?
Arthur, you really amuse me.
Let's cut the BS, all right?
I know you're into me.
I've been coming to you
for what, three weeks now?
Listen, a simple dinner wouldn't
hurt anything, would it?
I think I'm a little young
for you, don't you think?
You could have kids my age.
Do I look that old?
Listen, I can perform
very well where it counts.
Take off your pants.
I thought that we were
gonna take things slow.
Anything you say, doc.
I just wish we didn't have to
be so business-like about it.
There is some swelling, but
nothing I'm too worried about.
To be honest, it could just be arthritis.
I guess old age really
is sneaking up on me, huh?
Other than that, I don't
see an unusual problem.
Slow down a little for a few days
and see if the swelling goes down.
If it doesn't, we'll get the doctor
to send you in for some
tests and see what's what.
For now, though, get changed
and meet me in the gym.
It's not exactly the
workout I was hoping for, doc.
(pensive music)
Your range of motion is good,
but it wouldn't hurt to
get some imaging done.
Maybe an x-ray, ultrasound, soft tissue.
So are we done here?
For now.
Did you want to go to dinner?
Cut your daily walks in half,
take some ibuprofen and ice
the knee when you get home.
If it's still bad
tomorrow, see your doctor.
My doctor.
So you're sending me back to my doctor,
which means I'm not your patient anymore.
That's correct.
You never answered my
question about dinner.
Just dinner, right?
Nothing more?
Just dinner.
And you can pick the place.
My pick, huh?
I'll let you know about it later today.
All right.
In that case, I'll let
you get back to work.
Just try not to work too hard.
I'll try not to.
You can go back to room
and get changed now.
(man sighs)
Good morning, sir.
What's this I hear about you
strong arming the Afghanis?
Well, first of all, they're
Turkish, they're not Afghani.
Second of all, I didn't strong arm anyone.
Look, Amir thinks he can intimidate us.
So I carefully explained
that that was a bad idea.
Little Amir go crying to Mommy?
Oh, he did indeed, the little bitch.
These brats in this business these days.
Miss the good old days.
Back alley beatings, respect
for your competition,
gentlemen agreements.
Kids today.
So who bugged us?
DEA, I think.
You know, state police
aren't that sophisticated,
and let's face it, FBI ain't that sloppy.
Well, isn't that cute?
Isn't it, though?
The mother fuckers.
So other than Amir's
whiny little bitch ass,
what'd you wanna see me for?
Well, yeah.
You know...
You've been my number one
go-to guy for some time now,
and think it might be
time for you to move up.
I got a proposition for you.
I need someone to run the North division,
and you're the perfect
guy for the position.
You definitely got the balls for it.
What do you think about that?
I appreciate the offer.
I really do.
But listen, after the this Amir
deal is finalized, I'm out.
I'm getting too old for this, right?
Besides, I need to spend
more time with my kids.
I owe that to Cassandra.
Oh yeah.
Speaking of which, your boy ain't been
dipping in the supply again, has he?
I mean, you being his
father, maybe you should
check him into the rehab.
I'd hate to see the kid OD,
you know what I'm saying?
I've got it under control.
Oh, just talk to him.
We don't want things
looking sloppy over here.
This doesn't change anything, you know.
Once this last deal is finalized, I'm out.
Come on, you're killing me over here.
You don't have to remind me.
Just think about it, all right?
Go eat a donut.
"I'm calling my connections after work.
I'll have the money then."
Dammit, Brandon.
I told you before, I don't
want you doing this junk.
How do you know you're not getting a bag
half full of borax or some shit?
Oh, that's great, Dad.
Father of the year, you
deserve a round of applause.
Why are you even here?
You forget what day it is?
Oh, hey, Pete.
How's my boy working out?
I'll let you know when he does any work.
How's that knee treating you?
Like shit.
But as usual, it's not gonna
slow business down, right?
I hear you.
Getting old is a bitch.
Hey, beats the alternative.
Hey, listen, I'm gonna need
to borrow the kid for a while.
You gonna be okay?
Shit, by all means.
It's slow anyway.
I owe you one, Pete.
Just bring back a bottle of Hennessy.
It's Friday and six o'clock
needs to hurry the hell up.
You got it.
(solemn music)
Hello, Cassandra.
We all miss you.
I miss you, Mom.
Why do we have to come here every year?
It's pointless.
It's called respect.
Do you have anything to say?
Mom, I aced my bio midterm.
I'm sure she's as proud of you as I am.
Dad needs to mind his business.
Come on, Dad.
You know how hard he
took your mother's death.
Not as hard as he's
hitting the nose candy.
No, pounding him isn't
gonna ease his pain,
or make him any less addicted.
We just gotta give him time.
Your mother would want us to
stick together, no matter what.
She was the one that
held our family together.
It's not the same without her.
I know.
He'll get better.
Right now your brother's still just...
He's just such an asshole.
Dammit, Vik.
I didn't raise you to swear like-
- Like your poker buddies?
Too smart for your own good.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I love you, Cassandra.
I gotta take your brother back to work.
You gonna be okay?
I guess so.
Gotta take it one day at a time, Vik.
Yeah, yeah, I took care of it.
Hey, any word on closing that deal?
(Cassandra clears throat)
Hey, Matrone, listen, I'm
gonna have to call you later.
Yeah, I know.
All right, bye.
Do you think you could
stay off the phone for once?
And pay some attention to me.
It is my birthday, you know?
You're right.
I'm sorry.
I just have to finish this
one thing for Matrone.
And let me guess, that
includes a gun and a bullet.
Well, I didn't see
you complaining too much
while you were swiping those credit cards.
Ah, really?
Look, I'm sorry.
You're right.
It's your birthday.
I tell you what, for
the rest of the night,
it's just me and you.
Oh god!
Look out!
(car crashing)
(ominous music)
(Cassandra moans)
(Arthur groans)
Oh, Cassandra.
Oh my god, no.
Oh, I gotta go get help.
I love you.
Oh, I love you too.
Don't move, okay?
Just try to relax, everything's
gonna be all right.
Just relax.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Tell the children that I love them.
(Cassandra mumbling)
Shh, don't.
Just relax, okay?
It's gonna be all right.
Just breathe.
Just breathe.
Oh, Jesus.
Cass, baby, breathe, breathe.
Oh Cass, no.
Cassandra, no.
Wake up, baby.
Wake up.
Cassandra, wake up, don't leave me.
You have something to say to me?
What the hell?
You better watch your
damn mouth, all right?
You're not too old for an ass whipping.
- You don't scare me.
- Good.
I don't want to.
Got your whole life ahead of ya.
You're wasting it getting high.
Didn't you used to do coke?
Yeah, back in the
eighties, when coke was like
getting a cup of coffee.
Now they put all this garbage into it,
so the highs are higher, wears off sooner.
Besides, I had a deadbeat dad
and just pissed a off kid.
It's good to see it runs in the family.
What the hell does that mean?
Look, I know what I'm doing.
You don't, Brandon.
Or you wouldn't be doing it.
Like you're so perfect.
Look, I'm not even on the
same continent as perfect, okay?
But I'm also not the
one sitting here saying
that I'm fine when clearly I'm not.
Listen, Brandon.
I know that I haven't
always been there for you.
I know I've missed birthdays and baseball.
You missed everything.
As always, making others happy.
You have no idea what I have
sacrificed for this family.
I kinda do.
I tell you what.
How about next week, you
and your sister and I,
we take a cruise ship somewhere.
How's that sound?
I'll believe it when I see it.
Hey, look, I'm gonna go talk to Pete,
see if he can give the
rest of the day off.
Maybe we can go, I don't know,
see a movie, something like that.
How's that sound?
That's so out of your element.
Why are you being nice?
What, I can't hang out with my own son?
I mean, I guess.
Just think about what you wanna watch.
I'll be right back.
Sure, all right.
Excuse me, sir.
You can't go back there.
It's okay, kid.
I know the guy who signs your checks.
I'm a grown ass man.
What the fuck?
Hey, buddy.
I'm gonna need one more favor.
Come on, man, wake up.
(ominous music)
My god.
Mother fucker!
(phone ringing)
[Man On Phone] Arthur-
- Hey, we got a fucking problem.
Somebody's killed Pete in his office.
[Man On Phone] What the hell?
How did this happen?
I don't have a fucking clue.
[Man On Phone] Get outta there, now.
All right.
I am gonna find the bastard
who did this to you.
I swear.
(solemn music)
Everything all right?
I'll let you know later.
We gotta make a stop.
(solemn music)
Where is he?
- He's over there.
- Good.
Listen, I want you to take Brandon home.
Keep him safe, all right?
Find my daughter.
Keep 'em both well guarded.
Hey, what's going on?
I don't fucking know,
but when I find out,
someone's gonna die.
- What?
- Hey, let's go.
So what the fuck happened?
Yeah, I don't know.
I don't fucking know.
Who the hell would have
the balls to just walk up
and kill someone in a grocery store?
Broad fucking daylight.
Was there a hit out for Pete?
Hell no.
He's been of the business, for god's sake.
I would've heard something if somebody
was out to take him out.
I can't fucking believe this shit.
Pete was like my best friend.
He was like my brother.
Couldn't even tell my own son
about it on the way over here.
First my wife, now this.
Look, this fucking pisses me off too.
You don't suppose it's one of those
fucking camel jockeys, do you?
I don't think he's that fucking stupid.
Yeah, (indistinct) how
we do things anyway.
Yeah, that would also
line up with the Colombians,
the Japanese.
One of the other families
wouldn't do this.
Look, I've been talking to
the other families just to see
if any of their young
bucks were acting uppity.
Doesn't track, though.
Nobody's gonna whack one of
my guys and get away with it.
I'm gonna get the son of a bitch.
Well, if you don't find
him, I sure as hell will.
Why don't you just let me and the fellas
take care of this one and you lay low.
Yeah, like fucking hell I will.
Like hell, Victor.
Arthur, do this for you.
You're the one that wants to retire.
You're the one that wants
to leave all this behind.
Gotta learn to let it go.
I can't, Victor!
Not now.
God, this was Pete!
(solemn music)
I'm so sorry, sweetie.
Uncle Pete really dead?
Please tell me he's not really.
Give us a minute, will you?
I'm gonna need you two
to stick around the house
for a while, all right?
No class, there's no work,
no friends, no nothing.
What are we supposed
to do, just sit here
and stare at the walls?
Until I find out who did this,
I want everyone on total lockdown.
Your Uncle Pete and I, we
had some common enemies.
Anybody who would shoot him
most likely try to kill me.
All right?
Can't have you guys getting
mixed up in anything.
Can you tell us what's going on?
Who is that guy and why's Uncle Pete dead?
I haven't been completely
honest with you two.
Your mother was...
Disappointed with a lot
of my decisions in life,
especially the ones I made in business.
You sell real estate.
You own like hundreds
of acres of properties.
That's not really what I do, sweetie.
Look, every major corporation
has someone like me.
We buy and sell property, we drive values
up and down to suit our needs,
we launder money as needed.
[Viki] What?
I knew it.
You're a damn criminal, you hypocrite.
I knew you and Mom were
hiding something from us.
No, this can't be true.
Of course it is.
Is that why my mom's dead?
Did your stupid decisions
kill my fucking mom?
Answer me!
Yes, it is.
Is that what you wanna hear?
Look, I've worked very hard
to get outta this business
ever since then, for the two of you.
It's a little late, isn't it?
I'm done having this
conversation for now.
I need to find out what happened.
So as I said, no one leaves this house.
This was at the restaurant?
I knew that just something
wasn't right about it.
It's not the kind the feds usually use.
And there was that white van.
There was a white van
outside of Matrone's house
when we left.
Shit, that sounds like
a private contractor.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
So we find that contractor,
we find out who hired him,
and we put hot fucking
needles right in his eyes.
Damn, I like the sound of that shit.
Pete, he was my best friend.
He was like a brother to me.
Oh shit.
I thought I was gonna have
to trace some serial numbers,
but it looks like we won't have to.
This is from a cell phone.
A cell phone?
[Arthur] Great.
We've got ourselves a fucking MacGyver.
[Viki] What kind of phone?
- Excuse me?
- What's the brand name?
Why, you got friends in this
business I should know about?
If it's from one of those
cheap clamshell phones,
the GPS could be wired
right into the board.
How would you know that?
Do you really wanna know
why your darling daughter
knows how to find and disable
a GPS in a cell phone?
Or would you like to continue to believe
I was in my room every
night in high school?
I won't ask where you
actually were all those nights
If you tell me how does that help?
Because you can find out
where the person who planted it
went that day.
Wait, you can pull
the data off this chip?
No, but can I see it really quick?
Okay, serial number, got it.
Looks like these guys are
using cheap prepaid phones.
Hi, my little brother just
called me from his cell phone,
but I think his battery died or something.
He said he was lost and he's only 11.
Please, can you help me?
Yeah, I think the phone
has a GPS or something.
Can you find him for me?
Yeah, I have the serial number right here.
Are you ready?
All right, it's 353327053226866.
That's where he is at right now?
Would it be possible you could tell me
where all he went today?
Ma'am, this is my little brother.
Thank you so much.
Please, if the phone comes
back online again, call me.
I don't know whether to be
proud of you or to ground you.
You've already grounded me, remember?
She got a point.
Hey you, I can fire, so shut up.
And you...
We'll talk later.
And that's my childhood in a nutshell.
Look where they went this morning.
The food market.
The first location is
probably where they're holed up.
Why are you helping with this?
I expected you to be-
- Expected that I'd be mad that my dad
is some kind of mafia Don?
I am.
Though it explains a lot,
like the missed birthdays
and the time the police
took you in for questioning
at my high school graduation.
Don't remind me.
But you're my dad, and
someone killed Uncle Pete.
And if you think they're gonna
come for me or Brandon next,
I'm not just gonna sit
around and hope for the best.
Well, you should really be in trouble.
But you actually did good.
Now stay put.
Rocky, keep an eye on Nancy Drew here.
I'll be back.
You're going by yourself?
Oh yeah, news flash, you're
not in your twenties anymore.
You're right.
Rocky, should I keep it fair?
Only take one gun?
You're leaving?
Excuse me, Brandon.
We find out you're the
reason Uncle Pete is dead
and you're leaving?
What do you want from me?
An apology?
Let's start there!
I'm sorry!
I've been sorry a long time.
I've been trying to get
out of this business
ever since your mother died.
I only wish I was smart enough
to have never gotten into it.
I'm sorry I was too stupid a kid
to avoid the drugs and stop being pissed
at my own absent father!
I'm sorry I killed people
to put food on the table!
Are you happy now?
A good and decent part of
me died in that car crash.
I think you should know
what that's like, Brandon.
Excuse me.
(tense music)
Excuse me.
Did you sell a device like this today?
Nah, can't say I did.
Yeah, what about last night?
I don't know, wasn't here.
Look, I'm not the right person to talk to.
How about you help me find out?
You a cop or something?
No, but I can get the cops down here.
Cops who might want you
to take a drug test.
All right, all right.
Here, take it easy, it's not that serious.
Someone bought like three
of them yesterday morning.
[Clerk] I don't know.
It was a cash sale.
Hey, you have cameras here.
Is there a monitor they feed into?
I don't know.
When does your manager get here?
Great, another complaint.
Yeah, and I'm assuming you have
too many write-ups already, huh?
Yeah, something like that.
Look, I've been in the
manager's office a few times.
Been seeing the monitors hooked up there.
Is this place leased?
I don't know, I guess.
That's what I thought.
And I bet the property manager's
the guy I need to talk to.
Well, thank you.
You keep up the good work here.
Thank you.
You keep up the good work here.
Dinner is served.
How long are we stuck here?
Excuse my brother, he's
probably in withdrawal.
Hey, hey, hey.
Big scary guy with a gun here.
Do you really want to annoy me right now?
You work for my dad, right?
If I said you were mean, would
he have your legs broken?
Yes, I work for your dad.
But I'm the one he calls to break legs.
Just eat your pizza.
I'll pass.
I'm vegan.
- No you're not.
- Yeah, I am.
Yo, chill, damn.
You act like five year olds.
I don't get paid enough for this shit.
Took you long enough, Harvey.
I guess old age is
catching up with you too.
Why don't you kiss my ass, Arthur?
It's good to see you too, man.
You got something for me?
Make a couple phone calls.
I couldn't get surveillance footage,
but I got a friend who's
got a friend in high places.
Next time, how about giving
me a little more warning?
It's not easy getting
that stuff last minute.
I'm just glad to see you still skillful.
Yeah, whatever it needs to be.
Look, I don't know how
much good it's gonna do ya.
Odds are 50/50, especially
with the white cargo van.
I gotta try, man.
Look, I'm gonna go
ahead and run this down.
You wanna do me one more favor?
Who is this guy?
I'm gonna have to start charging your ass.
Just find out what idiot
was working last night.
I need a description on a guy that bought
a couple of cheap GPS listening devices.
So is this about what happened to Pete?
How'd you hear about that already?
Word on the street is
Matrone's ripping up the city
trying to find whoever took him out.
Poor bastard.
Yeah, it's about Pete.
Well, you should have told
me that in the first place.
I'll get you the details.
Thanks, Harvey.
Call me later.
I got sauce on my face or something?
(glass breaks)
(tense music)
(Viki panting)
(silenced gunshot bangs)
(glass breaks)
Brandon, Brandon?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
[Sophia] Arthur?
It's Sophia.
I hope you're calling
to ask me to lunch.
[Sophia] That depends.
Do you like Chinese?
Ooh, chow with my main gal.
Sounds delightful.
[Sophia] I see what you did there.
I'm not sure if it was that effective.
You tried, though.
So Peking Tavern at eight o'clock?
Unfortunately, I'm gonna
have to take a rain check.
Today's been kind of a a bad day.
[Sophia] Is everything okay?
Not really.
Maybe we can talk about
it some other time.
[Sophia] I understand.
So just in case anything changes,
I'll text you my address.
Maybe we can talk over
some drinks if you like.
So I get your home address.
I guess you really do like me.
[Sophia] Uh-huh, don't
let it go to your head.
Hey, I'm gonna have to call you back.
I got my kid beeping through.
[Sophia] Okay, talk to you later.
What's wrong?
(solemn music)
This was on your son.
308 round.
Must have been fired from about
50 feet from behind the fence.
Somebody's gonna pay for this.
Oh, they'll pay.
But like I told you, stay out of it.
Stay out of it?
I lost my son.
My son, Victor.
Look, we're gonna get the
bastards that did this to you.
You have my word on that.
But right now, you need to
be there for your daughter.
She's all you got left.
This is all my fault.
Brandon was right.
We were planning on going on vacation.
Finally my chance to be a a real father.
And I let him down.
We can't change the past.
The best we can do is be here today.
I think whoever bugged the
restaurant was behind this.
Now a 308?
That's a common caliber
for a sniper rifle,
and the bug made from a cheap cell phone?
Know what that tells me?
We have a mercenary on our hands.
(pensive music)
Where are you going?
You're smart girl, Viki.
You know where I'm going.
Not without me.
That is out of the question.
I just saw my brother die.
I might be next.
I'm helping you.
Is that too much?
Look, I don't need your help.
I will handle this.
Viki, get out of the car.
You don't want me involved
in your business, right?
Well, like it or not, I am now,
and I have a right to say
and do something about it.
God dammit, you are
just like your mother.
You're a real smart ass.
Well, she taught me, well.
I can tell.
Viki, I'm sorry.
You're right.
If I lose you, I have no one.
And you don't think I'm not gonna be
just as destroyed if my
dad gets himself killed?
Look, this is not a good way
to deal with grief, okay?
Besides, I can take care of myself.
Screw grief, and don't call me kitten.
I'm not three years old anymore, Dad.
All right, fine.
If you want in on this,
then there's gonna be
a few ground rules, right?
First, if shit gets
serious and I say walk,
you walk, is that clear?
But no more treating me like I'm a child.
I know your world is
dangerous, I'm not stupid,
so don't treat me that way.
I still hate this.
And you hated the first time I wore
a bikini to the beach too.
Face it, Dad.
You need me.
Unless you think tracking someone
who uses homemade surveillance gadgets
is gonna be easy for an old
school analog player like you.
Listen, I'm not as out of touch
as you might think that I am, kiddo.
The only reason that I'm agreeing to this
is so I can keep a closer
eye on you, you got that?
So where are we going?
It looks like it's about to storm.
There's a certain turkey
that needs plucking.
Dad, that was the corniest
shit I have ever heard.
I obviously need to
teach you some new lines.
I like the sound of that.
(solemn music)
(thunder rumbling)
Who is that?
A dickhead who's also known as Amir.
He's a big time international criminal.
Makes his living selling guns
for drugs and vice versa.
The big guy with him is
his handler, Vincent.
- And what's a handler?
- Agency.
Which agency?
The centrally intelligent one.
Wait, the CIA?
Half The drugs your Uncle Victor sells
come from the CIA in some form or another.
Amir helps him fund resistance cells
that fight against Islamic extremists,
who usually become Islamic
extremists a decade or so later.
You do business with
the CIA and terrorists?
And half your wardrobe
comes from child labor
in conditions that would
make Ebenezer Scrooge cry.
Most business these days is
conducted without morals.
Some things we just do for a living.
That's crazy.
So what now?
Now we drop in and say hello.
Well, somebody better have an answer,
or I'm gonna have to liquidate everything!
Dumb fuck.
Is there a problem?
Yeah, there's a problem.
And don't pretend you don't know
what the fuck I'm talking about.
(knocking on door)
You expecting company?
(Amir sighs)
They're here early.
Just expecting some females to come here
and drain these nuts.
I see you like 'em barely legal.
You got jokes.
(tense music)
Don't even fucking think about it.
Gimme that.
You look a little stressed, Apu.
What the fuck do you want, Fisher?
Two people very close to me are dead.
Given that you and I only know each other
well enough for the occasional transaction
and contest of calibers, naturally,
you're the first person that came to mind.
I don't know what the
fuck you're talking about.
My son and my best friend are dead.
Yo, you got some balls coming in here
accusing me of a fucking hit.
Viki, you keep that gun on him.
If he moves, you put a
fucking bullet in his head.
Now I want answers.
You got this wrong, Fisher.
I have nothing to do with this.
Oh really?
Well, I find that hard to believe.
I have nothing to hide.
Look, I think you're an American piece
of fucking white trash,
but I have no reason
to kill your son and friend.
Which brings us to my next point.
Since you're the big boy on
the block with the big guns,
maybe you could help me out.
Someone bought a sniper rifle.
Ring any bells?
Ring any bells with you?
Go to hell, you piece of shit.
(gun clicks)
I wouldn't talk shit
if I were you, Grandpa.
All right, look, I'll look into it.
See what I can find.
Yeah, great.
But if I find out you're
lying to me, I will kill you.
I don't think Matrone's gonna be
too happy about this, Fisher.
Give him back his gun, Vik.
We're done here.
I don't think anybody in this
house wants to die today.
Get the fuck outta my house.
Holy shit.
I just pointed a gun at a CIA agent.
Try not to act so excited about it.
So this is what you do for a living.
I said I was gonna retire,
Vik, and I meant it.
Am I gonna be on some kind
of no-fly list or something?
That CIA agent, he's not
gonna want anybody to find out
he was disarmed by a
hundred-pound college girl.
And Amir, he's guilty
of far worse than you,
and they're gonna keep
feeding him for years.
This is crazy.
No, Viki.
This is exactly why I
didn't want you involved.
Knocking around street
punks for holding out,
that's child's play.
Protection racket.
All that stuff is just amateur hour.
Okay, what I do for Matrone, that is
a great big money making machine
that spans continents and
greases everyone's palms.
Now my little girl...
Just the newest cog.
I really think I might throw up.
I'd be worried if you didn't.
But listen, now that we
have Amir scrambling,
it's time to do some real detective work.
Gotta track down a
partial license plate.
A white unmarked van that was purchased
probably a month or so ago.
Unfortunately, that means visiting one
sniveling ass little
weasel down at the DMV.
No you don't.
Oh, let me guess.
You've got an app for that.
No, I don't.
What's wrong?
I guess it's just gonna take
a little longer than expected.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Viki, I've been doing this
a long time, all right?
The DMV's the easiest way.
[Viki] It was only one call.
Just give me a second.
(solemn music)
Hello, this is Lieutenant
Sampson from the state police.
Yes, we're tracking down a
vehicle in a hit and run incident
where there were casualties, and we know
it's a white unmarked commercial van.
Have you sold any recently?
Two of them?
And did your sales team assist
in this registration process?
Yes, I have a partial number
from security cameras.
It's QJ...
Mr. Alonzo Tremaine?
And ma'am, do you have an address for him?
All right, ma'am.
Thank you so much.
If we need anything else,
I'll be in contact with you.
All right.
And you said I couldn't do it.
Gotta say I'm impressed.
Well, guess it's time to pay
Mr. Tremaine a house call.
(solemn music)
It looks like this is it.
It doesn't look like anybody's home.
Most likely doing a drop off.
Look, just stay in the car.
Hell no!
I don't want to ask you again, Vik.
All right?
Just stay in the car.
If you see someone running out...
What, shoot them?
No, Viki, honk the horn.
I'll shoot 'em.
Well, someone did some cooking in there.
Definitely not from
one of our competitors.
A competitor?
And they portioned it out
in little plastic baggies
with red seal.
Brandon's drugs?
So it's Brandon's dealer.
That doesn't make any sense.
No, it doesn't.
(pensive music)
Drug dealer, his lab closed
down, sells coke to my kid,
and rents a van to spy
on us and plan a hit?
Doesn't track.
Because why would they kill Uncle Pete?
Low level crack dealer, he can't afford
the equipment our hitter is using.
He certainly can't afford the hitter.
Yeah, that's pretty obvious.
No, none of this makes sense.
We're missing something.
Was the inside of Uncle
Pete's shop all trashed?
No, not really.
The gunshots I heard
coming from the house
sounded kind of weird.
Huh, so now you know
what gunshots sound like.
I may or may not have dated
a guy with a love of firearms.
I feel like the
shittiest dad in the world.
My point, Dad, is that
it wasn't very loud.
Well, 308 is pretty loud,
unless it has a suppressor.
So nobody would hear it.
So we're back to one hitter.
Look, in the meantime, we still have
one unanswered question, and that is
who in the hell is Alonzo Tremaine?
You still have Brandon's phone?
[Viki] Yeah.
Just maybe.
Well, hello, Mr. Tremaine.
Times, locations.
You know what?
I think Brandon's gonna need something
to take the edge off after today.
Dad, that's sick.
Sick is seeing the dead
body of your own child.
I've killed for less.
I'll do it again.
You don't think they'll answer, do you?
Oh, they'll answer.
Either they'll think
Brandon is still alive
and therefore maybe so are we,
and they'll have to come find out,
or they'll think I'm alive
and using Brandon's phone
to try and fool 'em.
Since I'm probably the primary target,
they'll want me to believe I fooled them.
And if there's no response at all?
Well, well, well.
[Viki] Is that him?
[Arthur] Looks like he came to us.
Vik, you stay in the car.
Be careful.
I will.
Damn, it's hotter than a mermaid
pussy out there, god damn!
Hell yeah.
I'm just gonna re-up in this bitch quick.
They call me contact over
there, bitch! (laughs)
The fuck?
Where's the shit at, man?
What the fuck?
The hell I put that shit, man?
Ah, hell yeah, there it is.
Red kool-aid!
(indistinct) that shit!
Kick it up, kick it up!
What the fuck? (grunts)
Sleep tight, mother fucker.
(horn honking)
Who the fuck are you, man?
(gunshot bangs)
That's who the fuck I am.
Hey, is everything all right?
I saw another guy go inside.
Yeah, I'm all right.
Listen, we won't be coming out.
Why don't you pull the car
right up beside the door?
I got some trash to put in the trunk.
(solemn music)
(man grunts)
What the fuck, man?
What the hell going on here, man?
The fuck you want with me, man?
You sold drugs to my son.
White plastic bag, red label?
Oh shit, you must be 12.
Do I look like a fucking cop to you?
How the fuck I supposed to
know what your son look like?
Does that ring any bells?
Okay, yeah, that's Brandon.
So what, man?
You bought a white
commercial van recently.
Hey man, I ain't doing this shit, man.
You might as well just go kill me, man.
Someone scare you into silence?
Musts be pretty scary.
Why don't you tell me about him?
I ain't no fucking snitch!
I guess there's no reason
in keeping you around, then.
Hold up, hold up, hold
on, hold on, man, look.
I ain't wanna do it at first.
I just serve, know what I'm saying?
I ain't want to get
involved in nothing more,
'cause I knew the kid already.
I swear to god, that's all I know!
Come on!
Dad, don't.
God damn.
Thank you.
Look, man, if you ever need
anything, bro. (grunts)
That's for selling that shit to my son.
How do you keep so calm about this stuff?
I don't.
My heart pounds a mile a
minute doing this shit.
Some adrenaline, huh?
Yeah, something like that.
So what do you do?
The usual.
I wait until no one's
looking, then I throw up.
I wasn't expecting that answer.
Well, it's something you're gonna
have to keep to yourself.
I think I can do that.
You know, we make a good team.
So, who else would they
go after besides us?
Maybe we can beat them to the punch?
Maybe Uncle Victor's next?
[Arthur] Oh, shit.
(phone ringing)
Hey Arthur, I was
just thinking about you.
Sophia, listen to me
and do exactly what I say.
Arthur, what's wrong?
[Arthur] Look, stay put
and I'll explain everything
when I get there.
Just stay at the house.
Arthur, what's happening?
You're scaring me.
Look, everything's gonna be all right.
See you in a little bit.
(pensive music)
First the mob, now a secret girlfriend?
What's next?
Not now, Vik.
(gun clicks)
Oh no.
We have to go now.
Don't touch anything.
(distant sirens wailing)
I'm so sorry about your loss.
Yeah, me too.
I know I said I wanted
to be a part of this, but-
- Hey.
Hey look, it's my fault
for forgetting about her.
I mean, she wasn't a part of this.
This is what I wanted to
protect you guys from, okay?
Some people in my business,
they groom their kids
to follow in their footsteps.
I've never wanted that for you.
My life's work had already
killed your brother
and my best friend.
We gotta get off the
road for a few minutes.
(solemn music)
You want a drink?
Why not?
My secretary will
swear that we were here
working all night, but
we need to hang around
in case the cops come.
Won't the cops wanna talk to us anyways,
after what happened this morning?
Victor should have that
house all cleaned up by now.
Cops won't know anything
till I want 'em to.
What if this killer
goes after Uncle Victor?
Your Uncle Victor's pretty well guarded.
They'd have to be crazy
as hell to go after him.
I hope so.
He's fine, baby.
Don't worry.
I just don't know why.
I mean, Dad, you gotta have enemies.
None that would go this far.
At least not alive, anyway.
Okay, so what about the dead,
since you ruled out the possible?
Well, unless someone's
conjuring up spirits,
I should be good there.
I need to focus on keeping
up with my mail here.
[Viki] What does it say?
Ross Paige?
[Viki] Who is that?
I don't know.
Name rings a bell, but...
Ross Page.
What in the hell is going on here?
What is it?
I remember that name now.
Okay, who is he?
He's just some guy who had a hit on him.
I'm confused.
So is he still alive?
Well, at least he shouldn't be.
I killed him.
Why didn't I think of this sooner?
How the hell did that guy survive?
Dad, who the hell is this Ross Page guy?
He's just some pencil pushing nobody.
(Arthur sighs)
All right.
He borrowed some money,
couldn't pay it back,
so we made him a deal, and
he was supposed to help us
grab some land for the new casinos
and we were gonna forgive the debt.
Only problem is two weeks later,
some cops showed up asking
me all kind of questions.
And then Matrone, he gets this
surprisingly large payment on the loan.
All cash.
Turns out the bills are marked.
So he went to the cops or something?
Something like that.
And Matrone tells me to
take care of the situation.
[Viki] Wow.
Slitting somebody's throat
usually does the trick.
His body ended up in the morgue.
Or at least I thought it did.
So you think he killed
Uncle Pete and Brandon?
I mean, it's possible.
Dad, maybe we should go to the cops.
Look, that could lead them straight to
my other line of work, to Uncle Victor.
Okay, so what should we do, then?
I don't know.
But I know how to find out.
Grab your stuff.
We gotta go.
(tense music)
Viki, you know I've had
a real fucked up day.
Now guys like me tend to build
up a long list of enemies.
It isn't usually a problem
since for the most part
they're dead.
But once in a while,
every once in a blue moon,
somebody falls through the cracks.
You remember that job I did 22 years ago,
guy by the name of Ross Page?
Ross Page.
Yeah, I think so.
Guy who was trying to
pass off some marked bills
or some shit like that?
Yeah, that's the one.
So you sent me and Pete
to take care of him.
Yeah, you did it.
Oh yeah.
At least I thought so.
Anyway, we forgot about him.
You see, over the years, Victor,
I've killed a lot of people for you.
I've also been dodging
bullets for my trouble.
So you know, hey, what's a few more?
Than I realized, it's the
date that's important.
It's the date, Victor, March 15th.
The Ides of March.
Beware the Ides of March.
You see, Victor, it's on the same date,
22 years ago, that I
slit Ross Page's throat
wide fucking open.
And now it has another
specialist significance.
So what's the connection?
What's the date, Victor?
March 15th.
And I lost my son, my best friend today.
My daughter barely escaped the same fate.
And now according to this clock,
the killer has less than two hours
to strike again before
it's no longer March 15th.
Yeah, but he'd have to
be a crazy mother fucker
to show up here.
At the very least.
That's what I was assuming.
You see, our killer likes
to make his own bugs.
I thought it was amusing, but maybe it's
an important detail here.
The bug at the restaurant.
And Viki and I, we find
my physical therapist
bleeding out on her bathroom floor.
But why would he kill
your physical therapist?
The only connection I
see is that he just wants
to take out anyone close to me.
(tense music)
Everything clear out there?
(silenced gunshots banging)
(Arthur grunts)
- God.
- No, no, no, no.
Miss me?
I saw you dead.
Looks can be deceiving, Arthur Fisher.
You'd be surprised what a
little creativity can do.
It's been you this whole time.
Why would you do this?
I thought you hit it all
figured out, Sherlock.
You clearly remember murdering
the Page family that night.
Well, everyone except for the little kid
you left in the house.
Oh, you're the kid.
I spent my entire life planning
this moment so precisely.
Of course, my father leaving behind
a lot of funds helps too.
I guess he realized he wasn't gonna
live long enough to enjoy them.
Leave us alone, you crazy bitch.
Sorry, it doesn't work like that.
Your father took everything from me.
Do you know how it feels to
be an orphan your whole life?
Your dick of a dad had
a choice 22 years ago.
I'm actually really enjoying this moment.
My parents would be very
proud of me right now.
Sophia, do what you want with me,
but please, please, let my daughter go.
Listen to yourself.
Why should I have any sympathy for you?
Look, I tried to give Ross Page a chance
to settle things with
cash instead of blood.
He didn't take that option.
I wish he had.
I wish most of 'em had.
It's just the reality of this business.
Look, if you don't make deals, people die.
Was that supposed to be
the human side of you?
I wasn't sure.
According to the autopsy records,
I believe you cut my
father's throat, correct?
How about I return the favor?
Not today, bitch.
(tense music)
(gunshot bangs)
(Sophia grunts)
(Sophia panting)
This is for my family.
Fuck you.
(gunshot bangs)
No, no, no, no, Dad.
Come on, stay with me.
I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
- I was sure she'd shoot.
[Viki] It's okay,
please just stay with me.
Come on.
- I love you, Vik.
- I love you too, Dad.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
You sure about this?
After untwisting the
knot with that Page brat?
With Matrone gone, everybody's
looking at you now.
Oh, I'm sure.
Well, listen, I think I need to just
spend more time with my daughter.
You know, make up for
some of those birthdays
and recitals I missed.
I don't know.
Seems like you did okay with
that little girl of yours.
She's definitely all grown up now.
But you know, I think she
did a pretty good job.
Maybe she does take after me.
This business.
This business can chew a
person up, you know that.
But the family needs leadership, Arthur.
There's gonna be a vacancy.
That's not my problem now, Harvey.
All right, I said I'm out, I'm out.
Well, why don't you just think about it?
We got a lot of serious opportunities
coming our way, my friend.
Well, I think I'm gonna just
spend some time being a dad for once.
You take care.
All right, watch your back.
(solemn music)
Let's get outta here.
(gentle music)
Hey, Viki.
You did really good this week.
But I don't wanna put you
in this situation again.
Look, I think it's time I teach you a few
tricks of the trade.
I like the sound of that.
We're burning down till
the ashes fill the skies
We're burning down till the ashes
We're burning down till the ashes
Please take me back where I belong
(birds chirping)
(ominous music)
Doesn't seem like anybody's home.
Seems that way.
So what now?
Call the squad.
This should be fun.
(tense music)
(funky music)
I'm sorry that I gotta
you Daddy is a gangster
My lifestyle is dank, every
day I'm feeling (indistinct)
(indistinct) you never
know who wants to kill you
Don't ever go for nothing,
keep your finger on the trigger
Gotta watch a move, you
never know who (indistinct)
Somebody (indistinct)
Never trust it so
You know (indistinct)
Watch over your sister
'Cause they gonna try to tie her up
Just to get the up
And that'll mess the family up
My mind blown
I got y'all in this situation
I was getting money
They was hating, I was
on the sideline patient
They see me, I'm getting money
And I got (indistinct)
Ain't no discuss
Ain't no discuss
Ain't no discuss
When you up and (indistinct)
(tense music)
(apprehensive music)
(woman moaning)
Morning, baby.
Good morning, beautiful.
I swear I'm the luckiest man in the world.
How do you put up with me?
I don't know.
I guess I love your crazy self.
Oh, really?
I should hope so.
So, what are you in the mood for today?
Nothing, just another day at work.
(birds chirping)
Ross, just stay in bed a little longer
so we can have some fun.
Sweetie, it's my last
day, then I'm on vacation,
so you'll have me all to yourself.
Besides, I gotta keep
your jewelry box full.
I know, but we can make it a fast one.
No, no.
I see you're trying to
make me late for work.
So what's for dinner?
I don't know.
I'll try and surprise you.
Well, you know, I like surprises.
I gotta go check on pumpkin.
(man gasping)
You wanna come?
Oh, I know, I know.
I know, come on, yeah, okay.
Here you go.
There you go.
(baby fussing)
I know.
(baby crying)
But Daddy loves you.
Daddy loves you.
(pensive music)
Come on, sweetie. I'm
gonna be late for work.
- Go get 'em, babe.
- I'll see you after work.
What's up, man?
Pete, I'm surprised, you're
actually on time today.
Let me guess, you want something.
Man, fuck you, all right?
So where are we going?
I'll tell you on the way.
(solemn music)
We're talking about
short term loan returns.
(pensive music)
Back in October, we were down 20%.
But in January, we rose to 60%.
And now in March, we're
at a miraculous 75%.
That's very impressive there, Ross.
Do you have any other recommendations
in relation to these loan returns?
Actually, I believe we should keep it
as steady as she goes,
because in April and May,
we're predicted in the high 80%.
Hmm, very nice.
Well, Ross, I think you just put yourself
in line for that promotion.
(people clapping)
Hey, beautiful.
Man, dinner smells amazing.
(apprehensive music)
Ah, shit.
Are you surprised, Ross?
Take a seat, she has made
some delicious salmon.
What the hell is this?
I paid you.
Frankly, Matrone wants you dead.
But I think we can do this
without anyone getting hurt.
Don't touch my family, Arthur.
It's such an ugly business that we run,
it's best to keep it at the
view from the decent people.
Ross, what did you do?
Did you wanna tell her, or should I?
May as well.
Worst thing that happens is she walks out.
Or maybe that's the fourth worst thing.
It's gonna be okay, I promise.
I'll tell you everything.
I don't wanna keep you
from your domestic dispute,
so how about your hand over the money
and I'll leave you to it.
I paid you, with
interest, for Christ's sake.
(laughing) Yes, you did.
But you paid in marked
bills, making that money
completely worthless, which also means
that you went to police,
violating what I thought
was a very equitable arrangement.
Your apple-cheeked tot
gets her college fund
and we get the Harrisburg
contract, no muss, no fuss.
Look, I didn't...
- I had to.
- I get it.
You couldn't look your
darling wife in the eyes again
knowing that you've taken
some blood-stained money.
I've seen it before, guys like you
are only outstanding citizens
after they've been caught.
Now, Matrone ordered me to kill you,
your darling wife, and the
aforementioned apple-cheeked tot.
But me, I don't like to make
a mess if I don't have to.
I know Matrone will be perfectly
happy with a compromise,
so say half the money.
Half, that's $50,000.
I don't have that.
I considered that.
But from the looks of things, this house
should more than cover your debt.
Even that's gonna be a tough
sell without at least one body.
Come to think of it, you're lucky.
I'm not even charging you for the bribe
that I had to pay the detectives
that came snooping around
my office this morning.
For that alone you should be dead.
Okay, okay, fine.
Take the house and me, just please,
please don't touch my family.
(gun clicks)
I knew you could be reasonable.
(silenced gunshot bangs)
Oh god, god no.
Oh baby.
I wanted to give you
both an open casket,
but doesn't look like
it's gonna happen now.
(man gagging)
[Operator] 911 Emergency.
How can I help you?
Oh my god.
Please help us, he's got a knife!
(baby crying)
Took long enough.
Is it done or what?
Let's get the hell out of here.
I'm hungry.
Strip club?
Yeah, Pete, why not?
Fuck it.
(Pete chuckles)
(rock music)
Knock knock, little girl,
tell me what is wrong
Don't (indistinct)
You'll live on
Hold me tight
Don't (indistinct)
You're my little piece
Please don't cry
The fuck is this shit?
Where the fuck is Matrone?
Hey, Mr. Matrone has entrusted
this very important meeting to me.
If you got a problem with
that, I don't really care.
What if I decide to kill all of you?
It won't cost me anything.
It's your life you'd be throwing away.
Best case scenario, most of us die, right?
Then we have a war for
no good damn reason.
I'm sure you have superiors
who'd like to talk to you
more about that.
Assuming you don't bleed out on the floor.
Boss, let me smoke just a piece of shit.
I'm tired of talk...
You talk big.
I talk reality, Amir.
Look, the truth is, I hate
it when shit gets bloody.
That being said, my guys are
armed with brand new Mac 10s,
and yours have what I can only assume
are surplus Kalashnikovs?
Probably jam as much as they fire.
Am I right, guys?
So if we can quit waving our dicks around,
I'd really like to talk actual business.
I talk with Matrone, not some fucking
piece of shit like you.
We clear?
There you go being nasty again.
See, this is why I like the Yakuza.
Strict protocol, but they
know how to get business done.
Maybe I'll go see if they
wanna wanna be our supplier.
You know, I knew you could
be a reasonable man, Amir.
Don't fucking insult
me in my own warehouse.
I don't appreciate that shit, all right?
Hey, this is normal.
Our offer is 20 million, safe passage,
and a piece of the Harrisburg pie.
Now, if that's good with
you, we're all good.
25 million, safe passage, and
no stakes in the land deals.
We don't want to be
tied up to no paperwork,
unless you try to set us up for later.
Hey, that was a legitimate offer.
You should see the casino we're building.
It's right on the
waterfront, safe storage,
access to the docks.
Safe harbor we accept.
Any stakes in the casino, cash only.
We don't fuck with papers.
Like we do with paperwork.
Tell you what.
22 million, safe storage
and passage, no papers,
and a token of our
gratitude in a canvas bag
every time you roll into town.
Sound good?
It does.
But what about disaster with the DEA?
Disaster, come on.
They've been chasing
their own tail for months.
We throw 'em a bone,
make 'em feel important,
keeps 'em off the trail for weeks.
I got places to be, Amir.
Do we have a deal or not?
Tell your boys to pull around
to the Harrisburg warehouse
complex site B.
Site A is scheduled for demolition,
so I don't want them to be confused.
Whatever, motherfucker.
Gentlemen, this is how
you get business done.
Next time, let's lose the guns.
They just attract attention.
(speaking foreign language)
Hey Fisher, you sure you
don't need us to follow you?
Yeah, I'm all right, Rocky.
I just got a doctor's appointment.
Oh, you gonna be all right?
Just a knee injury from
kicking ass all the time.
All right, man, get on with you.
Where are you going so early?
Why do you even try?
Eat a dick, Viki.
Oh, good to see your
vocabulary's improving.
Dad's gonna be proud.
(phone buzzing)
Hey, Dad.
Hey, sweetheart.
Is Brandon home?
No, he just left for work, I assume.
He just hasn't been answering
his phone all morning.
I don't know, maybe he didn't charge it.
You coming home?
Okay, a little later, Vic.
You know what today is, right?
I know, Vic.
I know.
I won't be late.
You better not be.
I promise.
Mr. Fisher.
How's the knee?
Well, it's bad enough
that I'm not just here
to see you lovely ladies.
I actually want to have
it looked at today.
Well, I guess that feeds
two birds with one scone.
My thoughts exactly.
Sophia's ready for you.
The tech will take you back.
Thank you.
How are you, Mr. Fisher?
Come on back.
- Hi, Mr. Fisher.
- Well.
How is the world's prettiest
physical therapist,
and the only lady in my life?
The only lady.
You won't stop amusing me.
So your knee's been bothering
you more than usual?
Yeah, it's been aching
and kind of grinding.
It pops now and then to relieve the pain,
but some days it just
aches like the dickens.
Probably because I haven't
seen you in so long.
And do you exercise it regularly?
In moderation.
Have you done anything
overly strenuous lately?
Define strenuous.
Running, heavy lifting,
that sort of thing?
No, no, no, I pay other people
to do those sort of things.
I don't have the time for that.
Are you sure there's been no strenuous
physical activity of any sort?
No, no.
But my evening is wide open.
Good, well, we'll check
your range of motion
and we'll see where we're at.
Maybe some dinner with the world's
prettiest physical therapist?
Arthur, you really amuse me.
Let's cut the BS, all right?
I know you're into me.
I've been coming to you
for what, three weeks now?
Listen, a simple dinner wouldn't
hurt anything, would it?
I think I'm a little young
for you, don't you think?
You could have kids my age.
Do I look that old?
Listen, I can perform
very well where it counts.
Take off your pants.
I thought that we were
gonna take things slow.
Anything you say, doc.
I just wish we didn't have to
be so business-like about it.
There is some swelling, but
nothing I'm too worried about.
To be honest, it could just be arthritis.
I guess old age really
is sneaking up on me, huh?
Other than that, I don't
see an unusual problem.
Slow down a little for a few days
and see if the swelling goes down.
If it doesn't, we'll get the doctor
to send you in for some
tests and see what's what.
For now, though, get changed
and meet me in the gym.
It's not exactly the
workout I was hoping for, doc.
(pensive music)
Your range of motion is good,
but it wouldn't hurt to
get some imaging done.
Maybe an x-ray, ultrasound, soft tissue.
So are we done here?
For now.
Did you want to go to dinner?
Cut your daily walks in half,
take some ibuprofen and ice
the knee when you get home.
If it's still bad
tomorrow, see your doctor.
My doctor.
So you're sending me back to my doctor,
which means I'm not your patient anymore.
That's correct.
You never answered my
question about dinner.
Just dinner, right?
Nothing more?
Just dinner.
And you can pick the place.
My pick, huh?
I'll let you know about it later today.
All right.
In that case, I'll let
you get back to work.
Just try not to work too hard.
I'll try not to.
You can go back to room
and get changed now.
(man sighs)
Good morning, sir.
What's this I hear about you
strong arming the Afghanis?
Well, first of all, they're
Turkish, they're not Afghani.
Second of all, I didn't strong arm anyone.
Look, Amir thinks he can intimidate us.
So I carefully explained
that that was a bad idea.
Little Amir go crying to Mommy?
Oh, he did indeed, the little bitch.
These brats in this business these days.
Miss the good old days.
Back alley beatings, respect
for your competition,
gentlemen agreements.
Kids today.
So who bugged us?
DEA, I think.
You know, state police
aren't that sophisticated,
and let's face it, FBI ain't that sloppy.
Well, isn't that cute?
Isn't it, though?
The mother fuckers.
So other than Amir's
whiny little bitch ass,
what'd you wanna see me for?
Well, yeah.
You know...
You've been my number one
go-to guy for some time now,
and think it might be
time for you to move up.
I got a proposition for you.
I need someone to run the North division,
and you're the perfect
guy for the position.
You definitely got the balls for it.
What do you think about that?
I appreciate the offer.
I really do.
But listen, after the this Amir
deal is finalized, I'm out.
I'm getting too old for this, right?
Besides, I need to spend
more time with my kids.
I owe that to Cassandra.
Oh yeah.
Speaking of which, your boy ain't been
dipping in the supply again, has he?
I mean, you being his
father, maybe you should
check him into the rehab.
I'd hate to see the kid OD,
you know what I'm saying?
I've got it under control.
Oh, just talk to him.
We don't want things
looking sloppy over here.
This doesn't change anything, you know.
Once this last deal is finalized, I'm out.
Come on, you're killing me over here.
You don't have to remind me.
Just think about it, all right?
Go eat a donut.
"I'm calling my connections after work.
I'll have the money then."
Dammit, Brandon.
I told you before, I don't
want you doing this junk.
How do you know you're not getting a bag
half full of borax or some shit?
Oh, that's great, Dad.
Father of the year, you
deserve a round of applause.
Why are you even here?
You forget what day it is?
Oh, hey, Pete.
How's my boy working out?
I'll let you know when he does any work.
How's that knee treating you?
Like shit.
But as usual, it's not gonna
slow business down, right?
I hear you.
Getting old is a bitch.
Hey, beats the alternative.
Hey, listen, I'm gonna need
to borrow the kid for a while.
You gonna be okay?
Shit, by all means.
It's slow anyway.
I owe you one, Pete.
Just bring back a bottle of Hennessy.
It's Friday and six o'clock
needs to hurry the hell up.
You got it.
(solemn music)
Hello, Cassandra.
We all miss you.
I miss you, Mom.
Why do we have to come here every year?
It's pointless.
It's called respect.
Do you have anything to say?
Mom, I aced my bio midterm.
I'm sure she's as proud of you as I am.
Dad needs to mind his business.
Come on, Dad.
You know how hard he
took your mother's death.
Not as hard as he's
hitting the nose candy.
No, pounding him isn't
gonna ease his pain,
or make him any less addicted.
We just gotta give him time.
Your mother would want us to
stick together, no matter what.
She was the one that
held our family together.
It's not the same without her.
I know.
He'll get better.
Right now your brother's still just...
He's just such an asshole.
Dammit, Vik.
I didn't raise you to swear like-
- Like your poker buddies?
Too smart for your own good.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I love you, Cassandra.
I gotta take your brother back to work.
You gonna be okay?
I guess so.
Gotta take it one day at a time, Vik.
Yeah, yeah, I took care of it.
Hey, any word on closing that deal?
(Cassandra clears throat)
Hey, Matrone, listen, I'm
gonna have to call you later.
Yeah, I know.
All right, bye.
Do you think you could
stay off the phone for once?
And pay some attention to me.
It is my birthday, you know?
You're right.
I'm sorry.
I just have to finish this
one thing for Matrone.
And let me guess, that
includes a gun and a bullet.
Well, I didn't see
you complaining too much
while you were swiping those credit cards.
Ah, really?
Look, I'm sorry.
You're right.
It's your birthday.
I tell you what, for
the rest of the night,
it's just me and you.
Oh god!
Look out!
(car crashing)
(ominous music)
(Cassandra moans)
(Arthur groans)
Oh, Cassandra.
Oh my god, no.
Oh, I gotta go get help.
I love you.
Oh, I love you too.
Don't move, okay?
Just try to relax, everything's
gonna be all right.
Just relax.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Tell the children that I love them.
(Cassandra mumbling)
Shh, don't.
Just relax, okay?
It's gonna be all right.
Just breathe.
Just breathe.
Oh, Jesus.
Cass, baby, breathe, breathe.
Oh Cass, no.
Cassandra, no.
Wake up, baby.
Wake up.
Cassandra, wake up, don't leave me.
You have something to say to me?
What the hell?
You better watch your
damn mouth, all right?
You're not too old for an ass whipping.
- You don't scare me.
- Good.
I don't want to.
Got your whole life ahead of ya.
You're wasting it getting high.
Didn't you used to do coke?
Yeah, back in the
eighties, when coke was like
getting a cup of coffee.
Now they put all this garbage into it,
so the highs are higher, wears off sooner.
Besides, I had a deadbeat dad
and just pissed a off kid.
It's good to see it runs in the family.
What the hell does that mean?
Look, I know what I'm doing.
You don't, Brandon.
Or you wouldn't be doing it.
Like you're so perfect.
Look, I'm not even on the
same continent as perfect, okay?
But I'm also not the
one sitting here saying
that I'm fine when clearly I'm not.
Listen, Brandon.
I know that I haven't
always been there for you.
I know I've missed birthdays and baseball.
You missed everything.
As always, making others happy.
You have no idea what I have
sacrificed for this family.
I kinda do.
I tell you what.
How about next week, you
and your sister and I,
we take a cruise ship somewhere.
How's that sound?
I'll believe it when I see it.
Hey, look, I'm gonna go talk to Pete,
see if he can give the
rest of the day off.
Maybe we can go, I don't know,
see a movie, something like that.
How's that sound?
That's so out of your element.
Why are you being nice?
What, I can't hang out with my own son?
I mean, I guess.
Just think about what you wanna watch.
I'll be right back.
Sure, all right.
Excuse me, sir.
You can't go back there.
It's okay, kid.
I know the guy who signs your checks.
I'm a grown ass man.
What the fuck?
Hey, buddy.
I'm gonna need one more favor.
Come on, man, wake up.
(ominous music)
My god.
Mother fucker!
(phone ringing)
[Man On Phone] Arthur-
- Hey, we got a fucking problem.
Somebody's killed Pete in his office.
[Man On Phone] What the hell?
How did this happen?
I don't have a fucking clue.
[Man On Phone] Get outta there, now.
All right.
I am gonna find the bastard
who did this to you.
I swear.
(solemn music)
Everything all right?
I'll let you know later.
We gotta make a stop.
(solemn music)
Where is he?
- He's over there.
- Good.
Listen, I want you to take Brandon home.
Keep him safe, all right?
Find my daughter.
Keep 'em both well guarded.
Hey, what's going on?
I don't fucking know,
but when I find out,
someone's gonna die.
- What?
- Hey, let's go.
So what the fuck happened?
Yeah, I don't know.
I don't fucking know.
Who the hell would have
the balls to just walk up
and kill someone in a grocery store?
Broad fucking daylight.
Was there a hit out for Pete?
Hell no.
He's been of the business, for god's sake.
I would've heard something if somebody
was out to take him out.
I can't fucking believe this shit.
Pete was like my best friend.
He was like my brother.
Couldn't even tell my own son
about it on the way over here.
First my wife, now this.
Look, this fucking pisses me off too.
You don't suppose it's one of those
fucking camel jockeys, do you?
I don't think he's that fucking stupid.
Yeah, (indistinct) how
we do things anyway.
Yeah, that would also
line up with the Colombians,
the Japanese.
One of the other families
wouldn't do this.
Look, I've been talking to
the other families just to see
if any of their young
bucks were acting uppity.
Doesn't track, though.
Nobody's gonna whack one of
my guys and get away with it.
I'm gonna get the son of a bitch.
Well, if you don't find
him, I sure as hell will.
Why don't you just let me and the fellas
take care of this one and you lay low.
Yeah, like fucking hell I will.
Like hell, Victor.
Arthur, do this for you.
You're the one that wants to retire.
You're the one that wants
to leave all this behind.
Gotta learn to let it go.
I can't, Victor!
Not now.
God, this was Pete!
(solemn music)
I'm so sorry, sweetie.
Uncle Pete really dead?
Please tell me he's not really.
Give us a minute, will you?
I'm gonna need you two
to stick around the house
for a while, all right?
No class, there's no work,
no friends, no nothing.
What are we supposed
to do, just sit here
and stare at the walls?
Until I find out who did this,
I want everyone on total lockdown.
Your Uncle Pete and I, we
had some common enemies.
Anybody who would shoot him
most likely try to kill me.
All right?
Can't have you guys getting
mixed up in anything.
Can you tell us what's going on?
Who is that guy and why's Uncle Pete dead?
I haven't been completely
honest with you two.
Your mother was...
Disappointed with a lot
of my decisions in life,
especially the ones I made in business.
You sell real estate.
You own like hundreds
of acres of properties.
That's not really what I do, sweetie.
Look, every major corporation
has someone like me.
We buy and sell property, we drive values
up and down to suit our needs,
we launder money as needed.
[Viki] What?
I knew it.
You're a damn criminal, you hypocrite.
I knew you and Mom were
hiding something from us.
No, this can't be true.
Of course it is.
Is that why my mom's dead?
Did your stupid decisions
kill my fucking mom?
Answer me!
Yes, it is.
Is that what you wanna hear?
Look, I've worked very hard
to get outta this business
ever since then, for the two of you.
It's a little late, isn't it?
I'm done having this
conversation for now.
I need to find out what happened.
So as I said, no one leaves this house.
This was at the restaurant?
I knew that just something
wasn't right about it.
It's not the kind the feds usually use.
And there was that white van.
There was a white van
outside of Matrone's house
when we left.
Shit, that sounds like
a private contractor.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
So we find that contractor,
we find out who hired him,
and we put hot fucking
needles right in his eyes.
Damn, I like the sound of that shit.
Pete, he was my best friend.
He was like a brother to me.
Oh shit.
I thought I was gonna have
to trace some serial numbers,
but it looks like we won't have to.
This is from a cell phone.
A cell phone?
[Arthur] Great.
We've got ourselves a fucking MacGyver.
[Viki] What kind of phone?
- Excuse me?
- What's the brand name?
Why, you got friends in this
business I should know about?
If it's from one of those
cheap clamshell phones,
the GPS could be wired
right into the board.
How would you know that?
Do you really wanna know
why your darling daughter
knows how to find and disable
a GPS in a cell phone?
Or would you like to continue to believe
I was in my room every
night in high school?
I won't ask where you
actually were all those nights
If you tell me how does that help?
Because you can find out
where the person who planted it
went that day.
Wait, you can pull
the data off this chip?
No, but can I see it really quick?
Okay, serial number, got it.
Looks like these guys are
using cheap prepaid phones.
Hi, my little brother just
called me from his cell phone,
but I think his battery died or something.
He said he was lost and he's only 11.
Please, can you help me?
Yeah, I think the phone
has a GPS or something.
Can you find him for me?
Yeah, I have the serial number right here.
Are you ready?
All right, it's 353327053226866.
That's where he is at right now?
Would it be possible you could tell me
where all he went today?
Ma'am, this is my little brother.
Thank you so much.
Please, if the phone comes
back online again, call me.
I don't know whether to be
proud of you or to ground you.
You've already grounded me, remember?
She got a point.
Hey you, I can fire, so shut up.
And you...
We'll talk later.
And that's my childhood in a nutshell.
Look where they went this morning.
The food market.
The first location is
probably where they're holed up.
Why are you helping with this?
I expected you to be-
- Expected that I'd be mad that my dad
is some kind of mafia Don?
I am.
Though it explains a lot,
like the missed birthdays
and the time the police
took you in for questioning
at my high school graduation.
Don't remind me.
But you're my dad, and
someone killed Uncle Pete.
And if you think they're gonna
come for me or Brandon next,
I'm not just gonna sit
around and hope for the best.
Well, you should really be in trouble.
But you actually did good.
Now stay put.
Rocky, keep an eye on Nancy Drew here.
I'll be back.
You're going by yourself?
Oh yeah, news flash, you're
not in your twenties anymore.
You're right.
Rocky, should I keep it fair?
Only take one gun?
You're leaving?
Excuse me, Brandon.
We find out you're the
reason Uncle Pete is dead
and you're leaving?
What do you want from me?
An apology?
Let's start there!
I'm sorry!
I've been sorry a long time.
I've been trying to get
out of this business
ever since your mother died.
I only wish I was smart enough
to have never gotten into it.
I'm sorry I was too stupid a kid
to avoid the drugs and stop being pissed
at my own absent father!
I'm sorry I killed people
to put food on the table!
Are you happy now?
A good and decent part of
me died in that car crash.
I think you should know
what that's like, Brandon.
Excuse me.
(tense music)
Excuse me.
Did you sell a device like this today?
Nah, can't say I did.
Yeah, what about last night?
I don't know, wasn't here.
Look, I'm not the right person to talk to.
How about you help me find out?
You a cop or something?
No, but I can get the cops down here.
Cops who might want you
to take a drug test.
All right, all right.
Here, take it easy, it's not that serious.
Someone bought like three
of them yesterday morning.
[Clerk] I don't know.
It was a cash sale.
Hey, you have cameras here.
Is there a monitor they feed into?
I don't know.
When does your manager get here?
Great, another complaint.
Yeah, and I'm assuming you have
too many write-ups already, huh?
Yeah, something like that.
Look, I've been in the
manager's office a few times.
Been seeing the monitors hooked up there.
Is this place leased?
I don't know, I guess.
That's what I thought.
And I bet the property manager's
the guy I need to talk to.
Well, thank you.
You keep up the good work here.
Thank you.
You keep up the good work here.
Dinner is served.
How long are we stuck here?
Excuse my brother, he's
probably in withdrawal.
Hey, hey, hey.
Big scary guy with a gun here.
Do you really want to annoy me right now?
You work for my dad, right?
If I said you were mean, would
he have your legs broken?
Yes, I work for your dad.
But I'm the one he calls to break legs.
Just eat your pizza.
I'll pass.
I'm vegan.
- No you're not.
- Yeah, I am.
Yo, chill, damn.
You act like five year olds.
I don't get paid enough for this shit.
Took you long enough, Harvey.
I guess old age is
catching up with you too.
Why don't you kiss my ass, Arthur?
It's good to see you too, man.
You got something for me?
Make a couple phone calls.
I couldn't get surveillance footage,
but I got a friend who's
got a friend in high places.
Next time, how about giving
me a little more warning?
It's not easy getting
that stuff last minute.
I'm just glad to see you still skillful.
Yeah, whatever it needs to be.
Look, I don't know how
much good it's gonna do ya.
Odds are 50/50, especially
with the white cargo van.
I gotta try, man.
Look, I'm gonna go
ahead and run this down.
You wanna do me one more favor?
Who is this guy?
I'm gonna have to start charging your ass.
Just find out what idiot
was working last night.
I need a description on a guy that bought
a couple of cheap GPS listening devices.
So is this about what happened to Pete?
How'd you hear about that already?
Word on the street is
Matrone's ripping up the city
trying to find whoever took him out.
Poor bastard.
Yeah, it's about Pete.
Well, you should have told
me that in the first place.
I'll get you the details.
Thanks, Harvey.
Call me later.
I got sauce on my face or something?
(glass breaks)
(tense music)
(Viki panting)
(silenced gunshot bangs)
(glass breaks)
Brandon, Brandon?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
[Sophia] Arthur?
It's Sophia.
I hope you're calling
to ask me to lunch.
[Sophia] That depends.
Do you like Chinese?
Ooh, chow with my main gal.
Sounds delightful.
[Sophia] I see what you did there.
I'm not sure if it was that effective.
You tried, though.
So Peking Tavern at eight o'clock?
Unfortunately, I'm gonna
have to take a rain check.
Today's been kind of a a bad day.
[Sophia] Is everything okay?
Not really.
Maybe we can talk about
it some other time.
[Sophia] I understand.
So just in case anything changes,
I'll text you my address.
Maybe we can talk over
some drinks if you like.
So I get your home address.
I guess you really do like me.
[Sophia] Uh-huh, don't
let it go to your head.
Hey, I'm gonna have to call you back.
I got my kid beeping through.
[Sophia] Okay, talk to you later.
What's wrong?
(solemn music)
This was on your son.
308 round.
Must have been fired from about
50 feet from behind the fence.
Somebody's gonna pay for this.
Oh, they'll pay.
But like I told you, stay out of it.
Stay out of it?
I lost my son.
My son, Victor.
Look, we're gonna get the
bastards that did this to you.
You have my word on that.
But right now, you need to
be there for your daughter.
She's all you got left.
This is all my fault.
Brandon was right.
We were planning on going on vacation.
Finally my chance to be a a real father.
And I let him down.
We can't change the past.
The best we can do is be here today.
I think whoever bugged the
restaurant was behind this.
Now a 308?
That's a common caliber
for a sniper rifle,
and the bug made from a cheap cell phone?
Know what that tells me?
We have a mercenary on our hands.
(pensive music)
Where are you going?
You're smart girl, Viki.
You know where I'm going.
Not without me.
That is out of the question.
I just saw my brother die.
I might be next.
I'm helping you.
Is that too much?
Look, I don't need your help.
I will handle this.
Viki, get out of the car.
You don't want me involved
in your business, right?
Well, like it or not, I am now,
and I have a right to say
and do something about it.
God dammit, you are
just like your mother.
You're a real smart ass.
Well, she taught me, well.
I can tell.
Viki, I'm sorry.
You're right.
If I lose you, I have no one.
And you don't think I'm not gonna be
just as destroyed if my
dad gets himself killed?
Look, this is not a good way
to deal with grief, okay?
Besides, I can take care of myself.
Screw grief, and don't call me kitten.
I'm not three years old anymore, Dad.
All right, fine.
If you want in on this,
then there's gonna be
a few ground rules, right?
First, if shit gets
serious and I say walk,
you walk, is that clear?
But no more treating me like I'm a child.
I know your world is
dangerous, I'm not stupid,
so don't treat me that way.
I still hate this.
And you hated the first time I wore
a bikini to the beach too.
Face it, Dad.
You need me.
Unless you think tracking someone
who uses homemade surveillance gadgets
is gonna be easy for an old
school analog player like you.
Listen, I'm not as out of touch
as you might think that I am, kiddo.
The only reason that I'm agreeing to this
is so I can keep a closer
eye on you, you got that?
So where are we going?
It looks like it's about to storm.
There's a certain turkey
that needs plucking.
Dad, that was the corniest
shit I have ever heard.
I obviously need to
teach you some new lines.
I like the sound of that.
(solemn music)
(thunder rumbling)
Who is that?
A dickhead who's also known as Amir.
He's a big time international criminal.
Makes his living selling guns
for drugs and vice versa.
The big guy with him is
his handler, Vincent.
- And what's a handler?
- Agency.
Which agency?
The centrally intelligent one.
Wait, the CIA?
Half The drugs your Uncle Victor sells
come from the CIA in some form or another.
Amir helps him fund resistance cells
that fight against Islamic extremists,
who usually become Islamic
extremists a decade or so later.
You do business with
the CIA and terrorists?
And half your wardrobe
comes from child labor
in conditions that would
make Ebenezer Scrooge cry.
Most business these days is
conducted without morals.
Some things we just do for a living.
That's crazy.
So what now?
Now we drop in and say hello.
Well, somebody better have an answer,
or I'm gonna have to liquidate everything!
Dumb fuck.
Is there a problem?
Yeah, there's a problem.
And don't pretend you don't know
what the fuck I'm talking about.
(knocking on door)
You expecting company?
(Amir sighs)
They're here early.
Just expecting some females to come here
and drain these nuts.
I see you like 'em barely legal.
You got jokes.
(tense music)
Don't even fucking think about it.
Gimme that.
You look a little stressed, Apu.
What the fuck do you want, Fisher?
Two people very close to me are dead.
Given that you and I only know each other
well enough for the occasional transaction
and contest of calibers, naturally,
you're the first person that came to mind.
I don't know what the
fuck you're talking about.
My son and my best friend are dead.
Yo, you got some balls coming in here
accusing me of a fucking hit.
Viki, you keep that gun on him.
If he moves, you put a
fucking bullet in his head.
Now I want answers.
You got this wrong, Fisher.
I have nothing to do with this.
Oh really?
Well, I find that hard to believe.
I have nothing to hide.
Look, I think you're an American piece
of fucking white trash,
but I have no reason
to kill your son and friend.
Which brings us to my next point.
Since you're the big boy on
the block with the big guns,
maybe you could help me out.
Someone bought a sniper rifle.
Ring any bells?
Ring any bells with you?
Go to hell, you piece of shit.
(gun clicks)
I wouldn't talk shit
if I were you, Grandpa.
All right, look, I'll look into it.
See what I can find.
Yeah, great.
But if I find out you're
lying to me, I will kill you.
I don't think Matrone's gonna be
too happy about this, Fisher.
Give him back his gun, Vik.
We're done here.
I don't think anybody in this
house wants to die today.
Get the fuck outta my house.
Holy shit.
I just pointed a gun at a CIA agent.
Try not to act so excited about it.
So this is what you do for a living.
I said I was gonna retire,
Vik, and I meant it.
Am I gonna be on some kind
of no-fly list or something?
That CIA agent, he's not
gonna want anybody to find out
he was disarmed by a
hundred-pound college girl.
And Amir, he's guilty
of far worse than you,
and they're gonna keep
feeding him for years.
This is crazy.
No, Viki.
This is exactly why I
didn't want you involved.
Knocking around street
punks for holding out,
that's child's play.
Protection racket.
All that stuff is just amateur hour.
Okay, what I do for Matrone, that is
a great big money making machine
that spans continents and
greases everyone's palms.
Now my little girl...
Just the newest cog.
I really think I might throw up.
I'd be worried if you didn't.
But listen, now that we
have Amir scrambling,
it's time to do some real detective work.
Gotta track down a
partial license plate.
A white unmarked van that was purchased
probably a month or so ago.
Unfortunately, that means visiting one
sniveling ass little
weasel down at the DMV.
No you don't.
Oh, let me guess.
You've got an app for that.
No, I don't.
What's wrong?
I guess it's just gonna take
a little longer than expected.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Viki, I've been doing this
a long time, all right?
The DMV's the easiest way.
[Viki] It was only one call.
Just give me a second.
(solemn music)
Hello, this is Lieutenant
Sampson from the state police.
Yes, we're tracking down a
vehicle in a hit and run incident
where there were casualties, and we know
it's a white unmarked commercial van.
Have you sold any recently?
Two of them?
And did your sales team assist
in this registration process?
Yes, I have a partial number
from security cameras.
It's QJ...
Mr. Alonzo Tremaine?
And ma'am, do you have an address for him?
All right, ma'am.
Thank you so much.
If we need anything else,
I'll be in contact with you.
All right.
And you said I couldn't do it.
Gotta say I'm impressed.
Well, guess it's time to pay
Mr. Tremaine a house call.
(solemn music)
It looks like this is it.
It doesn't look like anybody's home.
Most likely doing a drop off.
Look, just stay in the car.
Hell no!
I don't want to ask you again, Vik.
All right?
Just stay in the car.
If you see someone running out...
What, shoot them?
No, Viki, honk the horn.
I'll shoot 'em.
Well, someone did some cooking in there.
Definitely not from
one of our competitors.
A competitor?
And they portioned it out
in little plastic baggies
with red seal.
Brandon's drugs?
So it's Brandon's dealer.
That doesn't make any sense.
No, it doesn't.
(pensive music)
Drug dealer, his lab closed
down, sells coke to my kid,
and rents a van to spy
on us and plan a hit?
Doesn't track.
Because why would they kill Uncle Pete?
Low level crack dealer, he can't afford
the equipment our hitter is using.
He certainly can't afford the hitter.
Yeah, that's pretty obvious.
No, none of this makes sense.
We're missing something.
Was the inside of Uncle
Pete's shop all trashed?
No, not really.
The gunshots I heard
coming from the house
sounded kind of weird.
Huh, so now you know
what gunshots sound like.
I may or may not have dated
a guy with a love of firearms.
I feel like the
shittiest dad in the world.
My point, Dad, is that
it wasn't very loud.
Well, 308 is pretty loud,
unless it has a suppressor.
So nobody would hear it.
So we're back to one hitter.
Look, in the meantime, we still have
one unanswered question, and that is
who in the hell is Alonzo Tremaine?
You still have Brandon's phone?
[Viki] Yeah.
Just maybe.
Well, hello, Mr. Tremaine.
Times, locations.
You know what?
I think Brandon's gonna need something
to take the edge off after today.
Dad, that's sick.
Sick is seeing the dead
body of your own child.
I've killed for less.
I'll do it again.
You don't think they'll answer, do you?
Oh, they'll answer.
Either they'll think
Brandon is still alive
and therefore maybe so are we,
and they'll have to come find out,
or they'll think I'm alive
and using Brandon's phone
to try and fool 'em.
Since I'm probably the primary target,
they'll want me to believe I fooled them.
And if there's no response at all?
Well, well, well.
[Viki] Is that him?
[Arthur] Looks like he came to us.
Vik, you stay in the car.
Be careful.
I will.
Damn, it's hotter than a mermaid
pussy out there, god damn!
Hell yeah.
I'm just gonna re-up in this bitch quick.
They call me contact over
there, bitch! (laughs)
The fuck?
Where's the shit at, man?
What the fuck?
The hell I put that shit, man?
Ah, hell yeah, there it is.
Red kool-aid!
(indistinct) that shit!
Kick it up, kick it up!
What the fuck? (grunts)
Sleep tight, mother fucker.
(horn honking)
Who the fuck are you, man?
(gunshot bangs)
That's who the fuck I am.
Hey, is everything all right?
I saw another guy go inside.
Yeah, I'm all right.
Listen, we won't be coming out.
Why don't you pull the car
right up beside the door?
I got some trash to put in the trunk.
(solemn music)
(man grunts)
What the fuck, man?
What the hell going on here, man?
The fuck you want with me, man?
You sold drugs to my son.
White plastic bag, red label?
Oh shit, you must be 12.
Do I look like a fucking cop to you?
How the fuck I supposed to
know what your son look like?
Does that ring any bells?
Okay, yeah, that's Brandon.
So what, man?
You bought a white
commercial van recently.
Hey man, I ain't doing this shit, man.
You might as well just go kill me, man.
Someone scare you into silence?
Musts be pretty scary.
Why don't you tell me about him?
I ain't no fucking snitch!
I guess there's no reason
in keeping you around, then.
Hold up, hold up, hold
on, hold on, man, look.
I ain't wanna do it at first.
I just serve, know what I'm saying?
I ain't want to get
involved in nothing more,
'cause I knew the kid already.
I swear to god, that's all I know!
Come on!
Dad, don't.
God damn.
Thank you.
Look, man, if you ever need
anything, bro. (grunts)
That's for selling that shit to my son.
How do you keep so calm about this stuff?
I don't.
My heart pounds a mile a
minute doing this shit.
Some adrenaline, huh?
Yeah, something like that.
So what do you do?
The usual.
I wait until no one's
looking, then I throw up.
I wasn't expecting that answer.
Well, it's something you're gonna
have to keep to yourself.
I think I can do that.
You know, we make a good team.
So, who else would they
go after besides us?
Maybe we can beat them to the punch?
Maybe Uncle Victor's next?
[Arthur] Oh, shit.
(phone ringing)
Hey Arthur, I was
just thinking about you.
Sophia, listen to me
and do exactly what I say.
Arthur, what's wrong?
[Arthur] Look, stay put
and I'll explain everything
when I get there.
Just stay at the house.
Arthur, what's happening?
You're scaring me.
Look, everything's gonna be all right.
See you in a little bit.
(pensive music)
First the mob, now a secret girlfriend?
What's next?
Not now, Vik.
(gun clicks)
Oh no.
We have to go now.
Don't touch anything.
(distant sirens wailing)
I'm so sorry about your loss.
Yeah, me too.
I know I said I wanted
to be a part of this, but-
- Hey.
Hey look, it's my fault
for forgetting about her.
I mean, she wasn't a part of this.
This is what I wanted to
protect you guys from, okay?
Some people in my business,
they groom their kids
to follow in their footsteps.
I've never wanted that for you.
My life's work had already
killed your brother
and my best friend.
We gotta get off the
road for a few minutes.
(solemn music)
You want a drink?
Why not?
My secretary will
swear that we were here
working all night, but
we need to hang around
in case the cops come.
Won't the cops wanna talk to us anyways,
after what happened this morning?
Victor should have that
house all cleaned up by now.
Cops won't know anything
till I want 'em to.
What if this killer
goes after Uncle Victor?
Your Uncle Victor's pretty well guarded.
They'd have to be crazy
as hell to go after him.
I hope so.
He's fine, baby.
Don't worry.
I just don't know why.
I mean, Dad, you gotta have enemies.
None that would go this far.
At least not alive, anyway.
Okay, so what about the dead,
since you ruled out the possible?
Well, unless someone's
conjuring up spirits,
I should be good there.
I need to focus on keeping
up with my mail here.
[Viki] What does it say?
Ross Paige?
[Viki] Who is that?
I don't know.
Name rings a bell, but...
Ross Page.
What in the hell is going on here?
What is it?
I remember that name now.
Okay, who is he?
He's just some guy who had a hit on him.
I'm confused.
So is he still alive?
Well, at least he shouldn't be.
I killed him.
Why didn't I think of this sooner?
How the hell did that guy survive?
Dad, who the hell is this Ross Page guy?
He's just some pencil pushing nobody.
(Arthur sighs)
All right.
He borrowed some money,
couldn't pay it back,
so we made him a deal, and
he was supposed to help us
grab some land for the new casinos
and we were gonna forgive the debt.
Only problem is two weeks later,
some cops showed up asking
me all kind of questions.
And then Matrone, he gets this
surprisingly large payment on the loan.
All cash.
Turns out the bills are marked.
So he went to the cops or something?
Something like that.
And Matrone tells me to
take care of the situation.
[Viki] Wow.
Slitting somebody's throat
usually does the trick.
His body ended up in the morgue.
Or at least I thought it did.
So you think he killed
Uncle Pete and Brandon?
I mean, it's possible.
Dad, maybe we should go to the cops.
Look, that could lead them straight to
my other line of work, to Uncle Victor.
Okay, so what should we do, then?
I don't know.
But I know how to find out.
Grab your stuff.
We gotta go.
(tense music)
Viki, you know I've had
a real fucked up day.
Now guys like me tend to build
up a long list of enemies.
It isn't usually a problem
since for the most part
they're dead.
But once in a while,
every once in a blue moon,
somebody falls through the cracks.
You remember that job I did 22 years ago,
guy by the name of Ross Page?
Ross Page.
Yeah, I think so.
Guy who was trying to
pass off some marked bills
or some shit like that?
Yeah, that's the one.
So you sent me and Pete
to take care of him.
Yeah, you did it.
Oh yeah.
At least I thought so.
Anyway, we forgot about him.
You see, over the years, Victor,
I've killed a lot of people for you.
I've also been dodging
bullets for my trouble.
So you know, hey, what's a few more?
Than I realized, it's the
date that's important.
It's the date, Victor, March 15th.
The Ides of March.
Beware the Ides of March.
You see, Victor, it's on the same date,
22 years ago, that I
slit Ross Page's throat
wide fucking open.
And now it has another
specialist significance.
So what's the connection?
What's the date, Victor?
March 15th.
And I lost my son, my best friend today.
My daughter barely escaped the same fate.
And now according to this clock,
the killer has less than two hours
to strike again before
it's no longer March 15th.
Yeah, but he'd have to
be a crazy mother fucker
to show up here.
At the very least.
That's what I was assuming.
You see, our killer likes
to make his own bugs.
I thought it was amusing, but maybe it's
an important detail here.
The bug at the restaurant.
And Viki and I, we find
my physical therapist
bleeding out on her bathroom floor.
But why would he kill
your physical therapist?
The only connection I
see is that he just wants
to take out anyone close to me.
(tense music)
Everything clear out there?
(silenced gunshots banging)
(Arthur grunts)
- God.
- No, no, no, no.
Miss me?
I saw you dead.
Looks can be deceiving, Arthur Fisher.
You'd be surprised what a
little creativity can do.
It's been you this whole time.
Why would you do this?
I thought you hit it all
figured out, Sherlock.
You clearly remember murdering
the Page family that night.
Well, everyone except for the little kid
you left in the house.
Oh, you're the kid.
I spent my entire life planning
this moment so precisely.
Of course, my father leaving behind
a lot of funds helps too.
I guess he realized he wasn't gonna
live long enough to enjoy them.
Leave us alone, you crazy bitch.
Sorry, it doesn't work like that.
Your father took everything from me.
Do you know how it feels to
be an orphan your whole life?
Your dick of a dad had
a choice 22 years ago.
I'm actually really enjoying this moment.
My parents would be very
proud of me right now.
Sophia, do what you want with me,
but please, please, let my daughter go.
Listen to yourself.
Why should I have any sympathy for you?
Look, I tried to give Ross Page a chance
to settle things with
cash instead of blood.
He didn't take that option.
I wish he had.
I wish most of 'em had.
It's just the reality of this business.
Look, if you don't make deals, people die.
Was that supposed to be
the human side of you?
I wasn't sure.
According to the autopsy records,
I believe you cut my
father's throat, correct?
How about I return the favor?
Not today, bitch.
(tense music)
(gunshot bangs)
(Sophia grunts)
(Sophia panting)
This is for my family.
Fuck you.
(gunshot bangs)
No, no, no, no, Dad.
Come on, stay with me.
I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
- I was sure she'd shoot.
[Viki] It's okay,
please just stay with me.
Come on.
- I love you, Vik.
- I love you too, Dad.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
You sure about this?
After untwisting the
knot with that Page brat?
With Matrone gone, everybody's
looking at you now.
Oh, I'm sure.
Well, listen, I think I need to just
spend more time with my daughter.
You know, make up for
some of those birthdays
and recitals I missed.
I don't know.
Seems like you did okay with
that little girl of yours.
She's definitely all grown up now.
But you know, I think she
did a pretty good job.
Maybe she does take after me.
This business.
This business can chew a
person up, you know that.
But the family needs leadership, Arthur.
There's gonna be a vacancy.
That's not my problem now, Harvey.
All right, I said I'm out, I'm out.
Well, why don't you just think about it?
We got a lot of serious opportunities
coming our way, my friend.
Well, I think I'm gonna just
spend some time being a dad for once.
You take care.
All right, watch your back.
(solemn music)
Let's get outta here.
(gentle music)
Hey, Viki.
You did really good this week.
But I don't wanna put you
in this situation again.
Look, I think it's time I teach you a few
tricks of the trade.
I like the sound of that.
We're burning down till
the ashes fill the skies
We're burning down till the ashes
We're burning down till the ashes
Please take me back where I belong
(birds chirping)
(ominous music)
Doesn't seem like anybody's home.
Seems that way.
So what now?
Call the squad.
This should be fun.
(tense music)
(funky music)
I'm sorry that I gotta
you Daddy is a gangster
My lifestyle is dank, every
day I'm feeling (indistinct)
(indistinct) you never
know who wants to kill you
Don't ever go for nothing,
keep your finger on the trigger
Gotta watch a move, you
never know who (indistinct)
Somebody (indistinct)
Never trust it so
You know (indistinct)
Watch over your sister
'Cause they gonna try to tie her up
Just to get the up
And that'll mess the family up
My mind blown
I got y'all in this situation
I was getting money
They was hating, I was
on the sideline patient
They see me, I'm getting money
And I got (indistinct)
Ain't no discuss
Ain't no discuss
Ain't no discuss
When you up and (indistinct)
(tense music)