Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations (2023) Movie Script

RON JAMES: I'm sitting
in these rooms alone
with people who have run
secret weapons programs,
interrogated terrorists,
closely-guarded secrets
as a profession,
and all I can think about
is getting them
to tell me something
they don't want me to know.
It's gonna take somebody
at the executive level to do it,
or there's gonna be
a incredible leak somewhere
that's somebody's conscience,
and they don't end up, um,
you know, committing suicide
by 12 bullet holes
to the back of the head
kind of thing.
NARRATOR: The UFO reality
can no longer be denied.
The secret has been
managed and guarded
by a select few
for over 75 years.
Advanced technology,
biological and
physical materials
have been recovered.
They've been secretly studied
by compartmentalized factions
within both government
and industry.
These claims are not new.
But you are about to see
undeniable evidence
and previously
unpublished accounts
that make this case stronger
than ever before.
Somewhere between
fact and denial,
you are about to discover
an accidental truth.
MAN 2: Knees up. Knees up.
NARRATOR: In 2017,
the UFO subject exploded
into the mainstream.
PILOT 1: There's a whole fleet
of them. Look on the S.A.
PILOT 2: Whoa! Got him!
NARRATOR: The New York Times
broke a front page story
about a shadowy
government program
studying UFOs.
October 2017.
Leslie Kean, who's
a notable expert on UFOs
she was invited to a very
private conference in Washington
with Lue Elizondo
and some other people,
Chris Mellon,
to discuss UFOs.
Lue Elizondo had just submitted
his resignation in October 2017,
as the head of this
very secretive
Pentagon UFO office.
Program was established.
It was initially
called AAWSAP,
Advanced Aerospace Weapon
System Applications Program,
and very quickly
that evolved,
morphed into the
more common vernacular
AATIP, Advanced Aerospace Threat
Identification Program.
I was brought in
initially to come in
to run the counterintelligence
and security piece
for this effort in 2008.
In 2010, I was asked
by the former director
to run this program.
The program was then
taken out of DIA
and up to the OSD level,
Office of Secretary of Defense.
The Pentagon had this secret
UFO monitoring agency
which nobody knew about.
New York Times, Politico,
and followed by them,
everyone else covering
the UFO subject
suddenly, with seriousness,
suddenly talking about
encounters by the U.S. Navy with
objects that are supposed
to be impossible.
The government
is investigating UFOs.
Well, I almost crashed my car.
NARRATOR: Three cryptic videos
were released
that claimed to show
unknown objects
operating in military airspace
while defying known
capabilities of flight
and physics.
There are more of them
that have not been released.
These were only snippets,
by the way,
and we knew that.
But we were happy to get them.
And they caused quite a stir.
NARRATOR: Lue Elizondo
made the media rounds
with shocking statements.
My personal belief is that
there is very
compelling evidence that
we may not be alone.
Our cosmic neighborhood
may be a hell of a lot bigger.
And by the way, we might,
might, have neighbors.
That's a profound moment.
NARRATOR: At the 2018 symposium
of The Mutual UFO Network,
behind closed doors,
he went beyond
his public statements
to drop a bombshell.
Sometimes people
may have associated you
as being fringe
or being out there,
and all along, you were right.
NARRATOR: One of the pilots
who engaged the craft,
Commander David Fravor,
chimed in with bold statements
inferring otherworldly origins
of the mysterious phenomenon.
I believe, as do the other folks
that were on the flight,
that what we visually saw,
that it was something
not from this world.
You are talking to a pilot
who is looking at you
with complete bewilderment as to
looking to you for answers.
They're asking you,
"Sir, what was this?"
Congress is now looking
at the possibility
of national security
that the military is now
owning up to hours of videotapes
taken by Navy pilots.
There's been a sea change.
Things are changing.
People are more open
to the idea that,
yeah, maybe we're
not alone in the universe.
NARRATOR: We were given
an updated phrase
to describe it all.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon.
They're calling them
UAPs sometimes.
Sometimes UFO, sometimes UAP.
It's a kind of a rebranding
to a certain extent
and a redefinition
of what the phenomenon is.
NARRATOR: A new group called
To The Stars Academy of Arts
and Sciences was introduced.
We are To The Stars Academy
of Arts and Science.
A public benefit corporation.
The group was co-founded
by rock star Tom DeLonge.
I was working my way
through NASA,
the Department of Defense,
and various "other" agencies.
Its members spoke out,
hinting of
unprecedented openness
and straight answers
about the topic.
But who are
these people really?
Dr. Hal Puthoff,
former CIA operations officer.
Jim Semivan, a 50-year veteran
of NASA, the CIA, and the
National Security Agency.
Steve Justice,
former director of
Lockheed Martin Skunk Works.
Christopher Mellon,
former Undersecretary
of Defense for Intelligence.
Lue Elizondo,
fresh from a controversial
Pentagon resignation.
Was anybody going to
share anything that
brought us concrete answers?
It was the first time I really
digested the enormity
of the national security
implications of the UFO subject.
The CIA and all these people
associated with Skunk Works
and other intelligence agencies,
you're not the right people
to come out with this.
[CHUCKLES] You're really not.
Because you're the ones
that have been lying to us
for 70 years.
We haven't trusted
these individual agencies ever.
In fact, they've always
teased our community.
We are dealing with insiders.
We are dealing with people
who have been in government,
the military,
the intelligence community,
have access to
classified information.
But those people, all of them,
will have to be very careful.
For us to just go ahead
and spew out to satisfy
the idle curiosity of a few,
that's not our job.
Our job is to protect
this nation from enemies,
foreign and domestic.
For what it's worth, I see it
that they were trying to
make progress on this
within government,
they took it as
far as they could,
and then they realized that,
really, the only way
to move it further forward
was to leave government
and do it outside of that.
Some believe that this new
roll-out of information
was a cleverly crafted
set of events
being orchestrated
by hidden hands.
An evasive faction
who has controlled
this information for years.
I'm not a believer
in the conspiracy theory
that this is some plot to leak
it to The New York Times
and all that.
I mean, too many elements
came together
completely serendipitously.
And, you know,
looking back,
you can, you know,
try to make a case
that this was all orchestrated
and not at all true.
I think that this
was definitely something
that was organized,
thought out long-term.
Again, I think some...
I think they know,
and they're trying to
get ahead of something.
I think... I use the analogy
of a snowball at the top
of a hill,
and it starts out really small.
And as it rolls down,
it's going to get bigger
and bigger,
and I think they're trying
to get ahead of that.
You can't talk about
this subject with
a government background
without being the bad guy,
in some people's minds eye.
It just comes
with the territory.
I refuse to discuss
anything classified.
I've took an oath,
which is, by the way,
a lifelong oath.
As I've told people before,
don't ask me because
I'm not going to tell you.
Lue is in a tough spot,
because he knows
a lot of things that...
I mean, he still...
He was...
He came out of
the Intelligence community
and he probably still,
undoubtedly still has
connections to the
Intelligence community.
Well, you know, so he can't
say everything he knows
and has been privy to.
These people promoting this...
agenda of UFO openness,
not disclosure, but openness,
they have enemies
within that establishment.
So we're not talking
about a unified message.
It's very uncomfortable.
Especially if you've
lived a life
where anonymity
has been your friend.
We have every right
to know the truth.
And it's... It's not okay
that they're holding that back.
It is not
a fun place to be.
In fact,
if I had any opportunity
for anybody else to stand up
and take my place...
I would do it.
There are a lot of people
that want this information out
and there are a lot of people
who don't want
this information out.
The level of pushback that
Harry Reid shared
with me on camera.
When he tried to launch
this investigatory arm
into creating AATIP,
he said he got so much pushback
from the intelligence agencies,
that they, like,
tried to destroy people.
They really did not
want this to happen.
After the initial media flurry,
the Pentagon promised a report
that might shed some light
on the subject.
Do you expect to see
real answers in this report?
What do you think?
Look. Honestly,
I don't think so, Jake.
The public only received
a few pages of
inconclusive information.
A more elaborate report
was delivered to Congress
behind closed doors.
Freedom of
Information Act requests,
known as FOIA requests,
were submitted.
The responses received
were heavily redacted.
Three years later,
three and a half years later,
no new evidence has come out.
We've got no new videos.
Nothing like that happened.
Congressman Tim Burchett
has become
an outspoken crusader
against the secrecy.
The American public
deserves to know.
We need transparency.
That's why nobody
trusts government.
Nobody trusts either party
when it comes down to it.
Instead of new answers,
we've been given
a whitewashing of the past
and further reinforcement
of a "New Narrative"
created to fit the day.
The New Narrative states that
the UAP's not ours
or any foreign government's.
They display characteristics
that defy explanation.
"We are committed
to determining their nature,
"and assessing
any potential threat."
There was no official
government study of the topic
after Project Blue Book
ended in 1969,
until the AAWSAP program
started in 2004.
By sort of extracting
a lot of the history out,
they're able
to make it seem like,
wow, this is
a real mystery here.
So, I don't agree with that.
I think their New Narrative,
I think they have this fear,
you know, that it's a threat.
And the word "threat"
kind of bothers me a little bit.
But I understand that in order
to get government attention,
they need to call it,
perhaps, a threat.
So we have an
ongoing situation here.
This is a defense issue.
It's an air safety issue.
It's a national security issue.
It's a valid issue.
There is something
flying around in our airspace
and we don't know what it is
or we're not telling what it is.
Eighteen months ago,
if you had asked anyone
in government the official line
on UFOs,
you would have received
a standard response
rather like this.
"There is no current interest
or involvement in the subject.
"Since the termination
of Blue Book in 1969,
"nobody in government
"is researching
or investigating this."
You know,
the department writ large
is clearly not interested
in UFOs whatsoever.
NARRATOR: This story leaves
a gap of over 35 years
that the government
was supposedly
not engaged in the study
of the phenomenon.
The media was quick
to participate
in the new story.
Were they complicit
in delivering this
new version of the facts?
There is a risk of believing
the official narrative
too quickly
and just reporting it.
There's many steps to go
and it's going to take a while.
And, you know, they still have
a totally compliant media,
for the most part.
I can tell you from my knowledge
of The New York Times.
The New York Times
is not afraid to
confront the government.
Having been legal counsel
for The New York Times
and for NBC News,
the people on the board
of editors of those things,
you know, feel themselves to
have a certain patriotic duty,
as they perceive them,
to not reveal anything
to the American public
that the National Security State
people don't want revealed.
So I don't want to be bound
[CHUCKLES] by what
Danny Sheehan said about his,
you know, concepts of what
The Times prints and doesn't.
NARRATOR: This New Narrative
has become the official story.
It was even stated as fact
by Andre Carson
at the beginning of the first
congressional UFO hearings,
in over 40 years.
More than 50 years ago,
the U.S. Government
ended Project Blue Book.
An effort to catalog
and understand
sightings of objects in the air
that could not otherwise
be explained.
For more than 20 years,
that project
had treated unidentified
anomalies in our airspace
as a national security threat
to be monitored
and investigated.
In 2017, we learned
for the first time that
the Department of Defense
had quietly restarted
a similar organization,
tracking what we now call
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.
We've heard all of this before.
The New Narrative
is really an eerie echo
of 70-year-old events.
We can say that
the recent sightings
are in no way connected
with any secret development
by any agency
of the United States.
Aircraft, we call them aircraft,
are displaying characteristics
that are not currently
within the U.S. inventory,
nor in any foreign inventory
that we are aware of.
Air Force interest
in this problem
has been due to our
feeling of an obligation
to identify and analyze,
to the best of our ability,
anything in the air
that may have the possibility
of threat or menace
to the United States.
We know that our service members
have encountered
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.
And because UAPs pose
potential flight safety
and general security risk,
we are committed
to a focused effort
to determine their origins.
However, there have been
a certain percentage
of this volume of reports
that have been made
by credible observers
of relatively incredible things.
It is this group of observations
that we now
are attempting to resolve.
There will be a recognized
concerted effort
to figure this out.
NARRATOR: The old story
was repeated almost verbatim
by the current players.
We're still far
from the goal line,
and there is a lot of positions
that they could
take along the way
that still will allow them
to maintain credibility
and avoid culpability.
The media and
the public want more.
They want answers.
I'm not sure that
there are going to be
easy answers to this.
They're trying to sweep anything
prior to 2004 under the carpet,
but we won't let them
because we've got
all the historical cases
and those can't go away.
They're not only
whitewashing history,
they're denying it.
They're only acknowledging
the phenomenon back to 2004.
The government has
a lot to answer for.
Absolutely right.
The history of the subject
has been replete
with misinformation
and disinformation.
It's just a complete cover up.
NARRATOR: What was going on
in the time between the closing
of Project Blue Book
and the beginning of
the officially announced
UFO programs
that we know about today?
Why is it important?
Because in those years,
is where the truth lies.
A truth that many have gone
to great lengths to conceal,
deny, and debunk.
We start by taking
a closer look
at the period between
1947 and 2005.
The existence
of official UFO research
and programs by
the U.S. Government
in this time frame
has been staunchly denied.
The facts challenge
that position.
In the late 1940s,
the world was recovering
from World War II.
The military was reorganizing.
In 1947, the Air Force
was being created
as a standalone branch
of service.
The Cold War
and its strategic questions
were looming.
But in the midst
of all of this,
the United States Army
created what they called
the Interplanetary
Phenomenon Unit
of the Scientific
and Technical branch.
Why did they need that?
Numerous FOIA request
verified the existence
of this Army program.
They state that
the unit disbanded
and was folded into
Project Blue Book in the 50s.
But the files of this group
are not part of the official
Project Blue Book Collection.
So where did they go?
During that time,
there was advanced technology
in the possession of Germany.
Scientists were brought over
after the war to continue
the work.
Stories of UFOs and
crashes were abundant,
including the famous
Roswell incident of 1947.
The late astronaut
Dr. Edgar Mitchell
was given secret information
about events of the time.
In this
never before seen video,
he shares what he was told.
Individuals at the Pentagon,
had been attempting
to get into the system
and find out about it,
thus confirming
and had confirmed.
that the Roswell incident
was real.
They saw some of the material
from the crashed spacecraft.
Some saw bodies from the beings
that were killed in that crash.
There were some
that saw a live being.
A live being had been
taken away and was
in the system somewhere.
So those were
real life incidents that
were reported to me.
NARRATOR: Many believe
in the formation of a group
called Majestic 12
assembled by President Truman,
to strategize about how
to handle the information
about these encounters
and more.
Documents purport
to detail the creation
and deployment of this group,
but their authenticity
is still a hotly debated topic.
It makes sense, however,
that under such circumstances,
just such a group
would have been formed.
They would have had
control of the subject
and accountability
to a select few.
If a decision was made
to enact secrecy,
this group would have
made it happen.
After years of UFO hysteria
and speculation between
1947 and 1952,
the government finally said
that they were taking
the subject seriously.
Enter Project Blue Book,
a public program
that was supposed to
shed light on the UFO subject.
Paul Hynek,
son of the late J. Allen Hynek,
shared this.
My father was the
chief scientific consultant
working alongside
Air Force counterparts.
And it became clear that
the role of Project Blue Book
wasn't to look for the truth,
but was to manufacture answers
and to tamp down hysteria.
Somebody called it the
Society for the Explanation
of the Uninvestigated.
My father had to question
whether he should
stay involved.
James McDonald,
one of his colleagues, said,
look, you're being played
a fool by the Air Force,
and my father
thought a lot about it.
He finally decided that
having that
front row center seat
to all these goings on
and being able to
influence things, not control,
was worth the trouble.
But it became increasingly
frustrating for him over time,
as he saw that the Air Force
was not changing their colors.
NARRATOR: J. Allen Hynek
was openly frustrated
by the fact he was
never given access
to what he knew were compelling
events shrouded in secrecy.
It haunted him
until his passing in 1986.
Official Air Force statements
regarding the conclusion
of Blue Book say,
"Since the termination
of Project Blue Book,
"nothing has occurred
that would support
"a resumption of
UFO investigations
by the Air Force."
But another four-year request
revealed a different story.
A 1969 memo from
General Carroll Bolender,
a senior director at Air Force
Research and Development,
stated, "After Blue Book
was dissolved,
"that reports of 'UFOs'
"would still continue
to be handled
"through a standard
Air Force procedure
"designed for this purpose.
"Furthermore, reports of
unidentified flying objects
"which could affect
national security were, are,
"not part of the
Blue Book system."
There was the creation
of the Air Intelligence
Service squadrons,
which were tasked
with going to any spot
in the continental
United States,
within six hours
and picking up debris,
fallen pilots, and also
containing information leak.
And so many people think
that that would have been
the entity or the agency
that gave birth to
the Men in Black.
What seems to be clear
is that there was a bifurcation.
That Project Blue Book
may have started off
as a serious
scientific endeavor,
but as of 1953,
it no longer was,
and there was most likely
the Air Intelligence
Service squadrons
that picked up the banner
of going out and
trying to find saucers
and then hand them off to people
who would try
to reverse-engineer
the propulsion systems,
et cetera.
General Arthur Exon
described to us
when he was base commander
at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base in 1964,
that there would be
an ongoing joke
that the Blue Book, you know,
a two-man team would fly off
in a little single engine plane
in one direction,
and then the actual project
would arrive from Washington
on a commercial flight,
they would change back
into their uniforms,
and a team of 12-15 officers
would fly off in a jet
to actually conduct
full-scale investigations.
Project Blue Book
was headquartered
at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base,
but some of the other,
more secret UFO programs
seem to have been
located there, too.
One of these is
the mysterious Blue Room,
an underground repository
of recovered technology
and debris.
MICHAEL: This is the location,
allegedly, where they
brought the bodies
and the craft from
the Roswell crash
and where all of the other
crash retrievals and bodies,
kind of like they have
a consortium of where
they keep all this.
So you've got the bodies,
you've got the craft,
you've got the debris,
autopsy reports,
the eight-by-ten glossy
black and white photographs,
and the gun camera footage
is all supposed to be kept
at the Blue Room,
some type of
an underground vault
or Building 18 at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
Senator Barry Goldwater
sought confirmation of this.
At Wright-Patterson field,
if you could get
into certain places,
you find out what the Air Force
and the government knows
about UFOs.
Reportedly, a spaceship landed
and it was all hushed up,
quiet, and nobody ever...
I've never heard
about much of it.
I called Curtis LeMay,
and I said, "General,
"I know we have a room
at Wright-Patterson,
"where you put
all the secret stuff.
"Could I go in there?"
I've never heard him get mad,
but he got madder
than hell at me.
Cussed me out,
said, "Don't ever
ask me that question."
NARRATOR: Supposedly,
the contents of the
Blue Room were filmed.
Exhaustive FOIA requests
finally revealed that this film
did indeed exist,
but was destroyed.
Nick Pope, a longtime
ex-British government pundit
on the topic,
denied official investigation
of the subject for years.
Until he didn't.
The more interesting
UFO sightings are
being looked at,
but not under the auspices
of a formally constituted
UFO research program.
We now know about
a government UFO program,
but we might not know about
the government UFO program.
NARRATOR: Pope has
told a story about
a picture that hung
on the wall of his office
for years
until being removed.
The Calvine incident
from the United Kingdom,
is one of the
most intriguing sightings
in the British government's
UFO files.
And for some years,
when I was working in
Ministry of Defense
main building on this issue,
we had a blown-up,
poster-sized enlargement
of one of the photos
that was taken.
The story is that two hikers
were out and they saw
a large diamond-shaped UFO.
At one point,
there was a military jet
in the background.
And then the UFO
accelerated away.
We had looked at them
at the Ministry of Defense.
They'd been analyzed by
various intelligence
community imagery analysts.
It was literally a UFO.
The Ministry of Defense
embarked on a campaign
to declassify
and release its UFO files.
Documents about the
Calvine incident emerged,
but the full-size color photos,
the negatives,
the enlarged image
that was on my wall,
gone. Disappeared.
There was an effort to see
if the original photos
might be in the hard copy file
held at the National Archives.
And, apparently,
the hard copy file
will be released in
about the year 2072.
NARRATOR: In an interesting
turn of events,
just as we were
finishing this project,
the picture appeared.
This is the mysterious
Calvine UFO photograph.
The facts around
this photograph
strongly suggest
an unknown group
that was able to intercept
the release of this image
and attempt to stop it.
But who are they?
Information in government,
in particularly
intelligence information,
it's highly classified,
deeply compartmentalized,
everyone works in silos.
The left hand often doesn't know
what the right hand's doing.
NARRATOR: We saw an example
of compartmentalization
and the evasion of scrutiny
and straight answers
during the recent
Senate hearings on UFOs.
So you're not aware
of anything in between
Project Blue Book and AATIP?
Hasn't been brought
to my attention.
That data is not within
the holdings of
the UAP task force.
There are many things
that are out there in the ether
that aren't officially
brought to our attention.
How would it have to be
officially brought?
[CHUCKLES] I'm bringing it
to your attention.
Probably a lot of leads
that we would have
to follow up on.
I don't think we have resource
to do that right now.
All I can speak to is, you know,
what's within my cognizance,
the UAP task force,
and we have not looked
at that incident.
And then, finally,
are you aware of a document
that appeared around 2019,
sometimes called the
Admiral Wilson Memo
or E.W. Notes Memo?
-I am... I am not...
-I'm not personally
aware of that.
These answers are made possible
by compartmentalization
that aids in deniability.
You can ask the questions,
but who are you going
to ask them of?
And you've got to
make sure you're asking
the right people the questions,
because that's
another problem.
You can ask questions
all day long.
NARRATOR: While we're at it,
what is the Wilson-Davis Memo
that Senator Gallagher
asked about?
It's the leak of 15 pages
of notes by Dr. Eric Davis,
of a meeting he had in 2002
with a retired member
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Admiral Thomas R. Wilson.
And the contents of these notes
are absolutely explosive.
NARRATOR: The Wilson-Davis Memo
was found in the files
of the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
It was the existence of
a reverse-engineering program
to reverse-engineer
extraterrestrial technology.
After he learned
about the existence
of a deep classified program
to study ET technology.
And the fact that he had
genuine legal regulatory
oversight over this,
how he was denied
access to this program.
We'd retrieved
a functioning craft
that was ET in nature.
I mean,
this is all stated in there.
And that there
had been this long
reverse-engineering program.
But it had gone
into a corporate company,
and the heads of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff
have no business
looking into it.
The memorable quote
on that note is,
"Technology not of this Earth,
"not made by man,
not by human hands."
They said, "No,
you're not read in."
NARRATOR: Admiral Wilson denies
the authenticity of the story.
Dr. Eric Davis plays
a significant role
in the programs
we are describing here,
the history and the research.
He said this,
"I am not at liberty
to confirm or verify
any aspect of those notes."
These notes, in my view,
there's no question
about their authenticity.
NARRATOR: In a recent
presentation to Congress,
MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network,
presented a slide pointing out
nearly 20 government agencies
that have some program
or study of UAP.
There were many.
In 1991,
New York Times writer
Howard Blum
released the book Out There.
In it,
he detailed an actual group
formed by the Pentagon
to investigate new evidence
related to an
extraterrestrial presence.
This group,
referred to in the book
as the UFO Working Group,
was led by
a shadowy army colonel
referred to
as Colonel Phillips.
It is believed that the
mysterious Colonel Phillips
represents a real colonel
who is even more of a mystery.
Colonel John Alexander
is a central figure
in much of this history.
In 1985, he became the director
of advanced concepts
at the U.S. Army Lab.
In 2009,
John Alexander spoke
at the UFOX Conference
and was interviewed
behind the scenes.
What I think needs
to happen at this time
is not disclosure per se,
because I don't think
there is much to disclose.
What I think needs to happen
is we need to make it okay,
for serious scientists
who want to explore
these fields to do this.
NARRATOR: Unknown at the time
of this original interview,
he had been running a program
exactly like the kind
described in Blum's book.
A bunch of military, aerospace
and government insiders
started with the
Advanced Theoretical Physics
Working Group.
Now, there's even some
evidence that it existed
prior to that.
I ran a program
inside the government,
I had all of the
services involved,
I had many aspects of
the Intelligence community,
I had aerospace engineers.
It was at the
top secret SCI level,
so everybody had
the high clearances.
They had this meeting
at BDM Corporation
in a secure vault room and said,
"We're forming up this group."
And that was in 1985.
The real name of the group
was the Advanced Theoretical
Physics Working Group.
The study topics included
Advanced Detector Deployment,
Established Communication,
New Materials,
Develop a
"Gravity Interaction System",
"Biological Controls
of Processes".
We start by saying it's real.
So let's be clear.
UFOs are real,
sensor systems picked them up.
UFOs have been around, you know,
since, again,
the beginning of time,
or recorded history
as we know it.
It is a global phenomenon.
One of the things that will
come up in this, undoubtedly,
is the BAASS study
or the one that
Lue Elizondo said
came out in The New York Times.
We spent a lot of time
in the analysis piece of this,
getting experts
within the community,
both the Department of Defense
and the Intelligence community.
It basically followed
the same thing
that I had done
30 years earlier
and found, I think,
basically the same thing.
What we're talking about
is something
that is probably not ours
or adversarial.
Something that we really just
don't know where it's from.
And may have been frankly here
for quite a while.
The things that they knew about
the capabilities of UFOs
were being observed
felt the same.
Really fast,
high speed turns, anti-gravity.
You know, things that
just can't happen.
And first of all,
every sensorial system we have
does pick up UFOs
from time to time.
We have hard craft
more than a mile across,
multi sensor.
I mean, absolutely real.
And thousands and thousands
of variations in between.
UAP observed
and interacting with
and flying over
sensitive military facilities,
and not just ranges,
but some facilities housing
our strategic nuclear forces.
One such incident
allegedly occurred
at Malmstrom Air Force Base,
in which ten of
our nuclear ICBMs
were rendered inoperable.
People do look at
some of these things.
Particularly, the incidents
with F aded Giant
that Bob Salas talks about
where you had missiles go down.
Absolutely real.
I have heard stories,
I have not seen
the official data.
No official assessment
that you've done or exist within
DOD that you're aware of
regarding the
Malmstrom incident?
We have not looked
at that incident.
You're the guys
investigating it.
I mean, who else is doing it?
Studied the hell out of it
and end up with,
"Have no idea."
NARRATOR: This stunning
set of revelations
places John Alexander
in the thick of the subject
during the elusive
missing years
in question.
A request for information
on the military background
of Colonel John Alexander
returned an absolute refusal
by the Department
of Army personnel,
to even acknowledge
Colonel Alexander's
military record.
After retiring from the Army,
John Alexander worked
at Los Alamos National Labs.
In 1995,
Alexander took a position
at a new research group
called NIDS.
The National Institute
for Discovery Sciences.
NIDS was founded by a Nevada
billionaire, Robert Bigelow.
These individuals became friends
with Robert Bigelow,
and they became
involved with him.
Shortly after that,
another organization
was formed called NIDS,
National Institute
of Discovery Science.
And Bigelow funded that,
and it involved all these
same people and others.
Shortly after forming NIDS,
Robert Bigelow bought the
famous paranormal site known
as Skinwalker Ranch.
John Alexander was there.
I was with Bob,
Robert Bigelow who owned it.
I was with Bob the day
he bought the ranch.
Was the first one to,
you know, spend the night.
We spent years looking at that.
NARRATOR: He would go on
to personally witness events
that led him to
startling conclusions
about the complexity
of unexplained phenomenon.
There was no single phenomenon
that was happening at the ranch.
The stories are so bizarre,
what you end up, though,
with is something that
is terribly complex,
maybe more complex
than we can imagine.
NARRATOR: It wasn't long
before strange reports
of unusual activity
at the ranch
attracted the attention of the
Defense Intelligence Agency.
You look at the guys involved,
and some of them were,
I mean, we're talking
PhD-level scientists.
NARRATOR: Robert Bigelow
went on to form Bigelow
Advanced Aerospace Studies,
BAASS, as the
evolved version of NIDs.
He was quickly rewarded
with a Defense Intelligence
Agency contract
to study subjects closely tied
to the UAP phenomenon.
According to
the original contract,
some of these topics included,
Lift, Propulsion, Control,
Power Generation,
Spatial/Temporal Translation,
Structural Configuration,
Signature Reduction,
Human Interface,
Human Effects, and Armament.
At one point,
BAASS brought on MUFON,
the Mutual UFO Network,
to help in the study
of UFO events around the world.
Richard Lang ran
the program inside MUFON.
When we put this
program together,
basically what they were doing
is they were paying MUFON
for data every month.
At the time
that we put this all together,
we didn't know that the DIA
was funding this.
I knew based on some
of the conversations I had
that there was
somebody funding that,
that wasn't Bigelow,
but I didn't know who it was.
I assumed it was
some government agency.
was called AAWSAP.
It was the precursor program
to what we now know as AATIP.
Lue Elizondo says
he took over the remains
of the program in 2009.
So the initial focus of AATIP,
which was really AAWSAP,
was very broad.
So imagine trying to shoot a fly
with a shotgun, right?
Chances are
you probably hit the fly,
but chances are
you're going to hit a lot more.
So we quickly realized
that we were getting
a lot of information
as a result of this
broad focus very quickly,
and we frankly, just didn't have
the staff to deal with it all.
So a decision was made early on
to focus a program,
the program was
renamed to AATIP,
and really use, let's say,
instead of a shotgun,
maybe we're going to use
a sniper rifle this time, right?
So much more focused
on what it is we were
trying to collect,
and try to digest this elephant,
one bite at a time.
And so the focus
of AATIP was indeed...
Was indeed the phenomenon.
Again, the challenge is,
where do you start?
We have got,
and we may well get,
interesting information,
but we may never get all of it.
What I'm afraid happens,
too, is that somebody
that has this knowledge,
passes away or goes on,
and then the new person
coming in doesn't quite
grasp what's going on.
One difficulty with
getting information
from the military is,
those who say don't know.
Those who know don't say.
In other words,
when someone says
that they know everything
about what's happening
with the military,
then don't believe it.
Because maybe there are things
that they don't know.
So I think the mantra here
is "Beware".
That is, be cautious.
Don't believe everything
you hear from the military.
These private corporations
that are running
the special access programs,
they are the Mafia.
They don't want anything
examining what they do.
They've got the future
in their possession.
They've got the most
exotic technology and
science imaginable,
and they have it.
Why would they possibly
want to share it?
Anybody that
does know the truth,
I don't know their name.
You don't know their name.
They are not in
the public right now.
They are not speaking
to anybody.
They're not on camera.
You don't know them.
And that's where
the dark programs,
I think, come in.
The Skunk Works
and things like that.
It's where the government
and big business somehow
are interlocked,
that we don't know
and there's somebody knows.
Somebody is getting that money
and it's going somewhere.
When it came to
investigating UFO mystery,
a lot of people used to say
that all roads lead to
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
But in the last few years,
and especially some of
the more controversial subjects,
a lot of the roads
lead right here.
Recently declassified documents
now shed light on
the other aspects of BAASS
and information that
may have originated
from some of
these older programs.
Since the early 1900s,
there have been reports
of crashed UFOs.
For over a century,
hundreds of witnesses
have shared their accounts.
There were 119 alleged
crash retrieval cases.
All we need is one to be true,
and it's disclosure right there.
All we need is one.
So, some of the cases
that come to mind
are certainly 1941,
Cape Girardeau, Missouri,
where there were
three bodies recovered.
The craft was
recovered as well.
It's alleged that the bodies
in the craft were stored,
not at the Pentagon,
because the Pentagon
didn't exist in '41,
but in the basement
of the Capitol Building
in Washington, D.C.
So that's 1941, Cape Girardeau.
Now, move fast forward
six years,
you've got July 2nd, 1947.
You've got the
Roswell Crash retrieval.
There was a small
egg-shaped craft
the size of a Volkswagen
with a dome on top.
There were
five bodies recovered,
one was still alive,
so that's Roswell.
Move forward in 1953,
you've got the Kingman.
This is not the crash retrieval,
but it is a forced landing.
There were
four beings associated
with that particular
retrieval operation.
They were all live,
they did establish contact.
That craft was
allegedly brought to the
remote test site in Nevada.
Now, prior to that,
we've got the
'48 Aztec crash retrieval.
This was a 99.9 foot diameter,
disk-shaped craft,
that had kind of a silver
outer exterior color.
There were two bodies recovered
on the upper dome of the craft
in the central part
of the rim of the craft.
On the interior,
there were another 14 bodies
for a grand total of 16 bodies.
That craft was allegedly
brought back to Los Alamos,
and then the retrieval
operation or the reverse
engineering operation
began at that point.
These are some
of the retrieval operations
in cases that come to mind
that, if we could get
one of these,
the evidence for one of these,
it would push this field
of ufology forward.
There's a red line
in this whole process that
you're not allowed to cross.
And the red line is, well,
the conspiracy line.
The red line is basically
crash retrievals,
because if you acknowledge
that there had been retrievals
of this technology,
and bodies,
there is no way to avoid
the obvious conclusion
that this is a conspiracy.
Areas of materials recovery
to the extent that
they have been
recovered in crashes,
are heavily classified,
so we don't have access
to that material.
about programs
that have existed to study
and attempt to
reverse engineer
this technology.
The evidence has been
circumstantial at best.
Until now.
Included in
the 2017 media flurry,
was an additional story
by The New York Times.
And they took the conversation
right to the edge,
of crash retrievals.
Right to the precipice.
If they took one more step,
they're going off that cliff
and we're talking about
genuine UFO cash retrievals.
What we do know, and what we put
in The New York Times,
and I'm pretty proud of this
because it was as far as
we could go,
that was fully documented,
was that a congressional
committee's staff
were briefed on with slides
referring to material recovery.
Apparent material recovery
from crashed UFOs...
off-Earth, off-planet vehicles.
DOLAN: They quoted
Eric Davis, they quoted
Harry Reid,
both very positively
about UFO crash...
Can you imagine what that's like
for The New York Times
to talk about
UFO crash retrievals?
NARRATOR: Senator Harry Reid
was quoted as saying
that materials recovered
from off-world craft
were studied as part
of the AAWSAP Program.
After the story broke,
Senator Reid
strongly objected
to some of the wording
of the story
and demanded a retraction.
The verbiage was
changed slightly,
but The Times still sticks by
its original reporting.
Stories in The New York Times
were fully documented,
with named sources.
We didn't put in information
that hid the origin.
It was very transparent.
We said where
we got the information,
we had briefing slides.
One was put into a story
that we wrote in The Times.
We actually had
the slide, you know,
copied and and pictured
in The New York Times.
NARRATOR: Dr Eric Davis
again made an appearance.
This time, it was reported
that he delivered
a presentation
behind the closed doors
of Congress,
acknowledging that some
materials were recovered
from off-world craft.
Dr. Davis is quoted
elsewhere as saying,
"We have crash retrievals
and they've been analyzed.
"The program was terminated
for lack of progress
in reverse engineering."
Because there is no way
at that point
that you can pretend
there's something out there,
but we don't know what they are.
Which has been a little
pretend game that everyone's
been playing all this time.
Elizondo plays that game
'cause he has to.
'Cause he knows how far
he's allowed to go.
I'm not a whistleblower,
and as far as a leaker,
I'll be damned if someone's
going to call me a leaker,
because a leaker's
somebody who takes
classified information
and provides it
in an unauthorized manner
for the purpose of disclosure.
I've never done that,
and I never will do that.
Do you think
the U.S. Government has
debris from a UFO
in its possession?
Unfortunately, Tucker,
I really have to be careful
of my NDA.
I really can't go into
a lot more detail than that.
-But simply put, yes.
NARRATOR: Chris Melon,
former undersecretary
of Defense for Intelligence,
said in a Washington Post
Op Ed,
that the government
had not been studying
the UFO topic,
and because of his position,
he would know if it was.
But when we pressed him on it,
he made a stunning statement.
There's a bona fide
issue there, and I
understand that...
I was part of a process
that was supposedly reviewing
all of the Defense Department
special access programs,
and I'd also...
People don't generally
understand this taxonomy,
but there is
a world of programs within
the Defense Department
that is entirely separate
and distinct from
the Intelligence community,
and is not shared with
the Intelligence community.
And to some extent, vice versa.
In addition,
there's a group of programs at
the Department of Energy,
and again,
those are not generally shared.
So, there's sort of
three galaxies which intersect
to some degree
of very tightly held programs.
I was very deep on
two of the tree,
had some access to the third.
But as I've often said
to people, "You don't know,
what you don't know."
And you know, there is
a possibility that there is
some very small...
tightly held close hold group,
for example, that has
some crash debris or something,
and was working that...
The rest of the department,
and even we didn't know about
at the Special Access
Program Oversight Committee.
So now there are reports
of perhaps debris.
Debris left over from UFOs.
NARRATOR: Even with
thinly veiled admissions
from those in the know,
and evidence pointing
to corporations having
received materials to study,
details about any of these
physical materials
have been unverifiable.
Recently, that changed.
UFO investigator Anthony Regalia
finally received a reply
to a Freedom of Information Act
request that he filed
back in 2017,
pertaining to "Physical debris
recovered by personnel
of the Department of Defense
"as residue, flotsam,
shot-off material
"or crashed UAP,
or unidentified flying objects."
NARRATOR: After two years
of going back and forth,
and Ragalia's threat
of lawsuits,
the DIA admitted that
it had documents
responsive to the request
on recovered debris,
and its analysis and a program
under which
it was administered.
Included in the FOIA release,
are reports about a
variety of advanced materials.
The reports speculated
about how they may be created,
and what they may be
capable of.
One is a well-known alloy,
called Nitinol.
It's a shapeable,
memory retaining
titanium alloy.
Nitinol enjoys wide use today
in a variety of applications.
But its capabilities bare
similarity to the many accounts
about the so called
Roswell memory metal.
Hey, is it from a crash?
How do you know about that?
We heard about it on the radio.
Everybody's talking about it.
How'd it do that?
NARRATOR: The origins
of Nitinol help make a case
for stories
of extraterrestrial technology
being recovered and delivered
to science and industry.
It was supposedly invented
in a naval weapons research lab
in 1959.
But its origins have been
traced back even further,
to a corporation
Battelle Memorial Institute.
Since the late 1940s,
Battelle maintained a contract
to analyze metal samples
provided by Wright Patterson
Air Force Base.
Another is a class of materials
called metallic glass.
Transparent aluminum?
That's the ticket, laddie.
NARRATOR: The material
described in the Star Trek
film Voyage Home
in 1986 actually exists.
We find upon further research,
that the original patents
for this type of metallic glass
was initially applied for
in 1981
by the Raytheon Corporation.
These guys in the Lockheed
and TRW,
and McDonnell Douglas
or Boeing,
General Electric, Raytheon...
Look, there's no way
they're going to voluntarily
let this happen.
NARRATOR: There's more.
We now enter the stunning world
of meta materials.
In this recording,
from an interview Lue Elizondo
gave to the MUFON journal.
He discusses the finer points
of the materials claims.
it was never about
unidentified metal alloys.
Any second year
metal artist will tell you
elements are elements,
and we can figure it out.
What was actually discussed
was certain meta materials
in which they're isotopic
ratios at the molecular level
are so unique,
and so precise,
based on the complexity
that the origins of those
materials remain unknown.
If we do encounter
extraterrestrial materials,
they would have isotopic ratios
that are not found on the earth
because of their exposure
to cosmic rays,
different kinds of manufacturer
they would differ from us.
And so that's one way to analyze
the fact that these are,
in fact extraterrestrial,
because they have different
isotopic ratios.
NARRATOR: There are more
space age materials
described in the reports
that the Defense Intelligence
Agency acknowledges.
One type may be
used to slow down light.
And even bring light
to a complete standstill.
Another may induce invisibility
by manipulating refraction,
and increasing
light absorption.
Meta materials allow you to,
in principle,
make objects invisible.
In principle,
allow you to stop light.
In principle, allow you
to magnify things
beyond what we can do
with present day technology.
We can do that
in the microwave range.
We have not yet done it
in the optical frequencies.
NARRATOR: Another has
the interesting ability
to compress
electromagnetic energy.
Things that we would
consider impossible
would become child's play
if you have a technology
that is centuries
more advanced than us.
NARRATOR: Still another
exhibits a particular
tunable resonance,
which was likely determined
during fabrication.
You see, if these objects
come from a civilization
more advanced than ours,
they have mastered the art
of manipulating
individual atoms.
NARRATOR: The reports
on these materials
have something in common.
They all talk about
what the materials might do,
and their possible uses.
This seems to be
an indirect confirmation
that we didn't create them,
and we're not sure
what they do.
And they have to be analyzed
on several levels.
First, they have to be analyzed
So we know what they're made of.
So let's say that there is...
There are materials
that some other civilization
has created
and that they have
atomic grade printing
that we don't have today,
the only way to understand it
is to de-assemble it
atom by atom.
NARRATOR: Dr. Gary Nolan
is a scientist
at Stanford University.
He publicly stated that
a new technique
for mass spectrometry,
that he developed
attracted the attention
of those in possession
of UFO materials.
GARY NOLAN: Well, there is
one technology
that's in my lab called
Secondary Ion Mass Spec,
and we developed
a company around it
and the technology for using it
to read biopsy material
from patients, right?
And we had a way of
labeling the biopsies
with metal tags delivered via
antibodies, and that would
light up the tissue
in a way that would tell you
something about the distribution
of those proteins
in cancer cells
and immune system cells.
That's a very
successful technology
that's worked very well.
It turns out that it was
tuned to look at metals...
right, because we were
using the metal tags
and so when in discussions
with Jacques and others,
that they said they had
these pieces of metal.
Well, I have an instrument
that's perfectly tuned
to look at metals,
so let's do it.
But what that stuff consisted of
and why they think
it's off-planet,
and, you know,
what the testing showed about
the possibility
that nothing like that
could appear on Earth.
That's all stuff we were not
able to get access to.
We don't know.
NARRATOR: Upon release
of the FOIA request,
there was evidence of
internal commotion inside
the DIA and the Pentagon.
You know, the powers that be...
I mean, there are such people.
I think they realized
"All right. You just went,
you went actually,
as far as you can go,
"and in fact,
you went a little too far.
"We're going to dial it back."
NARRATOR: Susan Gough,
a Pentagon spokesperson,
said that although
she was aware
of the social media chatter,
the information provided
by the DIA
actually relates in some way
to an advanced weapons program
and not UFO items.
But if you start with
different assumptions
about how something
might operate,
you can come up with
things that another
equally advanced civilization,
America, let's say,
or Western civilization,
doesn't understand how it works.
But that doesn't mean
it came from E.T.
But I suspect that
Freedom of Information Act
is talking about something
a little different.
the main players
in the material story
were making new statements
that changed
previously reported facts.
Right. This is a counter...
This is
The Empire Strikes Back.
This is what we're seeing.
You're seeing
the major establishment,
which was on the back foot
for over three years
because of the offensive of
the UFO faction.
They were on retreat.
They've gathered
their resources.
They're like, you know,
"We don't really want...
"We can't go any farther
than we've gone."
Harry Reid walked it back
as far as with
The New York Times
about Lockheed
having artifacts and so,
they get these phone calls.
I mean, why else...
You know, catch yourself
after the fact and go,
"I should have never said that."
And there's a pattern here.
It always pertains to
physical evidence.
And in our
New York Times story,
we said that a hangar was built
to contain materials, okay.
We didn't say that materials
were obtained
and put in the hangar.
You did an interview with
Jesse Michaels.
-In that interview, you laid out
some of the materials.
Very excitingly,
we have parts...
Okay, the parts were
a little anti-climactic
and small,
but he claims to have
much bigger parts
that we can't see
due to national security
But then when you did
the interview with Lex,
you said that she had materials
just from, like, Jacques Vilet
which obviously
wouldn't be classified,
and from TTSA,
which wouldn't be classified.
There's two classes of materials
that I've been given by people,
and they're not given by, like,
the government or anything.
So have you studied
classified materials,
but you just don't have them?
I just shouldn't
say anything more.
You shouldn't say
anything about that.
Okay, all right.
You can put that on there.
I just can't say anything more.
Right. No, that's fine.
It might have been
an accidental truth moment.
NARRATOR: FOIA responses
are based on reacting
to very specific wording.
The FOIA response from the DIA
specifically refers
to recovered materials from
UFOs being studied
at Bigelow Aerospace.
This is official confirmation
that these studies
indeed occurred.
Bigelow Aerospace is massive.
It's surrounded on most sides
by these gigantic vacant lots.
It's surrounded by
multiple layers of fencing,
including barbed wire,
video surveillance,
24-hour security guards
This place is a fortress.
NARRATOR: Multiple reports also
seemed to confirm the presence
of materials at the facility.
But after the release
of the documents,
the story changed.
REPORTER: For years,
one of the secret studies
was carried out by BAASS,
a Las Vegas operation
hidden within
Bigelow Aerospace.
Documents first reported
by the I-Team show that BAASS
landed a contract with the DIA,
and one of the objectives
was to study
so called meta materials.
Multiple sources
have confirmed to us
there was a weird piece
of something at
the Bigelow plant.
New York Times reported
that you modified
your facility here
in order to house some material
from somewhere else.
Did you ever have it?
-Never had any.
-Did you ever see it?
But... I... you know,
do you see...
Do you see...
It's the old Raiders of
the Lost Ark warehouse scene.
"We've got our top people
working on it."
"Who are your top people?"
"Oh, they're top."
NARRATOR: In March 2022,
the Defense Intelligence Agency
responded to
another FOIA request
that demanded information
about the work of AATIP
and its previous versions.
The result was 1500 pages
that included
38 independent papers
about potential
advanced technology.
The authors of
some of these reports,
are many of the same people
that have been involved
in secret UFO programs
all the way back
to the late 1960s.
These reports came in the form
of defense intelligence
reference documents.
Some of the technologies
that were explored
include advanced
nuclear propulsion,
for manned deep space missions.
Aneutronic Fusion Propulsion,
Pulsed High-Power
Microwave Technology,
Antigravity for
Aerospace Applications.
I think when talking about
extraterrestrial civilizations,
we have to be open
to the fact that
their technology
is thousands of years
more advanced
than our technology.
But then the question is,
is it possible that we,
that we humans can also partake
of some of these
advanced technologies?
NARRATOR: Space-Communication
Implications of
Quantum Entanglement
and Nonlocality,
High-Frequency Gravitational
Wave Communications.
I take two objects,
two particles that are
quantumly entangled,
and if I do something
to this one, this one responds.
And if you separate those two
by a foot...
when I do something here,
something happens here.
But something
even more magical happens
that when I take these objects,
and I put them one here
and one at the farthest end
of the visible universe,
that direction,
13.5 billion light years,
and I take the other particle,
I put it in that direction,
13.5 billion light years away,
when I do this,
this one responds
Traversable Wormholes,
Stargates and Negative Energy.
Special relativity says
you cannot break
the light barrier.
But special relativity
has a loophole.
The loophole is
general relativity,
the theory of gravity,
whereby you can bend time
and space into a pretzel
if you have enough matter
and energy.
An energy which we won't have,
perhaps for another 100,000
to one million years.
So it's not for us.
Perhaps for an
extraterrestrial civilization,
but it's not for us.
NARRATOR: Warp Drive,
Dark Energy
and the manipulation
of extra dimensions.
We have to be open
to the possibility that there
are other dimensions,
and shortcuts.
Perhaps shortcuts between
different universes.
Now, of course, moving through
these higher dimensions,
would require a technology
much more advanced
than anything we have.
NARRATOR: Concepts for
extracting energy from
the quantum vacuum.
You would have to be
a very advanced civilization
to get net usable energy
from nothing.
In other words, it's not for us.
That doesn't mean
an advanced civilization
can't do it.
NARRATOR: Quantum computing,
and utilizing
organic molecules
in automation technology.
Technological approaches
to controlling
external devices,
in the absence of limb
operated interfaces.
Our most advanced understanding
of the brain comes from BCI,
Brain Computer Interface.
We can take a chip, put it on
the surface of the brain,
have that chip connected
to a laptop computer
that then analyzes the impulses
of the brain and deciphers it,
and then uses it
to control something.
And so you can imagine
what we can do today
and then extrapolate
to the future.
NARRATOR: Aerospace
applications of
programmable matter.
If you could design something,
atom by atom,
and position things
atom by atom,
then there's a lot more
we could do with
material science
than we can do today.
NARRATOR: Ultra capacitors
as energy and power
storage devices.
Role of superconductors
in gravity research.
Most of what we create today,
in even the superconductor areas
is basically recipes.
They are not designs.
NARRATOR: Many of these
technologies are beyond
the realm of current science.
These technologies
are discussed
as if someone knows that
they are entirely possible,
even in some stage
of successful development.
I will tell you unequivocally
if a man like Robert Bigelow
were to ask you,
to come on board
and to do something,
man, I would do it
in the blink of an eye.
It would be almost reflexive.
When do we start? Let's go.
He's a good man,
and he's also a patriot.
Machinery really does exist.
Does exist.
That the problem has been
the inability to back engineer
and I kind of think
that some...
Some things require
a weightless environment.
generally accepted
that the New Narrative
broke in late 2017.
It was actually
Robert Bigelow, who made
spellbinding revelations
before anybody knew
that he was involved
in government contracts
to study UFOs.
Do you believe in aliens?
I am absolutely convinced.
That's all there is to it.
Do you also believe
that UFOs have come to Earth?
There has been,
and is an existing presence
an E.T. presence.
You have the interview
that Robert Bigelow did
on 60 Minutes.
Really, an amazing interview.
This is one of the most
knowledgeable people
on this planet,
in my view,
on the subject of UFOs,
He's also a billionaire,
and he's also got a lot of
influence in this world.
And here he is saying,
aliens are real
and indeed they are actually
walking among us.
His unshakable statement
regarding the reality
of an extraterrestrial
drew some media reaction.
Its significance did not
become clear
until the story of
Bigelow Aerospace
and its role in AATIP
began to unfold.
The New York Times came out
with a couple of articles
essentially downplaying any E.T.
component of these sightings,
but also playing down the fact
that they may be
Russian or Chinese
and also playing down the fact
that these are advanced
U.S. classified prototypes.
If they're going to play
all of those things down,
then I would ask,
what gets played up?
Because there is nothing left.
NARRATOR: Confronted with
the challenge of weaving
Robert Bigelow's
informed beliefs
into the story Chris Mellon
had revealed,
-Mellon said this,
-There aren't many people
associated with
the establishment
who are so bold
and willing to make
statements like that.
Many of the Navy pilots
themselves who've engaged
these crafts
go there because they can't
conceive of any
other explanation, frankly.
NARRATOR: When Lue Elizondo
was asked about
Bigelow statements,
his response corroborated
Bigelow's position.
He has his own space stations
in space.
People say
"What do you mean?"
Yeah, he has his own,
right now, in space.
I mean, I don't know who else
has done that, and by the way,
he's done it for a long time,
so give the guy some credit.
He knows
what he's talking about.
They have stated flatly
"They're not one of ours."
Then the question is,
whose are they?
the people involved in
the current narrative
are deliberately
stopping short
of identifying the phenomenon
as originating
from extraterrestrials.
We have all these tales
going back centuries, millennia,
about visitations
and strange beings.
Maybe it's a record of visits
from alien civilizations.
You can't rule out the fact
that, yeah, maybe we have
been visited in the past.
You can't rule it out.
So you say one by one,
they're not natural phenomena.
They're not weather balloons.
They're not U.S. technology.
They're not Russian.
They're not Chinese.
They're not optical illusions.
They're not mental illness
on the part of the people
who report them.
Because these are our most
highly trained experts
who are reporting these things,
and they've been caught on,
as I said, Navy instrumentation.
So what are you left with?
Well, no one is going there.
Our view is, let's follow
the trail wherever it leads.
Let's get the data,
the best evidence possible.
There's probably more
than one phenomenon
at work here.
NARRATOR: They refused
to say the "A" word.
Alien. Why?
You know, assuming that
these things are
all of alien origin...
for a variety reasons,
in part because
people shut down
and it impedes our progress
and some of the allies
and people that we need
to bring to bear,
who are sort of
now getting on board,
wouldn't do so if we started
with the premise that
these are aliens.
I think the word alien
is a little...
People are afraid of
the word alien.
You know, E.T,
extraterrestrial, non-humans.
I've always concerned about
getting ahead of
our headlights, frankly,
and leaping to conclusions.
For me, it's more of
the thrill of the hunt.
It's trying to figure out
the unknowns
because once they are known,
they are no longer a mystery.
What it is,
no one's admitted yet.
And you've got
plenty of video evidence
of Lue and Chris
not admitting it
because they can't say it.
But they've said it
in as many ways
as you can.
Just anybody bright enough
to listen,
will, as you say,
understand the accidental truth.
NARRATOR: During the interview
in 2018, Lue Elizondo
gave us an accidental truth.
you've spoken about
some of the technologies
that are being studied
as a spin off the research
you did at AATIP.
Things like bending space-time,
and Einstein type possibilities
that may unfold.
Is there an interdimensional
element to any of this
that you guys maybe explored?
Other dimensions
may absolutely exist.
You look at String Theory,
look at M Theory,
dimensions are all around us.
So I think you have to
cast a wide net
when you're looking at this.
And that's why I've said before,
whether they're
from outer space,
inner space
or the space in between,
we just don't know,
and we need to collect
more data.
Is it possible?
Absolutely, it's possible.
Is it possible that
they're from the Pleiades? Sure.
Is it possible that
they're from...
They've been here all along
and they're from here,
they're just resonating
at a different vibration?
JAMES: It seems like
the only question
that is answered
in the ones you just posed,
is that whether or not,
there is an actual "They."
That's a great question.
I don't know
if I can answer that.
NARRATOR: A few seem willing
to officially pronounce
the phenomenon
as originating
from extraterrestrials.
There is a willingness
to concede
that there might be
extraterrestrial involvement.
You know, what's here
is probably just an A.I.
I mean, why spend all your time
on one little planet
out in a dust speck
at the edge of the galaxy?
You send your robots.
The question is,
what's our definition of life?
I think life may exist,
may exist,
and I'll caveat that,
in all sorts of forms.
I don't think it's necessarily
going to be
something that we might
recognize or even initially
even classify as life.
Because we don't have
a full understanding of it.
NARRATOR: There is
a growing consensus
that the
extraterrestrial hypothesis
doesn't answer all
of the questions.
There are multiple phenomena
at work, that cannot be
explained completely
without looking at
other possibilities.
Maybe there's a whole range
of different phenomena
at play here.
In fact, I think, given
the differences in what's been
reported by people,
that's quite likely that
there are many different
parallel strands to this.
But whatever is involved,
and as I say, I don't know,
I think it does raise important
defense, national security
and air safety issues.
The E.T. hypothesis,
for instance,
is a logical starting point.
If not from here, from where?
Until you start
talking about, well,
what do you mean, where?
We think that an object
is solid and can only be
one place at the same time.
But in quantum mechanics,
electrons can be two places
at the same time.
In fact, they can be
many places,
and this is called
the multiverse idea.
The idea that we exist
with other universes
Well, wait a minute.
We're talking about
multi-dimensional realities.
But doesn't really matter
how far you go
in a three-dimensional space
and distance,
that there are shortcuts,
and those shortcuts exist
as part of the natural universe.
So that is a real world example
where we know
other dimensions
may absolutely exist.
Whether it's extraterrestrial
or interdimensional,
to me, is irrelevant
because whatever it is,
clearly has
the ability to manipulate
These things can
jump in and out,
appear, disappear.
And so, for all intents
and purposes, it's both.
NARRATOR: In August of 2022,
Dr. Hal Puthoff released
a paper in which he explored
other options
for what may be at work.
He presented
concepts such as
ultra-terrestrial beings.
The concept that
there could be another
intelligent race living with us
inside the Earth
or under water.
A civilization
with advanced technology,
that has been here,
long before us.
Time travelers.
While mainstream science
debates the feasibility
of time travel,
it still remains a possibility.
Some people say that the aliens
don't come from Mars,
they don't come
from a distant star.
They come from a different time.
Well, I'm open
to all sorts of ideas,
as long as they are testable.
Our notion of time and space
is flawed, seriously.
And you're entering
issues where
there is no time
and there is no space.
You've got man-made craft.
You've got possible
You've got interdimensional.
You've got...
Hmm. A pre-existing
high tech civilization
that could have been
on this planet
for thousands of years.
And when you wrap
this all together,
you can see how confusing it is
because a lot of
these things merge.
NARRATOR: Some of the
phenomena seemed to point
to a direct interaction,
with consciousness.
Well, the consciousness
is interacting in
all aspects of it.
And to take it a step farther,
going to Max Planck,
suggests that maybe
the physical evolved
from consciousness,
as opposed to
the other way around.
NARRATOR: As part of developing
new understandings,
it's hard to ignore
the so-called experience
or phenomenon.
A significant percentage
of the population
report having encounters
with non-human beings.
These encounters range
from enlightening
to terrifying,
Many, many, many people
have had some very
strange experiences.
Either seeing UFOs,
and not just at night
while they were dreaming.
These are not nightmares.
These are often described
as more real
than everyday reality.
The people who describe it,
these people are solid.
They come from
all walks of life.
NARRATOR: Ralph Blumenthal
wrote a book about the late
Harvard psychologist John Mack,
called The Believer.
Mack was one of the first
members of academia
to acknowledge the validity of
the experience or phenomenon.
John Mack investigated
these stories of people
who said that this and this
happened to them,
and at least Mack,
as a psychiatrist,
was able to evaluate
their stories to the...
Couldn't prove that this
happened or didn't happen,
but at least could say that
these people were solid people
and were not mentally ill.
We interface with
whatever this is.
Contactees, abductees.
I think we can create
some of the phenomenon itself.
So I do believe that there are
certain individuals
on this planet
who are more in tune,
are more intuitive,
are more in touch
with the unseen world
than the seen world.
Some of us are able
to pierce the veil
and connect with whatever
is going on out there.
NARRATOR: Stunning new research
by Dr Gary Nolan,
has revealed a trait in
the human brain
that may make some people
more prone to abilities,
such as heightened intuition,
psychic abilities,
and possibly an ability
to communicate
in undeveloped manners,
such as telepathy.
We had MRIs of claimed
remote viewers,
high-end remote viewers,
and this area of their brain
lit up like a Christmas tree.
NARRATOR: The condition has
been observed in so-called
Nolan has detected
increased activity
and development
in a region of the brain
called the basal ganglia.
NOLAN: The thing that
got me really intrigued
was that we did have MRIs
from experiencers,
but these were
high functioning individuals
that we happened to notice
that an area of their brain,
had a density in it
that we first thought was
damaged because we were studying
damage at the moment.
But then we realized,
this is not damaged.
This is living tissue.
And that became sort of
a side discovery.
You're left then
with, frankly,
what was
an even less uniform
group of individuals
with such varied interactions.
Things that
we're talking to them,
things that they had
gotten close to and had
been damaged and harmed.
And there were a couple
of people in that group
who were harmed.
But of the remaining
I would say that the majority
of them were not harmed.
This area of the brain,
that we came to the conclusion
at the time
was probably involved
in intuition,
when we actually
looked into it,
and then looked into
the literature,
believe it or not,
people were finding that
it had something to do
with intuition.
And that's the basal ganglia.
This area, the caudate putamen,
which is, you know,
by many neurophysiologist
called the brain
within the brain.
NARRATOR: What Dr. Nolan
has discovered
may represent a leap
in human evolution
or even a new variation
of Homo sapien.
You have to ask the question
"What kind of information
"is being perceived
and how is it
being translated into,
"let's say, traditional
neuro-physiologic pathways?"
We don't understand...
space time the way
we'd like to pretend we do.
And so, who is to say
that there is not some kind
of information transfer
that we just don't
necessarily yet appreciate,
but evolution has found
a way to latch onto.
NARRATOR: The people that
we've met since 2017
seemed to have
some genuine interest
in helping to make humanity
more aware of these realities.
Chris Mellon continues to work
quietly behind the scenes
to bring about an effective
means of disclosure.
Very much changing
within the government,
on the Hill
and the executive branch,
as well as you can see
with the media lately.
It's becoming respectable
and legitimate,
and that's so crucial
to engaging more minds
and more energy,
and more resources
to getting to
the bottom of this.
NARRATOR: Lue Elizondo
seems to have put
everything on the line
since going public.
So if there's an issue where
the government is doing
something we don't want to
then it's up to us
as a people to change that.
But it doesn't have to be
an adversarial relationship.
I think where we go wrong is
that people often times look
at the government, they say,
"Oh, the government's bad,
the government's bad."
has been challenged by the
Defense Intelligence Agency.
Lue fought back by hiring
one of the most effective
and well known
civil rights attorneys
in the field, Danny Sheehan.
I was contacted by Lue Elizondo
and asked to represent him
because he was upset
about the fact that the Pentagon
even after
the publication of this
on December 16th and 17th
of 2017,
there were officials inside
the Pentagon issuing
completely false statements,
still, saying,
"Yeah, there's no such thing
"as the Advanced Aerospace
Identification Program."
NARRATOR: Together,
they approached the
Inspector General
of the Defense
Intelligence Agency
to reverse the Pentagon's
failure to acknowledge
Elizondo's position.
When Elizondo started,
talking about this
phenomenon publicly,
you can see the Pentagon had
tremendous pushback against him.
They lied.
They said "No,
he didn't run such a program."
That was a lie.
They said AATIP
had nothing to do with UFOs.
-That was a lie.
-We were trying
at the same time,
trying to determine
what Lue can say
in light of his
security clearances,
you know, publicly.
Not long ago,
Elizondo supposedly
said to his attorney
that he had seen
a flying saucer in a hanger.
That gets out and
the stuff hits the fan.
And, you know,
Lue had to walk
that back too.
What did he do?
He said,
"Well, you know,
"I went to a hangar
that was designed
"to accommodate
exotic materials,
but I didn't see anything there.
"I never saw any intact craft."
He was like, very lawyerly
in how he said what he did
because he had to.
I guess I'm just
genetically pre-disposed
to not trusting government
and seeing it now, too,
it's just a joke.
It really is.
The Mutual UFO Network
is the largest and oldest
UFO organization in the world.
After over 50 years,
MUFON is stronger than ever.
I'm Ron James.
It's March 11th 2022.
I'm here in front of
the White House.
It's been a historic week
for the UFO community
and for MUFON,
the Mutual UFO Network.
We have actually been taking
meetings all week long
with key members and staff
of the House and Senate
intelligence committees
regarding the UAP phenomenon.
We've been here
for three days now, four days,
and have met with about
10 different officials,
congressmen, representatives
staff and senators,
and we've really had
a tremendous welcome.
NARRATOR: Thousands of people
over 100 years or more,
have challenged
the official deception
around the UFO topic.
They have been ridiculed
and debunked.
Today, they are beginning
to be vindicated,
but still have not
accomplished their goal.
A total end to
the UFO cover-up.
There is no way to inform
the American people
writ large,
all 500 million of us,
and ensure that information
is not going to get into
the hands of
a foreign adversary.
Maybe it's that
there are some elements
of the technology
that has to be kept under wraps
or kept to a limited number
of people because
if you cross the wires,
bad things happen.
This is a version of disclosure.
But is it going to be
the real truth?
And, I mean, I don't care
about anything except
what the actual truth is.
So, we'll see
if they can get there.
They could say, for example,
down the road,
"Well, actually, yeah.
We have had a few reports
down the road,
"over the years,
but we kept it quiet because,
"honestly, we needed
to avoid public panic."
They'll say that.
At a societal level,
I believe that we are
completely ready
to incorporate this new reality,
and if the President
were to go on
the evening news today
and say, "My fellow Americans,
"people of the world,
we're not alone,"
I think the reaction
would be sorta two-fold.
Obviously, there would be
a huge interest in it,
but actually there wouldn't
be panic in the streets.
So to be part of that journey,
to uncover and to show links
to this advanced civilization,
that would be a great honor,
because as a scientist,
you go where the data takes you.
And sometimes the data
takes you to places that
are uncomfortable.
But, hey, that's the way
the cookie crumbles.
Yeah, I just... You know,
I'm going to get hit on it.
They told me. They said,
"Man, Burchett you need to
cool this stuff out
"because it's gonna
hurt us at the polls."
But we'll see.
NARRATOR: We've shown
that even today
there is a narrative at work
that has been created to
manipulate public perception
about the UFO topic.
We are not alone
in the universe.
There are those
who have struggled
to keep this truth a secret.
But the proof of the deception
serves its own purpose
and tells us much more
than ever before.
I have good news
and I have bad news.
And the good news
is the government's
been telling you the truth.
The bad news is
the government's been
telling you the truth.
I mean, just look at Roswell.
There are no 509th
bomb group members left.
They're all dead.
So according to the government,
it's cover up complete.
All right, then what did I see
out there in that field?
Oh, that...
Why, that was a weather balloon.