Ada (1961) Movie Script

...and my very great pleasure
to introduce
the friend
to the poor white men,
the friend
of the rich white men,
and the negro,
and all men...
The next governor
of this great state,
my very good friend,
Bo Gillis.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Mr. chairman,
I guess you folks know
how the big newspapers
keep at me for not making
these fancy speeches.
Well, they say
if a man's running for office
and he kinda likes to sing,
well, he's lacking in stature.
I ain't exactly sure
what that means,
they could be right,
anyway they got no cause
to find fault with me tonight
'cause in this here speech...
Let me have the speech,
please... in this here speech,
I'm up to my ears in stature.
No, I mean that, just like
the administration's candidate,
I got me a college man.
Come up here, Steve.
A real smart boy to put
in some very big fine words.
Yes, sir, I got some real
ding-dongers here tonight.
Stuff like this,
uh, the incumbent.
That means a gang down state
with sticky fingers
and big pockets.
Now, the incumbents
wallowing in the slimy trough
of public corruption.
Now, before I got stature,
I'd of just said
no wonder there's a depression,
these boys been grabbing
all the money, yours and mine.
And it's about time we spread
a little
of their prosperity around.
Oh, I got
a lot more stature here.
I got about 46 pages
of corruption,
which I'm against,
and about 49
with good government,
which I am for.
Nice night, ain't it?
I won't need
a new speech, Steve.
That stuff about stature,
that never misses.
Tomorrow you're talking
to businessmen.
Some of them might want
to hear words
with more than one syllable.
Last night did good today.
Didn't I have four speeches,
two committee meetins'?
And besides all that singing,
I can't think of anybody
that deserves a party
more than I do.
That's right, you did fine.
Businessmen, educators,
the kind of people I meet today,
you know,
if I didn't have you around,
I'd die of lonesomeness.
And at that, you can talk
over my head half the time.
But I listen well.
I'll bet you never thought
when we were kids
you'd be writing speeches
for me, did ya?
You win your bet.
Does it strike you funny
that in a few months
I might be governor
of this whole state.
Fairly funny.
I'm serious Steve, you're the
one with all the education.
You know how much
schooling I had.
I didn't think you had any.
Listen, I know exactly
how much schooling you had,
and you're two years
up on Andrew Jackson.
Who's he?
He's finally here.
How are ya?
Good to see ya.
How are ya?
It's really good to see you.
Good, how are ya?
Thanks very much.
Anybody here?
They're all here, sheriff.
Every politician
in the county got to work.
Good, here.
Alice, you've really done
yourself proud
on such short notice.
Thanks, colonel.
Some businesses improve
during bad times.
Yeah, Alice,
you got an especially good one
picked out for Bo Gillis?
What kind does he like?
He likes the good kind.
Okay, I'll look into it.
Thank you.
Hello, Ada.
Doesn't look like
you need me, Alice.
Oh, you don't know what I got
in store for you tonight, honey.
The suspense is killing me.
Now don't tell me
you wouldn't be impressed
if you were gonna entertain
the next governor.
Do they make governors
different from other men?
Not from what I've been told.
Hey, everybody,
Bo Gillis is here.
Everybody, Bo Gillis!
Friends, sheriff Bo Gillis
here of Collins county
has been going through
a mighty grooming campaign,
and he ain't about to let
up until election day.
But my invite to him tonight
is strictly non-political,
in fact, he's here to forget
about speechmaking.
Mighty fine of you, colonel,
all this.
I know how tough
campaigning could be,
I been doing it myself
for 20 years.
What does Sylvester think
your chances are?
Oh, Steve would know
more about that then me.
Well, we're solid in the country
but we still got an uphill
battle in the cities.
Sylvester would like to know how
much he can expect from you.
Well, so you tell him
that about a week from today
I'll give him a count
that won't vary one single vote
from the election day total.
You run a capital organization.
Thanks to Sylvester,
he showed me how.
Are you the man from the people,
for the people?
That's me, yes ma'am.
Reckon you've seen
his face plastered
all over the countryside, eh?
I've seen it.
Why don't you tell me some more
about it while we dance?
I'd be delighted.
Well what?
Tell me about yourself.
Haven't you read
my campaign literature?
So many things to read,
you know how it is.
You heard my speeches.
No, make one for me now.
Well, I can't without my writer.
You the one
who campaigns with a guitar?
How come you don't know
anything about me?
I'm new in town.
- Really?
- Uh-huh.
Well, it's always nice
meeting someone new.
I don't know why.
Tell me about your plans
when you become governor.
What are you gonna do
for the people?
Well, I...
Let's go someplace
where we can talk.
Anything you say, governor.
- Bo.
- Oh, hi, Steve, I wanted to...
Listen, you've got an important
meeting tomorrow at noon.
Wait a minute, Bo, no girls,
if you want to be governor,
there's certain things you're
gonna have to give up.
This kind of nightlife
tops the list.
I ain't governor yet.
How do you like
the party, Steve?
Oh, it's a beauty.
I'm sorry about my friend
but he kinda keeps an eye on me.
It's nice to have friends.
He's a smart young man.
You want a drink?
Not while I'm working.
Oh, tell me about yourself?
What would you like to know?
I don't even know
your name, yet.
Ada, well, that's a fine name.
My daddy had a workhorse
named Ada,
maybe he thought
some of it would wear off on me.
You sure I can't get
you anything?
You don't have
to treat me like company.
Where are you from?
Smith's crossing.
Smith's Cro... well,
you're a country girl?
Yeah, I'm a country girl.
Well, me too,
I'm right from out of the hills,
right around these parts here.
How long ago?
You mean you never wore shoes
till you were 14, like me?
Maybe that's why
these hurt my feet so much,
or it could be your dancing.
You sure I can't get you
some ginger-ale or something.
All right.
A piece of ice, two, ginger-ale,
and I didn't spike it.
You're a fine looking
woman, Ada.
How come you're running
for governor?
I'm just running, that's all.
Well, how did it happen?
Well, I've been sheriff
of Collins county for two terms.
Won both elections
by a landslide.
Look at that, one, two.
I just don't understand it.
What's to understand,
one night I was playing
my guitar in a nightclub,
some political bigwig walked in
and he says,
"you've got appeal, how would
you like to be in politics?"
I said, "I don't mind,"
before I knew it,
I was campaigning for sheriff.
That's all there was to it?
Kinda surprises
me too, sometimes.
I think I'll go out
and buy a guitar.
You're different from most, Ada.
So are you.
Well, I mean it.
You make me wanna...
I don't know,
just talk all over the place,
and I really mean talk.
Well, you learn
something everyday.
What have you learned today?
Well, I didn't think
there was anything left
in the world
for me to be curious about.
You sound like
you've had some education.
Oh, I've been exposed
to a lot of different people.
I don't mean to be prying or
anything, but how did you end...
My family went broke
on five-cent cotton,
then we scrabbling on chairs
eating black-eyed peas
and cornbread,
when we could get it.
And that was only the beginning.
I never could break myself
from the habit of eating.
I have the same problem.
You know, I think
I'll vote for you, Mr. Gillis.
Well, being from Alabama,
you probably aren't
even registered.
Well then,
I'll just have to contribute
to your campaign.
Just put it right here.
Oh, never mind about that,
that's all right.
- Well, thank you, ma'am.
- Close the door on your way out.
Mr. Gillis,
it's after 11:00.
You said something about a
political meeting at noon.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mr. Gillis, Mr. Gillis.
Well, good morning, honey.
Boy, if you don't look
like a rose in a garden.
Aspirin, tomato juice,
soft-boiled eggs.
Stop looking at me that way, I'm
not on the menu this morning.
You sure do know
how to take care of a man.
You do have a meeting,
don't you?
Honey, that's the story
of my life, meetings.
Mr. Gillis, would you kiss
your playmate goodbye
and let's go.
don't rush me,
I'll be right along.
I hope you know enough
to keep your mouth shut, ma'am.
don't mind him, honey, Steve's
all right,
he just let education go to his
head, what are you...
What's the matter with you,
if I didn't know you better,
I'd think you're trying
to throw the election.
Why don't you lay off?
You start talking in 30 minutes,
they're gonna ask you questions.
It's a businessman's luncheon.
I think you should give 'em
eight words about taxes...
I would like to say here and now
that Bo Gillis
is not a reformed candidate.
What reforms has he suggested...
More tea?
Thank you.
In three weeks time you've won
just about everyone's vote
around here.
You expect a lot
of trouble in the cities?
I don't know.
Why you going to Memphis?
I've had enough of small towns.
You got somebody in Memphis
that you care about?
Only me.
Ada, I'm a hunch player.
Swell, let's play some time.
My hunch is
that we should be together.
Oh, that'd be cozy.
Is there a back door
to the governor's mansion?
Oh, come on, Bo,
this is our last night.
Ada, I don't want
any other man near you.
Nobody, you understand?
Let's get out of here, Bo,
get some air...
Will you stay if I marry you?
Did you hear me?
I heard you.
I know it's sudden,
but I've done everything
in my life sudden.
I go by my feelings.
No wonder they have that guy
tramping around after you.
You need watching.
I need you,
these past three weeks
have been the best time
of my life.
Having somebody to talk to,
somebody to share
my troubles with, my laughs.
I'm a lucky man, Ada,
but not 'cause I'm runnin
for governor, 'cause I met you,
and I'm not giving you up.
I'd be good to you, Ada.
You'd be good for me.
don't you know girls like me are
always looking for a hand up.
What's wrong with that?
Somebody had to help me.
Well, you're no kid,
you know what you're buying.
I don't want you
to talk about yourself
like that ever again.
Bo, Bo is this it?
Yeah, this is where I hang
my hat these days,
thanks to Sylvester.
Let's go in, Mrs. Gillis.
- Hi, Steve, come on.
- Where have you been?
The old man's in there,
he's been looking for ya.
- Oh, I want you to meet...
- What's she doing here?
We got married.
You married her?
Yes, last night.
Come on, I want you
to meet Sylvester.
Hi, Sylvester.
Oh, I hope you forgive
the liberty
of my making myself at home
at your table.
That's all right,
any time at all.
We had a meeting
for all the county sheriffs
scheduled for ten o'clock.
I know you're not
generally tardy unless...
Unless there's
a pressing reason.
Well, there was
this morning, Sylvester.
I put them off till next Friday.
I want you to meet my bride.
This must be the Sylvester
you've told me so much about.
I'm very pleased to meet you.
Ah, forgive me if I don't rise.
I have a touch
of arthritis these days,
or perhaps I'm just not as young
as I once was.
Well, Bo,
tell us all about it, huh?
Well, what's to tell,
we got a marriage license
in Fairmont junction,
and we used it.
I feel a little neglected
never having met the bride,
or even heard her mentioned.
Have you had
that pleasure, Steve?
No, I haven't.
The county clerk at Fairmont,
isn't he our man.
That's right, TW Wallace.
Let's get in touch
with him, huh,
see that the marriage license
is taken out of the files.
Didn't I make myself clear?
Well, not to me, you didn't.
I'm married, Sylvester,
so what's all the fuss about?
Who is this young lady,
where does she come from,
what's her background,
who are her people?
What's that got to do
with anything?
The voters
are gonna wanna know, Bo.
Is it something
we can tell them?
She's Mrs. Bo Gillis.
To put it very bluntly, miss...
I think this might be a very
painful discussion for you.
Would you care to take a chair
in the other room
till we get things ironed out?
I don't think I'd like to turn
my back on you, Mr. Sylvester.
In that case, then,
perhaps we can...
Perhaps we can ask William
to bring you some coffee.
- Sit down.
- Sit down.
William, bring some more
coffee, will you please?
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
Well now, public office
is a very demanding position
for a man to find
himself in, Bo.
Three weeks before the election,
why it'd be...
It'd be fool-hearted
to take a chance
on the unexpected
or the unknown.
Your young ladies
vote for these things.
I think, perhaps under the
circumstances, an annulment.
Sylvester, I'm married
and I'm gonna stay married.
Well, then the thing
to do, I suppose,
is to write an official
biography for ya, miss,
to be used
in our campaigning, huh.
You'll forgive us if we take
a few slight liberties
with the truth?
Well, I don't see
why you shouldn't.
I have from time to time.
Yes, ma'am.
William, you can clear
the table now,
Mr. Sylvester's all through.
Pardon me.
- Mrs. Gillis.
- Yes.
The newspaper men are here
for pictures.
- I'm ready.
- Oh, good.
You look fine,
but I wouldn't wear that scarf.
Well, you'd look silly
if you did.
That's true, I would.
Say, Ms. Gillis,
when you talk
to these reporters, I'd like
to suggest you not say...
I suggest you stop worrying
about me,
I'm not gonna spit on the floor.
Just one more
question, Mr. Gillis...
- How do you think Mrs. Gillis...
- Are you planning a family?
Now you're getting
the pretty one in the family.
- Come here, Hun.
- Good morning.
Just hold his arm, please.
Fine, fine.
We would like another one.
One more please,
take another one.
Just a few questions,
Mrs. Gillis.
How long were you engaged to Bo?
Well, too long.
Would you say
it was love at first sight?
Well, I'd say that yes,
but confidentially,
I took a second look.
About yourself, Mrs. Gillis?
Now, gentlemen,
my husband's running for office,
I'm not, what I've done or what
I haven't done
couldn't possibly interest
more than two of your readers,
Bo and myself.
I don't agree,
people wanna know...
I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen,
we just don't have any time.
We've got a long drive
to Sylvester's house.
You all don't have to rush off,
William's gonna bring you
whatever you'd like to drink.
Excellent, William.
See if these folks
want anything.
Thank you.
Oh, no more for me,
I've had two already.
I made it, it's my
mother's recipe, Mr. Gillis.
Well, ma'am, whether I'm elected
governor or not,
this pecan pie has been
the high point in my campaign.
- This is delicious.
- Well, thank you, sir.
I wonder if you'd be kind enough
to write down that recipe
and send it to me,
I'm a bride, just learning.
Oh, I'd like that!
It isn't like you
to miss a train.
How come you
didn't give him a big one?
The newspapers
woulda eaten it up.
don't you think we better stick
to our problem, gentlemen?
The election's only
three weeks from tomorrow.
Personally, I feel you're
being a little too pessimistic.
Betting on Bo's
still eight to five.
That's the story we gave out.
No, we mustn't be fooled
by the fine show
Bo's making in the rural areas,
the farmers are for him, yeah.
It's the cities,
where the newspapers
be pecking away at us.
That's where we're in trouble,
big trouble.
Question is,
what are we gonna do about it?
Now I suggest that
with a little encouragement,
say a crisp two dollar bill,
we might get them to the polls
and voting live.
That's an expensive way
of doing things, Sam,
not always too successful,
but we'll bear it in mind.
You mean we'd seriously
consider buying votes?
The reform ticket?
So the reforms could we bring
about if we're not elected, huh?
Ronnie, I'll tell ya something.
I admire your ideals,
that's one reason
you were picked to run
for lieutenant governor,
but ideals are worthless
without the heart
and law of common sense.
If what we have to do
seems a little...
A little disturbing to you,
try to remember this.
If you want to grow
a beautiful rose,
there's nothing like
a touch of manure.
Ah, excuse me, gentlemen,
help yourselves, excuse me.
You look like a man
that has just accomplished
a very useful mission.
- Have ya, have ya?
- Maybe.
I knew it, that mealy-mouthed
bag of hot wind.
Did you get the affidavit from
that woman?
No, sir, I'm afraid
we were way off on that one.
It seems the man our friend
Bo's running against is purer
than triple distilled
butter milk.
You found out nothing?
About the other candidate,
not a thing,
but, about his wife,
Mrs. Lorraine Henrietta Keely...
What about Mrs. Keely?
Since last April,
when she had a major operation,
it seems the old girl's been
taking stuff to ease the pain,
and now it's become
what they call a habit.
Very, come and have some coffee.
Yes, sir.
Did I do all right?
Just like Lincoln at Gettysburg.
You were wonderful, Ada!
Hasn't this been
a wonderful day?
Just wonderful, Ada.
You handled yourself
so beautifully.
Mrs. Gillis,
Mrs. Gillis,
ah, do you remember me?
I'm afraid you must be mistaken.
You must remember me.
You heard what the lady said.
She looks just like this girl
I knew in Alabama,
I'm sure I know her.
Uh, you don't know, the lady
says she doesn't know you.
Well, she must have
a twin sister.
All right, come on,
we don't want any trouble here.
Mrs. Gillis.
Thank you, Mr...
Uh, Yancey, colonel Yancey.
if you do have a twin sister,
I sure would admire to meet her.
Here she comes.
It's her.
Would you like some more coffee?
Yes, thank you, William.
Where's Bo?
Well, he's still asleep,
why aren't you?
Well, stories like this
keep me awake.
Well, how did a thing
like this happen?
Ask Sylvester, he'll probably be
along in a few minutes.
What for?
Probably a celebration.
Oh, you have a nice wholesome
outlook this morning.
Well, you can't argue
with the timing,
especially when it's
a well known fact
that we're behind in the cities.
What are you trying to say?
Oh, come off it, Mrs. Gillis,
we both know that you've been
out of the girl scouts
for a long time.
You think Bo or I
know anything about this?
Let's just drop the whole
sorted mess, shall we?
Who do you think you are
talking to me like that?
Good morning, Mr. Sylvester.
I've had a very trying morning.
I asked that you all
be assembled when I got here.
We seem to be missing Bo.
Oh, I'm here.
I don't suppose you've read
the papers.
No, I haven't.
Last night your opponent's wife
was picked up
on a narcotics charge.
It's all right here, Bo.
Not all of it, my dear.
She was let out on bail,
she went... she went
back to the house
where she lives with her husband
and shot herself in the head.
Oh, God, the poor woman.
Very sad, very, very, sad.
But our colleagues tell me
that we'll win the election
by at least 200,000 votes.
My boy, I have a father's pride
in you today.
I know you're gonna bring
luster and honor to the office.
I hope I'm allowed to be spared
these next four years
so I can be at your side,
and give you all the help I can,
You can't go in there,
you know what time it is?
Come on, I'm the governor
elect's wife.
What do you want?
We'd just like to look around.
What do you mean look around
at this hour?
I wouldn't tangle with her,
this is the governor
elect's wife.
And this is Bo Gillis.
Oh, congratulations, governor.
I was just listening
to the five o'clock news.
When I heard you won,
and by a landslide, Mr. Gillis,
I sure felt good, real good.
Why did my election
make you feel good?
Why, because that office in
there has been needing
a strong man, needing one bad.
Thank you, thank you very much.
Do you mind if we look
at the new office,
if it's all right?
Surely, surely, come along.
Hello, this is
your new governor.
This is Mrs. Bo Gillis.
Right in there.
Here we are, Ada.
So this is where it all happens.
Where the laws are made,
buttons are pushed,
some pockets get filled,
and others get emptied.
If only my old man
were alive to see this.
True leadership is strong,
generous, just.
Those are good words.
You know something, Ada,
I'm scared.
What's there to be scared of?
How can a fellow like me
be accredited to that office?
Who am I to be sitting
behind that desk?
You're the governor!
You're the man the people like,
and they want you here,
and I want you here.
Look, Bo, this is a big job,
be big, fill it up.
But when I see all this,
I'm not so sure
I wouldn't settle
for being back on the farm.
Well, I won't settle,
I've settled all of my life
and I'm through with that.
Now, Bo, you're not alone,
there are two of us now.
We'll put our heads together
and really make things hum
around here.
Well, I said if I got it,
I'd do a good job.
And you're going to.
If you say so, honey.
I never thought I'd be a lady,
let alone a first lady.
Life's a wonder, sugar.
Pardon me, pardon me.
This is a great day.
You've met this gentlemen,
governor, but they want
to give you and Ms. Ada
a special greeting
on this notable morning.
Now this is Mr. James orphan,
your highway commissioner,
excuse me, Mr. Harold Drescot,
board of health,
Mr. Howard Webstin,
board of liquidation,
tom Depaul, you know,
and the commissioner,
Clinton Dokell,
Mr. Clinton Dokell,
department of conservation.
Excuse me, come along,
excuse me, pardon me, pardon me.
Hello, Ada,
remember old friends?
Why, sure, Alice, how are you?
Oh, honey, you know
my lieutenant governor, Ronnie,
my best friend,
my right hand man.
You and me, boy, we'll pull
that old wagon together.
We sure will.
Oh, hi, Steve.
- Congratulations.
- Well, thank you for everything.
That's my job, anytime you need
anything, you just let me know.
- Well, wonderful, wonderful.
- Now, you read these.
Okay, but don't you go
too far away.
I won't.
Got a lot of wads here.
Governor, sir.
Mrs. Gillis, ma'am.
I just stopped by to pay
my sincere respects
to both of you.
Ada, honey, you remember
colonel Yancey,
chief of state police,
colonel of infantry.
You're now looking
at a certified
brave and fearless young man.
I want you to know
that the police organization
of this entire state is
at your disposal, night and day.
In other words,
you can fix a parking ticket.
My job is to stick
very close to you folks.
And I do my job.
That boy,
he's far too big for those
whipcord breeches.
Oh, honey... I just still can't
believe all this,
it all don't seem real.
Oh, it does to me.
You know, I've always had
the feeling that life owed me
something real special, and this
is just the first payment, Bo,
you wait and see.
Good morning.
- Morning.
- Morning.
You wanted to see me?
Yes, I wanted to see you.
What's wrong around here?
Well, nothing that I know of,
Bo's down
at the capitol building,
you're here gracing
the executive mansion,
I'd say that God's in his heaven
and all's right with the world.
You're a public relations man,
aren't you?
Well, then why are you
doing nothing about me?
I wasn't aware that anything
had to be done about you.
Just what is the social standing
of the governor's wife?
Depends on who's the governor
and who's the wife.
In other words,
the office means nothing?
I didn't say that,
the office means a great deal.
Well, then why aren't we being
entertained by a few
of the people
who count around here?
I mean, like the queen bees
of the social set,
the big-timers, people like this
Mrs. Maude Penmore.
She's giving giving
a fancy tea party on Friday
and I'd like to go.
Well, do you know the lady?
I want to, Mr. Jackson.
Not that I'm too crazy
about tea parties,
but I hate not being asked.
Look here, these old families
don't fool around much
with new ones,
they're what you call a gentry.
What are we, trash?
- They call the...
- That tea party's Friday
at the colonial house.
I'll try pulling a few strings.
You try pulling ropes,
Mr. Jackson.
I suppose we
would have met before,
but we don't come to town
much anymore,
we stay down on the Gulf
most of the year.
I understand.
Sally-Ann, you gonna open
a hermitage this year or not?
Well, I'd like to know who'd
get the catenian bar
if I didn't.
Do you know the Gulf at all,
Mrs. Gillis?
Well, no, I'm afraid I don't.
Oh, you're from South Winston,
aren't you?
I remember reading
all about it in that article
on you in the gazette.
Oh, I thought, you know,
your photographs
don't do you justice,
Mrs. Gillis.
Thank you, so much.
Um, as for that uh, writer,
didn't it strike you
as rather peculiar?
In what way?
Well, I read every single word
and there was never even
a mention of your family,
your people?
Oh, I insisted on that.
Why yes, you see,
the way my momma felt,
there were only three times
in a lady's life when her name
should be mentioned
in the newspapers:
When she was born,
when she got married,
and when she died.
Both momma and daddy've
been mentioned all three times.
- Oh, I see.
- Yes.
Oh, Maude!
Maude, dear...
You're the hostess!
So stop stuffing yourself
with those teacakes
and come over here
and talk to us.
Oh, you girls have met
the governor's wife?
Well, I should think so,
she's my guest.
Dear Mrs. Gillis has been
kind enough to forgive me
for voting against her husband.
Our only defense is I simply
can't stand guitar music.
What a shame.
You miss so much.
Uh, Mrs. Gillis is from
South Winston,
Betty-may here knows everybody
in South Winston,
she's got kin-folk there.
We must have all kinds
of friends in common.
Remember kitty Wainwright?
Well, I've been away
quite a while, school, travel...
I just don't understand how you
missed old kitty Wainwright.
She's on every committee in
I hope that all you ladies
can come and have tea with me
one afternoon,
at the executive mansion.
- That would be nice.
- That would be very nice.
- Thank you so much
- that'd be very nice.
Oh, Mrs. Gillis?
There's somebody I'm sure
you'll remember.
Janna Dainsley?
Surely you remember
Janna Dainsley!
She is South Winston.
Well, I think you mean
she "was" South Winston.
How's that?
Honestly, I could
bite off my tongue.
It's quite possible
that story isn't true.
What story?
Oh, please, don't ask me
to repeat it.
It may be nothing more
that vicious gossip.
Mrs. Gillis, Janna Dainsley
is 84 years old.
There's no one in all
South Winston who wouldn't agree
that she's one of
the finest examples
of Southern womanhood.
Like I said, that story
probably isn't even true.
I wondered if
the governor's wife
isn't pulling our leg.
I suspect she doesn't come from
South Winston at all.
Fess up, where are you from,
Mrs. Gillis?
Okay, I'll tell you!
I'm a sharecropper's kid
from off the delta road.
I'm sure none of us
mean to be so unfriendly
to you, Mrs. Gillis.
Oh, you'll warm up.
Mrs. Dunstock, your husband
is the director
of St. Ann's hospital, isn't he?
Mrs. Dunford, your husband
owns a printing company,
the one that handles
all the state publications?
We've been in business
a hundred years.
Mrs. Bradville, your husband
is the principal officer
in the Gulf canning company?
- Why yes.
- Uh-huh.
You live pretty high off the hog
all of you, with the aid
of state contracts and such.
So, if you ladies
would like to maintain
your standards of living,
you'll join me
in another cup of tea...
Because my husband
is the governor...
And you know that old saying:
You can't fight city hall.
I heard about the most marvelous
new diet the other day,
guarantees it takes five pounds
a week off you.
You don't eat anything but crow.
- What happened to my car?
- Your driver just left.
I sent him home, Mrs. Gillis,
we'll use my car.
Just what is this all about?
Well, we got some crackpot
letter in the mail this morning.
Crazy threats,
you know the kind?
Some crank sees your picture
in the newspaper
and he gets a little excited.
Course it probably
don't mean nothing,
but, we can't take any chances.
I understand, thank you.
That's a mighty nice outfit
you're wearing, ma'am.
It's very becoming.
How is it so late in the day,
you just looked like
you just stepped
out of the shower?
Now, where'll it be,
Mrs. Gillis?
Where would you like to go?
I'm going home.
Well, what are you
stopping here for?
Well, I thought you might like
a little drink ma'am.
They got a rum drink in here
that'll give you
a real down-to-earth...
You're way out of line, Yancey!
You sure think the worst of me,
don't you ma'am?
I don't think about you at all.
Well, I'm so sorry to hear that,
I was only trying
to make your afternoon
more pleasant.
Well, you're not!
I certainly don't
mean to offend.
You know what's funny...
You never know what's gonna
make a woman happy, or what's
gonna put up on her temper.
I guess I just had you
figured all wrong, didn't I?
All wrong.
Well, I sure ain't gonna
do that again, ma'am.
No, I promise you that.
We gonna be seeing
a lot of each other
for the next four years,
maybe more.
Best to stay on good terms
with you.
Yes sir, I'm gonna be
just as respectful and helpful
to you as I know how.
Well you can begin by getting
back behind that wheel.
Any way you want it, ma'am!
I'm gonna stay
on the good side of you.
And while you're at it,
adjust that mirror.
Well, you caught me at that too,
didn't ya?
You know, miss Ada, you're bound
to be admired.
"A cat can look at a king,"
as the saying goes.
There's nothing in the world
you can do about that.
Tom, you old cotton-picker!
Afternoon, governor.
Come on in,
tell me your troubles.
Sure would like to, Bo.
How about seven
across the street?
I'll buy you a beer.
No, thanks, got an appointment.
Okay, Tom,
maybe some other time.
Bo, can I ask you
to come up for a moment?
I'll be right along, Sylvester.
Might as well transfer my calls
up to Sylvester's office.
Ah, Bo, my boy,
got several little things here
ready for your signature.
What are they?
Oh, just some routine
for the commissioner of finance.
Legal language is a little
heavy-going, huh?
There are a lot of words.
Bo, what's the matter with you,
you seem a bit down?
Something worrying you?
Oh, Sylvester, I...
Talk freely!
Well, aside from me
signing my name 100 times a day,
I, uh, I'm not doing
much work around here.
Sit down, Bo, sit down.
That is if you don't mind
a hard chair.
I find a hard chair
keeps a man awake.
Bo, I had no idea
you were unhappy in office.
Well, I'd like to do more
than just wave at the traffic
as it passes my office
to get to yours.
I thought you understood
you weren't gonna be bothered
by the mechanics of the job,
I hoped you'd allow me
to take that burden off you.
I don't want you to think that
I'm complaining, or anyth...
My wife died twenty years ago.
I've had a long and lonely time
here since then.
A seat at the dining room table
or a chair on the front porch
can't take the place of a wife,
children, family life, so...
So I decided to put my energies
into public service.
Then, one day
up in Collins county,
I found you, you were young,
vigorous, ready...
Ready to be helped and moved up.
I decided to make you
the son I never had.
That's why you'll find me
at your side, Bo.
Yeah, but you, you give me
a big job to do
and you don't let me do it.
All in good time, my boy.
Right now,
your biggest job is to pick up
your check each month.
I'd like you to sign, please.
The bottom right-hand corner.
I suppose if a leaf
came sailing through that window
you'd get me to sign that too.
You reap us for the good
of the state, yeah.
Controller's office sent
some papers up to be signed.
Oh, I don't want to bother you
if you're busy.
Oh, it's not bother, honey,
I'm just signing my name.
What are those papers
you're signing?
I don't know, Sylvester
sent them down
from the controller's office.
You know, the other day I did
173 signatures in one hour.
Wait a minute...
don't you read them?
Oh, ah, Sylvester reads them.
Bo, don't let Sylvester
push you around!
Oh, Sylvester's been
in government all his life.
I'm just what they call
a "political hayseed."
If he finds out
he can push you around,
that's exactly
what he's going to do!
You're the one
the people elected,
Sylvester can't do a thing
without you!
I was a nothing candidate,
now I'm a nothing governor.
Oh, stop feeling
sorry for yourself!
Not a law can be passed in this
state until your name is on it.
You're the one who's important,
Sylvester needs you!
I'll bet you were
a tough little girl.
I'm a tough big one.
Yeah... all right, I will.
Thank you.
Bo, can I talk to you
for a minute?
Yeah, come on in.
These new state parks...
Who's riding the gravy train?
What are you talking about?
I just had a look at the bill.
One's setting up
a dozen new state parks.
Ronnie, this is all news to me,
I don't even know
about a park bill.
You're not serious?
I don't think you understand
the way the old man
and I work together, Ronnie.
It's beginning to become
very clear to me.
Oh, now, wait a minute, Ronnie.
Oh, Bo... we both come out of
Collins county.
We've been very good friends
for a long time.
The way I got it figured,
I'm your assistant.
I can't come to you and level
with you, who can I go to?
Well, you go right on ahead
and level!
The bill describes
the exact location
of each new park.
Thousands of acres
of valuable land are involved.
Who owns that land?
Who's selling to the state?
Who's fixing the prices?
You sure about all this?
The only thing I'm not sure of
is who's getting rich
off this deal?
He's not in, governor.
- Well, where is he?
- At the health club.
Your secretary told me
I'd find you here.
Bo, glad to see
you're taking care of yourself.
Man should never lose sight
of the fact that his health's
one of the most
important things he has.
How about working up a little
game of handball, governor?
- Not right now, thank you.
- Right on, do you good,
- good for you.
- Some other time, thanks.
I'd like to talk to you
about the public parks bill.
We'll talk later, Bo,
this is no place to discuss
matters of state.
I don't want to talk later,
I want to talk now!
What's wrong with you,
something upset you?
I just want some answers
to the bill, that's all.
We have every right to be
very proud of that bill, my boy.
When all this land is sold
to the state for parks,
certain people are gonna make
a lot of money, is that true?
- Uh-huh.
- Who are these people?
- Friends...
- Cold water, gentlemen?
No, thank you, nothing at all.
My dear Bo, when a man sells
land or anything,
doesn't he usually,
usually expect a profit?
And if some of that profit
goes to our friends,
people who have helped elect us,
are we gonna stand in their way?
Yes... if they get more
than they should!
You bet we are!
What's the matter with you
coming in here,
practically attacking me, huh?
I've just begin to realize
it's me they call governor.
Who's been talking to ya,
Well, why shouldn't he?
Bo, we mustn't be at each other,
we're friends, old friends,
we've been like family,
you gonna let the pious
whimpering of that lieutenant
governor come between us
and our friendship?
You and I have got
a lot of things
to straighten out, Sylvester.
So, let's forget about Ronnie.
In your present fram of mind,
I don't see the sense
in continuing this conversation.
Did you think I'd never grow up?
What do you want to know
about that bill, huh?
Where's the money coming from
to pay our friends for the park?
Taxes, of course!
Taxes, you mean you want me
to double-cross the people
that voted for me, just so
our rich friends can get richer?
Let me explain to you why
you'll sign this bill, my boy:
I have complete control
of the legislature.
I, myself, have placed
every committee man,
every doorkeeper, every Usher,
every pageboy
I have indebted to me,
tax collectors, local judges,
policemen, firemen, the highest,
and the lowliest official,
my friends can disqualify
any voter.
I can pass 35 bills
in two times 35 minutes.
Well, I'll tell you one thing
you haven't got, Sylvester,
that's my right hand,
and until it moves across
the paper and spells out
the name "Bo Gillis,"
that bill ain't law!
Just a moment, please.
- Mr. Marin?
- Uh-huh?
- Ronnie Hallerton is here.
- Huh, ah, send him in.
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
Mr. Hallerton.
- Hello, Sylvester.
- Ah, come on in, my boy,
make yourself at home, sit down.
Thank you for being so prompt,
ah, thank you.
Time's precious, never waste it.
That's a very good adage.
Ronald, I want your advice
about something.
I'd like to know what you think
about our public parks bill.
I can tell you that
in a nutshell, Sylvester.
I think it's an open and shut
case of robbery.
Do you?
In fact, I've been
doing some investigating,
and I've discovered some things
about that bill...
Talking about discoveries,
it's come to my attention
that you have a note outstanding
for $90,000?
I've had that for years,
never missed a payment
on the interest, though,
not even during this depression.
That's very commendable, Ronald,
very commendable, but I'm told,
I'm told the holder of that note
can call it in
any time he wants.
You'd be in
a disastrous position, Ronald.
You'd lose your business,
your plantation.
The bank wouldn't do that.
An old friend of mine
bought up your notes, Ronald.
He might have other ideas.
So you've got nothing
to worry about, my boy,
nothing to worry about,
I'll see that
your credit's extended
You will?
If you do
a little something for me?
Just sign this.
You uh...
You expect me to resign?
For the sake
of your health, Ronald.
I'll have to insist that you go
away for a good, long rest.
I see...
I see how it is.
- Good morning, Mr. Sylvester.
- Good morning to you.
Miss Ada's upstairs,
I'll tell her you're here.
don't worry,
I'll announce myself.
- Sylvester...
- Miss Ada, forgive me taking
the liberty of walking
in on you like this,
but it's urgent we have
a few words alone.
Is it something that can't wait
until I get my clothes off?
Purely academic indiscretion,
I'm afraid,
I'm quite an old man.
Sylvester, it'll be at least
20 years before any woman
can be completely safe with you.
I'll admit it's a pleasure to
look at you, miss Ada,
a great pleasure.
Well, then we both
have good taste.
You said
there was something urgent?
I want your help.
The benefit of your
intuitive understanding.
Well, I think you know there's
nothing I wouldn't do for you...
Almost nothing...
What's your problem?
Heard about poor Ronald
resigning, huh?
Hadn't been well?
Yes, I heard about that,
that's too bad.
Long time since I felt
so depressed about it.
It's depressed Bo even more.
That's what you wanted to talk
to me about, wasn't it?
You're a very bright,
young lady, miss Ada,
very discerning eye,
I don't know
what's gone over Bo, it's not
like him, he's suddenly,
he's suddenly become willful,
headstrong, even a little rude.
He won't listen
to advice sometimes,
he refuses even to talk to me.
Oh, that isn't like him.
I want to help him, miss Ada,
as I have in the past,
he needs my help, my guidance.
You're the only person that can
make him understand that.
I appreciate your
confidence in me, Sylvester.
I'll do what I can.
I knew you would, my dear.
Have you
any particular plan in mind?
No, just to consult you and see
if you have any suggestions.
- I have several suggestions.
- Uh-huh?
First of all, I'd like you
to get me something to do
down at the capitol.
You want to play a part
in the affairs of state?
A prominent part.
What you ask
is highly irregular, you know?
Oh, no it isn't, Sylvester,
times have changed.
A woman would be accepted
in public office now.
What did you have in mind, huh?
The office
of lieutenant governor.
You're an amazing woman, Ada,
you aim high.
Very high, I can handle
that job, Sylvester,
and besides, I'll be working
with Bo and close to you...
I'll talk to Bo for you,
he'll listen to me.
We'll look into it,
there some sort of precedent,
you know, ma Ferguson in Texas,
we'll look into it.
Well, there's nothing
to look into, Sylvester.
The appointment's
up to the legislature...
If you look in your pocket,
that's where the legislature is.
Well, never mind, William,
I'll get it.
Yes, ma'am.
Hello, honey, you're home early.
Hey, that makes you
the first one
who's been glad to see me today.
Rough going, today?
Well, Sylvester sure didn't
waste any time passing the word.
- The thing that gets me is...
- No politics.
You're home now... relax.
The only subject under
is how would you like
your drink, straight or with?
If you feel as good as you look,
you must feel great.
I feel pretty good,
the only trouble with me
is I don't have enough to do.
What are you talking about?
The last few minutes alone,
you've done
more than your share.
- Bo?
- Mm?
What would you think about
my taking Ronnie's place?
Your what?
To my being lieutenant governor?
You're kidding, aren't ya?
No, I'm not kidding,
now that job's open,
why shouldn't I fill it?
Well, come on,
stop talking silly, honey.
Well, give me one good reason!
All right, I will...
Because you don't know anything
about politics, that's why.
Well, I know as much
about politics as you do.
Well, if you know as much
as I do, and I'm learning fast,
then you know what a dirty,
rotten business
it is around here.
Well, you're in it!
Yes, up to my neck,
now that I'm fighting Sylvester,
which you asked me to do
and I am doing,
and Ada, this is gonna get
rottener and dirtier.
Look what happened to Ronnie,
I don't want you mixed up
in this, why should you be?
Because I don't want to spend
the rest of my life
just sitting on the sidelines,
I wanna be somebody.
Well, you are somebody,
you're my wife,
now, when did that stop
being enough for ya?
Well, because I'm your wife,
does that say
I can't be anything else?
Well, if you cared
a damn about me,
you wouldn't want
to be anything else,
most women don't.
I don't know about most women,
I just know about me.
That's more than I do.
Look, Bo, when we first met,
I told you I wanted a hand up.
Yes, but you didn't say how far
you wanted to go.
Just as far as I can go,
why not?
Now, we're talking about things
that have nothing to do
with the point,
which is whether or not
I'd be good in this job.
don't you think I would be?
I think you're smart enough
to be anything you want,
and you probably will,
but not this time because
I'm not gonna raise a finger
to help you get the job.
But you don't have to...
Sylvester will.
You talked
to Sylvester about this?
Well, then you're not asking me,
you're telling me!
I wanted to know
how you'd feel about it.
Well now you know,
and I know Sylvester wouldn't
have made you this offer
if you hadn't made him think
you could keep me in line!
Would you rather he put
one of his stooges in the job?
He is putting
one of his stooges in the job!
That's not true!
Look, Bo,
we're gonna work together
and we'll fight him together.
A minute ago,
it was all for ambition
you wanted to do this,
now it's all changed,
now it's for me
you're doing this!
I didn't say that, what I
Well, you better get straight
on what you're saying
and doing, Ada, you're talking
out of both sides of your mouth
and I won't have it!
Bo, you're not making any sense,
they're waiting.
Well, this is one celebration
I'm passing on.
I know it's hard to take,
but you've got no choice.
There are reporters
that want to ask you questions,
photographers who want
to take pictures.
Steve, I just can't
be nice to people
when I don't believe
in what they're saying
or what they're doing.
They are expecting you
to witness the oath,
you didn't do that!
Well, I just couldn't!
You're a public figure,
so is Ada.
Now, you must make an appearance
if you want to stay
in the fight.
Okay, let's go.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you, so much.
Oh, Sylvester, I don't know
how I'm going to thank you.
Merely the beginning, my dear,
merely the beginning.
- Congratulations, my dear.
- Thank you, so much.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Good luck!
- All right, take it easy,
or the lieutenant governor's
gonna run away.
Miss Ada, one thing for sure,
no state ever had
a prettier executive,
not one that smells so good.
- Hello, governor.
- How do you do, governor.
Looks like I missed
the main event.
we understand perfectly, honey.
The governor wanted this to be
my very own, undivided,
very special celebration.
Governor, what about
a statement for...
Well, Bo?
Oh, now, you heard the lady,
this is her party.
- Yeah, but just a few words?
- No, no, thank you, thank you,
let's go into Ada's
conference room, shall we?
We have a lot to discuss.
Bo, we have something
we have to clear up...
Unimportant little
- Sit down, gentlemen.
- Thank you.
Yancey's joining us?
If you have no objection?
I like the benefit of the clear,
uncomplicated mind he has, real,
real political instinct,
sit down, Yancey.
Yes, his uniform always adds
a tough of class to the room.
Yeah, we're all a little
That's because the hurt
that each of us has felt
can only be caused
by someone we love.
That's so true.
It never occurred to me before,
but what do you call
a lieutenant governor,
is it lieutenant or governor?
Well, this woman'd very much
like to be called "Ada."
By everybody?
I know that in spite
of everything,
deep down in his heart,
Bo's very proud to have
his lovely Ada share
some of the duties
of his high office,
because it was very painful
for all of us
when Ronald resigned,
but Ronald wasn't
one of the team.
You can't have a winning team
with one man
playing against you.
You mind if I ask a question?
Go on, go on, I want you to.
What part do you play
on this team?
Well, I suppose I could
be considered the coach, huh?
Who calls some of the plays.
Oh, I see that, I didn't know
we were playing games.
I was under the impression
I was elected governor
and by the people!
Bo, do you really feel
just because you're the governor
that you no longer need help?
You've suddenly become wise,
experienced, erudite?
No, sir... but I did learn
a few things, Sylvester,
one from you, that's how to talk
soft and sweet
before the knife goes in.
Ho, ho, ho, my poor,
young friend,
how little you know.
Have I ever asked
anything of you?
- Have I ever...
- Yes!
You asked me to sign
the public parks bill,
those crooked tax amendments,
and a measure to protect
the small homeowners.
I know all about that
"small homeowner,"
he owns 900 small homes.
- Bo...
- Oh, shut up!
I'm not signing those bills,
And what's more, I'm appointing
a special man to look into
the crooked goings on
in the state house.
You're a childish man, Bo...
An ignorant, childish man.
Come along, colonel,
the conference is over.
Just how far
do you think you'll get
handling Sylvester that way?
He's got control
in this state, Bo!
You just can't roll over him
like a freight train!
Wait a minute,
you look familiar,
don't I know you?
Oh, yes... it was in
the back room of some hotel
in the sticks wasn't it?
- Bo...
- don't "Bo" me!
I know how to handle Sylvester
and I know how to handle you.
You got one talent,
lieutenant, only one,
and that's a talent
that shouldn't be wasted.
I'll call your driver sir!
He's around the corner
having a coke.
Tell him I'm taking the car.
Go in now, Mrs. Gillis,
the governor's awake,
and don't worry,
he's going to be fine.
I've been trying to see you,
They wouldn't let me until now.
They take right good care
of a person in this hospital.
Did the doctors say
how soon you could come home?
Home with you?
I just ain't that brave, honey.
It's tough luck I was sitting
in the driver's seat
when that bomb
was put way back in the trunk.
Boy, it'd be a cold day before
you get another chance at me.
You... you think I did it?
I tried to kill you?
You and Sylvester, together.
Oh, no, no, Bo.
Sorry, it's sorta crude
coming right out with it,
but a man gets a little mean
and touchy when he's blown up
sitting in his own car.
Why would I try
to do such a thing?
don't have to be no genius
to figure it out.
Yesterday, yesterday afternoon
when I...
Got and gathered all the brains
and guts I got together
and declared war on Sylvester,
you set a new speed record
high-tailing it
over to his side.
No... it was the wrong way
to fight him, that's all.
Wasn't I the one who begged you
to stand up to him?
But that was before
you sweet-talked him
into making you
lieutenant governor.
You don't need me, nah,
you're way up there
all on your own.
With me out of the way,
there's nobody around
to upset the gravy train.
Only, I ain't out of the way.
Three more weeks,
the doctor said,
so you'd better hurry up
and make the most of it,
you and Sylvester.
There's not a chance
you can be wrong, is there?
Oh, Ada.
I've been wrong
about a lot of things.
Once, in the back
room of a saloon,
somebody gave me
a broad, as a present.
I got to love her,
and treated her with respect.
And, I married her.
I never once thought
she'd turn on me, or kill me.
That's just to prove to you
how wrong I can be.
Why don't you scream and yell,
and say it ain't so?
Why don't you tell me
I'm out of my mind?
It wouldn't mean much, would it?
Coming from a broad...
...somebody gave you as a
present... the back room of a saloon.
I don't think you believe me.
I don't think I'd care.
Oh, my dear girl,
you look so tired... sit down.
I wanted to be
with you at the hospital
but I just
didn't have the strength.
don't put on a black armband
yet, Sylvester.
You didn't kill him.
You just came close.
People say terrible things
in moments of stress.
I'm going to forget
you ever said that.
You did this to Bo,
and you know it.
Ada, I love that boy...
I love him
as though he were my own son.
He may have been
a little defiant of late,
and I may have been
sharp with him, I admit it,
but that's a far cry
from having him killed.
Some crank did this
to Bo, some crackpot.
That's one of
the hazards of public life.
The thing that worries me...
- Mr. Marin?
- What?
They're ready
for Mrs. Gillis, now.
Oh, yes, thank you.
Ada, my dear.
The supreme court
has had an emergency session,
since Bo is incapable
of performing
the duties of his office,
you've automatically been
declared acting governor.
They're waiting to swear you in.
What worries me, Ada,
is your state of mind.
These wild suspicions,
these insane accusations.
I don't know what got
into me, Sylvester, I...
I guess it was
seeing Bo hurt, I...
I wanted to
lash out at something.
I understand,
my dear, completely.
Come along.
As far as taking Bo's place...
Do you think
I can handle the job?
I have absolute faith in you,
and myself.
Together there'll be
no stopping us.
I'll do my best, Sylvester.
I just hope my best
is good enough for you.
I, Ada Gillis,
do solemnly swear...
I, Ada Gillis,
do solemnly swear...
That I will uphold
and defend the constitution,
and the laws of this state.
That I will uphold
and defend the constitution,
and the laws of this state.
And, that I will
faithfully perform
all the duties encumbered
upon me as governor...
And, that I will
faithfully perform
all the duties encumbered
upon me as governor...
To the best of my ability,
so help me God.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight, governor.
- Goodnight.
Goodnight, my dear.
Get some rest.
I didn't know you were here.
Why, I wouldn't
miss this for anything.
Tell me, governor,
while you were being crowned
queen of the may,
did you spare just a little
thought for my friend Bo?
All my thoughts were on Bo.
Oh, now, that's very touching.
You know, I said to my friend Bo
at the hospital, I said...
"Bo, that girl cares for you."
"She really cares for you."
And he said, "that's funny..."
"Because it was that little
tramp who put me here."
There's something else funny.
The way you and Bo
keep reminding me of what I was.
Because what you can't
forgive, either of you,
is that I'm not that, anymore.
Oh, please, governor.
Let's not go into
what you are now.
I wouldn't want to throw up
on your nice clean carpet.
If you'll just accept this,
let's bid each other
a fond farewell.
Best writing I've ever done...
It's my resignation.
You disappoint me, Steve.
To resign now... just when
I'm about to hit my stride?
And you can watch my
conniving and double-crossing,
and double-dealing
from close up?
You're not as good a newspaper
man as I thought you were.
Why, think of
the expose you could write.
Why, there might even be
a Pulitzer Prize in it, for you.
Even a Pulitzer Prize
can cost too much.
Well, now, I hadn't realized
you were that squeamish.
Or, that high-principled.
I thought watching
dirty politics amused you.
Otherwise, when your friend Bo
was chosen as a candidate,
you might have told him
he was chosen as a stooge
and nothing else.
And when he was elected,
you might have urged him
to fight Sylvester
and to throw the crooks out.
And then, when he did
start fighting, on his own,
and floundering, you might have
jumped into the fight with him,
and helped him.
But you didn't, did you?
Come to think of it,
outside of writing
a few speeches,
which he never delivered,
and telling him I was
a bad woman, which he knew,
what have you ever done
for your good friend Bo?
Am I late, Kathleen?
Yes, sir, you are...
She begins right on time.
Well, dockhelder,
you make it around
the course today under par?
Oh, I am sorry
I held things up, Mrs. Gillis.
My doctor advised me
to get some regular exercise.
Well, I'm just
what the doctor ordered.
I'll keep you
hopping, right here.
All right, gentleman,
let's get back to business.
Mr. Ordman, you have
an approval for $100,000
to build a road
in Marisol county.
Yes, it's badly needed,
ma'am, uh... governor.
Very badly needed.
By who, Mr. Ordman?
That road goes nowhere except
to a piece of property you own.
Well, I suggest you discuss this
with Sylvester, ma'am.
He's more familiar
with the facts.
Mr. Jackson, I have a report
on my desk that says
you condemned
three truckloads of food
scheduled for
the old people's home.
Two days later, that same food
showed up in a chain of markets,
of which you are part owner.
I consider that
a little bit shifty.
So, Mr. Jackson,
you're going to have to find
some other way of storing
up nuts for the winter.
I suggest that,
perhaps, if we were...
Well, gentleman, I could go on,
but I think you get the drift.
If you don't, you're
gonna be the saddest sight
in the whole world...
Unemployed politicians.
Well, uh, I'm sure you'll
have our very best efforts,
Mrs. Gillis.
That, or your hides.
You sure do come
right to the point,
don't you, Mrs. Gillis?
You don't sugarcoat
the pill any.
Oh, I don't know Mr. Jackson...
I'm wearing a silk petticoat
and French perfume.
We noticed.
You've got a reputation for
having a sharp eye, Mr. De Paul.
Keep it on your budget
appropriation, from now on.
Oh, uh, give our best to
the governor, when you see him.
You're talking to the governor.
Thank you.
I'm all right, I'm all right,
thank you... I can manage.
Come in, come in!
Good afternoon.
- Sylvester?
- Ada?
Nurse, put those in water
while they're still fresh.
Very courteous of you, Ada,
to come all this way
to talk to me.
I wouldn't have asked you,
except for this little illness.
The, uh, the leaf grows
seared and yellow, you know.
I think there's
some life left in you, yet.
My butterflies,
aren't they beautiful?
But boy, you adore me,
come and sit down.
I hesitate to discuss business
so soon after near tragedy,
but, uh, the matter
of running the government
continues to be
our responsibility.
I've been told...
I've been told that you handled
one or two of our associates
a little bit roughly
the other day.
Very good idea to make them
toe the mark from time to time.
Like most people,
they're inclined to greed
occasionally, but I want
to reassure you that every one
of them boys would bend over
backwards to support you.
Well now, I'm glad
to hear that, Sylvester.
It'll make the changes
I have in mind so much simpler
to push through.
What changes
are you referring to, huh?
Well, first of all, the budget.
I'm gonna cut it,
right down the middle.
Now, before you do that,
I suggest you examine
the financial reports.
You'll find the budget
is worked out with great care.
I'm sure it has,
by your friends who bought
all that cheap land and are now
about to sell to the state.
Bo wouldn't like that.
I never pictured you
as a loyal wife, before.
I guess I'm beginning
to make mistakes.
Never put your trust
in a woman, Sylvester.
Any man will tell you that.
It appears I've been hoodwinked.
I really did expect
your cooperation, you know.
Let me fill you in
on a few of my other ideas.
Next week, in the legislature,
I'm gonna propose
the elimination
of the special tax exemption
on all private hospitals
with over 200 beds.
That'll only affect
one hospital in this state...
St. Anne's,
owned by Dr. striker Smith.
I'm also gonna see to it
that we don't award
a single government contract
for state printing, anymore.
That'll take more than
a million dollars a year away
from the Donford
printing company.
And, the other
little item I have in mind
involves a separation tax
on all canneries
exporting over 300,000 pounds
of canned seafood a year.
The only one that bill
will hurt, and hurt bad,
is Mr. Richard Bradfeld.
These men have opened
their personal fortunes to me,
they've supported my career.
You better start
thinking about retiring, soon.
Not yet, miss.
I rather enjoy a good fight.
And you're gonna get it.
Nurse, nurse...
Come here.
May I have that again, please?
Oh, just a moment.
I have a personal call
on the line, governor.
Well, I don't want
to talk to anyone, right now.
It's a Mrs. sweet.
She says she's an old friend.
- Who?
- A Mrs. Alice sweet?
Did she say what she wants?
No, just that it was important.
Would you like me
to say you're out?
No, I'll talk to her.
Oh, hello, Alice, how are you?
I'd rather not
tell you on the phone, Ada,
but there's trouble...
Bad trouble.
I think you aughta consider
paying me a visit.
Trouble... bad trouble?
Yes, I'm at a little motel
outside of town on the highway.
It's called haven's inn
and I'm in cabin number ten.
Come on...
Oh, Ada.
Sit down over there.
Imagine me, being called on
by the governor.
What's the trouble, Alice?
Oh, well, I'm not feeling
well... not a bit well, honey.
You know,
I think I got a kidney stone.
Now, you aughta
do something about that.
Oh, well, I plan to.
As soon as I can land my hands
on some real money
for the operation.
My goodness, little lady,
you rose to the top
like cream in a milk bottle.
All right, let's stop
all the small talk, Alice.
Aw, now say, you're not gonna
be as hard to do business with
as that Yancey fellow,
though, are ya?
And, you know I haven't
come to any terms with him, yet.
I just can't stand a man
who pinches pennies, can you?
Just about as much as a woman
who tries to extort them.
Listen, I've considered
I've always been
a good friend to you.
Now, I'm giving you
a chance to make
some kind of an arrangement.
How much did he offer you?
$5,000 if I can come up
with some proof that'll hold up
and I got some proof
that'll hold up real fine.
- I'll give you $10,000.
- Oh, that'll be fine.
It's gonna take me
a little while
to get that money together.
- How long?
- A few days.
Oh, well, that'll be all right.
I don't want you
to think I'm inconsiderate.
Well, you can't blame me,
now can you?
Look, I got back aches all
the time and I'm alone, and...
You're all signed up, you ready?
Raring to go.
Well, you sound like
a man with a plan.
I wanna go on the air, Steve,
and tell the people
of this state the whole score.
After that, I don't care
if they throw rocks at me
or toss me in the pokey,
just as long as I take
Sylvester with me.
- Did she move out, like I said?
- No, not yet.
She's still the governor
until you return.
Okay, I've returned.
She's over at
the state house right now,
sponsoring three new bills.
If they're passed,
that's the end of Sylvester.
They won't pass, huh?
What's the matter with you, boy,
don't you recognize
an act when you see one?
One last word, gentleman.
Now, you're here on
that floor today that I've
used you in my office to revenge
myself on personal enemies.
That's not the issue.
It's true this bill
is designed to cause
these three gentlemen
some discomfort,
but for one reason
and for one reason only.
They have sheared this state
like a sheep.
Sylvester Marin can get
pretty mean when he's cornered.
Well, you're not
afraid of him, are you?
No, miss Ada, but that old fox
will be gunning
for all of us after this.
Well, I'm expecting that you'll
bring me back his bushy tail.
Now, I'd like to thank you.
I know I've kept you
away from your families
while we've
gone over this ground.
No complaints on
that skull, miss Ada.
I hope we've become
good friends in this time.
If I had any more friends
that looked like you,
my wife would
turn me out of the house.
We'll do our very best, ma'am.
Morning, ma'am.
Uh, you're gonna need
a lot of help this morning.
Uh... Alice sweet and you
had a conversation
and I've got it
right here in my briefcase.
Besides, which, the old lady
had a lot of things
to say on her own.
Of course, this didn't
come as a surprise to me, see,
I've always had a feeling...
I know what kind
of feelings you have.
Now, you don't want to
talk to me like that, ma'am.
I want to be your friend.
Your real close friend.
You know why?
Because you're different.
I've watched you
go right to the top.
I've never known anybody
that's a powerhouse like you,
and pretty, and all woman
at the same time.
That's got to
make a man real excited.
You don't even like me
a little bit, do ya?
Well, that's all right...
I don't mind.
Sometimes it's better that way.
Now, I've got this conversation
between you and miss sweet,
right here, I'll just...
Oh, no.
Now, I'm just gonna
let you ask me.
Ask me not to give this
to Sylvester.
Real sweet, like.
And, I'm sure the words,
coming from your pretty lips,
will persuade me.
How 'bout it?
don't you want to say please?
Pretty please?
Tamblyn, Templeton,
Tonberg, turtle...
Warren, Wagner, Walker,
Webson, Whalen, Winslow...
Witters, Ureszsch...
Forum is present,
the house will be in order.
Each member will take a seat.
Heavenly father, we ask thy
blessings on this August body.
We pray for these,
our lawmakers,
that they may be given
the wisdom for every decision.
Be with them
in their deliberations,
that they may be
pleased in thy sight.
Thank you, Babylon.
The hour of ten having arrived,
special order of business
set for this time
is consideration of house bills
2130, 2131, and 2132.
Which is a special tax
on canneries bill,
a tax exemption
for private hospitals bill,
the state
printing contract bill.
First order on file
is house bill 2130.
Clerk will read.
House bill number 2130,
an act to provide
for a separation tax on cannery.
Mr. speaker...
Mr. speaker!
Chair recognizes Mr. Joe Adams.
Mr. speaker,
members of this house,
I am of course
in favor of this measure.
And, I say that anyone
who withholds his support
of the governor
on these measures,
is no true friend of this state.
We have had secret boss
kind of government long enough
in these parts.
And, Mr. speaker,
I am referring to a man
who holds no office
from the people,
but who is well known
to all of us... Sylvester Marin.
Sylvester Marin...
Adams, you're out of order.
A point of personal privilege
here, Mr. speaker.
Chair recognizes Mr. Natfield.
- Mr. speaker...
- You are out of order!
Gentlemen, the house
will be in order.
Now, we will transact
no further business
until all of the members
take their seats.
In order, gentlemen, in order.
Mr. Warren Natfield.
Mr. speaker, I have been...
Mr. Adams your time has expired!
As you know, you will have
a further opportunity
in your closing.
- Now, Mr. Natfield.
- Thank you.
Mr. speaker,
fellow members,
this bill is vicious,
it's dangerous
and it's utterly without merit.
We condemn any tax bill
that seeks to impose
a heavy tax burden on the great
industries of this state.
Are we gonna bankrupt as fine
a citizen as Richard Bradville,
to satisfy the petty vanity
of that woman?
- No, Mr. Natfield.
- Increase the sales tax
two percent, so they can
relieve the big boys at the top
and sweat it out of
the little boys at the bottom.
- I beg your pardon, Mr. Davis...
- I am speaking,
and I am not yielding.
Now, gentlemen,
gentlemen, this will not do.
Gentlemen, I am going
to tell you what will happen
if you don't pass this bill.
You will have a sales tax that
will be the most tyrannical form
of taxation ever introduced.
Will you please come to order?
They want this
administration run
by a bunch of ladies in waiting
to our majesty, up there.
That doesn't buy a bunch
of bootleggers, sir.
- Gentlemen, please.
- My distinctive supporters
are jumping up and down
like a lot of fleas.
Fleas have a use...
They keep the dog awake.
Well, we are gonna proceed
according to the rules.
Now, please, gentlemen.
Gentlemen, not one of you
shall shout me down.
Mr. winters.
Mr. speaker,
I move the previous question.
No, sir... no!
A sufficient number
having arisen,
the previous question
is ordered.
Mr. speaker, by this motion
and your ruling, sir,
you have deliberately enabled
the Sylvester Marin crowd
to stifle any further debate.
Under our rules and by your own
testimony, you have said
yourself that I am entitled
to close this discussion.
Very well, Mr. Adams, you may
make your closing argument.
All right,
we should proceed with a vote.
But, before you vote,
Miss Ada has asked me
to remind you of one thing:
These measures are part
of a program of reform
started by Bo Gillis,
whom the people,
not Sylvester Marin,
elected governor of this state.
A vote for these bills
is a vote for the governor.
Roll call...
Roll call!
All debate having finished,
the clerk will prepare the roll.
All the members
will please vote.
I voted 'yes' but it shows red.
I haven't even voted yet and...
And my light's red.
They got something wrong,
so is mine.
Make 'em change my vote!
That chairman team is fixed,
Mr. speaker, it's fixed!
The party's been tampering
with our voting machines!
All the members having voted,
the clerk will please
clear the roll.
Roll call, I-34.
Mr. speaker!
Chair recognizes Mr. Ordman.
I move to adjourn.
Gentlemen, please.
Twice roll call... twice
roll call... twice roll call!
Very well...
Clerk, we'll call the roll.
- Adams?
- Aye.
Adams, aye...
- Aye.
- Adkins aye... Brownson?
- No.
- Brownson, no... Campbell?
- No.
- Campbell, no... Carfan, no.
- Aye.
- Carfan, no, aye... De Paul.
- No.
- De Paul, no... Dickson?
- Aye.
- Dickson, aye... dockhelder?
- No.
- Dockhelder, no... Enach?
- No.
- Enach, no... Fairman?
- Aye.
- Fairman, aye... Gibson?
- Aye.
- Gibson, aye... Offman?
- Aye.
- Offman, aye... Jackson?
- Aye.
- Jackson, aye... Kingsby?
- Aye.
- Kingsby, are... Launder?
- Aye.
- Launder, aye... Mann?
- Aye.
- Mann, aye... Mitchell?
- Aye.
- Mitchell, aye... Morgan?
- Aye.
- Morgan, aye... Murphy?
- Aye.
- Muphy, aye... Natfield?
- No.
- Natfield, no... Newman?
- No.
- Newman, no... Neilson?
- No.
- Neilson, no... Nolan?
- Aye.
- Nolan, aye... Norbet?
- Aye.
- Norbet, aye... Ordman?
- No.
- Ordman, no... Pilkinton?
- No.
- Pilkinton, no... priestly?
- Aye.
- Priestly, aye...
Just a moment, Mr. clerk.
Mr. natfield,
for what purpose do you arise?
I have important information
here for my colleagues.
Point of order,
Mr. speaker,
we're in the middle
of a roll call.
Please instruct
Mr. natfield to be seated.
No, my colleagues
have a right to know
who sponsored these bills
before they vote on them.
The acting governor of this
state is sponsoring these bills.
And what was she before
she became acting governor?
A common trollop,
that's what she was.
A woman who
could be bought by anyone!
There are tapes to prove it.
Gentlemen, gentlemen...
I don't have to speak...
On this recording
the lady speaks for herself.
And she hangs herself...
In one minute,
you can hear our acting governor
offer her former madam $10,000
just to keep her mouth shut
about the past.
She's willing to pay $10,000
to keep you in ignorance...
And that's the woman
who gives you your orders!
Mr. speaker...
Mr. speaker!
Mr. speaker...
Mr. speaker!
Sylvester Marin gives you
your orders Mr. natfield.
A man who sells out all the
people of this state for money!
You like that better?
You have no
official position here!
You have no right to speak!
If a man's wife is accused,
most people would say
he has a right to defend her.
- Is that right?
- Yeah!
He's out of order, Mr. speaker...
Throw him out of here!
Throw him out!
Order... order... order!
I'm your elected governor...
Handpicked by Sylvester Marin...
What qualifications did I have?
Well, I like people...
I talk to 'em plain
and I play the guitar.
Well, that added up to being
a good vote getter, I guess.
Too dumb even to see
what was going on,
let alone ask questions.
A man you could count on
to sign any bill
without even reading it...
Just as long as Sylvester Marin
said sign, well,
that's what I did.
But, I'm not here to tell you
I'm more innocent than he is,
or that my hands are cleaner.
There's just one thing
that Sylvester didn't know.
That I was grateful to the
people who voted for me...
Who raised me up higher
than I ever dreamed.
I didn't want
to do them any harm,
so I started reading
the bills I was signing,
and asking questions.
That's when I found out that
Sylvester Marin and his friends
were robbing this state blind.
That's when I served notice
that I was gonna try and be
a governor, not a stooge.
Six hours later,
a bomb was put in my car.
But my wife went on
fighting for me.
Believing that there are honest
men among you and finding 'em.
So, now you've
planted another bomb,
haven't you, Sylvester?
Only this was to take
your minds off the bills
we're asking you to pass.
Now, you can do
what you want to me...
Ask me to resign,
throw me out and prosecute me.
First, vote on these bills...
Pass 'em.
Make the first move
in freeing this state
from graft and corruption.
And fools like me.
My feelings are hurt.
That's the best speech you ever
made and I didn't even write it.
Mr. speaker... Mr. speaker
we are in the middle
of a most important
roll call vote.
Clerk will continue
with the roll call vote.
- Pamperly?
- Aye.
- Pamperly, aye... Peterson?
- Aye!
Sylvester, just a minute.
When they start investigating,
what are you gonna do about it?
Just a minute, miss.
Ah, hell to 'em...
I'm prepared
to meet a more severe judge
than any they got
in their courts.
Yeah, but what about me?
What are you gonna do about me?
I ain't old and sick.
Yancey... I suggest you go out
and get yourself drunk.
Have a night on the town.
It may be your last opportunity
for some time.
I don't want those pills, come on...
Come on... come on, then.
- Push me, take me home.
- Yes sir, yes sir.
Congratulations, Mr. Adams...
You did a fine job, sir.
I really appreciate you
standing up to that bunch.
Thank you.
Now that these three bills have
passed, what's next Mr. Adams?
This is just the first step
in a reform program that'll take
the government of this state
back to the people.