Adam and the Water (2022) Movie Script

[waves crashing]
[waves crashing]
[waves crashing]
[seagulls calling]
[waves crashing]
[flames crackling]
[voice whispers]
[alarm ringing]
-[voices echoing]
-[voice whispers] Adam.
-[alarm ringing]
-[voices echoing]
Adam, it's really simple.
I just don't really like you.
[man 2] In the name of
the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
[voices echoing]
[man 3]
It's a lack of initiative.
[man 4]
Do it, you won't.
[echoing continues]
[man 5]
I think it's mild anxiety.
[frantic electronic music]
[man 6]
Fuck off.
[frantic electronic music]
[echoing amplifies]
[music continues]
[phone buzzing]
[water running]
[frantic electronic music]
[frantic electronic music]
[music continues]
[frantic electronic music]
[pills shaking]
[music continues]
[coffee pouring]
[music continues]
[shower running]
[frantic electronic music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[deodorant crashing]
[pounding music]
[pounding music continues]
[pounding music continues]
[pounding music continues]
[phone vibrating]
[frantic electronic music]
[music stops]
[doorknob jiggling]
[frantic electronic music]
[music stops]
[doorknob jiggling]
[brief pounding music]
[music stops]
[doorknob jiggling]
[brief pounding music]
-[music stops]
-[door slams]
[doorknob locking]
[horns honking]
[traffic passing]
[horn honking]
[passersby chattering]
[traffic passing]
[train whistle blowing]
[train clattering]
[train car dinging]
[soft humming]
[phones ringing]
[phone ringing]
[printer beeping]
[beeping continues]
[phones ringing]
[phone ringing]
[pills rattling]
[printer beeping]
[phones ringing]
[beeping grows]
[elevator dinging]
'Sup, dude?
Living the dream.
'Sup, dude?
Good, good. You?
Living the dream.
[traffic passing]
[phone game dings]
[phone game singing]
[man chattering on phone]
[man On phone]
Call an ambulance.
Call an ambulance.
[men chattering on phone]
[phone game pops]
Happy hour time.
First round's on me.
Everyone pack it up.
Ooh, fuck!
You fucking fuck, fuck you!
Buy some fucking pants
that fit.
[upbeat music]
[man on TV]
A series of vicious murders
in the area
have left people
wondering if there's
a serial killer on the loose.
In other news, the local
Brooklyn Board of Education
suffered a setback last
week after some members
were charged with money
laundering and fraud.
[voice echoing]
[upbeat pounding music]
[traffic passing]
[upbeat pounding music]
[siren blaring]
[upbeat pounding music]
[pounding music continues]
[traffic passing]
[pounding music]
[horn blaring]
[train clattering]
[alarm ringing]
[water running]
[pills shaking]
[coffee boiling]
[coffee pouring]
[water running]
[teeth brushing]
[tie scratching]
[doorknob jiggling]
[passersby chattering]
[rain pattering]
[train screeching]
[phone dinging]
You gonna sell something,
or you just going
to keep jacking off?
-[Adam panting]
-[moaning on phone]
[Adam exhaling]
[phone dinging]
[phone tapping]
[phone dings]
Anyway, so I get there
and it's like really chill.
The musics are vibing
and I'm like, girl,
oh, my God.
I am ready to dance,
you know?
So I go, and I do the thing
and I'm exhausted,
but I look so good.
I am sweating.
I am glistening.
It is just fantastic
and amazing.
And so the instructor comes
up to me and she goes,
"Girl, how long have you
been doing this?
Like are you
a professional dancer?"
And I go,
"Girl, I just started like
a month ago." [laughs]
Can you believe that?
She really thought I was
a professional dancer.
Like, oh my God,
I'm just that great. [laughs]
-That good.
-[Adam] I believe you.
Thank you.
It's great, right?
What did you
do yesterday, anything?
I went to-- I was in work.
I went to work.
Yeah [laughs].
And then she goes,
"You know, maybe you
can even be
like an instructor part time,
because we have
a couple openings."
And I said that would
just work out so well...
[voice fading]
because I have a free morning,
like every other day.
-[upbeat pounding music]
[dishes clattering]
[pounding music continues]
[pounding music continues]
[man on TV]
The old fire hall
is still burning
out of control,
there are no--
[alarm ringing]
[phone dinging]
[upbeat pounding music]
[door slams]
[keyboard clicking]
[coworker chattering]
[phone clicking]
[phone dinging]
[phone clicking]
[phone dinging]
[keyboard clicking]
[coworkers chattering]
[upbeat music]
Yeah, uh, uh
If you've ever seen me
watch football,
then you'd probably never
want to see me again.
But they come
with the wings all attached.
And I was terrified.
And I'm like chopping
them apart,
and they're like kind
of breaking in a way
I did not expect,
and, um-- excuse me?
Could I actually get,
like, a little stir stick?
Thank you.
[upbeat club music]
Thank you.
I really appreciate it.
Have a good night.
Uh-huh to the girls
In the back, uh-huh
[music continues]
[chimes twinkle]
[music fades]
[soft pulsing music]
[soft music continues]
[singer vocalizing]
[soft pulsing music]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
Love me.
[upbeat music]
[upbeat music continues]
[upbeat music continues]
[upbeat music continues]
[waves crashing]
[upbeat music]
-[Adam moans]
-[jackhammer pounding]
[horns beeping]
[jackhammer pounding]
[siren blaring]
[siren blaring]
[bed creaking]
[bed creaking]
[bed creaking]
[bed creaking]
[woman sighs]
[horn beeping]
I have to go soon.
[Adam groaning]
[phone clicking]
[water running]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music continues]
Hi. [echoes]
Nice to meet you.
I'm Adam.
[soft dramatic music]
I'm living the dream.
My life's perfect.
I'm exactly
where I want to be.
You piece of shit.
You're pathetic.
A waste of space!
go to sleep.
[soft dramatic music]
[shower running]
[soft dramatic music]
[muffled screaming]
[Adam breathing hard]
[water running]
[soft pulsing music]
[men chattering]
[soft pulsing music]
[singing in Spanish]
[woman laughing]
[singing in Spanish]
[horn blaring]
[man] What the fuck?
Jesus Christ,
open your eyes.
[engine idling]
Are you all right?
[loud buzzing]
[diners chattering]
[soft upbeat music]
[soft music continues]
[coffee beans grinding]
[woman in Spanish]
Hey, hey.
Hey, Lamine, how are you?
-Good, good, how are you?
-I'm good.
Uh, I'm cold.
I want the same as always.
Yeah, please.
[soft upbeat music]
[tea pouring]
[Lamine] All right.
See you soon again.
[in Spanish]
Are you okay?
You got hit pretty hard.
I saw you like escaping,
running away.
Does it hurt?
No, it's good.
It's all good.
It's no biggie.
Just a...
Think you should clean it.
It's bad.
-No, no, no, you're good.
What's your name?
[in Spanish]
What's your name?
[in Spanish]
What else? You sound weird.
Are you from New York?
I'm not from New York, no.
I was...
I've been here
for a while, though.
Where you from?
La Serena.
What is that?
[laughs] Chile.
-You know that country?
-Yeah, yeah.
I know my geography.
What are you doing here?
I got hit by the car
over there, so then I...
Do you mean New York?
This cafe or New York?
What do you mean?
Whatever. [laughs]
I do sales for work.
I'm in sales.
Fun. You like it?
What you do, the sales.
Oh, no, it's not fun, no.
It sucks actually.
What do you like?
I like sports.
What sports?
All American sports
basically I like...
-All American sports?
-Of course.
-Teams from Baltimore,
I like--
What's Baltimore?
Baltimore's a city.
way that way.
That's why you sound funny
-What, I sound funny?
-Yeah, a little bit.
Yeah, you sound
pretty funny too, girl.
Yeah, well,
I'm from a country
you don't even know
it exists,
so probably
I'm funny for you.
-I know it exists.
-Yeah, yeah sure.
Okay, you want to walk?
What do you mean? Where?
[soft upbeat music]
Well, we walk?
You seem calmer.
Calmer than before.
You were nervous [laughs].
-Sorry about that.
You have apologized like
six times in these five minutes
Yeah, sorry.
[Eva laughing]
Okay, bye.
[upbeat music]
[dog barking]
[upbeat music]
[siren blaring]
[upbeat music]
[Adam sighing]
[upbeat music]
[siren blaring]
[upbeat music]
[phone clicking]
[upbeat music]
[clicking speeds up]
[frantic electronic music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[frantic electronic music]
[music continues]
[couple chattering]
[Eva laughing]
[Eva laughing]
That was fucking amazing!
Did you see that?
I almost flew over your head.
Wow. Did you see?
Yeah, yeah, I saw you
almost give me a concussion.
What the fuck?
You just appeared or something.
-What happened?
-Hug me please.
-Are you following me?
-Hug me.
[Eva sighing]
I got her a new bed.
Beautiful I love her anyway.
Okay, what should I do?
I don't remember.
Just go to your file,
open it.
And just put the formula in
the folder on the desktop.
I'll take care of it.
I don't know
how to do this shit!
I never do.
Did I blocked it?
[man] No. Just put it
right on the desktop.
Minimize this.
[Eva] There we go.
[man laughing]
Ooh, it's delicious.
[man] It is.
[man chattering]
[soft piano music]
[machines churning]
[women laughing]
[in Spanish]
[singing in Spanish]
[birds tweeting]
[barber] Oh yeah,
the energy brought you in.
So basically you want
to keep the same shape,
just take a slight trim.
[soft jazz music]
[phone dings]
[jazz music continues]
Beautiful Sunday, man.
What are you up to today?
Just chilling.
This is a cool place.
Thank you.
Created it for the people.
For the barbers
and the people.
Together we make it magic.
[traffic passing]
I always thought that I was
kind of just an amalgamation
of all the girls I've dated's
fantasy boyfriends.
You know what I mean?
-Like I have zero personality.
Boring excuse.
[Eva laughing]
Why? Why?
Why boring? Why can't
my excuses just be excuses?
Why do they have
to be boring too?
Because it's boring.
Sometimes, I think
I never really got to know
anyone that I have loved.
Sometimes I just think that
I was not looking to them.
I was just looking
at my own fantasy.
What, are you
not going to do anything
in your life
because of money?
I don't know,
it's like, uh...
a lot of things.
I have like 50 lifetimes
of debt,
from school to begin with.
There's this quote
that I like.
"We don't see the world
the way that it is,
we see the world
the way that we are."
Yeah, it's that.
That's what I mean.
Reminds me of what
you're saying.
Like you.
You don't exist.
I'm teasing you, relax.
You're cool.
You're cute.
[Eva chuckling]
-That's, uh, wow.
-Yeah, yeah.
Here's the check right here.
Thanks for coming.
Have a wonderful night.
Of course, thank you.
Thank you,
thank you, thank you.
Okay, I guess I pay.
I invited you
and you can save that money
for your travel budget.
I like that word, budget.
Okay, I will.
Mm, just for you to know,
I have no fucking idea
what the word
amalgamation means, bitch.
So, I want to pee.
-I pee and we leave?
Okay, perfect.
Okay, bye.
[traffic passing]
Okay, ready? [laughs]
I'll take Manhattan
[door closes]
[soft music]
[soft music continues]
Uh, beer.
No, choose tea.
I don't have beer.
Okay, tea.
[soft singing in Spanish]
[tea pouring]
[soft music]
How was your 30 minutes?
Pretty good. Yeah.
Pretty good. Yeah.
[soft music]
[soft music]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[Adam exhaling]
[soft music]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
Kiss me.
[soft music]
[soft music]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[quiet buzzing]
[voice echoing] Adam.
[voices echoing]
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, just get off.
[man] You piece of shit.
You're pathetic.
A waste of space!
[voices echoing]
Adam breathe.
[soft dramatic music]
[soft dramatic music continues]
[soft dramatic music continues]
[phone clicking]
[soft dramatic music]
[Adam vomiting]
[toilet flushing]
[soft dramatic music]
[soft dramatic music continues]
[alarm ringing]
[soft guitar music]
[Eva] It's okay, Adam.
You just panicked.
Sex is always weird.
It's not that weird.
Yeah, that weird.
And you look pretty.
You look, beautiful.
[soft music]
[soft music continues]
Tell me something about you.
[soft music]
Uh, I don't like interviews.
I'm not interviewing.
Okay, don't tell me anything,
just make a sound.
Krook, krook, krook.
[Eva trilling]
I like that one.
[Adam laughing]
You could tell
I liked that one?
I did. You did too?
-We're connected.
[Eva chuckling]
Like two birds.
[wings flapping]
[soft guitar music]
[horns honking]
-Are you magical?
What's your powers?
Sometimes I can be invisible.
-But in general, I just
can read your mind.
-That's my power.
-[both laugh]
So what am I thinking
right now?
You're thinking you're
a little uncomfortable.
You don't know what to say.
But you love this moment.
Am I right?
Thank you.
[soft music]
[Eva laughing]
You almost slipped down?
[soft music]
No way,
you're going to throw me?
[soft music]
[soft music continues]
I don't know
if I feel completely open
around you
or completely trapped.
It's like...
Do I scare you?
[traffic passing]
I want to know
everything about you.
And I want you to know
everything about me.
It's just
that when I'm around you
I don't know who I am.
That's good.
[soft music]
[soft music]
[Adam breathing hard]
[soft music]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[Adam breathing hard]
[soft music]
[Eva breathing hard]
[soft music]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[Adam breathing hard]
[soft music]
[bell tolling]
[siren blaring]
[Adam sighing]
[Eva sighing]
[Eva moaning softly]
[both laughing]
[in Spanish]
Do you want some coffee?
Maybe I should go.
[in Spanish]
You love coffee.
Maybe you should stay
and have coffee with me.
That's true.
Okay. Okay.
Just let me go the bathroom
really quick, okay?
[bed creaking]
Kiss on the cheek.
[water running]
[upbeat music]
[upbeat music continues]
[singing in Spanish]
[singing in Spanish]
[singing continues]
[kettle whistling]
[singing in Spanish]
[upbeat music]
[upbeat music continues]
[upbeat music continues]
[music slowing]
[Eva reading in Spanish]
[soft music]
I can read it
in English after.
[soft upbeat music]
[upbeat romantic music]
[birds tweeting]
[Eva shrieking]
[indistinct singing]
Ooh, ooh ooh
Ahh, ahh ahh
[Eva laughing]
Ooh, ooh ooh
Ahh, ahh ahh
Hey, don't fall asleep.
Why? What do you mean?
It's not fair.
Why is it not fair?
I don't like knowing
that you're so close
and that you're in
a different world.
[Adam chuckling]
So you want to fall
asleep first, basically?
[Eva sighing]
[water splashing]
[upbeat dramatic music]
[dramatic music continues]
[apple crunching]
[upbeat dramatic music]
[ducks quacking]
[upbeat dramatic music]
[music stops]
[in Spanish]
[traffic passing]
Probably smoking
is not the best thing.
Ah, well, I'll do it.
-I'm free.
-Oh man.
-The sun is shining today.
-Yeah, it's a nice day out here.
-It's beautiful.
-Ah, you've done this before.
Should we just hang
out here all day or what?
You have to go to work.
Fuck work.
Fuck cigarettes.
-Maybe I'm gonna quit today.
-Oh, no, don't do it today.
It's always my last one,
you know?
Yeah, my last one was like,
well, three seconds ago.
-Have a good one.
-You too.
-See ya.
-See ya.
[coworkers murmuring]
-Hey, what's up, man?
-Hey, what's up, man?
-How you doing?
-Good. You?
-Yeah, I'm good.
-Cool, man.
-Good to see you, man.
Good to see you.
-See ya later.
-You too, bro.
[soft upbeat music]
[soft upbeat music continues]
[soft upbeat music continues]
[Adam moaning]
Breathe, breathe.
[soft upbeat music]
[knife chopping]
[soft upbeat music]
[soft upbeat music continues]
Breathe, you wheeze.
It's okay you see.
Clear your eyes
and your mentality.
[upbeat dramatic music]
[upbeat dramatic music
[upbeat dramatic music
[upbeat dramatic music
[Adam straining]
[upbeat dramatic music]
[music stops]
[birds chirping]
-[Adam] What's up?
-What's up?
I met this guy, and he gave
me all this coke for free.
Do you want to do some?
Jesus fuck.
[in Spanish]
And breakfast.
[upbeat music]
[upbeat music continues]
[both snorting]
[upbeat music]
[Eva in Spanish]
I can't be famous
and not real.
Okay, my turn.
Jim Morrison.
Oh, you fucking
little motherfucker.
How did you do it
with just two questions?
You asked me if you're famous
and if you're a man.
-You cheated.
-No, I didn't cheat, okay.
I knew it was Jim Morrison
because you have a fricking
Jim Morrison shirt on.
[both laughing]
[soft music]
-They're from the river.
So you have to move them,
and that way they believe
they're still there.
You want to touch them?
I can give you one.
You look like a star.
[soft music]
Ah, no.
I'm not a great nail painter.
You're going to look beautiful.
[both moaning]
[singing in Spanish]
[upbeat music]
[singing in Spanish]
Throw it!
Throw it! Throw it!
[singing in Spanish]
[upbeat music]
[singing in Spanish]
[upbeat music]
[singing in Spanish]
[upbeat music]
[singing in Spanish]
Let's go.
That was a tease.
I said that that was a tease.
What was?
Like everything.
The last like, I don't know,
the last
like 30 minutes maybe.
[soft music]
[traffic passing]
Oh, how are you, Adam?
[phone clicking]
Good. Okay.
You know the bees are dying?
Fuck you, dude. Come on.
No, really, the bees...
they're going extinct.
Oh, well good.
I always hated bees, so.
No, really,
the bees are dying.
Is that what you're
reading now out there?
It's one of the things
I'm reading. It's abo--
It's kind of along the lines,
it's about
how the agricultural
basically fucked us.
-And, um...
Oh, dude, sor-- um...
That was right over my head.
I do love honey, though, so.
-What's up, dude?
-Living the dream.
We are fucked.
[traffic passing]
[soft dramatic music]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
Hey, Mr. Bossman.
Um, I--
I quit.
[Adam chuckling]
[soft music]
[boss] The fuck?
You can't do that.
Get back here.
[elevator dinging]
[traffic passing]
[door slamming]
Please, come in.
Take your shoes off.
This is a sacred place.
[soft upbeat music]
[soft upbeat music continues]
[bell dinging]
[soft upbeat music]
We're going to start now.
[psychic moaning]
[psychic moaning]
I see...
your name is Adam.
like the first man on Earth.
[soft upbeat music]
I see a woman.
This is her.
She's not from this country.
She's from somewhere afar.
You see?
It's a marriage.
You're going
to be together...
[women laughing]
-Are you okay?
-Good, no?
Yeah, you believed everything?
-I'm sorry.
You're not a psychic?
Jimena, nice to meet you.
[Eva laughing]
[Eva laughing]
She's my friend. [laughs]
You work as a con artist?
I'm a psychic.
I miss you.
I haven't seen you
in so long.
You look
beautiful with this hat.
Can you lend it to me?
-Please. [laughs]
[soft upbeat music]
[Eva coughing]
So where are you from, Adam?
[hookah bubbling]
I'm from the stars.
[women laughing]
The stars?
[Eva laughing]
Where-- where is that?
[Adam] Far, far away.
[women laughing]
Hey, do you want
to go to a party?
Definitely, yeah.
[women laughing]
Yeah, I want to go.
You want to go?
[group chattering]
[upbeat pulsing music]
[upbeat pulsing music
[upbeat pulsing music
[upbeat pulsing music
[upbeat pulsing music
[group chattering]
What? What?
-Just kiss me.
[group chattering]
[upbeat pulsing music]
[upbeat pulsing music
[group laughing]
[upbeat pulsing music]
[upbeat pulsing music
[upbeat pulsing music
[upbeat pulsing music
[alarm ringing]
[birds chirping]
[hands slapping]
[Adam sighing]
[curtains thudding]
[birds chirping]
[Adam exhaling]
[leaves crunching]
[Adam grunting]
[birds chirping]
[Adam exhaling]
[Adam sniffing]
I want to talk about this
feeling of, um,
accepting what I have.
It's like I think I, uh...
my mind
wants a lot of things
that, uh, in the future,
it's like in a dream world.
And, um,
yeah, accepting what I have,
that what I have is perfect.
What I have is good.
You know?
Man, I like it, man.
It's speaking to me
right now.
[gentle music]
[gentle music]
[siren blaring]
[gentle music]
Good, no?
Do you know,
certain mythologies
say there is...
the Earth is hollow
and there is like an inner
world inside the world.
There is a sun
in the middle.
Right around it is like this
very incredible
gigantic jungle
with giant trees and
giant human beings
and animals.
And they say people don't
need words to communicate.
They can communicate
with telepathy.
And they don't need
to touch to make love.
They just can make love
looking into each other's eyes.
What I find
crazy about it is...
that heaven isn't out there.
It's like inside,
right in the center,
deep, deep down.
Where hell is supposed to be.
That's beautiful.
[bells tinkling]
Just breathe, homie.
Lift your shoulders
up to your ears.
Big inhale.
Yeah, there you go.
And you breathe it in?
Just breathe.
Breathe it in.
Breathe everything in.
-Okay. Uh-huh.
-You know what I'm saying?
It's like you've got this fire
burning in your belly.
This is like the chimney.
And your chimney's good,
good, good,
and then all of a sudden
you got like a--
a bat nest or a bird nest
in your chimney
and it's keeping everything--
keeping the smoke
from coming out.
-You know what I'm saying?
-Yeah, I feel that.
-You got to open the chimney.
Funny you should ask.
[both laughing]
Put that in your hand.
Put some positive thoughts
into it.
What are you trying
to open up?
What kind of blocks are you
trying to get through?
What do you want to take
from the experience?
[traffic passing]
[both chuckling]
[traffic passing]
[in Spanish]
[Adam exhaling]
Try to feel your heartbeat
in the palms of your hands.
Can you feel it?
[Adam] Yeah.
[soft music]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[train clattering]
[siren blaring]
[soft piano music]
[train clattering]
[soft piano music]
I keep thinking
about my hands recently.
It's like, um,
I don't know.
It's like it started because
I realized that...
my left hand like
goes like this when I'm not
paying attention.
Yeah, like when
I'm brushing my teeth
or I'm not listening
to someone or something.
I'm like, what the fuck?
It's so hard not to do.
It's like a sign that
I went inside myself.
Like, pshh.
Maybe I shouldn't
tell you this.
Then you'll know
when I'm not paying
attention to you.
[soft piano music]
Yeah, and then I started
paying attention to it,
literally all the time,
because I've got all these
knots all over my back
and I feel like why?
Like why, why?
Why? My back should
be soft by now.
Why is this happening, right?
It's crazy. It's like my mind
is creating this tension.
I mean, I know it's definitely
happening in my feet.
And I know
it's happening in my stomach,
and that's why
it's always hurting.
Yeah, crazy.
Sorry, I...
This is boring?
No, I like it.
[soft piano music]
[wind blowing]
[train clattering]
[soft piano music]
[soft piano music continues]
I love you.
[soft piano music]
[soft dramatic music]
[soft dramatic music
[soft dramatic music
[soft dramatic music
[soft dramatic music
[Eva whispering]
[soft dramatic music]
[upbeat music]
[upbeat music continues]
[upbeat music continues]
[upbeat music continues]
[upbeat music continues]
[upbeat music continues]
[waves lapping]
[waves crashing]
[waves crashing]
[gentle guitar music]
[gentle music continues]
[water flowing]
[gentle guitar music]
[gentle music continues]
[Adam howling]
[gentle guitar music]
[gentle music continues]
[gentle music continues]
[siren blaring in distance]
[gentle guitar music]
[phone clicking]
Fucking mindless bullshit.
Fucking mindless
fucking bullshit.
Fucking screens, man.
Motherfucking screens.
Fucking screens, man.
Motherfucking screens.
These fucking screens.
These motherfucking screens.
[phone clattering]
[man on TV]
It produced at a more
manageable rate...
Fucking screens.
Motherfucking screens.
Creating what we now know
as the cosmos.
Now, since we cannot go back
to the events physically,
we rely on factually based
mathematical equations.
Off with
the fucking screens, man.
Off with
the goddamn fucking screens.
Off with the goddamn
fucking screens, man.
Off with the fucking screens!
Off with the fucking screens.
-Off with the fucking screens.
-[bells tolling]
These mother fucking
goddamn, fucking screens!
These motherfucking screens.
Fuck you!
[static hissing]
[soft music]
[dog barking]
[man] Hey.
-How are you?
-Ah, man.
-Beautiful night, huh?
-It's beautiful.
It's beautiful.
Ah, man.
-How are you?
-I'm good, man.
-What are you doing
here tonight?
and meditating and, uh,
who knows,
putting the pieces together.
Putting the pieces
together, man.
We all have to do that
sometimes, you know?
-That's how life is.
Yeah, it's just my hands
I've been thinking about.
-They're cold, right?
-Yeah, and I can feel my--
It's like I can feel my
heart beating in my hand.
You know, have you
ever felt that before?
Of course.
Let your mind and body relax,
and you can feel
your heartbeat all over.
Just breathe, dude.
is constantly changing.
-Do you see
that dog over there?
Yeah, man, they enjoying it,
so why can't we, right?
[both laughing]
It's true, man, it's true.
Taking it easy, you know?
Taking it easy.
Life is beautiful, huh?
Life is beautiful.
[gentle music]
[man sighs]
[flames crackling]
[slow music]
[slow music continues]
[alarm ringing]
[slow piano music]
[slow piano music continues]
[slow piano music continues]
[slow piano music continues]
[slow piano music continues]
[music stops]
[waves lapping]
[waves lapping]
[waves lapping]
[waves crashing]
[gentle music]
[clothes tearing]
[gentle music]
[gentle music continues]
[gentle music continues]
[gentle music continues]
[waves crashing]
[gentle music]
[gentle music continues]
[gentle piano music]
[upbeat music]
[upbeat music continues]
[upbeat music continues]
[upbeat music continues]
[upbeat music]
[gentle guitar music]
[music fades]