Adam by Eve: A Live in Animation (2022) Movie Script

One, two. One, two...
One, two. One, two...
Start on one, two. Okay?
One, two is the signal.
Yeah, I got it.
One, two...
I can't get all emotional
I'm just a coward now
These polished sharp words
They're important, so hold on and laugh
Thump, thump, thump, I'm all excited
Breathe it in, can't let it out
I'm getting sick of you
You're so difficult
A rendezvous during broad daylight
Bibbidi bobbidi boo
Let's work on this lonely love
My heart aches
And today, let's be reborn
We'll be dumb
And fly through the air
Let's forget about the now, la ta ta
Let's dance, heat up tonight
Forget about your tears
So you can't fall asleep
Don't let it become a lie
Even for me who's not me, la ta ta
Even on my darkest, gloomiest days
I want to shine bright if I'm with you
Hey, Aki.
I had a weird dream last night.
What was it?
During rehearsal, I panicked
and thought I was the only one off-key.
But you quit orchestra.
I know, right?
I guess I'm still in orchestra
in my dreams.
The more I panicked,
the more off-key I got.
Before I realized it,
I wasn't even holding my violin.
What a weird dream.
I was panicking so much.
I thought the teacher would be mad
and looked over
and I saw a one-eyed monster
looking back at me.
- One-eyed.
- Scary.
It was round like this.
You mean the eye?
Yeah, it was a one-eyed monster
looking at me.
I was so desperate to find my violin
but I couldn't find it.
Yeah, I have dreams where
I'm looking for things too.
You do, right?
Then, before I knew it,
that one-eyed thing got closer.
- That's so scary.
- It was just staring at me.
So creepy!
Then I realized it was just a dream.
What did you do then?
I jumped off.
Have you ever fallen asleep in class
and woken up with a jerk?
I have...
- Right?!
- Yeah.
So I'd thought I would wake up
if I jumped off the building.
You just went all out.
I've been having
all these weird dreams lately.
What does it mean?
No idea. I'm going to get us refills.
Oh, thanks.
I've had that dream before...
Taki never came back after that.
Since then, I've been
sending Taki countless messages.
But she never read
any of the messages I left her.
Those sentences remained unread.
Hey, where are you?
I don't care who it is, it can be anybody
Is there anybody there?
Not voices...
I was good friends with Taki.
We both didn't fit in at school.
It was always just the two of us.
Our classes, electives
and path home were the same.
We both quit orchestra at the same time.
The music she showed me was all good.
I really liked it.
Taki was the first best friend I ever had.
Where on earth did she go?
What's going on? I can't move forward
This town with its hippy-vibes
How did you do it? Why?
Saying "everything is important"
It only sounds good
They suddenly appear from the other side
And before we know it, we're taken away
I was so afraid to let you go
Stay with me today too
Stay with me today too
You guys
You guys took me in
I don't remember it
But your face tells me
You want to say something
Everything in my sight
Everything here is all fake
Even if you're compassionate
Even if you've given up
Everything starts now
Try hard to bite your tongue
Stay there and shut up
It's a lie if I say
It's exactly as I imagined
You were sentimental
That's not like you
But that expression on you
That expression, for just a moment
Reflected beautifully in my eyes
For the longest time I yearned for you
And I almost lost myself
Overcome the real thing, if you're scared
Stay with me today too
What's going on? I can't move forward
This town with its hippy-vibes
How did you do it? Why?
Saying "everything is important"
It only sounds good
They suddenly appear from the other side
And before we know it, we're taken away
I was so afraid to let you go
Stay with me today too
For the longest time, I yearned for you
And I almost lost myself
Overcome the real thing...
Did you have that weird dream?
Yeah, seems like
everyone's having that dream.
Yeah, I had it too. I seriously did.
What is that?
I told you yesterday.
- The one-eyed monster.
- The one-eyed monster.
The one-eyed monster.
The one-eyed monster.
The one-eyed monster.
Taki used to take me
to all sorts of places.
We went to karaoke, cafs, and arcades.
Taki took me everywhere.
The room where the two of us
would sing karaoke
seems like a different place
now that she's not here.
The hustle and bustle of this sweet town
Leads to a traffic jam of feelings
You say you're not a part of this
The state of my heart is bleached white
No matter what, we're not a good match
Laugh at the prank, cheers to your face
I can't tell sweet and sour apart
I'm lost in front of you
Melting away, it's a rendezvous
It'll be platonic
It's a slightly bitter expectation
My heart might break
That's why if you're lost in your dreams...
Hey, Taki.
I want you to color my life more.
If you color my life, color my life
Don't play with my heart and look away
I want to be missing you
To be thinking about you
A pink heart forecast
If I tell you now, tell you now
We'll be one
And our gazes will fill with love
If I fail, the next step is goodbye
God, please be on my side today
I was a transfer student.
I didn't want people to make fun
of my accent.
Taki told me with a laugh
that her accent is worse
but it never bothered her.
We weren't good at
having conversations with other people.
So we played
a picture version of shiritori.
We didn't speak a word
but we could understand each other.
I expressed the words indifferently
What made me cry...
- Oh no, it's gonna end!
- What?
...Let's just end it today
One, two, wait for the signal...
Only when I was with Taki,
could I speak so naturally.
You don't have to stop and stand there...
Taki told me the same thing.
And I thought I could be with her
for the rest of my life.
The first best friend...
Don't tell me it's too late
...that I've ever made.
Right now
We're a wheel, starting to roll around
More and more! I hate it, but I like it
Hey! Hey! I don't understand
This self-meeting
Closer and closer to the middle
But it gets farther away
Bam! Bam! Move to the music
And start dancing
More and more! I hate it, but I like it
Hey! Hey! I don't know what's ahead of us
Take my heart and shake, shake
There's no right answer
Then where should we go?
Will the story end?
One, two, wait for the signal
You and me, we touched hands because
I was brave enough to go for it
Phase two
There's no point in being so stiff
It was embarrassing
Say goodbye to your dreams
Take care of me forever
Will you?
Right now
Come on! Come on! Get together
Turn our gazes away
More and more! I hate it, but I like it
Hey! Hey! I don't understand
This self-meeting
More and more! It comes together
And it falls apart
Bam! Bam! Before I touch you
You'll disappear
More and more! I hate it, but I like it
Hey! Hey! I don't know what's ahead of us
Until we understand each other, we'll...
Aki! What are you doing?
I'm taking a break because
the teacher took a long time for class.
Yeah, that did take a long time.
I'm going to the roof now.
Let's go together.
Don't tell me it's too late
Right now
We're a wheel, starting to roll around
More and more! I hate it, but I like it
Hey! Hey! I don't understand
This self-meeting
Closer and closer to the middle
But it gets farther away
Bam! Bam! Move to the music
And start dancing
More and more! I hate it, but I like it
Hey! Hey! I don't know what's ahead of us
Take my heart and shake, shake
Hurry up, Aki!
Wait a minute!
You're slow.
There's no right answer...
- You okay?
- Yeah, thanks.
Start on one, two. Okay?
Yeah, I know, Taki.
- Hey, Aki.
- Yeah?
Phase two...
Let's be together forever.
Will you?
...Will you?
Hey, Taki.
Why did you disappear all of a sudden?
You're hiding somewhere, aren't you?
That's what I want to think.
If I don't,
the world with you in it
will feel like a dream.
What were you dreaming about?
I... fell down the stairs.
It was so scary.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Was I sleeping?
You were completely out.
I'm glad that was just a dream.
That scared me.
You were scared? You scared me!
It happened at those stairs, seriously.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Did somebody push you?
- Not sure.
- You're not sure?
But I'm glad you're here, Taki.
It's okay. I'm right here.
It was so scary.
I thought she would disappear one day.
Seeing her in all her glory,
that's what I always thought.
I'm sorry, Taki.
I lied to you back then.
The dream I really had was one
where you got eaten.
Backpackers looking for something more
I got angry and blew up
I don't expect any sudden changes
I know you're definitely coming
Bibbidi bobbidi boo
It's like a good luck charm
I still can't wait to go back
That feeling ran off somewhere
It's gotta be like this
It's gotta be like that
I'll get more and more impatient
I wanted someone to hold my hand tightly
I don't know what warmth is
My heart's become poor
I'm wandering in the gray seas
The world's filled with beauty
Don't miss it
Come to your senses before the night ends
You don't have much time
I want to close my eyes
Boring days like these
You'll definitely want to overcome them
Until you hear what I have to say
I'll express my feelings
Until I'm aimlessly wandering around
We can't ever forget that
Never ever
Until we stop thinking altogether
Mad Hatter who starts dancing
Late at night
Before you know it, time has passed
I don't expect anything while daydreaming
I know you're definitely coming
I'll cry in the space between reality
With these feelings that rip up my insides
The words I swallowed sting
All that's left is the absurdity
My favorite forks and knives
Bring only supreme bliss
I wanted everyone to sit around the table
Thrusting that knife
Tearing your Adam's apple
My fingertips are moist
Nobody taught me
How to use a fork
I don't even try to look at the truth
I measured the weight of life
The center of the bonfire flickers
What did I see?
Come to your senses before the night ends
You don't have much time
I want to close my eyes
Boring days like these
You'll definitely want to overcome them
Until you hear...
I'm can't believe I'm still alive
How many years is it now?
How many thousands of lies did I tell?
Like I was breathing
I'm blunt as I grovel on the floor
I'm getting so dizzy
Those heels, where are you going
With those flattened shoes?
Don't look at me in contempt
All by myself in this room
Soaked with cigarette smoke
The sunset is heartwrenching
It gets close to you
What I want to say right now
It hurts, this restless center of a flower
It's misery
The words that want to meet you
Find their way to photo reprinted memories
Waiting for the lonely stars
A young boy knowing he wants to be loved
If you look up to the night sky
Dance right now
Declare your goodbye until you beg
Waiting for the lonely stars
A young boy knowing he wants to be loved
The night becomes faint
Waiting for the lonely stars
A young boy knowing he wants to be loved
If you look up to the night sky
Dance right now
Declare your goodbye until you beg
I'm can't believe I'm still alive
How many years is it now?
But somehow I feel just fine
- Hey, Aki.
- Yeah?
Let's be together forever.
Will you?
Start on one, two. Okay?
One, two is the signal.
One, two...
I get the chills
when I hear Taki play the violin.
It's comfortable, so romantic.
But it also sounded lonely.
She'd sometimes say embarrassing things
but I would be thinking
the same things too.
Hey, Aki.
Are you glad you quit?
We can play the violin
without being in the orchestra.
I'll quit too then.
Let's practice here on the roof together.
It's more fun if it's just the two of us.
Thanks, Taki.
- It's settled then, yay!
- I'm so excited.
- I can't wait.
- Yeah.
There's no way to save me
I was born and fell
There's a brave heartbeat cry
In this distorted heart shape
I won't turn around to this road of strife
Overcoming the seasons that dry up
I looked for the real truth
This wretched voice
We're going to be driven out
From this world
Still, I prayed for tomorrow
You also sleep with sadness and loneliness
These tears are so beautiful
I want to touch you
If the moon hides
I can love you until the depths of tonight
That flame still flickers
So that it doesn't get dirty
So that it doesn't disappear
I want to hold onto the things I can't see
I wasn't wrong that day, that saving voice
It was lost in this bloodied story
Colored by this dark night
Nevertheless, I continue to walk forth
You're not alone anymore
How long are you going to be tormented
By your foolishness?
But if it hurts and is a neverending night
I'm sure you won't suspect it
I can love this cursed world
I'm burdened by it all now
We'll get it back
It's like I was having a bad dream, Taki.
But whenever I woke up from a dream,
you were always there.
I had a weird dream last night.
Yeah, I have dreams where
I'm looking for things too.
Taki, I want you back here.
Start on one, two. Okay?
One, two is the signal.
The lights are changing.
Please do not rush to cross.
Please do not rush to cross.
I knew it and lamented over it
I laughed at the way I laid down
I don't know what love or loneliness is
I threw away my human shell
I can't embrace this
This identity full of empty words
I can't get out of this small box
Before I knew it, I wanted to escape
We all played our parts
Heading toward the end credits
Try your best to play your part
There are no bystanders here
I don't want to think about it
I just want to be dumb
I can't ever become anybody
That's why I'm standing on the front lines
Waving that flag nice and high
It's inferior
It's a partner you can rely on
I don't even need any words
Any dramatic turn of events
Will result in a Dot Heat
You say yes, yes, take a breath
Swear you'll see me again
I only got one chance
Place our bets on that one moment
My hands sweat like it's the climax
Standing alone, crying out
That truth I hid is nowhere to be found
People who sneered at me have no place
Remembering it so casually
There's no feelings
Tears that fall have no reason
Kindness can't feel any warmth
A hand that's stretched out
There's nothing but doubt
A hole opens with love dripping out
You take a peek at me falling down
Right in front of a person
Who's about to give up
You're there, laughing at me
What does it look like to you?
Just breathe, all right, all right
I can't ever become anybody
We're fighting each other now
It's overtime, surrender now
Mayday! I'm slightly fond of you
Dripping with words of love and hate
I bet you're hoping for
A dramatic turn of events
You say yes, yes, take a breath
The directions are over there
Headshot! Thoughts clamor in my mind
Shoot out that heart
Pull that string you don't see
It's time for the puppeteer to come out
What's reflected in those eyes?
I shared my playlist with you.
It's really good. I like sharing my music.
Do you listen to this a lot?
Yeah. On a loop.
Lately I've been listening to
"Last Dance."
- "Last Dance?"
- It's a great song.
I see.
What songs do you like?
I've been listening to "As You Like It."
- Really?
- Yeah, really.
So you are listening to it.
Yeah, I mean, you have been too.
- Did you memorize it?
- Yeah.
What else? Oh, "Heart Forecast."
- They're all good, I can't pick one.
- You're right.
Listen to all of them.
I'll listen to "Last Dance."
Yeah, we can dance to it.
This city is overgrown with skyscrapers
I nipped what was sure
About you in the bud
You can't take everything I want
Distorting me
My sense of values are different
From that person I hate
We can laugh at the absurdity
Lay on some pretty words
Wait for it, rush for it, struggle for it
Diligently exploit the wisdom
Diligently become greedy
Crash deep into your ego
You told me they were expendable
But I'm still thinking about them
Maybe one day again
You'll dance for me like this
Tinged with irritation
Young boys and girls
Distracted, the yes-man patient
Nobody's anything
If you know the true meaning
It may be the end for you
Let's talk until our tongues are dry
I put up a front and lost myself
I told lies and became an illusion
I'll be dumb and fly through the air
Then I break down
Pure and clear young boy
You do it under the spell of your feelings
Remember and think about it
You won't get to where you need to go
The true meaning you talked about
I'll think about it
In the corner of the world
Those now cold lies
If you can melt them for me
A talented person that knows loneliness
And a melancholy patient choose tomorrow
Saying goodbye to me, who can never return
Add your fingers
But don't cry, it's no use
Maybe one day again
Taki, I finally remember now.
You and I have been having the same dream.
And I saw a one-eyed monster
looking back at me.
Dream... One-eyed...
I saw a dream and in that dream...
It was in my dream...
Then, before I knew it,
that one-eyed thing got closer.
- That's so scary.
- It was just staring at me.
Then I realized it was just a dream.
Then I...
There's no love
Nothing you can do about it
I'm laughing at that hoarse voice
Relying on this unreliable talent
Dampening the night with my cries
It's the same
No matter how many years pass
Somehow it rises to the surface
Binding these thoughts of nobody
A rendezvous into the evening
Drunk and wandering about
In nameless and pointless days
Just how many words have made you suffer?
These feelings are in a jam
This discomfort is pretty simple
I'm the worst existence ever
Don't overlook anything
Drowning in dizziness like I'm in love
Howling with rage
Raise your voice at the end
Can I still do this?
This body might fall apart at anytime
I don't care about your talent
Can't you just leave me alone?
This flag flies without bending
What I want is for you to accept me
The flames burned me beyond recovery
And they surrounded me
"Don't try this at home, kids"
That's how I was dealt with
That's right, they're all idiots
They wave their stupid sense of justice
They can't come back or drop dead
The eyes of a brilliant clown that laughs
If you just swallow up those thoughts
Those voices
Will go farther and farther away
Those expectations and ideals
You're still cursed now
That's why even if you fall
At the ends of the world
You'll still be alive in my eyes
Draw a picture in your mind
From now until forever
There's no love
Nothing you can do about it
I'm laughing at that hoarse voice
Relying on this unreliable talent
Dampening the night with my cries
It's the same
No matter how many years pass
Somehow it rises to the surface
Binding these thoughts of nobody
A rendezvous into the evening
I pray the near future will become
A bright long and far away future
It doesn't look like I can keep
The promise I made to you
Words are like breathing
They connect wishes
I'm sorry, mom and dad
I couldn't be what you wanted
I'm gonna kill you all!
Raise your voice at the end
Can I still do this?
This body might fall apart at anytime
I don't care about your talent
Can't you just leave me alone?
This flag flies without bending
Those voices
Will go farther and farther away
Those expectations and ideals
You're still cursed now
That's why even if you fall
At the ends of the world
You'll still be alive in my eyes
Draw a picture in your mind
From now until forever
Draw a picture in your mind
From now until forever
There's no love
Nothing you can do about it
I'm laughing at that hoarse voice
Relying on this unreliable talent
Dampening the night with my cries
It's the same
No matter how many years pass
Somehow it rises to the surface
Binding these thoughts of nobody
A rendezvous into the evening
A rendezvous into the evening
A rendezvous into the evening
A rendezvous into the evening
A rendezvous into the evening
A rendezvous into the evening
Take us to the deepest parts of the heart
Extend your hand out to me
So that you can bring me to tomorrow
I know now it's okay to be here
I think you can still say it now
One, two. One, two...
One, two. One, two.
One, two. One, two...
I jumped off.
The blur of the masses in shapes of people
Bluffs, mental images, inhuman
Like vengeful ghosts
An open-minded frankness lives here
And the rest, empty humans
Expectations made, life is unfair
The unusual is a Great Vehicle
With no talents
Treating friends and enemies alike
Lacking individuality
The memories that come to me
Have no place at all
Don't cry in between dreams
You know what expression
You should have on your face
But keep on doing it
Cleanse the darkness, cleanse the darkness
When the curtain of night falls
That's the signal
Confront this circular game
Spit out these lies
Don't stop yet, don't stop yet
Be smarter than anybody else
Be your true form where you were born
Create our future that's still cursed
Run, fall, hold on to the pain
That never disappears
The world is waiting for this moment
These lyrical feelings shake
Like a computer bug
Punishment for these defects are obedient
There's uncertainty
To love with no choice but to defend it
I can't say anything at all
Veritable pandemonium of puppet vows
The end is linked together
A peaceful death rejects reality
And calms down
Don't throw away your life
Immerse in your inner fragility
You don't know what expression
You should have on your face
But keep on doing it
Release the Five Virtues
Release the Five Virtues
Ideas that assemble unsure voices
Counterbalance these revolving emotions
Raise your hand to the destination
Chase after it, chase after it
Pray to live more than anybody else
It's your life
You're at the gloomy depths of the night
Fall deep, deep inside
Do I look so ugly?
This is me right now
I'm a corpse that can't become anybody
So laugh at me
I stopped running
From everything in front of me
Repeating the same images
Running toward my imagination
Cleanse the darkness, cleanse the darkness
When the curtain of night falls
That's the signal
Confront this circular game
Spit out these lies
Don't stop yet, don't stop yet
Be smarter than anybody else
Be your true form where you were born
Create our future that's still cursed
Run, fall, hold on to the pain
That never disappears
The world is waiting for this moment
...Two, one, two.
One, two, one, two...
- I had a weird dream last night.
- ...Where I'm looking for things.
You were sleeping for a while.
I realized it was just a dream
and I jumped off.
What were you dreaming about?
I shared it with you.
If I jumped off... On a loop.
- Wondering when you'll wake up.
- I'm glad you're here, Taki.
It's okay. I'm right here.
Let's be together forever.
One, two, one, two...
Start on one, two. Okay?
One, two is the signal.
One, two.
I got you apple tea, okay?
What's the matter, Aki?
You're here but you're not here.
I jumped off.
You went to get refills
and never came back.
What's that? Sounds so real.
Then I ran around looking for you.
Then what happened?
Then these one-eyed people?
That's the dream I was just talking about.
That's funny. You're easily influenced.
But it's true.
I was really running around
looking for you.
- I see.
- Yeah.
You must be tired.
I am... It was a tiring dream.
- I can imagine.
- Yeah.
Let's get some good food to eat then.
Yeah, let's.
What should we eat?
I'm not sure.
Something savory would be nice.
What do you want to eat?
An omurice.
An omurice? Yeah, let's get that.
- We can split it.
- Yeah, good idea.
Anything else?
Not sure...
Let's order first.
Good idea.
We'll spend our lives together
from now on.
And share one thing between the two of us.
Ready, set...
One, two.
Dig up this blue that's bloomed
This previously divided rendezvous
With this plain design language of flowers
I just wanna take it easy
The moment we connected
A sweet lack of consumption
Every night I think of those memories
A real neverending motion
In the end, it's an anniversary birthday
Even if I'm nude
Nobody will see anything
Even if I speak words
They're shallow and distressed
The highway in my dreams
I want to expose its warm, cold, gray form
It's like I saw it in a dream
Save me from this world
It's okay, I'm useless
But it's no joke, let's plunge forward
As long as I live, the voice
In the last chapter will melt away
Let me hear this mundane night
Remember those regrets you tell
Don't replay the boredom
Don't replay the boredom
Don't replay the boredom
As long as I live
The voice of love and hate will melt away
With this child-like blue hand
Remember those songs that feel
Tomorrow, just nod your head
And wander over there
Inviting us to the evening, mellow
But you're not settled like this
In this restless step, yellow
If it's the same as before
You won't gain anything from it
Even if I speak words
They're shallow and distressed
The highway in my dreams
I want to expose
Its lonely, hurtful fantasy
If I still face forward tomorrow
It's okay, I won't win
But it's no problem, let's plunge forward
As long as I live
I'll laugh crazily with no answers
Let me hear this mundane night
Remember those regrets you tell
Don't replay the boredom
Don't replay the boredom
Don't replay the boredom
Don't end it just yet
It's like I saw it in a dream
Save me from this world
It's okay, I'm useless
But it's no joke, let's plunge forward
As long as I live, the voice
In the last chapter will melt away
Let me hear this mundane night
Remember those regrets you tell
Don't replay the boredom
Don't replay the boredom
Don't replay the boredom
As long as I live
The voice of love and hate will melt away
With this child-like blue hand
Remember those songs that feel
Subtitle translation by:
Benj Soonthornwacharin