Addict Named Hal (2021) Movie Script

[logo music]
[car engine humming]
[voice chattering]
[fast tempo piano music]
[rock music]
First you made me
Love you
Then hung me to dry
The sunshine in
My peripheral sky
My peripheral sky
Don't make me love you
Don't make me
Love you in denial
Now how am I supposed
To get you out
Let's saw my head
Into two
I'll pour my
Thoughts into you
Saw my head into two
I'll pour my
Thoughts into you
'Cause I can get you out
I can't get you out
I can't get you out
I can't get you
I can't get you
I can't get you
I can't get you out
[Amy] Mom.
You're up.
Did you bring me back here?
[Beth] The other
option was a cell.
The hospital wouldn't keep you.
Is Mara okay?
Her leg is broken.
We're leaving in 10.
[heavy metal music]
[man yelling]
Oath breaker
Repeat offender
System abuser
Protect and serve
Okay, I'm good.
You there?
Yeah, she's right here.
[Rich] Hey, baby.
What are you doing, baby?
[Aubrey] Eating eggs.
Oh, no, I know
that can't be right.
Yes, it is.
Well, I'm eating eggs too.
-How'd you cook yours?
-Nana made them.
Oh, well, I made mine myself.
Why didn't you make yours?
I'm too little.
Too little? [laughs]
Baby, I gotta go.
You have a good day
at school, alright?
Okay, Daddy.
Love you.
Love you too.
-Morning, Ms. Julia.
-Morning, Rich.
Uh, what's this?
[Rich scoffs]
Piss time!
Piss time!
Piss time!
Piss time!
Under you
[Bradley] Jesus.
Yo, Brad,
pee police are here.
[Rich] Get the girls.
Marcia, piss time.
[Marcia] Okay.
Is Andrea in there?
[door clicks]
Where's Andrea?
Come on just tell me.
I ain't no snitch.
No snitchin' in
recovery and blah, blah.
She went out to
get some money.
What like she went
to the bank?
[upbeat rap music]
Go dumb and leave the city,
Go dumb
All my pretty bitches
With me, go dumb
Only hang when I'm
Sippin', go dumb
Got a trigger finger,
Go dumb
And leave the city,
Go dumb
All my pretty bitches
With me, go dumb
Only hang when I'm sippin',
Go dumb
Big spender.
Did you watch him?
Your turn.
[Marcia] Hey, Ms. Julia,
tell me something alright?
What do you do
in the mornings?
You know,
before you come here
and watch a bunch
of dope fiends piss.
What do you do?
I love mornings.
Do my crossword,
have my coffee.
Sometimes I sit out
in the sunshine,
and if it's really nice
weather take the dog on a walk.
[rock music]
Where's Andrea?
She got picked up
for prostitution.
Ms. Julia, you know
who coming back today?
We getting a new girl too.
You stay away
from her, Bradley.
Little Mr. Prince
Charming over here.
[Bradley laughing]
Is Todd still on the porch?
[door bangs]
[birds chirping]
Hey, yo, Todd man.
Time to go piss dirty.
[seat thuds]
Last one.
[door clicks]
Hey, y'all.
I'm just coming in from a smoke.
Don't lie.
It's worse if you lie.
You told them?
Me? What'd I do?
Marcia wasn't the one
missing this morning.
It's not my fault,
I got locked up.
Oh, and you weren't
doing nothing.
You piss clean, we'll
just put you on bathrooms.
Seven day blackout.
[rock music]
Wait your turn.
[door clicks]
All right,
see y'all tomorrow.
[Rich] Bye now, Ms. Julia.
You keep these kids
in line now, Rich.
[Bradley laughs]
What's funny?
[Amy] I honestly don't
know what you want me to say.
I want you to
say that you agree.
-I'm not an alcoholic. I'm 21.
So it's perfectly normal
to get drunk at parties, Mom.
How many of your friends
have totaled two cars?
[scoffs] What's this
place called again?
I'm looking it up.
[Beth] We'll be
there in 15 minutes.
Well, it sounds awful.
It is the only
treatment we can afford
-after the funeral expenses.
-I don't need treatment,
I need credit hours.
You're going to do well here.
Everyone there will be
working on their future.
Everyone will be drug addicts.
You'll have
something in common.
[Amy] I'm pregnant.
You're not pregnant.
How would you know?
Who's the father?
No, Mom, we broke
up a year ago.
I'm sorry, I remember
your father telling me that.
Yeah, well, now you'll
actually have to talk to me
to get your information
since your informant's dead.
[gentle brooding music]
So you're not pregnant.
[Amy] Could be,
you don't know.
You do well here for a month,
you come back
and live with me.
It'd be nice to have company.
Get a summer job, go back
to school in the fall.
But if anything
goes wrong here,
I cannot be your safety
net anymore, honey.
Yo! Rich!
Hal, my man.
How ya doing?
[sighs] Fuck jail, bro.
You got a extra cig on you?
For sure, sure.
Do you have a light too?
[Rich scoffs]
Want me to smoke
it for you too?
Fuck you, man.
Just give me a light.
[lighter thuds]
[lighter clicking]
Anything new since
I've been gone, man?
[Bradley] What the fuck
did you just call me?
Said you're a little bitch.
So go upstairs lie on your
back, rub your fucking pussy.
-[fist thuds]
-[Rich groans]
you wanna explain this?
[Rich exhaling]
You are fucking lucky
that I just got a sponsor.
Rich, no, God,
just please wait!
No, no, no, no, please.
Usual shit.
Aubrey started kindergarten
at a school near my ma's.
Yeah, ain't that nice.
Who's this?
[Rich] New girl.
[Hal] Oh.
I got something for you.
-And you can...
-Thanks. it inside.
Do you want me to help?
No. [chuckles] No.
If you're gonna make me do
this I'm gonna do it my way.
I can help you set up.
No, I don't want your help.
[car door bangs]
I don't want the other
kids to think I'm lame.
Make good choices, dear.
Yeah, yeah.
[car door bangs]
Come on in.
[gentle music]
[door clicks]
[Hal sighs]
I'm pretty tired
No, I'm exhausted
From running in a race
Intake forms,
fill 'em out.
Hal, you bring anything?
You keep my shit?
[Rich] Yeah,
it's in the laundry room.
[Hal] Cool.
It is what it is
And it's slowly killing
I'm pretty nervous, no
I'll be back.
That I'm stuck
Inside this rut
For the rest of my life
Will I run in circles
or just run and hide
From the dreams I'm too
afraid of passing me by
Is he searching my stuff?
That's ridiculous,
I'm an adult.
Next he's gonna stick
a finger up your ass.
[laughs] Joking.
Why, you got something
good up there?
-[phone buzzing]
-[Rich sniffing]
[Julia] Andrea's clean.
New arrivals in yet?
Filling out paperwork.
Listen, we gotta
talk about Todd.
What about him?
That motherfucker
is high in this house.
[Julia] His tests
are coming up clean.
[Rich] Even today?
[Julia] Yep.
Kurt's missing something.
He has probably one
those Whizzinator things.
Why do you think that?
Can't dope fiend a dope fiend.
How do you wanna
handle the situation?
How do you sleep
Absent morals
How do you sleep
I don't think we should go
with how I wanna handle it.
Where's my stuff?
You'll need a lockbox
for those.
-I'll give you one.
All right, uh, start
outpatient tomorrow.
New girl,
it's gonna be 10 days.
-What am I supposed
to do until then?
Go to meetings.
Don't pick up.
-Pick up what?
What happens if you do drugs?
You get put out.
-To where?
-[Hal] That's a you problem.
Nobody helps you?
If you're doing drugs
you didn't want the help.
Okay, but is someone like
in charge of the house?
I'm the manager.
So you're like,
you don't live here?
I live here.
Oh, but you're not
like one of the people.
[Rich] What people?
Like us people.
Oh, like drug addicts.
-Yeah, I'm a drug addict.
I'm the manager,
and I live here.
Do you need my social?
[blues rock music]
-Okay, good.
Hal, I ain't fucking
working with Brad no more,
all right,
so I need you to
be the assistant.
Give me all of the power.
Yeah, man, I'll do it.
If it wasn't you
then how did Bradley
know exactly where I was?
[Marcia] Girl,
you should be a lawyer.
-[Andrea] Who is that?
-[Marcia] Hal!
-Yo, Hal's back.
-Hey, Marcia.
-Good to see you.
-You too.
What's up with you?
Wait, really?
Hal, hey dude.
What's up, Bradley?
Hey, y'all,
this is our new girl.
[Bradley] Hey.
[Marcia] Hey.
[Amy] Hi.
[door clicks]
That's Andrea.
She got locked up last night.
-[Andrea] Marcia!
-Oh, sorry.
She secretly got locked up.
You guys wanna know how
to survive this place?
Don't tell anyone anything
unless you want everyone
to know about it.
[siren wailing]
[lighter clicking]
Who else is all here,
-[door bangs]
-Lil Matt's still here,
but he got
a real good job now,
so we never see him.
-What about Kristen?
-Oh, she dead, Hal.
[door clicks]
Yo, Hal,
need you back inside.
Hey, congrats, Brad.
You're fired as the assistant.
-Oh, thank God.
-Why what's up?
-Todd's fucked up.
-What do you want me
to do about it?
I don't fucking know,
but I can't handle this
shit right now, all right?
This oughta be fun.
[Rich] He's been
using for days, man.
Andrea don't think he's high,
but that's 'cause Andrea
thinks he's nice to look at
and wants to put a
dick in her mouth.
[funky rap music]
Oh, wait up.
[Hal] Yo.
-You Todd?
I'm Hal. I'm the new
assistant manager.
Hey, hey!
You're fucked up.
No, no, man, I'm cool.
Bradley, go check
his room would you?
Hey, you don't
gotta do that, man.
It's just my Suboxone.
-Man, listen.
-I'm cool, I'm cool.
-Hal, he's falling out!
Oh, man, what the fuck?
[Hal] You up?
-You okay, man?
-Yeah, man.
Yeah, man, I'm cool.
I told you. Just want
some fucking oatmeal.
Hal, man, I found this.
-Hang on, man.
-[Rich] Hey, yo, new girl.
You can't leave the house,
you're on 30-day blackout
without a buddy.
It's doesn't matter,
I'm not coming back.
I got her!
People fucking
tripping today, dog.
Hey, hey, hey,
this is a bad idea.
-This is a bad idea.
-Leaving this nuthouse?
-Just come on we'll-
-No, I don't understand
how anyone's supposed
to get better here?
You really wanna get better?
[Amy crying]
Those were your words.
This is all you've got.
Unless you have a ticket to
one of those resort rehabs.
[Amy crying]
I just can't get that
image out of my head.
Todd's fine.
Not Todd.
I don't understand
how someone's
supposed to survive
this shit.
But here we are.
You know?
What'd you say your
name was again?
I'm Hal.
Nice to meet you.
-Come on,
let's go back inside.
-No, I don't.
-Come on.
-He still stinks.
He's not that bad,
come on.
-Come on.
It's your first day.
[Hal chattering]
[handle clicking]
[tissue paper rustling]
[tissue paper rustling]
They done told you
Your waist too big
And you flip your wig,
Ooh, girl they wrong
They done told you to
Eat that whack ass food
That's kale, mm,
Girl they wrong
-Let me see.
-Ooh, I'm sending
these to Julia.
-You hear she relapsed?
What the fuck?
How's she still working here?
I mean I guess
she told the owners
that she only did
one hit of crack.
Bradley, ain't nobody ever
done just one hit of crack.
Come smoke?
Uh, yeah,
I'll be out in a minute.
Great, a perfect
Is not figure eight
Tomorrow might bring
up the pain
[door opens]
[door shuts]
[phone ringing]
-[John] Go for John.
- Hey.
-It's Hal.
-Sorry, uh-
- Where the fuck were you?
I know, I know.
I got picked up on an
old charge, did 30 days.
You know I'm not one
to no call, no show so.
-It's too late, man.
-Can I just come in?
I already hired someone.
You fucked up.
This is what happens if you
don't show up to work.
- You think anyone else
is gonna hire you?
-All right! All right!
Fuck you too.
[gentle acoustic guitar music]
Hey, new girl, you got
a shirt I can borrow?
I got court today
and all I got is t-shirts.
Oh, um, maybe.
Oh, I've, I've got
his slouchy sweater.
Judge don't like slouchy.
No, it's like cute slouchy.
Give it here.
Oh, uh, okay.
[gentle brooding music]
[bag rustling]
It's whatever.
Where are you going?
Somewhere else.
Hey, man, it was just
ibuprofen, you know,
but anytime there's
a chance of pills
-it just, it just gets me.
-Oh, um.
Sorry, I figured
that was what,
what a sponsor's for.
Hold up.
[Hal] So if y'all hear
anything let me know, man.
What are your skills?
Washing dishes
and doing drugs.
You're a people person.
-[Hal] Oh am I?
-[Bradley] You can do
something with that.
Yeah, maybe I'll wait
two years,
and go to a bunch of school,
then become a drug counselor.
Hey, don't knock my dreams.
Hey, I'm sorry, man.
I'm sorry.
Whatever, that's
after the NFL anyway.
[Hal] Sure. Bradley.
[Andrea laughs]
Good shit today, Hal.
[Hal] If you say so, man.
Who's coming to the meeting?
I'll come.
-Me too.
-[Andrea] Three.
It'll be my first
meeting I guess.
Hey, I'm picking
up my mom Marcia.
-She there?
-I'll get her.
Would you get my bag?
It's like right inside.
Hey, how'd you end up here
without going
to one 12 step meeting?
Oh, that's not normal?
[Andrea giggles]
Oh, goddamn six
pound baby Jesus.
Is she talking to my boy?
I swear that motherfucker.
-Andrea, the hell you doing?
-I'm just being friendly.
Huh, bet my left tit
you being friendly.
[Hal] You about to
lay a egg, Marcia?
I'm wearing six
pairs of panties in case
they take me to jail.
Alex said he'd take us,
everybody pile in.
Oh, Rich, and Hal,
and Bradley, and new girl.
-[Bradley] I ain't going.
-They ain't all gonna
fit in the car.
I can sit
on someone's lap.
I'll bet you can sit
on a motherfuckers lap!
Oh, my God-
Give it a rest.
You don't care
I got court today?
He don't have time
to be y'all's taxi.
-I don't need no ride.
-Get out of here.
[Andrea] You know what,
I hope they take you in.
[Marcia] You heartless.
-Is this a normal day?
-Pretty much, yeah.
-[Katie] Hey, Hal.
-What's up, Katie?
How's school?
[Katie] Good.
I have an exam tomorrow.
An exam?
What subject?
-[Katie laughs]
-I'm so bad at math.
I know, bro, me too.
[Hal] You too?
You'll be fine,
you'll be fine.
-I don't know.
-You'll ace it.
You got this.
[Katie] Doubt it.
-What you been up to?
-[Hal sighs]
I got locked up
for an old charge,
did 30 days,
so that's why you haven't
seen me in a while.
[suspenseful music]
I going to a meeting
with a friend of mine.
Hey, Amy.
[Katie] That's cool.
Afterward we'll probably
just head back to the house
and hang out with the rest
of the housemates.
[Katie] Cool,
cool, cool, cool.
This is Amy.
She just moved
into the house.
-Hey, I'm Katie.
Can I get a pack
of the cigs, please?
-The usual.
[Katie] Cool.
[group chattering]
-Jack bark up your tree?
What he's all yours, Andrea?
Hey, Hal.
What's up, Tony?
How was your vacation?
Oh, you know five star
hotel the whole way.
[Tony laughs]
This is our new girl, Amy.
-Hey, girl
[Hal] Uh, so you good?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-Good to see you.
-You too.
[gavel pounding]
Hello, everyone.
Welcome to the Grow Up
or Die meeting.
I'm an addict named Carlos.
[Group] Hi, Carlos.
Is everybody all at meetings,
and court, and shit?
[laughs] Oh, yeah.
[upbeat music]
[fingers snapping]
I can hear that music
Playing out
Across the world
No one else is moving
Maybe I'm a crazy girl
Put the light on,
Put my clothes on
I'm headed for the door
Yeah, it's not right
That the spotlight
Is empty on the floor
And who could ever ask
Dope fiends taking
all the spoons!
I just can't shake
that funky beat
That funky beat
Are you Todd Marshall?
One of the things
I remember hearing
is that if you come
around here enough
you'll hear your own story.
And me I was still using
coming to meetings.
And I remember this
guy standing up
and sharing about this girl
that he was talking to,
and he woke up in the
morning and she was dead.
-I think you're
falling asleep.
And he shared about it,
'cause the two of 'em
met in a recovery house,
and they started
seeing each other,
and couldn't get a 60 day
key tag between 'em both.
-Come on,
give me your phone.
I wanna put
my number in it.
And she died.
And he said,
"You know that's what
happens to a dope fiend."
And then I got to thinking
I was with this girl once...
Hey, new girl.
No phones in the meeting.
-[group laughing]
-I was.
Anyway, me and her,
we shot up,
and it was the first time
she had ever done that.
And she OD'd, man.
I didn't even call it in.
I was fucked up.
I've had to learn how
to forgive myself for that.
And y'all taught
me how to do that,
because y'all have done some
really fucked up shit too.
[group chuckles]
Took me about eight years
to put one year together,
but man,
I got 18 years now.
[group clapping]
But you know anyone here
getting a 30-day key tag,
they're standing up against
way more than I am right now.
Thanks for letting me share.
[group clapping]
At this meeting we give out
key tags for varying lengths
of uninterrupted sobriety,
uh, including weekends.
Anyone have 30 days?
[group clapping]
Hi, I'm Zachary,
and I'm an addict.
[Group] Hi, Zachary.
Just for today.
[group clapping]
[Carlos] Uh, okay,
uh, six months?
One year?
Multiple years?
[group clapping]
I'm Stormie.
I'm an addict.
[Group] Hi, Stormie.
And I have
eight years clean today.
-[Group] All right.
-[group clapping]
[Carlos] And for the most
important person in the room
just the desire for
a new way of life.
[Shawn] Best white
shit in the city.
[group laughing]
-[Hal] Woo-ho!
-[group clapping]
Welcome home, honey.
You never have
to drink again.
What's your name?
Oh, I'm Amy.
I'm... Amy.
[Group] Hi, Amy.
Okay, announcements.
Uh, sign up for
second Sunday potluck
is at the back of the hall.
What you're not gonna hug me?
So you really
think Tony's using?
I don't think it, she got
put out for it last week.
Yo, you good?
You feel like using you, uh,
you come see me all right?
Good fucking meeting.
-Known Shawn for a minute,
she's spiritual
as fuck you know.
-[birds chirping]
-[lighter clicking]
[door bangs]
Uh. [laughs]
I don't know.
You just got here.
-I don't know.
I'm supposed to be
figuring this out too.
Finding a reason
to keep coming back
and that, that reason
it just can't be you.
It, it just can't.
We can help
each other, right?
Yeah, usually
don't work that way,
not if there's
feelings involved so.
[Amy laughs]
-You good?
-No, I, I'm fine.
Let me take you someplace.
Rich, I'm taking
the new girl out!
[door closes]
Where are we going?
What you scared of me now?
Girl, come on.
[gentle acoustic guitar music]
Black cabs scare
Love, love, love
-So you came here
from jail, right?
Were you in there
for murder and now
you're taking me
to the woods 'cause
I'm your next victim?
Probably not.
That's not very reassuring.
You know I was in
with this guy Tom,
-and he stabbed his
girlfriend in the woods.
-Holy shit.
He should be getting
done with his sentence,
so I wonder if he's out yet.
-Are you serious?
-[laughs] No,
I'm just kidding.
-That's not funny.
-I'm just kidding.
I was just in county,
so that's not where
they keep the murderers.
Who do they keep there?
Just dumb
motherfuckers like me.
[gentle music]
[gentle serene music]
[gentle upbeat music]
[Amy] Hal. Oh.
-Come on.
-[Hal laughing]
[Hal laughs]
-Oh, Goddamn.
-Give me.
Get away.
If you don't want me
to tickle you come here.
Come here.
I swear if you
make me fall, Hal.
Oh, you are such a sneak.
Okay, we're going
in circles now.
Oh, my God.
[brooding music]
[ominous music]
[drawer shuts]
[Andrea] Marcia.
Did it go okay?
All of a sudden you care?
Well, you're not in jail,
so it seems like it
went pretty well.
I'm sorry about before.
I had a rough night.
I'm really happy
you're here.
They cleared the possession.
That's great.
But they didn't clear
the probation violation.
And a certain
somebody in this house
hasn't cleared me
of being a snitch.
[Andrea] Well, you're
cleared of being a snitch
Let's smoke, yeah?
Come on,
I said I'm sorry.
Yeah, okay.
I'm sorry too.
[Andrea] You smell good.
I always smell good.
[door clicks]
[brooding music]
Piss time.
Come on new girl,
time to go pee in a cup.
[rock music]
[Amy groans]
Nice pajamas.
Shut up.
Hal, back away
from the new girl.
I can't go with
you watching me.
[sighs] Seen a lot
funkier shit than this.
What am I gonna do?
You'd be surprised.
God, this place
is the worst.
It's all worth it.
It was for me.
Does anyone work here
who isn't a drug addict?
Who would want to?
Look, you get itchy,
you play the tape.
Think through all
the way to the end,
on the street, in a cell,
or whatever,
what happens
when you pick up.
Shit is not worth it.
I'm not gonna end
up on the street.
We don't have time for
a whole therapy session,
so can you just piss in
that cup for me, please?
[rock music]
And the first
thing that I heard
when I got sober
after a few weeks
was that my eyes
were bright again
and that broke my heart.
Just freedom from
the everyday insanity
of finding one more.
And I never wanna
live that way again,
and I don't have to.
He died
on January 19th, 2016,
and I went to rehab
three months
to the day after he died,
so April 19th.
I was trying to be like
all poetic and dramatic
of hitting
that anniversary,
and it made
my clean date 4-20,
uh, which it still is.
I wanna watch
"Wheel of Fortune".
-Well, I don't give a fuck.
-Give me that remote.
-You got to chose last time.
Yeah, I don't care,
and I'm choosing this time.
You know I got here first.
Give me the remote.
Bro, it doesn't matter
if you got here first or not.
Nobody wants to watch that.
I think that if you have
just that helping hand
every now and then
that you need,
that everybody needs,
a struggle,
it could be drugs,
it could be something what
you call illegal whatever,
but you need it in your life
the same way that
the grass needs the wind
to blow to make it stronger.
Common sense
[Beth] Hi, it's Mom.
I haven't heard from you,
so I guess you have
what you need.
Ain't no consequence
I wanna hear
about this house.
Have you made friends?
Ain't thinking
about next year
That no relationship rule,
that is real.
Whenever I first got sober
I thought that it
was total bullshit.
I thought I wasn't as bad
as everyone else.
I got myself into a lot
of trouble that way.
No tomorrow
Okay, so now Kirk
is dating Milly,
which is fine, but it's
also totally gross.
[Cat laughs]
She got so wasted at
this party last weekend.
I mean she didn't.
-No one did.
-No, it's okay.
Um, I'm actually really
glad you guys came.
I thought
everyone hated me.
But no, we don't.
We didn't really know if--
Uh. [laughs]
[door clicks]
[door bangs]
[Andrea] Oh.
[Tori] Who is she?
-She live here?
Are you like friends
with them?
Kind of, there's this--
there's this guy.
-A guy?
[Amy laughs]
Okay, sorry. Hi.
We're Amy's friends.
Visitors. Cool.
We're allowed, right?
Yeah, just no one ever does.
You had someone here
yesterday didn't you?
Marcia's meeting friend
for my fake birthday party?
-Yeah, I guess.
-It was your birthday?
Oh, my gosh,
happy birthday.
-I'm sorry, we didn't know.
-No, no.
We could have-
It wasn't.
-Don't do that.
[door clicks]
So anyways there's
this guy in our class.
-I think you'd
really, really like.
-He's so cute.
-He has this like
long black hair.
-And then with
that leather jacket.
-You'll like him.
Yeah, he always wears
his hair down like
long and fluffy.
-And his like eyes
are like so blue.
-I know.
[door clicks]
[door bangs]
Just so you know
offer still stands.
[gentle suspenseful music]
[laptop clicking]
[door shuts]
[Amy giggles]
[door opens]
-[Rich] Yo.
-What's up, Rich?
These motherfuckers
are pissing me off.
Wanna come out with me?
Nah, man, I'm good.
[Rich] All right.
-Have a blessed day, man.
-[Hal] You too, bro.
-Miss you.
-Miss you too.
[door closes]
-You good?
-Yeah, no, fine.
Just wow. [laughs]
Yeah, wow.
Maybe I should
go back to my room.
Well, I think he's gone.
Come here.
[somber music]
Uh, talk to me.
What, what do you want?
I, I, I just need
you to distract me.
I don't know what--
Can you just talk
about something
that you like to do?
[Hal sighs]
My stepdad, he would
freak out sometimes
and he and my mom
would get in these
mad crazy fights.
And I would go outside,
and do this.
Oh, my God.
[softly] Don't make fun of me.
No, no, no, I'm not.
This is adorable.
[laughs] Thanks.
-Can I keep it?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[gentle melancholic music]
Is that your dad?
How'd he die?
Heart attack, I found him.
[Hal] Oh, Amy.
Please don't, don't.
I, I, I can't.
I need to just stop,
stop, stop, stop, stop.
No, no,
I, I can't, I can't.
-Hey, hey. You can't what?
-I can't.
-Just stop.
-Stop what?
-I can't.
-You can't what?
-I'm right here.
Hey, Amy! Amy!
[dramatic music]
[Amy crying]
[Amy crying]
[gentle brooding music]
This is bullshit.
You really wanna feel
better I can hook us up.
I mean we're getting
put out anyways.
You with me?
I mean yeah, just
what's happening?
We're getting dope.
Which one is that again?
That's alright?
I mean, yeah,
just heroin. Wow.
I mean if you wanna keep
piecing your life together
don't let me
stand in your way.
No, no, I mean fuck it.
[phone buzzing]
[Tony] Oh, shit.
[Tony snorting]
-[Hal] What's up, Tony?
-Yo, Hal, man, what's up?
It was good to see
you the other day.
Yeah, yeah, you too.
So you doing good?
Yeah, yeah, great, man.
Listen, what's up?
So I wondering
if you're holding?
Nah, man, I'm trying to
get clean, you know, and-
Don't fucking lie
to me, Tony.
Alright, fine,
well, I'm out.
Just did last of mine.
[Tony snorting]
Tony, hello.
Yeah, yeah.
Man, uh, listen I
got some crack still.
You wanna come over
and smoke?
Yeah, sure.
We're doing crack instead.
Is that similar?
-[lighter clicks]
-[insects chirping]
[door clicks]
What's up, Rich?
Y'all going somewhere?
Yeah, might be
out past curfew.
Y'all are on
30-day blackout.
Just fucking with you.
-I'll trust you.
-Fuck you, man.
Ha, ha.
Shit, hang on.
Mom, what are you
doing here?
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm okay.
-What are you-
-I didn't hear from you.
I was so worried.
-I'm sorry.
-I kept thinking-
No, I just, I just
didn't wanna get grilled.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm okay.
-You really are okay?
-Yes, I'm really okay.
No one's dead.
It's alright.
We're, we're heading
to a meeting now.
That, that's great.
I'm so proud of you, honey.
Thanks, Mom.
Do you need a ride?
No, no, we're okay.
I love you.
I'll call you tomorrow.
[Beth] I love you too.
So this is
your mom's place?
[Tony] I broke in.
Should we keep it down?
She's out of town
with her boyfriend.
[Hal] Amy, Amy.
Okay, okay.
[Hal] Get comfy.
[lighter clicks]
[Hal whispering]
Straight people
are gross, man.
Let's do this.
-[lighter thuds]
-All right.
-You touch it.
-You are so gross.
What is wrong with you?
Come on.
Ladies first.
I don't know how.
-Hal, who the hell is this girl?
-I'll do it for her.
[whispering indistinctly]
[Hal whispering]
I don't--
I don't feel good.
I know, baby.
You want another hit.
-[Tony] We're out, man.
Fuck, I feel like it
lasted for like 10 minutes.
Yeah, it's crack, dude.
Hal, does this girl
know anything?
No, she don't.
What the fuck?
I know lots of stuff.
-[Tony laughs]
-[Hal] You ain't got no more?
-[Amy] I don't feel good.
-I'm out, man.
Gonna have to get
something else, man.
Let's get dope.
You got any money?
Of course
I ain't got money.
-No, my mom wouldn't
give me any.
I don't feel good, Hal.
-[Tony] I got this.
-Whoa, what the fuck?
It's my mom's.
I grabbed it.
[Hal] Is it loaded?
Do you need it
to be loaded?
It is nice to know.
Tony, oh, my God!
[laughs] Yeah,
there's one in there.
-Be careful.
Oh, my God,
you guys stop!
Guns are bad!
Oh, okay, let me
write that down, peaches.
So we good, yeah?
Let's go.
-You in?
-Where are we going?
Fuck it.
I'll go, peaches go.
[car engine humming]
All right.
Yeah, so uh...
-Are you serious?
-[Tony] What?
-It's your gun.
-Yeah, so I did
my part, man.
What's going on?
[car door clicks]
[car door closes]
Hey, Hal.
Jesus, Katie, what are
you still doing here?
Covering for Steve.
Pack of cigs for ya?
No, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, that'd be great.
What, whatcha doing?
Is, is that real, Hal?
Stop joking around.
Give me the money
in your register.
-I'm not playing, Katie.
-Just give me
the goddamn money.
-Hal, what is this?
Just give me the money,
Katie, please!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Okay, okay.
Oh, my God.
-Don't freak out just...
-Give me the money.
-Don't freak out!
-Okay, I'm not!
There, that's all I have.
Just please, don't shoot me.
Katie, I'm not gonna
goddamn shoot you.
You don't have nothing else?
There's nothing
else in the register.
I, I have,
I have, I have--
No, no.
Katie, no.
I'll just take this.
Oh, goddammit.
[suspenseful music]
[Amy] Oh, shit, shit,
shit, shit, shit, shit.
Shit, shit, shit.
Okay, okay, okay.
-Would you shut up?
[car door opens]
[car door shuts]
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Was your friend in there?
Is she okay?
[car door opens]
Y'all ready?
Ladies first.
Well, I ain't a lady,
so there you fucking go.
Just do a line will you?
I don't feel so good.
I don't need anymore.
Sorry, man.
Whatever, man.
More for us.
Amy, you wanna go first?
I, no, I don't really
wanna do this anymore.
-Are you serious?
-I'm sorry, I just don't.
We went through
all of this shit,
and now nobody want dope.
Whatever, man.
[Hal snorting]
[Hal snorting]
[Amy groans]
[Tony groans]
[Amy] I'm hungry.
How is that my problem?
What time is it?
[Amy] Four.
Fuck, peaches, you worse
than a dope fiend.
[Amy] I can't sleep.
[Tony] Okay, whatever.
Tell your little
fuck buddy to wake up
and he'll get you something.
Tony, oh, my God!
-Go get your own food.
-Oh, my God, oh, my God!
No, no, no, no,
something's wrong.
[Tony] Oh, fuck.
-What the fuck?
-Shit, shit, shit!
-Don't fucking do this to me.
-Call 911.
-Oh, we can't do that.
-I have warrants out.
They're probably looking for
him after last night anyway!
Shit. Um.
Uh, do you, do you
have the, the, the thing?
The, what,
what's it called?
The fucking, the--
-I don't have that shit!
-Uh, shit!
Um, wait, wait, wait.
Please, God, please,
please, please.
Yes, yes!
Okay, here.
-What the fuck is this?
-It's Naloxone!
I don't know how
to fucking use this!
It says you, it says
you spray it up his nose,
so just go ahead!
I'm not fucking
doing this, man.
Fine, fuck!
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Okay, all right.
-It's not working!
-Do it again.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
It's not working.
This is so fucked, man.
-[Hal coughing]
-Oh, okay, okay, okay.
[Tony] Oh, thank
fucking God, man.
Okay, Hal.
[Tony] Is he okay?
It might have been
to fucking late, man.
'Cause like you had
to hit him like twice,
and sometimes people
still fall out, man,
because like the drugs
hit their system again.
Okay, okay. Okay.
But he's breathing now
and so I think
we should just take him
to the hospital.
And fucking hand him
over to get locked up?
Okay, better locked up
and alive
than here choking
on his own vomit.
[garage door whirring]
[Amy] Okay, okay, okay.
-[Tony] Let's go.
[Amy] Okay, okay.
-[Tony] The door.
I'm gonna get it.
-Okay, okay, okay.
Hurry up,
hurry up, hurry.
Okay, one, two, three.
-Fuck. Okay.
-[Tony] Watch out, watch out.
[Amy] Okay, okay, okay.
Shit, fuck.
[Amy grunts] Okay, okay, hold
him, hold him, hold him.
[Amy groans]
Fuck. Okay, okay,
get his legs in.
-He needs to sit down.
Oh, my God.
[Tony] I'll drive you
but I can't go in there
with you.
[Amy] I know, I know.
[Tony] They're gonna ask you
a bunch of questions you're
not gonna wanna answer.
[Amy] It doesn't fucking
matter, Tony!
-[car door shuts]
-Oh, fuck.
He threw up again.
-I don't think he's
-[Tony] Fucking shit.
Check, check his pulse.
[footsteps running]
[Tony retching]
[Tony retching]
[Amy whimpering]
Got him?
Oh, God.
[melancholic music]
[Amy crying]
[Bradley] So I'm standing
there, right.
And I thought the pills
would sink down
to the bottom
of the fish tank.
But the motherfuckers
started to float.
So she comes in and I
know she sees the pills,
she's gonna kill me.
And she's already
suspected, right?
-So she's all yellin',
"Bradley, were you
buying pills again?"
So I put her like right
in front of the fish tank
so she can't see nothin'.
Then I'm all yelling too,
like, "Ma, you crazy?
Of course I wasn't
buying no pills."
And then meanwhile,
bloop, bloop, bloop.
They're fucking falling
out of the filter
and into the water.
-So she turns around,
and she sees these pills
just going around and around,
and I'm in even more trouble
'cause I'm getting my
sister's fish high.
[Andrea] Oh, no.
-[Amy] Tony.
How did you
start using heroin?
How's anyone start, man?
It's not like a great
story or anything.
My mom had knee surgery,
I was maybe 15,
and I was all mad
'cause I brought a girl home
and she said it was wrong.
So I took
her painkillers away.
Not thinking I'd take 'em,
just I wanted her
to hurt like I hurt.
And it occurred to me,
what if I take one?
And it felt good.
Figured if one feels
this way, what'll two do?
Nobody ever thinks they'll
become a drug addict.
What do you do if you
start to think it?
[Tony scoffs]
Man, I'm the wrong
person to ask.
-[group laughing]
-[birds chirping]
[Bradley] Man, yeah.
Oh, now here's
this motherfucker.
Girl, you don't care you
got a curfew around here?
What's my bag doing there?
Oh, Rich packed it.
You can just go
knock on his door.
Yo, Amy, you didn't lose
track of Hal, did you?
We was suppose to check
out a new meeting today
but I don't know-
Did you leave together?
Oh, they left
together alright.
They're just heading out for
more of that sweet, sweet love.
[door opens]
Shit's on the porch.
I need to talk to you.
Searched your room
last night.
Found your little bottle.
The cops, they came by
here this morning too.
But I know you know
what that's about.
You're in deep shit, Amy.
Rich, I don't. [sighs]
What do you wanna say now?
Bring Hal with you?
[Amy crying]
No, Hal's dead.
[Rich laughs]
[Amy crying]
I, I need help, Rich.
I don't, I, I know
I don't deserve it,
and I know I'm realizing
it way too fucking late
but I, I don't know
what else to do. I--
So now, now you
want my fucking help?
[sobs] Yea.
Where's Hal now?
the body's in the woods
where someone will find it.
Fuck, man.
[crying] I didn't
know what else to do.
Please, Rich, I don't have
anyone else to go to.
Alright, alright.
Brad's got his sister's car.
Alright, he's gonna take
you to the emergency room,
and you're gonna tell
them you got withdrawals,
that you're gonna
kill yourself.
And they're gonna put you
into treatment from there.
Okay, okay.
I wish I could say that
I hadn't done worse shit
than what you done today.
I really wish I could.
[Amy crying]
This is the only place we
don't run out of chances.
Now you're gonna
have to take the help
that's offered you.
Can you do that?
Bradley, will you take
me to the hospital?
Shit, of course.
You're gonna be okay, girl.
Where's Hal?
[door closes]
[Tony crying]
[turn signal ticking]
[phone ringing]
[Amy] Hi, Mom.
[poles tapping]
[traffic humming]
[door opens]
[door creaking]
[door closes]
-[phone beeping]
-[phone buzzing]
Hey, Ma.
I'm so sorry, I--
I had house stuff, and--
[Mom] She can't
wait to talk to you.
Put her on.
Hey, little girl.
You didn't call, Daddy.
I know, I know, baby.
Um, Daddy's had
a long morning.
But it's only 8:30.
You're telling me.
What are you doing today?
Well, Nana said she'd
take me to the zoo,
so I can see
all the penguins,
and elephants,
and giraffes and...
But I hurt so much
After all that's happened
I still want your touch.
Why did I think
it'd be different?
Why did I fool myself?
Why did I think I'd be
happy with someone else?
And now
I'm finally fighting
For something that
I want so much
Baby, tell me
It's not for nothing
'Cause I want your love
And you tell me that
I'm the one for you
But it's plain to see
That you and me
Will never be
We'll never be
We'll never be happy
Can I tell you something?
Or do I swallow my pride?
You would tell me
You loved me?
Would you tell me
You lied?
Do we hold out for it
Or do we just go on?
'Cause something
I'm feeling tells me
That you're not the one
And now I've finally
Gotten something
But I lost some time
Baby, tell me it's all
Or nothing
That's on the line
And you tell me you're
So in love with me
But all I see
Is that you and me
Could never be happy
We'll never be
We'll never be happy
We'll never be
We'll never be
We'll never be happy.