Addicted (2014) Movie Script

Come in.
Hi. I'm Dr. Spencer.
But you can just
call me Marcella.
Zoe Reynard.
I got your name through a friend
and she says you're
It comes with the territory.
Make yourself comfortable, okay?
Take off your coat.
Sit wherever you like.
I'm glad you found the time
to come and see me.
I assure you
that everything we talk about
is completely confidential.
No one sees these notes but me.
Well, it's not like I'm
a movie star, or anything.
Why don't we just try something?
Maybe you can tell me
what brought you here.
You know, would that
be easier for you?
Um, okay.
Well, it started the moment
that, um, I realized that
all the good things in my life
could never fill this void
that's always been there.
I have the perfect life.
Wonderful home.
Best family
anyone could hope for.
Show it to Granny.
My kids are the light
of my life.
They're funny...
...and bright
and just delicious, you know.
A soldier holding
a baby kangaroo... What?
No! You're, like... Okay.
Hold this thought. What else?
Gimme something else.
Up high. It's a torch!
It's a...
Uh, Statue of Liberty!
Oh, my God!
How did he get that?
Okay, now you.
My momma's the kind of woman
whose hug could turn
a dark day bright.
My husband Jason
is every woman's dream.
He's my first love
and my soul mate.
Oh, yeah. Yeah!
It was so good, baby.
You wanna go for Round 3?
Mmm. Wanna do something special.
Do you?
Mmm. Yeah.
That feels so good.
I love you.
Good morning, Zoe.
Would you like a tracking number,
so you can give them a call?
Good morning, boss.
Good morning, Shane.
You look absolutely dazzling,
as usual.
Thank you.
Can you tell Brina
to come see me
when she gets in?
Brina is here.
Brina is always here.
Brina lives here.
Hmm. Maybe I should
charge you for rent.
Maybe you should start
paying me more.
Maybe I should.
- Maybe you can't afford it.
- Maybe I'll do it anyhow.
Maybe I won't let you.
Hey! I'm the boss.
And I'm here to keep you
being the boss.
You try to pay me more,
and I'll quit.
Okay, I'm confused.
All right.
Down to business.
Quinton Canosa...
Quinton Canosa exhibit.
I need...
A catalog of his art.
And also...
His bio,
references, history...
And finally...
Nope, can't get that.
His photo.
He doesn't let people
take his photo.
I was gonna say "croissant,"
but thanks for the info.
So, wait, this guy
still doesn't have a rep?
I know.
Well, he's all about the art.
"Quinton Canosa,
the people's artist. "
He's amazing.
You know,
every piece just grabs you,
you know, in the gut.
We could license his work
and introduce him to
a whole new world of revenue.
"Revenue" is a good word.
Do your thing, girl.
Go get that revenue.
And once that happens,
we need to reinstate
mani-pedi Fridays.
Uh, excuse me.
Do you like it?
Like it? I...
I love it. Yeah.
Quinton Canosa's
an incredible talent.
Huh. If you say so.
Do you know anything about art?
That what you call it?
Okay, uh...
Quinton Canosa's genius, okay?
He's one of the greatest
artists of our time.
If you can't see that, I don't
know what you're doing here.
Nice work, Quinton.
Really nice.
Appreciate it.
Lovely lady as well.
No, no, no... You? You...
You're Quinton Canosa?
I'm sorry.
I couldn't resist.
Okay. Yeah, you got me.
I feel like such a fool.
No, no. Please don't.
Well, just a little bit.
I'm so embarrassed.
I'm just kidding.
Oh, I don't speak Spanish.
Oh, you don't?
Um, I was saying, it, uh...
It's a pleasure to meet you.
It's an honor to meet you,
Yeah. I didn't catch
your name, Ms...
Oh. It's Mrs. Zoe Reynard.
Oh, Mrs.
Yeah. I see.
God, that always happens, right?
The good ones,
they're always taken.
Oh, thank you.
I think he's my favorite.
That's mine.
Uh, I don't know if this is
the right place or time
to talk business?
Well, if it's the only way
to keep you next to me...
Oh, well, uh...
Um, business?
You were gonna
talk about business.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Well, I have a company
and, uh, we represent
contemporary artists.
Oh, wow. That's nice.
Okay, can you tell me about it?
Oh. Yeah, okay, uh...
We would license your work
to the highest bidder,
you know, it could be a classy
advertising campaign,
or, um, you know, inspiration
for a clothing line.
I mean, you are
an incredible artist, solely,
but we would expand
on that artistry into a brand.
That's nice.
Can you explain that
to me again, please?
Oh, I'm sorry. Spanish...
Am I talking too fast?
I just love to watch
the way your lips move.
Um, so, you know,
if you're interested,
uh, my office could contact
you and set up a meeting.
Okay, um... I don't think...
Uh, you know what?
I don't like to be so formal.
Besides, you already know
I'm interested.
So let's do something.
Monday morning. 9:00.
Come to my studio.
Oh! Great.
Pleasure to meet you...
Oh, can I call you "Zoe"?
Call me Zoe.
Meeting Quinton Canosa
just made me realize
how much I missed
excitement in my life.
And did you act out
on that feeling?
I sure did.
I tried to relive it with Jason.
And nothing.
Hey, handsome.
Are you on your way?
Oh, sweetie.
This is gonna be
one of those long nights.
I gotta finish the plans for the
civic center by the weekend
and I'm way behind.
We didn't have any plans
tonight, did we?
Guess not.
Um, hurry home, okay?
I'll try my best.
But don't wait up, all right?
And kiss the kids for me.
Okay. I will. Love you.
Our love is forever.
Always has been.
Always will be.
All right. Sweet dreams.
Oh, hi, Momma.
Um, I'm going to the store.
Do you need anything?
Hmm. You are definitely going to be the
best-dressed lady in the produce department.
I got dressed up for Jason.
I'll see you in a minute.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Oh. Hi, Mom.
Hey, you still at the store?
Um, I'm in the parking lot.
I'm just leaving.
Can I get you something?
Oh, I don't want you
to have to go back in.
You're probably ready
to hop into bed.
Is that music I hear
in the parking lot?
Oh, someone's just blasting
their stereo. Um...
What is it?
I don't mind.
I'm already here.
I could sure use some
ice cream. I mean, uh...
That cookie dough flavor,
if they have it.
Cookie dough ice cream,
coming right up.
You sure?
Yes, I'm sure, Mom.
I'll be right there.
Holy shit.
Oh, hi.
Just got home.
I couldn't wait
to make it up to you
for missing dinner.
I'm sorry.
Well, I forgive you.
I love you.
I love you, too.
You look so beautiful
when you sleep.
Wake up, sleepyhead!
Lucky me.
My own personal wake-up call.
You must be hungry.
Come on. Let me
make you some breakfast.
Dad's already made breakfast.
He did?
He made breakfast?
Well, let me go see.
I'm so excited.
Good morning!
Good morning!
Hey, sleepyhead!
Good morning!
Good morning.
Here we go.
For my beautiful wife.
There you go. It's hot. Oh.
Oh! It is hot. Um...
Well, I have to get
the kids to...
I'll take 'em today.
You just enjoy your breakfast.
Don't forget this.
Thank you.
Good morning, Mom.
You got up late.
Good morning, big boy.
Okay, guys.
Ready for school?
Ha-ha! Very funny.
Let's go.
Where's your backpack?
We love school!
Yes, we do.
No, we don't.
Have a good day.
I love you.
Our love is forever.
Always has been.
Always will be.
I was watching
the love of my life
take our beautiful children
to school
and all I could think about
was what I was still missing.
It's so strange, you know,
to love someone so much,
and still have it
never be enough.
Uh, physically.
So did you feel this way
in other relationships
before you got married?
Well, I wouldn't know.
I never had any.
Jason is the first person
you'd ever been with,
until recently?
We were high school sweethearts.
We had our first child
a few years later.
And the rest is history.
Do you feel that changed
your relationship with Jason?
It made us parents.
It's just that I, you know,
always needed something
more in my life.
Well, you know, Zoe,
with kids, intimacy changes.
Sometimes you gotta
make time for it.
Not really.
Look, we have sex two or three
times a day sometimes.
And I'm still not satisfied.
And if I keep telling him
that I want more,
he's gonna think
I'm a complete freak.
From everything you say,
it sounds like you and Jason
have a very strong relationship.
I should've talked to him more.
I should've done a lot
of things, but, instead...
Instead, you what?
I took my first step
down a terrible path.
Did I scare you?
So you live here, too, huh?
Oh, yeah.
I actually do everything here.
Some coffee?
No, thanks.
Tequila shot?
No. No tequila.
Uh, my husband would
love your work.
Yeah, he has a good eye.
He's an architect.
Well, he's obviously
a man of taste.
Por favor.
So down to business.
Here's what we do
at Zoe & Company.
Oh, let me guess. You add me
to your client roster,
and then you license my work
to the highest bidder,
and then my stuff ends up
on every calendar,
every coffee mug, lunch box...
I don't know.
Just pretty much everywhere.
- You think I'm that crass?
- Wow.
Okay, maybe coffee mugs.
So I believe you have
a contract for me to review?
Uh, yeah.
You can go over that
with your attorney
and do all your research
about us, or whatever...
Oh, don't worry. I, uh...
I have done
all the research I need.
That's it?
That's it.
Signed, sealed, delivered.
The one and only Quinton
Canosa is my new client?
I'm all yours.
I better go.
You, uh... You're not
the first person to ask me
to do the whole
commercial art thing.
I've turned down
everyone before.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, yeah.
You wanna know why I chose you?
I wanna ask you
for something in return.
I want to paint you.
Well, I'm flattered, but, uh...
Let me think about that one.
Okay, so, I will let my office
formalize our deal
and get back to you.
I want to paint you
and put you over my bed.
So that when you're not here,
I can satisfy myself
with the mere thought of you.
Uh, I'm flattered, but...
I really am. But I can't.
I'm married.
So... How do you open
this damn door?
Relax. I know you want it.
I can feel it.
I know you want it.
I can't...
This isn't right.
It's not right.
Come on, Zoe.
Nothing's ever felt so right.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, God, yes!
Excuse me?
I was buzzing you.
There's a guy named
Balthazar Crayne on 2.
Take a message.
You sure?
This guy doesn't sound like he's
used to being kept waiting.
Take a message.
Got it.
Excuse me, boss.
Excuse me.
Oh, I have this. Boss?
Can you hang on a sec?
I'll be right back.
Alfred Conteh is freaking
over the coffee mugs.
Yeah, I can't deal
with him right now.
You all right?
I'm not feeling well.
So I'll be home and just, um,
forward me anything
that's urgent.
Is Balthazar Crayne urgent?
His office just
called a third time.
Oh. Well,
what's the problem?
Balthazar Crayne!
This Balthazar Crayne!
He could change our lives.
Take this place
to the next level.
He saw our website.
Well, how do you know this guy?
Well, his No. 2
man's assistant
is my sister's best friend
from high school.
She introduced me to a guy
who works for his accountant.
One drink led to another,
I sent him our website,
and now the Balthazar Crayne
is calling you.
Nice work.
No. "Nice work"
is when I introduce you
to an up-and-coming artist.
This is "Brina, you are the most freaking
amazing person in the world" level work.
So you go back in your office
and you call him.
I'll be home, okay?
Just tell him that I'll take
him to dinner tomorrow night.
And, um, we'll discuss it then.
And just make it
someplace expensive.
I pull this off and you
owe me something big.
Bentley big!
Just please handle it.
Mom? You're home?
Hi, sweetie.
I thought you couldn't come to the
game because you were working?
We saw your car in the driveway.
You okay?
Uh, bad headache.
Look, I wasn't
feeling well, sweetie.
So I came home early, okay?
But I promise I will be there
at the next one.
Okay, sweetie? I promise.
Okay. You have to come.
It's the last game
of the season.
You have my word. Got it?
Uh, why don't you let Grandma
go get you a snack
and go finish your homework?
Are you sure you're okay?
Uh, yeah.
You know, maybe it was
the kids' flu from last week.
I don't know.
I just took some medicine.
I'll be down there in a sec.
No, no, no. Rest. I'll get him
started on homework
and get Kayla from piano.
Okay. Thanks, Mom.
Love you.
Love you, too. Okay.
Here is the restaurant
address and directions.
Balthazar will meet you there
tonight at 7:00 sharp.
I had to sell one of my kidneys to
get a reservation, so don't be late.
We need this.
I know.
Shane, can you get me a courier?
Actually, uh...
Never mind. I'll deal with it.
Hey. Are you
looking for Quinton?
He's not home.
Left about an hour ago.
Oh. Okay.
Is there something
you wanna leave for him?
You can leave it with me, Zoe.
No. How do you know my name?
Quinton told me all about you.
He was right.
You're very beautiful.
Thank you.
That's very nice.
I'm Diamond,
by the way.
Nice to meet you.
Bit of advice, be careful.
Quinton's an artist.
He's very...
Zoe? Zoe!
What... What's going on? Are you...
Look, I can't...
You all right?
I can't do it.
What do you mean?
I can't. I'm sorry.
It's not that I don't want to.
Some part of me...
I'd be lying if I said that.
But my family,
my kids, my husband...
Look, I...
I never want to force you into
something you don't want to do.
Thank you.
"Thank you"?
Just like that,
thank you? All right.
Thank you for understanding.
Yeah, yeah.
Just come here.
No, no, no. Stop.
Please. I can't.
I'll make you a deal.
Just give me an hour.
I wanna show you something.
I wanna show you
something special.
I bet you do.
I'm not talking about that.
It's just, um, some art.
After that, you can
go home if you want to.
One hour.
Okay, one hour.
Just one condition.
Turn around for me.
Yes, turn around for me.
Come on.
Come on.
Just relax.
Where are we going?
Trust me.
Come here.
Watch your head.
Quinton, where are we?
I want your first look
to be perfect. Hmm?
My first look at what?
Enough. What is it?
It's beautiful.
I started it when I was 11.
And I've never shown
this to anyone before.
Well, is, um,
that you and your family?
No, no.
That's the family I wanted.
When I was
nine years old, my mom...
She ran off with another man.
We never saw her again.
I'm so sorry.
Broke my father's heart.
He took a gun,
put it in his mouth.
Oh, my God.
I know...
I know things happen
in a marriage,
but for a mother
to just leave her child
and never look back, that's...
I can never get over that.
Oh, Quinton...
I know this is all wrong.
I know I'm not supposed to...
To be with another
man's wife, but...
Zoe, I can't help it.
Thanks, Mr. Crayne.
Mr. Crayne! Wait!
Wait, wait, wait!
I'm Zoe. I am so sorry.
Please don't go.
Look, I would
completely understand
if you were furious with me
for being so rude
and didn't wanna have anything
to do with me,
but please hear me out.
I am always on time.
But my daughter Kayla
was sick tonight
and I took her to the doctor,
and I just lost track of time.
I apologize.
I'm on a red-eye to Paris.
And you
should call my office
to reschedule.
Thank you for understanding.
I hope your daughter
feels better.
Have a safe trip.
I totally lost track of time
when I was with Quinton.
I keep using my kid
as an excuse.
I said my daughter was sick.
God, you don't wanna
put that out in the universe.
This is making me crazy.
I'm... I'm so messed up.
And this obsession...
I know, I know that
it's ruining my life.
It's terrible.
But I keep going back.
So how long have you been
meeting him now?
Oh, months.
Every day, if I can.
Oh, God!
Oh. Well, thank you so much,
uh, but I, uh...
I better hurry.
If I hurry, I can actually
get the kids to bed.
First time since Monday night.
Let's make some time
for next week.
Yeah, it's just that,
you know...
I have to see if I have,
well, the time.
You know, with the kids
and work and Jason...
See, coming here is just one
more thing that I have to hide.
When can I see it?
When it's finished.
When will it be finished?
You don't like waiting
for anything, do you?
I thought that's what
you liked about me.
You know what? Um...
Your chin...
No, no...
Just hold on.
Zoe, Zoe... Come here.
Let me see.
Come here.
There you go. Just hold it.
There. Okay...
Zoe, what are you doing?
You're a model.
Models keep still. Okay?
What are you doing?
You're not helping me here.
I don't like following orders.
That would be cheating.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Who are they?
Some women I used to know.
This one...
It's so disturbing.
Well, I, um...
I paint what I feel.
She's still stunning.
They're all so beautiful.
Are you jealous?
No. I...
I have no right to be.
Zoe, come on.
It's so funny.
It's so funny.
This is crazy.
What the hell am I doing here?
What are you doing here?
I mean...
I think we both know
the answer to that one.
Yeah, do we?
Yeah, we...
We know the answer?
Yeah, we do.
Are you sure I'm not just
another one of your women that
you've lured into your lair?
What's wrong with you?
Zoe, come on.
They're just paintings from
a long time ago, I told you.
Come on.
I better go.
Are you serious?
I don't belong here.
You do...
You belong here, Zoe.
You know that.
Don't say that.
'Cause nobody... Nobody has
ever made me feel this way.
Talk this way. Seen my soul.
Okay, trap it.
First, trap it.
Don't plant your foot too early.
Put it right next
to the ball, look.
Hey, honey!
How'd it go?
They won!
They did?
Oh, you should have seen him!
Saved the day.
Oh, wow! Our star player!
That's right.
You promised!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Peter, I'm sorry.
I had to work.
What happened?
Uh... Client crisis.
Hey, how's my best girl?
Momma's a Smurf! Look!
You've got blue hair!
Oh! How'd
that get there?
Occupational hazard, huh?
Can I get blue hair, too?
Come on, stop yanking
on your momma.
Come on. Come here,
silly banana.
Have some hot chocolate.
Sit down.
You want some?
Yeah, thank you.
Hey. I'm sorry.
All right?
Careful. Look at you.
Messy Bessie. Here.
I was gonna tell him.
Swear to God.
I just couldn't.
It would destroy my family,
my life.
I'm sick. I'm really sick.
Zoe, this is an obvious sign
of addiction here.
I'm not on drugs.
No, you can't smoke it,
shoot it, or snort it.
But make no mistake,
sex can be a drug, too.
It's as powerful
as any narcotic.
Oh, come on. That's crazy.
No, sexual addiction,
it's not as common
as alcoholism or drugs.
But it is a very real problem
that thousands of people
are battling each day.
Your first time with a lover
outside of your marriage
is like your
first hit of heroin.
The thrill of the illicit.
Then you keep craving it.
Okay. Well,
then what do I do?
Because I come here to see you,
and we talk and we talk,
and we talk.
But what's the solution?
I need help! What's the plan?
Now, you said that you tried
talking to Jason before.
I think that you should suggest
to him couples counseling.
Then he'll know there's a real
problem in your marriage.
I'll give it a shot.
I didn't know
you got a new cell phone.
Oh. Uh...
Crayne, Balthazar Crayne,
you know, that investor guy.
One of his companies sells them
and they gave them out
as promos.
That's pretty snazzy.
Oh. Here, I'll take it.
That's okay.
I think that's your new
millionaire boyfriend calling.
Oh, please. Yeah.
That's all I need in my life.
Another man.
You are all the man that I need.
What's on your mind, baby?
Yeah, you know, actually,
there is a problem
that we should talk about.
A problem?
What's the problem?
Maybe you and I
should talk to somebody.
Talk to who? About what?
Uh, a professional,
about our... Our sex life.
What's wrong... What's wrong
with our sex life?
Wait, hold on. What do
you mean by "a professional"?
You know, a therapist.
I'm not gonna talk
to a shrink about anything.
Especially not
our personal affairs.
Half of those people are crooks.
That's ridiculous.
No, no. Ridiculous is
the money they spend
on some fake doctor
to listen to their problems.
Wow. I didn't know you
hated an entire profession.
Look, sweetie,
we have always talked
about everything, right?
Why would we need to bring
somebody in, a total stranger,
and have them
get in between us? Hmm?
Jason, why aren't you
listening to me?
I mean, I think that...
You know, maybe...
Listen to you, listen to you.
... it would be a good...
Come here, sweetie.
You're exhausted.
You work too hard.
All right, we both do.
Tell you what.
Why don't we go to that
French place on Saturday?
The one you like.
With the candles.
Have some wine, hmm?
Yes. Um...
I need to take a walk.
Okay, that's a good idea.
Get some fresh air.
I'll finish up.
Our love is forever.
Always has been.
Always will be.
Quinton, that was great.
I needed that.
Yeah, yeah, me, too.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
I'm okay.
Actually, I'm not okay.
I'm not okay. I, uh...
I think we need to talk.
Talk about what?
About us.
About the whole thing.
I mean, it has been great
and everything, but...
But what?
Leave him.
Leave your husband
and be with me.
I can't.
You can't? Why the hell not?
I can't.
I can't leave Jason.
Tell me, tell me why not.
Tell me. I wanna know.
Because Jason's my life.
Yeah, and that's why you're here
with me every chance you get?
Oh, Quinton, come on,
you knew that I was married when we met.
What'd you expect?
I didn't expect anything.
I don't know what to expect.
I didn't expect to fall
in love with you and I did!
And I know
you've thought about it.
I look at you and I see it.
I feel it.
It's more than
just sex to you, too.
I can't!
I have two kids!
I have a family. I can't.
I want to have a family, too.
With you.
He changed the rules on me.
He wasn't supposed to do that.
He changed the rules?
Okay. We both did.
But, I mean,
Jason wasn't listening.
Damn, Quinton was right.
I could picture myself with him.
How does that
make you feel, Zoe?
Like I was cheating
with my heart.
Which is not what
I signed on for.
This is not what I need.
What do you need?
Oh, yeah?
You want it in?
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Come on.
Yeah, you like that? Huh?
My name is Corey.
I've never done it
like that before.
I enjoyed every minute of it.
Is there medication?
You know, some kind of pill
that you can prescribe?
Oh, Lord.
I even sound like an addict.
You know that
we never really got a chance
to talk about
your childhood in Dallas,
before you moved to Atlanta.
Oh, I don't remember
any of that.
You were 10 years old
when you moved, right?
I'm telling you,
I don't remember anything.
Jason teases me about it.
He says it's because
my life began when I met him.
So when'd you get that scar?
Was that before Atlanta?
God, I've always had this.
Why? What does it matter?
Because, Zoe, the past can help
us understand the present.
So we really do need
to explore every avenue,
in order to help make you well.
Oh. I gotta go.
Listen, I will try to remember
more, for next week.
I do wanna get better.
And you will.
You like that?
Oh, God, yes.
What do you like about it?
Come in.
You all right?
Oh, there's just something going
around at the kids' school.
What's up?
We need to go over
the numbers for this quarter,
and they are not good.
Little busy.
Just leave it at the beep.
Hey, it's me.
I see your car downstairs,
but I don't see you.
Where are you?
Oh, shit!
Hey, you wanna join us?
What's wrong with her?
Zoe, listen to me.
Don't touch me, you pig!
Can we talk it over, please?
Why don't you talk it over with
your little trick over there, huh?
Bitch! I don't even know
what's going on with you two.
I don't wanna know.
I mean, you can stay
and watch if you want.
Zoe, I know it's fucked up,
but, please...
This whole thing is fucked up!
This whole thing is fucked up!
Yeah, you know what?
You're absolutely right!
It's fucked up completely!
'Cause you get to go
to your husband every night.
And what? What do you
expect me to do, Zoe?
Just wait here for you?
Is that what...
Is that what you want me to do?
Zoe, I'm talking to you!
What do you want me to do?
Come here, Zoe.
Listen, Zoe.
Zoe, I asked you to be with me.
I asked you.
What do you want me to do?
Tell me. Whatever you
want me to do, I'll do it.
What do you want?
What the fuck
did you want from me?
I don't want a damn thing.
Hi, baby.
What's wrong?
You okay?
What's going on?
Just... Bad day.
Hey, you know if you're in
trouble, you can always stay here.
I feel we have a connection.
Hmm. So you know I got
your back, right?
I'll take care of you.
I'm okay.
Just fuck me.
Oh, that's what you want, huh?
Yeah, you like that.
Oh, yeah.
Slide back, baby.
Let me get up there
and do that for you.
I'll give it to you all day.
Choke me.
You like that?
You like it, don't you?
Good night, Mommy.
Good night, sweetie.
Good night, Mom.
Good night.
I think I'm a little too old
to be tucked in.
Momma, I'll be back.
Oh, yeah.
Open up.
There you go.
Yeah! Harder.
You try it.
Go ahead.
Are you sure?
Yeah, baby, just do it.
Don't stop.
You've missed
every single soccer game.
Kayla's asking
where you go at night.
I tried explaining to her,
but I couldn't.
So, maybe
you can explain it to me.
Why? You're the only person
allowed to work late?
I work. I don't disappear.
Do you know how many nights
that I've stayed up
waiting up for you?
Oh, I'm in my office.
I answer your calls.
You always know where I am.
I don't know anything.
I don't know
what you do at work.
I don't know who you talk to.
I don't know what
you're doing with them.
I mean, I work, too, Jason.
I mean, what?
My work's not as important,
because I don't make
as much money as you?
Okay, stop it!
This is about the kids.
Is it?
No, I think this is about us.
I think we should talk
about what's missing.
What's missing?
Okay, let me see.
We got a beautiful home,
beautiful kids,
we got great careers.
What the hell else do you want?
Yeah, everything's perfect.
Look, I want you.
I want more from you.
I mean, I want you to loosen up.
You know? If you just
loosened up, and I could...
I could take us
to places that is just...
That's just so amazing.
I mean, you know,
we could try new things...
You know?
Okay, who the hell are you?
I'm your wife!
No, no, no, no...
My wife tells me
when something is wrong.
I tried.
My wife... My wife
tells me about her day,
makes time for her family,
and she doesn't get
a fancy new cell phone
and then lie about it.
And what is this?
We never use condoms!
You went through my bag?
Since when do you care
if I see what's in your bag?
Jason, I told you that
I went to the doctor.
I wasn't feeling well,
and so we...
I got off the pill.
Okay, look...
You know I would do
anything for you, right?
I love you
more than life itself.
You can talk to me.
Yeah, well...
You could do me right here.
Do me right here.
Come on. The kids are asleep.
You don't get it, do you?
I want my wife back.
I'm right here.
What's going on?
Uh, word is
Preston Ellis
is going over to ARC.
Well, get him
on the phone. I'll try and...
There's more.
Both Kanisha Wylie and
Rob Diaz are going with him.
Oh, damn it.
And I think that's a letter from
Alfred Conteh's lawyer on your desk.
He's suddenly decided he
doesn't need representation.
Oh, well, forget him.
He's an idiot.
Is he?
What? What's your problem?
My problem?
Oh, well, let's see.
I have no life, because
I work my ass off 24/7,
to keep a company
going for a boss
who hasn't given a shit about
the business for months now.
And now I'm trying to figure out
how I'm gonna make my rent.
Because my boss,
who is also supposed
to be my best friend,
can't even see that we might
not make payroll next week.
How's that for a problem?
I'm tapped out. We're done.
Mmm-mmm, no.
You don't get to give up now.
You know, I came to work here
because I believed in you.
You were a visionary.
The girl who could...
Who could spot talent
in a kid painting
on the side of a building.
If anyone can fix this, you can.
But you need to act.
Do what you do best.
Bring in that big artist.
Have that great idea.
You know, this is it, Zoe.
Sink or swim.
It is up to you.
And I will do anything you need.
But do not just disappear on me.
So where do I sign?
I'm just kidding.
I'm happy to have you back,
whatever the reason is.
Who is it?
Oh, they're early.
Hey, Quinton.
Hey, man.
Good to see you.
Good to see you, too.
Ed and Aaron are gonna
meet us at the restaurant.
But I don't believe you've met our
chief architect, Mr. Jason Reynard.
Mr. Jason.
All right.
Pleasure to meet you, man. Yeah.
Since you'll be doing the mural,
I wanted Jason
to see your work firsthand.
Yeah, no problem.
Of course.
Excuse me, gentlemen,
I have to take this.
This is Benny. Yep.
You're talented.
Thank you.
Whoa, this is...
This is... It's beautiful.
It's disturbing.
I love it.
You know, my wife,
she would love your stuff.
She represents artists.
Started her own agency
from the ground up.
Wow, that's nice.
I'm gonna get you
a card for her.
She's got a great eye,
and she's a marketing genius.
I'm sure she could make you
a mint in reproductions.
We should get going.
Our reservations are for 6:30.
All right.
Let's go.
Let's go celebrate
and have some drinks.
All right. Nice.
I gotta handle
something real quick.
Meet you guys in a few.
All right.
You weren't gonna
stop him, were you?
Here. I... I gotta go.
Have a dinner with a client.
I'm ready to go.
Come on.
Let's go!
Let's go! Let's go!
I don't wanna miss
the previews, guys.
I wanna do it myself!
Jesus, Kayla, okay,
look, you know,
the movies are gonna start
with or without us, guys.
I know.
It's up to you.
Hey, where are you guys going?
Some new Disney thing at Phipps.
We didn't think
you'd wanna come.
Course not.
I wanna come.
You can have my ticket.
You better hurry, the movie
starts in 15 minutes.
Oh, great. Now we're gonna
miss the movie because of you.
I don't wanna miss the movie!
We're not gonna miss the movie!
Just put your shoe on, Kayla.
Come on.
No, it's fine.
You guys go ahead.
You sure?
Have fun. I'll make cookies
for when you get back.
Yay! Cookies.
Bye, Peter.
All right.
See you in a couple hours.
Hey, Kayla, you know
I'm in the front, right?
Just whatever.
So how did that make you
feel, being left alone?
Like I lost my family.
Zoe, we need to talk
about your childhood.
You know what, Dr. Spencer?
This is not working for me.
What is it about your past
that scares you so much?
See, there you go again.
All the same questions.
No answers.
You just sit there,
100 bucks an hour,
and all you do is ask
the same stupid questions!
And nothing changes!
It's okay for you
to be frustrated.
Or scared.
But you have got to take
control over your life now,
before this addiction ruins it.
You need to confront
your lovers,
call it quits
and go cold turkey.
And then you can begin
to claim your life back.
It may sound like a lot,
but I promise you
it will be okay.
It's not okay!
None of this is okay!
You know what?
Jason was right.
People need to handle
their own damn problems.
Paying you to listen to me
is not the solution.
Then what's the solution?
I need to sort this out
on my own. Thank you.
Zoe, you can't keep
running from your past.
Because sooner or later,
it's gonna catch up with you.
You can't keep running!
What the hell?
Thank you.
Have a good day.
You, too.
What did he want?
Slow down, honey.
You're gonna give yourself
a heart attack.
What did that man want?
He was a messenger.
You have a package.
What is it, honey?
What's the matter?
It's fine.
Are the kids inside?
Of course. They're upstairs
doing their homework.
What is it?
Do you wanna talk
to me about something?
Oh... Momma, I...
It's fine.
Hey, babe.
What's that?
It's from Quinton Canosa.
Uh, the artist?
He's doing the mural
for the civic center.
He's the most generous guy.
I went to his place, saw this,
told him I loved it.
He sent it over as a gift.
And a note.
Okay, Jason, I, um...
Look, um...
Here. "You told me
your wife loves art,
"and I hope
she enjoys this as well. "
Can I even accept
something like this?
What's wrong?
Oh, God. I am...
You know, I had bad sushi.
It's heavy, too. You know?
It's gotta be worth a mint.
You all right?
Hey. Surprise.
You want a drink?
Want a brandy?
Maybe a...
Maybe a wine for the lady?
Tell me what makes you happy.
Tell me what makes you smile.
Tell me. Come on.
What do you want?
I can't see you
anymore, Quinton.
You can't see me anymore?
Zoe, come on. Zoe...
If it's because of my gift,
I was just fucking around,
all right?
I was just playing around.
I was just...
No, it's not because
of the stupid statue.
Then what is it? What is it?
Tell me, what is it?
Oh, my God. Come here.
Please come here.
Please don't make this
any harder than it has to be.
Quinton, I need you to hear me.
I am listening to you.
I am listening to you. Okay?
Who the fuck are you?
Who the fuck am I?
Who the fuck are you?
I got an urgent
text from her to come here.
Zoe, who is this dude?
Look, I'm sorry.
I only wanna do this once.
Do what?
Wait. You fucking
this guy, too?
You fuck... What?
It seems Ms. Zoe has been
cheating not only on her husband,
but on me, too. Huh?
Is that right?
You brought me all the way
down here to confess?
Is anybody else coming?
I mean, I don't know.
Maybe we can form a...
We can form a support group,
some shit like that, huh?
Just stop!
Look, I got you both here
at the same time
to tell you that it's over.
This has got to stop, okay?
I love my husband,
I love my children,
and I don't wanna see you again.
So you think this is okay?
You can fuck anybody you want
and then it's just, what,
it's goodbye?
Don't you get it?
I can't control myself.
It doesn't matter
who I screw. I'm sick.
You got a mouth on you.
Listen to me!
Get off me, man!
Look, I got no beef
with you, man.
Hey, buddy. You good?
He's not answering me.
Oh, Zoe...
You wanna know something, Zoe?
You know,
since I was a little boy,
people would just
walk away from me.
Just walk out of my life.
You're not gonna
walk away from me.
You're not gonna leave me.
Don't come near me.
Oh, you're scared of me now?
What, my touch isn't
good enough for you now?
Tell me! I'm fucking
asking you something!
Look, let's just talk
about it, okay?
Just calm down.
Oh, no, no, no.
We're not gonna talk
about shit anymore,
you fucking little bitch.
We're not gonna talk about anything.
Do you hear me?
Oh, you fucking bitch.
That was not nice.
That was not nice.
Very fucking painful.
You see...
Very fucking painful,
you fucking bitch.
Come over here,
you fucking bitch!
Where are you going?
Please let me go!
Don't, Quinton!
Think I'm gonna hurt you?
I won't hurt you.
You know,
all I ever wanted to do,
was to have some
good sex with you.
That's all.
But you...
You made me want you.
You made me need you!
What you looking at?
Don't look at me like that.
I told you to leave
your fucking husband,
but you wouldn't listen to me.
Because you're
a little selfish bitch.
That's why.
You know that I would never
hurt you like you hurt me.
I would never do that to you.
I would never do that to you!
Look at you.
Look at you,
you're so fucking beautiful.
You're so beautiful.
I'm gonna make sure...
I'm gonna make sure
your last thoughts are of me.
Look at me.
Look at me. Look at me.
You can have that back.
You left this
on the kitchen table.
Told me all I need to know.
Jason, wait!
This motherfucker's just crazy.
What the hell happened?
Jesus. Quinton...
What did you do?
Hey, baby...
Jason, please.
Please hear me out.
I don't need to hear
a goddamn thing.
Got a pretty clear picture here.
Oh, I am beyond sorry...
You're sorry?
Look, I know that I lied.
But I'm not lying
to you right now
when I say that
I've been seeing a doctor.
And she's been helping me
with my condition.
That's the technical term
for "screwing around
on your husband"?
Oh, God. Jason...
I know I fucked up.
I know I did.
But I love you and you love me!
And I think we can work it out.
Yeah, let's all have therapy!
It'll all be great!
Look, you can't just
throw away everything we...
You threw it away!
You screwed around!
You put our kids in danger!
I never cheated on you.
You were my life.
I'm still your life.
You are a lying, cheating whore.
We are done.
Through. It's over.
And you won't be
getting the kids.
You don't mean that.
You're dead to me.
You hear me?
You're fucking dead.
Without you, I am dead.
I can't believe it came to this.
Me neither.
You can't escape!
I'm sorry.
I don't think I can do this.
What? Jason, what is it?
All those people
you were with...
When I look at you,
that's all I can see.
Is it okay to hug you?
I don't wanna break you.
Oh, break my heart
is more like it.
Come here.
Go ahead.
I love you, Mom.
I love you more.
Come here.
I missed you all.
Me, too.
I'm glad you're home.
Hi, Brina.
She's in there, watching TV.
What is this?
You don't even like television.
It's numbing.
What the hell
are you doing, Zoe?
You've been sitting in this
house for months now.
The pity party
officially ends today.
Look, I need more time.
Your time is up.
You need to get up,
and get your behind
back to work.
This ain't fair to you or
those beautiful kids of yours.
Now, come on.
Come on. Uh-uh.
I'm not... I'm not ready
to go anywhere yet.
I'm not ready to go.
Dr. Spencer called
this morning again.
Says you're not taking her call.
She asked that
I make sure you get this.
You know what, Zoe? You can
try to chase me away,
but I ain't going nowhere.
Listen to me, damn it!
Brina, I appreciate what
you're trying to do, okay?
I really do.
You did not just turn that television
back on while I was talking to you!
If that's how it's gonna be,
then we will just watch TV.
But I ain't going nowhere.
...and you're going
to have to make 250 portions.
And then you
think you're a chef, right?
Well, I do hope so.
Can I get a hug? Hello?
Bye, babe. Mmm.
See you.
Silly banana...
All right, go ahead.
Bye, Dad.
What do we do first?
Wash our hands
and do our homework.
All right.
How you doing?
I'm good.
But you're not.
You know, the kids think we go
to the hotel to let Mommy rest.
I don't know how to
tell them that we're apart.
She loves you.
She messed up.
But she needs you now,
more than ever.
And if I can
forgive her, so can you.
What about your wedding vows?
"In sickness and in health. "
Those weren't just words,
were they?
Yeah, what about
honesty and faithfulness?
It's a sickness.
Well, I have trouble
understanding that.
You two built this house
and this family together.
And just because it doesn't
fit into a perfect package,
are you willing to throw
all that away?
Thank you, sweetheart.
Welcome, everyone.
Looks like we have a new member.
Would you like to stand up
and introduce yourself?
Hi, I'm Zoe.
And I am a sex addict.
When I was 10 years old,
I was raped by three boys.
Uh, I buried that memory
far, far away
until someone I know
reminded me exactly
why I had to remember.
It ruined my life.
It, uh, destroyed my family.
I, uh, would lie and cheat
and do whatever I could
to get that fix.
I love my husband.
I know it's hard
for him to believe that,
but I do.
I miss my friend.
I miss my best friend,
and I know that
with help from the one person
that I hurt the most,
I can get better.
Our love is forever.
Always has been.
Always will be.