Adventure in Sahara (1938) Movie Script

Well, Jimmy, as you Yankees talk,
everything is okay.
We leave, as you Frenchmen say,
tout de suite.
You say that just like a Yankee.
-For you, Monsieur Wilson.
l wonder who that could be from.
You Americans are funny fellows.
Why you don't look it and see?
That's not a bad idea.
Not good news, Jim?
Get somebody else to take up the ship.
Somebody else to take the ship?
What do you mean?
-l'm not making the trip, l'm leaving.
-But it cannot be!
-You must take off in 10 minutes.
-Well, maybe l must, but l'm not.
-Hello, Pierre. Where's Jim?
-l do not know.
We were standing here and talk.
He receive a telegram,
and he run off like the Mephisto.
And we are taking off in 10 minutes.
Maybe he's at the office.
Mademoiselle. Mademoiselle Preston,
you have seen Monsieur Wilson, yes?
-No, where is he?
-Mademoiselle, that l am asking you.
He was here.
He say he will not make the trip.
He is going away, but that cannot be.
The trip, she must be made.
-But what happened?
-l have just told you what happened.
-We're getting nowhere.
-We're getting nowhere.
The plane is getting nowhere!
-You are an American, no?
-You are sure you want to join the Legion?
You understand
that the Legion is no playground?
The life of a legionnaire is...
How shall l say, is not an easy one.
-Yes, l know.
-Very well, young man.
The secrtaire will help you fill out this card.
Now, look, Chief, or Captain
or whatever you are,
there's a certain outfit l'd like to join.
lt's commanded by a Captain Savarre,
or Savant, or some name like that.
-Savant, Savarre. Capitaine Savatt?
-Yes, that's the one.
-You know him?
No, l don't, but l'd like to.
lt's not so bad, this marching, young one?
We've been on the march for days.
Where are we going, Poule?
l don't know.
You know, Wilson? You, Ladoux?
How should l know?
Only Lieutenant Dumond knows.
-Maybe we're bait for a trap.
-l'm sure you're exaggerating, Ladoux.
When you've been in the Legion as long
as Poule, you don't worry where you go.
This is one part of the Sahara
even l don't recognize.
Now, Poule, don't tell me
that you can recognize sand.
lf l was ever here before,
l'd know every grain of it.
-Well, it's a nice, quiet desert. No Arabs.
-That's what l don't like about it.
lt's too quiet.
So far, we've not even met a camel patrol,
and there's only one stretch of desert
where there are no patrols.
Now it begins to dawn.
lf my calculations are correct,
we are headed for...
-You shouldn't try to walk
with that blistered foot.
Maybe the Lieutenant would let you ride
on the supply wagon.
lt's not that bad.
The young one has pluck.
-Platoon, halt!
-Platoon, halt!
Platoon, double-time. March!
-Platoon, halt!
-Platoon, halt!
-Corporal, two men.
-Poule. Wilson.
Water. Water. Water.
We could stand it no longer.
We had to desert.
There're two others, somewhere back there.
What happened?
We're fools to try to escape from Agadez.
As l thought.
We're assigned to Agadez,
the last outpost.
-The inferno of the Sahara.
-Silence, Poule.
''Suffer us not, at this late hour,
for any pains of death to fall from Thee.
''For as much as it hath pleased
Almighty God in his wise providence
''to take out of this world the souls
of our deceased brethren in arms,
''we therefore commit their bodies
to the ground.
''Earth to earth,
ashes to ashes, dust to dust.''
Come, come, young one, this is the Legion.
Be with us all forevermore. Amen.
ln the desert, we must erase the graves.
The enemy have peculiar ways
of showing their hatred, even upon the dead.
-l'm sorry, sir, l didn't know.
-You'll learn.
Corporal Dronov, we will dispense
with the hymn. We must be on our way.
-Shall l give the order, sir?
lf we stay here any longer,
there may be more graves to fill.
Platoon, route step, forward march.
Platoon, halt!
The Commandant requests you report
to his quarters at once, sir.
Very good, Corporal.
Assign my men to barracks.
Have them wash, change clothes
and prepare for inspection.
-Yes, sir.
-Corporal, take charge of the platoon.
-Yes, sir.
-Glad to see you, Corporal. Follow me.
Platoon, dismissed! Follow me.
Well, there can't be much sand left
in the desert.
l left half the Sahara in that bathtub myself.
-Bathtub? Horse trough, you mean.
-You Americans are spoiled.
That horse trough, as you call it,
made me pretty homesick.
You don't mean to tell me
you still use those in Paris?
No, not in Paris.
At our summer place in Fontainebleau.
Better get your clothes on.
lnspection pretty soon.
That bathtub, Wilson, you should have
seen it. Took up half my bedroom.
Why, it was so big l could swim in it,
when l was a kid.
Come in here. We've got a surprise for you.
-What you got for me, Monsieur Landreau?
-l have a big surprise for you.
Close your eyes, open your mouth.
l've got for you an American.
Sure now?
Well, l've been called worse things
in my life. l'm Jim Wilson.
Yankee talk.
lf that ain't a sound for sore ears.
Let me do that for you, Mr. Wilson.
l've got to do something for home folks.
Well, l better go and polish these boots
good or Captain Savatt will skin me alive.
Savatt, here? Savatt?
-Why aren't you working?
-You see, sir, l...
Silence. Move your carcass out of here.
Polish those boots, report to me in an hour.
-Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
-So these are the reinforcements.
l asked for legionnaires, they send me
unweaned whelps and gibbering old men.
-What is this, only 16?
-We lost 1 2 on the march, sir.
You lost 1 2 before l had a chance
to make soldiers of them.
-Your name?
-James Wilson, sir.
-American? Have we ever met before?
-l don't think so, sir.
What is this mess?
Here, the first lesson is neatness.
-He is a new recruit, sir.
-No excuse.
He will learn to arrange his kit properly.
Fort Agadez is no place for a dreamer,
my puppy.
-But it is mine. You have no right...
One thing you must learn immediately.
We are under orders of war,
and at Fort Agadez, l am the law.
The puppy's name?
-Malreaux, sir.
Punishment for insubordination
is two weeks solitary confinement.
Sentence to begin at sunset.
You will have time to dream, my friend,
on bread and water,
and you will learn to obey
without complaint.
Perhaps this lesson has been worthwhile
to impress upon you
that this is no playground.
We are at war.
ln the desert, bands are massing for attack.
At any moment, we may be fighting
desperately for our lives.
l understand
you ran into a few ambitious idiots
that tried to escape from this outpost.
You saw what happened to them.
Don't forget it.
Make up your minds to one thing.
lf you go to fight,
you go into action as Savatt's legionnaires,
trained to the teeth and no weaklings.
l shall make legionnaires out of you,
or crush you in the attempt.
Take it easy, kid.
No, no! l couldn't help it. Please!
Captain Savatt!
What is it? What's wrong, Ladoux?
Get some water, quick.
Now take it easy.
You'll be all right in a minute.
No, it was horrible, horrible.
l dreamed it was Savatt.
He was strangling me.
Such dreams seem to come true
around here.
Careful. Gravet.
His big ears catch everything for Savatt.
Why do you wake us up
with these foolish nightmares?
You better get some sleep.
You'll be all right.
-You don't like Savatt?
-Do you?
Someday l'll strangle him
with my own two hands.
-Karnoldi is all talk.
-All talk, am l?
Look at this. Savatt. And this. Savatt.
There isn't a man among us
who hasn't suffered from Savatt's cruelty.
One morning, Agadez will wake up
and find a dead commandant.
Be quiet. Gravet.
-l can't see why one well ain't enough.
-Do you question the Commandant's orders?
Do like Poule. Pretend you're digging
a grave for Savatt, and it'll be fun.
-Pain again, Ladoux?
-He ought to be in bed.
You are not to rest,
but if l happen to be looking the other way...
-Thanks, Corporal.
-Slack off.
-At ease.
Not much better, huh?
How can a man recover when that fiend
Savatt makes him sweat until he drops?
Wilson, l must warn you
against any rash talk or acts, as your friend.
-Thank you, sir.
Why are you not digging?
Or is the Lieutenant already choosing
his favorite bootlickers?
Your pardon, sir. We were just discussing
the feasibility of the well.
-l ordered it dug, that's enough.
-Yes, sir. We had agreed on its value, sir.
An excellent conclusion. What is this?
Get up, you lazy slug, and get into that hole.
-He's ill.
-He is no more ill than a donkey.
-He's always shamming.
-Pardon, sir.
Silence! Get up.
Now pick up that shovel.
l'll pick up my shovel.
-l'll smash your fiendish skull!
l don't care what he does to me.
How much can a man suffer?
Hold him under arrest.
Ladoux, you will be sent to Tiente
for military trial.
For assaulting an officer with intent to kill,
the punishment is death.
He saved you the trouble.
lt has come to my ears that you are not
in sympathy with my methods of training.
You have too much time to talk and think.
That will be remedied at once.
Right shoulder, march!
Right face, forward march!
-She's lovely.
-You'd like each other.
-l wish you could meet her sometime.
-Not much chance of that.
You'd better get up, Ren. Savatt might...
The devil is asleep.
He went into his tent some time ago.
Why is he taking us on this long march?
No reason. Just Savatt.
Punishment for resenting Ladoux's death,
l suppose.
Moonlight on the desert.
ln America, they sing songs about it.
When l was a kid,
my mother used to tell me that...
There was a man in the moon,
and if you did anything wrong,
he'd see you do it and tell her.
-How did you know?
-All mothers are alike.
l wonder what he's telling Mother now.
-You'll tell her yourself someday.
-l wonder.
lt all seems like a mirage,
and this is the only thing that's real.
Savatt, the suffering, the boiling sun,
men dying for no reason, like Ladoux.
But how can this be real?
Someday you'll look back on this
as a mirage,
and the things you love
will be the real things.
l've got to get back, Jim, for Madeline.
We were married the night before l left.
Mother and Father don't know it.
You were assigned to sentry duty.
How dare you desert your post!
-But l was only...
-Yes, sir.
Do you realize you've endangered the lives
of the entire company in case of attack?
-So, place Malreaux under arrest.
-Yes, sir.
On our return to Agadez,
carry out the punishment.
Two full days on lookout post on the wall,
without relief.
Yes, sir. Poule.
-Yes, sir.
-Take over Malreaux's watch. Come on.
What are you waiting for? Entertainment?
Go back to sleep.
There must be a better way.
Company, halt.
They're firing at Agadez.
Company, double-time, march!
-Take care of him.
-Yes, sir.
Marrant, more ammunition. Hurry!
The company, they're coming back!
Company, attention!
Poor kid's been up there for 20 hours.
lt's torture.
l'd like to give that devil
a taste of his own medicine.
No, Poule, l wouldn't let anyone
deprive me of that pleasure.
l came a long way to get it.
That's how he killed my kid brother.
Your gun.
-l can't see! l'm going blind!
-Help! Help! Help!
Wilson, come back here.
Wilson, put him down.
He's dead.
You killed him,
just as though you took your pistol
and shot him between the eyes.
-You killed him and Ladoux and...
-Silence! Place him under arrest.
Thirty days solitary confinement
for insubordination. Take him away.
Company, dismissed.
Well, didn't you hear me?
Company, dismissed!
-Mr. Wilson? Mr. Wilson?
-Be careful.
-l snagged a chicken sandwich
from Savatt's kitchen for you.
l'm getting better food in here
than l got outside, thanks to you.
That's all right, boss.
l'm just being true to my name.
You certainly are.
What do you do
with the bread and water they give you?
l eat that for dessert.
The men want you to keep your strength.
They'll be waiting for you.
-Only a few days more now.
-And then?
We'll see.
Today finishes Wilson's punishment.
Arrange to release him.
Yes, sir. The American's state of mind, sir,
it worries me.
That's nothing. l am certain
that he's had time to think and regret,
and l am sure that he is quite harmless now.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
You will keep your eye on the American.
Did l ever tell you how l broke the bank
at Monte Carlo? You see, l had a system.
-Feel all right? You look fine.
-That black hole is no Ritz Hotel.
-l'm still a little dizzy.
-Why don't you tell him?
All right, l will.
We've been waiting for your release.
We all agree that you're the man to...
At ease. Corporal Dronov,
pick 1 2 men for scouting duty.
Yes, sir.
How are you, Wilson?
-Good as can be expected, sir.
-You'll join the patrol.
But l've just been released from solitary.
l'm pretty weak.
Don't you think it would be better
if l stayed here, sir?
No, l think it would be better
if you came along.
-What is it?
-Nothing, sir, just a little dizzy.
Take it easy.
There are whispers
floating around the outpost, ugly whispers.
-l think you know what l mean.
-Can you blame the men?
As a man, no. As an officer...
You're intelligent, Wilson.
You must realize that the entire welfare
of the Legion depends upon discipline.
ls Savatt's brutality to be condoned
with the word ''discipline''? lf so...
l can understand your bitterness,
your hatred for Savatt.
But all wrongs
must right themselves, eventually.
Eventually. Meanwhile, men are beaten,
starved and tortured.
l'm trying to make you understand.
You can't fight Savatt
without fighting the Legion.
lt landed behind the dune.
Double-time, forward march.
Double-time, forward march!
-Deploy, charge.
-Deploy, charge.
-Are you all right?
-Will you tell me why you're here?
-l will if you tell me why you left Paris.
l've been to every outpost on this desert
before l learned that you were at Agadez.
Listen, you don't know me,
never saw me before in your life,
and don't tell anybody why you're here.
-But why, dear?
-Now, please,
don't ask questions, just do as l say.
-ls the lady all right?
-Yes, thanks to this gentleman here.
You'd better come with us back to the fort
until your plane can be repaired.
Wilson, take this horse
and help her to mount.
Yes, sir.
Thank you for allowing me to remain here
until my plane can be repaired.
And my compliments
to the courage of your men.
lt is our pleasure to have you as a guest.
l shall arrange accommodations for you.
Show Miss Preston to the officers' quarters.
Captain, one of your men,
an American, l think...
-Yes, Wilson.
-Gravet, have Wilson brought in at once.
-But, Captain, he...
And thank you for reporting
a legionnaire's conduct.
For your discourtesy to Miss Preston,
our guest,
you will stand guard on the wall tomorrow,
the entire day without relief.
-Have you talked with Wilson?
-Tonight, in the barracks.
He's a fine-looking animal.
Lieutenant Dumond.
l hope you're being made comfortable.
No complaints,
but are all of your men deaf and dumb?
-l don't understand.
-When l speak to them, they ignore me.
You see Wilson in that sun?
He must stand in it because of you.
-Because of me?
-He is being punished.
That is why the men act towards you
as they do.
But l didn't have anything to do with it.
l'll talk to Savatt at once.
lt would do no good.
Besides, the day is almost over.
Lieutenant Dumond said
you were being punished because of me.
What does it all mean?
l guess Savatt deliberately misunderstood
whatever it was you said to him about me.
You mustn't be seen talking to me.
You'd better go to your room.
But... But, Jim, what's it all about?
l can't tell you now.
l'll try and get a word to you tonight.
Here he comes now.
Here, Mr. Wilson,
cool off your eyes with this.
Beyond endurance. lt's slavery, l tell you.
He gave Tarleton 60 days today,
on bread and water.
Pattis collapsed. Overwork.
-Boulcait, dead.
-Your brother.
Everything is ready.
Gravet! Stop him!
No mistakes now.
You two, the guardhouse. You, the arsenal.
The rest of you, follow me.
Now, go and tell Captain Savatt it's mutiny,
you jackal.
And tell him that he's next.
-What's wrong?
-The men, mutiny!
-They've killed Gravet.
-Get inside, lock the door.
-l said no bloodshed.
-l had to stop him.
-What's going on here?
-We're taking over the fort.
Why don't you give up this mad scheme
before it's too late?
We've waited too long as it is.
Dumond, why don't you join us?
The men like you, and if you remain
with Savatt, l can't answer for your...
l'm an officer of the Legion.
l'm sorry, Wilson,
that you made this decision.
No matter how it ends,
l must always be your enemy.
l'm sorry it has to be that way.
Gerguson, Sembland,
take the Lieutenant to the guardhouse.
Go to your room and stay there.
Stand guard and see that nobody harms her.
Yes, sir.
We've got the arsenal,
the guardhouse and the sentries.
-All that remains is...
He's fast asleep.
Get back to your quarters.
Save your breath, Savatt.
l'm giving orders now.
Why, you're mad, Wilson.
Do you realize
what you're taking upon yourself?
lt isn't for myself.
lt's for Boulcait, Ladoux,
Malreaux and another.
Young and gentle, like Ren. An American.
He came to the Legion full of dreams.
Dreams of glory, courage and adventure
that ended with death.
You killed him.
That boy was my brother,
and for him l'm going to kill you.
You've made Agadez an inferno on Earth,
and now you're going to boil in it.
-Let me finish him.
-Don't be so impatient, Karnoldi.
l have something more interesting
for the kind Commandant.
We have given you your choice
of remaining with Savatt or joining us.
Now have any of you changed your minds?
Speak up.
Then that is your answer. Open the gates.
Savatt, you have always
had a code of regulations to follow
in administering punishment.
l couldn't find any punishment
in the regulations for your crimes.
l've had to invent one.
l'm going to send you and your men
into the desert
with food and water
to last exactly 150 kilometers.
But there is no settlement
for at least 700 kilometers.
Also, l am going to give you
a pistol and one bullet apiece,
so that when your food and water runs out...
That Wilson's clever. No one will be able
to blame us for their deaths.
Poule, give them their revolvers.
They already have their supplies.
You're following a lunatic!
You can't send us out like this.
l am your Commandant.
The bullets are all in one pouch,
which one of your men is carrying.
You can open it, after you leave.
Now march.
Wilson, l shall cross the Sahara and live.
l shall reach Tiente somehow.
l shall return with troops.
And then, Wilson,
l am going to put a bullet between your eyes.
l am still Commandant of Agadez.
Forward march!
-Close the gates.
-He goes with the others.
No, the Lieutenant stays.
He'll be very useful to us.
And you expect me to sign this?
Naturally. That was my reason
for keeping you here.
l was foolish enough
to think you had a kinder motive.
-Sign the dispatch.
-Very ingenious, Wilson.
lf l sign that, the disappearance of Savatt
and his men is explained to headquarters,
-and the mutiny is completely successful.
-Exactly. The Arabs got them.
Headquarters will send us supplies
and a new commandant,
-and everybody will be happy.
-My compliments, but l can't sign it.
That would be just as treasonable
as if l had actively joined your mutiny.
That's final?
lt's your signature, isn't it?
Karnoldi, let's see if you're as good
as you say you are.
l told you he wouldn't sign.
They'll never know it
from your own signature, Dumond.
-Send Maroni and Souzes in here.
-Yes, sir.
Excellent, Karnoldi.
lt's nothing. l've signed checks
for some of the richest men in Europe.
l only made one mistake.
That's why l'm here.
Well, the disguise is good.
And your horses and supplies
are ready for you.
Get to Tiente as soon as you can.
l don't have to tell you
how dangerous this mission is.
-Suppose they question us?
-You don't know a thing.
Now get through,
for our sakes as well as yours.
Good luck, and hurry.
Return the Lieutenant to the guardhouse.
-We don't need him anymore.
-He goes to the guardhouse.
You're just shielding him
because he's your friend.
l'm running things around here.
l know what l'm doing.
All right.
Mr. Wilson. lt's the lady.
She say she just got to see you.
And anything that she tell you
that l told her, she made me tell her.
And l want you to know that it ain't my fault.
When it comes to talking to men,
l'm the closedest-mouthed person
you ever heard,
but when a woman asks me something,
this doggone big mouth of mine
is just a fool.
-What are you rambling about?
-Well, she asked me what it was all about,
and l told her about your brother
and all that stuff.
She acts just like she know you.
-Where is she?
-ln her room where l left her.
-Bring her in here.
-Yes, sir.
l don't have to bring her, boss,
she's already here.
Come in.
l'll stay right outside the door here, in case.
-ln case what?
-Just in case.
Jim, do you realize what you've done,
leading a revolt against the Legion?
You can't expect to right things this way.
My plane can be fixed easily. Let's get away.
No, l'm staying here.
But can't you see what you've gotten into?
You'll surely be court-martialed.
Have Marchant and one of his men
ready Miss Preston's plane.
Tell him l want it ready
so that she can take off within 24 hours.
Yes, sir.
-l'm not leaving alone, Jim.
-You can't stay. lt's dangerous.
-And isn't it dangerous for you?
-l'll take care of myself.
Very well, then you'll take care of me, too.
You will have the first company report
to Commandant Buro.
Yes, and the second company to stand by.
Yes. What is it? What is it?
There's an old Arab outside, sir.
He insists on seeing you.
Tell him l'm busy.
What do you want here?
Captain Savatt of Agadez,
reporting a mutiny.
Corporal Dronov was telling me
about a novel he has.
-Will you get it for me, please?
-Sure thing.
Where's the Corporal?
Miss Preston want a book he's got.
He's gone to a ball with Poule.
A ball!
-Hey, where is this girl?
-ln her room.
ls she alone?
That's no good.
The little lady will die of lonesomeness.
She needs the company
of a fine, strong man like Karnoldi.
-You ain't going near her.
Get out of my way.
Throw him in the well.
Maybe that will cool him off.
The men we sent for supplies
should have been here days ago.
The men here are getting restless.
Jim Wilson leading a revolt.
l'm beginning to think
l made a mess of things.
lf you had it to do over again,
you'd do exactly the same thing.
l guess l would.
A sense of justice. Savatt's brutality,
your brother, they'd make you do it again.
You better get back to your room.
lt's getting late.
Good night.
Come on out, little one.
You don't have to hide from Karnoldi.
There you are. Where have you been?
That's not nice. You are lonesome.
Karnoldi will fix everything.
Mr. Wilson! Mr. Wilson!
Karnoldi is in Miss Preston's room.
-Take your hands off me.
-A little spitfire?
That's good. l like it.
So you want her for yourself, Wilson?
Another crack like that
and l'll throw you in the guardhouse.
-Are you all right?
-Yes, l'm all right, darling. Thank you.
l tell you, he's no better than Savatt.
Why doesn't he let us
get rid of that Lieutenant?
Even if the supplies come,
that Dumond will spill everything
and put a rope around our necks.
-Why should we stay here and rot?
-What else can we do?
We could take all the supplies that are left
and strike out for Rio de Oro.
Once we get there, we're safe.
France cannot touch us.
Wilson and l had discussed the same thing.
lt won't work.
Who says it won't?
lf the Arabs don't get you,
you'll die like flies in the desert.
And if we stay here and the supplies
don't come, we'll all starve to death.
-They'll come!
-And if they do,
that Dumond will get us all executed.
-Yeah, let's kill him.
-Wilson's getting soft.
Yeah, the Lieutenant must go.
Now you're talking.
We'll raid the supplies right now.
And those who won't join us
can stay here and starve. Come on.
Karnoldi's leading a raid on the storehouse.
They're gonna take the supplies
and head for Rio de Oro.
Stop, you fools.
You've got as much chance
of getting to Rio De Oro
-as l have of sprouting feathers.
-Don't listen to him. Come on.
Now listen to me.
Then if you still want to go, l won't stop you.
-You're through here.
-Karnoldi's right.
Sure, we'll listen to him. Let him talk.
He can't do any harm.
Now what have l got to lose
by going to Rio de Oro with you? Nothing.
But l know you can't make it.
Now, if you stay here,
l think l can get Dumond to join with us...
lt's a lie. Don't believe him.
Karnoldi, you've been causing
too much trouble around here.
lt's time somebody shut you up.
Try and do it. These men are with me.
l'm their leader now.
Well, we'll see who's leader.
Now, l'm not kidding.
l'm still boss around here.
The supplies! Legionnaires, they're coming!
-Reinforcements. Now we'll eat again.
-Food and wine.
-Why, it's impossible!
-What is?
lt is a mirage. lt must be.
Savatt! lt can't be!
lf it is, he's made good his boast.
-Yeah, but how could he live?
-lt's a ghost.
What are you going to do?
Men, you want to save your necks,
don't you?
Get your rifles. Poule, ammunition. Hurry.
-What are we going to do?
-We're gonna fight.
-But they outnumber us.
-They're not going to take us alive.
Hurry, men! On the double, quick!
Company, halt.
As Commandant of this post,
l demand you open the gates.
Open the gates!
Sergeant, break through.
Hold your fire till l give the word.
We're trapped. Open the gates!
Assume combat positions close to the wall,
five pace intervals.
Left section, aim. Fire!
They haven't a chance.
Right section, aim. Fire!
Right section, aim. Fire!
Those men down there will be massacred.
They're wearing the same uniform we wear.
Our quarrel isn't with the Legion,
but with Savatt.
Our fight isn't with France,
but with one man. Open the doors!
-Why? Let them die.
-Open the doors, let them in!
They've opened the doors.
Get your men in there, quickly!
Retreat into the fort!
Here, you lend a hand.
Can you handle one of these?
-Let me have it.
-All right, turn her on them.
ln the name of the French Republic,
l salute you for your bravery,
for your courage and determination
in face of fire,
and for your loyalty to the French Legion.
Legionnaires Angustin, Borok,
Marshall, Voisy, Wilson.
One pace forward, march.
You legionnaires
and the deceased legionnaires,
Delmont, Sembland, and Lewis,
you have distinguished yourselves
above the call of duty.
For extreme valor under fire,
l have recommended
that you receive the Mdaille Militaire.
Your decorations will be forwarded
to you by the War Office.
l salute you.
One pace backward, march.
Legionnaires Wilson, Poule,
Velich, Karnoldi, Dronov,
Landingle, Zoltar, Krantz,
one pace forward, march.
lt has been many years since we have
experienced a revolt in the Foreign Legion.
Needless to say,
those who took part in the rebellion here
must be punished
to the fullest extent of the law.
You will receive a fair trial
in military court at Fort Tiente.
Lieutenant Dumond,
take charge of your prisoners.
One step back, march. Right, face.
The court has taken into consideration
your courage in battle.
However, no military organization can exist
when the rank and file
takes the law into its own hands.
Before the judges retire
to agree upon a verdict,
have any of you anything further to say
in your defense?
lf the president of the court will permit me,
l have something to say.
l have no evidence which can deny
that these men took part in a revolt.
However, as an officer who experienced
the entire regrettable incident,
l must speak in condemnation
of the conditions that caused their action.
ln all of my experiences in the service,
l have never encountered an officer
who was not solicitous of his men,
who did not merit their loyalty and respect.
But at Agadez, l found an exception.
Captain Savatt.
l accuse Captain Savatt of the most
unspeakable brutality towards his men.
l accuse him
of breaking the first rule of an officer,
leaving his outpost
undermanned and unprotected
in order to take his men
on a march of punishment.
l accuse him of killing his men
with his physical punishments,
and driving them mad
with his mental cruelties.
Gentlemen, had l not been an officer,
l would have done exactly as these men did.
They ask only for freedom under arms,
which every man expects
when he serves his country.
They had but one motive.
Removal of an officer
who stands for everything
-the Army of the Republic condemns.
-These are serious accusations, Lieutenant.
-Gentlemen, certainly you place no belief...
-One moment, Captain.
lf you're making an official charge,
have you any further proof
to substantiate these charges?
l have several witnesses
who are ready to testify.
The court has reached its verdict.
We do not in any way
condone armed rebellion.
However, in view
of the unusual circumstances in this case,
you are hereby condemned to serve
four months in military prison at Marek.
After serving your sentence,
you will be discharged from the service.
-Detail, halt.
One moment.
Special permission from the general.
Wilson, fall out.
You are to see the Lieutenant
for five minutes.
We'll wait outside.
Forward march.
l wanted to say goodbye.
l'm leaving in a few hours
to take command of Agadez.
That's great.
And l want to thank you
for what you've done for us.
Not at all.
l arranged for someone else
to say goodbye to you, also.
-Goodbye and good luck.
-l'm to serve four months at Marek.
-Yes, l heard.
And you're returning to Paris?
Yes, l'm taking off for Paris in a half hour,
but l may land in Marek by mistake.