Ae Watan Mere Watan (2024) Movie Script

1942, BOMBAY
This is Bombay Police.
Everyone, step outside
the building calmly.
Anyone who disobeys
will rot in jail
for the rest of their lives.
Everyone should step outside mindfully.
All this is for your safety.
Don't come in our way.
Maintain peace.
Twenty-five plus twenty-five?
- Fifty!
- Fifty!
Do you understand now?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Children, this is our salt.
1930, SURAFollowing Gandhiji's
call for a Salt Satyagraha
we made this salt
with our own hands.
Sir, but why did Gandhiji say that?
For your smart question,
you get two pouches of salt.
Children, the British
consider us their slaves.
So, Gandhiji became agitated and said,
"The British can go to hell!"
He then launched the Salt Movement.
Look, there are children here.
- Long live Mahatma Gandhi!
- Please do not hit my teacher!
Long live Mahatma Gandhi!
- Long live Mahatma Gandhi!
- Sir!
Don't hit him.
Please do not hit my teacher.
Vande Mataram!
- Please, Father!
- She was beaten by the police.
She has become a terrorist.
The British are bad people.
They have beaten my teacher.
- And I...
- Come on.
- Come on!
- No! No, Father.
Please, Father! Sorry, Father!
- Silence. Your father is a judge!
- Father!
You should have at least
remembered that.
- Throw her food inside.
- Please, Father, open the door!
These are Siberian cranes.
They fly all the way from Siberia
crossing the Himalayas to come here.
I want to fly as well, Father.
Where will you get your
wings from, my dear?
So what if you don't have wings,
you have the whole world
now at your fingertips.
- Radio!
- Yes.
I got it from London, just for you.
Now all the news and
songs from around the world...
will come flying to you.
1942, BOMBAY
- We want justice!
- We want justice!
- We want justice!
- We want justice!
- We want justice!
- We want justice!
- We want justice!
- We want justice!
Calm down!
Martial Law has been imposed in Bombay.
A British officer's vehicle
ran over our little girl.
For how long will the British
keep oppressing us?
And for how long will
we endure their atrocities?
- Britishers... stop this tyranny!
- Stop this tyranny!
- Britishers... stop this tyranny!
- Stop this tyranny!
- We want justice!
- We want justice!
- Britishers... stop this tyranny!
- Stop this tyranny!
- Britishers... stop this tyranny!
- Stop this tyranny!
- We want justice!
- Stop this tyranny!
Fear makes people forget
their responsibilities.
You did the right thing today.
It is time you shoulder greater
responsibilities for your country.
All of you meet me at the Congress office,
tomorrow morning.
Jai Hind!
Jai Hind!
Jai Hind!
Jai Hind!
Prime Minister Winston Churchill
spent the day
barnstorming Great Britain.
Wherever Churchill went, he inspired
confidence and determination
to fight and win the war.
Thousands lined the streets
to get a glimpse of Churchill.
Flashing his famous "V" sign,
cigar between his lips.
- We shall fight on the beaches...
- Churchill addressed people in factories.
- The speech delivered by Churchill...
- In schools and colleges...
continues to resonate
throughout the world.
Look at how Churchill
inspires us all the way from England.
He keeps us safe from
the Japanese and the Germans.
There he goes again,
singing praises of Churchill.
Usha, wait!
Here is what I was waiting for!
The government has given me
an official car that suits my status.
I was just an ordinary judge, until now.
This will make me Judge "Sahab."
Have a look.
Three people can comfortably
sit in the back seat.
What are you waiting for?
Get in.
Churchill's devotee
can enjoy his car all by himself.
Father always forces me to choose.
Now that he...
Now that he sides with the British...
How can I side with him?
You have a point.
But I ended up breaking his heart.
I never knew...
that doing the right thing
would hurt so much.
I don't have so much courage.
Is it my courage that makes
you want to be by my side?
That too is a reason...
why I want to be by your side.
Before I tell you what to do,
you tell me, what can you do
to help our freedom struggle?
Balbirji... my father runs a jewelry store,
so I can help you collect funds.
I'm studying literature,
so I can help you with writing
anything you need.
I am studying medicine,
so you all will be needing me.
That is true.
I can die for my country, Balbirji.
Me too.
You too want to die with me?
Yes, I want to die
to get ahead of you.
- Okay, then die.
- Hold your horses, please.
Balbirji, Usha, and Fahad
are so competitive...
that if they are ever
given a death sentence,
they will fight with the executioner
wanting to be hanged first.
This is a good competition
you two have going.
You two are true Gandhians.
We cannot take innocent lives,
but we can certainly die
for our country.
British tyranny is at its peak now.
No one really knows when
the next bullet will be fired and...
when the next life will be lost.
So, shall we get to work?
Even the biggest revolutions start small.
Pick up Congress news bulletins,
letterheads, etc.
from the Engineer Printing Press,
and deliver them to our store room.
After such big talk about the revolution,
Kamathji has consigned us
to do routine jobs.
Can you believe it?
We came to be part of a revolution
and now we're stuck
with delivering pamphlets instead.
This car is a beauty.
One, two, three, four.
Are you spying on me?
- No!
- No!
We are from the Congress Office.
Firdaus, don't trouble them.
- Come, let us dance.
- Come.
- Come, come, come.
- You'll enjoy it.
This song has been written by me,
composed by me, sung by me,
and also recorded by me.
- Follow us!
- Follow us!
Turn her around!
Hey... where are you going?
What is all this?
This is...
the postmortem
of my music radio station.
We are in the middle
of the Second World War,
so the British have banned
all private radio stations.
Thus, I had to commit this murder.
Ram Manohar Lohia
has been released from jail.
It is Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia.
Lohiaji has no match
in this generation.
Why so, Fahad?
You ask why?
Just think about it.
When everyone was going
to Britain or America to study,
why did he choose to go to
Germany to get his doctorate instead?
Because all thinkers are Germans.
At the age of 24,
he formed the Congress Socialist Party
from within the Congress.
Why he asks!
He was only two years
older than us, Usha.
And despite being born
into such a rich family,
he decided to dedicate his youth
to the freedom struggle.
That's Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia for you.
Of course.
He is right.
Go ahead and make fun of me.
Like I don't get that.
We are not making fun of you.
But you tend to behave like
you are his only devotee in this world.
Nehruji is his hero,
but he, too, is not spared
from Lohiaji's criticism.
You are a blind devotee of a person
who himself is against blind devotion.
I know we never agree
when it comes to the British Empire.
But you crossed a line today.
That is not just a car!
It's an accomplishment
of my entire life.
I know it was given
to me by the British,
but I have earned
it with my own hard work!
For my family!
The British understand dignity.
They are not that bad.
Now that you've raised this issue,
let's just settle this once and for all.
No matter how many excuses you make,
it won't change the truth that
the British are nothing but tyrants...
and terrorists!
I hate them!
That senile Gandhi is making
everyone lose their minds.
Is responsibility towards your country
the only responsibility you have?
Don't you have any responsibility
towards your family?
You have always excelled in school.
You can become whatever you want.
Don't ruin your life.
Be honest with me.
- Don't you want freedom?
- I don't.
Who will run this country?
We will. Together.
From Khyber to Kanyakumari,
and from Kohima to Kandahar...
who is responsible for
uniting us all to form one country?
The British!
You want our country to be run by people,
who don't even know
how to walk on the road?
Hear that!
See how little regard you have
for your own country?
That's a slave talking!
The British have robbed us
of the ability to think.
That's why you think that
only they can run our country. Why?
There are millions of us.
We Indians will run our country,
and we'll throw out all those
who think they are running our country!
You are working with Congress,
aren't you?
Your truth is pouring out of you now.
Yes, I have a fire inside me
that can't wait to come out, but...
But I feel helpless,
because of your love.
Your love...
is not love...
It's a shackle.
swear on my life and say,
you have nothing to do with Congress.
Swear on my life.
Look, all this is making me feel uneasy.
Look into my eyes and swear on my life.
I solemnly swear on your life,
I have nothing to do with Congress.
Not in the future too.
Not in the future too.
Now I can breathe easy again.
Get back to your work.
Usha, if you were granted a wish...
to meet just one person on the planet...
who would you want to meet?
Gandhiji, of course.
That is exactly who we are going to meet.
Come on now, let's see that smile.
Now, you are free to ask questions.
May I, Bapu?
I saw some policemen outside.
They scared me a little.
How does one fight
the inner fear, Bapu?
That is a very good question.
But if you come to think of it,
the heart that houses fear
also houses courage.
Break the walls of fear
that restrict you,
spread the wings of courage,
and soar high.
Because the ability to spread
your wings signifies bravery, valor.
The ability to spread your wings
signifies freedom for India.
Fill your heart with love for your country
in such a way that there
is no room left for any other love.
Your country demands your sacrifice.
It demands perseverance...
and renunciation.
Do you have this true resolve?
- We do!
- We do!
Gandhiji, there is only one way
to harness this resolve.
You should make everyone
take the vow of celibacy.
The decision to choose that lifestyle
should be your own.
In that case, all those who wish
to take the vow of celibacy...
can choose to do so
of their own free will.
With God as my witness...
- With God as my witness...
- With God as my witness...
I hereby, dedicate my body...
- I hereby, dedicate my body...
- I hereby, dedicate my body...
- my soul,
- my soul,
- all my senses,
- all my senses,
- my mind and my conscience,
- my mind and my conscience,
to my country,
- to my country,
- to my country,
and take the vow of celibacy.
- And take the vow of celibacy.
- And take the vow of celibacy.
- Jai Hind.
- Jai Hind!
Kaushik, wait!
Kaushik, please stop!
Why didn't you take
the vow with me?
Usha, you made a monumental decision
that will forever alter our lives...
without consulting me,
and you're now blaming me?
You were supporting me
during the easy times.
And now, when we were called
upon to make a sacrifice...
you chose to back out?
What... what kind of a
sacrifice is this, Usha?
This was a sacrifice
we were supposed to make, together.
Yet, I had to do it alone.
Kaushik, there may be
tears in your eyes...
but I am the one whose heart is broken.
And what about my heart?
8 AUGUST, 1942
Such a historical moment...
only graces the lives
of people who are blessed.
The sacrifices we make now will decide
the fate of our future generations,
whether they too shall be born in slavery
or will breathe the air of freedom.
Looks like Kaushik has not come.
Today, I ask the British to Quit India.
- Quit India!
- Quit India!
- Quit India!
- Quit India!
This shall be our final
battle with the British Empire.
And I will give you the mantra for it.
Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
Today in Bombay, M. K. Gandhi launched
what he called the Quit India Movement.
At tomorrow's public meeting, Congress is
expected to announce its action program.
The government is clear
that asking Britain to quit India
when a World War is raging is an act
of treacherous sabotage by Congress.
Wait and watch,
India will win freedom
before this year ends.
9 AUGUST, 1942
That's too far.
I say latest by August or September.
Or by Diwali.
What do you think, Kaushik?
What happened?
What's wrong?
Tell us what is wrong!
What happened?
Someone tell me what happened!
What's wrong?
Will someone tell me
what is going on?
- What happened, brother?
- Gandhiji, Nehruji,
Patelji, Maulana Azad...
They have all been arrested.
The police are using
tear gas on the crowd.
Congress has been banned.
What is he saying?!
Congress has been banned?!
The police are taking our flag down.
Let's go and hoist our flag!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
Do or Die!
Do... or Die!
So you went to
the Gowalia Tank Ground?
The British are merciless.
They will kill you.
The so-called Quit India Movement
found no response from
the vast loyal population of India.
Ring leaders and troublemakers
of Congress
have been arrested all over India.
It must--
I have a bad headache, Father.
I went to the Congress Office
to meet Balbirji,
but it has been sealed by the police.
Everyone has gone underground.
This is what I found there.
Read it.
The children of Gandhiji's
Monkey Brigade...
were kept locked up without
any food or water for 24 hours.
They are just kids, Usha.
The British have ruined
our country for good.
All our newspapers are lying.
They control what we see,
think, and speak,
and sadly, we are letting them do it.
Fahad is right.
Did the sun rise in the west today?
Usha and Fahad are on
the same side, for a change.
Fahad and I share the same dream...
India's freedom.
They have managed to scare
all the newspaper editors.
They are watching every
news item about the revolt
like Hawks and suppressing it.
Because news about
the revolt empowers people.
Radio has already been
spreading lies for them.
The British Government
is feeding us opium.
And we are lapping it up.
You think...
we can compete with their lies
with such pamphlets?
We need to spread the truth
to expose their lies.
Now the question is...
how do we spread the truth?
Just think.
Why did we fail in 1857?
Because we had no means
of communication.
The British were fighting
like an organized army, while we...
While we couldn't even pass
a simple message to each other.
But now we have a radio
on every street corner.
We will start our own radio station.
We will talk to our country, directly.
If Churchill can talk to the world
from England...
then why can't we do the same here?
Of course, we can, Usha.
Even those who can't read or write
will be able to listen to
the radio and stay updated.
- It's a great idea.
- You two will get us killed.
Radio stations are banned.
I don't want to die.
Let's get back.
All the leaders are under arrest.
So, who will talk to the nation?
Our leaders might be behind bars,
but we have their recorded speeches
in the Congress store room.
How will that help?
We will broadcast them
through our radio.
And we will make sure
that the news of revolt
from the Congress Bulletin
reaches every ear in India.
If we manage to pull this off...
we will empower everyone in India
to fight against the British Empire.
The sole purpose of
this radio station will be...
to unite India...
and reignite the Quit India Movement.
The moment you hear
the radio you should feel
as if Congress is talking to you directly.
Let's call it...
Congress Radio!
Congress Radio.
Congress Radio!
But how do we set
up this "radio station"?
Firdaus Engineer.
Remember him?
Do or Die...
- Do or Die...
- Do or Die...
My Radio Station?
We are in the middle of
the Second World War, you idiots!
You will be violating the law.
Radio transmitters are banned.
You will be labeled as traitors
and will be hanged by the British.
Just tell us if you are ready
to sell your Radio Station or not.
What is your name?
If you are Jayanti, then I am...
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah!
But Jayanti, you have that
kind of money for a radio station?
That is my kind of question.
How much?
One kilogram of gold.
You will get it.
Four thousand rupees?
Just 551 rupees in nine days.
We'll never be able to get 4,000 rupees,
even if we sell all this.
We have done our best to raise money.
What else can we do?
What a strange world we live in!
We cannot even bring about
a revolution without money.
We will have to drop this idea,
this dream of our Radio Station.
Let's go, Fahad.
What do I smell here?
Oh, it is the reek of your disappointment.
Not now, Auntie.
I am not in the mood.
Fine, then close your eyes.
I said not now.
She won't listen to me.
Come on, you two...
close your eyes.
Go on, do it.
You too.
Do it.
Now visualize what
4,000 rupees look like.
What do you see?
- The Radio.
- The Radio.
Now open your eyes.
Here you go.
I'm sure they are
worth 4,000 at least.
Do you see your Radio now?
We cannot take these.
Why not?
You know I cannot fight on the streets.
But take this as my contribution
towards our freedom struggle.
Do or Die...
This will be my mantra as well,
from today.
Engineer is selling his Radio.
So, this is the Radio Station.
This is the mike,
and this is the antenna wire.
You plug in the antenna wire over here.
Okay, now go and tune
the receiver to 42.34 meters.
Julie, if you can hear me...
I dedicate this song to you.
Well, even if you cannot...
I still dedicate this song to you.
Oh, Julia...
I surrender my heart to you
Oh, Julia...
- It's working!
- Oh, Julia...
Scream louder and let the British
know where we are?!
Fahad, it's working.
It's working and that's important,
but what time we will broadcast it
is also important.
At 8:30 p.m. when everyone is at home.
At 8:30 p.m.?
It gets too dark by then.
What will you tell your father?
We need a signature tune
to start the broadcast with.
You know like the one
All India Radio plays?
Vande Mataram?
No, we will end with that.
Just like in public programs of Congress.
Then how about
Saare Jahaan Se Acchha?
But we don't have that record here.
Try at the Muslim League office.
Muslim League office?
I won't go there.
It will cause unnecessary problems.
I used to be a member
of the Muslim League.
I resigned.
Because I want freedom...
not two countries.
Usha, Usha...
This doesn't feel right.
The song feels too abrupt.
We need something.
Something that will
set the right atmosphere.
How about if we say,
"You're listening to Congress Radio"?
No, it has to be done properly.
What else can we say?
This is Congress Radio...
calling on 42.34 meters
from somewhere in India.
Every night at 8:30.
Don't touch the radio.
Which station did you tune into?
Tune back, tune back.
We refuse to fire on our own people.
To those soldiers who lack the courage
to do this much, I have nothing to say.
- But if you can do this much...
- What's this program on the radio?
Looks like a new station.
You may take it from me that
the whole country will be electrified.
Let the Government then
shower bombs, if they like.
Let everyone in Burhanpur
know about this Radio Station.
The British refuse to give us
our right to independence.
-We must snatch our right from them.
- You're right.
That's Maulana Azad,
Congress President.
A rebel radio station has been detected
on 42.34 meters.
And we have no way to trace it.
We'll look into it.
Print in tomorrow's bulletin.
"Tune into Congress Radio
every night at 8.30."
Would anyone have heard us?
- Usha?
- Greetings, Father.
Why are you so late?
I have joined Prof. Chitnis'
classes for International Law.
That's great. Keep it up and one day
you will become a judge, just like me.
You should introduce me to Prof. Chitnis.
Sure, Father. Of course.
Bapu gave us a mantra
before he went to jail.
"Do or Die."
- Auntie.
- We must free our country from slavery.
Auntie, why haven't you had dinner?
I am not hungry.
I will have it later.
The people of India demand nothing
short of complete freedom.
India is not a land of cowards.
The Congress has been accused
of backstabbing the British.
But the truth is that the British
are the ones oppressing us.
We must come together by eradicating
the divisions of caste, religion,
and language.
Consider this as a call to battle,
where individuals who are willing
to risk everything will be rewarded,
and those who prioritize self-protection
will end up on the losing side.
We know that you
hate the British Empire.
You should listen to this
Radio broadcast every day.
All the young freedom fighters need
to come together and reignite...
Don't run! Stop! Stay strong!
This is India's final
battle for self-determination,
and it will not end.
We cannot wait.
We want freedom right now.
We should not lose our confidence.
We are proud of your sacrifices
for the country.
Do or Die.
- Jai Hind, comrades!
- Jai Hind!
Lohiaji, the British have managed
to crush the Quit India Movement.
All our leaders are behind bars.
We are still here, Alok.
And there are others who have given the
Quit India Movement a new lease of life.
Oh, the bulb has blown!
Then fix a new bulb.
We don't have one.
No problem.
Congress Radio.
The name clearly indicates
that Congress members run it.
We need to connect them
to our underground movement.
I cannot even see your faces.
How about lighting a match?
- Here you go.
- Much better.
this radio can become our most
powerful weapon against the British.
Another match?
Well, Lohiaji,
that was the last one.
- You are out of matches as well?
- Yes.
Then how do you expect
to bring about a revolution?
Don't worry.
No matter how many matches are put out,
the fire burning within us
will never be extinguished.
Activate all underground units
across the country.
We will use Congress Radio
to revive the Quit India Movement.
- Jai Hind!
- Jai Hind!
The reports on the table are quite clear.
We had quashed the Quit India Movement,
but this Congress Radio is reigniting it.
World War II is raging at our borders.
Do you want an internal
conflict in India?
Find Congress Radio.
This is Congress Radio...
calling on 42.34 meters...
from somewhere in India.
There are thousands of links in
the chains of this government.
Break these links.
Create such power in every village...
After intercepting five broadcasts...
from Congress Radio,
we can tell they are
anywhere within... this circle.
Why don't you just circle the whole world?
This is the best our
surveillance technology can do, sir.
Not good enough.
- Keep trying.
- Sir.
This is Congress Radio...
Congress Underground cells
are multiplying all over India.
If it continues any longer, we might be
headed for a dangerous scenario.
Enough is enough.
The presence of this government
in India is causing us great anguish.
We need to burn it down in such a way
that not even a trace of its ashes
remains on our sacred land.
It's in Bombay.
And I think we should
keep meeting often
to discuss the new developments
in International Law.
- Good evening, Chitnis sir.
- Good evening.
Sorry for the trouble, Prof. Chitnis.
No problem, sir.
This way, please.
- See you, sir.
- Thank you.
Good night, sir.
And more lies.
Tell me...
where do you go every night?
Where do you go?
I work with the Congress Underground.
You swore on my life
and yet lied to me.
I didn't mean to, Father.
It doesn't matter
to you whether I live or die!
Throw her food inside.
This is where she will spend
the rest of her life.
I am leaving.
Remember, when I was a little girl,
you had once asked me...
"Where are your wings?"
I do have wings, Father.
But your love keeps me caged.
Your love stands between
me and the open sky.
"Now, I have no option...
but to break this cage."
it is true that I swore
on your life and lied.
"But it is not true...
that your life doesn't matter to me.
God knows that if I could
give up my life for you...
then I would do so without hesitation."
So, never think...
or say otherwise.
This is the only regret
I'm taking along with me.
Take good care of Auntie.
Don't look for me, Father.
If we manage to stay alive...
we shall meet again...
in a free India.
"Your Usha.
Jai Hind!"
What else could I have done, Auntie?
we are ordinary people.
We know nothing about courage.
She has left to fight
for our country's freedom.
If she survives,
she will help us win freedom.
And if she doesn't...
she will be known as a martyr.
That's the shop.
Should we tell them
about our Radio Station?
Let's assess the situation first.
Come on in, hurry up.
Looks like everyone has got
Congress Underground's message.
Get in.
Yes, that is me.
Not his ghost.
I am Usha.
No one knows...
but we run the Congress Radio.
Come again?
My college friends,
Fahad and Kaushik, and I...
are running the Congress Radio.
Where are they?
Near the gate.
- This is millet.
- Fahad! Kaushik!
- Jai Hind, sir!
- Jai Hind!
Sir, I am... Fahad Ahmed.
I have heard a lot...
read a lot about you.
You are great, sir!
Oh, the Great Manohar Lohia
is a cousin of mine.
I am just plain Ram Manohar Lohia,
an ordinary man.
Enough with the jokes.
Let me get to the point.
I am proud of the three of you.
Come on now, tell me everything
about this Radio Station.
Come on.
We operate from a flat in Babulnath.
We have confirmation of Congress Radio's
reach from Mangalore to Ajmer.
But this is not enough.
We want this Radio to be heard
from Burma to Baluchistan
and from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.
Kamath is our technical expert.
- Kamath.
- Yes.
We'll need a powerful rectifier
to increase the range
of the Radio Station.
The sound quality of the broadcast is bad.
To rectify that, instead of a mic,
we'll broadcast through a record,
which will be recorded right here.
- Is everybody clear about this?
- Yes.
We need to expand our reach from hundreds
to thousands to millions of people.
This Radio will now be
the voice of the nation.
From tomorrow,
all of us from across the country...
will reignite the Quit India movement!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
Do or Die.
The Americans have traced it, sir.
Congress Radio is in Bombay.
Nip it before it becomes big.
If pressure mounts,
we will have to release Gandhi.
Find it.
Destroy it.
And hang those behind it.
Get me out of here.
I will die.
Keep moving!
Come on!
I said keep moving!
Come on!
Please let me go, sir!
Mr. Haldar.
Should we start?
Please let me go, sir.
I don't know anything, sir.
What if he died?
That wouldn't have been a problem.
It would only have been a problem if he
had died without telling us anything.
ACP sir wants to see you.
Inspector John Lyre, Crime Branch.
He single-handedly cut off the head
of the Bombay Congress in the past weeks.
Brigadier Corrigan,
Chief of Military Intelligence, Delhi.
- Sir.
- Congress Radio is in Bombay.
Hunting it down is
the Viceroy's top priority.
You'll get all the latest surveillance
and communication equipment.
There is no time to waste.
Sir, I will find the Radio.
And the traitors behind it.
This is Congress Radio...
calling on 42.34 meters...
from somewhere in India.
Every night at 8:30.
My dear countrymen,
this is Ram Manohar Lohia.
- Lohia.
- Gandhiji had given us the mantra...
A political agitator we've not yet caught.
"Do or Die."
He must be the brain
behind Congress Radio.
Thousands of years ago...
Paste "wanted" posters
of Lohia across the city.
Someone must have
built this Radio, right?
This revolt is now a part of our life.
There can't be more than four
or five radio engineers in Bombay
capable of assembling such a device.
Let's get them all.
Congress Radio is in danger.
Excuse me?
The police are trying
to find your radio engineer.
Why should I believe you?
Who are you?
The police.
- What?
- All revolutionaries are not alike.
Otherwise, who will save the lives
of revolutionaries like you?
I don't believe you.
I know Congress Radio is
operating from the Alankar Building,
but I haven't told anyone about it.
Go and save your engineer's life.
Who's dying outside now?
- Open up.
- What?!
The police are coming for you.
We need to leave right away!
Let me get the car keys.
He knows we are here.
Gaonkar, search the back.
Tambe, check the front.
Stop, I say!
Stop him! Stop the engineer!
Get him off me!
Get him off me!
Let go! Let go of him!
Get off me, you filthy Indian!
How dare you touch me?!
Balbir had embraced the path
to martyrdom years ago...
as we all have.
We haven't lost him.
We have bequeathed him to martyrdom...
with the promise that we will
continue with our freedom struggle.
We couldn't find the rectifier required
for the Radio Station at any shop,
but a smuggler has managed
to arrange it for us.
That's why I am sending
the three of you to meet the smuggler.
Anything can go wrong.
I hope you won't be scared.
- No, Lohiaji.
- No, Lohiaji.
We will do it.
His name is Daulat Singh.
Tonight at 10:00,
Haji Khan Dargah Bazaar.
Kabir Novelty Shop.
Give him the money,
and he will give you the rectifier.
Be on guard.
Be careful.
Jai Hind.
- Jai Hind.
- Jai Hind.
Daulat Singh.
- Wait here.
- Be very careful, Usha.
Let's go!
- Stop!
- Stop!
Stop them!
Inform Lyre sir!
Hey, move it!
Out of my way!
Hey, out of my way!
Police. Get off the bike.
Go, go, go!
Hey! Stop!
What are you doing?
Move it!
Out of my way!
Give way!
- Stop!
- Stop!
Hold everyone back
till Lyre sir gets here.
I will follow her.
What's going on, brother?
I asked you to stay back, didnt I?
Everyone stays back!
Hey! Where do you think
you are going? Stop!
- What the...
- Hey!
No one should leave.
The police are here.
It's not a joke.
No one leaves without
a thorough body search!
Search everyone.
I told you to be careful.
You knew the police were there.
But this had to be done.
But how could you...
You think risking your life like this
will get us freedom?
Look here, Usha.
My hands are shivering.
Usha, I am talking to you.
Answer me.
Tell me truthfully.
Are you doing this
for our country...
or for me?
So what we have between us...
is that a lie?
It is true.
But it's a small truth.
The big truth is our country's freedom.
If you cannot walk with me on
this path towards freedom, then don't.
But, Kaushik...
please don't be an obstacle on my path.
promise me that you
will take good care of Usha.
Promise me.
The heart may beat or stop...
but our fight for freedom
should not stop.
My dear countrymen,
this is Ram Manohar Lohia.
Mahatma Gandhi's great
teachings on nonviolence...
have helped us forge a new weapon
against injustice and tyranny.
Peacefully protest at the factories
producing foreign goods.
Encourage your brothers
to resign from government jobs.
Welcome, brother!
Avoid any business that
may land you in court.
Let the crops remain with the farmers.
Let us continue with such activities.
We are not doing anything wrong.
We are doing this
for the freedom we all seek.
It is the duty of every patriot...
to do their utmost
to help our country get freedom.
The city of Peshawar
observed a complete strike
as a protest against the arrest of
the Congress Committee and other workers.
Unable to persuade the merchants
to break the discipline of Congress
by opening the shops,
the Collector under his control
and orders...
Congress is fighting back.
This time we will win.
- Country or Coffin!
- Country or Coffin!
The oppression and intimidation by
the British have reached their pinnacle.
Netaji is fighting from Germany
and Congress from here.
India will be free soon!
- Jai Hind!
- Jai Hind!
All this must end!
Enough is enough!
We need to free our country from slavery.
Let the revolt continue
and strengthen to the extent that
it brings a complete end to British rule.
Our Radio can now be heard
all across the country.
Each flag here represents
an underground unit.
Now we need to use our Radio
to prepare each unit for the revolt.
We will soon be announcing
the date for our final battle.
No one can defeat us now.
- Jai Hind!
- Jai Hind!
Lt. Dhar, sir.
British Indian Army.
Lt. Roy, sir.
British Indian Army.
Our informer in the police has told us
that they have a new radio detection van.
It can sniff out a radio
signal like a dog.
But we do have one thing
in our favor.
The van is impossible to hide.
They can only catch us
when the radio is playing.
They will use technology
and we will use our eyes.
Kamath will help you out with this.
This is Congress Radio...
calling on 42.34 meters...
We'll start from Malabar Hill.
...from somewhere in India.
Every sincere member of Congress
should firmly resolve
not to mutely witness our country
being enslaved,
and take it upon themselves
to join in this struggle.
Make this your pledge.
We are being referred to as hooligans
by the British Government.
Never mind, let us become...
permanent non-violent hooligans
in the pursuit of freedom.
I appeal to the people
of India to resolve their differences
so we can move
forward together as one country.
...from somewhere in India.
Every night at 8:30.
My fellow countrymen,
you know that the British Government
is at war with India.
All across the country,
they are using forceful tactics
such as lathi charge and tear gas.
Moreover, the Congress has been banned.
The signal is getting stronger.
The reason is that Congress
has made all efforts
to negotiate with
the British Government,
but all avenues for negotiations
have now been closed.
Congress has now demanded that
the British leave our country.
And this demand echoes
not only within the Congress
- but all over India.
- Move it! Hurry!
Move it!
Before going to jail, Gandhiji had said
that this would be our final battle.
We shall either free India
or die in the attempt.
- Drive, Gaonkar!
- Sir.
We must maintain our
determination and resilience.
Let's see how they escape us now.
The van is headed this way.
Turn it off.
Stop the van!
They can see us.
Let's go.
Tonight we are going to Babulnath again.
This is Congress Radio...
calling on 42.34 meters...
- from somewhere in India.
- There is no signal here.
They have found a "thod" to dodge us.
They are broadcasting
from another building.
Once we successfully trace that signal,
they will once again
relocate to another place.
I like this word.
Now we need a "thod"
to counter their "thod".
We must devise a method such that
when we trace them again,
they cannot escape us.
There is a way, sir.
- Greetings, brother.
- Greetings, brother.
Come with us.
Greetings, sister.
I have brought important work for you.
- Make as many as you can.
- It will be done.
Size 3 x 1 ft.
You should roll them up, secure
them tightly, and then throw them.
are we moving away from
the truth of Gandhiji's non-violence?
It is not necessary that what is true...
is also right.
All I know is that we are right.
But Gandhiji is the truth.
We cannot afford to rest until
we have attained complete freedom.
Resting in our efforts
would be a betrayal of those
who bestowed upon us the torch
of our freedom struggle
by sacrificing their lives.
It's our duty to keep the flame burning.
it's been four days since
we last spotted the van.
I think the British have given up.
I cannot say if Great Britain
is indeed great,
but they've always been
great at deception.
Do not wait for outside guidance.
The revolution of India is
the revolution of the poor.
A free India will belong to
the laborers and tillers.
Strikes are the most potent tool to break
open the gateway to freedom.
It is crucial for strikes to persist
until freedom is attained.
- Stop the van!
- Hindus and Muslims should maintain unity.
Ballard Road, facing East.
Boycott British goods.
Withdraw your money
from the government banks.
Boycott all those who serve
this oppressive government.
Leave the cities and
live in the villages.
Collect money for our struggle.
Keep spinning wheels in your homes,
and strive for financial
independence in the villages.
The British government
has shown its true colors.
The police are here.
We are now...
They know we have found them.
Kamathji, you need to leave right away.
The police recognize you.
- What about the Radio?
- It is our responsibility. Please leave.
Tell me.
Sir, we have traced the signal.
79, Ballard Road, Sunshine Building.
79, Ballard Road, Sunshine Building.
Send the force.
This is Bombay Police.
Everyone should step outside
the building calmly.
- Help me.
- Empty-handed.
Anyone who disobeys...
will rot in jail
for the rest of their lives.
Fahad, quickly tie this.
I'll go and check outside.
Everyone should step outside mindfully.
We will be searching each
and every house.
All this is for your safety only.
Don't come in our way.
Maintain peace.
Fahad, you leave. I will drop this
down behind the building.
Why? Are you the only one committed
to dying for the country?
Fine, you drop it down.
I will go and collect it.
Didn't you hear the gunshot?
I asked you something!
Well, sir...
- my neighbor...
- What? Your neighbor died?
He has a limp.
There he is.
Fine. Go carefully.
Fahad, I'll hurry down and collect it.
Stay back.
Move back.
Move back, everyone.
We are trapped, Fahad.
How long will this take?
- Tell me.
- Sir, we have checked the whole building.
We didn't find anything.
How is this possible?
Out of my way!
Everyone, go back inside.
Let's go.
Come on, Usha.
Hurry up, Fahad.
How did the police find us?
They are using two detection vans.
This method is known as triangulation.
Let me explain.
Imagine that this glass is our Radio...
and these cups are the two police vans.
Now I drive these vans on the
roads of Bombay to find the Radio.
As soon as these vans come within
half a kilometer range of our Radio,
they can detect our signal
and the direction it is coming from.
Now I draw two lines from these
vans in the direction of the signal.
Where these two lines meet...
is where they will find our Radio.
Now no matter where we are,
they will be able to pinpoint...
our Radio's location with an accuracy
of two to three buildings...
that too within five minutes.
Broadcasting anything
will be too risky now.
Everyone across the country
is preparing for the final battle.
We have even finalized the date.
But we haven't disclosed that as yet.
All the underground units across
the country will have to strike together,
and this coordination
can be done only through the Radio.
Stopping Congress Radio now
will ruin all the hard work.
Can we set up another transmitter?
What if we set up the
other transmitter
ten to fifteen miles away
from the first one?
As soon as the vans
find the first transmitter,
we will turn this one off,
and turn on the other transmitter.
And by the time
the vans reach that transmitter,
we will be done with our broadcast.
They are right.
These vans are very slow.
Good job.
So, let's shift the current
transmitter to a new location,
and start making another transmitter.
Diwali is just ten days away.
We only have ten days.
Do or Die.
Do or Die.
- Do or Die.
- Do or Die.
It has been five days...
since they have broadcast anything.
What if they have got to know about
the second van?
tell me, what would you have done
had you been in their place?
There is only one way
to beat the triangulation.
Two transmitters.
Two transmitters.
Got it.
We won't have the time to triangulate
two transmitters in one night.
If Lohia has found a "thod" to counter
our "thod" against theirs
then I am sure
the engineer is somewhere...
setting up another
transmitter for them.
Let us catch them all.
At the same time,
on the same day, we strike...
Through Congress Radio,
we need to make sure the tiny sparks...
of revolt turn into raging flames.
A message from Lohiaji.
This is Congress Radio.
Testing. Testing.
We just need to show
the people that we are ready.
They will then join us
and erupt together in
our fight for freedom.
- Long live...
- Revolution!
- Long live...
- Revolution!
- Are you all ready?
- Yes!
Lohiaji, both the radios are ready.
Good job.
Kamath, Fahad.
Get ready to record my speech.
I plan to burst a lot
of crackers this Diwali.
My dear countrymen...
Tonight is the night of revolution.
Tonight, we put Gandhiji's
mantra of "Do or Die" into action.
I will start broadcasting
from the Sitara Building.
You remain with the Radio here,
ready to broadcast if I am caught.
Where the hell is Engineer?
He's gone to meet Julie.
- Julie!
- No! No! No! Let him go!
- Wait!
- Please!
- You can't go!
- Please!
We have only five hours
left for the broadcast.
We need to shift the new transmitter
before the Engineer squeals on us.
Could you drive
a little faster, please?
Keep going.
Keep going.
Sir, I saw this man on
the other side of this window.
- Move aside, please.
- Kids were bursting firecrackers.
- That is when I saw him.
- Are you sure it was him?
Yes, sir, it was him.
I swear this is where I saw him.
Do you have any knowledge...
- Usha, Fahad.
- Is there any other way out of here?
Let's go.
I don't know that much,
but there is a lane ahead...
What is all this, Kamathji?
Lohiaji managed to escape on time.
- He wants to meet you right away.
- The Engineer has been caught.
He told them about
the new transmitter at Santacruz.
You will be rewarded if you are right.
I will be rewarded?
He was right here, sir.
Sir, Lohia is not in there.
Prepare the detection vans.
Congress Radio dies.
We will certainly get
caught if we broadcast today...
because it's impossible to beat the
triangulation with just one transmitter.
We have to broadcast
at any cost today.
All the units are waiting
for my declaration.
Tonight, in my speech,
I will give them the green signal.
Bring India to a halt!
Today, we have to show every Indian
how we can come together...
and break the backbone
of the British Empire.
We will broadcast, Lohiaji.
Not "we".
Just one of you.
Both of you don't need
to risk your life for this.
There will be other missions
to risk your life for the country.
You two decide which one of you
is going to broadcast.
And this is not a request.
It's an order.
Jai Hind.
- Jai Hind.
- Jai Hind.
- Fahad, stop.
- Usha, please don't stop me.
Fahad, I will do the broadcast.
I said stop, Fahad!
I was only 18 months old
when I contracted polio.
I have never been able to walk
on my two feet since then, Usha.
I have always felt incomplete.
Life has finally given me
an opportunity to feel complete.
Don't snatch this from me.
You are not the only one
fighting for fulfillment, Fahad.
I am a girl.
Even stepping out of the house
is no less than a battle for me.
I am Gandhian...
and yet I have lied
and cheated so many times.
I swore on my father's life
and lied to him, Fahad.
We both are incomplete,
each in our own way.
So, how do we decide?
Will you do as I say?
I won't lose.
Then swear on India's freedom.
I swear on India's freedom.
You see that cannon?
Let's race to it.
This is cheating, Usha.
Fahad... we had a deal.
You swore to agree.
This is cheating, Fahad.
You cheated me with this deal.
You challenged a person
with a limp to race you!
You cheated by making me
swear to do as you say, Usha!
Usha, listen! Stop!
This is betrayal, Usha!
- This is deceit!
- What other option did I have?
Either I live with your
hatred for me...
or I live with self-hatred.
I choose to live with your hatred for me.
Won't you forgive me?
Had I been in your place...
I would have done the same.
Do or Die!
Do or...
Jai Hind, Usha!
Fahad told you?
I'm not going anywhere.
Police will arrest me
either inside or outside.
You are sacrificing
yourself for nothing, Kaushik.
Today, both of us...
are ready to give up our lives
for what touches our hearts the most.
For some, revolution is their love...
and for some, love is their revolution.
This is Congress Radio...
calling on 42.34 meters...
from somewhere in India.
My dear countrymen,
this is Ram Manohar Lohia.
Roy, report.
- Tonight is the night of revolution.
- No signal, sir.
Tonight is the night
of challenge for India.
Tonight is the night
of duty and sacrifice.
Tonight is the night
when we fight for our freedom.
Tonight, we put Gandhiji's
mantra of "Do or Die" into action.
Tonight, we break
the network of roads,
railways, and telegraph lines
that strangle us.
Fahad said we only have
five to ten minutes...
- Tonight, we destroy...
- before the police find us...
Tonight, we throw fear out of our hearts.
Tonight, we make this rebellion
our final battle for freedom.
Tonight is the decisive night that
will determine our fate and theirs.
Tonight, we uproot the British Empire.
Regardless of how long it takes...
We traced the signal to Malabar Hill.
- Drive to Malabar Hill.
- We won't back out.
We will harness
the sorrows and challenges...
our people endure
as fuel for our courage.
Like a burning volcano,
the flame of freedom
will forever burn brightly in our hearts.
- When we asked the British Empire to...
- Tell me.
We found the signal, sir.
Kamla Nehru Park Corner,
45 degrees due Southwest.
Along Ridge Road, sir.
Start triangulating.
Independence, self-respect,
and self-governance.
And this demand echoes not only in
the Congress but throughout India.
Usha, we should keep
the radio broadcasting and leave.
That way, the declaration can
happen and we won't be caught.
What if the police come after
we leave and stop the broadcast?
- The ruler of India...
- So, how will you stop the police?
- They cannot deceive...
- I will stop them.
Don't be stupid, Usha!
They have guns.
I will take their bullets and die.
But as long as I am alive,
I won't let them shut the radio.
- Here.
- The British may be underestimating...
- Sitara Building, Gibbs Road.
- the intensity of this agitation.
Sitara Building, Gibbs Road.
- Send the force.
- Sir.
Gaonkar! Gibbs Road, quickly!
We've got them.
You should leave, Kaushik.
There is no alternative or
choice other than freedom.
When the whole country stands together,
even the police and the army
will not be able to do anything.
I am not going anywhere.
Take over government offices.
There will be anarchy all across
the country for some time.
But this anarchy
is better than slavery.
This anarchy will start in the cities
because cities will starve as grains,
vegetables, and fruits won't reach them.
Disrupt the supply chain to the cities.
Leave the cities
and head towards the villages.
Our nation's spirit
is still alive in our villages.
Work in the fields and earn your living.
Work to attain self-reliance
in the villages.
If this movement remains
active in the villages,
it will spread throughout India.
Encourage your brothers
to resign from government jobs.
I request all the Indians
who are in the army and the police...
who are lawyers and judges...
who are clerks helping
the British run their government...
to leave their jobs.
Collect money for our freedom struggle.
- Prepare yourself...
- The police are here.
for the long battle ahead.
The fight for freedom
is not child's play.
Over there.
Radio's antenna.
Fourth floor.
Nothing can be achieved without unity.
Freedom will be for everyone,
not just Hindus or Muslims.
Unity will prevail when
we all aim for freedom.
Patriots should reflect
on their stance...
- towards selfish individuals.
- Lohiaji, please make the declaration.
Those individuals who choose
not to fight for freedom,
history will remember them.
Their cowardice will
be taken into account.
It is important for the people
to be ready now.
In order to ensure the success
of this revolutionary movement,
various sacrifices will need to be made.
This revolutionary movement embodies
our determination to persevere.
This is the time to show
that we are true Indians!
- Check there.
- This is the time...
when it is better
to die once than to die every day.
- Police!
- As Gandhiji said,
- Lohiaji, please declare!
- until we are ready to give up our lives,
we will not be able to give our country
a new lease of life.
We are resolved to fight, to give up
our lives, and to never surrender.
- Make the declaration!
- The British must quit India now.
My fellow Indians...
- break the shackles and create history.
- Open the door!
Halt the trains! Halt the post!
Shut down the telegraph!
Shut down the telephone!
Bring India to a halt!
- Do or Die!
- Do or Die!
- Jai Hind!
- Jai Hind!
- Jai Hind!
- Jai Hind!
Bring India to a halt!
Bring India to a halt!
Open the door!
Long live revolution!
Churchill, quit India!
Churchill, quit India!
Churchill, quit India!
Churchill, quit India!
Long live revolution!
Long live revolution!
- Jai Hind!
- Jai Hind!
Come on.
Get him.
Come on!
Get her!
Get her.
You can kill me...
but tonight our national song
will play till the end.
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
- Arrest them.
- Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
- Vande Mataram!
- Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
Long live revolution!
Long live revolution!
- Country or Coffin!
- Country or Coffin!
Long live revolution!
Long live revolution!
Vande Mataram!
No, Governor.
No! You have allowed things to go
too far in the Bengal Presidency.
Keep the army on standby.
Finish them off.
Long live revolution!
Long live revolution!
Where is Lohia?
Country or Coffin!
- Country or Coffin!
- Go, stop them!
Long live revolution!
Testify against Lohia
and you will get to live.
Sign it.
Country or Coffin!
Country or Coffin!
Jai Hind!
The dream of India's freedom
has been shattered.
It has been crushed.
You just have to give me one name...
Ram Manohar Lohia.
And you will get to live.
Dear Usha...
I keep agonizing about
how your days are passing in jail.
It traumatizes me
to think that my child,
who once dreamt of soaring
with Siberian cranes,
is now confined in a cage.
But when Lohiaji visited...
his reassuring words
brought some comfort.
We do not confront tyrants
for victory alone.
We confront them because
they are tyrants.
I have never received as much respect...
as I have for being your father.
I am glad
that you falsely swore on my life.
Your father who was a slave
to the British is now dead.
This reborn father...
is proud that you are his daughter.
You are my shining star!
Four years is a long time.
This question may
haunt you endlessly.
"Why did I endure so much pain?"
When you get out of jail,
you may find that nobody
recognizes you.
While some people get acclaim,
some receive love.
But some remain unsung
in the pages of history.
However, always remember
one thing, Usha.
The unsung hero
is the greatest of all heroes.
Because the unsung hero
is pure, selfless,
and entirely without blemish.
When a tiny spark ignites a revolution...
it no longer remains just a spark.
You are no longer just
one revolutionary.
You are the revolution!
- Vande Mataram!
- Vande...
Your revolt gives us the wings
that will propel us
toward India's freedom.
Jai Hind!
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!