After School Knife Fight (2017) Movie Script

Why are you looking at me like that?
No reason.
Just looking.
Sorry, my fault.
I was with the English teacher.
No worries.
I never saw that one.
You like it?
I just got it.
I ordered it from an American website.
It's really nice.
Thank you.
It was fall break
and the boys came to my house
to watch a movie.
I don't remember what it was
but we laughed a lot.
After the movie,
we wanted to go for a walk outside.
In front of my house,
there were police cars, sirens blazing.
On the ground,
lay a body covered by a blanket.
An officer told us two young men
had fought with knives.
That's when I found
the name of our group:
"Knife Fight".
I chose it to honour
the dead young man.
The boys approved right away.
They thought it was thug.
I was looking for you.
You're strange today.
I lied.
I wasn't with the English teacher.
Who then?
With the career counsellor.
It's not a lie.
Career counsellor, English teacher,
it's the same for us.
It's not the same for me.
When I'm with the career counsellor
it's about my future.
Talking about the future
makes me nervous.
That's why I'm like this.
Myself but less.
I don't wanna think about next year.
When I think about it,
my stomach hurts.
I even dread summer,
normally I can't wait.
We all know the group is over next year
when Laetitia leaves for Paris.
We pretend it's not gonna happen.
I don't want to think about what I'll be,
or stop practicing every night with you.
You'll see. Next year'll be cool.
Here comes my favourite part.
Shit, I missed it.
It's coming up...
when the guy says "sun".
I remember the first time
I heard your voice.
Nal and I
saw your flyer at the bakery.
You were a singer
looking for a group.
Already your writing was magnificent.
I called you that night
and fell in love with your voice.
It was like caramel,
heat in my ear.
Not too hard, not too soft,
the most beautiful of colours,
A golden voice to shine in the night.
I still remember
the first time I saw you.
Nal and I were waiting
in the living room.
You opened the door,
introduced yourself.
From that day on, I have loved you.
I never dared say anything.
And every day I dare less.
It's like every new rehearsal
stops me.
You irritate me, Laetitia.
It seems like each new part of you
deepens my love.
The skin behind your ear,
the hair over your mouth.
Your spittle,
your tears in laughing fits.
Even when you sleep
in awkward positions
that give you a cute double chin,
I find you unbearably beautiful.
I tell myself you bewitched me,
that I'll wake up one day
and find you banal.
I wait for it with impatience.
Laeti, what are you doing?
What were you doing?
I made her listen to a song I like.
What was it?
What are you waiting for to tell her?
You can't bullshit me.
I know you well.
You're not discreet.
You look like you want to memorize her.
Tell her Roca,
or you'll regret it all your life.
If she rejects you,
you'll be sad for two weeks,
two months,
maybe even longer but it'll pass.
You can fall in love again.
But if you keep it to yourself,
you'll become blocked.
You have to tell her Roca.
Before she leaves.
What do you think they're saying?
Dunno. Guy stuff.
What did you do today?
At the library,
looking for Spanish books for my thesis.
About what?
The Umayyad.
A dynasty in Spain
during the 8th century.
They arrived as Emirs,
became powerful and founded a Caliphate.
But I'm more interested in Saragossa.
What did you do?
Shopping with my mother.
She wants to buy me a suitcase.
You'll visit us next year?
Come on, boys'.
Stand side by side.
Nal, there, Roca here.
I'm sending you the photo.
This way, next year,
if one of you misses me,
send the photo and I'll come. OK?