Agenda: Grinding America Down (2010) Movie Script

(dramatic music)
In the traditional motion picture story,
the villains are usually defeated.
The ending is a happy one.
I can make no such promise for the picture
you're about to watch.
The story isn't over.
You and the audience are
part of the conflict.
(thunder booming)
More human beings were
slaughtered in the 20th century
than all previous centuries combined.
(thunder booming)
We're talking Congressional Record.
135 million dead.
(thunder booming)
Their entire purpose was
to detach our culture
from any moral anchors whatsoever.
You look at the changes in
America since 1960 perhaps.
The whole culture has been transformed.
(thunder booming)
They're coming out of the
belief that the village
should raise the child.
The village means the government.
They have deliberately
destroyed the American family
understanding of the foundational block
that builds a society.
We've come from Norman
Rockwell's America to, you know,
Hugh Heffner's America.
(thunder booming)
If we lose the Judeo-Christian framework,
we're lost, forever.
- [Host] The left wants you to think that
the cultural changes that
have taken place in America
since the 1960s have done
nothing but progress us forward
toward a brave new world.
They look at what holds society together.
They understand it, but
they don't want that.
They want change, and
they will subvert and rot
every good and decent thing we believe in,
because they have a
vision for a new society
and that must mean the
replacement of the old society.
- [Host] This film will show
that the brave new world
they seek is nothing more
than the failed policies
and ideologies of the Communism
that enslaved over 1/3
of the world's population
during the 20th century.
It will show that most people
on the left aren't Communists,
just the useful idiots
Lenin spoke of being used
to promote a socialist
agenda, which is the first
and necessary step toward Communism.
They basically try to
say that the state itself
is ultimate, as there's
nothing, no law higher than
the state and if there's no
law higher than the state,
there's no appeal against it.
- [Host] History has
proven beyond any doubt
that the free enterprise that
freedom produces provides more
for anyone willing to work
than any other system,
so why would the left still be pushing
their socialist agenda on us?
I mean it's really just
microwaved Communism.
There's only two possibilities.
They're either ignorant, or they're evil.
From my investigation
over the last two years
into what his caused
America's drastic decline,
I'm sorry to say the left won't be able
to use the ignorant card.
They've left too much
evidence of their agenda
in their books, articles, and speeches.
No, America has an enemy
that is getting very close
to accomplishing its plan of
destroying the greatest country
in all world history.
Once people figure it
out, they're going to do
what people everywhere do.
They're going to start protesting,
and they're going to start revolting.
And when that happens, that's
when the powers that be
feel threatened and they use
the power that they have.
(bright music)
(gentle music)
This story really begins for me
back in the summer of 1992.
I got a phone call from
an older gentleman I knew
who was a writer, and he
asked me if I'dd go attend
a meeting for him at the
University of California, Berkeley.
He told me that the Communist
Party USA had recently split
over differences of how
to best take America down.
Some were wanting to still
work for a violent revolution,
while others were wanting
to focus their efforts
on using public policy to
subvert America from the inside.
He was curious as to what they had to say.
I mean, after all, the Berlin
Wall had just come down,
the Soviet Union had
dissolved, and the whole world
was saying Communism is dead.
So why were they meeting
and what were they up to?
I was in graduate school at
the time and the whole idea
of slipping in under cover
into a at a Communist meeting
sounded pretty neat so I decided to go.
The first surprise I had was when I walked
into the auditorium.
I was expecting it to be
filled with college radicals,
but instead it was fifty,
sixty, and seventy year olds.
I mean, grandparents,
professionally dressed
with briefcases, and I
realized this might be
a little more serious than I thought.
As the weekend unfolded,
I listened carefully
as they outlined their plan and agenda,
and how they were going to
infiltrate the institutions
of America to influence
us in the direction
they wanted us to go.
To destroy our families, they
wanted to promote cohabitation
instead of marriage, they
wanted to try to get children
away into government programs
at the earliest age possible,
and they also said they would like to get
behind the feminist movement
because they felt that
it had been very successful
in making women discontent
with marriage and motherhood.
To destroy business, they wanted to get
behind the environmental movement.
And in 1992, the environmental
movement was very modest,
but they thought it was
the only vehicle capable
of creating enough regulation and red tape
to discourage business growth.
And finally, to destroy
our culture of religion
and morality, they said
if we can get Americans
to accept homosexuality,
they thought it would begin
to extinguish our traditional
moral values Americans held.
I remember thinking at the time,
this plan doesn't seem very realistic.
It's not something I
will need to worry about
in my lifetime.
It was fifteen years later.
I was appointed by the Governor
to be a state representative
in the legislature.
I had only lived in my
district for two years,
so I thought it would be
a good idea if I wrote
a monthly letter to the editor.
Each month I wrote on a different topic.
In January 2008, as I was contemplating
what to write my letter on,
I thought back to the meeting
in 1992, and I thought of
the goals they'd outlined,
and where America was today,
and I couldn't believe
how successful they had been.
I mean, our families were
totally disintegrating,
the environmental movement had become
the most powerful force for
destroying our free markets,
and hate crimes legislation
was being considered
in Washington, D.C., that made it a crime
to even say anything against
the homosexual movement.
I realized, people needed
to know what was going on.
After I wrote this letter, within days,
people were protesting at the Capitol,
it was the feature story
on the evening news.
- [Man] Controversial comments
had state legislatures
buzzing tonight.
- [Woman] After a
freshman lawmaker alleges
the Communist agenda has
infiltrated mainstream America,
it's the big story live at six.
And over 40 letters to the
editor had been printed
in response to what I had said.
(answering machine beeps)
- [Man] Hey, I just
wanted to give you support
on your newspaper article.
Don't let them grind you down.
I realized then I'd hit on something.
One of the letters written in my defense
stated that a book from 1958
had outlined a similar agenda,
and this got my attention.
The book was The Naked
Communist by Cleon Skousen
who had been a former FBI agent.
And inside the book it documented
45 current Communist goals
from 1958.
And as I slowly read through the list,
seeing how specific their
agenda had been to subvert us
on the inside, I couldn't believe it.
They'd accomplished almost
every single one of them,
and nobody seemed to be noticing.
For at least the last 50 years,
they've been working
actively behind the scenes
in the shadows trying to move
our people and our culture
in a direction that was
designed to destroy us.
Someone needed to find out the truth
of what had happened to our country.
Could all of these very specific goals
have been accomplished by accident?
Or was there something
there under the surface,
intentionally rotting
away America's culture?
I decided to go and
get the facts from some
of my favorite writers and
speakers around the country.
These are a few of the
questions I asked them.
(upbeat music)
The common myth is that Communism is dead,
but there are more Communist party members
in the world today than
there ever have been.
One of the things the
Communists are doing worldwide
is not using that name.
And so what we have is people
with some of the same ideas
masquerading in the United States
under a variety of names.
They're even trying to get away
from the word liberal to describe them,
and they're trying to call
themselves progressives.
If you go to the American
Communist Party website,
all of the programs and
policies they support
are progressive.
So progressives are anything
from a hardcore liberal
to a Communist, to a socialist,
they all call themselves
progressives, and they all
have broadly the same values
and work together.
J. Edgar Hoover has called
them masters of deceit.
And a good magician
waves one hand in the air
while he's doing his dirty
work with the other hand.
And while everybody's
saying Communism has died,
they moved through much of Africa.
Communism was resurgence in South Africa.
In the South from Central America.
Right now six countries in Latin America
are now Communistic.
We have Communist China,
we have Cuba, North Korea,
we have Vietnam.
It still dominates behind
the scene in Russia.
Still very strong in Eastern Europe.
It's strong in the EU.
It is strong in virtually
every country in the world.
Whittaker Chambers said
that Communism succeeds
because most people that
promote Communist causes
are not Communist.
The useful idiots, that Lenin
call them, it gives it an air
of legitimacy it would never
have if it was identified
with Communists and Communism.
- [Curtis] So why is it been
so easy for them to get people
on the left who aren't Communist
to push for their agenda?
Once I looked at the political scale,
it all started to make sense.
On the far left you have 100% government,
and on the far right, zero government.
Anarchy is no government, and
doesn't make sense at all.
On the far left you have
socialism Communism and Nazism,
all systems that have a
socialist form of government
with only slight variances between them.
Traditionally, Republicans
were slightly to the right
of center, and Democrats
were slightly to the left.
In recent years though,
through the radical influence
of the media, Hollywood, and the multitude
of Marxist professors in our universities,
both parties have slid to
the left with the Democrats
going so far they have
openly joined hand at hand
with the radicals.
That's why they all work together.
All the groups on the left
now have the same goal,
a socialist America.
I thought we were over Communism.
I thought, okay, we won
that battle, the Berlin Wall
came down, Ronald Reagan won the day.
We've got to look and
see how he fought this
'cause we're fighting it
again on American soil.
Not hostilely attacking us
like we feared in the Cold War.
It is from within.
And it has no opposition, none.
And that's the frightening thing.
(gentle music)
- [Curtis] I think it's
pretty clear to see,
Communism isn't dead.
They now disguise it by
calling it different names,
but the ideas behind
it are alive and well.
Almost one and a half
billion people still live
in openly Communistic countries.
But unfortunately most of us in America
who are under the age of 50 have no idea
what Communism means to the
people who live under it.
So my next question was,
what's so bad about Communism?
Communism is so evil.
It's a completely tyrannical system.
The whole history of Communism
is one of mass murder.
Tens of millions of
people brutally murdered
by the Communists.
The mass murder of more
people in times of peace
in all the wars of history combined.
Each of those countries where
they have taken control,
millions have been murdered.
When you're asking for what
is the legacy of Marxism,
it is the greatest killing
machine in all of human history.
We're talking a congressional
record 135 million dead
due to Communism.
I think the real number is probably
when you add in abortions,
over 500 million.
The rulers live rather
well and at the same time
you have all kinds of
people who were enslaved,
put in prison, oppressed.
So you had really the
opposite of what they claimed
was going to be the result of their
revolutionary activities.
You would think that if the 20th century
was the most murderous of
centuries, everyone would say,
let's find out why.
And the truth is, you can't
even asked the question.
Tt is verboten to ask the question,
because the ideas that
brought about that mass murder
are still being taught in
our public schools today.
- [Curtis] I think one of
the reasons this has happened
is because there's so much confusion
surrounding the word Communism.
Technically speaking, Communism is simply
the final phase and goal of socialism.
And socialism is best
described by two words,
big government.
Government controls almost everything,
and they use this power
to take things by force
from one person and give it to another.
The liberals in America sincerely believe
that this isn't evil at all.
It is what will finally
make things fair and just.
There's only one problem
that pulls some of us away
from this wonderful utopian vision.
From history we see that whether it was
Hitler's National Socialism
or Stalin's Soviet socialism,
socialism by whatever
name, and in all its forms,
is the ultimate evil.
Sooner or later it destroys
everything in its path.
Law, morality, family, prosperity,
productivity, education,
incentive, and finally, life itself.
The problem with socialism is
that it creates the conditions
for a Stalin or a Hitler to come to power.
(dramatic music)
And that's why Communism
has such relevance today.
It's the final destination
on the road we're traveling.
Friedrich Nietzsche tried
to convince the world
that God was dead.
Charles Darwin tried to prove that humans
are simply part of the animal kingdom.
And Karl Marx realized that
the philosophies of Nietzsche
and Darwin would legitimize his
own philosophy of Communism.
He knew their ideas would
justify the brutality
and slaughter that would be necessary
to implement Communism worldwide.
It was in March of 1883.
Karl Marx, the father of
modern-day Communism, died.
The assumption that
Communism would die with him
was a logical one, since only nine people
attended his funeral.
In October of that same
year in London, England,
a group was forming called
the Fabian socialist society.
The Fabian socialists
decided that they were going
to socialize the world incrementally.
They called it socialism by evolution
instead of Marxist
socialism by revolution.
It always worked in tandem
with the Communists.
Some Fabians were also Communists.
It was a bit of interchange in membership.
And the Fabian socialist
are slowly but surely
bringing about the
socialization of the world.
Europe is pretty well done.
They are not working in Latin America.
Latin America is not just
socialistic in many countries,
they're all already Marxists.
You have a hardcore Marxist
in Venezuela, in Nicaragua,
El Salvador just went
Communistic, and of course Fidel
is sitting right there,
laughing at this whole thing.
And we haven't even
figured this thing out.
We don't even know there's a red plague
coming up to meet us.
We think that we're just
going to watch the cartoons
on Saturday morning and
everything will be fine.
They had a lot to do.
Bad stuff happening.
- [Curtis] There are two things I found
that gave me a good idea where the Fabians
were really coming from.
First of all, their symbol was
a wolf in sheep's clothing.
And secondly, George Bernard
Shaw, who was a leader
in the Fabians for almost
50 years, said quote,
"I am a Communist, but not a
member of the Communist Party.
"Stalin is a first-rate Fabian.
"I am one of the founders
of Fabianism and as such,
"very friendly to Russia," unquote.
Fabians eventually beget the Students
For A Democratic Society which
beget the wither underground,
which beget the, basically the
social changes have happened
in America in the last 40 years.
- [Curtis] Many of the
SDS members from the 1960s
still have an incredible
influence on the direction
our country is heading.
One is the Reverend Jim Wallis,
who was president of SDS
when he was a student at
Michigan State University.
And yet today he is the spiritual adviser
to the President of the United States.
They've been friends for many years.
They go back to Chicago and
the Chicago politics crowd.
And during the Vietnam War he
was rooting for the Vietcong
to beat the United States
Army and when they did
he just couldn't believe it.
He said it was one of the
happiest days in his life.
- [Curtis] And another leader in
the Students for a Democratic Society
and founder of the Weather
Underground is William Ayers,
who has been a longtime
friend and neighbor
of President Obama.
It came out in 2009 that Obama's
book, Dreams For My Father,
was even written by Ayers.
So the influence from the
Fabian socialist society
goes right into the White House.
The next group I found
that has seriously impacted
America's culture is the Frankfurt School.
The Frankfurt School
was a sort of an outpost
in America of European socialism.
Willy Munsonberg, with
a few other Bolsheviks,
founded the Frankfurt School.
The two leading members
are Herbert Marcuse and Franz Neumann.
Franz Neumann was in fact a Soviet agent.
Their entire purpose
was to stand the entire
educational system of the
west in the United States
in particular on its head.
- [Curtis] Bertrand
Russell, who worked with
the Frankfurt School said by
using psychological techniques
to teach the children, we will
be able to produce, quote,
"an unshakable conviction
that snow is black" unquote.
They established a school here.
With the help of John
Dewey, he helps bring
these journals to America in 1933,
dropped them down at Princeton
and Berkeley, Brandeis,
to go after education and media.
Included in those goals were the teaching
of homosexuality and
sexuality to children,
the promotion of excessive drinking,
and destruction of religion
in the United States.
That was a big one.
And they basically started the social rot.
Willie Munsonberg said we
are gonna make the west
so corrupt it stinks.
- [Curtis] I love spending
time with my family.
July fourth, baseball, and apple pie,
and my mind can't even comprehend
that there were groups of
intellectuals back in the 1930s
plotting and planning how
they could make America
so corrupt it stinks.
There are certain lines
and certain limits,
and the left has always
pushed it as hard as they can,
as far as they can, and will
protect any pornographer,
any deviant, any negative
cultural form they can find
basically to degrade the culture.
And that goes right along
with the feminism of today,
which was part of the
Frankfurt School desire
to destroy a patriarchy society
a for a matriarchal society.
In other words, remove the
father as the loving provider
discipliner, discipler,
leader of his home,
where you instill virtues
and integrity and modesty.
That's been broken down on
purpose because they knew
if they could destroy the family
they could destroy a nation
and instead of having a father
who leads and disciples,
who protects the home and
provides for the family,
the government steps in as a nanny state.
The Frankfurt School developed the concept
of cultural Marxism.
Penetrate the culture, take it over,
and then everything else will follow.
And of course they did that,
and today we've had a
complete cultural revolution,
as many people in America
are familiar with the phrase
make love not war, that actually
came from Herbert Marcuse,
who was with the Frankfurt School.
So these guys went after
education, they went after media,
and they've been very
successful in changing
the entire worldview of
Americans through what they call
political correctness, but
it's really cultural Marxism
with the goal being to
destroy Christianity,
then create chaos and then
moved for their ultimate goal
which is from cultural
Marxism to traditional Marxism
which is socialism.
- [Curtis] Most of the
strategy to remake America
from within started with Antonio Gramsci,
who wrote over 2,000
pages back in the 1930s
outlining how to take a
Judeo-Christian culture down
from the inside.
The plan he suggested
has been the main focus
of the left ever since.
Antonio Gramsci was a
neo-Marxist philosopher.
Antonio Gramsci was an Italian Communist.
Antonio Gramsci is probably
the biggest troublemaker
in the world.
He's probably got more
responsibility for our social ills
than anybody else on the planet.
He knew of the importance
of undermining the morals
and the character of this country.
Because America had a
strong Christian heritage,
you had to attack the culture.
You had to change the culture.
Even the pornography into
areas that most people
normally wouldn't accept.
He said that we're going
to destroy the west
by destroying its culture.
We're going to infiltrate
and we're going to turn
their music, their art, and
their literature against them.
That means that you
penetrate the universities,
you write books, the novels,
the poetry, the music,
the book reviews, and once
you control the culture,
then you can sort of shape the thought
of rising generations.
He differed with Marx.
Instead of, for example,
destroying the church
or the other basic institutions,
he said infiltrate them
and use them to change the culture.
What Gramsci had to say
was that this is the way
that government is perpetuated
and society is perpetuated,
is through these churches
because they set the standards.
They set the framework of the
way people live, of rules,
how a family should be structured.
He didn't want a revolution on the streets
that would be over turned
by the police the next day.
He wanted to change
society over the long term
so that we'd have a revolution
without us even realizing it, basically.
And the Communists have
been very effective
in promoting their ideology in
Hollywood, in the mass media.
And I think he was quite right.
I think that's exactly what has happened.
I think that's what's
worked, I think it's working
that way now, and that's where a lot of
these people come from.
And that's been the big
success story of Communism
in the last 50 years.
It's the professors,
it's the educationalists,
it's the journalists.
They are the shock troops.
The Gramscian shock troops of the future.
- [Curtis] And one of
Gramscis all-star disciples,
Saul Alinsky, became one of
the most influential radicals
of the 1960s.
Saul Alinsky was a prominent
radical in 1930 Chicago.
He worked closely with the Communist Party
who used to go down and
train at the rifle range
with Leon Despres, who was
later a mentor of Barack Obama.
They used to train to shoot
because they knew the revolution
was just around the corner.
But that didn't come, so
he got a bit more subtle.
Well Saul Alinsky called
for a community organizer
to stir things up to create agitation.
In fact, he said "you'll be
accused of being an agitator,
"and that's exactly what you are."
He wanted the haves and have-nots
fighting with each other.
- [Curtis] It wasn't until
I was watching an old film
from World War II that
I realized what the left
has been doing in America to
pit the poor against the rich,
blacks against whites, and
the young against the old,
is the same tactic Hitler
used to disunify Germany.
You see, they knew that
they were not strong enough
to conquer a unified country,
so they split Germany
into small groups.
They used prejudice is a practical weapon
to triple the nation.
Remember that when you
hear this kind of talk,
somebody is going to
get something out of it,
and it isn't going to be you.
And they use the conflict as justification
for more government to stop the chaos.
So they create the chaos,
and then they step in
as a solution to the chaos.
And as Francis Schaeffer
said, once this chaos comes,
most people will willingly
give over to a authoritarianism
because they don't want the chaos.
His book was kind of the
field manual if you will
for these activist organizations.
Which President Obama studied
and taught had a workshop
for four years in Chicago
as a community organizer
for ACORN.
- [Curtis] As I was reading
through Rules For Radicals
to see where he was coming
from, I just happened
to take a look at the dedication
in the front of the book,
and this is what I saw.
Quote, "lest we forget at
least an over-the-shoulder
"acknowledgement to
the very first radical.
"The first radical known
to man who rebelled
"against the establishment
and did it so effectively
"that he at least won his own kingdom.
"Lucifer," unquote.
Saul Alinsky, from Antonio
Gramsci, has had an incredible
amount of influence on our
president and on our society,
and he dedicates his
book openly to Lucifer?
I think that says more
about where their ideas
and plans are based than anything else.
You asked what Saul Alinsky's impact is
on the leftist movement today,
and it basically defines it.
It defines it.
- [Curtis] Saul Alinsky
took the best of Gramsci
and the best of the
Fabian socialist ideas,
combined, repackaged, and sold
them to the '60s radicals.
After studying Alinsky,
Richard Cloward and his wife,
Frances Fox Piven, came up
with what is today known as
the Cloward-Piven strategy.
Now their idea was basically
that to destroy society
or destroy capitalism per se,
they needed to overload the system.
It was, the idea was to get
everybody you possibly could
on welfare, to get everybody
you possibly could,
basically milking the system
in some way or another.
It was called the crisis strategy,
and it became very well known
by activists and radicals
in the '60s.
They published an article
in the May 1966 issue
of Nation magazine called
The Weight Of The Poor
in which they outlined their strategy.
Rathke read that article,
and Rathke ended up starting
what we now know today as ACORN,
and of course Cloward and
Piven had been studying
Saul Alinsky.
So Antonio Gramsci give us Saul Alinsky,
Saul Alinsky gives us the
Cloward-Piven strategy,
this husband and wife that
said hey, let's collapse
the American economy by
implementing so many entitlements,
so much of a welfare state of collapse.
He, Rathke, studied the
Cloward-Piven strategy,
he starts ACORN.
- [Curtis] And of course
ACORN gave us Obama.
And to show what a small
world it is, Wade Rathke,
who started ACORN, was the
draft resistance organizer
for SDS, the group the Fabians started.
They've used that strategy ever since
to expand voting roles,
to expand welfare roles
wherever they can.
Basically just to overload the system,
to increase the tax burden
on the middle class,
and basically bring
capitalism one step closer
to destruction.
- [Curtis] I guess we
shouldn't be surprised
that we still have open
borders, that so many people
are dependent on the
government, and that the left
keeps pushing these programs
when all they've done
is tear apart the black
families in America
and create generational cycles of poverty.
The last group that has
worked alongside the Fabians
and the Frankfurt School
using Gramsci's approach
is the Communist Party USA.
Probably the most important
book on this subject
is called Toward Soviet
America by William Z. Foster.
William Z. Foster was the head
of the Communist Party himself.
He ran for the President of
the United States in 1932.
But in the book Towards
Soviet America he literally
lays out, chapter by chapter
by chapter, what is entailed
to bring about a USSA, not just a USSR.
- [Curtis] Two of the movements
they started in America
have played a significant
role in tearing apart
our families, in breaking
down our morality.
(dramatic music)
Betty Friedan is credited
with really starting
the feminist movement in this country.
The purpose really was to
attack full-time homemakers
to get them out of the home,
to make them think they lived
rearing lives, to make
women feel they are victims.
It's the science of victimology
and that is so unfortunate,
because the American woman
is the most fortunate class
of people who ever lived
on the face of the earth,
and to try to tell them
that they are victims
of an oppressive unjust
patriarchy is just a grievous lie.
But unfortunately, they are
teaching young women that,
and have been doing it for many years.
- [Curtis] While Betty
Friedan was pushing her book,
Feminine Mystique, she
implied that she was coming
from the point of being a
frustrated housewife herself
and just wanted to be
a help to other women.
But later, in the 1990s,
it came out she was in fact
a radical propagandist
for the Communist Party
and a staunch supporter of Stalin.
So when she had described
the American family as quote
"a comfortable concentration
camp," unquote,
it wasn't because of
her experience at home.
It was because she was just doing her part
to dismantle our families.
I'm a student of Communism
and the Communists set up
various groups and various societies.
Their society that they set
up to promote homosexuality
in this country was called
the Mattachine Society.
It was founded by Harry
Hay, a leading member
of the Communist Party.
So since I was studying
Communism and teaching
on the issue of Communism,
you just follow leads,
and all of a sudden you realize,
what does this matter to me?
I never heard this Mattachine Society.
Well it was Harry Hays's
organization set up
to infiltrate the culture
of the United States
to make homosexuality normal.
It's always been a movement
dominated by the left.
It's all these so-called isms you'll find.
There's a Communist or a socialist
behind every one of them,
and you'll always see the targets.
It's basically the
traditional family unit.
The war is still against the family.
If you go back to The Communist Manifesto
and read Karl Marx
carefully, the war is against
what they call the bourgeois family,
which was really the biblical family,
father, mother, and child.
They want to plow through
marriage, they want to change
the very definition and
meaning of marriage because
there open door to engineering
society in this utopian way
is blocked by the very values
of our Christian
civilization that's taught
through marriage.
And so the leftist has
got to destroy the family
because if there's any one
thing that will prevent the left
from carrying out its agenda,
it's healthy and strong
nuclear families.
- [Curtis] And so, from the
Fabian socialist society,
to The Frankfurt School,
to Antonio Gramsci
and the Communist Party USA.
From these four you will find connections
to almost every left-leaning
person and organization
in America.
Their influence has been incredible.
(gentle music)
It was in the 1960s.
All the groups on the left seem to realize
Antonio Gramsci was right.
In a Judeo-Christian society
you will never be able
to persuade people to rise
up in a Marxist revolution
and start killing each other off.
The only way to take the culture down
is through penetrating the
institutions of influence
to change the people from within.
(gentle music)
I guess the biggest surprise
I had while studying
these four groups was
seeing that a large part
of their agenda was trying
to make us an immoral people.
The Communists knew in the
1930s, and since that time,
and the leftists know today,
that if you can break down
the cultural traditions,
the basic rules of morality,
then it's much easier to move
people in different directions
that are counter to the good of society.
They recognize that it's
all part of the same fabric.
Their ideologies all work
together to break down families.
To break down the sanctity of human life,
the value of human life.
To break down the idea that there is a God
that we are accountable to.
They essentially are
validating the Judeo-Christian
worldview by the very things they attack,
because in their effort
to destroy our culture,
they know that they have
to go after the very things
that the Judeo-Christian
tradition honors and values.
Morality, belief in God, faith,
the importance of family,
the sanctity of life,
the sanctity of marriage.
- [Curtis] It's amazing.
Our enemies could see our
morality was our greatest strength
and yet so many Americans
don't seem to get it.
Morality is simply having
the character to do
what you should do instead of
what you have the freedom to do.
And that's the only way freedom works.
A people cannot be given
freedom without morality,
or they will self-destruct.
And that's what we see
happening in America today.
The bottom line is,
freedom and free enterprise
are simply fruit on the tree of morality.
Our founding fathers clearly
understood this principle,
and so do our enemies.
There is an important
fact we need to face.
If we had Ronald Reagan
as president, low taxes,
and a strong national defense,
the ship certainly wouldn't
be sinking as fast as it is now.
But it would still be sinking.
A booming economy doesn't take care
of the major problems we face.
50% of all marriages end in divorce.
40% of all children born out of wedlock.
Over 3,000 women a day
aborting their babies.
19 million new cases each year
of sexually transmitted diseases.
Schools that teach the children,
everything is relative.
There is no right or wrong,
and the list goes on and on.
I recently read in our local paper
that over the last 12
months, almost 7% of all
high school students in my
state tried to commit suicide.
Our society is falling apart,
whether we want to admit it or not.
(dramatic music)
Karl Marx had the insight
to see that dethroning God
and destroying capitalism
went hand in hand.
As you attempt to dethrone
God by erasing the morality
in a society and destroying
his institutions,
the family in the church, you
are destroying capitalism,
because as the families
fall apart and the church
loses its influence,
society starts to crumble,
and then government has to
expand to pick up the pieces.
The question, as Whittaker
Chambers put it was,
God or man?
God or man?
Karl Marx was an atheist.
Marxist philosophy was that people existed
for the benefit of the state.
What Marxism did and does,
and all the other isms
of the modern era is to try to
dethrone God by deifying man.
You have to discredit God.
He's your competition.
The 20th century ushered
in several ideologies
that sought to devalue
God and elevate man.
Communism, relativism,
humanism, they all deny
that there's a God, and
they claim that by doing so
they're really elevating man.
But if you look at how each
of those philosophies end up
working out in real life,
there are always some classes
of human beings that don't
deserve the same value
or rights as anyone else.
To turn it around, to believe in freedom
the way we have been
raised, you have to believe
that there's something precious
about every human person,
and of course that's from the Bible.
Imago Dei, we are all
created in the image of God,
therefore every human being
is entitled to respect
and dignity and freedom,
and that is distinctive
to biblical religion found anywhere else.
- [Curtis] Almost all the
ideas that have made America
such a unique and great
country, our founding fathers
got straight out of the Bible.
I guess that's why the
left only has a problem
with one religion, biblical Christianity.
They never complain about
separation of church and state
when it comes to Islam,
Buddhism, Hinduism,
or any of the other religions.
In fact, a couple years ago
the Dalai Lama came to my town,
and during the school
day, at taxpayers expense,
thousands of our local
schoolchildren were bused in
to hear him talk.
I wonder if they would ever do that
for someone like Billy Graham.
No, they must destroy the
Bible's influence in America
so they can step in with
big government in its place.
It's an age-old question.
Are we going to believe in God,
or are we going to play God ourselves?
Essentially for the left,
the choice that they see
very clearly is, people are
going to depend upon God,
or they are going to
depend upon government.
They want people to
depend upon government,
so they have to destroy faith in God.
At its core, it's a rebellion
against God and God's laws.
And that's what the battle is about.
That's what the assault is on.
That's why Christianity is a target.
That's why we saw the
Gulags in the Soviet Union,
we saw the concentration
camps in Nazi Germany,
in all the ideologies that elevate man
and devaluing certain human beings.
- [Curtis] Dictators of the
left, Hitler, Stalin, Mao,
Castro, and all the others,
always have come to power
by acting like they're gonna
change things to make it better
for the people.
Tet history has shown us
the devastating results
that have happened every single time.
There is no example in
history of big government
that didn't abuse its
power over the people.
But people who have believed
in the God of the Bible,
and that our rights are a
gift from Him to everyone
have always stood up for the preciousness
of every human life.
You look at those who have
fought for true human rights
throughout the ages and
it's those that do have
a strong faith in God.
Those who fought against
slavery, and those now today
who are fighting for the
sanctity of human life.
Like the declarations,
we hold these truths
to be self-evident, all
men are created equal.
Aristotle didn't believe that.
He said some people are born to be slaves
and some other people are
born to rule over them.
And the reason that you
and I know different,
and not 'cause we're
smarter than Aristotle,
he was a smart man, but we
have something he didn't have.
We have the Bible.
And so, therefore, that's
where we get these ideas
and from Pagan antiquity or neo-Paganism
or all the modernisms
you get the opposite.
- [Curtis] After studying this
topic for the last two years
and reading literally
hundreds of their books
and articles and speeches,
I've come to the conclusion,
whether the left knows it or not,
their plans and goals can
all be summed up very simply.
They are at war with God.
A people that are moral
and believe their rights
come from God would not only
never want what they're selling
but would also never need
it, and they know that.
(upbeat music)
It's obvious, if you're
trying to subvert a country,
you want to control the news.
You want to control public opinion.
A lot of people realize,
well, there's a biased media.
Most people know that.
Even the Washington Post admitted it.
Yeah, we were biased for Obama, so what?
And when you enter into
the equation, so what,
that means the biases, the
opinions of the reporters
enter into what is news.
They decide whether you
have a right to know.
It's no longer a bias.
They turn from just
political bias to activism.
They go to the places that
influence or I should say,
where they can have leverage.
Generations of journalists
have been trained
to interpret events, interpret the news.
Not report the facts, interpret the news.
They do not deal in facts because facts
aren't effective for them.
They have very few facts on their side.
They've gone into and
penetrated these major areas
to where they can influence
it in the direction
they want to go.
We've seen a massive shift
away from old-fashioned
objective news reporting to what he called
interpretive reporting, what others call
advocacy journalism.
And it's advocacy for a cause.
And as a result, we have a
news media in the United States
that is extremely liberal
at the present time.
Which was a major, major goal to control.
Not merely the news print,
but the television media
and Hollywood.
Stalin said himself, if I
could control Hollywood,
I could rule the world.
Children are always the first targets
of anybody trying to bring down a system.
(gentle music)
John Dewey is believed to
be the most influential man
in the whole area of public education.
He went to Russia in 1928,
helps study the Karl Marx
way of education, bring
it back to America.
Dewey was an atheist, he
was a socialist, a humanist.
He was part of the socialist society
in America, helped found that.
What he believed in was that education
should socialize the child
to make him a willing tool
of the state.
- [Curtis] It might be
surprising to some that the man
who's still idolized as the
father of public education
in America is the very man who
did everything in his power
to dumb down our children
so that they would willingly
accept his vision of a socialist America.
It started with Dewey in the early 1900s.
It expanded, really
expanded since the 1960s.
The hard left gets control
of the teachers unions
and the training colleges.
If you've got those two institutions,
you can pretty much dictate
all educational policy.
The people who were
demonstrating against our country
and against our government
in the 1960s have now become
tenured professors in the Uuiversities.
So they're the ones who
are writing the textbooks,
teaching the teachers, running
the teacher's colleges.
And it's self-perpetuating,
because once you have
the universities, then
you train more cadres,
and more, and more, and more.
They discovered they could
do more to remake our country
by going into the schools than
they could by throwing bombs.
- [Curtis] I believe the
average patriotic American
underestimates the importance
and influence education has
on their children.
That's how the large
majority we had in 1980
to elect Ronald Reagan in
a landslide has been lost.
It's not because the other
side has had lots of children.
No, they're boarding theres.
But instead they're capturing
ours through the propaganda
they teach them seven
hours a day for 13 years,
and even longer if they attend college.
We are losing most of our
children to the other side
because of the anti-American, anti-God,
and anti-free enterprise
rhetoric they are filled with
in the government schools.
Government schools are not teaching basic
reasoning processes,
they're not teaching logic,
they're not teaching actual
data of history and science
and mathematics.
And if your education is rather limited,
then you're inclined to
believe that government
can be the solution to your problems.
When you look at the
desks in the schoolroom,
you'll find four together,
or maybe a table.
They sit around table.
Independent desks are very
rare in most classrooms
because they don't want to
promote the self-sufficiency,
independent mindset.
You go back to William
Z. Foster in his book
Toward Self In America,
you will see how he has
whole chapter there on how
we have to supplant education
in this country and
ultimately force every student
to attend public school.
That's the other thing.
I hope the home schooler's
kids catch on to this.
The home schoolers and the
Christian day school movement
are going to have some very
rough times ahead of them
because the public school
growled it cannot afford to have
any competition, and
they're being given plenty
of competition by the
home schoolers right now.
You see the effects of that
lower educational standards.
There's no more studying
of the classics or studying
of the civics, or, you know,
how the US Constitution
was formed.
It's all progressive education.
It's all based on the
identity politics, the isms.
The current trendy isms.
Environmentalism, racism.
They're training them for the coactive,
and a collective mindset
and a dependency mindset.
And it seems that they,
again, want to have people
be uneducated so then they do
become ward's of the state.
They're dependent on the government
to provide everything for them.
10% of kids believe that
there is an absolute right
and an absolute wrong,
and why are we surprised?
We've sent our kids into
this government system
that indoctrinates them.
That teach them about
tolerance and diversity
and multiculturalism, and
not about reading, writing,
and 'rithmetic.
Not about what our founding
fathers had to say.
Its consequences.
- [Curtis] Few would argue
that the education the children
are receiving in the public
schools is pathetic at best,
but with the amount of tax
dollars we spend each year,
over twice as much as it would
cost to send the students
to private school.
Why do we allow this to continue?
The group that my investigation led me to
that seems dedicated to
making sure the children
don't get a good education
was a real shocker.
The schools are pretty much controlled
by the teachers union, the
National Education Association.
If you look at their platform and goals,
you would think they were a socialist
or almost Communistic organization.
They are for the entire feminist agenda,
starting with abortion on demand,
tax funded abortions.
Therefore the whole gay rights agenda.
They're for the whole globalism agenda.
They are extremely anti-parent.
It is an effort to get the
children to abandon the values
of their parents.
National Education
Association has no patience,
tolerance, or use for
traditional teachers.
They're looking for people who
want to be agents of change.
They want to throw out all
the lessons of history,
and really it's an attempt to
then impose their own views
and ideas onto people.
Get them to act as activists.
If you control those institutions
then you can control everything else.
It's all public schools,
all for their jobs
and they have gotten behind
all of the radical kinds
of curriculum that's being introduced.
They're for it a hundred percent.
They've had a tremendous
effect on public education.
It's not positive.
We also see immorality being
promoted through our schools.
The kind of sex ed
curriculum that is being used
and paid for with our tax
dollars would shock most parents.
- [Curtis] I think one of
the main problems we face
is parents naively
thinking that the schools
are the same today as they
were when they were young.
They don't realize there
is a battle going on
in this country for the hearts
and minds of our children.
The game is between 15
and 25 years of age.
That's the whole game.
If you're over 25 the
chances are they're gonna put
a few pennies towards you to corrupt you,
but their game right now is to corrupt
the 15 to 25 year olds or less,
and right now they're down
in the first grade with
Heather has two mommies,
daddy's roommate, gay pride
parade, and now by eighth grade
they'll pass out condoms in school colors
because that's so patriotic.
And it's perfectly obvious
that you get a hold
of the child early, you
can change his values away
from his parents values
and get him to follow you.
And they're very open about saying that.
A National Education Association
has passed resolution
saying they want children from birth.
- [Curtis] Isn't that interesting?
The Communist Manifesto
also thought the state
should take control of children at birth.
The left has always
been good at disguising
their real agenda by coming up
with phrases made from words
we are very familiar
with, but then giving them
new definitions.
Social justice is the
current phrase of choice
and is being used to teach
children the failed Marxist ideas
of yesteryear or what they
should strive for today.
We see social justice curriculum today,
which is the buzzword for
Communism, socialism, Marxism,
which Bill Ayers is teaching.
It's in many of our colleges
and the social justice
curriculum is being taught in high schools
all over the nation.
Justice is good.
If you then start calling
something black justice,
then your modifying it, and
what it really means is,
I think, taking from one
group of people and giving it
to another group, so I
would call it socialism.
And it's used to break
down the differences
between the way things are done
and the way it should be done.
So when they're teaching
social justice in the schools,
they're not talking about
free enterprise and capitalism
and individual self
responsibility, all the things
that made America great,
they're talking about the things
that made Europe and the
Soviet Union and China so bad.
- [Curtis] The longer we allow our schools
to teach the children that
America has so many faults
it's not worth saving, instead of the fact
that even with its faults
it is the greatest country
that has ever existed,
the less chance we have
of ever turning our people
back from the dead end road
we're currently on.
A road that promises to
give us a perfect world
if we'll only give up our
sovereignty and our freedom.
You're gonna find more
and more of the following.
This is now called a world pledge.
We no longer want the pledge of allegiance
to the flag of the
United States of America,
because that is considered nationalistic
and of course the socialists,
Communists, and the Marxists,
and the extreme left-wing in the country
want nothing to do with it.
I pledge allegiance to the world,
to care for earth, sea, and air.
To honor every living thing with peace
and justice everywhere.
This came out first of all
in Superior, Wisconsin,
So Superior, Wisconsin,
was their guinea pig,
and there was very little said against it,
and so it would then go
to the next and the next
and the next and before long
you have the whole school
system standing up saying
"I pledge allegiance to the world,"
instead of "I pledge
allegiance to the US."
(gentle music)
The public schools right
now, if you'll read
Toward Soviet America have
nearly accepted every item
that William Z. Foster
said, we needed to place
into the public school curriculum.
And we're seeing the results.
You know, people are not as
informed as they once were.
They think in different ways
and they think in the way
that the left end teams seem to think.
- [Curtis] Antonio Gramsci
realized that if you can take
over the institutions in the
culture you will be able to use
those to influence society to create
the socialist man you want.
I think the most
brilliant part of his plan
was that he realized you
could not only create a man
that wanted big government
to take care of him,
cradle to grave, but, and
this is the genius of Gramsci,
you could create a man
that needed big government
to take care of him, cradle to grave.
A man so dumbed down is
so minimized in society
he wouldn't have the
intellect or character
to take care of himself.
The reason this is so deadly for America
is that once we have a certain
percentage of the population
in that category, our
limited constitutional form
of government is no longer
possible because too many people
won't be able to exist in that framework.
We are approaching that
tipping point rapidly.
(bright music)
If you can persuade people that government
should be in control of the
distribution and use of energy,
you can persuade them, or
rather you have persuaded them
of the necessary and sufficient condition
for government control of
the most intimate aspects
of our lives.
One of the main thrusts
of socialism these days
is obviously through the
environmental movement.
You know, one hates to
pick on Al Gore too quickly
and easily, but I read
the whole of his book
Earth in the Balance:
Ecology and the Human Spirit
back in 1992 when it was first published,
and if you anything about the history
of political philosophy,
you read the last chapter
in that called A Global Marshall
Plan, and you understand
that there is no way to
implement what Al Gore
was calling for in 1992 in
that book except by means
of totalitarian world government.
Patrick Moore, who was a
co-founder of Greenpeace
and he was a very
dedicated environmentalist,
quit Greenpeace when he
realized that had been captured
by radical leftists who
were intent on using
the environmental movement as a vehicle
to destroy capitalism.
How many factories work
when there's a power outage?
You want to hurt business.
You want to drive down
industrial production,
you just drive up the prices of energy.
You just diminish its availability.
And the easiest way to
do that is to make people
scared to death of the
cheapest forms of energy,
which are fossil fuels.
Oil, coal, natural gas,
and nuclear energy.
It already made people afraid of nuclear
because of irrational fears
but then they had to figure out
a way make them afraid of fossil fuels.
Well the way to do that was
to say they're going to cause
catastrophic global warming.
So I used to think this was just
one great big distraction.
If they want to end put their energies
toward the environment.
But now I see that this
is now being turned around
and used as a tool to
further a socialist agenda.
Charles Rubin, a political
scientist who wrote the book
The Green Crusade, has told
this story extremely well.
Environment comes from a French
word meaning surroundings.
Well now, what is surroundings?
Everything around you, right?
And so as Ruben points out,
environmentalism is literally
everything ism.
And so if you were a socialist
committed ideologically
to the notion of government
having control of everything
about our lives and you saw
that you were losing the contest
in terms of the creation of
wealth and its distribution
to capitalism, you had
to find some other basis
on which to promote your
vision of government
and to pursue its implementation.
Environmentalism, or everything
ism, was the perfect card.
- [Curtis] In December of 2009,
when the Climategate scandal
broke open and it became
public that even the leaders
of the movement knew the
whole global warming idea
was a farce, it wasn't
them just having bad data,
we as Americans knew once and
for all that this movement
was simply part of their agenda.
It's my guess that regardless
of the evidence that comes out
against them, they will not
let this tool they have waited
the last hundred years for go to waste.
A tool that gives them the absolute power
and control they want,
but allows them to get it
under the guise of saving the planet.
He was born of left-wing parents.
He was mentored as a young man
by a Communist party member
called Frank Marshall Davis.
Now Davis joined the
Communist Party in Chicago,
and he was very well-connected there.
So young Obama eventually
wound up in Chicago
and he was started working
with the very same people
that had been working with his
friend Frank Marshall Davis.
All of his associations
have been with people
that are way left to
center, hard core left.
And he's doing nothing more
than what is predictable
based upon that background.
The nicest word for his agenda
is the socialist agenda,
and we could go on down the
line of the other descriptors
of the types of an economy and
a society that he's building.
He's all the things that Gramsci
wanted to use for social change.
Yeah, he's the epitome of the movement.
- [Curtis] If you think
there's no way that so few
could be so effective, consider this.
When the Communist
Party USA split in 1992,
the group that formed was the
Committees of Correspondence,
and it was their meeting I
attended that summer at Berkeley.
As I started researching that group,
I saw that many of the
same people who started
or have worked with the
Committees of Correspondence
and its sister organizations
were the same people
who were involved with
President Obama's campaign
and administration.
I found file after file
on Trevor Loudon's website
documented with footnotes and
photographs these connections.
The radical left has been so
successful they have persuaded
the American people to
put one of their own
in the White House.
Socialism and Marxism go together
like Mary and Mary's little lamb.
The general populace
knows very little about
what the Socialists are up to.
If you're gonna find socialism,
you're gonna find the hardcore
Communist right behind it.
One of the main avenues has
been through what they call
the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
20% of the US Congress are
members of this organization.
They have chairmanships of most of
the major House committees
and easily the single most
powerful block in the US Congress.
And virtually all of them are tied
to other Democratic socialists of America,
the Communist Party USA, or
other radical organizations.
We're literally at this very time watching
what's transpiring and has been going on
from the Fabian socialist
point of view from 1883
to the present, so these
guys don't give up.
And they're going at a break neck speed
because they know they've
got an opportunity now
to change America in a way
that can never be changed back,
and they're going for broke.
The Bolsheviks, they're
just waiting in the woods
and they're just smiling
like you can't believe.
You just read the Communist Party USA blog
and they just can't
believe their good fortune.
Every time they turn around
they just can't believe
this is happening.
They're like me.
I'm a Christian conservative
and I can't believe
they've been so successful in doing this.
- [Curtis] The left has started
multitudes of foundations
and nonprofit organizations,
many of which are using
our tax dollars to grind America down.
(dramatic music)
They use all kinds of
patriotic words to masquerade
an extreme leftist orientation
which, if anything,
would enslave the people
in the same kinds of things
with the same kind of ultimate
results as Communism had.
The Communists will let
the socialists go so far
and then ultimately the
Communists really turn on
their fellow socialists
and they wipe them out too.
And their attitude I think is
really probably pretty close.
They figure, look, if
these socialists betrayed
their own country, the chances
are once we get in power
they'll betray us, too.
So they'll figure, let's
just rub them out right now.
And at a given point you'll
see in the history of Communism
that they've been very
effective in rubbing out
their fellow socialists who
brought about their socialism
before the Bolsheviks and
the hardcore Communist
with a capital C took them over.
One thing we do really
have to recognize is
this is a domestic enemy.
This is not just people
with different ideas.
These are not just nice folks
who have funny, silly ideas
that they will eventually figure out
or just not very mature.
No, these people are
dangerous, dangerous enemies,
and they are intent on
overthrowing this country
and imposing the socialist
system that will mean
extreme hardship for the
vast majority of people
in this country.
That's true with them constantly seeking
to re-engineer society
so they reach this level
of utopian perfection.
Where we on the other side,
we advance the idea that
this is about the cause of
freedom, and if it hadn't been
for Jesus Christ, there
never would have been
a United States of America,
because the inspiration
for freedom drove our founding
fathers, they were informed
by their faith, and I believe
guided by the hand of God.
Perhaps treacherously close.
It is never over until it's over.
When the fat lady sings,
isn't that the slogan?
And when the fat lady sings it's over.
Now she might be clearing her throat.
We saw the great country
of Germany in the 1920s
brought to its knees.
Hitler came into power
and destroyed the country.
We see the countries
like Zimbabwe in Africa,
which was once a prosperous
breadbasket, now just wrecked.
Argentina was destroyed
by the socialist piranha
in the '50s.
It was one of the richest
countries in the world.
So, no, we're not at
the point of no return,
but it's getting pretty late in the day.
There's no time to be
casual, that's for sure.
- [Curtis] We've spent
too many years thinking
because we have Republicans
in office, or the stock market
is doing well that everything's okay.
This is why the left has
gained so much ground.
It doesn't matter who's been in office,
they've just continued pushing
forward with their agenda.
Well, I believe this is our
last chance to push back.
If people are looking for something to do,
we have our work cut out for us.
I believe one of the things
that we can do that will have
a profound impact in
changing America is praying.
As soon as we get off our knees,
we need to get on our feet.
And become educated about
what's going on in the country.
Spend time reading.
Understand their
philosophy and their goals.
They have to master this documentary.
They have to go over it a dozen times.
- [Curtis] It might be
having a monthly movie night
with family and friends,
watching one of the many
great documentaries out
there about what is going on
in our country.
One of the things that I think
people in the United States
who believe in our country,
believe in our values can do,
quite frankly, to stand
up for those values.
To make their views known.
And there's times that
you got to speak up,
and you've got to call
things what they are.
We need to be willing to be criticized
and to not be silent
because of the criticism.
It was Martin Luther who said,
"if we're faithful in
all battle fronts besides
"precisely where the battles the hottest,
"then we're traitors to the cause."
I like the quote by Abraham
Lincoln who said that
"silence makes cowards
out of the best of men."
And we got a lot of people that need
to be speaking up right now.
We have an obligation to speak the truth
about the policies that
are taking us 180 degrees
from God's will.
Expand within your church,
expand within the people
you have contact.
Bring them up to speed and
knowledge on what's going on.
- [Curtis] We need to
organize those around us.
By simply mobilizing the
unique groups of people
we are in contact with in being
their source of information,
we can have an extraordinary effect.
Lenin said that the organized minority
will beat the disorganized
majority every time.
Why should we be buying
products from companies
that are going to fund organizations
that attack our values?
They need to be really smart
in using the mass media.
They might wanna blog.
Using the power of YouTube
and that sort of thing
to educate as many people as possible.
A good YouTube video can
reach millions of people.
And if Susan Boyle can
do it, why can't we?
- [Curtis] If you do the right
kinds of things on YouTube
that are creative and do them Frequently,
you can drive a message through society
influencing millions at almost no cost.
We need to be the people who graciously
but consistently make contact.
And express to those folks we elected
what we want them to do,
and what we believe in,
what we think is right.
And if they don't follow those things,
then we need to make
efforts to get them out
and get other people in that will.
Take the good ones and stick to them
Don't waste your time on
people who won't stand up
for their country.
All the others are making contact.
The people who really wanna honor America
need to make contact.
- [Curtis] We also need to be
influencing our own families.
We've got to teach our own
children and grandchildren
the difference between truth and error.
Why they believe the things
they do, and the true source
of America's greatness.
(gentle music)
If shat we're talking about is true,
the most important thing we
can do is protect our young,
because that is where
all of this is leading.
They need to get that younger
generation under their belt.
And more and more parents
are going to have to say,
they're just gonna have to
sacrifice and take responsibility
for their kids education,
because that's really
where it starts to impart that belief.
The Southern Baptist.
We're seeing that 85% of their kids
after they get out of their home
are essentially rejecting their faith.
Rejecting what they were taught.
And of course I think the
reason for that is because
their parents didn't have a
lot of influence over them.
I believe the public
schools are the greatest
cultural influence in this country.
You homeschool your kids or get them
in a Christian day school.
If there is any way at all,
homeschool your children.
Home schoolers out-test everybody.
Our children need to be
taught from Scripture
aproperly biblical worldview.
That requires time.
It requires effort.
It requires purpose.
Our minds should be the
sharpest minds in the world.
We need to work within our
family to educate our children
on what kind of country they
live in and build their faith.
And then get involved.
- [Curtis] The left has
been working for decades
to push us away from God and his laws,
and we need to be willing to
sacrifice whatever it takes
to turn our country back to Him.
Throughout our history
as Americans though,
there has always been a
great price to be paid
for preserving protecting and
defending this great land.
The people who built
America paid a great price.
The people who went to war for our nation.
Boy, did they pay a price.
And one of the American
values was we will pay a price
for what is right.
We will give of ourselves,
even if it requires
the giving of our lives.
That was an American value.
That's why it is such a
heroic and honorable thing
when a soldier defending
us pays that price.
That's like when you go to
Arlington Cemetery in Washington,
or the Tomb of the Unknown,
you stand there and you say,
"this is America."
We were the people who so
believed in these values
that it's an honor to stand for,
even if it can cost you your very life.
One thing I think we do
need to remember, though,
is that as we look at those
we consider to be heroes
in the past, they weren't
people who just went along
with the status quo.
They weren't people who were
just saying what was accepted
at that time in history.
They were people who were
rising up above the evil
that was being committed in
their culture at that time.
That's why they were heroes,
because they weren't like everyone else.
Never ever lose sight of the power
of one individual American.
They can have a unbelievable
magnifying effect
just by the very fact they
make up their mind to do so.
The hope is in this, as
Francis Schaeffer said,
as the dull ache of the
human soul could no longer
be filled with material prosperity,
people are going to turn to spiritualism.
Will it be a Pagan spirituality
or biblical Christianity?
We know according to
Denver Post June of 2008
Pagan spirituality is doubling
in America every 18 months,
so we better get out there,
because I'll tell you,
Pagan spirituality and
Christianity will both
get you to God.
But one will get you there as your judge
the other as your savior.
If we humble ourselves,
we fall to our knees,
if we seek its face, we pray, and we turn
from our wicked ways,
then we have a chance
for God to hear from
heaven, forgive our sins,
and heal our land.
And if we are being judged,
then we need use this
as an opportunity to show
people that this judgment
in this life is nothing
compared to the judgment
that's to come as eternal, and
really make them understand
the importance of fleeing
God's wrath by accepting Him,
repaying other sins through
faith and repentance.
I believe that's the only chance,
the only hope we have as a nation.
Hope is not found in rhetoric.
Hope is found in God.
The God of creation, and you know what?
Our founders were in
covenant with that God.
You need a dedicated,
informed, praying Christian
making things happen and
being determined to do so.
- [Curtis] Time has only
allowed me to present
a fraction of what I found.
The reason I called this
film Agenda is because
I wanted to make a clear distinction
between what I was researching
and all the conspiracy theories out there.
The dictionary says a conspiracy
is an evil plan formulated
in secret by two or more persons,
but an agenda is simply a
list of things to be done.
At every turn of my investigation,
I found agendas by people
and groups of the left
outlining their plan
and their own words.
They've been doing most of
this right out in the open.
Some of you might be
thinking, these Marxist ideas
aren't the most serious threat we face.
What about militant Islam?
Our open borders?
The national debt?
Or even China?
Well, I agree.
America is facing so many
serious threats right now,
but the reason I believe
this is the most dire
is because it's destroying
us on the inside.
Through the political
correctness and dumbing down,
it's causing us to lose our
ability to call evil evil
and stand against it.
I fear for our country.
If we go along, business
as usual, not informed,
not aware of what's going on,
then the very small minority
that have a plan and are great
at organizing the uninformed
and misguided will make sure
their plan is carried out.
I hope you realize it
won't just be your children
and grandchildren that pay
the horrific price of living
in the society they're trying to create.
No, it will be far worse than that.
Everytime a civilization goes
down or a country goes down,
militarily or economically,
somebody else fills the gap.
Now, if you look around the world now,
it's going to be China,
which is massively arming.
You've got Russia which has
become increasingly belligerent.
You've got the radical Islamic world
which works hand in glove
with Russians and the Chinese.
All the time you've got a
virtually red Latin America.
You've got a neutral socialist Europe.
So America hasn't got a lot
of friends left in the world.
Now that's just not
going to affect America,
that's going to affect every
single remaining country
in the free world.
Who's going to stand up to
China if America doesn't?
Who's going to stand up to the Russians?
Is Europe going to do it?
New Zealand?
Not a chance.
Then this is the point I think
Americans need to comprehend.
If America goes down economically,
it will go down militarily.
If America goes down
militarily, we all go down.
The free world is finished and
will be finished for a very,
very long time.
(bright music)
(gentle music)