All-American Murder (1991) Movie Script

Where the hell is Logan?
Come on, Logan, get the fuck up.
Come on, move your ass.
Look at you.
What planet are you from?
Come on.
All your life,
you've dishonored me.
You're thrown out of
every school you attend,
your teachers abhor you,
your peers reject you.
Only friend you ever
had was a snake.
Only thing you can relate to.
Well, we understood
each other.
No one wanted to
touch him either.
You know what it's like
being a judge of my stature,
enduring the shame
of his only son?
Try being the son.
You won't even make
an effort to fit in.
Always the outcast on
a path of destruction.
You threw your toys in the fire,
and you threw your
homework in the fire,
now you set your dorm on fire.
I didn't do it this time, Dad,
it wasn't my fault,
so don't lay this on me.
I paid the damages,
got you out of jail.
The school won't take you back.
Can you blame them?
I wish I had that luxury.
Will you listen to me?
I didn't do it,
it wasn't my fault.
My dorm-mates burned my snake.
Why would I try to kill
my only friend?
I was trying to save him.
I'm giving you one last chance
to save yourself,
prove you're fit for society.
I made a call,
got you into Fairfield,
upstanding college
with a fine reputation.
The students there work,
have goals,
futures, values.
Better learn some.
Don't disgrace me again.
You never heard me, never.
What was that?
I didn't hear you.
Nothing, forget it,
can we go please?
I never wanna see you near
another flame, understand?
Now, if you'll follow me,
we'll go on down
here to Parker Hall,
where I'm gonna show you
our new Computer
Science department,
where I can...
Welcome to Fairfield.
It's been an education.
One of my duties
as the dean's wife,
I fuck you, you fuck me,
and we both fuck the dean.
Oh, great, I'll be history
before my next history class.
I came here to make
something out of my life.
Didn't we all?
What am I doing in bed
with the dean's wife?
What am I, fuckin' nuts?
Oh, no.
No, you're a prince.
I can tell a lot about a man
by the way he makes love.
God knows I've had enough
experience around here.
Last month alone,
I knocked off more
undergraduates than Kent State.
You must
have quite a marriage.
Philip's idea of
mutual love-making
was that we both
worship his cock.
On our marriage certificate,
under state you're married in,
I wrote depression.
Do you want anything
with that vodka?
Youth, money, and romance.
I meant an ice cube.
I live with one.
Your hair keeps
falling in your face.
Honey, my face is
falling in my neck.
Erica, you are such
a beautiful woman.
I bet you look the same today
as you did 10 years ago.
10 years ago,
I was 20 years younger.
No, I mean it.
I've already had two face
lifts, and I'm only 40.
By the time I'm 45,
I'll have to part my hair
to blow my nose.
I want you to have that.
Give them out as souvenirs?
Oh, no, I've never
given one out before.
There you go
trying to make me happy.
You're not like
the others, Arthur.
You're an outlaw.
Don't you ever change, baby.
Hey, Cam!
- Hi, Tally.
- Hi, Elizabeth. Hey, Shelly.
Hey, Wendy...
Here he comes. Hi Joe, whoa!
Wanna come, right?
Simon says run in place.
Run in place, Simon says faster.
Simon says faster.
Ah, some of you
didn't hear the teacher,
she said boom, fall down,
Simon says fall.
Look at that, boom.
Okay guys, go play.
Thanks, I slipped.
Kids are great, aren't they?
Ah, I've been one,
it's no big thrill.
You're new here,
I've seen you around.
Artie Logan,
third year transfer.
Wendy Stern. Where from?
Oh, from about 12 different
schools I got kicked out of.
This is the last one left.
So you're a major misfit.
Not anymore, this Midwestern
virtue has gone to my head.
You're friends with Tally?
Yeah, you know her?
I plan to.
You sure she
wants to know you?
She only dates Greeks and jocks.
I bet she's tired of
dating beefy stooges.
I think it's time that she met
a nice, pigeon-toed anarchist.
Why don't you ask her,
here she comes.
You know, now is not
a good time, Wendy.
I'll see you later.
Hey, what are you doing?
You're stealing Miss Muffet,
now give her back.
You can ease up, love chop,
I wasn't stealing her,
I was getting her
out of the fountain.
Hi, Laurie.
You're Tally.
You're wet.
I'm Artie Logan, I just
jumped in the fountain
to save Miss Muffet.
Oh, I was wondering when
you'd introduce yourself.
I've seen you
following me around.
Did I rattle you?
Oh, no, I love being
stalked by Norman Bates.
I'm harmless, honest,
I just find you very watchable.
What do you want from me?
A child.
You're something else.
So what are you doing here?
I just transferred.
Yeah, I could tell you
weren't from Fairfield.
You're different.
It must be tough
starting a new school.
Well, I've been starting
them my whole life.
I think it's time
I finished one.
I have to tell you, you know
that sketch you drew of me?
It wasn't bad, I think
you have a lot of talent.
I just draw what I see.
You have an odd
way of looking.
I see magic where
no one else does.
I guess that's
what makes an artist.
There's not too
many around here.
Get to know one,
expand your horizons.
You wanna go some place and talk?
It's so noisy out here,
I can't hear myself think.
Don't worry, you're
not missing a thing.
Ooh, that's a good one.
You bring
out the best in me.
Come on, how about it?
Coffee, tea, methamphetamine?
I hope that was a joke.
Oh, God, relax,
I know how pure you are,
I wouldn't offer you
a cough drop.
I have to get to class.
I'll go with you.
What's it like being so popular?
It's hard, your hand
hurts from waving,
and your mouth
aches from smiling.
Well, you deserve a medal.
You're even good with kids.
I love kids.
I'd love to work with
autistic children someday.
Well how about
artistic children?
You know, some of us got
off on the wrong foot.
Some of you don't
have a leg to stand on.
Look, I know I'm not the
type you normally date.
What, you mean sane?
I mean like that
hulk I see you with,
the guy who actually
eats his Wheaties.
Doug, he's just
like my brother.
Well then you're free.
Artie, I like you,
I think you're very amusing,
but I really don't
think it'll work.
How do you know?
I can just sense these things.
Give it a try.
I'm just a
God-fearing girl scout
from South Bend, Indiana,
I'm not right for renegades.
Well, who are you right for?
Who are you right for?
Why me, I mean, there
are tons of women out there.
That's all I'm asking, one date,
be brave, take a chance.
Look, you'll be
in for a disappointment.
I take disappointment like
most people take a shower.
Are you sure
you're not dangerous?
I'm about as
dangerous as Cyrano?
Who's Cyrano?
My pet snake.
Well, it's been
delightful talking to you,
but I really do have to run.
- Hi, Doug.
- Hey Tally, I'll...
I'll be right there.
Let me explain something to you.
Tally's my friend,
you're bothering her.
Stay away or I'll rip you apart.
Well that's what
friends are for.
I can't believe it.
It's just a little something
to hang on your wall.
It's really beautiful.
All right, I'll go out with you.
No, you don't have to.
I mean, I don't want you to feel
like there's any obligation,
do what you wanna do, it's okay.
Maybe you're right.
You're going out with me.
I would love to.
That's a hot piece of flash.
My daddy gave it to me
on my 18th birthday.
See look, it even has my
initials engraved on it.
It's beautiful.
So your family really
goes to church together?
Yeah, doesn't yours?
My family doesn't go
to the cupboard together.
It's just me and the judge.
My mom hated kids, so
she ran off to Paris
with a jazz man right
after I was born.
He blames me for it.
As a judge, he's very objective.
He objects to everything I do.
Well, it sounds like you
gave him a good reason to.
I tried to make
a name for myself,
I just picked the wrong ways.
Well, maybe you better
find the right way.
Here we are,
my favorite haunt.
Artie, what are we doing here?
Uh, well, I just always had
this thing for cemeteries.
They remind me that I'm alive.
You think I'm out of my gourd.
No, I just
think you're kind of,
what's the word?
Don't they have
cemeteries in South Bend?
Sure, but they're
only for dead people.
It's kind of a tradition.
You know, I bet that you can
figure me out if you tried.
Tally, I don't wanna
make you nervous
or come on too strong
and scare you,
and if you said no,
it's cool, but I...
Was I an animal?
No, I'm sorry.
Don't apologize.
I just want you to respect me.
I do respect you,
that's why I kissed you.
Artie, you have to
be patient with me,
because I'm not real experienced
with this kind of thing.
Well then we'll take
it slower, I promise.
Tally, I would never do
anything to hurt you.
Can we go?
This place is giving
me the willies.
The willies, I love it.
So what are you
doing tomorrow night?
We have our meeting
to pick new pledges.
I'm sponsoring Wendy Stern.
I'm a little bit nervous.
I have to give a
really great speech,
because all the Kappas
are against her.
She seems okay to me.
She's not rich and beautiful,
so they don't think she fits in,
but they don't know her
like I do.
I mean, she's really
funny and she's smart,
so I have to change their minds.
What minds?
She'd be better off on her own.
Well, she's been on
her own her whole life.
Not everyone's
like you, Artie.
I mean, some people
need to belong.
Thanks, Artie.
I had a really nice time.
You're welcome.
Why don't you drop
by practice tomorrow?
Holy shit!
This is you, right?
I mean, I'm not dreaming,
this is the truth?
You know what, the hell with
the truth, just keep it going.
See you tomorrow.
Hold that line.
H-O-L-D, hold that line.
H-O-L-D, hold that line.
H-O-L-D, hold that line.
- Hi.
- Hey, You guys.
- Hi.
- Nice pom poms.
Oh thanks.
Here, I got you this, it's...
it's a tragic tale
of obsessive love.
I want you to have it.
The book or the love?
That's some
discipline out there.
It's downright patriotic.
Yeah, well,
we have a winning team.
Dean Darby's coming
by this afternoon
to give us his blessing
for Saturday's game.
The dean is coming here? Now?
Yeah. Kind of in awe
of him, aren't you?
Uh, in awe of the dean?
Dean Darby's a hero.
I mean, he practically
built Fairfield.
I think he deserves
a little respect.
So I shouldn't call him Phil.
I gotta go.
Hey, when do get
through tonight?
Well, my meeting's
over at 9:00
and then I'm going
to the library.
Do you think that maybe you
wanna meet me on my break?
10:30, by the bell tower?
And don't be late, 'cause
I have a lot of work to do.
Hey, when do you sleep?
When I'm dead.
Oh, thanks for the book,
you're a sweetie.
Mr. Logan.
Why, Dean Darby, what
a pleasant surprise.
I was just admiring
your lovely campus here.
You were drooling
like a sweat hog
over those cheerleaders.
Getting overheated, I see.
Hope you don't start
any fires.
Don't worry.
I worry about
all of my students.
That's my nature.
You're like sons and daughters
to me, even the black sheep.
Well don't let 'em pull
the wool over your eyes.
Ah, I won't. I'm watching him.
If he tries,
I'll slaughter him, hear me?
I'm a new man.
You better be, Logan.
You're at Fairfield now.
Reform and conform.
We're decent,
law-abiding folk here
with values you
never even heard of.
You invade us with
your profligate ways,
exposing your virus,
we don't want it,
and we won't endure it,
You're a righteous man, Phil,
I'm honored to be here.
- Ready?
- Red.
Straight through.
Let's go!
Striving towards victory.
What is this, a parade?
Move these people.
Back! What are you doing?
Come on, go home.
Watch television,
where good guys win.
We got a real
problem for you, Deck.
This Marco's a high
voltage hot wire.
You got enough light?
Might be blood.
You don't wanna miss any.
We've been at it all
night and as you can see,
we haven't done any good.
You gotta get that
fucker out, man.
Are you a cop? Scram.
He's holed up in
there with a hostage.
She's eight months pregnant,
he's got a knife at her throat.
He says we move, he cuts.
See the mouse over there
with the un-showered face?
That's Marco's wife.
Drove down together.
She told me about
their marriage.
Her favorite song is Feelings.
She also told me Marco's
the jealous type,
out-of-his-mind jealous.
Gimme that bullhorn.
Marco, how you doing in there?
My name is Decker.
I'm a friend of your wife.
She wants to say hello.
Come out of there, sweetie.
You bitch!
Marco, get the fuck
out of there.
Smart woman.
What a woman.
We just renewed our friendship,
while you were at work.
She's some bunny, isn't she?
Great to see her again.
It's been years, but
I never forget a face,
especially if I've sat on it.
Hope you've had the
fun with her that I do.
I love that little mole
on her butt, don't you?
And how about that
sensitive left nipple?
And what mouth action.
I thought jaws only
moved that fast in water.
Little too much teeth for my
taste, but she's learning.
You know Louann, likes
to make a guy happy.
More than you do for her, Marco.
But then, you have a
problem, don't you?
It's called limp dick.
Louann is losing patience.
In the time it takes
you to get a hard-on,
she could Simonize the
car and learn Hebrew.
Yeah, me and Louann,
Louann and me,
we just bump away,
singing that song we love.
Nothing more than feelings
Deck, you're gonna hate my
guts and this will go over
about as good as a
fart in a phone booth,
but we got a doubleheader
tonight, buddy.
Got a homicide on
the Fairfield campus.
Suspect's in custody.
It's an ugly one, Deck.
Kid's name is Tally Fuller.
She was doused with gasoline
and then blow torched.
Body's fried to the core.
Can't even get a dental ID.
Only thing left is her watch.
What's wrong with a nice,
clean bullet in the neck?
Show your victim some respect.
She's a real star too.
Top sorority, honor
student, cheerleader.
Queen of the hop.
Yeah, bad case
of college burnout.
Now we got a suspect,
kid named Artie Logan.
Caught fleeing the
scene of the crime.
Got a witness
named Laurie Grant,
who says she thinks
she saw him do it.
Thinks? That's discouraging.
What about Logan,
what's his account?
Well, he arrived to see it
happen, too late to stop it.
Claims he was going for help.
Now he says he saw the
killer from a distance.
Male, about 5'10", solid build,
wearing a black trench coat.
You buy it?
No, not really, but he's
the only suspect we got.
Harley's making a
background check,
I'm gonna go make some
inquiries, then I'm heading back.
I'll check out his place.
Deck, cleanest case
on record, it all fits.
It's Logan for sure, wait
till you hear this story.
Dean Darby verified it all.
He's sure that Logan did it.
I mean, this little prick,
he's been trouble from the start.
Kicked out of six
different schools.
Besides setting
his dorm on fire,
he blew up a chemistry lab,
urinated on the head
of the math department,
wired the chancellor's
bed to a PA system.
profile indicates
the kid is capable of murder.
Motive, opportunity,
no alibi, no back-up,
and a bio like this,
I call that a case.
I'm convinced, Lou's convinced,
Fairfield's convinced.
What do you say, Deck?
Did you say he pissed on the
head of the math department
or on the head of someone
in the math department?
What the hell does
that matter, goddammit?
You piss on somebody,
you piss on somebody.
The kid's a whacko, Decker.
This is not your
normal American boy.
He's antisocial, so what?
That make him a killer?
Maybe he's just a misguided
dunce who craves attention.
He sets fire to property,
why not people?
He set fire to the dorm,
he set fire to Tally.
Huh, why not?
He wanted her,
couldn't get her,
so he got even instead, huh?
The way he spied on her,
nah, this is sick.
I'm with Frank, I say
she blows him off,
he gets back at her.
It's a valid theory,
but it's theory.
Where's evidence? We got zip.
We got Laurie Grant.
The thinker,
I'm talking about proof,
fingerprints, murder weapon,
all that good stuff.
You're fighting this,
Decker, trying to cut us down.
Yeah. You afraid
we're on to something?
We might get credit this time?
Forget the credit,
I'm trying to raise a point,
so that we don't blow it.
Wait, wait, wait,
we got another problem.
Thomas Fuller, Tally's
father, Indiana state senator,
running for Congress,
makes a lot of noise.
Ultra-conservative, pull
for the religious right,
heads Americans' family values,
big media censorship powers.
Man's got an image
and he's pressuring us
to solve this thing
before his campaign.
Logan's our ticket,
he's all we got, don't fight us.
If he's guilty,
it makes my life easier,
but piss on Fuller's image.
We need some proof.
What about Logan's old man?
No, he's down in Bermuda,
but we're trying to get through.
Let me talk to him.
I'll tell you if he's guilty.
Sit down.
I've been drilled by the jokers,
you must be the ace.
Look, I didn't kill anybody.
I was running to get help.
No one's accusing you.
You're here because
I don't have much to go on.
This is for you.
This is just a routine
questioning, right?
I'm not under suspicion?
Not from me, Mr. Logan.
Can I call you Arthur?
PJ Decker, call me Deck.
Could you fill me in,
some details?
About what?
Your life, how you got here,
how you hooked up with Tally.
Don't try to
pull a confession.
I'm not the guy you're after.
We're after the same thing.
Sit down.
And tell me about yourself.
Any sports?
Yeah, I run the bathtub,
I catch cold,
I jump to conclusions.
I'm good at all those.
Thought you'd win
Tally over with charm.
It worked.
Not for her.
What's it sound like,
a snake burning up?
So what are you
gonna call this case?
Campus Carnage?
Sorority Slaughter?
You hear that
sound in your head,
don't you, over and over?
Only you burn up people instead,
anyone who mistreats you.
Sound never stops,
just the people.
Look, why don't you just
cut the psychology crap.
I mean, what is it, vogue
for the small town sleuth
to mind-fuck his suspect
into guilt overload?
What ever happened to
a punch in the belly?
Is that a request?
Happy to oblige.
I'm a public servant.
I'm just saying, cut the
same team rap, I don't buy it.
I know it's a crock.
I'm very hip to
Master of it?
Giving, not receiving.
Why don't you save
yourself the effort.
Why not save us
both the effort
and tell me you killed Tally?
One, I'd be lying.
Two, I'd be going to prison.
I don't see myself adjusting
very well to San Quentin.
I can barely handle Fairfield.
You never know, the
warden might have a wife.
I'm curious.
Isn't there a nobler way for you
to be making a living,
like child prostitution?
Did you kill her, Logan?
Did Tally dump you?
After 23 years of getting
shafted, you snapped.
No, but it sounds good.
I think it'll sell.
You are an ace.
Thought I'd crash and burn,
like they did to you.
Only one difference,
you didn't.
Walder High baseball
hit a grand slammer in the
9th won us the pennant.
My old man came down on me,
'cause I only hit a
single in the 3rd.
You married?
Little girl, lives
with her mother.
Miss them a lot, huh?
Let's get back to you.
Yeah, you do,
lots of regrets, huh?
First time you met Tally?
Probably too busy in
here to save the marriage.
Okay, Logan.
She ran out of understanding.
That's enough.
Took the kid and
kissed her ace goodbye.
I said that's enough.
The price you pay
to prove yourself.
It hurts to lose her
when you still love her.
I see it in your face.
The psycho-manipulation
in action.
I wasn't out to total you,
just to make you see
how I felt about Tally,
it's like how you
felt about your wife,
so maybe now you understand.
You'd think that's how I felt.
What if I wanted to kill her?
Well then I made a bad call.
You made a few.
I just piss off
the wrong people.
Or piss on them,
whatever gets attention.
Killing Tally gets a lot.
Come on, man, how much
press can a guy get today
for knocking off one Kappa?
There are goons out there
mowing down whole
chapters with an AK-47.
You did it.
Now I know. Admit it.
Oh, Jesus, you know,
I hope it doesn't bite.
- What?
- The bug you got up your ass.
It's crawling around
there right now,
thinking the same thing I am.
What's that?
He's thinking wow,
I've never seen
a bigger asshole
before in my life.
You know,
there's people around here
who'd like to hurt you.
You should be careful.
I'm going home now.
I didn't kill her, man!
Tally Fuller was the
one shred of decency
left in this whole
stinkin' world.
I fucked up my whole life,
but she was my one chance
to prove that I was
worth something, ya know?
And she was so clean
and so confident,
she was everything that
you're supposed to be,
and I wanted to be with her,
so that I could be that too.
What do I do, man?
I never gave squat
about my life before,
never meant anything, and
now it does, you know?
Now that I'm about to lose it.
Jesus Christ, will
you talk to us already?
This shot was a
legend in high school.
I had great aim.
Only white boy on the team,
better have great aim.
So, what about Logan?
What, you got doubts?
That kid's a raving lunatic.
I believe he loved
that girl, idealized her.
Think he'd want to kill her?
Yeah, you bet your ass I do.
Doesn't phase you he's
a die-hard romantic?
Not when I can smell
his guilt in Oshkosh.
You're on him like
this was robbery or B&E.
We never had a case like this.
Murder is murder.
Premeditated, no drugs, no money,
just a twisted mind.
His mind isn't
twisted enough for you?
Don't know yet.
Deck, you're thinking too
hard that he's innocent.
Maybe I am, maybe I'm sick
of pulling slime-suckers
off scum-fuckers and
calling it justice.
Maybe I'd like to
find an innocent man.
I tell you about the
hooker I pulled in?
Tells me she's got this
18-year-old sister, virgin.
Only gets turned on by cops,
so aching to get popped,
you can hear it twitch.
Would I do the honor?
So, I'm a sport, right?
I go over there, I walk in.
There's this angel
on the rug, naked,
wants to see my badge.
I flash it, she says,
Officer, please bust me.
Bust me.
Chief wants you.
Yeah, yeah, we'll get it.
All right. We'll
get it, you relax.
No, Dad, no.
No, there's no reason
for you to come here.
You can come for my execution.
Are you serious?
You really have to ask me that?
No, no I didn't do it,
but thanks for asking.
You don't believe me.
Why is it whenever something
happens, I'm guilty?
No, don't do me any favors,
I'll handle this on my own.
Son of a bitch,
wouldn't you know it,
Logan's old man
got to the chief,
so now we gotta let him go until
- we find something definite.
- We'll get it.
Your old man made the call,
Logan, you're free to go.
You're free to go, not free.
I got my eye on you.
You won't take a
leak with me knowing.
Can I still make
my heroin deliveries?
Watch it, prick.
Jesus Christ, somebody
better get this guy
before he gets me.
Fuck that.
We got enough to strap you
in the chair, my friend.
You think I'm guilty?
- Well, you're wrong.
- Prove it.
In 24 hours, I'll have enough
evidence to put you away.
It's 6:23 a.m.
You got 24 hours, then
I'm gonna nail you.
You guys keep digging.
I'll be right with him,
every move he makes.
Oh, you're going
for the glory, huh?
You're not gonna
get it this time.
We'll have a warrant on
that kid before midnight.
Laurie Grant.
Get away from me!
Get away from me!
I would not kill Tally Fuller!
You killed Tally!
I saw you run away!
But you didn't
see me kill her!
I know all about the letters!
What letters?
What fucking letters?
Threatening her if
she didn't go out with you!
She told me!
You're lying, you're lying!
The letters don't lie.
- Now you get out of here!
- Oh, you're fucking lying.
- Get out of here!
- You're lying!
Get out!
Hold it! Don't move!
Put your hands behind your back,
put 'em behind your back.
It's okay. I'll take him.
Fine. Throw this
son of a bitch away.
You having a good day?
You got 16 hours and 23 minutes.
Get off my back.
Be nice, I just
saved you again.
Oh yeah, for yourself,
behind every good killer
is a good cop, right?
It's in the neighborhood.
Oh, gee, you got like
campus pussy patrol?
Perks of the trade.
What are you doing in
here with Laurie Grant?
Trying to make her
see that I'm innocent.
What'd you give her,
a lobotomy?
You better lead yourself
out of the jungle.
You now got 16 hours
and 22 minutes.
Stay outta locker rooms.
I'm speaking for Wendy Stern,
who I've been sponsoring.
I am really proud of
this house tonight.
Our pledges reflect the high
standards of this sorority,
and we must maintain
those standards.
That's how we'll stay the best,
and that's what
being a Kappa means.
And that is
why I can't support Wendy
for her membership
in this house.
I know in my heart she just
isn't good enough to belong,
and you were right,
all of you who fought
to keep her out, insisting
that she wouldn't fit in,
well, you stuck
to your principles
and that makes me really happy,
and it's because of you
that the Kappa name
will stand tall,
and a loser like Wendy
can never spoil it.
So, with pride and
loyalty to this house
and to all it stands for,
I blackball Wendy Stern
from Kappa Gamma Beta
now and for evermore.
Thank you.
Please, I'm not
going to hurt you.
I didn't kill Tally Fuller,
I swear to God,
you have nothing
to be afraid of.
What do you want?
I just wanna talk
to you for a minute.
What for?
Well, I need some information.
Why me? I can't help you.
Well, maybe you can.
Look, I hate to bother you,
especially now,
I know how you must be feeling,
but I'm in a lot of trouble,
and I can't get help
from anybody else,
they all wanna lynch me,
so, would you please just
talk to me for a minute?
You like to fold laundry?
You wanna talk to me,
you gotta fold laundry.
Oh, okay.
You're not scared of me, huh?
I don't wanna fold
this crap myself.
So you mean if Jack
the Ripper did laundry,
you'd let him?
As long as
he didn't rip clothes.
I didn't kill her, Wendy.
I'm innocent,
you gotta believe me.
I believe you.
You're not the killer type.
What do you do,
change five times a day?
Well, you know Fairfield,
you gotta stay clean.
I hate doing laundry.
I did it for my mother,
was the only thing
I was good for.
She has arthritis.
I'll probably get it too.
She gives me nothing but pain.
Well, you know,
it's not always inherited.
I crack my knuckles.
You do, really?
Doesn't really take much
to impress you.
You like snakes?
I never had one.
My cousin Ross had a lizard.
I call it the Lizard of Roz.
I just got a new snake.
I used to have another one,
but my roommates burnt it.
Seems like everything
I love ends up getting burnt.
Do you issue an advisory?
That's not funny.
I'm sorry.
Did Tally ever say
anything bad about me?
That I was like a psycho?
No way, why?
Well, one of the Kappas say
that she did.
The Kappas are full of shit.
Tally wasn't like
the rest of 'em.
What about letters,
did she say anything
about any letters
that I wrote to her?
What are you talking about?
Letters threatening her.
The Kappas say that
I did, but I didn't.
Now either they're lying,
or someone forged them
to incriminate me,
like that weird guy,
that handyman.
Harry Forbes?
He's been with them forever,
he lives in the basement.
The man is deaf, Artie,
a harmless pussycat.
You don't think
he murdered Tally,
and he's trying to frame you?
Well, when I snuck into her
room to look for the letters,
he came in and pulled an
envelope out of her drawer.
I'd bet my diploma that
the letters are inside.
So what if they are?
Well, it proves my point,
that he knew where they were,
because he planted them there.
He had to get to
them before I did,
so that he can finger me.
I just don't buy
the guy as a killer.
He was nuts about Tally,
she was a saint in his eyes.
Well, you ever
look in those eyes?
Jeez, don't accept people
at face value, Wendy,
you get slapped in the face.
Did she have any enemies?
What are you, nuts?
Tally made Mother Theresa
look like Hitler's daughter.
Had to be some nut on the
loose, nobody she knew.
No link, I'm screwed.
I've got one chance,
prove I'm not the killer
by finding the killer
before he finds me,
which may kill me.
Why'd you come here?
It's more than
information you want.
I guess I needed
someone to talk to
who could understand betrayal.
I don't know,
I'm so fucking confused,
and I had no place to go.
You thought
I'd understand betrayal?
Well, getting blackballed.
Tally was more upset
about it than I was.
She called me in tears
after fighting for me,
told me she hated the
Kappas and wanted to quit.
That meant so much, Artie,
somebody like her standing
up for me like that.
Made me feel like
I had something to offer,
like I was important,
and I never felt that before.
You have plenty
to offer, Wendy.
You don't need Tally
to help you prove that.
So what are you gonna do?
Well, I gotta get my
hands on that envelope.
It's my only lead.
If it doesn't wash, I'm dead.
Well, be careful.
You know, if you need help or
somebody to talk to, I'm here.
Thank you.
Well, thanks for
helping me do my laundry.
Your snake?
When I was a kid, my uncle
gave me two pet chickens,
but my mom said,
no, that they smelled,
so I gave 'em to my teacher.
Weeks later, I asked
her how they were,
and she said,
Wendy, they were delicious.
Of this house.
I know in my heart she just
isn't good enough to belong.
You were right, all of you
who fought to keep her out,
insisting she wouldn't fit in.
You stuck to your principles
and that makes me...
You didn't do
anything wrong, Wendy.
And it's because of
you that the Kappa name
- will stand tall...
- You trusted her, that's all.
And a loser like
Wendy can never spoil it.
please leave me alone.
With pride and loyalty...
- Just leave me alone.
- To this house
and all it stands for,
I blackball Wendy Stern
- from Kappa Gamma Beta...
- It's okay.
Now and for evermore.
Wendy, it's okay.
Thank you.
How do you
think we became friends?
Like everybody else,
I wanted to be Tally's friend,
to be in that winner's
circle, finally belong.
I was nobody,
what did she need me for?
A week before classes,
I saw her downtown by herself,
so I followed her.
I just wanted to watch her,
to see how she moved,
what she did, maybe learn
I followed her into the shop
and then I saw something
I couldn't believe.
The next week, I walk into
English Lit, who do I see?
She almost died, but she
did everything she could
to win me over,
charm me, sponsor me.
Deceive me.
She knew with me on her side,
she'd be safe, because
I'd never tell.
She was right.
I was honored to
be an accessory,
protecting her image,
keeping her secret.
God, I was blind.
I put so much
value on being her friend.
I wish that I put that
much value on being me.
Ruben cuts it off,
but not before two
runs have scored...
Sorry to break in.
I missed your face.
What the fuck
are you doing here?
I got 24 hours.
You got nine hours and fifty three
minutes to show up.
Never said they
were unchaperoned.
And so
he's two for three today...
You are one
boiled carrot, man.
Gotta look out
for you, Arthur.
Make sure you don't drown.
I'm a duck to water.
Maybe a dead duck.
What you got so far?
Screw that noise.
Get your own details.
You're the ace.
- I'm the law.
- That'll bring up Rabbit,
the cleanup hitter, who has...
Book you,
withholding evidence.
Yeah, just put it on my tab.
The more we do it together,
the quicker we get it done.
And Coalski
gotta be careful here, Tom.
Don't give me that
same routine rap.
I know you've been digging,
share the dirt.
What, so you can turn it
against me?
Sorry Decker, my dig is mine.
I just worry, when
the moment comes,
when you have to make the
move you live or die by.
You might not have it in you.
Well then I guess
this is my test, right?
See what I'm made of.
We have a better shot
if we do it together.
Shut me out, you lose a friend.
Since when?
I want you to know,
I think you're clean.
Don't tool me around.
Think that's what I'm doing?
That's what wigs me out,
you're such a sly banana,
this is all sport to you.
How do I know what's real?
That's the problem
with life, isn't it?
Life, love, the whole salami.
You plow enough shit,
take enough heat,
feel enough pain,
one day you know.
Well, I guess that
day has arrived,
because I've exceeded my
quota of shit, heat, and pain.
Then turn it around.
And trust you?
What sold you on me?
I felt it right away.
The story, heat,
guts, apartment.
Couldn't do a sick
thing like that.
Don't bullshit me, man.
I've been through
the fuckin' blender.
I followed him to Logan's two
hours ago, he's still there.
What the hell is he doing?
Who knows with Decker?
He must be getting
stuff out of him.
Damn it to hell, you see,
this is what I can't
stand about that guy,
he's got a way
with those freaks.
Gives them enough rope,
that he cons them into
hanging themselves,
Well, I don't like it.
I don't like it one bit,
this is our show.
What can we do about it?
We got zero evidence,
zip on the kid.
Where are you going?
Kappa house, Laurie Grant.
I'm gonna make her swear
that she saw Logan do it.
I'm gonna get that prick,
I swear to God I am.
I really thought I had
something with Tally.
Who was I kidding?
The next time I meet a woman,
she better read me my rights.
Hooker I know has
got a virgin sister,
aching to get popped...
Only gets turned on by cops.
So I'm invited to do the deed.
I go over there and I walk in,
there's this cupcake
on the rug, naked,
wants to see my badge.
A second later, she's all
over me, wiggling, jiggling.
I can't get hard,
'cause all I can think
about is my ex-wife,
how she nagged me
to quit the force,
work for her brother,
sell patio furniture.
To me, the badge
meant something,
to her, it meant no money,
so she went off, married
this guy, Leslie,
moved to Los Angeles.
He owns a cheese factory,
makes $200,000 a year.
Nobody loses.
Leslie gets my
wife and daughter,
every Christmas, I get
12 pounds of cheese.
I knew a girl
named Leslie once.
I used to call her The Squirrel,
because she was always
grabbing my nuts.
She grabbed them so hard
once, she almost crushed them.
I think she was my first crush.
But Tally, man,
she was my first magic.
Ah, there's no magic.
We all bleed.
So that badge
meant something, huh?
I had a mission once.
There were good guys and
bad guys, now it's a toilet.
We separate turds.
No more people, just bodies.
Nobody gives a grunt.
Well as long as you do,
you still have a mission.
Thanks for the beer.
So, Decker, what do
you think of what I got?
I think you got eight hours
and 40-something minutes.
You just used up an hour!
I need Decker,
fast, it's urgent.
Decker, this is Logan,
Harry Forbes is our guy,
he just tried to kill me.
I managed to knock him out,
he's in the basement
of the Kappa house.
Wait until you see what I got.
I'll meet you back
there in 10 minutes.
What the fuck
are you doing here?
Get out.
Well, before I go,
you better hear me out.
See those pictures on the wall?
I got a few that'll really
add some color to it.
Makes a nifty souvenir book
for homecoming weekend.
Sigma sicko and kinky Kappa
get down and dirty
at foxy Fairfield.
How did you get them?
Not too flattering, are they?
Jesus, I can eat a roll of Kodak
and puke a prettier picture.
You can't show those
to anyone, Logan.
I'm warning you, they'll
destroy families,
memories, everything.
Relax, champ, I'm not
out to destroy anyone,
I just want some answers.
You give me what I need and
the rest stay locked up.
Anything less,
they hit the wall.
What do you want to know?
You and Tally,
Snow White and Joe College.
Who the fuck are you?
We're the best.
That's our mark.
We made it, we kept it,
we live up to it.
Never fail. Don't disappoint.
It's what we were groomed for.
What they expect.
The best school, best
score, best team,
best house, best marriage,
best job, best life.
The best have to win.
That takes work. More work,
so much fucking work!
The more you work,
the more you hate it
and fight it,
until you're trapped
and it snaps,
and you have to let go.
We'd run away to another town,
pick up some nameless hooker,
check into a corner of hell,
undress, drug up, and explode.
We became someone else.
We did whatever we wanted.
Broke every rule.
Passed every limit.
Pissed on every standard
we were taught to uphold.
It was sick, immoral, corrupt,
but fuck it,
it was freedom.
I suppose there are worse
ways to spend an evening.
I warned her it was dangerous.
She kept pushing it.
Fuck the risk.
It turned her on, going right
to the edge, getting out.
Of what?
The whole fucking show.
That character she played,
every day was a
goddamn performance.
She couldn't keep it going.
Pleasing her parents,
selling the image,
trying to be perfect.
Don't look at me
like I killed her.
I know what you mean,
it's not a nice look.
You get used to it.
What about the Polaroids?
The rest of them
are safe at my house.
I've gotta have 'em.
When I'm in the clear.
Don't worry, they
won't leave my hands.
I'll even take 'em
to bed with me.
Yeah, get me Detective Decker,
this is Artie Logan.
Deck, I was wrong about
Harry Forbes, I know.
No, I couldn't stay,
you woulda hung it on me.
I played another
hunch and it worked,
I think I know who the
killer is, Doug Sawyer.
I'll explain when I see you.
I'll wait for you at my house,
and Deck, don't fuck with me.
I know what I'm doing.
Christ, Erica.
Put that knife down, would ya?
Somebody might think
you're a crazed killer.
Look at this place.
Yeah, you really
oughta clean up
after yourself more, Arthur.
How long have you been here?
A couple of minutes.
The door was open,
I decided to wait.
You can't just
barge in like that
whenever you feel like it,
especially now.
Well, I just came to help you.
Do you mind if
I help myself first?
If I can find the
vodka, that is.
This place is such a mess.
Reminds me of my sister's
house on Tuesday.
Cleaning lady has epilepsy.
Erica, this is not a joke.
Somebody broke in here
and did this.
You know who it is?
The same person who
killed Tally, and I'm next.
Jesus Christ, wherever I go,
they're out to get me.
I mean, this is gonna go
on for the rest of my life.
I'm a dead man.
You just calm down,
have some vodka.
I don't want vodka,
I want evidence.
Well, little Tally really
botched up your life.
You know, love ain't easy.
The dean and I were
young when we met.
Tally's luckier
than I was though,
she got murdered, I got married.
Wanna know why we stay together?
For me, it's habit.
For him, it's my ravioli.
He used to say anyone
who cooks ravioli well
oughta be made love to well.
It's a good thing
I never told
the son of a bitch
how I make it,
or he'd be screwing
Chef Boyardee.
What is it?
I thought
I heard something.
It's nothing,
it's just the wind.
Relax, have some vodka.
I don't want any vodka,
I hate vodka.
The killer's not out there.
I promise you he's not,
because I know where he is.
Don't play with me, Erica.
I know who killed Tally,
and I'm gonna go to the police.
How sure are you?
Sure enough to ruin our
marriage and his career.
The dean? Come on.
That's right,
our inspiring leader.
About as inspiring as a
Manson family reunion.
Are you just trying
to get back at him?
Oh, honey, I've already
gotten back at him
with my own pleasure.
How do you know that we
was involved with Tally?
I know.
I can feel it when he's
in bed with another woman.
It's about the
only time I do feel it.
Do you have any proof?
Does a look on his face count?
He got it for years, this
undergraduate conquest contest.
Just got used to
the key in the geranium pot,
and the drugs under the bed,
so they could come into my house
and into my husband,
and in the morning,
he could look at
me like a winner.
But with her,
he had a look I've
never seen before.
He was powerless
for the first time,
hypnotized, paralyzed,
eating all the pain she was
so eager to give to him.
It was, it was more
than a look of shame.
It was a look of a man
whose soul had been raped.
He killed her to
preserve his image,
to keep her from exposing him.
I don't know, man.
Maybe he looked at
her and saw himself.
There was a time,
about 100 years ago,
I could have stopped
the game, run away.
I don't know, maybe
it was just easier
giving in, maybe safer,
but there was just
one thing I held onto,
through that sewer
of a marriage,
through all those
empty days and wasted nights,
through 20 years of
cruelty and humiliation,
there was just one thing
that made some sense
and that was the
hope that,
one day, I'd have the guts
to get out, try again.
And I will,
I still have
something left inside.
Ah, that sick little
bitch Tally.
I wish she were still alive.
So I could kill her myself.
Um, look, Erica,
maybe it's the dean,
maybe it's not.
No, it's him,
I'm telling you it is.
Look, I just
don't want you to go
to the police right now, okay?
Just go home.
Go home and sit tight for
an hour, just one hour.
All right, one hour,
that's it and then I go.
I'm not gonna let this guy
get away with it, Arthur.
I'm gonna see to it that
justice is done.
I may be a liar, a cheat,
a drunk, and a tramp,
but I've got principles.
Erica, I gotta go.
We gotta go.
Come on.
Well, what can I say?
I'm just a horny old broad.
Are you all right to drive
on all that vodka?
Arthur, I've driven men
crazy on less.
Oh, God. Cyrano?
Get me out of here!
- Erica!
- Help!
Erica! Erica!
Move along!
10-8, 1090. 10-4.
110-05, 6080 and 10.
Going well, Al,
if only I could see the guy.
It happened again, Deck.
Just like Tally,
I tried to save her.
That snake in there,
that's not Cyrano.
What happened?
I came back here, and I
found my place ransacked.
It had to be Doug Sawyer
looking for the Polaroids.
What Polaroids?
Let me start
with Harry Forbes.
It turns out, he's
just a simple pervert.
Around here, that
qualifies you for sainthood.
Tell me about it.
All the murders are tied
in with the Polaroids.
He was crazy about
them getting out.
I'm telling you, Doug
Sawyer is our guy.
I guess Doug
Sawyer's not our guy.
Just a stab in the dark.
Oh, Jesus, what the
hell is Doug Sawyer
doing on my coffee table
with a knife in his back?
This is not a good sign.
What have you got to say?
Well, I'd say the only way
to prove your innocent
around here is to get killed.
I might give it a try.
Don't look at me like that.
Any more surprises?
Before I open the oven,
find my Aunt Harriet?
Look, I think
it's pretty clear
what's going on around here.
So clear, I can
see through it.
Someone is trying
to set me up.
Do you think that if
this was my murder,
I would make it
look this obvious?
I mean, gimme some credit.
Show me the Polaroids.
Not your day, is it?
Please, Decker,
you gotta believe me.
I'm telling you,
somebody came in here
and killed him while
I was waiting outside.
Somebody is nailing my coffin.
The evidence points to you.
I know what it looks like,
just like the killer
wants it to look like.
If I've learned anything,
it's don't go by appearances.
Hard to ignore when they
smack you in the face.
If I let you go now,
I'll be a sloppy cop.
Time to take you in.
Don't turn on me.
I'm getting really
close on this thing.
I still got five hours left,
you gotta let me have them.
How can one person fall so
many times into the same shit?
Look, if I can get
myself out of it this time,
I'm out for good.
Who is it this time,
the house mother?
Dean Darby,
I feel it in my gut.
That gut's getting
quite a workout.
Look, someone
wanted Erica dead
before she can
get to the police,
someone that she can ruin,
the same one Tally can ruin.
Maybe she and Doug were
whipping up some blackmail,
who knows, all I know is that
Dean Darby is one sick peanut.
Big night, boys.
You find him like this, Decker?
I think he gives
the place character.
Hey, I wasn't
talking to you, fuck.
Yeah, zip it, wise ass.
We got you by the balls.
Laurie Grant's gonna
give eyewitness testimony
she saw you kill Tally.
We got your snake,
your apartment,
and I'm gonna lay odds
this is your knife,
with your fingerprints on it.
Of course it's my knife,
you sausage,
who else's knife would
they use to frame me?
Frame you? Bullshit!
We got more cases
to pin on you.
Like that nurse you strangled
with a telephone cord
up in Broadport.
On missing persons, state
college in Sweethaven,
pretty student just
like Tally Fuller.
Maybe he likes that type.
Hey, sweetheart?
You like getting them
up at Sweethaven too?
No, I bet he likes
the older ones,
like that Darby bitch.
You know, you're disgusting.
Why don't you show
her some respect?
She was a good person.
Maybe you're some sicko
that only kills good people.
Then you two are safe.
What is it?
Look at the knife.
What about it?
The angle,
it's tilted to the left,
which means the thrust must
have come from the left.
So what?
So the killer was left-handed.
Yeah, so?
I'm right-handed.
You could have killed him
with your left hand.
Not if I wanted
to do it right.
A wound that deep,
guy that big, no way.
Over here, come here.
You guys hit
the kitchen, dust it good.
You talk to the coroner?
Yeah, get to work.
Come on in around
this table here,
get all the pins, ink well.
You okay?
Hi, remember when you said
if I needed help,
you're here, well,
I need your help.
What's going on?
They're all after me,
the cops, the killer,
the Kappas, the Commies,
you name it.
I got away, but I
gotta get this killer
before the cops get me.
You know who it is?
Dean Darby.
Can I borrow your car?
I need you to meet me
in an hour,
but not here, the cops are
gonna be swarming the place.
Yeah, well, it has to be
some place secluded,
that I can walk to.
Uh, oh shit, the only place
I can think of
is the bell tower,
that's pretty sick.
Yeah, but it is secluded.
Is an hour enough time?
Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Keys.
Thank you.
I'm glad you came
to me for help,
it's nice to know
I'm on the list.
On the list?
You are the list.
A few cities, however,
are reporting lower
office vacancy rates.
The improvement in home
real estate conditions
could take six months or more
to be reflected in
bank balance sheets.
The FBIC could have
fewer failed banks
to take over next year,
as most of us feared.
No! Don't!
Reporting consumer confidence
fell slightly this month.
Viewers said the
economy is improving
and viewer expects
there will be more jobs.
The consumer confidence index
has been just about flat,
since the end of the first...
Come here.
Let go of me.
I gotta get out of here.
Decker, the killer is
on his way to get Wendy,
in the same place
that he got Tally.
All the victims knew
about Tally's dark side,
and they're all dead
except for Wendy.
He's on his way to get her now.
Where's Darby?
Our friend got here first.
We gotta go, time's running out.
Your luck just ran out.
You've been in the wrong
place, at the wrong time,
far too many times.
You're a threat to
national security.
Take him in.
Decker, we made a deal,
you promised me.
I got three hours left!
Will you get your
fuckin' hands off me
and listen to me
for one second?
I'm telling you that girl
- is gonna die.
- Come on!
You're definitely
a crazed slug,
and your bullshit
don't work on us.
- It's not bullshit.
- Get the fuck in there!
Just get the fuck in there, huh!
You guys don't know
what you're doing.
You're fucking up.
Hey, I don't want another
word out of you, dick face.
Hey, little
shit's getting away!
Let's get him!
Nice to be back at school.
Here's your fucking
killer, Decker.
I'm sorry, Tally,
I guess you misjudged me.
I'm not the loser
you pegged me for.
You set me up.
Fire, letters, Cyrano, that
missing coed at Sweethaven.
You hand-picked your double,
and you made her up
to look like you,
watch and all, and then you
fucking killed her.
What were you thinking?
What are you thinking right now?
How I'd like to chop your
balls off with a pickax.
I respect your honesty.
You cocksucking motherfuckers!
I hate you fucking all.
You're all a bunch
of fucking pigs!
I just wanna fucking die.
That's right Tally, die.
Die and start again,
as someone no one expects
the best from, right?
Kill Tally, but keep that
virtuous image alive,
just 86 the five
who can sink it.
Five murders, Tally,
five fucking people.
No one said virtue came easy.
My hand is bleeding.
Help me.
Please help me.
Help me.
Make a fist, hold it tight.
Face it, Arthur,
you're not her type.
So what brings you
out here this late?
Following the
scent of mystery.
Well, that scent
was no mystery,
it was me shitting my pants.
Better work on
the personality.
Got plenty of time.
May we go home now, officer?
You know,
you're parked in the red zone.
Come here.
You saved my face.
I like my face.
I'm not so sure
I did you a favor.
You came through,
like a champion,
you had it in ya.
Thanks, Deck,
for the whole salami.
Same here, for
confirming my suspicions.
Maybe there is a point
to whatever it is I do.
Yeah there is. Keep doing it.
Keep solving those mysteries.
Let's get outta here.