Along Came Wanda (2021) Movie Script

That's the last of it.
Do I get a hello?
Hmm. Oh, wow!
You hung those, huh?
You wouldn't let me hang them.
Kev help you get
all this packed up for me?
No, I'm perfectly capable of...
Never mind.
Uh, hi.
- Hmm, you doing okay?
- Yes.
Maybe. You?
Fine. Yeah.
Well, I certainly didn't expect
a pandemic and then a divorce,
and the timing
sure isn't good for me.
For you?
Really, Bill?
This can't come
as a big surprise.
You haven't been in this
marriage for a very long time.
Yeah, no. No, it hasn't.
It took both of us to get here,
but you know what?
I'm going to start over.
I get it.
Look, uh, where's Kev?
Grocery store.
Well, like it or not,
we have a child together.
I'm going to see him.
Of course.
This is between you and me.
You can see Kev whenever you
want, whenever he wants.
He's almost 17,
he'll come to you.
Listen, my friend Wanda
is on her way over.
Okay. Well, you know, I just wanted
this to end on an okay note, but, uh...
You take care.
I just need
you to be here for Kev.
This isn't easy for him.
Yeah, I know.
I know.
Look, you know, in spite of
what's happened...
I'm here for you and Kev,
Can't pretend
20 years was nothing.
All right.
Close this.
Soon to be ex-hubby.
For you.
I'm really not in a very
good place right now, Wanda.
I know my friend.
Just open it.
I love it. I do.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Well, sit.
Come and sit for a minute.
You got somewhere to be?
A hot date or something?
You know that's not true.
Okay, you know, the timing
might be really off...
or maybe it's perfect. I...
I've been planning
a road trip up north.
Why don't you come with me?
Oh, my goodness!
I'm not up for a vacation.
I've got Kevin to think about
and it's a pandemic.
No, no, no, no, no.
I'm not thinking vacation.
I'm thinking journey,
in my RV,
sort of a quest, like,
Monty Python in the Holy Grail, kinda.
You're serious.
Yes, absolutely.
And I have all these amazing
places I want to show you.
I bet your mom
would stay with Kevin.
Again, it's a pandemic.
Yeah, but they'd be
totally safe here.
You wouldn't have to worry about
them at all and his dad's close by.
Don't remind me, though my mother
thought he was a great catch.
A great catch?
Like a prize trout?
Oh, sorry, it's...
not a good time for jokes.
It just sounded so archaic.
Not archaic.
I grew up
in a small Midwestern town.
It came with expectations
for your daughter manual.
That included grandchildren
of course.
Best part of all of this
is Kevin.
I envy you.
I know you, Mary Beth,
but I don't really know you.
I know
what I see on the outside.
You're calm...
I envy you.
You're so self-assured
and gutsy.
I've forgotten how to be a...
badass woman.
Come on, I am.
I bet there's still
a badass inside there.
I know there is and she's
just itching to get out
and go on a road trip.
Oh, hey,
you told me that you used to be a
professional fashion photographer, right?
Well, I pulled this off the wall
from the Laundromat and I think...
you ought to do it.
A photography contest?
Me, taking professional
photos again?
You are out of your mind.
Oh, come on. Don't give me
that I can't do it stuff.
Of course you can and you
should on our journey.
What, are we we're heading to
the set of a Vogue shoot?
Oh, be open, Mary Beth.
Have I ever stood you wrong?
Okay, the 5k was something
I thought you could handle.
You did come in 25th.
There were 26 runners.
To be fair,
I really don't like to run.
It is all in the journey,
Mary Beth.
You got to trust me.
You know, we may not find
the Holy Grail, baby,
but we'll have a hell of a
good time looking for it.
Come on,
go pack a bag and call your mom.
Uh, I'll do it!
I'll... I'll do it!
I'll pack my camera
and see what happens.
How did I let you into my life?
Well, as your loyal and trusty
delivery person,
I did deliver about a package a
day to you for over two months.
Did you ever use all that
toilet paper by the way?
You said RV,
I'll supply the toilet paper.
It's the least I can do.
I'm going to go get the RV ready.
This is going to be so much fun.
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
For what?
I'll put this in your room
for you.
I still have no idea
why you want to do this.
Thanks, Kev.
I'm thinking of this as me being
brave, new beginning and all.
Before Wanda burst into my life,
it was like, I was swimming in mud,
slowly, backwards,
actually with very little oxygen,
But then,
she delivered this teapot from
a long ago lover named Barbara
and it was like I woke up.
I felt alive again...
and it made me realize that
I had to get out of the mud.
You ready to rock 'n' roll?
Hey, don't back out on me now.
You know, I need this as much as you do.
I'm getting there.
I'm not really sure
if I'm packing the right stuff.
You know, you do realize we met
because of all the various things
that you purchased online when this pandemic
started and that I delivered to you.
I know. I did kind of get crazy.
- I'll finish packing. You ready?
- I'm always ready.
I'll see you soon.
- Wanda.
- Yeah.
I'm glad you were literally
delivered into my life.
At your service, ma'am,
and right back at you.
I'll see you soon.
This is going to be so much fun.
This could be
a terrible mistake.
look at where you started
all those years ago.
When you sent that teapot a few months
ago, every memory came flooding back.
London and then those weeks
at Big Sur.
What could have been?
You and me.
Hi, mom.
Have you completely
lost your mind?
Oh, good morning to you too.
Ugh, you do realize
that this pandemic isn't over.
Yes, of course I do.
Why do you have a mask on?
Because they say,
a mask protects you.
You're sitting outside
on your patio, it's...
it's going out among other
humans that you put a mask on.
I'm making a point.
So why the hell
would you go on a...
Well, a vacation?
It's not a vacation.
Thanks for coming
to stay with Kevin.
Bill's going to be around,
but says he'll be doing his own traveling.
Oh, what does he think about
your little adventure?
I haven't told him, yet.
I'm going to tell him tonight.
Well, if he says okay
then I'll come.
Ma, you do know,
I don't need his permission.
I'm... Our divorce is final
in a few weeks.
I'm... I'm telling him.
I'm not asking him.
My mother is a combination
of unbridled adoration of me.
Her only child and undisguised
judgment of me, her only child,
but if you asked her, she doesn't
have a judgmental bone in her body.
I just have to say,
I think this is a terrible idea.
Mom, I would expect you
to say nothing less.
Well, I've got to get going.
Lots to do.
- See you tomorrow.
- But...
I'm just letting you know,
so that you can check in
on Kevin once in a while.
Mom will be here.
Kevin will be fine.
A couple weeks.
No plan.
They'll survive.
I know.
This is so not me.
Thank goodness.
I left early.
Thought I had better see you one last
time in case you end up in the hospital
or have some enlightening
epiphany that changes you forever.
Leave it to you to leap
to the worst possible scenario.
I'll be back.
I... I just hope you find
what you're looking for.
You know, it's...
it's not really a good idea to
travel alone, especially for a woman.
I'll do both
and I'm not traveling alone.
Oh, with who?
Oh, it's a long story,
but with Wanda, that delivery
person that convinced me to do this.
Oh, so you are traveling
with a virtual stranger.
Oh, my God, Mary Beth!
What do you even know about her?
Everything that I need to know.
I am completely baffled
by all of this.
People get divorced
all the time,
but it doesn't mean that you should put your
health at risk or start acting foolish.
Foolish was putting my life
on hold for 20 years.
That was foolish.
You know what? I'm not even
going to talk to you about this.
Have you been tested?
Has this Wanda?
Yes, and we're both negative,
so stop worrying.
I'm going to worry, it's my job.
Speaking of jobs, Kevin...
A food truck!
- RV.
- Uh-huh.
Hey, I'm Wanda,
former delivery person,
but you can call me,
the navigator...
or Wanda.
Wanda... Wanda works.
So, you must be her mother.
Good job, mom!
So what do you think?
I love to take off on the weekend,
so I just turned this into a food truck.
Actually a soup truck
and it pays the expenses.
You know, I washed the whole
thing before I came over here
and then bugs on the freeway
decided to die on my windshield.
This Wanda,
not exactly as I pictured her.
Not like your usual friends.
I know.
Maybe that's why I like her.
You and I, there?
Oh, I've slept here so many
times. It's really comfy.
I don't snore.
Oh, and I, you know,
I can sleep on the edge.
I usually sleep like
just on the edge.
Actually here,
sometimes, on his edge,
I just sleep like this.
You can have...
Or you know what?
Sometimes I can sleep in the driver's
seat too because I'm really flexible.
I just do that like...
You know, like this and just
get into a really small ball,
and then just like, you know...
Mom, take care
and I'll call you soon.
Don't let Kevin get away
with anything.
Oh, you... He would be hard-pressed
to try to pull one over on me.
Time to roll.
I didn't think
a lot of this through.
Chalk it up to expect the
unexpected and go with it.
- So not me.
- Hmm.
Okay, isn't that the point,
to try out a new you?
Wear this.
- Good vibes.
- Yep.
I don't know.
I don't know Wanda. Is it supposed to
sink through the cotton or something?
Just put it on.
Holiday Inn.
How long do you think
it'll take before she calls?
About an hour.
That's what I'm thinking.
There you go!
Ever pee in the forest?
First time for everything.
You know, when I was a kid...
my mom used to put this pot
in the back of the car
for us kids to pee in
when we were traveling.
I prefer the woods.
Did you know
that boys still miss
even when the hole is
a foot wide and 12 inches away.
I have a boy, remember?
That's right.
What's so funny?
I love the added flair
to your wardrobe.
Oh jeez!
It's part of my comedy routine.
Beautiful, isn't it?
Just freaking beautiful.
Sure is.
So tell me about this garden.
You know, I sort of happened upon
it one weekend a long time ago.
I was traveling and got lost,
pulled over at this cabin.
Person who lived on the property took
me for a walk through the garden.
And it was this beautiful...
peaceful, calming place.
I thought it would be a great,
new beginning for our journey.
You know, something to get our
heads in a different place.
I've never asked you, but have
you ever been married?
Oh, no, no.
I've had a few relationships with
women, nothing super long term.
Nobody broke my heart
or anything...
although, one or two came close.
Come on, Mary Beth,
you haven't figured that out by now?
It didn't cross my mind.
Just wow.
Hey, I don't care or anything if
that's what you're thinking...
but you didn't think
maybe I was...
You? No.
We're just two badass women
on a mission,
on an adventure, a journey.
You and me?
No. Well,
that never crossed my mind.
this is absolutely gorgeous.
I wasn't expecting this.
Yeah, so this is the main house
where the spiritual leader and his
students I guess you call them, live.
And then back there through, uh, that
gate back there is, uh, gorgeous gardens
like you have never seen,
an orchard and everything.
Oh, an orchard.
I hope they have an orange tree.
I think they do.
You know what? I'm going to get
us a pot of soup made,
something, uh,
to awaken our spirits.
Uh, ginger, curry, turmeric,
good for new beginnings.
- Why don't you go take a walk?
- I'd love to.
- Yeah.
- I'm so excited.
- I'll see you in a bit.
- Okay.
Oh, there's somebody here.
Hello. Hi. How are you?
Hi... Oh, I'm sorry.
Um, habit.
I mean with this thing out there I find
breaking old habits really, really hard.
- You?
- Yes.
Yes, I... I do.
I'm Mary Beth.
Such beautiful gardens
you have here.
Laura, me.
Yes. Well, thank you.
They aren't my gardens actually.
They just they belong
to my teacher, Daiku.
I just have a room
in the big house.
I've been here a few months
You know, I'll introduce you.
- He's right over here.
- Great!
- Yeah, come meet Daiku.
- Thanks.
let me introduce
you to Mary Beth.
Uh, Mary Beth, um...
- Hello.
- Welcome, and no need to bow. I'm not royalty.
What brings you here?
Where did you come from?
Sort of south west of here,
a few hours away.
I'm with my friend Wanda,
she's back at the RV making soup.
It's doubles as a food truck.
Her business.
Weird, huh?
- It's yummy.
- Not weird at all.
Enjoy our gardens,
the beauty and tranquility, the peace.
And please,
have your friend come join us here.
All are welcome.
We don't get many visitors here, so it is a
treat to have new faces and new conversations.
Hey, there you are.
- Hi.
- Oh, it's just as I remember. Isn't it wonderful?
Hi, uh, I'm Laura
and this is Daiku.
Oh, hi. Hi, listen,
we had rapid tests today
and we're negative.
How about you guys?
Oh, we, we test every day
at the retreat, so...
Should we take off our masks?
- Shall we?
- Let's keep our distance.
- Welcome.
- Oh! Thanks.
So, you've been here before?
Yeah, yeah,
about five years ago.
I didn't stay on the property,
but I walked through with a friend
and it was so peaceful,
this beautiful, calming, place.
I just knew why my friend
would love it here.
She's finding something that's
missing, you know, or something lost.
I'm looking for,
Well, uh...
I don't know.
calm, direction, purpose.
All can be easily lost,
but they're hard to find again.
You're seeking.
You nailed it.
I am seeking.
It's how to find it, or, gosh,
maybe I never had it.
Wow, I'm talking to
a complete stranger.
Oh, hey, hey, a stranger is just
a friend you haven't met yet.
Oh, hi!
Just the two of you here?
Uh, hey, Kris, join us.
Oh, thank you,
but I need to go back to my cabin.
As you can see,
there are a few others.
There are tent cabins
down that hill.
I prefer a few people who come truly
dedicated to making changes in their lives.
Oh, and please enjoy the
pool, it's spectacular.
Would you guys like
to see the house?
I have a room there
and Daiku lives there too.
Please, go enjoy.
It's getting late.
Nice to meet you, Wanda,
Mary Beth.
Shall we? This way.
This is amazing!
and cozy with the art.
This is a great house.
I mean, I mean great.
I know, I love it.
How Daiku's decorated it.
You know, most come from his
travels or gifts from his students.
This is beautiful.
Does it have a special meaning?
She is the green goddess Tara.
She symbolizes compassion
and liberation.
Revered as a woman
who brings healing and serenity.
Hey, can I use your bathroom?
Of course, it's just down there.
Well, hey,
why don't we provide dinner tonight?
I have a big pot of soup
I made out in the van.
Are you a vegetarian?
- Mm-hmm.
- Daiku?
Yes, but he won't be joining us.
He eats alone. His thing.
All right, just checking.
Wanda's famous
butternut squash soup.
A little ginger.
Oh, it's so good.
Caring is sharing as they say
or sharing is caring,
or I don't know,
something like that.
Oh, you know,
I'm going to go change.
Um, have a look around.
And I... I like your friend.
Just be.
Okay, can I get you
something to drink?
You want, um, orange juice,
carrot juice, celery juice?
No thanks.
A glass of wine?
The wine, I'll take.
You get wine here?
No, we don't get wine here.
Our secret.
Okay, so...
tell me all about
Mary Beth Higgins.
Who are you?
The big question.
Just say the first thing
that comes to mind.
Wash them, squeaky clean.
I'll go get the soup.
Give me a few.
When I left the house
this morning, I was a mom...
a daughter...
a wife,
though soon to be ex-wife.
I meditate too
like you, a meditator.
That's all.
Well, that's actually
just a list of titles.
Seriously, who are you?
Or is it too soon to pry?
I'm sorry. I just...
I'm just always so curious
as to why people are seekers.
Like, what makes them wake up in the
morning and decide to do something, like...
Well, like show up here.
Be open.
Be brave Mary Beth.
In a few weeks...
my divorce will be final.
Twenty years and voila...
a marriage over.
Hmm, it's tough.
Your choice?
My choice.
And did he find someone else
or did you?
You know,
it's nothing like that.
I received a gift from an old
friend, a teapot and...
and a cup.
A memory from a very
close relationship 20 years ago.
It was a wake-up call.
My life has been
very predictable, uh,
rote, not bad...
very lucky in a sense, just...
Worth rolling out of bed
in the morning.
A teapot...
and photos of my life before,
it all just became...
decades of going through
the motions.
The memories came flooding back.
I took a very good look
at my marriage.
So did Bill.
It's over.
I'm still processing that.
And this memory, was he a lover?
Oh, I'm not gay or anything
just to be very clear.
It was a short thing, a fling.
Not a fling exactly.
I was married very soon after it
and it was the right thing to do.
- For who?
- For me.
My parents, society.
I can't believe,
I'm saying this to a complete stranger,
that I slept with a woman.
And now that she's going
to think that I'm gay or...
or that I'm in a relationship
with Wanda.
Oh, come on, Mary Beth,
not everyone is so judgmental.
You know, in just a few sentences
you told me who you are.
A woman.
A woman
who is changing her life.
Being single
yet bound to a child.
A woman
who questions her desires...
and for whom.
A woman
who makes a decision once...
and decides to never look back.
I'm back. Oh, this pot's hot.
I'm just going to go put it down.
You know, I flushed most of this
down my leg and into my shoe.
I got a lot on the driveway too.
Whoo, I just wanted to
put that down.
There's a hose out there.
I can go wash it off.
Mice or ants or something
will come to eat that.
No, no, no, stop.
Even ants and mice
need a gourmet meal.
- Really?
- Yeah, it smells wonderful.
Oh, thank you.
- You know, my RV doubles as a food truck.
- Hmm?
Yeah, I just pull into a parking
lot somewhere,
slap the sign on the side of
the van and then I sell soup.
One soup, whatever soup
I've made that day.
Pays for the gas,
pays for the food.
A true, genuine, free spirit.
That's me, me and my sidekick.
Oh, well, you certainly don't
like energy, do you?
Is that a gong?
What a great dinner bell.
Go for it. Hit it.
- Do you feel that?
- Yes.
Boy, that's addictive.
Did it get cold?
Are you kidding me?
- It's delicious.
- You made this today in the van?
It's so good!
- To girl time.
- To girl time!
Stop it. Stop it.
I'm just going to run this pot
out to the van.
You know what?
I'm actually really tired.
I think I'm just going to go to bed.
You can come out
when you're ready.
- I'm ready.
- Fine.
I'm going to take out the sleeping
bag and sleep on the floor.
You can take the bed.
I just toss and turn when I'm knackered.
You know what? Just stay here.
I mean, Wanda, you get a good
night's sleep in a real bed
and Mary Beth just sleep here.
Both of you
can get a good night's sleep.
Oh, um, okay. Well, if you...
If you're sure about it.
I think it's a great idea.
You've done all the driving
and cooking.
Get a good sleep.
Okay, yeah.
You want your bag?
I'll sleep in my T-shirt.
Okay. Well, I'll see in the
morning, out in the gardens.
- Sleep well.
- I will.
Wanda, love the soup.
Yes, loved it.
Thank you so much.
Good night.
I'm knackered.
Let's get some sleep.
All right.
- Extra pillow?
- Thanks.
And it's pretty comfy
and help yourself to anything.
- Appreciate it.
- Hmm.
You know, it's still early.
You want to get in the hot tub?
I go every night
before I go to sleep.
No swimsuit.
Well, if you're shy
just go in your underwear.
Personally, nude works for me.
I don't know.
Come on,
you'll sleep like a baby...
and I can go underwear too,
you know.
Come on.
What did I get myself into?
Ooh, it's nice.
So, I have a question for you.
Why did you come here?
Well, um...
my mom died a couple months ago.
Not COVID-19, but...
died in a hospital.
She went into the hospital
the last time I was near her was as
they lowered her casket into the ground.
No people at her funeral.
No closure.
I'm still working through
my grief and...
being okay with being alone.
I'm getting there.
I'm getting there.
I am and Daiku helps.
He helps me cope.
Thank you for sharing that.
I love the water.
It heals me...
and when I'm in it, I feel...
a peace, cleansing...
my heart slows down and...
my breathing quiets. Here...
give me your hand.
Can I photograph you?
I used to be a photographer
I'd like to enter this contest.
Well, actually Wanda would like
me to enter this contest and...
and I would like for you
to be my first subject.
Well then, sure. Yeah.
This was a good idea.
Oh, hi ladies.
Good morning.
Did you have a nice evening?
- It was very good.
- Yeah.
Hey, he's a very cool guy.
Just told me to quiet my mind.
Please, sit.
Hey, um, you know, I...
I've never meditated before,
do we say the Om thing and, um, and...
And how do we...
How do we sit?
I think... Is it palms down?
No, no, no.
Sorry, I saw a photo with palms
up, right? Palms up?
and how do I sit? Is...
is it the... the legs are...
Is it right over left
or is it the left over the right
because well, you know,
I could do both.
Just relax.
There are no rigid rules here.
In fact, rigid isn't
part of this at all.
Just try to relax your mind.
Relax, okay. Relax my mind.
No Om, just quiet.
I'll give it a whirl.
Okay, sorry.
My students come here
with many questions,
but at the core
is one basic question.
Who am I?
Then come the others.
Am I truly living my best life?
Will I find love and peace?
Let go of the phrase I am.
I'd love to photograph
Laura, she's stunning.
My first photo shoot.
- Come to this day...
- A new beginning.
...that you must define
yourselves, but you cannot.
You're ever changing...
ever floating...
ever learning.
Just be.
Just be.
I hope your journey brings you
everything you're looking for.
This is just the beginning
for you, you know.
Be open to
peace, love
Not right now.
Love will come.
I think it'll be with a...
sharing of life kind of person.
Not a certain gender or age
or expectation.
Hey, hey.
I got your camera.
Oh, you got your first
photo shoot today, huh?
You go, girl.
I'll see you guys later.
I'm going to go take a walk
and got to get some soup on.
- Bye.
- See you later.
Have a good time.
Thank you
for letting me do this.
- Of course.
- I'm having a wonderful time.
You're so easy to photograph.
You're a natural.
I'm just going to make some few
adjustments here and then eyes to me.
Now I'd love for you to extend your arm,
so I can see the length of your body.
Yeah, beautiful.
Now, if you...
if you don't mind I'd like to go
over here to the stool,
so I can get the sunlight on your
face coming in through the windows.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Great! So, follow me.
I like that.
I love that expression.
That's lovely, Laura.
Really nice.
Beautiful... Oh!
Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
I can't find my lucky ladle.
I think I probably left
it in here somewhere.
this drawer.
I'm not interrupting, am I?
We were just finishing.
You know, I probably already packed
it up in the RV and just forgot.
You know how that goes.
Nice robe.
The photos will be gorgeous.
I'll send you copies.
I'm sorry.
Thank you for letting
me photograph you.
What was that all about?
You spying on me?
No, of course not.
I was just curious.
I've never seen
a fashion shoot before.
Oh, this isn't Paris.
I was just getting some pics for the
photo contest, you convinced me to enter.
Oh, yeah.
Laura, what a beauty, huh?
I bet those shots are damn good.
Did you get
any of the naked ones?
Are you a 12-year-old boy?
No, I didn't get any naked pics.
Oh, come on, I'm tired.
And I'll bet you do snore.
Why would you say that?
I, uh...
I hope your few days with us opened up
your heart and mind to possibilities.
It definitely did.
Come back again
and stay a while.
Oh, hey!
Sorry about that whole
meditation thing.
No Om for me.
I'm not making fun of it.
I, you know, I just...
How do you sit still like that?
I like it. It helps me.
You helped me, Daiku too.
I couldn't.
- It should be with you.
- Really.
No, it should be with you.
Just be.
Remember, just...
just be.
while you're just being,
how about a parting gift?
This is Wanda's new famous
Clementine spice soup.
I know it sounds weird
but trust.
Hey, did you just love it?
How about that Laura, huh?
Yes, and yes.
And how about Daiku?
What a cool guy that is, right?
He's like the Dalai Lama,
but with cooler clothes.
Way cool guy.
You know what? I didn't mean
for any of this to make you sad.
I'm not sad at all, Wanda.
For the first time in...
a very long time...
I feel like me.
Not me as someone
living in someone else's life.
Just me.
So sad...
...absolutely not.
How about I fix you
a cup of tea?
I have the water on already.
You know,
I got your little teapot back here.
This is your lucky pot, huh? I mean,
who travels with a teapot. It's hot.
Yeah, it's a long story. It's a long
story but I'll share it with you sometime.
Let's just say that the teapot
is from one journey
and we have started a new one.
- Cheers, my friend!
- Cheers!
To you, to you, Wanda.
Thank you.
I think we need to go camp.
Camp out under the stars,
find the quiet.
Although, the woods are never
really that quiet,
- you know, mountain lions and bears and such.
- Sleep outside?
Yeah, that's the beauty of it.
Surrounded by nature.
We'll head up north for a few
days and sleep in this baby.
I got a great camping
spot up there.
I was thinking maybe we could
rent a cabin in the woods
with running water
and a bathroom,
and then sit on the porch,
and take in all that nature.
Be brave, girl scout.
Wanda will protect you from all
the scary creatures in the forest.
Well, I haven't been camping since
I was a kid and I didn't like it.
Well, you'll like it now.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Yes, yes, absolutely. Yes, yes!
Whoo. Yes!
did you say mountain lions?
I did. I also said bears.
Wanda, Wanda,
what are you getting...
Mountain lions and bears...
Oh, yes, I'm on the journey.
Can you hear me?
Yes, yes.
Mom, you and Kevin hanging in?
Where are you?
Wanda and I are camping?
Wanda does know that roughing it for
you is the Holiday Inn, doesn't she?
You couldn't even stand summer camp with
creepy crawlies and owls in the night.
I'm excited about this, mom.
Sleeping under the stars, skinny dipping
in the lake, telling ghost stories.
- Oh, my God!
- What, what, what's the matter?
You've become 12 again.
Is Kevin around?
He's in his gym.
If you can call tonight
he'll be around.
Any good news about the virus?
It is far from blowing away.
You know, people just don't take
precautions and all of us suffer.
Why on earth you'd want to be out in the
world ripe with disease, I'll never know.
I'm in the middle of the woods.
No one else is around.
I'm probably in one of the
safest places in America.
Hey, mom, I've got to go before Wanda
hurts herself putting this tent up.
Have fun. Stay safe.
How can I help?
Hey, you can blow this up.
Okay, on it.
By the way, love this place.
I'm okay.
You keep outdoing yourself here.
I don't feel like
I'm making any progress.
Want to use this?
You have a pump?
Yeah, I'm going to die.
I'm so dizzy.
Here, I'll do it.
- Go sit.
- All right.
Go sit down.
I wonder who lives there.
That's another little surprise
I have for you.
I'll introduce you once I
get all this stuff set up.
To whom?
You'll see.
Oh, you're here.
Did you get everything set up?
We did. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
I brought you my newest
creation, Clementine spice soup.
Davina, this is my friend
Mary Beth Higgins.
- Mary Beth, this is Davina.
- I know you.
You're Davina Moonbeam.
I was at one of your events
in San Diego a few years back.
Well, I know.
I really don't.
Everyone expects a psychic
to know everything and I don't.
Come on in, make yourself to
home, we hug here.
Oh, so good to meet you.
- Hi.
- This is Karl.
Ah, he lives mainly in the trailer,
you probably saw when you drove up.
He helps me around the ranch.
I do.
It's a pleasure
to meet you ladies.
Oh, this is my longtime-friend
Wanda and her friend Mary Beth.
You, uh... You camping?
Oh, yeah. We sure are.
Well, I got to go fix some loose boards
out on the bridge and feed my horse Blaze,
but, uh, if you need anything,
you know where to find me.
You guys have a good day.
Bye, Karl.
- Bye.
- Toodles.
You are something else.
Well, homemade apple cider.
I don't drink,
Alcohol that is.
Fortune cookies.
You will soon be delivered a tall,
dark, handsome, charming someone.
I think
I must have got your cookie.
Ooh, let me help you.
let's use this
to officially welcome you...
and offer a wish for a successful
awakening on this part of your journey.
Wanda filled me in a bit.
I can't believe you already know
who Davina is,
and here I was thinking I had
this great surprise for you.
It's a surprise all right.
Are you retired?
From events, yes.
Well, the mind never sleeps,
but until I die.
- Oh.
- Hmm.
Who knows?
Maybe even beyond.
I'll still see things,
know things.
It's the gift
that keeps on giving.
And it's the gift
that I want to give to you.
I came here purposely because I know that Davina
can help you figure out where you're going,
you know, what's next.
Oh, I...
I don't know.
Who really wants
to know the future?
So, come on, Mary Beth.
You've got nothing to lose.
Just be open.
I'm going to wait outside.
Leave you two alone.
You are at the crossroads
in your life, more like a big X.
So many choices. Which...
path to take
is constantly on your mind.
Something happened to awaken your
desire to figure out your life.
No kidding.
Plus, I'm sure Wanda told
you all about our journey.
I was told nothing personal
about you.
Everything I see or hear
is new to me.
Your son... You have a son.
Oh, young, smart...
he will keep well.
You worry about him
now more than ever.
I see him leaving with...
a relative to go stay with them
while you're on your quest.
A quest! Yes.
That's what this is...
but you don't know
what you want yet.
I see a... a separation.
Oh, a permanent separation.
It will be...
it will be easier
for both you and your partner...
your husband.
He wants this as well.
I... I see a book.
A book on a table.
Inside are your words and your
photos from this time in your life.
Oh, you have much talent,
creative talent.
Your time to show the world
has arrived.
A book?
My photos?
I see a new love in your life.
Someone you know
or have known a long time.
You will know who...
when you are ready
to let this someone...
She does know
I'm still married...
at least another week or two.
I can't imagine having someone
new in my life right now.
I see no.
Time is...
something made up by man.
My minutes could be your hours,
my days your months.
I am here in the now as you are.
You need to open up.
Take risks.
When you open up...
people, possibilities,
changes, they all come.
Watch for the signs.
They are all around.
Just know this.
What I see in your future
is not easy.
Leaving one life to start another,
but in the end you will find you.
Right now, just be in it.
Daiku said to just be.
Laura said I'd find me.
Davina, Wanda...
Be honest with people.
Don't hold back...
and those that love you
will still be there.
And those that walk away...
you don't need.
Hey, I just came
to walk you back to the tent.
Thank you, Davina.
You're welcome, honey.
Good to meet you.
I love you.
I mean, was she amazing or...
Ever question who you are?
Yeah, sure, like daily.
That's an elusive answer.
Can I just have a few minutes?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, sure. Of course.
Hey, how about hot dogs
for dinner?
Was Davina's reading upsetting?
I know that things in my life
are coming to an end...
she said new things are coming.
How she knew about Bill and Kevin,
I have... I can't figure it out.
- Did you...
- Tell? No.
No. Not at all, Zero. I swear.
What'd she say?
It wasn't
what Davina said, it's...
She made me realize
that change is coming.
It's going to be hard...
but eventually it'll be good,
in the end.
Well, that's good, right?
That's the right attitude.
Just once...
just once.
This is all I ask the universe.
Just once,
I'd like to feel like...
like I'm first or equal.
I want to feel that passion
they talk about.
Passion for career...
passion for another person.
You know, I... I don't know
what to say about all that.
I do know that
Davina knows her stuff.
And, you know,
I'm here for you.
I'm always here for you to...
to talk or whatever.
Did you want to go home?
Absolutely not.
I need this time with you.
I have a lot to think about.
Are you hungry? We got to eat.
Why don't I get you
a glass of wine?
I'll take the wine.
I thought you might.
Ah, fuck!
Ah! Oh!
Here's some of your favorite.
Oh! Oh my!
Oh! Oh, that's cold.
Okay, let me help you. I got...
I got it. No, okay.
Now don't look, don't look.
- Oh...
- Come here. Come here.
Oh, it's so cold. Thank you.
I love you.
I know.
Hey, good morning.
Yes, it is.
You want some coffee?
Cream or sugar?
Oh, relax, black is fine.
This looks wonderful.
I'm starving.
Me too.
After wrestling with that tent and blowing up
the air mattress, burned a lot of calories.
I was up really early
this morning...
and I went, um, scouting
out the place.
Some really,
really beautiful things to see.
You want to go exploring today?
- Do you... do you hike?
- I do.
You're a really good snuggler.
I was, uh...
protecting you
from the mountain lions.
That's all.
Well, I can report
that I was not attacked.
So, good job.
So a hike would be great and
a shower afterwards, I guess?
Is there a shower?
I usually just take a couple of buckets
of water and pour it over myself.
It works.
I'll get my shoes...
and about the shower,
might have to help me with that.
So pretty.
- You draw?
- Yeah.
I've been sketching a little
bit since I was a teenager.
Like an escape, you know.
You're full of surprises.
- Morning.
- Hi.
He's beautiful.
Is he gentle?
What, Blaze?
He's an overgrown puppy.
What, do you want to hop on him?
I'd love to.
I haven't ridden in years.
Get in here.
- Just bare back, huh?
- Why not?
- You're going to give me a push?
- Yeah. There you go!
You're a natural.
- Natural.
- Yeah.
Hold on.
If you're going to be around a while,
I could saddle him up, take him for a ride.
I don't know how long
we'll be here.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Thanks, Blaze.
- Thank you.
- Have a good day!
You too.
- Was that fun or what?
- Oh.
Oh, I haven't been
on a horse in years.
That makes me feel so alive.
Just doing these things
that haven't done in so long.
I'm starting to feel the joy,
I haven't felt in a very long time now.
Thank you.
I've been with a woman.
Just one, long time ago.
I've been with a few women.
I'm not a womanizing type of
person or anything like that.
I don't even go to bars.
I'm not a cheater,
never cheated.
I'm not either.
I was
faithful to Bill
from the day we were married.
Now, our only connection
is Kevin, of course.
Free to choose whatever
and whoever I want...
and I'm scared of both.
Make sense?
So tell me about this one and only
woman experience that you had.
Was it one of those
college things?
Right after.
I was...
It my first
professional photoshoot.
What a coup!
I was all of 20 or so and...
and I got to go to London,
and shoot this beautiful model in London.
Had tea on the River Thames,
very romantic,
hence, the teapot.
Oh, see, I knew there had to be
some special meaning there.
I mean who brings
a ceramic teapot on a road trip?
We met on that photoshoot,
the model.
The model?
- I fell in love.
- Hmm.
That lose your breath
kind of love.
She was beautiful...
sexy, funny.
I was absolutely lost in her...
for a month.
Just a month?
my parents...
my fears.
I've felt that way...
in a small way.
But, you know,
like you, I wanted more.
Having my life be my life
for the first time in forever...
feels good.
You okay hanging out with me?
I love hanging out with you.
You're funny and curious
and a little crazy.
We're good.
We're very good.
You've never had s'mores?
I'm sheltered.
Okay. So
- it's time for you to have your first s'more.
- Ooh.
Now, I'll build a fire and we're going
to get everything all hot and gooey,
but first I want to introduce
you to the ingredients.
You got your trio
of ingredients here.
You've got your chocolate.
Then you got your graham
crackers and then marshmallows.
I usually have cookies
on a skewer
and get them really burnt,
and gooey, but the...
That's my favorite ingredient.
- Was that a good sign or what?
- Incredible!
You know, I ordered that
up just for you.
Knowing you, I believe it.
Ah, that was amazing!
Here, can I have some of that?
I'll trade you...
- Yeah, give me that.
- ...the chocolate
- for the marshmallow.
- You know what? You know what?
I don't even need
to melt it anymore.
You're good.
Good subject.
Shit! I...
I shouldn't have done that.
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
I should not have done that.
What's that?
My God!
That sounds really big.
It sounds like
something's coming.
Oh, my God, Davina!
You're gonna kill me.
I thought you might like to come up to
the house for some homemade apple pie
and a cup of cocoa before you...
Oh, were you sleeping?
Did I wake you up? I'm sorry.
No, no. We're just
listening to wild animal sounds.
- What time is it?
- Nine o'clock.
I would love apple pie
and hot cocoa.
- We'll be there.
- Let's go.
Oh, good!
You got here before Gus got you.
- Gus?
- The mountain lion.
Oh, my God! You named him.
Cougar, whatever you want to call him.
He's been here for years.
I don't bother him,
he doesn't bother me.
Oh, you girls remembered to zip up
your tent and lock up your food, right?
Thanks for the heads up, Davina.
Not exactly.
Sorry, ladies.
It's my mom. I have to take it.
Oh, please.
Is everything okay?
Did something happen?
No, no, nothing happened.
I just wanted to let you know
I'm going to head home tomorrow.
Kevin's going to come with me.
He can do his remote school stuff
from my house and I get to go home.
Well, I'll be home in a week.
Are you sure?
I need my own space.
I can get my pooch
out of the kennel.
I hope she talks to me again
and Kevin could use a vacation after
all these months. I have a pool.
Okay, I understand.
Just make sure you lock up
the house before you leave.
I thought I'd leave the front door wide
open and put up a welcome thief sign.
Anyway, thanks for taking care
of my boy.
I'll come pick him up
as soon as I get home.
I'm actually loving having him to
myself, you know, I get lonely too.
As a matter of fact,
one of the things that I'm
learning from all this is that
we need to be around the people
we love so much more.
Let's make you and us
a priority from now on.
Sounds like this trip and your
friend have been good for you.
Yes, both.
Well, you two have fun
and, uh, I'll call you soon.
And... Hey, ma, if I haven't told
you lately that I love you, uh...
I do.
Everything okay?
Oh, yeah, mom and Kevin are
heading to her house.
She's anxious to get back
and it's fine.
Really, it's... it's okay.
Oh, well, how about a warm up,
Oh, no. No, thank you.
Oh, boy!
This doesn't happen to me
very often.
What? What is it?
I'm having a dj vu again.
I'll share it with you
if you want to hear it.
I had a dream last night...
and Mary Beth you were in it.
it wasn't anything terrible,
but it came
with a word of caution
and I wanted to share it
with you,
but I feel like, I might be jumping
into something that I shouldn't.
But you know what?
I'm going to do it anyway.
Now you got me really curious.
I know that you two
have gotten...
I knew something was coming...
but now I see
something else coming.
I don't understand.
I saw you running away,
Mary Beth.
You've done that before.
The time to stop...
running away...
is now.
Now is the time
to run to people,
things with your eyes open...
and your heart open.
What... I have... I have
to go back to the tent now.
I better go.
Hey, hey.
Love is there.
Love is there.
What happened?
She knows.
She knows that I...
I ran away from Barbara.
That's what I do
when I'm scared.
I run.
I don't want to.
I don't plan to.
I don't want to hurt anyone.
Deep thoughts?
Hey, it's Wanda.
- How deep can they be?
- Don't, don't, don't.
Remember, it's me.
It's just that
I have been thinking.
You know, thinking a lot.
Maybe too much...
about her.
- Her...
- Her. Oh...
You went on this trip, this
journey, to open up her world.
My dear friend...
she has opened yours.
When we were
in the meditation gardens...
I just saw this light
come over her.
There's this woman there,
Laura who
gave her a statue of the green
Tara, do you know it?
Oh, I do.
A powerful force.
The Great Protectress,
compassionate force,
who fuels all life,
addresses all your fears.
I'm afraid, Davina.
I'm afraid.
I am afraid.
I've already let her in.
And then we'll go home and this
trip will end, and I'll just...
Oh, I've misread all the queues
and I'll just be alone again.
You've only known her
a few months
and how long have you been
on this trip?
What? A week?
I'm not putting
my psychic hat on.
I'm putting my friend hat on.
Just be.
Just sit in the now-ness.
You're ready to let someone
into your life, fully.
- It scares you.
- Oh, it does.
She is on the cusp.
She is still getting
used to her own aloneness,
her own fears.
She runs deeper.
Let it unfold.
Just let it unfold.
You should have waited
so I could help you.
Oh, it's no problem.
Did you have a nice walk?
Wanda, I have to say
something and I...
I need you to listen
to understand.
When Barbara sent me
that teapot, it was like...
someone turned the lights on.
It was a much needed light in the middle
of everyone having to stay in their homes
and Bill and I splitting up,
time to think.
Way, way, too much
time to think.
I think I know
what you're trying to say.
You need to get home now.
You need a little space from me.
- You need time for yourself.
- Listen, stop.
I'm saying that this quest
with you has been like,
the door slowly opening up
to reveal the light again.
There's just a lot of pieces
in the air and...
I need to see
how those pieces land.
It takes time.
You know, one of the only
things I have is time.
If you're in my life and you're here
to stay now that's all that matters.
We are friends.
It's not going to change.
Let's go home.
Heading home
has a nice ring to it.
Hey, you know,
you didn't say a word all the way home.
Listen, I'm going to take
my bags in the bedroom.
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, you need to be home now.
See your kid.
Sleep in your own bed.
Sing real loud in the shower.
I've, uh, never been inside
your house before.
It's warm.
That's a relief.
You know what? I'll go get the surplus
of toilet paper you left in my van.
Oh, Wanda,
you don't need to do that.
No, I'm going to go get it because if
I don't, you'll just order more online,
and I'll have to deliver it
later anyway.
- Fair enough.
- Get settled.
Will I ever be settled again?
Actually, I hope I never settle
again for anything?
The only thing I want to go
back to is Kevin and now...
I'm back with your TP.
I will trade you this TP
for a glass of wine.
Oh! I'll take that trade.
Your house is really great.
- A musician too?
- Oh, like, no.
Thank you.
To the journey.
You know,
you just drove eight hours.
I'm tired.
You have to be exhausted.
Why don't you stay?
Stay here?
Yeah, get some sleep.
Like a capping it off
with a slumber party?
Okay. Yes.
You know, if someone would
have told me a month ago that
we were going to go on this
grand adventure and...
and I was going to experience
that gorgeous meditation center
and camp with mountain lions,
and have a psychic reading,
and watch a shooting star,
I would have thought
it was the makings of a...
an epic novel.
But, Mary Beth,
you are back home again, and, uh...
I need to talk to Kevin,
assure him that he'll be okay and...
and I'll be okay.
Why me?
What do you mean?
Well, you thought about me
planned this this journey,
and cared for me.
I know what it's like
to feel lost.
You know, years ago...
I met someone
who taught me that life...
is actually pretty simple.
It can be quite joyous
if we just let joy be.
She taught me to stay present,
be kind, do no harm...
and to never look back.
Above all...
not to look back.
Plus, I just love
being with you.
I love being with you too.
And on that note,
I am going to top us off with some wine.
It was Davina, wasn't it?
It was.
Were you lovers?
No, she took me in
when I needed taking in.
Hey, why don't we get into our jammies
and get the slumber party started?
Oh, Wanda, only you.
- Jammies?
- Yeah.
I'm going to get mine
from the RV.
And I'm going to get
my jammies on.
- Get your jammies on.
- Okay.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Bend your knees.
- What?
- Just...