Alternate Ground (2021) Movie Script

Where are you, Riley?
Riley, answer me!
Where are you, honey? Riley!
Another return,
and yet another big name.
Jamie Dugger ruled the roost
around here for a while.
Oh thank God.
Honey, are you okay?
You're freezing.
Let me take him up to
the shower and warm him up.
Come on.
Put your clothes over there in the corner,
and try not to get water everywhere, okay?
It's the thing
that keeps him up at night.
And if he doesn't win this, I mean it...
They don't know what happened to him.
They think he might have had a seizure,
but the MRI and the EEGs
all come back normal.
So that's it?
They don't wanna check and see
if maybe there's something else wrong?
Yeah, they wanted to keep
him overnight for observation
and to run more tests, and I said no.
Why? We don't know what happened to him.
Joyce, we were there for 12 hours.
They couldn't find anything.
He was on the street.
You don't think that's a little strange?
This is why we let them work.
What if this happens to him again?
Next time, God forbid, he
could disappear for good,
or we could find him dead.
No, no, no.
Honey, if it were anything that bad,
they wouldn't have let him leave.
We gotta let him rest.
I'll call Dr. Bartlett in the morning,
and she can check him out.
I don't know how you can
trust her and not the hospital.
She's a free thinker. That's good.
Someone to dig deeper and ask questions,
not just stop in the first period.
Do what you want, Arther.
But I don't trust her over the hospital.
Hey, buddy, how you doing in there?
Riley, you're wasting
water just standing there.
Nothing. Just hurry up, okay?
No no no, not tonight, no.
If you really did have a seizure,
we don't need anything that
might start another one.
You just need to get your rest, all right.
We'll call the doctors in the morning,
and they'll make sure
everything's fine, okay?
Let's take a
look at this week's weather.
The rest of the afternoon is clear.
For the most part, staying in the 50s,
but we do have a system
moving in overnight
that will lead to some rain.
So temps will be dropping
to the mid-30s overnight,
which could lead to some black ice.
Watch out on the roads tomorrow.
We move back into the 60s, nice warmup,
and we stay there for rest of the week.
Plenty of sun...
the beginning of mankind,
humans have disappeared without a trace.
Could it be that extraterrestrial
activity is to blame?
Some ancient astronaut theorists say yes.
Since the beginning of recorded history,
human beings have disappeared
without any explanation.
The most famous case, Amelia Earnhardt.
Gone without a trace.
And there isn't one universally
accepted explanation
as to what happened to her.
But, there is one theory
that almost everyone
refuses to acknowledge,
ancient astronauts.
Dude, sucks
you couldn't play today.
Sucks that someone stole my crutches.
Really, dude? That does suck.
Oh, so what was up with that hip check?
Oh, dude, the kid was
arrogant. He deserved it.
Hey, I'm not sympathizing.
Oh, did you ask that kid,
Brad, about those tickets?
The dude left before I could ask him.
He's acting weird today.
I don't know, man.
I just don't want the
tickets to go to waste.
Okay, I'll call him.
Who calls anyone anymore?
Hey, man, I
tried to get your attention
outside the rink today,
but you ignored me.
Oh, sorry about that. I
just have a lot of my mind.
What's up?
It's my brother. Something's
not right with him.
Why, what's wrong with him?
Well, we found him on the side
of the road yesterday, knocked out.
Oh, shit. Is he okay?
Yeah, but I don't know.
It's all just really weird.
Hey, I know it's
kinda a awkward question
but me and Eric have an
extra set of the tickets
to the Blizzards game.
We were wondering if you wanna go.
Hell yeah. But, I don't know.
My family's just really worried right now.
All right, just let me know.
I got two of them. I need to
get rid of them by tonight.
All right, I'll text you later.
Awesome, dude, thanks.
Oh, and by the way, who calls anymore?
Well, he said he'll let me know tonight.
You know, calls are free after nine.
Let's go, Limpy.
Hey there, Bradley.
Hey, sweetie, how was practice?
It was good.
Hey, before you sit
down, go wash your hands.
Hey, how is Riley?
He's better.
He's upstairs, practicing for the parade.
He see a doctor?
No, apparently she has too
many patients to deal with.
You can cut her some slack, you know.
She has to prioritize.
Bradley, it's ready.
Hey, Dad?
Jesse said that he could
get me some tickets
to the Blizzards game tomorrow.
Can we go?
Nah, I don't think so.
We got a lot going on.
But, Dad, this is the game that decides
who goes to the playoffs.
Honey, we don't know what's
going on with your brother.
I really think it's
best that you don't go.
But I wanna go.
Hey there,
buddy, how you doing?
Are you sure?
So, what's that I heard about a game?
Oh, Jesse said that he can give us
some tickets to the game tomorrow.
I wanna go.
Riley, I don't think it's a good idea.
Come on, it was just one
freak accident or something.
Please, Mom?
Fine, you can go.
But I'm gonna keep my eye on you.
Anything happens between now
and then, and you're not going.
I'll have
to text Jesse tonight
and tell him that we can go.
Really, Arther?
- What?
- Really?
He can go? He can go to the game?
He's gonna go to a hockey
game with his brother.
What's the matter with that?
There's gonna be 100 people there.
Nothing will happen to him.
And you have a crystal ball?
People there, and that means
nothing's gonna happen to him?
Riley! What the hell
is the matter with you?
What'd you do that for?
Do what?
Dad, what did I do?
Dad, what did I do?
Just eat.
Just eat.
We can get him these new hockey skates
that match the stick.
Actually, he needs a new stick too,
because that one's kinda warped.
You saw that, right?
Yes, of course I saw that.
Then what was that?
I don't know, Joyce.
I don't know what is going on, Joyce!
I don't think you
guys should go tomorrow.
What am I supposed to tell him?
We can't go see the game because I thought
I saw you throw your food on the floor?
There's something going on.
The three of us saw him do
something that he didn't do.
How can we all be mistaken?
I can't deal with this right now.
Where's Brad?
He went to get a drink.
Didn't you see him?
Where did everybody go?
Where's Brad?
Stop looking at me like that.
What's going on?
You need to go back.
What's wrong with you?
Why would you do that, huh?
The playoffs, and I'm missing it.
And not to mention you embarrassed me
in front of my whole damn team.
You stupid idiot.
I knew I shoulda just left you at home.
Seriously, Riley, why?
I don't know.
I can't handle it.
Handle what?
The noise.
What noise?
And the pain.
It's like a knife in the back of my neck.
I just want it to go away.
Where were you?
You weren't even there, and
you don't even give a shit.
I went to get a drink.
And it's not like I left you alone.
I left you with what, Eric and Jesse?
There was no one there. It was empty.
I don't even think the person
that I saw was actually Jesse.
I'm sorry I called you an idiot.
But, I still do think
that there's definitely
something wrong with you.
I didn't mean it like that.
Shit, we lost.
Hey, honey.
You okay?
Are you sure?
Do I look unsure?
I guess not.
Is there anything to eat.
I'm going out for groceries right now.
Do you wanna talk about
what happened last night?
Not really.
I'll be back.
Do you want anything from the store?
What did you forget?
Nothing, I got everything.
Wait, how'd you get here so fast?
Riley, I've been gone
for almost two hours.
What? That's impossible.
Honey, are you okay?
Yeah, I probably just fell asleep.
Can I ask you a question?
Go ahead.
Do you ever get these
dreams that feel so real?
What do you mean?
Like the dreams I
have, they feel so real.
Like, physically real.
And when I wake up I can't move.
It's like something's holding me down.
I used to, when I was younger.
My parents brought me to a shrink,
and they determined it was just
because I was stressed out.
Which is probably happening to you
because of the parade coming up.
But you're not gonna bring
me to a shrink, right?
Go rest.
Honey, I know your hiphop
group has been practicing
for the Halloween parade tonight, but
I really don't think you should go.
But, Mom, it's the parade.
I can't miss the parade. It's
my favorite thing all year.
Plus, my hiphop team would
be really mad if I don't go.
Sweetie, they will understand.
I've already talked to your teachers.
I told them you weren't feeling well.
They said that it's not a
problem, and they look forward
to seeing you back when
you're feeling better.
Mom, I'm going to the parade.
And I also want you to stop acting
like I'm sick when I'm not.
Okay, we will go, but on one condition.
If you start feeling at all strange,
we are leaving right away.
We're in the street.
Riley, stop, you're going to choke.
What is the matter with you?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, excuse me.
My name is Samantha, and I'm
just a psychic up the street.
And I know you don't know me and I know
this sounds so weird.
I noticed your son back
there in the parade.
He's in distress, and
I think I can help him.
Thank you, but we have to go home now.
You know, here. You know what,
just take my business card.
Here, take this, and call me.
Thank you.
Call me.
What are you doing?
It itches.
I can't get at it, and it's
starting to really burn.
You're going to make it
worse. Just stop scratching.
All right, time to pass them up.
Now remember, these are
gonna be given back to you.
So any correct answers you have,
you can use them on a cheat sheet.
Hey. Hey, Riley.
Hey, fart knocker, give me your paper.
Never mind.
Mr. Polo, what was the name
of that book you said to pick up?
Thanks, Kerry. Thanks, Kerry.
"Burnt Toast and Oranges,"
I need every one of you
to pick up this book at the library.
I ordered enough copies so
everyone could have one.
I went to get it already,
and she doesn't have it yet.
Well, they probably
don't have it in yet.
You have until Christmas
vacation to read the book
and to turn me in your analysis.
Thanks, Kerry.
Yeah, Kerry.
Yeah, Kerry.
Riley, turn in your paper.
Riley, are you okay?
Yeah, I think so.
Stop it.
Stop it.
Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it.
Stop it, stop it.
Stop it, stop it.
Stop it, stop it!
You okay?
Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it!
Stop it, stop it, stop
it, stop it, stop it!
Hello, Riley.
I heard you didn't have a good night.
Maybe I'm understating that.
Can you tell me what happened?
Honey, please, just tell
her what's been going on.
She's only trying to help.
Maybe he can't talk because of all
the screaming he's been doing.
He hasn't said anything all morning.
How bad was it?
Pretty bad. I couldn't get him to stop.
Was it just screaming, or was it verbal?
Yeah, he kept on saying "Stop it"
and kept on covering his ears.
Can you open your mouth for me?
Well, I don't think that's the reason
he hasn't said anything.
Oh, and when I tried to calm down,
he pushed me with his legs
and I flew across the room.
Bradley, please.
Dad, why would I lie
about something like that?
Listen to yourself.
How could he physically do that to you?
There are times when humans express
a great deal of strength
under fight or flight,
a state of mind when an individual
is in a life-threatening situation.
If what you're saying's true,
he may have been in that state.
But the question now is why.
Thank you for coming out.
I'm sorry I wasn't able
to conclude what's going on.
Yeah, well, I hope somebody
finds out something soon.
You know, this wasn't his first episode.
It's the worst one he's had so far.
Mr. McDowell, I shouldn't
be telling you this,
but Riley's not alone.
What do you mean?
He's not the first
patient I've seen this way.
Just the other day, I
received a call from a woman
whose husband was acting
the exact same way.
And there was another
patient, about a week ago.
Well how are they doing?
Well, as far as I
know, he's not improving,
and the other committed suicide.
Look, I'm not telling
you this to alarm you.
There are other doctors facing the exact
same issues with their patients.
What do you mean?
I'm gonna go back to my
office, and I'm going to do
the very best I can to figure
out what's going on here.
It's happening here as
well. How do we proceed?
Riley, what are you doing
out here? It's freezing.
I'm fine.
Yeah, well, you haven't been acting it.
What's been wrong with you?
You're worrying everyone.
I said I'm fine.
Dude, that's a load of bullshit.
One minute, you're perfectly fine.
The next minute, you're freaking out.
Happened at dinner, happened at the game,
even happened last night.
I'm scared, Bradley.
I know, me too.
But, you don't see me
freaking out about it.
I don't know what I'm doing.
You guys keep saying I'm doing something,
and I'm not doing anything
at all, I'm serious.
I just hear this noise.
Hurts to know my family
doesn't even believe me.
Bro, that's not it at all.
Honestly, even though you
don't remember doing all this,
you're still doing it, we see it.
Then what happened in the kitchen?
I don't even know what's real anymore.
Look, man, I was just asking him
to help me with something really quick.
Shut up.
I heard you interrogating him.
I don't know what interest you have
in the relationship I have with my son.
Riley, stop it.
I can't. It's itching.
It's almost like I'm
not even getting at it.
Stop it.
Honey, you're bleeding.
How long have you been scratching?
I don't know, a while.
Go wash it and put a Band-Aid on it
before it gets infected.
Okay, thank you, Doctor.
I'll discuss it with my wife
and we'll get back to you.
Okay, bye.
So what's going on?
They wanna bring him in for psychiatric
evaluations for a few weeks.
Oh God.
You don't think that...
No no, no no, don't look at it that way.
What's going on with him,
it's hard to explain.
You didn't tell them
about yesterday, did you?
Time to go, sweetie.
Mr. McDowell?
Dr. Silver.
Please, have a seat.
Sorry to have to meet in here.
I was expecting your
wife to join us as well,
and my office can get a little cramped.
She's helping our oldest son get ready
for a hockey tournament
in Camden tomorrow.
Oh, boy, that's a hike.
Riley McDowell, age 13.
So during his time here,
we ran several tests,
both mental and physical,
and we kept him under
24-hour surveillance.
However, in those two weeks,
he did not have any outbursts.
None, none whatsoever?
No, no.
From what our staff reports,
they've had no issue with him.
But what we have noticed is that
he becomes catatonic at times.
What's that mean?
Well, at times, he becomes
reserved and unresponsive.
Now, with that and his sudden
changes in personality,
his auditory hallucinations,
the outbursts,
there are many answers
that can be given here.
Such as spectrum disorder
or schizophrenia.
Now, I don't believe that
he's developed autism.
However, schizophrenia is possible.
As of right now, we just
don't have enough evidence
to come to any kind of
definitive conclusion.
I'm sorry, how can that possibly be?
We just haven't been able
to collect enough evidence.
Two weeks, two weeks
you've had my son here
under 24-hour surveillance,
with the best medical team in the country,
not the country, in the world,
and you tell me you can't figure this out?
Mr. McDowell, there's a lot that...
I'm sorry, I saw him throw
that plate on the floor,
the whole family did,
for no apparent reason.
And there's a whole arena full of people
that saw him have his meltdown.
And that poor kid nearly
blew out his lungs
screaming in fear, twice.
And you have the nerve
to sit there and tell me
you don't think there's
anything wrong with him?
Fuck you!
Well, Mr. McDowell,
there's only one thing
that I can recommend right now.
Take Riley home today.
Let him continue as he normally would.
He's allowed to go to school,
and to perform his everyday activities.
But if he has another episode, record it.
I'd recommend on video and on paper.
And make sure that what
he's doing is noted.
Then bring me that information for review.
Because, at this time,
we just can't trigger
his behavior in this environment.
I'm sorry.
I'll prepare the discharge paperwork.
You okay?
I'm tired.
I've got a headache.
You don't look like you slept very well.
You're probably happy to
be back in your own bed.
We're almost home.
Wait, Dad, what was
I just doing right now?
Did I fall asleep?
Tony wants to be whipped
like a government mule.
Watch the power drop.
Lift your feet up.
Dammit, I let him get me!
You're gonna have to keep
it down when your brother
gets home, he needs to rest.
Was that an
offensive move or a seizure?
Why are you sending him
to school so early anyways?
He's missed two weeks, Bradley.
Any more, he could go to summer school.
Do you have everything
you need for tomorrow?
Are you sure?
That's a four-hour drive.
Mom, we'll be fine.
Tony wants to be whipped
like a government mule.
Oh hi.
Oh, I am so glad you are home.
Hey, what do you say we get
you into bed and you can
eat ice cream and watch
movies on your phone
for the rest of the night, huh?
Come on.
You guys pumped for tomorrow?
- Yeah.
- Sure.
Do me a favor, put
that on pause, will you?
I wanna talk to you.
Dad, we can't. It's online.
Brad, please.
Hold my biscuit.
I'm sorry, man, I just
can't do that. You know that.
Just do it.
Hey, I know we've been focusing a lot
of attention on your brother right now.
But I want to apologize.
I'm not gonna be able to make
it to your big game tomorrow.
I missed a lot of work, and I
gotta make it up. Understand?
It's fine.
No, it's not fine.
It's just that we gotta keep
on our toes right now with him.
Didn't we send him away two
weeks so he could get better?
Yeah, they were supposed
to try to figure it out.
It wasn't therapy or anything.
Hey, listen, I'm gonna be rooting for you,
even though I'm not there.
It's not that.
I want everything to be over with him.
It will be soon. We're getting close.
Mom? Dad?
Mom, Dad, Bradley?
Mom, Dad, Brad?
Please, I don't wanna do this anymore.
I'm tired of this.
Please, just leave me alone.
I can't do this, no.
Can you just let me go home if I do this?
They have a limit here.
Only 400 people are allowed per day now.
The reason is because thousands
upon thousands of people
in modern day come outta their busy lives
just to walk the paths that people walked
hundreds of years ago.
Wyatt, could you come in
here a little quieter?
It's already bad enough coming
in late, being a distraction.
Now where was I?
Sorry, Mr. Polo.
Sorry, Riley.
Still in the 15th century...
One of the Seven
Wonders of the World.
Why, you ask? Well, look at it.
It's 8,000 feet above sea level.
Now we here, we're just 141.
Now look at that.
Straight down, that's a 2,000-foot drop.
Now the one thing we
do know about the Incas
is they were a little
behind on technology,
meaning they didn't use wheels
and they didn't use
animals to haul things.
So, with that lack of
machinery and the obvious
steep incline and challenges,
the biggest question
has always been, how did they build it?
How did they get those huge
stones all the way up there
to Wina Picchu where
the high priest lived.
And the second thing, of course,
is we know nothing about
why it was abandoned.
In 1572...
It was aliens.
Jason, please, don't
shout out like that.
Well, I mean, just look at Egypt.
Oh my God, shut up. You sound retarded.
Katelyn, stop it.
Jason, realistically,
with as little as we know,
anything is possible.
Okay, but the most likely
scenario is that when
the Spaniards invaded,
they brought diseases
such as smallpox and...
Well if we have no proof
and are going off of theories,
my theory is that aliens abducted them.
Okay, well then, we'll just
call the crazy-haired guy
from the Geography Channel if
that's what we're doing now.
Listen, where was I?
Oh, yes, 1572, the last
recorded year of the Incas.
Now, as I said, disease may
have wiped them out, okay.
But the Spaniards never even got there.
They just got to the surrounding areas.
They couldn't get there
because of the steep inclines
and because of all the other challenges.
The Incas were, however,
leading in medicine.
We talked about diseases.
They did possibly have
access to medicine that...
That just proves my point.
I mean, if they were
so good with medicine
and the Spaniards never even reached them,
they must have been abducted.
Will you chill with the conspiracies?
Every week, it's the same
thing with your dumb ass.
Hey, Katelyn, how about you go back
to the sheep farm with everyone else?
Hey, listen,
we are about facts here.
And the facts do not support aliens.
And, Jason, if you keep
shouting out in my class,
I am gonna send you to the office.
I just don't see how you can teach
an unproven theory
without accepting others.
Okay, that's it, just get out!
Could you just shut up?
Riley, what are you doing?
What are we doing here?
Don't worry, Riley.
This lady can help us.
Hello, anybody here?
Riley, don't touch that,
that could be breakable.
Put it back.
Good afternoon, can I help you?
Um, do you remember me from the parade?
I'm Joyce, and this is my son Riley.
Yeah, I remember you.
Say hello, Riley.
Hi, Riley.
We were wondering if you
had time to do a, uh...
Oh, yes. Come on this way, of course.
Please, have a seat.
So, Joyce, tell me what's
going on with Riley
and what I can do to help.
Well, it all started one morning
when he didn't come down for breakfast.
We called, and after a few
minutes when he still didn't
come down, his dad went up to check.
And then I heard him yelling
that he wasn't in his bed.
We thought he was in the house,
so we looked everywhere, but.
When we still couldn't find
him, we headed outside.
I was in a panic.
I had no idea where he was.
A neighbor found him
in front of their house.
He was in a ditch.
Half unconscious.
Can I get you anything?
Do you need a water or anything?
Okay, well continue. What happens next?
We took him to the ER, but they couldn't
figure anything out,
so we brought him home.
And after that, things really
started getting strange.
He kept having these
bouts of covering his ears
and screaming really loudly.
Weird things were happening.
He threw a plate, and he broke it.
We all saw him do it.
But then, the plate was back
on the table in one piece.
At night, he kicked his brother,
and his brother said the kick was so hard
that he flew across the room.
We called the doctor, she
came to check him out,
and she said the same thing was happening
to some of her other patients,
and she recommended that
he go to the hospital
for two weeks for testing,
which we eventually decided to do.
But since he's been back,
it's been no better.
He just threw a textbook at his teacher,
and he says he never did.
And now he's suspended.
Riley, do you remember anything
about what your mom is talking about?
Do you remember why you were covering
your ears at the parade?
It's this stupid noise, so high-pitched.
It hurts my brain.
It comes on and off, but I can never tell
when it's gonna happen.
Well, I think the best thing for Riley
would be hypnotic regression.
It's safe.
It would help him to
remember what happened,
and maybe we can figure out
why he was in the ditch.
It will help him remember what
happened before that as well.
Riley, do you think you're
okay with hypnosis today?
Um, I guess so.
Please, whatever will help
us understand what's going on.
Okay, all right.
Come this way, okay? Follow me.
Come this way.
One minute.
Dr. Bartlett?
I said one minute.
I've got very sensitive
information I'm looking at.
Yes, sorry, Doctor.
There's a gentleman out here who's like
very insistent on seeing you.
Who is it?
Said his name is Arther McDowell.
Okay, send him in.
Don't bother. What's
going on with Riley, huh?
Excuse me, sir, you
can't just come in here
and bother Dr. Bartlett.
I'll do whatever I damn well please.
He's my son, and I want answers.
It's okay, it's okay.
What's going on with Riley?
You're gonna have to
give me a little bit more
information than that, Arther.
He was suspended from school
for attacking the teacher.
I'm sorry to hear that.
You said that by sending
him away for observation
you'd be able to figure this out.
Well, it's been a waste of time.
We need more time.
Not every medical situation
has an apparent solution,
and they're never the same.
I agree. We should have kept him.
And if he's becoming violent,
than we need to readmit him
and keep him for as long as it takes
to figure out what's going on.
Sarah, you've helped us for many years,
and you know I trust you.
But I don't wanna lock Riley away
if I don't know for how long.
I'm sorry I came in here the way I did.
I just need answers.
I haven't been completely honest with you.
What's going on?
I have a few questions
I'm gonna ask you,
and I need you to answer them.
And when I snap my fingers,
that means it's time to wake up.
Are you ready?
Okay, take a deep breath.
And 10,
and one.
Okay, Riley, I wanna
bring you back to when
your neighbors found
you lying in the ditch.
Do you remember that?
Now I wanna take you back further.
I wanna take you back to that night
when you were getting ready for bed
and you were falling asleep.
Tell me what you remember.
Tell me what you remember seeing.
it woke me up.
It's like, I can't move.
My eyes are open, but I can't move.
I'm scared.
I'm trying to call for Brad and my dad
and my mom, but no noise
is coming out of my mouth.
You're doing fine, Riley.
You're doing just fine.
What happens next?
Bright lights.
I see a light.
Someone's in the room with me.
I'm so cold.
Why is my bed so cold and hard?
Something is holding my head, why?
Why is he holding my head?
No, no, no no no no.
No, no.
It's okay, Riley, just
breathe. You're safe.
What do you see around you?
Just bright lights and blackness.
She's not letting me turn my head.
Please, no, stop.
Stop, please.
Stop, stop!
Bring him out of it, please!
Riley, Riley, we're
gonna bring you back now.
Bring you back into the room. You're safe.
One, two, three.
It's okay, Riley.
You too. It happened to
you when you were a child.
Come on, honey, we're leaving.
Come on.
Honey, come on.
Look. Look, you don't get it.
You and Riley are in
grave danger right now.
They know what just happened.
And I don't suggest you
being alone with him.
It's not safe.
I'm sorry, Arther. I really am.
But there's no way out of it.
I'm trapped just as much as Riley.
They know what's happening to him,
and they are very well aware of it.
But once they fix it, he's gone.
And when they find out I told you,
I'm so sorry, there's nothing we can do.
Arther? Arther, where are you?
I've been trying to call
you for the last half-hour.
Please, I just need you
to come home right away.
It's an emergency.
I figured out what's going on
with Riley, but I'm scared.
And I need you.
I don't know what we
should do next, please.
Riley, needs you. I need you.
Just, please come home.
Come home, Arther. I'm scared.
Riley, you're bleeding.
What are you doing with that?
Riley, answer me.
Joyce? Riley, Joyce!
Oh my God, oh my God, what have you done?
Joyce, Joyce! Riley, why did you do this?
Joyce, oh my God.
I'm sorry, Dad.
What's wrong?
Where's Mom and Dad?
Holy shit, Dad!
I had to do it, Bradley.
I couldn't let them hear the noise.
What noise?
There is no noise!
You can't hear that?
It's everywhere and anywhere I go,
and it pierces through my head.
You don't know how lucky you are, Bradley.
I would do anything to be you.
You fucking psycho!
Help me!
Help me, please!
What's going on?
Let me go!
Who's there?
What's going on?
What are you doing?
Let go of me, you bitch!
What did you, what did you do to me?
I'm sorry.
Please, I just wanna go home.
I know.
Transfer's complete.
Should we reset?
Yes, send him back.
- Riley!
- Riley!
Honey, where are you? Riley?
Oh God.
Riley, answer me!
Guys, over here.
Oh God, oh God, Riley.
Oh my God, honey.
Come here, oh God.
This is the voice I know
And nobody here is living lies
Why don't you comprehend
And come by and tell them you see?
Will you change
The quiet place way down?
Will you change, boys?
There is no hope
How do we change?
Well I don't know
I don't know
I've been waiting
All I wanted was
A quiet home
And she'll say why is
It so drug out
And tell me
Will you change?
The quiet place way down
Will you change, boys?
There is no hope
How do we change?
Well I don't know
I don't know