American Bandits: Frank and Jesse James (2010) Movie Script

[ Birds chirping ]
[ Slow music plays ]
[ Horses whinny ]
[ Shouts indistinctly ]
[ Grunting ]
Jesse, no!
Stay put!
lf l get around back of them,
we can catch 'em in a crossfire!
You're gonna get yourself killed!
Now, do as l say!
Come on, Frank! l've always
had a problem with authority.
You know that.
Stay put! Don't do it!
[ Sighs ]
[ Men groaning ]
Rotten, baby-killin' Yankee!
Easy there, Ed.
He's dead.
Won't be killin' no more people
after today.
[ Speaks indistinctly ]
l'd shoot 'em all again if l could.
Hank, fetch it out.
That was some crazy stunt
you pulled back there, brother.
When are you gonna learn?
Frank, takin' a risk is in my blood.
Big risk, big reward.
Yeah, well, you better learn
to control it.
Otherwise, you're going back
to Missouri in a pine box.
-Ah, you worry too much.
-l do not.
Ooh hoo hoo hoo!
l'll say this about the army --
They sure are right on time.
[ Chuckles ]
JESSE: Come on, Hank!
We got to start movin' tracks
before someone comes along.
Well, l told you we should've
hit 'em further up the road,
but you don't listen to me.
You James boys --
you don't listen to anybody.
l heard you, Ed.
We both heard you.
Just that we don't take
orders from you.
See, we do things our way.
Now, you're either with us,
or you ain't.
You got that, Ed?
Yeah, l got it.
[ Gun cocks ]
[ Gun cocks ]
[ Gunshots ]
[ Groans ]
Let me see. Let me see.
Uh, Frank?
Jesse's right.
We better move it.
Don't worry.
l'll get you some help.
Can you ride?
Does it matter?
l guess not.
You just sit easy.
Watch my back.
What are you plannin'
on doin', Frank?
Yeah, what gives?
My brother's been hurt.
We can't wait around here no longer.
Well, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What about our cut?
We'll meet up in four days' time --
Gila Wells.
Gila Wells?
We split then -- all five of us.
That's iust an old ghost town.
That's right, and that's why it's
the perfect place for us to meet.
l want my split right now,
if you don't mind.
Ed, l do mind.
And l'm not gonna sit here and talk
to you boys about it no more.
Now, my brother's been hurt,
and that's that.
We'll meet up in four days' time.
You got it?
Yeah, l get it, Frank.
Hank, Cob, what do you boys
say about this?
Fine, Frank.
Get Jesse all the help he needs.
Thank you.
Now, we better take off...
before we end up with more trouble
than we bargained for.
Come on.
[ Dramatic music plays ]
Might as well stop
where you are, son.
You don't need to come
around here.
You Yanks already got
everything l had.
Ain't nothin' left for you to steal.
My brother's been hurt...
needs some help.
We can't go no further today.
l can only speak to a broken spirit,
not a broken body.
Just the same, we're comin' in.
My brother --
he needs to rest a spell.
He's been shot.
l'm Frank James.
That's my brother Jesse.
[ Horse snorts ]
Please, come inside quickly.
Easy, easy, easy.
Put your arm around me.
We need to act quickly on this,
Mr. Burdette.
Word will spread fast.
And if we don't show decisive action,
people will start asking questions.
What do you propose to do?
Catch 'em, Deputy.
Bring 'em in to justice.
Four men dead here, Marshall --
all armed...
extremely dangerous.
Billy there fought alongside me
a few years back.
He was good with a gun.
And he was a good friend.
Whoever did this,
they were better guns
than these boys.
l reckon it was
the James brothers.
Maybe -- them and a few like 'em.
Take more than two men to do this.
They sure enough
hated the army bad enough
to try something this bold.
That's how you see it?
That's how l see it.
l want Jesse James...
dead or alive.
Frank if you can get him,
but l especially want Jesse.
We need to send a message to folks
who still think the war isn't over.
He's gettin' famous,
writing letters about himself
to the newspapers,
acting like some kind of a hero.
To some folks, he is a hero.
These ol' confederates out here --
they ain't got nothin' left
to be proud of,
but they sure got
a belly full of hurtin'.
None of them rebs
has any rights anymore.
Can't vote, can't hold an office,
can't even sit on a jury.
Can't do near anything
since the war ended.
Times are hard for them.
Well, the war has ended,
Mr. Burdette.
We've got to put this country
back together again.
And we can't let them Johnny rebs
go running around stirrin' up trouble.
You know that.
You know, they can't even preach
a sermon in their own church.
That don't give 'em a right
to go robbing and killing.
This time, they took
a U.S. Army payroll.
That's $30,OOO hard money.
They don't see it
so much as robbin'
as it is taking back what's theirs
in the first place --
money to pay the army
for occupying their land.
You sound iust like one of 'em,
Mr. Burdette.
You know better than that, Marshall.
-But l got eyes.
And l can see what might
just drive a young man
to a life outside the law.
That's why you're the man
to bring him in.
You think like they do.
But don't start
feeling sorry for them.
They'd kill you as fast
as they would any unionist.
Understanding what drives a man
to a crime ain't the same
as feeling sorry for 'em.
These poor boys --
they still don't understand it.
Man like yourself,
his eyes on maybe bein'
our next governor...
Well... You -- you get
the big picture, don't you?
l want Jesse James.
l'll let you know
what l come up with.
Follow the money.
[ Blows ]
How long you boys
been out of Missouri?
Couple weeks.
Seems longer.
Our lives pretty much
come to a stop around here
since them Yanks took over.
Been hard on everybody,
especially decent folk.
Well, nobody here's
blaming you, son.
You did your part for the south.
Yes, sir. That we did.
Well, now, this is some piece.
You mind?
Schofield .45.
Modified Smith & Wesson No. 3.
Named after
Major George W. Schofield.
Jess and me -- we owe that man
a debt of thanks.
At least that's what l think.
Hard to believe that a man
thinking his own thoughts
would be against the law
once the stars and bars fell.
Yep. Just thinking --
How can iust thinking
be such a crime?
Problem is,
we're on the losing side.
[ Sighs ]
Mary's brother Jimmy --
he was killed at Stone Creek.
Her daddy was shot dead
tryin' to bury Jimmy proper
in the town cemetery.
They wouldn't even let me
say my peace over their bodies.
Them Yanks said l wasn't
a preacher no more.
[ Scoffs ]
lmagine that.
40 years of spreadin' God's word,
and l'm not a preacher no more.
Mr. Simpson...
...things will change.
They will.
l don't know how...
...and l don't know when...
...but they will change.
Can you promise me that,
Frank James?
Can you?
[ Horse snorts ]
How you feelin'?
Hurts real bad, Frank.
l think the bullet's still in there.
l reckon it still is.
lt needs to come out.
And who's gonna take it out? You?
l've done it before --
for my brother Jimmy.
Now, your grandfather
said Jimmy got killed.
l couldn't let him be buried
with a Yankee slug in him.
He wouldn't have wanted that.
So you dug a slug
out of a dead man?
lt'll work iust the same.
You might want to wait outside.
Mind the cure doesn't kill
my brother.
[ Horse snorts ]
[ Match striking ]
When l take this bullet out,
it could be like pulling
the plug from a barrel.
l'm not sure what's gonna happen.
l understand.
ls there anything you'd like to get off
your chest before l do it?
Are you tryin' to save my soul?
Confession is good for the soul.
Maybe for you, but l can't stop
and think about what l've done.
Frank and l have always gone
our own way.
l was raised on a farm
by good, decent folks.
But the war changed everything.
Now the unionists are grabbin'
whatever they can
and makin' themselves rich.
l iust can't abide by it.
You should go home, Jesse.
Fight this in a different way.
l will. When the time's right.
But not just yet.
All right, then.
Try and hold still.
Ma'am, l ain't got
the strength to resist.
You might surprise yourself.
Try and think about something else.
Like what?
How 'bout that pretty horse you got?
l ain't seen a paint like that
in a long time.
She's pretty, all right,
but not as pretty as you.
l almost hate to do this to you.
[ Screaming ]
[ Horse whinnies ]
[ Screaming continues ]
Thank you, Ma'am.
My name's Mary.
l'm Reverend Simpson's
Thank you, Mary.
[ Horse snorting ]
[ Door closes ]
FRANK: He okay?
l hoped l'd never see
another one like this.
Well, l iust want to say
how much l appreciate
everything you've done for us.
Did you kill the man
who shot your brother?
l did.
l hate them.
l hate them all.
You leavin' soon?
Have to.
Got to meet some people,
and it won't do to wait.
Well, what about Jesse?
l have to get him to the next town,
where he can see a proper doctor.
Just because the bullet's out
don't mean it still won't kill him.
Bullet's done its damage.
l reckon he can ride by tomorrow.
You sure he can make it?
He has to.
Besides, the longer we stay here,
the better chances
for trouble for you,
and l don't want you people
to suffer on our account.
What else can they do to us?
Ma'am.. .
You don't want to know.
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Horse snorts ]
''The gate that leads
to damnation is wide,
the road is clear,
and many choose to travel it.
But how narrow is the gate
that leads to life,
how rough the road,
and how few there are who find it.''
May God watch over you.
Amen to that, Preacher.
[ Insects chirping ]
All right, l'll see your bet...
and raise you a dollar.
[ Laughs ]
A dollar? l thought we was playing
for real stakes.
Oh, come on.
Quit your griping, Harley.
l've already got $20 on the table.
You boys better hold on
to your money with both fists.
l hear tell someone robbed
the Army payroll yesterday.
Yeah, that's what l heard, too.
Better them bluecoats
than the bank, huh?
Yeah, well, there ain't been
any bank robberies
around these parts in a long time.
Nope. They's out to break
the back of them damn Yanks.
Yahoo. l'll drink to that.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Door opens ]
Evenin', Mister.
-Can l help you?
-l need a doctor.
Doctor's right over there.
You feelin' poorly?
Not me.
l need a doctor for my brother.
Yeah, what's wrong with him?
Hunting accident -- got shot.
ls he bad off?
We got the bullet out, but he still
needs some proper help.
He needs to see you now.
ln a moment, son.
l'm workin' a hot hand here.
Oh, damn!
[ Gun cocks ]
You done?
l am now.
Keep my seat warm, boys.
l oughta be back.
Mister, l didn't catch your name.
[ Gun uncocks ]
Ben Woodson.
[ Door closes ]
Was that who l think it was?
l think it's best we iust don't ask.
[ Groaning ]
Boy, l tell you, you guys
got to be more careful.
A hunting accident?
That's the most senseless kind
that l've ever heard of.
What are you guys hunting,
l mean, there's hardly any good game
worth going after around these parts.
lt was a ways from here.
Does it really matter?
Not to me.
Let me see here.
Who-- whoever dressed this wound
did a fine job --
real fine iob.
Yeah, we got lucky.
Yeah, l'll say.
It didn't hit anything vital.
Just put a hole in your muscle.
Then l'm gonna be all right?
You will be... in a day.
A day?
A day or two.
You don't want an infection setting in
when he's on the road, do you?
No, but l got somewhere
l need to be.
lf l was you, l'd iust stay put.
Now, this is gonna sting a little,
but the medicine you're gonna need
is gonna knock you
on your butt for a while.
Hey, Doc, could we, uh,
have a moment... alone?
All right.
l'll just step outside.
[ Door opens, closes ]
Best do what Doc says.
Give it a day,
then head up to Gila Wells.
l'll meet up
with Ed and the boys, okay?
All right, but l don't like us
splittin' up.
Well, then, don't get
yourself shot next time.
l'll work on that.
Hey, Doc!
DOC: Yeah?
Come on in.
[ Door opens, closes ]
Do your worst.
Hey, little brother,
take care of yourself.
[ Screaming ]
Ugh! Doc, come on!
This is gettin' to be a habit.
[ Horse snorts ]
[ Horse snorts ]
Have you come to strike down
a servant of God Almighty?
[ Gun uncocks ]
Sorry, Preacher.
l couldn't take the chance.
There's no one here
who can hurt you --
Just an old man and his
granddaughter, Mister...
You a lawman?
Yes, sir.
l figured.
And, uh...
...a unionist?
Then you can leave right now.
l'm gonna have to search
your building.
This building is the house of God!
l don't mean to put you folks out.
There's a gang of outlaws
operating in this area.
lt's for your own good.
What do you know
about what's good for us?
People like you made things
bad as they are.
l know how you feel.
These men killed four soldiers.
They stole a lot of people's money.
They are not your friends.
Since you choose to brandish
a weapon in the house of the Lord...
l can't stop you.
Thank you.
[ Gun cocks ]
l am thinking very bad thoughts
right now, Grandfather.
Before man... life and death...
...good and evil.
That which he shall choose
shall be given him.
Not soon enough to suit me.
[ Door opens ]
[ Door closes ]
Well, l'm sorry.
l guess l was wrong.
Have you seen anybody
ride through here
in the past day or two?
Haven't seen a soul.
[ Scoffs ]
l didn't think so.
Good day, sir.
[ Horse snorts ]
l don't suppose you've seen
anybody passing through here?
No, but the road forks about
two miles back the way you came.
Most folks take the south fork.
You took the north.
l was playin' a hunch.
Looks like it didn't work out.
Looks like.
[ Horse neighs ]
[ Door closes ]
Are you going somewhere?
l'm sorry, Grandfather,
but l have to warn them.
Don't fall in with them, Mary.
[ Door opens, closes ]
[ Gun cocks ]
No, whoa!
Whoa, son, now.
Easy, there. It's iust me.
Don't sneak up on me, Doc.
It ain't healthy.
Look, um, Mr., uh, Woodson,
l think l've got a pretty good idea
of who you really are.
And if you want to get out of here,
you're gonna need to trust me
a little bit.
Why would you want to help me?
[ Chuckles ]
Well, uh...
'cause l'm a doctor,
and it's my iob
to look after people like you,
no matter who you are
or what you've done.
Sorry, Doc, but l got my own way
of lookin' at things.
lt's hard for me to trust anybody.
Well, look, give it one more day.
Then you can ride out of here
and get yourself killed proper
if that's really what you want.
All right.
How'd you find me?
Ain't too many pretty horses around
Iook like yours.
l've been meaning to trade him off,
but l've got so darn fond of him.
Helped save my life
more than once.
Someday he might iust
help you end it.
What are you doing here?
l come to warn you.
Lawman came by
the church today,
looking for you and your brother.
-Did he have a name?
Never heard of him.
He know who we are,
or was he just fishin'?
lf he did, he didn't say.
Looked around,
went back the way he came.
l iust thought you'd want to know.
l do. Thanks.
Doc says l can ride
out of here tomorrow.
They know who you are?
l think they do.
Told 'em my name
was Tom Woodson,
but l think they know.
Either way, best to move on.
ls that all you do --
move on from one place to another?
That's all l can do.
[ Horse snorting ]
Just you hold it right there, Mister!
Put your hands up
where l can see 'em.
[ Horse whinnies ]
Don't get iumpy, Mister.
l ain't lookin' for no trouble.
We ain't lookin' to get robbed
by no more of you rotten bandits.
l ain't here to rob nobody.
l'm here meetin' some friends.
Well, you come
to the wrong place, Mister.
Ain't nobody here a friend of yours.
They'll be here soon enough.
Can l ask you a question?
Hey, told you to keep 'em up!
You fight for the stars and bars?
You got that right.
And l reckon l still got
a little bit of fight left in me.
Then l reckon
you wouldn't want to be shootin'
one of Quantrill's men, now,
would you?
Captain William Quantrill?
-No, sir.
Who you be, then?
Frank James.
Frank James out of Missouri?
Clay County.
Why didn't you say so
in the first place?
Frank James.
Come on down!
[ Horse snorting ]
Frank James.
l thought Gila Wells was deserted.
lt was till we got here.
Yeah, me and the others.
How many are you?
There's four of us all together.
And where might they be?
They're hidin' out.
One's a girl.
The other two -- they ain't got
no backbone for gunfire.
Why are you so brave?
l'm a stage driver.
And as such, l got to be
prepared for violence.
Well, l'm damn glad
we didn't have to shoot it out.
Me too. This thing ain't got
no lead in it.
No lead?
l couldn't have shot you
if l wanted to.
Come on. l'll get you a drink.
When this town died, it left
a lot of skeletons unburied.
Damn saloon --
almost completely stocked.
Them folks must've cut and run
in a hurry.
How you happen to be here?
Run my coach off the road,
took damn near everything we had.
-Even the stage?
-Yes, sir.
They took the stagecoach,
they took the horses,
they took everything
you can imagine,
and they left us here
in a town that ain't even seen
the shadow of a ghost
in over three years.
We're lucky they didn't kill us all.
Guess they figured we weren't
worth wasting their bullets on.
[ Gun uncocks ]
That is quite some story.
-How long you folks been here?
-We've been here about a week.
We haven't seen anyone
come through in all that time.
Carrie, quiet, now.
And suddenly you show up.
Tell me...
What were you expecting
to find here?
Just some old friends.
This town seemed like a place
that fit our needs.
You have a horse.
Now we can get out of here.
[ Chuckles ]
Mister, we can't all ride
out of here on my horse.
Besides, Princess, she's, uh --
she's rather particular about who
she lets ride her and who she don't.
You got to help us.
We can't stay here any longer.
It -- it ain't safe.
Well, now...
You are a rather skittish fella,
aren't you?
l'll tell you what --
l will help you all,
but not until l finish
conducting my business.
And when might that be?
ln a couple days...
...after my brother arrives.
And what might be your name,
Excuse me, sir.
My name's Tyler.
This pretty lady's Carrie.
That's Jed.
You two married?
-We are.
-We are not.
We were going to be as soon
as we got to the next town.
You two runnin' from somethin'?
My daddy doesn't understand Jed,
but he will when we're married.
Carrie, wait outside!
[ Doors open, close ]
Carrie's got a rich pappy.
He don't want a penniless
son-in-law like Jed.
lsn't that right, Jed?
Maybe not, but Carrie ain't had
no suitors in almost two years.
Lucky anyone even wants her
at her age.
lf that's true,
why did you run away?
Could it be that you're afraid
her daddy might stop you
from doing him this big favor?
Mr. Tyler, l would advise you to keep
your mouth shut about my business,
or l might iust --
Or you might iust what?
Shoot me?
You don't got the guts, Jed.
Or the lead,
from what l understand.
[ Laughs ]
You got that right!
There ain't no ammo
in this whole town.
Probably for the best.
Help you all get out of here
in one piece.
Wouldn't do for you all
to start shooting each other.
The wrong fella might get killed.
Three of us and only one of him.
We could iust take his horse
if we wanted to.
[ Laughs ]
What's so damn funny, old man?
Him that iust walked
through those doors --
that's Frank James.
He be brother to Jesse James
out of Missouri.
Jesse James?
The outlaw?
Outlaws to some.
Still want to try for his horse?
[ Laughs ]
Well, evenin'.
You needin' somethin'?
l'd like to ask you boys a few
questions, if you don't mind.
All right.
Anybody here seen
a couple of strangers in town?
Anybody passin' through?
You mean besides yourself?
l don't know.
How 'bout you boys?
Nope. Nothin'.
Let me make this plain.
l'm lookin'
for Frank and Jesse James.
Oh, the James gang.
They're a dangerous lot.
You goin' after 'em all by yourself?
Have you seen 'em?
Ah, hell, l think
we'd know the James gang
if they rode through here.
l did hear that somebody
robbed the Army payroll
and no witnesses left alive.
You reckon that might've
been the James boys?
That's the way l figure it.
How you gonna prove something
like that with no witnesses?
l'm gonna catch 'em...
.. .red-handed.
Evenin', Miss.
Uh, can l help you?
Just some potatoes
and a sack of flour.
Uh, would that be
a 5- or 1 O-pounder on the flour?
Uh, 5, please.
There. Will that be all?
lt'll have to do.
There been a fella in here
asking about if we seen
any strangers in town lately.
Yep. Could've been a lawman.
ls that so?
Yeah, could've been.
And have you seen
any strangers lately?
No, we haven't.
Too bad.
Here you go.
Thank you.
[ Door opens, closes ]
[ Groans ]
l think l'm gettin' my appetite back.
lt's gonna take a while,
so don't be in too big a hurry.
Besides, l ain't much of a cook.
That's okay.
My mother used to say
l'd drink boiling water for soup
if it was put in front of me.
There was a man asking about you
at the store earlier.
l don't know. l didn't see him.
Just heard about him.
Wonder if any of them boys
gave me up.
l don't think so.
They ain't got no stomach
for those state lawmen.
Just the same,
l should be movin' on.
Not until you've had
something to eat.
You haven't took a bite
in two days.
You look weak as a kitten.
Better iust give me
that boiling water, then.
See? You were hungry.
Yeah, l guess l was.
Why do you boys go on
livin' like you do,
always runnin', hidin'?
And for what?
You make off
with a shipment full of gold,
and you're still livin'
like stray dogs.
[ Fork clatters ]
Maybe that's all we are --
stray dogs.
You don't believe that.
Neither do l.
This ain't a land
of opportunity anymore
for a young man, Mary --
especially thems
that fought in the war.
So, what -- you go off
and make your own opportunity
with a gun
and a heart full of anger?
That ain't how l see it.
But l know it must look that way
to some.
Don't you want a real home...
with a wife to look after you --
someplace where you'd be safe
and your children would be safe?
[ Chuckles ]
And an old dog
sleeping on the porch?
Why not?
What could be so wrong
with all that?
Not a damn thing.
l iust don't know
if l can change who l am,
who they made me.
Can people really change?
Can we really ever put aside
all the bad things we've done?
Can we ever outrun our past,
or are we iust destined
to be who we are?
We can try.
But you can't keep killin' everyone
who gets in your way.
You think l want to?
Every time l kill a man,
a little piece of me is torn away.
l don't think l can ever
get back whole again.
You can.
You can if you really want to.
But you have got to build
that house, porch and all,
from scratch, Jesse.
lt will be your saving grace.
lt's a pretty picture you paint.
l iust don't know if there's
a place in it for me.
There's one for me.
Are you really ready
to build your house
with the money
l killed a man to get?
Could you sleep in that house,
have your babies in that house?
l got to go.
To Gila Wells?
How'd you know that?
You talk in your sleep.
[ Door opens ]
[ Door closes ]
l could be that woman.
l could be a good wife to you.
[ Horse snorts ]
l wouldn't make a fit husband
for anybody.
l'd only make you a widow,
and l wouldn't want to do that.
Happiness is what you make it,
Mr. James.
[ Dramatic music plays ]
My brother's waitin' for me.
l got to go.
Mr. James!
Excuse me?
Jesse James?
Who might you be?
U.S. Territorial Marshall's Office.
Looks like you're ashamed
of that badge, Mr. Burdette.
l'm iust not anxious to get myself
shot in the back, that's all.
Yeah. l know the feeling.
Man like you's got more enemies
than friends these days.
Well, wish l could say
the same for you.
l couldn't help but hear
the young lady call you ''Mr. James.''
ls that right?
You Frank or Jesse?
Am l wanted for anything?
Somebody ambushed
the U.S. Army payroll wagon
iust south of here.
l figure you and your brother
to be in on it.
Me and Frank?
Frank ain't even here.
And as far as that missing payroll,
it's pretty clear l ain't totin'
anything bigger than a bedroll.
You ain't got the gold with you,
l reckon you know where it is.
That's gonna be hard
to prove, Mr. Burdette.
l know you boys think the U.S.
government's done you wrong.
Now, if l was in your shoes,
l guess l'd feel the same way.
But you can't right any wrongs by
going around killing innocent folks.
l've never shot an innocent man.
That's a matter of opinion.
l'm gonna need your gun, Jesse.
You're makin' a big mistake, Mister.
Your gun, please.
Just give him your gun, Jesse.
They can't prove a thing.
Best do what she says.
Which end you want first?
Handle first.
l've always had a problem
with authority.
l hope you understand.
He dead?
l didn't want to kill him,
but he forced me to draw.
l know.
l'll get the doctor to look at him.
You all right?
You know, l've been thinking
about what you said earlier.
Could be there's something
to what you say.
When l finish my business
with Frank,
maybe l'll ride back your way.
lf you leave now,
don't expect me to be waitin'.
Probably better that way.
Evenin'... Mr. James.
lt's ''Frank.''
Mind if l have a seat... Frank?
lt's your town.
lt's funny you should say that.
All my life,
l wanted to be a big man,
someone important, someone
that people could look up to.
l wound up being good at cards.
Every man should be good
at something.
l'm a very good iudge
of human character.
l know when a man's bluffing.
l know when he's gonna fold.
l can see it in his eyes.
lt's like a window right into his soul.
Mr. Tyler...
What is it you see
when you look at me?
What l see in your eyes...
...scares the life right out of me.
At least we understand each other.
What are you two talkin' about?
We're not talking
about anything in particular --
Just some friendly chitchat.
Where's Carrie Anne?
Why are you always
so interested in my woman?
Carrie Anne belongs to me
until l decide otherwise.
l'll tell you what --
l'll cut you for her.
[ Scoffs ]
You ain't got nothing
to bet with, Mr. Tyler.
l guess l don't.
But Frank here...
...has a horse.
Hey, whoa.
Do not include me in this.
A man without a horse is, uh,
a man who's going nowhere fast.
But iust out of curiosity,
where is she?
She's asleep.
Just like l told her to be.
[ Sighs ]
Never should've took her
from home.
lt was a mistake l'll not soon forget.
Love conquers all things.
So, too, let us surrender to love.
What are you drivin' at?
Well, do you really love this woman?
Of course l love her!
l've said so, haven't l?
Sayin' so don't make it so.
lf you gentlemen will excuse me,
l think...
l prefer my own company.
[ Horse snorts ]
You like Carrie, don't you?
What l can see of her.
Well, you'd want her
to be happy, wouldn't you?
Get to the point, Jed.
Well, l was thinking, if you were
gonna be in town for a few days,
maybe l could borrow your horse,
get to the next town,
bring back a wagon
so we can all get out of here.
That'd make Carrie real happy.
l reckon it would.
What if she don't exactly
see it your way?
Just give me your horse.
She don't even have to know.
By the time she finds out,
l'll be long gone.
Nothing she can do about it.
And that'll make her happy?
Look, Mr. James,
l got to get out of here.
l can't take this anymore.
You got your brother
headed this way.
He can get you another horse.
lf you want...
l don't even have to come back.
You iust... Carrie Anne... you see fit...
to get back home
or whatever you feel's best.
Her and me --
Maybe it was a mistake after all.
l'm man enough to admit that.
You're man enough?
Tell you what...
...l'll think on it.
l'll let you know.
Well, let's, uh,
just keep this between us two.
What you iust told me...
l wouldn't want to share
with anyone.
[ Horse whinnies ]
Whoa, Princess.
Mr. James.
Evenin', Carrie.
Please, call me ''Frank.''
You ain't leavin', are you, Frank?
Oh, no.
No, l'm iust takin' this ol' bag
of bones out for a little walk.
She's a grand-lookin' animal.
Yes, she is.
She and me -- we've been
through a lot together.
l even had to dig a bullet
out of her shoulder once.
That must've hurt.
She didn't say.
[ Both laugh ]
l thought you were sleepin'.
Jed told me to go to bed,
but l don't always do what he says.
l'm not a young girl, Frank.
l've done things my own way
for a long time.
l see.
l don't even know why l'm here.
Guess l'm iust afraid
of being an old maid.
Old maid?
You're hanging it up too soon,
if you ask me.
You might want to think on it
a little bit more.
[ Chuckles ]
You want to go for a ride?
Oh, l really shouldn't.
Jed would be furious.
[ Both chuckle ]
Such a nice night.
Yes, it is.
[ Horse whinnies ]
Marshall Kane.
l gather you, uh, had some luck
in locating the Jameses.
[ Sighs ]
You would be correct.
What happened?
[ Sighs ]
Well, it wasn't the hardest trail
l ever followed,
but it was made
a sight more difficult
by the people l met along the way.
You'd think l was the outlaw
instead of the Jameses.
Figured that much.
l found Jesse
in an old mining town.
Looked like he'd taken a bullet
during the ambush.
He was wounded for sure,
and he was alone.
And you underestimated him.
Thought maybe he might've slowed
down enough for me to outdraw him.
l can see that.
lt's an hour old.
Drink it anyway.
What now?
What now?
[ Chuckles ]
l-l don't know.
l'm open to suggestions.
Burdette, listen
to what you just said --
Jesse was wounded in the ambush.
What's Frank going to do?
He's gonna hold off
splittin' up that money
till he knows Jesse's taken care of.
Wherever they're meeting can't be
more than a day or two ride
from where you saw Jesse.
Which way did he take off?
l don't know.
l missed that part.
l think --
l think maybe
l can pick up his trail.
You're lucky he didn't kill you.
He had his chance.
l don't know why he didn't take it,
l'm gonna dog his tail
until l find him.
Just bring him in --
one way or the other.
This time l'd think
about a long-range rifle.
Pick him off
when he least expects it.
Wait, you mean...
You mean shoot him in the back.
Mr. Burdette...
lt's ''wanted, dead or alive.''
There's no honor to it.
lt's not supposed to be a fair fight.
lt's iustice, pure and simple --
Sorry, Marshall.
l'm iust gonna have to do this
my own way.
lt's your funeral.
[ Insects chirping ]
[ Horse whinnies ]
Now, you mind Princess here.
Got to settle some business
back behind the shed here.
l won't look.
[ Horse snorting ]
You ride?
Not really, but l'd like
to learn if l could.
Not much to it
once you get started.
The biggest part
is not being afraid
and making sure
the horse knows that, too.
l can't imagine a man like you
is afraid of much.
Every man's afraid of something.
Most times, you iust have to...
bite it down and ride on over it.
With all your exploits
and adventures,
l'd be surprised there's much
of anything that frightens you.
What could it be?
l don't want to die alone.
Neither do l.
But you can't let that fear
control your life or your actions.
That's when you'll make
that fatal mistake.
Am l makin' one now?
That's for you to decide.
[ Horse grunts ]
[ Horse neighs ]
[ Horse grunts ]
[ Horse snorts ]
We good?
l think we can do business.
You come by and see me
first thing in the morning.
Thank you.
[ Birds chirping ]
Goin' into town, Ed?
Not yet, Cob.
Why not?
'Cause we're early.
They don't expect us till tomorrow.
l don't understand.
As long as we're taggin' along
with Frank and Jesse James,
we are gonna be hunted.
Because of them, the law is
gonna be nippin' at our heels
every step of the way.
And we're never gonna be able
to spend that gold,
'cause the law is never
gonna give up lookin' for it.
What we need here... a good, clean break.
lt's us...
or it's them.
Simple as that.
We still good, Frank?
Uh, Carrie Anne's still asleep.
lf l could iust get out of here
before she wakes up --
So you won't have to explain to her
how you're headin' out of here
to go find a wagon
so you can come back
and fetch her?
Well, yeah.
Y-you know how it is.
l'm gonna tell you how it's gonna go.
You're gonna take Princess,
and you're gonna head
to the next town south of here.
lt's about a day's ride.
You're gonna take Princess
and put her in a stable
under the name ''Ben Woodson.''
All right.
Then you're gonna take
this here money
and buy yourself another horse,
and you're iust gonna --
pow -- disappear.
l will. And thanks.
[ Doors open, close ]
[ Horse whinnies ]
Hey, boys!
l do believe...
that that is Frank James.
That's Frank James's horse,
all right.
Wonder what he's doin' leavin'.
Don't seem right.
He knows we're supposed
to be meetin' up.
l figure...
He's fixin' to double-cross us.
l reckon it's as you say.
Let's iust see...
what we can do about that.
Y-you iust killed Frank James.
You're damn right l did,
and l'm gonna kill Jesse next.
There's no other way.
Let's go get that payroll.
[ Horse whinnies ]
Well, look at that.
How do you figure that fool
got ahold of Frank James's horse?
Maybe Frank's already dead.
Don't be ignorant, Cob.
No, maybe he's right.
Well, there's only one way
to find out.
[ Horses snorting ]
You boys run into some trouble
out on the road?
We did.
Oh, my God.
What happened, Ed?
Hey, Frank.
We caught this feller...
tryin' to steal your horse.
We hollered at him, and he iust took
off even faster, didn't he, boys?
Uh, so...
l got lucky.
-Got him in one shot.
-You had to kill him?
Well, it was either that
or let him steal your horse, Frank.
Hank, you and Cob take his body
up to the old jailhouse.
We'll bury him later.
[ Horses snorting ]
l'm gonna get me a drink.
[ Blows ]
[ Exhales sharply ]
[ Doors open, close ]
Little bit early in the day for that,
don't you think?
l don't know.
We've been on the road
for a good couple of days...
...circlin' around...
...waitin' for you.
[ Liquid pours ]
[ Glass thuds ]
Uh, so... [ Sniffs ]
How's Jesse?
He should be doin' okay.
He's not here?
[ Scoffs ]
You know, uh...
Do you think we could
just all get our cuts
and all be on our way?
We're gonna wait for Jesse.
'Cause that's the way l want it.
Because that's the way it is.
Oh, that's right.
l forgot.
You -- you don't take orders
off of me.
All right.
Least you didn't used to.
Why don't you raise them up
a little bit?
Now look what you made me do.
All l wanted was my cut.
Was that too much to expect?
[ Sniffs ]
Now... You're gonna go over there
and you're gonna get that strongbox,
and you're gonna walk it out
into the street.
Right now.
Did you shoot that man on my horse
'cause you thought it was me?
After you.
[ Gun cocks ]
l believe that is the hammer
of a Schofield .45 being cocked.
Mornin', Ed.
Mornin', Jesse.
We all thought you was dead.
Not hardly.
Now ease down.
Whatever you say.
[ Gun uncocks ]
That's your brother's.
l'll iust...
[ Chuckles ]
[ Horse snorts ]
So, now we're all here.
Do you mind?
Have at it, Ed.
l am very disturbed by all this.
You think l trust you?
What'd l tell you
about them Jameses?
They double-crossed us.
-Where's the gold?
-You askin' me?
l don't know.
You care to tell us, Frank?
After you tried to kill me, Ed?
l don't think so.
Frank rode out of town last night
with that girl.
lt's the only time he's left town
since he's been here.
l'm bettin' she knows
where he hid the gold.
And who might you be?
Just a man with some knowledge.
Not bad.
He's right.
[ Laughs ]
[ Gun cocks ]
[ Gun cocks ]
No, no, no, Frank.
Now, you don't want
to get Hank more upset.
Put 'er down.
[ Gun uncocks ]
How 'bout you boys take
that lovely lady out of town --
see if she can lead you to the gold?
That is, if she can remember.
Yes, sir, Ed.
And we'll all iust wait...
...right here.
[ Horse neighs ]
[ Horse snorting ]
Get down.
All right, where is it?
l told you l don't know exactly.
He iust went around back there
for a minute.
Stay here.
Hey, Frank.
You were right.
l thought l killed you this morning.
You can imagine my disappointment
when it turned out not to be you.
You have my sympathies, Ed.
We can all settle this right now
and be done with it.
What do you think, Mr. Tyler?
You want to get mixed up in all this?
Let's iust say,
for once in my life...
...l want to side with the winner.
[ Chuckles ]
That's what everybody wants.
...take all.
l shot Jesse James.
Frank, go get that girl!
You sure?
Yes! Stop wasting time!
Thanks for being crazy!
[ Gunshot ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Horse snorts ]
Might be wise for you and me
to take this gold
and hightail it out of here.
What about her?
Sorry, darlin'.
[ Gun cocks ]
We don't want no witnesses.
JESSE: Now we're both hurtin'
a little, huh, Ed?
Kinda evens things a mite.
Now get up!
The difference is, Jesse...
[ Chuckles ]
...l don't need my legs to shoot.
[ Grunting ]
No. No, no. That won't do.
That iust won't do, Jesse.
l'm out.
You're not.
All this time...
...livin' in your shadow...
you and your brother
always bein' the big shots,
always tellin' everybody
what to do --
Well, that ends right here, Jesse.
There ain't gonna be
any more showin' off.
Ain't gonna be
any more wild exploits.
Your legend ain't gonna be nothin'.
'Cause all anybody
is gonna remember about you
is that Ed Bass...
...killed Jesse James.
Hey, Mister.
[ Gun cocks ]
You should've killed me
when you had the chance, Jesse.
Why didn't you?
Just didn't feel like
the right thing to do at the time.
lt's gonna cost you.
Takin' risks iust runs in my blood.
Step away, Miss.
Do as he says.
You want to shoot, then shoot.
l iust want to take Jesse in.
l have to.
Get out of the street.
You have the gold?
Just lead.
Drop that pistola, friend.
[ Gun clatters ]
Everything work out for you, Frank?
Yep. You?
Looks like.
What about him?
l don't think things are working out
too well for him at all.
You want to string that Yankee up?
We got a good strong oak
down at the end of the lane.
l don't think
that's gonna be necessary.
Mr. Burdette?
You got Ed Bass,
you got his gang,
and now you got half the gold.
l think you oughta
consider yourself lucky
and cash your chips in.
That's good advice, Mr. James.
You never saw us,
and we never saw you.
Fact is,
if it's all right with Frank,
l think we'll be headin'
back to Missouri.
l'm a little homesick.
Didn't want Mr. Burdette's boss
thinkin' he took out Ed
and his gang without a fight.
[ Grunts ]
Don't mention it.
[ Soft music plays ]
ls that all of it?
You only got half?
And Ed Bass and his boys.
What about the James brothers?
Well, they must've split up
and went their own way
before l caught up to 'em.
l'm disappointed in you, Burdette.
l thought you were the man
who could get the job done --
the whole iob.
-l'm only one man.
Meanwhile, l'm bettin'
everybody's gonna feel
a whole lot better
with even half their money back.
But Jesse and Frank
are still out there.
lf they ever show their faces again,
l'll be after 'em.
Meanwhile, Ed and his boys
are out of the way.
l heard that one of them got shot
in the back with a long rifle.
Yeah, well, that, uh --
that couldn't be helped.
So, there it is...
at the end of the day.
So much for honor.
Put it back on, Burdette.
l think you finally realized
that there is no honor in any of this.
lt's iustice...
pure and simple.
No honor.
l'm sorry, Marshall.
You don't have one without the other.
[ Dramatic music plays ]
[ Door opens, closes ]