American Cherry (2023) Movie Script

[ Wind rushing ]
[ Wind rushing ]

[Finn] Vonnegut wrote...

...we are what we pretend to be.

So we must be careful
about what we pretend to be.


So, I made this for you.

My name is Finn Elliot.
[ Screams ]
-[Eve] Hey!
-[ Screams ]
[ Screams ]
[ Screams ]
[ Screams ]
[ Screams ]
[ Screams ]
[Eve] Clay!
Would you get out here?!
[ Screams ]
[ Crow caws ]
[ Telephone rings ]
[Eve] What is it, baby?
[ Telephone rings ]
[ Telephone rings ]
Sweet Pea.
Have you got something
you want to tell me?
[ Door opens ]
These are my parents.
Eve, what's going on here?
You okay, buddy?
Take some deep breaths.
Look decent!
What if the neighbors see you?
-I was asleep, pumpkin.
[Finn] I don't think
Mom wanted me so young,
but abortion is a sin.
Honey, can I talk to you
for a second?

That was Curtis' mom.
She says Finn punched him up.

Oh, my Lord.
[Clay] Yeah, it's bad.


Thanks, Mom.

You look gorgeous.
Dad goes along with her.
Oh, my God.
Let's go get some food.
I'm gonna cook you
something nice.
[Finn] It's easier.

-Your laughter
Comes tears
There'll be tears
Not much happens in this town.
[ Vehicle approaches,
tires screech ]
You got to make
your own trouble.
What the fuck
is wrong with you?!
What kind of person
lies in the middle of the road?
I was planning on suicide.

I guess
I wasn't paying attention.

But then I found Eliza.
Are you okay?
She's different.
She makes me feel...things.

My parents would lock me
in my room for hours.
[Eve] You are the man
of this house!
I'm telling you. I'm not going
back down to that school.
[ Door opens ]

Son, I have to
lock you in tonight.

Please don't.
Sorry. It's for your own good.
Dad, he made fun of me.
He was calling me names.
I -- I believe you, son.
But you just can't hurt
someone like that.
There are other ways.
-Mom hates me.
-She -- No.
[Eve] Oh, my Lord.
She's just disappointed.
She'll be alright tomorrow.
[Eve] I have to do everything
in this house.
I am watching
"Wheel of Fortune."
Nobody talk to me!
It'll be alright.

[ Whistle blows ]

[Finn] I hate school.
It's pointless.
I wouldn't even bother
coming here, but...
...her sister, Corinna,
is in my class.

[ Door opens ]

Hi. I'm Miss Anna Beth Joy,
and I'll be your sub today.
Looks you have a pop quiz today.
This is so useless.
[Miss Joy] Please pass
these back. Here you go.
Here's one for you.
And you will have
10 minutes to complete it.
Books down.
Everything away, please.
Excuse me.
Put your book away, please.
-Did you hear me?
-[ Tapping on desk ]

Put your book away!
Oh, my God! Did you do this?!
That's no way to treat a book.
I'm gonna have to tell
your teacher about this!
Everyone put the quizzes away.
Come on.
Put the quizzes away.

Read the last chapter. Out loud.
Do it,
or I'm calling your parents!

What are you -- What are you --
[ Gasping ]
[ Finn grunting ]
[ Bell rings ]
Finn got expelled.
Yeah, I was there, dumbass.
Are you okay?
No. Don't be so stressed out.
Thought she was
gonna shit herself.
[ Laughter ]
Bad boy. Bad boy.
[ Chuckles ]
Dumb bitches.
Crushing over psychos.
[ Chuckles ]
Fuck you, Sasha.
You're such a total bitch.

I heard he hit the teacher.
I thought she hit him.
Finn lost it.
She's pressing charges.
He's really weird.
I never even hear him speak.
He talked to me.
[Ava] What? When?
What did he say?
[Eliza] Just, "Hi."

Stay away from him.
Something's wrong with him.
Ugh. I hope my mom's not home.
[ Door opens ]
Eliza, is that you?
[ Television playing ]
How's your mom?
[Ava] Seeing a plumber...
...who fixes things,
so she gave him her heart.
[ Chuckles ]
Good for her.
How was school?
I hate school.
I used to hate it, too.
I started a new painting today.
You're all sweaty.
Why don't you girls
go for a swim?
Mom, no.
How's Corinna?
Well, don't eat all of that.
It's very fattening.

Can you get my back?
Finn Elliott
is a total psycho.
You were kind of mean
to the girls earlier.
Shut up.
It's true.
They're too sensitive.
I mean, I can't just keep
walking on eggshells
all the time.
They're not my responsibility.

I hope Finn falls for Eliza.
They'd make the perfect couple.

I see the way you look at him,
you know.
You think he's cute.
In a dusty, wears the same
clothes every day,
creepy way.

But he doesn't look at you.

[Eliza] Hi.
What are you reading?

According to him,
a reader should have
such a complete understanding
of a book
that they could finish it
themselves if cockroaches
were to eat the last few pages.

Did cockroaches eat
the last few pages of this one?
[ Chuckles ]
I like that.

You wanna take a walk?
[ Bleating ]

It's just you and your mom?
Yeah. Sort of.
Tell me about her.
I just want to get to know you.
My parents are fighting,
so we moved out.
Corinna had to go with Dale.
I miss being at the house.
I like how you talk to me.
Tell me about a book
you've read.
Um...I just finished
this crazy Russian sci-fi book
from the 1960s.
So, scientists discover
this second Earth,
and it's identical to ours,
except it's 800 years
in the past.
And there's a scene
where the main character's
kind of gone off the handle
and he meets up with an old
childhood friend of his,
and he has all this red
drippy stuff on his hands,
and she gets scared
'cause she thinks it's blood.
It's just strawberry juice.
He's just picking strawberries.
Anyway, I liked that.

[Finn] Hi.
[ Chuckles ]
How was school today?

Look at me.
Thank you.
Where are you going?
Did everybody miss me?
[ Laughs ]
[ Finn laughs ]
-[ Smooches ]
-Oh, my God, stop.
[ Television playing ]

[ Footsteps approach ]
Thanks for cooking, my love.
I'm meeting some friends.
Hey! Wait. What?
What -- What friends?
Will you pretend
just for one night
that I'm nobody's mother?

I could do with a night out.

I'm not a dog, Eliza.
[ Door opens ]
Don't wait up!
[ Door closes ]
[ Eliza sighs ]
[ Finn chuckles ]
These are for you.
For stopping traffic
and saving my life.

Do you often lie in the middle
of the street?
Well, it's actually pretty
great for clearing the mind.
You just have to watch out
for cars.

Come on.
[ Country music playing ]
[ Man coughs ]
[ Telephone line ringing ]
[ Liquid pouring ]
[Dale] This is Dale.
Leave a message.
[ Beep ]
[ Louise sighs ]

[ Telephone line ringing ]
I'd like another beer.
[Dale] This is Dale.
Leave a message.
I could've gone to college.
I was smart.
Was real smart.
This place has a way
of wrapping itself around you.
[Dale] This is Dale.
Leave a message.
Feel like there's
a big ol' umbilical cord
connecting my belly
with this town.
That's a very graphic
[ Telephone ringing ]
[Dale] Louise?
[Louise] Dale?!
I miss you.
I miss you, too, baby.
I want to sleep
in my own bed.
Louise, you have
some real work to do
that I can't help you with
Did you see Dr. Kilgore today?
I know you didn't go.


You ever wish you could
just disappear for a while?
Come back
when things were better?
Just take it day by day
and live a day here,
die a day there?

What's wrong?
I don't really like graveyards.
-Do you believe in ghosts?
You should.

I should go get my mom.

The dead don't abide by time.
Alright. I'll walk you.
Did you see this?
18 years old.
The best ones die young.

Why are we picking her up?
She needs me.

She was at a five
until Dale picked up.
And now -- now she's about
a seven and a half.
But I got her to eat.
How much do I owe?
Food's on me.
Drinks, I put on her tab.
I don't know.
Maybe you should talk to Dale.
I can take care of her myself.
I saw a bus
pass through earlier.
Out-of-state plates?
California plates.
You two planning on
getting out of here sometime?
[ Eliza sighs ]
[ Door opens ]
I'm glad to see
you're alive and well.
[ Chuckles ]

[Louise] Mmm!
Excuse me.
Your mama's all slobber-jawed.

Hey. How are you feeling?

I'm gonna look
at the scale tomorrow.

[Man] You'll still keep
a cold beer out here?!
[ Dog barking ]
I got expelled today.
I love you.

You're really beautiful.

I love you very much.
With all my heart.
I love you, too, Mom.
I wouldn't lie to you.


She loves you, too.


I'll be outside.

[ Door opens and closes ]

-Still craving your kiss
-Stop, please.
Whoa. It's okay.
It's fine. I got her.

Mom! I'm so sorry.
How are you not embarrassed
by yourself?
[Finn] Jesus Christ.
I'm longing to linger
till dawn
[Finn] Come on.
You're fine. You're fine.
Right here.
You got a step. Right here.
Up. Up. Up.
Craving your kiss
Shut up!
I got her. I got her. I got her.
She's fine. She's fine.
[ Louise grunts, laughs ]
[Finn] Yeah.
So long...
I'm so sorry.

Stars linger,
but I linger on, dear
Still calling your name
Longing to linger
till dawn, dear

Just saying this

[ Singing fades ]
I owe you breakfast.
Don't worry about it.
Tomorrow morning. Eight o'clock.
I hope you like cereal.
I love it.
I had a really nice time
with you tonight.

I could smell her on me
for days.

Denial is a coping mechanism.
It's you trying to
protect yourself from the truth
about something
that's happening in your life.
Something you can't handle.
Something too heavy.

[ Shower running ]
[ Faucet squeaks, water stops ]
[ Television playing ]
Hey. How are you feeling?
Fuckin' excellent.
[ Liquid pouring ]
[ Spits ]
[ Coughing, spits ]
Oh. Mom, I'd like you
to meet Finn.
Can I have a word with you
for a moment?
Who's that boy?
He carried you home last night.
How do you know him?
He's in Corinna's class.

Did he spend the night?
[Eliza] No.

You know, the least you could do
is thank him.
Tell him thank you
and tell him to be on his way.
I'm getting a migraine.

It's just a hangover, Mom.
I need peace and quiet.
Tell him to go home.

And get to school.

Hey. Sorry about that.

She has a really bad headache.
I can go home. I don't want
to make things worse for you.
She's just not herself
right now.
When she drinks too much,
she just gets a little moody.

Her brain doesn't produce
enough dopamine.
You know, the happy stuff.
So it's --
It's really not her fault.

Dropped in on a burnout bag
Rich glamour on another pack
Actress with a killer pill,
bad boys...

Here's something
to look forward to.
We're putting them up today.
Tickets go on sale tomorrow.
They're $4.50 each,
but, of course,
all my friends get in for free.
All proceeds are going
to my dad's food bank
to benefit the undernourished
Middle Americans.
You know, the kids living off
condensed milk and Hot Pockets.
It's a real crisis.
I can't explain this to you
right now.
The point is this town needs us.
This dance
is going to save lives.
I need your mom to do my hair.
Please ask her. Today.

What's wrong?
[Sasha] Eliza has to pay
full price.
Shut up, Sasha.
I'm not going.
Fine with me,
but ask yourself --
are you a good person
if you don't help the needy?
Oh, my God! You don't know
when to shut up!
I'm just being a humanitarian.
No. You're just trying
to sell tickets
so your dad will be proud of you
instead of regretting
the day
your mom dumped him with you
so she could live
her second life in Florida
without such a pain in the ass.

Your mom didn't want you.

And does your dad even like you?

What the fuck, Corinna?
You can't just say that.
I just did.
That was really mean.
I know.
Want to ditch and watch a movie
at my house?
I gotta go to class.
It's too hot.

[Corinna] Bye.
Look at me.
What's your problem?
Don't act like you don't know.
How long are you
gonna punish me for?
I didn't want you guys to leave.
I would have fought
to keep us all together.
What my dad did
has nothing to do with me.
I don't want to talk about this.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

[ Door bell jingles ]

My dad owns this store.

He doesn't like
people loitering.

Grandma really was
a batty old woman.
How is Louise doing?
She's not okay.
Well, you should talk to Dale.
He'll listen to you.
I'm never speaking to him again.
He raised you. Did you forget?
God. You are unbelievable.
If our parents
hadn't gotten married,
who knows
where you'd be right now.
Do you expect me
to kiss his ass?
"Thank you so much for taking
pity on my poor mom and I.
We wouldn't have survived
without your generosity."
What the hell is wrong with you?
I hate you!
What's going on?
Eliza, why are you fighting?
She's beyond help.
Corinna was the one
who told Dale
you were stealing his pills.

Ohh. Oh, sweetheart.

I just want you to come home.
You know what? Yeah.
Let's all live together again.
So you guys can yell
and slam doors.
And she can break things,
and he can stay out all night
'cause he doesn't know
how to deal with anything!
-Eliza, come here.
-Let go of me!
I hate this family!
-[ Door slams ]
-It's okay.

Is that my book?

She took my book...

...and acts like
I'm not even here.

Come here.

Good girl.


You're fuckin' hot, Eliza.

And you're mine.


What's all the filming for?
I guess you could say
I'm making a documentary.
About life and death.
Most people are afraid of it,
but I find something
comforting about dead things.
Whether it's animals
or insects or people.

I'll show you a secret.

[Finn] Is everything okay
with your mom?
[Eliza] No. Not really.
[Finn] What's wrong?
I had a fight with my sister.
I mean, stepsister.
Actually don't even know
what we are anymore.

[Finn] Why?
Corinna's always on Dale's side.
And my mom is getting worse.
I need Dale to take us back.

Does Dale ever hurt you?
[Eliza] No. He just wants her
to stop drinking and stuff.
[Finn] Got it.
Nobody comes here.
It's abandoned.

Let me show you inside.

I like how the Earth
looks like a fishbowl.

What kind of fish
would you be?

A dead fish.

Play along.
A very dead fish.

When you were little,
did you ever think the moon
was made out of cheese?
[ Chuckles ] No. Did you?
Yeah. I did.
I thought I would go there
someday in my space car.
The engine would run
entirely on broccoli,
my least-favorite vegetable.
I figured that was a good way
of getting rid of it.

I'd rather get on a Greyhound.

[Finn] Sometimes I feel
a thousand years old.

I have another adventure
for you.

What do you want to do
when you finish school?
[Eliza] I don't know.
Never thought much about it.
What about you?
I'm expelled from school, Eliza.
You know what I mean.
I know.
[Eliza] I definitely
want to leave this town.
Where do you want to go?
[Eliza] Anywhere
away from my family.

Look. It's heaven.

Hold this.

After you.

Thank you.

I like how you walk.
[Eliza] [ Chuckles ]
You like how I walk.

You walk with purpose.

You walk too fast.
-You walk too fast.
[Finn] No.

It's cool, right?

Must have got struck
by lightning at some point.


I didn't mean
to hurt that teacher.

Do you believe me?
I feel safe with you.

When I was a little kid, my dad
used to tell me this story.
He said, "Finn...
there once was a huge apple
sitting out in a field.
One day, a big old fat ant came
marching around,
and it noticed the apple.
And it took a bite.
And it was delicious.
And then it called
all its brothers and sisters
to come and take a bite, too,
and they did.
Each and every little bite.
And eventually,
every last bit of that
sweet apple disappeared.

And all that was left...
...was a little seed.
But then something magical
That seed started to grow.
With oxygen and time
and water,
it blossomed
into a big apple tree."

And he said, "That, my son,
is the circle of life."

I think I'd like your dad.

Close your eyes.


What am I listening to?

The sound of the dead.

With her, everything is silent.

And nothing hurts.

[ Shower running ]
[ Television playing ]
[ Door opens ]
Why aren't you in school?
It's Presidents' Day.
Of course.
Hm. Any fun plans
with your friends?
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
We're all meeting by the river
in a bit.
Gorgeous day.
Eliza, we need to talk
about the other day.
I don't want to.
What you said to your sister,
it's really not okay.

We'll talk about it
another day.
I just hope you girls
still love me
like you did
when you were little.
Is that literally
all you care about?
How do you still love Corinna
after she betrayed you?

[ Scoffs ]
I'm sure that's how you feel.
But, sweetheart...
...if there's anyone
who betrayed me, it's you.
If you hadn't been
such a needy child,
I wouldn't have lost Dale's baby
and we'd still be a family.
There's not one inch of you
that wants us
to be a family again.

It's you.

[ Girls giggling ]

You naughty little butterfly!

I caught one!

I caught one!
Should we put in the jar
and show Mom?

Let's go. Come on.
-I caught one!
-Oh, wow! Eliza!
You really have
a butterfly in there?
I do!
Her hands are too close.
[ Gasps ] Oh, no.
It's dead.
I felt its wings moving.
-Maybe it's just taking a nap.
-I felt its wings moving.
I'll help you catch another one.
It was an accident.
She killed it!

What has happened
to this school?
Feels like a ghost town
all of a sudden.
I'm starving.
Have you seen Eliza?
She's fine.
You don't know that.
I mean...
I think she has a lot
of pressure on her
to take care of her mom.
I mean, I feel like
it's getting to her.
Like, bad.

Did you paint that on the wall?

Is that how much you love me?
[ Laughs ]
How's that milkshake?

Where are your parents?

Uh, they're dead.

Are you being serious?

How'd they die?
Uh, their hearts
stopped beating.
I miss 'em.
What do you think happens
when we die?
I think we just die.

I don't think
anything special happens.

Clay. He's dripping water
all over the floor.

Floors could use
some cleanin'.

How was your day?

My day?
[Clay] Yeah.
[ Chuckles ]

Dug a rabbit out of a hole.
Well, you -- you dug a rabbit
out of a hole?
[ Chuckles ] Yeah.
How is that even possible?

I feel like
you're making that up.

Is that true?

What happened to your chin?
I cut it.
Oh, that's right.
Sorry. I forgot.

What's for dessert?
[Eve] Pie.
What kind of pie?
-Lamb pie?
Oh. Alright.
I thought you said "lamb" pie.
That'd be weird.
We're not British.

[Eve] Bless her heart,
but I do think Patty
could have taken
another inch off.
Don't you think?

I agree.

She's visiting family
this weekend,
so it'll have to wait
till Monday.
She'll get it done.

And I think your hair
is really pretty.

The boy's got taste.

Actually, can I get
a little taste?

Come here.

Oh, that tastes good.

It's shallow out here.
[Eliza] Hold on. I'm coming.
[ Giggles ]

What would I do without you?

When I was a kid, my dad said
there were catfish in the river
the size of cars.
[ Ominous chords strike ]
I don't like being filmed!

Don't do that again.

I can feel it coming on.

The darkness and light
that co-exist together.

And they play hide-and-seek
in me.

Eliza hates me.
she could never hate you.
I don't think you should
have made them leave.
[Dale] I know it's hard.
And I'm sorry Eliza
is taking this out on you.
But you'll see this was
the best thing to do.
That's bullshit.
It'll be good for her
to be in that house.
It'll ground her, you know,
help her acclimate.
You put her
in your dead mother's house.
You're wrong about her.
She is not strong enough
to change.
She's not.

[ Dog barking ]

Hey. Can we sit with you?

[ Register bell dings ]
Hey, you. Since when
do you drink black coffee?
A long time.
-Two breakfast plates, please.
-Want something?
[Server] Breakfast plates
coming right up.
The dance is tonight.
I got you a ticket.
That was a waste of $4.50.
[Corinna] Come on, Eliza.
Have some fun.
A dance sounds like a good time.
-How are you doing?
-It would kill my mom
if she knew I was here
with you guys without her.
Well, why don't we all do
something together then?
[Dale] I suppose.
It's been a good amount of time
since we tried that.
Let's give it a shot.
Tonight, Dad. Before the dance.
That way, if you change
your mind, we can go together.
Does that sound good, Eliza?
I'll ask my mom.
Let's say five o'clock
at our house. How's that?
I'll pick up something.

[ Door opens, bell jingles ]
[ Door closes ]

What's that gonna be?
It's supposed to be a shark.

[ Chickens clucking ]
Was your mom pissed
about school?
No. She has no idea.

What do you wanna do?

Whatever you want.
I guess we should go inside.

Can I have that?


You're lucky you got expelled.

What's wrong?

I like you.

I like you, too.

A lot.

[Eliza] Mom?
Where have you been?
We have dinner plans.
[ Groans ]
My head hurts.
Dale's invited us for dinner.
He called you?
No. I saw Dale and Corinna
at the diner.
Why -- Why didn't he call me?
How should I know?
-What time?
Oh, my God. Well...
Why so early?
the school dance is tonight
and they want to have dinner
I have to take a shower.
I have nothing to wear.
[Finn] Grief is living
two lives at once.
One where everything's

...and the other
you're drowning.

The memories haunt your soul
and disturb your sleep.

Just one more day.

One more hug.

One more.

How are you?
Dale invited us to dinner.
My mom's having a nervous
breakdown over it.

Be my date?
Is that what you're gonna wear?
Is that what you're gonna wear?
Finn's coming, too.
Eliza, do you think that's wise?
-He's coming, Mom.
-Do you know how long
I've waited for your father to
come to his senses about this?!
It's just dinner!

[ Indistinct conversations ]
So pretty.
[ Footsteps approach ]

Well, I'm really happy
that we're all here together.
It's been a long time coming.
Proper family dinner.
And we're happy to have you
here, as well, Finn.
-Thank you, sir.
Do you drink wine, Finn?
If it's alright with you, sir.

Corinna? Eliza?
Just a bit for the toast.

To persistence.
We're a family,
and we will always be a family.
And I'd like to add
that I am very happy
to be here with both my children
and with my husband.
Cheers to that.

-May I serve you?
-Yes, please.

Uh, just not quite so much.

Thank you.


Thank you.
So, Finn,
how did you meet Eliza?

-It's a very small town.
-At school.
You two going to the dance
-I want you to.

Eliza, go with Corinna.

I can't stand her
moping around the house all day.

He has a right to know.
Your behavior lately
has been atrocious.

We have cannoli for dessert.
Ask him, Mom.
Ask him if this dinner
means anything to him besides
feeling a little less guilty.

This is a step
in the right direction.
To ease us back in.

[Eliza] I think
you're embarrassed of us.

You know you're torturing her,
This little sick,
twisted fantasy of yours?
She hasn't seen a doctor
in months, and she's drinking.
Look at her!
[Louise] Shut your mouth!

We don't live here anymore.

Stop looking at her.

Why don't you two go upstairs
for a little bit?

I'm not into you, by the way.

[ Indistinct arguing
in distance ]
[Clay] What are you thinking?!
You were drinking today!
You drink and drink...
I have tried everything
I know what to do!
I can't even think
anymore of what to do!
Even going to the doctor.
You know how much money
I have spent on this!
And you won't even
give it a shot!
I want you to move back!
But you don't even try!

[ Dale sobbing ]

I made something for you.


Loss can consume you.

But it teaches you
the worth of things.

I'd love to see the ocean.

Ocean's a long way off.


This bus runs the town loop.
I know.
We'll be back where we started
in 20 minutes.

You alright?

Don't touch me.

I love you.

Just leave me alone.

But I love you.

I just need some space.
[ Scoffs ]


Are you mad?

You're a big boy now.
You're old enough
to dry yourself off
and not go dripping
all over Grandma and Grandpa's
nice house.
They're dead.
They're up there in heaven,
shaking their heads at you.

[Clay] Alright, buddy.
[ Footsteps approach ]
Time for your pill.
Can I take it tomorrow?
It makes me feel melty.
Clay, I swear,
if he gets kicked out,
you're gonna be
teaching him yourself.

Your mother's right.
Sometimes you got to do things
you don't want to do.

It's important
to keep your mother happy.

[Finn] Sometimes you have to do
things you don't want to do.

[ Dance music playing ]

No date?
I don't have a date.
I don't do "date."
I do dates.
Like, why would I hold myself
down to one guy, you know?
I'm free-range.


So we're going to practice.
For the dance, you need to keep
this much distance apart.
Perfect. A little more back.
Alright. Let's practice.
Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six.
You're too close! Back up!
Now you're too far.
There you go. Keep it there.
Let's try again. Ready?
You got it!
Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
What are you doing?
Your dancing
is fucking terrible!
Fix it! You can't be
an embarrassment to me!

What are you thinking?

Eliza, what is happening?

I know what's best for you.

Corinna called.
She really wants you
to go to that dance.
I don't want to go.
You should wear
my little green dress.
With a perfect strappy shoe.
Dale loves you.
This is why
you don't mess with me
See, I'm technically
best there ever be
Yes, I'm blessed indeed,
so don't test me please
I am Hercules,
I unleash the beast
I ain't dressed to please,
I am dressed for me
Way they step to me,
it's like chess to me
See, these nobodies
try and kill the queen
You got best of three,
then it's time for me

This is why
you don't mess with me
See, I'm technically
best there ever be
Yes, I'm blessed indeed,
so don't test me please
I am Hercules,
I unleash the beast
I ain't dressed to please,
I am dressed for me
Way they step to me,
it's like chess to me
See, these nobodies
try and kill the queen
You got best of three,
then it's time for me
Eliza! You came!
I didn't think you'd be here!

[ Groans ]



Eliza's not here, honey.

I love you!
Even when you're being
a pain in the ass.
Which is always.

Drink. Drink. Drink. Drink.
Shit. [ Laughs ]

Have you seen my date?
He's missing.

What is she doing?
Doesn't she know
it's trashy to slow-dance?
I think it's adorable!
I think I'm gonna yack.

Let's dance. Come on.

Fuck no. Let's go.

She's with her friends.

I don't trust you.

You're smart.


I love you.
I really, really love you.

And it terrifies me.

I know.

You don't know anything.

I haven't told you
what I've done.

Come here.

I've hurt people.

And I meant to.
I don't know why,
but I get so fucking heated.

I don't know what it is,
but I can't calm myself down.
There were these little
incidents when I was a kid,
and my parents would just
pop pills in my mouth.

And that didn't fucking help
because it just felt like
I was underwater all the time.
And I fucking hated it.

And I couldn't fucking feel!
I couldn't feel anything at all!

I never felt like,
ever, at any point,
they really wanted me around,
but I couldn't fucking help
being born.

So I wanted to give them a taste
of their own medicine.

So I crushed up the pills.

I crushed up too many.
The last thing
that I heard my mom say
when she went to bed that night
and I snuck by the door
to lock it was...
"Clay. Did you see
how helpful Finn was tonight?"

Does that make me a monster?

[Eliza] No, it doesn't.

It was an accident.

It's not your fault.

I love you.

[Finn] I am...who I am.

I wanted to stay as close
to the edge as I could.

On the edge,
you see all the things
you can't see from the inside.

There's beauty in everything.

In life and in death.
Mom, something weird happened.

[ Rumbling
and high-pitched ringing ]
[ Rumbling and
high-pitched ringing fade ]
[ Radio chatter ]

So, I made this for you.

Understand I had to do this.

There's so much
I could say to you.

But it's just all too much.

I do wish
I could go back in time.

Undo this mess I made.

I know you're upset.

I have a good heart.
I just --
I don't know how to reason.

I traded your mom's life
for yours.

I wanted to protect you.

I hope you know that.

But love isn't about being nice.
It's about doing
the right thing.

I'm going where
everything is silent
and nothing hurts.

Your life will be so much better
without me.

I love you.

I love you so much.

I love you.
[ Static crackles ]

[ Bird calling ]

[ Eliza screaming ]
[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Eliza screaming ]