American Cyborg: Steel Warrior (1993) Movie Script

In the seventeen years
since the nuclear war
all human survivors
were herded into cities
now run like prisons
by a computer system
imbued with an
artificial intelligence
rather than eliminate the
infertile survivors.
This system let them live out
their lives until extinction.
The cybernetic organism once
designed to work
for the human creators
now worked for the system
as enforcers
of the new order.
Proceed on your beat.
Remember your orders.
Seek out any human rebel.
Eliminate on sight.
I repeat,
eliminate on sight. End.
Please help me.
I haven't eaten in days.
I need food.
- You got him.
- Yeah.
- Got an RZ tab. Come on.
- No, thanks.
- This way, come on.
- No.
Hey, looking for
a good time?
Hey, baby.
'Hey, new boy! Come on out
and right up by.'
It's real good
nice and warm here.
Come on in,
under the brim.
'Bulletin 3372. The last of the
insurgents were executed today.'
'Before they died, each said..'
'End bulletin 3372.'
- Phil, where is Dr. Buckley?
- He's in with Mary in back lab.
Dr. Buckley, it's all set.
I just got the radio
The boat will meet us
in 37 hours at the harbor.
Good work,
go tell the others.
Hey Mary, look.
I found two patches of them.
You'll see when we
get to the beach.
Thank you.
How are you feeling, Mary?
I am excited, Ben
but I'm a little nervous too.
This isn't just another
supply run, you know.
You know, we've been
planning this for months.
I can't help it.
I may not be carrying him.
But he's still my baby.
That's why we cant
afford to raise him here.
Look, maybe one day,
we'll beat the system.
But right now, the safest place
for you to be is Europe.
You're the only source
of all what we have.
And as far as we know
this is the only living fetus
on this infertile planet.
You're a Godsent, Mary.
Relax now.
Time to feed your baby.
Identification confirmed.
Message, rebel mass detected.
End result, genetic breeding
program. Destroy facility.
I need the location.
'Location 1709,
Martin Luther King Boulevard.'
Terminate with extreme
prejudice. End.
- Let's go.
- Right.
Alright everybody,
synchronize your timers.
You've got exactly
36 hours to cross the city
and get to the port.
Let me remind you
that the fetus cant survive
any longer than that in the
temporary capsule.
The European artificial womb
is on the boat.
If the fetus gets to it
on time
it can develop
there safely until birth.
Until then, Mary will be feeding
him every few hours.
'Is everyone clear
on the route?'
The course has been clouded
to avoid the danger zones.
These three areas
are unsafe now.
'During burn time tomorrow,
we'll go underground'.
I have also set
an alternate course here
in case of
unforeseen difficulties.
- Like the Cyborg patrol.
- Like anything that comes up.
What about the Ozzie
blocker tablets?
These are only a blocking agent
against radio activity.
Ideally, you've gotta avoid
all contaminated substances.
- Dr. Buckley.
- What is it?
'We got a problem'.
What the hell's
wrong with this?
'Something's overridden our
security directive.'
It's the system,
there's no doubt about it.
They probably tapped
into your damn modem.
What does this mean?
'Take cover.'
'Quick, get the fetus
outta here, now.'
Come on, Mary, let's go.
Mary, as fast as you can.
Damn it.
Mary, you first.
- Ah ha, who do we have here?
- Yes-s-s-s-s, pretty face.
- Some competition.
- Oh, yes.
Hmm, you can keep..
Heavens be praised.
God's are smiling
down on me tonight.
There's somebody trying to kill
me and he'll kill you too,
so if you're smart
you're gonna let me go.
Is that so?
Well I think
the smart thing to do
is to have a look
inside your nifty bag here.
I wouldn't be surprised if you
were hiding something
- really yummy in there.
- Hm. Yummy, yummy.
Alright. You've got two choices.
You wanna talk?
What's my other choice, asshole?
Shut up.
Who are you?
Nobody in particular.
Just taking back
what's rightfully mine.
You got a problem with that?
- Excuse me.
- What?
I was wondering if you could
show me the way to the port.
The port? What are you, crazy?
It's all the way across the
city. Fenced off at sides.
Try a nice trip
to the zoo, instead?
But it's a matter
of life and death.
These days everything
is a matter of life and death.
Pardon me, lady.
I got business to do.
'Bulletin 5-1-3-7-8.'
'Remember, the system
is your friend.'
'You help us,
and we'll help you.'
'Report suspicious behavior.'
'Don't let
the traitors steal from you'
'what is rightfully yours.'
'End Bulletin 5-1-3-7-8.'
Back again, Austin?
- How you doin'?
- I'll take that.
Go ahead.
Well, well, well.
If it isn't my dear
old friend, Austin.
Tell me. How is life
treating you?
Same as everyone.
Like a turd in a toilet.
Got something for you, I think
you're gonna like, Akmir.
- Where did you find this?
- Just gotta know where to look.
You must look for a fresh cigar.
For this I will
trade handsomely.
do you wish for these batteries?
Three RZB sounds fair.
I tell you fair.
Four batteries for one RZB.
Alright, Akmir.
Three for two.
And next time we'll
talk about the cigar.
Three for one.
My final offer.
I'll give you
all the RZB you want.
- Who is this bitch?
- You got me.
How dare you come
into Akmir's place to trade?
What is in this deal,
for Mr.Akmir?
Take cover.
I want the female.
You are not alone, my friend.
Many people want a girl.
She is an exquisite
creature, yes?
But tell me.
What you offer in trade. Huh?
Get the hell outta here!
Identify yourself.
Why didn't you tell
there was a cyborg chasing you?
Didn't have a chance. Tried
to tell someone was after me.
Not just someone. A killing
machine. Their newest model.
Please. I need
to get to the port.
Alright. So what's the story?
Why is he chasing you?
I've got something he wants.
Keep talking.
RZ blocker tablets.
Where the hell
did you get those?
I work in an
underground lab nearby.
Bullshit. No cyborg is comin'
after eight tabs. Try again.
There's a shipment
coming in from Europe.
That's why
I'm going to the port.
Europe. Nobody talks to Europe.
We did with ham radio.
You want me to believe they'd
send you out here by yourself.
Listen. There isn't any
time. Here's a down payment.
When we get to the port, you can
have as many as you can carry.
- How soon you gotta be there?
- About thirty hours.
- My name is Austin.
- Mary.
Let's go.
What's this?
Sewer system. Straightest
shot I know to the ocean.
Ladies first.
Careful where you step. There's
mines planted everywhere.
How far is it?
Ten miles. If we hurry, we'll
make it with a day to spare.
How many times
have you been there?
- Just once.
- What was it like?
It was big and blue.
That's all I remember.
- Why didn't you ever go back?
- I don't got a death wish.
The ports on
the other side of the barrier.
You get caught there,
you're eliminated.
Not gonna die just
to get my feet wet.
Oh, But you'd die for RZB?
I said I'd get you to the port.
I didn't say I'd swim with you.
Watch your step.
These mines are deadly.
Come on.
Uh, huh!
This way.
Come on.
Huh, huh!
No leave it!
- I can't.
- Leave it. It's on a mine.
'Come on.'
I can't!
You're nuts!
Go on.
- Ugh!
- Are you alright?
If that doesn't stop him.
Nothing will.
Let's hope so. Come on.
Hey, Austin, honey..
'Warning 100787. Because you
have not been instated.'
'You have five minutes to clear
the streets or be eliminated.'
This way. I know a safe place.
You should eat something.
It's a long day tomorrow.
All I need is RZB.
'You need real food.'
- I'm not hungry.
- You will be.
Look we should get going.
We're safe here.
It's too dangerous to go on now.
The cyborg's following
our heat tracks.
We'll have better luck
after sunrise.
'Why then?'
Because during the day,
we don't leave heat tracks.
It's too hot.
Look, we're running out of time.
We will make it on time.
I promise.
God! I don't know how people
even get up in the morning.
'I mean, what do
they have to live for?'
Most of them are probably,
holding on to some crazy hope
or something's gonna save em'.
I take it, you don't believe in
anything like that.
I'm what you call, a realist.
The only thing real is me.
That's all I can afford to
believe in.
Everything else is just like
Yeah well..
If you're not going to eat. I'd
at least get some rest, Mary.
The sun will be up
in an hour or so.
- I'm not tired.
- Suit yourself.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
You can sleep here.
Don't worry, baby. Everything's
going to be alright.
Come on.
Go. Go.
Come on.
Come on, let's go.
We have to go.
After I take care
of your forehead.
We don't have any more bullets.
My nearest ammo supplies are ways away.
What difference does it make?
That cyborg has been shot
a million times already.
Cyborg is only one
of our enemies.
And we still have to go through
Leech territory.
- Leeches?
- Radioactive cannibals
and believe me you don't wanna
meet up with them unarmed.
So, how much time
will we lose?
About 45 minutes.
That's if we hurry.
- Are you finished yet?
- Almost.
Look at his hand.
He can regenerate.
Come on.
Let's get the hell out of here.
Hold on.
Look. You better
stay here, alright?
Take the gun.
What good is it
with no bullets?
Nobody else knows that.
Now, you keep an eye out.
I'll be right back.
Be careful.
Don't move.
Give me your piece.
Now. Ooh, Tuesday is usually
my shopping day, but..
be choosers now, can they?
- Give me your bag.
- No.
Give me your fucking bag, bitch.
out of those pants?
'I could use
some summer pants. '
Leather gets so sticky
this time of the year. Don't it?
You want me to take
off my pants?
Oh no. Mind I climb
in there with you
and we'll enter in three legged
race?Drop your drawers, bitch.
Hello, Carp.
Didn't know you
were into women.
I could say
the same thing about you.
- Hand it over, Carpi.
- Why?
I know you don't got
any ammo left.
That's the only reason
you ever come around anymore.
If you think you're right,
take your chances.
I knew it.
The gun's empty, ain't it?
Should've taken your chances.
You're a real piece of work.
You know that Austin?
And to think, I was actually
starting to miss you.
You're the only one who knows
about my stash. Now where is it?
So, this is
your new squeeze, huh?
Like she's gonna last
a day out there on the streets.
Mary, this is Carp.
I'm taking Mary to the port.
What, are you nuts?
She's getting a shipment of RZB.
Giving me all I can carry.
Oh. So now you're mister
Big Shot?
If you'd shut up a minute,
I was gonna tell you
I'll be back tomorrow. There'll
be plenty to have us go around.
So what?
You're cutting me in?
Just thinking about it.
Well, this changes everything.
Knew it would.
Here you go, kid.
Those are my lucky specs.
You wear them well.
Austin, we should go.
- So, see you tomorrow, Carp.
- Yeah, don't forget.
That's what you said
last time. How long was that?
Two-three weeks? I ain't
waiting around this time.
Son of a bitch.
- This Carp.
- What about her?
She seems a
little strange.
Yeah, she's been through
a lot of shit.
- Are you two..
- What?
Well, you two just
seem very close.
Yeah, you could
say that.
How close are
you two, exactly?
What do you mean?
Are you in
love with her?
Me, with her?
Probably the closest thing
I've got to family.
So, you're like
brother and sister.
Can we go now?
What the hell
is this?
I asked you
a question.
You wouldn't
Try me.
It's a fetus,
a human fetus.
It's not alive,
is it?
Yes, and it's up to me
to keep him alive.
What kind of bullshit were
those lab people feeding you?
Don't you know that women
can't get pregnant anymore?
Well, they found one who can.
Isn't this proof enough?
I don't have time
to explain it right now.
You believe this
is gonna stay alive?
Yes, if I get it
to the port on time.
What's at the port?
I told you. I'm meeting
a boat there.
And you're trading this-this
fetus for the RZB?
There is no RZB.
This baby is going to Europe
to start a new race of humans
healthy humans.
'It's our last hope,
Don't be mad.
Mad? Why should I be mad?
I'm risking my life,
taking you across the city
and when we make it,
if we make it, I get nothing.
No RZB, nothing.
Sounds like a real
square deal to me.
I trusted you, Mary.
You really
had me going.
'Ship load RZB. What the hell
was I thinking?'
- No. You listen.
You lied to me.
You asked me
to die for nothing.
It's not for nothing. This baby
could save the human race.
It's nothing to me.
I don't care what bullshit
science fiction you buy into
but I'm not gonna risk my life
saving some lab women's baby.
It's my baby.
'I was desperate.'
The cyborg killed the people
who were supposed to take me.
What was I
supposed to do?
Could have told me the truth.
Oh, and you would've agreed.
Let me explain
something to you.
Seventeen years ago,
there was a nuclear war.
The lucky ones
were killed.
You and me, and the rest of us
are just the broken leftovers.
What you gonna do?
Raise your kid in a country with
fresh and clean radio-activity?
It's different in Europe.
What could be
different there?
'There's a rebellion. People
are fighting the machines.'
They're growing
food again.
Things are getting better
and this baby
is the most important
part of it.
I'm going back.
You can come with me
if you want.
Goodbye, then.
'Food, food, food, food!'
You remind me of
a painting I once saw..
From sometime..
I do not recall now,
the artist.
But it struck me,
it strikes me now..
on such a faulty sense as sight.
You see..
only truly be appreciated
through taste.
Through taste!
Yeah, yeah..
So, in honor
to your divine image..
behold you with our eyes.
Tonight, we feast!
'Food, food, food, food.'
'Food, food, food,
food, food, food.'
'Food, food, food..'
- Let her go!
- Kill that bastard.
'Kill him
Kill him!'
- Kill him!
- Look out!
'Kill him!'
Give it back!
Oh, you..
Give it back to me!
Austin, he took my baby.
Get him, hurry!
- Give it back!
- Fuck you.
What are you going
to name him?
I don't know.
I was thinking about
naming him after my dad.
Is he still alive?
No, both my parents
were killed.
In the blast?
No, it was later.
We were living in a shelter.
One night, someone
was banging down the doors.
My mother kept screaming,
"Cyborgs, cyborgs!"
'She hid me
in a storage bin.'
I heard some scuffling..
And after,
only silence.
How did you survive?
Sometime later, these two
scientists came by the shelter.
I was only five years old.
They took me to this underground
lab they were building.
Over the years,
more people joined in.
It was like a family.
I don't remember
anything about my family.
I always dreamt
about having one.
- Sounds stupid, I know.
- It's not stupid.
Without dreams,
there's just reality
and what kind of reality
is it out there?
It's a nightmare.
My God, Austin,
your wound..
Must be the RZB.
Maybe you're just
a good nurse, Mary.
Earlier, when you were
taking care of me..
to kiss you.
I've never
been kissed before.
Come on.
Keep running!
Come on.
Over here.
Hurry, come on.
Come on!
Get down,
get down!
- Austin, are you okay?
- Yeah, let's go.
No! No! No!
No! No! No!
Oh, God!
Oh, my God,
what did he do to you?
- Hold on, let me see.
- No.
I'll be alright, you go ahead.
You've got to get to the port.
You're a cyborg.
You lied to me.
Shut up!
Mary, listen to me,
I didn't know.
Shut the fuck up,
you're one of them!
I was protecting you.
You told that
I was going to the port.
No, I didn't.
I didn't, Mary.
I trusted you.
I was counting on you.
I'm not what you think.
Someone lied to me.
But they don't control me.
This is all a big plot
to kill my baby.
Just like your kind
slaughtered my parents.
But this time,
I'm not gonna let you do it.
No one's gonna touch my baby!
- Ain't this acid rain a bitch?
- Why are you following me?
I'm not following you,
I heard you scream.
I figured you're in trouble.
What, lost or something?
How far is it to the ocean?
About a mile.
- So, where's Mr. Reliable?
- I don't know, he left.
Sounds like the Austin I know.
I've got to go.
You go that way,
you'll burn your ass.
Come on, I'll show you
the right way.
You're not like him, are you?
Hey, I don't need
to be like Austin.
I think these are yours.
My lucky specs.
They got me this far.
Yeah, I hated parting
with 'em..
for your friends."
Now, we better get going
before it starts raining again.
Now, you go down
and then you keep to your right.
And then you take
the second left.
- Are you listening to me?
- Yes.
Second left..
And then it's about
a mile to the ocean.
Austin, the baby!
It's okay.
I'm sorry.
I was just
so scared and confused.
It's okay. I know.
I didn't know either.
They must've screwed up
when they made me.
Imagine a machine
feeling compassion for humans.
Come with me.
I can't.
The baby's gonna need a father.
He'll have a great mother.
Please, Austin.
We both have a job to do.
I know the system.
I can beat them.
All those people back
in the city need hope.
I can be their hope.
I'm gonna name the baby Austin.
And as he grows up, I'm gonna
tell him all about you.
Goodbye, Mary.