American Dragons (1998) Movie Script

Mikey Mike!
You fucked up one hell of a wet dream
getting me up this late at night.
Yo, Pozzo!
I hear you've got
some business for me.
Mike, Pozzo, you two take a seat
and wait for a moment.
Something looks wrong, shoot it.
Let's take a walk, eh?
- So... Tony?
- Yeah.
Mike says that he did business
with you, he says you're smart.
I get by.
You know, and he says
he knows you from the old days,
you know, back in the neighbourhood.
Funny thing is, I don't believe him.
I don't think he did know you.
I think you talked him
into knowing you.
I can't help what you believe.
Let's talk in there, huh?
What was that about?
I'm from the Bronx and I've never
fucking heard of you. Why is that?
- It's a big place.
- You don't look Italian, Tony.
My mother was Irish, all right?
- You want to do business with me?
- Yeah.
You can start by giving me your gun.
- Is there a point to all this?
- Yeah, there is.
I don't know you
and I don't fucking trust you.
- Feel stupid yet?
- Shut the fuck up. Spin it around.
I haven't had a good game of grab-ass
since I was in County.
Shut up, cocksucker!
it pisses me off
when you two don't stay put.
Today it was OK.
What's with Tony?
Tony's a fucking cop.
Shoot him.
I'll be outside.
Do me a favour. Make it quick.
Tonight's been fucked up enough
Mikey Mike, what's up, man?
Come on, what's up with him?
- You believe this fucking guy?
- What?
Come on, you remember I used to...
I knew your sister, Michelle.
She used to go out with my friend Ricky.
Remember Ricky? Ricky Lamato?
We used to call him Rick Big Dick
because he had that big...
Next one goes through your skull,
God damn it!
Better hope the next cop through that
door is as compassionate as I am.
Every cop's worst nightmare, huh?
How are you going to handle it?
- She don't mean shit to me.
- Don't kill me!
Shut the fuck up!
I am talking to this man.
I'm not fucking around here, asshole.
If I have to kill her just to ruin
your fucking day, I'll do it.
You know, I'll never let this go.
I know.
Hey, Tony...
Are you a good Catholic?
Then absolve yourself of this.
Captaln wants to see you, Tony.
- Listen, man, we all know you...
- Thanks, Dion.
Tough night, Tony.
A lot of undercover work
down the drain.
A cop and a civilian dead and only
two low-level skells to show for it.
I don't have to tell you
how shitty this looks downtown.
No lectures, no reprimands.
I'll just get to it.
You're off the case.
You've blown your cover.
We want to put you
back on homicide detall.
We don't feel your judgement on this
right now is too sound.
Here are your options:
take two weeks off
or catch whatever Homicide
has cooking.
That cop and that civilian...
They're dead because
of something I started.
Let me finish it.
Look, Luca, it's not going to happen.
- So what's it going to be?
- I want to work.
That's what I figured.
So I want you to catch this case.
Murder down in Little Tokyo,
happened last night, very nasty.
Masayuki Noda,
No. 3 man in the Local yakuza.
Looks like they prettied up the site
before it got called in.
Probably removed
any worthwhile evidence.
Edwards is on his way there.
Check it out.
Yes, sir.
- Tony...
- I know.
He was just like that?
This must have been some kind of war.
- What are you doing here?
- Don't ask.
- How many guys in on the hit?
- One.
- One?
- One.
- Armed with what?
- Some kind of sword, or something.
- Yo, Ginger.
- What are you doing here?
- Don't ask. What have you got?
- Been dead about ten hours.
Ten hours.
- Cause of death?
- You're kidding, right?
Victim Noda Masayuki, estimated time
of death, 2400 hours on October 23rd.
Massive throat wounds
suggest exsanguination
with concomitant respiratory failure.
What have we got on Noda?
Before exsanguinating here, he was
head of the Umura Trading Company.
Big yakuza front.
Man had a lot of juice. Most of it
wound up all over the street, though.
- Any witnesses?
- Just one.
A working girl with a serious case
of self-preservation.
She said he was fast in and out,
didn't have a gun.
Other than that, she didn't say much.
We canvassed the neighbourhood.
All right, thanks, Steve.
I'll see you back at the station.
Tony! Come here.
I want to see you in my office.
Tony, this is Inspector Kim
of Seoul PD.
He's here to assist you
on that Little Tokyo homicide.
Who invited him to the party?
He has some insight into the case
that may help you.
He's been kind enough
to come here from Korea.
He'll act as an observer,
give you a few pointers.
Oh, an observer.
He gets to screw up the case, then go
home and leave me with my pants down.
You're looking at a fellow officer
who's travelled a long way to help.
You've got a crime to solve.
Get to it. Inspector Kim, thank you.
And let me know if Detective Luca
is anything but supportive.
Man was killed.
Very bad.
In Little Tokyo.
You want see file?
Great. I'm working with Charlie Chan.
Charlie Chan is Chinese. I'm Korean.
If you're going to insult me,
at least get it right.
In Korea, I outrank you.
I'm here because you asked for help
on the police internet.
We have a police force
of our very own here
and we do this kind of stuff
all the time.
- Couldn't you have just sent a fax?
- No.
I'm here to stop a killer.
Detective Luca.
Luca... you don't look Italian.
My mother's Irish, OK?
- Where are we going?
- The Umura Trading Company.
If the No. 3 guy got whacked, Nos. 2
and I are Probably a little nervous.
- This is your car?
- Yeah.
At least it's fucking American.
Sounds good.
- Can I help you?
- Detective Luca to see Mr Nakai.
Just a moment, please.
You may go in now.
- Mr Nakai?
- Detective Luca, I assume.
They informed me at the front
you were on your way.
- Who is your friend?
- Inspector Kim from the Seoul PD.
Tell me, Mr Nakai,
how come all the security?
We live in difficult times.
And it's getting tougher, too, isn't it?
Yes. please, have a seat.
- Thank you.
- What can I do for you?
Well, we just wanted to ask you a few
questions about Mr Noda's death.
- A terrible thing.
- Yeah.
Tell me, do you have any leads?
We hope that you could point us
in the right direction.
Is there anything going on in your
company that we should know about?
Any hostile takeovers,
anything like that?
No, Detective.
And I assure you, we are well
prepared for any such occurrence.
This is really stupid.
They are yakuza. They won't talk.
You know, Detective,
you and I understand being here.
But tell me, why bring him in here?
He was supposed to clean
the murder site and leave no clues,
but he falled, and you found one.
He knows that's why I'm here.
And he lost face
with Mr Nakai and with me.
You know it was Black Lotus.
Kuranai is here.
Admit it.
Just admit it. Admit it!
Otherwise I'll beat it out of you.
Admit it! Admit it!
God damn it! No!
What's the matter with you? We just
wanted to ask a few questions.
What the fuck was that?
Out! Out!
Thank you for your cooperation,
Mr Nakai. And sorry about the ceiling.
- What the fuck was that all about?
- You wouldn't understand.
You'd better fucking well
make me understand.
Look, whatever beef
you've got going on here,
it doesn't concern me.
I got this case shoved down
my throat, and you along with it.
I've got other things
I'd rather be doing.
Now, you got something
you want to say to me?
Fine. Fuck it!
If that's what you want,
that's the way we'll play it.
But don't you ever hang my ass over
a raggedy edge like that again. Ever.
Yes, sir.
What was that Black Lotus crap
the Korean was talking about?
I thought you said
the guineas hit Noda San.
Black Lotus like the Ninja.
It's a legend from long ago.
- What? What are you looking at?
- Your face.
What do you want?
A date or something?
No, I was just thinking.
I like it better that way.
Fuck you, too.
This is a personal matter. Wait here.
Isn't this part of the investigation?
It's part of an investigation.
Wait here.
It is my duty to go with you.
Yo, Angelo!
Tony, hey!
- Still driving that plece of crap?
- Yeah.
- Who's your friend?
- Hi, I'm...
- Nobody. He's doing my laundry.
- Oh, listen, Tony.
You're in a world of shit, right?
Word is out about you and Rocco.
Everybody knows you're a cop, man.
Everybody wants your blood.
The feeling is mutual.
No, you see, Tony,
you don't understand.
Normally, someone undercover
gets inside, they shrug it off.
It's the high price
of doing business. But this...
This is, like, so fucked up.
What are you looking at, huh?
- Take a fucking walk!
- OK.
So, what's so fucked up?
Fucking Rocco was in trouble
to begin with.
Now this...
He looks like shit.
He's fucking squeezed, he's pissed,
he's losing his fucking mind.
He was never too stable
to begin with.
- Have you seen him? Is he around?
- Have I seen him here? No. Fuck, no.
If he was, it would only
make matters worse.
Tony, you bringing
your friend here...
- That don't happen.
- Forget him.
These people have crossed lines
that shouldn't be crossed.
I mean, the turf is small enough
to begin with.
Fucking yakuzas.
They're pushing, man.
Pretty soon, the Family
is going to push back.
I've seen nothing like this since the
Cassini brothers got whacked in '85.
I'm telling you,
something is going to happen.
Something big and so fucking bad
is going to...
- Angelo, just calm down.
- Sure.
Listen, Tony...
Do me a favour and get him out of here
before it starts in my place of business.
What are you looking at? Huh?
You're in my booth. Get up.
Come on, please.
Playtime's over, boys.
Listen to your fucking friend, gook.
Or don't the gook speak English?
Yeah, I speak English.
And I'm a cop.
Ooh, big fucking deal.
Whoa, whoa!
Get the fuck out of here!
Get the fuck out!
- You make friends everywhere you go.
- They were disrespectful.
In my country, no policeman
would ever be treated like that.
You know what? This isn't your
country and you're not a cop here.
So if you don't like it, go home.
I've got a crime to solve
and you are nothing but in my way.
You and I are going
to come to an understanding.
You want to fight somebody so badly,
fight me.
- I don't want to fight you.
- Then tell me what's going on.
What happened in Nakai's office?
What do you know about Noda's death?
I told you, you would not understand.
It is my duty to be here.
- I have no choice.
- You won't tell me what's going on?
- No.
- Fuck you!
You listen, Inspector Kim, because
this is the short and the sweet.
You're either going to spill a little
truth or spill a little blood.
- What's it going to be?
- You're the only one who will bleed.
You are a terrible policeman.
No wonder this country is fucked.
Knock it off before I call the cops.
I am a cop.
His name is Kuranai,
which means "empty blackness".
He is the deadliest assassin
that ever lived.
How do we find him?
We must go back to the yakuza
and start there.
I'm glad you have returned.
I was hoping for the opportunity
to apologise for Mr Sato's behaviour.
I apologise, too, Mr Nakai.
You know why we're here.
Detective Luca, our holdings at
the Umura Trading Company are vast,
but we are undercapitalised.
We foolishly sought out
certaln partners
whose cash resources
were greater than our own.
We had little idea then
what we were getting involved with.
Now our partners
have all but taken control.
Their aspirations here in America
are great.
Their ambition has brought them
at odds with another company.
A company I believe
you are familiar with.
Now this rivalry grows bitter. What
was once competition may turn to war.
There is simply not enough space
nor money to go around.
Now I believe there is
a third party involved.
A competitor more ruthless and
power-hungry than the other two combined.
We can stop all this.
We can put an end to it.
But we need your help.
There's nothing I can do.
And, Detective, "So foul a sky
clears not without a storm."
- When's it going to happen?
- Tonight.
Nakai, the yakuza's No. 2 man,
will die.
You sure you people
know what you're doing?
- I believe we can handle it.
- Maybe.
But I'm not the one to bet
my life on it, so don't fuck up.
- Too many people will be watching.
- Let them.
I work just as well with an audience.
So, Sato San,
you figure it was the Eyeties
that hit Noda San?
Yeah. No one else
would have the balls.
Apparently not.
I have been waiting for you.
Tony, Inspector Kim.
What have you got?
Hey, Captaln.
Five dead, all yakuza.
This one's Nakai.
We questioned him this afternoon.
It's a fucking mess.
- What do you think happened?
- I don't know.
The yakuza and the Mob
have got a squabble...
These murders were committed
by the man who killed Noda.
This has nothing to do
with your Mafia.
Something I need to know here, Tony?
Nothing yet, Captaln.
Kim's got a hunch who's behind this,
but we've got nothing usable.
- We're working every angle, though.
- Good.
Listen. These pukes want
to off each other, I don't much care.
But it's one thing when it happens
in some back alley
and something else when
it's in front of a bunch of diners.
If this is a war between the Mob and
the yakuza, the shit is truly going to fly.
I took a lot of heat putting you back
in rotation after that girl got killed.
You let me down on this
and we both fry.
You'd better be working
on more than just some fucking angle.
We cannot have a war
between the Mob and the yakuza.
- I know.
- clear?
My favourite cousin
actually comes to see me.
I'm so busy at the restaurant.
So, to what do I owe
the honour of this visit?
Paul, you know I hate to bother you.
The other day, a couple of guys
come into my place,
one of them a slope,
and they try to shake me down.
Now, you know me. Normally, it's, like,
"Out of the fucking store!" Right?
But I don't know. With these guys...
Why didn't you bring this to me
I was scared.
They said they was gonna
burn my store down if I told you.
Fucking yakuzas! How long
are we going to let this shit go on?
How fucking long? I'm telling you,
I'm sick and tired. Capisci?
So far they ain't pushed too hard,
Paul. Just turf shit.
But Angelo's place, that's going too far.
- Maybe it's time we sent a message.
- Yeah, we might.
Let's just see where this thing goes,
Fucking yakuzas!
You all right?
I must find Kuranai.
I think I know something
that will make you feel better.
Come on.
I have to apologise to you, Detective.
I know I have been difficult.
Yeah, you have been
a royal pain in the ass.
But, since we're off duty,
why don't you call me Tony?
Thank you, Tony.
When I said we were hunting
a man, Kuranai,
I spoke from experience.
I know this man.
Years ago, I investigated
a crime syndicate
called the Black Lotus Society.
Most say they do not exist,
but they are real,
and very dangerous.
They work in the shadows,
keep everything totally secret.
I knew someone was taking over some
of the great Triads in the yakuza.
I dug deeper
and got closer to the truth.
And then, someone noticed.
So then what happened?
I was to be an example.
A warning.
Kuranai is an assassin
for the Black Lotus Society.
I was obsessed with the Black Lotus
and worked late one night.
It was my wife.
And my son crying.
Then nothing.
I got home as fast as I could.
I was too late.
I drank too much, my career suffered
and Kuranai achieved his goal.
I stopped investigating
the Black Lotus.
But I never forgot.
I will never stop hunting
the man that killed my family.
That is why I'm here. To kill him.
I will not rest until I feel
his blood flowing through my hands.
I have some experience with that.
Inspector Kim, do you...
do karaoke?
You know what?
In Korea, they call me Elvis.
You want to hear?
Thank you very much, Detective Luca,
for such a great night.
- I told you to call me Tony.
- OK, and you call me Tony, too.
- Tony Two. Tony Two.
- Two Tonies!
- Hey, taxi!
- Hey, taxi! Stop here!
- Taxi!
- Oh, that's just great.
That's good pronunciation.
- Did you see who it was?
- No, it happened too fast.
Tell you what, Inspector Kim.
It's time we changed the rules.
I'm getting tired of being a target.
Let somebody else wear a bullseye.
I agree.
Next time you get tanked,
do it closer to home.
That way, you don't waste taxpayers'
money getting back to your car.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Morning, sir.
Damn! It was fine yesterday.
Get out of the car.
Get out! Right now!
Usually, they just tow.
Tony, what the hell is going on?
"You still driving
that plece of crap, Tony?"
Remember asking me that, Angelo?
I'm not driving it any more.
I don't know what you're talk...
I know you're playing both sides of
the street. I want to know with who.
Suck my dick.
You've got about two seconds to talk,
so you'd better start now.
I don't know nothing.
I don't know nothing.
I don't know nothing.
I don't know nothing!
It was fucking Rocco!
Him and some other guy, some slope.
They came in the night before you did
and they made me tell them.
They tried to off me.
I don't care why you set me up.
- What did the Asian look like?
- I don't know, man. It was...
It was dark, you know, and I...
Don't, don't!
I didn't get a chance to see him.
Tony, I swear.
Look at me! Look at me!
I'm looking at you!
Where's Rocco?
Where's Rocco?
I don't know.
The Family's looking for him, too.
OK, Tony? Tony, I'm scared.
I don't fucking know, Tony.
Hey, Tony...
What are you going to do with me?
I won't offer it,
but if anybody asks,
I'm going to rat you out
for every shitty thing you ever did.
Every turn you ever made,
every name you ever gave up.
Every mobster in town's going to know
that you're my informant.
The river is cold and deep, Angelo.
You think about that.
You think about that,
and you pray that nobody asks.
- Who is this Rocco?
- He's my problem, not your concern.
As long as I'm with you,
he's my problem, too. I want to know.
Mafia. He was muscle
for the Fiorino Family.
He was wheeling and dealing
on the side.
Drugs, prostitution, extortion.
You name it, he was into it.
I was working undercover,
trying to get next to him.
But when I finally made contact,
everything went sideways.
A cop and an innocent bystander
were killed.
Your informant said that Rocco
visited him with an Asian man.
Do you think
it might have been yakuza?
Angelo's a lying shit, but he's right
about the Family and the yakuza.
If Rocco was in trouble with the Mafia,
he wouldn't turn to the yakuza.
If not the yakuza,
what about their enemy?
Black Lotus Society always takes over
syndicates by killing their leaders.
I don't know, Kim.
I really don't know.
I'm tired of thinking about this shit.
I could use some relaxation.
- Are you game?
- Sure.
Nothing like it.
In an hour,
you'll feel like a million bucks.
- Hey, Tony, what's with Bruce Lee?
- Bruce Lee is Chinese. I'm Korean.
You want to spar a few rounds?
Tell me, Kim, why did you
become a cop?
My father.
He was the youngest Chief Inspector
ever in the Seoul police.
There was no question
that I would follow him.
What about you, Detective Luca?
- I joined because of my father, too.
- Oh, he was a policeman?
He was a made man.
He was a butt man
for the Fiorino Family.
He spilt a lot of blood.
- Where is he now?
- He's dead.
My mother, too.
They were gunned down.
They were both dead
before they hit the ground.
I never really knew my father.
I guess I figured I'd get him back
by being a cop.
Go after the Mafia.
Try to make up for
the things that he did.
You know, Tony, you are not
responsible for what your father did.
No more than you are
for what the Kuranai did.
We have fulfilled
our side of the bargain.
- It is time for you to fulfil yours.
- Don't worry about it.
Your attempt
to blow up Mr Luca failed.
Save your concern
for something that counts.
Like the No. 2 guy in the Family,
Spano. He's Fiorino's right-hand man.
Believe me, Mr Rocco,
we are monitoring that situation
with great interest.
That situation
is about to get popped.
It's so qulet.
- Nobody messes with the Church.
- Right.
I appreciate your coming here
with me.
- I'm just going to be a second.
- OK.
I like this place.
I think I will take a second
of my own.
- Kim, are you a gambling man?
- Yeah.
What do you say we hedge our bets
a bit before we go?
I'll throw something out to Buddha
and you see
what you can do with God.
OK. Clap twice to make sure
your god is listening.
Mr God, we would appreciate it
if you don't kill us
in the next few days.
And... please buy Tony a new car.
Thank you.
- My turn?
- Yeah.
Yo, Buddha,
please let the bad guys
catch the grief this time around
and help us kick some serious ass.
- You throw a good ball, Mr Spano.
- I hooked it.
You kissing my ass
won't stop me from kicking yours.
Anyway, what do I always say?
- Always leave one standing. I know.
- Yeah.
That one pin's going to tell
everybody what a badass I am.
Scare 'em shitless.
Heads up!
Heads up.
God damn it!
- What's your hurry there, Bobby?
- Rocco, you motherfucker!
Bobby, don't be like that. Come on.
You don't think we knew about you?
You won't last two days out there.
Bobby, I used to handle
all your paper.
I know who's out there.
I'm not worried.
I can't believe you turned.
After all the Family's done
for you, you fucking...
If it wasn't me,
it'd be somebody else.
What's the difference?
It's just business.
Hurts, huh, Bob?
Always leave one standing.
Not tonight.
Son of a bitch.
Fucking Bobby's dead.
Son of a fucking bitch!
- Who fucking did it?
- We don't know, Mr Fiorino.
But he took everybody out
in the place. Not one...
The fucking yakuzas did it!
That's who fucking did it!
You get everybody now.
We're going to fucking war.
That's Bobby Spano.
Was Bobby Spano.
He's a capo in the Fiorino Family.
What a bloodbath.
I feel like Rocco
was responsible for this.
Rocco? Isn't he a part of the Family?
Yeah. But you heard Angelo.
He was in trouble with the Family.
So, I don't know, maybe he wanted
to hit them before they hit him.
Or perhaps he is doing
what the Black Lotus Society
is doing with the yakuza.
Cut the head off a snake
and the body dies.
Maybe they are working together.
If Kuranai hits the yakuza,
and Rocco roughs up the Mob...
These organisations hate each other,
so they'd blame each other.
Now we've got a war.
Then, when both sides
have weakened each other,
the Black Lotus steps in,
taking control of the yakuza.
Right, and Rocco takes over the Mob.
They're already working together,
so between the two of them,
they sew up
all the city's operations.
You know what we need to do now?
We've got to protect
a couple of skinbags.
No, that's "scumbags".
Scumbags. Thanks for teaching.
You are a scumbag.
Angelo was well paid
for this information.
As we thought, the Fiorino Family
was responsible
for Nakai and Noda's deaths.
They want war,
we gladly give it to them.
Everybody chill!
We're going to borrow your domo.
We'll bring him back safe and sound.
Until then, I don't want you
to do anything.
No fighting, no killing, nothing.
Do you understand?
Tell them.
- Fucking yin and yang!
- Shut up!
- What the fuck?
- Shut up.
I know you don't like me
any more than I like you.
But I've got information
you might want to hear.
This war both of you have got
going on, it's a crock of shit.
You've been played for patsies and
you're too filled with hate to realise.
Rocco's responsible for what happened
at the bowling alley. I'll prove it.
And Noda and Nakai were both killed
by an assassin
known as the Kuranai.
An outside syndicate from Asia
called the Black Lotus Society
is responsible for all this.
They recruited Rocco
and set you at each other's throats.
This war is something that they want,
not something that you want.
Rocco and Kuranai
have one thing left to accomplish,
and that's killing both of you.
Against my better judgment,
I won't let them.
Yeah? And what the fuck
are you going to do, huh?
I'm going to take you
to someplace safe.
Big fin, red meat,
unfiltered cigarettes,
endless, mindless, loveless love...
Now what?
Detective Luca,
I thought you had a plan.
Not exactly.
They're not wrestilng
against flesh and blood.
They're wrestilng against the rulers
of the present darkness of the world,
against spiritual wickedness
in high places.
You'd better put on
the whole armour of God.
Hey, you can kill me, but you don't
have a right to judge me.
Four mighty ones there are
in every man...
- I think I know where they are.
- How's that?
Something you said last night.
"Who messes with the Church?"
That's true. We've been looking
in the wrong places.
We've been looking for criminals
where the other criminals are.
It's time to go to the last place
where we'd expect them to be.
Amen! Travis Bickie finds God.
Let's hope third time's the charm.
You're about to strike out.
This is the last temple
in Little Tokyo.
Sorry to disturb you.
My name is Detective Luca.
Could we have a word with you?
- Detective Luca?
- His mother was Irish.
- How may I help you?
- Do you have any guests,
anyone visiting
that arrived only recently?
Yes. We have one from Kyoto.
He arrived a few nights ago
along with a scholar from Italy.
Do you think we might see them?
We just want to ask a few questions.
- Is there a problem?
- There could be.
There are four guest rooms,
two of them taken.
Perhaps you and the others
should find someplace safe.
Inspector Kim.
Here to finally join your family?
I'm here for only one reason.
I have come to return this to you.
Your death is the only thing
that can bring me peace.
I will show you that your death
will bring you peace, as well.
Fuck you.
What's the matter, buddy?
You ain't got the balls? Huh? Do it.
Hey, Rocco.
Go ahead. Shoot me.
Fuck it.
I think you need a new car.
- Nice touch, my friend.
- You look like shit.
I feel like shit.
Thank you, Buddha.
Thank you, Mr God.
Well, Kim, I don't know what to say.
In Korea, we say...
- What does that mean?
- It means:
"Goodbye, son of a bitch."
Fuck you, too.
It's the kind of thing
you can only say to a close friend.
You helped me to put my soul at rest.
You did the same for me.
I say...
Thank you, too, Detective Luca.
Next time, I'm coming to Korea.
- Enjoy your filght.
- Yes, I'm sure I will.