Amish Grace (2010) Movie Script

Based on a True Story.
However, certain events and characters have
been fictionalized including the Graber family.
- (Bird Cries)
- And you have everything, right?
- (Bell Dinging)
- (Chattering)
(Children Laughing, Chattering)
Work hard, Elijah.
April 2, 2007
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
(Car Door Closes)
Wow. That looks nice.
Looks bigger than the one they tore down.
- Sure put it up fast.
- Well, that's because they work together.
Boys, wait for your sister.
Hi. Hey. Hello. Rebecca.
Look at you, getting around so well.
I've been practicing.
Well, have a wonderful day at school.
I know things won't be the same, but...
(Bell Ringing)
Thanks for coming in on your day off
to do this follow-up with me.
Are you kidding me?
I wouldn't have missed it.
I've never had a story hit me so hard.
It's changed how I see everything.
Six Months Earlier
October 1, 2006
- (Dog Barking In Distance)
- (Knocking On Door)
Such a racket on a Sunday, Rebecca.
Do you need to see Katie as badly as all that?
- Sorry. I'll knock quietly next time.
- Mmm-hmm.
I'll not hold my breath.
Good Sunday, Mary Beth.
(Laughs) She truly is
a clodding horse, isn't she?
Ah. You forget what you were like before
you became such a refined young lady.
I was never a horse.
Oh, no. More like a hopping,
fluttery bird flying about.
Now look at you...
a young woman baking pies.
Barely a feather left.
Bet I could still fly if I wanted to.
I've no doubt.
Does this mean you're going
to talk to Teacher Ruth today?
- Do you think I'm ready?
- I do.
We're going to help Dat set up the barn!
Oh, boy!
Now, your sister... she's a half-blind colt.
Move along, girls.
Folks are ready to worship.
(Horse whinnies)
Wie geht's, Isaac?
Where's Rebecca?
I hope she hasn't been in the way.
No, no. She's been a big help.
I just sent her inside with Katie to wash up.
(People Chattering)
- Hi.
- Happy Sunday.
Good Sunday.
- No bean chowder?
- (Sighs)
Good. Chowder with Isaac doesn't agree.
- It doesn't sit well with Gideon either.
- (Laughs)
I got a package from Emma. Look.
Look. Her boys are taller than she is now.
She's my sister. And was a friend to you.
She's shunned, Ida.
You shouldn't open her letters.
Good Sunday.
(Ida) Hannah and Jacob
love Sundays at our house.
- She's so beautiful.
- I'm taking her to town this week.
- Want to come with me?
- I'd love to.
- Can we come too?
- You two aren't old enough.
Well, I mean, if they really want to come,
we could always ask.
But they annoy me.
Well, then, we'll just have to
make you sing and entertain us.
Have you heard Rebecca sing?
- (Laughing)
- Oh.
I went to the horse auction this week.
And an English man said to me...
"Why do you keep yourselves separate"?
I will tell you what I told him.
"We are separate so that we do not stray".
"Someone who boasts
that he is a Christian..."
"must walk in the path of Christ".
Then he said to me...
"Can you not walk in the path
of Christ and watch television too"?
I said, "Well, that would be
quite a trick".
How can we keep our minds on God...
if we're distracted by worldly pursuits?
The answer is, "We cannot".
We keep our lives simple so that our path
to heaven will be wide open for us...
and not cluttered with obstacles.
Let us lift our voices now...
in expectation of arriving
in our true home.
# Safe in the arms #
# Of Jesus #
# Safe on his gentle breast #
# There lie His love #
# Overshared #
# Sweetly my soul #
# Doth rest #
# Hark, 'tis a song
of heaven #
# Borne in the sweetest voice #
# Echoed by saints in spirit #
# Making my heart rejoice #
(Children Laughing, Chattering)
- Kick it hard, Katie!
- (Katie) Get up!
(Men Chattering)
- (Children Chattering)
- (Boy) I got it!
Children, time to wash up for supper.
Lass uns essen!
Mom, after we eat, will you tell
the little ones the Dirk Willems story?
I will... if you go talk to Teacher Ruth.
- I will.
- Good.
God is with us... (Continues. Indistinct)
(Chattering Stops)
(Chattering Resumes)
- It's the, uh...
- Spin.
- (Chattering)
- (Laughs)
- You know, I hear they're building a new house.
- Yeah.
- Oh, the people across the street?
- Oh, really?
Teacher Ruth, I was wondering...
Are you finally gonna ask her
about being teacher's helper?
Katie, you little spiller!
It's all right, Mary Beth.
I think the whole settlement knows
that you've got your eye on my job.
No, I don't want to be teacher yet.
I'm only 14. I know I'm not old enough.
But I would like to start helping...
just so that I could be ready
for my apprenticeship next year.
Well, I'd love the help.
In fact, if you hadn't asked me,
I was going to ask you.
You'll make a wonderful teacher.
Thank you.
There you are.
Dad just called. He wants to know
how long you're gonna keep his truck.
Um, just one more day.
Okay. Can you call him
and tell him? Charlie?
Are you gonna call him and tell him?
Could you call him? I want to catch
an hour or two of sleep before my shift.
Okay. Okay.
Where's Daddy going?
He go night-night? He going night-night.
Now, Dirk refused
to renounce his beliefs...
so they locked him up
for many, many months...
until one cold, bitter night,
he saw his chance and he escaped.
Only one of the guards saw him,
and he started chasing him.
So Dirk was running as fast as he could
across a frozen pond...
until, all of a sudden,
he heard a crash and a crack...
and he turned around
just in time to see the guard...
crashing through the ice
into the freezing water.
Well, Dirk knew that
more guards were coming...
and he also knew that this was
his last chance to escape.
But he turned around, he went back...
and he pulled that guard
out of the water and saved his life.
But what happened to Dirk?
Well, it's really sad.
You don't want to know.
- They burned him at the stake.
- But he was so nice.
- You're such a baby, Hannah.
- No, I'm not.
- Yeah, you are.
- Sarah.
Don't worry, Hannah. He died in peace...
because he knew that
he had done the right thing.
So he went straight up to heaven to live
with God and all the angels.
Okay. So who wants
to hear a happier story?
Tell the one about the angels.
Daddy, Mom says it's time
for you to get up for work.
(Clock Ticking)
(Inhales, Exhales)
Do they fit?
- Danke.
- Can we wear them to school tomorrow?
(Gideon. Laughing) No. No, these
are for winter. It's not even cold yet.
But... Please?
It might rain all of a sudden.
We'll see what your mom says.
Gideon, the milk truck is still outside. Maybe
you should see if Charlie needs some help.
- Good one, Mama.
- Look at my boots.
Oh! They're lovely.
- (Groaning) What the hell?
- (Cows Mooing)
Damn you!
- Charlie.
- (Gasps)
- Can I lend a hand?
- No.
No, I'll get it.
How are Amy and the children?
Are they well?
Well, you let me know
if you need anything.
- Katie was determined to sleep in her boots.
- (Laughs)
I thought we were gonna
have to pull them off her while she slept.
(Clears Throat)
What is this?
Emma sent it. A gift.
And you accepted it? She's shunned.
I know.
Then... what are you doing?
She's my sister. I miss her.
I was hoping...
I want to visit her.
I think you want more than that.
Not for me. For Mary Beth.
- She wants to be a teacher.
- And she will be... here.
Yes, but what if she chooses not to stay?
To teach the English,
she'll need college and...
She's so bright, Gideon.
Don't you think we should...
- Shouldn't we at least consider...
- We made our choice, Ida, long ago.
It was the right choice for us,
but Mary Beth...
Will choose for herself
when the time comes.
By then it will be too late. She'll have
missed her chance for high school.
Listen, Gideon. Emma has
made us a very generous offer.
She said that Mary Beth
can stay with her for a time...
- and see what it's like to go to an English school.
- What are you saying?
I'm saying maybe we should try...
- You want our daughter to be shunned too?
- No, of course not.
You know she wouldn't be shunned.
She hasn't been baptized yet. I'm saying...
I just think she deserves
a chance to be something more than...
More than what?
She is a child of God.
She is already everything
that she needs to be.
It is Emma who is putting
these ambitions in you...
Emma who lives with outsiders,
tempting you with worldly matters.
Oh, you mustn't talk to her anymore.
- (Sighs)
- Promise me, Ida...
that you won't talk to Emma again.
I don't deserve you.
(Rooster Crows)
Mary Beth, I hope you're not going out
without something in your stomach.
Are you finished milking already?
I'm sorry, Dat. I overslept.
I tried to tell her it was time to get up.
Well, the cows asked about you...
but I told them you'd be back tomorrow.
I can't tell if we're still
quarreling or not.
We're not.
An apple is not a proper breakfast.
Here. Sit and eat.
You'll need to be fortified...
for your first day as teacher's helper.
The first thing I'm going to do is
I'm going to help Hannah with her sums.
Teacher Ruth says she's a little slow-headed
with numbers, but I think I can help.
You have a good heart...
Teacher Mary Beth.
All right.
I'm off to my prayer meeting.
The bus is coming in 15 minutes...
so finish your breakfast
and don't forget to brush your teeth.
Make sure you get a few hours of sleep
when they're gone, okay?
(Door Opens. Closes)
- (Laughter)
- Slow down, Katie. It's not a race.
Do I have to call you
"Teacher Mary Beth" now?
No, of course not, silly.
I'm just a teacher helper.
Why are you walking so funny?
New boots. They're still a little stiff.
Well, mine aren't.
Really? 'Cause you just tripped.
Bye, Dad.
I'm going to the feed store.
Do you need anything while I'm in town?
A packet of needles would be nice.
(Children Laughing, Shouting)
(Laughing. Shouting Continue)
(Laughs, Screams)
- (Laughing)
- (Katie) You're it!
(Bell Ringing)
All right, everyone, take your seats.
How's everybody doing today?
- Beautiful.
- (Children) Good.
- (Teacher Ruth) ...with your sums today.
- (Chattering)
(Teacher Ruth)
All right, Mary Beth, can I have...
- my teacher's helper up front, please?
- Yes. (Laughs)
(Man Over Phone)
(Teacher Ruth) There's a man. He just
walked into my school. He's got a gun!
(Horse whinnying)
- What is it?
- Whoa!
- Has something happened?
- I don't know.
Levi came to get Isaac. He says
there are police cars at the school.
They told me to stay put,
but I'm doing no such thing. Step up!
- (Beeps)
- Hello?
Hey, Charlie. I just got Maddy to sleep.
I hope you didn't wake her up.
What are you talking about?
Are you... Are you okay...
- (Line Clicks)
- Charlie?
- (Beeps)
- (Handset Settles In Cradle)
(Siren wailing)
(Siren Continues)
- Katie!
- Mama!
- Katie!
- Whoa.
There's a bad man in school, Mama.
Oh. But you got away.
Oh, thank Jesus, you got away.
Emma and I ran out the side door,
just like Teacher Ruth.
And I thought Mary Beth would run too.
I thought she would run.
Mary Beth is still
in the school with the man?
- Yes.
- Sarah and Rebecca too?
He said he wouldn't hurt us
if we did what he said.
But I ran.
I'm sorry, Mama. I'm so sorry.
What should we do?
We should pray.
(Police Radio Chatter)
- There you go.
- I thought I looked tired.
- Ah, man, I'm allergic to Mondays.
- (Chuckles)
- I just brewed a fresh pot of coffee if you want to go grab some.
- Good.
- Oh, Jill, look alive.
- I need you two on the road now.
School shooting,
West Nickel Mines. Amish school.
Amish? That doesn't make any sense.
The Amish don't have guns.
The shooter wasn't Amish.
He, uh, shot a bunch of young girls.
Call us if you get any other details.
(Siren wailing)
(Helicopter Whirring Overhead)
- Hey, Bill.
- Derek.
But my son... he got out, so...
I don't know anything about
the rest of the children.
- (Chattering)
- (Police Radio Chatter)
Come, boys.
We'll ask Dat. He may know.
Ida. Have they told you anything?
Just that we have to stay here.
And that one girl has passed for certain.
- Who?
- They don't know who because all the girls are dressed alike.
They asked us for a photo of Mary Beth.
I told them we didn't have one...
on account of God doesn't
like us to be in pictures.
I can't leave Katie.
I'll go.
Yes. Is this the Sheriff's Office?
Well, I've been trying to get ahold
of someone who can help me.
I... I just got a very disturbing
phone call from my husband.
Scared the heck out of me. I...
I don't know. I don't know
if he's gonna hurt himself or, uh...
Yes, I will hold.
Dad. Thank God you're here.
You have to watch Maddy.
I have to go find Charlie. He just...
There's something you need to see.
(Man) Although no official statement
has been released, what we do know...
is a lone gunman apparently entered
this one-room Amish school.
He allowed the boys to leave,
but kept the girls inside with him.
- God.
- The first trooper arrived on scene...
- What... Why are you showing me this?
- Amy, that's my truck!
The truck I loaned Charlie last week!
- (Baby Crying)
- Wait, Sheriff, what can you tell us...
I'm sorry, Ma'am.
I can't give you any information.
(Car Doors Opening)
No word on names or any other details?
No, the news conference
isn't for another 40 minutes.
- Yeah. Yeah, I got it.
- (Beeps)
Leonard doesn't want us
to wait for the news conference.
He wants us to go live in 10,
so pick your spot...
and I'm gonna find a uniform to talk to.
I think that's one of the parents.
Do we know anything new?
No, not yet.
Oh, dear God.
No then. I understand.
I need to know where my daughters are.
Ma'am, that's what I'm trying
to sort out right now.
But we got girls sent
to four different hospitals.
They're all wearing the same clothes,
and we got no photos to help us out.
Has no one asked the girls their names?
Ma'am, from what I understand,
not a one of them is conscious.
I should have stayed, shouldn't I?
I just thought that if
I went to get help, maybe...
There's no way that you could have known
what that man was set to do.
- A total stranger.
- He wasn't a stranger, Mama.
I've seen him before... lots of times.
Where? Who was he?
The man who drives the milk truck.
It was Charlie? Charlie Roberts?
I did find this letter
from Charlie saying "good-bye"...
saying that he was mad at God...
because our little girl had died,
and he was gonna take revenge on God.
That's her.
Lisa died the day she was born.
He... He called. and I... I didn't
understand what he was saying.
I thought he was telling me
that he was gonna kill himself.
I don't think it's possible
that he could ever hurt children.
My husband is... was a good man.
Ma'am, we found a list of the items
he took into the school with him.
And receipts from the hardware store
where he bought them.
The dates on those receipts
go back six days.
We believe that your husband had been
planning this crime for at least a week.
Would you please excuse me?
I don't feel well.
- (Coos)
- (Door Closes)
It appears that Charles Carl Roberts IV...
a local milk truck driver
who is not Amish...
entered the school at 10:35 this morning
carrying an arsenal that included...
a shotgun, several pistols,
along with 600 rounds of ammunition.
He ordered all the boys
to leave the room...
and then took 10 girls hostage.
(Clears Throat)
Soon after police arrived at the scene...
Roberts shot all 10 girls
and then took his own life.
We're being told that three of the girls
were either found dead at the scene...
or died shortly thereafter.
All of the other girls
suffered gunshot wounds...
(Voice Breaking)
and are being treated at local hospitals.
- (Police Radio Chatter)
- You okay?
Yeah. I... I just... I just need a minute.
- Okay.
- (Radio Chatter Continues)
It's Hannah.
She's safe in the arms of Jesus now.
- Oh, Hannah. Oh, no.
- (Crying)
- Sarah and Rebecca are still alive... at different hospitals.
- Oh...
- I must find Isaac.
- Okay.
We'll pray for them.
- Forgive me.
- Yes, Ma'am?
I was wondering if you had
any news of my daughter...
Mary Beth Graber. She's...
She's the oldest girl. Uh, 14, brown hair.
Sorry. Her name's not
on the hospital update.
Well, what does that mean?
They must have taken her somewhere.
- I'll make a call, try and find out.
- Thank you.
Excuse me.
Did they tell you about Mary Beth?
Is she in the hospital?
I don't know.
Perhaps she did run after all.
Perhaps, uh...
Perhaps she'll come walking
up the road any minute looking for us.
- (Sobs)
- (Crying Continues)
(Man) Do we have a definite
on the number of fatalities yet?
(Chattering Continues)
Heads up. Here he comes. folks.
We have some questions for you, sir.
Mr. Taskey, is Amy going to be joining you, sir?
- Mr. Taskey?
- Mr. Taskey, what is... what is Amy's feeling?
What is she going through right now?
Could you tell us?
- (Reporters Clamoring)
- Excuse... Uh... My name is Henry Taskey.
I'm here on behalf
of my daughter, Amy Roberts.
- (Camera Shutters Clicking)
- She's been devastated by what happened today.
She's written the following statement.
Excuse me.
(Shutters Clicking)
"The man who did this today..."
"Was not the Charlie
I've been married to for almost 10 years".
"He was an exceptional father".
"He took the kids
to soccer practice and games..."
"played ball with them in the backyard".
"He never said no when I asked him
to change a diaper".
"Our hearts are broken,
our lives shattered..."
"and we grieve for the innocent lives
that were lost here today".
"Above all, please pray".
"Pray for the families
who lost children today".
"Please pray for our children
and our family".
- That's it.
- (Male Reporter) Mr. Taskey...
- (Female Reporter) Mr. Taskey... Mr. Taskey...
- (Reporters Clamoring)
- A few questions, please, sir.
- Mr. Taskey?
(Male Reporter)
Mr. Taskey, please!
The coroner is gonna need
one of you to come down...
to the morgue to identify your daughter.
But I... I did identify her...
when they carried her out at the school.
Let me call the office and see
if they still want you to come down.
I... If they do, we are not able to drive.
I'd be happy to take you.
I want to go.
No. No, I will go. You...
You shouldn't see her... the way she is.
It... It will upset you.
"He leadeth me in paths
of righteousness for His name's sake".
"Yea, though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death..."
"I will fear no evil,
for Thou art with me".
Are we leaving?
Policemen are asking for our help...
but I need you to stay here
a little longer, okay?
You keep her close.
So, anything that we can do.
- (Police Radio Chatter)
- I don't have an answer yet. I'm on hold.
It doesn't matter. Please take me
to my daughter. I want to see her.
(Radio Chatter Continues)
(Door Closes)
- (Radio Chatter Continues)
- (Car Door Closes)
(Engine Starts)
- (Man) I'm the same way.
- (Chattering Continues)
- "Our hearts are broken"...
- There's news people outside.
- (TV Continues)
- Well, I expect you'll have to get used to that.
I don't want to get used to it. I don't want
those cameras anywhere near the kids.
- (TV Clicks Off)
- (Sighs)
I think you're gonna have
to just lay it out for them...
the whole mess...
so they don't find out from somebody else.
How am I supposed to do that, Dad?
How am I supposed to tell
them that their father...
I can't even say the words
to myself, let alone to...
How am I supposed to tell Andy and Ryan...
"Your daddy went and murdered..."
"I don't know how many little girls..."
"girls the same age as you"?
(Gasps, Sobbing)
(Sobbing Continues)
(Reporters Chattering)
We thank you for the ride.
(Man) All right. Wait a minute.
Here they are. What's going on? Come on.
- Gentlemen, can we ask you a question?
- Excuse me. What's your name?
Please... Can you explain
to us why you're here?
Sir? Are you here to...
It appears that some elder gentlemen
from the Amish community have come...
to visit the Roberts family.
Uh, none of them would
speak to us at this time.
- Looks like some Amish fellas.
- What? Why? What do they want?
I couldn't tell you.
But the last thing you need is
for some angry folks to make you
feel worse than you already do.
- I'll talk to them.
- No. They have the right to be angry.
- They have every right in the world.
- Not at you, they don't.
- You didn't do a thing wrong.
- Neither did they. Just let them in, Dad.
- Amy, you're not thinking clear-headed about this.
- Fine. I'll do it myself.
May we come in, Mrs. Roberts?
- Like they were going in for tea.
- (Door Closes)
- Have you ever seen anything like that?
- No. Never.
I didn't know what Charlie was planning.
I swear to God, I didn't know.
That never once entered our minds,
Mrs. Roberts.
I just... I don't know what happened to him.
I'm horrified. and I'm so sorry.
I would give anything...
I would give anything... my life...
to get those girls back.
Were any of you rel... related to them?
My daughter Mary Beth...
died this morning.
I'm sorry. You must be suffering deeply.
It is a deep wound, yes.
But she is in heaven...
with her Father now and...
She is at peace.
I'm so sorry. So sorry.
We're sorry for your loss too.
My loss?
You lost a husband.
Your children have lost their father.
We grieve for you as well.
We will harbor no anger at Charlie.
He was known to most of us.
We come here
to tell you that we forgive him.
You forgive him?
"For as ye forgive men their trespasses..."
"your heavenly father
will forgive you also".
Matthew 6:14.
We will not allow hatred into our hearts.
We know that you will be
facing harsh judgments...
and we would like to offer our help.
We are your neighbors...
and if you or your children
should need anything...
we hope that you will let us know.
We came to tell Mrs. Roberts that we carry
no grudge against her husband.
I don't even know what to do with that.
How to frame it.
I mean, how do you forgive
someone who did something like that?
I have two nieces. There's no way I could...
I raised three girls, and I...
Do you think he was being on the level?
They went into the house.
They talked to the wife.
Why would they do that
if they weren't serious about it?
All right.
We'll run the clip. No commentary.
We'll let people make up their own minds.
But tomorrow I want the both of you
out there again, talking with the Amish.
Find out if this is just a deacon
doing his job...
or if the families who lost children really
buy into all that forgiveness stuff.
She'll never sleep here again.
She's sleeping in a better place now,
little one.
(Door Opens)
They're taking Mary Beth
to the mortuary tomorrow.
I want to get up early
and sew her burial dress.
I'm sure that there are others that would
be happy to do that for you.
I want to do it. I want it ready tomorrow.
I don't like thinking about her lying there
without a clean dress to wear.
Do you plan to come with me tomorrow?
I'll be there.
You weren't with me today.
You were at the house of her murderer.
I was doing my duty.
According to whom? Levi?
According to God.
God had a plan for her, Ida.
He sent her to us.
He has the right to call her home.
To question that will do us no good.
But I don't know how to be without her.
(Baby Crying)
Gideon is up.
You should not blame him for what he did.
He was right to go with Levi.
You can say that even now?
Charlie Roberts is dead.
To forgive him makes it easier.
We don't have to see him.
We don't have to talk to him.
His fate is in God's hands.
Rachel, how are your girls?
God called Sarah home during the night.
I'm sorry.
I was hoping...
Both of Judith's daughters died.
Anna and Lydia.
That's five girls killed.
And Rebecca... how is she doing?
Still in the coma.
Well, we will pray for her.
You were up all night.
Sewing this dress is the last thing
I will ever do for Mary Beth.
Why were you showing Rachel
photographs of Emma's boys?
Rachel asked to see them.
We agreed that God probably wouldn't have
found us overly proud...
if we had just one photo
to remember our daughters by.
You do not need a graven image
to remember Mary Beth.
But it would comfort me.
But you do not need comfort, do you?
Of course I do.
I loved Mary Beth more than my life.
And yet you went to the house
of the man who killed her...
and you put out your hand to his wife.
Because it was the right thing to do.
God commands it.
We must trust God's wisdom.
What wisdom?
Why would God want a beautiful,
innocent girl to be slaughtered? Why?
I don't know!
All I know...
is that if we forgive,
God promises that peace will follow.
God has shattered my heart.
And I will not betray my daughter...
by forgiving the man who killed her.
I will not do it, Gideon.
I cannot.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I need to move the horse off the street.
You're Charlie Roberts's wife.
Is this where...
- Is your husband here?
- No.
No, I was just seeing if they...
I can take his body somewhere else.
Our deepest condolences on your loss.
Mr. Taskey.
Mr.... Graber.
- I'm so sorry for your loss.
- And I for yours.
Good day.
is Mary Beth wearing her new dress now?
Does she look pretty?
Yes, very pretty.
There's no need for you to cook.
Why not let our friends bring us food?
I don't want to see anyone else right now.
We are a people that share our burdens.
We are a people
that come to each other's aid.
When I picked Katie up,
they told me that there would be a...
grief counselor at the firehouse later on.
That she was willing
to meet with the families...
and help them work through their grief.
I prefer not.
But you need to...
perhaps more than anyone.
Why? Because I'm so unreasonable?
- Those are not my words.
- No.
But you are disappointed in me...
because I dare to hate the man
who took our daughter's life.
If you want me to go, I'll go.
I'll change my dress.
(Katie Crying)
I hate that man too.
He did a bad, evil thing...
and I hate him more than anything.
He did do an evil thing.
And... I don't blame you for hating him.
And you can hate him...
for as long as you like.
But tell me, this hate that's...
that's inside of you...
how does it feel?
Does it feel good?
Not very good.
Hate is a very big...
very hungry thing,
with lots of sharp teeth...
and it will...
eat up your whole heart...
and leave no room left for love.
We are lucky...
that God understands this.
He is the one that will
hand out the punishments...
so that we don't have to carry all this
terrible hate around inside of us...
if we don't want to.
If we're willing to forgive.
Maybe I could forgive him...
and still hate him just a little bit.
Ho. Ho!
Excuse me. Jill Green, WEBG News.
I wonder if I might
speak to you for a few minutes?
Uh, we don't have to talk on camera...
but a lot of people are wondering
about your unique way of coping...
with this terrible tragedy.
Excuse me. Jill Green, WEBG News.
Would you like to comment on why
you think it's a good idea...
to forgive the man
responsible for the tragedy at the school?
We don't have to talk on camera.
I just want to know, because, honestly...
I'm having a hard time understanding it.
I know this is very difficult.
Your lives have been turned upside down.
Your grief is new, and very painful.
But with time...
you can create
a new normal for yourselves...
especially if you stop
to remember the good things.
Why don't we start...
by talking about the memories you cherish
about your daughters.
Hannah was seven...
and so sweet.
Everyone always told me how sweet she was.
She loved working with me in the garden.
She'd take such care planting each seed...
patting it into the ground
with her little hands...
then practically drowning it with water.
Sarah was 12.
She liked gardening too.
But what she loved most was horses.
She'd just got a new mare.
The first night
we brought it to the farm...
Sarah slept in the barn.
Our Mary Beth was 14, and...
she loved to read.
I think she read the Bible
twice all the way through.
She loved to tell stories.
- Once, she wrote a...
- She wanted to be a teacher.
Anna was seven.
Lydia was eight.
They did everything together.
One evening...
Charlie Roberts came to get our milk...
and he had his sons with him.
And they played
with Anna and Lydia in the dairy.
I'm so sorry... that I left.
I keep praying to God...
that he will give me
that moment over again...
so that I can stay.
Ruth, if you hadn't run for help, the police
wouldn't have got there as soon as they did.
They told us that he was planning to do
much worse, and you spared them that.
Yes. Ruth. You did the right thing.
I forgot to mention
something else about Mary Beth.
Uh, how good she was
with younger children.
She was the only one that
could calm my nephew Amos...
when he was having an asthma attack.
She helped him up until the day
that Emma and the boys moved away.
Oh, that's right.
I'm not supposed to speak of my sister.
She's shunned for taking up
with an English man.
(Sniffles) We can forgive the man
who murdered our children. Sure...
but... but we cannot forgive
a lonely widow for falling in love.
I told you I shouldn't have come.
Yeah, no. I can't get anyone to talk
on camera. Oh, I gotta call you back.
- Hey, are you all right?
- I don't want to be here.
I want to go home.
Well, we can give you a ride.
This isn't a good idea.
My husband will be unhappy
if I go home without him.
Your husband was one of the men
that went to see Amy Roberts.
They don't understand how it bothers me.
None of them do.
They don't understand that...
That some things are unforgivable?
My colleague Ann Curry
has been covering this story...
from Lancaster County,
and she's with us there again tonight.
- Ann, good evening.
- Brian, good evening.
Along with forgiveness...
Those people out there
don't give up, do they?
(Ann Curry) Still, the Amish people here
are quick to forgive...
- burying their anger even before burying their children.
- Ah, honey.
You don't need to be watching that.
Where are the kids?
Lillian from church took them
to get something to eat.
What about you?
When was the last time you ate?
This time a week ago, I was...
bringing Charlie a plate in the garage.
He was fixing Andy's bike.
I thought we had a good life.
I would have bet money he thought
the same thing too, but he didn't.
He actually picked going to hell
over staying here with me.
Uh, how about I, uh...
make you a grilled cheese...
since that's the only thing
I know how to make.
- What's this?
- Some Amish came and dropped it off.
It's donations.
They said their kids can't use them...
so they gave them to the boys.
Huh. I'll be.
They really put their money
where their mouth is, don't they?
I asked the community what they wanted
from the world outside...
and I was told, "Tell the world
we are grateful for its prayers".
"But also remember to pray
for the gunman's family". Brian?
(Rooster Crowing)
Katie, no! Oh. What are you doing?
Making cookies for after
Mary Beth's funeral.
Katie. I'm sorry for yelling.
I just didn't want you to get hurt.
Oh, Katie, I said I was sorry.
This should be my funeral too.
I should have gotten shot too.
I don't know why I ran.
It would be better
if she was the one that ran.
She would never burn the cookies.
Oh, Katie.
Katie, listen. Listen, shh.
I thank God you ran.
I thank God you're here.
And don't ever think...
that you should have been shot or...
or that you shouldn't be here
with me and your father.
we love you.
And we need you. So, please...
Please, please...
Don't ever feel bad for being alive.
Now, let's go and make
a fresh batch of cookies together, okay?
(Knocking On Door)
Isaac just returned from the hospital.
He says Rebecca opened her eyes three times
in the night. They think she's waking up!
Oh, that's wonderful news.
That's... wonderful.
Will you come with me to the hospital?
But Mary Beth's funeral...
It isn't until tomorrow.
Please, Ida.
If it turns out she's not waking up...
- I can't bear to sit there alone.
- Yes.
Yes, of course. I'll go change.
- I'm so happy for you.
- (Kisses)
- We just need to pray that she's waking up.
- Let's do that.
So you have one of the families saying...
that they have no intention of doing
the forgiveness thing.
No, not a family. A mother.
Her husband is clearly
in forgiveness mode.
He was one of the men
that went to Amy Roberts's house.
Is she being pressured to toe the line?
Is that what that powwow
they had yesterday was all about?
No. No. It was, uh,
some kind of grief counseling.
Although Ida was pretty upset
when she came out.
So I suppose there could be
some kind of pressure going on.
Well, then, what are you sitting here for?
- Find out.
- Leonard...
Do we really want to pursue this angle?
All the networks are pretty much
taking the Amish at face value.
I don't take anything at face value.
I'm not gonna report something as a fact
unless I'm sure it's a fact.
I mean, if you find evidence that this
community genuinely forgives Roberts...
then fine. I'll let you run with it.
But if what we really have
are deacons and elders...
making devastated parents feel like
they gotta spout the party line...
it's a different story.
So this is where the fireman picks you up?
He says it's on his way to work,
although he won't be working today.
- He said he'd get another to drive me.
- Mmm.
I must say...
all our lives we're told to keep ourselves
separate from outsiders, but...
been nothing but generous
and openhearted to me.
(Car Approaching)
Looks like a woman.
(Car Door Opening)
I... I, uh, went to the firehouse to see
if I could volunteer and help with anything.
They said a mother needs
a ride to a hospital.
Yes, that's me. I'm Rachel.
This is Ida.
And it's very kind of you to take me.
Isn't she kind, Ida?
Please, let me help.
Yes. Please. Ida.
Let's go.
So who is it you're going to visit?
What's her name?
She's 10.
Well, I'm glad she made it.
I'll be praying for Rebecca.
Her other daughter, Sarah, was killed...
along with my daughter.
It seems very warm for this time of year.
Is it?
I guess it is.
My husband says our corn
will be later than usual.
I hope that won't cause you any problems.
Oh, no. It's a bit of a blessing
since we've all been...
so occupied.
You know, if there's anything I can do
for you and your family, you just...
I can give you rides anywhere you gotta go.
I can give you my phone number.
That's very generous.
We don't have a phone, but...
- I'll be happy to take your number.
- Will you please pull over?
- I have to get out of the car.
- Why? What's wrong?
- I don't feel well. I need to get out.
- I'm pulling over.
- What are you doing?
- No, what are you doing?
Sitting in the car beside Amy Roberts
discussing the weather?
I cannot bear the sight of her!
Ida, this is not a fitting way to talk.
She did nothing wrong.
Mary Beth is dead because of her husband!
- And you're gonna defend her and scold me?
- My daughter is dead too.
And I want to scream at the world too.
- But more than that, I do not want to make my heart...
- (Scoffs)
a battleground between hate and love.
It hurts too much.
We have suffered enough damage.
We must do as God asks, Ida!
We must choose love.
I cannot go to the hospital with you.
Mary Beth's funeral is tomorrow.
I have much to do.
You think Leonard's
barking up the wrong tree.
Pretty much.
You gotta admit...
we don't know for sure
until we look into it.
Is that who I think it is?
It's Ida Graber.
Are you all right?
Can we give you a ride?
Not today. But...
the day after tomorrow...
can you give me a ride then?
Yeah, yeah, we could do that.
Uh, where do you need to go?
To Philadelphia.
I can't stand to be here anymore.
I... I just...
I have to get out of this place.
I have to leave.
Will you do it?
I don't know anyone else to ask.
I'll pick you up
at your house Friday morning.
- Is that for one of the girls they say Daddy killed?
- Yes, honey.
It's for Mary Beth Graber.
I think they made a mistake.
I think Daddy went into the school
to help the girls...
and the real bad guy
shot him and got away.
they just think it was Daddy,
but it wasn't.
Oh, honey.
(Shutter Clicking)
Thank you for talking to me today.
Those are some big ears.
- Smell it.
- (Sniffs)
- Mmm.
- They're ready.
The harvest is late this year.
- You ever walk through a cornfield at night?
- (Laughs) No.
No, this is a first for me, day or night.
When it's quiet,
you can hear the corn grow.
God's work... it's all around us.
Not everything is God's work.
For many years,
we were persecuted for our faith.
We're not afraid to die.
Young girls should not have to die
while sitting in school.
No, no. It may not seem so to us...
we who are left to bear
the pain and loss...
but it is not our place to decide
who does and does not die.
That, especially, is God's work.
Charlie Roberts
wrote in his suicide note...
that he wanted to offend God...
for taking his baby daughter.
He was purposely doing evil.
All the more reason
that we should forgive him.
Do you say things like that
because you're supposed to say them?
I believe that you're asking me
if I'm a puppet to my faith.
No. No, I'm sorry.
It's just...
I don't see how you can forgive someone...
who hasn't show regret
or expressed remorse.
I don't see that as genuine forgiveness.
Forgiveness comes from an open heart...
and it comes without condition...
or it does not come at all.
It was a long day.
I'm glad it is done.
I have to leave, Gideon.
What are you saying?
- What are you...
- I cannot bear to be here any longer.
I'm going to the city.
I want to find a place near Emma...
and I want to take Katie with me.
I want you to come with us.
I don't want us to be apart. And...
Katie won't be happy without you.
You will never leave, will you?
Not even for me.
I'm a plain man, Ida.
I can be nothing else. This is my place.
- Our place.
- No.
Not anymore it isn't.
- You're in pain. You're not... You're not thinking clearly.
- Not true.
Pain clears the mind very well...
and I know that I do not belong here.
I am not a meek little sheep
like Rachel and Melinda.
Like you, offering up our daughter
as a sacrifice to faith.
You will mock our faith now?
Our faith is the only thing
of value that we have.
No! we had so much more than that!
We had Mary Beth! Our child...
was of priceless value, and you made her
cheap with your easy forgiveness!
It is not easy to forgive!
The Lord does not set us on an easy path!
But this I know.
Faith, when everything is as you want it
to be, is not true faith.
It is only when our lives
are falling apart...
that we have the chance
to make our faith real.
Now, if you do not have true faith,
then perhaps you're right.
Perhaps you don't belong here.
So you will let me go?
I would not force you
to stay here against your will.
Do this one thing for me.
Come with me to the firehouse tomorrow
to meet with the grief counselor.
They said Amy Roberts will be there.
All right, I'll go.
And Katie and I will leave after.
- Gideon...
- Hmm.
I hope you will come see us
as often as you like.
I will not see you.
You will be shunned.
But I will come and fetch Katie and...
bring her here to visit with me.
(Door Opens)
(Door Closes)
- Everything okay?
- Yeah.
- I bet Gideon's pretty upset.
- He is.
And it pains me terribly
to hurt him, but...
I do not see any other way.
If you want to take a few more days
to think about it...
No. It won't be any easier
a few days from now.
I promised Gideon
that I'd go with him to the firehouse.
The families are meeting with Amy Roberts.
Oh. I hadn't heard.
Will you come?
I would just love
to have someone there who...
understands how I feel.
Thank you.
I want to thank you all
for coming here today.
I have been so much wanting to tell you...
how sorry I am...
for your girls.
S... So deeply, incredibly sorry.
It's just, um...
what Charlie did is, uh...
it's incomprehensible to me...
and to everyone who knew him.
My son...
he said it feels like a mistake.
You've all been so kind to me...
and to my children.
Even to... Charlie.
Seeing you forgive him...
when some things are just unforgivable.
We all deserve forgiveness, Mrs. Roberts.
Is God going to forgive Charlie
for what he did?
I don't see how any of you...
I'm sorry. I... I... I...
I don't mean to be rude.
No, it's all right.
But you do not understand.
Our forgiveness isn't about Charlie.
doesn't mean forgetting.
It doesn't even mean a pardon.
we know that Charlie
will stand before a just God.
But we also know that if we hold on
to our anger and resentment...
then it is only ourselves
who are being punished.
It's true.
Every morning when I wake...
I expect to hear Anna and Lydia singing
together as they do their chores.
But the silence reminds me
that they're gone.
And I become so full of anger...
that I can barely breathe.
But then I offer that anger up to God...
and I forgive.
And sometimes I have to
do it again in an hour...
and again an hour after that.
But if I did not do that...
I don't know how I would
ever breathe again.
I don't care if I ever breathe again.
I don't understand how he could
do that to those girls...
to me, to his children!
I don't know how to forgive!
I don't know...
- We will pray with you.
- Oh, my God!
- We will help you.
- You're not alone.
None of us is alone.
Oh, my God.
What can I do? Do you... Do you want me
to drive you to the city?
- Do you want me to take you home?
- I don't know.
- I don't know.
- Are you all right?
- No.
- (Car Approaching)
Ida, Gideon... you need to come
with me to the hospital.
- Rebecca is asking for you.
- Why would she...
She remembers everything,
and she wants to talk to you.
Look who I brought.
Good to see you, Rebecca.
God must have known how much
we needed you here to send you back to us.
I told them you remember what happened
in the schoolhouse.
Did you want to tell us what happened?
I want to tell you about Mary Beth.
I want to tell you
what she said to the milkman.
Go on. We'd like to know.
After he got his gun...
he was standing over me.
I was so scared.
Mary Ann Fisher...
She said, "Shoot me first".
So he went over to her...
and he said...
"You girls should pray for me".
But Sarah said,
"I think you should pray for us".
And Mary Beth said...
"I will. I will pray for you".
(Gasps, Cries)
She said she'd pray for him...
even though she knew
he was gonna shoot us with that gun.
Mary Beth was the bravest one of all.
She was.
She was a good girl. She was...
She was the best, bravest girl.
Thank you for telling us that.
Thank you so much.
As soon as you come home,
I'm gonna bring Katie to visit you, okay?
Take me home.
I want to go home.
(Bell Tolling)
(Male Reporter) Funeral services
for gunman Charles Carl Roberts...
Not a lot of people.
No. About a dozen, if that.
Poor Amy. I thought she belonged
to a big congregation.
Doesn't look like it today.
(Horse whinnies)
We're very sorry for your loss.
I don't understand.
Before she died...
my daughter had forgiveness in her heart.
I can do no less.
Thank you.
Thank you.
On this, of all occasions...
we cannot pretend
that evil does not exist.
We cannot pretend that even the most
God-fearing of men...
cannot be swayed by darkness...
to carry out evil acts...
acts that leave
a terrible pain in their wake.
But as our Amish brothers
and sisters have shown us...
when we do not
seek vengeance for our pain...
when we open our hearts
to the healing light of forgiveness...
then the darkness is banished...
and evil is no more.
- Six Months Later
- (Female Reporter) The tragic incident...
that has changed the lives
of so many in Nickel Mines.
The Amish community...
Ready to get this show on the road?
You go ahead. Pick your spot.
- Ida! Hello.
- Hi.
I was hoping to see you all here today.
- Katie... (Chuckles)
- (Katie Chuckles)
you've grown a foot
since the last time I saw you.
- I know. Dat says he's going to sit on my head.
- Oh. (Chuckles)
Miss Green.
- Katie looks wonderful. Is she doing okay?
- Mmm.
She misses her sister terribly.
We all do. But, yes.
Katie's always been a happy soul,
and always will be, I think.
And you and your husband?
(Sighs) It bothers me to think that
I might have made things difficult for you.
Oh, please, don't think so.
You were a friend to me
in my darkest hour, and...
I'm grateful to have known you.
I'm grateful too.
Do you think Amy Roberts
will be here today?
I don't know. They said that
she's planning on moving away.
Oh, wait. There she is.
I was wondering if I'd see you here.
I wanted to come.
I needed to see the new school.
It's good you're here.
Of the five girls who survived
the shooting with serious injuries,
four were well enough to attend
New Hope Amish School the day it opened.
Life changed forever in Nickel Mines.
Life changed forever in Nickel Mines.
Yet faith remained.
Yarychenko Vitaly, dima360