Amores Possiveis (Possible Loves) (2001) Movie Script

- Awake?
- I had a strange dream.
A nightmare?
No, it was actually
very pleasant.
- Tell me.
- It's not worth it.
Good morning.
Nine o'clock.
You know what a bore Lourdes
is about punctuality.
Please don't be late as usual.
I'd rather only show up
in time for coffee.
You're always arguing
with Lourdes.
I hate her dinner
parties, that's all.
You always have fun.
After a couple of whiskies,
I'd even enjoy a funeral.
Do you think I should
wear that blue dress?
I'm tired of wearing black.
Isn't it monotonous when everyone...
dresses exactly the same?
In black.
Carlos, I was looking for you.
Guess what this is!
The legal department
signed our contract.
Now we're their lawyers in
every Latin American port.
Vessels, cargo and staff.
Want to take a look?
- Can I say 'no'?
- Of course not.
We've been after this deal
for over a year...
and you react like this?
- I'll tell you later.
- No, come on. Are you all right?
I'm fine.
So I see.
- I don't know, I had this weird dream.
- Dream?
About an ex-girlfriend.
Well, she wasn't in it,
we'd agreed to meet in the cinema.
- And then?
- Then nothing.
I woke up, looked around, my
room, the furniture, Maria.
I hate dreaming.
If it's a bad dream,
you have cold sweats.
And a good dream is just a dream.
I hate dreaming.
I'll see you up there.
Would you be capable
of waiting for someone?
I am waiting.
Seriously, could you wait for
a woman, for a very long time?
I'm not exactly famous for being
patient with the opposite sex.
How long?
- Fifteen years.
- Fifteen years?!
I thought you meant half
an hour, 20 minutes!
No woman deserves
that long. Ciao!
Go on, Carlos, turn it off.
- I woke up all dizzy.
- What's wrong?
I had a weird dream.
Was I in it?
It wasn't that weird.
- Come on, time to get up.
- No, it's Saturday!
Wake up, Pedro.
Lucas will be mad
if we don't go.
Julia will be mad, too.
Your ex-wife is always
mad at something.
Today's Saturday, it's 8 a.m.
She probably hasn't even thought
of a reason to be mad yet.
Call her and say you're
not fetching Lucas...
and she'll thank you.
You'll give her a great reason
to have a terrible Saturday.
All right, has your mother
got your things ready?
We're leaving now.
Come on, Pedro.
Come on.
Can you manage
the rest yourself?
I managed to get up, but waking
me will take another 2 hours.
- We haven't got 2 hours.
- We haven't?
Well let's forget it then
and go back to bed.
No, Pedro, Lucas
is waiting for us.
I'm trying to go faster,
only my body won't obey.
Everything's in
your bag, son.
If you change clothes, put them
back so you don't forget anything.
Won't you warn
me about Pedro?
You bet. Watch your back
with that guy, understand?
If you go to the bathroom,
lock the door.
I don't want that guy
seeing you naked.
You're so paranoid
about Pedro and dad.
Paranoid? Where did
you learn that word?
You say it to dad
all the time.
Let's not get too progressive here.
You're too young to understand.
There, that's
your dad honking.
- Bye, mom.
- Have a nice time.
- So, all set?
- Hi, Pedro!
Are you all right?
Look what a wonderful hat!
- Who bought you that hat?
- My dad.
- Are you jealous?
- Got to watch out.
One fine day you wake up after
a weird dream, look around...
and think that this
life isn't really yours.
You think my dream
was about Julia?
All I know is, I wasn't in it.
Come, Lucas!
- It's nothing, dad.
- Come on!
Carlos Eduardo, it's time.
- Come on, don't be lazy. Get up.
- What are you doing?
Waking you up.
Do you know what time it is?
I went to bed at 4 AM,
I'm hardly mentally fit...
- to answer that!
- You've a meeting at 9.
Damn, I forgot.
- What's going on?
- Is that someone?
Of course not.
What's going on?
- Hi.
- Hi. Say hi, mom.
- Does she always wake you like this?
- I've got a business meeting.
Where's the bathroom?
- What the hell was that?
- How should I know?
- Got a cigarette?
- I think so, someplace.
- What was your name?
- Dandara.
Dandara, would you be very upset
if I asked you to grab...
your things and leave?
You know why?
I'm late,
I've got to get to work.
No problem,
I'll be off, then.
- Hey!
- What?
- Will I see you again?
- Sure, one of these nights.
What a night, mom!
For a Tuesday, it must
have been pretty good.
I can't remember many details,
but it was pretty heavy.
She had a skull tattooed
on her behind.
A skull?
Didn't notice.
- And a nail here.
- That's a piercing, mom.
Look, son, nails, piercing,
they're all relatives.
I didn't notice. I only
felt the one on her tongue.
Oh Carlos, that's terrible!
Such a cute and
intelligent boy...
and so charming, going to bed
with some tattooed punk...
who looks like a billboard.
But it's a curse.
It's because you always
find something wrong with...
- every one of your girlfriends.
- They all had problems.
- What was wrong with Marta?
- Talked too much.
- And Renata?
- Talked too little.
- And Verinha?
- She was agitated, couldn't keep still.
And Lais?
Lais was weird,
she liked Iranian movies.
And Flavinha?
I know you liked her, such
a charming girl, so refined.
Yeah, she was
really nice, but...
This will sound cruel, but you're
my mom so I can tell you:
she used to fart.
- What?
- Yes, she used to.
She'd fart very politely, softly
and slowly, but she used to fart.
How can you say
that about her?
Mom, it happens in
the best of families.
Don't worry, mom.
One day I'll find
the perfect woman...
and that'll be the end of these
wild nights and these mad passions.
- I'll finally find peace.
- Sure.
There you are.
- What would I do without you?
- Go on, you're late.
What do I need another woman for
when I have you?
But you can't go to bed with me.
Had to be something wrong.
Bye, mom.
Did you enjoy the movie?
That night, remember,
did you watch the movie?
- You're so different.
- Older.
No, no, that's not
what I meant, you're...
I never heard from you again.
What have you been doing?
I went to the States for
two years and stayed ten.
You used to study art,
art history.
Yes. Been a long
time, hasn't it?
You got married,
didn't you?
Well, some things have changed.
Not me.
I'm still in the same
apartment, still single...
and still devoted
to art history.
- And still beautiful.
- You too.
If I'd known you were going to
turn into such a handsome guy...
I swear I'd have
shown up that night.
Hi darling,
we lost each other.
I wandered over here and
ran into an old friend.
- Hello.
- How are you?
I'm sorry, Julia, Maria.
Well, it's getting late,
I'd better get going.
- Pleasure meeting you.
- My pleasure.
Pretty, your friend.
Do you think so?
Dad, it's mom!
- Hi, Julia.
- Hi, son.
- Want a hand?
- No need.
But they're heavy!
We never talk anymore.
For all I care, we needn't
speak to each other ever again.
You shouldn't be so resentful,
it's not good for you.
Funny you worrying about me after
all the suffering you've caused.
Look, Julia, let's not
fight in front of Lucas.
He suffers so much because
we can't be friends.
Hold on a minute.
I'd like to ask you something.
When you have sex
with your partner...
Do you guys use a condom
when you have sex?
- Sure.
- Too bad.
Because every night I dream,
that one day you'll die of Aids.
Understand now, or do you still
think we can be 'friends'?
Give me that.
Come eat with us, dad!
I can't, not today.
Next time, all right?
Did you fight again?
Let's go, son.
What did I ever do to
make her treat me so bad?
Nothing. You just dumped her
for the guy...
you played soccer
with on Tuesday nights.
Want a better
reason than that?
- These things happen.
- Sure they do.
But usually guys play
a game with their friends...
talk a load of nonsense and
then go home smelling of beer.
That's not exactly
what happened to you.
But look, I understand,
you know?
That sort of thing's difficult
for any woman to take.
Especially someone like Julia.
And anyway, if you
ask me, all the hatred...
all this bitterness...
Move that, will you?
It's all because deep down
she still has the hots for you.
- That doesn't make any sense.
- Of course it does.
You just don't notice it.
Or pretend not to.
I don't know why you're
still so insecure.
We've been together
so long now.
After all, we
built this place.
I'm just teasing you.
Maybe I'm fishing
for a compliment.
What's the pasta like?
And the cook?
I adore my cook.
Any messages?
Catarina, Silvia, Luisa,
Gl'ria, Catarina again...
Jesus, all that
in two hours?
I never know which one I'm
talking to, it's so confusing.
Okay, calm down.
The next one that calls,
say I married, that I'm on...
my honeymoon, or that
I had a sex change.
- I'm gonna listen... Here you are.
- What's that?
- Got a light?
- No.
You look different.
I just can't stand
this life anymore.
I want to find a great
woman, the right woman.
- Does she exist?
- She does, you can be sure of that.
Somewhere in the world,
just waiting for me.
Sure, but you've got
to be ready for it.
Oh, don't start that again.
What's wrong with me?
Tell me, I've done everything
there is. Every type of therapy...
I've talked about my childhood,
I've screamed, roared, meditated...
and looked into lanterns,
I've done everything.
I'm not the problem,
they're all useless!
Starting with your mom,
always spoiling you.
Jesus, there you go,
why hurt me like that?
Didn't we agree never
to talk about her?
Remember? Mom and I have an
agreement, that's all.
She protects me,
and I keep her company.
- Protects you from what?
- You know.
From sexual harassment.
Can you imagine all those women
moving into my place?
Take a look at
this, maybe...
- Don't do that to me.
- Don't throw it away!
Look, that's
just what I need!
It's my lucky day.
In fact, I'm not even sure l
believe in this sort of thing.
I just need
to find my soul-mate.
Before we start, I should explain
that this isn't a therapy...
nor a religion.
You might say, we're a research
center for divining.
So there is no need to believe...
just answer the questionnaire as
objectively as possible.
- Your soul-mate's sex?
- Female, of course.
We must consider every
possibility, no prejudices.
- What else?
- I want an independent woman.
But at the same time, she must be
totally committed to her partner.
I don't like submissive women,
but on the other hand...
she must know that her main role in
life is to make me happy.
- Physical appearance?
- An athletic body, but not too muscular.
Breasts which fit in
the palm of your hand.
No more, no less.
Full lips, I hate thin lips.
A soft belly, just soft enough
for me to rest my head on.
So I'm not very
demanding about looks.
- What's next?
- And temperament?
Well, I hate
bleeding hearts...
but she should be loving.
Not those ones with
permanent pre-menstrual tension.
No way! Cultured, yes,
but not intellectual.
She should be refined,
speak two or three languages...
enjoy poetry,
jazz and movies.
Preferably Woody Allen and
Truffaut, if possible.
And... she should be hot
in bed, not too shy.
Put that, hot in bed.
Anyway that's all, I want
a simple, normal woman.
I'm really very open-minded
about my other half.
Is that all?
Great ass.
Put that, the ass
is fundamental.
She must have
a great ass.
with all this information
in our database...
we're going to find your perfect
partner among our clients.
- And how do I find her?
- With this.
We call it a 'localizer'.
All our clients have one.
And it works?
It never fails.
- And how long will it take?
- Usually, 48 hours.
- What are you doing here?
- Waiting for you.
How long?
Do I look terrible?
If that's the idea,
then you need to try harder.
Is that a compliment?
Let's put it short.
Is your mom pretty?
Apart from the jacket which makes
you look old, you're gorgeous.
I think you're right.
Of course!
It's too warm for a jacket.
- Take care.
- Be wise!
You should do this more often...
go out, get smashed, date a guy.
It's true.
You know, it's been so long
since I was with a man...
I can't even
remember how they work.
We'll resolve that tonight,
I can feel it.
- How do you know it?
- Can't you sense the vibes?
Don't look now, but two really
great guys have just walked in.
Keep your cool, mustn't give
them too much attention.
- I don't believe it.
- Hi, Julia.
Hi, Carlos.
Aren't you going to
introduce your friends?
This is Carlos, and that's...
I'm Pedro.
- Hi, Pedro, how are you?
- Fine, and you?
- Do you come here often?
- Of course, every other day.
Only tonight we picked
the wrong night.
What are you going to drink?
My God, this guy Pedro's gorgeous.
I wouldn't kick yours out, either.
Mine? I couldn't give
a damn about him.
In fact, I've got one hell of a
headache. We're leaving, right?
- We were just going, too.
- It's early, let's dance first.
Yeah, okay.
- You used to like dancing.
- I still do.
- So let's dance.
- With you? I'd rather die.
- Why?
- Because I hate you.
- We need to talk.
- Shut up.
I thought you
wanted to dance?
So let's dance.
But Carlos,
this is only a truce.
Let's go.
Are you coming or not?
Bye, Pedro.
- Pedro is gorgeous. Is he single?
- No, he's married.
Why are they
either gay or married?
- Well this one's gay and married.
- Lucky I found out.
Carlos, what is that?
A soul-mate localizer. Soon I'll
be meeting the woman of my life.
Be serious.
It's science, mom,
the latest in modern technology!
If you want to meet
people, go on a trip.
No more mistakes, I need
to get it right this time.
- I'm shocked, Carlos.
- Why doesn't it work?
It's all in your head, son, can't
you see it's just some fantasy?
It's not possible, I answered all
the questions, what's going on?
Snap out of it...
there's no such thing
as a soul-mate.
You're in cloud-cuckoo-land!
- Throw it away.
- Hands off! It's working!
Look, mom!
- You?
- Julia?
What a coincidence!
Such a long time!
Fifteen years.
Meeting again like this,
making such fools of ourselves.
So you're my perfect partner?
And you're my soul-mate?
- In fact...
- Go ahead.
- No, please go.
- You're so different...
I was just going to ask what
you've been doing, for 15 years.
- I'm an artist.
- An artist?
Yeah, want to see my atelier?
- Sure.
- Let's go.
- That way?
- Yeah, come.
You disappeared after college, I
never heard from you again.
- What happened?
- First I was a model in Paris.
Then I lived in Venice,
Monaco, Barcelona.
Then I got tired of bourgeois
comforts and went to Africa.
I spent 2 years living in a tent
caring for civil war refugees.
Then I went to work on
a plantation in Cuba.
Cuba was great.
Then I got bored and went and
tried my luck in NY.
New York?
You've done so much!
What about you?
My life hasn't been
as interesting as yours.
To tell the truth, not
many important things.
No, I've been waiting for you
since that night at the cinema.
I'd forgotten what an
incorrigible romantic you are.
- And I how pretty you are.
- I'd forgotten how seductive you are.
Can I tell you something?
Your smell is so intense,
it fills the room.
I know, teenagers say
silly things like that.
But that's how I feel right now...
making love to the woman I've
been dreaming about all my life.
If I'd known how
good it is with you...
I swear I wouldn't have
waited all this time.
Want to go boating
with me tomorrow?
I can't, I've got to work.
I'm really behind.
And you'll still
be behind tomorrow.
You haven't done anything
productive for ages.
I hardly ever see
you at your desk.
You just stare out into space,
waiting for that girl to call.
Julia was the great love of my
youth. We were interrupted.
No woman is worth
waiting 15 years for.
Julia is.
Really? Are you going
to tell your wife...
or will she wait 15 years
before finding out?
No, it's Pedro.
Yes he is, I'll put him on.
It's her... Maria.
Clarice looked lovely,
didn't she?
She still looks 20.
Something about her. I don't know...
a state of mind.
She knows how to enjoy life.
- Aren't you coming?
- Coming.
You hated dinner, didn't you?
- Maria, of course not.
- Yes you did. I know you.
- You didn't even argue with Lourdes.
- You asked me not to.
I always do, but when
you don't argue with her...
- you don't have any fun.
- I'm tired, Maria, that's all.
- Shall we have sex?
- If you like.
I'm getting the hell out.
I'm leaving Maria,
the apartment, everything...
I can't stand being
away from you.
What about her, your wife?
Maria will understand,
she'll have to.
- It'll be tough. So long together.
- Such a long time and so little love.
- Jesus! Where's the fire?
- What fire?
There must be a fire someplace
for you to wake me this early.
Sorry, I didn't mean to,
I'm going to see Lucas.
- Is his place on fire?
- No, there is no fire!
- So why are you visiting him so early?
- I miss him.
But today isn't even
your day to see Lucas.
No, it's not my day, but l
feel like seeing him, and...
no one's going to stop a father
from seeing his son, are they?
I bet Julia will.
She won't like it one bit.
I'm sorry I came without calling
first, I'd like to see Lucas.
He's at school.
- Anything important?
- No, I just miss him.
- Cleaning up?
- Yeah.
Can I wait? I promise
not to get in the way.
Come on in.
You moved a lot
of things around.
Yeah, the place
reminded me of you.
Sometimes I wonder...
how could things
change so much?
One day we were happy,
in love, together...
and the next...
The next, you'd dumped
the woman of your life...
for a guy you met
playing soccer.
Didn't you ever stop and ask how
difficult it is for me, Carlos?
It's difficult for
me, too, Julia.
But I'm the one
who lost out.
We both lost out.
And what did you lose, Carlos?
I lost you.
Son of a bitch! You want to
drive me crazy, is that it?
- Listen.
- You listen, I do the talking!
You kicked me in the ass, left me
up shit's creek for 3 years...
turned me into this monster
I've become, prejudiced...
angry, resentful. I can't even
see a gay in the street without...
wanting to burn him alive,
all because of that queer.
- Don't say that.
- Faggot!
Punk, limp-wristed pederast!
- Stop it, let's talk.
- Talk about what?
You think you can manipulate
everybody with that smooth talk?
You think you can come on with
that cute voice of yours...
touching me and do whatever
you like, do you?
It's not like that,
I just wanted to kiss you.
- Why aren't you at school?
- The last class was canceled.
Your mother and l
were just talking.
- But he's leaving, right Carlos?
- Yeah, I'll call you.
I'm going to my room.
My son, it never took you more
than a minute getting dressed!
- Who's this new woman?
- A marvelous woman...
different from
anyone I ever met.
You'll find something
wrong with her.
Mom, there's nothing wrong with
this one. She's perfect.
For you to act like this,
she must be pretty demanding.
- Yes, I guess she is demanding.
- And elegant?
- She's a style of her own.
- And is she a lawyer, too?
- No, she works with art.
- Une marchande, how chic!
Maybe I've heard of her,
what's her name?
- Julia.
- Julia what?
Jesus, what is this,
an interrogation?
But son, if I'm to lose you to
someone, she has to be special.
She is special.
She's the woman I love.
Now let me go, I'm late.
It's funny, but...
every time we make love,
it's like the first time.
- And that's bad?
- No, but it's new for me.
Me too.
- There's an animal in this!
- It's just a worm.
how can you drink that?
Don't be such an idiot.
That's what they drink in Mexico.
Go on, it's good.
- What a taste you have.
- You think that's bad?
No, I'll get used to them.
And I'll always have
a surprise for you.
Look what I got for us today.
Julia, couldn't we have
regular sex...
- for once, just for a change?
- Never!
What, you're not
tying me to this?
For Christ's sake, tell me you're
nearly through, it hurts!
Take it easy.
- And you had to lose the key.
- It's nearly open.
I must have been crazy or drunk
to let you handcuff me. Or both!
Carlos, it's no use, I'll have
to send for a locksmith.
No way!
You'd rather stay naked like
that for the rest of your life?
How humiliating.
Can't you at least cover me?
Will you do that for me?
Poor guy!
Go on, go ahead and laugh.
I'd like to have seen you there...
stark naked, handcuffed,
with a guy...
giving you dirty looks,
saying: 'pretty kinky, sir'.
Sorry, but I never went
in much for hard-core stuff.
You think I do?
You think I still like
Julia's weird stuff?
Sometimes I wonder whether
I'm losing my mind.
That's funny, I thought you said
she was your 'soul-mate'?
She should be. Maybe I answered
that questionnaire all wrong.
But I thought you liked her,
didn't you have divine sex?
That's the main thing, man. That
soul stuff is God's business.
Passion is the main thing.
Maybe you're right.
So, why waste time
finding what's wrong with her?
One would say you
like to suffer.
That's it. You're a masochist
and she's a sadist.
See, you were
made for each other.
Hi, mom.
Want a ride?
- Where did you get that car?
- It belonged to my grandfather.
I installed a CD player.
Let's go?
It never happened to me before,
no one ever let me use handcuffs.
- Sure was dumb of me.
- I thought it was brilliant...
it was an act of trust,
of surrender...
a proof of love.
A boundless and shameless love.
Any doubts I had whether you're
the man of my life have vanished...
you have conquered me,
you won.
- You're out of this world.
- Let's drink to that.
- No worms?
- Hell no, I got some great wine.
You're so handsome.
Kiss me.
If you like, you can
handcuff me next time.
I don't need handcuffs
to tie you down.
Going on a trip?
Why didn't you ask me to pack for
you, you always forget something.
I only found out at the last minute,
there wasn't time to let you know.
Going to be away long?
- No, a week or two, at the most.
- That long?
But I'll call you the minute
I get to the hotel.
All right.
Have a good trip.
This whole thing is
eating me up...
I never thought I'd have
the courage to move out.
Do you have a place
to go?
- Got a spare room?
- No, we're full up.
But you can stay
in mine if you like.
Sorry, my religion only
allows me one sin a day...
and today's is drink.
So let's make a deal.
If you promise to behave...
- I'll let you stay the night.
- I promise to misbehave terribly...
and then I'll go to a hotel.
Hi Ethel, I loved your
e-mail and am delighted...
they want to publish my work.
But regarding...
the invitation to put on an exhibition,
I'm afraid the answer's no.
It came at the wrong moment.
I'm making amends with my past, and
reviewing the priorities in my life.
I met an old boyfriend and what
we're going through is heaven.
The classifieds.
- I'm looking for a place to live.
- Things are getting serious.
- I moved out.
- Did you tell Maria?
Not exactly...
I left, but said
I was going on a trip.
And what did you
tell Julia?
- I told her I'd left my wife.
- You bastard.
- No wonder you're a good lawyer.
- Just for a while, until...
- I'm sure of what I'm doing.
- Aren't you in love with Julia?
Of course I am...
but I couldn't face
telling Maria, so I'm in doubt.
You still like her.
- I think it's guilt.
- You like her.
I'm not sure, Pedro.
I know it's lousy saying
something like this,
but I've grown
accustomed to her.
She knows what I like, I know
what she likes, we get along.
What a great couple.
A shining example!
Don't tease, come up with
something, I need help here!
Don't try dragging me
into this mess of yours...
I'm your partner,
not your accomplice.
Where's Pedro,
isn't he coming with us?
- No.
- Hi, Carlos.
Pedro's playing soccer.
So can mom come with us?
I'm not sure she'd want to.
- Wouldn't I be in the way?
- Course not.
All right, I'll just
change, be right back.
- He's grown.
- Yeah, sometimes it scares me.
- You could have another kid.
- You too.
Gays can't have kids.
Cats, at the most...
but I hate cats.
Remember when he was a baby?
The prettiest baby in the world.
And all the photos we took of him?
And then showed them to...
our friends, hundreds of them,
all identical.
We must have
been unbearable.
Here, keep this photo.
No, Julia,
I have others.
But this one's
special, Carlos.
This photo is of
our last day together.
Our last photo.
Doesn't look as if things
were as bad as all that.
I've thought that,
plenty of times.
This photo's
become an enigma...
I lay awake at night
trying to figure it out.
It's only a photo.
It's us.
- Here's the athlete.
- I've had it.
Soccer is for kids...
at my age I should
be a commentator.
Get up, you're filthy.
When I went out this
seat was still mine.
- Is there anyone else?
- Lucas is going to stay the night.
Well, well, well...
I turn my back for a minute
and you put someone in my place!
Hi, Pedro.
- All right?
- Yeah.
Are you wearing pajamas?
We went out and he asked to eat
here, sleep here, the works.
- And his mother let him?
- She was with us.
That's great.
I'll take a shower.
Won't you have
supper with us?
No, I think I'll go and take
a bunch of sleeping pills.
What's wrong with Pedro?
He's just kidding.
Don't worry, let's eat.
You got my aircraft carrier.
Damn, S4.
S or F?
S for shit, 4!
That's it, I don't want to play
anymore, I've got work to do.
- It's only a game.
- I don't feel like it.
What's up?
You know...
we're getting to that dangerous
phase in our relationship:
I'm hopeless at
day-to-day things.
And to top everything...
there's this dinner
with your mother.
We can cancel if you like, I'll
make up some excuse, no problem.
No, don't bother.
I'll go.
But only because
I really adore you.
I don't know what's happened,
mom, it was all set up.
Women often arrive late, son,
but this is going a bit far.
But it's the first dinner
with her mother-in-law...
and what a mother-in-law,
right mom?
I think she's scared.
Deep down, she
knows no woman...
can look after you
as well as I do.
Julia's fantastic, you'll see.
Excuse me...
have you chosen?
I won't have anything,
I've lost my appetite.
No, nothing for me.
Just the bill.
Sorry I'm late.
- Is this your Julia?
- That's me, Dona Sonia!
We were just leaving...
but now you're here,
I guess we can eat.
Yes, great idea, mom.
- Bring me a double tequila.
- Certainly, miss.
hadn't you better
eat something first?
- Your tequila, miss.
- Thanks.
- That computer of yours made a mistake.
- What?
No, Julia, you can't
smoke in here.
Excuse me, miss, but
this is a non-smoking area.
No, you don't understand.
I am sorry, but you see
this cute thing here...
I'm crazy about him...
I love him, and
I'm meeting his mother...
she simply has to approve
of me.
Now look what happened.
I'm so nervous...
she'll think I'm drunk,
and I must smoke--
Excuse me, I'll just
fetch the head waiter.
- Has he head waiter a mother?
- What the hell... ?
I've had enough.
What got into you, Julia?
Why the scandal?
I already told you, I got
nervous with that mom's stuff...
so I had a few hits to calm
down, but it didn't work.
So I took a few pills, and they
didn't work, nothing worked.
- You're nuts.
- Nuts?!
She isn't the slightest bit
interested in getting to know me...
- and I'm the crazy one?
- Listen.
- I hate being tested.
- No one was testing you.
No?! The worst thing was, I'd
failed before I even got there.
She thinks no woman
is good enough for you.
- That's nonsense.
- In her own image.
All right, if you must,
call your mother.
I'll call her right
now, if you want.
No, I'll handle mom.
The best thing for you is to go
home and sleep off that hangover.
I've always looked after myself.
Not very well,
by the looks of it.
It's okay, a bit like
some residential hotel.
- But that's what it is, Julia.
- Well, then.
I was expecting some
comment, not that.
But it's nice, cozy.
Like it?
- No, forget that.
- It might be important.
Anything wrong, Maria?
Not much longer.
There's been a problem.
But does the dinner
have to be this week?
Look, we'll talk later.
Say hi to Lourdes.
Don't be childish, it's
not my fault she calls me.
And now you've been so rude...
she'll never call again, right?
I can't treat her badly.
I've no reason to.
Maybe I'm a good reason.
You're right.
- I'd forgotten what a fight was like.
- That wasn't a fight.
Let me know
when it is, okay?
Don't you worry,
you'll be the first to know.
Will you spend the whole
day at that computer?
Want a hand?
Now he asks!
Forget it, your slave
has washed everything.
- What's up?
- Nothing.
- No, what's wrong, Pedro?
- Nothing.
- What's the problem?
- There is no problem.
- What are you getting at?
- You and Julia.
What about Julia?
Something has happened, and you
haven't the guts to tell me.
Julia is my son's mother.
Stop that! Don't use
Lucas as an excuse.
I don't need an excuse!
Look at me.
Tell me it's not true.
I don't know how
to lie to you.
- So what should I do?
- Why ask me?
You're the only
person I trust.
- Go back to her.
- Seriously, though.
I'm being serious.
Go back to her.
Just be careful you don't
fall flat on your face.
You can't pretend you didn't
live 3 years with another guy.
Look, do whatever
you think is right.
You've got to sort
it out alone.
And I mean that from the bottom
of my heart. I love you, man.
But don't think I'm going to
hang around waiting for you.
Oh, you again.
No, he isn't here.
Can't you understand, Carlos
doesn't want to talk to you!
- Who was that, mom?
- The nutcase.
- What did you do?
- The same as usual, got rid of her.
- You didn't ask me.
- What for, she's crazy!?
God, you're prejudiced...
you hardly even met her
and you already think she's crazy.
I saw quite enough. And l
didn't like the little I saw.
Julia's not crazy, she was always
like that, even back in college.
What do you mean, so you
used to know each other?
Julia was my first love...
I was too scared to ask her out,
and when I did, she stood me up.
And wounded your
masculine pride.
Now you're quits.
And you got rid of her.
You don't switch off, mom!
Carlos Eduardo!
My God, mom.
Listen here, Carlos Eduardo,
this time you've gone too far!
An orgy in our house?
Please cut the sermon, mom,
I'm nursing a hangover.
I thought you'd come to your
senses, that you'd changed.
Give me a break, mom.
You hated Julia,
so we broke up.
We're no longer going out,
isn't that what you wanted?
But I won't stop dating women,
if that's what you're thinking.
It's not that...
I just thought you were through
acting like a teenager.
Sure, and I thought I'd
found the woman of my life.
That nutcase must have
been a computer error.
Hey mom, you just
gave me a great idea.
Of course, maybe she really
was a programming mistake.
Let me have a look at it.
- Let's go.
- What's up?
Maria. Bad luck.
Well, we would have run
into her anyway some day.
But I don't want to speak
to her, I can't talk to her.
All right, I will.
We met at one of those
exhibitions, remember?
- How are you?
- Fine, and you?
I came to get some wine for a
dinner party at a friend's.
I wasn't even going,
I hate going out alone.
But with Carlos
I can never be sure.
I understand.
He's been away on business
a lot the last few months.
We hardly ever go out together.
When he gets home, he's too tired...
to go out.
Sorry, I really must go.
I'll tell Carlos
I ran into you.
Nice seeing you.
I couldn't tell the truth.
Not to you, nor to her. I didn't
want to hurt either of you.
So you want me
to thank you for it?!
No, I just want you
to try and understand.
I'm trying.
The truth is, I got more
involved than I should.
Where is it written how
much to love someone?
- What's it measured in?
- In honesty.
- Everything goes, except lies.
- So now what shall we do?
I need some time.
I need time to think.
Julia, I waited
Don't be so long this time.
Julia, I have
to tell you something.
- You're going back to Maria.
- It's the only way.
I love you,
but that's not enough.
It isn't?!
If you'd turned up that night,
you'd be the woman of my life.
But you didn't.
So Maria came into my life and
we became each other's hostage.
Maybe I'd have been happier
with you, maybe not.
The fact is, my life took
a direction of its own...
which is greater
than any of us.
What a conformist, how awful.
- It's not that bad.
- Or good.
It's what I achieved.
Maybe you should have tried
harder to make it different.
I did.
- You gave me that chance.
- But you're not giving me one.
I love you, Julia.
And I'll never forget you.
Is that all you've got to say?
- Hi, Maria.
- Have a good trip? You look tired.
I am a little tired.
Why don't you take a shower?
First there's something
I want to tell you.
- The trips are over.
- Really?
That's good.
I'll make something
special to eat.
Are you hungry?
Look, this whole business
about a soul-mate...
just isn't working.
I've no peace anymore.
How do you mean?
I never stop
thinking about her.
The symptoms
of a man in love.
I thought I'd get some peace
when I fell in love...
but it's exactly the opposite.
I've been so upset...
I'm even picking
fights with my mother.
I mean, please check it out,
you may find a mistake.
I'll check the data again.
All the data checks.
This here is your soul-mate.
She is our client number 1010.
You are number 1020.
- But that's not Julia!
- No? I am sorry.
Don't worry, making
mistakes is only human.
We all deserve
a second chance.
Just give me the
name and address...
so I can find her.
Some clients don't give real
names to maintain their privacy.
But I assure you that this
new localizer will work.
Are you sure I'll meet
my ideal woman this time?
See, you never believe
anything I tell you.
Why would I trust a
lunatic like you...
who believes in that
soul-mate's crap?
I've told you a million times,
love is to be found...
not to be sought.
You really think
you're gonna find...
the perfect woman,
custom built specially for you?
- Exactly.
- You're gonna wait...
she only exists in
trashy romance novels.
I am going to wait, nice and
quiet, for my soul-mate to appear...
someone you think you know
already, with instant affinity...
and the certainty of
unconditional love.
This woman is going to
bring me spiritual peace.
Spiritual peace? What
is it you want, a nun?
Love is hard work, man!
Hey wait, it's ringing.
She must be nearby.
I want to stay well
clear of this comedy.
Stick around, come on!
I need your help!
Go on.
I called you,
and thanks for coming...
- because I wanted to talk to you.
- What about?
I thought maybe you'd tell me.
I'm sorry, Julia.
This isn't right.
I'm deceiving you.
Deceiving myself.
What are you?
A sadist?
As if everything you did
to me wasn't enough...
you had to come back
and do it all over again!
I hope you die!
Calm down, Julia.
I loved you so much.
I loved you too, Julia.
You were the woman of my life.
What happened to us?
Get out.
Get out, for Christ's sake.
- Are you still awake?
- I heard mom crying.
What's happened?
- It's hard to explain.
- What are you doing here?
I thought I could come back.
Do you like mom or Pedro?
Both of them, son.
In different ways.
If only I could
have them both.
- Can't you?
- No.
Son, look after your mom.
You're the man...
of the house now.
Give me a hug.
Bye, dad.
Come on! Come on!
You played well.
You even scored.
What are you doing here?
- I came to see you.
- You're a talent spotter now?
Want to buy me
for Inter Milan?
Well I might as well warn you,
I'm very expensive.
I missed you.
Yeah, but that's
as far as it goes.
I love you, Pedro.
Can you forgive me?
All right.
Playing by yourself is terrible.
- Let's go home?
- Let's.
- Great goal, that.
- Did you see it?
I felt someone
was watching me.
I play better when
there's an audience.
Stop, mom.
Enough, I can't dance.
- Nor can I.
- There's something I want to tell you.
- Me too.
- Let's be serious.
- I'm moving out.
- Me too.
No, I'm moving out alone, mom!
Really? And who'll
make your breakfast...
your toast, who'll
wake you up for work?
One learns these
things in life!
- It's going to be great.
- Fine!
Mom, stop dancing.
Look at your son.
Sonia, there'll come a time in
our lives when we'll have to part.
I've got to tell you a secret.
- What is it?
- I met a man.
Jesus, mom, what
are you talking about?
You heard it.
Since dad died you never
took any interest in men.
Only out of laziness.
After you meet someone, you have
to hear his whole life story...
get used to his habits,
it's so tiring.
What sort of
dumb theory is that?
And I couldn't imagine myself
naked with another man.
You did that?
Yes! And I'm going to live
with a marvelous old man...
I met playing beach tennis.
Have you gone mad? Beach tennis
used to irritate you so much!
It still does, somewhat.
Well, for the first time in
my life, you've amazed me.
It's just that...
I've discovered that differences
can really be something great.
Mom, you've just saved my life.
- Been waiting long?
- Fifteen years!