An Actor's Revenge (1963) Movie Script

Produced by Masaichi Nagata
Kazuo Hasegawa's 300th Film
An Actor's Revenge
Planning by Kon Ichikawa
Hiroaki Fujii/Tomio Takamori
Original story by Otokichi Mikami
Adapted by
Daisuke Ito/Teinosuke Kinugasa
Written by Natto Wada
Cinematography by Setsuo Kobayashi
Music by
Yasushi Akutagawa/Masao Yagi
Kazuo Hasegawa
Fujiko Yamamoto
Ayako Wakao
Raizo Ichikawa
Shintaro Katsu
Ganjiro Nakamura
Chusha Ichikawa
Directed by Kon Ichikawa
Did you see them, Father?
They drove you mad and killed you.
Sansai Dobe, the retired lord.
Kawaguchiya, the merchant.
I do not see Hiromiya,
but for nearly these past twenty years
I have thought of them
as your enemies.
Now that I know what they look like,
I shall never forget their faces,
even if I should ever
happen upon them in the moonless night.
I swear that I will avenge you both,
no matter how difficult it may be.
Oh, there you are.
In her straightforward girlish innocence...
Father, look at that.
The way that woman next to Dobe
looks at me.
She's Namiji, Dobe's daughter.
I shall approach her first.
Did you see them?
Hey Muku, that's enough. Let's go now.
But the best part's just about to begin.
I didn't mean the play.
You've collected enough for today.
We paid to get in
so let's stay until the end.
It's too slow for my taste.
Neither man nor woman,
that actor is creepy.
Shut up, let's go.
She's hot. Wonder who she is?
Damn, her husband was born
under one lucky star!
Why is Ichimura Theatre featuring
a troupe from Osaka?
How stupid. I'm never passing by
this place again.
There are plenty of actors in Edo.
But all that matters here
is the actor's lineage,
and without it, he's scorned
no matter how good he may be.
The Kikunojo Nakamura Company
became the best in Osaka
from their low-class beginnings.
And I hear the star
is hauntingly handsome.
Edo has Hamamuraya, Kinokuniya...
Well, those actors are hard to beat.
But this troupe is daring them
to top their act.
So refreshing! I'm supporting them!
Your support just means
the cheapest tickets.
I'm sure they'll appreciate that!
It doesn't matter.
Sure it matters. Head-over-heels already,
even though you're not much help.
Edoites defy the strong and
help the weak. You're no Edoite.
Let's leave him here and go inside.
What about me?
Go home if you're not coming.
I have to see if this Yukinojo is really
a low-class actor or not.
So you want to see after all.
Stop grumbling and go.
Don't you tell me to go.
Oh be quiet.
There are a lot of fools like you in Edo.
Those are harsh words.
Sure. Times are hard and
the price of rice worries people.
Yet they waste money on plays.
It's beyond me.
People spend more during a recession.
Regular shows don't draw people,
so Kikunojo was invited.
It was a big gamble for the theatre.
You sound like a scholar.
And the fact is, famous thieves abound
during a recession.
First there's you, Ohatsu.
Then Yamitaro, the Getaway Kid,
Oryu the Ghost, Otoki the Spider,
First Song Shimo, Jailbreaker Hoin,
Sumie the Widow, Thunder Ohime,
and Densuke the Lesser Cuckoo.
Those are the major ones.
Oh, and there's Hirutaro.
Never heard of him.
Yamitaro's about the only one
who could match me.
How much did you collect?
Idiot! I keep telling you
to throw away the purses!
Oops, I...
Go get rid of them!
I don't want to be mistaken
for a pickpocket.
You'd never know just by looking at her.
She has absolutely no charm whatsoever.
Maybe if she fell in love
she'd become womanly.
Full house! Congratulations!
Congratulations. Fine presents.
For Yukinojo?
It seemed to be the best
for a female impersonator.
I can't help you openly so I had it made.
Oh, sir...
On the opening day of our first Edo run,
the enemies you seek showed up
in the audience to see you.
Your late father is helping you.
Excuse me.
Congratulations, Kikunojo.
You're now the greatest Kabuki troupe
in Japan.
Edoites are competitive,
yet they praised us so.
It makes us cry for joy.
Kawaguchiya, who saw the show,
has taken a liking to you.
He wishes to treat you,
and to introduce you to Lord Dobe
and his daughter.
What, Lord Dobe?
They're very important guests
so I think you should take up the offer.
Rather, as the theatre manager,
I ask you to please do so.
I've had a splitting headache
since a while ago.
Please decline as you think fit.
I see.
I'm sure he'll be very disappointed.
But you must be tired. Please take care.
I'll see what I can do.
Leave it to me.
Why did you refuse?
You don't want to drink with your enemy?
Revenge is impossible
with such a narrow mind.
Wouldn't it be better
to get to know them first
and gain their trust to succeed?
I'm terrified of my own self, sir.
Something inside me told me
to refuse this invitation.
That it is for the best.
Things will go my way and
they will find me irresistible.
Without fail.
I will get what I want without fail.
The curtain will go up shortly.
I should have taken a palanquin.
Just because I said
I wanted some night air
it appears we've become lost.
Watch out!
This must be a mistake!
I'm an Osaka actor performing
at the Ichimura Theatre!
Wait! Please don't!
Why, Heima?
You've always said that there are
no secrets in your school.
That we must learn for ourselves.
Yukinojo is your student,
but he's an outsider. Why initiate him
into the secrets with the scroll?
I feel it is grossly unfair.
I am young but serve
as assistant instructor.
I ask that you permit me
to see it first.
You may look if that is your desire.
But your very impatience
is preventing you
from learning the essence of
my Tenshin School of swordsmanship.
Yukinojo, you first...
Let him go!
It was only blank paper.
Blank paper?
That scroll existed
to warn myself against
becoming vain and proud.
Once we master an art and become famous,
we tend to forget our resolutions.
Words cannot explain
the mysteries of an art.
I just tried to formally convey
my inmost mind
through my everyday conduct.
Let Heima go.
He has lost his teacher, his friend,
and has gained nothing.
Indeed it is I, Heima Kadokura.
I could no longer stay in Osaka
because of you, so I started over in Edo.
But I hear your name a lot recently.
It is more than I can stand!
Our instructor Isshosai sensei
was always worried about you.
You and I studied together
for a long time, so why...
Don't mention that, you low-class actor!
You'll regret this! I'll get even!
You must think I'm a darn busybody for
butting in like this.
I don't know who you are,
but thank you for saving me.
No, that was mighty fine swordsmanship
for an actor.
I found myself looking on
like enjoying a show.
But what a disappointing climax.
Why did you just stand there?
I heard the name Kadokura.
Was that someone you know?
No. I don't know why
but he suddenly attacked.
That's strange. He seemed too skilled
to be just a phantom slasher.
I don't blame you for not trusting me.
No decent man would be
hanging around here at this hour.
I suppose he could have been
a phantom slasher.
There are a lot of
masterless samurai nowadays.
Better not walk alone at night
looking so lovely.
Oh, there's a cruising palanquin.
Hey, over here!
Yes, one moment please!
Please tell me your name.
Got you, Yamitaro!
We'd spread a dragnet for you!
Is he tired?
He's still.
Good, get him this time!
Oh no!
After him! He has to be around!
Oh, you're an actor.
It's not safe at night so be careful.
Where'd he go?
Hey, here I am!
Who are you?
You're not Yamitaro.
I'm Hirutaro.
That's not funny.
Distracting us when we're busy.
Go away, small fry!
Damn it, I'm a famous thief, too!
Hirutaro the "Noon Kid."
Why is Yamitaro the "Dark Kid"
more popular?
This ruby from Holland
is really the colour of blood.
Who is it?
What do you want?
Kawaguchiya is here.
Let him wait.
Yes, my lord.
How is Lady Namiji feeling now?
What do you want from Namiji?
At the theatre the other day,
she instantly took a liking to Yukinojo.
You quickly noticed,
and hope to bring them together
to gain her trust.
Your plan is to obtain permission
to sell your products to the shogunate.
Did you think I wouldn't notice?
What a thing to say!
The doctors all say she has the blues.
I asked that she be excused from
the inner palace for a month, but...
She's just pining for love.
And you're the one responsible for it!
Absolutely not.
You and your monkey tricks.
I'm overwhelmed.
Send for Yukinojo.
I'm telling you to get him.
He's far too vulgar to win
my daughter's favor.
She'll tire of him
after seeing him a few times,
and then all will be well again.
Yukinojo is so rude!
Repeatedly refusing my invitations.
Tomorrow I'll go get him myself
even if I have to rope him.
The shogun does as I say
only because he loves Namiji.
She's very important to me.
Don't meddle with his harem after this
or you'll get burnt.
The shogun is a cold-hearted man.
The shogunate has a rigid system,
and powerful as I am,
even my personal influence
cannot get other merchants in.
what's past is past.
Being greedy may be all right
but there's a limit.
Don't be too much of an egoist
for your own good.
So you're dabbling in the rice market?
Buy it up.
I'll help you out.
Nothing could please me more
if you would assist me.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Actors are so hard to handle.
The popularity gets to...
He refused?
No, he said he'd be glad to accept.
Why did you accept the invitation today?
I've been waiting for this day.
It's an invitation to Dobe's home
and not to a restaurant.
What's more, it's a special invitation
to visit his ailing daughter.
Visiting the sick...
Lady Namiji?
It's best for both of us
that our relationship remains secret
If people found out...
Whoa, mustn't go too far.
This is where I work tonight.
How about that? I can practically
smell all the gold.
What a grand mansion.
So this is the famous Sansai Dobe's
retirement home.
His treasure room must be
packed with gifts from the shogun
and the bribes he got
when he was an official.
I guess I'll help the poor
a little more than usual tonight.
Some are still shivering
in summer clothing in this cold.
Damn, a guest is here
at a time like this.
How long do you intend to be so formal?
Sir, Lady Namiji wishes
to thank him in person
for coming to visit her, and requests
that he come to her room.
No, I am already overwhelmed
to meet the lord.
I will take my leave now.
See, he's given permission.
She is ill. Do as she wishes.
While I was gone from the room,
what did Lord Dobe say to you?
Nothing? Not one word?
None. It was rather frightening.
There's no need to worry.
He only acts big
because he has Lady Namiji.
If you succeed in capturing her heart...
What a thing to say.
How could I even aspire to...
Lady Namiji is already smitten by you.
All you need to do
is just turn up your charm.
Her words count the most
at the castle, not her father's.
You wouldn't understand business,
but the attainment of
my greatest ambition depends on you.
In return, I promise
to look after you for life.
Being an actor means
your life is precarious.
It's best to always be prepared
for what lies ahead.
We've only met for the first time,
yet he scorns me as an actor.
He thinks all actors
used to be prostitutes,
and intends to make me beguile
a lady suffering from ennui.
He is vulgarity personified.
Is this man planning on using me
to betray Dobe?
I think you are perfectly right.
You're one of Edo's wealthiest men,
and your words
make me so happy that it seems a dream.
I feel like I'm in heaven.
I will do what I can to curry favor
with Lady Namiji
and try to please her.
You grasp things quickly like I thought.
But keep this a secret between
you, Lady Namiji, and me.
You must be very careful.
Yes, I will.
Look at her, poor thing.
She loves me
from the bottom of her heart.
Do not be so polite.
I am sorry to have called you
to such a disorderly room.
To be with a lady who has attained
the heights of glory,
and to be able to enjoy her favor
even for a short time...
You make it sound like
I am happy serving the shogun.
What greater happiness could there be?
Every woman in the land
must be envious of you.
Are you mocking me?
It was not my intention,
but if I have offended you,
perhaps it is best that I leave.
No! Please forgive me if I have
hurt your feelings.
But you are so formal and it pains me.
Have some sake.
No one seems to know what ails me.
But I should think that
you would have an idea.
What a puzzling question.
Perhaps you are feeling fatigued
from the great love you receive.
Do you think
I enjoy serving at the castle?
You do not even know the shogun.
I have been like this
ever since I set eyes on you.
Your words resonate sweetly in my ears.
I am simple and apt to believe
you mean what you say.
Please do not play with my feelings.
I have cast aside appearances,
my reputation and pride.
Dreams are superficial.
I know now that daytime love
is much deeper than that at night.
If what you say is really true,
I promise to be yours, and will even
forsake my beloved stage.
But if this love is just
a passing fancy for you
I've no choice but to die.
I'm so happy.
You finally understand how I feel?
How can such despicable lies
flow from these lips?
But I must tel! many more from now on.
Even though she is completely innocent.
But I've heard that even the shogun
treats Sansai Dobe with respect.
We'll be exiled or beheaded
if we're caught.
There are other treasure houses
in Honmachi.
Shut up, Muku.
Not you, maybe, but in my case,
a hundred heads wouldn't be enough.
If someone else took a crack here first,
it'd be a disgrace to my reputation.
Go home and have sake ready.
You don't need me?
You're bow-legged and
wouldn't be of any use.
Good luck, then.
What is it?
There's someone outside.
They're still up.
Sleep like decent people
if you know what's good for you.
Who is it? Who goes there?
Damn it, someone noticed.
It's me!
Someone of this household?
Damn you! You messed up my plan!
A burglar? And a woman at that.
What the... Such strength!
You're a man!
Quiet down. People will come.
What are you? Dressed like a woman!
I will release you, so go away.
Hey, you performed at Ichimura Theatre!
Never mind that.
It was a petty thief.
Ran away as soon as I called out.
You were rash. I would have grieved
had you been hurt.
I would love to stay with you longer,
but I must go now.
You see, I am under obligation
to various people at the theatre.
Well, well. What a shame.
He's some actor.
What a brilliant ending.
That Ohatsu, butting in
at the worst timing.
How strange, though.
That Yukinojo fellow.
He's no ordinary actor.
But he seemed nice.
Why is he sucking up to that greedy Dobe
and the shogun's lover Namiji?
It looks like he has good reason
to be doing it.
Ow, it still hurts. Throbbing pain.
He made a big bruise on me.
Damn him! Such strength
that doesn't match his face.
He caught my wrist
when I had a dagger in my hand!
He saw I was a burglar but let me go.
That face, that iron nerve...
What a strange man.
He gives me a funny feeling.
I'm not falling for such a pale-faced
cross between a man and a woman!
I can't stand him!
I'll get him for this!
I'll steal his most precious possession
instead of Dobe's.
Where's he staying, Muku?
Go and find out.
I have returned, sir.
Yukinojo? Could we have a word?
You refused their invitation many times.
I realised you did so
to approach the leader
of your enemies directly,
so I didn't interfere.
But who is it you are visiting
almost every night?
The shogun is her slave and
I've heard she is most beautiful.
Surely you haven't become
infatuated with her?
Has she seduced you?
Have you forgotten your revenge?
How could you accuse me of such a thing?
My blood boils every time
I set foot inside Dobe's mansion.
Every time I drink sake with Lady Namiji
it feels like molten lead going down.
Please understand.
Must I really go through
with this revenge?
What are you saying?
Who made your father die insane?
Why did your mother commit suicide?
Now you listen to me!
Sansai Dobe was
the magistrate of Nagasaki at the time.
Dobe, Kawaguchiya, and Hiromiya
plotted together to ruin your father,
who owned Matsuuraya,
an old established store.
After that, he lived in the slums
a broken man.
You were only 7 and had already
lost your mother.
It pained me to watch you live
with your demented father.
I lived in the same slum and
was just as poor, but I was young.
Then one chilly night after days of rain,
your father hanged himself.
I looked in on you after work as usual,
and found poor you clinging on
to his cold legs and crying.
I promised him then...
That I'd have you avenge him
if it took my whole life to do so.
We're finally in Edo where they are.
Why do you hesitate, Yukinojo?
Why not get it over with?
If I did so,
would that be satisfying enough?
As much as roasting them over fire,
or boiling them in oil?
I must torture them until they go mad.
That is the only way
I can avenge my parents.
What a terrible thing to say.
Yes, it is terrible.
When I make love to Dobe's daughter,
I can tell that she is completely mine.
Sooner or later she will leave her home
and the shogun for me.
And as a result,
Dobe will fall into a living hell.
When I think about
this terrible revenge,
I truly feel like running away.
I sensed someone.
The inn's cat, probably.
If I had not been on a trip,
I would have been your patron first.
I regret it very much.
Whether it be lord or pickpocket,
I'm the sort who pays proper respect
to those who are the best of their kind.
That is why I invited you
directly to my home
and not to some ordinary restaurant.
I'm glad you accepted my invitation
so soon.
They say I'm one of the richest
merchants in Edo,
but please don't be concerned
about that.
Just think of me as an eccentric
and be my friend.
I've heard Lord Dobe and Kawaguchiya
are now your ardent admirers as well.
I find that strange.
Those two are very cautious men
unlike me.
They've never let outsiders
approach them before.
Is there a reason for the exception?
They must have joked about me
at my expense.
We three have been friends
for a very long time.
We're like family,
so I'm not that concerned,
but what did they say?
I heard about you from another source,
not from them.
Oh, what source?
That is a rare clock.
It came from abroad.
You obtained it in Nagasaki?
How do you know I lived there?
I have always heard
that many rare foreign items
can be found there
and have longed to visit.
Kawaguchiya and I were actually
born in Nagasaki.
Oh, so I was right, then?
What you said before...
About hearing from another source.
What was it about?
Just bits of conversation,
so I am not too sure.
Don't tease and tell me.
Please do not be offended.
No, I won't.
Hiromiya is only a merchant after all.
Only interested in quick returns,
he lacks the necessary foresight.
Who said that?
Officials in the castle.
What? The elders?
When they invited me the other day.
What else did they say?
Not only do you deal in marine products,
but you are also recently hoarding rice
you bought out west.
That, too?
Due to poor crops in the east,
rice is very expensive this year.
If you are a man, you would bring
all your rice to Edo
and force the market price down
in one go.
You'd become famous
to rich and poor alike
as the king of the eastern rice market.
Then you could show your influence
in Edo. ...So they said.
I see.
Shogunate officials sure do think
of big things.
Do you think so?
It seems like a great loss to me.
You wouldn't understand.
You have told me a good thing.
Actually, my recent trip
was to purchase rice.
By the way,
have you told this to anyone else?
Not all actors gossip.
No, that's not what I meant.
I meant did you tell
Lord Dobe or Kawaguchiya?
The talks that I overheard
did not include them,
so I saw no need to tell them.
I have made you angry.
I apologise. See, like this.
How easily he rises to my bait.
Friends for a long time, he just said,
but he intends to betray Kawaguchiya.
He probably knows that Kawaguchiya
is also rounding up rice.
They were joined only by greed
to begin with.
The walls have ears.
Secrets should not be told
even in one's own room.
I have something to tel! you.
Come to Matsuchiyama at 10.
I will be waiting for you.
From You-know-who.
If he doesn't come, I'll...
Thank you for your invitation.
I am Yukinojo Nakamura,
an actor from Osaka
currently performing
at the Ichimura Theatre.
What are you saying?
We're not complete strangers.
Look at this bruise. Still left
from that time you twisted my arm.
You'll have to put up with me.
I'm a hated thief,
but I've loved you ever since.
Don't be so surprised.
Underneath, I'm a woman too.
As a thief I never knew love.
Just once is enough.
Pity me and hold me tight.
Your interest makes me
very happy, but...
Don't try my patience!
I don't know when I'll be arrested.
There's no time to lose.
Let's go to a quiet teahouse nearby.
Not that I look down
on your line of work,
but I have vowed not to touch women
until I accomplish my purpose.
A revenge you've staked your life on?
Why are you so surprised?
You came because you read my letter.
One word from me
and not only your purpose,
but your life is also in danger.
Let's not be enemies.
Do as I ask and I'll help you
get your revenge.
If we joined forces, it would be easy
to finish off those three old fools.
You know too much.
So now you'll kill me?
You'll try to shut my mouth?
What a laugh.
I can choose to become
a saint or a villain.
I offered to help because I love you,
but you spurn me.
I'll do as I see fit if that's your reply!
I'll go to Dobe's place
and tell them that actor Yukinojo is...
Stay away, you wretch! I'll kill you!
Take that!
You fool. See you!
No, you don't!
What, at this hour?
A ruffian!
What? A ruffian?
Let me through!
I must have a word with her!
Brandishing a dagger?
Suspicious woman!
That's no woman.
What? Not a woman?
So we meet again, Yuki.
Edo isn't so big after all.
I'll put an end to this matter tonight.
Please let me go. I must see her!
I won't hold back this time
if you get in my way.
What, a female impersonator?
Talking big! Whatever's going on,
I'm helping Kadokura!
Let me kill him. I'm aching to.
What? Are you afraid?
How dare you!
You're still good, Yuki.
Don't just talk, you samurai.
Strong, hired bodyguards, aren't you?
Afraid of one female impersonator?
I see. So when they use real blades,
it's a lot more impressive
than in the theatre.
This might be Yukinojo's final show.
What a shame.
Here I come!
What have I done? I've lost her.
Ha! He'll never find me.
What's going on?
Who is it?
A nice moon out, Ohatsu.
Oh, Yamitaro.
What an awkward place to meet.
Thanks for showing me
that unexpected love scene.
Oh, no! You were watching?
Me and him... you know, that actor.
We're complete strangers,
but that face and swordsmanship...
I admire him.
Just listen.
I know that you've always hated men,
but I get why you fell for him
so shamelessly.
When I heard you say he had enemies,
it made things clear to me.
If he's up against powerful enemies
all by himself,
why wouldn't you want to help him out
as a true Edoite?
If I were a man, I'd be like you
and feel that
Edoite spirit, sympathy
and such lofty things.
But alas, I happen to be a woman.
Come now, I'm asking you like this.
Promise you'll give him up
once and for all.
What nonsense. Stop it, Yamitaro.
A woman's love is her life.
You're being awfully tactless.
You insist on being stubborn?
I can't just give him up.
I see. I'm sorry, Ohatsu the Acrobat,
but we're enemies then.
Here in the middle of the river,
only the moon's looking.
Even an acrobat can't...
Too bad! I was called
a water imp growing up!
The cold weather, droughts, fires, and
floods since 1832
brought famine in the land.
In 1836 the starving people rose against
the ineffective shogunate
and crooked merchants
first in Osaka, then also in Edo.
Give us rice!
Who is it?
It's Yuki.
Not being able to see you is so painful,
I almost wished we had never met.
I too feel that way a hundredfold.
But I am in no position
to visit you too often.
It is rather pathetic that I long
to see you so much that I come sneaking
like a slinking cat.
I will leave this house then.
I dare say countless women
have lost their hearts and souls
to your beauty.
But out of them all,
you chose to love me.
I cannot make you sad.
I will see that no harm befalls you
because of me.
I would rather die
than return to the castle.
You are so good to me.
Even Father hints that I should return
to the castle.
There is great unrest now,
so he is employing new guards
for the mansion.
It may be easier to leave.
Lady Namiji.
I cannot bear acting like strangers.
I wish to marry you.
I do not deserve you, but I am thankful.
I swear that from now and forever,
I shall never become enamored of
any other woman
in this world
except for you, Lady Namiji.
Such fine presents from Hiromiya!
You are very generous,
with gifts for all the members
of our troupe.
Don't mention it.
But I did think you would like
to have that clock.
Because you praised the music
inside it the other day.
It is surely invaluable.
I have done nothing to deserve it.
But you have.
Remember what you said about
the remarks of the high shogunate
officials about me?
About the rice?
Yes, that.
I made up my mind. I had my rice
from the west sent over
and dumped it all here.
There were others
who followed my example.
So the riots of the poor
that terrified the Edo populace
ended in a few days.
Thanks to it, I was highly praised
by the shogunate.
And now I am the most popular man
in Edo.
Just like you.
It was a courageous act.
No, I'd haggled over the rice
with the farmers
and bought it very cheaply.
I'd profit no matter how cheaply
I sold it.
Please wait!
Hiromiya, I've finally caught you!
Please wait!
Kawaguchiya. Don't be so noisy.
Come to the shop for business.
Always saying you're out!
How dare you betray me!
Betray you? What do you mean?
You know why!
You had to know I was buying up rice,
waiting for my chance
to make a bold move.
Then you sold your rice almost for free
using connections in the authorities!
You've ruined me!
I am very sorry.
I thought we were allies.
Business is like war.
Family members could become one's enemy.
Big merchants should handle rice.
A former clerk like you
shouldn't get involved.
Hiromiya, I'm begging you.
Please help me.
Ask Lord Dobe for help.
You know well enough whether or not
he's the type to help.
You never know.
We've been inseparable allies
since Nagasaki.
He might decide to help.
You wretch!
Open up, Hiromiya!
I've come for Lord Dobe! It's important!
Hiromiya! Bring me water! Water!
My throat is burning!
It's been a long time.
Have you forgotten me?
It is I, Matsuuraya.
Your former master wandering in hell.
Spare me!
I picked you up as a baby,
raised you and made you a clerk,
yet you betrayed me.
You secretly conspired with
my competitor Hiromiya
and ruined my business.
You forced me to leave
the home left to me by my ancestors.
Forgive me!
Die! Hang yourself and die!
Just like I hanged myself and died.
Go insane. Just like I did.
A man like you
should never have been born.
You killed Hiromiya's clerk.
You burned Hiromiya's store.
You cannot escape.
Fall into a bottomless pit, Kawaguchiya.
Shut up!
Matsuuraya! Spare me!
What? Matsuuraya?
Don't look at me
with such a terrible face!
Don't despise only me.
Hiromiya suggested smuggling.
He also bribed the greedy magistrate
and pinned the crime on you.
You've finally gone mad.
Setting my house on fire
and blathering on.
I should have kept you gagged!
I killed him!
I've killed a man!
What a surprise.
An actor's revenge sure is dramatic.
That's one down, but it must not be easy
for the actor.
He's not happy about doing it.
Look at him.
See how lonely his back seems.
Revenge is too difficult
even for such a fine actor.
The poor man.
Although I had been locked up,
I managed to escape today.
With my old nurse's help,
I am hiding at a house behind
Dentsuin Temple in Koishikawa.
The messenger is her son.
Please do not Worry.
I am hoping that you will come with him
to visit me tonight.
I do not understand this letter.
It must be some kind of mistake.
Is the messenger still here?
Tell him so.
Here is money for a palanquin.
Send him home.
I have retired, yet I am still allowed
to visit the castle.
The shogunate elders and officials
pay me respect.
I realise that I owe it all to the trust
that you have placed in me, my lord.
And I have never dreamed
that it is due to my own ability.
I am very grateful and shall always
bear it in mind.
I would never conceal anything
about Lady Namiji from you.
I have no idea who would say
such a thing.
But it is a fact
that Lady Namiji is ill at my home.
She has improved greatly,
and has mentioned returning
to the castle in a few days.
She's returning soon?
Yes, my lord.
Very well, then.
I got medicine.
Oh, money! It's money!
It must be Yamitaro again.
Two presents today.
No, no, one's from me!
Yamitaro always gets the credit.
Will I always be in his shadow?
Let's wait and see.
Bad crops are causing uproar.
My chance will come eventually.
You wretch!
Telling me you'd let me see Yukinojo
and luring me out!
Stay away from me!
So you've drawn your dagger?
It's dangerous. Put it away.
No matter where you hide,
your father will leave no stone unturned
to find you.
I told you that I would help you.
Why are you so upset?
You wretch! Who do you think I am?
Don't be too conceited.
You were the shogun's lady
only until yesterday.
You are foolish enough
to fall in love with an actor.
So it shouldn't be too hard for you to say
some kind words to me.
Let me go!
Stop struggling.
I've already killed one man.
I'm not afraid of anything.
Kawaguchiya went mad after losing to me.
I locked him up and killed him
because I wanted to save
Lord Dobe and myself.
But he refused to help me
remove the stain on my name,
saying it was a quarrel
between commoners.
Lord Dobe used me all he could
but he is leaving me to my fate
just when I've become famous.
If I am going to hell anyway,
it is only natural that
I consider taking his dearest treasure
along with me.
Let me go, or...
I looked everywhere to find you
before Lord Dobe.
I won't let you go.
Why, you...!
So it is you again.
You are very tenacious.
Let me go.
I have no intention
of doing anything to you.
You won't get away alive tonight.
I hate you and now I've been hired
to kill you.
What a strange coincidence.
It appears I'm fated to be your enemy.
So tonight you are a hired assassin.
Who hired you?
Sansai Dobe.
Please tell me.
Why did Dobe give orders
to have me killed?
Tell me the reason.
I don't know.
Does he think I kidnapped Lady Namiji?
Lady Namiji? No, he said no such thing.
Why, then?
He said your identity was suspect
and wanted you dead.
My identity?
I said you and I had studied
swordsmanship together in Osaka.
He was astounded
and said that explained it.
That explained it?
My identity was suspect?
Oh, no, what have you done?
If Dobe has found me out,
it is the end of all my hopes.
My good luck has run out.
Perhaps the gods forbid my continuing
this terrible revenge.
Father, Mother, I am so sorry
for not being able to avenge you.
Please forgive me.
What are you doing?
I can't kill you.
You won't defend yourself.
Have I lost to you again?
Must I run from Edo because of you
like I did before in Osaka?
As long as you're alive,
is there no peace for me anywhere?
The gods have not forsaken me after all.
I had left my fate to your sword,
but they saved me.
Don't be so rough.
It's been along time since I saw
such a beautiful woman.
Ushi. Tame. Where did you find her?
A dog was barking at her.
In any case, it's a fine thing
that you brought her here.
She'll be sold later on
so don't hurt her.
Treat her gently.
Oh shut up.
What do you think
you're doing in my house?
shut up!
Pipe down, you maggots!
Who are you?
Stop making such a racket at night.
Go outside. Don't bring anyone in
where I'm sleeping.
Damn you!
Are they dead?
Of course not.
Get lost.
You're a strong one!
What are you doing?
Asking her address to take her home.
You can't just take away
the gem that I got!
What's in this house is mine!
Take her and I'll report you as
Jailbreaker Hoin, the escaped convict!
I don't want to be rough
but be still for a while.
What a beauty.
If she were wandering the back streets,
nobody, much less those scum,
would let her pass.
It's unsafe.
Better control the desires of the flesh.
I don't know what you want,
but come back tomorrow.
It's me, Hoin.
Oh, it's you.
Hoin, I never let women inside my house,
not even female cats. You know that.
It's not like that. I'm in a bind.
I came here to ask your advice.
The poor woman has a fever, and all
she says sounds like "snow" or "moon."
See? "Snow."
Oh my.
You are that...
Sorry to surprise you
but there's no time.
You must come to my house immediately.
Yamitaro, I found out after we first met
that you are a famous chivalrous thief
who helps the poor.
You saved my life the other day
so not that I doubt you, but...
Lady Namiji's life is in danger.
I'm fairly sure I know all about
your important work.
Just listen to me.
I somehow feel as though
you were my younger brother.
You might find that strange,
but it's true.
If I weren't a wanted man,
I would have personally
helped you get your revenge.
So I ought not to care one whit
whether or not Lady Namiji dies.
But I feel sorry for her.
Is she ill?
No, not ill.
She killed a man tonight.
She said she killed Hiromiya.
What? Hiromiya?
He tried to get back
at the cold-hearted Sansai Dobe.
He got what he deserved.
Now two men are taken care of.
But she knows nothing about it.
She's done an impossible thing for her.
Her mind is strained
like a taut piece of string
that's close to breaking.
She's delirious and the only thing
she keeps calling out is your name.
I will go with you.
It's the end.
No one back yet?
No, my lord.
I was so worried she'd die on me.
Please come in.
Say something to her.
If she's to live, a word from you
will revive her.
Go on, Yukinojo.
You kept your promise to me.
I'm so glad.
She didn't make it.
You were entirely innocent.
You seem to have been born
just to be betrayed.
A victim to your father's greed.
A victim to my revenge.
Without ever having known true love,
you have passed away.
Lady Namiji, if there is such thing
as a next life...
I will make good
my false promise to you here
and marry you there.
We will become man and wife.
I will never leave you,
and will always serve you.
Lady Namiji...
Please do not hate me.
Rest in peace.
Yukinojo wishes to see you.
What do you want?
To thank you for last night.
What for?
Sending an assassin.
Who are you?
Why do you resent us?
You are mistaken.
Shut up!
Do you think I am blind?
Remember when you first came here?
I sent a man to Osaka soon after.
Taught swordfighting by Isshosai,
educated by Koken,
and your first stage appearance
was at age 12. I found out that much.
But nothing after that.
Lord Dobe, the former magistrate
of Nagasaki.
Do you recall a face
that looked like mine?
What? Nagasaki?
You know Nagasaki?
My lord, it's Lady Namiji!
What? She's returned?
Yes, but...
Where is she?
The side entrance.
What happened?
A suspicious-looking priest
brought her a while ago.
Drink it.
It's poison from Holland.
One will make you fall unconscious,
two will kill you.
Namiji has returned dead.
You as good as killed her.
It means you have killed me too.
I no longer care who you are.
You made me lose my power.
I will not let you leave alive.
You are Matsuuraya's... From Nagasaki.
Do you recognise me?
Perhaps my face still resembles
my mother's somewhat?
I am Yukitaro, Matsuuraya's only son.
You tried to make my poor mother
obey you
with false promises to save our store.
After being tortured,
she stabbed her throat like this
and died.
Forgive me, Yukinojo.
I see now.
The unexpected ruin of our group
from Nagasaki
over the course of this past month.
So it was your curse.
Since it has come to this,
why hide any longer?
I am the daughter of Taira no Masakado,
Princess Takiyasha.
Just as I expected.
With the burden off your chest,
you gave a fine performance today.
Leave us.
This show will end in two more days.
And after that,
we will never act together again.
That thought breaks my heart.
I am honoured.
It was to avenge your parents.
Still you caused three deaths and
involved the innocent Lady Namiji.
So when you say
you cannot live openly now,
I do understand.
But you were my hope
and I depended on you.
I would like to stay with you as well.
Was I mistaken?
If I had not vowed to avenge your father,
none of this would have happened.
You could never have been wrong.
I made you do it.
No, please forgive me for leaving
without repaying
my debt to you.
It appears I was born
under a lonely star.
Ow! Ow!
Be careful, you oaf!
What's your problem?
Here you are.
Have some.
You're very kind.
You know, I've got to confess
I still think Yuki is a fine man.
Those eyes send shivers through me.
He didn't seem to notice you.
Oh be quiet, you oaf.
Oaf again?
But I sure was surprised that time.
When you stood aiming at him,
I thought you'd kill him.
I was mad when you lectured me
and dove into the river.
But I caught a cold
from the freezing water.
I may have been a water imp once,
but now... It got me thinking.
So I thought I might as well
become an Edoite like you said.
She's become very feminine these days.
That's great.
I just noticed.
Your profile
looks a little like Yukinojo's.
Does it?
Too close to notice.
I should have settled for you.
No way! No women for me.
Make me your wife.
No. Besides, I'm quitting so
you wouldn't be a good match for me.
You're going straight?
I'm tired of this life.
I'm thinking of going to Osaka
as Yukinojo's attendant.
That's not fair! I'm going with you.
What about me?
I'm in luck! If they both leave,
then Edo will be all mine.
After their successful run
at Ichimura Theatre,
Kikunojo's company left for Osaka.
But Yukinojo was not with them.
Many people sought to find out
the whereabouts of the great actor.
Yamitaro looked for him. So did Ohatsu.
But no one ever saw him again.
One rumour said he became a priest.
Another said he joined a troupe
on the road up north.
In time, the rumours about Yukinojo
died out and he was forgotten.
But the image of Yukinojo disappearing
beyond the wind-blown plain
remained enshrined in someone's heart.
Was that someone Yamitaro?
Or Kikunojo? Or was it Ohatsu?
The End